THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JUNE 25, 19051 FOR RENT. Koosss. New Building. New Furniture. EtrlcUy Neat end Moderate. THE STATE ROOM INN 90S Thurmaa Street Portland. Oregon. One Block World's Fair Main Entrance. Grand Root View of Grounds. Write lor Special Rates and Pates. Address STATE ROOM INN PHONE MAIN 6594. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH, vis and heat: 127 N. 22d St.. bet. Glloea and Hoyt; one block from Washingioa or Morrison car line; easy walking distance from Fair Grounds. Phone Main 409L LARGE ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FRONT room, gas, electricity; suitable lor two; choice neighborhood, walking distance from Fair or city, car line; private family; board if desired. Phone Main 1047. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRI vate family. Ave minutes .walk from Post oSiee; permanent parties preferred. 482 Jefferson, between 11th and 12th. Phone 4739. THE COSMOS. S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rlson; beat down-town rooms In the city; heat and service night and day; rates 33.50 per week and up. Including bath; $1 day. 3ERY DESIRABLE. SUNNY. WELL-FUR-nlthed rooms, board If desired; modern con veniences; 657 Pettygrove et,. bet. 20th and 21st, two blocks from Morrison-st, car line. THE HAMANN. 135 N. 18TH ST. NEWLY furnished rooms. 51.00 up; nice location. 15 minutes walk to Fair grounds. M can at U nlon t depot direct to house. Main 3470. PORTLAND MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL, at Fair grounds; new and clean rooms, 50c and 51, no higher; get off car at 26th St., turn to left; corner 26th and Savler. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. BATH, electric light, one block from Union ave.; rates reasonable. Phone Union 3931. - 373 East 3d st. North. NEW HOUSE. NEWLY FURNISHED. AT 689 Everett St.. between 2l6t and 22d St.; transient or permanent; reasonable. Call or phone Main 596S. FURNISHED ROOMS, 412-414 JEFFER son, cor. Ilth New bouse, new furnish ings, modern; rates reasonable; transient and permanent. WANTED FOUR GENTLEMEN TO OCCU py large double room. 651 East Morrison; room and good breakfast, $3.50 per week each person. 2TURNISHED ROOMS, VERY REASONABLE, within one block of the Portland Hotel. 11B and 195 Seventh St., corner of Taylor. Phose Clay 1712. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FURNISHED ROOMS by day or week, nice location for visitors; 1 blk. from car. 667 Myrtle st.. cor. 19th. EXPOSITION VISITORS EXCELLENT rooms and breakfast, $1.25 and J 1-50 per day. 2343 E. Stark ct. Phone Scott 2054. FREE LIST Rooms In Christian homes. Reasonable. Centenary Methodist Wom en's Bureau. 23 E. 14th st, S. East 145L LARGE FRONT ROOM. NICELY FUR nlshed. modern residence, walking distance, very reasonable. 292 10th. near Jefferson. FTR8T-CLAS5 FURNISHED ROOMS, AT THE Heller, 280 Grand ave.; two-minute cor service to Fair und Oaks; transient rooms. B27 WEST PARK NICE CLEAN ROOMS, with UEe of bath, ten minutes' walk from business center; permanent or transient. TWO LADIES. ROOMMATES, ROOM WITH board; use of parlor, phone, machine; cen tral; rent reasonable. Phone Main 4036. 6TRANGERS ROOMS. SINGLE. EN SUITE. Modern, lovely location, central, near Port land Hotel, 274 hi Park and Jefferson. DESIRABLE FRONT BEDROOM WITH BEST conveniences, near Fair grounds; fine view. 10C9 Vaughn sU Phone Main 5S32. SHE TEMPLE. S43H YAMHILL ST.. Op posite Hotel" Portland Nicely furnished rooms, transient- Phone Clay 1051. THE KING. 309 JEFFERSON ST. ALL OUT slde rooms, every convenience; only 51 per day; meate, 25c Phone Black 1611. FOR RENT ONE NICE ROOM. SUITABLE for 1 or 2 gentlemen; ciose in. oatn, pnone; price 512. West 944. 410 4th. fTHE JULIAN. 267 7TH. NEAR JEFFEH son Rooms, (tingle, en suite; accommodation for children; DreaKiaat served. 0, 2. 3 OR. 4 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, porcelain bath, phone; walking distance, 378 Irving. Phone Main 1492. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. CENTRAL- ly located, west aide, reosonaoie. raoae Main 6261. 445 Everett st. BTRANGERS WILL FIND PLEASANT room, private family. 3V blocks from Ho tel Portland. 246 6th et. - U75 14TH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED AND finished rooms: nice large lawn; prices reasonable. Main 2023. .MONNASTES. COR. 1ST AND JEFFERSON Housekeeping rooms irom up transients. 25c. 50c. $1. JN'ICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PLEAS ANT- ly situated, on car line; free phone. 454 Columbia st., cor. 13th. K2 WEEKLY NICE. CLEAN ROOM; BATH. gas; permanent preferred. Phone Main 2(571. 490 Columbia. 91 HARRISON. NEAR W. PARK FUR- nlibed room, suitable for one or two sen tlemen, 53.60 week. .IFOR RENT CHOICE ROOMS IN NEW modern home. 765 Irving street, convenient to excellent board. THE ALDER, 4S5 ALDER ST. NICELY furnished rooms, day, week or month; con venient ana cmer. eCEATLY FURNISHED AND HOUSEKEEP- lnr rooms ay cay or ween. 2b ntn st. Phone Main 44V71. !Jrwi O ROOMS FOR TRANSIENTS WITH fine view of harbor; breakfast If desired. E 55. Oregonlan. JFRONT PARLOR AND BEDROOM. EVERY, thing new. 50c day- Phone East 2914. 406 E. Everett. .FOR RENT NICE LARGE FURNISHED zront room; uoi uua cuio. waicr, iirai sour, S09 Holllday. 'SUITES OF TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS with sas stove. 51.76 per week. 362 East Yamhill st. SfEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW, modern; very aesirame. 14, N. 23d. W car line. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL conveniences, three blocks from Qregonlan. 389 Alder. J.6SH 10TH. NEAR MORRISON LARGE. handsome front room; twe beds; by day or week. EC RGB. LIGHT. WELL-FURNISHED rooms, right downtown. o cents. 43Vi 2d, cor. Ash. EM ALL ROOM. 30c A DAY; USE OF BATH and phone; private family; central. 994 Yamhill. CICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN flat, from f3.60 per week and up. 2bVi Park. TWO GOOD ROOMS FOR FAIR VISITORS, beautiful location, ever convenience. 251 10th. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. 52.50 PER week up. S6 Park st.. near Washington st. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 51.00 PER day. 34 East istn. North, I'none East 3547 THE CASTLE FURNISHED ROOMS. 3 Washington; pri'ate entrance on W. Park. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH and phone, on car line. 730 East Ankeny B.OOMS-50C, 75C. 51 AND UP. 26TH AND Washington; new nouoe. The Howland. THE GRAND-ROOMS 50c UP; BRICK BLDG. 45Vj N. Sd. bet. Couah and Davis. 41 ELLA. NEAR WASHINGTON SUITE rooms, porcelain bath, gas. phone. 2CICBLY FURNISHED ROOM. FIRST FLOOR. central, reasonable. 333 3d st. 446 YAMHILL ST. PLEASANT FRONT room, first Door, price reasonable. JflCELY FURNISHED ROOMS, 351 G LI SAN st. Call Sunday forenoon. THE CLIFTON HOUSE. 283 Lodging 50 cents and up. FIRST ST. NICELY FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS. THE New Grant, 2d and uraat- FURNISHED ROOM. Morrison. Main 6376. 16S 17TH. NEAR FURNISHED ROOMS. 269 14TH. NEAR 3EF- rerson. Phone ZiMZ. NICE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 22S 11TH et. South. U. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT AT 544 7th. FOR RENT. Rooms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; etrletly fireproof and mod ern; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator, electric car direct to Fair grounds pass the doer; elegant cafe and bar In connection. Cor. 6th and Washington. Phone Mala S31L F. Loage Prop. Sam Bnwmsn, Mgr. THE KINGSTON. OLD ESTABLISHED and reliable Rooms. 190H 3d at., adjoining Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building; rooms suitable fev two, $1 day; 54 week up; cars pass the door direct to Fair grounds and depot. Phon Red S32. THE LINDELL HOTEL. Market st. betweea 3d and 4th. European and American plan. Handsome modern furnishings. All up-to-date convenien ces; free .porcelain baths, electric light, gas. team heat; outetde rooms; 60c to 2 per cay. THE AUDITORIUM. 28Sb SB-' ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon, 1 block couth Baker Tho ater Nicely furnished, brick building. hot,, cold water in rooms; free baths; rooms with private bathe; elevator. $1 day; $4 week up; tourists solicited. VERY NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, $2 elrea, 010 E. 20th at., on car line. lirooK lyn car; permanent ;.. gentlemen preferred. Phone East 1875. THE OCKLEY. MORRISON ST.. COR. iota Furnisnea roomc. stncuy orsi-cms. moderate prices, by the day or week; take M ear direct from depot to Fair grounds. Phone Clay 712. Mrs. A. E. Crocker, Prop. OREGON. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR BUREAU. Personally intpected rooms in Christian homes for tourists. 211 ComnereUl block, COR. SECOND AND WASHINGTON. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington St., betw. 19th and 20th New. modem, all ouulde rooms, electric lights, phone, free baths; rates 60c. 76c. 51 per day; restaurant la building. HOTEL OLIVE. SOBfc WASHINGTON ST.. corner of 3th t, opposite corner irom rci klno Hotel; nrst-clazs outside rooms, largo enough for three double beds, at reasonable prices. Phone Hood 611. FOR NICE. CLEAN AND NEWLY FUR- slshed rooms right in the center or tne city and within eae block of good restau rants and the Portland Hotel. 193-195 7th street. LARGE FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOM. very desirable location; will rent to couple for 57 per week; also f mall upstairs room, newly furnished. 58 Pr week. Apply -737 Hoyt. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms with private family, permanent par ties preferred; rent reasonable. 293 Crosby at., near Steel bridge. Phone East 3653. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. parlor floor, for one, two or three; three Mock south of Hotel Portland; rent cheap. 319 Main . betweea 5th ai)d 6th. 164 E. 23D kr BEDROOMS, CLEAN AND comfortably furnished, cheap to parties woo will take care of same; ro children; bath, phone; 2 blocks SuBnyeide car. THE KANSAS CITY. 155 N. 16TH. COR 1R- ving Elegant rooms; every modern conven ience; beet residence district; rates reason able. Take "M" car from depot. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS; modern; view of Fair bulMlncs: light house keeping allowed; careful part; references ex changed. Phone East 2909. PLEASANT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. REA- sonable; use of dining-room, kitchen, also laundry and phone; hath, hot and cold water. 493 Montgomery. LARGE. SUNNY. COMFORTABLE FRONT room, with alcove, iraltable for two or three gentlemen; in quiet neighborhood; private family. 309 Jacxsoa st. 653 5TH NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY room, new house, private family: IS month; eieotnc lights, bam. pnone; iv minutes walk Hotel Portland. WILL HAVE BY FIRST. VERY NICE r i ;V o!, uc ca tt"cr w i TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 55 and 57 rqonth; take Woodiawn ear to Weldler ft., walk two blocks east. 340 B. Gth at. N. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. bata; gas ana pnoee; centrally weatea. suit able tor one or two gentlemen. Phone Main 3227. NEW. FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN FLAT. with every convenience, walking distance; permanent, reasonable. Phone Main 6627. GENTLEMAN OR MAN AND WIFE DE- eirlng rooms In an exclusive home, where there are no other roomer. S 65, Qregenlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR- RENT in private family, reasonable. 5 blocks Urom Washington -st. 24 N. Sth, Phone Main 6549. TWO COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOMS in private family to permanent parties; two blocks from car line. Y 07. Oregenlan. FIVE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, 544 Otb, bet. Jackson and Lincoln s,s.; bath and phone; near 5th-st car line. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 510 PER month and up; 3 blocks from Hotel Port land. 211 Park st. Phone Mala 2S13. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED ROOMS IN modern bouac. good location; rent reason able to right parties. 549 7th . FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY; bath, gas and electric light; walking dis tance Fair ground. 787 Lovejoy. NICELY FURNISHED. CLEAN. OUTSIDE rooms, -with use of phone aad bath, for 50c day, 52.50 week, at 111 N. 7th st. 19 12TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for Exposition visitors; central; all accom modations. Phone Mala 3206. FOR RENT BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED room; East Side, near Steel Bridge. Phone Union 6034. A M. Oregonlam FRONT ROOMS FOR 2. 51 PER DAY; other rooms. 50c. 4S2H Washington, op posite Belasco Theater. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. FINE RBSI- dence district. East hMt, two car lines; eath. gas. East 3003. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. GAS AND hath, permanent or transient; very reason able. 33 N. 9th st. HOTEL BERG. 13TH AND ALDER EURO- pean plan. 51 and up: American plan. 53 and up; free bus. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. GAS. BATH, phone; breakfast If desired; 2 Mocks "U" car. 426 12th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY THE week or atoatb; terms reasonable. 233 12th, corner of Main. IF YOU DESIRE A NICE FRONT ROOM, modern in every way, dose in, cheap rent, call Main 32S. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room; wear Fair. 61S Pettygrove tU, bet. 19h and 20th. NICE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. PRI vate family; two single beds; men only. 31 N. 14th st. ONE LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, also single rooms; phone, bath. 309 Alder, near 6th st. ROQM FOR RENT. CENTRALLY LOCAT ed. suitable for gentleman; reasonable. Phone Mala 4E51. VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS CHEAP Oa. hath and phone. 575 Main. Phase Main 4600. 146 10TH ST. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS for 2 or 3 gentlemen; permaaeat preferred. Reasonable. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT; $10 PER month. 130 11th it., bet. Washington and AWer. FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. 512 month. 3SeH H. Burs side, Phose East 3465. FURNISHED ROOM. WITH BREAKFAST, nuburb&a home; pormaaeat. Phone Mala 40&0. ROOMS ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. HOUSE new. central, private family. Pheae Mala 1111. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. 53 TO 33 per week; transients solicited. 914 4th st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room; 510 per month: ao raise. 449 21th st. Neatly faralshed rooats. reasonable rates. 129 Grand ave near E. Morrison. Scott 1432. DESIRABLE ROOMS NEAR FAIR; Pri vate family. 24S N 28th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT Heyt st. Phose Main 429L ROOM. 770 LARGE. LIGHT. AIRY, WELL-FURNISHED front room. 42 North 5th st NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN. oJose la. 95 N. 17th st. A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT. 492 Market. 14th st. FOR RENT. Rooms. COMFORTABLES ROOMS FOR RENT. REAS oaable to permanent people; one large suite, arras ced for two or three gwsUemea. 274 Mcatromery. Phone Mala 43SS. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET BY DAT. week or month at reasonable rates. 421. cor. 23d and Vaughn. 3 blocks from Fair greuads. Phone West 2G67. 215 11TH NICELY FURNISHED 'ROOMS la quiet home for men only; choice loca-. f Uea. N. W. cor. 11th and Salmon; private. , FURNISHED ROOMS. 5S. 518. J 12 PER i month; all modern conveniences. Phone East 2360. S73 E. Couch st. I RYAN HOUSE. 269 H 5TH ELEGANTLY 1 furnished rooms, ea suite or single, vp porlte City Hall; transient. WILL RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM IN private family, permanently; suitable fer two. 4CS Taylor st. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE. BATH AND toilet. 1 block from car, 525 per xnoaic. 534 Columbia st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 431 3URN- slde st. Rooms With Board, THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 163 19th St.. cor. Morriaxi. M, depot and Fair cars pass the bouse; fine rooms, first-claaa tabl and service; porcelain b&tht; reasonable rates by the day. weeic or month; outside parties accommodated with meals. 231 6TH FRONT PARLOR SUITABLE TWO gentlemen. 530 moath eacn. zaaa ana wife; single room. 525 and 539; homo cook ing, private dining-room: board 54-SO week; Sunday chicken dinner 50c 1 to 3:30. YOUNG LADY. EMPLOYED DURING IAY can have-nicely furnished rood aad board in strictly private family; use of bath aad phont; price reasonable to right party. Phone Main 5043. 225 Mill st. THE "WOODLAND. 2C5 6TH LOCATED IN beautiful grounds. 4 bloeks from Hotel Portland; baa large, weU-furalshed rooms; rates by week or moath: permanent; meals if desired. Phone Mala 6250. TWO COMFORTABLE ROOMS. SUITABLE for two or four, private family, modern coa-ve-alences; one block M car. 51 per day each, or less If permanent; breakfast If desired. Phone Monday Mala 62(7. PLEASANT CORNER ROOM FOR TWO LA dies or gentleman and wife, with breakfast (or use of kitchen for samel and dinner; ao other roomers; nicest table possible; references wilt be required. Phone Scott 194. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR.: rooms with board; use of eewlng-room; us of library; Woman's Exchange- Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent, 510 Flanders. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market at., bet, 3d aad 4th; steam heat, electric light, gas, poreetaia bathe; all out side rooms; exceedingly low rates. NICE. LARGE ROOM. WITH GOOD BOARD for 2 young working men in private fam ily; bath, phone; reasonable for steady men. 173 East 7th. cor. YamhllL THREE FRONT FURNISHED ROOMS, with or without board; modern, oa car line, walking distance. Phone Main 3162. 395 12TH FRONT PARLOR, 1ST FLOOR, aewly furnished, private family; bath, gas, phone; board if desired; reasonable price. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms well ven tilates; splendid service; centrally locates. ONE OR TWO GENTLEMEN DESIRING room and breakfast. In apartment aear Fair. can obtain same by paontac .Main sws. HOTEL BROWN. 271s GRAND AVENUE fieatant rooms, single or ea suite; ejevaior, billiard -room; transients; both car lines. NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR ROOM with board, in private family. 14 E. 11th st. N. Suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON. fronts PUxa Park and City Hall; pleasant momv ,mrl, af suite? niK. r. I ra I 3 BLOCKS FROM FAIR. FOR TRANSIENTS, la private residence. E29 Qulxnby; "M" car at Depot, get off 23th and. Qulmby. TRANSIENTS CAN FIND PLEASANT rooms with or without board, reasonable. zOi Gllaan. Phone Mala 6571, LARGE FRONT ROOM: GAS. BATH. phone: central; very reasonable. 366 Saa Rafael st. Phone East 1544. 2 LARGE, LIGHT ROOMS. BEAUTIFULLY situated; nrst-ciass boara; private lamuy; permanent. Phone East 915. 2 FRONT ROOMS. WITH BATH. EN SUITE; best home cooking; suitable for 2 or 3 gen tlemen. Phone Scott 0937. FURNISHED FRONT SUITE IN PRIVATE family, gas. bath, phone, reasonable. 6U1 East 15th aad Belmont. lCStf 10TH. NEAR MORRISON LARGE, handsome front room with breakfast and puncheons; permanent. THE HAWTHORNE. ROOMS WITH BOARD, good heme cooking; reasonable; central; on car line. 1 iy.n. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND BOARD IN private family; gentlemen preferred. 133 11th at., cor. Alder. FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen, with beard. 54 a week, private xaraiiy. .Main ousj. REASONABLE BOARD AND ROOM IN AN elegantly furnished cew heme at 5. W. c 21st aad Lovejoy. ROOMS. SINGLE OR, EN SUITE; TABLE board, home-oookiag. 531 I- landers at. Phone Mala 2312. FINE ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board, very -reasonable. 502 Clay, sear 15th. i'fione Main FRONT ROOM "WITH BOARD. SUITABLE for two geatlemen. or man aad wife. 166 North 12th. 631 E MORRISON LARGE ROOM WITH board. 55 per week; bath. Pheae Union 1613. NICE ROOM AND BOARD. STRICTLY PRI vatc family, two young men. 506 Mill, cor. lata. THE OZARK, 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water, PARLOR AND BEDROOM. SINGLE OR together, with board. Pnoae Main 03IS. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FIRST class board; reasonable rates. 343 10th at CHOICE ROOMS. TRANSIENT OR PERMA neat; board. 394 Columbia. Mala 2219. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 715 OVERTON, Cor. c. eae block from Morrisoa-st. use. dNE LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 4. with board. 453 B. Pine, cor. Sth. OR CAMPING SPACE. WITH OR WITHOUT board; cay two blocks. Mala 5993. NICE FRONT ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. ctoee ia. a per ween itt ota st. Flat. FLATS. S48 C3rBETT. DOWNSTAIRS, 5 rooms, bath. gs; 517.59; S50V Corbett, up rtalrf. 6 rooms, hath, gas, etc.. 515; take "5" car to tne eoor. .Newiy paiated aad papered. Keys at grocery across street. Owaer. J. H. Middle ton. 617 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT TWO NEW. MODERN 6 AND 7 room Cats. 17th sC.-vbetween Yamhill aad Taylor; rent 55. Inquire ISO 16th st. FURNISHED FLAT. REASONABLE TO permanent parties; modern, gas and bath, 309 Benton. Phone East 1990. UNFURNISHED SIX-ROOM FLAT FOR rent, any part or aM of furniture for sale. Call Monday. 275 Vj Clay st. FOR RENT ELEGANT NEW 6-ROOM flat; part furniture for sale. Apply mora ines. Inquire 263 13th. FOR RENT JULY J, NEW, MODERN. 7-room lower flat. Inquire Silverfleld's, 4 th aad Morrlsoa. CORNER FLAT FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale, dese la, 54H North 15th. Call be tweea 11 aad 4. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE EIGHT room flat; furniture- for sale. 1B4H 13th. Inquire 25SH 13th. FURNITURE FOR SALE OF FINE, MOD era 9-rood flat to respeaslble tenant?; cen tral. Mala 111L NEW. MODERN FURNISHED FLAT FOR real. Inquire en premises. S. E. cor. Jwth aad Dais etc HERE IS TOUR CHANCE 3 AND S-ROOM furnished flat for 512 asd 520 per month. 33 E. 22d. MODERN FOUR-ROOM FLAT. YARD AND , .basement. 444 RGdaey are. Phoss Sccu GC66. FOR RENT 5-ROOM FLAT. 481 MARKET, with gas aad bath, Pbese Mala 1022. FOR REST. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. 29 E. 6th su. vacant July X: gas anad elec tric convenience;, rent fSS. Apply 120 Front. Pare Sc. Sena. 2S--s 16TH. NEAR WASHINGTON MODERN 6-room flat fcr rent, furnltcre of S rooms for sale; furniture all new; price iZlO if sold at oace. Kcuaekeeplac ,, n.Tn.. v. . -r. -j. HE OKEONT A. .1ST TK 8T J' hill New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suite of 2, 3 aad 4 rooms; hot and cold 'water; gas range la each kltchea; steam heat, baths; free phone oa each floor. 3 WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. KITCHEN, extra convenience during Summer; ready July 1; fuel, light, use of bath and phone; careful people, no children: one bloc east of Lone Fir station, oa Mt. Scott line; 20 minutes from Alder st. J 67, Ore ton Lin. PLEASANT FRONT PARLOR ROOM. FUR- nlshed. with use of kitchen, for light housekeeping; separate entrance, private family, oa car line, 512 per month. S63 E. Everett st. Phone Union 2213. GROUND FLOOR. FURNISHED COMPLETE. to reuaeie people; wood aad gas stovej. bath, la Holla day; references exchanged; no children. 20S N. Uaioa ave. "Phone Scott 3931. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms la nicest crick block oa East Side; gas range, bath, etc Loraa black. 10SH Uaioa ave. Pboaa Uaioa S2d3. DESIRABLE ROOMS (3 OR 3). UNFUR- nuaed. with kitchen for housekeeping; bath, gas. hot water, etc.: rent reasonable. 335 Vancouver ave. aad Breads ay. Take U car. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms, housekeeping, running- water ana sink, modern conveniences; walking dis tance, select neighborhood. 390 Park st. FULLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING tent. 59 per moath; accctamodatloas day or week. Pnone Scott 3754. Ltwls aad Clark Camp, Mount Tabor Heights. THE ST. GEORGE. 301 1ST ST., COR. CO- lumoix i--uraxsnea eousexeepinr, wita gas tovee. aad elngle rooms for stntleaea; transient solicited. THE HEILER. 2804 GRAND AVE FUR- umed housekeeping uites, with gas range, bath, rates low; brick building, fireproof; car service good. THREE LARGE FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplnc rooms: water la kitchen: bath. Phone Mala 4014; private family; 516 per monta. mu. 30S 13TH ST. TWO CONNECTING HOUSE- keeplng rooms; also one small housekeep ing room for lady working during day. 53 per month. FURNISHED ROOMS. HOUSEKEEPING aad others; private family; phone and bath: reasonable. 173 E. 6th St., cor. Yamhill. FRONT PARLOR. rTH USE OF DINING- IWdl AUU JkllCUCi. iUWiCU. TMCKCiJk KA- tloa; also other rooms; no small children. 325 12th. LADY ENGAGED AT FAIR HAS TWO large housekeeping- rooms and would like another lady to Join her. Q 70, Ore- goalaa. TO LET SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. FROM JULY 1 to September I; complete for housekeep ing; no children. Mrs. W. A. Daly. The Brown. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED. CLEAN nouseKeeping rooms, extremely reason able; easy walking distance. Inquire 323 Clay. FURNISHED BEDROOM. KITCHEN. CLOS- et ana pantry on the first floor, side front room, rent 515 per month. 498 Clay, aear j 4 in. 545H WASHINGTON ST. HANDSOMELY ruraiscrd aousekeeolnr suites: ras range, phone, brick block; single rooms; transient. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. permanent, hath, phone, gas stove, pantry, alee quiet home; reference. 635 Irving' st. 4 FURNISHED "HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; electric light, etc; ao objection- to chil dren. 3lst aad Vaughn. Phone Mala 393S. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 311 per moath; water rent paid; other rooms. Call today. 185? Mill st. TWO WELL LOCATED DESIRABLE FUR- nlshed housekeeping rooms: also front sin gle room for gentlemen. 544 Overton. SUITE OF NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeplag rooms, sink in kitchen. 482V4 Washington st, opposite Belasco Theater. THE TEMPLETON. 203V4 1ST ST. FUR- nlshed connecting housekeeping- asd elagle rooms; bath, real reasonable. 402 4TH ST. FURNISHED HOUSBKECP- Ing rooms, quiet, respectable location; walking distance: reasonable. ROOMS. PARTLY FURNISHED. MODERN best car service; so children. 249 Grand ave. North. Unloa 3330. 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; large front room; rent 513. Inquire Tuesday. IG3 Porter sr. 79 PARK TWO DESIRABLE HOUSEKEEP- lng- rooms, first Coor. sink In kitchen; yard. baaemeat, oath, pnoae. TWO LOVELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, first floor, and use of bath. Call 556 Pettygrove st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH housekeeping- privileges; pried reasonable. Phone .Scott 3754. 354 CLAY NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms., grouad floor; no children. Call lo-jay aad .Moaaay. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, all new. in suites of two and three rooms. Call 402-? 3d st. NICE HOUSEKEEPING AND SINGLE rooms, reasonable: bath, phone. 101 N 14th St.. upstairs. SINGLE ROOM. FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- Phone Union 812. SOS MAIN ST.. NEAR STH HOUSEKEEP lag or furaUhed rooms for Fair vliltora. Phone ilain ais. 2 OR 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keenlac rooms for rent, 26 20th. aear Washington st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. grouad floor; phone, slak. gas. 234 Mont gomery. cor. 3d. 433 7TH ST. JULY l! 3 CLEAN UNFUR nlshed .rooms, modern convenience, gas stove, furnished. HOUSE. -ROOM. 17TH ST., RENT 317. AND 533 worth furniture at less than cost. Taller. 4S4 Washington. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PLASTERED. FRUIT trees, good well. 423 at.. 57 month. Phone Union 3452. TWO OR THREE VERY DESIRABLE rooms for llsht housekeeping; take M. car. 57 Irrlnx t. n-RNISHED HOUSEKEEPING APART- ments. lower floor of faralshed house. Phone Main 4875. TWO NICE FRONT BAY-WINDOW ROOMS completely furnished for housekeeping. 592H lt si. TWO LARGE CORNER ROOMS WITH AL cove. two beds, piano; no small children. 36IH Third. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suites aad single rooms, close la. S3 loth. aear Stark. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH LIGHT housekeeping: If needed; rest reasosacie. SJJ Broadway. TWO FRONT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- lag rooms. 523; bo children. 204 Jefferson. cor. 3d. LARGE HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEPING rooms. 372H E. Morrison st. Phone East 3734. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madlsoa House keeping' rooms. tra&ueai;oath. electric ugnt- TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS suitable for 3: alto other suites. 322 4th st. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Bath, phone; no chUdrea. 25 Market at. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 323 Ai Mt P))o-i X-9 x r. fvT -h Main 3s25 LIGHT. NEW AND AIRY HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Can moralag, Bii 1st it. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING ROOM5, West Side, dote In. X 68. Oregoalaa. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING OR single rooaa. 146 North 16th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rear .w:ta pacxe. 164 N. 10th st. NICELY FURNISHED adults. 163 N. 16th. SUITE. 520. TO FURNISHED 326 6th. at. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS. FOR RENT. Howes. FOR RENT NEW 0-ROOM HOUSES ON the quarter block on 'the southwest aad southeast corners of E. 26th aad Hancock. Houses are S full rooms .with center hall aad lane- bathroom, cemented cellar, piped aad wired for gas aad electricity; piped for a gas stove ia xttcnen as weu as. a wow stove: furnace connected with every room. Rent 540 rxr month each. Malt & Von BorsteL 393 E. Buraslde St. Phone East 159. NEW 11-ROOM HOUSE. WITH FINE BASE- rarnt lad attic. In stHesdld nelehbornood: hocse never occupied, and could readily be rent as whole for 530 a month, or 517.50 eaeh seoaratelr. AddIt to George Guistln. 294 Burnslde t. or oa the premises, 53SI: Mill St.. near 17th. FOR RENT BY THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. New. slyllsa 3-room cottage: quarter block. convenient to fiat Ion. Woodlawa. Furnished 5-room cottage oa -tatn il. ready to occupy. Apply at 149 FIRST STREET. LARGE. MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE. FUR- nished or unfurnished, sightly, convenient to cars: fruit, flowers, lawn; reasonable to responsible, careful tenants. Pboaa East 475. FOR RENT A NEW MODERN HOUSE OF 6 rooms aad porcelain hath. Inquire at i3 ii. sza St.. bet. .Morrison ana Aiaer. Take Sunnyslde and Mt. Tabor cars. FOR RENT-NEW. MODERN S-ROOM house. HolIadays Addition, near E. 8th and Holladay are., jio per monta. pnoae 314 or call 202 E. Sth st. N. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMING-HOUSE room, one oiock rrotn J- air entrance; a Main 560. or East 3504. NFURNISHED 6-ROOM NEW HOUSE. 1694 Peninsula ave. For Information call Mrs. Jacobus. 330 Taylor st. Phone Main 2243. DONALD O. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Recta and Insurance. Phone Mala 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. GIBBS asd Hood, full basement, 518. Room 10, Hamilton bldg. Phono Hood 4S3. MODERN AND CONVENIENT NEW APART- meats. Janitor; special rate to permanent tenants. 23d and Johason sts. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano aad furniture movers. Phons Mala 1SS5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. HOLLADAY wit. to lease; adults only; reat 53. t Tea H. Strong. 242 Stark st. UNFURNISHED HOUSE OF 65 ROOMS. new. modern, all conveniences, low rent, I- Gevurtx. 173 1st st. NEW. 7-ROOM COLONIAL HOUSE. ALL improvements, so E. 12th. near cashing- ton. rsoae East &. -ROOM MODERN HOUSE. MISSISSIPPI ave.. cor. Monroe St.; rent 520. Phone Scott 6191. FOR RENT NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE: ON car line; fine spring water; 512. K. sr. ure- gosian. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. RIDGE. Shelbura station. Sea View. 650 North rup. SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT. SS PER MONTH inquire Aiieta p. o.. u. Wr i'. y. line. 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT. UNFURNISHED. Inquire flat A. 225 Market, bet, let and -a. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. 990 E. TAY- lor: vacant July 1. Box 72. Lents, or. TO RENT HOUSE OF 8 ROOMS. 343 Montgomery at. Inquire at 328 7th st. UNFURNISHED COTTAGE. 4 ROOMS. 5T Inquire 110 E. 11th st. Furnished Houses. SEVEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE.. SOUTH 3d. all conveniences, nice yard, sne rural ture: 560 per moath. Six-room house, 10 minutes' walk, Post- oalce; newly rumisaeo. We have other good houses. Northrup & King. 211 Commercial block, 2d and Wash ington, t FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED SEVEN- room. house, fine yard, electric lights, bath, etc: furalshlngs new aad cteoa; will rent part or all; reasonable to right party. In quire I43fe 3d st,. studio, between aiomson and Aider, rrom 10 to 3. TO RENT FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE. furniture and house new, all modern; cupled by owner; will rent for threfe or four months to- responsible party without children. Phone East 1700. L -63. Ore gonlan. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM MOD- era cottage. 10 mlnutesr walk from Post' office, ona block from Washington (,; piano, yard. Cowers, electric lights, baths, phone; July aad August; 560 moath, R 6S. Orego alaa. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. furnished. Including; fine piano. East Side, close In. near cars, for two months; refer ences required; no children. Phone Scott 2194. or Inquire 117 Ablngtoa. NEATLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE: gas raage aad lights, bath, phone; shaded lawn, flowers, fruit, terries: 545 per month I July and August, 675 Gantenbeln. corner Fargo. IT or Alblna cars. MODERN S-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. electric lights, telephone, bath: beautiful lawa. convenient to two car lints; refer ences required. ICS Morris at. Phone Union 531Z. , FOR RENT DURING THE SUMMER months, a B-rooxa aleely furnished house, all or lower floor: piano, porcelain hath. gas. range ana yard; close in. fncne j&st iu., FOR JULY AND AUGUST ELEGANTLY furnished S-room house; best central lo cation. East Side; every modern conveni ence; references required. Phone East 333. DO YOU WANT FURNISHED HOUSE DUR lsc Fair period? If so. call on us. Wi can supply what you desire. J. V. Crelgh ton & Co.. lesvi 3d et-, room A. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN 7-ROOM house for Summer; excellent East Side neighborhood; piano, fruit, and flowers; rea sonable rear. L f. oregoataa. FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT 6-ROOM cottage, cor. 2d aad Shermaa; furnace, gas raage. modern Improvements. Cottel Drug Co., 1st asd Great sts. FURNISHED 12-ROOM PRIVATE RESI deace for oae or two parties; yard, fruit. gas. bath, furnace. C3I East Morrison. Union 1615; reasonable. NEWLY AND COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-room cottage. Including- piano and sewing machine; close In; alee yard aad flowers. Phoae Mala 6575., FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FURNI ture ran bo bought oa easy Installments If desired. The Ames Mercantile VArency. Am ission biCi. FOR RENT FURNISHED FOR 2 OR months, a 6-room house, nearly new; half block from car line. Apply oQ Leo ave. aeiiwocc NICE SEVEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. modern, nice yard, for July aad August, Phone East Z4u. FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed cottage, near Fair entrance. Apply roc Thurmaa sr. . FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE. 667 VAN- couver ave. 330 Taylor. Phoae Malr2243. Mrs. Jacobus. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE AT GEAR hart, furnished. Inquire D. J. Duraad. 750 E. Tayior at. WELL LOCATED 5-ROOM COTTAGE. NICE- ly furnished, porcelain bath. M. S. Reatery, Sherlock bldg. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FUR alshed. 346 N. 17th St.. betweea Raleigh. ead Savler. FOR RENT HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS. WALK- ing distance; side; ail modern. 670 E. Everett, FOR RENT FURNISHED FLAT. 5 ROOMS, bath. Vtoodstocic. Kicnmoad car. 314 21st st FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. 77 West Park st,; rent 563. Call at house today. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- trlc light, bath, central. Inquire 273 7th. 5-ROOM pletely. COTTAGE FURNISHED COM 1291 E. Morrison, cor. 43d 4i.i 315. rFIVE ROOMS ON EAST MORRISON ST. FOR three xnontas. inquire 30T Alder st. FOR RENT A FURNISHED HOUSE OF rooms. Apply 77, W. Park at. FURNISHED HOUSE, 7 ROOMS. APPLY 425 Harrison st. FURNISHED COTTAGE, 5- ROOJCS. WUlIams ave, - " 925 FOR RXNT. FarBisfced Komea. FURNISHED HOUSE. S ROOMS. GROUND floor. 'with yard, on car llae; good locality for renting; rooms. R 66, Oregon: an. FOR RENT CHICKEN RANCH WITH furnished house; chickens, good garden; very reasonable. 3S6 S. Buraslde. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. FIVE rooms and hath, during July and August: terms reasonable. Call at 332 6th st, . MODERN SIX-ROOM NICELY FURNISHED house, near Fair grounds; bath. low rent. Exposition Leasing Co.. 73 6th st. NICE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST SIDE, yard. Cowers and fruit. 530.- 753 East Pine st. Phone Union 2530. FOR RENT FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE: piano, bath, gas lighting and cooicing: nice yard; fruit. 433 E. 13th. N. ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE FOR housekeeping: piano: adults only. 499 Wil liams av. Take "U" car. FOR RENT O-ROOM HOUSE. NEWLY FUR- nisnea. ror July and August. Address v. G. Martin. 6C0 E. ilaln. CLEAN FURNISHED COTTAGE. T ROOMS. OO-i -ita St. Houses For Reat Tcraltare For Sale. FOR SALE SIX ROOMS. NEWLY FUR- nisnea; must Be sow; rent 520; within block and a halt of Washlagtoa St.; any reason able offer will not be refused; terms If desired. S6H Park. FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE OF 7 LARGE room cottage. 2 floors. 5330 If sold before July 1; rent 535. 7th st.. boa ton neighbor hood, close la. Phone Mala 4342 after to day. FURNITURE OF 3-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale cheap: piano. large yard; fruit; A months lease: on West Side; reat 322.50. Phone Main 5473. FURNITURE FOR SALE CONTENTS SIX rooms, furniture: party leaving- city; fine opportunity for young- couple. 1042 Belmont. Phone East 3S31. GOOD. NEW FURNITURE IN NICE 5-ROOM cottage, close In. very cheap; 10O down, balance easy Installments; cheap rent. Phone Main 2341. FOR SALE-8 NEATLY FURNISHED rooms; linen, dishes, everything goes at 5300 If taken at once; rent 525. 353 Couch. 11-ROOM HOUSE; ELECTRIC LIGHTS. porcelain bath: lase; 3 blocks from Fair grounds; no agents. Phone West 2S1; rent 530, CALL AT ONCE AT 32 N. 11TH ST.: YOU who wijh a. barga'.a. Inquire of owner; must dc sold withia 10 days. Phone -Main 4SCS. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN CONVEN leaces. Portland Heights, for rent. Some furniture for sale. 25 S Washington st. A SNAP SEVEN ROOMS. CENTRAL. GOOD nouse, rent $35: can be bought for 5400 it taken at once 145H 6th st; ring bell. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF MODERN 5- room cat, central location aad good, quiet aeignDoroood. Address L et. oregoalaa. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. FURNITURE FOR sale; fine residence location; full perma nent roomers. Phone Front 671. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM house. Including1 new upright piano. 324 E. 1st st. N. Phone East 3357. FINE 10-ROOM CORNER HOUSE. THREE oiocxs Portland Motel: must sen; price 5723. 221 v. paric. rnone Main 48M. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. MODERN SIX- rcom house, all complete to etep right into; reasonable Phone Mala. SI83. FOR RENT 8-R003I HOUSE: LOCATION very cesirabie; furniture for sale, call or address 348 Montgomery at. FOR 5223 FURNITURE OF A MODERN 10-room house, walking distance ; rent low; roomers. B 63. Orezonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 2 6-ROOM houses; houses for rent. Inquire 4SS Mar shall. Phone Main 4C63. , FURNITURE OF 5-P.OOM COTTAGE. IN cludlng first-class sewing machine for 5150. Phoae Main S2CS. FURNITURE FOR SALE, ROOMING house, oae block Portland Hotel; must sell, sickness. 1SS Park st, 12-ROOM HOUSE!. CENTRAL LOCATION, cheap reat, 5650. Hatfield & Smith. 1651, Fourth st.. room 32. FOR SALE FURNITURE 1S-ROOM HOUSE. bargain. Inquire 86 Park, one block, from Washington st. NEW FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM FLAT AND basement: modern; reat 530; reasonable. 2tS9 Columbia st. FOR SALE BIG BARGAIN. HIGH-GRADE furniture, aew 5-room modern Cat, close in. si n. ita st. FOR SALE FURNITURE 6-ROOM COT- tags near Fair grounds; price 5100. 729 Roosevelt st. FOR SALE FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE on 7th. close In; leaving city. J 65, Ore- gonlaa. CALL 47 N. 7TH EXAMINE MY 11-ROOM house; every room full; terms. Phone Main 64SS. - FURNITURE OF FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE for sale, reat cheap. Call at 2SS Sherman st, THE FURNITURE AND LEASE OF 7 room flat, over saloon. Phone Main 59S3. FURNITURE FOR SALE. HOUSE FOR rent; grand view. Phone Main 1040. Summer Resorts. SEASIDE. ELK CREEK AND OCEAN SIDE lota for sale, la the groves or fronting the ocean; grove lots at Elk Creek. Or., and Ocean Side. Wash.. 523. J. Kraemer, Com mercial hide. FOR -RENT AT CENTERVILLE. LONG Beach, Wash.; two 5-room cottages; one 4 room cottage, well furnished, very clean; ocean front. Address Carolyn Sbindler, Long Beach. Wash. KLOSTERMAN COTTAGE. SEAVIEW. Wash.; season: 7 rooms, furnished. In quire Oliver Stout, contractor. Ilwaco, Waslu, or John Klostennan. Portland. Or. WANTED LADIES WITH CHILDREN TO board for Summer, oa fine farm, with health ful location; dally mall; terms reasonable. Address Mrs. Ladd Elliot, Camas, wash. GRIMES GROVE COMPLETELY FUR- nlshed cottage for rent for season; ready for occupancy. Inquire Mrs. S. G. Allen, seaside, or., or 6223 Main. FOR RENT SEASIDE. 3-ROOM COTTAGE, oa the beach: city water: grand view. Ad dress Clary. The Fair, 632 Thurmaa. Phoae Main 6249. COMPLETELY FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM . cottage at Ceatervllle. Long Beach: ocean lot. trees la rear, rent cheap. 273 Stark at. VERT DESIRABLE 6-ROOM COTTAGE AT Sea-ciew. Wash., for sale or for rent. In quire 7 S3 Northrup or phoae Front 874. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. SEA slde, till August; half block from ocean. Mrs. A. E.. Palglelsa. 634 Williams ave. FOR RENT AT NEWPORT. OR.. 5'ROOM cottage for the season; excellent location. Apply Mrs. L. P. Sampson. Newport, Or. 7-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR reat at Seasldo for July oaly. -Pacific Paper Co.. 100 Froat st. FURNISHED COTTAGE; FACING ON ocean. Seaview. Inquire 441 West Park. Phone Main 2749. AUyn. FOR SALE SEASIDE FURNISHED COT tage, overlooking ocean. Inquire 963 East Taylor. Phoae East 2235. FURNITURE 6-ROOM HOUSE; 5250; RENT $30. -near" Fair. Hatfield dfc Smith. 163 Fourth et.. room 32. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED. HONOR lue Cottage. Seaview. North Beach: flrst chus patronage only. FOR RENT. SEASON THE BEAUTIFUL . little Darling cottage. Seaside, or will sell. Phone Dr. Darling: BUSINESS BUILDING AT LONG BEACH, near depot; also cottage, at 320 fer season. Apply 433 12th st. FOR RENT AT SEASIDE FURNISHED cottage. 4 large rooms. 190 N. 14th st. Phone Mala 4462. FOR RENT NEW. LARGE 4-ROOM COT tajre. aear Seaview; ridge lot. Address 154 E. 34th st. FOR RENT. LONG BEACH NEW 4-ROOM cottage-, furnished; 350 feet front depot, a 66, Oregoalaa. FOR RENT NEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE AT Ocean Park, completely furnished. Phone East 314. FOR RENT A FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED cottage at Gearbarf. Apply 220 E. 30th. St. FOR RENT AT SEASIDE, ONE BOOM, with, Uia prkltciyg. R 71. CrsoaUiv- FOR RENT, FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities ox l&eoe springs make them a favorite resort for Invalids, aad the abundance of game and fine fishing renders. It the soortman's elyslum. For analysis of water and full particulars, ad dress A. A. Hafllager. Foley Springs. Or. TILLAMOOK STAGE LINE BEGINNING June 19. stage will leave Forest Grove for Tillamook every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Stage leaves Tillamook for Forest Grove on same days. Connects with trains to and from Portland. J. H. McNamer. Proprietor. MOUNTAIN HOME FOR SUMMER BOK.RD- ers; ncme cooking; fresh fruits and veget ables: mineral spring: good accommodations, dally mall; Forest Grove and Portland ref erences. For terms address L. B. McFar laad. Gaston. Or. HOTEL SALT AIR. CENTERVILLE. NORTH ueacn. commands nne view of ocean, good fishing; excellent water, home cooking, flsh served dally. Particulars address Mrs. Porter. Long- Beach. Wash. FOR RENT, AT GEARHART. OPPOSITE golf units, from middle July. 8-room cot tage; hot and cold water; fireplace. Phone Mala 1140. Stores. ATTRACTIVE STORE SPACE. 2 BLOCKS from main entrance: 12x22 feet. 5 100 per month; Fair lease 5230; also large, partly furnished restaurant In connection. 40 ft frontage, with living rooms; lease 5750. T C3. Oregonhin. STORE. 23x100. WITH MODERN PLATE- Slasa rront, on East Morrison sr.. lli blocks west of Grand ave.; rent very low. Inquire of Calef Bros.. 130 6th st. CORNER AND INSIDE STORES. 60 FEET deep. In new brick building. N. E. cor. 6th and Everett. A. H. Blrrell. 202 McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR RENT-STORE 25x160. WITH BASE- meat aad dock, between Morrison and Alder: No. 146 Front st. Apply to E. A. Baldwin. 6 4th st. SMALL STORE FOR RENT, GOOD LOCA- tton. between Washington and Alder oa Park. Call 361 Alder. LARGE SAMPLE ROOM FOR RENT. AP- ply Harelwood Cream Company. 5th and Oak. FOR RENT HALF OF STORE. REASON- abie rent, good location. 40H N. 6th st. STORE AND FRUIT STAND FOR RENT. 464 ashlngton st. Offices. FOR RENT LARGE. BRIGHT ROOM ON 6th st: rent moderate. Western Iavestment Co.. 6$ 6th st. DESK AND DESK ROOM FOR RENT IN commercial block. 2d and W ashlngton. M 70, Oregonlan. PART OF LARGE OFFICE WITH USB OF private office and phone. Inquire 449 Sher lock bldg. DESK AND DE3KR0OM FOR RENT IN A modern office building. Address L 64. Ore gonlan. DESKROQM IN FINE. MODERN BUILDING oa 3d st.; state business. A 63. Oregonlan. DESKROOM FOR RENT IN BEST LOCA- tlon la city. Phone Clay 1S14. OFFICES AND ROOMS LEWIS BLDG. IN- qulre L L. White. 304 Dekum. GOOD DESK ROOM. SHERLOCK BLDG. Apply V 71. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. FOR RENT BARN. HEAD OF LOVEJOY et-Mrs. MacLaurijV- Phone Matn 3579. PERSON Alt. MONTHLY irregularities yield promptly to our paiuiess metnod or treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute, 3d and Mor.. Alisky bldg. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled aad dyed: best of work; satisfaction guar anteed. lOSt- 6th. Portland, Or. Phone Clay 305. Residence. 249 Harrison. Main iid. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES 51 & month koeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailoring- Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. The "Matrimonial Register," 10c. contains descriptions and particulars concerning- sev eral hundred residents of Ore. and Wash, who wish -to marry. Interstate Introducing Society, suite 24. Russel bldg.. 165Vi 4th. HANDSOME MAN OR BEAUTIFUL WOMAN . fades when weak or nervous; Sexlne Pills. 51 a box. 6 boxes for 55. with full guarantee for all weakness.. Address J. A. Clcmenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sta., Portland. ARTHUR MAY. BORN ESSEX. ENGLAND, supposed left Liverpool about August, 1&79. return U. S.: executors of only, brother will be glad of any Information. Write "M" at f Horncastles, Cheapslde. London. England. FREE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY AMER Ica'a famous, marvelous, gifted astrojoglst, occult scientist, clairvoyant and life reader. Professor Hall, 95 Sth ave., Chicago. Sead birth date, three 2-cent stamps. THOSE WHO READ "PRACTICAL METH ods to Insure Success" shall surely praise God for the opportunities and possibilities revealed: price 25 cents. Address H. E. Butler. Applegate. California. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment. 52; 3 months. 55. Sent secretly sealed by malL Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co.. Portland. Or. CHROMOPATHIC (COLORED LIGHT) baths now open; cures colds, rheumatism, paralysis and' all chronic troubles success fully treated; open night aad day. 411 Morrlsoa st. HIGH-CLASS DETECTIVE WORK. STRICT ly confidential; references the best; satis faction guaranteed In any class of cases; also books experted. P. O. Box 311. Port land. Or. TRAINED NURSE. SWEDISH. HELSING fors graduate, cures rheumatism and all nervous disorders by hand-rubbing- and hot baths. Call 7 E. 11th st- Phone East 260. THE GLENDORA. 19TH. NEAR WASHING ton First-class resident and transient ho tel; rates, transients. 52 and up; 'resident. 335 mo. aad up. American plan. Mala 6250. "BOOK OF NATURES "A SOCIAL LION." "A Modem Lover," "Rosa's Confession, '-'Marriage In High Life," "Desperate Love." 60c each; lists free. A. W. Schmale. 229 1st. MARRIAGES ARRANGED FOR HONOR able ladles and gentlemen. In a quiet, hon orable manner. Write us for particulars, giving your age. A. J. Miller. Toledo, Ohio. DETECTIVES THE OREGON DETECTIVE Service secures evidence for corporations and Individuals; relatives, debtors located; corre spondence solicited- Lock Box 257. Portland. MARRT WEALTH AND BEAUTY MAR rlage directory free; pay when married: en tirely new plan: send no money. Address H. A. Horton. Dept. 81, Tekoasha. Mich. Superfluous hair, moles, etc.. re- moved by electric needle: lady operator; 11 years experleace la Portland Parlors 248 tith st. aear Main. Phoae Main 1109. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr Lorcns Nerve Tonic Tablets; 25c a box. Write or call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st,, betweea 1st aad 2d. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading druggists, 32 per box; safe aad reliable, G. Skid more & Co.. special ageats 151 3d st. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBRBL las; repairing and recovering; two stores. Washington and 6th and Morrlsoa and 5th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. VIM, VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cie's Kola Tablets, Nature's great tonic for either sex. 25c by mall. Albert Bern!. 2d and Washington, agent, Portland, Or. TWO MIDDLE-AGED WIDOWS. HONEST and respectable, wish to correspond with gentlemen of means or good position; obJct matrimony. H 71. Oregonlan. DR. JACOBOLSKY. RUSSIAN EUREKA medicine; rheumatism cured in oae alght aad very oftea la oae hour. Hotel Ankeny. 349 Aakeay St.. aear 7th. YOG DON'T SLEEP WELL; YOU ARE nervous. Palmo Tablets guaranteed to cure. Address Brooke Drug Co.. 67 North 3d st.. Portland, or all druggists. AMERICAN WIDOWER. AGE 63. NO CHIL drea. so relatives wealthy, healthy aad lib eral, waats a good, companionable wife. Address S 33. Oregoalaa. WEALTHY MAIDEN. DISFIGURED BY AN accident, healthy, perfect form, affectionate aad liberal, waats good, kind husband. Ad dress R 36. Oregonian. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED: REMEM ber the Persian specialist. Mrs. J. M. Wood. The Frances, W. Park asd Corxisoa,