21 HELP WANTED HAIX. OPEN TODAY 9 TO 11 Canfp Cook, 10 men. $45, free fare; chef foF Exposition restaurant; 3 second. -night cooks, one pastry cook; kitchen help; waiters. Frank Heeg and Emll Chlfflet wanted. 20 quarrymcn and laborers, $2 and 425; 6 single hand driller. 52.25; laborers, city. 52; R.- R. laborers. $2 and $2.25, company work, free fare; 6 sawmill hand. 52; sawmill hands. bouUi. 51.75. board and room 51. fare paid: head faller, 53; men to clear land. 52 day, pay weekly; section men. $1.60. NOTICE. Any ablebodiedT man who Is broke and wants work will pay his fare and give him work. . Attention Railroaders. The" new 78-mile line to be built In East ern Oregon and Idaho will give work to over a thousand men. . Head for Portland. The fare will be free from here. Hansen's Employment Office. 20 North 2d sr. A YOUNG MAN OF INDOMITABLE . PUSH and energy and with tactful address, who has Initiative and ambition enough to em ploy these qualifications to the best ad vantage, and who is earning upwards of $1C0 per month, can find more profitable employment, with excellent opportunity for advancement by addreeslng box R 9. Ore gonian office. State In own handwriting age, present and former employment, full address and telephone number,, if any; all communications racredly confidential. WANTED-50 YOUNG PEOPLE TO TAKE A course in bookkeeping or shorthand, day and night sessions; a good position is worth the price of tuition. The demand for our graduate is far greater than we can supply. Had 20 calls within past two weeks: let us help you: It will have a sure road to success. Call and have a talk with us; catalogue. Behnke-Walker Business College. SALESMEN WANTED TO TAKE THE GEN eral agency for Prismatic Electric Shades; lnereases light 100 per cent; reduced light bills one-half. Every electric light consumer buys; good proposition to energetic man; can clear 510 per day. 'Write for descrip tive circular. American Prismatic Shade Co., Southwestern Agency. 375 Main St., Dallas, Tex. THE GOVERNMENT SERVICE OFFERS excellent opportunities now to secure per manent life engagements. Examinations soon for customs and other desirable po sitions. Write for free circular F-l. giving full particulars. Pacific Coast Office. Na tional Correspondence Institute, removed to 1105 James Flood bldg., San Francisco. TRAVELING SALESMEN WHO DESIRE TO increase their income should investigate our preposition to saleemen. Our line is staple and we offer remarkable Inducements to the retail merchant. We have places worth 53000 per year up for five good men. Depart- men . 350 Dearborn St.. unicago. MAN WANTED TO INTRODUCE A PAT ent hardware article; $18 a week and ex penses. Honesty and sobriety more neces sary than business experience; state age and past employment. International Shear Com pany, 46 N."4th St.. Philadelphia, Pa. SALESWOMEN FOR LADIES' UNDER- wear. hosiery, fancy goods, shirtwaists, muslin underwear and cloak and suit de partments; permanent positions and good salary. Apply Monday morning with ref erences to McAUcn & McDonnell. WANTED HONEST. SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS man to learn the real estate business and tart In as special representative of large, nroaoerous and well-known firm: splendid opportunity for right party. For particulars address J II, care oregonian. "WANTED ENERGETIC MAN. EACH COUN toy: to post igns. advertise and distribute samples: salary. 518 weekly. 53 per day for expenses. Honesty and sobriety more essen Ual than experience. National Co.. 720 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia. Pa. SALESMEN SEVERAL FIRST - CLASS experienced traveling ileemen: must come highly recommended; men who are able to earn from tsouo to jsuoi) a year.- staple line fsr retail merchants. Room 001. 251 Henne pin ave.. Minneapolis, Minn. BLACKSMITH. $3; COOK. 550; RATCHET setters. $2.50 and $3; planer feeders. $2.25; 50 mill and yardmen, 52 up: we nave 1 large list of new work every day; open to day. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau, 205 Morrison. WANTED MEN TO INTRODUCE A PAT- ent hardware article. Salary. $18 per week. 52.50 per day for expenses. Rapid advance' ment. State age and present employment. Write Ideal Shear company uept. 10, Chi cago. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving. Jewelers work; only sractlcal working school for Jewelers: money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking and Engraving School. P.-I. building, seattie. LIBERAL TERMS TO RELIABLE CAPABLE men to represent us in principal Coast cities. Particulars, write today. Pacific Coast Oftlce Nat'l Correspondence Institute, removed to 1105 James Flood bldg., ban Francisco. DETECTIVE WORK ESTABLISHED FIF teen years; 8000 Secrel Service men, more being added even' day; send us your case; advice by mall free. Address American De tective Association. Indianapolis, lnd. WANTED FOR THE FAIR CHORUS girls, comedians, sister teams, sketch teams, illustrated nong singers, novelty dancers, musicians. Newman's Vaudeville Circuit & Sehool of Acting, 351 Morrison. SEE US FOR POSITION WITH CONCES sloners at the Fair grounds; stenographer and assistant bookkeeper; two carpet sales men, furniture man. 505 McKay bldg. WAITERS. BUSMAN (DEAD DISHES), dishwasher?, 10 fcooks. restaurant porter, baker-cook combined, milkers (city, Sauvles' Island). Drake, 2051, Washington. TRAVELING SALESMEN BY WELL known house for Oregon. State age. ex perience and salary wanted, or no atten tion given. Drawer W. Chicago. WANTED OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. Highest prices paid for men's cast-otx cloth ing, old shoes. Call 50 3d. near Pine. Phone Hood 18C2. Orders attended to. WANTED-A PHYSICIAN WHO IS BEGIS tered In Washington and Idaho to travel with a medicine company. Address F. D., Box 1031. Spokane. Wash. WANTED M EN EVERYWHERE; GOOD pay. to distribute circulars, adv. matter, tack eigne, etc. No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. MEN TO LEAR THE DETECTIVE Busi ness; paid while learning and work guar anteed: open evenings". Barrett, 203 Mor rison ft., room 301. WANTED YOUNG MEN ABOUT 18 YEARS of ago to operate Fairy Floss candy ma chines. Apply 2!2 Washington St., Mon day. U to 10 A. M. SALESMAN TO HANDLE LINE OF SPE oial store seating; profitable commission paid. Address the A. R. Mllner Seating Co., Canal Dover. O. WINDOW TRIMMER AND CARD WRITER for clothing store capable of taklhg charge of 100-foot window display; good salary Apply The Hub. MAN FOR EASTERN OREGON TO SELL established line, grocers and confectioners; references with application. Address Box 2050. Station A. SALESMEN ADVERTISING NOVELTIES: earn 5100 a week taking orders; no col lecting. Sheelonlte Co., Box 1H0. Man chester. N. H. WANTED SALESMAN TO REPRESENT an Eastern umbrella manufacturer; give experience and reference. Address O 92, care Oregonian. WANTED A PHYSICIAN REGISTERED IN State of Washington; young man preft-rred: offlee practice. State Medical Institute, Se attle, Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN b&ath. outside Fair Grounds; must furnish good reference; small pay. X 15. Ore gonian. WANTED AT ONCE. A FIRST-CLASS ceatmaker. Bauer & Wllklns, Corvallls, Or. WANTED HELPER FOR WALL SIGNS. Call before 12 o'clock Sunday. 313 14th st. WANTED MEN HANDY AT SCRUBBING I'.eors and cleaning building. 55 Gth st. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITY. OOUN try; big wages. 215 'Commercial block. BOY, 10 YEARS. WORK IN STORE. AP ply Monday morning. 171 Third st. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONCE; references required. 232 Stark st. WANTED SIGN PAINTER. 213 & WASH ington ct.. upstairs, cor. 1st. SOLICITORS CALL AT THE GRAND, ROOM 15, 454 N. 3d st., Monday. DR. "WALKER. 1S1 1ST. vate diseases of men. CURES ALL PHI- SALESMEN AND SOLICITORS WANTED Call 313 Falling bldg. AN EXPERIENCED JANITOR WANTED. P 14. Oregonian. "WANTED MAN TO 15th at.. North. CUT GRASS. 423 E. WANTED GOOD HOUSE PAINTER. PHONE bcou tuvi. HELP WASTED-SALS. CANVASSERS WANTED BRIGHT MEN, young or old. by one of the largest manu facturers In 'the United States. Canvassers are to call the attention of consumers to the merits of a well-known article of wear ing apparel. The work need not Interfere with your regular employment It can be done "out of hours" and will add ma terially to your annual Income. Send us a postal card and we will tell ycu what there is In it for you. No money required of you at any time. Address Lock Box 2357, Bos ton. Mass. WANTED FOUR MEN TO TRAVEL IN OR- egon. Washington; distribute temples and advertise- our .goods. Salary. 521 per week and expenses, guaranteed. Expenses ad vanced. Experience Unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stating . age. Reeve Co.. 417 Dearborn St.. Chicago, III. WANTED GOOD SHORT-ORDER AND restaurant cook; also waitress and dish washer. Call 131 10th St.. Monday. 0 o'clock. HOTEL BELLBOYS. PORTER AND RUN- ner. Inquire Outside Inn., opposite Fair grounds entrance. Sunday, from 3 to 0 o'clock. WANTED HUSTLING INSURANCE SOLI- cltor; good address; references; might dis pose half Interest right party. L 11, Orego nian. WANTED A REGISTERED DRUGGIST. must be a good salesman; state reference and salary expected. Address B 17, Orego nian. Columbus California wine depot; headquar ters cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 6c per glass. P. Lorati, 148 4th. Clay 1503. IF YOU CAN DEPOSIT $150 CASH. AMPLY secured, you can have steady office posi tion, wages 5C0 monthly. C 10. Oregonian. WANTED FURNITURE SALESMAN. A young man: good address, experienced. Clerks' Registration Bureau. 2C5 Morrison. WANTED VIOLINIST. YOUNG MAN PRE- ferred. steady employment during Fair. Ap ply at 371 Alder st., between 1 and 2 P. M. TWO SCHOOL BOYS TO WORK ON FAIR Ground; all Summer's work; Call 687 Thur man St., after 6 o'clock evening, Monday. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co.. 193 Morrison. Main 1322. TWO CYLINDER PRESS FEEDERS WANT- ed at Fair Grounds. Call Monday evening at 828 East. Alder, bet. 20th and 27th. ADVERTISING SOLICITORS EXPOSITION official magazine: 550 weekly; before 10, after 4. 638 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED RESIDENT SALESMAN ON commission by do good jobber. Address Faster. 167 5th avenue. Chicago. WANTED FIRST-CLASS STICKERMAN: steady work and good wages to the right man. Cor. 10th and Flanders. WANTED TEN (10) EXPERIENCED PLAS ter casters. Apply J. R. Schrueder, 10 Ful ton at., San Francisco, Cat SIDE LINE OF FIREWORKS. FOR THE Sound. Eastern Washington and Oregon. Ad' drees W 111, Oregonian. WANTED GOOD COAT AND PANTS MAK- ers. Greenland & Grek, 3d and Washington, over FeldenhelmerV. WANTED EXPERIENCED MAN TO DO furniture staining; work after hours. Tele phone Main 35UI. WANTED FIRST-CLASS JOB PRESSMAN. good situation, union wages. Addrc-ss N 18, care Oresonian. A YOUNG MAN FAMILIAR WITH So liciting, good Inducement to tight party. S 14. Oregonian. WANTED TWO BOYS FOR BOWLING AL- ley. Apply Commercial Club, Chamber of Commerce bldg. FIRST-CLASS BAKER BREAD AND CAKES, steady job to right party. Vienna Bakery. Everett. Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN OF PLEASING address for solicitor; good wages. L 111. Oregonian. A BONANZA SIDE LINE FOR LIVE TltAV ellng men. George M. Cole Co., North xamniu. or. MAN WANTED TO WORK AROUND STA- ble. must work cheap 200 Fourth St., opp. city Hail. YOUNG MAN LIVING AT HOME TO learn good business and help at Fair. 231 Stark. MEN TO CUT 2000 CORDS OF 2-FOOT wood. Inquire 181 Burnslde. Phone Black 3301. WANTED BOYS TO CARRY PAPERS. AP ply Oregonian office at noon; alto boy with pony. WANTED ACTIVE HOUSE MAN OF NEAT appearance. Call this morning. 21U 13th st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRLS FOR BOOTHS. WAITRESSES, checker, salesladies and cashiers for Fair grounds; lady canvasser for city. 550 month stralgnt salary; 10 waitresses for city. 50 per week; girls for all kinds of work. Call Monday. Nutional Employ ment ornce, iot utri st.. room 7, upstairs. WANTED AN INTELLIGENT MOTHERLY woman to take full charge as working house keeper in family of four; parents in busi ness; a permanent home to the rlgnt per son; goo a wages assured. jCall Sunday or evenings. 514 20th L, cor. Laurel, l'ort- iana nei-nts. W A NTE D WOM A N. THOROUGHLY COM petent. cooking and Ngeneral work; refer cnees; middle-aged preferred; home nights if desired; good tervice. good wages. Call mornings, alter 10, 4SU Yamhill st. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN GENERAL housework and care of baby; 'two In fam lly; must be good t-trong girl; no other need apply. Mrs. T. . Noroby. Apply 778 m. aimon. WANTED STENOGRAPHERS CAN EARN extra money during spate time (limited num ber only). Enclose addressed stamped en veiope tor reply, pilot itiboon Vv.. Koch ester, iv. 1. , COOKS. 525; ARM. TRAY WAITRESSES. 58 down; waiters, coast (cook, temporary) housework, chamberwork, waiters, cooks dishwashers, milkers. Drake's. 205 Wash inpjon. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Hotel and Restaurant Headquarters. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. S43Vi Wash, su, cor. 7th. Main 2G92. WANTED GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WO man for general housework. In Eastern Oregon; wages 520 per month. Address Mrs. C. A. Buckley. Grass Valley, Or. SIX EXPERIENCED SALESGIRLS IN cloaks, skirts, underwear and hosiery de partmcnts; state experience and salary ex pected, it 18, care Oregonian. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK .DON'T FAH, to see us. Over 1000 positions every month. Call and regitter. Canadian Parlors. tijj Aiomscn. xam 123. WANTED YOUNG LADY WHO IS WILLING to assist with houeework In small family in return lor board; references required. Ad dress Q 12. Oregonian. LADY COOKS. WAITERS. CHAMBER' work, dishwashers, housekeepers, at Amer ican Employment Office. 184 Burnslde st. Phone Black 3301. ONE YOUNG LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS to take orders for a Japanese face prepara tion: this is a straight salaried position. K 14. uregoman. NICE OLD LADY WITH COMFORTABLE home close by to board 8 months' Infant by the month; references given and required. Mu murman. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WHO WANTS good home. 2 in family, llgnt work, no wash lng, moderate wages. Call Monday after 10, 263 tn st. CAPABLE WOMAN OR MAN AND WIFE to take chare e of established bublness in Spokane; physician preferred. W 14, Ore gonian. WORKING GIRL WOULD LIKE WORKING girl as roommate. Call at 151 Lownsdale, or j-meenin st. nest, Between Jiorrtson ana Alder. - WANTED TWO COMPETENT GIRLS, chambermaid and waitress; good wages. Call before 0:30 A. M., or afternoons. 161 23d st. N. WANTED EMPLOYMENT FOR A FEW more ladles of good address: attractive work. and good wages. Call Monday. 410 Dukum otcg. WANTED LADIES EMPLOYED WHO WILT, nav B to S10 ner month room rvnt 10 nn. 1 dress Teacher. 480 Calumet ave., Woodlawn. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY RE PRE -tentative In Portland and tarau&ut state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; must be good cook and not afraid of work; good location and wages. 395 Larrabte st. HELP WANTED FEMALE. . EXPOSITION GROUNDS and other employment. Two German-speaking women for kitchen pantry, 530 and board; 10 more waitresses, 57 up, some short hours $5. some on com mission handle own cash; 2 women for transfer work In hotel kitchen transferring cooks orders to waitresses. 520 room and board; G hotel waitresses; 4 waitresses, 5S, new house; 2 waitresses. 50. off at 0'P. M.; bonbon dippers, seamstress, body lroners, 9 house girls city, 3 country; pantry women. $8 week; hotel cook, $40. Two young Sromen for Ice-cream store. $1 day and lunch'. Bookkeeper, store at Fair; 8 salesladies. NOTICE. If you wish employment at Exposition or elsewhere, come and leave you name and address. REGISTRATION FREE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343 Wash. st.. room 7. cor. 7th. Phone Main 2092. Office hours. S A. JL to 7 P. M. WAITRESSES WANTED PARTICULAR- WANTED LADIES TO LEARN DERMA- tology, the scientific treatment of the com plexion, hair, scalp and skin; manual and electric massage, electrolysis, manicuring, shampooing, physical culture; position guaranteed when competent; diplomas granted; IS yearn' experience, S In Port land; hlg'icsl references from physicians and former graduates; complete or partial course given. Prof. O'Neill. 21-22 Selling Hlrsch bldg.. Washington, cor. Park. Main 4998. WANTED WOMAN COOK FOR SWEDISH cafe; 2 Swedish girls for Swedish cafe; 1 Scandinavian cook for Scandinavian hotel, city; girls for general housework; man apd wlfe for restaurant, city; colored wom an cook for country hotel, fare paid; good wages paid. Call 270 Burnslde st. Monday. WANTED BODY IRONERS. STARCH clothes; lroners and general laundry help. Oregon Laundry Company. 30S E. Oak at. WANTED WOMEN TO WORK IN K1TCH- en, Cermans or Austrlans preferred. Call at main entrance to Fair, Monday, at A. M. CAPABLE ENERGETIC WOMAN FOR Viavi Co.; one who could leave city pre ferred. Apply suite 23, 350 4 Morrison, city. AN EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID wanted at The Ockley. 300 Morrison St.; one that can sleep at home preferred. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT- land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write, 007 McKay bldg. WANTED COOKS FOR FAIR JAPAN restaurant on The Trail. Apply Monday from U to 10 A. M-, 2G2 S. 7th st. LAUNDRY LADIES' CLOTHES IRONERS; aiso piam ironers; experienced. see ir. Sprague. Portland Hotel Laundry. A YOUNG WOMAN TO WORK FOR DIS- iriuuiing company; oniy a gooa talker ana worker wanted, k h. Oregon la n. WANTED GENTLEMAN OR LADY WITH small capital, money-making proposition during I-air. O Si. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS IN OUR lunch-room. Call after 10 A. M. Monday. wetland & son, 273 Morrison. WANTED-LADY STENOGRAPHER. ONE wun come xnowieage or DooKkeeping; give icincuixA. a. jo, irrsunmn. HOTEL CHAMBERMAIDS AT OUTSIDE Inn. opp. Fair grounds entrance. Inquire Sunday, from 3 to 0 o clock. WAWRn at nvrp STPnvfi vnn wegian girl; nw comer preferred. 187 17th., cmen jayicr ana j. annul. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO ceil the new telephone Index. Inqulrs W. j. Siemens. Zii stark at. WANTED LADY PARTNER IN CAMP. meeting work to lecture on Passion Play, Particulars A 7, Oregonian. BY AN ELDERLY COUPLE. A YOUNG GIRL to assist In light housework; good home. 51.1 2Uth st.. Portland Heights. WANTED EXPERIENCED AITRESS AND assist witn chamber work; private boarding hoive. W 1C. Oregonian. BURNT WOOD AND LEATHER WORKER. must letter well and be rapid worker. Ad drees Y III. Oregonian. WANTED COOK. DISHWASHER AND waitresses ror Exposition work. ' Apply at once, 251 N. 24 th st. WANTED-TWO LADIES FOR PLEASANT. profitable work: salary guaranteed. 21-22 Selllng-Hlrsch bldg. WANTED YOCNG GIRL TO CARE FOR child of 4 years. Call mornings at 335 Ivy hi., Aiuina, 1. car. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. AP ply northweet corner East 21st and Halsey, rnonc last zvss. YOUNG GIRL TO WASH DISHES AND AS sist with housework; phone Main 4155, or call at thv3 rark su GIRL OR WOMAN TO HELP IN SMALL private boarding-house; no responsibility. i'none East 2801. WANTED A GOOD. EXPERIENCED CHAM bermaid at the New Lance Hotel. 0th and wasnington em A GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. THREE) IN family. Mrs. H. W. Goddard, 455 Going st, Phone East oil. WANTED A WOMAN TO HELP LIGHT housework for a good home. Call at once, 221 Shaver st. WOMAN TO CARE FOR CHILDREN FOR small wages and good home, by widow. B 13, Oreronlan. WANTED-A WOMAN TO CARE FOR CHIL- dren occasionally afternoons and evenings, call 2G5 Morris. WOMAN WANTED TO HELP IN KITCH- en; one who understands cooking .preferred, at 50 N. 0th. . WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 320 E. 0th North; take Broadway or irvington car. WANTED A WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, good pay. Apply 574 East Pine st. A GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; family of 3. no children. 33G N. 23d, FIRST-CLASS HAIRDRESSER. MANICURE and apprentice. Rosenthal Sitters. 160 5th, WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR DINING-"ROOM and chamber work. 200 N. 23d st-, cor. - K, LADY WANTED TO ASSIST IN A TAILOR shop. Call at 231 Alder, beL 1st and 2d. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 1100 Mllwaukle. Phone East 392. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE- work; 2 In family. Call 649 E. Ankeny. LIGHT WORK EXCHANGED WITH GIRL for room and board. 349 East Burnsldei A WOMAN TO DO WASHING. CALL Knight Drug Co.. 307 Washington st. WANTED A YOUNG WOMAN FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 45f Alder st. WANTED EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM girl. Call today. 70 W. Park st. WANTED-SALESWOMEN IN DRY GOODS and notions. Call at 2So 1st st. A GOOD COOK WANTED. CALL AT S12 Kearney tU bet. 24th and 25th. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family OI two. x-none rarc a. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 15 E. 1 . th. cor. E. Ash. WANTED WAIST TRIMMER AND HELP- ers. Ttesdale. 600 Alarquam. GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK, HALF DAYS. Inculre 14S East loth st. - COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Apply 180 E. IGth. 10SH 10TH GOOD STRONG GIRL TO As sist In general housework. NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK small family. 321 Cth st. TWO SALESLADIES. APPLY 292 WASH Ington hU. 12 M. today. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN RE5TAU- rant. 249 Holladay ave. A GIRL FOR GENERAL WORK; MUST BE good cook. 313 13th st. GIRL FOR CANDY STORE. CALL AFTER 1 P. M-. 353 Morrison. WANTED TWO WAITRESSES. O. K. COF- fce House. 202 1st st. WANTED DRESSMAKER AND APPREN- tices. 145fe llth St. WANTED CHAMBERMAID. AT 53 NORTH 18th et-; competent. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSE work. 3 .11 st. "WANTED EXPERIENCED WAITRESS. 242 second st HELP WANTED FEMALE. 'ANTED EXPERIENCED STAR CHER. Apply Star Laundry Co.. Union ave. and E. Ankeny. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED GIRL. FOR housework; references required. Apply 770 Flanders st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; GOOD cook. Call Monday, ifi N. I4tn. ott. uavls and Everett. "WANTED WOMAN WHO UNDERSTANDS bakery and delicatessen business. Call 405 Morrison t. . WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work in small family, good wages. Call, at 5S4 lioyt St. ONE FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS AND ONE apprentice girl. Call 217 Allsky bldg. Phone Front 301. WANTED ;FIRST-CLASS CREAM DIPPER. The Modern Confectioner Co., 13th and Hoyt sts. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL OPERA- tor on light leather work. Goodnough bldg., room 221. WANTED MALE STENOGRAPHER: Ex perienced in railroad work. Aaaresa 11 12, Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS HAIRDRESSER and manicure; highest salary paid. 304 Morrison. FOR LIGHT SECOND WORK AND HELP with care of Infant; good wages. 074 Everett. f GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. small family. 40 Ella L, near Wash ington. WANTED AT ONCE. COLORED GIRL FOR general housework; small family. tS Love Joy st EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR SECOND WORK; wages, $25 per month, call 3t3 Montgom ery st. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK. no wasalcg, 2 In family. Inquire John son st. nELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. TEACHER OR STUDENT TO TRAVEL DUR- Ing vacation; salary paid weekly and ex penses advanced; In making application give qualifications, experience and ealary paid for Jeachlnr. Address with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Portland, Or. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND. TYPE- wrltlng. arithmetic. Englih. spelling, by experienced teacner ana onice man: pre pares young people for Civil Service exam inations; day ana nignu -X u. uregoman. 25 SALESMEN AND SALESWOMEN AT the Boston dry goods store. 1st and Salmon Apply from 8:30 to 9 A. M. Monday. MUSICIANS FOR TRAIL CONCESSION; state lowest ealary first letter. Q li, Ore gonian. SITUATION WANTE D MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks.- YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WHO SPEAKS and writes English. French. German and the three Scandinavian language, would like position; best reference: clerk and Inter' pretcr. Address A 17, care Oreronlan. AN EXPERIENCED HOTEL CLERK wishes a position at once In a hotel or rooming-house. Address X 17. Oregonian. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHEB. HAMMOND typewriter expert; dictation direct upon ma chine; terms very reasonable. 2245 J" su YOUNG MAN WANTS POSITION AS GRO eery clerk or In tea and coffee house; East ern and city experience. W 9. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED OF- fice man desires situation; capable of nllin, any position In an office. C 12, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED AND THOROUGHLY COM petcnt bookkeeper desires change position; cjty reference. Address L 12. oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER AND general office man wants position; best of credentials. J 10. Oregonian. WELL-EDUCATED YOUNG MAN WISHES a position at once In a cigar store. Ad dress W 17, Oregonian. Miscellaneous. WANTED POSITION OF TRUST WITH firm or person who will appreciate reliable. Industrious business man. willing to work. who does not use liquor or tobacco; best of references furnished. Address W. M. GII- lett. General Delivery. Portland. Or. UNIVERSITY MAN. PHYSICIAN 10 YEARS' experience, optimistic temperament, sound in cult and ethics, would engage a tutor; or in helpful association with Invalid, solitaire of leisure or ennui; resident or traveling; sans encumberment; exemplary credentials. N 11. Oregonian. A YOUNG MARRIED MAN OF GOOD HA li lts, with 12 years' experience In billiard and pool-room work, understands remodeling tables, has good references, wishes a poiitlon. Will call and fix tables at reasoname rates, A. C. L., rhone East 1001. WIDOWER WITH 3 CHILDREN. AGED 15, 13. II years old. good gardener and orch anils', would like a place on farm, not far from school. Phone Scott 6732. or 370 Hol- brook st.. Portland. Or. POSITION WANTED-BY A COMPETENT colored man. as a nrst-clars all-round cook for hotel or boarding, apart, strictly sober, neat, cooking of the finest grades done. S 12, Oreronlan. YOUNG MARRIED MAN.. RESPONSIBLE and best of character, used to all kinds of work, and also business experiences, would like a petition. Address 320H Front street, room S. AN ATTORNEY. IN PRACTICE IN THE East six years, wants position with some law firm or business house where his legal knowledge may be useful. T 9. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. EXPERT IN CLINICAL AND pathological laboratories and anesthesia, best of references, desires position with a phyficlan. Address D 10. Oregonian. SEWING MACHINES Adjutted and repaired. Work guaranteed. Charges moderate. Address 243 Taylor st. Phone West 142. WAITER IN FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT or hotel wanted by middle-aged man; speaks French. English. Italian. Spanish fluently. F 12. Oregonian. WANTED nr COMPETENT TROMBONE and baritone player, position, either band or orchestra: in or out of city. Address H II, Oregonian. TEUEPHONE DRAKE. 205'j WASHINGTON for waiters, cooks, dishwashers, porter, farm, camp help, negro, Chinese. Japanese. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGE MAN. SOME positlop or place in or out r air speaks wen English, French. Italian. E 12. Oregonian. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE TO CARE for rooming-house; competent in every re spect. Addres F 11. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS NIGHT WATCHMAN, REST references from U. S. Government. Address C. Hartman. 249H Front et. FIRST-CLASS SOBER MAN. HARDWARE and grocery experience: best of references. T 11. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED, WANTS work on first-class stock dairy or fruit farm. R 12, Oregonian. GOOD SOBER YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK in city or Fair Grounds; references. F 15, Oregonian. FAITHFUL AND EXPERIENCED JAP COOK wants a position In small family. H 12, Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST WANTS Posi tion; will go out of town. C 14. Oregonian. FOR WHITEWASHING WITH call up 33 N. 7th st. A BRUSH. CARPENTER WANTS JOB AND REPAIR work. Main 5093. SITUATIONS WANTED) FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES space In prominent business locality; ob ject, general stenography; will furnish typewriter. Address N 17. care Oregonian. EXPERT STENOGRAPHER. RECENTLY from East, desires position; highest ref- erences furnished. Address O 17, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY COMPETENT AND experienced stenographer. Address R 15. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER ' DE sires position la city or out. L 8, Ore gonian. Heasekeepers. REFINED WOMAN. ONE CHILD 3. NEAT, good cook, wants position housekeeper; no objection to out of tows. Mrs. M Brown, High and 13th, Eageee. Or. COMPETENT WOMAN WOULD LIKE Po sition .as rooaig-lete housekeeper; is ex' pentneea. u is, -jregowaB SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. HeHSckeepers. RESPECTABLE. UNENCUMBERED. MID- dle-aged woman, refined, capable, desires position as working housekeeper for elderly couple, widower or Invalid, where could take Jull charge, city or country. Phone Scott 5233 or address for one week B 0. Oregonian. HOTEL HOUSEKEEPER OF RECOMMEND- ed ability and character, who is coming West will want position; association ref erence. Address L IS. Oregonian Domestics. SITUATIONS WANTED BY EXPERIENCED cook: also second girl in first-class private family. Inquire of Mrs. Smith. 272 Vi Oak st. TWO WOMEN WANT WORK TOGETHER IN family as cook and for upstairs work. West Side preferred. M 19, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE (JlRL to assist in general housework or dining room. J 15. Oregonian. JAPANESE WOMAN WISHES SITUATION at housework or take care children. Ad dress 53 N. 4 th. NEAT GIRL. GOOD PLAIN COOK. WANTS position housework. 333 Sacramento st. WANTED BY GIRL OF 19. POSITION TO care for child. Scott 5345. Nurses. TWO GRADUATE NURSES FROM EAST would like hospital position or location in thriving town. V 12, Oregonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING. WAISTS. SHIRTWAIST suites, children's plain and fancy garments, prices 'reasonable. 314 Mill st. Main 53S6. Miscellaneous. REFINED WOMAN DESIRES A POSITION In email family (no children) to do llgnt housework and assist with sewing: small salary, but to be treated as one of the fam ily, or would be companion to elderly lady or couple; references. Y 11. Oregonian. A GOOD COOK AND HOUSEKEEPER wants work In a small family, where the can sleep home nights: best of -city references. Call Sunday or Monday at 581 Nonhrup et., cor. 18th st. A GOOD-ENOUGH LADY WANTS A GOOD- enough position for a good-enough salary of a good-enough party, qualified to do any good-enough work. Mrs. Goodenougb. Mam 4340. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY, NORMAL graduate, experienced teacher, position for Summer as governess or lady's companion; references. K 12, Oregonian. TELEPHONE DRAKE'S, 205I3 WASHING- ton, for chambermaid, waitresses, cooks. kitchen, laundry, store, family. 6Cfice, Expo sition help. WANTED A WOMAN OF MIDDLE AGE desires position as companion to elderly per cjn: references If needed. Phone East 879 at 7 P. M. CASHIER, REFINED YOUNG WOMAN, wants position; rapid, accurate; World's Fair experience; references. K 10, Ore gonian. SITUATION WANTED CHAMBERMAIDS, cooks, housework girls, nuraea, waitresses, second girls. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY WANTS Po sition as cashier, city or Fair;, charge of booth or other good position. M 11, Orego nian. POSITION AS HEAD WAITRESS BY THOR ougbly experienced lady; must be first-class place. Mrs. M. L. K.. 503 N. 24 th st. WANTED BY A COLORED WOMAN Washing, ironing or any kind of day's work. 3SS 0th st. Phone Main 327C. r vni'vrs i.inirs woi'l.n LIKE TO TW work ork at Fair grounds: one piano-player. one violin W S, Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY: anything but housework; cashiering pre ferred. A 18. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AT FAIR GROUNDS by experienced lady; references. Call or ad dress 315 N. 22d st. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home; terms reasonable. Phone Union 6034. or T tS. Oregonian. A GOOD HOME AND CARE GIVEN PA tlents of a. demented type; experienced. S 4. Oregonian. WANTED-POS1TION BY EXPERIENCED cashier; best of references. R 10, Orego nian. LACE' CURTAINS LAUNDERED fancy Ironing. Telephone Main 3740. A WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. a good laundress. Phone Front 3S4. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Phone Scott 3840. Mrs. S. Scott. WOMAN WANTS PANTRY WORK. Oregonian. O 15. WANTED AGENTS. 5500 PER 5IONTH AND EXPENSES SELL- ing my patent for making smokeless Gun and Blasting Powder at h cents jver pound. Beware of fakes advertising a worthless "and dangerous article. I am the Inventor. Gen eral agents wanted in each state. J. A. Stransky. Box 400. Pukwana. S. D. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI tlcn: commission and premium; outfit free; good territory open; cash advanced on orders each week: write quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nun try Co., Toppenlsh. Wash. AGENTS MAKE BIG PROFITS SELLING lady wants them. Patd. and mfgd. by The Fair Mfg. Co.. 55 5th St.. Racine. Wis. Our catalogue of Ladles' and Children's Spe cialties free. AGENTS CAN. MAKE 510 PER DAY SELL lng our 'Mendarip" to farmers; It sews. It rivets. We have the "bull by the horns." We manufacture them. Send stamp for cat alogue. B. Foote Co.. Los Angeles, Cal. GENERAL AGENTS WANTED TO HANDLE seashell novelty hatpins; greatest 10-cent belt ers known; we put you onto scheme how to sell quantities: practically no Investment. C. S. Mott. 415 Dearborn st.. Chicago. $3 TO $10 DAILY MADE BY OUR 2000 agents. Our 24-page FREE BOOK started them. Write today. . Perhaps your oppor tunity. Jacksonlan Optical College, Uni versity Square. Jackson. Mich. ALL THE LATEST FADS. CARNIVAL goods of every description; magic violets, novelty fans, kvls balloons, 50 whirlwind sellers nt Eastern prices. F. Flcke, 30 Geary at.. San FrancUco. Cal. AGENTS WRITE NOW FOR FREE SAM pie of work and' terms. Star. Harness- Mender; best 25c seller out; we make oth er quick-selling necessities, Columbia Nov elty Mfg. Co., St. Louis, Mo. OUR LITTLE WONDER SODA FOUNTAIN complete, $20 cash; 525 on Installments; will be expressed C. O. D.. 55. Balance CO days. Examination allowed. Deutler Mfg. Co.. 323 Walnut St.. Philadelphia, Fa. AGENTS $20 TO 550 WEEKLY SELLING popular new vest-pocket invention; 53; free lessons - In successful salesmanship make experience unnecessary. Standard Co.. 289 Baker. Toledo. O. MAN CLEARED 51182. LADY. 5920 LAST six months selling new celluloid waterproof shoe dressing. Why not you? Demonstrated samples free. 200 Clark st. suite 421, Ben ton & Co.. Chicago. HI. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock; complete outfit free cash advanced weekly: write today for choice of territory. Chlco Nursery Co., Box 410. Chicd, CaL AGENTS 200 PER CENT TO SCO PER CENT profit selling novelty every merchant and business man wants. Quick cash sales, un limited quantities. Write Barkdfll Co., 324 Huron. Toledo. U. AGENTS MAKE 53 TO 510 A DAY FITTING glasses; big profits; our !4-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan Optical College, College place, Jackson. Michigan. WANTED GOOD NURSERY SALESMEN BY the largest cdmpacy on the Pacific Coast; write for terms and full particulars to Ore gon Nursery Company. Salem. Oregon. WANTED. Reliable experienced agents in cities and towns of Or.. Wash, and CaL National Financing Co.. 20S Marquam bldg. WANTED AGENTS-75 WEEKLY EASILY made writing life, health and accident in surance; experience unnecessary. Write 51S E. Olive SL, Seattle. Wash. SIX AGENTS WANTED. LADIES OR GEN tlemen: something new; 300 per cent profit. Call Monday and Tuesday from 12 to 1 a ad 8 IB 7 P. JL. 592H 1st St, AGENTS WANTKD WHO UNDERSTAND steam, ' to take agency to The Ksae Steam Trap. MoultoB. 92 Liberty sc. Aew lark. WANTED A GENTS. AGENTS ON SALARY OR COMMISSION The greatest agents seller ever produced: every user of pen and Ink buys it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent profit;. one agent's sales amounted to $C20 in six days; another $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co.. X 44, La Crosse, Wis. , 5S5 PER WEEK SELLING OUR NEW PAT ents. Free samples guaranteed agents an swering this advertisement. Braharn Co., 50St. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE IDEAL AValst and Shirt Supporter. Sample with demonstrator. 25c. George N. Sceets. 1303 Grace-' St.. Chicago. AGENTS SELL GOLD-MOUNTED PEARL novelties. Positively 200 per cent profit. Samples free. Union Novelty Mfg. Co., Muscatine, Iowa. WANTED AN AGENT WHO WILL FUR nlsh roomers to fill a 20-room house during the Fair at $1 a day to the owner. D 18, Oregonian. AGENTS WE HAVE A WINNER: IF YOU want easy money, write quick. . Bodes Sani tary Co.. St. Louis, Mo. LADY AOENT SOMETH1NO NEW. GOOD seller, big wages. 21S Commercial bile GOOD AD proposition. SOLICITOR. ESTABLM3HED 147 Front st. WANTED-SOLICITOR. GOOD PROPOSI tlon. R IS. care Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. WANTED Rooms for the Exposition In all parts of the city. Apply Exposition Accommodation Bureau. 2C0 to 203 Goodnough building. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Exposition Corporation. Phone Main 62C&. WANTED BOARD AND ItOOM IN VICIN ity of ISth St., north of Washington, by lady .empjoyed during Fair months; no raise; not to exceed 525. in private boarding-house or private family, if not too far out; state full particulars. Address D 13, care Oregonian, giving phone number. ROOM WANTED LADY WITH lli-YEAR-old son. both employed during day, desires room with or without morning and evening meals; convenient to business center; per manent; references exchanged. T 10, Ore gonian. WANTED BY FAMILY OF THREE, TWO nicely furnished rooms, with board, with respectable private family; good refer ences; permanent if satisfactory- Address H 17, Oregonian. A SINGLE GENTLEMAN IS DESIROUS OF procuring a comfortable room with board in a private family on the West Side, Portland Heights preferred; references. Englishman, S 11, Oregonian. TWO GENTLEMEN WANT PERMANENT rooms with table board, plain home-cook ing In quiet private family on the West Side; references given. Address B 15, Ore gonian. WANTED-BY 2 GENTLEMEN. SMALL well-furnlshtd flat or cottage or suite or 3 or 4 well-furnished rooms; must be modern; give location and rental. P 12. Otesonian. WANTED TO RENT 8 TO 10-ROOM MOD- em house, furnUhed or unfurnished, near transportation- select neighborhood; East ern party. June I. H 16, Oregonian. WANTED TWO MARRIED COUPLES WANT rooms and board In private family: perma nent. good locality, references exchanged; state price. T 12, oregonian. BY .MAN AND WIFE IN PRIVATE FAMILY or care of furnished residence: references exchanged: no boarding-house or Fair grafters. R 17, Oregonian. WANTED BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY not more than 8 blocks from 3d and Waslr Ington. for gentleman. Phone Main 140, Room 215. Ablngton bldg. WANTED TO RENT FOR FAIR PERIOD by private family, modern and neatly fur- nirned nousc or nat naving j Dearooms. -u dress X 14, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT WELL-LOCATED FUR- nlshed modern house or flat for Exposition roason; references. Address M. C. Liver- more. Snohomish, Wash. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN VICIN lty of Washington and 23d st.. by young married couple, private family preferred. A 15, Oregonian. , REFINED AMERICAN YOUNG MAN wishes room, strictly private family, perma nently: references given: state price. C 13, Oregonian. WANTED ON EAST SIDE. ROOMS AND board or housekeenlng rooms by two ladles state terms and particulars. Y 13, Oregonian. COTTAGE WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE, close In; furnished or unfurnished, or will buy furniture if reasonable. B 13, Oregonian. WANTED SINGLE ROOM BY YOUNG LAPY working part of the night; reasonable; give references if required, v 11, uregoman. WANTED TO RENT A MODERN FUR nished or unfurnished house of from o to 12 rooms. Phone Scott 192 at once. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED DURING DAY wishes room and board In private family. close In; reasonable. S li. Oregonian. WANTED 3 OR 4 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. East Side, car line, must be clean adults. Addrcra c li, urezonian. FURNISHED COTTAGE OR ROOMS FOR housekeeping or furnished room; couple modern, price. H 18. Oregonlarr. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD, PERMAN- ent. In private family, qy two young men references. O 11, Oregonian. WANTED SUITE OF 3 OR 4 ROOMS FOR light housekeeping; private 1 family pre ferred. O 10, Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE. 0 TO 8-ROOM UNFUR nished house, permanent; no children. Phone Main 4335. YOUNG LADY DESIRES ROOM IN PRIVATE family; references exchanged; state price, G 12. Oregonian. TO RENT REASONABLE. 5 OR 6-ROOM furnished house; no children; references. 1 12, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 8 TO 12-ROOM FUR- nished lodglng-nouse. central, west side. 14. Oregonian. WANTED A FURNISHED HOUSE CLOSE to car line; must be reasonable. P 19. Ore gonlan. , WANT UNFURNISHED FLAT, SIX OR 7 rooms, on West Side. Address F !, care Oregonian. YOUNG LADY DESIRES BOARD AND ROOM in private family: reasonable, central. O 12, Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. MODERN 7-ROOM house. East Side. Phone Main 3471. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAM lly for man and wife. 161 N. 16th st. WANTED TO RENT TWO UNFURNISHED rooms. Address J 17, care Oregonian. WANTED 5-ROOJI FURNISHED COTTAGE or flat, close in. G 10. Oregonian. WANTED 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. N 12. Oregonian. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE. CAN.GIVE references. T 16, Oregonian. WANTED MIS CELLANEOUS. WANTED AGENT FOR ANY GOOD AR ticle of merit, to add to our line. Have every facility for successfully handling same. Brooks-Gordon Mfg. Co., 24 East 21st, New York. wanted men's cast-off clothi-no and ihoes: highest price paid. Call at tbi "Fair DeaV C2 N. 3d. Phons Hood BIT. WANTED ONE DOZEN YOUNG WHITE Leghorn hens and one rooster. Address P. O. Box 420. Hood Blver, Or. "WANTED ROOM-MATE BY YOUNG MAN. first-claes room. $1.50 per week. Phone East 579. Al Helfrich. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH. TEAM, wagon and harness. John M. Stewart, Gresham. Or. WANTED WILL PAY CASH FOR GOOD second-hand donkey engine. P. O. box 137, Portland. , WANTED TO BUY TWO BEAR CUBS; state price and full particulars. F 10, Oregonian. WANTED TO BUY FURNITURE OF 5 TO 12-room house. .Phone Scott 192 at once. WANTED-A PONY. WILL FEED THROUGH Summer for ue of same. West. 2975. WE CALL FOR DKAD HORSBS AND CAT tl e all klaifs. Fae-Bs 2ast 2233. GIRL WANTED. FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK 5-room cottage. 64 N. llth st. WANTED MIS CELLANE O US. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds or furniture, sew or ofd. at 2IX 1st st. Phona Main. 5655. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES, H. E. Edwards. 183-iai 1st at- WANTED A GOOD DRIVING HORSE AND buggy. M 10. Oregonian. WANTED GOOD LARGE TRUNK. D 13, Oregonian, FOR RENT. Rooms. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; electric lights and bells, steam heat and elevator: bath free to guests; rates 50c. 75c and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner ttth and Washington sts. Sam Baunurn, manager. F. Lange. prop. OUT-OF-TOWN VISITORS NEWLY FUR- nished rooms In new house, strictly modern private home. 5 minutes' walk from Post office, on direct car to Fair. Can accom modate parties up to 20. Addreea for par ticulars, Mrs. N., care Rotfm 211, Commer cial block. THE LINDELL HOTEL, Market st.. between 3d and 4th. European and American plan. Handsome: modern furnishings, all up-to-date convenien ces; free porcelain baths, electric light, gas; steam heat; outside rooms; 50c to $2 per day. HOTEL ARMINIUS MODERN BRICK. JUST completed, furnishings new throughout, electric lights, hot and cold water in rooms, free bath and phone, best part of "city; rates reasonable. 410 Morrison st., corner llth. Phone Main S263. FAIR VISITORS FINELY FURNISHED. large front room, ground floor, private fam ily, phone, electric light, good car service, suitable for two, 53 per week; can provide for children; reserve now. Address W 5, OregonianJ FOR RENT IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A. pieaeani iurnisnea ironi room in- a. suw, quiet nieghborhood, yet within easy distance. Call at 461 W. Park. cor. Jackson, and let us show you what we have, or phone Mala 4G73. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington st., bet. 19th and 20th- New. modern, all outside rooms; electric lights, phone, free baths, rates 50c. 75c. $1 per day; rate9 by week; restaurant In build ing. RESERVATIONS MADE FOR LODGING 15 people during Fair; private residence;, re spectable people: reasonable rates; one door from car going direct to Exposition; 17 min utes' ride; terms; dates. V 14, Oregonian. THE PHILADELPHIA. 3D AND SALMON Finest apartments in the city; Mint ana cold water In rooms; bath free to guests; central, facing Plaza block: and Elk foun tain. Main 202S. J. E. M. Black. Prop. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH. gas and heat; 127 N. 22d St.. bet. Gllsan and Hoyt; one block from Washington or Morrison car line; easy walking distance from Fair Grounds. Phone Main 40S1. COMMERCIAL- HOTEL. New building, new, elegant furniture, all modern conveniences; office on ground floor; centrally located; room $2 per .day up. 4S8 Washington, Phone Main 52S7. FAIR MANAGERS. ATTACHE3. EM- ployes. etc., neat, clean iurnisnea rooms, four blocks from entrance, with complete office convenience; private family. 364 N. 24tb St.. cor. Savler. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH private family, with or without hoard, fc.ast Side; good location, near two car lines; must be respectable people. 104 East ISth. or phone East 3921. PORTLAND MINERAL SPRINGS HOTEL SO rooms. 400 feet from .Fair grounds gaie; rates reasonable; sew and clean. AVrlta and reecrve rooms, G. W. McCoy. 26th and Savler. TWO MODERN, NICELY FURNISHED rooms at C51 and two at 6o5 East saimon st., for rent to permanent roomers at reas onable prices. Take Hawthorne-st. car to 18th st. LARCHMONT COTTAGE. 214 16TH ST., ON direct car line to the rair grounds ana onjr 10 minutes" walk; best accommodations; rates to families and parties of four or more. FOR RENT IN PRIVATE FAMILY THREE weu-rurnisnea oeurooms, one . imw. naw Upper Alblna car; reasonable' rates. Carl at once. 319 Weldler et. Phono SA 6Bo. TWO LADIES. EMPLOYED DURING DATo can secure neatly iurnisnea room, jb pri vate residence with use of parlor, at rea sonable cost. Address L 17, Oreseala PLEASANT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. new house, modern conveniences, on car line, close In; would give breakfast if desired; references exchanged. B 14, Oregonian. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS SB" house; bath, gas; private family; Jn blocks from Fair entrance; exhibitors pre ferred. 788 Roosevelt st., cor. 24th. FURNISHED ROOM IN STRICTLY PRI vate family; no other roomers: near Mult nomah Club, for gentleman: 515 per month; reference required. E 11, Oregonian. THE- KINGSTON ROOMS, 1004 3D. AD Jolnmg Baker Theater, centrally located, brick building; special attention given to tha traveling public. Phone Hood 657. THE COSMOS, S. E. COR. 4TH AND MOR rison; best down-town rooms in the city; heat and service night and day; rated $3.50 per week and up. including bath; $1 day. FREE LIST OF ROOMS IN CHRISTIAN homes, fine neighborhood, reasonable. Cen tenary Methodist Women's Bureau, 29 B. llth st. South. Phone East 1415. FURNISHED ROOM. PORTLAND HEIGHTS, half-block from car; unrivaled view, free bath and phone, with or without breakfast. Phone Main 4196. 434 Carter st. NICE PLEASANT ROOMS. $2 TO 53.50 PER week; good location; fine lawn, with privilege of basement for breakfast; free bath. Phone East 2S53. 511 Rodney ave. FOR RENT 370 7TH ST., BEAUTIFULLY furnished rooms, $1 per day up; centrally located; convenient to car lines; references required. Phone Main 688. TWO BRIGHT. NICE ROOMS. WITH EVERY modern convenience, 10 blocks from Fair; special rate if taken for Fair season; refer ences. S. 10, Oregonian. HOTEL NORTHERN. COR. 12TH AND Marshall sts. New. modern; all outside rooms; electric lights, free baths and phone. Phone Main 1450. ONE LARGE AND ONE SMALL FRONT room, together with separate beds, wishing two steady gentlemen for the Summer; rent 515. 26S Clay st. FURNISHED ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN suite; permanent or transient: close In; pleasant surroundings; reasonable. 641 2d st. Phone Main 4589. ONE LARGE UNFURNISHED CORNER room, suitable for office or housekeeping; also one furnished sleeping room. 223 Pine at. Phone Main 3365. CAN ACCOMMODATE 8 ROOMERS IN pretty private home, 53.50 per week; to responsible parties. 748 East Burnslde Phone East 2726. NICE ROOMS, WITH OR WITHOUT board. In private family, for 4 or 5 re spectable people; gas, bath and phone. 508 Mill, corner 15th. THE ST. GEORGE, 3014 FIRST ST.. COR. Columbia Furnished housekeeping with gas stoves and single rooms for gentlemen, tran sient solicited. SEVERAL DOUBLE BEDS IN LOVELY PRI vate home, on car line, suitable for party of adults - wishing to stop together. B 15, Oregonian. 5524 THIRD ST. ONE OR TWO NICELY furnished rooms, bath, .gas. phone, every thing modern: rent reasonable; see them. Main 3280. SUITABLE FOR TWO REMAINING DUR Ing Fair; large bedroom in attractive home, 3 minutes from Fair Grounds. S 15, Ore gonian. $10 LARGE. WELL FURNISHED BOOM IN new. modern house, with private family; walking distance": guarantee no raise. Phone East 163. THE ELM. 121 AND 125 13TH. COR. WASH ington Elegantly furnished rooms; rates, for tourists: bath, paone. Mrs. Robertson, manager. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN NEW residence, near Trail, west of Expoelttoa; 525 per month. Phone Main 5832. 1348 Vaughn. FURNISHED ROOMS. VERY REASONABLE, within one block of the Portland Hotel. Idg and 195 Seventh St.. corner of Taylor. Phoee Clay 1712. FOR RENT ROOMS IN PRIVATE RSSI dence. 7 blocks from Fair grounds; bats, breakfast if desired. 419 N. -21st. er. Vaughn. A NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, private family. In .ws'king dtfltanee, very reasonable price. Mrs. W. Wolfe; 449 Gold smith at.