i; rEBSONAX. FACIAL DEFORMITIES AND BLEMISHES permanently removed by latest scientific method! ; 119 pain, no dancer, no scars, no detention from dally duties; winkles, .hol lows, unshapely nose. ears. lips, corrected: pitting, birthmarks, pock marks, scars eradicated; superfluous hair,, moles, -warts, red veins, etc., removed by electric needle: electro-vacuo 'massage treatment; largest, most successful school of dermatology and only one in Northwest under the direction of a graduate physician; suite 17-20, Selling-Hindi bldg.. Washington st.. bet. W. Park and 10th sts. Phone Main 70S. Mme. M. Vaughn. G. D. D. B. B. Mas ten. M. D, C. M. A WIFE Br PROTESTANT CHRISTIAN traveling man, widower, 37 years old, bra-, nette, weight 145 pounds, with daughter 10 years old; she muet be respectable, of good family, able to give references, leve home life, Indian curios, fancywork and music, to such I can give a nice home, completely furnWhed; I can give best references; do net drink or ute tobacco, and ak no more so far as character Is concerned than I can return, object matrimony. C 87. Oregonlan. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL from Texas; most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world; rheumatism, paralysis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neu ralgia, catarrh, cancer, bums, old sores, yield to this oil like magic; cured in 8 to 20 days; sample can. 50c. postpaid; testi monials free; agents wanted. M. E. Clin ton 515 K. Couch St., Portland, Or. Phone Union 3452. AZA HOLMES - RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific, featural cerrec tlonlst, beautifier and restorer of youthful ness, may be consulted daily free; every affliction of the human face and scalp suc cessful treated; mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc.. removed. Sanitarium and school of dermatology In connection. Par lors 304 Morrison. Phono Hood 282. $500 REWARD TO LADIES FOR ANY case of suppression that Dr. LaVal's Monthly' Regulator falls to relieve in five days. This applies to alt obstinate, long standing, abnormal cases from any cause; no case hopeless. Price $2. Free samples and booklet worth $100. Use our pre ventive cones. French Capsules Co.. Dept. 470, Covington, Ky. TOUR LIFE IS WORTH LIVING WHEN you think it Is. When you don't think so. It is because you need Serine Pills. Price SI a box, G for $5. with full guarantee. Address or call Clemenson's drug store, corner 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. CHARMING LADY. OF GOOD APPEAR ance. and worth $23,000. desires to meet a gentleman; object matrimony. Poverty no objection; will nslnt husband financially ac once. Address Mrs. Morton, room 20. C A., Old Times bldg... Chicago. LADIES. DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND money on superfluous hair treatment. I teach you a practical scientific principle, a permanent cure, used In your own heme. Address Trade School for Girls. 1401 First ave . Seattle. REFINED LADY WISHES TO CORRE spond with business gentlemen not under 40 years of age; only gentlemen engaged in a successful, business of their own In or near city need reply; object matrimony. W 71, Oregonlan. TRADE SCHOOL FOR GIRLS 1401 FIRST ave.. Seattle. Hair dressing and aH branches of dermatology taught thoroughly by mall. My graduates are employed in hotels, barber shops, stores and private families. Send for terms. MARRY RICH; 5000 DESIRE TO MARRY. Our large list, with photos and P. O. ad dresses, free. Many wealthy. Describe yourself. Address Cupid. 121, Oakland. Cal. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladies and gentlemen, re sponsible age, matrimonially Inclined. V 48. Oregonlan. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. MANDOLIN AND guitar. 50c; instruments furnished free of charge to pupils. Studio. 100 3d su Phon Main 443d. WANTED ADDRESS OF THOSE IN Rogue River War. Address Mrs. D. P. Myers, 1703 N. Taylor ave.. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED PARTNER WITH SMALL CAP ital to take charge of and manage a profit able business in the city. R 72. Oregonlan. YOl'NG LADY. 22, WITH $4000; MAIDEN lady, 33, $15;000. and others would marry. Description free. Box 35, Toledo, Ohio. S. R. A. ORCHESTRA MUSIC FURNISHED for select parties; concert and latest papu lar music. Phones Main 4430 or 4703. SPANISH PRIVATE INSTRUCTIONS IN Spanish by competent, experienced teacher. Terms reasonable. M 0b, Oregonlan. RESPECTABLE EASTERN .GENTLEMAN of 35 would like to meet lady 25 to 35; ob ject, matrimony. P 71, Oregonlan. WOULD LIKE TO FORM ACQUAINTANCE with some nice and trustworthy widow; ob ject matrimony. M 71, Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED GENTLEMAN IN WELL paying business wishes lady partner; view matrimony. J 73, Oregonlan. WIDOW. 38. UNINCUMBERED. IN Busi ness, would marry honorable gentleman; ne triflcrs-. H 78, Oregonlan. BUSINESS MAN. AGE 39. WORTH J59.00. wanw good, sensible wife Address W., 097 Fulton st., Chicago. - A MAN OF 30 WOULD LIKE THE Ac quaintance of lady of good address. Q 54. Oregonlan. COINS BOUGHT. SOLD; GET OUR PRICES; lists free. Cola Co.. 115 N. 11th. St. Louis. Mo. DETECTIVES. GOOD AND RELIABLE; we do the work or no charges. T 59, Ore gonlan. WANTED A HOME FOR BRIGHT BOY OF 5 years; respectable parentage. Phone East 2033. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor. 127 11th. Tel. Main 4853. MISS MAKI scientific masseuse, graduate ef Finland; ladles only. 400 Ablngten. Hd, 635. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. TUB COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 5478. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; diamonds thought. W. IL Lesh. 613 Dekum. Clay tfim. Al HAIRDRESSERS. MANICURES; WIG maklng specialty. Rosenthal Sisters, 160 5th. TURKISH BATHS. SO0 Oregonlan bldg.: gents all night; ladles all day. Main 188S. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50c AT HOLLA baugh's. 2075 Taylor, bet. 8d and 4th. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FKMALB Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Mala 4 SIC. EXPERIENCED FACE AND SCALP MAS- pnge. ioa Aiaer si. I'Aone nam 5SSft. BUSINESS CHANCES. A DRUG STORE. CENTRALLY LOCATED In Portland. Is desired. Address Dr. C L. Large. Forest Grove. Or. FOR SALE ABOUT $1500 STOCK OF GEN eral merchandise at 75 cent on the dollar. Address X 54, Oregonlan. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR sale, good reasons for selling; trade good. Inquire Allen & Lewis. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A ROOMING- nour-e ei ri rooms, aw a restaurant in cob nectlon. 151 N. Oth K. SALOON. GOOD CORNER, FOUR NICELT lujiiirnra u".n w un juano; goes lease; sell ROAUTV WITH rR OTTUrtM . , . . flrsw-lass home cooking; rates reasonable. GROCERY AND LUNCH FLACK. CORNER, good bustaesv. cheap rent, lease; Mm fu E 73. OregoMlan. FOR SALE SNAP. DBUCATRSSBN AND rrvtaurant; cheap rent; ,rasn. Mi-health. Phone Mala 4751. FOR SALE BSTABIJSHKn nWkTvnt.v lng manufacturing butanes; 51 Goo required. X. INTERKST nHST lft5T nnrani. . ... restaurant in city, $8W. National Realty BAKERY FOR SALE. DAILY RECEIPTS 520; best baker- in Willamette Valley. B do, uregonian. ROOMING-HOUSE FOR SALE OR TRADE encap: matte oner. 431 Leve Joy st. Phane FIRST-CLASS LUNCHnOOM FOR SALE good location, good business. H 72. Ore- goman. FOR SALE HALF INTEREST IN A GOOD business la a country town. R 5L On- goman. AN OLD-ESTABLISHED . TINSHOP AND stocx or. jornaces. inquire ex J. UMger.. 133 FOR SALE LODGING HOUSE. 21 ROOMS. liww; tiey terms. ios rirst sc. A BARGAIN IN A SALOON ON THE COR- ner or Third st. M 57, Oregonlan. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE HEADQUARTERS. T.AFT &. CO.. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block. Phone Main 156. WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF ROOMING HOUSES and have many of the MOST DE SIRABLE LOCATIONS that are for sale. Good locations are going fast. Note our par tial list below of both large and small ones. If theae don't suit, call la. 26 ROOMS Furniture all good, right down town location; lease: tats acute is surely a money-maker, and 1 now doing good business and must be told; price only $1600. 10 NICE LARGE ROOMS Central loca tion, clearing above all expenses $85 per month; & regular snap for $1275. 20 ROOMS Elegantly furnished. 00 Wash ington St.: cheap rent and good lean; come and look at this and make offer. 10 ROOMS Close in. on Gth re: well fur nished, good house, very cheap rent; lease, $1250, or will rent furnished. 50 ROOMS Brick building, rent $150; least; good money-maker; small payment down; price $1500. 52 ROOMS Newly furnished, new building, house full, 2 years' lease, rent $125; 2 stores on ground floor, rent for $50 per month; price for few days only, $2290. 20 BOOMS On "Yamhill st-. good location: now, this must be sold at once; make us any reasonable offer; you get the house; rooms all rented. 00 ROOMS On Morrison, high-clans boarding-house; everything coed. old-established buslnefs; dining-room ess be rented fer $200 per month: lease, rent only $250 per month; price $6500. 18 ROOMS On Morrison st.: this is an exceptional pick: house fuH and making money; price only $1100. 11 ROOMS Rent $30. extra well furnished, loeated best part of Washington St.; price $000. For rent Vacant etere, corner en Wash ington st.; here is a snap for someone; cheap rent and lease. HOTEL. 45 ROOMS Nicely furnished and very complete In every respect; doing an excel lent business. In one of the best tewns In the Valley: 7 dally trains and two stage lines; county seat; can shew up net income of ever $400 per month; will give 5 years" leae of house; price ef furniture, $2500. RESTAURANT. On 5th st., doing a fine baslness; owner has other business; will sell whole, but pre fers to sell half-interest; if you have a small amount ef money you can double It In a short time. .For further particulars please call. We have a large ilst ef 8. 10 and 12-room houses. Grocery store, doing good business. $1500 cash sales per month; aM established bul nets; cheap rent; best location in city for family and hotel trade: will invoice. WE GUARANTEE ALL TITLES. BUYERS PROTECTED AS WELL AS SELLERS. LIST TOUR "HOUSES WITH US IF YOU WAN THEM SOLD. WE WANT HOUSES OF ALL SIZES. TAFT & CO.. 122-3-5-0 Ablngtop bldg. 1004 Third st. PATENTS GUARANTEED PATENTS SE cured or fee returned. Send model er sketch for free opinion as to patentability: send for illustrated guidebook; contains 100 roecnan leal movements and list of inventions want ed; tells how to obtain and sell at our ex pense. Evans, Wilklns & Co.. Reg. Patent Attorneys, 010 - st., Washington, D. u. DON'T GET CAUGHT. THE. GET-RICH- QUldrman. the wildcat miner, the guide to full pockets, the bucket-shop man. er ether hot-air promoters, with their premises ef big dividends, win clean you out if you are not posted. The Financial World exposes them all and constantly protects Its read era "against lessen. It teaches how to In vet intelligently and speculate success fully. If Interested in mining, oil. Indus trial, plantation, railroad stocks, er bends. you cannot afford to be without this paper ami us tree aovice iMireau. fcena 10 r free sample copy now. It will open your eyes. Address Financial World. STS Schiller bldg.. Chicago. $20fi0 10-ROOM HOUSE. NICELY FUR- nlshed, good location, hoarders, rent $85, clearing iiw per month. $210015 rooraf. transient, corner, cesmo ol!tan. central location, rest $50 month; a Bargain. $450083 rooms, neatly famished, all filled; Bargain. $HH0 8-room house Rnd lot. near Union av. We have other good houses, farms, timber land, roomtng-houres and buslnrM chances. Come and investigate. V. V. Rand, 4 Ham ilton bldg.. sd sc. near WaMlngten st. SNAPS IN HOUSES. Furnished houses to rent. $5o to $55. Fur nished houses for sale. $125 to $7500. Farms for rate. Improved or unimproved. Chicken ranch, snap for practical man. House and lot at Woodlawn. $800. Bakery, restaurant. oigar store, barber stoop, dairy and other businesses for ale. Money to loan on Improved cits iroDrtr. Can locate you or good timber claims. We have Eavero buyers I r inrntf. SQUARE DEAL BROKERAGE. 122H Gth st. Phone Main 4 ft SO. DAIRY OR STOCK RANCH-2240 ACRES; line stream of water through the center. 2 miles from steamer landtag on Columbia. 1B0 acres timber claim: Sec. 2. T. 10 N.. It. 7 W.; 4.000.000 feet spruee and fir. 7 fine lots. 5xl50; Seaside. Or. A bustaess iroprrty: saloon and lodging-house, bring ing in $128 per month rent. A Mori a. iv. C. Barrett, 416 Chamber Commerce. A MONEY-MAKING CHANCE. Hotel. 07 rooms, close in. long leare. well furnished, everything new. fine baths, all conveniences, dotng otg business; good rea son for setting: this is a first-class cronosl. tion that wilt stand the closest Investiga tion: $2500 will handle Ic Address Lock Box 442. Portland. Or. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT BUSINBSS in one of the best towns in tho state; this 1 a corporation and a controlling Interest can be acquired In some on most favorable terms; purchaser can take position of man ager at a good salary: capital required about hhw. xjie Ames .Mercantile Agency. A ingten bldg. FOR LEASE. BesponRtble party can t-ecure lease on 60-reem hotel la good location: no bonus lor lease. THE BE ALT INVESTMENT CO, 210-214 Ablngten. 1MH Third St. SPLENDID OPPORTUNITY FOR PARTY of small capital to buy a squab plant, in cluding ground, squab-house, flying pens, fixtures, and ever 109 imported homing pigeons. Would sell pigeons and fixtures separately. G rtS. Oregonlan. BUSINESS OPENING NEITHER SALOON, lodglng-hofe nor reneesMon, but legitimate and long-fttabttshed : will pay a rentier $tX) yearly; $1.0( ample to owing It; best reasons for oelHng. B 08. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CONFECTIONARY. ICE cream, dgars and tobacco stand, good Voca tion, welt quipped, doing good business; 3 living rooms in rear. Will ec41 cheap. R 63, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHANCE FOR GOOD SALOON man; fine comer on Washington st.; Al bus iness cheap rent: must be sold account of other business. 429 Washington St.. cor. of Monroe. FOR SALE-HALF INTERBST IN SALOON and roof garden. $5M; booths for rent. $203 and up. adjoining spectacular shew, ready July 1. F. L. Schott. 404 H East Morrison. RESTAURANT FOR SALE AT A BAR gsln. centrally located, seat 80 people; made to seat 12S; long leare. low rent; owner ill. must seM. Apply 2m First t. SPECIAL CHANCE MONDAY FOR ENER getic man with $250 to buy a business and make $1S to $23 a week: previous experi ence unnecessary- Colt 2ISj Stark st. ROOMING-HOUSE OF 35 BOOMS. DOING a good business, fer sale to close an es tate. E. T. Taggart, administrator, 416 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. TWO PARTNERS WANTED TO OPEN AND manage real estate office; choice property Hst and ground Soar, location secured; rare chance. Particulars 73 Sixth st. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE NEAR main entrance to Fair: roust sell; owner called to Alaska: this Is a snap; aee Mrs. Black. 860 Upshur st. GROCERY ABOUT $150 PUTS TOU IN well-located and paying store; owner wlH mil at Invoice. J. V. Crelghten & Co.. 165i Third St.. room A. CONFECTIONERY AND CIGAR STORE FOR sale, good Mvlng rooms: lew rent: a bargain if taken this week. Address G GO. care Or egonlan. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE. ONE BLOCK from Union Depot. Inquire 155 North 6th. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. 23 rooms, on 1st st reduced to $1200 41 " corner brick, income $356.. 3S00 SO corner brick, rent only $150. 2500 29 " 18 furnished, housekeeping.. 1500 23 " near rortofflce. always full. 2000 17 " 10th. near Washington, snap 1600 34 ' crowded every nlRht 2300 5 " s. h-. e. L. lease 3750 IS " good location, rent $50 700 12 " en Salmon, clears $50 1050 2S " en 1st, clears $125 month.. 3150 9 rooms. $550; 23 rooms. $SS0; 5 rooms. $275; 12 rooms. $700; 10 rooms. $650; 92 rooms. $4350; 29 rooms. $1500: 6 rooms. $300; 5 rooms. $259; 20 rooms. $S50: 0 rooms, $300; 10 rooms, $725; 5 rooms. $275; 17 rooms. $1200. We have Is addition -to the above at least 200 ether good bargains that we would be pleased to show you. ranging from a 5 roem flat or cottage to a. 2vd-room hotel. Most all rooming-nouses en our list, and that means nearly alt the best buys oa the market, have been reduced In price 25 per cent; aow Is the time to buy. We have a long list of bargains In hotels, boarding-houses. rooming-houses. restau rants. Uoons, cigar stores, groceries, con fectioneries, butcher shops, photograph gal leries, general merchasdlo-: stocks, sawmills, manufacturing propositions, barber shops. Can give good terms at low interest. JENNINGS i CO 332H WASH. ST. SPECIAL BUSINESS OPENINGS. Feed and transfer business $3500 General merchandise store In country. 4500 Hardware store, very fine business... S3 00 Partner f or"wood and coal business. . . 650 Grocery store, actual Invoice price... 1000 Butter, egg and produce business 000 Saloon, very fine business............ 3750 Partner wanted for saloon........... 750 Cigar and fruit store 750 Partner for restaurant, central...... 300 Lunch-counter, great bargain........ 200 Wanted, man to attend office......... 250 Manufacturing business, reliable..!.. 3000 Grocery and meat market. Invoice... 2000 Barber shop, cheap for 200 Dyeing and cleaning business. ....... 1500 BUYERS, ATTENTIONI We want you to call and Investigate our business openings. All of them are open to your closest Investigation and will pay you from $75 to $350 a month. WESTERN LAND COMPANY. 24SJ4 Stork Street. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER NEARLY 3t0 acre of fine bop land. doe to Portland, covered with fine timber; have been asking (10 per acre; as an Investment will dear 25 per cent on your money; as a business en terprise in making railroad ties and piling can get your money back on the land and have 5000 in 16 months: I need cash and must sell this week; moke me an offer. U 67. Oregonlan. SECURITIES GUARANTEED BY US ARE selling all over the world. Industrial and mining promoters Investigate. Companies Incorporated. We provide bank and mer cantile references. National Underwriting & Bond Co.. S3-S5 New Montgomery St.. San Francisco. CaL EMPIRE RACING STABLES-INCORPO-rated 1901; are earning splendid dividends fer subscribers. Send us a $10 trial In vestment. Empire Company's Annual Re view of the turf and advice on alt turf matters free. Address Empire Cempany, H35 Broadway. New York. 1 WANTED SINGLE MAN. FROM 2S TO 35 years old. Christian preferred, as partner In employment bureau In Denver or New York City, as preferred: with some capital; paying business; have 13 years' experience. Address Mrs. E.. Denver. Colo.. No. 1542 Glenann st. LIVERY. FEED AND SALE STABLES; ALSO general teaming business; steady work for teams and several boarders; 5 men em ployed steadily; owner widow, therefore must sell or trade; home adjoining Included. If desired; will give lease on property. D 54, Oregonlan. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY 13 In receipt of the latest Information on busi ness chances, town and country; list open 10 ltupectlon at any time during oSSce hours. Th Amen Mercantile Agency. Ablngten bldg. GROCERY STORE. DOWN TOWN. LAST year's profits' ever $2U06; best location In city; rent very reasonable; over 2X) reg ular customers; stock and store very neat and dean; excellent transient trade; at In voice, about $3250; sell quick or not at aU. Owner, D 61, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FOR $2560 CASH. AN ESTAB Ilfched buelnrM. oarning large profits; all cash rales; well loeated; long lease; reason able rent: wilt stand strictest Investigation: do not answer unlets you have the price In casa and mean busine&s. ZTmeipais only. D 65. Oregonlan. SALOON OWNER PREFERS PARTNER to keeping help and will sell half-Interest fer $730; experience unnecessary, but .pur chaser must be honest; this will pay you $150 to $200 a month. Particulars. 24S& Stark at. NEWSPAPER AND JOB OFFICE. PUGET Sound weekly, invoices $2000; everything as good as new; between $5vd and $su0 la good accounts goes with It; if cold at onee will take $1700; easy terms; owner has other business. AddrtM M 64. care Oregonlan. JOBBING AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. selling to trade only; estaMUhcd and pros perous, needing partner to rctl goods in city; one acquainted with trade preferred; capital required $1000; references given and re quired, s w. OrrgonUn. WANTED A MAN TO INVEST $700 IN manufacturing plant of new patented ar ticles; greatest opportunity ever presented on the 'Pacific Coast; ruarantee 50 per cent Interest per annum. Geo. M. Cols Co-. North TamhllL, or. FOR SALE-SHOE STORE. IN GROWING Washington town of OPCuj. dean stock: t tabllshed 12 years; splendid chance to get Into established business: about $2500 will handle It: Illness the one cause ox sale. Adoress vox Vancouver, wasn. $250 BUYS HALF-INTEREST IN COMMIS- sion business earning nt the present time $300 to $500 per month; no experience nec essary, but references exchanged. National Realty Co.. 312 Pine . ANNUAL SALARY $IM AND KXPKNsES for reliable man; three years contract, per manent If satisfactory; we wont bright man desirous of bettering himself: salary second' ary consideration. Address box 229, New York city. FOR SALE SMALL DRUG STORE IN TROS pr rous little nearby town in Washington; stork, fixtures and bulldlnx will Invoice about $1300; good opening for "energetic man; no competition. Address B 35, Ore- gonlsn. TO RENT THE DINING-ROOM OF A centrally located buffet, recently refur nlshed throughout; in eenter of business district. There with moner to handle this only need apply to Owner. T BS. Oregonlan. $S50-FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE, good ice cream trade, with Hvlng rooms. furnished complete, for small family; 2 years' lease at $15 per month, paying wclL see T. j. Hammer, am commercial mock. BOOK. STATIONERY AND PHOTOGRAPH IC supply etere. In Hre coast town; estab lished business; monthlr sales will exceed $1000. Invoice price about $1600. J. Ander sen. 191 Morrison st. FOR SALE SNAP. IF SOLD SOON; OWNER going to California. Lot and 2&-reem hotel, electric light, city water, good location, cash. $2000: Installment. $2100. 130S Center st.. Tacoma. Wash. Ss-ROOM LODGING HOUSE, CLOSE IN. low rent, lease; furnishings new; space for dining-room or saloon If wanted; owner non resident and must eeiL. W CS. Oregonlan. A BARGAIN FOR SALE LUNCH COUNTER and restaurant, good paying burlness; have reasons fer selling; must be taken at once. Address O C. core OregoaUn. $1000 BUYS EXCLUSIVE AGENCY IN ORE gen fer best advertising proposition erer offered the public. J. V. Crelghten & Co 1653 3d St.. room A- IF YOC ARE LOOKING FOR A SAFE IN vsanent In a Portland enterprise and can fill position as manager, addrres N 67, Ore gonlan. GOOD CHANCE TO BUT A PAYING Busi ness; welt established grocery for sale la best part of city. D 67. Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP AT FAIR GROUND Booth with furniture of 5-room cottage: cottage fer rent. N 70. Orrgonlan. CONFECTIONERY. CIGARS AND ICE cream store: Morrison st.: snap for Monday. Aadersen. 191 Morrises st. GENERAL MERCHANDISE STORE FOR sale, la good location. For particulars In quire at D CS. Oregonlan. FOR SALE JEWELRY STORE. GOOD LOCA tiea: account health have to- leave town. T 60. Oregonlan. FOR SALE BLACKSMITH SHOP AND tools, with 4 years' lease. 410 Blmoat t-. Eart Side. GROCERY ONE OF THE BEST CORNERS la city; lease, low rent; $2500. V 66, Ore-roaloa. BUSINESS CHANCES. THE HEALT INVESTMENT CO. 10-214 Abington Bldg.. IWiS Third St. PHONE MAIN 133. ROOMING-HOUSES FOR SALE. We giro special attention to the eale c( rooming-houses and handle the same only upon a legitimate commission. WE PROTECT OUR CUSTOMERS AND GUARANTEE THE TITLE OF EVERY HOUSE SOLD THROUGH OUR OFFICE AND OUR GUARANTEE IS GOOD. II ROOMS Splendid furniture. $1000. 30 ROOMS Very central, lease $50 month, only $3200. 23 ROOMS Nice corner: rent $60; $1100. 35 ROOMS Very central corner, lease. $135 month; price. $3600. 50 BOOMS New building, mostly new fur niture; very cheap; lease; $2500. 6 ROOMS Rent $23. $200. 20 ROOMS $05 rent; everything new. $1600. 10 ROOMS A bargain for $373. 25 ROOMS Pays well; lease $63 month; owner will sell on easy terms: $2100. 20 ROOMS Modern and elegantly fur nUbed; $1500. 3S ROOMS Newly furnished; rest $S0; only $2SO0. 23 ROOMS Corner brick, all oa one floor, with good tease; $1650. 00 ROOMS Modern brick, partly furnished; splendid lease; $4500. 11 ROOMS A good bargain for $600. S0 ROOMS Good transient house, will cleat the prtofc each month during the Fair. Call at office for particulars. 8 ROOMS On Washington st.; rent $33; $450. Any number of smaller houses at attrac tive figures. Call aud tee what we have to offer. No trouble to show you and plenty of funds to assist buyers. BUSINESS CHANCES. Novelty printing "stand, nice trade. $500. Photograpn gallery, nice trade. If you want a good restaurant we have It at the right price. Drugstore in suburban district, old estab lished, about $3200. Bakery, city; everything new and first class; splendid trade: $1C50. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO. IF LOOKING FOR A BARGAIN. READ THIS ROOM ING-HOUSB. The swellret rooming-house in Seattle. Wash.; 50 beautiful furalshed rooms; orig inal cost $15,000; hot or cold water, return call bells, electric light and steam heat In every room, elegant porcelain bathtubs oa each floor; In fact, the house la thoroughly modern in every respect: centrally located and no hills to climb. This house is clear ing $450 per month. The rates are ftom $3.50 to $d per week; transients, $1.50 to $3 per day. The Oriental room alone of this house cost $2000. Having extensive mining Interests In Mexico which demand my atten tion and presence, I am compelled to sell at once. Here is a rare bargain for one who Is looking for a good, safe Investment and desirous of engaging In a flrst-clois rooming-house business. This house Is always filled. This proposition will stand a thor ough Investigation and must sell at once. For further particulars kindly address C C Sinclair, room 7. Hancock bldg., Seattle. FOR SALE HIGH-GRADE CASH BUSINESS paying M per cent yearly oa the Investment; no Fair speculation, but legitimate estab lished business; will take $30,000 to handle; triflrrs need not apply, and principals only; goqd opportunity for one or more live men. For Interview address P 72, Oregonlan. GILT-EDGE GENERAL STORE. COUNTY seat, brick corner, doing $30,000 yearly; $4000. Only bakery, county seat, clearing $200 monthly; $1650. Investigate, and If not as represented I refund your money. F. Fuchs. 140Vi 1st. PARTNER WANTED BY A WELL-KNOWN and reliable real estate man: experience not necessary beyond ability to list and show property, which Is costly learned; $500 required. Particulars at 24SH Stark st. A RELIABLE WELL-KNOWN BUSINESS man wants a partner for his business; $60 required, fully secured; owner knowing the business, will guarantee purchaser $125 a month. Particulars, 21s1. starx st. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND WATER PLANTS If you are looking for Investments of this kind I can Interest you. I have properties paying 20 per cent net and over. Frank Keseruon. 820 tailing Meg. SEATTLE WHOLESALE FRUIT AND PRO- duce house desiring opening office In Pert land wants party to Invest $2500 to $3900 acting as manager; salary and share of profits. D C2, Oregonlan. 1 urw"MG VP1TT.V -pTTnVISITVTn fTTTV tral location. lease: best transient beuee in city; clearing $10 per day; can arrange loan for 2-3 of purchase price, investigate. $1200-ONE OF THE SWELLEST RESTAU rants and delicatessen in the city; receipts $90; rent $25; one year's lease; books open for Inspection. National Realty Co., 312 Pine st. FOR SALE STOCK 0 GENERAL MET. rhandise; Invoice about $30uu; doing a $15.VC0 business v early; postetfice la connection; a mocey-rsaxer. - tor rucsun k .itujc ICS Sherlock bldg. WANTED A MAX WITH MONEY TO IN vest as partner In well-established wholesale liquor house In Eastern Oregon: wont more capital to meet a rapidly growing susinus. V 47, oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE REAL ESTATE. INSUR once and brokerage business; account sick ness party will sell for $750; profits $200 month, j. v. CTeignton & co., 3a st.. room A. FOR RENT-FINE RESTAURANT AT A bargain; will take port ef rent In board; located H block east of main entrance to Fair; fine bargain. Mrs. Black. ECS Upshur. BOOKS. STATIONERY AND THOTO SUP ply store In live Coast town; monthly sales $1000; about $4700 worth new clean stocx; price $4200. Anaersen. 191 xorxison st. HAVE PAYING BUSINESS. ESTABLISHED nearly three years; need from fit.') to $2tK more capital: references and full par ticulars given. Address -. 71. oregonlan. WELL-ESTABLISHED REAL ESTATE AND Insurance business for sole; owner compelled to give up business by reason of III health small capital required. S si. oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP PHOTO STUDIO IN Coast city. $4500, will guarantee paying $100 per month; a letter will bring parucu lars. Acdrus 1 -il, care oregonlan. 12 ROOMS. SWELL FURNITURE AND carpets, clears $250 per month: best of reasons fer selling; only parties meaning business need apply. 57 y 8th st. A WELL-EQUIPPED PLANING MILL LO cated in East Portland, together with stock of lumber at a bargain; owner going out of business. Q 05. Oregonlan. ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS WILL SELL at sacrifice Interest la well-known real es tate office If taken at once; a rare oppor tunity. T H, oregonlan. $KO BUYS HALF INTEREST IN GOOD- paying Dullness; uaiiy receipts, prent 27 to 150 per cent; expenses $3&50 month. Box 313. Roseburg. Or. ROOMING-HOUSE. 52 NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, two blocks of steel bridge; taken back on debt; con sell cheap; low rent. I. Gevurtx. 173 First st. A GOOD BUSINESS IN PORTLAND: PROF. lis $500 a month; cash required $3500; on excellent opportunity rer the right party. W 60. oregonlan. $75 BUYS HALF INTEREST OLD E5TAB- lUhed employment ana real estate Dusiaess; owner obliged to leave town Immediately. V 67. OregoRian. QUARTZ CLAIM. CURRY COUNTT; As says $IS gold; ZOO-foot tunnel; fine water power: exceptional chance. Alfred S locum. Glendale. Or. FOR SALE CONFECTIONERY. BEST TOWN la Valley, small rent, big buslneeo. For location, terms, etc. address D. N. Lass. woodlawn. FOR BALE RESTAURANT OUTFIT AND lease at Fair grounds, la large hotel: ready to start; snap. ilcOoy, 364 N. 26th, cor. vitr. WANTED LADY TAKE FULL CHARGE of hotel; salary $ib weex; must loan 3373 security $1600; use of money $50. Mala 234L GOOD STEAM MERRY-GO-ROUND CHEAP oa account of sickness in family. Call at noon. League Saloon. 24th and Thurman. FOR SALE 100 SHARES OF THE HURST Automatic switch & big&ai co. inquire a 331 17th st. iin. it. 31. unt. $450 BUYS BUSINESS IN LEADING Ho tel, clears $5 and more day. er space to rent, x i. uregoniau. SALOON PROPOSITION. NEAR FAIR EN' trance, have license and location. McCoy, 3C4 N. 25th. cor. saner. PARTNER WANTED IN DINING-ROOM AT Fair grounds; 40 boarders; little cash re- quirea. wxz inurzsan. FOR SALE ONE-FOURTH INTEREST IN fawmill; capacity. 10,000 feet. u. B. Frye, low rent; cheap, part cash. Owner, 275 3d. $150 HALF-INTEREST IN RESTAURANT rent $20; receipts $15. 312 Pine st. BUSINESS CHANCES. ROOMING-HOUSE BARGAINS. GROCERY STORES. RESTAURANTS. CONFECTIONERY. REAL ESTATE. ETC. ALL KINDS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. 20 Years In Portland Will Locate and Protect Your Interests. LILLIAN DE K EATER, 423 TAYLOR ST. Houses, all sixes, all prices; fine oppor tunities for making money. Good grocery store, ice cream stands. restaurants, etc BARGAIN Lunch-room, restaurant, ice cream parlor, all combined; doing a fine business; price $650 If sold this week. BEST BARGAIN IN C1TI. Restaurant taking la $60 to $70 per day. Will seat 100 people or more. Worth $3000; will sell for $1100 cash; $250 mortgage can stand. Sickness. Fine bargains in furnished houses all sixes, -all prices. Lived in Portland 20 years, win locate and direct you right. LILLIAN DE KEATEH, 425 TAYLOR ST. SALOON FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS. BEST caring and Cnest location in city; good stock, nice fixtures, including sew regis ter, rare and piano; lease, cneap rent; aver ago receipts. $35 a day and steadily increas ing; am going into the wholesale and. Job bing business: price $3500; Investigate. Ad dress Box J 72. Oregonlan. FOR SALE SAWMILL, CAPACITY 50.000 feet daily: located for both water ana rail shipments; now running at profit with ordera ahead oa paying basis. J. v. tjreign- ton & Co.. I65H Third at- room a. $1130 CORNER GROCERY. FULL AND complete stock, good horse ana wagon. Dig route, fine fixtures, two living-rooms; rent $1S; receipts. $700. National Realty Co.. 312 Pine st. FOR SALE ONE-HALF INTEREST IN ONE of the largest, best-paying and most tnor eughly equipped carriage, wagon and black smith shops in city. Address Q 71. Ore gonlan. $500 7-RCOM ROOMING-HOUSE. 1 BLOCK Hotel Portland; good furniture ana car pets; rooms engaged with hotel. $2 day; bargain. $500. Plttenger. 215 H Morrison. FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT SICKNESS, A paying business; spienaia locauon; lease, low rent; will take partner or rent. Call shooting gallery. 110 N. 6th st. PARTNER WITH $300 IN ESTABLISHED country realty business; thriving county seas on railroad: have, valuable contracts; must have help. E TO. Oregonlan. SUITABLE PARTY. LADY OR GENTLE- man, can nave nan interest in wrii-tuvjui business for small capital and services; In vestlgste. G 73, Oregonlan. PARTNER WANTED FOR COFFEE. LUNCH and dellcateMen store; nave nne location, will acept short-order cook with arery small amount. G 72. Oregonlan. RESTAURANT AND BAR, FINE Busi ness, good location: worth $10,000; sell for $5000; $1500 to $3000 will control. Address Q 72. Oregonlan. LEASE OF STORE FOR SALE OR RENT Fine location for either grocery, coniec- tlonery, cigars, lunch, eoda, cream parlors. F 72. oregonlan. LIVERY. SALE AND BOARDING STABLE; win invoice stocx ana sen lease ana dusi nees for $250; give part time. Address D 72. Oregonlan. FRUIT. TOBACCO AND STATIONERY store for sale; aiso nouseKeeping enecis; the lot, 5 CO for quick sale. 247 Grant, South Portland. PARTY WITH $250. TO BUY HALF IN terest In well-established tailoring bust ness; experience unnecessary. O 68, Ore gonlan. ROOMING-HOUSE IN GOOD LOCATION. doing big business. 35 rooms, brick corner. good lease; no triors. Apply 215 Front st. GOOD SUBURBAN GROCERY AND FUR- nlshlngs of 4 living-rooms; place far rent. For particulars coll 110 Grand ave., city. $1000 INVESTED AND SECURED WILL provide cemrortanie position at uu per montn ana gooa aiviaenas. su Aiaer 11. WANTED CASHIER FOR RESTAURANT ; must have $300 and be satisfied with $35 to $125 a month. Call 248H Stark st. UNFURNISHED HOUSE. 65 ROOMS, NEW and of modern construction; centrally lo cated; low rent. I. Gevurtx, 173 1st st. 20-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. FINE TRANS- lent trade; will exchange for smaller house or sell on easy terms; phone Hood 822. ROOMING-HOUSE. 20 ROOMS, PART housekeeping: good location; $3uu. Hatiicid Be Smith. 163H Fourth St., room 32. $350 BUY8 FINE RESTAURANT Busi ness; long lease, encsp rem; swu reasons for selling. 426 Washington. RESTAURANT AND ROOMING-HOUSE. cheap; no agent, everything first-class In restaurant. Q 6S. Oregonlan. FOR SALE GENERAL MERCHANDISE country store. Write or inquire at the postoffice. Hocklnson, Wash. $2300 WILL BUY HALF INTEREST IN ONE of oest-paying stores in spoiuuie v-ouniy, u taken soon. W 54, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS SALOON FOR SALE CHEAP; good locality, paying, uau or acareu 101 Page St.. city. Lower Albino. BAKERY FIRST-CLASS. SELLING ON Ac count or otner Dusraess; saennce. virus Box 260, Vancouver, Wash. 36 ELEGANT NEW ROOMS FOR LEASE Modern, close In. For particulars inquire at Calef Bros.. 130 6th st. . FOR SALE NEW SAW AND PLANING mill: timber for ten years; will bear inves tigation. Q 63, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CIGAR STORE WITH CON- fectionery and stationery. 321 Astor St.. Astoria. Or. WANTED MAN WITH $1000 OR MORE to open business here with resident. F 64. Oregonlan. FINANCIAL. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confiden tial; alio CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY, 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month. a-month. Week. $30 Repay to us $13.33-or $6.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 6.03 or $3.25 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or 2.00 or LOO 210 M'KAY BLDG., 102 2D. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO slan bldg.. loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen, conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note, in sums of $10 to $100. Returnable la con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended in case of sickness, conn dentlaL No Inquiries. WANTED A LOAN OF $6000 FOR A TERM of 10 years, at a low rate of Interest. School District No. 12, Lents. Multnomah County. Oregon, L. J. Campbell. Clerk of District. MONET ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc. without security; easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cit ies. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Main 6457. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates you can afford: money loaned on fur niture, piano or personal property;best terms in city; ran. is-u Aoingion. nto it.u. LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO salaried reoDle: lowest rates: strictly con fldentloL Employ's' Loan Co.. room 716. the Dexum. 3d and wsjn. sts. pnone i. CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON GOOD SE- curtty at lowest rates; large amounts. THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO.. 214 Ablngton. 106 Vj Third St. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities: lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Mala 0100 LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, other securities. 449 Sherlock bids. Phone Clay 528. Also real estate loans. $1000 TO $5000 TO LOAN ON REAL Es tate security at 6Vi per cent Interest. L 73. Oregonlan. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF 8E curlty. Win. Holt. rjn. 9. Washington bldg. State funds loaned. 0 per cent. W. E. Thomas state axt. Multnomah Co., 400 Cham. Com. MONEY ON MORTGAGE. CITT OR SUBUR ban; easy terms. W. S. Ward, the Atlsky- $500,000 TO LOAN AT 3 AND 0 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307. the Falling bldg. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5 AND C per cent. Wra. Denholm. 225 Falling bldg. $1500 PRIVATE MONEY TO LOAN ON IM p roved city property; S 67. Orcgoalan. $50.000.TO LOAN AT REGULAR RATES. The Portland Loan Office, 74 34 st. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. ANY WAGE-EARNER. NEEDING MONET before payday can get It from us. No com mission or Interest In advance; no mort gage or Indorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi-monthly la amounts from $1 upward, thus avoiding payment of the whole amount out of any one payday, and have six months' time l desired. Nelson i Hlndley. 30S McKay bldg. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN. SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 oa all securities. R. L Eckerson & Co.. room 3. Washington bldg. Phoae Cloy 73. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. PROPOSALS FOR CONSTRUCTION OFFICE of Constructltng Quartermaster. Fort Wright. Wash., June 21, 1903. Sealed proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock A. M.. Thursday, July 6. 1903. and then opened in the presence of attending bidders, for the construction, plumbing, heat ing and electric wiring of two double bar rack buildings at Fort Wright, Wash. No proposal requiring more than 12 months for completion will be considered. Plans and specifications and full Information will be furnished oa application at this office or the Quartermaster's offices at Portland. Or., and Seattle. Wash., and the Chief Quartermas ter's Office at St. Paul. Minn. The United States reserves the right to accept or re ject any or all proporals or any port there of. Envelopes should be Indorsed. "Propo sals for Construction," and addressed to the undersigned. Edw. A. Shuttleworth, Cap tain. Quartermaster, U. S. Army. U. S. ENGINEER OFFICER PORTLAND. OR.. June 23, 1003 seaiea proposals win do re ceived here for excavation, concrete masonry work, etc, in connection with construction of portion of The Dalles-CeUlo Canal. Colum bia River. Oregon and Washington, until 11 A. M.. July 24, 1905, and then pub licly opened. Information on application. W. C Langfltt, MaJ. Epgrs. Stockholders Meeting. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE annual meeting of the stockholders of Lewis and Clark Centennial and American Pacific Exposition and Oriental Fair will be held at the office of the company, room 27, Ad ministration building. World's Fair Grounds. Portland. Or., Monday, July 3, 1005, at 10 o'clock A. M- for the purpose of electing directors and of transacting such other business as may legally be brought before said meeting. Henry E. Reed, secretary Dated Portland. Or., June 23. 1905. Miscellaneous. WANTED TO KNOW WHEREABOUTS OF John or A. Brooks, brothers, who left Mus catine. Ia.. about 1S50. for Portland. Or. Send address C. H. Benson. Mutual Life bldg.. cor.. Col. and. Sansome sts., San Fraa- .1 svo ' DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE LAW FIRM of Pipes A Ttfft has been dissolved by mutual consent. My offices are 600 Cham ber of Commerce. Telephone Main 653. MARTIN L. PIPES. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE ORE gonlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest and conviction of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its sub scribers. Circulation Manager. LOST OR STOLEN FROM 167 WEST PARK or 409 Yamhill, tin box containing private papers. Finder win please return to owner. 409 Yamhill, and receive suitable reward. LOST BAY HORSE. BLACK MANE AND tall, mane raached. age about 12 years. weight about 1150; lost 4 weeks ago near Rockwood. Staples, the Jeweler. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT tresses rcaovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST A LITTLE BAY MARE. WEIGHT bOO pounds, branded with an M on the shoul der. S. jdears, 1-1 irianaers sc. LOST ON SAVIER ST.. BET. 20TH AND 21st, gold band ring; reward. Return to 632 Thurman st., uiary s ice fair. LOST TWO $20 BILLS WRAPPED IN lady's handkerchief; reward for return to office of Hotel Detroit. Fair grounds. LOST TUESDAY. MAY 30. BRITISH coat of arms, blue enamel bond. Reward- Phone Main 4416. LOST LADY'S POCKETBOOK NEAR 2D and Market: suitable reward if returned 306 2d at. GOLD STICKPIN. FOUR-LEAF CLOVER; reward. 114 Front st.. cor. wasningion- BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Accordion Plaiting. MISS O. GOULD. 801 MARQUAM BLDO.; accordion and knife plaiting and pinking. A usurers and Analysts. THE J". H. FISK ASSAYING OFFICE Grecnley and Crawford, analytical chemists ana metallurgists, zv? wasnington si. J. A. MOE. ASSAYER AND ANALYTICAL chemist; gold and silver, $1. Arieta. ur. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 208 STARK St. Best facilities; prices reasonable. PAUL BAUMEL, ASSAYER AND ANA lyst Gold dust bought. 00 1st st. Attorney s-at-La tt. U. S. O. MARQUAM. 404 COMMERCIAL mag. 1 rnaxe specialty ot acteating tax titles. Band Instruments. HEADQUARTERS YORK'S AND OTHER makes; new and second-hand; expert repair ing. Chos. E. York. 0 First. Builders. WILL BUILD YOU SMALL HOUSE CHEAP also furnish suburban lot if desired. E 67 Oregonlan. Clairvoyants. TRANCE CLAIRVOYANT. VAN CORTLAND. S03& WASHINGTON ST.. COR. 6TH. THE MOMENT YOU ENTER HIS PAR LOR HE WILL TELL YOU YOUR FULL NAME. AGE. OCCUPATION, YOUR MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME, AND WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY and what you called for. without asking a ques tion; will ten you the name ot your sweet heart or anything you want to know. He sends you away much wiser aad happier than when you called. DO YOU WISH TO KNOW! Does everything go wrong? Has Fortune never smiled on you 7 Have rou tried and failed? Has your life been full of ups and downs? Have you ever attained your object in me or your heart s desire? Are you happy and contented? Hare you the money you want? Do you know what you are beat adapted for7 Are voa separated from tho one you love Do you desire a speedy and happy mar riage? How can I win my lawsuit? How can I be successful In my new in' vention? How can I be successful In my patents? Can I trust my partner? Will my change be successful? Shall I make a change 7 Will I take a Journey? When shall my absent friend return? Why do I not receive & letter? Am I loved in return? Is there a rival in my love? Can I trust my friends? Have I enemies? When shall I marry? Shall I ever be divorced? How con I have good luck? PROFESSOR VAN CORTLAND. SEVEN YEARS IN PORTLAND. THE OLIVE. 303 WASHINGTON ST., COR. 5TH AND WASHINGTON STS. Office hours. 9 A. M. to 7 P. Dally and Sunday. FLORENCE K. WHITE. TRANCE MEDIUM Advice on busine:?. mining and social a: fairs: circles every Tuesday and Friday at o ciocx. Ofiice 2563 Wasnington at. Phone Clay its. Commission Merchants. HERMAN METZGER. PURCHASER OF hides, pelts, furs, wooL mohair, tallow, old runser ana 01a metal ana general cammia alca merchant. Front st.. near Main. Part land. Or. Cash advanced on consignments. TAYLOR, YOUNG 4i CO.. SHIP BROKERS ana commission merchants. Sherlock bldg. Portland. Or. ALLEN & LEWIS. COMMISSION AND PRO duce- merchants. Front and Davis sts., .Port jane. ur. Contractors. IF YOU ARE GOING TO BUILD FLATS pr other buildings, address A. 72. Ore goclan. . Carpet Cleaners. SANITARY CARPET CLEANING, suction and compressed air combined ; carpets cleaned act aocr without removal. 3uun mm, .cost xn BUSINESS DIRECTORY. Business Colleges- GREGG SHORTHAND TOUCH TYFEWRIT- lng. famous budget bookkeeping, actual business practice? positions found for grad uates; day and night achooL Holmes Busi ness college. 1 . 31. C A. bldg. Mala 513. Chiropodist and Manicuring. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE CHIROPODIST permanently removes corns, bunions; cal louses, ingrown and club nails: cedlcurliur. manicuring, face and scalp specialist. Red 1842. 10 ueosoa max., cor. 5th and Mor rison. WM DBVENY & ESTELLEr D EVENT, THE oniy scientinc cniropoaists; parlors rooms 203 Drew bldg.. 162 2d st. Phone Main 1301. Tola is tne long-naired gentleman, no la the man you are looking for. FOR CORNS. Bunions, Tired Aching Feet, seo lienjamin. tne oot specialist. 7tn and Stark. . LfNDELL. expert cniropoalst; all Instru ments sterilized. 702 Marquam. Mala 0256. Carpenters and Builders. GEO. W. GORDON. COUNTERS. SHELVES, nouses ouiit ana rcpairea. 4 in. uiay 111. W. L. BUCKNER. office, store fixtures, general Jobbing, contracting. 330 Stark. Mala 3 SSL. lrnncmg. THE MATTTNGLY ACADEMY OF DANC- ing. 269 14th. cor. Jen. waltzing a specialty. Dancing and Elocution. MRS. NINA LAROWETS HALL. 23D AND. Dentists. NEY CHURCHMAN, dentist. 324 Marquanit Via 4VUU UVliUajU 4UWUU uaiu IAS KWONG SANG WA & CO., 143 2D-FIRE- crackers, fireworks of ail kinds; cheapest place In town. FOOK HANG LUNG. 181 2D. COR. YAM- hill Firecrackers, on kinds fireworks, cheapf fine teas. Fraternal Insurance. ORDER OF WASHINGTON, foremost frater nal society of N. .; protects the living. J. L, Mltchel. Sup. Sec. 612-615 Marquam bldg. Harness ami Saddles. THE GEORGE LAWRENCE CO., WHOLE- saie saddles ana namess mm., leather and eaddlery hardware. S0-S6 1st. Main 226. THE BREY5IAN LEATHER CO., WHOLE sale saddles anad Harness mfrs.. saddlery hardware, leather of all kinds. 72-74 5th st. JOHNSON & LUTHER. CUSTOM-MADE harness, wholesale and retail. 54 6th st. Junk. Hides and Pelts. L. SHANK & CO.. PURCHASERS 03 hides, pelts, wool, furs, tallow, old rubbers, metals and sacks. 312 Front st. Leather and Findings. . A. STROWBRIDGB LEATHER CO. Es tablished 185S. Leather and findings; Stockton sole leather and cut stock; lull line Eastern Jumbos. 189 Front st. THE. BREYMAN LEATHER CO.. SOLE. findings and shoe store supplies.' 72-74 5th! Machinery. B. TRENKMAN & CO.. MINING. SAW- mins. logging macmnery; nyaraulic pipe coating. All kinds repaired. 104 N. 4th. THE H. C. ALBEE CO.. SECOND-HAND machinery, sawmills, etc 248 Grand ave. Marble and Granite. MARBLE AND GRANITE MONUMENTS; NO agents; 20 per cent saved at Weeks'. 720 Front, opposite Falling School: take S car. Medical. LADIES $500 REWARD IF OUR REMEDY falls to relieve delayed monthly periods, no matter how long suppressed; safe relief, $3. Women's Private Institute, DepU L, 183 Dearborn st., Chicago. Northwest Vlavl Co. LEWIS BLDG.. PARK AND MORRISON Nurses. The Davis Nursery for Infants and Children; reasonable. Phone 4944. 2Uth and vaugnn. Osteopathy. DRS. ADIX & NORTHRUP. 415-16-17 DEKUM b!dg.,3d and Washington. Phones: Office, Main 349; residence. Main 1503, East 1028. Examinations free. DR. L. B. SMITH. 'DR. CARYL L. T. SMITH, graduates Klrkvllle, Mo., 4W uregoniaa bldg. Phone Main 1242. DRS. OTIS AND MABEL AKIN. 403-4 MAC- leay bldg; Tel. Clay 778. Examinations tree. Paints. Oils and Glass. RASMUSSEN & CO.. JOBBERS, paints, oils. glass, sasn ana doors, (.or. -a ana xayior. Pasturage. Pasture Stock- received on Ladd's Canyon farm; don't come Sunday. F. A. Miller. Supt. Pasturage for Bent. CLOSE TO PORTLAND: STOCK ALSO taken in by the month. S3U bneriocjc Diag- Plaster and Staff Work. ANY KIND OF ATTRIBUTES IN PLASTER staff statues, ornaments etc., for the Fair or anywhere. J. Adam. 249 Columbia. Patent jLawyers. R- a WRIGHT. DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN patents; infringement coses. UUi uexum. Rubber Stamps. P. a 8TAMP WORKS, 240 ALDER. TEL, Main 710. Rubber stampc. seals, stencils. Rupture Cure. DR. PIERCE'S MAGNETIC ELASTIC truss; perfect retainer; posltlvo cure; book free. Address Dr. Pierce, 20C Kearny st.. S. F. Sufes. DIEBOLD manganese circle doors, bankers comfort: Dlebold fireproof and burglar proof; the best; repairs and Jail work. Davis. 03 3d. Second-Hand Machinery. J. SIMON & BRO.. DEALERS IN ALL kinds ' of second-hand machinery, pipe, cable, belting, hardware; highest price paid for scrap iron and me tali. 244 Front. Main 2002. Showcases, Bank and Store Fixtures. THE LUTKE MANUFACTURING CO.. COR. 0th and Hoyt, Phone Main 1408. PORTLAND SHOWCASE & .FIXTURE CO., 343 1st. near Market. Phone Blacc 3133. Spiritualists. MRS- WALLACE. 25 YEARS PORTLAND'S most reliable medium; all In trouble call and get her valuable advice on all affairs of life, business, love troubles; absent friends a specialty. 105 4th at. Russel bldg.; hours 9 to 5. MME. ADWARD CRAMER. SPIRITUALIST medium, can be consulted on business, law suits, love, matrimony: unites the sep arated, no matter the distance or cause; ratlsfaction guaranteed. 88 North 7th St., near Everett. RETURNED MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP, THE best psychometrlst in all affairs of life; dally 10 A M. to S. 327 7th st- Mafn 4342. MRS. C. CORNELIUS. BUSINESS TEST ME dlum. 145tj 6th. room 21. Phone Hood 194-.. MRS. LADD FINNICAN CAN BE CONSULT ed. 69 Selling-Hirsch bldg. Main 6179- Storage and Transfer SAFES. PIANOS AND FURNITURE moved packed ready for shipping and shipped; all work guaranteed; large 3-story brick fireproof warehouse for storage. Of fice 128 1st. C. M. Olsen. Phone Main 547. C. O. PICK. OFFICE 38 1ST.. BET. STARK, and Oak. Phone 590. Pianos and furn:tur moved and packed for shipment; commodi ous flrerpoof brick warehouse. Front ami Clay st. . FRED BICKEL. STORES AT 31 N. FRONT st household goods and furniture, piano, trunks, tool chests, sewing machines and all moveable articles at reasonable prices. Typewriters. New typewriters, all makes, rented, sold and repaired. Coast Agency. 231 Stark. Tel. 1407. Wholesale Grocers. ALLEN & LEWIS. WHOLESALE' Grocery, cor. N. Front and Davis sts.. Portland. Or. Wood aad Coal. PORTLAND- FUEL CO. PHONE MAIN 830. 334 Water st