The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, July 02, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Sarakoff Resigns as Minister
of War.
Minister of the Interior Boulipnn
Will Probably Be Succeeded by
v Count Ignatieff, ex-Governor
of Kicff.
nouncement was made at the "War Of
fice that General Sarakoff has resigned
as Minister of "War.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 1. The res
ignation of Minister of the Interior
Bouligan is regarded as impending. He
probably -will be succeeded by Count
Ignatieff, ex-Governor of Kieff.
St. Petersburg Doubts Report ofru
tlneers' Surrender.
CHICAGO. July 1. (Special.) Captain
Migoulln. of OdPfa. wires the Dully News
correspondent at St. Petersburg as fol-,
The Knalz f'otemklne has surrendered,
but 350 of the mutineers escaied on an
English vessel. The Black Sea fleot
sailed this morning, leaving in port the
Georgl Pobledonostseff. The fdtuation Is
still threatening. Vessels of the volun
teer fleet and many warehouses have been
burned and foreign ships and warehouses
have b.een damaged to the extent of 50,
000.000 roubles ($25,750,000).
It has been well known for a long lime
that the men of the Black Sea lleet were
in a dangerously mutinous condition. The
conspiracy has been well organized and
the conspirators are supplied with funds.
The surrender of NebogatofTs men in
the Far East was anticipated. They were
confidently drawn from the Black Sea
fleet. Admiral Enqulst's plight was also,
due to the revolt of his crews.
St. Petersburg is .suspicious of the fleet's
departure from Odessa. It is feared by
many officials that the reports of the
surrender of the . mutineers is inaccu
rate and that the rebels have seized the
other vessels and are Intending to bom
bard the towns along the coast. English
vessels are said to be waiting to help the
rebels to escape. The censorship sup
presses all news from Odessa.
Reservists in State of Mutiny.
Riots are reported from Kursk and
Moscow. In me cases the men are
said to have burned their officers alive.
The reservists In this city are in a state
of mutiny. ' The Czar has summoned a
war council at Peterhof.
The workmen of the Nikollav Admiralty
works have Joined the revolutionists.
Cronstadt is occupied by large bodies of
troops on account of the harbor strikes.
Coisacks are watching Reval and Libau.
The sailors blame Grand Duke Alexis for
the naval disasters.
M. Bouligan. the dictator of Russia, aaid
to the Dally News correspondent today:
"The troubles at Odessa are merely local.
Mobilization is proceeding undisturbed and
quiet will soon be restored."
Prince Peter Trubelskoy said: "The mu
tiny of the sailors was unexpected. It
is Inexplicable. I tww the Czar and his
Ministers today. They were all surprised
and distressed. Technical obstacles pre
vent the Immediate convocation of the
Zemsky Sobor. All sections of the coun
try want peace, but they also desire hon
orable terms. The letter especially pub
lished, purporting to be from General
Llnlevltch and urging the prosecution of
thewar, is fictitious.
Peace on Honorable Terms.
"Kuropatkin wires that the army Is in
better shape than ever and able to stand
between the country and shameful terms.
I myself have sounded nobles, peasants
and merchants. They all desire an hon
orable peace, otherwise they prefer war
to the end.
"For weeks past I have been reviewing
military trains on the way to the Far
East. Both officers and men were patri
otic and cheerful.
"The Mayors' congress is unable to
form a revolutionary government. Its
Twenty Different Doctors Fail
Mrs. Leona Hendricks, Eugene, Or., writes: "Be
fore treating at the X-Radlum Medical Institute I
think I tried no less than 20 different doctors In
the past two years, to whom I was recommended
as the best men in the profession I spent money
freely to regain my health, which was going from
bad to worse. The last dpctor told my husband
there was no hope for me and to be prepared for
the worst. A lady friend of mine advised me to
try Liquid .Suanhlac treatment at the X-Radlum
Medical Institute. I was so weak and worn at that
time I coulcl scarcely move. It Is now Just two
months since I took this grand treatment and I am
happy to say I feel today a well woman. Oh, how
happy and grateful 1 am, and you have the heart
felt gratitude of an entire family. I am feeling at
this writing so good that I muit tell you something.
"Well, God bless you and I hope every woman who
is sick will consuit the X-RaJlum Medical Institute
doctors and take this marvelous cure treatment
Liquid Sunshine."
Hundreds of Similar Testimonials and References at Office
Alisky Building, Third and Morrison Streets
Portland, Oregon
Office Hours:
Telephone Main 2796 9 A. M. to 12 M., 1:30 to. 5 P. M., 7 to 8 P. M.
Sundays, 1 1 A. M. to 2 P. M.
J threats' were therefore unnecessary. The
constitution is coming in any case. The
effect of ministerial alterations In. the
constitution for the new national assem-
bly is to render it more democratic The
fear that a packed councli of the empire
would kill the project Is unfounded. The
. Czar -realizes -the .gravity of the "sllua-J
Morchants are hurrying the settlement
of their affairs 'In anticipation of a revp
Cut 'Down Impudent Soldier and Is
Attacked by Mob.
KURSK, European Russia, July 1.
An officer was 'burned to death in a
railway car here by a mob last night
after u short, sharp conflict. . The
trouble arose through the officer or
dering the arrest of a soldier. Tho lat
ter was impudent, and the officer drew
his sword and cut the man down. The
surrounding crowd drove the officer
into a railway car, from which he de
fended himself with his revolver. Ul
timately the mob saturated the car
with petroleum, set fire to it, and tho
officer perished. The rioters were dis
persed by dragoons.
Procession Bearing Red Flags Is
Broken Up.
"WARSAW. July 1. Twelve workmen
were killed and 13 wounded by troops at
Breziny, in the Government of Petrokoff.
Friday night. The workmen were march
ing In procession and carrying red flags
when they were stopped by a force of in
fantrymen, who fired volleys into the
crowd and dispersed It. The wounded
were taken to the hospitals.
Eight thousand cotton-mill employes at
Zawiercle. in the Government of Petro
koff, have gone on strike.
Union of Associations Notes the Im
minence of Revolution.
Union of Associations has resolved in
view of the "Imminence of a revolution
to organize a political strike in all pro
fessions beginning Monday next."
Shooting: Affrays Are Common.
BOR1SOFF. Russia, July 1. There are
continuous disorders In the city and ad
jacent country districts and scarcely a
night passes without shooting affrays. A
bomb was thrown Friday night at four
policemen, who are said to be on the Ter
rorist list for death. The services of tho
military are nieded.
General Strike Threatened.
LONDON, July 1. (Special.) A dispatch
to the Exchange Telegraph Company from
St. Petersburg says today three of the
largest manufactories closed, the employes
having struck. Vigorous agitation Is in
progress for a general strike.
Bombs Fou nil by Police.
ST. PETERSBURG, July 1. The police
have discovered eight completed and 22
half-completed bombs and SO canisters of
explosives in a house occupied by a gov
ernment employe In the village of Vera,
near Tsarskoe-Selo.
Reservists Burn Villas.
PARIS, July 1. (Special.) A dispatch to
the Petite Journal says the reservists
burned three villas at Tsarskoe-Selo.
Soldiers Sympathize With Rioters.
KRONSTADT. July 3. (Special.) The
soldiers refuse to fire on the rioters. Only
Cossacks will obey such orders.
Englishman Consumes Eleven Dozen
and a Half of Bivalves.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. Ex-Supervisor
"Joe" King, owner of the -New
Western Hotel, suggested in a hospitable
way to Thomas Adams, an English guest,
that they go to an oyster place and have
some succulent bivalves at his expense.
King felt that he could cat a dozen of
them, but remarked Incidentally that a
dozen of the small California variety was
easy to dispatch, but that a dozen of the
larger kind was about all he could polish
off at one sitting.
A bet was made on Adams' capacity.
The two men were soon seated in an
oyster resort and Adams In a matter of
fact way ordered 12 dozen of the small
Eastern kind, to be served him a dozen at
a time on a plate. Six dozen disappeared
in the course of an hour, and King began
to open his eyes. They were popping
out of their sockets when the tenth dozen
came on the table. By 'tho end of two
hours and ten minutes Adams had eaten
11 dozen and six odd oysters.
"Man sakes nllve!" ejaculated King.
"Here's your $25. Stop eating or I'll have
a dead guest on my hands."
Tiie Englishman was none the worse for
his big meal.
Rectal Trouble and Running Leg
Ulcers, 15 Years' Stand
ing, Cured
Charles Edwards, "Walla Walla, "Wash., says:
"Fifteen years suffering from severe rectal trouble
and ugly running ttlcers on the legs, having spent
thousands of dollars to get cured, lived a year at
Hot Springs and then get no relief. Is enough to
-make a man believe nothing will help him. Ad a
last resort and much against my will, I was induced
by my brotaer to try Liquid Sunshine treatment at
the X-Rndlum Medical Institute. I must say it has
worked a miracle on me. After treating 60 days at
the Institute I returned home a well man. Today I
rode 20 miles in the saddle, something I have been
unable to do in ten years. I can truthfully say
Liquid SubkhIbc treatment is the most remarkable
remedy oa carta. It has cured me and my case was
what doctors proclaimed a hopeless one. I cannot
speak too highly of this wonderful treatment.
VotrRadolin Talks Two Hours
With Premier- Rouvier.
Except as to the Details, the Contro
versy Between France and Ger
many Is Believed to Be
Practically Settled.
PARIS. July 1. Prince von Radolln. tho
German Ambassador, "called at the For
eign Office this evening by appointment
and during a two-hours talk with
Premier Rouvier received from tho latter
the French response to Germany's last
note concerning Morocco.
The response takes Into consideration
the assurances Germany has given rela
tive to French interests in Morocco and
modifies some of the objections at first
raised against a conference.
The general tenor of the response Is
favorable to the principle of a conference.
Diplomatic circles, therefore, regard the
controversy as practically closed. In
which nothing now remains to be done
except to adjust the details. This, how
ever, may take some time as each side Is
tenaciously contesting every step.
Salisbury Made Proposal to Divide
Territory With the Kaiser.
CHICAGO. July 1. (Special.) Tho
Dally News prints a story on the Moroc
can controversy from the Berlin corre
spondent. In which he says:
"Germany six years ago was opposed
and refused an offer to partition Morocco
with England, according to a statement
made to your correspondent by one of the
Kaiserls foremost diplomatic representa
tives in London. This authority asserts
that the late Lord Salisbury was ready
to enter into an agreement with the
Fatherland, whereby Germany and Eng
land would have possessed themselves of
"spheres of interest." the Sultan's king
dom practically exclusive of all other
"Germany saw no advantage in the ar
rangement and professes to be no more
anxious today than at that time for ter
ritorial aggrandizement In Morocco.
While the project was under considera
tion, German warships secretly investi
gated the availability of the Moroccan
coast for a naval station. It was re
ported that the conditions were alto
gether unfavorable.
"It Is suggested by the diplomat who
gave this statement that British sus
picions of the disinterestedness of the
German designs In Morocco at the pres
ent moment should be allayed by these
facts which have not hitherto been pub
lished." Radolln Delays Conference.
BERLIN. July I. Prince von Radolln.
the German Ambassador at Paris, tele
graphed that Premier Rouvier was Indis
posed yesterday afternoon, and that con
sequently the conference arranged to take
place between them for that afternoon
was postponed. The German Foreign
Office does not know j-et what decision,
if anv the French Ministerial Council
took yesterday.
There is a feeling that American opin
ion leans towards France and Great
Britain, and against Germany In this
question. This causes regret, because
from the German standpoint Germany la
contending for the free-trade rights'
of all countries In Morocco. Germany,
however, has established her diplomatic
position with the Sultan, who feels that
If he yields to the French proposal he
Is lost.
Chicago Alton Will Install the De
Fore( SjHtcm, IasarlBg Quadru
ple Protection oa It Road.
CHICAGO. July L (Special.) The Chi
cago & Alton Railroad has been experi
menting with the De Forest telegraph
system upon its Alton limited trains, run
ning between Chicago and St. Louis, and
the tests have proved absolutely satisfactory-Wireless
messages were received at a
distance of over 30 miles from the send-
Ing station while trains were running 50
miles an hour.
The Alton has been experimenting with
the wireless system for some time, realiz
ing Its Importance, not only from the
commercial standpoint to passengers, but
particularly In the mater of safeguarding
against accidents. Upon the completion
of the wireless system th.e Alton will
have four protective systems, th? tele
graph train orders, tho station block
system, tho automatic electric block, and
the wireless telegraph. The Chicago &
Alton was the first railroad on which the
wireless system, has ever been success
fully applied to the operation of a rail
road. . .xla-
Promlncnt Persons in BIr Party on
Way to Philippines.
CHICAGO. July 1. (Spedal.)-Sccretary
of War Taft and his party, who are to
make a tour of the Philippines and the
Far East, arrived in Chicago at 3:30 P. M.
There are SI of the travelers. Including
Senators and Representatives and their
wives. Army officers and private citizens.
Miss Alice Roosevelt and three o'f her girl
friends. Miss Mabel Boardman, Miss Mac
Mlllan and Miss Helen Patton, accompany
the party.
Three hours were passed in Chicago, and
no plans were made for entertainment,
but some of Miss Roosevelt's friends were
at the Baltimore & Ohio station when the
special train nrrived. Nearly all the trav
elers took dinner at the Auditorium An
nex, and at Si3d tonight resumed tho Jour
ney to the Pacific Coast over the North
western Railroad. The train, which left
Washington at 5:50 P. M.. Is due In San
Francisco July 4.
The sailing is scheduled for July S. Sec
retary Taft plans to visit Toklo. and
while there will call upon the Mikado.
Manila will be reached August 6, and
then follows a tour of the Islands. The
party will sail for the United States Au
gust 20. .
JkVith reference to a successor to Secre
tary Hay. Mr. Taft ild: "I am not per
fectly sure of the provisions of the law
on the subject, but I am under the Im
pression tha't It Is not necessary imme
diately to appoint a new man to the
place which Mr. Hay filled with such dis
tinguished success. Mr. Adee will reach
Washington within a few days and
doubtleso will attend the departmental
matters until the return of Mr. Loomls
from France with . the body of Admiral
John Paul Jones."
"When mention was made of the state
ment by Mr. Wallace, late chief engi
neer of the Panama Canal, Mr. Taft re
marked that he understood he had
"roasted" him. but that he had said all
he Intended to In the Wallace matter."
"The Wallace . Incident Is closed, and
we look forward without apprehension to
the regime of Mr. Stevens." said Mr.
Secretary Taft and party arrived here
over the Baltimore &. Ohio Railway at
5:05 P. M. Their two cars were switched
to the Chicago & Northwestern Railway,
where two other cars were added . and
other members of the party came aboard.
The train will travel as a special over
the Chicago & Northwestern, the Union
"Pacific and the Southern Pacific to San
Francisco. Among the visitors who
called on Secretary Taft was General
Leonard Wood, who Is returning from
the Philippines. They talked earnestly
together until the train started shortly
after S o'clock.
Knight, Donnelly, & Co. Uttering
CHICAGO. July L Nothing will be
done toward a settlement of the claims
ngalnst tho defunct stock brokerage
firm of Knight, Donnelly & Co. until
Master In Chancery Ream has heard
the testimony to be submitted to Judge
Bethen. of the United States Court.
Creditors nr resting upon their oars.
In the meantime both Knight and
Donnelly are denouncing persons who
believe that the Thorn interests are
going to liquidate the indebtedness of
the bankrupt concern. Nevertheless, the
statement that George Thorne, father-in-law
of R. H. Donnelly, has tacitly
agreed to meet the indebtedness is de
clared to be true, notwithstanding tho
severe criticism of the report by Mr.
Edwin C Porter, the receiver, today
said tnerc was nothing to be given out
for publication.
Northwest Theatrical Association
Spreads to Utah.
SALT LAKE. July 1. (Special.) The
Northwestern Theatrical Association to
night acquired control of the stock of
the Unique Amusement Company, which
owns a Utahna, Park and a Utahna The
ater in both Ogdcn and Salt Lake. The
same company had already control of the
Grand Opcra-House In Ogden. During the
past week Mr. Cort, acting for the North
western Association, also leased a thea
ter on Fifteenth street, in Denver, which
gives It a line of playhouses extending
from Denver to the Coast.
IMr yjBlH?4 - Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
bbbbbbbt ' attaafcaaaT 'Minlf3aaaaaaaaaaaaalaaaM
New Company in San Fran
cisco Has Secret.
A Rate War Abont to Begin Between
Rival Concerns Which Prom
ises to Give -Bay City
Cheap Light.
SAN FRANCISCO, July 1. (Special.)
There Is every probability that .the cltyj
will see a gas rate war within two
weeks 'as the San Francisco Gas & Elec
tric Company has announced that It will
cell gas at the rata of 25 cents for 1000
feet when tho San Francisco Coke & Gas
Company will begin supplying gas In
the districts which are already supplied
hy the older company. Leopold Michel,
president of the new gas company, says
that ho Is not at all alarmed by the
threat and declares that the concern of
which he Is the head has enough money
behlnd It to see two fights to a finish.
Work has commenced this morning at
the new plant at the corner of Beach
and Mason streets In the manufacture
of gas and coke, and the president of
the corporation says that In about H
days he will be supplying with gas the
districts through which the mains run.
A new virtue Is claimed for the gas
which Is to be manufactured by the San
Francisco Coke &. Gas Company, and
that Is that' no person will be able to
commit suicide by means of "Asphyxia
tion. Mr. Michel remarked this morning
that the Ulumlnant was to he purified
by a new method, of which the company
alone possesses the secret.
"We purify the gas so that we get the
poison out of It and people cannot kill
themselves by letting the fluid flow. It
will take -us about-two weeks to All our
big mains and blow them out so there
shall be no air In them. We Intend to
take every precaution and furnish tho
people In this city with the best gas in
the world. We have also ordered 10,000
prepayment meters. These meters are
on the nickel-ln-the-slot machine order.
A person can put in two bits and he will
have two bits worth of gas supplied."
3Iothcr Drop la Faint "Whea Yohbr
Violinist Appear Without
Flaxen Locks.
NEW YORK. July 1. (Special.) A
pair of shears, a wig barber and a boy's
desire not to look like a "sissy" are re
sponsible for the transformation of little
Maurice Warner, the boy violinist, for
whose musical education the women of
tho Eclectic Club raised a fund of 550.000.
from a dreamy-looking prodigy with long,
flaxen locks to a plain, ordinary boy. The
loss in the lad's marketable value has
driven his friends to despair, caused the
cancellation of contracts worth $2000. and
nearly broken Maurice's mother's heart.
Incidentally the barber faces a lawsuit.
The boy's mother feels sure of getting
damages, and says that personally she
would not have taken $10,000 for Maurice's
locks. The boy's hair had received much
attention and was trimmed slightly at In
tervals to promote Its growth.
Two days ago the manager for Maurice
took him to a barber shop and leaving
the boy In the barber's chair went out to
attend to other business. In his absence
the damage was done. When Maurice's
mamma first saw him with a closely
cropped pate she fainted, and has since
been under a doctor's care suffering from
nervous prostration.
No Announcement on Resignation of
Engineer AVallace.
WASHINGTON. July L (Special.)-The
Isthmian Canal Commission had an ex
ecutive meeting today at which all the
members were present except Governor
Magoon. who Is In Panama. General
Davis, the ex-Governor of the Canal Zone
and a member of the new board of con
sulting engineers, was present by request,
as was also William Nelson Cromwell,
the general counsel of the commission.
Most of the time was spent in the read
ing of the minutes of the previous meet
ing of the executive board and the hear
Ing of reports as to the- progress of the
New York press dispatches, speaking of this famous treatment, say: "Liquid
Sunshine as used at the X-Radium Medical Institute is reported as being pro
ductive of almost miraculous cures.
Flashed over the wires throughout, this continent on June 15. as National news, and telegraphed to the lead
Ing .newspapers
Chicago, and other prominent
and leading men of the coun
try, were cured of Cancer and
other malignant diseases by
Liquid Sunshine.
By this new and superior
me:hod of treatment at tire X
Radlum Institute, this elixir
of life. Just discovered, gives
vigor to the whole sysic-n,
creates new energy, strengf.
ens the nerves, makes new
blood, ""bright eyes, a clear
brain, restores the healthy
complexions of youth and
makes life worth living.
I.adlen Trill Had k boon la
Llqaid SBBshlac. It fills out
hollow cheeks, restores the
curves of beauty to the
scrawny neck and shrunken
bust. It makes women healthy,
beautiful and able to be a
wife and mother as well as
the Joy of her family.
Paay Girls axd Sick Call
drra Are Gives Xcw Life aad
sufferers from nervous proj
tratlon. or people approach
ing old age, there Is nothing
tnat will benefit them so sure
ly, so quickly, or so perma
nently as Liquid Sunshine.
Fill a. bottles or common gloss wltfi
yo.ur water and Jet It stand 24 hours;
a sediment or settling Indicates an
unhealthy condition of the kidneys; If
It stains the linen It is evidence of
kidney trouble; too frequent desire to
pass it. or pain in the back Is also
convincing proof that the kidneys and
bladder are out of order.
What to Do.
There is comfort in the knowledge so
often expressed that Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
fulfills every wish in curing rheuma
tism, pain In iho back, kidneys, liver,
bladder and every part of the urinary
water and scalding pain In passing it,
or bad effects following use of liquor,
wine or beer, and overcomes that un
pleasant necessity of being compelled
to go often during the day, and to
get up many times during the night.
The mild and the extraordinary effect
of Swump-Root is soon realized. It
stands the highest for Its wonderful
cures of the most distressing coses.
If you need a medicine you should have
the host. Sold by druggists In 50-cent
and $1 sizes.
You may have a sample bottle of
Swamp-Root, the great kidney remedy,
and a book that tells all about It. both
sent absolutely free by mall. Address
Dr. Kilmer & Co., BInghamton. N. Y.
When writing be sure to mention that
you read this generous offer in the
Portland Sunday Oregonlan. Don't
moke any mistake, but remember the
name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Root, and the address, BIng
hamton. N. Y., on every bottle.
work on the Isthmus. No new questions
were taken up. After a recess for lunch,
the commission had another meeting.
No official notice will be taken of Mr.
Wallace's reply to Secretary Toft, but It
was announced that the commission has
in its possession letters from Mr. Wallace
setting forth as the main reason for his
desire to give up the position of chief en
gineer of the canal the fact that he had
received an offer of a higher salary, that
he felt he could not decline.
Bonaparte Is Sworn In.
WASHINGTON. July 1. Charle3 J.
Bonaparte, of Maryland, was sworn In
as Secretary of the Navy a few minutes
after 10 o'clock today.
After taking the oath, Mr. Bonaparte
received in his office, shaking hands with
each one, all the Naval and. Marine Corps
officers on duty at the department. Sub
sequently he received the entire clerical
force of the department, shaking hands
with each. He then returned to his desk
and took up the work awaiting him
Assoclnte-Jnstlce In Philippines.
OYSTER BAY. L. I., July 1. James F.
Tracey, of Albany, N. Y.. was appointed
today as Associate Justice of the Su
preme Court of the Philippine Islands.
Judge Tracey Is a practicing lawyer
In Albany and a Gold Democrat. He will
succeed on the bench of the Philippines
Supreme Court Judge McDonough, of Al
bany, -whose term of one year has ex
pired, and who has returned to this coun
try. 3Iore Bank Notes in Circulation.
WASHINGTON, July 1. The monthly
circulation statement Issued by the Con
troller of the Currency shows that at the
close ol business June 30. 1S05, the total
circulation of National bank notes was
J495,710.S0, an Increase for the year of
To Abandon Fort Grant.
WASHINGTON. July 1. Fort Grant, es
tablished, many years ago to guard the
southern and eastern boundaries of the
San Carlos Indian Reservation in Arizona.
Is to be abandoned as a military post
because of the peaceful character of the
C. II. Trent Is New Treasurer.
WASHINGTON, July 1. Charles H.
Treat, of New York, today succeeded
Ellis H. Roberts as Treasurer of the
United States. Mr. Roberts, who had
held the position for eight years, left to
day for Utlcaj N. Y., where he will make
his home.
Fate of Editor-in-Chief of Turkish
NEW YORK. July 1. According to
a Constantinople dispatch forwarded'
by the Paris correspondent of the
Times, New Zead Bey. chief editor of
the Turkish journal Hldmet, published
at Smyrna, has been strangled by his
warders In the prison of Adana, to
which he was recently sentenced. It is
asserted by the Constantinople corre
spondent that the warders subsequent
ly hanged the body at the door of the
prison, following which a statement
was given out saying the journalist
committed suicide.
Mrs. Durfce Died of Pneumonia.
ELGIN. 111.. July 1. Physicians sub
mltted a report today that the wife of
In the world from New York, appeared the
Lilquld Sunshine Remedial Agent.
NEW YORK, June 15. A remarkable
case of cancer cure has just come to
light, and Is credited to Portland. Or.,
physicians. Mrs. Edgar Babitt. West
Forty-fifth street, has recenlty returned
from Portland, where she has received
treatment at the X-Radlum Medical In
stitute, in that city, during the past
three months. Previous to her Journey
ing Westward, she was advised by em
inent specialists here to have the breast
removed in order that her life might be
saved. This she refused absolutely, pre
ferring death to an ojeratlon. Mrs .Bab
It t's case is attracting wide attention
among the medical fraternity, and the
cure Is pronounced a remarkable one by
the specialists with whom she consulted
previous to her departure. The treat
ment employed by the doctors at the
X-Bodlum Medical Institute. In the case
of Mrs. Babitt was that which Is known
as th.e new elixir of life. "Liquid Sun
shine." Though practically In its In
fancy, this drugless mode of prescrib
ing Is superseding all other methods of
treating the sick and Is reported as be
ing productive of almost miraculous
In Sozodont Tooth Paste are
combined the antiseptic, alkaline
and astringent properties ofSozo
dont Liquid and the smoothness
of Sozodont Powder. Will not
harden in the tube or decom
pose. Is positively free from,
acia ana grit, wiu not tarnisa
or scratch the enamel or gold
work" of the teeth. Sold in col
lapsible tubes at all stores.
Sext Free: "Alice Revisits Won
derland," an amminz and attractive
little story for the children.
IIali. L Rcckel, New York Gty.
W. H. Durfee came to her death as a
result of pneumonia, and not poisoning
from arsenic. Durfee. who was under
arrest on a charge of wife-murder, was
admitted to ball.
Pennsylvania Insurance Commls
slonershln Goes to Martin.
HARRISBURG. Pa.. July 1. Israel
W. Durham, of Philadelphia, has re
signed as State Commissioner of Insur
ance, and ex-Senator David Martin,
whom Durham succeeded several years
ago as the recognized Republican lead
er of Philadelphia, takes his place.
Simultaneously with the announce
ment of Martin's appointment, the Gov
ernor announced the appointment of
Captain John C. Groome, of Rosemont,
to be Superintendent of the State Con
stabulary, created by the last Legis
lature. Captain Groome Is commander
of the famous First Philadelphia City
Tro,op. The Governor, in replying to
Durham's letter of resignation, said in
"In accepting your resignation. It Is
only Just to you to say that no com
plaint has ever beep made to mo con
cerning the conduct of affairs in your
Inattention AVas Alleged.,
PHILADELPHIA, July 1. Tho 'an
nouncement that State Insurance Com
missioner Durham had resigned and
that David Martin had been appointed
to succeed him, was received in this
city with surprise. Since the political
upheaval recently, there has been a
general demand by clergymen, relig
ious and other organizations, for Mr.
Durham's resignation, the allegation
being made that the Insurance Com
missioner paid little or no attention to
the duties of his office.
Chile Guarantees Railway Bonds'.
SANTIAGO. Chile, July 1. Tenders will
be made November 15 for the building
of a railway from Arlca to La Paz, Bo
livia. Chile will give a 5 per cent guar
antee during a period of 20 years and a
deposit of J23O.0OO will be made to take
part of the tenders.
The only way' to get rid
of pimples and other erup
tions is to cleanse the blood,
improve the digestion, stim
ulate the kidnevs, liver and
skin. The medicine to take is
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which has cured thousands.
following press dispatch:
As a Tonic Stimula
tor and Invlgorator It
Has No Equal.
INSTITUTE is indorsed, pat
ron!2ed and the only Institute
recognized by the medical
profession and hospital clin
ics throughout the Pacific
Northwest for the treatment
and cure of Cancer. Consump
tion. Stomach, 1-Iver. Blood
Poisoning. Rheumatism. Par
alvU, Female Troubles no
matter from wflat cause. Ca
tarrh, Ulcers, Lumps, Deaf
ness, Asthma, Locomotor
Ataxia. Nervous Disorders.
Rupture, Piles, Fistula, Rectal
Diseases, Bladder. Kidney and
kindred disorders.
and drugging you for months
without knowing what ails
you. The X-Ray looks clear
through your body and at
once locates the cause.
American. German, French
and Scandinavian Specialists
in attendance. Connultatlen
free; treatmeat irlthJa the
reach of all. Correspondence
solicited. Strictly confidential.
Send for symptom blank cov
ering our home treatment.