.1 22 TELE SUNDAY OBEGOXIAfrV POTIiAyD, - JTJXY 16; 1905. TTAXTED AGENTS. OUR MAMMOTH ADVERTISING BOX OP tine toilet soaps sells on sight, and people axe eager to buy again. Our agents are making more money now than ever before. Special plan of work. No experience Is necessary nor any license required. Val uable booc of instructions tree 'With first order. Exclusive territory, with life In come guaranteed. Send for full particu lars. The Williams Soap Co.. Indianapolis, 2nd. AGENTS WANTED FOR SILER'S HISTORIC photos: Grant's log hoube. In and outside; Fort Benton: Kaskaskla; Steamer Genevieve; St. Louis Expo., etc; 10 photos, size 6x6 Inches, paper cover, postpaid, 30 cents In stamps: terms for street expositions or resi dence sales. Address J. Slier, Photo Pub., 1006 E. 7th st, St. Louis. Mo. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tlon: commission and premium; outfit free; rood territory open; -cash advanced on orders ach week; write quick and send reference rsiLh 'application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO HANDLE our sea-shell novelty hatpins; greatest 10 cent sellers known; we put you onto scheme bow to mil quantities: Investment small; profits enormous. A. N. Mott. 415 Dearborn st., Chicago. WANTED AGENTS WRITE LIFE. HEALTH and accident Insurance; top contract; ex clusive territory, salary and commission; ex perience unnecessary; $75 weekly easily made. Oscar Ekman, 1706 Summit ave., Seattle. Wash. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR 6UPE rior. high-grade nursery stock; new and com plete outfit furnished free; caeh weekly: write today for choice of territory. Address Capital City Nursey Company, Salem, Or. AGENTS WANTEL TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock. Choice territory in Or egon. Washington and Idaho. Cash ad vanced weekly; outfit free. Write at once for terms. Chlco Nursery Co.. Cbico, CaL AGENTS WANTED TO SELL MT POCK-et-Knlfe Tool Kit. The latest and best money-maker. Write to U. J. Ulery, New York. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD seller, big wages. 21S Commercial Talk. SOLICITORS FOR FIRST-CLASS PRO Posi tion. Room 37, 16514 4th st. WANTED TO KENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant houses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant house directory has become a recognised Institution In Portland, hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable quarters. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this service by calling at our rental department, filling In our Informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a desirable tenant; we want houses In al1 parts of city and suburbs; If you have a vacant house, fiat or apartment, phone the particulars. We won't allow It to remain long idle. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. Rental Department. 183 to 191 1st st. BY RESPONSIBLE TENANT. 6-ROOM MOD ern house, or will lease one to be constructed to suit; prefer reasonable distance Haw thorne School. East Side. O 3. Oregon lan. WANTED 7-ROOM FURNISHED MODERN house or flat; pay $60; West Side select neighborhood, or North Side; five adults, close In. M 4. Oregonian. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED COTTAGE, housekeeping rooms, or large tent. Seaside preferred. Address Y 7, care Oreronlan. WE WANT FURNISHED HOUSES FOR visiting clients.- J. V. Crelghton & Co., 16514 Third street. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS. SEE ALLEN. 107 Sherlock bldg. $3 to $10 dally. Call mornings. WK WANT FURNISHED HOUSES FOR vifltitig clients. J. V. Crelghton & Co., 165U Third t WANTED TO RENT FURNISHED HOUSE, with roomers, good location. K. 3. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WISHES BOARD AND LODG lng on large farm. Y 4. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED AT ONCE. -FOR SPOT CASH TO any amount, stocks or all description, dry goods, groceries, shoe, furniture, etc. House holders wishing to dispose of their furniture chould get our free estimated value on same before selling elsewhere, as we glvo the high est prices to be obtained; strictly confiden tial. Address John Oke. 01H5 Guilds ave., Portland. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 1st st Pbon Main 6055. "1" BEAMS WANTED; TO BE DELIV ercd on or before Augurt 16. li05; two "I" beams, 4 Inches by 12 Inches, 35' feet long, properly bolted together to make a 10-Inch wide Ilndle. Cash on delivery, f. o. b.. La Grande, Or. J. L. Mare, contractor. WORKING GIRL WANTS TO TAKE A course In grammar with lady two evenings each week. Address Rose Haviland, gen eral delivery. WANTED IMMEDIATELY ENOUGH SEC-ond-hand furniture for large 300-room hotel; full value given; confidential. K 0, Ore gonian. WANTED TO RENT. ONE GENTLE DRIV ing home, one two-seated carriage, one saddle pony. F. C. Knapp, Phone East 663. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at th "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 617. WANTED FOX TERRIER PUP. MALE, must be reasonable; notify by mail Immedi ately. H. Wood. 240 3d st., Portland. Or. WANTED A SMALL, GENTLE 1-ONY. suitable for a boy of 10 years. Call on Dr. Emmet Drake, 253 Washington st. WANTED YOUNG HORSE FOB DRIVING purposes; 800 or 000 lbs. See Robert A. Tay lor. Flrland Station. Mt Scott car line. WANTED 3 OR 4 FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, by 3 adults; permanent. East Side preferred. K C. Oregonian. WANT TO BUY A BAY HORSE. ABOUT 1250 pounds.. Bring to 175 East 23d. near Belmont. Phone East 789. 6 TO 30 TONS RYE STRAW FOR HORSE collars wanted; good prices paid. W. Da vit.. Hotel Eaton. Portland. WANTED TRUSTY. GENTLE. GOOD-AP-pearing buggy horse, not over 8. Address P S. care Oregonian. WANTED FOR A BOY OF 12 YEARS A good home In the suburbs of Portland. Ad dress Q 9, Oregonian. WANTED-SMALL HORSE OR PONY; sound and gentle. 1336 JOth St., Woodlawn. WANTED FINE OLD INDIAN BASKETS and cunos; will pay cash. H 9. Oregonian. WANTED LADY'S TICKET TO MINNE apolls. Address Parsons, Oakvllle. Wash. WD CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kinds. Pbone East 2233. WB PAY 30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. TtL E. Edwards. 1S5-1B1 lit st. rOR KENT. Rooms. WILLAMETTE. 144H 6TH HALF BLOCK from Hotel Portland; rooms 2.50 to $5 per week. ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SINGLE. SUITABLE for two; gas, bath. 631 Flanders, near 16ih st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two, modem conveniences. 385 4th st. ONE PLEASANT ROOM FOR RENT; REA sonable; bath and phone. 552 Yamhill t A NICE ALCOVE ROOM. WITH EVERY convenience; reasonable. 395 Taylor st. 330 2D ST. NICELT FURNISHED FRONT room; use phone, bath. Phone 4482. LOVELY ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2 OR 3. all conveniences. H 4. Oregonian. ONE SLEEPING ROOM" IN PRTVATS FAM lly; rent reasonable. 306 Sth st. SEVEN UNFURNISHED ROOMS; MODERN. 400 let, bet. Hall and Harrison. NICELT FURNISHED ROOM. $8 PER month; central. 333 3d st. CLEAN BEDS, 36 CENTS. SOUTH PORT land car. JOT Corbett st. NICELY FURNI8HBD FRONT ROOMS; NICE location. 96314 Second et NEWLT FURNISHED ROOMS BY WEEK or -month. 46& 3d st. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS; RENTS reasoaasle. 144ft Freat "fi'rxhbo rooms, an jerx sr.. out. Salsa, FOE RENT. ELEGANT ROOMS. Handsome Furnishings. Porcelain Baths. Electric Light. Everything New. First-class. Dining-room. Low Rates. The LlndeH, Market st, bet. 3d and 4th. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; strictly fireproof and mod ern; rates reasonable: electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator, electric cars direct to Fair grounds pass the door; elegant cafe and bar In connection. Cor. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 331L F. Lange Prop. Sam Baumin, Mgr. THE AUDITORIUM, 20SH D ST- BET. Taylor and .Salmon, 3 block south Baker The aterElegant, newly furnished brick building, hot and cold running water in rooms, free por celain baths, rooms with private bath, elec tric light, elevator; rooms suitable for two, 51 day, 14 per week up; tourists toll cited. THE COZY. 193-185 7TH ST.. COR. OF Taylor. 2 blocks from City Postofflce and 1 block from first-class restaurants, right In the most central part of the city, nicely furnished rooms at moderate prices with free baths. Phone Clay 1712. Take "M" or Sth-at cars from depot. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-class in all Its appointments, hot and cold water In rooms, baths free to guests; central location, fadnr Plaza. Phons Main f 2028. J. E. Mlnard Black, Prop. COR. XII HID AND SALMON. THE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED and reliable Rooms. 190 U 3d at. adjoining Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building; rooms suitable for two, XI day: 54 week up; cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds and depot. Phone Red 832. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM in private family; no other roomers; ten min utes' ride from Postofflce; room with break fast. $20 for one: 530 for couple. Telephone Union 5657, or address H S, care Oregonian. 212 7TH ST. COR. SALMON NICE LARGE airy rooms, beautiful trees, only 2 blocks from Portland Hotel. Postcffice and thea ters; tourist trade solicited; prices reason able. Phone Main 2239. THE GARLAND, 021 Washington st.. between 18th and 20th; new. modern, alj outside rooms; elec tric lights, phone, free baths; 50c, 75c, $1 per day; restaurant In building. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS IN BEAUTIFUL residence district. 10 minutes walk to the Fair grounds; take MorrUon car to 21st and Northrup; walk half block east, 651 Northup st. Phone Main 1223. FURNISHED ROOM LARGE AND LIGHT with bay window and two cioaets; 212 per month to permanent party; between 10th and S car line Inquire 509 Lovcjoy at., or phone Main 6314. LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE room for 4 persons, 4 per week each; very desirable location; hot and cold water In roam, with use of bath. 473 Alder St., cor ner 14th. TWO COMFORTABLY FURNISHED rooms in private family; reasonable to per manent tenants; " blocks from Ivanboe Station, Woodstock car line. W S, Ore gonian. CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, EN suite or single. i-ssVi Washington st. next door to florist, opposite Perkins Hotel; transient to traveling public, rates reason able. CLEAN. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AT Fair grounds. 50c day. 364 N. 26th. cor ner Savlcr. M or S cars from depot. Get off at 26th. turn to left. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. CENTRALLY located, pleasant surroundings; price reason able; gas, phone and bath. 41 East Sth st. North, cor. Couch at. 3P5.12TH-LARGE FRONT ROOM. NEWLY furnished, large closet, phone, gas, bath, private family; board If desired; suitable for two young men. 510 LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM, private family, new house, every convenience, excellent neighborhood, walking distance. Phone East 105. WANTED-A PARTY TO TAKE A DIN-Ing-room In a hotel; everything furnished: no money required. C. W. King, C23 Love Joy st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 544 6th. between Jackson and Lincoln sts.; bath and phone; near 5th-st. car line. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. 5 PER month; suitable for 2, 59; with bath. 374 E. Market st-, corner Union ave. THE MAYFAIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building, modern conveniences. 2U3H Stark, cor. 5th. Main 2057. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, close to Fair grounds, by week or Ipr Fair season. Inquire 763 Savler-st. WALKING DISTANCE. LARGE. NICELY furnished rooms. 510 month up. Including bath, phone. 292 10th South. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. REASON able; bath and electric lights. 632 East Mor rison st. Phone East 3021, NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two; rent per week; breakfast If desired. Phone East 323L WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. TRANSIENT or permanent; walking distance. 374 Park. Telephone West 1047. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rsnt, very reasonable; electric lights, bath and phone. 553 5th. FINE ROOMS: BOARD IF DESIRED; MOD cm, private house. 1)3 E. 12th. cor. Wash ington. Phone 2&CS. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS, 25C per night; one block from car. 10 minutes' ride. 160 E. 34th 6t, LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS FOR VISITORS: private home; every convenience; 50c and up. 349 Harrison. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. REASONABLE for Fair visitors, three blocks south of Hotel Portland, 241 Oth. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. DESIRABLE location, bath, phone, piano, etc. &01 2d and Sherman. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water; first floor. 309 Holllday. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH housekeeping privileges. 751 Vaughn si. Main 6259. 327 THIRD ST. ONE LARGE FRONT room, ground floor; other rooms; reasonable. Phone 1994. SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove. JL75 per week. 3S2 East Yamhill tU FRONT PARLOR. . PRIVATE FAMILY, NO djuc; two ctr unes. J 8 Oregonian. THE HAMANN. 135 N. 1STH ST. CLEAN furnished rooms at reasonable rates. Phons Main 1400. TWO UNFURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng. S3 per month. Corner 5th cad Harrison. LARGE. LIGHT. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, right downtown, 50 cents. 43V4 rd. cor. Ash. MODERN ROOMS FOR FAIR VISITORS: $3.60 per week up. 327 Mill st, 6th-st. car. THREE WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS AT 810 Lovejoy st, one block from good boardlnc house. fc 606 FLANDERS ST.-NICELY FURNISHED light rooms on first floor; day, week or month. 412 HALL ST. FOR ONE OR TWO PER manent, reasonable, phone and bath. Main NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS: REASON able rates. 129 Grand ave., nr. E. Morrison. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS; PRIVATE FAM lly; rent reasonable- 44 E. 7th at., cor. Pine. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR 2 PER sons; rent 3.50 per week. 325 7th st. FOR RENT NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, 55 per aonth. 297 Tillamook st, U car. FOR RENT-NICELY FURNISHED LARGE rooms; very cheap. 65 K. Sth, North, WORLD'S FAIR VISITORS. ROOMS. MLSO per week. "S14 Hoyt St., corner 13th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. CLEAN. COMFORT alele. 2 and $5. 363 3d, netSKXadlson, FURNISHED ROOMS. 360 14TH. NR. JEFF. Ffeoae 8S93. Accomsaodatlo&M for tourists. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH, OR WITHOUT ROOMS 660, 7C l AND UP. atJTX AND WastetsLgteB; ew scut. Ti Kswlaac. CALL UP MAIN Me FOR XICS FUR 4h4 rosras im jivu teaaMr. LARGJB FROKT 3MOM FOR TWO. WITK or wltiMmt fr. JBt SMI. XOK KENT. CLEANEST AND LIGHTEST ROOMS IN the city, sewly furnished, modern eosves! eoces. SO cents to 11-vO. Osborn Hotel. urana ave. and East Ash on E. An ,keny car line. Phons East 373. FOR RENT NICELT FURNISHED FRONT room, suitable for one or two; all modern Improvements; 15 minutes from 3d and Mor rison si-, on car line, f v. care Orrgoslas. LARGE FRONT ROOM, FURNISHED. USE t phone and bath; price right; last visitors staid five weeks; corner W. Park and Jack son at. Phone Main 4673. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAT. week or month, reasonable, good location, suitable for families. Phone Black 1964. 349 Alder at. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM: private noue; reasons Die rates to perma nent parties. Inquire 654. E. -Oak. Phone NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAT. week or month; reasonable, good location. Phone and bath, also alcove suites. 341 Aiocr st S09U MADISON. JUST BELOW 6TH. FOUR blocks from City Hall, Hitler and bedroom uauvukxi, couca ana xotcisg oea, private NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. WITH FOLD- Ing bed. for a lady; $7 per month. Can cook in kitchen. 493 E. 27th st Phons E. 2843: NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT. able for one or two gentlemen; bath, electric iignis, teiepnone. AGarets feto ath st. ROOM R. vnnrpv pcfTniu.r tvirrn private family, reasonable: ao children. Zii urana ave. North. Union 5830. MODERN ROOMS. VERY CENTRALLY LO- caieo, oy cay. weeic or permanent. 423 Yamhill st. Rhone Front 745. ROOM. NEWLY FURNISHED. IN NEW cottage, for 52.50 per week; electric light. 120 E. Sth sc. corner Alder. TWO PARLOR BEDROOMS. WELL FUR nlshed. bath, phone, gas. fin location, on car line. Phone East 22S3. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM. FIRST floor, transient or permanent, walking dls- iucc, sue locauon. w rtm. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, sincuy mocern, private, wauang cutanea. 16S East 6th. near TsmhllL THE TEMPLE. 343H YAMHILL ST., OPPO lte Hotel Portland Nicely furnished rooms, transient- Pbone Clay 1951. THE JULIAN. 267 7TH ST.. NEAR JEFFER- oc Neatly furnUhed rooms; breakfast scrveo. i'none Main VS33. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, wim alcove, bath, gas. 213 per month. Phone 4673. 548 Taylor. THE ALDER. 433 ALDER ST. NICELY FUR- uuue-u rooms, quiet ana convenient; rates reasonable; bath, phone. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PLEAS ANT ly situated, on car line; free pbone. 454 Columbia it., cor. 12th. NICE. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, day or week; prices reasonable. In quire S31 Morrison st. FOR RENT PLEASANT FRONT ROOM, with gas. bath and telephone. 4S1 W. Park st. Phone Main G037. Ft' RNtSHED ROOM. 56 MONTH FOR GEN, Ueman; private family. ICS Chapman, oppo site Multnomah Club. TWO NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. SUP plled with bath, phone, gas and electric lights. 512 Market. RYAN HOUSE. 2634 6TH ELEG ANTLY furnished rooms, en suite or single. Opposite City Hall; transient. 327 THIRD ST. ONE LARGE FRONT room, ground floor; other rooms; reasonable. Pbone Hood 1994. 5111J GLISAN NEWLY FURNISHED THAN slrat and permanent rooms; rates reason able. Main 3714. CLEAN. NEAT BEDROOMS. 51 UP: TWO blocks Sunnyslde car. 184 East 23d ct. Phone East 1340. WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SOTT able for two. private, family. Phone Front 639. 206 13th. PARLOR FOR FAIR VISITORS. BATH, phone, near boardlng-hocse, by day or fet 611 TamhllL FAIR VISITORS WILL FIND NICELY FUR nlrhed roamt and good accommodations at 1S1& 1st st. TWO OUTSIDE ROOMS. KITCHEN AND bedroom, completely furnished: 3 per wek. 304 Front. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, UPSTAIRS, 3 blocks from Hotel Portland; gas; price 513. 3S8 Taylor. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, very reasonable, by day, week or month. 29 N. 9th. 28 13TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS In upper fiat, all modern conveniences; terms reasonable. ELEGANT DOUBLE PARLOR, ELECTRIC lights, phone, oath, permanent or transient, 310 10th. TWO FRONT ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2 or 3 gentlemen: piano and phone. ICS W. Park st. GOOD ROOMS FOR FAIR VISITORS. BEST location, bath, phone and conveniences. 251 10th st. NEWLT FURNISHED SUITES AND ROOM: use of pbone, gas and bath; reasonable. 213 13th st. NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 81U 4th st. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS 153 NORTH 12th. Booms With Boar. LARGE FRONT ROOM. WITH ALCOVE, well furnished. In private house; all modem conveniences; nice yard, fine view; suitable for 2 young men or congenial married cou ple: will board if desired: reasonable rent. Address K. 8, Oregonian. Phons Union 6512. MRS. L. M. COX HAS REOPENED HER house, very desirable, well furnished roomt. board if desired. 2 blocks from Morrison car line, 2 from Washington line; conveni ent to Fair grounds. C37 Pettygrova t. between 20th and 21st, ROOMS AND BOARD. GAS. BATH. PHONE, home cooking. 20 minutes walk from Cm and Washington; cxr. line; 3 and 56 per week. 61 "Union ave. North, Phone East 1463. TWO GENTLEMEN CAN HAVE X FUR nlshed room .with breakfast and dinner In private family; use of bath and phone; rea sonable; permanent. Address G 7. caru Or egonian. PORTLAND WOMRTS UNION. 17TH TEAR; rooms with board; use of sewing-room; iu of library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs, E. B. Hamlin, superintendent, 810 Flanaer. THE LTNDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market st, bet, 3d an 4th; steam heat, electric light gas. porcelain baths; all out tlds rooms; exceedingly low rates. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, with hoard for 2. 530. All new and mod ern; overlooking Fair grounds, on Wil lamette Heights. X. S, Oregonian. MCE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH gas and bath, with or without board, in Private family for two young men, cae block from East Ankeny car. 27 E. 7th, NICE FRONT ROOM; ALSO SIDEROOM. good board; hose conveniences, private, mod ern, reasoaable; ladies or married corale. 6SI Washington . WANTED SEC YOUNG LADIES TO ROOM and board In modern home, with use of par lor and home comforts; charges low. Phone East 3219. 3 BLOCKS FROM FAIR, PRIVATE HO MX. 29 Qstmby st; taks M car at depot; oC at 25th aad Qalmby. 3d aoor .from ccraw. ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO. WITH BREAK- ms uu sapper. t per weex. oa Mt Scott car line. Stewart Station. Isqslrs Reck L OCCIDENTAL HOTEL, CORVALLIS. OR. Clean noairTng and beds; reoms well res tllated; spleaald service; csatrally located. 3fK 12XH LARGE- FRONT ROOM, NEWLY rurnuhed, large closet, pass, fu, Tsats, ri rate family; board If dealred; reastAabVeT HOTEL BROWN. 271H GRAND AWXTJK .f?,?t reesu. aiAgte sc es salte; sltvawr. MUlard-roem; trsjutaats; sth ear Jaea, E.0 110034 AND ALCOVK with Tsrst-clasa board; m mtamtte room. Toe tenrss phone Mala 44M. TURNISHED FRONT ROOM. MOD4CRX" COK- siiai isr tws; pri vate ksiM. 7TK Fiaadeni t 1CK.T FXTRXWiCBO ROOMS WITH BOAXD -' 1 is s. Mi mm st A 0AXTHlfo jOM yoR UMM-44 Pskwsa ave.. Wo flaws. FO RENT. "Rsnwis WRh Beard. BAT WINDOW ROOM: FOLDING BED; with or wtthost board; prtvata boose; all modern convenience. Passe East 3966. Ad dress Q 6. OregosiaB. NICE ROOM. GOOD BOARD FOR TWO. home ceevesjeaces; private: walking- dlstahce. reasoaable. Phons East 3781. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN tleaen. with board: all conveniences. Ml 3d st; private fasrOy. PORTLAND HEIGHTS DESIRABLE ROOMS and board for elderly coupl or lady. 567 Myrtle st LARGE FRONT ROOM; SUITABLE FOR 2; with or without board; sedern. 33d Madison, cor. Park. GOOD BOARD AND PLEASANT ROOM OR rooms: central location. 4S7 East Ankeny. near 9th, ROOMS AND BOARD TO PERMANENT TEN ants, reasoaable; first-class home cooking. 231 6th. FINE ROOMS. BT DAT OR MONTH, MOD era, with board. 2&i Columbia. Main 2219. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM. PRI vate family, board opUonaL 400H Clay it ROOM FOR MORE AT 56.30 PER WEEK, 603 Clay st; good table. Phons Mala 3009. THB OZARK. 224 11TH ST. ROOMS. EN suits or single, board; hot aad cold water. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS with or without board, single or en suite. Flats. S60H CORBETT ST.. UPSTAIRS 6 ROOMS, bath, gas, etc.; 5LS: take S" car to ths door; ntwty painted and papered: keys at grocery across street Owner, J. H. Middle toe, 617 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE LARGE DOCK, CENTRALLY located, deep water; railroad faculties. In quire owner. Q S, car Oregonian. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. COMPLETELY famished, centrally located, adults. 1$5 Union are.. North. East 26S0. MOii imi ST.. NEAR YAMHILL. MODERN 6-room lower fiat all convenience, yard. In quire 1SS 16th st. sear Taylor. NEW, MODERN 6-ROOM FLATS. INCLUD lng combination steel ranges. Halsey and Larrabee. Inquire 2&S Larrabee. FOR RENT 3-ROOM FLATS, MODERN conveniences: rent reasonable. Inquire 223 Market Phone Main 616. ONE-HALF S-ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE for housekeeping, furnished cr unfurnished. 9G8 Williams ave. MODERN FLATS, HEATED. JANITOR SER vlc. hot water to bath and kitchen. 2d and Johnson sis. FOR SALE NEW SIX-ROOM FURNISHED fit large porch and attic, walking distance. 190 17th st AN ELEGANT 6-ROOM FLAT. JUST FTN Ished. In best neighborhood In city. X 8. Oregonian. NEW MODERN 6 AND 7-ROOM FLATS. 10th st, near Bumstde. Inquire 23 North Ninth. FLAT. 3 ROOMS. ALL CONVENIENCES: easy walking distance. 344 Montgomery st FOUR AND SIX-ROOM FLATS. NEW AND modern. Inquire cor. 2d and Hall. 1143 ROOMS. NEATLY FURNISHED; KEY 620 7th st Phone Main 4529. HossekceplDg Booms. FOR HOUSEKEEPING LARGE FRONT room; kitchen, complete; new carpets; 515 per month; also front room, suitable for 1 or 2 ; 512 per month, 131 12th at. North. SEE THB PANORAMA FROM THE BAY window at 2CS Montgomery st; four beauti ful boueekeeplng rooms, two couples, 516 each; centra, bath. gas. Pbone Main 4409. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- l&g rooms, gas range, modern conveniences; private family; fine location; 51a month. 101 North 18th. Phone Main 3969. THREE LARGE PARTLY FURNISHED ugnt housekeeping rooms, in fine home, Portland Heights; gas. water, phone in cluded; 523 month. Main 4237. FIRST FLOOR OF COTTAGE. FURNISH ed; double parlors, large kitchen, gas. bath, phone, pleasant location, central, references. Phons Front 433. 26 N. 11th st TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping In private home; lower floor, large lawn, gas range, sink, phone, bath. 50 E. 16th st North, NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; NEW. cam; so.su; suits nicely xumished housekeep ing rooraa, bath; 54 week; upstairs. 2 Union ave.. South. HOUSEKEEPING APARTMENTS. THREE rooms. 510 month. furnUhed. Club Halt University Park, A. W. Dickson. Scott 1296. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FURNITURE for sale; reasonable. Inquire room 63, Lewia bldg.. Park and Morrison. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING. X ROOMS on first coor. cheap to parties furnishing bedding, dishes. 28. 3d. TWO WELL FURNISHED ROOMS WITH cooking privilege, for rent for two weeks; gas stove. 336 Clay at HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FRONT SUITE. gas. nam. etc.. Vi we-jc; respectable adults. 163 North 16th. Monday. FURNISHED- HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEP- tsg rooms, tent suitable tor two, 51 week, central. 229 11th st FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING R0OM3. ciean ana ixgnt; rent reasonable. 353 Davis st Phone Hood 748. ROOM COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOR nouscxeeping; gas range, cato, phone. laun dry. 163 N. 16th st. TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR nousexeepmg. 220 per month. 227 Wash ington st. room 68. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms; also one sleeping room. 292 16th st. near Jefferson. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE. single room, kitchen, gas range, bath, phone. 32S 6th. 3 ROOMS AND BATH. WELL FURNISHED. ugui, piHini, very cuirasic; iincuy pri vate. 236 Grant, X SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS and rem lifted room for rest 127 Ills; phone Main 4563. 2 OR 3 PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplnr roo&c. nicely situated cu East Sic! a. Phone Scott 118. NEWLT FURNISHED. GAS. BATH. ON CAR ime to .expos-men. ui isur&staa st, net 11th and 12th. TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 11 conTrwcscw. iaJi j&cseay. ats. op posite City HaU. FURNISHED AND 'UNFURNISHED HOUSE- kecping rooK tor rest on the first Soor. 244) North 16th at 2 NEWLT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms ea groeaa soor. 449 easc Jvsr&alda L, sear 7th. TWO NICELT FURNISHED HdCSEKEEP- Ing rooms, second aeor; so children. 335 Clay. cor. 7 th. 314 STH ST. TWO PLEASANT HOUSE- keeping reeas. ciess la; gas, phase, quiet Belghberhood, LARGE, WBLL-FURNISHED HOUSTS- xeep.ag rooms; moderate prices. -372 Vi E. Morrison st. 413 MAIN. COR. 11TH NICELT FURNISH- ea pari or, wits sse 01 jotcaec; sa locatloa; so children. THREE ROOMS. INCLUDING KITCHEN. serarawae or iBrausea. as n. 7th, Bear Bcrscida at FOR RENT THREK FURNISHED HOUSE- Kef4g foditis e ant seer; rest reasosable. 366 th st. 3 OR S ROOMS COMPLETS FOR MOUSE- keep'.sr. u car, tm tteaveiiaa ave. Pkcsa Eas t X7. TTTHNISHO HOCSKKKWINO ROOMS. grsaad- gaot. 396 CulMiBiila- at, set. 1st asd 3d. TWO WLL-FUilNISHKD ROOMS; WILL rent stsgly. gxs pistes. TsatTa asd fasee. 32 14th st. TKRIaTB UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO RK sectaM aiM. 44 Nerth 8th st S 7, Oregsstlas, Mt FLAKDSRS ST. UXrURNISHKD OR ry rsrs4s4ve4 svawtkr tylsg rnnsi; a eMMrau S FURXWHWD. MOOWTBimt UG BOOMS. e gissiid fiesr. wta plsws, bats. MB Hast xxarivr FURXjnrxD Ts - Oratat. M sad FOR RENT. ntahed rooms for housekeeping: or use of home. good location: very reasonable rent to THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hill New house, cltgantlr furnished asart. mentx. ta suites of 2. -3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas rangin each kitchen; teas xicat. oavss; xre pnoas oa eaca soar. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms vln nicest brick block on East Side; gas range, bath. ate. Logan hlock, 1084 Unloa ave, Phoss UalOQ 3363. ?1.73 PER "WEEK LARGE. CLEAN. FUR- ouanj aaoeaecping rooms, ssiiaoio tor tnree people: laundry and bath, 154 Sherman. ONEL TWO OR THREE ROOMS. FURNISH. ed complete for housekeeping; gas and phone. Call in morning or evening, 269 xiaii su THREP Hnrsptrpvorvn. tnnta to rent; central location and reaaoaabla rent low aum jtcnssuii Aicacj, ABanoa uiuc. FOUR LARGE COMPLETELY FURNISHED houaekeeplsg rooms to couple who will board two ooys la exchange, g 10. Ortgonlan. 3 NICELY FURNISHED vrnrT?V!K-PTF".TTN-n rooms, every convenience, reasonable, walk ing cisiaace; no cnuaren. 403 4th st. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: phone, hath and gas. . .uurnsiae. pnone ast l07. FOR RENT THREE NICELY FURNISHED modern rooms for housekeeping; bath and iuuuc. inquire Mi uooonouga meg. TENT AND FULL HOUSEKEEPING OUT- st 2iz per month. Phone Scott 3734. Lewis ana mark camp. Mt Tabor Heights. FOUR NEW UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. 511 per month, water ln- ciccec uaii tocay, 1S33 Mill st 53 FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE. USB aaivuw, y.iTiicxB wuoisg; worxmg woman wtiKiw. ao- iiu, sear Jtarxet FURNISHED FRONT HOUSEKEEPING rooms ana single rooms; reasoaable rates. 43i3 union ave.. cor. Morrison. THREE LIGHT, AIRY UNFURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; no children; gas; oam. pcone. 547 college at. ground floor: can arrangs light housekeeping nrTHTai 1)1.... IT . f . r - f...,ia. A uuuv AUVU iTAW. ROOMS. MODERN. CENTRALLY LOCATED. private family, reasonable; no children. 249 urano ave. north, union 3930. TW O NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. COM pletely furnished, first floor, all conven iences, close In. 392 4th st FINE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH guarantee for four or five months; adults oniy; no cogs. 334 Market st JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON STREET -vm i suite vacant today; rurniture and building sew, modem. NICE SUITE UNFURNISHED FRONT iwna iiu Bouseseeping. nne St. cor. 1st Phone Main 3363. THREE COMPLETELY" FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, including piano, for one-or 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 56 WEEK; wood, bath, phone. 101 N. 14th st. up stairs. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; phone and hath, 293 17th. corner Colum bia. , "WELL FURNISHED SINGLE AND HOUSE keeplng rooms, close la. 86 10th, near HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. FRONT SUIT EL flrtt floor; bath and phons. 533 Yamhill st NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM AND kitchen; large and airy. gas. 395 Salmon st. 313 14TH ST. THREE NEATLY FURNISH- eq rooms icr nouseKeeptng; phene and bath. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; also single rooms. 105 E. 6th. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite. -401 1st st. flat A. Mais' 3404. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. GAS ranges; rents reasonable. 1464 Front 511 AND 516 TWO OR THREE FURN1SH ed housekeeping rooms. 183 E. 7th. TWO SINGLE AND NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 325 Mill at. TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: ground floor; sink. 629 Raleigh st TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; 512. 4 CO E. Ash. ONE SUITE OF ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. S3 N. 11th st ONE ROOM FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng. 3 N. 11th st 143 3TH 3 ROOMS. WITH HOUSEKEEPING privileges, for 4 adults. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent 564 Pettygrove. A NEATLY FURNISHED SUITE FOR housekeeping. 361 H 3d. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 402H 3d st FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 511. 444 Irving. Besses. A DESIRABLE S-ROOM HOUSE. NOT MOD ern. 511 4- room Cat 310. 5- rootn fiat modern. 517.50. , 2 or 3 nicely furnished rooms, on car line, cheap. Oaic. 80S Union are. N., bet 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. A CHANCE TO RENT AND BUT. IF SUIT ed. applying part rent In, .payment of new modern 3-room cottage. Hotladay Park; gas. bath, fireplace: rest 523 or 5300 down and 523 per month If purchased. Fred H. Strong. 242 Stark SC. AN ENTIRELY MODERN HOUSE; ONE block, from two car lines; large bathroom, tiled; has furnace, hot water heater, wash trays, gas and electric light; large lot A. C Brush. 516 Williams ave. FOR RENT NEW, MODERN S-ROOM house. Holladays Addition. Bear E. Sth and HoUaday ave.. 540 per month. Phone East 314 or call 202 E. Sth st N. FOR RENT 4 NICE. UNFURNISHED rooms; front alcove; gas, hath and phone; fins neighborhood; $25. 706 Qllna st, rhOTjeMaln 3547. 6-ROOM HOUSE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, rent 516; modern, with city water, good gar des; furniture for sale. Phone Main 1177. 4S2ri Davenport st FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE OF EIGHT rooms, desirable locatloa. at 33 Kelly st; rent 577.30. D. W. Hoelblsg. 258 Stark st MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. EVERY CON venlence. Just vacated. 264 Popular sr; Hawthorne avenue cars to East lfkh sC DONALD G. WOODWARD, 246 STARK ST. Rents and I&csrance. Phose Mala 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 1S0& 1TTH ST., NEAR YAMHILL MODERN 8-room lower Sat. all eoavealesces, yard. Inqnlre 189 16th et, sar Taylor. XADD5RLT TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable ptaso aad fsrsltsre movers. Phase Mats 1686. OSlee. 1M N. 3d st MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 366 XILLA mook. sear Union ave.; rest 526-. A. C. Brush, agent, 513 Williams, ave. FOR RENT A FTNB MODERN. HOUSE FOR "rent os Portlasd Height, by Portia ad Trsst Co. of Oregon. 109 3d st. FOR RENT NSW MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE East 10th asd Carutfcef sts. See Owser; 214 4th st. cor. SalsROS. NICE MODERN S-ROOM HOUS45. FINE LO catlos. waBdsg dltasee; adMs oaly. At 447 Kh t COTTAGE SIX ROOMS. GOOD REPAIR: also stable; X. Clay asd 9th. Isqoire 3M E. lltk. FOUR-ROOM HOUK. CLACKAMAS AND Wheeler eta,; rest 516. Isqstre 96 N. 14tk sc FOR RENT FTVK-KOOM COTTAGE. RKAS esaMe, to pensaaeBt tesaaC 3M Saerstas street. 8TRKTLT MODSRX 7-ROOM HOUtSSL . Aakesy ear Use; JfSSM. laaah-e eCi East Asa st 5r4-yrr rcomb. hocmbt, homir bas&v ateaC Key 0Xers geeefr. ear. Meed sad' mjcw t-RooK voomm. vm Ptwsje Mats ttktl, wWDa .sc. .M. 9. TOR RENT, Sesses. H. E. EDWARDS. Hosaefurnlsher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of alt kinds and Is all parts of the city are listed with us. We have the most complete directory of vacant houses in tows, and It you contemplate moving it will Py you to visit our rental department. We are suro to have a place for you. Following ,ts a partial list: WEST SIDE. 1 room, excellent central location.... 510.00 3 rooms .............. .............. 10.00 3-room house, good condition........ 15.00 3-room flat; College street .... 15.00 B-room cottage: new bath ...15.00 2 rooms: In business center ......... 13.00 5-room. flat; modem 20.00 3 rooms; hath, gas .... 20.00 3-rcom flat: Market st 20.00 2 rooms: elegant; central location.. 22.50 3-room flat; new. bath. gas. Sth st 2S.00 .J-roos flat; modern, never occupied.. 33.00 10-room, house; good condition 40.00 5- room house; fine condition 40.00 10-room house; strictly modern .. 60.00 EAST SIDE. 8-room house; MontavllU. 10.00 3 rooms and store ............ . . . . 12.00 6- room flat; bath 12.50 6- room house; fair condition 14.00 5-room cottage; new. never occupied.. 15.00 5- room cottage: Just remodeled 15.00 7- room flat; near ferry landing 15.00 -room house; Willamette 13.00 6- room house; modern ............ 19.00 6-room house; bath. gas...... 18.00 6-room house; In good repair...... 18.00 5-room house; Union ave........ 18.00 5- room cottage; bath 20.00 6- room house; new, etrlctly modern.. 23.00 6 rooms; modern, new 27.00 Note No Information regarding these houses can be given over phone. H. E. Edwards Housefurnlsher jsa to 191 First st PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 691 Oregon st. 8 rooms ..512 jw. ,oroeit sr.. o rooms 15 791 Corbett st. 7 rooms is 734 Water st. 8 rooms 20 820 Water st. 8 rooms ................. 20 8W k. iota st North. 9 rooms 20 485 Vancouver ave.. 8 rooms 20 E. 13th st. cor. E. Washington " 'rCI 5-room. new flat 30 626 Marshall st. 7 rooms... 30 Marshall st, near 15th st. 6-room new flat 30 333 Market st. 5-room flat 35 781 Corbett st. 9 rooms 43 ftAKEnSLD, FRIES i CO., 229 Stark st. SEE THE DUNN T.AA.Tiwri? (-rv-rrA vv Styllsb, up-to-date. 6-room -flat, basement iurocc. an moaern conveniences, 325 Mill st. West Side. B-room flat with modern conveniences. Union ave.. near "FT Ankmv Nice 7-room reaMnr 5V. c,n 1?. r, .1 . Furnished 3-room cottage ready for house keeping, E. 43th near Stark: rent very rea- uaaoie. -Appiy at first at T"OR. -RVTVT New Colonial residence at Mt Tabor, near e one Diocic irom car line; 7 rooms, all modivn rrm.nlniM nlr.l grounds 86x100 feet; rent 525 a month to re sponsible tenant, or will be sold on eay term- Apply to the TiUe Guarantee & iiuii. u.. o ana t unamoer or commerce, or to owner. 1344 Belmont ave. Phone Union 84. FOR RENT SUNNYSIDE. 6-ROOM HOUSE. r.'S n-ru- - - aixin el. pnone Main 2109. NHfi)fn Pfvm TTVrre-- X--T-. t-t nn . -.m Arthur; 4 rooms, 510. Inquire 681 2d. Main FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT SOX iw; acsjoy. not i, 26th. cor. Savler. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. RENT RHA3 onable. 703 Wilson st, near Fair. Famish ed Houses. TO RENT TO RESPONSIBLE PARTY. ELE- s-".ij lutauacH hroom cottage, piano and all modem conveniences; persons who have grown tired of hotel life will find this place all that could possibly be desired. Call at 207 1st or 333 Davis. FURNISHED HOUSB-7 ROOMS. ALL MOD- lurnnure new; nest loca tion In Portland: will rent until November 1 to responsible people; no children: $30 per u.uutu. on x.. -Lajjor. i-aone .bast 1706. PRETTILY FURNISHED CORNER HOUSE, hardwood floors, gas stove, lawn, phone. 6 rooms, modern; 1 block car line. Will rent 3 months, from August 1. No chil dren. References. FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE of 7 rooms in West Irvlngton. 100 feet of ground, roses, etc; owner will rent above to responsible people for short period. R 7 Oregonian. FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD location, close In. on the East Side; every thing complete: for the months of July. August and September. Address J 79. Ore gonian. FOR ALL OR PART OF AUGUST. COM pletaly furnished house; East Side; 6 rooms, modern la every particular; flowers, etc; very convenient to car line. T 6. Oregonian. TWO LARGE CONNECTING PARLORS, dining-room and kitchen, furnished com plete; rent reasonable: no children. Call after 10 A. M 429 3d. FOR SUMMER MONTHS STRICTLY MOD rn prlvaie 10-rcom house, beautifully fur nished, within walking distance of Exposi tion. Phone Main 3244. FOR RENT A MODERN 3-ROOM COT- mcc. cumpicieiy lumisneo. with yard; rent 520 dollars. Call at S96 Mississippi ave.. or Phone Scott 6215. FOR RENT FOR MONTH OR 6 WEEKS, neatly furnished 6-room cottage, near Fair grounds. Inquire 620 Pettygrove st FLAT FOR BENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE, w nwm jxnieo. paying rent, (jail Mon day between 1 and 4. 117 N. lSth. FOR RENT FURNISHED. "UP-TO-DATE 3- roora cottage; good locality, on car line; beautiful lawn. Phone East S74. FURNISHED HOUSE OF S ROOMS. NEAR xair grounas; rooms rented for hall the rent Apply S61 Thnrrnan rt ELEGANT FURNISHED HOME ON EAST Side, reasonable to party with no children. Address X 7. care Oregonian. FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE: PERMA- nent; rent reasonable. 974 Halght st, be tween Skldmore and Going. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, COMPLETELY FUR- sisnea, sieei range ana gas stove. 447 E Davis; no children. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, WELL FUR- nunea. gas tor ugnt ana cooking. 2S3 Lincoln, near 5th. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT; GAS siove anu pnone. jau at B33 6th st, or Fhone Main. 3064. FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. GAS. permanent; -u. a car soutn. inquire 1049 Corbett st. WILL RENT TO OCTOBER L 8 ROOMS. nicely xurnisnea; lovely yard; close In. A 4. Oregonian. HOUSE FOR RENT, COMPLETELY FUR- nisned. JJi. Momson (get off at 44th st); rent 518. WBLL LOCATED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NICS ly fsrslshed. porcelain bath. M. S. Restery. Sherlock bldg. FURNISHED HOUSES ANY SIZE, LOCA- uon or price. J. v. creightoa Co.. 1634 Third street- FOR SUMMER MONTHS, 4-ROOM COTTAGEl on car lme; so cnuaren; xorenooss. 470 Jefferson st FURNISHED HOUSES. ANY SIZH. LOCA- uos or price. J. v. wreightos fc Co.. 1S5V4 Third st 536 FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. FINE yars. inui trees. 401 uxiora at; woodlawn car. FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR Si, mbsx sen. jteat 523. 8S3 Tharman st FOR RENT NEWLT FURNISHED SIX- reem cettage. oats, aew Harold st; Sell wood car. FURNISHED HOUSE. GOOD LOCALITY; raecvKCK Aaaress js iu, care uregoaias. FOR RENT 9-ROOM HOUSE, FURNISH- es; aii soaem cosveaieaces. 873 K Coses, A 4-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE, LAWN". i xs3 aowna jtMawwppt ave. IF LOOKING TOR A FURNISHED HOUSK, can. B4 tea st. naeiv &. awim. FOR RENT FOR ONE MOXTH FURNISHED aease eigsc reeeas. 736 Xertsraa sC Mosses Far Beat Farsiiiuu Far Sale. FURNITUItX OF NINE-BOOM WOUSS FOR sate, acar PerUasd hetel; 54M.69. Call 34 Mate. 5XJ6-XIQ8C-G-KADK XBW TURXITURK. tum, at oaee; nmaw a-rasm fiat. l K. IRs, XBW 6-ROOM rysjOaHKDTLAT, LAROaT sC $wtm for. rtM4rTOiarr or 4-sWOac cor- FOX RENT. Hesse Far Rest Fsrallme -far Sals. FURNITURE OF 11 ROOMS IN NOB WTT-T district half block from - WashlEgtoa at; coat 51S60. will take 51G0 this week; rest of house 55B per moats; very swell place. Owser. call 610 Marquaa bldg. S-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT. FUR slture for sale: very reasoaable; parties, must go East Immediately: rooms are all rented. 533 Flanders st, sear 16th. FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE cheap: rent 526; eight good steady boarders; snap for widow or young couple; good reason for selling. W 6, care Oregonian. FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, price 5475: 5230 down, balance easy payments; good transient business; going away. Phone Front S66- FOR SALE NEW FURNITURE OF 11 rooms, house for rent, fine location and a paying proposition. Call and see for your self. Pbone Main. 1C04. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM flat, with upright piano; a bargain If taken at once. 304 u Eugene st. Alblna, Port land; take U. car. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR REAL estate, furniture of Jl clean, well-furnlahed rooms, rooms full, fine location. Inquire 323 12th st FURNITURE FOR SALE. HOUSE FOR cent. 573 E. Couch, cor. E. 14th; rent 513; hot and cold water bath, gas asd lawn: a bargain. FIRST-CLASS ROOMING-HOUSE". NEWLY furnished, cheap; owner called aw&y on ac count of sickness. 386 Everett st. near depot. FURNITURE FOR SALE OF NICELY FUR nlshed 9-room house: rent 530; Income. 543: price 5530; Investigate this. 504 Madison. FOR SALE FURNITURE 18-ROOM HOUSE; any reasonable price accepted; must leave city account sickness. 86 Park at EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; fine residence location; full perma nent roomers. Phone Front 67L 5275 BUYS GOOD FURNITURE OF" 6-ROOM flat, or 5400 with splendid upright piano; Tent 51Tn. 483 Davis, cor. 13th. FURNITURE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE, cheap rent, convenient to car lines; snap. B 10. Oregonian. East 3620. GOOD FURNITURE OF S-ROOM HOUSE; test residence location; 5400. Hatfield & Smith, 1636 4th St.. room 32. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE; LOCATION very desirable; furniture for sale. Call or address 348 Montgomery st 5350.00 FOR FURNITURE OF T ROOMS, house for rent, two blocks from Hotel Port lad. Inquire at 192 7th st FURNITURE OF 0-ROOM HOUSE. 2 JB LOCKS iroai i-osiomce. narneia fc smith .looia na su, roam o-. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM cottage, close in; rent 515 per month. Call at 343 East Davis st SIX-ROOM HOUSE, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, furniture for sale; fine garden; leaving city. 2S6 Washington st. SNAP ON FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COT tage. close In. rent 520 per month. Call 602 Commercial bldg. FURNITURE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. CHEAP, leavig city on account nckness. 290 Col lege st; rent 510. FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS FOR SALE cheap: snap; rent for 3 months free. Apply 861 Thurman et. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE; MUST sell; house for rent. Call after 5 P. M. 749 Union ave. SELECT BOARDING AND ROOMING-HOUSE 10 rooms, near Hotel Portland; 5300. Owner. G 3. Oregonian. 6-ROOM COTTAGE: CARPETS. STOVES, shades and portieres for sale. 439 E. 14th st. Irvlngton. FURNITURE OF 14-ROOM HOUSE. REAS onable. os account sickness. Call after Sun day, 320 4th. FURNITURE ELEGANT FURNITURE OF 8 rooms or two flats, house for rent Telephone Main 6395. FOR SALE ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE of eight rooms; all or part of same for rest 390 7th st NICELY FURNISHED 8-ROOM FLAT. FUR nlture for sale; reasonable If taken at once. 194H 13th. FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, cheap; piano; rent 522.50; fine location. 542 Jackson. FURNITURE 5-ROOM HO.USE FOR SALE; very reasonable, close In, rent 513. 3S6 E. Burnslde. 5150 GOOD FURNITURE. 6 ROOMS. HOUSE for rent or not 44 East 7th st. North. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE; MUST sell; rent 513. 330 7th st Bammer Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities of these sprthgj make them a favorite resort for Invalids, and the abundance of game and fine fishing renders It the sportman's elyslum. For analysts of water and full particulars, aa dieas A. A. Hofllnger. Foley Springs, Or. A 7-ROOM COTTAGE. HERMOSA PARK. Seaside; running water, bath and all mod ern Improvements; stable is connection; for the season; a snap. Address H... M. Carlock. office 5, S. E. cor. 5th and Pine sts. Phone Ex. 50. NECANICUM INN, SEASIDE FIRST-CLASS nome accommodations, nne ocean view, and flqwers, modern conveniences, noted for its excellent home-cooked meals. 'Get off Necan icum Station, Emily Damans, Prop. WANTED TO BUT AT OR NEAR SEA View, Wash., lot with 4 or 5-room cot tage; possession not necessary this season. Address, giving particulars asd lowest cash price, Q 2. Oregonian. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT; Daicery. earn ana ouinoues. etc., tor rent, or will rest all together reasonable; good opportunity for baker. Call 570 Mill, or ad dress E 92, Oregonian. THE STROLLERS SEA VIEW. WASH- board near; use of kitchen If desired. Par ties desiring rooms address K. M. Field, Long Beach, Wash. TEAMS FOR ELK CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped In our care will receive special attention. N. D. Bain & Ccu. Seaside, Or. 9-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. TIOGA, LONG Beach, on the ridge near Hotel Breakers; 123 for the 'season. Inquire of Beno t Ballls, phone" Main 44. FOR RENT OFTER AUGUST 1 8-ROOM cottage at 5eav!ew. Wash., completely fur nished, for month or balance ot season. Phone East 847. FURNISHED COTTAGE WITH FIREPLACE. on najo xacing ocean, sea view, wash, by month or season. Inquire 441 West, Park. Phone Mais 2749. FOR RENT SEASIDE. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. on the Deacs; city water: grand view. Ad dress Clary, The Fair, 632 Thurman. Phone Mais ,62if. CENTERVTLLE VERY COMFORTABLY furnished four-room cottage, ocean lot, is perfect order to occupy, cheap. Apply 273 Stark. WASTED BY 2 YOUNG WOMEN, ROOM. with use ot kitches. la respectable piace at coast Address G 6. care Oregeslas, FOR RENT 3 COTTAGES AT OCEAN PARK. wash,; o-room. s-room asd 3-room. w. s. Powell, 336 6th st Phone Mala 3232. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED COT- tage. Seavlew. Long Beach, Wash. Isqstre 487 East Plae. or phone- East 1606, COMFORTABLE FURNISHED COTTAGES. 539 to 575 for season; facing ocean. Mrs. G. Shlsdler, Losg Beach. Wass. PRIVATE BOARD AND ROOMS MRS. Sarah Chamber lain. Loag Beach. Wash., home cooking; good meals. COTTAGE AT LONG BEACH FOR RENT; central locauos. isqtHre or . if. swettasd, 273 Morrisea st FOR RENT A NICELY FURNI3H3D. 4- rseaa cmtageat cestervuie, Loag- Beac. FOR RENT A, FURNISHED TWO-ROOM cottage at Seavlew. Iaq4re at 378 Lar rabee st. V FOR RBNT NEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE AT Oeeas Farkv cempietely Xar7atsaed, Phase Bast 314. r COLUMBIA RTVBR- PARK AND BRACK IS sew ev&t ta tse poouc; take Tansoavar' car. TO XJBASaV UPSTAIRS KXJOR, TtaMa; . ui .. snirnii, aaar rsstef FOR cBBfT--4rrORB FLOOR PACst lease. aaaaj sate six. on MWiiaj., jst ert UH. am si a sar s saseaeas. j