THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, JULY 2, 1903. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOXIAVS TELEPHONES. CcuntlnR-Rocm Main 6C7 Managing Editor Main 630 F'inday Editor Main 0233 City Editor Main 0 Society Editor Main 2.tS Componlnc-Room Main 655 Pupertntendont Bulldlns Red 2S26 East Side Office East CI AMUSEMENTS. TKUA9CO THEATER (14th and Washing ton) Matinee at 2:13 end evening at 8:13. the farce, Nerves." EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. "i-oet In London." GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous -vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. fl P. M. BAKER THEATER (3d and Tamhlll) Con tinuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 0 P. M. RECREATION PARK (24th and Vaughn) At Ti A. M-. lacrosse. Portland vs. Tacoma, and at 2:30 P. M-, baseball, Portland vs. Tacoma. THE ORECON1AN AT THE SUMMER RESORTS. The Qrcgonlan will be delivered by carrier and will be on sale at the prin cipal points on Long Beach, at Seaside and Yaqulnu Bay throughout the coming: eaon. It will also be on sale at Gearhurt Park. Nye Creek, WUholt. Collins Hot Springs, Moffat' Hot Springs (Cascades, Vah.) and St. Martin's Springs 'Carson. Wash.). Or ders by mull with receive careful attention. All mall subscription must be paid for la advance. Will Gatheii Statistics. Representa tives of the firms in the warehouse dis trict and citizens of the East Side held another meeting yesterday afternoon In Justice Scton's courtroom in the interest of a passenger, and freight depot, Joseph Buchlel presiding. Dr. C. H. Raffety, chairman df the special committee ap- ointed at the former meeting, reported plans of aclon, which include collection of statistics showing approximately the amount of freight shipped, passengers getting on trains, probable location of the Joint passenger and freight depot and the population -affected, for use In setting the matter before the management of the Southern Pacific Railway Company. W M. Kincaid. who represented the ware house district at the meeting, brought a list of 23 of the leading lirms doing a business of perhaps ?4.0u0,(KX) per annum on tlte East Side, that will participate in the movement for this joint depot. J. C Flanders, W. M. Kincaid and John Ross wre appointed on freight statistics. W. D. Spicer, Dan Kallaher and Dr. C. H. Raffety will gather passenger and other figures. Great Rivnn Traffic. According to the Scientific American, the draws of the bridges on the Chicago River are opened between 18.0u0 and 19.000 times per year, and says Chicago River is the busiest in the world., Willamette River traffic now surpasses that record. For the month of June 2076 boats passed through the draw of the steel bridge and 1465 passed through the draw of the Burnslde bridge. For July, 1901. 1&J0 boats passed through the Burnslde bridge draw. Harry Stuts man, engineer on the Burnslde bridge, who keeps track of the steamers, now says that the traffic of the Willamette River at Portland exceeds that of the Chicago River, which the Scientific Amer ican reports as the busiest in the world. Young Woman- Paraltzed. Suffering from paralysis ot the lower limbs. Miss Anna Borglund reached the Union Depot late yesterday afternoon from Xampa, Idaho, with her mother. She was unable to move and had to be conveyed to police headquarters in an ambulance. She had heard that in Portland a free hospital ex isted and came here on that supposition. The case iiad to be attended to, so Cap' tain Gritzmacher called Assistant City Physician Slocum, who ordered that the patient bt; taken to Good Samaritan Hos pital. The city maintains no free hos pital and the patient's mother will have to pay the. expense. ' Wirx Ask! for Transfer Point. Resi dents of Stephens Addition will ask the electric railway oompany to establish a transfer point at the Intersection of Grand and Hawthorne avenues, between the O. W. P. and the Portland Consoli dated. In this petition the residents of Holladay Addition will second the efforts of their neighbors on the south. This movement is undertaken to do away with the long ride across the Willamette River twice In order to go from one end of the East Side to the other. 1-nG Is Fractured. Corporal A. R. Bloomficld. Troop B. N. G. W.. yesterday sustained the fracture of his right leg by his horse falling upon him at Fourth and Washington stre'ets. The troop was drawn up awaiting the arrival of the Tacoma special to the Lewis and Clark Exposition. The corporal's horse slipped on the pave ment and fell. He was taken to ppllce headquarters In an ambulance and later conveyed to Good Samaritan Hospital. Surveyors Go To Other Fields. Sur veyors who have been running lines at St. Johns for the Northern Pacific Rail road Company's bridge across the Wil lamette River have stopped work there and gone to other fields. Just what the outcome will be remains to be seen. The peninsula Is gridlroned with surveys for a bridge across tlie Columbia and Wil lamette Rivers In the past to provide a way to bring its trains into Portland. Fire from Defective Flue. Fire from a defective flue yesterday afternoon caused damage to the residence of G. H. Parsons, Nineteenth and Washington, streets. Apparatus from several stations arrived quickly and averted what at first looked like a very menacing blaze. The roof was the most damaged portion of the building. Some furniture was ruined, but the loss could -not be estimated by. the firemen or by the owners. Off for Mount Hood. C. Brannan, Walter Knott. Joseph Hubbel and Frank Busby left yesterday morning for Mount Hood, where they will remain for six weeks. They go In their own conveyance, well prepared to camp out and get all the enjoyment possible out of such a trip. Lock8Let Hall Annex on the Sands by the Sea, overlooking the ocean. Has a few fine suites of rooms yet for rent. Newly furnished this year with private baths. First-class Jn every respect. Fine table. Address L. A. Carlisle. Trollet Trip today on O. W. P. to Ore gon City, Canemah Park and Grcsham: 25 cents; Estacada and Upper Clackamas River points, 50 cents round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada, 75 cents. All cars from First and Alder streets. For Sale Delicatessen and grocery business on East Side, well located, at a bargain: account, sickness. Berry & Alexander, 4 North 6th st.; phone Red 173S. Oregon CiTr Boats offer -every Induce ment for a river trip of three hours. Leave Taylor street 8unday, 8:30. 9:30, 11:20 A. M. and 1:30. 3:30 P. M. Round trip, 25c. Respectable place io borrow money on diamonds and Jewelry. Collateral Loan Bank, 269 Washington street. Established 15 years. Lowest rates of interest. .Championship Lacrosse! Portland vs. Tacoma. 24th and Vaughn, Sun dat, 11 A. M. Vancouver Notice. The office for The Oregonlan in Vancouver has been re moved from 403i Main street to 305 Main street. Dr. Walter T. Williamson has removed office to 60S-9 Marquam building. Phone Main 449; residence phone, Main 2S2. Swiss picnic and wrestling match. Sun day. Rohse's Park. Admission. 10 cents. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oils and floe gasolines. Phone East 789. The Calumet Restaurant, 143 Seventh. Fine luncheon. 3Se: dinner. 50c. Help Wanted. In ironing and mangle room. Unjon Laundry Co. Red, wilte and blue tissue paper for the Fourth at Gill's. For Rent. Two offices Fenton build ing. Flags. Noon Bag Co.,' First and Couch. Lawn tents. Noon Bag Co. lst-Couch. ; The Orbgonian at Long" Beach. Strauhal Bros, are agents for The Ore gonlan at Long Beach this year. This will be welcome information to visitors at the Washington beach, and it means that the 'service will be of the very best. Agen cies will be maintained at Scavlew and Long Beach at either store, where orders will be received and deliveries will be promptly made dally from both agencies, upon the arrival of the train from II waco. J. M. Arthur will supply all de mands at The Breakers at city rates. The newsagent on the train will supply all patrons on the beach north of The Breakers except Ocean Park, which will be carefully attended to by Henry H11L All persons going to the beach are re quested to make arrangements for sub scriptions to The Oregonlan through the foregoing agencies. It will be the most satisfactory service. Will Go to India as Misbionart. Miss Laura Austin, who has been attending a missionary training-school In New York, has arrived in the city and was met at the depot by a delegation from Centenary M. E. Church, where she speaks this morning. Miss Austin will shortlj' start for India an a missionary, for which she has fitted herself and where she will be supported by the young people of the M. E. churches of this state. Miss Austin Is well-known In Portland and formerly taught In the Scllwood school. Childhood Ib Honored. Yesterday was children's day with Evening Star Grange, Patrons of Husbandry. In the forenoon the degrees were given to a large class, which was followed by the usual banquet in the lower floor. . Following came an exercise In charge of Miss Julia Spooner. consisting of recitations and songs. Sev eral short talks were made by B. Lee Paget. A. F- Miller, Mr. Prince, of Silvan, and others. Stranger Attempts An Assault. An attempted assault on Mrs. Poison, a wid ow living alone at Ockley Green station, was prevented yesterday afternoon by several small children .happening on the scene. An alarm was given to the neigh bors, but all attempts to find the- man failed. Patriotic Service Tonight. A patri otic service will be held In Grace M. E. Church tonight anticipating July 4th. E. S. J. MacAHster will speak and Professor Wilder will render his well-known com position, "Military Memories.' dedicated to the late General Lew Wallace. Friends of Geo. Black, the well-known accountant, who was recently compelled to undergo an operation, for appendicitis, will be pleased to learn that he has re covered and can be found at his office In the Worcester block, as usual. Charged With Larcent. Dan Stevens was arrested last night by Detectives Carpenter and Reslng and charged with larceny. Ho Is accused of stealing a re volver from F. N. Stein at 266 Washing ton street. The Siberian Railroad on the Trail did a remarkable business Saturday. It is a splendid production. In its audiences were to be seen the best of our Portland peo ple. It Is an artistic production worthy of success. When in Portland visiting Lewis and Clark's Fair or celebrating Fourth of July, don't forget to buy your piano of A. W. Meyer. 74 6th street. Portland, Or. New and second-hand -pianos rented and sold on easy terms. Big bargains In slightly used pianos. H. Sinshelmer. 72 Third "street, near Oak. Pendant. A long fresh-water pearl with a diamond brace. Lost last week In Portland. JS reward. Address business office. The Oregonlan. . Mme. McClure wishes to announce for the benefit of out-of-town customers that her establishment will remain open dur ing July and August. CitAMPioNBHir Lacrosse: Portland vs. Tacoma. 24th and Vaughn, Sundat, 11 A. M. . Good Fishing a"t Columbia slough. Boats for rent. Ice cream and lunch. Take Vancouver cars, 2d and Washington, 5 cents' fare. ' For Sale. Millinery business, success fully carried on for 23 years. A rare chance. 214 Third street. Official Lewis and Clark souvenir spoon, has signature President H. W. Goode on handle. Furnished house for rent for two months. Apply to R. Livingstone, 754 Hoyt street. Official Sacajawca souvenir spoon, has signature of Pres. A. M. Dye on handle. Fireworks!!! Wooster's, 7th-Morrison. COLUMBIA RIVER TRIP. Dally Hound Trip to Cascade Locks, "Bailey ttatzcrt," 8:30 A. M. Enjoy a day on the Columbia on board the fine steamer Bailey 5atzerL A trip of n lifetime. Steamer accommodates 600 people. Plenty of seats for everybody. Restaurant on steamer. Steamer leaves daily 8:20 A. M.; arrives back 5:S0 P. M. Sunday leaving time, V A. M. Secure your tickets early. Phone Main 914. MISSION OAK STAIN. On Wednesday a called at our s.tore and asked for Mission Oak Stain. We had Weathered Oak, Antique Oak. Dark Oak. Flemish Oak and Light Oak. "Mission Oak" is a Pacific Coast term of recent origin. As it is our policy to have everything of the latest and best In the paint line asked for, have ar ranged to also carry Old Mission Oak Stain: also Cherry. Walnut. Mahogany, Rosewood. Ebony Stains and the cele brated Jap-a-Lac Grlppin's Wood, Crack and Crevice Filler. Harrison Brothers' high-grade house paints, en amels, shingle stain. Berry Brothers' varnishes, Cementlco wall finish. Hy gienic Kalsomlne, Harrison Brothers' celebrated colors in oil: in fact, every thing of tho best that Is made in paints: also give special attention to window glass, plate glass and glazing. F. E. BEACH & CO.. The Pioneer Paint Co., 135 First sL; Phone Main 1334. WHERE JO DINE. All tho delicacies or the season at th Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart ments for parties. 305 Wash., near Fifth. Watson's Restaurant, open night and day; only first-class family restaurant in the city. 109 Fourth street, near Wash ington. The usual select six-course chicken din ner, 50 cents, from 12 M. to 8 P. M., at the Imperial restaurant, second floor. Imperial Hotel. Take elevator. THE BUTLER. Elegant French dinner today, with wine, 50c. Chicken dinner, 35c. 145 First st. Special six-course chicken dinner, SO cents. 12 M. to 8 P. M.. at the Scott restau rant, corner Seventh and Ankeny streets. THE OXFORD. Fine French .dinner today, with wine. 50c; chicken dinner, 35c 68 6th, near Oak. THE EMPIRE. Finest chicken dinner In town. 30c Ail delicacies of the season. 192 3d St. Genuine French dinner, with wine. 60c. at S3 Fifth street, near Stark German meals served at 9 Fifth st. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. Goodyear machine. Better than band work. Best material used. Schwind & Bauer, 2 Yamhill, between Third and Fourth Few bottles of any water except White Rock, are now seen at any of the swell hotels, clubs or cafes In any city. An Opportunity to . Get a Good Watch for Very Little Money are roIbc to have a blje alc on watches this week Give some extra good values: and if you have any idea of ever getting; a watcn it will certainly pay you to Investigate this sale. Ladim Watebm In nickel from 13.05 up: sliver ones' from J4.00 up: gunmetal. t' 00 and up: gold filled, 19.50 and up; solid ROlJ. 317.50 i nd up. Geatlemea'B AVatchw. in nickel. J1.50 and up: silver. J6.60 and up: gold filled. J9.30 and up; solIJ gold. J25.00 and up. A le on Cbslaw at the same lime, and as our goods are all marked In plain figures, you can see for your eelf that "we will make a big reduction. Gatleraea good gold filled chains, 51.30 and up; solid gold $8.50 and up. . Lidies Gold Filled Chains $2.50 and up; solid gold $7.50 and up." We will also include ladies and gents' Fobs'in this sale and our assortment never was larger. . DON'T LET THIS CHANCE SLIP BY for you certainly will be able to save quite a little on a Watch Chain or Fob. JAEGER BROS. fcSi 290 MORRISON ST".. NEAR FiFTH Great Fireworks Sale $10,090 Worth of Bombs, Shclrs, Crackers, Wheels and Reckels ATfD EVERYTHING ELSE THAT WIT, I, MAKE A XOISB NOW OX SALE. 329 Washington Street I.MPEfUAT. HOTEL BUILDING. Selling at both wholesale and re tall alfthlngs that have- ever been found In the Fireworks family, and hundreds of new creations, special lnxent!ons for thl L"l ! Clark year of fun, mercimest, Joy nad food cher. All gooJ citizens will celebrate, this year with a heartiness never manifested here before. All hands must swlnj- Into line and make fhln n roprlns'. mualnsr, rnntlnjsr, skipping. hopplBR Fourth of Jaly that mill rellpne all other Foarthn that ever ahoae apon the beautiful mantle of fair old Oregon. We conduct a lar;e, double store at 16S-170 Fifth street. GooJnoufjh building', where we carry all kinds of Chinese and Japanese Importa tions, selling- at wholesale ami retail. We have Just received a large stock of these, goods, embracing a. large variety of silks, satins and brass wares. WESTERN IMPORTING CO. 188-176 FIFTH STItEET. 320 WASHINGTON STREET, "has. B. Young:. President. James M. Kan. Gen'l Manager. CIANT iM St 3. n BajlB dh, t. r. wisr. "Dlda't hnrt a bit. Is Trhat they ay of WISE BROS. Dr. W. A. Wis has Just rcturard from an extended tour of Eastern dental Institutions, and tho bav in? their dental work done bj tnem will hare the adrastace of all new and up-to-date methods. Examination free. Palnlezs ex tracting free when plntea or art- ordered. Falllac bids'., cor. 3d sad Wash. rU. Cpen evenlnss till 8 I. M. Hunda from 9 to 12. Or Main 20C3. I JR. W. A. WISE. i: iisiiors Sire Tieicome i To make this great clothing house their headquarters while in the city. ... If up town you find your packages or dress-suit case too Jieavy to carry- around you might leave it in our care. Meet your friends here by appointment The most spacious clothing house in the West, covering an area of 22,000 square feet for. selling purposes. . . . Steinbach is known from Coast to ' a. Coast as having the -Jj. finest lines and fresh- I ?-jrii. act cfnol-p in A rntJro ana Stays' Superor Clothing S?irnshings and Jffats NOTE This store will be open till 11 o'clock tomorrow even ing to accommodate pa trons for. their Fourth- of-JuIy needs. a. . O ' . C- e c 9 e e The Greatest Clothing House In the Northwest. 3 XL 0 o o A 9 DINNER TO DR. HIRSCH lie Is. the Guest of Honor ut Home or Atlolph WoKe. Dr. Emll G. Hlrsch. of Chicago, was the guest of honor at a dinner, party last evening at the home of Adolph Wolfe, where Dr. Hlrsch In a guest during his stay In Portland. Those present were: Dr. Stephen S. Wise and wife. Sirs. Amanuel Heller and daughter, of New York; .Mr. and Mrs. Slgmund Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Belling. William Llpman. Phillip Bowengardt Joseph Simon, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wolfe and daughter. Miss Blanche. CARD OF THANKS. I hereby wish to extend mv heartfelt thanks to German Sister Lodge. No. 3. O. D. H. S.: Oregon Lodge. No. 1. K. of P.. and to the many friends and neigh bors who so kindly contributed their scrv los In my late bereavement, and also for the many beautiful floral pieces. STEPHEN GREGORY. THE STUDEBAKER 874 Sarier, Cor. 26th. Lovely residence, and apartment-house. 40 room in all. situated In a Beautiful pine grove. Jut two blocks eouth of the main entrance to Fair. Absolutely the most beau tiful place In Portland and at very reason able rate. Take any car going to Fair. Conductors will direct you. THE MRS. STUDERAKERS. Its Meeting Poctponcd. The Ladles' Relief Society has post poned Its meeting from Tuesday. July 4. to Tuesday. July 11. HOMEOPATHIC REMEDIES Corapleta . stock, moderate prices. Mall orriera solicited. Catalogue free WOODARD, CLARKE CO.. Fertlaad. Or. ARE WE SLOW? No! - No! Hear Seattle Blow See Tacoma Grow v We Do Crow About Portland's Big Show. NO! NO! ' "Vr n - We Are Not Slow Come Down T .V and See Us Sell Suits for " : $15.00 Outing or 3-Piece. Any Style or Color. Famous Clothing Co. Morrison and Second Streets. . Delightful Mount Hood Tnb : EVERY VISITOR to the Lewis and Clark Exposition should take this the most delightful ct all mountain trips In America. Cloud Cap Inn. unique and pic turesque. 7000 feet above sea level. affords splendid accommodations. Summit of mountain easily acces sible from this point. Stage Iav Hood River Station dally, tnakln? connection with O. R. & X trains. Round trip tickets. Including coaching trip, on sale at O. ii- fc ?. ticket office. Third anJ Washington streets. Portland. Par ticulars about rates at Cloud "Cap Inn by writing MRS. S. LAJJGILLE. Manajcer. Hood River. Oregon. Send Two Cents In Stamp, to A. L. CraUr. O. P. A. Oregon Railroad Navigation Com pany. Fortlaad. for Booklet Telling About Trip. High - Class Prescription Work All our prescription lenses are symmetrical an.l have perfectly smooth rdges. for we employ none but skilled "help. You will not find them irreg ular In shape, or choppy and wavy, as Is turned out b. cheap help. Kvery pair of our ienses match per Xectly and our technical knowledge anl long experience Insure you that they are optically perfect. Our iunllty is hljeh. but our prices no higher tlian you would pay for the other kind of work. Scfrric&. AfeNferirTtisi, 'J1' .ORTLAWOiOREa 231 WASHINGTON STREET. Bet. 4th and 3th. PRICES We cannot sell a piano for less than It Is wortn. but the prices we make on Ilteb-Crade IManon are what help to sell them. Why pay a big price for a "would be Just as good" when you can get one of the old and reliable makes from us at the right price. STEIN WAY A. B. Chase Estcy Emerson Starr Richmond Heller and Others DUNDORE PIANO CO. 233 WASHINGTON ST. ROBERT C. VOSE 320 Boylston St., Boston, Mass. HIGH-CLASS PAINTINGS CLOSING-OUT SALE We are retiring from business and will close out all of our Ladles' and Children's Fancy Dry Goods at LESS THAJf COST Don't miss It. Coma now while lines are unbroken. L. MING & BROS., 88 Sixth St. chwab Printing Co. axtr x'vxx. xs.soxjtaz.z pxicxs 34TK STAX.S ITM1T SMOKE Feifer's Union 5's UNION MADE 5c CIGARS UNION MADE "A FLAVOR MOST REFINED LEAVING NO FAULT TO FIND." THE ROSENFELD-SM1TH CO., Distributors Exclusive Wholesale Cigars and Tobacco, PORTLAND, OREGON Great Fireworks Sale We carry the largest stock of this Hue in the Northwest, including large exhibition sets from $10 to J1CC0. manufactured by the celebrated Rochester Fireworks Company. New York. Our latest novelties: The wonderful son-of-a-gun torpedoes; Caruther choser, greatest no'elty of a century; loudest giant crackers. TORPEDOES, ROMAN CANDLES. SKYROCKETS. .LEWIS AND CLARK ELAOS DECORATING HUNTING, ETC. AH sold at special prices. AH Invited to inspect our stock. ANDREW KAN & CO. 28T MORRISON STREET Styles in frames and lenses are always- to be found at our optical institute. Every pair of glasses sold by us exactly fits the identical eyes for which they are prescribed. - The Very Latest WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING 4 i Ye Oregon Grille In the new Hotel Oregon, corner Seventh and : Stark Streets. Orchestra every evening after I six o'clock. . i CURJ0S, Antiquities, Eouht and Sold. Indian Stone Knives, Relics, Carvings and Idols in Ivorv. Stone, ftronze. etc War Clubs. Spears. Bows. INDIAN STONE ASS0W AND SPEAS POINTS Mask. Baskets. Bolo Mats, Skulls of all Nations. HEADS aai H0SNS of Animals, WarHcials. Native Body Ornaments and Dras, Ancient Flint Guns and Pistols. Coins, Shields. Antique Silver and Armor. Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer N'athaa Joseph, 614 Merchant St, S. F. Cai. iS 9 JF-