20 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND, JULY 9, 1905. NEW TO DAT. Your Money Safe. Invest your money in University Park lots where no roboer can steal it from you, where no bank officer can gamble it away on the stock market. Money invested in. University Park lots will grow while gold coin in the tight box will stand still. Remember that the Oregon end of the great bridge over the Columbia River will rest on University Park. Re member that the manufacturing, wholesale, jobbing business, along our water front will make a demand for skyscrapers at University Park in the near future. Remember that Uni versity Park is the very center of that vast city now springing up on the Peninsula between the rivers. Uni versity Park is a business, social and educational center. It has the. Colum bia University, which brings a cul tured class. It gives employment to all in its mills, factories, docks, stores and shops. There is a big demand for residences. Real estate is changing hands rapidly. Money is being made through advances in property values. There are thousands of persons in Oregon and Washington who regret that some friend or foe did not kick them into investing in Portland real estate years ago. Within two years another wail will go up from those who let pass the opportunity to buy a few lots at University Park. Prices of lots range from 80 to $330 each. Terms, one-tenth cash, balance on monthly installments. No interest on deferred payments if paid when due. Francis I. McKenna, Room 606 Com mercial Block. Agent at University Park Station. 211 FIRST ST. AUCTION SALES Furniture, and AH Kinds of Merchandise TOMORROW AT 2 P. M, WEDNESDAY AT 2 P.M. FRIDAY AT 2 P. M. At tomorrow's sale we will sell 6-hole steel range, good as new; twice-folding beds: new Iron beds; curled-hair mat tresses; wool-top mattresses; odd dressers an J commodes; center tables; rockers; fumed oak and golden oak box-seat din Ins chairs, with carver chair to match; IMPORTED SIS ATS AND ROCKERS FOR LAWN AND VERANDA: sideboard; K. cupboard, with class front: Eastern Y Y springs; SANITARY STEEL COTS: several SHOWCASES; TWO LARGE PALMS; new. fine-quality lace curtains and portieres: carpets; crockery and china war ; several cook stoves and quantities of othfr merchandise, always useful In any well-regulated, home. You are almost certain to lino just exactly what you re quire ai any of these three sales, Mondav, "Wednesday and Friday, at 211 First sL Phone Main 5655. C. L. FORD. Auctioneer. DON'T FORGET To look for our ad next Sundav. as we have something extra special for next week. If you have anything to sell tell us about It It meaps dollars to you. Phone Main 5CS5, the Portland Auction Rooms. A. SCHUBACH. Proprietor. A. J. FARMER WHOLESALE AND BET AIL GROCER. You can save 20 per cent by dealing with iifi. Note some ot our prices: One pound 35c M. and J. coffee, 25c; 3 cans Pioneer cream, 25c: extra choice creamery butter, per roll, 45c; 8 bars silk soap, 25c; 10 pound ox crackers, 50c; broken Java cof fee, 3 pounds. 25c; 8 pounds good rice. 25c; 1 pound Schilling baking powder. 25c; 1 pound Royal taking powder, 40c; 1 pound Arm and Hammer soda, 5c; 13 Lars Royal Savon, 25e; 10 pounds sago or tapioca. 33c: 100 pounds best D. G. sugar. 55.33; 17 pounds granulated sugar, best, 51.00: 1 pound English breakfast tea, 15c; best Eastern hams, per pound, 13c; picnic hams, per pound, 9c: 1 sack good hard wheat flour. 5L00; 5-pound pail best lard 50c; 10-pound pail best lard. 51.00; 2 3c bars Tar soap, 5c; 1-pound can baked beans. 5c; 2-pound can baked beans, 10c; 1 pound shredded cocoanut, 15c; 1-quart bottle pure olive oil. 60c: 1-pint bottle pure olive oil. SOe: 2 cans sliced pineapple, 23c; 50-pound can compound lard, 53.00; 4-gallon Jacket corn syrup, 51.60; 1 sack best soft wheat flour, 51.00. We deliver on the East Side Tuesdays and Fridays. Romember the number, 2S1 3d st,, corner Jefferson. Phone Main 403. California-" Bliss Lands" Small farms for settlers. 0200 acres or irri gated land In 20-acre farms at $50 to $70 per acre one-fourth cash. Reached by Southern Pacific or Santa Fe Overland Lln direct to Tulare City. 2 miles from BUm Lands. Alfalfa, corn. Train, deciduous fruits, vege tables, hogs, dairy rattle thrive. Booklet free from Bliss Lands (Inc.). enre Sullivan & Sul Ilvan. Lawyers, C10 Parroit bldg., San Fran cisco. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Oar records ar eompUt id! a t raralfh abstract promptly. MORTGAGE LOANS Ob laaproT4 Portland Hwl Ktat. &ECITKITV ABSTRACT Jt TKU8T CO. 214-Z1S Chamber vf Commerce Houses FOR SALE Houses Persons desiring new 7 or S-room, well built houses, clone in on the East Side, and very reasonable in price, either for a home or for investment, should call upon C. K. HENRY. 273 Stark st. In Jackson Place. Easy terms. From your own plans. Jackson. Hamilton bldg. 14 LARGE LOTS. ABOUT 2V ACRES TWO blocks from car line, near Willamette River; a sightly location for a home. Price, $S0(i; 5100 down, balnnce $100 per year. 24 acres at Oak Grove, on O. W. P. car line, highly Improved; fine selection of growing fruit trees and pmall fruits; all klnda of growing vegetables; new dwelling, barn, chlcken-houw and corral; excellent water. Price, $2400; part cash. 36 acres on Troutdale road, 45 minutes' drlce from Portland: some Improvements; excellent toll for gardening. We regard this as a choice buy. Price. $70 per acre; good terms. JAMES P. SHAW. Rooms 20-21 Libbe Bide., Second and Washington Streets. One aero ut Stewart Station, on Mount Scott car line. All In fruit. Good water piped to the ground. Will be sold on in stallments for 550 or a liberal discount for cash. KNAPP & MACKEY. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. WASHINGTON ST.. 60X100.. Waahlngton-rt. comer Alder-st. corner. 100x100.... Aldr-st. corner. 100x150,... ..512.000 0.000 .. 12. (XX) ... SOO0 E. J. DALT. 222 Falling Bide. PORTLAND GROWS WITHOUT WATCH ng: get rich while you sleep: good In vestments in city, suburban and country property by T. Wlths'combe. room 8. Ham ilton block. Portland. Or. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN IN ROOMING bouse: 12 rooms, furnished, and rented at Rood profit; owner must leave city: princi pals only. 207 Jefferson st., near 3d. FOR SALE 30 ACRES. SYCAMORE STA tion, on O. "W. P. electric line; running water. Add"" O S&. care Orexonlan- Portland Hue Rooms NEW TODAY. EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. Just arrived from the East, and ownor has decided to sell by public auction at Oilman's Salesrooms No. 413 Washington Street, Tuesday, July 11th, at 10 A. M. This sale affords an excellent opportu nity for buyers. There are a number of lots, both plain and upholstered: also steel sanitary folding couehds. with ap propriate mattresses for ssmo in the lot. odd dressers. Also at th same time and dae. for storage, etc., lot of household effects from Olson's warehouse. S. L. X. GILMAX, Auctioneer. Special Notice , Auction sales of household furniture at our room, Xo. 413 Washington street, next Thursday and Friday, each day at 10 A. M. S. L. X. GILMAX. Auctioneer. Special Auction Sale Of almost new Furniture of Residence To bo sold on account of having to vacate premises for the erection of new building, on tomorrow, Monday, July 10, at 10 o'CIock A. M., on Premises, No. 104 Eleventh Street, Between Washington and Stark Sts. The furniture and household effects In cluded In this sale are In pood condition, used but a short time. On the list: Fine oak round extension table: rockers in oak nnd leather; Wakefield rocker; fine oak sideboard; pretty Iron bedsteads in tints, with mattresses, springs, pillows, etc.; chiffoniers; Princess and other dressers; commodes; mantel bed; diamond glass dresser: couch; toilet crockery: lace cur tains; Brussels carpets; mat rugs; mat tings: linoleum; odd chairs; rockers; crockery: kitchen furniture: kltche;i queen, etc. At residence, Xo. 104 Tenth street, between "Washington nd Stark. Xo reserve. S. L. X. GILMAX. Auctioneer. Meg Elegant and modern furniture, genuine Wilton and Axminster Eugs, oak roll-top Desk, large Library Tables, handsome Dining-room Suite in highly polished quarter oak, in cluding China Closet. Brussels Car pets and Tapestry Rugs. Five-Piece Parlor Suite, spring-edged and men tallic construction; Parlor Tables,' Combination Desk of newest design, handsome Couches and Box Divans, Upright Piano, stool and cover, ele- gant Princess Dresser, the latest; Folding Bed with mirrors on top, green, bronze and gold metallic Beds, good Eastern Royal Springs, Hair.t Felt and other Mattresses, Dressers and Chiffoniers, Pillows (goose feather), Comforters, China Cup- board and other first-class lots must be seen to be appreciated. Will be on view tomorrow, Monday, at BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, . Corner Alder and Park. The auction will be held on Tues day next at 10 A. M. t GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. AUCTION SALE ON THURSDAY NEXT At Bakers Auction House the con-: tents of eight-room house sold under gage deed, removed to salesroom for convenience of sale. Promnt Cash Auction at 10 o'clock sharp. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. - Auction bales BY J. T. WILSON AUCTIONEER Stocks nnd 3!errhnndlKr UourIu or 'olil. Phone Mnln 1020. MONDAY Tomorrow at 10 A. M. at Sales room, 180 First Street This ?ale comprises all the furnlshlnss of a large resident; 20 iron bds. sprinpt and mattresses, bedding, quilt.1:, pillows, etc.: parlor rocker. and chain in m-ihog-nny: combination bookcase and de.vk; stocl couch beds; dressers; commodes; carpets, rups and linoleum; large double-oven res taurant range: difhex. chRlra and tables; cook stoves and many items of value. Al together, this Mile affords everything in the houFOkecpinjr line a great cjunntitv of goods that must be sold. WEDNESDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 1S0 First Street al 10 A. M. Furniture, Carpets, Stoves.Par lor, DIninci-room, Bedroom, Kitchen Furnishings, Etc. FRIDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street, at 10 A. M. Housekeeping Outfits, Furni ture, Stoves, Dishes, Bed ding, Etc. J. T. WILSON Auctioneer Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance in All Lines. A. H. BIRRELL. 202-3 McKay bide. Third and Stark sts. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 318 Worcester Block General practice. Investigations. Estate work. Special and periodical audits. 1'honc C lay 2IG. CxnhL frt you aftt In Jackson Tlace Take pay In rent. Call and see owner, A. E. Jackson, Hamilton bldg NEW TODAY. REAL ESTATE S750 Lots tn Doschers Secend Addition, next to 1&03 Fair; eay terms. S800-To lot. 14th and College. SHOO Corner lot S. W. cor. 17th and Madi son. S1800 -block. 21th st.. near entrance to Fair. 52000-Full lot, Northrup. near 22d. 200034 acres. 1C acres under plow, near Cedar Mills. 52300 Fractional tot. 7-roora house. N. 224. renting for $25. F2600 Nice little modern home in Suth Portland S2600 East front lot. 22d. near Kearney. 5300030x100. S-room house.. Qulmby at.: renting for ?40. $3600-East front lot. 11th L. near Harri son. S1760 Modern S-roora new home on ICth, near Irving; Immediate possession. " S5250 75x100. Eierett St.. Nob HIIL S7300 22x100. llih St., near Washington. $8300 Beautiful, new, modern home on Irv ing, near 24th: renting for $75. $11,000 Property in North Portland, paying 10 per cent net. $18,400 Property en X. 22d, renting for $151 per month. SH.000- Improved property 30 feet from Washington at.; leased for $123 per month. $:0.000-rlcl: building. Alder tU. paying 8 per cent net. 4-block facing east on 23d and Irvlnic. with a large modern IS-roora dwelling, the house costing $10,000 to build. - This property will be sold for a reasonable price and on favorable term. NEW HOME We offer for sale the beautiful and sightly heme of the late Dr. Herbert Cerdwell. 25th and Jhon. There are about 2H lot with new 11 -room dwelling, built after the latet design and is now ready for occupancy. ARDMORE The most desirable building site in Port land, surrounded by palatial homes with an unobstructed view of our famous mountains; the only exclusive!)- high-class residence property supplied with bltullthlc streets, ce ment sidewalks. Bull Kun water, sewer and gai laid to each lot. Take Washlcgton atreet car to City Park and get off at Park ave. For plats and prices call on or address. OVER THE RIVER $125 per acre, the best Improved farm In Multnomah County. $130 and up. lets In Feurer'a Addition. $230 and up Lou in Larsens Addition. K. Stark and Laxsen ave. $400 Lot 0. block 14. Central Alblna. S70O Corner lot. Kern's Addition, near In- man & Poulsen mill; easy terms. $7300 lots In Edendale. near Sunnyslde. $530 Corner lot. E. 11th and Hancock. $900 Lots near Steel brldce, on Benton. bet. Dixon and DuponV. $00040x100 with cottage and barn. Aln- worth ave.. Piedmont; renting for $12.30. $1000 -Full lot. 7th. near Weldler. 8900-30x100 and C-room house. Starr, sear Ruf&cll .; easy terms. $1800 .'.0x100 and new cottage. Midway. Oregon City car; move right In. $1300 Block 28, Patten's Second Addition; win trade for Spokane property. $1530 Lot on WltllamK ave.. near Broadway. $1000 3-room modern cottage In Sunnyslde, ranting for $17.30 per month. $1800 Corner. S. W. cor. E. 13th and Madi- Mjn. $2000 One of the most modern and up-to-date Utile homes In Sunny-side. $2000 Two lots in bearing fruit and 9-roera house. Sandy Hoad. near K. 28th. $2300 New 6-room house, Williams ave. $233030x120 and new 6-room house. Union ave.. near Ivy st. $230033x100 and two houses, 464 and 460 E Itth; rent $23 per month. $23003 lots, fcouthcast corner of 17th and Tillamook. $2700 .'.0x100 and 3-room modern house. 49S Commercial ft.. Upper Alblna. $350010 acres, all . improved, orchard. houe. Just south of Multnomah Hall. Sec tion Line Road. SS300 Quarfr-blnck. 2d and Wasco. $3500 Two lot and modern Si-room house. Williams ave. S3700U -block. 16th and Ankeny. $1000 10 (acres facing two .boulevards, near Peninsula Station. ; $4500 -block. E. 2d and Holladay ave. $4500 corner lot. close In, 3 cottages, rent ing for $3? ner month. $4600 ,i -block. Grand ave. and Hassalo st. $3000-1 acr. E. 3d and Stephens. 30 feet railroad frontage; will trade for St. Paul or Minneapolis property. $5300 Two lots and D-room modem house. E. Oak. near 9th; will trade for farm near Penlletn or Umatilla. 85700100x100 and -room modern fcoese In McMlilen's Addition, near Steel bridge; room for two more houses. Do you want to bay a sawmill? We have one at Ksjacada. 54 acre with mllL Don't fall to see us about this proposition. IRVING'S HARBOR ViEVV $900 and p for lot near Steel bridge a Benton, bet. Dixon and Dupont sts. SUBURBAN HOME The Larson home, near Hunter's Station Mt. Tabor oar). Is now for sale. The prop erty consists of 100x200, house, greenhouse and barn, with, an abundance of bearing fruit; oasy terms. Grindstaff & Schalk 20 Stark Street. TELEPHONE MAIN 302. CHOICE PROPERTY ON ! r 011130(1 H6IQhtS ! ft mP 0xlfri frt in SmltV A.MIttnn v t-ZO two blocks from car line; v.-ater maina laid. C4nrn Fine lot on Snrinc- st ; rxrvOlnnt . OlZoU view, improved street, cement , walks, 50x100; a bargain. j $1950 smth?? a- wiu prjci- II Kill. Onnn 10xH feot on 17th St.. with 0ZUUU S-ROOM COTTAGE; GOOD V1EVJ' OF CITY. We are selling many Heights properties. Kufh of th above is u god buy, and will boar invesUfJtlun. Portland Trust Company 109 THIRD ST. Jennings Lodge Acreage Wr have Jbm placed on the market JEN- " NINGS ADDITION AND nOARHMAN AD- ' 11ITION to this rho!crr resident suburb, and the only ACREAGE auburn about the city. Tliee tract wc arc felling at price of r.0x 1 00-foot lot in other uburb. . line lorallnn. river and rail (strrct-car line) transportation, and In a nectloa rapidly developing. Serurp a tract of one or more acres for a home or an Investment. It will double In value in n fevr year t present . rate of lnirravr. Make thU your saving ' bnnk. ( Terms One-fifth down, balance on easy monthly payments A discount of S per cent for all cash. Let ut tJiow you thcc properties. J THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 243 STARK ST. ' NEW HOUSES FOR SALE We have five newly finished mod ern houses, 7 rooms each, finely lo cated on the Sast Side, from $3500.00 to $4250.00. Can be sold on favorable terms. PARRISH, WATKINS & CO. 250 ALDER ST. Holladay's Addition For Sale A new 3-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement, streets fully Improved. A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. Terms will b given. Lots told on advantageous terms to home bullders. The Oregon Real Estate Co SSH Third St. Room 4. For lot In Jackson Place House frcnt your plans. Ideal home site. Jackson. Hamilton. NEW TODAY. CHOICE BUILDING LOT 10c a Day PAYABLE MONTHLY HOUSE LIKE THIS Built on the lot and sold at actual cost, paj-ablc in monthli' installments at RENT RATES x FIRLAND Select tract in center of Mt. Scott district. No lot less than 50x100 feet, graded streets, water piped to every lot, schools, churches, neigh bors, telephones, 15-mhiute car serv ice and oc fare to any part of city or suburbs. High, healthy and leading all suburbs in growth. Take Mt. Scott car, First street. Lots are selling right along. Join the throng of eager buyers. Come out right away. Yon '11 be surprised to see the list of Firland buvers. Geo. W. Brown l Room 203 Failing Bldg. Phone Main 2129. R. A. TAYLOR, AT PIRLAND. City Office Open Evening. Madras A new addition on tho O. W. p Co.. near Stewart's Station, choice lots; J1CO.C0 and $125.03. Easy terms. Wakefield, Fries &. Co. Phone Main 14. 22) Stark St. A nonresident client offers the follow ing holdings for sale: Jefferson and 21st St. Southeast corner, having a frontage on Jefferson of 100 feet nnd extending south to the north line of Columbia atreet extended: the Improvements on the premises consist of an old-style cottage, but there Is plenty of room to build four more cottages. MarKet-Street Drive Tract of Innd fronting 170 feet on Market-street drive and 140 feet on 20th street, and containing over three 50x10 foot lots, no improvement!. The close proximity of this property to the busi ness center makes this tract valuable for residence or rental purposes. Ten-Acre Tract An Improved 10-acre tract a short dis tance north of Piedmont and Imme diately iv-st of Gem Addition, noar tho Vancouver road. "Waftefield, Fries & Co. rUone Main 11. ZSD Stark Street. Fine Residences for Sale Charles K. Henry has a numbor of fine residences in liferent parts of the city, some of which are very fine, attractive homes, and all of which are for sale at reasonable prices. Any family wanting a fine house, close in, should inspect the beautiful residence on the southwest corner of Eleventh and Clay streets. House is modern, finely built, finely finished, complete in every detail, occupying a very de sirable quarter block finely improved and set out to choice shrubs. This home is really a bargain and easy terms can be given to the right party. Other fine homes close in. Also two or three 'fine suburban residences with large and finely improved grounds. Persons wanting good homes will find it to their advantage to call upon CHARLES K. HENRY 273 Stark Street. s Real Estate Investments $S0V) renting for. fSu.uOO renting for 2S.o0d renting for $1 4. oOO renting for ....$3fl)0 .... 015 .... 310 .... 2IO0 , 21fl 23.1W renting ft... f 15.500 n-ntlng for..... 1500 $12.io renting for...... 1500 Also vacant lots and residence property un the West clde. Good Imue and OOzlOO corner. East 32d and Gladstone ave.. $2450. Call on R. M. Wilbur. 308 McKay blig.. 3d and Stark. MT TAR OR Av? Rre offerinfr for beautiful homea in this section of the city. Larse grounds, good stable and driveway: frulL roses, shade trees and shrubs in abundance. House has 7 rooms, full ba?ement. large veranda, covered with running vines. This Is to be sold for S1M0 Uws than actual cosL PORTLAND TRITST COMPANY OF OREGON. 109 3d ft Phone Main 433. Mt i . .nvoir car Agent on prop erty this afternoon. Jackson, Hamilton bldg. XEW TODAY. Acreage The best for the price asked of nny on the market. On the O. W. & P. electric line. Just cast of Sellwood. at Wichita Station. $110 per acre on Installments. Take Estacada car at First and "Washing ton sts. . KNAPP & MACKEY Room 2. Chamber of Commerce. T. O. PARRY. Resident Agent. FOR SALE $8500 Good modern house. Irving st. west of 23d. FRANK E. HART. 103 Sherlock bldg. On Mt. Tabor Reservoir car-line, 20 mln. A. E. Jackon. owner. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CLAKK COUNTT BAHRAIN'S. SO acres, excellent mil. 20 acrts partially cleared and fenced, few acrett good timber, two creeks. c;ood 4-room houp, barn, li head stock, team, sprtnz; wagon, buggy. Imple ment!. 21 htves bes. dosen chtekens, crop. Only 41(00. J TOO cash, ret 2 years at 5 per cent. Hi acre. Al soil, large creek, can culti vate about half when cleared. 1 mile from steamboat facilities and town. Only S per acre. 105 acres. 2 tallest north of Vancouver; 35 acres cleared, creek bottom, fenced, creek, cord wood, timber enough to pay for the place, excellent fruit land, town lota sell ing less than & xntte at 350 each. Price. $33 per acre. Hurry. JAMES J. O'KEANB. Christ Block. Vancouver. Wash. AN IDEAL LITTLE HOME FOR. YOU 104 aert blscJc loam soil; 10 acre; in cultiva tion. 70 acres nearly fenced. 100 acres smooth enough to cultivate, rest nne psjfture; run ning water, well: 5 to 10-year-old orchard, variety; 4-room house, barn. 3 roothocs. woodVied. chicken-house. Inclosed chlcxrn yard; 3.000.000 feet nr timber: on river: school, store, postortlce; price only 12M. Don't let this opportunity slip. JAMES J. CKBANEX Vancouver. AVajft. 5-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. GOOD SEVEN rocm house, piped for hot and cold water, good well and cistern. 225 bearing fruit trees. Rood, barn and outbuildings; every- , thing- complete for a poultry farm; 3c oar fare; price $4300. part cash. Empire In vestment Co.. 227 Chamber t Commerce. 3 ACRES. NEAR WHITE HOUSE ROAD and car line; land cleared and level; rplendld view of river and surrounding country. This land was taken on mort gage, and price is very low. Will divide and sell on easy terms. See Owner, room 4, 205fe Morrison su THOUGHTFUL HOMESEEKERS WILL FIND many advantages In the new, modern 7 room houj-e oilered at a low figure, cither furnished or unfurnlohed; situate! In llultn day Park, tho most desirable residence por tion of the city. Owner. O SI. Oregonlan. FOR SALE EASY TERMS. OR EXCHANGE for other property. Hood River, 10 acres good. Improved fruit land; 7 teres in bear ing strawberries; 6 laches prpetua! water right far land. Address SunsyMdc Farm. Hood River. Or. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE ON the line of the railroad In City View Park Aaciticn to kasi I'orttand. Also. 2-avro tracts north of Sellwood on the track. Call on or apply to R. B. Knapp, 720 Chamber o: lommere. 110.0OO HOUSE OF S ROOMS AND 2 FLATS of d rooms each. new. modern and bring tne nign rental of 5122.50 monthly: on long time leafes, because they are good. L. . uniting &. fo.. 40e Ablngton bldg. TWO LOTS. ALL FENCED. IN SMALL fruit; good 5-room house; well-finlrhed wood shed; cistern; alio bydiant, for sale cheap jor ca?a. ueorge l oafcom. Stewarts Park. on Jioum boon car nne. $E0O THAT FOR A BUILDING SITE ON Portland Heights: commands an uninter rupted view of the whole country: It's a quarter Mock. L. W. Whiting Jfc Co.. 408 Aoingron oittg. (MO ACRES SCHOOL LAND AT .SLIGHT AD vance i.ver state price In hart of lars;e irrigated !!trtet: half tillable: near rail road survey. A. C. I'almer, 313 Oregonlun bulMlng. CITY PROPERTY. 70X70 FEET. FACING Willamette st.; a new two-story frame stors building on It; the building ts 30x00 feet. Inquire at 4U2 Willamette St.. Eugene. Or. FOR SALE MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE; porcelain bath, hoc and cold water, large basement: i and 3 blocks from car llnep; best location. Apply to E. Langdon, care Tult & Glbb. 'JSM'i TO 12750 NEW. MODERN tf-ROOM hoc. 4 of them, near 2M and York; little cash down and Installments If you Ilk. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 405 Ablngton bldg. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE AND TWO LOTS on Portland Heights, all In fine condition; a bargain at 1520. Empire Investment i Co.. 7 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR DAIRY. six-acre oerry arm. six miles rrom city; good new hous. good water. Inquire Nor man Draper, Lents, Or. FOR SALETHE NORTHWEST CORNER OF , iatn and aiontgomcry Ms.. TSxlw. opoa!i 1 the Academy; rtnclpals only. Apply V. j M.. Ward.. The Allsky. 'rUll SALE 3-ROOM HOl"i?E. WITH MOD era Improvements. Se Mrs. Howe about it. Vnlun ITS. Two farms, one sawmill will be sold reasonable. A SNAP-lo ACRES AT MT. TAHOR. NEAR carliae; small payment down; balance your own time. Mrs. K. Downing, titl Commer cial. Tel. East 2 COT. $2250 FINEST MODERN -ROOM HOCKS In Portland; every convenience. Including furnace; on car line; easy payments. Phone Union 1401. 0 ACRES. 2 HOUSES. CLOSE INS $20; houte on 2 lots, tin careen. 5 1 M : small louse and 3 lot. $S0. Alpine Co.. 132 ljt FOUR LOT.-? IN TREMONT. 2 BLOCKS from station; fenced and fruit trees; price 125 per lot: cheap. Address 048 E. 14th. 20fl FARMS. SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. TL ACiltcn. Lents. Or. Take Mt. Scott car, 5c. A MODERN NEW d-ROOM HOUSE. WITH bathroom, lot 59xlCO. on car line. 323 Hib bard st.. Montavllkt. Phone Union 1344. FOR SALE CHEAP FOUR FINE LOTS ON Flsk and Princeton sts.. University Park. Inaulre of J. H. Mill. St. Johns. Or. BARGAIN FOR SALE BY OWNER. FIRST class corner with 1 store. 1 7-room house. 1 bnrn; rents $0. CS7 Pettygrove. 1U0 FEET ON WASHINGTON ST.. SIO. WO; i-heart-st buttnes property n the market. Sahlstrom &. Patterson. 14j 4th st. $25 BUYS NEW MODERN ft-ROOM HOUSE ' and corner lot. near car; Ban SWe; very ay terms. Phone Black 2t74. TWELVE-ROOM P.OOMING-HOUSE FOR. sale reasonable: clove In; best location on West Side Apply 447 Main st. FULL SIZE LOTS ON CAR LINE. 2o M1N cttV ride. $l&y to $2vi; JO per month. Sah.9 trom & l-atterson, 1 4th U A BARGAIN STRICTLY MODERN 3-ROOM house. 3 block from car line. Apply S23 Kerby M Price reasonable. FOR SALE THOROUGHLY MODERN botfc; and Kit. Holladay Park. Inquire owner. 31S Falling bids. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AND OTHER BUILD ings. fences, etc.; only ?15. 504 Goldsmith sc.. Lower Alblna. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. HOLLADAY PARK; owner occupying; wilt rell eheap; terms. Phone East 14W). $1SOO FURNISHED HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS: fruit tree?, rhrwbbery. Inquire 401 Oxford t.. Wocdlawn car. MODERN 7 ROOM HOUSE. I.OVEJOY ST.. near 23d; price reasonable. Geo. M. Strong. 161 W. Park at. ACREAGE NEAR CAR LINE. U MILES from Morrison bridge. C. K. Ballard. Mllwaukle. Or. FOR SALE-$1500; ONE BLOCK OF 8 LOTS In Patten's Addition. 279 Washington tn., I. Vanduyn. 10 AfRFS IMPROVED LAND AND BUILD Ings. near Gresham; $1000. R P7, ort gentan. ONE LOT AND TWO COTTAGES. $1500. 824 E. SOth su. Kenllworth. Phone Union 4404. DESIRABLE RESIDENCES AND LOTS. West or Eaet Side. Apply forenoons 443 3d st FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. CHEAPEST FARM IN OREGON 200 acres 100 In cultivation and crop; balance pasture; tine house. 11 rooms, cement base ment; water piped Into house; fine barn bulIdinRs; new rences. all new cedar posts and boards; 14 acres fine apple orchard. Just commence bearing; 12 old ones; 30 acres prunes, fine crop this year; tine dry er, cost $21X10; unclne. feed'cuttr. wood saw, and other machinery: 3 horses. $ cows. 0 hogs. 50 sheep, chickens; 2 new wagons, plow, harrows, mpwer. rake, and other farming Implements. AH Koes for 411.000; $3000 cash balance. Ions time. This farm Is well located. 3 miles from railroad station. In a nne neighborhood. 1ST acres. S mile from railroad station; 75 In cultivation, 45 slashed. 35 fine tim ber; good orchard; house. 3 barns, other outbuildings; 20 head of cattle, mostly cows; horses; some hogs and chickens: now haybaler. U wagons, hack, plows, har rows, cultivators, reaper, mower, rake and all kinds of farming Implements; running water. Crop and all go for SS300; $3000 cash. 17 H acres, 3 miles from Lents: 15 In crop; fair house and barnr I cow. 1 heifer. 2 hogr, 3 sheep; S acres fine hay: 75 chick ens; water piped In house. $2000; easy terms. 30 acres, near Lents; very sightly; will make, a nne home. $2500; $500 cash, bal ance 6 per cent. Good 0-room hous. lot 23x100, "West Side; well located. $1750; $500 cash. 3 good housos. West Side. lot 75x100. $3400; easy terms. New C-room cottage, modern, well lo cated; on carilne; to trade for a good lot close to Centenary Church. CHARLESON & CO. 319 Allsky bldg. Phone West 3GI. ON THE WEST SIDE. 100x100. well located on a prominent cor ner; 5 good houses; yearly rental $10240. Price $10,600. 23x100 Nice 5-room cottage: yearly rents $IM); a nice little home or for Income. 51SJ.O. W)x75 A corner, with 2 good 7-room bouse; yearly rent S4(W. $4tWO. 30x732 good 7-room houses: yearly rent $420. $4200. These properties are all rented at reason able figures and are worthy of Investigation. DAVID S. STEARNS. 240 Washington St. $373, 4-ROOM HOUSE; $525. 3-ROOM house; $323. 2-room houte, corner lot; $600; 4-room house; $725, 0-room house and barn, corner lot; $675. 6-room house; $1000. d-room house. All thc above may bo had for a small payment down, balance monthly; $3 down and $3 monthly will buy a tine lot. prices from $75 to $200. Our Sellwood office Is open Sunday morn ings. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO.. PHONE UNION 1401. Offices at Sellwood and at 222 Falling bldg. FOR. SALE $7000 In a Ane location for warehouse and man ufacturing concern, a property 100x150. fronting on good street, close to river and R It. sidetrack. This is good and will be taken up quick. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 100 Third Street. $2730 ELEGANTLY FINISHED, THOR- oughly modem eight-room house, nearlng completion, fractional lot. on Stephens st., near Ladd tract: splendid location, two car lines on same block, has fireplace, furnace. ws.ih tray, paneled dining-room, handsome ly Dtained woodwork, enameled tiled kitchen and bathroom; will sell for small cash pay ment, balance Installment.1 If desired: ttiU Is a cplendid home and will appeal to good taste. W. L. Morgan. 513 McKay bldg. A BARGAIN. $2500 $300 CASH BUYS 14 ACRES 25 minutes from 4th and Alder by West Side road; cleared and unsurpassed for suburban home; flowing spring, close to station; will rapidly Increase In value; might subdivide. Address D U5. Oregonlan. 37 ACRES. STREET-CAR STATION ON land, alt good soli, fenced, 2 acres or chard. 5c car fare, over half cleared, no underbrush. 10 acres hay; this ts a bar gain; don't fall to see this trac; price 143 per acre; half cash, balance to suit. Empire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. $42,30010 FLATS, 12TH ST.. INCOME $3S0 month. $20,000100X100. 7th St., Income $320 month. 5850050x100. 10th st. Income $70 month. $000 30x100. 17th st.. Income $84 month. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON. l5b 4th st. SUBURBAN ACREAGE BARGAIN 25 MIN uteV ride on IVtst Side R. R.; adjoins sta tion; monthly tickets $5; lays well, tine view, beautiful surroundings; good toll, all culti vated; fpring and running stream; 20 acres, or any part. ?2tw prr acre; easy payments. J. Raines, 323 San Rafael St.. city. $4250 JUST THE OTHER SIDE OF STEKL bridge, on the East Side, one block from car line; for the above price you can have the newest, handsomest and most modorn house of S roome you ever saw; reception rooms oak finished. L. W. Whiting & Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. 6-ROOM HUSE. HARDWOOD FINISH, lot 50x200 feet, 21 fruit trees, new chlcken houso and yard all fenced; a beautiful home, only 1000; half cash. Portsmouth Station. Empire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. LOTS NEAR NEW WOOLEN MILLS. WE have only 5 ot the $73 lots left; they are going like hot cakes. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO PHONE UNION 1491. Offices at Sellwood and at 222 Faltlng bldg. ". 6 AND 8-ROOM MODERN COTTAGES ready to move In; shade trees, picket fences: porcelain bath tubs, pat toilets, full base meat, wood fiber plaster. $750 to $1150 each. See the owner. Joe Nah. In the big white house at Nashville Addition, on the Mt. Scott cnrllne. Get off at Nashville Station. Phone Union 1361. NOW THAT EAST WASHINGTON ST. HAS been filled, values on that .street are bound to advance; we have a piece of store prop erty there that will Interest you; $HKXJ. L. W. Whiting &. Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. $5500 THE HANDSOMEST 7-ROOM COT tage on Krarncy St.. new. modern and built for a home and not to sell; owner going away. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 403 Ablngton bMg. HOUSE AND LOT TO SELL FOR SMALL cash payment, or exchange for vacant lot or rmall buotr.es!. -and balance Installment payments. Hatfield & Smith. 1659 4th et., room 32. $40 BUYS NEW. MODERN HOUSE. T rooms and reception hall, full lot. Willam ette Heights, unobstructed view of river and mountain. Owner. 31 1)3. Oregonlan. $200 BU"S LOT 30X100 ON E. DTK ST. N.. near Beech st.. only 13 minutes ride from Washington st. See owner for a bargain. Address K U2. Oregonlan. PLEASANT COTTAGE ON A1NSWORTH av.; fruit and flowers; mii.it sell at once; price very low. C. Ben Rlesland Land Co.. 502 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE LARGE HOUSE AND LOT. 77 Overton et.: beautiful lawn and surround ings; price low. Inquire 770 Overton st. or 127 Front ft. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PORT land property two modern 10-room houses, splendid location in Detroit. Mich. V 05, Oregonlan. 25X100 ON KEARNEY ST.. $730; 30X00 ON Kearnsy St.. $000; best buy on Nob Hill. .C. Ben Rlesland Land Co.. 602 Commer cial bldg. $2351 NEW COLONIAL RESIDENCE. HARD finished, gos. electricity; also 8-room house, nearly new, $2850. Address Gordon. -tOS East 17th. GREAT SACRIFICE MUST SELL AT ONCE. 5-room modern cottage, built for owner; Ea-t Side; walking distance. V 02, Ore gonlan. C-ROOM HOUSE ON RODNEY AVE. Ex cellent condition. Ir offered a bargain at $1IKK) if taken now by owner. L 03. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PORT land property, 50-ncre farm near KeUo: all fenced; orchard: value. $15CO. T 03. Ore g on I in. NICEl NEW 6-P.OOM HOUSE. FULL BASE ment. for rnle or rent; South Sunnyslde. Grundy-Melrath Co., 2I5& Morrison at., room 15. FOR SALE-ONE-HALF BLOCK AND IM provtmentK. near Intersection of Itumslde and Washington stg. Address J 02, Orego nlan. 40 ACRES. 1 MILE FROM SUNNYSIDE Postofflce. 15 acres cleared. 15 slashed, alt fenced, running water: $1600. 40 Hamilton. BARGAIN FINE. LARGE HOUSE AND lot: 22 room.", well built; nice location; cheap short time. Owner. 71 E. 11th st. N. SNAP! $2008 LOTS IN ADDITION TO AS torlt; 40 acr-s. Lincoln County, near Cor vallls. $200. Address Gordon. 40S T.ast 17th. BARGAIN IN FINE MODERN C-ROOM house; beautiful home. F. S. Keating. 504 Marquam bldg. FOR SALE CHOICE CORNER FOR RESI dence fiats or business; near Steel Bridge X 93. Oregonlan. FOV SALE REAL ESTATE. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS 12t REAL ESTATE. TAFT & CO?, 122-C-5-U Ablngton Block. Two 5-room houses, choice corner lot.- on Flanders st: best location In city; price' only $dO0O; paying now 8 per cent on in vestment. 0-room hbuse. Lincoln Park Annex, cor ner, modern In every way; one of the best locations In Irvlngton; $3500. 7-room house. Lincoln Park Annex, two lots, all kinds fruit and shrubbery, cement basement and sidewalks; price $2730; in stallments. 3-room cottage pear Highland, two lots. 15 fruit trees, all kinds berries, water In house; price $1300, part cash. AN ELEGANT HOME 7 rooms. K -block, now house, modern In every 'way. beautiful lawn, cement walks; on E. Madison st.; $5500; terms to suit, 6-room house. 2 lots, nice garden, on ML Scott car line; price only $330; terms to suit; this is an exceptional pick-up. 3-room house, new and good, large wood house, lot all nxed up In good shape; prfee $700; Installments; on Mt. Scott car. ) Small house, good lot: price only $300; don't pay rent when you can buy places like this. LOOK AT OUR ACREAGE. 20 acres near Lents, all in cultivation, all good land; this Is the best buy on the -market today: only $323 per acre. 10 acres, partly Improved, near Lents. Now this Is surely another bargain and our price is only $175 per acre. We have several other acre tracts that are equally as good that we can soil on easy payments. We want houses and lots In different parts of the city. IC you have any kind ot property that you wish to sell, list It with us. We have a large list of farms. We have farms, highly Improved, to trade for grocery stock; about $3000; farm completely stocked and goad crop. TAFT & CO., 122-3-3-6 Ablngton Block. . A FEW GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES AND acreage: all are now offered -far below their real value; you should call for particulars. 0-room house, well constructed, fine base ment, beautiful view, two full lota; a snap at 52100. 0 acres, all nice? land. 7 acres cultivated, good 7-room house, good barn. 225 assorted bearing fruit trees, choice urn all frultf, nice spring of water on hill above house, noar new car line: price only $3000. SO acres, all choice land, and lays well; all fenced and croes-fenced; 33 acres culti vated; watered by springs and brook; house, barn, orchard; 1 mile to school and church, on good road; 3 mile- from river and rail transportation; Clark County, Washington; a desirable and cheap farm; $2850. 8-room new, modern house, a splendid home, clow in and central location. East Side; will sell at a sacrifice this week; might take smaller suburban homo as part pay. ICOxlOO ground, two good houses. 5 and 7 rooms each, all In nice condition: fruits and berries; the 7-room nous all well fur nished, good carpets, etc.. on good car line; thl9 la a great bargain: all goes now. $2100. 6-room new house, hard finished, hall, full basement, 100 choice rcecs. nice graded lawn. Tull lot, good barn. In Holladay Park; on account sickness must cell at sacrifice this week: $1100. 5 acre?, new 4-room house, good garden, running stream of water, nice spring of water, can pipe Into house; fronts on elec tric car line: a snap. $600. li acrea choice location, on west slope of M,ount Tabor; fine houe and barn and choice fruits. HENKLB i BAKER. 217 Ablngton Bldg. 106& Third st. FOR SALE. $1300 C-room cottage, full basement, good plumbing, lot 50x100. near car line. $2730 6-room new house, full cement base ment, cement floor and walkd, porcelain plumblnr. nice location. $430 New. modern 8-room hou. up to date in every respect, renting for $00. All the above sold on easy monthly pay ments. O. 31. SMITH. 730 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE $1730 A choice suburban home, on good car line; large grounds, and abundance of small fruit. An Ideal place for raising chickens. This place Is a bargain at $2000, and we can sell for cash at price named. Call at once. TORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 100 Third Street. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as a specialty, within city limits or outside. Some acrea with terms aa low as $10 per month with water. A. C. Churchill. & Co., "Inc.." 110 2d st. FRACTIONAL BUILDING LOTS NEAR Steel bridge: house and lot. Maln.st., $2300; 100x100. warehouse property. North Port land. $3500; 75x100. with 5-room house, corner. 5 mlnuten walk Madison bridge. $2100; many other close-In buys. Northrup & King, Commercial block. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. CHOICE LOTS. 40 xlOC feet, corner. $t30 cash; 100x100 feet, "i -block from car. $2000; ! lots, the most sightly place on the Heights, one block, from car. For further particulars call or address Empire Investment Co.. 227 Cham ber of Commerce. A SNAP! 50x100, good S-room house. 2d st., near Grant; only $rM50. worth $40CO. NORTHRUP & KING. 211 Commercial Block. FOR SALE ELEGANT NEW EIGHT-ROOM house. Just finished, cement basement, ce ment walks, modern throughout, corner lot. 50xKX. 10th and Broadway, Holladay's Ad dition. Inquire Owner, C. E. Grove. 446 Washington. RARE BARGAIN LARGE HOUSE AND 100 xlOO feet ground. Portland. East Side; Kightly. convenient, healthy, most desirable, less than coat; must be sold: terms. John son & Van Zante. attorneys, 505 Commercial bldg. Phone Main 3652. m ACRES OF LAWN AND FINE FRUIT trees and 8-room modern house: every thing complete: on Patton Road. Portland Heights; this is a sacrifice at $4000; $1000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. Em pire Investment Co".. 227 Chamber ot Com merce. IMMEDIATE SALE FINE G-ROOJI HOUSE; full concrete Ixwcment. furnace, electric light and gay. bran-new, and on Union ave. car, 12 minutes from business center: easy terms. See owner, one block south, at 632 Union ave. N. Phone Baft 2466. FOR SALE 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. Ev erything complete, good location, 15 min utes from city: must be seen to be appre ciated; new house and furniture. If wantea; JJIOW) down, balance easiy terms. Apply to Grindstaff & Schalk. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. 7 AND S ROOMS, with all modern conveniences, on E. 3d. bet. Wasco and Multnomah; convenient to 3 carllnes; for sale on easy terms. Apply to owners. Parish &. Gourlay, on premises. Phone Ea?t 150. IDEAL BUILDING SITE. AS MUCH ground as wanted, unobatructable view, on Portland Heights line, near Charleton rest- 4 dence; great bargain for speedy sale; In vestigate at once. F. A. Insley, 418 Ore gonlan. 23 PER CENT NET INCOME-BEARING property, close In. good location, $6000; half cash, balance 6 per cent. For homes, any slxc. price and easy payments, see Fuchs. 149 i 1st. $3500 BEAUTIFUL 6-ACRE TRACT NEAR car. splendid soli, new modern house, bam. etc.-; orchard, berries, nice lawn and .flow ers, all first class; no agents. Inquire 225 1st t. FOR SALE NICE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH 2 lots; also good paying transfer and livery business. Aadres 184 East 34th nt. FOR SALE 5-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50X102. street Improvement; price $650, part cash. Owner. 1060 Denver ave. VERY DESIRABLE R-ROOM RESIDENCE, shade, fruit trees, modern: price reasonable. E 07. Oregonlan. $300 DOWN. $20 PER MONTH. BUYS modern 5-room house; full bapement. At 226 E. 36th st. CH EAP 5-ROOM COTTAGE. IN EXCEL Ient condition. Inquire at place. 326 East 11th. 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. CORNER LOT. cement walk, cheap. Inquire owner, 461 E. Pine. NEW MODERN HOUSE IN IRVINGTON; Built to order for owner's home. V 03. Oregonlan.