I 25 THE SUOTAY OBEGONIAX, PjORTLAND, JUNE 11, 1905. BY A. A. G. URING the week Just nast the' Be lasco Company eet It? mark high, but It rune the hullaeye. Nothing liner In the way of stock performances than "The Climbers," as done by our splendid local organization, could have been desired by any clientele of theater goers. Leaving- Amelia Bingham out of the question, the performance was In every respect equal to those given of the piece pn tour. Miss Moore repeated the success of her first week's work here and ranks undeniably as the foremost stock actress who has appeared In Portland. She was admirably sustained by the other members of the .cast A new star was introduced to us at the Marquam when Bertha Crelghton opened an engagement on Tuesday night. She Immediately won the favor of her audi ences and her stay here promises to be altogether pleasant and profitable. The return to the stage of Howard Gould, long a popular favorite, was one of the hap piest Incidents of the Crelghton engage ment Mr. Gould Is well-liked In Portland and during his recent illness had not dropped out of the public mind. To wel come him again to actH'e work was a great pleasure to his friends, which was increased by the fact that he Is In the full possession of his former strength. All the down town amusements suf fered somewhat from the powerful coun ter attractions of the Dream City, which Is the best show of them all if the press agents are to be believed. "A SECRET FOE." Empire Stock Company Offers Inter esting Comedy-Drama for "Week. The Empire Stock Company's new bill will start with the matinee this afternoon, and all through the coming week, with the usual daily matinees, the attraction will be one of the most successful stock comedy dramas of the past ten years, "A Secret Foe." The daily matinees at the Empire are becoming more and more pop ular. Little Frankie Rlchter. the blind boy pianist, plays between the acts, and Is In himself an attraction worth going miles to enjoy. The story of "A Secret Foe" deals prin cipally with the lives and adventures of two brothers, Jim and Tom Hewins; the cons of "Dad" Hewins, a prosperous Rhode Island farmer. "Wlllard Hilton, a pretended friend of the family, but in reality a secret foe, hates Tom because of his love for the lat tcr's wife, Annie, and by underhanded methods seeks to separate them. He plays his cards so successfully that Tom Is drafted as a soldier. But while he Is ex ulting In the success of his machinations, gloating at the thought that Tom's de parture for the seat of war will give him the desired opportunity to supplant the latter In Annie's affections, his Joy Is turned to Impotent rage by Jim, who vol unteers to go as a substitute in his broth er's place. For gallant conduct upon the field of battle, Jim won promotion, and to his family he sends hews of this by Hilton, believing the latter to be his friend. But instead of conveying these happy tidings. Hilton Informs Tom that his brother Is a coward, who has deserted In the presence of the enemy, and seem ingly proves this by a forged letter, pur porting to be from the Colonel of the regi ment. For the honor of the family name, for Jove of country and a sense of duty, Tom at once enlists in the mnks, says farewell to wife and home, and is sent to the front. A year passes away; Tom has been taken prisoner, and struggles to maintain life with the starving thousands of Andersonvllle, and is reported dead. Misfortune conies upon Dad Hewins and Annie; no word has come from Jim, by reason of Hilton's treachery; and at last Annie, believing her husband dead, and to provide shelter for her father, consents to becomo the wife of Hilton, who has ever posed as the friend and benofactor of the family, and succeeded In blinding everyone to his real character. But before the ceremony is commenced the two brothers, both of whom have been mourned as dead, return to their home; Hilton's villainy is exposed, and sorrow turned to Joy. A broad vein of delightful comedy runs throughout the play In the love episode between Harry Swift and Hattie, the Uls ter of Tom. and Jim, while the quaint Hi MADGE 0XXXLL, KXTXKE STOCK ' ' ' ' - bernian witticisms and shrewd good sense of Malda, on old household servant, af fords endless amusement. "ARE YOU A MASOX?" Tho Belasco Company's Third Bill Will Be Brilliant Farce. Since the opening of Its season the Be lasco Stock Company has presented "The Heart of Maryland," one of the most thrilling plays ever written. It . was American military drama with melodra matic climaxes. The current offering it "The Climbers," Clyde Fitch's wonderful society drama written in that clever play wright's most satirical vein. In respect to splendor of production and lavlsbness of financial expenditure they excel any stock productions ever seen on the Pa cific Coast, and they have been acted with the same finish and skill as charac terizes the highest priced road perform ances. Patrons of the Belasco will now have the pleasure of witnessing the company in a new line of work and can thus de termine the general excellence of the or ganization in the varied field of their calling. Commencing- tomorrow night "Are Tou a Mason?" will be presented for a week, and thus the wbole gamut will have been covered. The management promises the same careful attention to detail In the production and acting of this famous farce as has characterized the previous efforts of tho company, and a rare treat is certainly In More for theatergoers. "Are Tou a Mason" Is one of tho funniest farces ever written. It is clean, bright and logically humorous. It never de scends to horseplay, but appeals to the rlsabllitlcs of intelligent people by the ridiculous seriousnesn of its linen and situations. All the principals will be happily cast, the settings will be all that the p)eco boasted during its long New York run and the ladles will have an opportunity to wear some beautiful gowns. By all means see the Belasco players in their newest bill tomorrow night. This afternoon and tonight "The Climbers" will be given for the last time. 3IRS. FISKE AT THE EMPIRE She Will Present "Leah Kleschna" to a Portland Audience. Mrs. Flske and the Manhattan Company trill open an engagement of live nlghts and a matinee at the Empire Theater on Tuesday. June 20. They will present "Leah Kleschna." the drama by C. M. S. McLellan, that they acted for fivo months In New York with tremendous success. Their engagement in New York ended on April 15, so that Portland will see "the greatest success of the season within 10 weeks after the close of its New York run. and with the same cast that present ed it in the metropolis. The theatrical trust, of which Mrs. Fiske is independent, has closed many cities to her, and it was thought for a time that she would not be able to appear here. The arrangement by which she secures the Empire makes it possible for the foremost American ac tress to Include this city in her tour. "Leah Kleschna" Is unquestionably the most notable success of Mrs. Fiske's career, and both for Itself and'for Its in terpretation is In every way a memorable success. It is modern in story, -novel In theme, and rich in action, incident and strongly marked characters. Mrs. Fiske's role is that of a girl thief, who Is led to abandon her ways when her moral sense is aroused. The Manhattan Company, which is associated with Mrs. Flske, is a permanent organization that has taken rank as a representative dramatic com pany of the country. Among its prom inent members are John Mason, George Arilss, Charles Cartwright, William B. Mack and Amity Stevens. The sale of seats for Mrs. Fiskc's en gagement will open on Thursday. "THE OAKS" IS A SUCCESS. Large Attendance Testifies to Merit at This Amusement Resort. "The Oaks" has proved an unqualified and emphatic success, right from the start. It is estimated that nearly 100.0W people have visited this beautiful amuse ment resort since the "opening day." And it is not to be wondered at. The O. "W. P. & Ry. Co. is laying particular stress upon the respectability of the place, and It is being conducted in a thoroughly high class and clean manner. The social element in particular are taking advantage of the many facilities COWTAXT. IX A SKCJUCT r&E.- afforded for amusement and recreation, and many large parties of well-known peo ple have spent whole days during the week entertaining friends and strangers. Many societies, churches and clubs have selected days and nights to attend in a body, and strangers coming to the Fair never fail to pay the resort a visit. Tho Chutes. Bumps. Mystic Maze. Laughing Gallery. Dancing Pavilion and numerous other features are splendidly patronized, and D'Urbano's fine band plays daily from noon until midnight. An at tractive feature Is the "Oaks Tavern." one of the most beautiful and best con ducted cafes in America, and as It Is built out on the 'Willamette. It is a de lightfully cool and Interesting place for refreshments. The cars now run every 15 minutes from First and Alder directly to the main en trance, and all car lines transfer. CHANGE OF QUARTERS. Bose Eytlnjfe's Private Pupils and Classes Notified of New Address. The popular courses of Instruction In elocution and stagework. presided over by Rose Eytinge, will be continued at her new address. 71S East Burnside street. Phone number. East 2259. NEW BILL- AT STAR TOMORROW DcMutlis Will Present Their Famous Whirlwind Dance on New BUI. From 2 until 11 P. M. today the per formances at the Star will be continu ous. This will be the last opportunity offered to witness the bill which has been the talk of the town during the past week. Tomorrow, starting with the mat inee performance, the Star management will respectfully present in Its cool and comfortablo theater a vaudeville bill which promises to outshine all previous entertainments of this character. For the list the management has combed the Eastern circuits and secured acts, each one of which Is entitled to wear the coveted title of a feature. The bright particular headllner on the pro gramme, however, will be the turn of the De Muths. This is a team consisting of a man and woman. In sumptuous cos tumes, doing a whirlwind dance. This is a genuine and distinct novelty and should not be confused with other so called whirlwind dances. Russell and O'Nell hold the palm as high-class comedy sketch artists with a refined playlet. They give a dramatic treat. Herb Bell is a German comedian and Is the Kaiser of all funsters in his class. His sayings are original and ro are his songs and dances. Claude Fecley is a novelty acrobat who performs stunts attempted by his Imitators. Williams and Gordon are singing and dancing comedian and they will live up to their world-wide reputation. Harry Walton, the well-known Chinese Imper sonator, who always Interests with his unique character studies of the heathen Chinee, will be on the programme, and Richard Burton, the baritone without a superior in vaudeville, will render the Eastern song hit, "Always In the Way." The Staroscope has a treat on its own account In the pictures of the Japanese war. showing how the soldiers of the Mi kado operate against the Ivan Ivano vitches of the Csar. The Grand Theater. Commencing with Monday. June 12. the first evening show will begin at 8 P. M.. and the second performance at S0 P. M. The Grand has taken Into consideration that Summer is on now and has arranged its programme with that in view. The new bill, which opeas Monday afternoon and continues throughout the week, in cludes as its top-line feature the Star Trio, which presents a very funny little comedy entitled "Our Uncle.'' The mem bers of the company are well-known and clever, and the little corned' will be de lightfully received. The Rigora Trio are acrobatic contortionists. Bert White, a successful monologist. will give out a lot of laughable stuff In his talks. . Miss Florlll a Sanford will ebow that sweet music can be gotten out of the cornet. Dan and Bessie Kelly are comedy sketch artUta. Mr. Herbert Chesley and his company will offer a fine and up-to-date playlet. Mr. Joe Bonner will sing & pic tured melody entitled "By the Dear Old Delaware." The song suits his voice well and the pictures are exceptionally good. The Grandlscope will exhibit "Tho Wed ding." and the "Policeman and the Ne gro." Though the Summer Is here peo ple who visit the Grand will find the place very cool and comfortable, as the management has done everything possible, to make perfect the ventilation of the entire house. No crowding of the allses Is permlttrd. Take it all In all the Grand Is a delightful place to spend a pleasant afternoon or evening. Today Is the last chance to see the Mysterious Arabs., STAGELAND. "FUnUna" la to be rrodaorf tn Ln4oa fcr tb Shuberta. JteTersoa D JLomU ha " y aaaaaaBBKstSr Irf'.IS'HlaaBjl BBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaSlBBBaBaaBaas " C BBBnvffBBaaaaaaKBtaSwiiS! "-iaFla - "iaaiaaw' 1 - bbB ' ' iniS. FISKE AS "LEAH KLESCHNA" AT THE EMPIRE. ' brn appearlat la tst Hce la New York for rocs time. X2sie "De Wolfe aaaouaced, err retire ment frcas the (x. lAwnsn D'Oraay will rates hi vacation with reUtirts la Xatlaad. a a Edmund Keaa'a lue appearance ea the Lxa at Convent Garden was la 1S33. a a a E.T1? raster, the original Hazel Klrke. will tar la that character next saan. a a a Dltby Bell la plasalsg to so to SUscensett. Mass., if he tet a Taxation thl Tear. a a a Mr. and Mr. William Cotll-r will to to their tana oa Lear Iilxnd.' a usual, this Bummer. a a a KJwln Arccn I to appear In "The Only "Way" with the Fawettt Stock Company abort! J. a a a Llebler & Co. will star Otbc Skinner next iwon In "The Prodltal Son." It Ii an nounced. a a a Martin Harvey'a Hamlet, produced In Lon don list Monday night, to mid to have proved a failure. a a a Cbauscey Olcott and hli family will aoend the Summer at their famous "House Turned Round" at Saratoga Sprints. a a a Blanche Batea ha decided to to abroad for the vacation month, bat nays he may chant her mind and to to her "Wei tern ranch. a a a Edna Wallace Hopper has been ecgated to asoear a a stock star at Procter7 Firth Arcane Theater ta the near future. a a a Madeleine Lueette Byley. author of "Mice and Mea." "An Americas Citizen." tic, U to write a play for Forbea Robert! on. a a a Florence Zletfeld, the haiband ot Anna Held, has secured Alios Xielaen for a eon cert tour in the United Stated next season. a a a ilaufie Acama will retire to the exclusion of her Lont Island estate on Lake Ronken Vozna, and spend most of the Summer there. a a a Claire Kummer. the author and composer of "Dearie." sanr by Sallie FUber In "Ser teant Broe." Is a trandnlece ct Henry "Ward Beech er. a a a E. S. Wlllard will revive next season "Tho Fool's Revense," one of Edwin Booth's fa vorite tratedles. a Guy Eatf Post and Mrs. Post (Sarah Truax) rxpect to spend their vacation time at Orchard Beach, or Vineyard Haven, where Mr. Post bs9f numerous relative. a a a Melba Is appearing In Leonl's new opera. "The Cat and the Cherub," at Covent Gar den this season. She says she is "farcln ated" by her part and it Is '"perfectly charming." a a a Charlotte Cushman waa the greatest woman Romeo that the rts.ee ha ever known, and pcfsp the- only one entitled to place In the same rank with the better male Impersona tions ot the role. a a a Billy Kersand. the old-time minstrel. Is still living and leading a minstrel troupe. Is Sara Lucas still with us be that composed -Carve Dat FoMUtn" and "Where "Was Moses "When de Ltshi Went Out?" etc? a Junius Brutes Booth made his first appear ance In New York City at the Park Theater as Richard HI. He died on the steamer J. W. Cscnowortb. on her passate from New Or leans to Cincinnati. O-, November SO, 1852 a a a John Drew is greatly elated over his elec- tlon to tha presidency of the Players Club to succeed Joteph Jefferson. He said the other night that Mr. Jefferson had once pre dicted that he would be the next president. Booth waa the first, a a a The French government haa conferred upon Fat:! the cross of the Legion of Honor, which action has caused much adverse com ment. French actreises and 'Inter, even Bernhardt, have invariably failed to aecure the coveted, decoration. a a a However certain De Wolf Hopper feel of hi aew opera "Etyala," the work of Ret inal D Koven and Frederick Ranken, which he is to offer in September, it can but be with cosatderabla regret that he abandon "Tang." -Tka latter yteca la snore than 14 year old. having had Us premier on Xay A. ISat. s- tXa Srsadarajr Thaatar. Kir I SCENE FROM AXE TOU A .MASON AT THE BELASCO. t f taaa a m X Tork. and wben Mr. Hopaer conclude his rreaent season he will hav been seen nearly 3000 time la the role of tha Reteat ot Slaau ! Geerxa Frederick Cooks waa tha 4.-3 1 male star that aver played la thla cocatry. He waa brontht over by T. A. Cooper at a salary of 23 sretnea a week for ten months, and 23 cents a mile for t ravelin exsecsrs. besides hi passate from Eatland. He died la New Tork City September 24. 1812. a a a Mrs. Potter la 111 In London from overwork and disappointment after a "tVlnter of suc cessive failures. If her performance of "Da Barry" .proved nothing el. It showed that Belasco made a far better play oat of that Interesting lady than did Rlcheptn. But that may not be saylnt much, .a Robert Edeson returned the other day a manuscript sent to him by aa aspiring play writht because the play proved unsuitable for his purposes. He received la return an envelope containing thn express Tees with a note which rad: "Kindly allow me to return therfunera! expenses; It Is enouthr for you t be chief mourner." a a a A rumor comes from London to the effect that Mr. Lanttry ha agreed to play a sea son of at least 12 week la vaudeville In America, betinnlng early la tho Fall at a New Tork bouse. It la reported that her salary will be J330O a week, by far tb largest er paid on this aid ot the water for a vaudeville- attraction. Some details ara yet to be settled -before the contracts are aimed, a a Joseph JaSerson was the originator of the combination of stars in tour. The combina tion of Jefferson, Mrs. John Drew and "Will iam J. Florence, which he took out to play "The Rivals." was a wonderful money maker, and Mr. Jefferson received 50 per cent of the tross receipts. In two weeks at McVlcker's Theater. Chicago, and the Boston Theater, Boston, the gross receipts topped $50,000. a a The Sothern-Marlowe Company Is to pre sent "The Merchant ot Venice." "Twelfth Night" and The Taming of the ShreW next season. This repertoire will give Mr. Sothern an entirely new line of characterizations and will have the added advantage of restoring Miss Marlowe to the public In the guise or Viola. It la reported that this combination has cleared $100,000 for Mr. Frohman during tho past season. a a William A. Brady has secured tha book and score of a new comic opera, bearlnt the promising title "According to Hoyle." which he expects to produce next season. The authors of tha piece have attempted to da with a pack of cards what Glen McDonough and Victor Herbert did with a set of toys and Plxlej and I.udera accomplished with birds ct the air cref.te a cast of comic opera characters. Talk about bringing coals to Newcastle! Klaw & Erlanger are about to Invade the home of spectacular production. Next Spring they will take to London Denslow & West's big production entitled "The Pearl and the Pumpkin." This ! the spectacle that opens the. Broadway Theater, New Tork, next Sep tember, and after It has run In that city It will be transferred intact to London, to be produced at the Drury Lane Theater, follow, lag the annual pantomime at that house. Blanche Walsh's plans have practically been completed for next season's tour. She will be seen In a repertoire. Including "Res urrection." "Fedora." "A Woman in the Case "Cleopatra" and several new plays, which she will play In New York. Philadel phia. Boston. Chlcatn and Plttsburt. gradu ally working her way toward the Coast, sailing from San Francisco about May 1, 1006. for Australia, where she will play the repertoire- for a year. The closing of tho present season leaves Mis Walsh In quite III health. During her recent appearance at the Welting Opera'House In Syracuse slio fainted three timer, but finished her per formance, being attended b7 a physician. a a a "We used to be very much "afraid of George Ada at rehearsals." said Frances Ring, of the "County Chalrman'V company. "Not that ho. waa ever disagreeable, but he waa so distant and quiet. He never took the least notice of tha actors. I used to say" to the other tlrls that It was Just as well, because, he'd probably say something very clever and we'd never know how to answer him. "One day, though, I waa sitting on a cos tume basket, when Mr. Ade came and sat down beside me. I was frightened nearly to death. He didn't open his mouth for maybe a minute. Then he turned and said: "Which would you rather be a literary man or a burg Car?' "I gave him the first thing that came Into my head": "What's the difference? said L" a a Maclyn Arbuckle. of the "County Chair man" company, was explalntnt socialism and the theory of equality in all things to one of hi country neighbors on Long Island. "Tou see. It's this way." said the actor, "if a man has two houses and his friend needs one he should give It up. Do you be lieve In that. Abner?" "Yaa. that's fair enough," said the rural one. rumlsatlntly. "And." continued Mr. Arbuckle, "It he has 1200 he should immediately give his nelth bor half of It." That socialism la a putty good thing if thefs what It teaches," agreed the farmer. Tou ee." ald Arbuckle. "it makes all of us equal. Now. for Instance, if I needed a hog and you had two hot ' "Hold on. hold on." Interrupted the tiller of the soil excitedly, "thet ain't fair; you know darn Well that I got two hots." a a a Henry E: Dtxey has a tory of a vaudeville ventriloquist who bad a talking dot- On evening th ventriloquist, decidedly on his up pers, sountered Into a Ilsht lunch cafe, fol lowed by hi dog. When the waiter came for hl order the ventriloquist turned to the dog with the query: "Well. Jaek. what are you going to haver "I tuep Til take a roant beef sandwich." apparently answered the animal. The waiter gazed at the deg for an Instant and then hurried to the proprietor. "Say." he cried wildly, "there's a dog over there that can talk!" The proprietor dashed over to the table. "This waiter says your dot can talk." he aold. "Is It ao?" "Certainly." answered the ventriloquist. "Can't you talk. Jack?" "Of course I can talk!" replied the dog. "That animal would make ray fortune ta 9lx months." said the proprietor. T11 give you a hundred dollars for him." "Oh. plae don't Mil- me I" pleaded the dog. "I'm afraid I can't help It, old fellow." aald the ventriloquist. 'Top'll be. well taken care of here, and besides, I need the money." The proprietor disappeared for a minute, and returned with a roll of bills which h placed In the ventriloquist's hand. The ven trllocuUt rose from tha table and walked toward the door. The dor was held' in the stront trasp of the proprietor' hands. "Did yen rrally sell me Inquired the dog, as the ventriloquist opened the door. "'Tea. Jack. I sold rou for a hundred dot- lara. I "Well, juit for that." answered the anlraah "111 never eay another word." a a a T waa a member of a atrolllnt company of playera many, years' ato." said Dan CoJlyer. of tha "Collets Widow Company." "In which one 1 at the end of the season rich In ex perience, but with llttlft le with which to remember the months Just passed. Buataeas had been bad. "Very bad. for a week, and ene sight is a little I!yliHM towa we wer all to demoralised that I mappose the per- Xormasce was a littla bit worse tavaa uauaX J ' - - I waa seated la the ramshackle hotel with tho manager discasslag the lack ot apprecia tion all over the world of truo histrionic art and the aatheadednea of the people In that .particular water tank especially. "A very pompous young fellow came up to ua and said: " la this Mr. Collyerf T admitted the fact and he went on: " Well said he. 1 am the dramatic critic ot the UmpviUe Bugle and I just wanted to tell you that you must be prepared for a very severe criticism In the morning, for I think your how is very bad. althouta per sonally I like you. "The manager quick as a Cash aid: 'Don't let that bother you. young man. We can walk outside of tha Burlo's circulation Is tea minutes. " a a a The new Broadway Theater. In Brooklyn. N. 1.. which Is ttw fashionable, playhouse uf that city. Is tWlng a apeclal season now that has a local Interest In Portland. MUa Cathrtn Countiss, o widely popular here, lea'as the Broadway company and Is being prominently featured. The opening week, which started May 27, was devoted to a pro duction of Clyde Fitch's ."Barbara Frletchle." with Mtos Counttaa la the title role, suppsrted by Sidney Toler-aad the full cast that ap peared wfth Julia Marlowe when "Barbara Frletchle" waa first produced. The New Tork and Brooklyn critics ara strong In their praise of Miss Countiss' work. The following- are a few ot the remarks made upon the openlnjr: "It would be hard to Improve on the Bar bara ot Cathrine Countiss" New Tork Press. "Cathrtae Countiss as Barbara Frletchle tare a splendid Interpretation of emotional acting that won the hearts of the audience" Brooklyn Standard.Unlon. "The play Introduced a new leading woman to Brooklyn In Cathrine Countiss. She la a thoroughly trained actress with an excellent voice, which aae uses with much skill, al though her dictation mltht have more polish with advantate. But on the whole, her Barbara commanded sympathy and respeat, es pecially In the strongest scenes, where the moving accents of her lower voice told. Her comedy waa conventionally well done, but It, Is less spontaneous and attractive than her big dramatic moments" Brooklyn Eacle. There who witnessed the play during the -original production with Julia Marlowe as Barbara were more than pleaded with the dramatic power displayed by Cathrine Coun ties, who eoKiyed the role In last night's production. MUs Countiss Is a Western act ress and her success ot last night assures her a place of hl;h standing on the metropolitan 'ntage. She was the recipient of a handsome floral token from friends In the audience" Brooklyn Citizen. Monday of this week June 4. the second play, of the season at the Broadway was pre nented. It was Hall Calne's "The Christian." In which Mlse Countiss played Glory Quayle. In which she has starred In the WetH. She made a decided hit In the metropolis. Next Wednesday the play will be the acknowledged best play that has been seen In America for the lat decade. "Old Heidelberg." In which M!s Countiss will taka the role ot Kathle, In which Portland theatergoers will remember Who Made "Leah Kleschna"? TROUBLE HAS ARISEN OVER RESPECTIVE RIGHTS OF AUTHOR M'LELLAN AND ACTRESS MERRY controversy has progressed for some time between Mrs. Fiske and C M. 9. McLellan as to the authorship of "Leah Kleschna," and tho New Tork Globe says the following In discussing the question: A few weeks ago. when the controversy J first arose over the rights to perform the piay in .London. Mrs. Fiske asserted that alia had had a distinct and Individual share In the flnal shaping of It for the stage a share beyond that of an actor manager who Is preparing a play for re hearsal in tho usual way. Since Mrs. Flske made this statement three short plays of her own have been acted successfully at her theater. The distinguishing mark of these plays was her ability to find the words or the ac tion that w?mld carry the character and the situation truthfully, forcibly and un mistakably to her audience. They were the plays of an intelligent and sensitive actress who had watched and studied these things for years and then applied her knowledge and experience, not to make "points" or "hits" in the usual scene, but to give truthful and persuasive illusion, to appeal to reason as well as to sympathy. As. a hundred audiences know, "Leah Kleschna often suggested such skill, so applied. The little plays have quickened curiosity over Mrs. Fiske's Bbare In- the revision of the longer piece. Just what changes did she make In it, and why. from the original manuscript, "Into ihe Great Light," that Mr. McLel lan. the playwright, submitted to her? The facts in the case, as Mrs. Flske states them, are substantially as follows: They are Interesting In themselves, and for the light that they throw upon the way In which she prepares a play and a part: More than a year ago Mrs. Flske re ceived the manuscript of "Leah Klesch na." Mr. McLellan had offered the play to many managers and many actresses In London and New Tork. All had refused It, In some Instances with a touch of contempt- Mrs. Flske was quick to see the value of the play as a dramatic narra tive and as acting material. She accept ed it at once, and last Summer set about the study of It and her part In It. One of Mrs. Fiske's alms In this study was to make Leah from "first to last a comprehensible character. "There must be no vague spot," she wrote at the time, "In Leah's psychology. The character must be perfectly clear. We must see everything vividly from the very begin ning. Every mental phase In her should be plain to, the auditor's Imagination." Another of her desires was to make -every line In the play seem exactly the words In which the character would ex press Itself at the given moment. Still another was her wish to keep every part, situation and line in the play as true as possible. "A moment of falseness or ar tificiality." she wrote again, "means death to illusion, and I know of nothing more dangerous to the success of a scene. The fatal results in past experience of the slightest deviation from realism In a realistic play have made me timid. I do not think that any one in the world has a greater distaste of theatrical arti ficiality and cheap device in an effort af ter effect than I. To see an actor prepare and accomplish what is described as a point gives me a feeling of something little short of loathing. But there are occasions, as we know, when there Is no sacrifice of taste in heightening the ef fect of a 'situation. " "With these motives and for these ends Mrs. Fiske suggested various changes in Mr. McLellan's manuscript. She cut or she subdued many lines that seemed to her artificial, theatrical In the meaner sense, or obscuring to the character or the situation. In some places she merely omitted. In others she wrote new lines and stage directions to replace the omis sions. Substantially they were these: In the first act. In the scene between Leah, her father and his jackal. Schramm, several manuscript pages of dialogue to hint at the way In which Leah has been reared as a thief, and at the rising revolt of her real nature, now that she fully understands, against the life that her father compels her to lead. It waa Mrs, . FIska also who suggested the necessity of connecting Leah and Sylvainc at the start by some past Incident In their lives. The first device was a rescue by Sylvaine of a child In an automobile accident of which Leah was a witness. The ono finally used was the shipwreck In which he took command of the boat In which the glr was a passenger. In the second act in the scene of the robbery and of Leah's encounter with Syi valne the omission of many hlgh-sound-lngVand artificial lines, the substitution of simpler and more truthful ones for many of them, even of passages that fill two or three pages of manuscript, and an Important change to clarify the climax when Sylvaine suspects that Berton. and not Leah, has taken the necklace. In the third act the scene between Leah. Sylvaine and the old Genera, in which tha General tries to fasten- the theft upon her similar changes to make clearer the girl's humiliation and the in she made one of her best successes is tha Columbia Stock Company during the season recently closed la this city. Admirers of Miss Countiro are extremely glad to hear that a&e Is making her unquestionably remarkable tal ents felt forcibly In tho East. To make good In a cum pany which has had Julia Marlowe for the star and receive warm praise from skilled writers who aaw Mks Marlowo In tho same production with ths same company of players seems to be an unusual triumph for MUs Countiss. A PUZZLE POEM. (Pick the Puas.X A maiden, quite an amateur, with actorltts struck. Got drama acting on the brain and sought to try her luck. She hailed from Storms, a little town In Northern climates, cool; She'd learned the Sothern accent thro" a cor respondence school: She had a hunch that aha could" Mar towa Comedy's repute And win the world to heavy stuff, at which she waa a "Beaut." So Thea started for New York Thea was her name And piked along that great white way. tho actor's road to fame! In vain she sought a manager they all were out to lunch; In vain she tried to interview the heartless Frohman bunch. "Is gods!" she hissed In Savage tones. "By George; I must see Ade;" She walked the Fields, a Pastor-al scene. where Miners lounged and stayed. And watched the Proctors Hammer Steins on tavern tables bare. And tried to Klaw at Erlanger as he.cam down the Stair; Then Thea viewed the Warfleld -vast, the scene ot many a tussle. And when, the wind blew thro the trees, there wasn't Annie Russell. Still Thea failed to find a job. although she searched all day; She met Maude Adams that sad Eve In Eden's Grand Musee. "Alas!" she gasped. "Fate Mocks at ma! It' up to me to do A melodrama suicide, but t have not a sou!" So. suicide Impossible, she sighed and lata did roam; At twelve o'clock a crowd watched Mrs. Leslie Carter home. For several weeks she convalesced. Improve ment Daly made She settled down to simple life; her complex notions strayed. WARNING. O. dramatonla-strlcken maids, who crave for stage careers. Pray don't be foolish. Stay at horns and wash the dishes, dears! And even tho you are convinced that you cculd make a hit. Just pause a fow and recollect how Thea once was bit! M. Worth Colwell. In 'The Show." fluence of Sylvaine upon her. "A wealth of feeling may be suggested In tha most simple, commonplace words," writes Mrs. Flske. In the fourth act. In which Leah revolts from her father and gains her freedom, a material heightening and clarifying of tho climax by bringing the police spy to the very door of the room, and Intensify ing the speeches accordingly. In the fifth act. In the lettuce fields, a detailed scheme that fills five pages of manuscript to link It with all that has gone before,, and to hint at the changes the three years of quiet have made In Leah and at Sylvalne's continuing and ris ing Interest In her. Thus. In Mrs. Fiske's view, the situation became rational as well as sympathetic. To heighten the charm and the delicacy of it, she pro posed also to keep Leah In the back ground until the moment came for her timid approach to Sylvaine and to fill the reat of th,e seen? with suggestion rather than avowal of Sylvalne's love. To make theso changes was practically to rewrite the last act. All theso proposals, says Mrs. -Flske, Mr. McLellan followed In his revision of tha play, usually as she had made them. All tljese suggestions,' especially in the larger part of the fifth act. he duly Incorporated In It. practically as she had sent them to him in London. In this final shape the play was first acted last De cember. Every one knows the Immediate and continuing success that made it ona of the notable pieces of the season. Mrs. Flske believed that she held the rights .to the performance of the play in England by oral agreement with Mr. McLellan. He Insisted that she should exerciso them this Spring. Mrs. Flske. bound by en gagements here, found It Impossible to act the piece for the present in London. Mr. McLellan then asserted his right to dispose of the play independently in Eng land, and tomorrow It will bo acted for the first time in London. "Will Mr. Mc Lellan and his associates present the orig inal play, "Into the Great Light," in Lon don as It reached Mrs. Fiske, or will they present the "Leah Kleschna" that was acted at the Manhattan after she had re vised it? At least they are keeping the new title. The Lowlands O' Holland. Anonymous. The love that t had chosen Waa to my heart's content; The saut sea will be frozen Before that I repent; Repent It will I never Until the day I dee. Though tho Lowlands o' Holland Hae twined my love and me. My love he built a bonny ship. And set her to the main; With twenty-four brave mariners To sail her out and name. But the weary wind began to rise. The sea began to rout. And my love and his bonny ship Turned wlthershlns. about. There shall be no mantle cress my back. No comb go In my hair. Neither shall coal nor candle-light Shine In my bower malr; Nor shall I choose another love Until tho day I dee. Since the Lowlands o Holland Have twined my love from me. "Now haud your tongue, my daughter dear. Be still, and bide content! There's other lads in Galloway: Te needna salr lament." 0 there Is none In Galloway. There's none at all for me; 1 never loved a lad but ane. And he drown'd in the sea. Delightful Mount Hood Trip EVERT VISITOR to the Lewis and Clark Imposition should take this the most delightful of all mountain trips In America. Cloud Cap Inn. unique and pic turesque. 7C0O feet abpve sea level, affords splendid accommodations. Summit of mountain easily acces sible from this point. Stages leave Hood River Station dally, making connection with O. R. ii N. trains. Round trip tickets. Including coaching trip, on sale at O. R. & If. ticket office. Third and Washington street. Fortland. Par ticulars about rates at Cloud. Cap Inn by writing MRS. 8. LANGILLE. Maasgsr, Hoed River , Oregea. Sesd Two Cents la Stamps ta A. L. Cradg. G. P. A. Oregon KaJtesad & Nsriffatiea Cm pay. Portia, for Booklet Telliaac Akottt TH.