THE SUNDAY OEEGOIAX, PORTLAND, JttNT- 18, 1905. 22 TOR KENT. Rooms. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR GENTLE man In private family; no children; Ease SW modern house, with gas. phone artf bath; stationery washstand In room; on on car line, two blocks from another; moderate price; reference required. N 55, Oregonlan. ONE OR TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, permanent or by day; bath, electric light, phone Union 3831. one block from Unlon-ave can rate reasonable; 20 minutes walk from Third and Washington. 373 East. 2d North. BOOMS FOR RENT 1 ROOMS AT SUNNY elde. $15 per month for 2 occupants; 510 singly; oath and gas; 3 blocks from 2 car lines leading to Exposition. Nice Summer yard.' Address S 24, Oregonlan. Telephone East 2943. LARGE. BEAUTIFUL.. ELEGANTLY FUR nlshed front rooms; gas, electricity; select neighborhood; car line; walking distance from city and Fair; private family; board optional; suitable for two. T 57, Ore gonlaa. ONE ROOM, FURNISHED. FOR -GENTLE-man, swell location, fin floor flat, walking distance; electricity and gas. porcelain bath. Apply 5 to 7 P. M, left elde of en trance. 519 Taylor st, Mrs. Wood. ATTENTION! You down-town people that nave been crowded out by transients, call at Hotel Clay and get comfortable quarters at reas onable rates. Comer 2d and Clay. THE ST. JAMES HOTEL. TO EASTMAN, proprietor First-class furnished rooms, by day, week or month; ateo housekeeping rooms. 345 First .street, corner Market, Portland. Or. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED. COM fortable front room, parlor, suitable for one two or three; two minutes' walk south of Postof flee. 310 Main t, bet 5th and 6th. PORTLAND MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL, at Fair grounds, 20th and Savler Rooms 50o and $1. no higher; write for reserva tions; get off cars at 26th et., turn to left. 3 ROOMS. 6 LADIES OR GENTLEMEN; also other rooms; bath, electric lights; new house; walking distance, two car lines. 4 Union ave. N. Phone East 3782. FURNISHED ROOMS. CENTRALLY Lo cated, pleasant surroundings, price reason able, gas, phone and bath. 41 East 8th St.. North, cor. Couch st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room with all modern conveniences; five minutes' walk from Steel bridge. Apply at 240 Cherry st. VERY DESIRABLE, LARGS ALCOVE ROOM Nicely furnished. In best part of city; con venient to cars; walking distance to Fair. 667 Irving st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room with alcove, suitable for two; bath, gas; $25 per month. 548 Taylor st. Phone 4S73. five nicely furnished rooms for rent. 544 Cth. between Jackson and Lin coln sts.; bath and phone; near Sth-st. car line. t FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 50C. 75C AND $1 per day. modern: per week. $2.50 and up. 4S2V& Washington, opposite Belasco Theater. 605 23D ST. N. ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAM ily. 5 minutes' walk to entrance of Fair grounds; gas and bath. Phone Main 44SL TWO LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED room, fine residence district. East Side, on car line; bath, gas. phone. East 3005. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen In private family; fine location; references exchanged. S 65, Oregonlan. FURNISHED ROOMS. ONE FRONT ROOM, suitable for man and wife; gas and bath, near Fair ground. 786 Roosevelt st- NICELT .FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE fm v: ras. ohone ana Dam: transient. Northrup St.. bet. 15th and lGlh. THE MAYFAIR ELEGANTLY FURNISHED rooms, new building; moaern conveniences. 293V4 Stark, cor. 5th. Main 205.. T-iiovTaurn BOftMK lit A WEEK AND UP. wrv hulthr nlace. one block of S car. 205 Whitaker rt.; mealse If desired. FOR RENTr-NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS In modern flat; reasoname rate ior per manent parties. 420 Taylor. ROOMMATE WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, Particulars. Inquire 02 6th. Eastern Res taurant, bet. 7 and 7 o'clock. PLEASANTLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two gentlemen; central; rent reason able; bath. etc. zf ism. EXPOSITION VISITORS FINELY FUR nlshcd rooms In fine residence location; pri vate family. 626 Kearney. FURNISHED ROOMS. DOUBLE BEDS, private home, all conveniences. $10. $12 per month. 821 Union ave. BOOM ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS TO RENT by week to lady, reasonauie; xcirrcnco -.. changed. Phone Main 6096. EXPOSITION viauuiw i.nuiu. nwuAis, nrii-At hnnw fine suite, private bath. 455 Hall. Phone Main 3375. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ONE BLOCK from Fair, with or wunoui meaio; rcawn able. 902 Thurman st. Tirn KKATLY FURNISHED ROOMS walklnr distance from Fair grounds. 669 Wilson it, near 21st. EXTRA LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR FOUR vounc men. employed; permanent. Tho Julian. 267 7th st. LARGE OUTSIDE FURNISHED ROOMS. gas and bath: no other roomers. 60S Clay Phone Main 5087. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 532. cor. Clinton and 26th; take waveny car. 5-mlnute service. TOR RENT 3 NICELY FURNISHED rooms, private home. bath, breakfast If de sired. 716 E. Asa. LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR FAIR visitors, either families or single parties. 124 N. 10th st. T.m.T FURNISHED ROOMS. USB OF phone, bath and gas; reasonable. 213 13th. near baimon. TTTTtN-lKHKn ROOMS. NEW AND MODERN. central and reasonable, on 3d st. Phone Main 6332. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 AND $: week. Dr. Kctchum. 603 Johnson st. Phone Main 2080. ' TWO NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. IN private family. 627 Northrop st. Phone Main 5572. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. GAS. bath and phone, close in. East Side. Phone East 1466. SCBWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. HOT AND cold in each room; bath and telephone. 207 14th st. 205 Vi WASHINGTON FURNISHED ROOMS $2 week up. suitable for two; transients 50c to 75c. FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. $12; walking distance. East Side. Phone East 3629. NICE FRONT ROOMS FOR FAIR VISITORS, cheap; breakfast, use ot bath; phone. East 3967. 457 EAST PINE. TWO BLOCKS SOUTH OF Ankeny car $10 and $12 per month: use of bath. 447 FIFTH. NEAR COLLEGE. LARGE. AIRY newly furnished rooms, gas, bath; $3 a week. ROOMS TO RENT. IN "WALKING Dis tance of the Fair grounds. 691 GUsan st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS with bath, gas and phone. 308 Lincoln. FOR RENT AIRY FRONT ROOM. FIRST floor, near Exposition. 656 Upshur st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. DOWN stalrs. 42S 3d. Phone Main 4200. DESIRABLE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO ladles. Call today. 385 4th et. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS AT $10 PER menth. 363 16th. cor. MllL THREE FURNISHED ROOMS; VERY REA tenable. Phone Main 3495. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM. CLOSE in. 348 East Davis st. ROOMS TO LET CALL AT 514 NORTHRUP L Phone Main 4639. rrlCELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE house. 4S4 Everett st. FOR RENT - ONE SMALL. FURNISHED room. 226 Park st. FURNISHED ROOMS. 209 14TH. NEAR JEF ferson. Phone 3893. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. REASON able. 100 Park et. TWO FURNISHED BOOMS. BATH. PHONE. 434 .College st. yURNISHED ROOMS. $2 A WEEK AND XJP. . -2754 Clay t- TOR KENT. Ksesu. THE AUDITORIUM. KCfb 3D ST.. BET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 block noutn iixtr ine ater Nicely furnished, brick building, hot. cold water In rooms; free baths; rooms with private baths; elevator; $1 day; $4 week up; tourists solicited. THE PHILADELPHIA, 3D AND SALMON Finest apartments in the city; not ana oo.c water In rooms; bath free to guests; cen tral, facing Plaza block and Elk fountain. Telephone Main 202S. J. E. M. Black, Prop. FAMILY OF TWO WILL RENT-ROOMS TO one or two gentlemen: breakfast u aesirea, modern apartment. Overton, near 23d. Ad dress E 51, Oregonlan. STRANGERS IN CITY WILL FIND PLEAS- ant rooms, permanent or transient, four blocks south Hotel Portland; breakfast if desired. 250$ Sixth. 82 N. 17TH. COR. FLANDERS LARGE. airy, outside rooms, en suite or single. 50c M l per uu . rpcwM inn P" Phone Main 4958. THE KALAMAZOO IS A DELIGHTFUL modem Portland home for tourists; reser vations made for parties. 541 'Second st. Phone 45S9 Main. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 580 street. Booms With. Board. ELEGANT ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS BOARD. $45 AND $50 PER MONTH. " FOR TWO PEOPLE. - FREE PORCELAIN BATHS. ELECTRIC LIGHT. G AS. v STEAM HEAT. EVERYTHING NEW. THE LINDELL MARKET ST., BET. 3D AND 4TH. THE COLONIAL A, SELECT FAMILY Ho tel. 165 10th at., cor. uorrcoa. a, oepot and Fair cars pass the houe; fine rooms, first-class table and service; porcelain baths; reasonable rates by the day. week or month; outside parties accommodated with meals. VERY .DESIRABLE. SUNNY. WELL FUR- nlshed rooms, with or without noara: moa ern convenience! ; 2 blocks from Morrison at. car line; convenient to Fair grounds. 637 Pettygrove et, bet. 20th and 21st. THE WOODLAND. 205 CTH LOCATED IN beautiful grounds. 4 blocks from Hotel Portland; has large, well-turnip hed roemt; rates by week or momH: permanent; meals If desired. Phone Main 5250. THE MAN1TOU. 261 13TH ST. HOME FOR refined people: 35 modem rooms; rates rea sonable; excellent table and service; Jeffer son cars direct from depot; cars for Fair pass door. Phone 1203. A LADY FROM THE EAST. HAVING leased a very desirable home near. Fair, will rent to one or two gentlemen, or man and wife, a suite with breakfast. Exclu sive E 54. Oregonlan. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR; rooms with board; uwe or sewing-room; use oi library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. 610 Flanders. THE COTTAGE. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. comer 21st ana Myrtle, will be open after June -20; special rates for permanent guests during the summer. Phone Main Ktz. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market st.. bet. 3d and 4th: steam heat. electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all out side rooms; exceedingly raw rates. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BREAKFAST If desired; bath and phone; good location; close in; private family; references. Ad dress T 57. Oregonlan. THE SANTA CLARA. 295 10TH A FEW permanent roomers and boarders wanted; reasonable; gentlemen preferred; table boars ere taken. Main 3602. FIRST-CLASS BOARD AND ROOM. PRI- vate family; gas, bath, phone, large porches. on 5th-sL car. walking aistaace to Mom ton. Phone Main 3162. LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT room, with board. In strictly private family clone in. 14 East 11th st. North; $30 per month. HOTEL BROWN. 2714 GRAND AVENU Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator. billiard-roam; transients; both car lines. HOTEL TENNESSEE. TH AND MADISON front Plasa Park and City Hall; pleasant rooms, single or en suite; new, central. ELEGANT ACCOMMODATIONS; RATES- Br tne wtefc, day or month; dining-room; prices ngnu The irvmg, 575 Irving st, cor. JBtn, OCCIDENTAL HOTEL CORVALLIS. OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms well en- mated; splendid service; centrally located. LADY LIVING ALONE WOULD LIKE TO give board and room, reasonable, to a cou ple, homelike and quiet. J 51. Oregonlan. WANTED-FOUR GENTLEMEN TO ROOM and board; new modem house; clean board. on su Johns line. 1 171 Alblna ave. 623 LOVEJOT THE LOVEJOY CAN Ac commodate you with board and rooms; reas onable; transient and permanent. ROOM AND BOARD AT CLATSOP BEACH; term very reasonable. Inquire at 193 St. Clair st., or phone Main 3816. . A PARLOR BEDROOM AND BATH. EN eulte. with board. suitable for 3 or 4. gen tlemen, j'hone Scott 0957. WANTED TWO GENTLEMEN. PRIVATE i family, hoard and room; easy walking dls lance, i-none jast svtiv. 395 TWELFTH TWO NEWLY FURNISHED rooms, light, bath, phone; permanent pre f tired; board If desired. NICE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD FOR two ladles or two gentlemen employed da: time. 228 11th st. South. LADY TO TAKE ROOM AND BREAKFAST in private family; ue ef piano; reasonable. 870 E. 11th st. North. ONE OR TWO WOMEN CAN HAVE NICE room and board with bath, reasonable. 429 E. Yamhill, near 0th. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD. $5 A week, private family; also rooms without board. Main C033. YOUR CHOICE OF NICELY FURNISHED rooms, with or without board, at 3SS 7th. Phone Main 3007. LARGE. LIGHT ROOMS. WITH BOARD, private family; permanent. U car. -306 E. 1st. North. ROOMS WITH BOARD: EVERYTHING IS home-cooking. 515 Northrup st., cor. ef 15th st. r.., . i NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM V""" board for two. 272 Hall et. Phone laln 4264. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD FOR 2; bath; $5 per week each. Phone East3l50. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board; reasonable. Cecil, 91 SC. Park. LOVELY ROOMS WITn OR "WITHOUT board, n-aseaable; very central. 208 11th st. THE HARTMAN. 426 ALDER AND 76 W. Park, rooms with board; transient rooms SI. CHOICE ROOMS. TRANSIENT OR PERMA- nent; beard. 394 Columbia. .Main 2219. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR YOUNG FEO ple. permanent. 255 13th st, near Main. LARGE FRONT ROOM AND BOARD FOR two or three gentlemen 135 11th st. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board. E73 E. Couch, Ankeny car. CAMP GROUNDS. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, with or without board. Main 5993. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 715 OVERTON, Cor. 22d, one block from Morrlson-st. line. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, very central, modem. 208 lllh st ROOM AND BOARD; HOME-COOKING; terms reasonable. 547-549 Morrison. ROOM AND BOARD FOR 2 LADIES gentlemen, at 124 S East Yamhill. ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; free bath and phone. 321 7th sL ROOM AND BOARD. JRIVATE FAMILY. ' suitable for two. 554 Couch st. ROOM AND BOARD IN SC1CE heme. Phone Main 6313. MODERN FURNISHED ROOMS CHEAP. Burnslde st. CALL 42S ONE FRONT BOOM. 260 HASSALO ST. Plata. FOR RENT NEW MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT 29 H E. Sth t, vacant July 1; gaa and electric conveniences, rent $25. Apply 120 Front. Tage tt Sons. $4 UPPER FLAT ON 22D AND OVERTON; fi rooms; Just completed; modern. L W. Whiting St Co, 408 Ablngtoa 'bldg. FURNISHED FLAT. FIRST FLOOR; GOOD location: walklnr distance; $35. Phone "Mala FOR KENT. FOR THREE MONTHS OR LONGER. NICE- !r furnished, new . S-rootn flat. 7 block from Portland Hotel; beat residence dis trict. Apply after today 304 j Park. FURNISHED 4-KOOM FLAT. $150; KENT $25; also 7-room home. Call 4S5 Wash ington. MODERN FOUR-ROOM FLAT. YARD AND casement. 444 Kocney ave. x-none scon ecss. LOWER FLAT FURNISHED 3 ROOMS. reasonable; no children. 4i Columbia sx. Housekeevlsc Room. THE ONEONTA. 167 17TH ST, NEAR YAM- hlll New bouse, elegantly furnished apart ments. In suites of 2. 2 and 4 rooms; hot end cold water; gas Tango In each kitchen; steam heat, baths; free phone on each .floor. 2 OR 3 NICE ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP- ing, furnished or unfurnished, bath. gas. hot water, phone; walking; distance; rent very reasonable. 355 Vancouver ave, cor, Broadway U car. Phone East 3440. FOUR ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- keeping; fuel, water and telephone Included; ground floor, one block from car; $30 per month. Compten & Gibson. 100 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Red 2S0. THREE ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISHED lor housekeeping, clean ami cool; pantry, 4nk. bath, gas and telephone private; close In. two block from car. 4 S3 Davis, near 14th. Phone West 70S. WELLINGTON COURT. 15TH AND EVER- nanasomeiy xurauneo. -t-room nouse keeplng apartments, possessing modem con veniences; excellent neighborhood and sur roundings; no children. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ana single rooms in nicest brick block en East Side; ga range, bath. etc. Logan block, 10SH Union ave. Phone Union 32C3. ROOMS WITH PRIVILEGE OF LIGHT housekeeping, modern. Holladay's Addition, best car service, walking distance, choice neighborhood. Phone Scott 223. TWO VERY LARGE ROOMS "WITH AL- cove. housekeeping; modem conveniences; two extra large rooms, first floor; fine lo cation. 390 Park st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping, ga range, every conveni ence, $12 and light furnished. Inquire at once. 100 E. 28 th ot. THE LOUNSDALE LARGE ELEGANTLY furnished housekeeping rooms; phone, bath, gas range, running wa,ter. 503 S Alder, op posite High School. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, privilege of light housekeeping If desired; private family; 3 block from Ealr grounds $15. 707 Vaughn. THE ST. GEORGE). OOlVt FIRST. . COR. Co lumbia Furnished housekeeping, with ga stoves and single rooms for gentlemen; tran sient solicited. FOR RENT 2. 3 OR 4 FURNISHED UOUSE keeplng rooms in a beautiful suburban home, bath and toilet; no children. 1627 Penin sular ave. TO LET-SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. FROM JULY 1 to September 1; complete for housekeep ing; no children. Mr. W. A. Daly, The Broun. 545t, WASHINGTON ST. HANDSOMELY furnished housekeeping suites; gas range, phene. brick Mock; single rooms; transient. FOUR NEW. NICE HOUSEKEEPING rooms on second floor, for family without children. $10 per month. 121 Monroe su HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. VERY CONVE nlent. $3 per week; sleeping room, neatly furnished, $2 per week. 304 H Front st. SUITE OF FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, sink In kitchen, ga, phone. 4S2H Washington, opposite BeUbeo Theater. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, nicely located. East Side cars convenient. Phone Scott 116. THREE ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR LIGHT housekeeping; use of phone and bath. 21 E. 14th. North. Phone East 884. TWO LARGE PARLOR ROOMS. FIITt nlshed; housekeeping privilege; each. $2.50 wee. znonin. 506 17th st. FIVE WELL-FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. East Side, close In; convenient to three car lines. TV as, Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE NICE ROOMS FUR nlshed for housekeeping; ga stove, walk ing distance. 464 H E. Buraside. 170V4 10TH SUIT OF LARGE wnr.T-Tnm. nlshed front rooms, beufekeeplng If desired. suiiaDie i or xour aa tilts, modern. 313 14TH ST. NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, gas range. electric light: also tingle rooms, bathe. FOUR FURNISHED . HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent for 3 months; gaa range. eiecine iignt. s? Columbia et. $1.75 PER WEEK. LAROE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. laundry and bath. 184 snerro&n su Take s car south. FOR RENT BEAUTIFULLY BURNISHED room; East Side, near Steel Bridge. Phone union 0034. or w 45. Oregonlan. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NEWLY papered; pantry and sink; rent $10 per montn. jai izm st.. ztorth. THE TEMPLETON. 206 1ST ST. FRONT connecting housekeeping roe me; bath, elec- irrc iignu; rent reasoaaeie. 435 MAIN ST. TWO SMALL HOUSEKEEP ing room, central and pleasant, by week or permanent. Phone 2948. 3CW JIALV ST.. BET 5TH AND. 6TH Housekeeping or faralthed rooms for Fair visitors, l'none juu 435 MAIN. COR. 12TH-ROOMS. NEWLY. rurnithed. single and housekeeping; perma nent or transient, central. A FRONT ALCOVE SUITE OF HOUSE keeping rooms; ga and free phone; rent reasonable. 72 SC. 14th st. 224 S. 1 4TH PLEAS ASCT FRONT ROOM, modem conveniences; rales reasonable; menu or remainder lour. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keeping; first floor; also one tent and teat ing ground. 229 11th st. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeping. $15 month; bath, phene; no oh 11 dren. S2S Market . 3 HOUSEKEEPING UNFURNISHED ROOMS. closets, bath and phone; people without chIN dren. 327 East Cth st. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM ON FIRST floor, with kitchen privileges; alto sleeping room. 322 Fourteenth. SUITE OF FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with ga Move, rent reasonable. 502 Jefferson, near lotfc. ONE LARGE ROOM. FURNISHED COM. plete for right housekeeping; gas. bath and phone, ar saf iiaiL TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS " FOR housekeeping, with water, $15 'per month. 5SS Pettygrove st. 601 STH ST. THREE COMPLETELY FUR nlshed renins for housekeeping; gaa and bath: no children. . NICE SUITE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing, rooms; close In. 6 10th, aeas Stark. Single room. $L50. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AND furnished rooms far rent. 455 Marshall st. Phone Main 3482. SUITE OF FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; ga range for cooking; also single rooms. 431 Main. 433 ALDER ST. FURNISHED BASEMENT: water In kitchen, very desirable, light. Call Monday afternoon. FOR RENT THREE VERY DESIRABLE unfurnished room, suitable for housekeep ing. 688 Irving t- 2 CONNECTING HOUSEKEEPING ROOM5. gas, bath. 2 beds. CaH today. 447 3th. near College: cheap. FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOUSEKEEP ing. $2 and $2.50 per week. 32 H Front st, cor. Ash. water, ground floor, for housekeeping; also single rooms. ONE OR TWO LARGE CLEAN FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. 1st floor. lztb. 4SS Everett. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE' keeping; phone, gas. sink. 25 1 Montgom ery. cor. 3a. TWO LOVELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR -boosOcceplsg. 1st floor, use ot bath. 553 Pettygrove. $5 MONTH TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS fer housekeeping: So children. S70 E. 11th t. North. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING vulte and single rooms; close 'la. SS 10th, near Stark. POICXENT, $15 NICE. LARGE, NEWLY PAPERED ruroiAbea frost roosa for housekeeping', pri vate family. Phoee Main 575ft. 332 litis. near Market. TWO VERY DESIRABLE LARGE FRONT rooms, welt .tur&Uhed. for housekeeping. 534 -5th et. FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS. YATtD. BASE- meat; reasonable. Apply Monday. 577 K. uoucn st. FRONT ROOM. GROUND FLOOR. FOR light housekeeping, $2JO per wtek. 331 Front. TWO VERY CONVENIENT HOUSEKEEP ing rooms. Including range, $12. 290 Har rison. 408 JEFFERSON 2 NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms' and sice large front - parlor. FOR RENT TWO-SUITES HOUSEKEEP- ing room. 1C3 Park, and Morrison. The Alcove. - LIGHT - HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. PERM A - nent people, private family. Phone Mam 3162. SUITE OF TWO LARGE NICELY FCR- nlfhed housekeeping rooms. 2S3 Jefferson at. FURNISHED ROOMS. CAN DO LIGHT housekeeping. 547 4th. Phone Main 1437. CAMPING GROUND. ONE BLOCK FROM j-air grouncsi. ilcCoy, 364 8th, cor. aavier SINGLE ROOMS. MODERN AND REASON- able. 555 3th st, cor. Lincoln. Phone 3802. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison Houst- xeepmg rooms, transient; Data, electric ugni. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 32S Mill ct., between 6th and ath. FRONT AND BACK SUIT, COMPLETELY furnished for housekeeping, osc 1st. OR 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor. 533 Yamhill st. UNFURNISHED BASEMENT FOR HOU8E- keeplng; adult. 272 Montgomery. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent, with phone. 164 SC. 10th st. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING OR single rooms. 14S N. 18th st. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 465 W. Park st. H oases. PARTIAL HOUSE LI3T. 631 Oregon at, 8 room $12.00 PCP E. 10th it. North. 9 room 20.00 4C5 Vancouver ave, 8. rooms 20.00 129 E. 32d st, 6 rooms 22.00 453 E. Everett st, newv 6 rooms.... 27.50 148 Whttaker st, 8 room?- 20.00 fSi E. Madison st, new. 8 rooms..... 20.00 E. 16th st, cor. "Wash, new flat. S rms 30.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES fc CO, ' 229 Stark street. FOR RENT. SCIce 5-room cottage on EL 43th st, all furnished ready for housekeeping! $15. Neat 4-room cottage; hot and cold water. bath: very cosy place. 51 K. 22d it.: ill. A complete cottage home, quarter block; lovely place; voodiawn; $13. Apply to THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO, 149H First Street. WILL BUY YOU A LOT AND BUILD TOU a house In any part of the city and sell on terms: $125 cash, balance same a rent. get you a small one. A few bargains close in on the East Side, to be bad. Boston Building Co, 740 Chamber of Commerce. NEW 12-ROOM HOUSE NEAR E. 13TH at.; porcelain bath, furnace, electric light. xas and all modem conveniences: rent low; lessee is compelled to leave town and de sires to sublet (ease. M 52. Oregonlan. LARGE. MODERN NINE-ROOM HOUSE. furnished or unfurnished, stgnuy. conveni ent to cars: fruit, nower. lawn: reasonaaie to responsible, careful tenant. Phone East 475. FOR RENT NEW, MODERN 8-ROOM house. Holladay's Addition, near E. 8th and Holladay ave, $40 per month. Phone East 314 or call 202 E. 8th st. FOR "RENT MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. hardwood flnlih. large basement, stationary tubs, etc. East side. Phone East 956, call at 434. E. 7th. 7-ROOM HOUSE ON 14TH ST, NEAR MILL Rent moderate: no small children; refer ences exchanged. G. W. Carpenter. 352 14th sL WOULD RENT FOR A YEAR TO COUPLE without children modern, naw 5-room cot tage In Holladay Pars; rent $25. L 55. Ore gonlan. DONALD G. "WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Bent and Insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO, PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Fboqs Main 16&5. ozice, no r. m st. MODERN AND CONVENIENT NEW APART- menta. janitor, special rale to permanent tenants, a and Johnson sts. 5-ROOM COTTAGE AND STABLE. E. CLAY and Pth: 5-room cottage. E. Stark, and 16th. Inquire 326 E. Ilth. HOUSE FOR RENT ON 34TH AND EAST Mala: 8 room, gaa and electric light; nice location. Call for terms. MODERN SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH nice yard: rent $2o. Apply C51 Mlsatstlppl ave. Phone Scott 8ii. TO PRIVATE FAMILY OF ADULTS. TEN- room modem bouse, good location. 447 Co lumbia st,; reference. FOR RENT NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. strictly modem, n replace ana gas. 735 E. Main, near 20th K, FOR RENT A 7-ROOM HOUSE ON EAST Side: rent flu. Inquire 313 2d et, comer of cur, west suae. $12-FTVB ROOMS. LARGE BASEMENT. key O Nelr grocery. Hood and Grant sts. Fhone Mala Aisa. LARGE 4-ROOM COTTAGE. EAST 29TH. near Oregon st, $16. F. V. Torgler. 103 Sherlock bldg. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PLASTERED. FRUIT trees, good well. 46th st, $7 month. Phone Union 3452. DESIRABLE MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. "West Elde. good location. 389 3d at. Phone Main 3102. BEAUTIFUL NEW COLONIAL HOUSE. ONE block from car lice, aiu Taoor. xeiepaone Union 84. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $13; 6-ROOM MOD- em flat. $17.30. L. E. Thompson & uo. 228 3d. FOR RENT COTTAGE 5 ROOMS. MRS. Matthew. RStemoat ave., Montavllla car line. NEW MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE; 640 BORTH- wlck su Key at 140H Russell or 2SS Monroe. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. GAS AND BATH. rent $18. 211 Glbb. take S car going sojtth. HOUSE FOR BENT 530 E. EVERETT ST. $18. Call moralags. next door west. FOR RENT A FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. 713 E. Stark st. Phoae East 1559. FOR RENT EIGHT ROOMS OF floor. Inquire 227 Front st. UPPER $14 SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. COR.-HOOD AND u rover. Fsrsjlasted Haass. HA! HA! HERE IT IS A FURNISHED 3 and 5-room Cat. $15 and $25 per month. 33 E. 22d. FOR RENT NEW SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, neatly furnished, near Fair grounds. 8 56. Oregonlaa. 4-ROOM HOUSE. PARTLY- FURNISHED. Inquire Eugene D. White St Co, Portland Height. 5-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE." 649 3D ST.: $35 a month. Parrlsh. Watkln St Co, 250 Alder. FURNISHED 4-ROOM COTTAGE. ELEC- tric light, bath, central. Inquire 273 V 7th street: : NICELY FURNISHED HOUSES. FOR RENT reasonable. Portland Trust Co, 10s 3d st. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE FUR- nlshed complete. Telephone Union 1182. NEATLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE, -$20- NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM COT- tage- 915 E. 6th. comer Skldmore. FURNISHED 6-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; gas. bath. Inqclre at 661 Savler st. FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM HOUSE AT FAIR grounds. Apply ME Tauraaaa. FURNISHED FIVK-ROOM HOUSE FOR 3 or 3 sBoaih. 344 N. I7ts. FOR KENT. TO RENT. NEAR FAIR FIRST-FLOOR. fine corner residence, fumlsoed coraeiete. dining-room, kitchen, parlor and bedroom: excellent opportunity icr tame pcaruers. lls & Gibson, room 21. 24 Morrison st. FOR RENT A BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 6-room cottage in 0D Hill district, one block from Washington car line: July and August; yard, flowers, piano, electric lights, baths: ao small ehlldrea; $73 a month. B 53, Oregonlan. NEATLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE. bath, phone, gaa range and lights; ahaaea yard, flowers, fruit, berries; $50 per month. July ana August. 65 uantenoein. cor. .ear go. U cr Alblna cars. FOR BENT AFTHR JULY 1. A. NICELY furnished B-raam modem house on tjsi 12th. near Morrison cars: fine neighbor hood, nice yard. Address T 51. Oregonun. MODERN fi-ROOM HOUSE. CARPETS. shades, male stoves, ras stove, electric ugnis. bath. BC5 East UOU-cn si.; very reaonauie permanent tenant. Phone East awi. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED. one of the nicest and most complete homes of 10 rooms on East Side, largo grounds. -W. Torgler. 106 Sherlock bldg. FURNISHED COMPLETE. NEW SrROOM house bath. gas. electricity. 17S E. 14th st. two blocks south of sunnyside car line; no children. Call Monday. 9-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED OR UN- furnlshed. on Portland Heights, one block from car. In U-biocic run oc rruu; grana view. Phone Main 6514. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FINELY FURNISHED. bath, piano, etc; o minutes- rice rrom. heart of city. $23; references. Call 354 San Rafael. Alblna. FOR RENT DESIRABLE FURNISHED house for Summer: bath, ga lighting ana U cooking: piano, nice yard, fruit. 453 East 13th jfortn. FURNISHED HOUSE TO RENT FURNI- ture can be bought on easy installments if desired. The Ame Mercantile Agency, ad- lngton bldg. FOR RENT A FURNISHED HOUSE. PLEAS- and and clean. $12 per month. Inquire tor Mrs. E. Mclntlre, 630 Kingman st., wooa- lawn. or. MODERN 5-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY and nicely furnished, for rent from July l till September 15. Address P 57. Ore gonlan. - 3-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. PIANO. etc.: car line. West Side: $30 per month: other good houses. Room 211, Commercial blk. FIVE ROOMS WITH PIANO. FOR THREE months; rent $50. including water, wooa ana phone. 691 E. Morrison. Fhone East ir FURNISHED 6-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN improvements, cor. 1st and Sherman sts. Inquire Cottel Drag Co, 1st and Grant sts. A FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. modem, to rent for the Summer; west Side, on 5th-e-t. car line. G 56. Oregonlan. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. PARTI- aly famished, or furniture for. sale ana bouse for rent, cheap. 443 e. Davis. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COMPLETE FUR- ntehed house, gas and bath; block and half from Sth-et. car line. 633 4th at. SUBURBAN COTTAGE. 5 ROOMS. RENT $12.00; ALSO FURNISHED FLAT. IN- qulre 562 Main at, cor Chapman. FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED FLAT. bath, piano. $45: also no children; one or more months. Phone Scott 3553. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN COTTAGE. bargain: for full particulars, ring up Main 4587 Monday, after 8 A. II. FOR RENT A NICELY FURNISHED COT- tage. ga range, phone and bath. Call at 649 3d t. Phone Maln.47. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. COMPLETELY FUR- nlshed. everything new; a bargain; rent $30. Phone East 3774. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. "WELL FUR- nlshed. good location; two month or more. Fhone East 355. wiY TipvT imnrn v aurwir tinTTRr furnished; beautiful grounos; near car line. Call East 717. FOR RENT OR SALE FURNISHED EIGHT- roota bouse. 3SO 7lh st. NICE FURNISHED HOUSES. ALSO ROOMS. Phone Main 1176. FURNISHED FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE. 4 E. Clay at. Houses For Best Furniture For Sale. AT A SACRIFICE, FURNITURE OF 12- room house, living rooms In weathered oak. and bedroom sets of blrdseye maple; great bargain If taken at once; owner compelled to leave city immediately. N 02. Oregonlan. FOR SALE ON ACCOUNT OF LEAVING city, furnishings of large well-furnlshed house on car line, best residence district: house for rent, lease if desired. Addret li M. care uregonian. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE WITH piano, cneap; large yara. rruit trees. Dam: on West Side; rent $22.50: Address XX7 Oregonlan. FOR RENT MODERN 0-ROOM HOUSE. $40; furniture for sale. $273; walking dis tance, near 16th and Johnson. Fhone Main 4S61. FINE 10-ROOM CORNER HOUSE. THREE block Portland Hotel: must sell: price $725. 221 W. Parle Phone Main 4654. FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM HOUSE. ALL new; rent paid until 1st or November. 1VS blocks from Fair; all for $400. 303 26th st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COT- tage. $275. four blocks from Washington st. No. 25 North Sth st. can rrom : w a i: si. SNAP 8 ROOMS. SIX BEDS. GOOD SEW- Ing machine, location nrst-ciaes ror room ers; rent $25; price $193. Phone Main 4641. FURNITURE MODERN EAST SIDE EIGHT- room hou?e. $4tO. Installments If desired; splendid neighborhood. L 59. Oregonlan. 8-ROOM HOUSE AND 2 ALCOVES. FUR- nlsaed complete: good location; $150. Hat field & Smith. 1631a 4th at, room 32. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR- nlsbed or furniture for sale: In quire 189 E 36th st. Call Monday. FURNITURE OF S ROOMS AND HOUSE for rent: close In. room all rented; $475. Phone Main 6389 Sunday morning. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE: LOCATION very desirable; furniture for sale. Call or address 348 Montgomery t- FURNITURE FOR SALE. ROOMING- house, one block Portland Hotel; must sell. sickness. 185 ranc st. FURNITURE OF FIVE ROOMS. CHEAP; garoen. iruii ana cmucsi: rent oi souk $12. Phone Union 3237. ELEGANT FURNITURE FOR .SALE OF new 3-room flat to good tenants; central. Main 1111. 258 13th. FURNITURE 5-ROOM COTTAGE. INSTALL- roents. $225; rent $12.50. L. E. Thompson tt CO, ZZS 3d. FOR SALE FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE;. bargain. low rent. For particulars. 333 Ev erett, comer 7ta. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale: price $125; near the Fair grounds. 885 Thurman. FOR SALE FURNITURE 8-RCOM HOUSE: desirable. Phone Main 4435 or address B 40. Oregonlaa. 5-ROOM COTTAGE- FOR RENT. FURNI- ture for sale cheap; parties leaving tows. dot hmic st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM Sat. Inquire 3d floor. 353 Vi EL Buraelde U FOR SALE FURNITURE 1 8-ROOM HOUSE. a bargain. 80 Park at, near watalngtoa st. FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE; rent $15; W est Side. Phone Main 6515. FURNITURE 6-ROOM COTTAGE CHEAP; rent $11. Apply 10 wasningtoa sidg. FOR SALE NEW FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM house, cheap. R 53. Oregonlan. FURNITURE AND LEASE OF 7-ROOM Sat over saiocn. rnoae :xaia osss. 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale cheap. union ave. FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM. HOUSE FOR sale; cause ror rent, ixh, out n. 342 FRONT ST. STORE. OCCUPIED" AS gioctty last 12 years; $30.. Phoae Front 873. FOR tt. RENT ELEGANT SPACE. 71 for barber, cigar or candy shop. FOR RENT STORE. GOOD LOCATION FOR drucstore. Apply 334 4tn at. BOOTHS AND OOTX SPACE TO KENT at Fair grousMU. 72 ts aC FOX KENT. STORE. 25x100. WITH MODERN FLATE- alaas front, on East aiomsoa at, blocks, west of Grand ave.; rent very low. Inquire of Calef Bros.. 130- 6th st. FOR RENT STORE 25x180. WITH BASE- siant and dock, between Harrison and Alder; No. 144 Front st. Apply to E. A. Baldwin. 6 4th at. FOR RENT STOREROOM. 513 GUSAN ST. 22 by 6U feet: rent $23 per month. Parrlsh. - Watklps & Co, 250 Alder at. FOR RENT HALF OF LARGE STORE. IN- qulre Transcontinental Machine Co., S. E. comer Park and pak sts. STORE FOR RENT OPPOSITE BELASCO Theater. Apply to HIdgtn. the Tailor. 484 Washington st. ' STORE 25X100 FEET ON E. MORRISON" st, near Union ave. Inquire at Calef Bros.. 130 6th at. VERY CHEAP ONE STORE. 2 BLOCKS from new Alblna. ferry. Inquire 74 Russell street. OfSoes. FOR RENT NICE LARGE OFFICES ON 6th st, near Washington. Inquire Trans continental Machine Co, S. E. cor. Park and Oak. WANTED DESK ROOM OR OFFICE SUIT- able for real eatate and Insurance business. Give full particulars F 52. Oregonlan. THREE CONNECTING OFFICE ROOM3 for rent, and furniture for sale. Call 603 Goodnougb bI3g, city. FOR RENT HALF OF OFFICE OR DESK- room. completely furnished, phone, etc 423 Chamber Commerce. LARGE. BRIGHT OFFICE OR LODGE ON ocn tc e3iern lavcnmcm 1.0, na oin st. OFFICES AND ROOMS LEWIS BLDG. IN- qulre I. L. White. 304 Dekum. ROOMS AND LODGE HALLS. Bldg, 3d and Morrison st. Summer Resort. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities of these springs maxe them a ravorits resort for invaiias. and the abundance of game and fine .ashing renders it the sportman's elyslum. For analyst of water and full particulars, ad dteffl A. A. Hofllnger. Foley Springs. Or. TILLAMOOK STAGE LINE BEGINNING June 19". stage will leave Forest Grove for Tillamook every - Monday. Wednesday ana Friday. Stage leaves Tlltamook for Forest Grove on same days, connects witn trains and from Portland. J. H. McNamer. Proprietor. SEASIDE. ELK CREEK AND OCEAN SIDE lots for sale, in the groves or fronting tne ocean; grove lots at Blk Creek. Or., and Ocean Side. Wash, $25. J. Kraemer. Com mercial bicx. KLOSTERMAN COTTAGE. SEAVIEW. Wash.; season; 7 rooms, furnished. In quire Oliver Stout, contractor, iiwaco. Wash, or John Klosterman. Portland. Or. TEAMS FOR ELK CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped Is our care will receive special attention. N. D. Bain tt Co, Seaside. 'Or. 2 FURNISHED COTTAGES BY MONTH OR season, beach lot, and desirably located, at Ssavlew. Wash. II. Walton. 270 Wash ington st, or phone Main 49SC FOR RENT ONE OF THE BEST 6-ROOM. furnished cottages on the beach; near Cen tervllle 3ta.: will rent for 1. 2 or 3 months. Address M 44. care Oregonlan. FOR RENT FOR THE SEASON FINELY furnished 7-room cottage. "The Logan." Htr- mosa Park. Clatsop Beach. Address w. T. . siepnens, beaaiae. or. FOR RENT THREE COTTAGES AT OCEAN Park, w ash.: one 6-room, with fireplace, one 5-room and one 3-room; all furnished. W. a. jfoweii. sea stn-st. FOR RENT OR SALE FURNISHED 8-room cottage near Locksley Hall. Sea side. Inquire room 300, Commercial blk. Phone Main 875. FOR RENT AT GEARHART. OPPOSITE golf link, new S-room furnished cot tage; modem plumbing; from middle July. M 54. Oregonlan. "WANTED SEASIDE BOARDERS: ROOM for two with board. $7.30 per week each: family cooking; two blocks from beach. V 57. Oregonlan. FOR RENT SEASIDE. 5-ROOM. COTTAGE.' on the beach: city water: grand view. Ad dress Clary. Tho Fair. 632 Thurman. Fhons Mala C249. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. COMPLETELY FUR- ntshed; also 3-room cottage, furnished, at Seaview. Wash. 'Inquire at 774 York st, Portland. Or. FOR SALE FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED COT- tage at Sea View, comer lot. great bar gain. Room 10, Hamilton bldg. Phone Hood 483. BEAUTIFUL COTTAGE. ELEGANTLY SIT- uatea on riage at seaview, ror rent, all or part oc season, or for sale, i 45 Oregonlan. FOR RENT FOR THE SEASON A SIX- room furnished cottage at Seaside. Apply at 489 Columbia st. Telephone Main 3826. VERY DESIRABLE 6-ROOM COTTAGE AT Seaview. Wash., for sale or for rent. In' quire 783 Northrup -or phone Front 874. FOR RENT AT OCEAN- PARK. A NICE , furnished cottage, with 8 rooms and large yaru. Aoaresa j. jv. uui. i-oniana. ur. FOR SALE OR RENT. SEASON, FUR- xushed. The Darling cottage. Seaside; beau tlful location. Phone Dr. Darling. BUILDING SUITABLE FOR RESTAURANT or store; also cottage, near depot. Long iJeacn. wash. Apply 453 12th. GEARHART. TILL THE 15TH JULY. COM- fortabiy furnished 6-room cottage; rates very reasonable, raone Alain 4107. RENT OR SALE l-ROOM FURNISHED cottage. Long Beach, fine location, close to ocean. -none East 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. CENTER vllle. Long .Beach. Wash.; ocean view; good water. 1Z4 N. 19th. FOR SALE SEASIDE. FURNISHED COT- tage. overlooking ocean. Inquire SC3 E. Taylor. Phone East 2233. FURNISHED COTTAGE. FACING ON. ocean. Seaview. Inquire 441 - West Park. Phone Main 2749. Allyn. PAYING GUESTS RECEIVED. HONOR lue Cottage. Seaview. North 'Beach; first class patronage only. NEAT. WELL-FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Newport; reasonable. Schmeer Grocery store, ass iz. uurnsiae. FOR RENT AT SEASIDE. COTTAGE OF 4 large room,, nicely furnished. 190 N. 14th at. Phoae Mala 4462. FOR RENT PARTLY FURNISHED COT tage 7 rooms, at Tioga. Wash. Inquire 403 joacieay oiog, city. FOR SALE TWO CHOICE LOTS AT SEA- vlew. Wash, near station; price $250. A 50. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 4-ROOM FURNISHED COT- tage. hydrant water, at Gearnart Park. Or. 1. so. uregonian. LOT AT SEASIDE. OR, NEAR LOCKSLEY Hall; a bargain. Hatneid & Smith, 163& tin SU. ilAJIU FOR RENT 4-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE at seaview, excellent water. Apply S15 11th. Main 1147. FOR RENT-GOOD. WELL FURNISHED bouse at Seaside, Or. Inquire 782 Lovejoy 1, foruana. FOR RENT NEW. LARGE FOUR-ROOM cottage, ridge lot. near Seaview. Phone East 19. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE AT Seaside, near Moore Hotel. Inquire 86 N. uts, st. FOR RENT NEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE AT ocean Park, completely furnished. Phone East 314." SNAP IF TAKEN AT ONCE ( GOOD LOTS at Seaside. Must be sold. L 54. Oregonlan. Pastarage for Seat. CLOSE TO PORTLAND; STOCK ALSO taken la oy the month. 19 Snerloci bldg. 'XUeellueea. FURNISHED RESTAURANT FOR RENT. 254 Market st. FINANCLVL. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF S3- curlty. wm. HoU. rm. . Washington bldg. State funds loaned, 6 per cent. W. El Thomas. stats agt, xuitsoman Co, oa en rm. cos. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. 5 AND 6 per cant. wm. Denholm. 225 Falling- bldg. MONET ON MORTGAGE. CITY OR SUBUR- haa; easy teraas. W. s. ward. The Allsky. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR -SALARIED PEOPLK. ANY WAGE-EARNER NEEDING MONEY, before payday can get It from us. No com mission or interest In advance: no mort gage or tndorser reaulred. Renav weekly. monthly or semi-monthly in amounts from $1 upward, thus avoiding payment ot the whole amount out of any one payday, and have six months' time If desired. Nelson & Hlndley. 3CS McKay bldg. LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms: easy payments and strictly coaa dentlal; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-house s specialty. NEW ERA LOAN TRUST COMPANY 205 Ablngton Building. THE STAR LOAN CO Any salaried employe, wage-earner, caa get on his note, without mortgage CpnfldentlaL Month, h-moata. Week. $5-Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.25 Repay to us $ 6.05 or $3.35 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us $ 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG, 102 CD. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO, 217 ORSGO nlan bldg.. loans money to reliable sales men, trainmen, motormen. conductors or other salaried employes, lust on his note. In sums of $10 to $lu0. Returnable la con venient weekly or monthly payment. Pay meat suspended la case of sickness. Conn dtatlaL No Inquiries. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc. without .security, easy pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cit ies. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Main 6437. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE AT rates you can afford; money loaned on furni ture, piano or personal property; best terms in city; rms. 218-220 Ablngton. Tel. Red 172t. LOANS ON EASY-PAYMENT PLAN TO 8AL arled people; lowest rates; strictly confiden tial. Employes' Loan Co, room 716. tb Dekum. 3d and Wash. st. Phoae 224. CHATTEL LOANS MADE ON GOOD SE curlty at lowest rates; large amounts. THE HEALY INVESTMENT COl, 214 Ablagton, 1004 Third St. POSITION AS DEMONSTRATOR OR SALES jady by experienced lady: best of reference. Address M. C. Blanchtleld. 266 Jefferson, or phone 1603. Front. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates.' S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Mala 6100. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. L Eckcrson & Co, room 5. Washington bldg. Phone Clay 73. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, flanos, other securities. 449 Sherlock bldg. hone Clay " 823. Also real estate loans. HAVE MONEY TO INVEST IN ANY GOOD propositions; send prospectus and details. C 56. Oregonlan. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co. lands; U. rf Kiiey. uot cum. or commerce. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. u. Beck, room 307. the Failing biog. $50,000 TO LOAN. AT H REGULAR RATES. xne foruana xoan umce. 14 aa sc. LOST AND FOUND. TEN DOLLARS REWARD THE ORE- gonlan will pay $10 reward for the arrest aad conviction of any one caught stealing The Oregonlan from the doors of Its sub scribers. Circulation Manager. LOST COCKER SPANIEL PUPPY. 4 months old, very light brown color; lloeral reward for return to R. W. Schmeer, care United States National Bank. LOST ON THURSDAY, AT THE ARMORY. ladles' gold watcn ana cnain; monogram ai. E. B. and diamond In back of case; reward. Leave at Ffldenhelmer's. LOST ON BASE LINE ROAD. - POCKET book containing passes In favor of George Fernau. Return to this office and receive reward. THE PARTY IS KNOWN WHO TOOK THE bunch of keys from the Fenny Arcade, but if he returns them no questions will be asked. FOUND A PLACE TO HAVE HAIR MAT- tresses renovated and returned same day. Main 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. LOST LAST SUNDAY. AT CATHEDRAL OR near 13th and Davis sts, pair rosary beads. Finder please return to 86 North 9th st. LOST DIAMOND CLUSTER PIN. TUESDAY evening at the oaks: $100 reward for return 70 Ella st: no questions asked. LOST COMMUTATION TICKET BOOK with Albert Nelson s signature and picture. Reward. Address M 51. Oregonlan. LOST LADY'S GOLD WATCH, BET. Union Depot and Steel bridge. Return to Beldlng Bros. Liberal reward. LOST BLACK FEATHER BOA ON WASH- ington st. Suitable reward will be paid If returned to Imperial Hotel. LOST FOX TERRIER. 3 MONTHS OLD. $10 reward return 294 5. lota ft, cor. Colum bia, or phone Main 4949. LOST ADMISSION BOOK FOR FAIR. NO. 457; return to 625 East Ankeny; reward. Mrs. D. W. Kolle. YOUNG MEN PLEASE RETURN SUIT- case containing mining books, taken from Portland Hotel. LOST WEDNESDAY. ON MILL ST, BBAD- ed chiffon cape. Reward if returned to 533 West Park. LOST AT EXPOSITION COMMUTATION ticket-book. No. -531; reward If returned to Oregonlan. LOST BLACK KNIT SHAWL. TUESDAY evening. Return McAllea & McDonnell; re ward. LOST BABY'S RING WITH INITIAL "A" on It; reward. Phone Main 1503. FOUND A BAY HORSE AT MOUNT SCOTT. Owner, apply at 1S8 Mill sU SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. BIDS INVITED. Sealed bids will be received at the office nf the Superintendent ot the Oregon State Fc:te,i!lrf tt Salem. Or., untlt Thursday. June 22. 1905. at 1 o'clock P. M. of said day, for the labor of the convicts con fined la said Penitentiary, under the pro visions of an act of the Legislature passed In 1895 and amendments thereto, and for the foundry plant belonging to the state and situated within the prlion walls. Bids to be made separately on the basis of a five or a ten-year lease, beginning August 1. 1905. on lSlank which will be forwarded by the Superintendent on application. Each bidder must Inclose with his bid a certified check In the sum of $500. payable to the order of the Superintendent, to be forfeited to the state In case the bidder to which the contract is let falls to enter Into a contract and give the bond required by the statute within tea days after the awarding of the contract. The right is reserved to reject any and all bid. Further Information may be had. if de sired, by addressing the Superintendent. Dated at Salem. Or, May 22. 1905. C. W. JAMES. Superint-nxdent. Miscellaneous. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. THE LAW FIRM of Pipes & Tlfft has been dissolved by mutual consent. My offices are 600 Cham 'ber of Commerce. Telephone Main 653. MARTIN L. PIPES. NOTICE NO BILLS CONTRACTED BY ANY other person than myself will be, paid for by me. S. J. Hall. BUSINESS CHANCES. GROCERY AT A BARGAIN: CLEAN. NEAT stock, good fixtures and rent reasonable: price 450. Inquire at the Star Coffee House. 374 N. 20th st, one block south of main entrance to Fair. WANTED PARTNER WITH $800 TO PUR chaee Interest In livery, boarding and sale stable: good lease, low rent: will stand Investigation; young man preferred. XY 123. Oregonlan. GOOD BUSINESS IN BEST LOCATION IN Portland: stock $8000 to $10,000. annual business. $115,000; good lease; IS.000 feet floor space. C 60. Oregonlan. WANTED BRIGHT. ACTIVE MAN WITH $1500 to take management of profitable man ufacturing enterprise, controlling exclusive rights. G 59, Oregonlan. "WANTED LADY TAKE FULL CHARGE OF hotel, good salary: must loan $650; security $1600; use of money $50 for half Interest. Fhone Main 2341. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 10 COM pletely furnished rooms; $300 will handle; call US&ay. 305 6th st. Phone Main 6011. WANTED LADY OR GENT: WILL LOAN $700. business easy learned; salary $100 month: security $1350. D 60. Oregonlan. SALOON FOR SALE GOOD CORNER, with 9 furnished rooms. 3 years' lease. In quire 68 North 3d et. ' FOR SALE-ROOMING-HOUSE. 14 ROOMS, cheap, terms on part money. 327 3d st. FOR SALE CITY HALL BUFFET. BAKERY, and grocery. 36ft Sth at