The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 11, 1905, PART TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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County. Mayor Williams - will probably
appoint Councilman Bentley to the place
on the committee made vacant by the
resignation of Councilman Albee. Coun
Best Values "Your Money's Worth or Your Money Back" Best Values
cilman Whiting is the other member of
the investigating- committee. The com
mittee has the same inqulritortel powers
as the grand Jury, and will mort likely
summon the Identical witnesses that ap
Don't Miss This
Great Embroidery
Sale. Come Early
Tou Can't Afford
to Miss This Great
Emhroidery Sale
Despondent of Liquor Habit
Drinks Carbolic Acid.
peared before the latter body, and upon
whose evidence the condemnatory reso
lution was based.
Banquet Given for Japanese
) Third 9t Morrimensfi,
G. P. Slclntyre Declares He Is Dis
grace to Her and All His
Friends and Is Xot
Fit to Lire.
Dear Jen.. My "Wife: Hope you will
pardon me for doing- as I am. Glva
my tools and trunk to my friend BL
Let him pay what of my bills he sees
I am no longer fit for you er this
earth. Sorry to leave you "when you
are sick, but see my old friend. John
I.afferty, at Carat! ero. Or., and maybe
he will help you -while you are sick.
God blees you. Tou are the most de
voted little wife that ever lived. Am
sorry I have to do this, but I cannot
be a man any more, so think I am
better off dead. I am a disgrace to
you and to all our friends. Tou are a
little queen too good a little woman
to waste time on me. I am. as ever,
your husband,
Inability to break the habit of
strong; drink caused George P. Mcln
tyre, a well-known barber, to take his
life In tho Bodega Saloon yesterday
afternoon. He swallowed carbolic
acid and expired before a physician
could reach the scene.
Mclntyre had been married but about
six months. His wife, who has been In
poor health for several weeks, is hys
terical over tho sad affair and Is be
ing: attended by a physician In her
apartments, 247J4 Fifth street.
That Mclntyre had deliberately plan
ned to take his life was clearly shown
by the fact that he penned a note to
his wife, explaining- his motives for
committing- suicide. He was unable to
shake oft the habit he had formed for
imbibing- liquor, and became discour
aged on this account.
Calling- at the Bodega Saloon, 204
Washington street. Mclntyre borrowed
a lead pencil and retired to a rear room.
There he wrote the note published
above, after which he drank the deadly
Men In the saloon noticed that Mcln
tr did not come out of the room in a
reasonable length of time, and went
In to investigate. They found him al
most dead, the note and pencil lying on
the table and a bottle beside. He had
drained every drop of the carbolic acid,
and died bofore medical assistance
reached him.
Mclntyre was a barber by trade and
worked In the shop of Chester Hare.
33C Fifth street. He was at one time
owner of much property In Victor, Colo.
He served in the Second Oregon Regi
ment during the Spanish-American
AVar and with credit.
Coroner Finloy was summoned and
took charge of tho body, which was re
moved to the undertaking establish
ment of Flnley & Son. Tho funeral ar
rangements havo not been made as yet,
owing to the 'condition of Mrs. Mclntyre.
Police Fear That Woman May Have
Committed Suicide.
Throughout tho night police searched
the City of Fortland for a trace of Mrs.
Gus Erlckson, who disappoared from
her home on the East Side about 5
o'clock yestorday afternoon and who
has not been seen since that time. Mrs.
Erlckson is slightly demented, the re
sult of severe illness, and has been in
this condition for several weeks. It Is
feared by friends and relatives that
she has taken her life. Circumstances
connected with the case make It pe
culiarly sad, especially as five young
children, the youngest an infant, are
left without a mothor through her dis
appearance. When Mr. Erlckson returned from
work last evening he discovered that
his wife waB gone. From the state
ments of the childron, he gathered the
facts that sho went away about 5
o clock In the cvoning. taking with her
a small telescope valise containing
some articles of apparel. Neighbors.
when questioned, said they had not
peen Mrs. Erlckson as she left tho
neighborhood. Friends and relatives
were Immediately communicated with.
but all stated they had seen nothing of
her. The police department was then
notified, and when made aware of the
circumstances. Captain Moore, of the
first night relief, ordorod a systematic
search, particularly throughout the
suburbs on tho East Side and along the
river. When Captain Moore's relief
went off duty. Captain Bailey's men
continued the search, but without sue
ess. The matter will not be dropped
until trace of Mrs. Erlckson is found.
Youns Men's Democratic Club Will
Give a Reception.
A love feast of Democrats and tholr
friends In the Citizens organization who
helped cloct Dr. Lane Mayor will be held
Tuesday night. In Unity Hall, Second
and Morrison streets, under the auspices
of the Young Men's Democratic Club, of
tvhlch G. u. Allen Is president and 8. C.
Armltage secretary. The function will
be a reception given by the club for their
Citizen allies. Orators of note will make
the hall reverberate, among them being
11 C. Bronaugh. chairman of the Citi
zens; C. W. Nottingham, one of the fore
most Citizen leaders: and Colonol J. P
Burkhart. a Democratic warherse of re
nown. The programme will be:
"Our Mayor-Elect," G. W. Allen: "Mult
romah Democratic Club." Bert E. Haney;
"Roosovelt Republicanism." C W. Not
tingham; "The Ministry and Good Gov
eminent," Dr. F. Burgette Short; "Fren
rsed Finance." Colonel J. P. Burkhart:
"The Democratic Press." John H. Steven
son; "Citizens' Work in Municipal Elec
tion." E. S. J. McAllister; "Young Men's
Democratic Club." William Ho ran.
Members of the Multnomah Democratic
Club and of the Citizens' organization and
other friends of Mayor-elect Dane are in
vlted to be present.
Zimmerman Win Serve.
After reviewing the situation some
what. Councilman Zimmerman has
concluded to reconsider his resigna
tlon from the Sharkey Investlgat
lnsr committee of the City Council.
which, will meet at 9 A. M Saturday. June
17, to examine into the charges preferred
against the Councilman from the Eighth
Ward by the grand jury or jauiinoman
Famous Cartoonist Will Appear at
Marquam Theater Next Saturday.
The announcement that Homer Daven
port is to lecture In Portland will be wel
come news to the many friends and ad
mirers of the famous cartoonist, who is
no less an entertainer than artist. Mr.
Davenport will give the first of a series
of lectures on "The Power of the Car
toon" at the Marquam Theater next Sat
urday evening. His lecture will deal
with the part the cartoon plays in Amer
ican life and politics, and his remarks
will be illustrated with lightning sketches.
revealing the artist's wonderful power
with a stub of crayon or pencil.
In his lectures of the past in different
parts of the country Mr. Davenport has
achieved phenomenal success and attract
ed universal praise. Pens of great writ
ers and critics everywhere have been
dipped in admiring praise. Charles Dana
Gibson, the well-known artist, said re
cently after hearing Mr. Davenport
"I was delighted with Davenport s lec
ture and fairly expressed my pleasure.
He Is just the same on the platform as
oft that's the secret of his success.
Of the same lecture the New York
World had this to say:
"Homer Davenport, the cartoonist, held
a large audience In the Manhattan The
ater raptly attentive yesterday while he
lectured on The Power of the Cartoon
and drew lightning sketches.
"He didn't lecture. He did better. He
talked. He yarned. He talks nasally and
uses homely language. He has an aver
sion to formality In clothes, and wears
his hands In his pockets when he isn't
drawing pictures. He holds his head
away up as boys do who are taught in
school to 'speak a piece.'
"He made tears come when he told
a true story of why Dewey didn't leave
the country when he was abused for
giving that house to his wife."
His references of tho early days at
Silverton. Or., his birthplace, are of
especial Interest to local people. These
little anecdotes of early days on the
farm carry with them both tears and
laughter. In his audience, no doubt,
will be people who will recall the scenes
of boyhood days he paints. Following
the lecture at tho Marquam Mr. Daven
port may appear at several cities through
out tho Northwest where he has oeon
requested to lecture.
Petition of Washington Representa
tives Concerning Weinberger.
Marcus Weinberger, of Aberdeen,
Wash., who has been exhibiting a table
made out of maple burrell in the
Washington building, has gained con
siderable notoriety of lato through in
consistent statements concorning his
table, and as a result may be requested
to move his property elsewhere. The
table, which is a natural growth. Is
highly polished, and while it Is very
unique, it would not bring more than
5100 if it 'were offered for sale, but
Mrs. Addle Foose Ilomrighous.
Mrs. Addle Toese Hemrlgkeus, cam
jnlstioncr for Oklahoma te the Lewis
and Clark Exposition. Is a resident of
Outhrle, Oklahoma, a musician of note
and a soolal favorite. Sfee is one of
Oklahoma's brightest asd meet oul
tured women. She was appointed com
mtftcloner fey Governor Ferguson to
gether with Ed I. Prekham, a former
resident of Portland, and Xeandcr
Martln, a former resident of Okla
homa, but now of Portland.
Japanese -and Americans Exchange
Felicities Over the Exposition
and Good Will Existing Be
tween Two Countries.
The Orient gave greeting to tho Occi
dent last night at the Hotel Portland
when Vice-Consul TsuncJI Alba .gave a
dinner In honor of Ichlhol It, director
general of tho Japanese Exhibit Associa
tion for the Lewis and Clark Fair.
The main parlor of the Portland, had
been converted Into a tea garden in far
Japan by Manager Bowers, and from the
time tho guests passed through the doors
Into the banquet hall until they sought
their homes at the close of the dinner
tho sights and ound of the Western
JCoast were left behind.
The ceilings were hung with many
colored lanterns, whllo on every hand
were placed palms and other tropic
plants and flowers, until even the air
became Oriental to match the occasion.
The tables were banked with roses and
other flowers, both from the garden and
the hothouse, the whole scheme making
one of the most elaborate and beautiful
dinner settings ever presented in the
At the conclusion of the repast, which
was a sumptuous one, L. X. Flelschner,
the toastmaster of the eevnlag. Introduced
Mr. Alba, who responded to the toast.
"The President of the United States."
H W. Goode responded to Mr. Alba
with a toast to "The Emperor of Japan."
3Ir. Ito Expresses Japan's Good Will
Following Mr. Goode's speech Mr. Alba
was asked to Introduce Mr. Ito to the
assembly as the guest of honor. Mr.
Ito spoke through an Interpreter, Jlre
Harada, the secretary of the Japanese
commission, translating his speech to
the guests around the table. The director-general
In bis remarks thanked
the Exposition officials for their kind
ness to him when he was In the city
last year as well as for their kindness
since his recent arrival. The speaker
then turned to the reasons causing the
Japanese exhibit at the Exposition.
There were many causes, the speaker
said, why the Japanese government and
people took so much interest in the
united States and the American people,
but the most eminent of all was the sym
pathy of the S0.003.0CO of Japanese people
who had nothing but friendly feelings for
the Americans. That sympathy was not
a thing of yesterday, but has been fos
tered by every' resident of Japan since
the time Admiral Perry and General
Grant made their visit to the Islands.
Japan had a special kindly regard for
Oregon, said Mr. Ito. because Oregon was
the only state represented at the Osaka
Exposition in 1903. The speaker then told
of why the government of Japan was Im
pressed with the good of making an ex
hlbit at Portland, it was on account of
the resources of the state and of the city.
of the beauty of the site and the 1 repres
siveness of the buildings, and for all of
these reasons as well it was expected and
predicted that the Exposition would be a
great success. Mr. Ito closed by offering
a toa?t to the Exposition and its omdals.
Judge W. D. Fenton spoke In response
to the toast of Mr. Ito. thanking the Jap
anoso government and its people for the
kindness and Interest they had fhown In
Portland, the state and the Exposition.
At the conclusion of Mr, Fenton's speech
Colonel Dosch told of bis stay in Japan In
1KB and of the friends he had made while
there. The list of speeches was closed by
short talks, by S. Ban and Senator D. J.
Guests at Banquet.
Those present at the banquet were: II.
W. Goode. I. N. Flelschner (toastmaster).
Samuel ConnolU W. R. Mackenzie, J. C
AInsworth, William J3. Kenton, it. A. J.
Mackenzie. Paul Wcsslnger. Theodore
Hardee. D. C Freeman. Oskar Huber,
Henry E. Dosch, John A. Wakefield, Ion
Iw!s, H. B. Hardt, Frank Vincent Du
Mond. Dr. David T. Day. Frank I Mer
rick. Colin H. Mclsaac. Charles B. Pfah-
ler. Frank B. Davidson. G. G. Gam mans.
Dan J Malarkey. I. I Patterson, John J.
Mueller. D. A. Pike. C. J. McCraken. J.
M. Giesy. John F. Carrol. C J. Owen, T.
Alba, viee-oonsui at yortiana; l. ito, ai
rector-general Japan Exhibit Association:
T. Hashimoto, director Japan Exhibit As
soclation: Y. Kushlblki. concessionaire.
Fair Japan: II. Onrush!, editor North
American Times: S. Hayakawa. editor
Oregon News; JIro Harada, secretary
Japan Exhibit Association; S. Ban, Port
land. Or.
Weinberger Insists that It Is worth
$4.0P0. To the visitors of the build
ing he explains in detail his acquisi
tion of the table, saying he cut down
1600 trees to find it. He also points
out to them bugs and snakes which
are not distinguishable to any one but
The Washington people say that he
has developed a mania concerning the
table, and they look upon him as be
ing Irresponsible. It Is for this reason
that it is thought that he will be
compelled to leave and to take his
curiosity with him. Tho Washington
people in the building have presented
a petition to Commissioner Johnson,
asking that some action be taken con
cerning the matter.
Now that the weather has cleared, fol
lowing the recent heavy rains, the atmos
phere Is porfect to view the great moun
tain peaks of the Cascade Range which
surround the city of Portland. Five of
these magnificent peaks can be seen at
once from the great height of the Lewis
and Clark Observatory. 3W0 feet above
tho city.
All vlsltom should come and view this
great scene, which is bound to Impress
Itself upon the mind forevermore. as
there is nothing like it to be eeen in this
Take Portland Heights car. get off at
Hawthorne Terrace. Electric elevator.
Open to 10 P. M. Come and sec the great
The American Inn cordially Invites Port
land people to use its beautiful -parlors,
reading, writing and billiard rooms as
tholr club at the Fair.
Special attention will be -shown lunch
eon, dinner and banquet parties.
The Sunday family table d'hote dinner
is a feature.
Portland's Beautiful Cafe Will Cater
Especially to the Ladles.
A novel feature of the service at
The Tavern, commencing Monday af
ternoon will be the special ahoppcrs
luneheon between the hours of 2 and
6. This will be a delightful Innova
tion which ladles who are down town
doing tholr afternoon shopping will
appreciate. Many delicate dainties will
be served and the luncheons will be
made delightful social occasions. The
Tavern has two beautiful entrances,
that to the ladies annex being on the
Alder-street lde between Fifth and
Sixth streets. Gentlemen enter the hos
pitable Tavern by the Sixth-street en
trance between Washington and Alder
streets, at the sign of the big- banner.
The noonday luncheons for gentlemen
are becoming Justly popular. Try them.
W. J. Bryan has sent to Cornell Uni
versity JKO as Its share of the Phllo
S. Bennett fund for prize essays.
June -4. Great holiday. That's alt.
Grain, Provisions and Cotton
rnrr InTrir Guide and MaaaaX.
l L. Aa elexaat cloth-bound book
contalatsr information and
advice to Investors and speculators
complete statistics of all railroad and
;rc indactrial enterprise will be fur
nished upon application, also Bally Mar
ket lttr sent fre upon request.
Bankers and Brokers
TeL Main 579
Prices Which Average Xtess Than Half; 30,000 yards of the most beautiful Embroideries
bought from one of New Xorlc's foremost importers. He simply had to have the money,
hence this liberal discount . . . Prudent buyers will come early and secure best choice.
True to our principle to sell to you as advantageously as we buy ourselves, we will place this purchase divided
into three gigantic bargain lots on sale tomorrow; and great as the values we offered in the past undoubtedly
were, we can safely promise you bargains for Monday that, considering the beauty and very high standard of
excellence possessed by these embroideries, were not even approached anywhere this season. Every table in
our entire center aisle will be filled with these bargains, and we will have extra help so all can be quickly served.
Lot 1
Consists of Tine Corset Cover Em-,
broideries from IS to 24 inches -wide
in all the most beautiful designs and
pretty open-work patterns; large assort
ment "with lace edges.
Heal 50c Embroideries on sale
at only, yard..l
Lot 2
Consists of Flouncing Embroideries
from 12 to 15 inches wide, in all the new
and most desirable patterns; the most
beautiful collection we have ever shown.
Heal 25c and 35c values on
sale at only, yard
Lot 3
Consists of Splendid Quality Embroi
deries from 5 to 9 inches wide, in all the
latest and most -wanted patterns, many
exclusive designs in this assortment;'
you would gladly pay twice the price we
ask for these.
Heal 15c and 20c Embroi- "f "-
deries on sale at only, yard.
Special Offerings
Dress Goods and Silks
With Confidence as to Quality and Prices Below the Usual.
This showing of new, fashionable, 1905 Dress Fabrics has never been
surpassed in the history of the store. Many designs and 'colorings are
exclusive here, and then prices for equal quality will average less often
much less than others will chargo yon.
In Woolen Dress Fabrics We Offer
58-inch Cravenettes, Priestley's fabrics, positively rain-proof, new, in
visible plaid effects, all the latest Spring shades in tan, greens and
grays; worth $2u50 per'ard, Monday and Tuesday $1.90
51-inch French Coatings and Suitings, firm, all-wool materials, in correct
weights for unlined garments, tan, -olive and myrtle green, navy, brown
and gray mixtures; regular $"2.25 values, Monday and Tuesday, per
yard Si. 65
58-inch Cravenette Mohair, Priestley's manufacture, the most elaborate in silk mohairs; colors are myrtle, olive greens and naw blue;
regular $2.25 value, Monday and Tuesday, per yard $1.75
46-inch English Mohair Sicilians, rich silk-finished materials, silk polka
dots, effects in solid colors, fancy lace stripes and mixtures in all
wanted colors; reg. $1.40 -values, Monday and Tuesday, per yd. 97
48-inch Worsted Suitings, silk-finished wool worsteds, fancy weaves, solid
colors in navy, brown, tan, gray and green; regular $1.25 values, Mon
day and Tuesday, per yard So
44-inch Armnre; plain worsted suitings, all new colorings, brown, tan,
navy, royal gray; splendid values at 75c, Monday and Tuesday; per
yard 43
In Black Goods We Offer
42-inch French Voiles, all wool materials, in the finest weaves, guaranteed
fast black and stainless; worth $1.25, special for Monday and Tues
day 85
46-inch English Mohairs in alpaca and Sicilian weaves, most wanted
Summer dress fabrics, rich taffeta finish, cream and black; worth $1.25,
Monday and Tuesday 8o
46-inch Sicilian, heavy weights, suitable for unlined street garments,
strictly dust-proof, black only; wonderful value at 75c, Monday and
Tuesday 49
New Duck and Crash Suitings in light, medium and dark colors, plain
and fancy mixtures; real 15c quality, on sale Monday and Tuesdav
at 12!&
New Madras, this season's stylish high-grade fabric, in light and dark
colors, stripes and checks, just the thing for Summer Shirtwaist Suits ;
best 15c quality, on sale Monday and Tuesday at 11
36-inch Linen Suiting, none better for shirtwaist suits, the colors are
light and dark blue, gray, brown, pink, red and green; -well worth 50c
yard, Monday and Tuesday at 35
Special Offering in
Housekeeping Goods
One that will interest every thrifty housewife who reads this paper.
Glance at the items that follow. Quality considered, these values cannot
be duplicated by any other house in the city.
Huck Towels, 14x34 inches, with
red borders, full bleached, each
8 l-3
Bedspreads, full "size, handsome
patterns, $1.00 quality, each 85
Pillow Cases, 42x36 inches, hem
med ready for use, each. .. .11
Pillow Cases, 45x36, extra quality
muslin, each 12V
Bed Sheets, 72x90 inches, linen
finished, each 50
Bed Sheets, 81x90 inches, extra
quality, each 55
4-mcn iancy cross-stripe uurcain
Scrim in red, green and blue col
orings, per yard 15
Bath Towels, 22x52 inches, good,
heavy quality, full bleached,
each 20
Bath Towels, 24x54 inches, extra
heavy qualitv, unbleached, each
Ruffled Curtains, made of dotted
Swiss muslin, with plain ruffle;
3 yards long and 40 inches wide,
extra good val. at per pr. S1.10
"Worthy Silk Specials
$1.00 Qaality on sale at 75
19-inch Changeable Silks Soft
messaline and chiffon weaves, in
a complete range of up-to-date
shades; just mention the color
combination you wish and we
have it every yard guaranteed
as to wear; other stores ask you
$1.00 for this quality, our
price 75
$1.25 Quality on sale at 85
Shirtwaist Suit Silks Handsome
printed warp effects in dots, fig
ures and stripes; also beautiful
two-tone effects in all the best
colorings; a soft finished fabric
that will not cut or split; real
$1.25 quality on sale Monday and
Tuesday at 85
Wash Goods Section
Good Values Are Made Still Setter
Cotton Mohair Voiles, one of the most substantial wash materials, has
a wiry finish that will shed the dust, 50 patterns to select from in
medium and dark colors; on sale Monday and Tuesday at 20J
New Organdie Vbile3 in all the new-style fancies, white ground with
beautiful colored floral effects; regular price would be 25c, on sale
Monday and Tuesday at 21
Hosiery Dept.
These prices are low. Just how low they are
it is difficult to tell without actually showing
the goods. But'if confronted with the goods
themselves, you would need no telling. These
wonderful values are for Monday and Tuesday.
Women's Outsize Hose Extra laVge stockings
for large women, plain welt or ribbed tops,
in plain cotton or all-over lace, full-fashioned
hosiery, Hermsdorf dye, the best 40c quality,
on sale tomorrow, all sizes, at, the pair. 25
Children's Best 25c Quality Stockings, Tomor
row, 3 Pairs for 50c A sale of "Puritan"
Hosiery for children tomorrow. These stock
ings are famous for wear, are extra fine
ribbed, double'knees and feet; they sell reg
ularly at 25c a pair all sizes, tomorrow, 5
to 10, 3 pairs, 50c; at, the pair 17
Black Satine
"Worth $2.00 for $1.25
We offer for tomorrow a remarkable bargain
in Women's Black Satine and Black Moreen
Petticoats, real $2.00 values, at S1.25
Four handsome styles.
Petticoats of fast black mercerized satine. with
16-inch accordion-pleated flounce; of black
mercerized satine, with 11-inch flounce,
trimmed with two hemstitched ruffles and
tucks; of black Moreen, with 16-inch accor
dion pleated' flounce; of black Mercerized
Satine, with 14-inch flounce of accordion
pleating tucks and hemstitched ruffle all
are real $2.00 values, at $1.25
Tke .Ssxroer Gloves Are Hera Silk Gloves,
two-clasp, in brown, navy, green, black and
white; also silk-mesh gloves pair, $1.00,
75r and ..... 50
This Is the Way We'll Sell
Women's Muslin
Drawers, 25 Made of good muslin; tucks
and plain hemstitched; cluster of tucks and
torchon lace.
Drawers, 45 C Women's outsize drawers,
made of muslin, wide flounce; have tucks,
hemstitching and embroidery trimming.
Drawers, 65 Made of cambric, nainsook
and muslin; several styles; tucks and em
broidery, torchon lace edge and insertion;
Val. lace and blind embroidery trimming.
Skirts, S1.45 Madejof muslin, deep flounee,
trimmed with torchon and Val. lace, blind
embroidery and hemstitched tucks.
Long Skirts, S2.25 Made of cambric and
muslin; 18-inch lawn flounces, with three
clusters of tucks, wide embroidery and lace;
20-inch flounce, with four rows of hem
stitched tucks and Normandy Val. lace inser
tion and edging.
Short Skirts, 75 Made of fine white cam
bric, full width, deep flounces, trimmed with
tucks and torchon lace and embroideries.
Corset Covers, 45 Made of nainsook, mus
lin and cambric; trimmed with Val. and tor
chon laces; hemstitched, tucks and embroi
dery? loose fronts, with drawstrings.
Knit Underwear
The "Alpha" Brand of Underwear for Women
High-grade, extra fine bleached lisle Un
derwear, vests high neck and long, sleeves;
lace-trimmed pants or tights; hand-finished
garments, a real 75c value, at, each. . . .oO '
Sleeveless Vests, Begmlar 20c Quality Ordi
nary or extra sizes, full silkene-taped, 200
dozen on sale tomorrow, sizes 4 to 9, at,
each : 10
Ribbons SLi
25c Dresden and printed warp ribbons and lot
30c shaded; all must be closed out at less
than manufacturer's cost, yard 16
Shoe Dept.
The Shoe Department is without doubt get
ting its quota of Fair visitors. We are crowd
ed to the utmost at all hours of the day. Com
fort is one of the first requisites in purchasing
shoes for walking. You've a world of walking
to do while visiting the Fair. We are able to
care for your wants in a manner thoroughly
satisfactory to you then we have almost un
limited bargains and new ones each day.
Monday's Principal Bargains Are in "Lady
. Churchill $3.00 Shoes and Osfords. These
are shoes of standard $3.00 quality, with all
the style and fit of the higher grades; they're
in blacks, tans and patent leathers, with
light and heavy soles, and hand-made; Mon
day's special price 1.99
Boys Box Calf All Solid Shoes
Sizes S to 13 1.39
Sizes 2 to 54... v $1.69
Women's Waists
Worth $2.75 for $2.25
Choice of six very , handsome styles at
this price, of white lawn, front and
back of fine tucks and embroidery,
fancy collars and cuffs; of white
lawn, the yoke of all-over embroidery, the
front of fagoting and tucks; of champagne
colored figured pongee, front and backlaid
in broad-stitched pleats; of white mohair, in
plain, tailored styles; of white lawn, front
and "back of fancy fagoting and tucks; of
white lawn, yoke of English eyelet embroi
dery and tucks. .
Two Bargains From the
Men's Section
35c for men's fine French Balbriggan Under
wear,, all sizes, shirt and drawers; regular
50c grade special 35
65c for men's merino Underwear, in gray; all
sizes, also extra sizes; regular Soc grade
special 6o