The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, June 04, 1905, Image 1

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    48 PAGES
PAGES 1 T0 12
Last Spikes Are Driven
by the Governors.
From Lewiston to the Sea for
Open River.
Distinguished Gathering or Citizens
From Portland, Lewiston, Spo
.kane, Walla Vvalla and All
Towns of the Basin.
Tnrce blows of the sledge by Gov
ernor Chamberlain, of Oregon, at Ce
lllo yestorday: Ave by Governor Mead,
of "Washington; three by Governor
Gooding, of Idaho; three by J. X. Teal,
attorney for the Open River Associa
tion; nine by W. 1. Wheelwright, pres
ident of tne Portland Chamber of Com
merce; three by Senator Clark, of
Wyoming, and four by W. J. Mariner,
secretary of the Open River Associa
tion, and the two Inst spikes of the
Portage Road were driven, the line was
formally oponed for traffic, the loco
motive was tooting Its whistle and.soon
was moving off, from Big Eddy to the
lower terminus, with 250 passengers
trailing behind and the first stage of a
quarter conturj's dream opening of
the river for navigation from Lewiston
to the sea had come to pass.
Speeches Precede Splke-Drlvlng.
Speechmaking preceded the driving
of the spikes, nor could the strong wind
that sung about the cars of the 1000
auditors, make them less eager. For
did they not regard it as natural-. a
phenomenon for the wind to drive the
sand in the narrow chasm of the Co
lumbia as for- the river cataracts to
double their foamy cliurn in freshet
time or the syrlnga to blossom white
upon the hillside or the salmoh-eaVing
squaws of the Palouse nation to grunt
displeasure when stared at amid their
buzzing fishsklns?
The throng haile'd from Lewiston.
Spoknne. "Vaila Walla, The Dalles.
Portland and other towns in the Co
lumbia Basin. A very enthusiastic gath
ering it was, too. resolved not to stop
with the Portage Road but to work
onward for construction of the Govern
ment canal to take its place.
Come From Many Quarters.
A steamboat-load of open-river
workers, mostly from Lewiston, ar
rived at Celllo In the morning at 10
o'clock: a trainload from The Dalles
an hour later, and another trainload
from Portland shortly before noon.
The gathering therefore represented
the most vigorous energies that arc la
boring for an open river to the sea.
The day was as perfect as could be,
with the sun shining clearly, pet not
too warmly, and with the ramclouds
penned up in Western Oregon, behind
Mount Hood and the Cascade Range.
The addresses were made from a plat
form embowered with willow branches
and adorned with flags, and at the foot
of the platform rested the hammers
ready for driving and the spikes ready
to be driven.
The speakers were W. D. Wheel
wright .president of the Portland
Chamber of Commerce, who presided
end Introduced the speakers; George
E. Chamberlain, Governor of Oregon;
Governor Mead, of Washington'; Sena
tor Heyburn. of Idaho: Senator Fulton,
of Oregon-; Dr. N. G. Blalock. of Walla
Walla; G. B. Dennis, president of the
Spokane Chambor of Commerce; J. N.
Teal, attorney for the Open-River As
sociation. Those on the Platform.
And standing on the platform were
many others who were not called on
for remarks. It was such a union of
Northwest personages as has never
been seen before. Among the most
conspicuous besides those already
mentioned were Dr. J. B. Morris, presi
dent of the Lewiston Commercial Club;
Colonel Judson Spofford. promoter of
tho Grangevllle electric line; Henry
Hahn. S. M. Mears. S. Frank. L. A.
Lewis. W. J. Burns. Jefferson Myers.
T. B. Wilcox. Tom Richardson. Major
Langfltt and E. M. Brannlck. of Port
land. F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State;
Charles S. Moore. State Treasurer; Bln
ger Hermann. Representative in Con
press; Malcolm Moody, of The Dalles;
T C Elliott, of Walla Walla; E. 11
Libby. of Lewiston.
Wheelwright Makes Speech.
W D. Wheelwright made the first
speech, and in defense of the sand-drlv-iag
breeze exclaimed. "Everything that
blows for Oregon l welcome today, even
if it be a wind." Tho speaker proceeded
to say that in spite of progress in trans
portation facilities "men still go down to
the sea in ships." and will continue to do
so until the end of time, and that no high
way of Iron or steel or wood can ever be
so cheap as the river highways con
structed by the hand of Nature. The
railroads might not now need river trans
portation on the Columbia as an adjunct,
but the time will come when they will,
and then the speaker suggested they
might feel disposed to raise a monument
to. the memory of the promoters of the
Portage Road.
Governor Chamberlain was welcomed by
three cheers. He spoke of the energy
and generosity of the people of the -Co-'
lumbla Basin in contributing heroically
and manfully" from their own pockets
to build the portage. It was "an aus
picious day for the eastern and western
parts of the country. Some day the rail
roads would bless the portage enterprise."
Pledges His Support.
Governor Mead, of Washington, pledged
his support "In cooperating with you
in th'a work" toward securing "full and
complete execution of God's laws as to
transportation on the Columbia."
"In this enterprise," said he. "you are
carrying out the work of that great com
moner and tribune of the people, Thomas
H.. Benton, who DO years ago was trying
to find a way to the Orient."
Senator Heyburn. of Idaho, declared
that the journey of the Mountain Gem
had demonstrated that the Columbia "is
navigable to this point." and continued,
"But for this obstacle you have com
menced to remove we should go down
and meet you at" Astoria. Take away
this obstacle with blast and pick and
shovel and our people will come down to
meet you with their ores and lumber and
wheat and will pass beyond it to larger
markets and a larger world. When you
finish this canal we shall send the first
boat through it loaded with the products
and the citizenship of Idaho."
Senator Fulton pointed out that the
Portage Road was "but a temporary ex
pedient, and that the canal work should
be carried on. "We arc glad to have
here Senators and Representatives from
other parts of the country." said he.
"They will Join with us In carrying on
this great work."
Other speakers were: Dr. N. G. Blalock,
G. B. Dennis and J. N. Teal.
Arc Joined at Hood Ttlvcr and at
The Dalles by Big
Portland sonf to the Celilo portage yes
terday a -delegation of Its most prominent
citizens more than 100 of them accom
panied by members of the Congressional
party which attended the Lewis and Clark
Fair opening Thursday. A special train
of six coaches, furnished by the'O. R. &
N. without charge, bore the excursionists
to their destination, starting from this
city at S:15 o'clock in the morning.
The Eastern visitors were highly en
tertained "by what they saw. especially
with the return, for some of them came
back on the steamer Charles R. Spencer,
arriving here at 8:30 P. M. Those who
made the return by rail got back at 5:33
The trip was under the auspices of the
Portland Chamber of Commerce, and was
directed by W. D. Wheelwright, president
of that organization, aided by E. C Giit
ner. secretary; M. Mosessohn, assistant
secretary, and the open-river committee
of the Chamber. Mr. Wheelwright played
the part of an able director of ceremonies,
and his many attentions to members of
the party were appreciated. Likewise the
favors of the O. R. & N., which, through
J, P. O'Brien, general manager of the
Harrlman lines in Oregon, supplied the
party with a comfortable train. The
kindly spirit of the railroad was fre
quently commented on, for the O. R. N
N. opposed construction of the "portage
road at first, and the obvious purpose
of the portage is reduction of freight
Many well-known men'of Portland made
the trip. Major Langfltt and Captain
Fries, of the Corps of United States En-
( Concluded on Page 8.)
ssWssssss fll ''sBBBBaBsVsisft 'Mt Lm mM- l
K'sr 'PWsitppafaJal . ' BsVsaVV- " 'pB' - vVflsB
Missing Russian Vessels Which
Fled Before Japanese
American Commander Escorts Orel.
Jcmtcltug and Aurora. From Lin
gayen Bay and 3Iay Intern. '
Them Story of3capc.
MANILA, June 2. Rear-Admiral ' En
qulst, who was commander of the heavy
cruiser squadron of the Russian fleet, ar
rived in the bay at 9 o'clock this morn
ing on board his flagship, the protected
cruiser Aurora, accompanied by 'the pro
tected cruisers Olcg and Jcmtcbug. All
the vessels were more or less damaged
and there were many wounded men on
Rear-Admiral Train, on board his flag
ship, the battleship Ohio, with the Wis
consin, Oregon, Raleigh and Cincinnati,
was outside Corregidor Islands, maneu
vering, when the Aurora saluted with 13
guns and the Ohio answered.
Admiral Train and his squadron accom
panied the Russian vessels to Manila.
Dash Through Fog to Open Sea.
In an interview, Rear-Admiral Enqulst's
executive officer said:
"When the battle began, the Admiral
was aboard the crulfer Oleg, which was
hit a number of times by the large shot.
There was an Incessant rain of ehot from
quick-firing guns and the ship was soon
badly damaged.
"The Admiral transferred his flag to
the Aurora, which then drew the com
bined fire of many torpedo-boat destroyers
at close range and the attack of subma
rines. We were overwhelmed by the lat
ter. A mist arising, we made a dah for
the opening sea and were followed by
the Oleg and Jemtchug."
Roar-Admiral Enqulst is uninjured.
Captain Egorleff. of the Aurora, wa?
killed by a shell which struck the conning
tower, and ho was buried at sea the day
before reaching Manila. On the Aurora
three officers were " wounded, 20 of the
crew were killed and S3 were wounded.
The on the Oleg were 13 of the crew
killed. IS wounded. On the Jemtchug the
casualties were 21 Junior officers killed
and one wounded; 12 of the crew killed
and 30 wounded.
Vessels Not Badly Damaged.
From their appearance, the Russian
vessels are not damaged below the water
(Concluded on Third Pare.)
affii jfcjj -sawLi, ,j l m -jlhajjft S. 9$jjJMtBp2Bl tag In them for so long a period. and in
The Weatker. .
TODATS Cloudy In the worn Inc. followed
by clearing and wanner weather during
the afternoon. Winds becoming north
westerly. TESTE RD AY'S Maximum temperature. CI
dec; minimum. 53. Precipitation. 0.50 of
an Inch.-
The War la the Tar East.
Three Ruulxn warships arrive at Manila and
mar be. interned there. Pace 1.
Disabled Russian destroyer towed into
Shanghai. Page 1.
Xebogatoa wilt be sent home by Japan.
. Page 1.
Great power back Roosevelt's efforts for
peace. Page i.
Czar still hesitates between peace and war.
'Page 2.
Grand Doehesj 'Cecilia enters Berlin In state.
Page 10.
Whltelaw Held - welcomed to England. Page
Ship - bonnd for Portland sunk by British
warship in collision. Page 3.
Klnr, Alfonso makes speech about attempted
assassination. Page 3.
Question of Judge to try Isnd-fraud cases
finally decided rage-2. .
Further changes in Cabinet expected.
Page" 3.
Hyde and Alexander Join hands to kaep
Wall street out of Equitable affair.
Page 1.
Recommendations of Prick committee on
Equitable. Page 1.
New insurance rates may spilt Royal Ar
canum. Page 10.
Johann Hoch sentenced to death. Page 10.
Chicago strike leaders -arrested tor criminal
libel and again Indicted for conspiracy.
Page 3.
Giants now ia the pennant race. Page 16.
California crew wins. Page 16.
Corbett'a defeat by Hanlon is his pugilistic
exit. Page IT.
Bunt Club prepares programme for Spring
meet. Page 17.
Sports to be a feature of Lewis and Clark
Exposition. Page 17.
Chicago wins Intercollegiate field meet.
Page 16. ....
Pacific Coast.
Remedies for San Jose scale and "brown
apricot" dlacorered at Berkeley. Page
San Francisco butchers to be arrested
wholesale for putting poison on meals.
Page 3.
Rebuilding dam near Lake Lablih leads to
contempt proceedings. Page 4.
Colfax woman elopes wrth her divorced hus
band. Page 4.
Commercial m.nd Marlae.
Oregon wool season practically at end. Page
Sensational adrancea In turpentine. Page 19'
Weather is against fruit trade. Page 19.
Off day for Eastern wheat markets. Page 35
Equitable report discounted by stock specu-
lators. Page 33.
Unfavorable New York bank statement.
Page 33.
Junk dealer makes highest offer tor Eider.
Page- 13.
Lewis and Clark ExpetlUoa.
Washington's fine exhibit. Page 30.
Realistic work of llfesavlng crew. Page 31.
Magnificent display of roses at ExposlUon
show. Page 32.
Walters go on strike at banquet.. Page 13.
rartUad and Tlclalty.'
Portage Road Is formally opened with great
celebration. Page 1.
Mayor Williams nsea terse English to condemn-
slanderers. Page 1.
Review of the political situation on the ve
of election. Page 21.
Room enough In Portland for all who may
.come. Page 11.
Effort' made to have purchasing agency
established in Portland as great lumber
city for .supplying Panama CanaL Page 1 1.
Society girl wanted In Portland arrested in
Sah Francisco. Page IS.
Grand Jury makes Its report. Page ti
Hyde and Alexander Form Al
- liance to Keep Wall Street
Out of. Equitable.
Frick Committee's Report Causes
Storm or Controversy and Itc
veals Contest Between Gould
. . " and Harrlman.'
NEWYORK. June 3. Overshadowing in
interest all the other sensational develop
ments In the affairs of the Equitable Jfe,
Assurance Society attendant on the re
jection by the directors yesterday and the
publication today of the report of the
Frick committee, comes the announcement
that the controversy between President
James W. Alexander and Vice-President
James Hazen Hyde Is at an-end. and that
these two gentlemen have concluded a de
fensive and offensive alliance. Tho basis
of this agreement Is reported to be that
they should- in the future devote them
selves to the Interests of life Insurance
and keep all Wall-street entanglements
out of the affairs of the Equitable.
Mr. Alexander and" Mr. Hyde were In
conference today with certain of their
friends and advisers for more than two
hours. Deep Interest attaches to the re
sults of the unexpected turn of affairs,
the general inference being that It pre
dicts a very determined effort to recon
cile the Interests of the warring-factions
and re-establish the direction of the so
ciety on a basts acceptable to all.
It was also made evident today that
there is scant probability that the resolu
tion of the directors to create the office
of chairman of the board, with plenary
power over all departments and affairs of
the society, will ever be put into effect.
Robert T. Lincoln for Chairman.
After the conference between Mr. Alex
ander and Mr. Hyde. It was reported
that Robert T. Lincoln had been agreed
on by them as the roan best qualified to
assume the chairmanship of the board of
directors. " .
The prominent features of the Frick re
port. about1 which there was boundless
speculation1 when it was practically re
jected and suppressed at the meeting
yesterday, proved, when it was published
In full today, to follow closely the out
lines forecasted several days ago. Both
Mr. Alexander and Mr. Hyde are se
verely criticised, and the report declares
(hat. assuming Mr. Hyde to be guilty of
the things charged by Mr. Alexander, the
latter is "culpably negligent in acqulesc-
tag in them for so long a period. and In
not bringing- them to the attention of the
board of directors."
Hyde's Defease of Himself.
Counsel for Mr. Hyde Lwued late today
a ong statement defining Mr. Hyde's posi
tion in reference to the attacks on hlat.
la hl. attention "i c&ltai to the fact that
Mr. Js)"4e bad refatWly offered to trustee
hls stock; and had for many weeks urged '
that a man "of dominating National "rep
utation" be placed at the head of, the so
ciety. The statement covers thedetalls of
numerous stock purchases alleged by Mr.
Alexander to have been made, at the in
stance of Mr. Hyde without consultation
with any members of the society, and de
clares them to have been approved at
meetings of the finance committee at
which Mf. Alexander was present. Mr.
Hyde reiterates his charges that Mr.
Alexander conspired against him .with the
design of ousting, him from his position
and obtaining control of the society him
self. Mr. Hyde referred to the so-called
subsidiary companies of the Equitable,
and said ' the Equitable . had profited
through these corporations. Other trans
actions were gone Into at length.
Alexander's Answer to Frick.
Interest In the proceedings of the board
of directors when the Frick report was
made was renewed tonight when the text
of President James W. Alexander's reply
was made public. Mr. Alexander's state
ment was long and went into the Frick
correspondence in detail. He called the
Frick report "In many respects unjust"
and said it was based on "incomplete
data." at the'same time promising that
there would be "submitted to the board
statements from an actuary of the so
ciety and from- the secretaries of some of
the other officers who-from their Inti
mate relation to the various phases of
the businese are well qualified to discuss
the report In such aspects." He defended
the society's business methods elaborate
ly. "Lost Business In May.
It became known late tonight that Sec
ond Vice-President Tarbell In the course
of his nddreqs before the board of direc
tors yesterday said:
Our business in the month of May will be
about 5S.000.00O less than In May last year
and I am of the opinion that our termina
tions for the month will be greater than our
entire losses, so that we wilt have less out
standing Insurance at the end of May than
we had at the beginning. Our representa
tives by their herculean efforts were able."to
keep our business fairly well until there was
talk of receiverships and actions for receiver
ships. Railroads Fight Tor Control.
According to the Herald, Mr. Frick. In
handing In his resignation, said be never
again would sit as director in any cor
poration of .which Mr. Hyde is also a
director. The charge made by Mr. Hyde
that an effort had been made by Mr.
Harrlman to take control of the society
away from him was pointed to In con
nection with reports circulated last night
that one reason for attacking Mr. Hyde
was that he was friendly with George J.
Gould, and that other Interests desired
to prevent Mr. Gould from obtaining any
asslstnnce from Equitable funds In ex
tending his railroad lines westward to
the Pacific Coast and eastward to the At
lantic. According to these reports, the Union
Pacific and Pennsylvania Railroad inter
ests and Mr. Frick Joined together to
oppose Mr. Gould. Mr. Gould was one
who attended the conference In Mr.
Hyde's off lee yesterday, and considerable
surprise was expressed when it was
found that Mr. Harrlman who. up to that
time, had been counted upon as a Hyde
supporter, was not present at the confer
ence. Did Piatt Start the Fight.
Intimations were forthcoming from an
official of the Equitable that Thomas C.
Piatt first instilled trouble In the Equi
table. It was said that he started to
get even with ex-Governor Odell and the
hitter's friend. E. H. Harrlman. He
realised then that Mr. Hyde was being
paid by Harrlman and started the tight
through Alexander.
Condemns Extravagance and Sharing
In Profilts of. Stock. Purchases.
NEW YORIv, June 3. Liberal extracts
', are published today of the report made
to the Equitable Life Assurance So
ciety directors by the Frick Investigat
ing committee; whjch the directors re
jected." The report consists of 38 print
ed pages. Its principal points follow
closely the outline forecasted several
days ago, and In closing the committee
Exce3sivesalaries, excessive commis
(Cosduded on Page' 9.i
to His Detractors.
Tried to Sell the City Poor
Cement, and Failed.
Reply to the Slanderous Circular
Is Made in the Most Vigorous
Language the . Mayor . of
Portland Can Use. ' -
Nottingham is posing as & reformer
because he failed to sell the City of
Portland bad cement.
Nottingham's cement was tried over
in the Ladd Addition and it fell to
pieces when it was dry.
I appointed Howell a member of the
Executive Board because I thought
the laboring people should be repre
sented. Be thought he could be Mayor and
the policy he adopted for his promo
tion was to smirch the conduct of his
I found him a traitor and was ad
vised to kick him out!
Howell is a poor miserable creature,
whose weakness and Ignorance entitle
him to pity.
I have always opposed open gam
bling In the City of Portland.
I am perfectly willing, although I
do not recognize any right in Mr. Mon
tague to compel me, to answer ques
tions. I deny that there was any under
standing, expressed or implied., be
tween the city authorities and the
Mayor George H. Williams did not
deliver his open-air address on the
Plaza last night. He was scheduled to
have spoken to .the voters and to have
answered what His Honor terms the
scurrilous attacks that have been made
upon him through the medium of cir
cular letters. Mayor Williams had top
much regard for the health of the peo
ple who would be present to listen to
him to ask them to stand on the wet
grounds, so he gave out an interview
emphatic in its denials of all the
charges that have been brought up
against him and severe in its denun
ciation of those men who signed the
The Mayor handles C. W. Notting
ham and George H. Howell, signers of
the defamatory circulars, without
gloves. He accuseds Nottingham of at
tempting to unload upon the City of
Portland cement that was worthless,
and because he. Nottingham, was not
permitted to do this, he became dis
gruntled and has had it in for the city
administration ever since. Some of
the. cement offered by Nottingham, the
Mayor declares, was. used in the Ladd
School addition, but it was so worth
less that the work had to be torn up.
George Howell Is denounced, and what
he has to say about the ex-member of
the Executive Board speaks plainly of
the contempt In which he holds Howell.
Statement by the 3Iayor.
The Mayors" statement follows:
On account of the Inclemency of the
weathftr preventing' the speech at the
Plaza this evening; I wish to make a
statement especially with reference to
the circulars that liave been Issued by
C. W. Nottingham and George H. How
elL Mr. Nottingham is now posing as
a great reformer for this reason: He
attempted to sail to the City of Port
land a lot of cement which was unfit
for use. and the City Engineer refused
to accept it. He then filed charges
against the City Engineer, alleging a
discrimination against his cement. I
qalled a meeting- of the Executive
Board, at which Mr. Nottingham, with
! upon the subject was submitted and
considered, and it was the unanimous
opinion of the Executive Board that
the cement was properly rejected by
the City Engineer, and that It was an
article that ought not to be used in
public Improvements.
Falls to Pieces.
Sbme of It was used over on the
Ladd tract in makings a pavement,
which Tell to pieces very soon after it
was dry. Nottingham is mad at ma
and ia mad at my administration be
cause he could not succeed in putting
off upon the city a lot of his rotten and
worthless "cement.
Howell Wanted to Be 3rayor.
As to George H. Howell. When I
organized the Executive Board I want
ed all Interests represented, and I ap
pointed Mr. Howell as a representative
oft the labor unions of the city, so that
If any question arose affecting their In
terest, there would be somebody on the
board to speak for them. HowelL
when the matter of electing a Mayor
once began to be talked about, im
agined that he could be elected Mayor
of the city, and. the policy he adopted
for bis promotion was to smirch the
conduct' of his associates on the Execu
tive Board. I found him to be a traitor,
and was advised, to kick him out of the
Executive Board, but I declined to do so
because I knew that he would assume
before the public the attitude of a martyr
and I did not care to give him that po
sition. He resigned of his own. accord,
since which time he has been vlndlctlve
towards me and my administration. He
Concluded on Page X)