22 THE SU2TQAY OREGONIAN, POBTLA2TD, JTJXE 4y 1905. rOK KENT. Seeaas. THE) LTNDELL HOTEL, Market et, between 3d and 4th. European and American plan. Handsome modern Xurnl&htnga, all up-to-date convenien ces; free -porcelain hatha, electric light, gas. steam heat; outside rooms; 60c to (2 per day. THE AUDITORIUM. 20SV 3D EX.. EET. Taylor and Salmon. 1 slock south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, eteam heat. hot. cold running water In rooms: free bath, rooms with private baths; elevator: $3.50 week up: $1 day; tourists solicited. FOUR .ROOMS 6UNNYSIDE. $13 PER month 'each, two occupants; 310 singly. 5as. bath, and privilege of cooking; 3 blocks from 2 car lines running direct to Exposition. Nice Summer yard. Address S 24. Oregonlan. Telephone East 2943. HANDSOME NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS in private family, select neighborhood; will give use of bath, piano and ele gantly furnished parlor; large yard, to gen tlemen only. Phone Main 1176. or call 605 Davis et., between 21et-22d. NEW. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN private, modern house In fine residence lo cality; will give rates to parities of 5 or 10 people; will also give DreaKiasi; rates wc. -r CI - TNa-.n v ?Mrt. ror. Wash- 75c lngton. Phone Main 4451. CLEAN. CHEERFUL ROOMS. SUITABLE for three gentlemen who are willing to pay 60c per day apiece, two blocks from Hobart Curtis Hotel; no raise; also other good rooms for permanent people; under new management. 331 14th sL HOTEL ARMINIUS NEW BRICK BUILD lng. newly furnished, electric lights, hot and cold water In rooms, free bath and phone, best part of city: raus reasonable. 410 Morrison, comer 11th. Phone Main 503. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE. NEAR FAIR En trance, completely furnished; alio 10 rooms new. unfurnished, housekeeping and single rooms. Apply C1 Thurman. 411 E. PINE. HALF BLOCK FROM GRAND ave., 2 nice clean xurmshtd rooms. $2 and 43 a week; gas and bath. 101 6TH. -BLOCK FROM PORTLAND Hotel Rooms for Fair visitors; rates rea sonable; fine location. GOOD ATTIC-ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentlemen: reasonable; bath, phone; refer ences. CSS Irvine et. SUITE OF TWO FRONT ROOMS. -ELEC-trlc light and bath, lower floor; also single rooms. 434 Burnslde. FRONT ALCOVE RCOM. FURNISHED, BY week or month; modern conveniences; ref erences. 328 14th st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE family, single or en eulte. 432 Jefferson, bet. 11th and 12th. FURNISHED ROOMS. CENTRALLY Lo cated. Nob Hill district, convenient to. car lines. 70S Everett sL FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. GAS. bath, electric light and telephone. 275 14th st.. cor Jonrn. THE ALDER. 435 ALDER ST. NICE FUR nifihed rooms, bath, gas; rates reasonable; convenient location. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR STEADY roomers or Visitors; rent reasonable. 305 6th et. Main C011. 2CEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE family; two blocks U car; prefer permanent roomer. 420 12th. COMFORTABLE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS: also sleeping room, cheap. 204 Jefferson st. Phone Main 4346. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS IN FRI vate family, near Fair grounds. Call 472 N. 23d and York. YOUNG MAN 28 DESIRES A CONGENIAL gentleman roommate; good location; cheap. B 31. Oregonlan. HOTEL BERG. 13TH AND ALDER EURO pean plan. $1 and up; American plan. $2 and up; free bus. 487 TAYLOR ST. FIRST-CLASS TRANSIENT rooms, reasonable prices. In new dwelling. Phone Main 4404. LARGE FRONT ROOM, FURNISHED OR unfurnished; very desirable neighborhood. 737 Hoyt. near 23d. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS AT $4 TER week; estimable people wanted. 528 Clay. Phone Main 0029. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE family; gas. phono and bath. 175 Ford et.. near Washington. THE TEMPLETON. 206 1ST ROOMS EN suite or single; electric lights, bath; Iran slent. reasonable. TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, with bath, suitable for 2 or 3 gentlemen. Phone Scott 6057. ICS" 10TH. NEAR MORRISON LARGE, handsome front rooms, en suite or single, by day or week. PLEASANT ROOM. BATH. GAS. PHONE; upsi location, suuaoie ror two; jb per week. j'none tin ii-z. 6041, WASHINGTON ST.. BET. 15TH AND iwn, nice iront rooms; atto inside rooms; price reafronaDie. 305 SALMON ST. NICE FURNISHED rooms, light and. airy, reasonable; gentle men preierreo. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO young men. private ramuy. 27 B. 7th, bet. trine ana An. A WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; gas. bath, phone; block from Portland Ho tel, mi park. BURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. bath, electric lights. Phone East 3405. SSS',4 "WELL-FURNISHED LARGE FRONT AL- cove. room, suitable for man and wife. 715 i-.. jaaaison. SOR RENT-NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT rooms, wun oatn. Pnone, Main 2756. Ap- irl NM CU ONE NICELY FURNISHED FRONT BOOM SSKHj East Washington St., $3 per week. i -aone iast uut. FOR RENT VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS TO permanent people; nam ana gas. 471 East A?n, near via. FOR RENT ONE NICELY FURNISHED iront room. Apply 2314 Pine st. Thone Main Kill. FOR RENT LARGE WELL-FURNISHED front room; phone and bath. 285 17th, cor. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS ON CAR LINE to Fair grounds. 35 Everett st. Phone Mam 2349. - DESIRABLE ROOMS. CONVENIENT AND central: best location; bath and phone. 251 10th. ROOM IN PRrVATE FAMILY. TWO LA dies or man and wife preferred; central. 451 &aimon at. FURNISHED ROOMS NEAR THE EXFOSI tlon; private family. 517-519 Guild ave. near Reed. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, PLEAS- ant ana reasonable. Inquire Mrs. E. Piper Woodlawn. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two laaies, private family; gas. bath. rbene East a it. SS PER WEEK. SMALL FURNISHED ROOM with board, bath. CM E. Morrison. Phone' Union 1615. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE WITH BATH. suitable for 4, and other rooms. 3S9 Al der st. VILLAMETTE ROOMS. 144 6TH ST., H block from Portland Hotel; 75 cents and II per nigni. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, $1 PER DAT hot and eoM water In room; centra. I. 391 Yamhill. 443 FIFTH ST. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS In private family; gas. bath, phone; cheap rates. TWO PLEASANT ROOMS FOR RENT. Ex cellent location. 310 Columbia St.. bet. 3th sna etn. ONE FURNISHED ROOM. WITH USE OF kitchen in private family. 302 Eugene st. U car. ROOMS IN SPLENDID PRIVATE HOME reasonable; breakfast if desired. Phone East 307 S. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUIT ABLE for one or two gentlemen. 500 Hoyt. near 15th. "WELL-FURNISHED - ROOM IN PRIVATE family; bath, gas; excellent location. Main 2147J 586 COUCH MODERN PRIVATE RESt dence. rooms by day or week; direction of Fair. . I ROOM NEAR FAIR GROUNDS. MODERN. new. 25 per menth. 063. Eavler. .Phone Mam TOK RENT. stooau. New Building. New Furniture Strictly Neat and Moderate. THE STATE ROOM INN 80S Thurman Street Portland. Oregon. One Block World's Fair Main Entrance, Grand Roof View of Grounds. Write for Special Rates and Dates. Address STATE ROOM INN PHONE MAIN 5394. NEW LANGS HOTEL. European plan; strictly fireproof and mod ern; rates reasonable; electric lights and bells, steam heat nd elevator, electric cars direct to Fair grounds pass th door: elegant cafe and bar In connection. Cor. 6th and Washington. Phone Main 331L F. Lange, Prop. Sam Bauman. Mgr. SEVERAL NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN new residence on Willamette Height, over looking Exposition grounds and furnish ing magnificent view of ML Hood. Colum bia River and all surrounding country; elec tric lights, baths and telephone. Phone number. Main 5702. 46 LUCRETIA ST.. NEAR 23D AND WASH ington; nice rooms, new house; walking dis tance .Fair and town. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF rooms, suitable for one or two at 28S; 3d, cor. Columbia. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. ON car line; free phene. 454 Columbia at-, cBrner 13th. RYAN HOUSE. 209H 3TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite, single. Opposite City Hall. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. EN suite; modern, for two er four, eheap. 334 Columbia st. FURNISHED ROOMS. CLOSE IN. AND ON good car sen' Ice; terms reasonable. Fboae Main 4008. LIGHT. AIRY, NEATLY FURNISHED rooms, in private family. 115 12th tit, near Washington. 328 PARK ST.. CENTRAL NICE ROOM. suitable for one or two, private family, quite reasonable. FURNISHED ROOMS ON CAR LINE TO Fair grounds. Phene Main 4606. S55 W. Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH and free phone-; rent reasonable. 442 Jef ferson si. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH. GAS. pnone; very reasonable. J North 17th et. FOR RENT SEVERAL NEWLY FUR- n-sbed rooms, use of kitchen. 549 Hoyt ft. 354 CLAY NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM TO permanent tenants during Fair. Phene 1055. FRONT FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen, cheap. Apply 450 11th st. GOOD ROOMS IN LOVELY HOME. ON car line, seven double bed. Q 27, Oregonlan. FOR RENT DINING-ROOM IN 1ST-CLASS boardlng-hou; references. Phone Main 3250. 407 EAST PINE NEATLY FURNISHED room, or suite ef two, reasonable rates; bath. 605 JEFFERSON ST. -SINGLE FRONT BED- room. fit, during Fair. Phone Main 2513. NEAR FAIR. CHOICE ROOMS IN PRIVATE residence. 306 N. 24tb t. Phone Main 6400. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BAY. WEEK or month; reasosabie. Apply lei ironu NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS, 50c. A DAY and up; day, week or month. 211 Parkst. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS ON 3D ST.. very central, reasonable, rnone Main ONE WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, 1 block from 3 car lines. Fhone Scett 3414. S12 WELL-FURNISHED ROOM IN PRI- vate family, walking distance. Pboae 1272. ROOMS, suitable for 2 or 4 parties, with or wuneut Doara; transients, sss Morrison st. Neatly furnished toottj, reasonable rates. 129 Grand ave.. near E. Morrison. Scott 14S2. TWO NICE ROOMS TO RENT TO RE- ppectable persons. 403 First st., flat K. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. PORTLAND lieignts; batn, phone. lBth and Ctlften. 514 HOYT ST.. COR- 15TH ROOMS FOR permanent people at reasonable rates. ROOMS TO RENT AT THE CLAYTON. 10TH and Burnslde; permanent or transient. FURNISHED ROOMS. S2. TWO BEDS IN room, and ether rooms. 275H Clay st. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. BY DAY or week. Call forenoon. 325 Mill st. FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED ROOMS: ALSO noureiceeptng rooms. izs x. 17th st. FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT AT THE uxrora rooming souse. Market. 200 COLUMBIA ST. NEATLY FURNISHED rooms. 31.50 and f2 a week; bath. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN COTTAGE near Fair grounds, blu Vaughn tt. 41 ELLA. NEAR WASHINGTON, niched rooms, bath. gas. pboae. FUR- FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM in private ramlly. 6. SIH let. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 60c DAY; $2.50 week, at 111 N. in st. FOR RENT 1 FURNISHED FRONT ROOM with bath. J'fcone East 1114. NICE LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR FOUR young ladles. S3 Lovejoy. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. 40S CLAY. near mn, ny cay or weeK. NICE LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR 4 young men. G23 Lovejoj;. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS: RENT REA eonabie. 234 w Morrison. FOR RENT NICE FRONT ROOMS. PRI- vate family. 741 Johnson. FURNISHED ROOM, f 1 PER DAY; BREAK- last it aesitvc. sua a st. A LARGE FRONT BEDROOM: CHARGES moderate, iuu jacKSon st. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, for two. 190 N. 23d st. SUITABLE FURNISHED ROOM FOR 1 OR 2 PERSONS, t a weeK. nui Harrison. TO RENT FURNISHED rent. 24 N. Grand ave. ROOM; LOW NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE nome. asa tieventn n. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS LV PRIVATE lamiiy. 4M Everett st. ROOM TO RENT AT 929 Phone East 2031. EL DAVIS ST. FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY. WEEK OR raonin. i una. FOR FAIR VISITORS EXCELLENT ROOMS at 45 Main at. FURNISHED 40S 4th st. ROOM TO RENT-CALL AT FRONT ROOM. NICELY FURNISHED. N. 2Sd st. 307 ONE FURNISHED ROOM. Belmont. 163 8TH. COR. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM. East SI IS. PHONE FURNISHED ROOMS. 2S7 N. 17TH CITY. Rooms "With Board. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH beard, for two gentlemen. gZ3 eaeh per menu; gas. oatn. pnonc. other rooms alee reasonable. SIB Flfth. ONF. OR TWO WORKING GIRLS CAN have room and beard in private family hrefckfast and dinner, f2. close In. 429 E. yamalll. KELLOG HOUSE. 1S4 SHERMAN; TAKE S car south: dean lodgings. 25ci meals. 25c furnished housekeeping rooms, with bath Mil laundry. WANTED ROOMMATE BY A YOUNG LADV suite; hot and cold water; electric light. bath and phone; reasonable. 333 Morrison. HOTEL Bit OWN. 771 H GRAND ATK3.TJK Fleaaant rooms, cisgis er n suite; eletatcr: blularc-room: transients: botn car lines. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR dean cooKtng anc bees; rooms well ven tllated: splendid service: centrally located. srrrE or large single room and board In private family; Portland Heights preferred. Addrees -X. so, oregonlan. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH choice table beard, private family, very cen tral; permanent. 1'Done i-Tont HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON, fronts Plata Park A City Hall; pleasant rooms, single, en suite, new. central. 3 BLOCKS FROM FAIR NICE ROOMS. I good board. In private resiaenoe. K3 Quimby. j near 25th: take l car at icpou rOBBEJT. Booms With Board. PERMANENT GUESTS During Fair. Two people Each Room, $50 to $73 i Per Month. Room and Board. AM Up-te-Date Convenience. Electric Light. Gas. Free Parcel! a Baths. Steam Heat. Excellent Table. The LindelL Market it-, bet. 3d and 4 th. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY hotel. 165-167 10th at. cor. Morrison: the M. depot and Fair cars pass the house: fine rooms with first-class table and service; porcelain baths; reasonable rates by the day; outside parties accommodated with meals. THE WOODLAND. 263 CTH CENTRALLY located in residence district; well-furnished cheerful rooms, modern conveniences: meals furnished If desired; rooms reserved during Expo. write in advance. Main 5250. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library: Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. 510 Flanders. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market St., bet. 3d and 4th: steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all cut tide rooms; exceedingly low rates. LADY WITH PLEASANT FLAT WOULD like two gentlemen boarders for whole Sum. mer; nice worklngmen preferred. Address C 39, Oreconian. for one week. THE SANTA CLARA. 2?5 10TH NICELY furnished rooms, all convenience; best of home-cooking; table boarders accommo dated. Phono Main 3SS2. THE MAXITOU. 261 13TII ST. DESIRABLE rooaerrr neuse. reasonable rates, ror resi dents er strangers; Jefferson car from de 1L Phone Mala 1203. 304 ALDER ST.. COR 10TH NICELY FUR- niraea suite and etngle reams. Srst-class table board by week or month. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE heme, fine loc&tlos, beard if desired. 564 Glkan st. Phone Main 1047. LARGE. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM WITH board in private ramlly: clos in; JO per week. 14 East 11th (4. North. NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR FOR TWO; also neat siae room, homo comforts, board, reasonable. 5S1 Washington. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. PLEAS; ant rooms with flrst-clas? board; Sne loca tion: terms reasonable. RUSSELL COTTAGE. 4 SO 10TH ST.. PORT- iana iieigatsKeasona&ie rates to visitors. Phone Main 4277. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR 272 HalL two. with boerd; reasonable. Phone Main 4204. 735 HOYT FIRST-CLASS BOARD IN FINE home. 10 minutes walk to Grounds; visitors acuxamodattd. PERMANENT ROOM AND BOARD. SUITES for two or four; desire two la room. Call 303 10th st. ELEGANT FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD IF desired; rates by" week or month. 400Ji Clay C DAY BOARD. 3 MINUTES WALK FROM fair, at tS9 quiraby st., near 25th; private residence. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR wimout coaro. au conveniences. Sia Alder street. ROOM AND BOARD: ALSO DAT BOARD; gentlemen prererrec. 155 lltb K.. cor. Ai der. ROOMS AND BOARD FOR PERMANENT people. 255 13th st.. young people preferred. GOOD ROOMS. CHOICE BOARD; SELECT. pnv. ooaroing-nouse. sti Columbia. Main zziu GOOD ROOM AND BOARD REASONABLE for the employed day time. 228 11th it. S. THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. East 35th. corner Washington sts. SKTLAND CAMP GROUNDS TO Main 5TO3. RENT; also table board. ROOM AND BOARD IN NICE. MODERN home. Phone Main 6513. LARGE ROOMS SUITABLE FOR TWO WITH board. S25 each. 3C5 13th. NICE ROOMS. GOOD TABLE BOARD. 206 llth vt.; modern. ROOMS WITH GOQD BOARD. 515 NORTH- rup. Flats. FOR SALE NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM flat; modern every respect. 32 Vi 16lh su, bet. Washington and Couch. NEW MODERN FLATS. CORNER SECOND and Hall, furnished or unfurnished. In quire 2 to 4. A FLAT 4 WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL conveniences, walking distance. Main 3451. FOR RENT A MODERN FLAT. NEAR COR- ner a. tm ana jjavis sts. FLAT FOR RENT. 113 N. 16TH ST.. COR. Glltan. Honeke-rplnjr Rooms. $4.50 WEEK. TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS furnished housekeeping: bath, phone, wood included; lawn; extra cot if desired. T 23. Oregonlan. FOR RENT THREE NICELY FURNISHED looms for tight housekeeping; all con vinces; rent lew; East Side. Inquire 212H Madison st. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. ALSO FUR. nlshed rooms, modern: no raise to steady tenants. Pheae Main 555 0th St., cor. Lincoln. FOR RENT THREE CLEAN AND LIGHT unfurnished housekeeping rooms, cheap, desirable. Apply barber-shop. 249 Yamhill t. TWO WELL-FURNISHED FRONT BAY- window housekeeping rooms, gas range, bath, telephone; near Fair. 644 Overton. 2 LARGE. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms: bath, electricity, phone. basement. 1203 xaggart. Richmond car. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUS7 keeping rooms, with gas store furnished; caiy Sl.73 per week. 3S2 E. Tamhill st. THE COLUMBIA. 127 LOWNSDALE ST. Furnished housekeeping, suites, from 415 per month up; modern conveniences. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT SUITE. COM plete for housekeeping, with piano, reason' able; also other rooms. 440 3th. UNFURNISHED DOUBLE PARLORS AND kitchen, modem, beautiful yard: close in; rent fM. rnene scnoay East 3077. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, cheap; phone and water furnished. 717 Kerby st. Phone Union 6536. LARGE FRONT ROOM FURNISHED FOR housekeeping, first floor, piano included. convenient ana central. inn. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS SUITABLE for light nouseiceeping. adults only. 331 Clackamas et. pnone East 3S35. TWO ROOMS SUITABLE- FOR LIGHT housekeeping in private family. Phone Main 333?. er cair at 351 est Park. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING reesut. private cottage, bath and phone. 213 N. lath st. Phene Main 1152. THREE OR FOUR ROOMS. PARTLY FUR nlshed. modern, best car service. Holla day's Add.. 249 crane ave. North. SLEEPING OR HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS close to Fair grounds; bath and phone. Main S29. 761 vaughn st. 447 FIFTH. NEAR COLLEGE NEWLY FUR. nlssed large rooms; no objection light house keeping; gas. bath, phone. SUITE OF THHES NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ground fleer. Call Monday. 28$ Jefferson sL CAMPING ROOM FOR TENTS. 14 PER month, at St- Johns, overlooking river; water. V 21. Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE BOOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; also sleeping rooms. 4S4y East Bumside. cor. Sth. 429 SALMON ST. TWO OR MORE VERY desirable housekeeping' rooms; every, con vtnienee; fine location. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING reeras, water rent paid. $13 per month. Call today. 187 MOL $5 MONTH TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping; no children. S70 E. 11th st. North, TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. LIGHT housekeeping, walking distance. 270 Mont gomery t- NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING trail' and single rooms, ckwe In. S3 Tenth, near Stark, TOK RENT. THE ONEONTA. 1ST 17TH ST NEAR TAM hlll New bouse, elegantly furnished apart. ssesU. la suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hoc and cold water: gas range 1b each kitchen: steasa heat, baths ; free paea on each fiocr. FOR HOUSEKEEPING. 5 NEATLY FUR nlshed rooms, phone, TuM. light and water all furnished, piano alio; one block from Sunnyside car. Compton & Gibson. 100 Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 2S0G. FORRENT FURNISHED HOCSEKEEPINU aad single rooms in nicest brick block on East Side: gas range, bath, etc Logan block. lOSVi Union ave. Fbcae Union 323. WELLINGTON COURT. 13TH AND EVER ett Handsomely furnished housekeeping apartments, possessing modern conveni ences, excellent surroundings; reasonable. FOR RENT 2. 3 OR 4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms with bath and toilet In a beautiful suburban home, one block from car line; no children. 1G27 Peninsular ave. 2 OR 3 ROOMS FURNISHED COMPLETE for housekeeping; wood, water and lights free, with use of bath. Call 10 A. M. to 1 P. M.. 5-51 E. Washington st. TWO OR THREE NICELY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; bath on same floor: modern conveniences; private family. 50 E. 16th North. FURNISHED ROOM FOR HOUSEKEEPING, suitable for working girl; gas range, run ning water; select location; reasonable. 314 Milt Phone Main 53S6. TWO GOOD HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. UN furnlshed. nice neighborhood, convenient to cars; couple without children or ladles; S3. 515 Vancouver ave. FOR RENT JUNE 7 FOUR NEWLY FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms, walking dis tance; bath. gas. phone. Call up Main 5462 or Main 4147. FOR RENT THREE CLEAN AND LIGHT unfurnished housekeeping rooms, cheap, de sirable. Apply barber shop. 219 Yamhill or K51 Belmont st. THREE VERY NICE COMPLETELY FUR nlthed housekeeping rooms, bath. I2S: also for those taking meals out, baths. 2Vi Union ave.. South. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS on ground floor with piano and bath. 1S3 E. 7th si. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN A private family, close to car line. 341 Eu gene. FOR RENT-FRONT AND BACK PARLOR for light housekeeping. 112.00 month. 33 E. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; batb. electric light. LADY TO SHARE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. furnished, very reasonable. D 27. Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS AND single rooms for gentlemen. 171 N; 17th. TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS HURNISHBD complete for housekeeping. 502"-j 1st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent, with phone. 164 N. 10th tt. LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING AND FURNISHED rooms, bath, phone free. 432 th st. TWO LARGE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 51 N. 0th. near Couch. Phone West 434. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. light housekeeping. 430 Alder st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent. 254 Montgomery, cor. 3d. ONE LARGE SINGLE HOUSEKEEPING room, gas and phone. 289 Hall at. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for housekeeping. 447 Main at. CAMPING GROUND3 FOR RENT NEAR Fair. McCoy. 26th and Eavler. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 2SSH Washington st. Houses. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURN1SHER. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Dwellings of all kinds and in all parts of the city and suburbs are listed with us. We have th most complete directory of vacant houses in town and if you content plate moving It will pay you to visit our rental department. We are sure to have a place for you. Following Is a partial list: WEST SIDE. 3-room flat. Arthur at 0.00 5-room flat, modern. Mill st 14.00 3-room cottage and bath. Jefferson. . 16.00 G-room cottage and bath. Water st. IS. 00 5- room flat, modern, south 17.50 6- room Cat, modern conveniences... 17.30 5-room flat, bath. gas. Front st.... 20.00 5-room flat, strictly modern. Wash. 30.00 5-room flat, upper, strictly modern.. 30.00 EAST SIDE. 5-room cottage, bath, large yard $10.00 5-room cottage, large lawn, fruit.. 15.00 5-room cottage, yard, fruit. Sunny- side IS. 00 6-room house, modern. Yamhill..... 18,00 9-room house and store. Division.. 29.00 "-room house, modern, electric. 21st. 20.00 S-room house, large grounds, fruit. 25.00 7-room house, modern, near Haw thorne 23.00 7-room house, yard, roses, fruit. 15th 23.00 7-room house renovated, near Crosby 30.00 12-room house, modern, Richmond.. 35.00 llroom house, modern. ML Tabor.. 40.00 7-room house, new. modern, hand some 45.00 7-room house, strictly modern, fine locality 50.00 NOTE No information regarding houses csn be given by phone. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. 1S5-191 FIRST. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 164 Russell it. flat. 2 rooms $ 7.00 42S 10th 5 rooms 20.00 003 E. 10th st. North. 9 rooms 20.00 465 Vancouver ave, S rooms 20.M) 435 Ross sc. 8 rooms 23.00 East ISth st.. cor. B. Washington, new Hat. 5 rooms 30.00 028 Mlsslsjlppl ave. 8 rooms 23.00 223 East 3d et. North, new. 8 rooms.. 45.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES &. CO.. 223 Stark st. WILL BUY YOU A LOT AND BUILD YOU a house In any part of the city and sell on terms: $123 cash, balance same as rent, gets you a rmall one. A few bargains ckwe in on the East Side, to be had. Boston Building Co.. 740 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT 3-ACRE ORCHARD FOR camping ground during Summer, 'near car lice: Bull Run water and shade trets. 473 E. 12th st. Phone East 344S. FOR RENT 65-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, cor. 19th and Washington: all modern con veniences; rent reasonable. Apply to I. Gevurtx & Sons, 173 1st si. $3 A MONTH WILL PAY FOR A FINE lot In Sellwood. a block from car line. Sellwood Townslte Co. Office at Sellwood and at 222 Falling bldg. FOR RENT-JULY 1. ON LEASE. $43 PER month, seven-room modern house, near 12th and Salmon. Wet Side. Inquire W. C Holman. 214 Front st. I WILL BUILD YOU A 5-ROOM COTTAGE Just across steel bridge, tent $19 per month. Donald G. Woodward, agent. 2i6 Stark et. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. FUIt nlsaed. or will sell furniture. 270 Broadway st-. East Side. 2 blocks from L car. PRIVATE TENTING GROUND. PORTLAND Heights; Bull Run water and toilet facili ties. $5 per month. O 13. Oregonlan, DONALD G. WOODWARD. 216 STARK ST, Rests and Insurance. Phone Main SIS. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. 6-ROOM HOUSE. NEW. MODERN. NORTH east cor. Sth and Tillamook. $23. A. H. Blrrell. McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. KAIIDRRLT TRANSFER CO, PROMPT AND rtllable piano and furniture maters. Pcca Mala 166. Pace. 110 N. 3d sL MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. BATH. BASE ment. electricity verandas, fruit. Sewers; beautiful location. COO East Oak. $20 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. PORCELAIN plumbing, cement walks and tubs, car line. 746 E. Clinton. FOR RENT 3-ROOM HOUSE IN ALB IN A till November 1. Inquire evenings, 244 Cook ave. FOUR NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM APART ments; heat and Janitor serrices. 22d and Johnson sts. 10-ROOM HOUSE. FURNACE. GAS. LARGE yard, fruit and flowers, on car line. P 27, Orec cnlaa. $40-0-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CENTRAL, nice lawn, inquire 461 East Pine er Dr. Nottage, FOR RENT 40 X'NFURNISH ED ROOMS ON Washington st.; referencrs. T 26. OtegenUn. FOR- RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. SUNNYSIDE. on the 10th. Phone Union 22S1. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. FUR nlshed. Phone East 233. NEW. MODERN IMPROVED COTTAGE FOR' rent. Phase Front 1380. FOR WENT. Hsaees. SIX-ROOM MODERN FLAT, WEST SIDE. 31 i.oo per month. L. E. Thompson 4t Q-. 223 3d. ... FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. COR. 2D anz baerman. FunUthed Pleases. SIX LARGE ROOM FLAT. 3 BAY WIN- cows. attic and bath, with one modern xur nlture for sale; gas. water-heater range, refrigerator, everything complete and the most artistically furnished and centrally located flat in the city. Addreea B 2U. cate Oregonlan, Phone Main 3231. BEAUTIFUL. NEW. MODERN HOME. cainuiy furnished, on East Side, car takes you from door to Exposition. 13 minutes" ride; for select Eastern bachelors or fam ily, references exchanged: reasonable. Pnons Main 1176, or call 635. Davis, between 21st- NHWLY FURNISHED G-ROOM HOUSE: high-class; private home; walking distance. West Side, on 11th sc. near Montgomery: gas, bath, accommodations for 6. Bring ref erence. 211 Commercial block, or 420 11th. FOR RENT JUNE 1 0 COMPLETELY FUR- nMhed 5-room modern cottage in Sellwocd. 100 feet from car line, city .water, lawn, flowers and fruit trees. Inquire Madden. Printer. First and Alder sts., upstairs. $250 FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE ON 12TH ST.. near vtasmngtoa. steel range, gas piate. lights, furniture, etc.; bath: rent $20; on a room now rented for $17. Inquire Monday, 433 Washington st. LOWER FLOOR. CONSISTING OF FIVE rooms and bathroom, on E. Morrison st.. for 3 months from June 19; rent $30 a month; references required. Address C 29. care Oregonlan. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSE. SEVEN rooms; gas. bath, phone; nice yard; $30 per month for July and August. Take U or Alblna cars. C73 Gantenbeln ave., cor ner Fargo st. IF YOU WANT FURNISHED HOUSE DUR lng Exposition period call on us. We have a number finely furnished with good loca tion. J. V. Crelghton & Co.. 1C5H Third room A. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED tUROOM house on Kearney et.. within walking dis tance of Exposition grounds, from June 12 to September 1; $275. Q 20. Oregonlan. 9-ROOM MODERN FURNISHED OR UN furnished house on Portland Heights, one block from car. quarter bWck full of fruit, grand view. Telephone Main 2122. FOR RENT UNTIL NOVEMBER 1. FIVE rooms, well furnished, bath, pantry, base ment and yard; near Washington st. E. A. Hamlin. 36 Lewis bldg. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE. CARPETS. CUR talns. cook stove. cs stove, some furni ture, large grounds, flowers; 963 East Couch st. Phone East 2C30. FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE. CHOICE nelrthborhood. near two car lines: adults only; references; $40 month. B 2S, care Oregonlan, FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED 6-ROOM house on Kearney st.. from Juse 12 to Sentember 1, $275. Address P. O. Box 43S. 2SS LINCOLN. FINE FURNITURE OF modern 5-room cottage for sale, large base ment, rent $2; will rent furnished for $15. FURNISHED G-ROOM HOUSE TO RENT; tS-blocJc from car line. The Ames Mercan tile Agency. Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. CLOSE In. Inquire at 102 13th. near Washington. Phone Main 3333. AN S-ROOM HOUSE NEAR FAIR OR will rent 2 or 3 rooms of same. Phone Main 620S. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE; NICELY FUR nlshed. for rent; reasonable price. 323 Jackson st. NICE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. BEAUTIFUL grounds, near two car line, furnished. East 717. A CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED COTTAGE. 6x7 rooms; references; no children. 334 4th. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE. Apply bet. 2 and 5 o'clock. 22S- N. 19th st. TEN-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT 755 York St.. close to Fair grounds. FOR RENT 5-ROOM COTTAGE, nlshed. $30. Phone Union 11S2. FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE rent. 442 E. 12th at. North. FOR FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 423 Harrison. 7-ROOM HOUSED NICELY FURNISHED. 2S3 Lincoln st. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COT tage $250. rent $15. or would rent same fur nished two or three months reasonable; West awe. vt za. uregonian. FURNITURE IN PART OR WHOLE OF new 6-room corner flat or will rent fur nished 4 to 5 months. Inquire 381 5th. Phone Main 4047. $100 BUYS FURNITURE 3-ROOM COT. tage, complete, water, gas. central. West bide: air car-une: also for rent furnished. Walling, Main 1976. . FURNITURE AND LEASE OF FLAT OF 14 rooms; house of 10 rooms; house of 5. I have other good buys near Fair grounds. Phone Main C27S. FINE 12-ROOM RESIDENCE COMPLETELY furnished for Fair, everything new, fine lo cation: a oargain at $joo; rent $60. v 2S. uregonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF NEW SIX- roorn cottage. 4 blocks of Fair grounds; rent $35; possession given at once. K 20. uregonian. THE FURNITURE OF A 7-ROOM HOUSE for sale at a bargain, with bath and phone: rent $20 per month: close in. 408 Everett at. WELL - FURNISHED MODERN 0-ROOM nai, lew biocKs irom Postofflce: 7 rooms fitted for renting; no agents. R 27, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF NEW 8IX- room cottage. 3 blocks of Fair grounds; rcai price ouv. v -ii, uregonian. FURNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSE. IN HOUSE- xeeping suites, au rented: lease, a bargain ii ho uue weeic rnone Jiain ioOl. PARTLT FURNISHED 8-ROOM HOUSE. wun 3 acres xruits ana garden. $150. Ex position Leasing Co.. 73 Sixth st. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE: LOCATION very desirable; furniture for sale. Call or aauresa 313 Montgomery st. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COTTAGE FOR sale cheap; good place for .roomers; owner leaving city, sss Front st. HOUSE. COMPLETELY FURNISHED: rent $30. Apply 440 5th st.; must be sold immediately; reasonable. FURNITURE FOR SALE. COR. 10-ROOM houe. 3 blocks Portland HoteL Phone aft ernoons Main 4654. $323 FURNITURE 6-ROOM FLAT. MOD ern. new. clean, central; rent $25. Phono iiain 4USO Monday. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. $15. FUR- niture tor sate ror si3U. lizo East Madison st.. near 37th si. FURNITURE S-ROOM COTTAGE. VERY cheap, rent $16. Apply 385 Clifton. nar west parx soutn. FURNTTURE MODERN 9-ROOM HOUSE rent $3j; price $530 if sold at once. Phone Main 39SO. GOOD FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, bargain. low rent; close in. Phone Main Q0I3. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF NICELV FUR. nlshed six-room flat, price reasonable. 312 Clay st. FURNITURE OF A NICE HOME. CLOSE In. for sale; house for rent. E 29. Ore genian. FOR SALE FURNITURE NICE. SUITABLE for boarding or rooming-house. Phone East 22C3. S LARGE ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED, good location, convenient. Phone Main 4135. $3TO-10-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. WEer Side; ren$2t. See Walling. 203 AlUky bldg. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale er rrnt famished. 0 roonu. 448 Taylor. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale or rent furnished. 9 rooms. 44S Taylor. FIRST-CLASS MODERN K-ROOM FLAT. r central. Phene Main 1111. References. THE FURNITURE AND LEASE OJ 7-reom -flat over saloon. Phone Main SOS.!. FURNITURE OF R ROOMS AND HOUSE - for rent cheap. Phone Malny63S3 FOR RENT. Ileases For Seat Furniture For Sale. BRAND-NEW 22-ROOM MODERN HOUSE in beat residence district, near Hotel Port land: new hlgh.grade furniture, splendidly equipped kitchen and dining-room; all light outsid rooms, fine porcelain baths, elec tric and gas light; the best money-maker In city, now partly filled; will sell cheap, as I have business at Fair and can't han dle; small payment down; no agents. X 22, Oregonlan. BARGAIN IN 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT IF sold new. New and elegant furniture; walking distance. Call room 37. Washing ton bldg.. 4tsi and Washington. MUST BE SOLD FURNITURE OF 7-ROOM house, close, in; furniture and carpets In good condition and nearly new: rent $33. ' Price only $300. Phone Main 2341. FURNITURE OF S-ROOM NEW HOUSE. Including piano; must be sold this week; family moving away: $400: without piano. $250; rent $18. Near Williams ave. B. S. Cook Co.. 231 Alder st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 15-ROOM house; 6-room cottage, furnished, for rent: 14 rooms unfurnished; large store; all close to Fair grounds. Phone Main 6278. FOR SALE FURNISHED 9-ROOM HOUSE, suitable two families, rooming or board; reasonable; no agents; cheap rent, desira ble location. C 33. Oregonlan. MODERN FLAT 9 ROOMS. CENTRALLY located. Eastern furniture, low rent; if you are looking for a snap, call at once. 227 Washington st., room 39. RELIABLE MAN WANTS SITUATION AS night watchman, night porter. . or would assist In kitchen: best of references. 210 Vx Front st.. C. Hartman. 6-ROOM FLAT AND LARGE ATTIC nearly new furniture, good location. $300. Hatfield & Smith. 165H 4th st.. room 32. FLAT OF SIX ROOMS, FURNITURE FOR rent or sale. 3S 4th. call today. Stores. FOR RENT STOREROOM. NO. 2S7 SAL- mon st.. near 4th; very desirable room for groceries or barber shop; good condition, rent reasonable- C. W- Pallett. 304-3 Fenton bldg. CORNER AND INSIDE STORE, 60 FEET deep, m new brick building. M. E. cor. 6th and Everett. A. H. Blrrell. 202 McKay bldg.. 3d and Stark. FOR RENT STORE 23x1 So. WITH BASE- tnent and dock, between Morrison and Alder; No. 146 Front st. Apply to E. A. Baldwin. SO 4th st. FOR RENT BUILDING ON COR. PARK and Burnslde. suitable for shop of any kind. Apply 22 N. 9th st. OFFICE OR LODGE LARGE ROOM. SEC- ond floor, on 6th st. Western Investment Co, 66 6th et. STORE. 169 7TH ST, FACING PORTLAND Hotel, from June 13th. WANTED HALF OR ALL OF STOREROOM. R 32. Oregonlan. SUITE 3 CONNECTING OFFICE ROOMS Call at for rent and furniture for sale. 603 Goodnough bldg. LARGE ROOM FOR RENT -FOR OFFICE IX Stearns building, inquire Bennke-waiker Business College. HALF OF ROOM WITH GAS. ELECTRIC lty and phone. $10 per month. 800 Dekum bldg. FOR RENT NICE LARGE OFFICES ON CTH sc. sear Washington. Inquire Star Theater. DESK ROOM FOR RENT IN WELL-FUR- nlshed office. 607 McKay bldg. ROOMS AND LODGE HALLS. ALISKY Bldg, 3d and Morrison eta. Summer Resorts. FOLEY HOT SPRINGS THE WELL-KNOWN superior medicinal qualities of these springs make them a favorite resort for Invalids, and the abundance of game and fine fishing renders It the sportman'a elysluro. For analysis of water and full particulars, ad dress A. A. Hofilnger. Foley Springs. Or. TEAMS FOR ELK CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped In our care will receive special attention. N. D, Bain & Co, Seaside. Or. HOTEL SALT AIR OPEN FOR SEASON. at Centervllle. North Beach; special rates to families. Addrera all communications to Mrs. Porter, Long Beach. Wash. FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS IN OCEAN Park. $30 each; easy terms; free camping grounds for the season of 1005. S. Sllnger- lasd. Nahcotta. Wash. NEW COTTAGE AT GEARHART PARK 3 large rooms, well furnished, water In house. by month or season. Phone East 15S1. or x . uregonian. FOR RENT SEASIDE, 5-ROOM COTTAGE. on the beach: city water; grand view. Ad dress Clary. The Fair. 632 Thurman. Phone Main 6210. TO RENT FOR THE SEASON COMPLETE- ly and comfortably furnished 4-room cot tage at Long Beach. C. K. Henry. 273 Stark st. THE ORIGINAL GILBERT 2-STORY COT- tage In Heimosa Park for rent, modern in every way. Alexandre Gilbert. Jr., Seaside, Or. . EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE; WITH FIRE place. on ridge facing ocean. Seavlew. Wasn. Inquire 441 West Park. Phone Main 2740. FOR SALE FURNISHED COTTAGE. SEA side. overlooking ocean. Inquire 963 E. Taylor, or phone East 2235. FOR RENT 3-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage. ,Shelburne Station. Seavlew. for month of August. Union 3014. FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE FRONTING on beach at Seaside. Inquire Brunswick Restaurant. 311 Washington. COTTAGE AT NEWPORT. GOOD VIEW OF breakers, near bathing point; well fur nished. 3S6 E. Burnslde. FOR RENT A NICELY FURNISHED COT tage at Seaside. Or. Apply Mrs. S. Cohen. 171 3d at, near Yamhill. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-room cottage at Seaside. Or. Particulars, telephone Scott 4035. FOR RENT AT SEASIDE. BENCH FRONT, furnished bouse, fine location, for season. Phone East 2820. FOR RENT 4-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAUB at Seavlew excellent water. Apply 315 11th. Main 1147. RESTAURANT BUILDING: ALSO COTTAGE near depot. Long Beach. Wash. Apply soon at 453 12th st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM COTTAGE AT SBA slJe. near Moore Hotel. Inquire 551 Ev erett st. HOUSES FOR RENT AND SALE ON NORTH Beach. Address Mrs. Porter, Long Beach. Wash. NEW HOUSE ON RIDGE AT SEAVIEW. Wash.; July and August. Apply 121 E. 34th. SEASIDE FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT In Ocean Grove. Phone Union 204. FOR RENT THREE-ROOM COTTAGE AT Seaside. Phor.e Main 4191. PERSONAL. YOUNO WIDOW, AGS 2S. WITH $10.UW; lady. 20. f50.0CO; lady. 25. $15.ucu; blonde. Is, cash and beautiful farm. 1 seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mr. W, C97 Fulton st, Chicago. III. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, "curled and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guaran teed. ISO let. Portland. Or. Phone Red 31tsl. Residence. 219 Harrison. Main 444X THREE WIDOWS OF NICE APPEARANCE, good housekeepers, with some means and property, would like to meet gentlemen over 40. in good clrcumstancts; object matri mony. X 28, Oregonlan. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROa crU' Nerve GTabules. On month's treat, .ment, $2' 3 months. $3. Seat securely seaied by malL Agents. Woodarc. Clark & Co, tort land. ur. TRAINED NURSE, HELSINGFORS GRADU ate. cures rheumatism and nervous disor ders by hand-rubbing and hot baths. E 11th st. No. 7. Phone East 200; take Ankeny ear. BOOK OF NATURE." "A SOCIAL" Llu.N." "A Modern Lover," "Rosa's Confession." "Marriage In High Life." "lJejsyrratt Love,' 5c each; list free. A. W. Scbmale. 22U 1st. LADIES. ATTENTION '. ORIOtNAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers tor aje.by leading druggists; $2 per box: safe and reliable. S. (J. mote Co, special agtnta; 151 3d st. LOST POWERS RESTORED BX TH3 gieat Ur Lorenz Nerve Tonic Table's; Zjh a box. Write or call at 2yell'a- Pharmacy. 227' Morrison :Lr betwtta 1st and id. PERSONAL. AZA HOLMES-RISBECXX. G BAD U AT 3 dermatologist; scientific, featural correctien tt beantlfler and restorer of Toutbfuiness. may bo consulted dally free; every atfiictlos of the human face and scalp successfully treated: mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes, etc.. removed. Sanitarium and school of der. matology In connection. Parlors 364 Morri son. Telephons Hood 2S2. A WEALTHY CHRISTIAN LADY WHOSE only eon was recently cured of consumption, will cheerfully contribute toward a course of treatment for any deserving man. woman or child afflicted with lung trouble who will forward their name and address, accompan ied by references. Address Mrs. Z. Fair banks, box S 13. Oregonlan. 77 WOMEN WANTED. SUFFERING FROM irregular, painful or stoppages. leucorrhea (white) ana all diseases of women, old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler. 230H Yam hill st.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2 -cent stamps. YOUR LIFE IS WORTH LIVING WHEN you think It Is. When you don't think so. it is because you need Sexlne Pills. Price $1 a box. 6 for $5. with full guarantee. Address or call Clemenson's drug store, corner 2d and Yamhill sts, Portland. NOTE OF THANKS TO MRS. J. S. BACON. Warren. Or.: Not knowing you personally. I take this method of informing you that I received my watch, which I lost at Sea side, May 2S. and thank you most heartily for returning same. C A. Anderson. FARMER OF EXCEEDINGLY GOOD EDU- cation wishes to get acquainted with poor, tender-hearted, intelligent young lady, that likes living In the country; fond of home, reading, etc.; object, matrimony. Address U 13, Oregonlan. THE "MATRIMONIAL REGISTER." PRUE 10c contains descriptions and particulars concerning several hundred residents of Ore gon and Washington who wish to marry. In terstate Introducing Society, suite 24, Russel b!dg, lGSia Fourth. The "Matrimonial Rcsieter, 10c. contains de scriptions and particulars concerning several hundrrd residents of Oregon and Wash, who wish to marry. Interstate Introducing Soci ety, eulte -24. Russet bldg, 165b Fourth. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only: consulta tion freer private and strictly confidential. X Radium Institute. 3d & Mor. Allsky bids. DETECTIVES ALL KINDS SECRET SERV- Ice work intelligently executed: charges rea sonable; relatives and debtors located; It censed agency: correspondence solicited. Phone Main 3615. Lock Box 257. Portland. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your clothicg cieanea ana pressed, buttons sewed cn, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co, 347 Washington, cpp. Cordraya. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC, RE moved by electric needle; lady operator: 11 years' experience in Portland. Parlors 248 tith st, near Main. Phone Main 1109. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTST; MAR rtage directory free, pay when married: en tirely new plan. Send no money. Address H. A. Horton. Dept. 81, Tekonsna, Mich. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL. las; repairing and recovering; two stores. Washington and 6th and Morrison and 6th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. HI!, VIGOR. V1TAL1T1 DU PONT BT Cle's Kola Tablet. Nature's great tonlo for either sex. 23c by matL Albert Bernl. 2d and Washington, agent. Portland. Or. GENTLEMAN RETURNING TO ALASKA to engage In business wishes to meet lady 25 to 40. one with some means preferred: object matrimony. 'R 28. Oregonlan. INFORMATION IS WANTED OF THE whereabouts of F. M. Gaffney, commonly called "Gus." La3t heard of at Seattle. Address Mike Callaghan, Dufur. Or. PROFESSOR GRIFFITH OPENS OFFICE 940 Upshur st. Monday; chart and ex planation $1 (not a fortune-teller). YOU DON'T SLEEP WELL: YOU ARE nervous. Palmo Tablets guaranteed to cure. Address Brooke Drug Co, 67 North 3d st, Portland, or all druggists. YOUNG WORKING MAN. WITH GOOD Po sition, wishes to correspond with good working girl or young widow; object, mat rimony. J 13, Oregonlan. 5CC0 DESIRE TO MARRY, MANY WEALTH V. large list with photos and P. O. addre free this week only. Address "Cupid," Box 121. Oakland. CaL TOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST reliable clairvoyants. Send blrthdate. dime and stamp- Professors Carl &. Rollln, 490 N. Clark st, Chicago. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen, re sponsible age, matrimonially Inclined. E 30. Oregonlan. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED. MRS. J. M. Wood, specialist. Facial massage. The Frances. W. Park and Morrison. Phone Bed 2838. ATTRACTIVE LADY. AGE 28. WEALTHY, owns valuable oil and gas property, wishes to marry. Address Box 789, Oklahoma City. Oklahoma. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. MANDOLIN AND guitar. 50c; Instruments furnished free of charge to pupils. Studio. 100 3d st. Phone Main 4436. S. R. A. ORCHESTRA MUSIC FURNISHED for select parties; concert and latest popu lar music Phones Main 4430 or 1703. ioo Cards neatly printed and de- Uvered to any address for 50 cents. Crelgh ton Card Co, Crelghton. Or. BUSINESS MAN. AGE 30. WORTH $S0.UX. wants good, sensible wife. Address W, 637 Fulton st, Chicago. COINS BOUGHT. SOLD; GET OUR PRICES; Il3ts free. Coin Co, 115 N. 11th. St. Louis. Mo. PAYING MASSAGE PARLOR IF TAKEN at ence for rent or sale. Address H 31, Oregonlan. ANY LADY CAN LEARN A PROFESSION for $25 that will" net $15 to $25 dally. 63Vj 6th st. WONDER-WORKER" REMEDIES NO. 1 Protector for all female troubles; $1. 63i 6th at. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor, 127 11th. Tel. Main 4838. MISS MAKI. scientific masseuse, graduate of Finland; ladles only. 406 Ablngton. Hd. 635. DR. PAUL CROMWELL THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. J27 N. 12th. Main 5478. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; diamonds bought. W. H. Lean. 513 Dekum. Clay sMO. A FINE HEALTHY BOY BABY ONB month old. for adoption. V 19. Oregonlan. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder sC Phone Main 4S32. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50C AT HOLLA baugh's. 207 Taylor, bet- 3d and 4th. BUSINESS CHANCES. -WANTED PARTNER. SEATTLE OR PORT land; you handle your own money; don't take up your time and ours unless you mean business; $750 Investment. 36 Russel bldg. Call Sunday, bet. 2 and 4 o'clock. ROOMING-HOUSE OF 12 ROOMS FOR sale, near Fair grounds: rent $35 month: always full. Inquire 5SS Pettygrove from 11 to 2, or write landlady. CLOTHES CLEANING BUSINESS. FULLY equipped, receipts $40 to $30 weekly; low rent; excellent location: price $123. Lock Box 441. Portland. FOR SALE ROOMING-HOUSE. 23 ROOMS, corner brick, well located and furnished; lease; must sell at once; a real bargain. V 29. Oregonlan. FOR 5ALB-$530. WELL-EQUIPPED LUNCH counter and dining room, centrally located: othec. 'business reason for selling. A 30, Oregonlan. GOOD-PAYING RESTAURANT FOR SALE In business district; fine opportunity for fight party; $G30 will take 1L A 31. Ore gonlan. FOR SALE OR PARTNER LUNCH counter finely located; worth $300; quick, sale. $230; half Interest. $123. W 32. Ore gonlan. FOR SALD-AT A BARGAIN. BEAUTIFUL 9-room flat, elegant Eiutern furniture, low rent, all modern convenience!. 3S3i 4th st. FOR SALE RESTAURANT. WELL Lo cated; a bargain If taken ct once; would take a partner; no agents. Q 31. Oregonlan. WANTED TO MEET LADY OR' GENT with few hundred as I have few hundred, buy rooming-house. X 32. Oregonlan. WANTED PARTNER WITH ?2O0 FOR Es tablished advertising bulnes; good oppor tunity for a hustler. X 1st?. Oregonlan. LODGING-HOUSE FOR- SALE GOOD cation. Call 2S1 4th st. LO IS E.ST LITTLE LUNCHROOM lease. 24 Yamhill. in crri. ;