The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 02, 1905, PART THREE, Page 27, Image 27

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center of the room hung a large bell of
white carnations and lilies. During the
evening the wedding march was played
by Miss Elsie Hesse. Miss Edna Beck and
Victor Hesse Du Bols. Among the guests
were: Mr. and Mrs. Skoberg, Mr. and
Mrs. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Hesse, Mr. and
Mrs. Tralnor. Mr. and Mrs. Ixjvcjoy,
Mrs. Davey. Mrs. Larcon. Mr?. Knonkln,'
Misses Lizzie Evans, Rose Schwartz. Kate
Halzcr, Olive Beck. Edna Beck and Elsie
Hesse: Mes?rs. Otto Walil, Ernest Wahl,
Hubert Martin and J. Moeller.
An enjoyabl" outing was given Thurs
day at the Oaks by Mrs. John W. Kelly
in honor of Mrs. S. G. Rundlett. of Sa
lem. Those present were Mrs. S. G.
Kundlett. Mrs. J. S. McIIugh. Mrs. Ed
ward Verdeckberg, Mrs. Norton A. Thay
er, Mrs. Susan Howe. Mr.. J. A. Dunn.
Mrs. T. M. Howe. Mrs. Carl G. IJeb;.
Mrs". Henry P. Kosterman. Mrs. D. A-
Morris, Mra. Fred U. Schanz, Mrs. Her
man H. Jones. Mrs. J. Wrinkle. Mrs.
James Abrcy, Mrs. George E. Turner.
Mrs. C. J. Turney. Mrs. John V. Kelly.
Mlsfi Kelly. Mlfts Mary Little. Miss Lillian
McHugh. Miss Hazel Kosterman. Mls3
Genevieve Kelly. Mips Grace Davis, Alta
Kelly, M. Sehanz, Clinton Howe, Ray
mond McHugh and Morris Jones.
One of the most successful receptions
of the wasoii was held by Mr. and Mrs.
M. L. Asht-r on last Thursday evening.
In honor of their nephew. Dr. Jacob Ros
enberg, of Denver. The house was dec
crated throughout In crimson and gold,
the colors of the Oregon and Denver uni
versities of medicine; the walls were cov
ered with native myrtle. Ivy and Ameri
can flags, and palms were tised pro
fusely. The greater part of the evening
was spent at whist, those winning prizes
being Miss Miller. Dr. Rosenberg, Miss
Brown and Mr. Brownberger, while the
remainder of the evening the guests en
Joyed themselves by dancing upon the
lawn. At midnight an elaborate supper
was served to 30 people, which lasted until
the wee .sma' hours.
The PupiLs of Mrs. L. 1 Danforth gave
a recital Friday evening, June 9, at the
residence of Mr. Pershin. on Thirty-ninth
and Division streets. The programme
was Interesting and well rendered. The
following pupiLs took part in tho even
ing exorcises: Mrs. Parmalee. Mrs. Ham.
Misses Chamberlain, Ruth Simpson. Eva
Graves, Louise Thompson, Norma
Graves. Jean Scougall, Gladys "Wiggins.
Mary Scougall. Minnie Backstrom. Iris
and Luclic Danforth. At the close of the
programme, Mrs. Max Shlllock. in her
usual pleasing manner, entertained the
pupils and their friends with two well
selected .olos. Refreshments were served
and a pleasant evening enjoyed by all.
Mrs. William V. Jobos gave a charm
ing at home on- Friday afternoon at St.
Johns in honor of Mrs. Taft and Miss
Taft. of Spokane. After delightful con
versation and music, tho guests were
regaled with a delicious luncheon, at
which Mrs. 3. A. Lockwood served tea.
Among those Invited were: Mrs. Taft.
Miss Taft. Mns. Bronaugh. Mrs. Fenton
and Mrs. C. G. Brown, of Spokane; Mrs.
Levi Young, of the University of Idaho,
nnd Mrs. S. A. Lockwood; Mrs.' E. A.
Beals, Mrs. Middaugh". Mrs. Wilson. Mrs.
Abigail Scott Dunlway and Mrs. Jeffer
son Myers, of Portland.
The annual promenade of the alumni
o'f the Portland Academy was held on
Thursday evening in the Academy gym
nasium, which was decorated for the
occasion with ferns and flowers; also the
colors of the Academy. There was a large
attendance and an enjoyable time wns
passed by all present. Parsons orchestra
furnished music for the dancers, the en
tertainment continuing until a late hour.
The patronesses were Mrs. Helen Ladd
Corbett. Mrs. Richard Koehler, Mrs. S.
R. Johnston, Mrs. J. C. Hazzard, Mrs.
Zera Snow and Mrs. J. F. Ewing.
A pleasant surprise parly wa.s given on
Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs.
Frank New. In honor of her sister, Geor
gia Donahue. Miss Inez Neville and Mrs.
Fred Fontaine received the little guests In
a delightful manner. Games were played,
after which delicious refreshments wore
served. Among those present were Jessie
Rumsey, Maude Van Curen, Clara Lla
ner, Eunice Roark. Eliza Morrill. Marjorle
Rose, Helen Stain, Florence Merit, Lena
Burgard. Ella Bell, Dottle Cottlngham.
Margaret and Miriam Hagedorn.
Mr. and Mrs. Adolphe Wolc gave a
dinner Saturday evening. In honor of their
guest. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch, of Chicago.
Those Invited to meet Dr. Ilirsch were:
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Wise. Mr.
and Mrs. Bon Selling. Mr. and Mrs. Sig
mund Frank. Mrs. E. L. Heller. New
York; Mls Marguerite Heller. Miss Flor
ence. J. Wolfe. Hon. Joseph Simon, Mr.
Philip Lowengart. Mr. William Frank
Llpman. The decorations were sweet
peas, artistically arranged covering the
entire table.
Mrs. E. T. Deeming gave a muslcale at
her home, 421 Second street, on Friday
afternoon, in which a number of her
younger pupils participated. A charm
ing programme was rendered. Thos
taking part were Emily Woods. Elennor
Palmer. Beatrice Palmer. Haze! Bau
com, Eva Ellis and Irene Baucom. Dain
ty refreshments were served, after which
Beatrice Palmer added much to the
pleasure of the occasion by her excellent
rendering of several recitations.
Martha Washington Chapter. No. 14.-0.
E. S., held one of its enjoyable "social"
meetings on Monday evening, June 2C.
The programme was exceptionally pleas
ing and unique, embracing songs, recita
tions, a touch of opera and a beautiful
rendition of sacred music In sign lan
guage, the whole ending with a dainty
banquet, enlivened by speech and merry
making. Many visitors were present and
it is hoped all will avail themselves- of
future similar opportunities.
A number of delightful affairs were
given last week in honor of the engage
ment of Miss Martha A. Webb. A most
enjoyable "China Shower" was given by
Misses Lena Hadaway and May Beatty;
Miss Louise Thatcher Philbrlck gave a
charming reception, and Miss Mary Har
adon was hostess at a "linen shower."
The bride-elect also gave a luncheon to
the bridesmaids, and entertained circles
of friends on two different afternoons.
Miss Lena Mclntlre, of Salem. ' enter
tained about 1C young ladies one even
ing last week In honor of Miss Ethel Ros
slter. a Portland girl. The affair was in
the form of a children's party, as Miss
Rossiter had formerly resided in Salem
in her "doll days," and many old ac
quaintances were renewed. The favors
were A. B, C plates, on which the re
freshments were served, and the whole
affair was a most enjoyable event.
Mrs. F. R. Stokes entertained quite In
formally on Thursday afternoon in honor
of Mrs. Stokes and Miss Stokes, Mrs.
Barron and OIlss Barron, of San Fran
cisco, and Mrs. Pamerston White, of
Spokane. Light refreshments were
served, the table decoration.1? "being plnk
sweet peas with pink shaded candles.
f A most successful and enjoyable enter
tainment was given last Wednesday even
ing on board the British ship Pytho
mene for the benefit of the Seamen's In
stitute. The evening's programme was
under the direction of Miss Elizabeth
Hoben. The Institute Is indebted to the
courtesy of Captain J. H. Splvey.
On Thursday afternoon a delightful
luncheon was served by Mrs. Kaiser In
honor of Mrs. Merrick, of Oakland, Cal.,
guest of Mrs. G. Powls. The principal
feature of the afternoon was "Sherlock
Holmes," Mrs. Glesner carrying off the
first prize.
Mrs. John F. Toft gave a very pleas
ant entertainment to her many friends
Wednesday afternoon. Guests of honor
were: Miss Bonney Hutt. of New York,
and Mrs. Myrtle D. Sturdevant, of Chi
cago. The New York State Society will
hold an old-fashioned social evening
on Wednesday, July 5, In the Elks
Hall. Marquam building. All New
York folks are invltod to be present.
Mrs. Roswell H. Lamson gave a lawn
party on Thursday afternoon, whjch
proved an especially enjoable affair. The
canyon view from her grounds was much
admired by her guests.
Mrs. R. B. Lamson gave one of the
most charming lawn parties of the sea
son this week at her beautiful home,
the hours being spent in delightful
At noon on Wednesday, June 2S, Miss
Myra L; Bradley and C. Henri Labbc were
married at the home of the bride's parents
at Bridal Veil, Or. The wedding, though
simple, was .exceedingly beautiful, the
ceremonies taking place In the open air
in a beautifully shaded spot on a high
bluff overlooking the Columbia River.
Rev. W. S. Gilbert performed the cere
mony in th presence of a few intimate
friends. Promptly at noon Miss Anna
Rankin began playing the wedding march
nnd the bridal procession started from the
house, led by Miss Bess Bradley, the
bride's sister. The bride followed lean
ing on the arm of her father. She was
beautifully gowned In white chiffon cloth;
and carried a large bouquet of bride's
roses. In a shady nook overhung with
heavy foliage and arrow-wood blossoms
she was met by the groom and his best
man. Autoine G. Labbc After tho cere
mony, the party repaired to the house,
where a delightful wedding breakfast was
served. The large living-room was taste
fully decorated with an abundance of
mock orange blossoms. In the dining
room, which was decorated with pink
roses and sweet pens. Miss Alice Strong
served Ice cream und Miss Grace Eliot
poured coffee. As the guests departed, the
bride threw her bouquet from the balcony
of the house to the group of girls below.
Miss Marguerite Labbe proved to be the
fortunate capturer of the coveted prize.
After a short trip. Mr. and Mrs. Labbe
will be at home to their friends at 503
Twelfth street, this city.
The marriage yesterday afternoon at
5 o'clock of Miss Ellon Eliot, daugh
ter of Rev. and Mrs. Thomas L. Eliot,
to Rev. Fred Alban Weil was a matter
of wide local interest. While no cards
had been Issued In the city, personal
invitations had been given to all of the
many friends of Dr. and Mrs. Eliot and
their family, and the First Unitarian
Church was tilled to the doors before
the hour set for the ceremony. Miss
Eliot came In on the arm of her broth
er. Rev. William G. Eliot, who assist
ed Dr. Eliot In the marriage cert-mony.
Her maid of honor was Miss Grace
Cranch Eliot, her sister, and the other
bridesmaids were Miss Henrietta Eliot
and Miss Reba Galvln. a cousin, from
Berkeley. Cal. Mr. Samuel Ely Eliot
was best niHn.-ithlng more exquisite
ly simple and artistic could be Im
agined than the decorations of jjreens
and feathery white blossoms, with
here and there the lotus-like flowers
and broad, glossy leaves of the mag
nolia. Soft music tilled the flower
scented church as the bridal party
came in. Mrs. Edith Fallenlus wa.s at
the organ, her daughter. Miss Mar
garet, accompanying her with the vio
lin. The bride wore the pown of deep
cream-colored corded silk In which
both her mother and her slstr. Mrs.
Wilbur, were married. It was trimmed
with lace and chiffon. After a wed
ding supper for the bridal pnrty,
served at Dr. ElIoVs house. Mr. and
Mrs. Well started on their wedding
Journey. Mr. Weil is pastor of the
Third Unitarian Church In Chicago,
and Mrs. Well and he will be at home
In Chicago afjer September I.
MeG rcw-Prl rice.
A beautiful home wedding was solem
nized Wednesday evening. June 2S. in the
presence of noir relatives, when Miss
Emma Cornelia Prince and Finley Oliver
McGrew were united In marriage at the
residence of the brlds parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. C. Prince 17C T.ntnrft n i
The wedding march from Lohengrin was
played by Miss Ilildogard Plummer. An
unique feature was the six little flowor
girls. Polly Bronaugh. Esther Bodnxin.
Imogene Prince. Rema McGIaughlin.
Merle German and Margaret Wrenn, car
rying sweet peas. They formed an aisle
of white ribbon, down which the bridal
party passed. The bride made a winsome
picture in a gown of white organdy, her
long veil beinc held In nlnoe with hn .
! rosebuds. Her uttenunnt; wero mi vr
j Prinec and Mrs. Benjamin F. Miller, The
fe.wum nan jivtTJiu;runii-ti mv ticnjamin r.
Miller and Harry B. Kuntz. The Rev.
Edgar P. Hill, of the First Presbyterian
Church, performed the ceremony. The
various apartments were tastefully dec
orated with ferns, roses and marguerites.
The color scheme of pink and white being
carried out in the dining-room with sweet
pwas and jasmlne, and the reception hall
was m uecp rou. in me parlor a massive
umbrella of La France rosea was sus
pended from an arch of marguerites, un
der which the ceremony took place. Aft
er congratulations, a dainty lunch was
served in the ditjing-room. During the
evening Miss Frances Prince and assist
ants served punch, while the guests
viewed the many useful and handsome
presonts. The bride's bouquet was caught
by Miss Shorno. After spending the
Summer at Ocean Park. Wash.. Mr. and
Mrs. McGrew will be at home to their
friends in their new home at Lents, Or.
No cards were Issued.
A beautiful home wedding took place at
the residence of the bride's mother. Mrs.
S. Bechly. Chehalis. Wash., on Wednes
day morning. June 21, at 9:30 o'clock, when
her daughter. Miss Alma, became the
bride of J. Irving Love, of New York City.
The ceremoney ivas performed by Rev.
W. J. Dickson, of the Episcopal Church.
The house wo.s beautifully decorated with
roses and orange blossoms, the parlor In
white and green and the dining-room In
pink La France roses. Promptly at 9:30
the wedding march of Lohengrin was
played by Earnest Bechly. The bride
looked charming in a gown of silk flake
batiste, and carried bride's rosea. She
wore a brooch of pearls, the gift of the
groom. Miss Josephine Schooley. in white
silk mull, was bridesmaid, and carried
pink carnations. George Bechly, of Ta
coma, attended the groom. The bride's
bouquet was caught by Miss Sarah Mln
zenmler, of Portland. After congratula
tions, a dainty wedding breakfast was
served. The happy couple were the re
cipients of many handsome and costly
gifts. Mr. Love is a prominent railroad
man. Mr. and Mrs. Love left amid show
ers of rice and good wishes on the 32:30
train for a tour of Southern Oregon and
other points.
A pretty June wedding was that of
Miss Blanche V. Qulne to James M.
Parry; which was solemnized at the
home of the bride's parents, at 75 East
Everett street, at 9 P. M. on. Wednes
day, June 28, by Albyn Esson. The
bride, who Is an only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. C Quine, wore light blue
rjepe de Paris over silk, and carried
bride's roses. The attendants were
Miss Carrie A. Parry, of Welser.
Idaho, sister of the groom, and
Mr. James A. Thompson. Miss
Parry wore tan silk, and carried La
France roses. To the strains of the
wedding; inarch, played by. Mrs. J. E.
Jones, the bridal party entered the
parlors and took position under a
beautiful bell of marguerites and
roses. After congratulations from as
sembled relatives and friends, the
company repaired to the dining-room,
where a bountiful supper was served.
The high esteem in which these young
people is held was manifested by the f Allen, of Albany, played the Lohengrin ' ... . . . nt
large number of beautiful presents. . wedding march, and the bridal party IL'S hel cwo2- on,i daughter of
Mr. Parry occupies the responsible po- entered the parlor. Miss Allen played 1 1Ir- J- Dewey, was united In
sltlon of shipping clerk at the Oregon 1 softly Mendelssohn's weddins chorus ! marriage with William Lohkamp on Tues
planing mill. They will be home to ! during the service. Miss Ida NofTingcr . day morning at St. Mary's Catholic
their many friends at 75 East Everett '. sang at the close. The bride was at- 1 Church. Rev. Father Daly officiating,
street. i tended by her cousin. Miss Marguerite After the ceremony a wedding breakfast
Wllson-Wcbb. I Bowers, and Dr. J. O. Van Winkle act- i was served at the home of the bride's
j ed as best man for the groom. Little ; parents In Woodlawn. In the evening the
One of the prettiest and most charming L111Ian park was flower girl, and bridal couple was serenaded by Autumn
weddings of the "season occurred last strewed flowers In the pathway of the ; Lnf Circle. Companions of the Forest of
Wednesday evening at the White Tern- J party. The bride looked very sweet In America, of which both are members,
pie. It was the marriage of Miss Martha ; a dress of cream crepe de chine, with The bride was becomingly gowned In white
Apnea Webb to Samuel Wilson, of Ta- tullo veil, caught up with s-rlnga , silk organdie, and carried lilies. Miss
coma. Wash.. formerlyV.of Portland. A ! blossoms. She carried lilies. The ; Augusta Lohkamp was bridesmaid, and
large assemblage of friends and relatives ' bridesmaid wore pink voile, nnd car- j wre pink silk organdie. Mr. Carl Dewey,
was present to witness the ceremony. I rled a bouquet of sweet peas. Miss ' brother of the bride, was best man. Mr.
The altar was most beautifully decorated ! Georgia Smith caught the bride's : and Mrs. Lohkamp are now at-home to
with stately palms, and a profusion of the , bouquet. A dainty luncheon was served I their frlerds in their new home In Wood
dainty huckleberry foliage and margue- after the ceremony In the dining-room. I lawn.
rites. Long garlands of the green and
of marguerites were hung on the pew
ends on both sides of the aisle from the
main entrance to the front of the church,
all being the artistic work of T. A. Olsen.
isxactly at M30 o clock the opening bars :
of Valenti's weddlnir march were nlaved
bv Miss Grare KVmn. Th. mwm nnrl h! '
best man, Alexander R. Morton, of Spo- j
knne. advanced to the altar, where they
werc met Dy ur. j. v nucomo jBrougner. ,
accompanied by Dr. J. R. Wilson, of the
Portland Academy who assisted In the
service, and all awaited the bridal party.
Then appeared the bridal party, making
a very Impressive sight. First came the
four ushers, Robert Strong, Clyde Cum
mlng, George Hart and Louis Cruikshank.
These were followed by the four brides
maids. In dainty Dolly Varden gowns,
with pink sashes, and carrying huge
shower bouquets of white sweet peas.
The bridesmaids wore Miss Mary Eliza
beth Webb. Miss Lena Hadaway. Miss
Margaret WIb?on and Miss Louise T. Phil
brick. Next came the maid of honor.
Miss Clara Louise Webb, sister of the
At the residence of Mr vind Mrs. M. Rogoway. College street. last
Sunday afternoon, June 25. Miss Ulltan Goldman, a popular young woman
In Jewish circles, and Mr. Nathan Sohn. a prominent business man of
Bluolleld. W. Va., were married. Rev. Dr. Abramson, rabbi Congregation
Abuvla Sholotn. performing the ceremony In accordance with the Jewish
rites. The bride wore a silver gray dress, trimmed with French em
broidery, and carried a bouquet of carnations. After the ceremony a wed
ding supper wa.s servod. Mr. and Mrs. Sohn left on the S:3) Southern
AliH'ti Sholom. performing the cercer visiting the principal Southern and
Eastern cities, they will go to their future home In Bluetlold. W.
bride, her gown being a gorgeous white ring benrer, nnd Marie Datson. as
lace robe over Nile green, with a long i flower girl, assisted In the clmrmlnf:
sash of the pale green, ami carrying a ceremony. To the strains of Mendels
shower bouquet of pink sweet pea;. Then sohn's "Wedding March" .the bridal
the bride appeared, escorted by her fath- party entered the church, and the
er. She wa.s exceedingly beautiful In a "Flower Song" was played softly
simple but elegant gown of chiffon cloth, throughout the service. The brldo
with rich applique garnitures, and com- ; looked very sweet nnd girlish In gown
pletely onvoloped In a fllmy veil of tullo, of KOf. ,,.1,1, mn trimm..,i win, in
secured by fragrant orange blossoms .She she carried a trailing bouquet of white nK In a traveling sown and large plc
carrled a magnificent bouquet of Bride swcct ,,ea!,. The pridesmnld. In white ture hat. She was Kiven away by her
ros. Her only Jewel ornament was a Swls and lace, carried pink roses. The brother. Miss Ameer was maid of
handVome brooch of pearls and diamonds.
the gift of the groom.
The lading of the service by Dr.
Brougher. with the soft organ accom
paniment of "Traumerel." was followed
by prayer by Dr. llson. uncle of the
groom. Then the Joyful strain of the
weuuing m.ircn were iiuu a 11 vjtprunntiui
of the good wishes of the liosts f friends
of the happy couple.
Many beautiful gowhs ivere worn, a
particularly noticeable one being that of
the bride's mother, who was charming
In an 183") gown . of pale gray brocaded
The handsome home of the brkle'g par
ents had boen profusely decorated with
light sweet peas and forns. and a recep
tion, and' supper was enjoyjod by 35
guests, which Included the bridal party
and relatives. While at supper, a num
ber of congratulatory telegrams were re
ceived. Wedding guests from mil of town
were Mrs. James I. Hart. Albany. N. Y.,
and Miss Amelia Hurford. of Norwalk. O.
Many handsome and costly gifts were re
try. and also from the Orient,
M- m vnin irt in. i
Salt Lake City. Denver. Fairlleld. la..
.. and will be
h.. after A-
Chicago, and Monmouth. Ill
at home In Tacoma, Wash
On Wednesday, June 25. at Sd P. M..
at the elegant home of Judge H. II.
Hewitt, of Albany. Or., one of the prot-
Host weddings witnessed In many years
occurred, when Miss Olga Lenore Hewitt
became the bride of Professor Charles J.
Bushnell. of Tiffin. O. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. G. W. Nelson, of
Albany, under a grill covered with white J
ribbons and beautiful floral decorations. .
Miss Inez Hewitt, of Portland, a cousin
of the bride, served as maid of honor:
Hortense Hogue. a.s flower girl, and the COUVer. Wash., and Mr. J. P. Robinson
Misses Nellie Hogue. Grace Payne Ednn werc marricd on June 29 at the resl
Allen and Hortense Greffoz as brides- ; dence of Mrl. JulIa Vm Robinson, moth-
maJdov.,.'en, tH1, af '"L8 "lier of the groom. US4 Ilolgato street,
and Phil Goodwin. Llwln Crutchtleld. Neal Rev George C. Cressey. of the Unitarian
Murnay and Charles Stewart as ushers. ; Churci,. performed the ceremony.
Every room of the Hewitt residence had ; whlch xook place at ,,, h noon MIss
been.nost artistically decorated for the: Edna Erdmannand Mr. Herman -Erd-occaslon.
and presented a very handsome mann were respectively, bridesmaid
appearance. The bride was dressed In amI bcsl man Tne br,de drcs!,ed
crepe de chene trimmed in Duchess lace. ,n whIto s,,k made foundation
and wore a veil and a wreath of orange of heavler 5Uk. she carrIe(1 whltecar.
blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet j naUon5. Thc bridesmaid was In tan
of sweet peas. Alter he beautiful ring . , d pInk carnatIons. Mr.
ceremony and congratulations by over .0 , M Robinson will reside In Beau
relatives and Intimate friends, all were . , IIeiKhts. near the, home of Mr.
ushered Into the dining-room and treated r, i.,r
t vfi o7i : Robinson mother. Among those pns-
supper. Mrs. 5. K. Halght presided over
. . ...
supper. -Mrs. d. k. natgiit presided over
1,11 """"h ' -.-.- A .UrWt A I
v. n itnn- ,1 -ti- Toni'ii. r.. .... ,
and Miss Mary Stewart served. Mrs. C
E. Sax before the ceremony rendered a
beautiful vocal selection, and Miss Haddle
Parker played the wedding march. The
bride was presented with a magnificent
display of beautiful nnd valuable gifts, i
The bride Is an only daughter of Judge
H. H. Hewitt, and Is a young lady of fine
accomplishments and Is universally es
teemed. The groom Is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. P. Bushnell. of Chicago. III. He
Is professor of Heidelberg University,
Tiffin. O. After spending the Summer
In Oregon, the happy couple will go to
Tiffin, O.. where the groom has an ele
gant home prepared for his bride, and
where thej will be at home to their
friends after September 15, 1X6.
A very pretty wedding occurred at
the bride's home In Brownsville
Wednesday, June 6. 1905. at 10:30 A.
M.. when Miss Esther Bowers became
the wife of Mr. Timothy M. Alcorn,
Rev. A. J. Hollingsworth performing-
the rinc ceremony, In the presence of
about 60 guests. The Bowers home j the best young people of Mount Tabor,
was beautifully decorated for the oc-J and their many friends wish them a bappy
casloc The hall was In white, while I and useful life. Mr. and Mrs. Roof will
In the parlor the predominating color be at home after July 15. at East Fifty
was red. Just before the ceremony , third and Burnslde streets. Mount Ta
MIss Fay Cooley sanp beautifully "Ob. i bor.
Promise Me," after which Miss Edna Lohknmp-Dewey.
which wa.s decorated in pink and
green. They left on tho afternoon
visit the Exposition before golnp to
. . i ... . . T? 1. . t. .
incir in nut: iiujiic ui .011111 uuni .jic i
voung people are well and favorably
i t-,.. t - ,..-.. nnnMinr i
r t ..m I
Jnany friends. The room Is a'success- j
.,t iaiOVTn,.n r tho I'nrionrnml Tmtr 1
of Travel. He Is a cnrtluate of ithe
class of 1903,
3, Wcsleyan University, of
Kansas. They were the recipients of
many beautiful and valuable presents,
showlnp the esteem In which they are
The Sunnyslde M. E. Church was the
scene of a charming weddlnjr Wednes
day evening; the pastor. Rcv. T. B.
Ford, officiating and uniting In mar
riage Roy G. Datson and Amy J. Will
lams, both of this city. Garfield B.
Datson. brother of the groom, acted as
best man. nnd Miss Lydla Schumnn as
bridesmaid. Little Esther Bodwell, as
T 1
church was prettily decorated with
marguerites and lilies, backed by palms
and ferns. Friends and relatives of
the bride and groom tilled the church.
First Battery. O. N. G.. of which Mr.
, Datson is a popular member, attending
!n n 1)odj Vftor t,)e ccrcmony n re.
to the relatives was held at
the home of Mr. J.
F. Datson. father
of the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Datson
left on the evening train for Scaidd;.
and will be at home after July 15 at
311 Marguerite :venue.
One of the prettiest weddings of the
season took place at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. H. Miller. last Sunday evening,
when their daughter. Sadie, was united
In marriage to Alox Gex-urtz. son of Mr.
and Mrs. 1. Gevurtz. Rev. Abrahamson of
ficiating. Only the relatives of the con
tracting parties were present. Mrs. Par
rish. accompanied by Mr. Fisher. "Mayed
the wedding march from "Lohengrin" as
the bridal party entered the parlor, and
! dr,"K ln"f Mendelsohn's
spring Song. The bride was beautiful
in an exquisite gown of white orrandle
a sUk JrI2:.aniL 7,ci "f
' r,d .ro"?r e . h"norM,?s
1 Mayme MHier, sister of the bride, wore
. J.I.I,. ,.,... nt ..'1. 1 .-Ill- 1 I 1
j " ,";.r " ' V V . C
j pink rose.-. The groom was attended by
! I-ouIs Gevurtz. The rooms were hand-
I somely decorated with Oregon grape, ferns
. and roses. After congratulations a dainty
wedding supper wa.s served In the dining
room, which wa.s decorated In pink. Mr.
and Mrs. Gevurtz received some elegant
wedding presents. They left for an ex-
i tended wedding tour through California.
Miss Phlossle Brumagln, daughter of
m, nnri Mrs n Ti nmmnrin n
ent at tho weuulnir were llr. nnd Mm.
i ,T T VrAran ,,, r "
! Pmmnirln A tJ "Vf TJ,S,-1 1
Ul Ulllllftlll, . . i A IVI141KU,
Mr. C. M. Robinson. Mr.. and Mrs. L. II.
Foster. Mr. J. I. Robinson. Mr. nnd Mrs.
C. T. Mctcalf. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Rob
inson. Mr. and Mrs. W. C Iiurens, Miss
Addle Robinson.
A pretty wedding took place Tuesday
evening, June 27, at S:30 o'clock, at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sawtelle.
when their daughter. Daisy P.. was united
In marriage to Mr. Morris Roof. Rev. S.
E. Memlngcr. pastor of Mount Tabor M.
E. Church, officiated. Miss Grace L. Saw
telle. sister of the bride, acted as brides
maid, and the groom was accompanied by
Mr. Nicholas Arnold. The bride looked
beautflul. attired In a gown of pale blue
organdie, and carrying a bouquet of white
carnations. The bridesmaid wore tan
ctamlne. and carried pink carnations. The
home was tastefully decorated with palms,
evergreens and flowers. Many beautiful
presents were received. The bride's bou
quet was caught by MIss Clara Clark.
The bride and groom are numbered among
On Wednesday evening: at 0 o'clock
h lrs 1SJ5
Roscoe Ashley took place at the
i "'"V" tt"u 7
,e, SJ: vier street.
residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. M. Ash-
Relatives and
friends to the number of .i were
,rc"nt Te Rcv'. !' ?' Kn,!fht of
Portland, who married the bride s pa-
rents, performed the ceremony. The
rooms were festive In feathery huckle
berry greens and Jasmine. The bride
wore a gown of white silk net. and
carried white roses. Miss Edith Kuney
wns maid f honor, and Mr. M. A. M.
Ashley best man. After a wedding
supper Mr. and Mrs. Ashley started on
a bridal trip to Puget Sound. They
will be at home at S93 Savier street
after the 1st of August.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Uhlman
wan the scene of a pleasant gathering on
Snturday evening, the 24th Instant, it
being the occasion of the marriage of
their youngest daughter. Rhoda Estelle.
to Carl Crow at 6 o'clock. The bridal
party consisted of MInnn Uhlman and
Guy Crow, followed by Carl Crow and
Eitelle Uhlman. entered the parlor while
the ever-beautiful wedding march from
"Lohengrin" wns played by Mrs. Pathen
bargcr. Under n honss-shoe of white car
nations the ceremony was performed by
RcvJ Jerome McGIadc, D. D. The young
people left amid a shower of congratula
tions from a host of friends for Mills
City, their future home.
A pretty home wedding was celebrated
at 1 foul ton. Or.. Wednesday, June 2S. at
the home of Mr. nnd Mrs. I. G. Wik-
strom. when the!. son. Charles E., was
married to Mies Edith Kokrltz. of Ka
lama. Wash. The orlde looked charming
In dainty dress of white mull, while
the groom wns attired In conventional
black. The bride Is the daughter of
Mr. Kockrltz. of Kalama. and the groom
Is the son of 1. G. Wlkstrom. a prominent
millman of Columbia County. Only the
Immediate friends and relatives were
present. A deligntful wedding dinner
erved. after which the younR couple
departed for Portland on the evening
train. They huve the hearty good wishes
of .their many friends.
A very pretty wedding occurred last
Tuesday evening at thr residence of Mrs.
R. S. Karrell. when her cousin. Miss
Ella V. McCloskey. was united in mar
riage to Mr. John Jacob Apple, of San
Francisco. The ceremony was performed
In the front parlor, which was tastefully
decorated with smilax. Oregon grape and
Jacqueminot roses, and was performed by
Rev. Father Thompson, of St. Mary's Ca
thedral. A delicious wedding supper hav
ing been served, the couple left for a
week's oullns at Shasta Springs. They
nil! make their future home In San
Francisco, where Miss McCloskey has en
Joyed the reputation of a leading contralto
Miss Florence E. Terry and Wilfred
F. Bolre were married Wednesday at
5 o'clock at St. Stephen's chapel, cor
ner of Thirteenth and Clay streets, by
the Rev. W. R. Powell. The bride, who
was one of the populnr younc teach
ers of the Couch School, looked charm-
honor, and Mr. Lon Hunt, of Trout
dale, acted as best man. Tho ushers
were Mr. Leo Bolre, brother of the
groom, and Rell Colby. Miss Ott offi
ciated as organist.
Topping-P11I nc.
Dr. Frnnlf I Tonnlnir. nf Sin PrnnMam
! nn.i ti rvt-ri p.iino. r.f thi
married ednesday noon at the home of
the bride's parents. Dr. and Mrs. D. A.
Paine. Rev. D. E. Loveridge officiating.
A large number of friends were present,
the house wns beautifully decorated and
In every particular It was a notable social
event. The young couple left on the 12:10
train, and after a short honoymoon tour
will make their home In San Francisco.
At thehome of Mr. C. M. Gaston, jn
this city. Wednesday. June 28. Mr.
Kenneth II. Stewart was married to
Miss Stella Sovereign. Rev. J. Whlt-
: comb Brougher officiating-. The bride
Is a member of the First Baptist
Church. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left for
the East Wednesday evening, and will
visit Mrs. Stewart s parents at -Wal-
iace. idaho. before 'retur
i home In Eastern Oregon.
rnlner to their
Trout man-Hit mill.
Mr. Charles A. Troutman anU Miss
Myrtle Lillian- Hamlll were united In
marriage In Albany. Or., at 12:30 o'clock
June 2S. 1905. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W. M. Parker. Rev. G. W. Nelson, of that
city, officiating. They are young people
of worthy character, and are held In high
esteem by a large circle of friends In
Albany and Linn CountyT After spending
a short time In Portland they will make
their home near Shedds, Or.
W. K. Glen nnd Miss Maude E. Noble
were united In marriage Monday. June 19,
at 5 P. M-, at the home of Mr. Glen's pa
rents. 333 East Ninth street. Rev. John
Glen officiating. The wedding wos a quiet
one, only Immediate relatives being pres
ent. After the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs.
Glen left on the 6:15 train for Spokane,
Wash., which will be their future home.
Wednesday evening at 9 o'clock, at the
home of Hon. and Mrs. I. H. Bingham, a
large gathering of friends and relatives
witnessed the marriage of Miss Maude
Francis Bingham to Mr. David Griggs.
Rev. D. E. Loveridge officiating. A splen
did wedding feast was served, following a
period of congratulation, and the happy
pair took the late train for their future
home. In Cottage Grove.
On Thursday. June 22, occurred the
weddlnp of Mr. Lucius Curtis Pease
and Miss Nelly MacMullln. of this city.
The bride isthe daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. J. B. MacMullln. The groom has
for several years been connected with
the art department of The Morning
Oregonlan. Mr. and Mrs. Pease will be
at home to their friends after July 1.
Married On Sunday afternoon. June 25,
at the home of the bride's parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Kemp, 644 Harold
street. Edith Gertrude Kemp and Dr.
Frederick S. Smith. Rev. A. A. Winter
officiating. At home, 7S4 Thurman
street, after August 1.
Mr. Fbllip G. Stout, of Sea View. Wash.,
and Miss Louisa A. Brown, of Portland,
Or., were married at Rwaco, Wash., on
Thursday evening. June 22, 1905. The
newly married couple will reside in their
new cottage at Sea View. Wash., where
the groom is extensively engaged in con
tracting and building. At home after
July 1.
Bean-Patterson. J
Mr. Louis E. Bean and Miss Katherlne
Patterson were married, in Eugene, Wed
nesday evening, at the home of the
bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Pat
terson, Rev. I D. Driver officiating. A
f large number of friends of the contract
ing parties were present, the house was
beautifully decorated, and It was an
occasion of much social Interest. The
groom Is a well-known young attorney ofj
this city, and the bride has been serving
as principal of the Central School.
Miss Ada Packer and Dr. Loula A.
Shane were quietly married Wednes
day. June 2S. at the home of the bride,
3S1 Going- street. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Ardcn M. Rock
wood. Dr. and Mrs. Shane will be at
home to friends at 522 East Ankeny
street after July 10. No cards.
i Mr. Charles Johnstone and Miss
Daisy Robinson, both of Portland, were
married In Grace M. E. Church by Dr.
Clarence True Wilson, the pastor, on
June 29. The weddlnfr party consist
ed of the relatives and friends of both
persons. The ceremony took place
promptly at 1 o'clock. '
Tc marriage ofDora Florence Gould
to Mr. Robert GUIan took place at tho
home of the bride's mother. Mrs. M. E.
Gould, at Mt. Tabor. Wednesday. June 21.
at 3 P. M.. relatives and intimate friends
being present. Mr. and Mrs. Glllan left
on the evening train fcr a trip through
James L. Carswell, of Fulton. Or., and
Elizabeth Petrie. of this city, were mar- j
tied at the manse of Marshall-Street
Presbyterian Church, on Wednesday,
June 23. at 3 P. M.. Rev. C. W. Hoys of
ficiating. ' Mr. and Mrs. Carswell will
live at their new home on Texas street,
On Tuesday last, at the home of Harry
W. Rlshcr, 151 Lownsdale street. Walter
11. Orr and Miss Leona G. Winfred were
united In marriage. In the presence of
friends.. Rev. J. Bowersox performed the
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Orr will reside
In Portland.
At the White Temple, in. the pastor's
'reception-room. Miss Frances L. Chap
man and Delmer C. Livingston were mar
ried. Dr. J. Whltcomb Brougher officiat
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. P. Case, of Red
lands. Cal.. formerly of Portland, an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter. Estelle M. Case, to Mr. West G.
Smith, of Manila. P. I. The wedding
will take place the latter part of Au
gust at Manila.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Fay an
nounce the engagement of their
daughter. Lillian Cathryn, to George
William Birrel. The wedding will take
place July 17. 1905.
Mr. and Mrs. Isador Ling announce
the engagement nf their daughter.
Madeline, to Mr. S. W. DIttenhofer, of
St. Paul.
r students In Portland are fortunate
In having the opportunity for a few
months Instruction from Mr. .Frank Vin
cent Du Mond. who through his classes
at the Art Students" League In New York
and his Summer school at Old Lynne,
Conn., has a National reputation as a
teacher. The Portland Art Association Is
arranging for classes which Mr. Du Mond
will criticise each week. AH who In
tend to work In any of these classes are
urged to be present Monday evening. July
3. at S o'clock, when Mr. Du Mond will
give a preparatory talk outlining his plan
of work, discussing principles and giv
ing other preliminary instruction. Any
others Interested In this work are also
Invited to be present. The classes will
meet at the Museum of Art. Fifth and
Taylor streets, where further Information
concerning them may be obtained.
The conclave of the High School Soro
rity. Omega Nu. In Portland, which Is to
be held during the coming week, will be
the occasion of numerous social affairs
for the visitors nnd the Portland girls.
On Monday evening there will be an
Omega Nu reception at the home of Miss
Lula King. 195 Twenty-first street. For
Wednesday evening a cotillion Is on the
tapis, cards for which have been issued.
The Portland High School Sorority will
act as hostesses for this. On Thursday
evening Delta Iota Chi Sorority will en
tertain the Omega Nus. and on Friday
evening the Gamma Eta Kappa "frat"
will be hosts. PI Delta Koppa Fraternity
will entertain Saturday evening.
Owing to the fact that the rooms in
which the meetings of the Women's
Clubb are held Is to be used for a down-townheadquarters-
for the medical men
and their ladles, during the meeting of
the Medical Association, the next meet
ing of the Women's Club has been post
poned to the regular day, the second Fri
day In July.
Tomorrow evening there will be a con
cert at the Seamen's Institute at 8 o'clock
In honor of the Italian cruiser Umbrla.
An excellent programme ha been pre
pared. All seamen and membcrj of the
Italian -colony here are cordially Invited.
The Portland Women's Club will give
a reception to the delegates of the Wo
man's Suffrage Association on Frlday
evenlng at the Commercial Club. All
club members arc Invited. Husbands of
club members are Invited to accompany
Dr. Gcorze D. Peters wishes to an
nounce to his friends and patrons that he
Is now .permanently located In the Colum
bia building. AVest Park and Washington,
rooms 402-3, Dhone Main 1S99.
Mrs. George C. Mason will entertain
next Wednesday afternoon for the Misses
Flower, of New York, who are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. Wesley Ladd.
The members of Mrs. Warren's Bible
class will go to Renord. Mrs. Warren's
outing place jon the- Columbia River, for
a picnic, July 4.
Miss Kate Woolsey wil! give a bridge
whist party next Monday for the Misses
Flower, of New York.
If Your Face Needs Treatment.
When you visit the Fair kill two birds
with one stone and visit Madam Tully.
the expert dermatologist, at 4W& Clay
street. If your face nced3 treatment of
any kind you can rely on the advice of
this talented woman, who Is well and
favorably known by the best people In
all of the principal cities on the Coast.
Mr. F. J. Jackson, of this city, has
gone to New York on a business trip.
Misses Carrie and Edith Rosenblatt,
who are touring the world, are now at
Miss Sara Posner, of Tacoma. Is vislt
ins in Portland, the guest of Miss Jessie
Mrs. Dan J. McGlll and daughter.
Frances Duane, are now visiting frlenair
at Hood River.
The Misses Mary and Ruth Morse, of
California, formerly of Portland, are here
visiting friends.
Miss Mayme Apfel. of Spokane, Wash.,
is visiting the Misses Carolyn and
Almee Solomon,
Mr. Clarence Montain, of the Belasco
Stock Company, has taken apartments
at the Marlyn Club.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hoatlcy, of Glad
stone, Or., have left for Europe, and will
be gone three months.
MIs3 Julia and Mr. Max Reiss, of San
Francisco, are visiting Mr?. Ludwiff
Levy. 254 Stout street.
Mrs. MaVtha G. Crowell left last week
for San Francisco, where she expects to
remain until September.
Mrs. Flora Bettman. of Cincinnati, O..
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. Samuel Rosen
blatt, of 550 Hovt street.
Miss Mary Margaret Mann, of Virginia;
Is spending- the Summer with her aunt,
Mrs. Lou von Zell Clarke.
Mr. Jacob Marx and his sister, from
Chicago, are visiting their sister, Mrs.
Louis Rosenblatt, of 492 Taylor street,.
Mrs. J. Apfel. of Spokane, Wash., la
the guest of Mrs. Si Solomon, 340 Tenth
street. At home Thursday, the 6th.
Mrs. Clara Heald and two daughters,
June and Luclle Meredith, from Marshal
town, la., are here on a visit to the Fair.
Mrs. E. H. Schlanp. of 171 East Third
street. North. Is entertaining her sister.
Miss Jennie Haggerty, of Denver, Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Chcim and chil
dren, of Tacoma, Wash., were In the
city to attend the Mlller-Gevurtz wedding.
Mrs. I Verstandlg and children, of Bel
llngham. Wash., are guests of Mrs. Ver
standlg's sister, Mrs. Joclsohn, 547 Fifth
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Linn and Miss,
Marian Linn, of Eugene, have been
guosts at the Marlyn Club for the past
Fred W. Sanford. formerh of this city.
but now of Hotel Stlrlinsr. New York
city. Is In'town on his way to Southern
Mrs. M. V. Shannon, from Sioux City,
la visiting her daughter. Mrn. Evans, at
Oswego, where she will be pleased to re
ceive old friends. - p
Mrs. Isolds Shub and daughter Mln
nette. of Denver, are visiting with Mrs.
Snub's sister. Mrs. Morey Asher, of 452
Washington street.
Mrs. Sam B. Archer and son. Worth
Ington. have returned from a delightful
visit with Mr. and Mrs, William G. Saw
yer at Hot Lake. Or.
Mrs. W. A. Morri, a prominent St.
Louis vocalist, visited the Exposition'
during the past week with the National
Editorial Association
Mrs. R. Brotman (formerly Ray Hyman)
and daughter, of San Francisco, formerly
residents of Portland, are visiting Mrs.
Joclsohn, 547 Fifth street.
Miss Jeanette Fay, a Detite blonde of
charming personality, and a talented mu
sician of Chicago. III.. Is the guest of her
sister, Mrs. Charles Barenstecher.
Mrs. J. P. O'Brien and daughter, ao4-,
Mrs. F. S. Stanley and children, who have
been spending the past week at Long
Beach, will return home Wednesday.
The many friends of Mr. Charles Baren
stecher will be glad to hear of his recovL
ery frpm an Illness which has confined
him to his home for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Richard Schmidt and her son.
Frank H. Schmidt, of San Francl3co. will '
be In Portland this week fpr an extended
visit. They are both natives of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Jackson R. Myers, of the
Hawaiian Islands, are visiting- in Port
land, guests at the new home of Mr. and
Mrs. T. T. Strain, on Willamette Heights.
Miss Marguerite Mogeau. of San Ber
nardino, arrived In Portland last week
and will be the guest of .Mrs. N. J. Levln
snn. at Willamette Ilelchts. for the Sum
Mn. L. A. Kent, chairman of the dec
oration committee for the National Equal
Suffrage Association. Is entertaining her
sister, Mrs. W. II. H. Clayton, of Orange,
Mrs. David Stewart returned to her
home In Chehalis; on Thursday, accom
panied by her sister. Miss Winifred Pack
er, who will spend the Summer at Che
halls. Mr. and Mr. H. C. Breeden. after an
absence of a year, spent In travel, havo
rpturned to the city and have taken
apartments at the Hotel Portland for the
A party consisting of Governor J. K.
Toole, of Montana, son Edwin, and niece,
Mlsa Rosecrnns. Mrs. Toole and Miss
Mary Kennett spent the week aX. the
Hotel Eaton.
Mrs. William J. Helser, formerly
Miss Cora Lan, of this 'city, who ha3
been visiting- her parents here for the
past six weeks, left for her home in
Council Bluffs. Iowa. Thursday.
Miss Bettie Duke, of Scooba. Miss., a
popular Southern society nolle, spent sev-
Cllll Uil, til UApU?lUl'll UUI iU" CliO
week, and departed Thursday evening
with the National Press Association.
Invitations are out for the marriage of
Miss Sydnee E. Clarke to Mr. Thomas
A. McDougall. The wedding will take
place on Tuesday. July 4. The happy
(Concluded on Page 20.
and Calling Cards
. Washington Building:.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
Reajores Tin, Ptaplei.
Freckles, Motir PatchtsL
Raib, ad Skin DUtMe.
and trtrj Oleralih
on beauty, and de
fies detection. If.
itood tas test
of 57 years, aad
Is so htrmless tre
taste It totesurelt
la properly raada.
Acctpt so counter
feit of ali&nr
name. Dr. L. A.
8arr (aid to a
lady of tba haut
ton (a pattest):
"As ycu Udlet
will use then,
I reeornraani
'Gaarnad'm Craum as the least hansfal of ail tha
liln preparations." For salt by all druggists szi 'Fancy
Goods Dealers In tae United States, Canada and Zorope.
FHBJ.HIPllHS, Prep, 37 Gnat Jcnes Sfrwi MewTwl