22 THE. SU2HDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, "MAY, 2Sa 1905. FOR RENT. SOMBI. New Building. New Furniture, Strlctly Neat and Moderate. THE STATE BOOM INN 005 Thurman Street Portland. Oregon. One Block World's Fair Main Entrance, Grand Roof View of Grounds. Write for Special Hates and Dates. Address STATE ROOM INN PHONE MAIN 5334. TWO GOOD-SIZED OUTSIDE FURNISHED rooms; will accommodate lour or two In a room, each room opens Into hall, bathroom accessible from ball only: gas. best of location; 10 minutes' walk from Fair Grounds; parties wanting rooms fro.m one to four weeks or longer especially desired; rent very reasonable. Inquire on premises. 555 Kearney St.. or of S. C Jameson, at Olds. Wortman & King. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 3D ST.. BET. Taylof and Salmon. 1 block south of Baker Theater Elegantly new furnished, steam heat, hot. cold running water In rooms; free bath, rooms with private baths; elevator; $3.50 week up; 51 day; tqurists solicited. FOR RENT TWO WELL FURNISHED rooms. Hsht and pleasant, will contract during Fair; bath, phone, block two car line. 410 4th. FURNISHED ROOMS. CENTRALLY Lo cated, pleasant surroundings, price reason able, gas, phone and bath. 41 East 8th eU North. ROOMS BY THE DAY OR WEEK. 12 blocks from Hotel Portland; gas. bath, phone; house new; price reasonable. Main 5542. THREE ROOMS. REASONABLE RENT DUR Ing Fair period In private family, good neigh borhood, on West Park st. E 16. Orego nlan. FOR RENT 3 NICE CLEAN FURNISHED bedrooms, private family; bath. 2 blocks Sunnyside car. 52 to $4 week. 181 E. 23d st. FURNISHED ROOMS. $2 PER WEEK UP; one front room with alcove, hot. cold run ning water. 86 Park st-. near Washington. FOR RENT ROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE or two persons; will furnish breakfast. Call after 4 o'clock. 091 Hawthorne ave. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. FURNISHED ROOMS by day or week, nice location for visitors; 1 blk. from car. 567 Myrtle St.. cor. 10th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR 3 OR 4 gentlemen, central location, private family. 93 N. 10th. cor. Flanders. Phone Main 335B. 434 YAMHILL, CQR. 12TH ST TRANSIENT people, large light room, modern con-enl-ences; light basement for rent for boarders. EXPOSITION VISITORS EXCELLENT rooms and breakfast. $1.23 and $1.30 per day; 1343 E. Stark sU Phone Scott 2054. FOR RENT NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM, well furnished. 8 blocks from Fair Grounds. Inquire at 770 Johneon. bet. 23d and 24th. 330 2D ST. ONE NICELY FURNISHED front room, suitable for one or two. modern conveniences. Call .or phone Main 4473. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH TWO BEDS IN a room, permanent to one. $1.30 and $2 per week, and other rooms. 275Vs Clay st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE for two $0. for one $6 ier month, with bath. 374 E. Market, cor. Union ave. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 3D DOOR from first-class boardlng-houpc. 16S 13th, near Morrison; transients preferred. PLEASANT TRANSIENT ROOMS FOR Fair opening. 4 blocks from Hotel Port land; reservations made. 250 (th. FURNISHED ROOMS. CAMPING PRIVI leges, private grounds. W. E. Chase. West ave and East Burnslde. Union 3046. FOR RENT A FIRST-CLASS FURNISHED room, downstair, for gentlemen; nice neighborhood. 427 2d St.. near Hall. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN PRIVATE family, 12 minutes' walk Postoffice, $12 per month, to gentlemen. 594 Sixth et. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH GAS. bath and modern improvements: reasonable. 2b9 Columbia. Phone Main 5421. NICELY FURNISHED. PLEASANT ROOMS, gas. bath, hot and cold water. 2 Union ave., north one block; two car lines. NICELY FURNISHED PARLOR ROOM. Suit able for two; reasonable to permanent par ties; all conveniences. 409 11th. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room reasonable to permanent parties; gen tlemen preferred. 344 Flanders. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. SUITABLE for two or three, gas, bath, phone, central; permanent prices. At 190 13th st. A NICE FRONT PARLOR IN MODERN cottage; conveniences, desirable location; board If wanted. 5S1 Washington. FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN. CEN trally located, for permanent people. 428 Yamhill st. Phone Front 745. FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY, bath, electric lights, telephone. 388 East Burnslde st. Phono East 3465. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, ground floor, airy, well lighted, price rea sonable. 44S Hawthorne ave. NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. SOUTH Portland Heights, gas, bath, phone; prices reasonable. Phone Main 1040. FOR RENT 2 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS first floor, suitable for 4 gentlemen; every thing flrst-claes. 549 Hoyt fct. NICELY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM. IN private family; gas. bath and phone; gen tleman. 246 Montgomery st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $2.50 TO $7 per week: modern conveniences. 2SS Jef ferson, opposite City Hall. 611 G LIS AN NICELY FURNISHED FER manent and transient rooms under new management. Phone 3714. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. GAS. BATH. 470 Burnslde. bet. 12th and 13th; fine lo cation, very reasonable. 485 ALDER ROOM SUITABLE FOR TWO persons; private home; conveniences; $2.50 week each; permanently. TWO DESIRABLE FRONT ROOMS. CON venlent to Fair grounds; hot and cold water. H 10. Orcgonian. FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO; BATH, central, reasonable; use of kitchen If de sired. Phone Clay 736. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO gentlemen, $10 each per month; guarantee no raise. 621 Marshall. FURNISHED ROOM. ELECTRIC LIGHT and bath. Phone Union 2723. 546 Tenlno st., Sellwood car line. 314 16TH ST. NICE LARGE FRONT PAR lor, quiet nleghborhood. 5 minutes' walk from Portland Hotel. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, very convenient; reasonable rates to tour ists and Fair visitors. TWO OR FOUR ROOMS TO RENT. FUR nished housekeeping or bedrooms. 93 Union ave, room 39. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR GENTLE man. walking distance, $3 weekly. 586 2d st., near Grant. THE JULIAN. 207 7TH ST. NEWLY FUR nlshed rooms, close In; hot and cold water; rates reasonable. HOTEL BERG. 13TH AND ALDER EURO pean plan. $1 and up; American vlan, $2 and up; free bus. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE ROOMS BY the day or week at reasonable prices. Ap ply at 473 Alder st. BEDROOM AND SITTING-ROOM. SUITABLE for two gentlemen, with bath; $12 per month. 491 Mill. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI vaie home. 143 East 12th near Morrison. Phone East 1457. DOUBLE PARLORS AND UPSTAIRS BED- room with alcove, on N. 16th st. Address C IS. Oregonian. LARGE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED; private family: suitable for 2; phone, bath. Phone East S35S. 170 10TH WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS for rent. Call Monday. Thoroughly mod ern, up-to-date. VISITORS TO THE FAIR CAN BE ACCOM modated with rooms, nicely furnished, at 190 W. Park st. FOR RENT THREE SMALL PERMANENT rooms for working girls. 225 3th St., oppo site Courthouse. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN private home, nice yard. J5 -Goodsell ave., E. Ankeny car. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY OR week, with phone and bath; rates reasonable. Ill N. 7th st. 447 5TH. NEAR COLLEGE EIlEGANTLY furnished room, gas, .bath, phone; vacant aiay 30;.aauiis- FOR RENT. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE family, walking distance, near car lines, cheap for 1 or 2 ladies or gentlemen: breakfast If desired. 411 East 9th st. Phone East 1219. LARGE FURNISHED ROOM ON CAR LINE, walking distance. Phone Main 4668. 555 West Morrison. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. ONE OR TWO gentlemen, private family. 426 Twelfth, 2 blocks U car. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. SUITABLE for 4 people, on car line to Fair grourrcs. 535 Everett. N 147 11TH. NEAR MORRISON NICELY furnished front suite; bath, phone. ' Call after 2 P. M. ROSE COTTAGE HAS" MODERN FURNISH ed rooms by day or week; close In. 453 Morrison st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS; BATH, GAS and phone; two blocks from car line, 721 East Yamhill. NEAT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, 321, corner Water and Clay sts.; prices reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. CLOSE IN, reasonable: bath, gas and phone. Phone Main 5332. ROOM IN SUBURBAN HOME DURING Fair for one or two working girls, p 16, Oregonian. TWO VERY NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, gas, bath and phone. 575 Main. Phone Main 46C0. TENT GROUND FOR RENT 2 1ST AND Wilson sts. Call 731 Wilson st. Phone Main 6080. LARGE. COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room for gentleman; $10, no raise. 229 Mc Millan st. WILLAMETTE ROOMS. 144 CTH ST.. block from Portland Hotel; 75 cents and $1 per night. TRANSIENT FURNISHED ROOMS. M6D- ern, private house; waiting distance iuone Bast 2S6S. THE TEMPLETON. 206 1ST FURNISHED front rooms, single or en suite; transient, solicited. DESIRABLE ROOMS AT 349 EAST BURN clde. en suite or single; modern convcnl- NEAT. CLEAN ROOMS. USE OF BATH, rates very reasonable. 467 East Pine, near Sth st. TWO LARGE FURNISHED ROOMS; ELEC- trlc lights, phone and bath, z. -a ano. Weidler. FOR RENT ROOMS SUITABLE FOR GEN tlcmen; gas. bath and phone. Phone Main 3956. FOR RENT-LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for two; transient. Apply 147 West Park. FINE FURNISHED ROOMS AT 201 10TH t. corner Taylor: convenient walking dis tance. 1SS 12TH-TWO PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, suitable for fcentlemen; central, modern. 290 COLUMBIA ST. FURNISHED ROOMS by the week or month; bath; private-fani-lly. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODKKN. reasonable. 655 Fifth street, comer Lincoln. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, permanent and transient. 535 Flanaers i-t. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO RENT. SU1T able for gent or ladles. 431 West Park st. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for permanent people. 631 Washington st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. DAY. WEEK or month: reasonable. Apply 140 Front. SUITE NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BEST location In city, very central, bath. 145 11th. FOR RENT ONE NICELY FURNISHED front room. Call at 572 Main, after 10 A. M. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, modern conveniences. Phone Main 3458. LARGE FRONT PARLOR. SUITABLE FOR two. breakfast If desired. 3S Park st. ROOMS, suitable for 2 or 4 parties, with or without board: transients. 395 Morrison st. 3S8 THIRD ST. ONE NICELY FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two; reasonable. 188 10TH. NEXR MORRISON HANDSOME front rooms by day or week; reasonable. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two. 590 Couch, or phone Front 67L NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED SINGLE rooms. The New Grant, 2d and Grant. Cheapest and best-located rooms in Portland. $1 week up. Gllman, 1st and Alder sts. FOR RENT NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, easy term.", at 1095 Hawthorne ave. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT. SUIT ablc for two. 44 E. 7th St.. cor. Pine. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUITABLE FOR 3 or 4 persons; reasonable.. 327 3d st. THE .WRIST. 461 EAST MORRISON NEW ly furnished rooms; prices reasonable. THE Y. M. C A. HAS A FREE LIST OF furnished rooms in all parts of city. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. CENTRAL, convenient to car lines. 5SS First st. PLEASANT BASHMENT ROOM. REASON able. 426 12th. two blocks U car. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room, private family. 206 13th st. DESIRABLE ROOMS TO RENT AT 775 PET tygrovc stt; reasonable; permanent. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: ALSO housekeeping' room. At 394 1st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR RENT. 68 East 7th, bet. Stark and Oak. 41 ELLA. NEAR WASHINGTON. FUR nlshed rooms, bath. gas. phone. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room. 198 Russel .: morning. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. REASONABLE. 412 Couch st.. near 10th. FURNISHED ROOM WITH PIANO. MAIN 411. Phone Main 4490. FURNISHED ROOMS BY DAY. WEEK OR month. 221 10th st. - A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. CALL THIS morning, 293 17th. 623 LOVEJOY NEWLY FURNISHED rooms. Rooms With Board. THE MAN1TOU. 201 13TH ST. SELECT rooms by day, week or month; tourist trade solicited; table board in connection. Jefferson-st. car direct from depot. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market St.. bet. 3d and 4th: steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all out side rooms; exceedingly low rates. YOUNG LADY JOURNALIST WISHES quiet room, with board, permanently, with cultured family; references required and given. G 10. Oregonian. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD In family in suburb?, on car line; bath, phone; rates reasonable; can accommodate 2. 3 or 4. Scott 741. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE family. East Side; block of Burnslde bridge; meals optional, $1 day up. D 19, care Orcgonian. YOUNG LADY CAN FIND SMALL ROOM and board with private family, centrally located, $1S- per month, 2S0 12th. near Jef ferson. NEAR FAIR NICE ROOMS WITH GOOD board, in private residence, telephone, bath, electric lights. S29 Quimby, near 25th. M car. FINE ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, very reasonable, single or cn suite: day, week or month. 502 Clay. Phone Main 5099. FOR RENT A LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH board and bath, in private family, for man and wife or 2 gentlemen. Call 395 Powell st. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms well ven tilated; splendid service: centrally located. NICELY- FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD in private family; bath and phone. 349 Holladay ave.; 20 minutes walk to city. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVEJiUB Pleasant roocas. single or en suite: elevator; bllllard-room; transients: both car llses. WELL-FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD; ladles or married couple: private; reason able: permanent, 5 Si Washington, THE SANTA CLARA, 293 10TH ST. NICE ly furnished rooms,' modern, $1 a. day up; meals served. Phone Main FOR RENT. Reav With Beard. THE WOODLAND. STEEL'S RESIDENCE. 236 &h St. Centrally located In residence district, large, well-furn!sbed cheerful rooms, modern convent tr.ces; meals furnished if de aired; rooms reserved during Exposition If yoa write in advance. Phone Main 5290. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO tel. 185-167 10th st.. cor. Morrison: steam heat throughout the house, porcelain baths, fine rooms, with first-class table and serv ice; can accommodate a few desirable parties by the day. week or single meals. RUSSELL COTTAGE. 4S0 19TH ST.. COR Cllfton. Portland Heights; grand view of city and mountains; roomers in neighbor hood may also secure table board. Phone Main 4277. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH YEAR: rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library; Woman's Ex-.hange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin, superintendent. 510 Flanders. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD for two gentlemen, $25 each per month; gas, bath, phone. 570 5th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM FOR two, with board, private family, very cen tral. Phone Front 1285. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR GEN tlemen with board; all conveniences. 5S1 3d st.; private family. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO. $43 MONTH, walking distance. 446 East Everett, or phone East 1403. ROOMS WITH BREAKFAST, LOCATED ON river, grand view of harbor; car paaes door. G 13, Oregonian. $3 PER WEEK. SMALL FURNfSHED ROOM with board. bath. 631 E. Morrison. Phone Union 1615. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH board; private family. 272 Hall, Phone Main 4264. . THREE MINUTES' WALK FROM FAIR. 829 Quimby. near 25th, a few day boarders wanted. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR without board, all conveniences. 3i9 Alder street. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS: ALSO Ex cellent board in 'new modern flat. 400 Clay et. ROOM AND BOARD. PRIVATE FAMILY, gentlemen preferred. 133 11th St., cor. Al der. BEST ACCOMMODATIONS IN CITY. NOB Hill home. $53 to $50 month. Phone Main 4564. GOOD ROOMS. CHOICE BOARD; SELECT, prlv. boarding-bouse. 394 Columbia. Main 2219 168 10TH PLEASANT AND CONVEX room with boani; iermanent. reasonable. THE OZARK, 225 '11TH ST. ROOMS EN suit or single, board; hoi and cold water. ROOMS WITH BOARD IN PRIVATE FAM lly. 408 Salmon st.. bet. 10th and 11th. FRONT ROOM FOR TWO: TABLE FIRST class. Mrs. Montieth, 233 13th st. LARGE ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO. WITH board. $23 each. 365 15th J-t. WANTED MEN TO ROOM AND BOARD AT 291 3d et. ROOMS WITH GOOD BOARD. 515 NORTH rup. Flats. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN S-ROOM LOW er flat, all conveniences, references re quired. 12th and Columbia. Address K 17, care Oregonian. TO RENT FOR THE SUMMER. 8-ROOMED furnished flat, near 23d t; complete and comfortable; no children. N 14. Oregonian. HANDSOMELY FURNISHED FLAT SIX rooms. Wt Side residence district; gentle men; $75 per month. S 10. Oregonian. FOR RENT MODERN NEW S-ROOM FLAT; easy walking distance. The Ames Mercan tile Agency. Ablngton bldg. $40 ELEGANT NEW AND MODERN 6-ROOM flat on 22d close In. L. W. AVhltlng &. Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. TWO FLATS. 5 ROOMS AND 3 ROOMS, ALL conveniently furnished if desired. 344 Mont gomery kt. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. FUR nlture for sale cheap. 269 Columbia. Phono Main 5421. FOR RENT FIRST OF JUNE. FURNISHED 6-room flat: $75 a month. 14 11th st., cor. Burnslde. FINE NEW UPPER CORNER FLAT, 7 rooms. 17th and Couch. Phone Main 2364. 6-ROOM MODERN FLATS. WEST SIDE, $17.50. L. E. Thompson- & Co.. 223 3d. Housekeeping Rooms. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New boufe, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water: gas range in each kitchen; steam heat, baths; free phone on each floor. PORTLAND HEIGHTS CAMPING GROUNDS Furnished tents, by day. week or month, wood, water, charming views, cool shade. Wllklns Real Estate Co. West 202. 193 Fourth. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and single rooms in nicest brick block on East Side: gas range, bath, etc Logan block, 108 Union ave. Phone Union 3203. TENTS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED, fine private grounds, for your own tent, $3 per month. Lewis and Clark Camping Grounds. Mt. Tabor. Scott 3754. LADY WITH FURNISHED FLAT 0 ROOMS wishes to rent part to gentlemen only; housekeeping privileges. Address V IS, care Oregonian. TWO ROOMS AND ALCOVE. UPSTAIRS floor, furnished housekeeping; to desirable tenants, good price for Summer. 420 11th st. South. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS and will sell furniture of 8 rooms cheap; good, clean and cheap rent;' closo In. Phone Main 6389. 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, yard, hot and cold water, gas. bath and phone. Call 224 14th st,. near Salmon. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED OR UNFUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; phone, bath, basement. 1196 Taggart st. Richmond car. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, with gas stove furnlsned; orly $1.75 per week. SS2 E. Yamhill sr. 702 4TH ST. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; .quiet, respectable neighbor hood; walking distance; reasonable. : LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, first floor, suitable for housekeeping; pri vate family; references. 206 13th. LARGE FRONT ROOM ON FIRST FLOOR; nicely furnished for light housekeeping; piano included. 229 llth st. LARGE BAY-WINDOW ROOM AND AL cove. unfurnished; suitable for two; phone bath. gas. 348 Clay. FOUR NICE. LIGHT ROOMS. FURNISHED light housekeeping If desired; gas, bath, reas onable. 6S6 Front st. LARGE MODERN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent; flne residence location. 193 N. 15th cor. Kearney. 170 10TH HALF FURNISHED FLAT for rent for 4 months; housekeeping; mod ern. Call Monday. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR HOUSE kecplng; will be ready May 30. 464 East Burnslde. cor. Sth. FIVE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Single or Fulte. on lower floor; clean; can sublet. 325 12th. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, phone and bath, close in; rent reasonable. 386 East Everett, 328 MAIN. BET. 6TH AND 7TH NICELY furnished housekeeping rooms; call after noons; children. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. close In. East Side: for Information call at 52 Union ave.- TWO FRONT ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping; gas. Phone Main 466S. 553 West Morrison. 1 SUITE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also 1 large front room. 127 llth. Main 4S5S. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; phone and bath. 295 17th. cor. Columbia. FOR RENT SUITE OF 3 WELL-FURNISH ed housekeeping rooms. 91 1st st, room 48. WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House keeping rooms, transient; bath, electric light. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING KOOXS. very desirable; no children. 395 Salmon st. Z FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent r very cheap. 431 W. Park at. FOR RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS for rent with phone. 184 Nv 10th st. 3 LIGHT, PLEASANT: NICELT FURNISH- ea rooms, ground floor. 226 Grant st. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite, close in. 86 Tenth, near Stark. NICELY FURNISHED PLEASANT ROOM. reasonable. 270 Montgomery st. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; take U car. 766 Cleveland ave. THREE PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSE- keeping rooms. 430 Alder st. 2 NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 5Si Savler st. CAMPGROUNDS ON PORTLAND HEIGHTS to rent. Main 5903. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 447 Ma'n. Houses. H. E. EDWARDS HOUSEFURNISHER RENTAL DEPARTMENT. Are you looking for a house? If so, you can cave yourself miles of walking and hours of worry, to say nothing-of disappointment, by visiting our Rental Department, We arc the most complete vacant-house directory in town, and there is sure to be something in it to suit you. Don't teleDhcne, but call personally and investigate. The following la a partial list: West Side. 5- room flat, modern, Corbett st $17.50 6- room house, modern, bath, yard $18.00 5- room flat (lower), strictly modern. ...$20.00 6- room flat (lower), modern. 4th St.-..$30.00 5-room cottage, modern, near Fair.... $33.00 5-room flats. 2; modern, choice Iocallt$40.0u 8- room house, modern. Heights $45.00 5-room flats, modern, fine locality...... $30.00 East Side. 5-room cottage, bath, yard $10.00 5-room cottage. Mount Tabor $10.00 " C-room cottage. Upper Alblna $14.00 5-room cottage, nice yard. Powell st.. $14.00 5- room cottage, large yard. Eulton P"k.$15.00 6- room flat (upper), modem $17.50 5- room flat, furnished, modern Alblna. .$20.00 7- room house, bath, electric. 2Ist St.... $20.00 6- room cottage, bath, large yard $20.00 9- room house, new, modern. Division st,$20.00 7- room house, strictly modern. Hawth. $23.00 6- room upper flat. Salmon st, $23.00 7- room house, very desirable, yd.. fru!t.S25.00 5-room flat, strictly modern, close In.. $30.00 2-room house, new. bath, electric... $33.00 11-room house, suitable for roomers.. $10.00 NOTE No Information relative to these houses can be given over phone. H. B. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER. 185 TO 191 FIRST STREET. FOR RENT BY THE .DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. Beautiful 7-room residence with large grounds. 958 E. Morrison st, 6-room cottage, nicely furnished, with piano; quarter-block: choice variety of bearing fruit; nicely situated in Montavilla. 4 .blocks cars; to let for a term of 5 months for $75. Furnished 5-room cottage on E. 45th st. APPLY 149 FIRST STREET. WILL BUY YOU A WT AND BUILD YOU a house In any part of the city and sell on terms; $123 cash, balance same as rent, gets you a small one. A few bargains close in on the East Side, to be had: Boston Building Co., 740 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT TWO NEW HOUSES. ROOMS each; Just finished; all modern conveniences; electric light, porcelain bath. 1 block from car line. cor. E. 22d and Couch rts.; rent $30. Apply John F. Cordray, 751 E. Bum side st. FOR RENT FURNISHED OR UNFUR nisbed. new BtyllHh U-room house, mod ern; also lower floor, furnished or unfur nished, in new house; new furniture. O. M. Smith. 730 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT FINE. NEW. MODERN S-room house on Unlon-avc. car line, bouse No. 675, to responsible party; $55 per month; no small children. Phone Suburban 721. evenings. FIVE-ROOM FLAT, ON' CAR LINE, 12 MIN utes ride, good location, bath, gas and hot water, ground floor, rent $l?.5u. L K. Powers Furniture Co., lfct and Taylor. FOR RENT TWO NEW HOUSES. 6 ROOMS each; just finished; all modern conveniences; oor. E. 22d and Couch ets.; rent $30. Apply John F. Cordray. 751 E. Burnsldo at. SUBURBAN HOME. 5 ROOMS. FINE LAWN. 20 minutes" car ride, lot 50x200. an ideal Summer home; rent $15. I. F. Powers Fur niture Co., 1st and Taylor. TWO FLATS. 6 ROOMS EACH. UPSTAIRS. 15 minutes from Postofflce, modern con veniences, rent $15. I. F. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT (-ROOM HOUSE. BARN, 7 acres of land, on car line, suitable for chicken ranch. O. M. Smith, 750 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. BARN, large grounds, on Woit ave.. Mt. Tabor. Inquire at Schiller's. 4th and Washington. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 216 STARK ST Rents and Insurance. Phone Main 343. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. $5 MONTH GOOD HOUSE IN SUBURBS, grounds 100x200. West Side; spring!., fruit trees. 468 E. 9th, near Caruthers. TENTING PRIVILEGE JUDGE GEORGE'S beautiful heights grounds. Apply to man In charge. 616 Market t. Phone 4159. FURNISHED HOUSE. MODERN. FINE LO "catlon. 5 rooms, gas and bath: a snap. Pow ers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, BATH. BASE ment. electricity, verandas, fruit, flowers; beautiful location. 600 East Oak- KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Peon Main 1685. Office, 110 N. 3d st. $50 ELEGANT NEW AND MODERN 8-ROOM house on 22d sL. close In. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. FOR RENT SPACE ON LAWN FOR TENTS, phone, water and toilet free. Inquire of H. Crofts. 257 13th st. FOUR NEW. MODERN. 7-ROOM APART ments; heat and Janitor services. 22d and Johnson sts. CAMPING GROUND. FREE WOOD. WATER. Inquire at 184 Burnslde st. Phono Black 3361. SEVEX-ROOM HOUSE. EAST END STEEL bridge, cheap. Beattle & Hoffmann. 109 5th. $12--ROOM HOUSE. 14TH AND RHONE sts. See Mr. Roddy. Overland Hotel. 1st st. SUBURBAN COTTAGE 3 ROOMS. FRUIT, flowers, lawn; rent $15. Inquire 562 Main. SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE FOR RENT, -near Fair Grounds. Phone West 2045. FOR RENT 40 UNFURNISHED ROOMS. IN fine location. Addrees P 17, Oregonian. 9-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. CENTRAL, nice lawn. Inquire 461 East Pine. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 201 E. 19TH ST. Inquire at 303 Failing bldg. Furnished Houses. FOR HOUSEKEEPING, 5 NEATLY FUR nlshed rooms, ground floor, one block from Sunnyside car: fuel and light and water, piano. During the Fair or by the month. Compton Si Gibson, 100 Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 2S66. FOR RENT FROM JUNE 23 TO SEPTEM ber 23, modern S-room corner house In Holladay a Addition; nicely furnished; piano; rent reasonable to right party. Ad dress M S. Oregonian. FIVE-ROOM MODERN COLONIAL HOUSE, close in. near car line; best neighborhood. East Side; adults only: references required: June. July and August; $50 per month. G 14. Oregonian. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SEVEN-ROOM house during Fair; piano, flowers and fruit. 245 Misner st. Take Montavilla car; get off at Cason st. Call Sunday and Monday. FOR RENT NEW, MODERN 7-ROOM FUR- nlshed house In Irvlngton, will rent all Summer; rent $50 per month. Parrlsh, Wat kins & Co., 230 Alder st. NEAT 5-ROOM COTTAGE. CLOSE IN. East Side, well furnished, flne piano, por celain bath, steel range, etc; adults only.. Cali 226 Morrison sr. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. NICELY AND COM pletely furnished, with good basement. 1 block from entrance gate to Fair grounds. Apply S39 Thurman st. FOR RENT FOR JULY AND AUGUST Modern 7-room furnished house. East Side; gas range and lights. 373 Gantenbaln ave. Call Tuesday afternoon. FOR RENT PART OF A NEW FURNISH ed house. 10 blocks from Fair grounds; pri vate family. Address T 17. care Oregonian. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHED house of S rooms, central: price $150 per month. Phone West 747. or P 15. Oregonian. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM RESI dence in Holladay Addition. $100 per month. Address, with references, J 14. Oregoaton. FURNISHED 9 ROOM HOUSE IN BEST btaetaess part of dtyf .price low If takes at oacc X 2t9, OregesUs, FOR RENT. Furnished Houses. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED TEN-ROOM house, Nob Hill district, on care line, easy -walking distance to Pair grounds: all mod ern Improvements. From July 1. $100 per month during Fair period. Can be rented for 6 months or one year for $75 per month to responsible person. Apply A 19. care BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM HOME. NEAR MAR shall street, completely furnished. 6-room house. Savler street, nice -yard, garden, etc; 4-room modern lower flat, close In. on llth. south. Other desirable houses. List with us for quick returns. Northrup & King, 211 Commercial block. FOR RENT FURNISHED. ONE OF THE niceet homes on the East Side; everything first-class and modern: large grounds, 10 rcom house: will lease 3 or 2 years; ref erence required; full particulars F. W. Torgler. 1V6 Sherlock bldg. FOR RENT. FURNISHED FOR THE SUM mer. nine-room house, at s $150 per month; location, furnishings, etc.. In accordance with price; private use only. Address with references C 5. Oregonian. FOR RENT DURING JULY AND AUGUST. 9-room house, nicely furnished; references. Address B 10. care Oregonian. AN S-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR rent from July 1 to September 15. 574 Gllsan st.. cor. ISth. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE. FOUR large rooms. In grove at Seaside. I'hone Main 4462. FOR RENT 3- NEW COTTAGES. FUR nlshed. at Seaside. T. J. Nealand. 335 16th st. N. FOR RENT FURNISHED FIVE-ROOM cottage, near Fair Grounds. Inquire 760 Savler st. NICELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE, porcelain bath, gas; rent $33. Inquire 431 7th fit. 4-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE ON N. 17TH. $30 per month. B. S. Cook & Co.. '251 Alder. NEWLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR rent during Summer. Address W 11, Ore gonian. BEAUTIFUL. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, completely furnished, desirable location. 585 5th bt. A CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED COTTAGE. 0x7 rooms; references; no children. 5S4 4th. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE OF five rooms; bath and phone. 32S N. 17th st. FOR RENT FURNISHED COTTAGE OF five rooms, bath and phone. 328-N. 17th st. 9-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED. TO RENT for season. 407 Stark, bet. 10th and llth. FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 ROOMS; MODERN; close in: cheap rent. 31 E. 7th sr,, N. FOR RENT 3-ROOM FURNISHED COT tage. Phone Union 1182. A 4-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR rent. 861 Mississippi ave. FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR RENT. AD drcss W 15. Oregonian. FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. 428 Harrison. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. A BARGAIN DOUBLE HOUSE. WITH SIX flats. 10 rooris. cor. 10th and Jefle'reon; house and furniture In good repair; rent only $70 per month, lease; large rooms and high ceilings. Call early, 392 Jefferson. NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. GAS. porcelain bath, full cement basement, fur nare. stationery washtubs, corner, well fur nished. Including piano; 4 blocks from main entrance Fair; lease. M 13. Oregonian. A BARGAIN 10 ROOMS. WELL Alt ranged, good furniture, flne location for Fair and city; rent reasonable: owner must leave city. Phone 4181 after Sunday, .or address M 17. care Oregonian. FOR SALE (FURNITURE OK 5 ROOMS, complete, together with home business, av eraging $S per day; rent and price reason able; a bargain; must be sold. K 11. Ore gonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 15-ROOM house; 6-room cottage, furnished, for rent: 14 rooms unfurnished; large store; all close to Fair grounds. Phone Main 0273. NICE 0-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. LOT 50X 100. new furniture, splendid garden, with fruit trees. Get particulars of 1. F. Powers Furniture Co.. 1st and Taylor. AN ELEGANTLY FURNISHED FLAT, strictly modern. 5 rooms, gas. bath and elfctrt Vlltl Mill Irwi-ntlnn Pnnrcra ITltrnl. . turo Co... 1st and Taylor. FOR SALE HALF-BLOCK FROM FAIR grounds. 6-room completely furnished cot tage, good basement and 6x16 booth space. Apply S39 Thurman st. FURNITURE AND LEASE OF FLAT OF 14 rooms: house of 10 rooms; house of 5. I have other -good buys near Fair grounds. Phone Main 6278. FURNITURE OF STRICTLY MODERN 5-room flat for sale: If .you want high grade furniture at bargain look us over at 269 Clay st. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS and will sell furniture of S rooms cheap; good, clean and cheap rent; close In. Phone Main 6389. FURNITURE NICELY FURNISHED FIVE room cottage for sale cheap; rent $30 month. Call from 12 to 8 P. M.. No. 28 North Sth sr. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE. 7TH ST. FURNI ture for tale, $1S5; must sell; good loca tion; rent reasonable. J 19, Oregonian. SIX-ROOM FLAT AND LARGE ATTIC, nearly new furniture, good location: $500. Hatfield & Smith. 163 4th st, room 32. $325 BUYS FURNITURE OF A WELL furnished 6-room flat; rent $17; centrally located. Call 4S3 Davis, cor. 13th. FURNITURE 5-ROOM COTTAGE: EVERY thing first-class: a snap If sold Immediate ly; rent $10. Phone Main 643S. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM house, house for rent; close In; call after noons. 293 Salmon st.. cor. Sth. FURNITURE OF 8-ROOM HOUSE FOTt sale cheap If sold before June 1; house for renu uwner. n n. oregonian. FURNITURE OF MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, flne lawn. lots of roses; bargain If sold before the 1st. 585 Fifth st. NEW FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE for sale by owner; price $175; house for rent. $13. Q S. Oregonian. FURNITURE OP SEtt' ft-nnr pi.it closo In. low 'rent, modern. Inquire 3S1 uin si. fnone .Mam -MHi. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE; 6-ROOM house, furniture nearly new, all complete, $430. 4SS Flanders st. FURNITURE FOR SALE 9-ROOM HOUSE; rent reasonable; near two car lines. Apply i-io xayior si. anup. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF XEW 5-ROOir flat: steam heat, hot and cold water. 325 Everett st.. Flat C. FURNITURE FOR SALE CORNER 10-ROOM house. 3 blocks Portland Hotel. Phone af ternoons Main 4654. VtTTtVTTim C! i:.nnmi n.iT xrr ern." new. clean, central; rent $23.' Phpne FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 12-R.OOM house; a snap: sickness the cause. In quire 535 Flanders. 12-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE for sale; best location; no agents. M IS, care oregonian. $400 FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOUSE ' with lease over Fair, bargain. Phono Main 4.ui Sunday. 5-ROOM FLAT, NEW FURNITURE. MOD era, with basement; will sell at cost. $400. nan rn1iimM HOUSE FOR" RENT. FURNITURE FOR sale cheap, rent $30: no agents. Phine Front 1726. HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNITURE- FOR sale cheap, rent . $30; no agents. Phone Front 1720. $273 BUYS FURNITURE 6f 6-ROOM COT tage near Fair grounds; must sell. T 14, Oregonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE IN 14-ROOM house, close in; rent $50. Price $850. 327 3d st. TEN-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FURNI- ture for sale; cheap; apply at once. Red 3027. GOOD FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale; bargain; low rent. Phone Main 9013. FOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE; furniture xor saie. w a. am ,k., rsortn. FLAT FOR RENT. PARTLY FURNISHED, rest $30: furniture for sate. Mais 23. - FOR RENT. St res. AUNE'S. GROUND FLOOR. RECEPTION room on 7th. -facing Portland Hotel, may be rented furnished after June 15; lodge or so ciety meetings; ladles tailor or millinery suggested. CORNER AND INSIDE STORES. 60 FEET deep, in new brick building. X. E. cor. 6th ana liverett. A. H. Blrrell, 202 McKay bldg., 3d. and Stark. FOR RENT STORE 23x180. WITH BASE ment and dock, between Morrison and Alder; No. 146 Front st. Apply to E. A. Baldwin. 86 4th st. FOR RENT STORE IN BRICK BUILDING. one oiock easi oi jiauison oriage. gooa lo cation for grocery store or short-order res taurant. FOR RENT BASEMENT 50x30. SUITABLE ror bowling alley, shooting gallery, etc. Apply The Hub. Third and Burnslde. FIRST-CLASS LOCATION FOR RENT. nxtures and fittings can be bought cheap. 150 1st st. Inquire in tailor shop. SMALL STORE BUILDING FOR RENT between Washington and Alder, on Park st. 363 Alder st. ONE MODERN BRICK STOREROOM. 23x30, good location. $13. 230 Russell st,. B. FOR RENT HALF OF STORE. FINE Lo cation. 40 X. 6th st. STORE FOR RENT. 112 N. 6TH ST. TWO ROOMS. WITH USB OF RECEPTION- room. in most centrally located modem ot flce building. Apply 210 Macleay bldg. LARGE ROOM FOR RENT FOR OFFICE IN Stearns building. Inquire Behnke-Walker Business College. LARGE OFFICE OR LODGE. 4 WINDOWS. on 6th st. Western Investment Co., 66 Uth st. FOR RENT NICE LARGE OFFICES ON CTH st, near Washington. Inquire Star Theater. ROOMS AND LODGE HALLS. A LI SKY Bldg., 3d and Morrison ets. ONE LARUE FRONT ROOM. GOODNOUGH bldg. Phone .East 4oJ. DESKROOM IN SUITE OF OFFICE ROOMS. :i2 Allsky bldg. TWO SINGLE OFFICES. A. B. M'ALPIX. Summer Resorts. FOR RENT AT SEA VIEW; WASH. SIX room cottage. Ttn fireplace and completely furnished. For particulars Inquire or address W. M. Plimpton, 143 E. 12th. or phone East 847. TEAMS FOR ELK .CREEK. Saddle horses and expressing. Goods shipped In our care will receive special attention. N. D. Bain & Co.. Seaside, Or. FOR SALE CHOICE LOTS IN OCEAN Park. $30 each: easy terms; free camping grounds for the season of 1905. S. SHngec land. Nahcotta. Wash. FOR RENT 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE at Sea View. Wash. Apply J.' O. Gibson. 1193 Williams ave.. phone Scott 5273. Also small 3-room cottage. AT SEA VIEW COTTAGE OF 8 ROOMS, newly furnished: convenient for two fami lies. Inquire at 331 West Park st. Phone Main 5339. FOR RENT SEASIDE. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, on the beach: city water: grand view. Ad dress Cla,ry. The Fair, 632 Thurman. Phone Main 6249. HOTEL SALT AIR WILL OPEN JUNE 1. 19i)3. at Centervllle. North Beach. Address all communications Long Beach. Wash. Mrs. Porter. FOR RENT FOR PART OR ALL OF SEA son Fine new 6-room cottage at Seaview. Call or adJrcfs -H. R. Albee, 24 Concord bldg. THE ORIGINAL GILBERT 2-STORY COT tage in Hermosa Park for rent, modern in every way. Alexandre Gilbert, Jr.. Seaside, Or. KINNI-KINNIC LODGE. . SEASIDE. FOR sale, completely furnished. For further par ticulars apply Ed L. Howe. Hotel Portland. TWO FURNISHED COTTAGES BEACH lot, for season or month. Sea View, Wash. M.' Walton. 270 Washington st. FOR SALE. RENT OR EXCHANGE WELL fumlshed 8-room house?. Long Beach. Wash. A. H. Wlllett, 215 Oregonian. FOR SALE 5-ROOM COTTAGE FRONTING on beach at Seaside. Inquire Brunswick Restaurant. 311 Washington. FOR RENT SEASIDE COTTAGE SEVEN rooms, partly furnished. Tioga, Waeb. In quire at 408 Macleay bldg. WELL-FURXISHED COTTAGE AT NEW port, good view of breakers; near bathing point. 3S6 E. Burnslde. FOR RENT OR SALE "THE DARLING Cottage. Seaside": best location, well fur nished. Phone East 523. FOR RENT-COTTAGES AT SEASIDE. Keys at Seaside Real Estate Co., Inquire 350 Jefferson st. FOR RENT FOR THE SEASON. 7-ROOM furnished cottage at Ocean Park, Wash. Phone 618. A COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE AT Seaside; piano and boat. L 89. Oregonian. NEW HOUSE ON RIDGE AT SEAVIEW. Wash; July and August. Apply 121 E. 34th. FIVE LOTS AT SEASIDE. OR. A BARGAIN. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th st,. room 32. PERSONAL. YOUNG WIDOW. AGE 23. WITH $10,000; lady. 20. $50,000; lady, 23. $15,000: blonde, 18 e&ah and beautiful farm. 1 seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W.. 697 Fulton St.. Chicago, III. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guaran teed. 150 let, Portland, Or. Phone Red 3161. Residence, 249 Harrison. Main 4443. FREE. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY AMER lea's famous, marvelous gifted astrologlst. occult scientist, clairvoyant and life reader. Prof. Hall. 93 Fifth ave.. Chicago. Send birth date, ihree 2-cent stamps. "BOOK OF NATURE." "A SOCIAL LION." "A Modern Lover." "Roaa's Confession," "Marriage in High Life," "Desperate Love," ooc each; lists free. A. W. Scbmale, 229 1st, WE DESIRE RELIABLE HUSBAND FOR educated, rellned lady on the Coast, worth 520.UW: age. au; wiuow. e: no children. worth $18,600. Home & Comfort. Toledo, O. SEXINE PILLS ARE THE ONE THINO that send new power- to every part of your cccr. $i a dox; o coxes lb: tun guarantee. Address Clemenson Drug Co.. 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB- erts rserve uioDuies. une month's treat ment, $2; 3 months', $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents, Woodard. Clarke & Co., Portland, or. SOUTHERN LADY. WIDOW. 43. NICE looklng. refined, desires acquaintance of gentleman of suitaDie age and moderate circumstances; object matrimony. G 8, oregonian. LOST POWERS RESTORED BY THE great Dr. Lorenr Nerve Tonic Tablets; 2ao a box. 6 boxes for $1.23. Write cr call at Eyssell's Pharmacy, 227 Morrison st,, ber. 1st and 2d. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, MOLES, ETC.. KE moved by electric needle; lady operator; 11 years' experience In Portland. Parlors 248 6th st,. near Main. PhoneMain 1109. MRS. HELFRICH, 638 JESSIE ST.. SAN Francisco, wishes Information of the pres- , cnt whereabouts of her husband,' Mr. Hel frich. who left San Francisco April 5, 1905. MARRY "WEALTH AND BEAUTY MAR riage directory free; pay when married; en tirely new plan. Send no money. Address H. A. Horton. Dept. 81. Tekonsha. Mich. WANTED EVERY LADY IN THE CITY to know tha; she can have her flne laces cleaned and repaired as well at 413 Tourny bldg. as In New York. London or Paris. LADIES. DO NOT USE DANGEROUS RUB- ber syringes; write for my book. "Wise Words to Women," sent free. E. E. Hall, M. D., 159 So. Jefferson st.. Chicago. INFORMATION IS WANTED OF THE whereabouts of F. M. Gaffney, commonly called "Gua," Last heard of at Seattle. Address Mike Callaghan, Dufur, Or. VIM, VIGOR. VITALlTb-DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets. Nature's great tonic for either sex. 25c by mail. Albert Bernl, 2d and Washington, agent. Portland, Or. MARRY WEALTH"5-2000 MEN AND Wo men worth $100 to $1001000; paper 10 cents sealed. R. E. Love, Jacobsoa bldg., Denver, Colo, SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR S0C AT HOLLA tauc&'s. 237 Taylor, feet. 34 and 4ti. PERSONAL. THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD 'EMPLOYED Bit aiaaame Vaughn graduate doctor of Derma-' tology. removes permanently wrinkles, pit tings, scars, vaccination marks, birthmarks etc: superfluous hair, warts and moles en tirely obliterated by the electric needle: no scarring: electro-vacu for cleansing and re viving the skin: Indorsed br the theatrical profession and society. Largest and roost . successful School of Dermatology in North- V west. Selllng-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington, be tween West Park and 10th sts. Telephone Main 70S. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC OIL from Texas. Most wonderful discovery o age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paralysis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neu ralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic; cures In S to 20 days: sample can, 30c. postpaid; testi monials free; agents wanted. M. E. Clin ton. 313 E. Couch st.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 3432. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECK&. GRADUATE! dermatologist: scientific, featural correction, 1st. beautifler and restorer of youtbfulness. may bo consulted dally free; every affliction of ' the human face and scalp successfully treated: mature wrinkles, scare, blemishes. etc. removed. Sanitarium and school of dcr. matology in connection. Parlor 364 Morri son. Telephone Hood 282. VIBRATORIUM ALL DISEASES SUCCESS- tuiiy ireaica Dy vioration; stimulates tna blood, creates activity. Oflice and treatlng rooms. suite 2S-29 Lewis bldg. Also In con nection, face and scalp treatment by vibro machines; hands manicured and massaged by new rotary process; free demonstration. 77 WOMEN WANTED, SUFFERING FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhe (white) and all diseases of women, old oc young, cured by old Dr. Keasler. 230 Yam hill St.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation -free Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. YOUR LIFE IS WORTH LIVING WHEN" you tnink it is. When you don't think so, it Is because you need Sexine Pills. Prica $1 a box. 6 for $3. with full guarantee. Address or call Clemenson's drug store, corner 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. PROF. O'NEILL WILL GIVE THIS WEEK scientific demonstrations and valuable ad vice on beauty culture; facial blemishes and superfluous hair painlessly removed; ladles taught dermatology, hairdresalng, manicuring. 21-22 Sclllng-Hlrsch bldg. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS, BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELES HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 1S1 1st t- COMMERCIAL DETECTIVE BUREAU ALL Investigations, Information, shadowing, sat isfaction guaranteed, absolutely reliable service, confidentially conducted; reasonable rates. Charles Schneider. Lords Court bldg. 27 William. N. Y. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consulta tion free; private and strictly confidential. X Radium Institute, 3d & Mor. Allsky Bldg. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed cn, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co.. 347 Washington, opp. Cordray3. NOW READY! SEND 10c FOR MATRIMON- ial Register for this month, revised to May 23. Describes large number new mem bers from Oregon and Wash. Interstate In troducing Society. Box 1079, Portland. WANTS A FACE FULL OF WRINKLES-, Madame Tully wants a lady ivith the most wrinkled face in Portland trom whom Mad am Tully offers to remove the wrinkles free of charge if willing to act as subject. lur lor. 536-537 Portland Hotel, fifth floor. WANTED ACQUAINTANCE OF LADY. 20 to Jo. medium height and complexion. Jolly disposition, some means preferred, by rail road man 3S. steady position, some means; object matrimony. Address U 17, care Ore gonian. LADIES, ATTENTION: ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for sale by leading arustiiai; $2 per .box; safe and reliable, ti. G. aku more Si Co., special agents. 151 3d st. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBKEL. las; repairing and recovering; two siurbd, Washington and tith and Morrison and Ota. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. BEAUTIFUL. VERY WEALTHY MEXICAN maiden, educated, speaks Kngjlsh. wishes to marry an enterprising American. Address King. 1046 George St.. Chicago. EASTERN GENTLEMAN. 39. GOOD TRADE and steady employment, desires to corre spond with lady of some means; object matrimony. H S. Oregonian. REFINED LADY OF MEANS. AGE 49, desires correspondents; educated business men write; object, marriage. Mrs. S. E, Ayers. Gen. Del.. Spokane. FOR THE LATEST PARIS MODELS IN shirtwaists and suits see The Spencer Co, (Inc). 123 10th st. Phone Main 3099 Skirts a specialty. GET MARRIED FOR JUNE BEST MAT rlmonlal paper published for stamps. Thq Matrimonial Journal, 331 Kearny St.. San Francisco. Cal. WOULD YOU MARRY UNDER PROPER conditions, financially and otherwise? Writa for particulars; reliable and confidential. Boa 33. Toledo. Ohio." . SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen, re sponsible age, matrimonially inclined. C 71, Oregonian. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST RE liable clairvoyants. Send birthdate. dime ancj etamp. Prof. Carl & Rollln. 400 N. Clark; st.. Chicago. RHEUMATISM CAN BE CURED. MRS. J. M.- Wood, specialist. Facial massage. Thq Frances. W. Park and Morrfcon. Phonq Red 2S3S. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. MANDOLIN AND guitar. 50c; Instruments furnished free ofi charge to pupils. Studio, 190 3d st, Phona Main 4436. YOU DON'T SLEEP WELL; YOU ARE; nervous. Palmo Tablets guaranteed to cure Address Brooke Drug Co.. 67 North 3d sc. Portland. WEALTHY LADIES AND GENTLEMEN OEV refinement, anxious to marry; photographs and descriptions free. Box U 64. Canon City Colo. ORANGE LILY" CURES EVERY FORM: of female complaints; a month's treatment for $1. Call or address 266 Alberta, Uppe Alblna. A GOOD-NATURED. WEALTHY AND LIB eral broker, age 36, wants a good, sensible, wife. Address K. 817 Lincoln ave., Chicago. INTRODUCTIONS GIVEN HONORABLE LA dies and gentlemen, matrimonially inclined, responsible age. Addrees A 16. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY GRADUATE OSTEOPATH will give massage and magnetic treatment at your home. W 18. Oregonian. GEO. ANDERSON. EXPERT PIANO TUNER J all work guaranteed. Order care Fisher Music Co. Phone Main 4436. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR home; bust treatment a specialty. Main 2299. Mrs. N. Gano. 269 Jefferson. BUSINESS MAN. AGE 30. WORTH $30,000. wants good, sensible wife. Address W.. 607 Fulton st.. Chicago. WANTED SCHOLARS FOR BUCK AND wing dancing. Apply 300 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 2073. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium. 127 N. 12th. Main 5478, FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor. 127 llth. Tel. Main 4838. MISS MAKI. scientific masseuse, graduate oC Finland; ladles only. 406 Ablngton. Hd. 633. WANTED CAPABLE GUITAR, MANDOLIN and violin teachers. Address P. O. Box 30. FOR SALE PAYING MASSAGE PARLORS; bargain if taken at once. X 4, Oregonian. Watches, diamonds, easy payments: diamonds bought. W. H. Leah. 613 Dekum, Clay 6Ua. BALM OF FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder sr. Phone Main 4832. BUSINESS -CHANCES. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY IS In receipt of the latest Information on busi ness chances, town and country; list open to Inspection at any time during oflice hours. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Ablngton bldg. FOR LEASE 60-room hotel, with bar and dining-room f can be rented for the Fair or longer to suit tenant; must be responsible party. The Healy Investment Co., 210-214 Ablngton bldg.. 106 3d st, RESTAURANT MEN ONE OF THE OLDEST restaurants In the city Is offered for sale at a reasonable price before the Fair com mences: owners having other business which, demands their attention; this is worth in vestigation. Address Proprietor. 266 Bum-fide. f