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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1905)
THE STOUAT QBEGOSIAN, FOBTIAKD, 'JUNE 11, 1905. Entered .t the Tostelflce at Portland, Or., ss second-class matter. ySCBSCKTPTJOX XA.TES. INVJUUABLT IN ADVANCE. Br Mall or Exprea.) Dally and Sunfiay. per year.. 59- Dally acd Sunday, six months a.oo Dally and Sunday, three months Dally and Sunday, per month Dally without Sunday, per year... 70 Dally -without Sunday, six months..... S-iw Dally without Sunday, three months... Dally without Sunday, per month -63 Eunaay. per year Sunday, atx months. ........... Sunday, three months........ - B0 BY CARRIER. Dally without Sunday, per week........ -15 Dally, per week. Sunday included -. -20 THE WEEKLY OREQONIAIT. (Issued Every Thursday.) Weekly, per year. L50 Weekly, six months .75 Weekly, three months HOW TO REMIT Send money order, express order or personal check on your local hank. Stamps, coin or currency are at the sender's risk. EASTERN BCSIXESS OFFICE. The 6. C. Bock wi tli Special Atony New Xork; rooms 43-50 Tribune building. Chi cago, rooms 510-512 Tribune bulldlnc EXIT ON SALE. Chicago Auditorium .Annex, Fostolflee News Cx. 17S Dearborn street. Dallas, Tcjo Globe News Depot. SCO Main street. San Anlonlo, Tex. Louis Book and Clear Co., 21 East Houston street. Dearer Julius Black, Hamilton & Kend rick, 900-012 Seventeenth street; Harry D. Ott, 1503 Broadway. Colorado Sprint, Colo. Howard H. Bell. Des Moines, la- Moses Jacobs, SOS Fifth street. Duluth, la. O. Blackburn. 215 West Su perior street. Goldfield, Ner. C Malone. Kansas City, Mo. Ricksecker Clear Co., Ninth and Walnut. Los Ancelcs-Harry Drapkln; 3. E. Amos, tH West Seventh street. Minneapolis 1L. J. Kavanaush. SO South Third; I. Regelsburser. 217 First avenue South. Cleveland, O, James Fushaw, SOT Superior street. New Xork City I, Jones & Co., Astor House. Oakland, CaL W. H. Johnston. Four teenth and Franklin streets. Oeden F. R. Godard and Meyers it Har top. D. L. Boyle. Omaha Barkalow Bros., 1612 Farnam; J.fni-f-nth Statlonirv Co.. 1308 Famam: Mc- Lauchlin Bros.. 240 South 14th; McLaughlin & Holtr. 1015 Farnam. Sacramento, CoL Sacramento News Co., 420 K street. Salt lake Salt Lake News Co.. 77 West Becond street South; Frank Hutchison. Yellowstone Park, Wyo. Canyon Hotel. Lake Hotel. Yellowstone Park Assn. Lonr Beach B. E. Amos. San Prancisco J. X. Cooper '& Co., 746 Market street: Goldsmith Bros.. 230 Sutter: L. E. Lee. Palace Hotel News Stand; F. W. Pitts. 1008 Market: Frank Scott. 80 Ellis: iv Wheatley Movable News Stand, corner Mar Vet and Kearney streets; Hotel SL Francis News Stand; Foster & Orear. Ferry News Stand. St. Louis. Mo. E. T. Jett Book & News Company. 806 Olive street. Washington, D. C. P. D. Morrison. 2132 Pennsylvania avenue. PORTLAND, SUNDAY, JUNE 11, 1905. MODERNITY IN OUR SCHOOLS. To conform to the needs of modern life, educational -systems In our time have been greatly changed. On a few simple principles the education of our young people, down to a recent period, was pursued or conducted. The lan guages. besides English, were Latin and Greek. There was a close and se- jvere course in the elements of mathe matica. Little attention was given to the natural sciences. Modern lan Iguages received scarcely any attention iEvery one remarks the change of the courses of study, in our times. It is not denied, indeed, that In the old sys tern of Greek. Latin and mathematics there were and still are possibilities of Bound culture. But the modern world demands adaptation. Hence the mod fern pressure towards studies in phys ical and economic science. Hence large substitution of modern for ancient lan guages. It is' believed that acquaintance with the languages of the modern world is better for general culture than devo tion to the study of Greek and Latin, to the exclusion of them. The lltera ture and feeling of the modern world are vital. The results of this study come home to men's business and bosoms. "We must live In the present. not in an antique, world. Yet It is true that without study of the old thought and language and history and ifeollng, we shall not clearly know our. selves or our position, at the present day. We -shall lack a certain fine in terlor knowledge of the present, if we eglect the study of the past. Our own mother tongue Is an offshoot of the Teutonic. Sixty per cent of our dally vocabulary has German roots. Nearly all our household words are of this origin. Changes of form, indeed, make it impossible for the common ob server to identify our English words with German, but to the student of the history of the English language there is little or no difficulty. In the domain of government and of law, French In Huence. from Roman sources, Is pre dominant In our language chiefly through the Franco-Norman Conquest. The literary clement from Latin and Greek has come later. Through Eng- Jlsh writers of the sixteenth, seven teenth. and eighteenth centuries we got the Latin literary element. Introduc tlon of the element from Greek came later, largely through need of terms in physical science, to the combinations of which this language was peculiarly adapted. Since all the roots of our common speech are German, it might be sup posed that the German language would be a natural and easy study for our youth. But it is not so. In our Eng lish speech French Influence Is so pow erful that the original German basis or stock has long been controlled by it. And in fact German, in Germany, has' been Influenced powerfully also by French In ideas, turn of expression. cast of thought. Goethe, Schiller, Les ping. Heine, greatest names in German literature, knew French and wrote and spoke it; and French Influence largely affected their work. No other modern language holds the peculiar place that the French lan guage holds; and our modern eduea tkmai work has been obliged to take notice of it. Henoe French, in all ou: Bchools. It is the language of actlv and varied life. Its exactness makes it the language of mathematics, of diplo macy, of natural science and of meta physics. And by a strange paradox it is the language through which every meaning may be concealed, or made to appesr other than that really intended. This, Indeed, is large part of its value. It is the most delicate weapon of dip lomauc fence It is the foil' which touches, discomfits, the adversary without inflicting a mortal -wound. It is the only tongue which has developed to a fine art the use of "sous-lntendu The rigid moralist may feel a prefer ence for the speech that says every thing bluntly, in bare, bald nudity; but It is a speech which will leave him ftnr imes too often in awkward, pre- dlcaments. from "which French always opens a door of escape. Our great English writers used to rail against this characteristic of the French language, which Indeed la but an expression or transcript of French manners and morals. Carlylc said that Frenchman would tell you a story whose truth at the moment was con vincing; you would believe him; you ould deem him a model of faith and truth yet after you had parted with him and had had time to reflect on what he had said, you knew he had lied! Goethe, In Wilhelm Melster, In troduces a young woman who had a faithless lover. She says: "During the period of our kindliest connection he wrote In German, and what genuine, powerful, cordial German I It was not till he wanted to get quit of me that he began to write In French. What he would have blushed to utter in his own mother tongue he could by this means write with a quiet conscience. It is a perfidious language; it is the language of reservations, equivocations and lies! French is exactly the lan guage of the world: worthy to become the universal language, that all may have it in their power to cheat and cozen and betray each other!" Such a language must, of course, be cultivated by the general world not that men may cheat and betray each other, but that ihey may not be cheat ed and betrayed; and further that they may have command of keen and pol ished weapons for defense, as well as for attack, which the highest wit of man affords. France, moreover, has a body of literature which corresponds with the genius of the language and with the spirit of the people corrupt ing, some say, but which yet is forcing its way into our American and English life. A sign of It is the Increasing at tention to study of the language and literature of France In all our higher schools. A STRIKING OBJECT LESSON. The owners of the Consolidated Street Railway of Portland representatives of the "first families" announce through their newspaper organ that they have sold out that property for 16,000,000. It Is a straight steal of at least $4,000,000, from the people of Portland. However, that valuation of $6,000,000 is to be taken into account in assessment of the property and "fran chises" and that not less than two thirds of it was got through methods that the grand Jury here has Just now reprehended and the whole body of our citizenship condemns, is a fact that will not be lost sight of when the city shall take possession of the whole, pay a just value for it and operate the lines under municipal ownership. However, there Is good reason to be lieve that this alleged sale Is not a genuine sale, but only a capitalization of the franchises, on which Eastern investors are "let in." That Is, the cap ital stock is to be increased several millions, the Eastern Investors are to put up the money, which goes Into the pockets of those who "worked" the Common Council for the franchise, and yet the local holdings of stock are to remain. In other words, these local plutocrats have sold out for 54,000,000 the occupancy of the streets by their car tracks, for which they paid nothing whatever, and still will keep their hold ings, or most of them; while the "deal" carries the value of the stock up to high figures. This is the kind of "high finance" that Is making socialists all over the United States. The operators In this case are adding millions directly to their bank account, and at the same time getting their stock marked up, say to 150. 200, or more all through the sale of Immense values that belong to the public, not to themselves. Here is the most striking object-les sonshowing the nature and the con sequences of the system of monopoly and plutocracy ever presented In Ore gon. The lesson will bear fruit. In our politics and legislation. Any of us might be rich if we could "absorb" pub lic property and sell It for millions of dollars. THE BEST MEN WANTED. General Manager Calvin, of the Southern Pacific, has issued an order requiring all applicants for positions with the company to undergo a phys ical examination. In the employment of trainmen or frelghthandlers. It has always been understood that healthy, strong men were required, but, under the new order, applicants for office po sitions must also qualify physically as well as mentally, the theory being that a sound body Is conducive to better work mentally. There was a time, not so very many years ago. when the rail roads as well as other employers of la bor were unable to make such a fine distinction between the different labor ers In quest of work. It was a case of take what comes. Including persons who. at times, looked too long on the wine that was red. The increasing In dependence of the employers of labor has been one of the greatest factors in the promotion of temperance among Americans. The population of the country has in creased so rapidly that it is no longer necessary to employ a man who uses spirituous liquor, even at Intervals. No matter how skillful a railroad man may be when he is sober, the railroad com panies no longer take any chances with him If he is known to drink at alL They can secure all of the men needed to operate their trains and run their business, who ore practically total ab stainers, and, as a result, the men who drink must look elsewhere to a stead ily narrowing market for their labor. The new order requiring none but phys ically sound men In the service Is per haps only a continuation of the temper ance requirement, in that It Is an ex pression of a determination to get the very best there is in the labor market. The man whose brain Is befuddled by liquor cannot give as satisfactory a ser vice as one who does not use intoxi cants, and the man who is physically imperfect cannot, as a rule, prove as satisfactory as the one to whom Na ture has been more kind. This slow, gradual working out of the problem of the survival of the Attest will eventually result in a much higher order of citizenship and a more perfect race of men. The drunken father not infrequently leaves as a heritage to his son a physical deformity which handl caps'the unfortunate for life. If we re move the cause by placing a premium on sobriety, as Is now the case, there will be a lessening In the misery due to children not being "bora right." This great question of segregating the best Tfrom that which is not so good must some day be faced by the great labor unions of the country, Practically nil of the trouble that has ever been cre ated between union labor and Its ezc. pky,rs jru jLu Si- Jtvaktmr t the unions that no distinction should be j made between any men who bore the union label. In all unions will be found soma men who are vastly superior to others, and. by grading these men on a horizontal scale,not only the good union men. but the man who is paying the wages, suffers. This principle' is unfair, and in the end will be discarded. The poor work man, regardless of his union affiliations. will be sent to the rear, just as the drunkard and the physically deformed workmen ore now being set aside by the railroads. In some respects a ruling of this kind will work quite a, hardship and cause suffering, but no great re forms have ever been accomplished In this world without the penalty being exacted from some one. The human race has been several thousand years reaching its present state of perfection, or perhaps imperfection, but much has been accomplished since our ancestors were hunting the cave-bear with stone axes and arrows. There Is a greater premium than ever bef ore on men spe cially equipped for mental and phys ical pursuits, and this premium is an Incentive for increasing perfection, through a closer observance of the rules of health, and more attention to the development of the best powers of mankind. THE COUNTRY EDITOR. "Who has a better time than the coun try editor? Here we find our old friend Albert Tozier. Bohemian and bon vl- vant, down In Oklahoma, the honored guest of an enthusiastic populace, at bullfights, banquets and barbecues. The National Editorial Association Is hold ing its annual session at Guthrie, and Albert Tozlers from all the states of the Union are there. Tou might Imag ine that In these days of strenuous ac tlvity in Oregon, sufficient to bring all the way across the continent a Vice President of the Urlted States days when Portland Is Just emerging from the rigors of a city election, and the land-fraud trials loom up on the hori zon, there would be excitement -enough at home for Editor Tozier. There is. What he Is after, and what every other Editor Tozier Is after in these halcyon June days every year. Is surcease from trouble and worry and that congenial commingling of souls that comes only with the society of your own kind. The country editor, like all editors, is gregarious. Despite a grievously com mon opinion to the contrary, he loves to eat. drink and be merry, to lard over attenuated ribs with the substance, and not the shadow, of earth's good things, torefresh a Jaded mind byattrilion with other bright intellects, and to revive drooping spirits by the Inspiring annals of the year's successes. It is the duty and the pleasure of supine railroad cor porations every year to see ye editor, learn where he wants to go and provide the wherewith in the shape of free passes and plenty of them. If the rail road has an obligation to the country editor which it discharges ungrudging ly, so that he may go where he will and come back when he will, ye editor owes It to himself to see that the be nevolent purposes of the corporation are not thwarted. So rare a quality In a railroad should be carefully and reg ularly encouraged. Thus we always find that about this time of year sanctums are deserted, scissors are rusting In unaccustomed idleness, the pastepot is surrendered to the bluebottle fly. and "Pro Bono Publico." "Veritas." "Citizen" and "Subscriber" are. turned over to the tender mercies of the office deviL The editor is oft on his annual junket. If any one thinks It Is an easy job to run a country newspaper, let him try It. To be sure, there is a large number of misguided citizens who always fancy that It takes nothing but a stub pencil. a ,asnington hand-press, a pot of printer's Ink and a limited line of credit with a patent-inside concern to fill a long-felt want In a yearning commu nity; but they always find out their mistake about the time the mortgage becomes due. It takes a great deal of persistence and some brains to get along in the country. Just the same as In the city. The country editor who writes a hlfalutln salutatory and Issues VoL L No. 1. under the notion there Is nothing then to do but to put his feet up on his desk and wait for eager sub scribers and hungry advertisers to roll In. Invariably takes It out In waltiiur. To be sure, it sometimes happens that Mrs. Samantha Winterbottom drops In and lays a dozen eggs on our table," and "one of our leading citizens. Mr. Hans Svensen, of Norwegian Gulch. favored ye editor last week by dumping a fine load of cord wood in our, back yard"; but you may be pretty sure that Mrs. winterbottom and Mr. Swen sen never acknowledge by payment In hard cash the weekly visits of the newspaper to their homes. An editor must eat. and neither cordwood nor bad eggs do much to satisfy the crav ings of an empty stomach. The coun try editor that thankfully receives damaged henfrult and second-hand fire wood usually finds that he gets very little of anything else. On the other hand, the public gets about all It pays for. for newspapers with editors of that kind are worthless. The editor who re gards himself as a sort of public charge. like some preachers, will always starve between donation parties. If he starts out with the fixed determination to print e good paper and make the pub lic pay for it, he will find that his sub scribers buy It because they want It, and not because they are contributing to a sort of Journalistic charity. Country editors as a class are self respecting, diligent, conscientious and intelligent, and willing to stand on their own merits. But there Is still an other branch of the family; half-way between the country editor and the metropolitan Journalist, whose chief ambition Is to be the dependent and mercenary of 6ome political machine or state or county administration. "What they want Is easy money, which may be earned, honestly enough, but which, because It is handed out as & condition of continued fealty to a political or ganlzatfon, is anything but easy money. Some country Journals establish bu reaus In the metropolis, and lie at space rates about their betters, though this genus, thank heaven. Is rare; oth ers attend to their own business the best they know how. and retain the respect of their contemporaries and the support of their constituents, which they deserve. Some country newspa pers ore owned body and soul by an opulent office-holder, and yet they think to cover up the sinister Influences that control them by attacking the National Administration or their contemporaries. Other country newspapers are owned by their editors and edited by their owners; and these fear neither the Gov ernment nor its prosecuting agents, nor the Sheriffs, ner their creditors. If they to the credit of all journalism, are in the majority. But we are getting far from Albert Tozier. "We left him in Oklahoma. He has started for Oregon, some three hun dred of him, and. we shall be glad to see him and all of him, when he comes. M. DELCAS6E. -The statesman of France who was known to be most friendly to Russia, and the strongest supporter of the dual alliance. M. Delcasse. has resigned, or has had to retire, at a most awkward moment. Just now. when Russia will of necessity be Influenced by her ally and banker, to have lost her tried friend at the Paris Foreign Office may turn out most Important. The more so because M. Delcasse had been the ac tive agent In the negotiations with Great Britain which culminated In the recent treaty, and was thoroughly trusted by that country. It Is generally thought that the German Chancellor Is to be credited with making M. Del casse's place too hot for him, and that his .success gained for him the Prince dom bestowed upon him by the Kaiser without other apparent reason. Of course, the Morocco affair was a con venient pretext, and was made the most of by the Germans. After all. the settlement between what are called the Mediterranean powers, by which France was accorded the right of raak Ing Morocco keep the peace and settle down into nelghborllness, was reason able. . Since commercial Interests of the various nations in Morocco were not affected, there was no good reason for calling every one into council And Germany had no trade of any conse quence with Morocco. But his not be ing consulted gave this uneasy and sen sitive Kaiser, the chance to complain. and of course he grasped at the oppor tunny or setting France down in a matter not big enough to tight about. So M. Delcasse, one of the most careful and conservative of diplomatists, had to go. for what his enemies call a lack of caution. Had he called all the na tlons Into council, he would have been equally to blame, no doubt, for letting Germany have a linger In the pie. This quiet, self-made man showing quali ties the very opposite of those with which his countrymen are credited having kept the peace of 'Europe, and yet never surrendered a thing for which he did not gain at least as good as he gave, goes into the retirement of pri vate life at the worst possible crisis for the peace of the world. PORTLAND: A PROPHECY. On the Eastern coast of the United states three cities entered the race for supremacy In the seventeenth century- Boston. New York and Philadelphia. On the "Western coast three cities en tered a similar race In the nineteenth century Seattle. Portland and San Francisco. Of the Eastern cities. Phil adelphia, though the last to enter, had the lead for more than a hundred years. San Francisco, founded first of the "Western group, still enjoys the primacy among them; she leads, and leads by a long distance. "Will Portland or Seattle ever overtake and pass her? And If either of them, which will It be? Cities grow great in three ways. First, they attract Inhabitants because of their beautiful situations, fine streets, the presence of courts or legis latures, and an Intellectual or artistic society. Washington is such a city, "Without advantages of commerce, man ufactures or trade. It Is rapidly becom ing a metropolis as well as a capital. solely becaufe It Is pleasant to live there. Perhaps in the course of a thou sand years Washington may become for America what Paris Is for France the historic heart and brain of the na tion. San Francisco, Portland and Se attle all make intellectual or artistic pretensions, and not without grounds; but it Is only capital cities Vienna, Berlin. SL Petersburg which have really attained the first rank through causes like these, and not one of our Pacific trio Is even the capital of a slate. The near future contains no large promise for any of them in this direction Secondly, cities grow great by selling their manufactures: but for that to happen the manufactures must be of universal and unlimited demand, and the city must have some competitive advantage like cheap labor' and fuel or exclusive access to populous markets. England has carried cotton across the ocean, manufactured It and built up great cities upon Its sale, because she has coal and labor together; she had only to bring the raw material to them. Our Pacific cities have not the coal In anything like the same supply, nor have they the labor; and since they would have to bring the staple as far as Eng land does, or farther, they are not likely to engage In cotton manufacture very soon. In England again, and In Penn sylvania, coal and labor abound not far from the Iron deposits; hence cities like Birmingham and Pittsburg; but here, with neither coal nor labor, and with the Iron. If It exists, yet to be discov ered, we can expect no Carnegies. Beer may have made cities famous, but it has never made them great; the lumber industry Is transient, no future can be built upon It; beet sugar is a rural rather than an urban resource; the Ori ent, where our manufactures must be sold. Is not a market for woolen fab rics, but it is a market for flour. "When folly has had her fling and economic laws are at work, the wheat of the in land emplro will all pass out to the world through Portland, because that Is the cheapest route for It; hence It will be floured in Portland and shipped thence to Asia. Of this Industry Na ture has given Portland a monopoly. But it does not seem likely that either of our three cities will ever reach met ropolitan rank by the way of manufac turing. There Is a third way, and the three largest cities In the world London. New Tork and Canton have all taken it. They reached greatness by the same road; so did Carthage. Venice. Ant werp, the. Hanse towns, all traveled It. The name of this ancient and well traveled road is commerce. It is a wide road, and has three tracks for vehicles. One track brings wealth, whatever It may be, from the inland, to the city. and carries other wealth from the city to the Inland. Another track moves the productOB from the Inland to ferelgn nations and returns other goods or money. By the third track money, con sidered as a commodity, comes and goes. Dropping the figure, there are three modes of commerce carrying from the interior to foreign lands, from foreign lands to the interior, and the traffic In money. The city grows upon the toll It takes from goods or money In traMlt. Oomterce Ss the mbatenlal teye all ocr Pdfi clttes. In the kmc run JC iGiaili Jterj? ;Umk. fxanOc&tat the natural routes of commerce con verge. Artificial routes may obscure the plans of Nature for a time, but not permanently. The transcontinental railroads, for example, have played a great part In the commercial history of the Coast, but that part Is nearly played, out. As factors In the ultimate state of things, they may be Ignored. Their not distant fate Is to become mere local carriers In the main. "When the Panama Canal Is finished, heavy freight from the territory between the Rocky Mountains and the Mississippi will leave the country over roads run ning south and converging at Galves ton; that produced east of the Missis sippi will go by way of New Tork. Only light and perishable goods will then be hauled over the Rocky Moun tains. The prophet, therefore, will not be greatly disturbed by the transconti nental railroads of San Francisco or Seattle. He will find the solution of his problem by seeking the point where the natural routes of commerce of this part of the world converge routes which He west of the Rocky Mountains. San Francisco has two such. They traverse the beautiful little valleys of the Sacra mento and San Joaquin Rivers. All the rest of the world Is shut out on the land side by the Sierra Nevada Moun tain, which press close to the ocean through nearly the whole length of California. Seattle has no natural Toutes of commerce, not even one petty river basin. The very existence of that city seems like an artifice. The mil lionaires have created it for their fatu ous diversion, as the French King did Versailles. On the other hand, consider the ex tent of territory whose roads run all the way downhill to Portland. The great "Willamette Valley, the Deschutes Valley, the John Day, the Harney coun- rtry, opening by way of the Owyhee and Malheur Rivers to the Snake, and the vast Teaches of the Snake and the Up per Columbia. Our problem, it seems, then, was sMved by Nature long before transcontinental railroads were thought of. The site of the metropolis of the Pacific Coast was fixed when the mountain chains were upheaved and the Columbia River began to flow. Portland was chosen by a decree of fate which human Inertia, obstinacy or folly may postpone, but cannot alter. WHAT WE SPEND ABROAD. The oversea rush of pleasure-seeking travelers began early In the month of May. and will reach full tide possibly by the first week In August. Every steamship that has left the port of New Tork since May has been crowded to Its fullest capacity with passengers, and present indications point to a record breaking exodus. The full capacity of favorite steamers has already been booked for weeks ahead, and all of the steamship lines are making prepara tions for the heaviest traffic in their history. What this means to the American people financially 13 shown by Henry C; Nicholas. In a recent article In Pub lie Opinion. What it means in an edu cational sense can scarcely be con ceived. The' tuition rate in this great school of travel Is high, but it Is be lleved that the benefits received war rant the outlay. How great this outlay Is in aggregate may be seen from the statement of ex perts on foreign exchange, by which means letters of credit for the expenses of tourists are arranged. These for the last five years show that an average of more than 5100,000,000 a year has been spent by American tourists abroad. Present indications are that 150,000 cabin passengers will cross the Atlantic eastward this year, the cost of whose vacations will not be less than 51000 each, or a totai of 5150.000.000. Of this amount. 537,500.000 represents pas sage money. The balance covers the expenses at a moderate estimate of this grand army of tourists It is manifestly Impossible to deter mine how much each tourist spends on his European trip, or to strike an exact average, so wide is the diversity of tastes and resources. The 150,000 people who go hence for longer or shorter periods of absence this year will in clude the wealthy miner and his fam ily from the Rocky Mountain region. the rancher from California, the rich porkpacker and his family from Chi cago, the planter from Mississippi, the schoolteacher chaperoning a bevy of young girls from the Middle West, and the millionaire banker or speculator from Wall street. The Individual ex penses of these several classes of tour ists -will, of course, vary greatly, as will also the pleasure that they derive from the trip and the knowledge of men and affairs, of customs and peoples that they obtain. Persons to whom a trip to Europe Is the event of a lifetime will be those who will get the most in a higher edu cational sense for their time and money. An army, though relatively a small one. of this class crosses the water In in creasing numbers each succeeding year. In times of Industrial stagnation it dwindles and In times of extreme flnan clal stress It Is practically wiped out But a few years of good wages and steady employment again sets the tide toward the flood, bringing this event of a lifetime to the multlude that enjoys and profits, in a specific sense, by for elgn travel. This multitude will be swelled this year Isbelngalready swelled by mem bers of the Industrial and professional vocations, to whom the past few years of abounding prosperity have brought the coveted, opportunity. We can well believe that the money spent by these people will not be money wasted. Teachers will be better teachers for the old-new outing; professional men will add to their equipment for work in the widened view that travel gives and the better understanding of men and things that It conveys; school children, accom panying their parents, will find ' the geography of the earth illustrated In a way Impossible In booksj To all of these, and many others, the price paid for the European trip will be money well spent, and never In any future stress In life will It be begrudged. And the other thousands composing the rank and file of Americans of mod era to means, -who hope some time to go to Europe, but who desire first to become acquainted with the natural beauties of their own country and learn something more than they can learn without a transcontinental Journey, of its wonderful resources. Its develop ment. Its energy and its enterprise- will find arrangements by which they can make this trip quickly, comforta bly and pleasantly, as complete In their way as are those which meet the tour ist at the great ports the Atlantic seaboard and carry hiss, to a foreign shore. To this army f fcflt tourists the yreseat 9onner preceMs Jorge p 9ortaB!ty. The Jtmvpmm trip will JlcAm. later. on& -ia beaocth imt a- Joyed, but the more rather, In that they have first come to know something of the vastness, the beauty and the won derful resources that lie between the Atlantic and the Pacific in the wide ex panse of a greaLcontlnent. Oregon real estate dealers must ex pect to wait until 1906 or even longer for the fruits of their sowing in 1905. People who come to the Fair this year will visit different sections of the state, looking for desirable locations. They will examine many pieces of farm or city property, and some will Invest be fore returning to their Eastern homes. All will come, however, on round-trip tickets, and many will go back to close up their affairs In the East before buy ing homes in Oregon. A large propor tion of the people who come here' to see the Fair are "looking around." They are not certain whether they wish to come here to live, but they will learn of Oregon's delightful climate, varied resources and beautiful scenery before they leave the state. They will not for "get what they have learned, and many will. In a year or two, sell their homes on the other side of the Rockies and come to Oregon to live. Then the real estate men will receive returns for the time and .money they spend this year showing the visitors what Oregon has to offer in the way of Investments. This should be and probably will be a prof itable year for men engaged In selling real estate, but not all the results of efforts In that line will be realized In one season. Baron Rosen, as the Russian Minister to Japan Immediately preceding the present war. exerted his influence steadily for peace. It Is currently be lieved, at least In Toklo. that had his advice been taken there would have been no war. When the war came and be was recalled, he was not cordially received In official circles at St. Peters burg, for the reason that he had not, as it was considered, played Russia's bold game with as strong, a hand as it was thought he might and should have done. The withdrawal of Count Cas slnt from Washington, the most anti Japanese of Russian diplomats, and the coming of Baron Rosen, the most pro- Japanese, has been held to be Indicative of Russia's disposition to make peace In the Far East and her appreciation of the kind offices of President Roose velt' looking to an honorable adjustment of terms with her victorious adversary. A Massachusetts professor is said to have received a shock of 500,000 volts of electricity in order to show how harm Ies3 It is when properly handled. The news report says that "special appa ratus" was placed around his body while the test was being made. There Joes not appear to be anything very remarkable about the feat, for a "spe cial apparatus" known as a lightning rod has been known to prevent a house suffering any damage from a good many thousand volts of the invisible force. The professor's demonstration would have been more remarkable had It taken place in the chair at Sing Sing or on a third rail Five hundred thou sand volts there would at least cause him to sit up and take notice. A Canadian cruiser has just sunk an American fishing tug, which failed to stop when ordered to do so. The Amer ican vessel was beyond the legal limit In Canadian waters, and there Is ac cordingly not much danger of interna tlonal complications arising. It has been some years since Canadian cruisers or cutters hod the pleasure of chasing American sealing schooners, and, In lieu of entertainment of this nature, the occasional capture of a fishing tug or smack will serve to remind us that the Canadians have not forgotten the re stricttons' we have placed on their own fishing operations in waters near the boundary Hne.- Thc United States Navy knows how to shoot, as the Spanish know, and any other possible future enemy may find out. One gunner on the battleship Kentucky hit a target 21x17 feet 1000 yards distant, with a five-inch gun 'thirteen times out of fourteenr another thirteen times without a miss; and two other gunners twelve out of thirteen times. No belligerent warship could stand such gunnery long, unless it had better-gunners; and no other navy has Now what are the "first families" go Ing to do with the four millions of dol lars for which they have sold the streets of Portland? Spend part of It In ever-growing luxury, of course, and the remainder in schemes for their own future enrichment. Small part of It to the cheap hirelings who run their news paper. The Norwegians want to set up gov emmental housekeeping on their own account. When they have maintained a separate royal household of English. stock for a few years they will doubt less find that on the score of runnln expenses the co-operative system Is the cheapest. Both belligerent nations now look to President Roosevelt to settle their trouble. Evidently there 13 some mlsn- take about the mission of the Big Stick. The only use the President has ever made of it Is to secure peace. California Knights Templar who come to Portland next month are cer tain to receive the same quality of generous welcome that they accorded to Oregon brethren at last year's con clave. The President going to make & grand tour of the South and his wife buying a farm In Virginia Indicate that Roose velt will grow In popularity on the sunny side of Mason and Dixon's line. It Is evident from reports from Man churia that neither the Japanese nor the Russian commander has learned of peace negotiations at Washington and other National capitals. . Be it noted that Portland's bank clearances' last week showed an In crease of 60 per cent over the corre sponding week last year. And they are never stuffed. It will be a relief to other policy-holders to know that men who have been In control are insured in the Equitable for large sums. Paul Morton for presidency of the Equitable; Prince Arthur for the throne of Norway; two good men. nominated for good Jobs. There are still a. few streets that ths Consolidated. Street Railway Company Aoecn't own. Then, there's the rivtr. 0REG0NJ)Z0NE. - Norway appears to believe thoroughly in divorce. Somebody has figured out that the war costs Russia about 510,000,000 a week. The last week in May was somewhat more ex pensive than the average. - The chief difference between St. Louis and Portland, leaving climate aside. Is this: In St. Louis, when a pioneer dies, he used to run a steamboat on the Mis sissippi and was intimately acquainted with Mark Twain when the humorist was river pilot. In Portland, when a pio neer dies, he came across the plains in an ox wagon back In '42, and took din ner with Marcus Whitman at the old mission. Mr. Kryl, the long-haired cornet soloist with the Innes Band, proposes to get a hair-cut U1I3 week, for which he offers any competent barber In Portland the un usual fee of 51. If It Is worth a dollar to trim a cornetlst, how much would It be worth a shear Paderewski? Lewis and Clark Journal Up to Date. PORTLAND, June 10, 1905. We have begun to despair of discovering Astoria. Here we are, a hundred miles from the object of our expedition, stuck fast. All our men have hit the Trail and de serted. Even the Show-Show-Mo squaw, Sacajawea, the Sixth, has ceased to be our guide, philosopher and friend, and ha3 hired herself ou to the Gay Paree combination as a danseuse from Paris, Texas; and old Charboneau, our French-Canadian trapper and scrapper. has rented himself to the Streets ot Cairo outfit as a turbaned Turkish pleler. And alas and alack! that cute little tootsey-wootsey pet of the expedi tion, Sacajawea's pappoose, is earning a high salary as an infant in the Infant Incubator establishment. Truly has this Trail hit us hard! As to ourselves, we are doing very well, thank you. Last night we were Invited to a gathering of tha Wobfoot tribe in honor of Big Chief Good, in a handsome' whitewashed tepee on the shore of the lake. If the people back In Virginia imagine that these tribes out here where the Oregon rolls are not civilized, let them hit the Trail and come to this Wallamet settlement this Summer Instead of hitting the board walk at Asbury Park. The braves, when they attend an evening reception, wear swallow-tall coats and the charm ing Pocahontases dress decollette. Truly, there has been great advance ment sinco we first struck this neigh borhood in 1S05. It must be seen to be appreciated. In about three weeks, provided we can collect our men and pay the ran som demanded for Sacajawea and the pappoose. we hope to push on toward the reputed location of Astoria. The Strlngtown- Band. I'm no great shakes for music, though I play a chune or so. And make a feint at slngln "Home. Swaat Home" or "Ola Black Joe," When axed to and pcrsuaded-llke; but lemme tell you what: I think your city music now is mostly run to rot- I've- heerd your primer donnys sing an octavo and a haff Melby and Adline Paddy, but their antics makes mo laff: I've heerd your Damrot concerts, too, and Susie's band to boot. And every orkstry In Noo Tork, and all the horns they toot; But if I'm wantln music that affects ma Ilka a pome. I'll call for somethln techln by tha ola brass band at home. .The ola brass band at Stringtown! Wy, it's-be'n an age ago Since that Pcrfessor come along and learnt tho boys to blow. Ha had long hair he never combed; ho didn't wear no board: But ho could play the finest chunes that's ever yet- be'en heerd. He pounded the peanner, and ha plunked the mandolin; And when ho scraped the fiddle you for got this world o sin And went gallantin' up tho sky upon an angel's wing. ... That fcller'd fetch the music from a dry goods box. by .Jlng! And so he mada ua all buy horns, and learnt us how to play Till we could beat him at it, by the time he went away. Bill Bunker played the first cornet, Jim Wilson second. Jack Gillespie clashed them cymbal things till you'd 'a thought they'd crack: Sid Lincoln was the artist on the clari'net, and Joe His brother on the big bass horn could drown ola Gabriel's blow. Tho trombone, it was blowed by Jones. who wore a beaver hat; Tom Shelton tapped the tenor drum. Tha bass drum? I beat that! And when we marched along tha street with manly strida and swing. I low we manufactured noise that mada the heavens ring; And proud? Well, now, I 'low there's no be-dtyfled galoot Gits haff the honors poured on us when we begun to toot. I know these primer donnys, in the city, on the stage. With squeechy, speaky upper notes, Jlst now are all the rage; And these hero bands that set around on cheers, and claw the air. Are mighty pop'lar here In town; but say, now, I declare! Jlst gimme ole Bill Bunker, sir, and Jim and Jack and Sid, Tom Shelton and the undersigned, and won't we lift the lid? Wy, haff the music nowadays Is educated noise. And can't compare with that bras3 band made up of Stringtown boys; For when wo played ole favor-ltes like "Swanee River." w'y, Tho feelln' that wo -putt In them mada all the women cry. Hurrah! hooray! I'm back agln behind that drum today On rlcollectlon-like) and hear tha boys begin to play! We're struttin up the Stringtown pike, and all along the sides Are gathered Nells and Carolines, and Mary Arms, and Lldes Our sweethearts: hear that first cornet! and hear them cymbal things! And hear this big bass drum o mine! . . . O Lordy gimme wings! I want to fly back twenty year, and flop right down and land Slap In the middle of the street, in ole BUI Bunker's band! I want to give that drum a, whack, and beat tha tarnal lights Of music out of itand yiay them Striag- tawa. avor-itea! COSEKTU1 LOOT.