It r. THE SUNDAY- OREGONIAN POBTLAXD, jTJLY 23, 1905. 20 XEW XODAT. ' -For Sale by- Hartman, Thompson & J Powers Room 3, C. of C 1C Cnn 60x80-foot brick building on 4 I UiDUU business street on the West Bide. Rents 51800 -per annum. Pays -per cent net. MO cnn Double flat, close In. on the 1llDUU West Side. Bents 51K per month. Bulldlnjr new and modern. CM Cnn 50x100 ft. on corner of East 7th 04-0 UU and Davis streets, with three six-room houses renting for 5o3 per month. Arnn S-room modern house on corner t4-DUU of East 10th and Broadway; 60x 190 ft. lot. Annnn 8-rtom house, furnace and mod 50uUU em plumbing, 50x100 ft. lot, on conjer of East 24th and Burnslde. Annnfi jCew 7-room house on Hawthorne ?uUUU ave.. near 31st street, easy pay ments. P07En Each, for thre new modern Z I 0U dwellings of six rooms erich, on corner of 21st and Vaughn streets, pay ments 5250 cash and 525 per month, iqinn 5-room house, almost new, mod ?ZfUU cm plumbing, gas fixtures, 50x 100 ft lot. on corner of East 31st and Couch streets. COf?cn 8-room house, almost new, on ouOU corner of 21st and Wilson streets, terms 5600 cash a,nd 525 per month. CO Ann 6-room house, now under con iZ4UU struction. 40x100 ft. lot. near the corner of Rodney ave. and Hancock st OQEn 6-room house. 50x100 ft. lot, near dZuOU corner of 29th and East Salmon sts.; payments 5300 cash and 530 per month. CfCnn 5-room cottage, 50xC0 ft. lot, on $ I OUU corner of Rodney ave. and Til lamook St. BUILDING LOTS C"! Cnn 100 ft square, bet. 17th and 19th 1 OUl) sts., on Schuyler street, Improve ments all made; most desirable portloruof Irvington. COnnn lOO ft. square, on corner of 14th dZUUU and Tillamook sts.. in Irvington. S1000 fsS00 t lot on Broadway' ncar CQQCn 100x100 ft. lot. on corner of 8th vZOUU and Broadway. ClCnn 331-3x100 ft. lot. on Marshall St.. dlDUU between 23d and 2Uh; streets fully Improved, cement sidewalks. SOUTH SUNNYSIDE Sjrn For lots in South Sunnyalde 550 rjU cash, 510 per month. Each T( lot 50x100; streets graded 1 " and graveled and . sidewalks. Seen This property Is situated on 00 U south side of Hawthorne ave.. bet 23d and 34th sts.; each lot two feet above grade. Deed to One Acre Free A deed to one acre of choice land in Mllwaukie Park to be given free on every thirty lots sold from this date. The con dition upon which an acre of land will come Into the possession of persons free of consideration is in this way: To every purchaser of a lot 60x100 feet for 550 cash 'will be given a coupon entitling the pur chaser to a chance to draw one acre near the car line or the prlvilego to select any one acre of the 200 one-acre tracts in any portion of Mllwaukie Park unsold. These Mllwaukie Park lots at 550 each alone are positively the best investment and value of any property near Portland, being on the car line and river and only 21 minutes' ride from First and Alder streets. And to demonstrate the very low price these lots are sold at full sire (50x100 feet) at that, lots in the adjoining tract have been sold for 5250 to 5400 each. This property has been selling fast he past four weeks, selling as many as 25 lots in one day, and while it is not neces sary to make this extraordinary induce ment of giving one acre away free, yet In order to sell the whole tract for cash and sell it aulcklv we will oresent to some person in every bunch of 30 lots sold a good deed to choice of one acre of land adjoining land which is now selling read ily lor 3W per acre, me tine to tnis property is perfect, the soil the very best. improvements. The lots are all well lo cated, level, sightly and at the station where cars stop. Free tickets to the lots will be given to all intending purchasers to inspect the property. All cars going to and from Oregon City stop at Mllwaukie Park. A complete "abstract of title to this prop erty can bo seen at the Hlbernia Savings Bank, owners. 247 Washington st. For further information call at room 303 Mc Kay Bldg., 3d and Stark sts. New Houses for Sale $3650. Newly finished, modern 7 room house, East Sixteenthand Stark streets. $4250. Modern -7-room house, com plete in every detail, corner East Six teenth and Stark streets. These houses will be sold on easy terms. See us for particulars. PARRISH, WAFKINS & CO. 250 ALDER ST. King Street Desirable 10-room residence, all modern improvements, within 100 feet of King street, fronting south, is offered at a bar gain by owner if taken now. 57000. An exceptional opportunity to acquire a home In the best residence district. A. H. BIRRELL McKay Building. 3d and Stark. For Sale Ten room house with corner quarter-block, 100x100; entire property in excellent repair; cement walks, full cement basement, fur nace. Improved streets, sewers, etc.; Deau tlful lawn and shrubbery, making desir able home: or room for six flats or three houses without movimr present house: good location for Income property. Im mediate possession given. Inquire 415 2d st, N. W. cor. Hall. J. W. Oqilbee Room 11, 1454 First street. $1250 ucauuiui 101, uoxiw feet. with 5-room cottage (needs little repairing) Jn Stephens' addition; walking distance; very cheap. DON'T FAIL To see the two new handsome houses, one S rooms and one 6 rooms, both have attics and full cement basements and open fire places and arranged for furnaces; every thing right. The price and terms are right. See them. F. W. TORGLER, 108 Sherlock Bldg. A. J. FARMER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. You can save 20 per cent by dealing with us. Note some of our prices: 1 lb. 35c M. and J. coffee. 25c: 5 cans Pioneer Cream, 25c: S cans Primrose per roll. 45e; S tars silk soap. 25c; 10-pouni box crackers, S)c, broken Java coffee, 3 pounds, 25c: S pounds good rice. 25c; 1 Sound Schilling baking powder. 96c: 1 lb. Loyal baking powder, 40o: 1 pound Arm and Hammer soda, 6c: 13 bars Royal Savon. 25c; 10 pounds sago or tapioca, 36c: JOO pounds beet D. G. sugar. 55.15: 18 pounds cranulated suirar. best. 51.00: 1 , pound English breakfast tea. 15c; best Eastern hams, per pound, 1; picnic nams, per pouno, c; i. sacic gooa nara wheat flour. 51.00: 5-pound pall best lard. 50c; 10-pound pail best lard. 51.09; 2 Be bars Tar soap. 5c; 1-pound can baked beans. 5c: 2-pour.d can baked beans. 10c: 1 pound shredded cocoanut, 15c: 1 -quart bottle pure olive oil, 60c; 1-plnt bottle two olive oil. 30c; 1 sack best patent flour, 51.36; 00 pounds small white beans. 40c; 1 pack age Scotch Oats, 10c; 1 sack best soft wheat flour. 51.00. We deliver on the East Stde Tuesdays and Fridays. Remember the number. 3S1 sa k., comer jenereon. .rnone stain 4, 51.7S a week. Jl. E. JaakMs, Hamilton XEW TODAY. FOR SALE BY CHARLES K. HENRY Front-Street Property 25x100 feet with good four-stpry brick building, elevator and good offices, only 513,500.00. A bargain. Third-Street Quarter Block Income property on Third street, -well erected, good brick building, fine foun dation. Present income pays wr rvo of Interest on price asked, and -will surely Increase In value. Fourth-Street Lot gffiaBfe full lot 50x101 Very desirable in lo cation and would make a fine Invest ment when built upon for an estate or Investor wanting sure Income. Fourth-Street Property Quarter block in good location, ground leased and paying 7 per cent on price asked, wopeny sure to increase value and a good buy from every point of view. Fifth-Street Property gSV Fifth street in the business district, a very fine lot to build on and derive and income from. Fifth-Street Corner One of the choice corners of the City of Portland. If properly built on would make one of the finest properties in the state. Investors should look Into this. Washlngton-St. Property Finely Improved quarter block. Bund ing all rented and paying good rate of interest on the price asked. Capital ists or estates having money to invest should Inspect this. Morrison-Street Property Quarter block in fine location -where improvements are going up and prop erty is sure to increase in value. This quarter block Is a bargain. Stark-Street Property Full quarter block, very desirable lo cation on Stark street, and ready to build on. Burnslde-Street Property 200 feet frontage on Burnslde street. Desirable location and sure to increase in value. Worthy of Inspection. Eleventh-Street KfSffi lot 50x100 feet, close to fine improve ments. Very desirable and reasonable lot to build on. Tenth-Street Property 40x100 feet, on Tenth street, -with fine large building thereon. Only 510,500. Gllsan-Street Property Quarter block close In; very desirable and a bargain. Eighteenth-Street? Johnson streets, with four residences thereon and room for another at 515.- 000. Present rental 5132.50 per month, could be increased. It Is a bargain. Warehouse Properties Along the railroad track; also sites for flats and dwellings at reasonable prices. Residences Parties wanting good residences should call upon me, aa I have a number of choice residences of which the follow ing are a few samples: Eleventh-Street Residence Full quarter block close in. House is handsome, well built, very conveni ently arranged with fine quarter block set with trees and shrubs. Any person wanting a fine home close in should In spect this, as it can be sold on easy terms and is really a bargain. Johnson's Hill Residence Fine modern, well built, handsome house on Johnson's Hill. modern in every particular, nice grounds. Any family wanting an elegant home in this choice location should Inspect this. HoHaday's Addition 7 built, two-story, nine-room residence. Quarter block in swell location; very convenient, and at a right price. Mount Tabor Residence Handsome, stylish resldente, complete in ever' detail. A full acre of ground set to beautiful trees and shrubs. Par ties wanting a fine home with lawn, fruits and flowers, inspect this. tCnnn W111 DUy. ' taken at once, an dOUUU elegant residence at 335 Halsey street. corner or East Third street, two story, modern, well-built, eight room house, good plumbing, fine base ment, full concrete floor, good furnace, everything new and clean and in first class shape. Nice corner. Present owner leaving state for mining Inter ests elsewhere, and will sell at a very low price, and on casv terms of pay ment. Will bc. furniture, carpets, and everything complete If wanted. Any family wanting a fine home with small payment down, this is their op portunity. CfORH Buys l nice corner residence on tZuU East Twenty-ninth and Taylor streets. House is modern in every respect, good furnace and basement, fireplace. Combination gas and elec tric light fixtures. Easy terms. Residences and building sites In dif ferent parts of the city. Be sure and call upon the undersigned before buy ing elsewhere, as It will be to your in terest. CHARLES K. HENRY, 273 Stark street. TRree Additions N ew Bingham's On the Fulton car line and Mount Adams road, and directly opposite the Oregon Furniture Manuracturinc Co.'s plane All lots 50x100 feet. Prices 5300 to 50W. Madras , On the O. W. P. Co.'s line, near Stewart's Station. Lots 5100 to 5125. Overton ParK Acres We have sub-divided Tract "C" into acre lots and can sell them awuy down. Take tho O. W. P. Co.'s car to Anabell or Stewart's. Prices 550 to J COD. Terms to suit. ' , Nev Home We offer one of th best bargains in the line of a new, modern, eight-room hotue In the city. Situate southeast corner of East Tenth and Broadway streets. Lot 50x1(0 feet. House con tains reception hall, double parlors, dining-room with sideboard and china closet, kitchen, four large bedrooms and full attic a house built for a home, replete with every modern convenience WaKefield, Fries &. Co. These Xik IC 2t Stark Street. INSIDE REALTY x Triaagutar quarter-block aad fraction oa Sth C bet. Plae aad Ankeay. wHk total frontage of 30 fret feet aad area ef afaeat 1L060 square feet; pro cat reata 535 per month; price 5s.6: term. 524,40 cak, balaaoe mortgage os or before S yeflH at 5Vi per cent. 113 feci fro tare em Sth with 50 cm rise aad 2 aa Aakeayi prise 548,&d9. Either or both ef tfeeae proBertlea aaa- be withdraws from the market at ay tleae. o qaick avctfea la aeceoearx If bayera farer tbeee ftae tereatmeata. XC&SELL BLYTH, Sttt Third Street, Ceraer Oak. A 400-ACRE WELL-EQUIPPED Dairy Farm IN CLARK CO.. WASH. Stocked with pure-bred cattle, to sell or exch&nire for lncome-bearlnr Portland property. For particulars address E. E- HKRlitx. &17 chamber of Commerce. Oa Mount Tabor B.ervolr''car line latent' rW. A. X. Jckn. owmt. NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE 57 Lots In Dochers Second Addition, next to 1005 Fair: easy terras. 5W Two lata. 14th and College. 5UM-Corner lot & W. ecr. 17th aaa. Ma- MA, flSW U -block, 2th U near entrance, te Fair. T"uII lot, Northrop, near 214. 34 icre. 18 acres tinder plow, sear Cedar Xllli. $Z39 Fractional lot. 7-roora boate. N. 22a, rentlnc for 525. $t&8-Nlc .little modern fcome In Sonta Portland. 6e Kxit front lot. 22d. near Kearaey. XSeoO-SOxlOO. 8-room nonce, Qalsatqr st.: renting lor 140. SSSM-Exst front lot, 11th aL, near Harrf-' on. X5S2B 75x100. Everett it. Nob 11111. f7S0f-S3xl00. 11th sL. near Waihlnrtoa. S8389-Beautiful, new. modern home on Irr-. lnr. sear 24th: rentl&x for 575. SlO.SeO Property la North Portland, paring 10 per cent net. 5IS,eO Property on N. 22d, renting for 5151 per month. r-e,e-Brlc)c truU&lnr. Alder tt. payinr S per cent net. i -block facing tut on 23d and Irvter. with a larse iaodrn lS-room dwelllnx. the booe coitlng 516.000 to build. ToW property will be sold for a. reasonable price and oa favorable terms. NEW HOME We offer for cale the beastlfnl and eJchtlr home of the lat Dr. Herbert Crdell. 25th and Johnson. There are about 2H lots with new ll-room dwelling, "built after the latest design and Is now ready for occupancy. ARDMORE The most desirable bulldlnr site In Port land, surrounded by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only 'exclusively hlrh-ciass residence property supplied with bltullthtc streets, ce ment sidewalks. Bull Run water, sewer and gas Uld to each lot. Take Washlncton street ear to City Park and get oS at Park ave. For plats and prices call on or address. OVER THE RIVER 5115 per acre, tbe best lmprored farm In Multnomah County. 5150 and up Lots in Furers Addition; low est priced lots on the market; easy terms. 5185 Lot 7. block 10. Gleacoe Park. 5250 and up Lois in Larsens Addition, E. Stark and Larcen ave.. Ut Tabor car. 5500 Two lou in Cook's Addition on the hill above the car shops. 5700 Corner lot. Kern's Addition, near la man & Poulsen mill; easy terms. 5750 d lots in Edendale. near Sunnyslde. 5S50 Corner lot. . 11th and Hancock. f940 Lots near Steel bridge, on Benton, beL Dixon and Daoonl. 590050x100 and 6-room house. Starr, near Jtussell st.; easy terms. 51000 Full lot. 7th. near Weldlsr. S1S0O 50x200. E. Sth. sear Brooklyn st. 5130950x100 and new cottage, Midway. frrllwood car: -move rich I In. 51500 Block 2. Patten's Second. Addition; m mac i,or Epoune propenj-. 51550 Lot on Williams are., near Broadway. $1000 5-room modern cottaco la Sannrslde. renting for J 17.50 per month. 51800-Corner. S. W. cor. E. 15th and Mad! eon. 52000 Two lou In bearlac fruit and 0-room bouse. Sandy Road, near Ii. 38th. 52300 New O-room house. Williams are. $235050x120 and new O-room house. Union ave,. near Ivr st. 5230053x100 and two houses, 404 and -ICC E. Sth; rent 525 per month, $25003 lots, southeast corner of 17th and Tillamook. 520050x100 and O-room modern house. 4i8 Con.tnerdal t Unter Alblna. 5350010 acres, all improved, orchard. house. Just south of Multnomah Hall. Sec tion Line Road. 53500 Quarter-block. 2d and Wasco. 3&00 Two lots and modern B-roonx house. Williams ave $3700 New and up-to-date bouse on E. Couch St.; move richl In. 53700 U -block. 10th and Ankeny. 53700 Beautiful and sightly Wstacott home on the Woodstock car-line at Howe's nation, conslrtlng of two lots, modern y-room house costing 53500; windmill. bam and plenty of fruit; completely fur nlihfd; movf rlxht la, . 51500- M -.block. E. 2d and Holladay ave. 5-4500 Corner lot. close In, 3 cottages, rent Ine for553 per month. 54600 Vi -block. Grand ave. and Harsalo st. 5500038 a cms facing base line road; consid erable rordwood on tbe land. 550001 acr. E 3d and Stephens. 500 feet railroad frontace; will trade for St. Paul or Minneapolis property. 5525012 acres at -WIIIbarr. hlchlr 1m proved. 4 acres In orchard; house, barn and windmill. 55509 Two lots and O-room modern house, E Oak. near Sth: will trade ror farm near Pendleton or Umatilla. 55700 100x100 and 9-reom modern house In McMUleaJs Addition, near file! bridge; room for two more houses. Do you want to buy a sawmill? We have one at Estacada. Z acres with mill. Don't fall to see us about this proportion. IRVING'S HARBOR VIEW 5000 and up for lots near Steel bridge on iJenion. pet. uixen and uupont su. SUBURBAN HOME The Larson home, near Hunter's Station fMt. Tabor car). Is now for sale. The prop erty consists of 100x200. house, greenhouse and barn, with an abundance of bearing I run: casr terms. For sale, eight room, modern house, large lawns and nowers. good as new; u minutes irom city; xurauure it wanted good location; 53650; terms. Grindstaff & Schalk 2CI Stark Street. TELEPHONE MAIN 304. Business Center A "building boom is now in progress at University Park. Houses axe in heavy demand. Prices are advancing. Employment for laborers and me chanics is abundant. It is the bon ton residence portion of the -whole peninsula. It has the Columbia TJni versity, Portland public schools, Bull Bun. water, electric lights, electric .street-cars, elegant homes, liquor pro hibition, mills, factories and shopd in snort, every tniag necessary .to build a great city. There will be a great city between the rivtxs and University Park will be its busi ness and social center. Prices of lots $80 to $330 each, on easy installments, Our $80 lots will be advanced to $100 each, August 1st. You have been read ing advertisements of University Park and notice the advance from month to month. How much higher will you let these pnees go before you buy? PEANCIS L WKEKNA, Offico at University Park Station. FARMS We are oCcrtsr fer lnedhtf ulr & few ftse farms at ipedally lew price, lewer than erer beferr, aad tarMe atteatttoa ef Lo teadlag pttrcbaaera. Theae are tke beet bar gates free, a Hat ef ever M.M aere. aad cMiaot Msg retaaia em tho market at agares Call or write far parUcalara. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY i 243 STARK ST. VERNON Suggestions received yesterday In answer to our v pru oner: "The Fair Way." "Herc.'s To You, Vernon." "Vernon Is the Place." "Vernon Has No Superior." "Invest in Verdant Vernon." "Vere To Venial Vernon." "See Vernon and Uve." '"Vernon Ideal Home Site." oood" Thing To Watch." "See Vernon First." "Will Repay Watching Vernon." "Catch On J To Vernon," MOOSS INVBST3CENT CO.. 151H Sixth Street. Fheae Mate Is, In Jackson Place. Take pay to rwrt. Calt and, se awser, A. JL JacaMa. JfcaaOtew NXWTODAX. Rent Rates Buy Homes FIRLAINO This is the tract where peo ple are buying homes with their rent money. Come Out today with the crowd. It's a delightful Sunday ride. Combine pleasure with investigation and possibly much profit. Lots $100 payable $3 down and $3 a month, or will build you a house and sell it to you at cost, payable (with lot) at rent rates. Lots are selling fast to a very desirable class o peo ple. A district outgrowing every other around Portland. High, pure air, splendid water, every convenience of the best suburbs of the city. Take lit Scott car onTirst street. Geo. W. Brown Sobs 303 Pafliag Banding. Pfceoe Xaia 2123. Oity, Ofke Open Evsmi&gs. X. A. TAYLOR, at F:la4. IfMMll I Ii I 1 1 I I IJJJpjpjpVCr ,,-4.-J ajf IB j&t fcv-aalaWaF. iVk BBaHHaflBaBaafln' ' vBaKarrl JeaTH" TODAY. Eleventh Street walking distance;' cheap at 5220.' easy Main Street Six-room eottaxe and lot, line tvart of city; will rent for 520 every day In year; 300. Sixteenth Street Corner One of the few corners left, in walking: distance; 2 housea bringing Income of la per cent and room for more Improvements. 5000; .terms. ' Pettygrove, Near 20th Fractional lot. rood house, fine location. a- good buy at 5200; 51000 cash, balance terms. Second. Near Grant No better buv for tha money in "city. Good 8-room house, well rented thrown In at less than value of lot. Price 53630. Watch the. South End grow. Nineteenth. NearThurman Corner. 0x100. Tmnroved. lafcome 540 per month. Will be valuableome day. Our price for a short period, $4330. Look uui up. Nineteenth, Near Lovejoy Eleirant S-room modern house: nothlmr better: some little cash and balance monthly navmenta takes 1L A genuine bargain at 5350). . Hoyt Street Two 10-room houses, all modem. In fine condition. Will oir 10 per cent any time on price asked. Now rented for 5120 per znonw. xney are cneap at Thirteenth Street Property- Is adVancinr. fast on this thor oughfare as It wIU soon be a 'prominent residence street. We have a double fiat, brand new. few blocks from Morrison; Income 5125 a month. There are no bet ter1 flats in city. Price, 311,000. Business Property We have 2 Quarters on Sth. north of Washington: 1 corner on Stark: a fine SIcce of wharf property; a quarter on Al er and -others bringing In a fair revenue. East Side Specials frrnw TZ-vlM (Ltwtm Vintl ntm pnt walk, facing Ladd track; walking distance. orrage near uawtnorne. .uigm oiviae; & bargain at 522o0; small jpaymenL aown takes It. Three fractional Mota. few blocks from steel brldcn on Holladav avenues ono a comer; cheapest thing In market Do not delay to look these up. Anotner noiiauay aaamon comer ana room house, one block from the avenuo aiu9 Union. This price Is a crisp one. 52750. A beautiful modem house. lot auxiOJ. 7 rooms.- bath, "etc: East 11th st. near Tillamook: easy . of access. The house, cost aoout tne price assea. wuw. The above are today's samples of an extended list of deslrablt -properties han dled by us. F. 0. NORTHRUP & CO. Room 211 Commercial Block. 2d and Wash. Residence Property Cl AftA New five-room housc.SOxlOO ft A I (Hill lot 5-cent fare. Avery small V s v v v jjj payment and small In stallment each month. Another house In same neighborhood for only 5C-00, can be purcnasea on almost a rental oasis. I OTP A For new modem -room house. full lot. c!os to car line: fine V ' v location? small navnent down. $2400 New residence on Hodney ave nue, close in. good car service. desirable locauon. Lambert, Whltmer & Co. 401 E. Alder St. 107-8 Sherlock -.ig.. Cor. 3d and Oak St. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 5-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement; streets fully Improved. A very desirable locaUon. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will b clvtn. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home builders. The Oregon Real Estate Co sstt xnira st, koosi 4. California-" Bliss Lands" Email farms tar settlera. 0200 acres at lrrl gated land In 20-acre farms at 530 to 57Drer acre one-rourtn acasn. iteacnea oy soutnera Faclfic or Santa Fe Overland Line, direct to Tulare city. 2 miles from tfiisa Lanes. Alfalfa, com. rraln. deciduous fruits, vt UblM, hoc, dairy cattle thrive. Booklet free from Bllm Lands (Inc.). care Sullivan Sc Sul livan. Lawyers. 010 Parrott bldg.. Saa Fran cisco. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE ear rveerla aiV cesspttt ac a lata. w raraua sttraru prcaaptur. SOKTGrAGE LOAK Oa isprorad Jortlas4 Raat Batata. CKCCKtTr AUSTKACT TKUST CO. Ui-SIft CliamlTcr of UmniOTi . , GEO. BLACK PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 315 Worcester Block Geaeral practice. lares Uxatloas. Estate work. Special aad periodical audits Phono Clay 228. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In AH 'Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 262-3 McKay bldg.. Third aad Stark sts. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 37 ACRES. TWO STREET-CAR LINES, one station on land; all good soli; fenced; -acres orchard. S-cent car tare; over halt cleared; no unaerbrusa: iu acres in nay thls Is a bargain: don't fall to Invest! gate this tract; 51-15 Per acre, half cash, balance to suit. Empire investment w 227 Chamber of Commerce. " 17SO AND SI 500 TWO MONTAV1LLA BXR gains. Close to car; reaay 10 nwie nui In; garden ana iruit trees, targe iois. mca hnnH tnr isr one: root! terms. 5750 to 51300 Several snaps near cars In many parts ot city: come ana 'see our iuw some monthly installment dwiwh. auwu send. Maxwell : Co.. 2S Aioer st.f mm r-nr.T.vrr-rORS AVT SALESMEC TO collect on ctouii. iu '"i '" . Rock, Seaside ana AStona; ni mreuu Bond, vail or aaaresa iniani jj. uiiui. Kate agent 12V iota at., Astoria, ur. KONRES1DENT OWNER WILL ACCEPT strut tnr tOdzlCA feet 03 E. 13th st. N.. Holladay's Addition; a snap. V 19, Ore- gcnian. 6-ROOM HOUSE. CEMENT BASEMENT and walks, one block, from car. South Port land, Jl&vo. ..Mrs. . wwuci. aoBj xjii 3007. . T1-.T- -unrrn- vn rsanrrvr 1EA3T SID1S. J-AXlVJX, " ' Zl ' ' dose in. ssita-oie iur iom v. lovely home; caeap. raoao cmi ito. 5IS60 BUT8 A S-ROOM COTTAGE. IN cacice locality, aouuir auwuw a Bargain, i. iv. ureuaii. DESIRABLE S-ROOM RESIDENCE. CORNER lot, saaae, trait, jswmi. z i ovaw. a a. wav. NICE SUBURBAN MOMS. FURNISHED 2 blocks cars. No agents. 459 MagaeHa ave ri oana. irav r- r.ANTJ S-ROOM HOUSE. COW. chlckeac sobm fsraltare, etc.. 56SO. Iaqalra 243 ftth a. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CORNEX lot cestraL cheap. Inquire Owner, 481 NXW S-'fcOOM MODERN COTTAGK. BUILT for owaer: Bast Ue: at selL tL 17N Or- i.rtrtBxr wnrrwsr TV tbttvjtov- ftoin ta order fer ewaer's kerne. V 88, C- 8CX-ROOM MOC5E. LOT ALL MODi era laiui ;wmW. ,ee. FkoM Red SI4,- TMMCRABCJC XaHWPsTWCaft AND LOTS. m SAXX XAL XSTATJC TOtTLL XEVER mD BARGAINS EQUAL JATOO GooJ bualsett corner; SZ-roora flat; pay 12 cr cent Interest 54300 188-aera place. TO la crop. 40 la heavy Umber, balance ttxat Umber and pasture: good S-room rtetdence. bares, Hv . ing water. exceUeat fruit; Zi mCea from Eatacada. It'a a snap you bet. 53000 Two beautiful lot, all terraced and landscape, gardened, magntfleent lawn, very choicest roses and shrubbery; handsome, strictly modern 7-room residence; btauUtul locaUty. high and alxhtly, dose in. East Side. 52300 A 20?acra place that beats them all; . rich sail not quit all cleared: small house ; 1 mile cars. 3V- mllee center of buelnec dty. Ko- land adjofelng can be bought fcr leas than 5600 per? acre. Residence lots In the cetghborhood are worth 5100 aeh.( Tou'll never forget what you ralssed by not get tiaa this place. 53300 Very awtll. new cottage on Coroett atreet within walklsc- distance, buslneta center. Ton can't better thlp In a lifetime. 51330 Nice 10-acre. all cleared. K&rden place; small house and barn: 3 minutes war atauon. 10 miles out st-Hjo Here's your 40-acre form for less tfe.r. t1UW .Mil mw . .!.t.( mm rich soil, big crops, choice fro It comfortable bulMlngiC .Beats the oldest Inhabitants-. 51100 Beautiful, new cottage, modern con renlecces. E. 10th st. near Brooklyn School; easy terms. J 50O 3 full lots, lovelr o-room cottage. choice variety b fruit and berries, fine gar den; Plymouth st. AVoodlawn. 4500 Here than full lot with cozy cottage. 2 blocks from Woodlawn station. $3 CO Very desirable corner lot on Belmont street 51S3 each, for beautiful lots within two blocks L'ntversirr Park station. Don't overlook our beautiful rlver-fronf acreage placea. Oak Grove. picturesque seenerxT lovely parks, mammoth springs, ro mantic mti uuces ana orooKP or sparaimg waters. Ko" other euch charming places can be found near city. Its THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COSCPANY. THE" LEADERS IX REAL ESTATE BAR- I GAINS. Jt9H FIRST STREET. FINE TRACT OF LAND. NEAR LENTS, 30 acreev very slchtiy, no gravel, will make a fine hdme; 52300. 5300 cash, balance easy terms. A fine chicken ranch. 3 miles from court house, some orchard, house, barn .and fruit; 51S0O. H ash; will trade for farm. Good hi use of d rooms, on car line. 2 good lots, welt located. 52230. 5300 cash, bal ance easy terms. 3H acres, near reservoir, all In cultiva tion. 30t)Q. xiooo cam. Good G-rooa house, 23th and Salmon, new. ?2V. ' Fine Iota on car line. 5300. 55 cash: these lots are clone In and well located. Charleson Co.. 310 Alliky bldg. Phone West 381. 2750 ELEGANTLY FINISHED, THOR- outhlr modern eight-room house, just com pleted, fractional lot on Stephens st., near Ladd tract, between E. nth ana i2tn; splen did location, two car lines on same block, hae fireplace, furnace, wash tray, paneled dining-room, nanasomeiy siainea woouworx. enameled tiled kitchen and bathroom: will ell for small cash payment balance Install ments If desired: this Is a splendid home and will appeal to gold taste. Agent at house aitemoons rrom 4. tut. o. w. j. aoma 313 McKay bid?. FOR SALE HOLLADAY PARK A very choice quarter block with all Im provements made. About three feet above grade. A fine property and must be sold at once, ilane us an otter. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON 130 Third st FOR SALE H) ACRES. 10 MILES FROM Portland. 15 acres w nay. to acres siosnea. with runnin? water. J1DOO. For sale 3-ory brick. In Portsmouth. 3 large storerooms on ground noor.. large lot and all Improvements: JiOOO. J1Q0O 8rocm house and lot bringing 522 a month rent on San Rafael st, near union avenue. , RAND & CO.. 40 Hamilton. Portland. Helena. Mont Washington. D. C THE COLLINS LAND CO. (Inc.) Sightly Suburban Sites. We' have two bargains In Improved prop- erty inside. Some fine acreage- tracts, cheap. Call and see us: We misrepresent nothing. Stearns bldg.. opp. P. O. Phone Main 2324. FOR SALE 518CO. ' CASH OR TIME. ONE acre, email bouse and barn. 100 milt trees. in bearing order: a variety of fruit berries ana snruDoery; miie east -uount x noor and & minutes wane from vnia car line. 10 from Mt. Tabor. T. E. Gaynor. 210 Hall, city. 510.00O-8-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 8-ROOM flats on Z2d at; new and leased for U70 yearly. It figures as h!s;h a percentage as anything ever offered la Portland'. Would sell for 513.0CO -If relatively situated In Se attle. L. W. Whiting i Co.. 40S Abtcgton mas. IRVINGTON. Lota ISOO. See T. J. Rale, resident agent comer E. 21at and Schuyler ata.. who will ahoar von the Drooerty. Phone East 144. or C H. Prescott Tr.. 212-213 Chamber ot Commerce bldg. Phone Main 1233. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND S ROOMS. with an mccern conveniences; on a. no. between Wasco and Multnomah; conven ient to 3 car lines: for sale on easy terms. Apply to owners. Pariah t Gourlay, on premises, rno&e East 13 u. FOR SALE CHOICE CORNER LOT AND building on Main and. 11th sts.. Oregon City. Large building, in good condition, occupied by. Y. It C A. Apply to Otto F. Oleson or F. T. Meyer, Commercial Bank. Oregon, City. FOR SALE-35 ACRES. 4 MILES FROM Oregon City. room new nouse. so la cul tivation. . 52300 without crop. $2500 with crop, 52500 with stock, wiinam c JicDon aid. route i. uregen city. FORTLAND HEIGHTS BUILDING SITES convenient with good view. are. scarce. have rounds closest In. on car Use. mag' nlflcent view, cheap for rmmedlare sale. F. inaiey, tio uicgguuu. FOR SALE 160 ACRES. 15 MILES FROM Orrsren City, at Highland. 10 acres cleared, 20 slashed, fine spring. J&ne piling timber. Price. $10 pur acre, lerma; owner. 0O4 Ala pie ave.. la Angeies, uar. S4230-8-ROOM HOUSE. BUILT AS WELL aa a -house can be and new ana modern in every respect near end of Steel Bridge, on East Side. Rented for X40. L. W. Whiting A. Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 LOTS ON Portland Heights: all In fine condition, practically new; on Patton Road; a bar gain at empire investment lo. 227 Chamber or commerce. FOR SALE ARBOR LODGE. LOTS 5123 una upwsro, w -aiw. i iujuu- ette boulevard; a. beautiful homeolte, ovcr- looKinK river "u c .wiuv, ,wv. . - -t- I .... T A NINE-ROOM HOUSE. VERY , MODERN. V ...... t T mmtrf. In ,tf hmh. bery; a splendid home 'at a bargain. Hat- FOR SALE CHEAP MODERN 5-ROOM cottage; 5120 cash, balance in small monthly payments, inquire 01 ovrner, auoi r. juia at. I, mone jasx- jiaw. FINE LOT. 30100. FRUIT AND SHADE trees. .East xsavus oawtrn um sou facing north; only lot In tho block. Phone aln 3343. land property. SO-aere farm. near. Kelso: all fenced; orcnaro; vaiue, aiaw. x o. ure- gonian. FOR SALE 2 FIVE-ACRE LOTS, ON CAR line aad county read: reaaah!e: lratlng city. See owner; via is. etn sr., cor. t-Kia.- more. 200 FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS uargsAEs oa j. . i.' " AGCllCfi, XiCBta, ur. iih Jb B car. in. FOR JCVLE 6-ROOM BOUSE: MODERN; 4r rain" ifwiifcHi wm. MODERN T-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAY Park; lower la price than adjolaing prop erty. UWW, uiv.uoiaji. TVSTALLMENT PAYMENTS. BETTER than rest will bay houses and lots. Call oa Hataela Jb S-mlUj. ieft ta 0c GOOD 49 ACRES. UNIMPROVED. EASILY elearea; in nun ujw wv. i, ACRSAGB NEAR CAR LXNX,- S MILS8 ' from Morrises at er!4g. C -X Ballard. Mllwaakle, Or. ta0O-MOPSlN 8-ROOM MOCSK. JfALF M PER CENT BBARINO. BUILDING OF Is rooosc. ns AiaisHi; ynn Oregaslaa. X3Mfr TTNB TJNIMPROVBD. BJ8MDENCE lot. 3xl: lath st. Neb BUI dtetriet. Paoae Maia m aiTJULQT I. B&OCK 310. BOGLI- dy"a X44MM; , - AAtreaa J 1, OrefOMaa. COTT nm tor tvm: also xalt lot tor low; tre wsi st.. - .mK xouw. jmrav commm. L6T. hara. torn CUr. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SOME GOOD BUT 5 "- S15.CO0 will buy a fun .block, xrlth lara 12-room house, 2 hatha, good barn, teaals-cvurt-and tine-Jot fruit trees, on Mount Ta-' bor car line. Thta U the flrwst home of- ierea iot saje m Portland. Eaay terms.- block oa 12th and "VVeldler. Don't fall to look at this property before buying; It nrlll please you; will sell on the Installment clan. lota on Johnson St., bet 22d and 23d ; one of them a corner lot sts. 51200 for smalt hmisn and mm,r Jn nn the corner of 10th and shv!- icni tv 5200 cash, balance easy terms. 2 flrst-claes business lots on "Washington. st.; lot 50x100: 16th and Alder) Thla la a awa our jsww. Lots from 500 to S4O0 In that beantlfnl ie or vjtt.ui. The bnet of terms given. . 550004 acres of land, .larre house, bar and windmill, good orchard: East 43th anc section una road, near Mount Scott car line. A good business lot. 3. Oak near Grand ave. Price. 5200O. ?aoo buys - lou in Feurers Add. FARMS IN MORROW COUNTY. 1040 acree. adiolnlne the town of Dour- las; -well watered, fair house and barn, 4 acres - in orcr.ard; mile public school; 500 acres good wheat land, balanco pasture. race, jib per acre. 606 acres. 3 mlled from Dauctaa. -all good wheat land; small bouse and barn. Price. 515 ser acre. 800 acres. 4 miles from lone, all rood wheat land; 480 acres plowed ready to seed; all fenced; no buildings. Price. 516 per acre. Wl " K - 1, wheat land; 1C0 acres plowed ready to sxfed; uii icana; no ounamgs. met, iu per aero. FARM IN GILLJAM COUNTY. 1120 acres. 8 mllea from Olex; good house and barn; all wheat land; TOO acres plowed ready to eeed. Price. 520 per acre. Several smaller places In Morrow. Gil liam and Sherman Counties. Price and acreage oa application. Our terms 'on farm lands. 25 per cent cash, balance on easy payments. 1021 acret adjoining City of Portland, sold In tracts to suit Price, 5150 to 5250 per acre. MOORE INVESTMENT CO.. 151H SIXTH STREET. MAIN 18. FOR SALE CHOICE INCOME-BEARING property. 525.500. bringing 5300 per month. Three houses and lots near Steel Bridge, on easy terms. Three lots In Holladay Addi tion, terms to suit Lot on Grand ave.. 51350. 50 lots In Highland Park, on terms to suit - houses. 13th. near Washington. 54750. bringing 553 per month. Double house In iforth Pjrtland fcr 52430. bringing 530 per month. Houxea on Thurman su. for 51900. on -easy terms. 3 acres in St. Johnzi on car line for 52750. 2 acres In heart of St. Johns, for 51S50. 5 acres on car line in St Johns, for 547C0. Lots and acreage close In on terms to suit Apply to owner. Wj Reldt Room 15. Washington bldg.. cor. 4th and Washington st 5875 NINEt-ROOM HOUSE AND BARN, good plumbing, two blocks rrom car line. 51506 7-room plastered house, fine fruit trees, one block from car line. 52250 New 6-room modern house, with furnace and electric lights. 51000 Cosy 6-room, house, half block from car. 5475 Small house, corner lot. 5300 Four-room house. 51450 Flve-roOm modern house. Come out and we will ehow you these .houses. Easy terms on all, Take Sellwood car and get off at Tenlno st 55 down and 55 a month will buy you a fine lot. SELLWOOD TOWNSITB CO., Phone Union; 1491. 7-ROOM NEW MODERN HOUSE. E. MADI- son. and 29th. $3000. 2 lots, each 06x100, sidewalk, sewer, gas and water. E. Madjson. cor. 30th. 5800 and $700. Large lot on Hawthorne ave.. and E. 2Sth. 51500. 1 acre. Hawthorne ave. and E. 48th. 51600. 17 acres oh Johnson Creek. 0 miles cut, electric railroad station on land. 5IT0O. 45 acres, on Johnson Creek, and O. W. P. railroad. 1 mile from city limits, will sell In 5-acre tracts; station on premises. 180 acres timber. Columbia County. 513 per acre. Liberal terms. JAMES N. DAVIS. Owner. 7 1st st FOR SALE 54150 very fine home In choice residence section on East Madison st. near 22 J. House has reception hall, parlor. Fitting-room, dining room, kitchen, pass pantry. Thre bedrooms and alcove with closets. Bath with excellent plumbing; house fitted with hlgh-graUe gas fixtures. Full basement lot 50x120; fine lawn: cement sidewalk, fully Improved street One block to beat car line In city. A real choice home. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. 109 Third st ON THE WEST SIDE. 100x100. vll located on a prominent cor ner; S good houses; yearly rental 51030. Price 51U.800. 25x100 Nice 5-room cottage: yearly rents 5180; a nice little home or for income. J ISOO. 50x75 A corner, with 2 good 7-room houses; yearly rent 5468. S48SO. 50x752 good 7-room houses; yearly rent 5420. 54200. These properties are all rented at reason able figures and are worthy of Investigation. DAVID S. STEARNS. 240 Washington St FOR SALE-51O.OOO A magnificent home containing- 12 rooms. House has very fine finish, yard 112x132 feet. Roses are finest In the city and ex cellent variety. A most superb view of river and mountains. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. . 109 Third st EVERYBODY THAT HAS A DOLLAR TO Invest write me for prospectus of The Great Westerif Refining- Company of Kan sas. The best Investment In America, to day at 10 cents per ataare. I am presi dent of this company, and will be pleased to get the address of every person that could" Invest from 530 to 52000 If satisfied their money was safe. The very best of references furnished. Address Immediate ly. W. P. Fife P. O. Box 532. Portland, Or. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST WHEAT and dairy ranches in uig aeno; jw acres, all tillable: best 40 in salt-grass pasture. 540 now cultivated. 20 acres brome grass and alfalfa: unfailing water piped to house, bam and garden; modern 10-room house, bath, etc: large barn, good outbuildings, orchard. 320 acres pasture sold with It If desired: easy terms. L N. Cushman. R. F. D. 1. Wilbur. Wash. 3 ACRES NEAR WHITE HOUSE ROAD and car line; lano ciearea ana levei; splen did view of river and surrounding country. This land was taken oa mortgage and pries Is very low. Will divide and sell oa easy terms. See Owner, room 4, 205& Morrison, st SPECULATIVE BARGAINS IN BUSINESS property. We have a. list to choose from, running from 515, COO to 5100,080. and lo cated close in, on Washington and adjacent streets, that will Interest you. L. W. Whit ing Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. RARE BARGAINS-LARGE HOUSE AND 100 xlOO feet ground. Portland. East Side: sightly, convenient healthy, most desirable-; less than cost: must be sold;, terms. John sou & Van Zante. attorneys, 505 Commercial bldr. Phone Main SS62. 53600 NEW. MODERN. 7-ROOM HOUSE, IN Irvington. No requirements of a perfect lit tle home (hat this house dees hot possets. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. CHOICE HOME OF 10 ROOMS IN NORTH west part of city Is offered for sale by the owaer at a price that Is. attractive: within one block of 23d-street car line. S 19. Ore gonlam A GOOD INVESTMENT 8 ACRES LEVEL land, ready to plat close in. oa Improved street, water and, sewer near: for 5750 per acre: no agents. W IS. Oregoalaa. 53250 MONTGOMERY ST.. 2-STORY NEW" .house, tinted walls, furnace heat, gas Sx tares all la; owner aearesideat; terms- V IS. Oregoalaa. t 5196 DOWN, 510 MONTHLY BUYS 4-ROOM aew home, new barn, oae ealMvated aere. Sc fare, price $660. Tkescasea & Maach eater. 73 9th st 5-ROOM HOUSE. BATH, PANTRY AND basemeat, woodhousa. an fenced with Tick ets, lot 86x125;. 2 blocks to .oar. W 38, v Orereaiax. S-ROOM HOUSE, .FRONTING BAST- OK Bedeey aveirae, eaa o hesgfet fee 51900 K takea aew; half cask. Affiy owbct. X Mv. Otegoalaa. &T . FOR. SALE MOD3RN FTVB-ROOM COT tage. Mt Scott LBsafcer Co 4th aad BAHGA5X TIERBS 5-ROOK AND TWO 4 roaaa sotsacee; very easy terauu " T ffl;', Ore join lot axbaXOoms At u jkkmv TStk fttsMw st ate-halt aw la sals, 4 ciag. .rnone Jain w HMkUton buUdiae.