THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1905. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. TOR RENT. TOR' RENT. TOR KENT. FOR RENT. FOR RENT. 22 Miscellaneous. A REFINED AND EDUCATED TOUNG lady of good appearance wants position either as cashier, work In office or music store. F C6. Oregonlan, GOOD. RELIABLE LAUNDRESS WANTS washing or any kind of day work. S 92. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED LADY "WOULD LIKE WORK by the day. Phone Maln4416. WANTED AGENTS. WANTED AT ONCE FIFTY CANVASSERS, either ladles or gentlemen, to Introduce and Fell self-lighting Incandescent gas lights. They are ldlpensablc In every home and do away with matches or gas lighters. They fell on fight. Speer Ga. Machine Manufac turing Co 603 Washington et., cor. J9tb st,. city. IMMEDIATELY. LADY OR GENTLEMAN with fair education and good address to travel and placn samplo stock for Minne apolis firm; $20 per week and expenses: j must be wining to nustie. can room is. Hotel DeutHches Haus. 42&-44 N. 0th st, SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tlen; commission and premium; outfit free; good territory open; cash advanced on orders each week: writ quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED AGENTS. WRITE LIFE, health and accident insurance; top con tract; exclusive territory: salary and com mission; experience unnecessary; $75 week ly easily made. Oscar Ekman, 1700 Sum mit ave., Seattle. Wash. GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO HANDLE our sen-ehell novelty hatpins; greatest 10 cent sellers known: we put you onto scheme how to sell quantities; investment email; profits enormous. A. N. Mott. 415 Dearborn St., Chicago. GET AN AGENCY SELLING OUR FIRE and Burglar Alarms; is on exhibit at the Fair, and the territory is being rapidly taken. You have a monopoly If you se cure a. county or state now; a big seller. 404 Marquam bldg. PICTURE AGENTS LARGE 22X2S-INCH framed wall pictures cost 36c complete: sell for 98c easy. 183 subjects to select from; catalogue free; credit given. Pic ture. Wayne, III. AGENTSMAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FITTING glasses; big proflts; our 34-page free eye book tens how: write tuday. Jackeonlan Optical College. College place. Jackson. Michigan. AGENTS GREATEST 25C SELLING Pic ture; new and original; entitled "Pike's Peak." Everybody laughs. Quick seller. Sample copy 35c- 1420 Lorlmcr. Denver. Colo. MEDICATED CORN FILE REMOVES corns Instantly. 25c sample mailed for 10c postage. Address E. Taylor & Co., Cleveland. Ohio. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL MY POCK-et-Knlf Tool Kit. The latest and best money-maker. Write to U. J. Ulery. New York. WANTED MODERN 5 OR 6-ROOM HOUSE close In; will pay $300 or $400 cash, bal ance monthly Installments. D DC, Orego nlan. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL JAPANESE Hair Tonic Salary and. commission. Ad dress, with stamp. Frank Shane, Eldon, la. WANTED LADY AGENTS. A GOOD MONEY maker. Call 0 to 10, room 4, 103 "th si , corner Taylor. WANTED AGENTS. NEW. CLEAN PROP 'oMtlon. Call forenoons, room 37. Russell bldg. LADY AGEiNT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD seller, bijc wages. 215 Commercial blk. MANAGER .FOR FIRST-CLASS PROPOSI tlon. Room Zt. lCS'.-i 4th st. WANTED TO KENT. OWNERS AND AGENTS WILL FIND IT TO their advantage to list their vacant bouses or flats with our free rental department. Our vacant nouso director has become a recognized institution in Portland. hun dreds of tenants being weekly placed in suitable q-uartars. We make no charge whatever, and landlords should take ad vantage of this eervico ty calling at our rental department, filling in our informa tion blank; leave the rest to us; we will secure a de-Arable tenant; we want houses In aU perm of city and suburb.; if you have a vacant houw, flat or apartment, phone the particulars. W won't allow It to remain long idle. H. E. EDWARDS, HOUSEFURNIEHER, Rental Department. 185 to 101 1st st. WANTED ROOM BY LADY EMPLOYED; central: manocl bed; utie of phone; gas. bath; with broukfast not to exceed $12 per month. Address with particulars. C 81, care Oregonlan. WANTED 3 OR 4 ROOMS WITH NICE private family for housekeeping: furnished or unfurnished, by young couple; perma nent occupancy assured. Address K 91. Oregonlan. BY A YOUNG WOMAN. EMPLOYED. ROOM and board, with strictly private family, on East Side, within 20 minutes' walk of Mor rison and Grand ave., or on car line. B 01, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT BY MARRIED COU ple, small modern flat or housekeeping rooms, unfurnlslwMl, In good loactlon. close In; permanent If tulteri. M 03. Orrgonlan. BOARD AND 2 ROOMS WANTED FOR gentleman, wife and 8-y:-ar-old daughter, near carllne; permanent home deeired with refined people. N SO. Oregonlan. AN OFFICIAL OF THE EXPOSITION DE slres a room for hlmsdf and wife in a private family and will exchange refer ences. L. H.. Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED MOUSE, ft OR 6 rooms, for 3 or 4 months, near Fair grounds. H. C. Martin. Falrmount Hotel. Telephone . Fair 66. WANTED TO RENT WELL FURNISHED 8 room house for August; best of care and references: no children or dogs. L 04, Ore gonlan. WE ARE RENTING THE FURNISHED houses; list what you have if you want ro turns. J. V. Creighion & Co.. 1054 3d Ft. WANTED TO RENT ABOUT 20 ACRES, suitable for chicken ranch, to responsible party. Full particulars B. 207 Park st. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM. CLOSE IN: must be good; by rcflned young man; per manent: Jf per weeK. o. oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT AN UNFURNISHED 7 or S-room cottage on East Side, close in: no chlioren. iu, oregonlan. WANTED SMALL FURNISHED COTTAflP. either beach, for season; rent moderate. Ad- creos a ho. care oregoman. WANTED 5 OR 0-ROOM HOUSE, PER manentry: furnished or unfurnished. Ad dress J 01. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLA'SB TABLE BOARD. NORTH OF Washington and west of lGth; references. X 0B, Oregooian. FURNISHED R'OUSE FOR 3 MONTHS; give location and rental, is Richards, Ho tel Eaton, city. UNFURNISHED. OUTSIDE. DOWNTOWN room with water wanted for Summer. G 04, Oregonlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED TICKET TO ST. LOUIS: LADY. young, tall, black hair; price $10. Address U sk, care uregoman. WANTED GOOD ROLL-TOP DESK AND chair; state price and where it can be seen B 03, Oregonlan. WANTED A RELINQUISHMENT. AD- drew Robt, Tripp, Portland. Or., or call tt I"--- Grand ave. WANTED TO BORROW MONEY OF FRI vatc party. ,to build; no agents: Address A 00, Oregonlan. TO BUY OR EXCHANGE FINE VIOLIN or frhotgun for flnt-class large trunk. H 05. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1700 ON A $4000 Investment; good security. B 00, care Oregonlan. WANTED MAN'S RAILROAD TICKET TO any point In Northern California. G 05. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A BAKERY OUTSIDE of Portland; state price. Address P 01, Oregonlan. WANTED TO BORROW $1000 ON IM proved city property for 3 years. Phone East 1520. WANTED $1000 FOR 6 YEARS AT 6 PER cent on improved city property. D 81, uregoman. WANTED SPAN OF HORSES. OUTING trip; cheap for cash. Room 0, 342 Wash ington st. , WANTED TICKET FOR LADY TO De troit. Address P. O. box 004, Oregon City. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 Ut st. Peon Main 5C35. STRONG PLUG HORSE. BUCKBOARD AND harness or. light wagon, for three weeks from 17th to go Into mountain camping. F. Rob inson. No. 15. N. 10th et. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tbs Fair Deal," 62 N. 3d. Phons Hood 517. WANTED A THOROUGHBRED PUPPY, rat terrier or ipanlel preferred. Call or ad dress room 203. Goodnough bldg. TICKET TO CHICAGO FOR MAN; STATS description and price. O 04, Oregonlan. WB CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone Ear. 2233. WE PAY $S0.O0 FOR MONARCH RANGKi. H, E. Edwards. 185-101 1st st. l'OR RENT. Room. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. New handsome furnishings, electric light, gas, steam heat, free porcelain baths, hot water and service all night, all up-to-date conveniences, everything for the table of the best quality; room and board, one port-on. $30 month and up; room and, board, two persons. $40 month and up. The Lln dell. Market st,. bet. 2d and -1th. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; -strictly rcvroof and mod rn; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator, e.ecttlo cars direct to Fair grounds pan tho door; elegant cafe and bar in connection. Cor. Cth and Washington. Phone Main 2311. F. Lance Plop. Earn Bauraan. Mgr. "HE AUDITORIUM. 20!t4 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block south Baker 1 ne ater Elegant, newiy furnished brick building, hot and cold running water in rooms, free, por celain baths, rooms with private bath, elec tric light, elevator; rooms suitable for two, 1 day, $4 per week up; tourists eollclted. HOTEL KNICKERBOCKER, COfc CTH ST. Plenty elegantly furnished rooms In business center; new bnck building, modern In every way; rates for room.. $1 to $1.50 per day. Take 6tb-st. car at Union Depot, get oft t - Ouk and walk one biock wrst to bin. 212 7TH ST. COR. SALMON NICE LARGE air' rooms, beautiful ire only S blocks from Portland Ho:cj, Postofflce and thea ters; tourist trade solicit-.-; prices reason able. Phone Main 2230. BEST PLACE TO STOP AT FAIR GROUND.-. Portland Mineral Springs Hotel. 400 feet south main gate; rates ouc and $L Get on S or W cars at -iV.n at., then 100 feet rouin. Free 'bus at depot. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRI- vale xauuiy, nve minutes waiK zrom iosi offlcc; permanent parties preferred. 433 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Pfaou 473a. FAIR VISITORS WISHING HOMELIKE Ac commodations with nice airy roonis and porcelain bath, should call at 327 Taylor at.; prices moderate. I'hone Main 4420. FINE FRONT ROOM FOR ONE, $10; LA.RG- er room, suitable for two. $15; private nouoe, only 4 blocks south of Postofflce. 300H Mudlson, Just below Cth. NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR SUITE AND other choice room; ull modern conveniences, private family, choloe location; rent reas onable. Ob North 15tb. 215 11TH NICELY FURNISHED LARGE front alcove room in quiet home, transient or permanent; choice location. N. W. cor. 11th and Salmon. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS; STRICTLY first clats; gas. porcelain bath and heat; $3.50. $4 and $5 per week. 3t!0 3d U Phone Main 0540. VERY NICELY. NEWLY FURNISHED SIN- gle corner room, bath. $1 day. or $4.50 week, upAtalrs; transient solicited. 2Vs Union ave. South. PHONE MAIN 32S0 FOR NICELY FUR- nl.hed front bay-window room, thoroughly modern and private; rent very low. IolVi 3d st. FIRST-CLASS. NEWLY FURNISHED rooms; all modern conveniences; hot baths. Phone Union 3313. The Yale. 201H Grand av. LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT room, porch, yard, gas, electricity; pm'ate family; car line. O 04. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 3 NICELY FURNISHED BED- rooms, in private residence, on M car line; bath and phone. 000 Kearney eu THE MAYFAIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building, modern conveniences. 203 Stark, cor. 5th. Main :i0o7. SLEEP ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS IS RE- freshlng; rooms $10 to $15 monthly; In vestigate. V 1, Oregonlan. "THE ELM." 13TH AND WASHINGTON Furnished rooms, rates to tourists; pnoce, bath, gas. Mrs. Robertson. THE TEMPLE. 343W YAMHILL ST.. OPPO- sitc liotei 1'ortianu iceiy xurnisnea room, transient. Phone Clay 1051. NEATLY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS, with uee of phone and bath; $1.75 a week and up. At 111 N. 7th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PLEAS- antiy situatea. on oar line; free phone. 4W Columbia st.. cor. 13th. DESIRABLE SUITE OF LARGE ROOMS FOR couple; permanent; clows In. Phone Main MW. V 80. Oregonlan. RYAN HOITSE. 2C0H 5TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, ennulte or single. Opposite City Hall; transient. TWO ROOMS. WITH MODERN CONVKNI ences, $12 and $15 per month. 213 Grand ave., near Holladay. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT nOARD. GAS. baths, telephone; borne cooking. 531 Flan ders St.. near ICth. 391 10TH ST. NEW. BEAUTIFUL ROOMS; furnished: bath, gas, phone; reasonable. Take U car. TWO WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, strictly modern, private family, close in. 16S East 0th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 50c. 75c AND $1 per day. 4S2Va Washington, opposite Be lasco Theater. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW modern flat; gentlemen preferred. 25SU 13th n. Main 1111. COOL FRONT ROOMS. PORCHES, GAS. bath, meals, Sth-et. cars pass door. Phone Main 31 C2. FOR RENT DOUBLE PARLOR. FURNISH od. No. ca Eas. Sth St., near Stark. Phone Scott 2140. 313 14TH ST. NEATLY FURNISHED rooms; bath and phone; by day, week or month. LARGE. WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, private family. Phone Front C30. 200 13tn street. NICE LIGHT ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR 2. or connecting rooms for family. 174 ISth North. LARGE. WELL - FURNISHED ROOMS, best location: bath, phone, etc. 251 10th tit. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. BAY '.vlndow, gas, bath, phone. 105 North ICth st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, on lower floor. Inquire 312 Clay st. ONE OR TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms, central and reasonable. 333 3d s. FURNISHED ROOM. (SINGLE OR DOUBLE; privilege of breakfast. Phone East 2018. TWO NICE. CLEAN, WELL FURNISHED front rooms for rent. No. 04 N. 11th st, j 430 JEFFERSON PERMANENT ROOM, j lady or gentleman. Call after 10 A. M. ) FURNISHED ROOMS. 2C3 14TH. NR. JEFF. rnone 3S3. Accommodations for tourists. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM. 1 BLOCK from Hotel Portland. Thone Main C405. ROOMS-50C. 75C. $1 AND UP. 20TH AND Washington: new house. The Howland. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH KITCHEN. 531 Everett et., near 16th: $3 per w-eek. FURNISHED ROOMS, WALKING DISTANCE to Fair. 426 Hoyt. FURNISHED ROOM. 108 17TH, NEAR Morrison. Main 0376. FURNISHED ROOMS. CHEAP; CLEAN, close in. 205 3d st. FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. 320 7th St.. near Clay. FURNISHED ROOMS REASONABLE RATES. 1S7 12th et. South. ROOM FOR RENT. $2.50 WEEK. 63 N. 11th st, THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. $10. 434 4th. THE COZY, 183 AND 105 7TH ST., COR. Taylor, one block south of Portland Ho tel, two blocks from city Postofflce. xnoit contra! part of the city, within one block of good restaurants; from Union Depot take M car and. get off at 7th st. and South Portland or Jefferson-st, cars on 3th st. and get off at Taylor st, and go two blocks west; free baths; Jutt the place for tourists and Fair visitors. Phone Clay 1712. THE PHILADELPHIA. First-class in sli its appointments, hot and cold water In rooms, baths free to guests; central location, facing- PiazA. Phone Main 2023. J. E. Mlnard Jlack. fro?. COR. THIRD AND SALMON. THE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED and reliable Rooms. ISOVi 3d st.. adjoining Baker Theater, centraily located, brick building; rooms suitable for two, $1 day; $4 week up; cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds and depot, l'hon Red 832. ROOMS REASONABLE - FURNISHED nou&ekcttfng ro-jrcj cr t'.tig'.c roorn- elec tric light, oaths and phone; walking ass tan re from Fair gruusc; oa Thurmtn iu; no objection to children. Pfione Main KfCd. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU. Ptrvonaily Inspected rooms in Christian seme for tourltts. 211 Commercial btocx. COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. HOTEL NEW BELMONT N3 LY FUR nlxhed. cltan and absolutely respectable; rates $3 per week and up; transient. 73 cents per day and up. 105& 1st et. Mm. L. Zln&Uy. Proprietress. FOR RENT 3 LARGE NICELY FURNISHED corner xioms; private residence; gas. bath. Taone; walking distance; also a carllno: reufonable rest; gentleman. Phone East NICELY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room, suitable for - qultt gentlemen; ground flror; largo yarc; on carllne. 415 E. Burn .side. cor. Cth. Phone Bast S77. LARGE FRONT ROOM, COOL AND VERY comfortable, furnished, suitable for family of two or three, two blocks from Post offlce. 207 Park st.. near Taylor. FURNISHED ROOM, PORTLAND HEIGHTS, half bjock from car; bath, phone; one or two person; with or without breakfast. Phone Main 4105. 43 Carter :. 305 12TH-LARGE FRONT ROOM. NEWLY furnished, large cloret. phor.e. gas. bath, private famll; board if dusirtd; suitable for two young men. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM:?. CENTRALLY located; pnant surroundings; price rea sanable; mt, phone and bath. 41 Eai-l S(h L N.. cor. Couch L FOR RENT COOL. PLEASANT 3D FLOOR room; suitable for 1 or 2 geatlemen; $6 for 1. $10 for 2; gas. bath and phone. 775 Pettygrove rt. VERY DESIRABLE LARGE FRONT ROOM, ru I table for einsle gentleman; bath, electric light; central. Si ptr wtk. 315 Jefferson, near 7th ft. 5S9 3D ST. YOU PERMANENT PEOPLE that have been kicked out by high prices can get lovely rooms cheap by calling at 5S0 3d M. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. MODERN: 3 car lines: 20 minutes' walk to 3d and Mor rison. William J. Staples, 1st and Holla day. FURNISHED ROOM. 51.50 PER WEEK FOR one or $2 for two; cars to Fair or can walk. Dr. Kctchum's. 609 Johnron. Main 26S0. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; PRIVATE family electric light, bath and phone; home privileges; good location. 633 5th st. 2 PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS: PLEAS ant location: 1 block from car. 433 E. 4th. cor. Florence. Telephone Scott C010. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS: breakJts:. two cars. 477 East 11th and Di vision. East 3CS2; prices reasonable. 2 FURNISHED OR PARTLY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; East Side; walking distance. Phone Main C323. SUITE OF ROOMS. NEWLY FURNI S I FED, in private family; very desirable location; rates, $1 per day each. 370 7th st. WANTED A PARTY TO TAKE TENT D1N-Ing-room at a hotel; beautiful grounds; a real snap. Ring up 2056 Main. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 544 Oth, bet, Jackson and Lincoln Ma.; batii and phone; near 3th-st, car line. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: GOOD view of Fair and river; 6 blocks north of Steel bridge. Phone East 3003. FOUR ROOMS. $15 PER MONTH: PRIVATE family; no children; 4 or morn months. Call forenoon. 400 Flint, cor. Page. AVELL-FURNISHED ROOMS; NEW AND clean; gas. bath and phone; permanent and and transient, 04 N. 10th st. OR 3 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. SU1T ablc for light housekeeping; good location; East Side. 317 Hancock st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; OAS, USE OF phone and bath; private family; one or two gtntlcmen. 4CI EL line, - NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. GOOD Lo cation; very reasonable; private family. Call before 2, 400 7th. MOST BEAUTIFUL ROOMS IN THE CITY at the Bristol Hotel; $1 per day up. 14th and Washington sts. MONNASTES. COR., 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping rooms from $2.50 up; transients. 25c. 50c. $1. NICE NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS. 25C per night; one biocic from car, 10 minutes' ride. IfcO E. 34 th et. FURNISHED ROOMS AT ROSE COTTAGE, near Fair grounds. biS Vaughn. Rates. $2.50 to $5 per week. FIVE LARGE UNFURNISHED ROOMS; pleasant location; gas ana water; ana ui 403 Montgomery st. THE JULIAN. 2C7 7TH. NEAR JEFFERSON Rooms, single, en suite; rates to parties. l'cone -tiain STRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT ana rcawnauig roams ax. .ud liirnioa SI S car to door. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. fL&O PER week up. bO Park at., one block from Washington ru NEWLY CLEANED FURNISHED ROOMS. permanent and reasonable; bath, phone, gas. 4i Main st. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED front room; hot and cold water: urst floor, 309 Holllday. FURNISHED ROOM FOR $0 PER MONTH IN private family. ltX! Chapman st., opposite Multnoman. ciuo. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, bath and phone. 770 Hoyt at. Phone Main 4291. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, also rlngle rooms; phone, tath, 309 Alder. near cm su SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with gas stove. $1.75 per wetk. 3S2 East lamhlll tU THE HAMANN. 133 N. 18TH ST. CLEAN furnished rooms at reasonable rates. Phone 3iain I4UO. LARGE. LIGHT. WELL-FURNISH LD rooms right downtown. 60 cents. 4ai4 2d, cor. Asa. 3C 2D ST. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT room, very reasonable; one or two gentlemen; oam. 2S1 N. 13TH TWO NICELY FURNISHED front rooms, bath and ga. Phone MtJn WW. TWO LARGE CORNER ROOMS with cove, furnished for housrlweplcg. 301 H 414 JEFFERSON. COR. I1TH-NEW HOUSM new furnishings, all modern; reasonable rates. ! THE ALDER 435 ALDER ST.. NICELY furnished rooms, convenient, quiet and cen 1 trai. lHE CASTLE TTTtV7KtTKr TPJOOVrc Wathlagtos; private entrance on W. Park. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS: REASON- aose rates, ru urand ave . nr. E. Morrison ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM. 1 BLOCK irom noiei ronianc. rnone Main C405. 5S0 3D ST NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS permanent or transient; reasonable. THE GRAND ROOMS 5K UP; BRICK BLDO. oet. -uca ana Davis. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS; BOARD it aesirco. i-none iiain mm. TWO NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS. 310 Market st. Phone Main 5350. FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO LADIES: $1 per weeic. i-none west ZiMl. FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 ROOMS. FOR FAM- Hi , fiJ. X iiUJC nn 10. Rooms. VERY NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 51-50 a week; phone, bath free; breakfast if de aired. d46 E. 20th st., oa car line, Brook lyn car: permanent; gentlemen preferred. Phone East 1S75. Itootss With Board. ELEGANT OUTSIDE ROOMS. New tcnSiomo furnlthings. electric light, gaa, cteam heat, free porcelain baths, hot water and service all night, all up-lo-dat? conveniences, everything for the table of the best quality; room nr.d board, one per son, $30 inunta and up; room and board. tTo person. HO montn and up. The Lin en:. . Jarxci .. brt. Sd and 4th. I OR 2 PLEASANT ROOMS IN PRIVATE family; exceptional!) g'-od tub; uce of pur l.r. plans, pvrcht;; suitable for fcntleraan and wire: io objection to l n!cr ra:!d. which may l-o left at hot&c part of time by par ents wishing to attend Lxpo.tljn; ten min utes from town in nlc-sn residence part of East Side; prrty tenting must furnisa xef- erencea. I'hone fecott la. MRS. L. M. COX HAS REOPENED HER tou. vet-' ocriraoie. wen lunjlMtU roooi-i. beard If desired, 2 blocks from MorilK. a car line, 2V irom ba'nlncton line; contcm est to Fair ground. 057 Pettygrove tt.. beyreen 20th and -lit. GOOD BOARD: PLEASANT ROOM; SUIT- wn for two; rtrlctly private family: bath, phone and gas; plaant location. In walk ing distance; terms. $43 pr month; ref erences required. I'hone East 1CC0. IF YOU WANT A COMFORTABLE HOME- Ilke place to room and board while in Port land visiting the Exposition, come to 693 Lovejoy st.; reasonable; 10 minutes to Expo sition grounds. WANTED MAN AND WIFEJ. OR 2 YOUNG ladles or 2 young men. to room ana boara in a private family; desirable location; pleas ant room; near car line. Inquire 733 E. Main. PORTLAND "WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms wttn board; use ot cewisg-room; use ot library: Woman's Exchange, Addreee Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. S10 Flanders. THE HART MAN, 420 ALDER ST.. PHONE iitvj Two elegant couoia rooms, witn board, by day. week or month; day board by week. $4.50: separate meals. $25 cents. THE LIN DELL N E W FAMILY HOTEL Market st.. bet. 3d and 4ts; steam coot, electric light, gas. porcelain batbs; all out tida rooms; exceedingly low rates. NICELY FURNISHED SIDE ROOM. PR1- vate cottage, suitable for married couple or two ladles; modern and reasonable; good board. 5S1 Washington. NEAT ROOM, WITH BOARD. IN MODERN aoue; suitable lor 2 gentlemen; at 3S per month; also other room and table board, ftl E. Sth N. GOOD HOME FOR INFANTS OVER 3 years. 8 miles from Portland. $15 per month. Address Mrs. L. Schaek. Hlllodale. Or.. R. F. D., No. 1. THE HARTMAN. 426 ALDER AND 76 W. Park Rooms with or without board; tran sients solicited; white cooks and good ser vice. ROOM WITH BOARD. VERY RE A SON A- ble. 512 Blackstone, bet. 21 it and 22d sts.. near river; & minutes walk from Fair en trance. 3 BLOCKS FROM FAIR. PRIVATE HOME. 820 Qulmby at,; take M car at depot, off at 25th and Qulmby. 3d door from corner. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIB. OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms well ven tilated; splendid service: centrally located. HOTEL BROWN, 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator,; transients; both car lints. VERY DESIRABLE FRONT ROOM. SUIT- aoie r or two, tritn xirst-ciass table board; $45 a month. 540 Morrison. Phone 5S30. A REFINED JEWISH FAMILY WOULD like couple for room and board; good homo cooking. Goldstein. 400H Clay t. FRONT ROOM. ALL MODERN CONVENI- ences. with board. In private family; suitable for 2. 704 Flanders. BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY for young man; price very reasonable. 463 E. Washington. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD: ONE block from Morrieon-st, car line. 24S 20th st. Main 3634. LARGE FRONT ROOM: SUITABLE FOR 2; witn or witnout boaru; modern. sziQ Madi son, cor. Park. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH board; reasonable; pnone, bath and gas. szti Columbia t. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board, private family. 202 44th st. Phono Union 2233. COOL FRONT ROOMS. PORCHES. GAS. bath, meals, Oth-st, cars pass door, i'hone Main 3102. WANTED ONE OR TWO GIRLS TO BOARD. ag 6 to 8 years, in a good home. X 04, Oregonlan. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. GOOD table. HC Clay, near 13th et. Phone Main 5000. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. CHOICE ROOMS. TRANSIENT OR PERSIA- cent; board. 304 Columbia. Main 2219. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board; reasonable rates. 343 10th st. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 715 OVERTON, Car. 22d, cni block from Morrlson-st. Use, $0 A WEEK FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND room. .N V3 care Oregonlan. ROOM AND BOARD. 161 N. 16TH STREET. Phone Main Ho 13. Flats. o50H CORBETT ST.. UPSTAIRS 6 ROOMS. l&m, gas, etc.; iio: tax -s car to tno door; newly painted and papered: keys at grocery across street. Owner, J. H. Middle ton, 617 Chamber of Commerce. NEW FLATS. ELECTRIC LIGHTS. GAS. furnace: 1st and HoIlaUay. near Steel bridge: $23 month. Inquire E. E. Merges. 31t Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 2362. FURNISHED FLAT OF FOUR ROOMS, bath, phone, gar, new piano; everything first-clars; good neighborhood. 573 Irving st. Phone Main 1402. FOR RENT I STRICTLY MODERN FLATS. Janitor service and heat furnished. Port land Trust Co. of Oregon, 100 3rd st. NEW. MODERN 3-ROOM FLATS. INCLUD ing combination steel ranges. HaUey and Larrabee. Inquire 2S3 Larrabe. lOOU 17TH ST.. NEAR YAMHILL MODERN tit-room lower flat, all conveniences, yard. Inquire ISO 10th st., near Taylor. FOR RENT 3-ROOM FLATS, MODERN conveniences; rest reasonable. Inquire 225 Market, Phone Main 516. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT; FUR nlture for etl: call forenoons; phone Main 5645. Apply 325 Mill st. FURNISHED FLAT $15. UNFURNISHED $12; one large furnished room. $10. 605 Jef ferson, cor. Stout, MODERN FLATS. HEATED. JANITOR SER- vlce. hot water to both and kitchen. 22d and Johnson sts. FOUR-ROOM FLAT, MODERN. UP-TO-date. Phone East o34. Address 333 Sac ramento st. FOR RENT ELEOANT MODERN NEW 6 room flat; close In. Inquire Oregon Savings uanK. NEW. MODERN 6 AND 7-ROOM FLATS. 10th U. near Burnslde. Inquire 23 N. 0th. 6-ROOM FLAT. NEW FURNITURE. $25-i; 3 rooms. $S5, or rent furnished. 91 N. 17th. FOR RENT FURNISHED 3-ROOM FLAT ON Mill at. References. X 60, Oregonlan. FURNISHED FLAT FIVE ROOMS AND bath; $25. Phone Scott 3553. FLAT FOR RENT. DESIRABLE LOCA tlon. Inquire 17S I4th it. UNFURNISHED LOWER FLAT OF FIVE rooms at 360 5th st. Jlousekeeplnc Rooms. 2 NICELY FURNISHED COOL ROOMS; complete for houetkeeplng, la private hom; gas range, phone, etc ; most desirable loca tion. 50 E. 16th st. N. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 2 OR 4 EN suite; modern, quiet: eTery home con venience; no raise; permanent tenants. 641 2d. Phone Main 45S0. PLEASANT SUITE OF ROOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping, pantry and b&th, ground floor, nice location, walking distance. Phone 3367. 60S B. Everett. WITCH HAZEL. Freer and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. 3 OR 5 ROOMS. COMPLETE. HOUSEKEEP Ing. 766 Cleveland. Take U car. East 3W7. HoasekeeBisc Xooms. THE ONEONTA. 1S7 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 3 and rooms; hot and cold water; gas range in each kltchsn; team heat, baths, free phone on each floor C24 PETTYGROVE ST. NICELY FUR nlshed front room, suitable for man and wife or 2 ladles; privilege of light housekeeping If desired; gas, bath, phone; rent reasonable. Call Sunday. Phone Main 3573. WELLINGTON COURT. 15TH AND EVER ett Handsomely furnished 3-room house keeping apartment, possessing modem con venitnccs. excellent location and surround ings; no children. THREE NICELY FURNISHED CONNECTING hou-Mceeptcg rooms, sink in kitchen; rent $5 per wick or $13 per month; nice lawn. Take Richmond car, 3d nous north 4J3 E. 27th st. 2 LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING room.; very cool place, large yard, best residence district. East Side, walking dis tance. $20. Phone East 1163. 234 Union ai-e. N. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; also en a furnished front bedroom; bet. 16th and S. car lines on Lovejoy at. Inquire at 500 Lovejoy rt., or phone Main 6314. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms In nicest brick block oa East Side: gas range, bath, etc Logan block. 1034 Union ave. Psoas Union 3203. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ALCOVE suite; separata kitchen; gas. phone; also cool, airy parlor: single or ensufte; walking distance. 633 Yamhill. Phone Main 4034. 2 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; GROUND floor; large yard; on carllne; parlor, bed room, use of kitchen; no children, 415 E. Oth. eor. Burnslde. Phono E. 977. TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $20; one large sunny, finely furnished cor ner room, suitable for two gentlemen, $15 a month, 40H 2d St.. cor. Ash. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, $1.50 per week and up; best car ser vice, fine mountain view. CJ7Vi 1st at. South; take S or &th-at, car. WANTED COUPLE TO TAKE TWO FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, $10 month: woman to do small washing: each week. Phone East 2031. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, privilege of housekeeping: private family; modern: 3 blocks from Fair; $15 month. 707 Vaughn. THE HEILER. 2S0H GRAND AVE. FIRST c 1.13 furnished suites for housekeeping; gas range, every convenience; rates low; week or month. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO rent; central location and reasonable rent. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. S 543H WASHINGTON ST. HANDSOMELY furnished housekeeping suites; gas range, phone, brick block; single rooms; transient. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH small kitchen, for light housekeeping; good neighborhood; reasonable. 27u Montgomery. TWO ROOMS IN THE HEART OF CITY, furnished for light housekeeping; two beds; rent reasonable. G 07. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also single rooms, everything new. reasonable to right party. 103 E. Oth. ' TENT AND FULL HOUSEKEEPING OUT- flt $12 per month. Phone Scott 3734. Lewis &. Clark Camp. Mr, Tabor Heights. TWO NICE. LARGE ROOMS. FURNISHED for housekeeping, first floor, sink, kitchen; beautiful location. 300 Park. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath and phone; people without chil dren. 327 East Oth st. South. SUITE OF TWO OR THREE NEWLY FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms on Upper Al blna car line. 207 Knott st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR light housekeeping; also single rooms. 233 Jefferson, opposite City Hall. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 2 NICELY FUR- nlshed rooms, fine location; cars convenient; rent $13. ICO Porter at. ro PARK ST. NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, lower floor; no chll dren; phone and bath. LARGE PARLOR SUITE. COMPLETE FOR housekeeping; 0 other suite, $14. 440 oln st.. corner college. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, running water, private entrance; no chil dren. 305 Salmon st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: clean and light; rent reasonable. 363 Davis st. Phone Hood 745. ONE LARGE ROOM. BAY WINDOW. WELL furnished for housekeeping; central and con venient, 220 11th st. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 4 ROOMS. FUR nlshcu. piano, sewing machine; phone; $30. les West Park. I OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; bath, gas; no children. 43S Everett. Phone Main 1112. TWO SETS OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS can be arranged for parties; also other rooms. 231 5th st. FOR RENT. ROOMS 2 UNFURNISHED for light housekeeping. $3 per month. 200 Harrison, cor. 3in. UNFURNISHED 2-ROOM CORNER SUITE for housekeeping. 223 Vi Pine st,. cor. 1st. Phone Main 3363. FOR SUMMER MONTHS l-ROOJI COT- tages. on carllne; no children. Forenoorm, 4i0 Jefferson st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS ON flrst floor: every convenience and clos In. At 302 4th st. A NUMBER OF UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms very reasonable. Call today. 1&5V3 Mill st. 413 MAIN. COR. 11TH NICELY FURNISH ed parlors with use of kitchen If desired; no children. FOR RENT TWO NEATLY FURNISHED hoiirekeeplng rooms; $3.25 per week. 155 N. llth st. ONE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, hot nnd cold water, bath, sink and pantry. 502H 1st st. FRONT ROOM. GROUND FLOOR FOR light housekeeping, $2.60 per week. 231 Front at. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, modern conveniences. 202 16th st,. near Jefferson. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS SUITE OF 2 OR 3. neat and clean, bath, phone. 535 Yam hill et. THREE ROOMS. PANTRY AND SINK, well furnished, strictly private. 226 Grant street. SUITE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; gas, phone. 320 4th St.. ccr. Clay. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, zround floor. 22S Columbia St., bet. 1st and 2d. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, sink, gas and phone. 254 Montgomery, cor. 3d. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS with alcove, bath, phono and gas. 328 6th. LARGE. AIRY HOUSEKEEPING ROOM; gas, bath and phone. 544 Gllsan st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent, with phone. 164 N. 10th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; ALSO housekeeping rooms. 12S N. 17th. SEVEN UNFURNISHED ROOMS; MODERN; -K0 1st. bet. Hall and Harrbn. TENTING GROUND - FOR RENT. NEAR Fair. McCoy. 26th and Savier. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS and 1 slncle room. 505 5th et. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; also 1 single rrom. 73 N. Oth. Houses. KADDSRLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture mover?. Phone Main 1C83. Office. 110 N. 3d st. FOR RENT MODERN HOUSE OF EIGHT rooms, desirable location, at 633 Kelly St.: rent $27.50. D. W. Hoelblng. 250 Stark st. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. S53 BENTON STREET; hot and cold water and gas; $18 por month. Icqulre 235 Broadway, cor. Benton. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Rsts and Insurance. Phono Mais 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 366 TILLA mook. near Union, ave.; rent $20. A. C. Brush, agent. 316 Williams ave. 7-ROOM HOUSE. COR. 4TH AND HALL Basse. H. B. EDWARDS. Houoefurnlsher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of all kinds and in all parts of the city are listed with U3. We have the most complete directory of vacant houses In town, and If you contemplate moving. It will pay you to visit our rental repartment. We are sure to have a place for you. Following Is a vartlal list: WEST SIDE. 2 rooms, centrally located $13-00 5 rooms. Third street 20.00 tt-room house, new. modern .......... 31.30 1 room, central 10.00 6- room flat, new 1S.UO 2 rooms; cno very large, central...... 22.Su S-room bouse, modern, fine location.. 43.00 1 room, central, gas. bath 15.00 3-room Cat 0.00 3-room flat, new, good location...... 2s.0u S-room house, modem. 3th at 45.00 10-room house, gas, bath, electricity.. 5o.0u 6 rooms, bath. gas. etc. 23.00 3-room Cat. strictly modern 20.0 7- room house IS. to 10 rooms, bath and gas 40.CO EAST SIDE. 8- room house, fair condition 12.00 3 rooms, bath 12.00 6-rooro cottage. Juat remodeled 13.00 5- room flat, bath 12.30 6- room. house, new, bath, gas 13.00 6-room house, modern 23.00 6- room house, good condition 18.00 5- room cottage, new, Sell-.ood line.... 15.00 7- room flat, Russell st 15.00 6- room house, 13th st 13.00 6- room house, bath. gas. good repair.. 20.00 2 rooms. Alblsa avenue 7.00 7- room house, new, modern.... ..... 23.00 12-room house, new. Richmond car 33.00 Note No Information regarding these houses can be glTen over phone. H. E. EDWARDS Houscfurnlsher 133 to 101 First st. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 502 N. 23th st. 3 rooms $12 COl Oregon at., 8 rooms $12 1002 Corbett sc. 6 rooms $13 72 E. 30th st.. North. 3 rooms, new.. ..$16 754 Water St.. 8 rooms $20 S20 Water st.. S rooms S20 &J E. 10th st,. North. 0 rooms, new. ...$20 463 Vancouver ave., 8 rooms.. .....$20 120 E. 32d St.. 6 rooms $22 S3S Multnomah at.. 3 rooms, new........ $23 SOS E. Madison at,. S rooms, new $30 E. 18th. cor. E. Washington. St.. 5 rooms, new flat $30 781 Kearney st.. 0 rooms..... $43 Marshall st., near 16th, 5 rooms, new flat $30 .LLt frVt at nvini WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO. 220 Stark" St. SIX-ROOM FLAT. NEW, KEARNEY ST.. near -iin; very oeeiraoie. 6-roont cottage, new, 720 Roosevelt st., near 22d. Fair ground vicinity. 3 new 7-room housts. modern. East Ash st.; rent very reasonable to desirable ten ants. A. H. BIRRELL. 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR RENT NEAR WEST AVE.. MT. TA bor. handsome new Colonial residence. 7 rooms, and all modern conveniences; ptped for gas; grounds 86x100 feet; rent. $-'3 to responsible tenant. Phone owner. Union 84. LARGE YARD. FRUIT AND FLOWERS, flrst floor, 10-foot veranda. 6 rooms, pantry and full basement, furnace and gas; $30. Apply forenoons, N 04. Oregonlan. FOR A NICE 7-ROOM RESIDENCE AT 330 San Rafael St.. $22.50. Several furnished cottages. See the Dunn Lawrence Co.. 1404 First st. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN S-ROOM house. Holladay s Addition, near E. Sth and Holladay ave.. $40 per month. Phone East 314 or call 202 E. 8th at. N. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 5-ROOM COT tage. Holladay Park; gas. electricity, bath, fireplace; rent $25. Fred H. Strong. 242 cinrit si. -ROOM HOU3E! CONVENIENT TO MADI- son-st. bridge. Eat Side; cheap rent. $20 per montn. J. . oguoee, room 11. 145 1st st. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENTj CHEAP: beln ave. Phone East 10SO. 10-ROOM HOUSE. SUITABLE FOR ROOM- ers. cneap; oa streetcar line; near Fair. Call at 361 N. ICth st. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. WITH NICE yarn, union ave., near tremont St.; rent Jr-none scott oioi. FOR RENT NEW HOUSE. JUST FINISHED, on 23d. between Irving and Johnson. In quire on premise. 5-ROOM FLAT AND BATH. 30TH AND ueimont sts.; rent $12.30. Geo. 31. Strong, 163 W Park st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. LOWER Alblna; big yard, fruit trees: $15. 142 Sellwood st. THOROUGHLY RENOVATED 6-ROOM COT tage. E. Clay and Oth sts. Inquire 326 E. llth st. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. 622 THIRD ST.. near Caruthers st. Inquire H. T. Hudson. 110 3d. NEW, MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE AT 640 Borthwick St.; key at 1404 Russell, or 263 Mcnroe. FOUR-ROOM HOUSE. CLACKAMAS AND Wheeler; rent $12. Call at 03 North 14th st. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, WALKING Dis tance; to adults only. At 447 5(h st. FOR RENT A 5-R003I HOUSE AT S04 Missouri ave. Call at 01 Russell st. NEW HOUSE. 7 ROOMS, MODERN. IN qulre owner. 214 4th. cor. Salmon. NEAV 5-ROOM HOUSE. 2 BLOCKS FROM Fair grounds. 721 Vaughn st. NEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE ON O. W. P. CAR line. Oak Grove. Call at store. "Furnished Houses. FOR RENT ROOMING AND BOARDING houie. 14 rooms completely furnished, mod- . era. good location, doing good business now. oner sick, cannot manage; will rent 4 months or longer, $175 month. 231 Oth. FOR RENT 6-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, good location on car line. East Side; piano, gas range and every convenience: largo yard; rent cheap for two months. Address L 91. Oregonlan. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. 1 BLOCK from East Ankeny car line; gas and steel range: electric light; stationary laundry tubs. Price $30 per month. Phone Mon day. Main 1502. FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. GOOD location, close In. on the East Side; every thing complete; for the months of July, August and September. Address J 70. Ore gonlan. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FIVE-R003I cottage. 2 months; modem conveniences; reasonable rent to responsible parties. In quire drugs-tore. 15th and Gllsan sts. IF rOU WANT A WELL-FURNISHED house, away from dusty roads. In a pretty and healthy part of Portland, write me or phone Main 40&0. X 102. Oregonlan. TO RENT UNTIL SEPTEMBER 1. A STRICT ly modem, well furnished 10-rocm house. In a select neighborhood. Inquire at 303 E. Taylor, or call up phone East 2008. FOR A NICE 7-ROOM RESIDENCE AT 356 San Rafael dt-. $22.30. Several furnished cottage.. See the Dunn Lawrence Co., 140' First st. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FURNI ture can be bought on easy Installments If desired. The Ames Mercantile Atncy. Ab Inston bldg. FOR RENT-NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. WELL fumlnhed. for 3 months, at $40 per month. In advance. In IrIngton, close to cars. Phone East 1104. FOR RENT JIODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE: .furnished; good yard; carllne; 20 minutes walk: price $30. Inquire Phone Union 302. FOR RENT-COMPLETELY FURNISHED G-room house: piano and gas stove. For particulars address Box T 03. Oregonlan. NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE: COMPLETELY FUH nished; electricity, gas and telephone; 3 or 4 months; no children. 178 E. 14th st. MODERN FURNISHED COTTAGE UNTIL Sept. 1; gas. hot water. Address or call 3 to 6 evenings, 373 Gan&enbeln ave. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. BEAUTI- tujzy turciaflea. good location; price. $75 per month. Call 623 Lovejoy st. FOR RENT FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE of 7 rooms, for two months; no children. Charles Mauti. 106 E. 33d st. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM cottage for rent for one or two months. 430 Montgomery, near 12th. FURNISHED FLAT 6 ROOMS FOR RENT for two months: 5 minutes walk from Post- office. Phone Main 2562. 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. OCEAN View. Centervllle, Long Beach; rent rea sonable. 124 X. 10th st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED 4-ROOM cottage, on Williams ave. Inquire prem ises, oui Williams ave. COMPLETELY FURNISHED SEVEN-ROOM nouse; large easement; yard; no children Furnished Houses. FURNISHED HOUSE. BATH AND HOT water; tine yard. 038 Mallory ave., between Skidmore- and Pre-vott. COMPLETELY FURNISHED MODERN COT tage; 3 minutes' walk from Pcstotflce. 347 Clay, near 7th st. 0 ROOMS. COMPLETELY' FURNISHED, on Portland Heights, one block from car. Phone Main 6314. . $23 FURNISHED HOUSE. 6 ROOMS. WITH water, fruit trees, shrubbery. 401 Oxford. Woodlawn car. FOR SUMMER MONTHS FOUR-ROOM COT- tage, on carllne; no children. Forenoons, 470 Jefferson st. FOR RENT FURNISHED 3-ROOM COT- rage. sunnysiue. Apply e Belmont, bet, 2 and 3 o'clock. WELL LOCATED 5-RCOM COTTAGE. Nice ly furnished, porcelain bath. M. 3. Rentery, hherlock bldg. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM FURNISHED house. West Side, on car line; $50 per month. Main 4520. FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFURNISH- ed j-room cottage. 106 E. Pine St.. phono East 1006. A FURNISHED 4-ROOM HOUSE. WITH nice lawn fruit and flowers. 861 Missis sippi ave. FOR RENT HOUSE. $12: FURNISHED SIN- gie room, $12 per month. Inquire 180 Sher man st. - SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED HOUSES iur rem. naiueiu & &mim. IBO"? 4tn St., room 32. FURNISHED COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS. NEAR ran-, ior rem. Jicuoy. 304 X. 26th, cor. Savier. WE HAVE" FURNISHED HOUSES ANY sii--. -ate us. j. . ureighton & Co.. l65"-j 3d st. FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS. SU1T- v luiuiur. ii r.asL tin hi. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT-CALL it 640 3d st.. or phon Main 4387. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR nlshed. 371 7th st. Inquire E. Rice. FURNISHED COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS.. NEAR Fair. Apply 839 Thurman st. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. FOR RENT AN ENTIRELY MODERN 6 room house, on East Side, 1 block from Williams or Unlon-ave. cars; gas and elec tric lights, furnace, tile bath, and largo yard. Address 457 Rodney ave. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOJl MODERN COT tage for sale cheap; in easy walking dis tance to Postofncc. with gas, bath and phone; rent reasonable. Call at 320 Union ave. S. or Phone East 1601. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale, house for rent; comer on East 14th; gas. hot and cold water, bath, lawn: rent only $15 per month; a bargain. Enquire at 366 East Morrison. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF A 5-ROOM house: houire for rent; also cigar and con fectionery stand; will sell separately; must cell at once, owner leaving town. J 04, Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 9-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; good transient business; price $475. $230 down, balance easy payments; going away. Phone Front se. NICELY FURNISHED 8 ROOMS FOR RENT and furniture for sale very reasonable; reason for selling, parties leaving city. 333 Flanders St.. near 10th. FURNITURE OF SIX ROOMS FOR SALE, close In: price $300; worth $500; three rooms rented for $33; rooms always rented: rent $21. L 02. Oregonlan. FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE. ROOMERS or boarders; permanent. ood location, walking distance; no agents; rent $30. Phone Main 3142 ROOMING-HOUSE. 2 BLOCKS FROM STEEL bridge, low rent, furniture for sale at a bargain; taken back on debt, I. Gevurtz. 173 First st. ACCEPTING POSITION OTHER CITY, WILL sell furniture of home. 9 rooms, new house. West Side; very cheup; lease, 1 $30. Main 6100. 11 ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED; 5 nouaexeeping suites, rent $30. with 2 years lease; very reasonable. 140 3th. cor. College. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM boarding-house, good location, cheap rent; party leaving city. D 04, Oregonlan. FLAT FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale cheap. Apply before noon. 113 N. 18th St.. cor. Gllsan. Phone Main 5383. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; fine residence location; full perma nent roomers. Phone Front 671. $273 BUYS GOOD FURNITURE OF 6-R003I nat. or $400 with splendid upright piano; rent $17. 48Ti Davis, cor. 13th. FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE cheap If taken now; rent $22.50; lease; yard. 542 Oth. Call Monday. GOOD FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM HOUSE: test residence location: $40O. Hatfield & Smith. 1651 4th st.. room 52. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE; LOCATION very desirable; furniture for salr. Call or address 343 Montgomery st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. FURNLTURE for sale, very reasonable if taken at once. P 07. Oregonlan. HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE FOR sale, close In. a baraaln If sold at once. O 07, Oregonlan. $.!01-SNAP IF TAKEN TODAY, 7-ROOM rooming-house, one block. Portland Hotel. S 06. Oregonlan. $260 FOR FURNITURE OF 7 ROOMS; EAST Side: close in; rooms all full; rent $22.60. F 06. Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW FURNITURE FOR 7 room house, house for rent; good proposi tion. 146 10th et. FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM ROOMING house for sale; will sell cheap; rent $30. W 04, Oregonlan. WELL-FURNISHED MODERN 8-ROOM flat for rent, furniture for sale; reasonable. 104t 13th st. -ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, FURNITURE for sale; a bargain If taken before July 10. 468 Taylor st. FURNITURE 18-ROOM HOUSE; A BAR gain. Inquire 86 Park st., one block from Washington st. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; Axmlnster carpets for sale at a bargain. 125 E. 13th et. 7-P.003I HOUSE. WITH ROOMERS. $23 PER month: good furniture for sale cheap. 294 14th st. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALS Rent $20; West Side. Phone Monday, East 1400. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM FLAT. FURNI ture for sale. Inquire 302& Holladay ave. FURNITURE FOR SALE. FLAT .FOR rent, 304 Eugene st.. Alblna. Portland. ALL OR PART OF FURNITURE ELEGANT six-room flat, very central. B 07. Oregonlan. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED. ON NOB Hill; must sell at once. X 02. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $230; rent $12 per month. Apply 47 E. 6th st. Summer Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities of them springs make them- a favorite resort for invalids, and the abundance of game and fine fishing renders It the sportman'a elysium. For analysis of water and full particulars, ad dress A. A, Hofilngar, Foley Springs, Or. TILLAMOOK STAGE LINE BEGINNING June 10, stage will leave Forest Grove for Tillamook every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Stage leaves Tillamook for Forest Grove on same days. Connects with trains to and from Portland. J. H. McNamer. Proprietor. A 7-ROOM COTTAGE. HERMOSA PARK. Seaside: running water, bath and all mod ern Improvements; stable in connection; for the season: a snap. Address H. M. Car lock, office 5. S. E. cor. 3th and Pino sts. Phone Ex. 50. THE STROLLERS SEA VIEW. WASH. Newly furnished rooms, day, week or month: board near: uso of kitchen if desired. Par ties desiring rooms address X. M. Field, Long Beach. Wash. FOR RENT AT SEASIDE. FACING- OCEAN, most desirable location on beach; completely furnished six-room cottage. Apply at one to Knapp & Mackey, room. 2, Chamber of Commerce. KLOSTERMAN COTTAGE. 8EAVIEW. Wash.; season; 7 rooms, furnished. In quire Oliver Stout, contractor. Ilwaco. JL WaiV or John Klostermaj:, Portland, Or,