The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 21, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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There now seems but little doubt
-about the intentions of the Northern
Fa.oific to enter the Clearwater country
with all possible speed in order to head
off. or at least attempt to head off, the
proposed electric line There was a
time in the distant past, before prom
ises that were never kept became too
frequent when Portland "would have
felt much regret at the advent of the
Northern Pacific In that territory,
)"whlch. . by right of geographical loca
.J(Joij belongs to this city. It is unneces
sary at this time to go into details regarding-
the Idiotic neglect and aban
donment of that field by the O. R. & N.
Co. Mr. Harriman apparently long ago
gave up that territory and burned his
bridges behind him. This accordingly
left Portland -with no hope of relief ex
cept from the Northern Pacific, or from
an independent line.
There are many reasons. for which
Portland would have favored the Inde
pendent line, and it is to be hoped that
the projectors .will not be bluffed out
by this sudden action of the Northern
Pacific. At the same time, the en-
trance of the Hill road in a territory
which rightfully belonged to Harriman
may not. after all, prove a disadvan
tage to Portland. "We have had the
fact thoroughly impressed on our minds
that there was nothing to hope for in
the Clearwater country from the Harri
man system. At the worst, we shall
have as good an opportunity to do
business there as -we now have, and
there is some probability that we may
be in better position. The traffic of
that portion of the Clearwater country
now served by the Northern Pacific has
grown so rapidly that it Is already tax
ing the facilities of the road to handle
It by way of the heavy grade up Pot
latch canyon.
That the traffic will be doubled and
trebled by construction of a line from
Lewlston to Grangevllle Is regarded as
a certainty by all who are familiar with
the country. Development of this
traffic will, of course, demand better fa
cilities than are possible by the round
about canyon road, and a water-level
route to market will undoubtedly be
sought. Wherever In the Northwest
the Hill interests and the Harriman in
terests have come in conflict, Mr. Har
,riman has retired from the field on the
run. This characteristic is so well un
derstood by the Hill.people that, in or-
4ler for them to secure the old Harrl
an right of way and grade work be
tween Lewlston and Rlparia, it will
wily be necessary for them to say they
want It and are going to have IL
The abandonment of the old Potlatch
Canyon route for a line down Snake
Itlver would not neecssarlly mean that
the Idaho traffic was all to be drained
. down to Portland. There are large
milling Interests op Puget Sound which
must and will be served from the Idaho
country on even terms with the Port
Jand mills, but construction of the
Snake River road to Lewlston would
let Portland Into a territory from
which she Is now effectually barred.
" "With the Northern Pacific down as far
as Rlparia. the rest would be easy. A
line could be built down the north bank
of the Columbia, opening up consider
able new and rich territory, or a track
age arrangement with the O. R. & N.
"might be effected. The Northern Pa
cific has never been very friendly to
Portland irythe past, and Portland has
probably reciproca'ted to the limit; but
since Mr. "Woodworth and Mr. Campbell
have been -added to Mr. Hill's official
family, there are indications of estab
llshment 'of more friendly relations.
The Northern Pacific has much to
gain by -admitting Portland into the rich
Idaho trade field from which the Har
riman system has. for so long barred us.
We should be grateful for a favor of
this -.kind, and would reciprocate with
through business, of which the North
ern Pacific at -this time gets but little.
If the1 Northern Pacific .builds the Lew-
iston-Grangeville road and continues to
haul the traffic out over two high
mountain ranges. Portland will be at no
more of a disadvantage than she now
labors under. If the Northern adopts
a common-sense policy and follows the
law of gravitation by building down
the Snake River. Portland will be Infi
nitely better off than she now is. For
this reason, advent of the Northern
Pacific Into the undeveloped portion of
the Clearwater country will be viewed
with a much greater degree of equanim
ity than would have been possible be
fore the O. R. & N. made us abandon
hope of reaching the territory over Its
PORTLAND. Or.. May 19. (To the Editor.)
On reading the editorial In Sunday's Ore
gonian, on Mr. Wood's article In the Pa
cific Monthly concerning Mr. Rockefeller and
the churches. I felt Impelled to reply to
your argument, which to me seems an Im
possible one, I. e.. that the churches accept
the gift and chastise the giver.
Since reading Washington Gladden's
trenchant and logical letter In the Outlook
of April 22, however, I merely ask you to
reprint the following lines from his pen.
which express the thought I had Intended to
It is idle to say that we can-take this
man's money and then turn and fight him.
It is not an honorable thing to do. It Is
not dealing fairly with Mr. Rockefeller. He
does not give "this money with any such un
derstanding. He would not have given It if
he had expected us to set ourselves in array
against him." L. W. W. -
Since Mr. Rockefeller made tils fa
mous, or Infamous, gift to the
American Board to help on the
salvation of the souls of the hea
then, there has been a great deal
said about the impropriety of first tak
ing his money and then "lashing," or
"fighting," or "chastising," him. The
Oregonian was aware of Washington
Gladden's loose and illogical views upon
this question before the above letter
was received, and had lamented them In
silence. It was. hoped, in fact, that no
body would be perverted by them; but
since "Li. W. W." evidently has been
perverted, and possibly others are ln
danger or have actually succumbed to
his sophistry. The Oregonian will point
out that Dr. Gladden's remark, which
"Li. W. W." quotes. Involves two disas
trous fallacies. The first fallacy is that
Mr. Rockefeller by the gift of his
money put the church under an obliga
tion, or, say, conferred a favor on the
church. Now. If he gave the money for
his ovv.n glory, he conferred no favor
upon the church, for he was trying to
seduce her to praise what she should
not; If he gave it to buy her silence,
this was no favor, but rather an Insult;
if he gave it from the best possible mo
tives, still it was no favor, for. unless
all our religious education has been
awry, a gift to the church Is a gift to
God, whose visible agent or representa
tive she is. and a man. even Rockefel
ler, cannot confer a favor on God or put
him under obligations. In giving his
hundred thousand. Mr. Rockefeller was
merely returning a part, a very small
part, of what the Lord has mysteriously
intrusted to his keeping; the servant
was restoring his master's treasure; the
steward was rendering some minute
fraction of his account. He was con
ferring no favor upon God. Does "L.
W. W." think he was? And was it a
favor so great that -God. or-hls church.
must henceforth permit Mr. Rockefeller
to go on sinning unrebuked and end
up in hell? What kind of a return
would that be to Mr. Rockefeller for his
Dr. Gladden's second fallacy, and a
most amazing one, is that by "lashing"
or "fighting" Mr. Rockefeller the church
would be injuring him. "It Is not an
honorable thing to do!" Not honorable
to pluck the brand from the burning!
"It is not dealing fairly with Mr. Rocke
feller!" Not dealing fairly to save his
soul! How blind, how limited to earth
ly passions and mere temporal interests
are the views of Dr. Gladden! If the
church does not "lash" Mr. Rockefeller,
if she does not fight him, If she does not
lay upon him an unsparing rod, how Is
his soul going to be saved? The Ore
gonian is thinking of Mr. Rockefeller's
soul: what will become of it if the
church does not scourge him soundly?
Would she be "dealing fairly" by him
to let his poor, bald head drop between
.the fiery jaws that so eagerly yawn
for it? Does "L. W. W." think she
would? Is that the sort of honorable
treatment and fair dealing "L. W. W."
and Dr. Gladden approve of? If it Is,
then we pray to be treated unfairly and
dishonorably. Even after bestowing all
our wealth upon the church, we shall
continue to cry "Give us heaven and
the scourge rather than perdition and
Pharisaical scorn."
Mrs. Arthur M. Dodge, who, by vir
tue of her experience as president of
the New Tork Federation of Day
Nurseries, should be well qualified to
know whereof she speaks, is of opinion
that the "absolute limit of one woman's
capacity for taking care of babies Is
eight, and she never ought to have
more than six."
While Mrs. Dodge in this estimate,
which was presented at the recent
meeting of the Eastern Public Educa
tion Association, in Richmond, Va.,
probably referred to the care of babies
of nearly the same age, her statement
mas well have a much wider applica
tion. That is to say. It might be prop
erly applied to the number of children
that one woman. In the dual capacity
of mother and nurse, is able to care for
In a suitable manner without overtax
ing her own strength and utterly.slnk
ing her own possibilities for recreation
and self-culture in the work. While
the mother of six children could hardly
consider all of them "babies" In the
utterly helpless sense of that term, the
oldest of such a family might be and
often Is young enough to make a con
tinuous drain upon the vitality of the
strongest mother; while mothers of
highly nervous organization have often
found the continual care of half a dozen
"human stairsteps" a daily torture to
overtaxed body and brain.
Not only is the amount of physical
labor Involved In the care of half a
dozen children exhausting almost to the
limit of physical endurance every day,
but there is a perpetual strain upon the
sub-vital forces that Increases with the
birth of each succeeding child. "A
baby for the time being doubles one's
family," Is the testimony of many a
wears' mother, and when the baby Is
succeeded by another baby and yet an
other, until the limit fixed by Mrs.
Dodge is reached, any one at all ob
servant of conditions must concede
that. If the mother's strength and the
care and training to which children are
entitled are to be considered, six, or at
most eight, children are quite enough.
And there are other considerations.
Both in the family and tbe school, as
the Chicago Poet says,K the "E8cclty
for controlling too many children re
sults in training them too litle and In
not leading them in the right direc
tion." Furthermore, the cost of educa
tion is already one of the difficulties in
the' way of extending it to those who
need it most, so that It may be impos
sible, under our present methods, to di
minish the number of children who
shall receive the attention of one
teacher. When the world learns that
the- formation of good character and
the training of the mind to think right
in brief, that quality in the human
race is better than quantity the re
duction of the number of children that
one teacher Is required to care for to a
reasonable limit will be Imperative. The
limit of the family within reasonable
bounds must, of course, precede this,
and that brings us back to the first
proposition that eight children is the
absolute limit of one woman's capacity,
speaking .In an enlightened and even a
humane sense, and that no woman
ought to have the care and training of
more than six.
President Roosevelt Js a reformer, but
he is a Republican, and a frank advo
cate of the party system of government.
He always was. He believed in re
forming the party, if it needs reform,
from without and not from within. He
may not at all times have agreed with
his party on all points, but he was
never a bolter or a sorehead. He has
ever had higher motives than sheer re
venge for any slight or disappointment,
real or fancied, at the hands of the
party leaders. Neither spite, nor Jeal
ousy, nor chagrin. Is to be found in his
The President was recently enter
tained by the Iroquois Democratic Club
at a banquet at Chicago, a compliment
almost unparalleled In our annals. ItY
greatly pleased President Roosevelt, as
it pleased all Republicans, Democrats
and worthy citizens of every political
faith The Democratic speakers were
highly complimentary In their lan
guage toward the President. But they
made it clear that they 'were still Dem
ocrats and expected to remain Demo
crats. "It is only through the vivify
ing power of parties," said J. M. Dick
inson, "that governmental theories find
practical expression." Jo which Presi
dent Roosevelt responded:
Our country is governed, and under exist
ing circumstances can only be governed under
the party system, and that should mean and
that will mean, when we have a sufficient
number of people who take the point of xew
that .Mr. DIcklnton takes that will mean
there will be a frank and manly opposition
of party to party; of party man to party man;
combined with an equally frank reft sal to
conduct a party contest In any such way as
to give good Americans cause for regret
because of what Is said before election when
compared with what la said after election.
The frankest opposition to a given man or
a given party on questions of public policy
not only can be but almost always should
be combined with the frankest recognition of
the Infinitely greater number of points of
agreement than of the points of difference.
Here, are words of deep meaning for
Portland at this time. A contest, a
party contest, for control of the city
administration is on. A Democratic
ticket is opposed to a Republican ticket.
A Democratic candidate for Mayor
(the Democrat being Indorsed also by
"citizens") is running against a Repub
lican candidate. The issue was made
up on party lines, and there is no es
cape from the fact that it Is essentially
a party contest. The situation Is given
a grave partisan aspect because the
Democrats are making a bold effort to
complete their party control by the
election of a Democratic city adminis
tratlon which shall join with the Demo
cratic Gbvernor. and Democratic Dis
trict Attorney and Sheriff, in uniting a
strong and Irresistible state, county
and city democratic machine. Demo
crats propose to elect Dr. Lane Mayor
because he Is a Democrat, and for no
other reason whatever. They do not
even pretend that he is a "reformer,1
so that they may get the votes of the
bolting Republicans. There Is no de
ceptlon or disguise about their pro
gramme. When Dr. Lane is elected he
will be the Democratic Mayor of Port
land, and an Important member of
the Chamberlaln-Word-Mannlng-Lane
Democratic machine.
There are bright rainbows in the
Democratic sky.
An exposition without a picture gal
lery Is unthinkable. To many the sight
of the pictures mentioned by Mr. Du
Mond in Saturday's Oregonian will be
an introduction Into a new world. This
art Is one where no progress has been
made by stages, by general practice, by
extension to classes and numbers of
students as time goes by. Students of
today take for their models not the
work of their teacher, but the examples
of individual masters of past genera
tions. In science, in mechanics, noth
lng Is more Interesting than a collec
tion showing the history of invention
from Infancy, from early and crude ex
periments to present-day excellence. At
the World's Fair the history of the elec
trie telegraph was so displayed. The
interest In it was proved by the dally
crowds pressing to examine the really
pathetic models, testifying to the strug'
gles of the Inventors. In art how dif
ferent! In the picture exhibit by cen
turies, by schools, by single masters,
no one. with eyes to see. and insight to
comprehend, will say, here is the In
fancy, here the boyhood, here the man
hood, here the old age of the painter's
art. For true art is ever young. So It
comes that the money value of the old
pictures rises with the years. Those
which stand the test (for there are ab
solute canons of beauty established and
unchangeable) not only can never be
repeated or reproduced, but are so few
In total number that the loss or de
structlon of but one is a national ca
lamity. To insure one picture, five feet
by three, for $100,000. as reported of
Millet's "Man With the Hoe," gives
no Idea of Its value to the world. That
cannot be appraised. Let no one lose
the chance, not merely of seeing It, but
of studying It. of absorbing Its influ
ence and power, of wondering at the
pathos and beauty the painter has in
fused into the every-day scene. Judge
it not by Edwin Markham's poem that
shows but one side of the picture, and
that the saddest, and touched through
with bitterness. The painter has seen
the patience and submission, the ac
ceptance of the hard round of daily toll.
and round it has thrown the atmos
phere of peace.
This by the way. If this is In any
sense a sample of the collection to be
shown, deep thanks are due to those
who have gathered It. It Is, too. to-be
hoped that space will be allowed in the
hanging to keep the old, brown-toned
pictures of the Dutch. school apart from
Hhe brighter tints and colors of more
modern art. And to the visitor, let the
old pictures have fair !ay. Turn 'sot
aside in haste and hurry to brigkit col
ors. Pictures, like music, are set ia cer
tain keys and la them must be stud
led. Colors fade. It Is certain that
many of the arts of- permanence have
died out with the old masters. But
form and line do not die. If the old
colors do not please you, study these.
Do honor to an art which is not based
on love of the dollar mark. The best
painters paint now. as formerly, for
money. It Is true, for painters must
live. But in the history of art, misers
and money-grubbers are the rarest of
the rare.
We have heard a good deal about
law-breaking and law-breakers In this
city in recent months, and but little has
been offered that Is practical in the
way of proposed remedy. Evangelists
have visited the city and in loud tones
and strong language have proclaimed
Portland a moral plague-spot, pledged
a few hundred, more or less, people of
the negative sort to Impractical reform
methods, and. departing, have left it
neither the worse nor better. Politi
cians, representing for the most part
men with a grievance against parties
or nominating conventions, have added
the rumblings of their discontent to the
hoarse clamor for observance of law,
and sentimentalists have joined their
piping voices in advocacy of "more
The municipal election, now close at
hand, has furnished a rallying point for
all of these elements. Clamor will reach
high tide during the next two weeks; a
hush will then fall while the votes' are
being counted, the result will be de
clared, the tide will ebb and the waves
of public opinions, lashed Into foam by
the fury of frenzied tongues, will sub
side and the .surface disturbance will be
again stilled.
If. however, this commotion. Inconse
quential as it seems from the stand
point of practical results, means a stir
ring within the body politic of what
Governor Folk, of Missouri, terms "an
Idea that means the enforcement of the
law," It will not be without wholesome
effect. We have only to read the open
records of community life our own as
well as the wider transcript to become
convinced that law-breaking has be
come alarmingly common. Again quot
ing Governor Folk, whose contention
against and triumph over law-breakers
In Missouri entitles him to a hearing
upon this point: "Law-breaking Is one
of the greatest dangers that confronts
free government." Analyzing this dan
ger, he continues:
Many men obey the laws they like, but
think they have a political liberty to dls-
oney tnc laws that are obnoxious to tnem.
The trust magnate looks with abhorrence on
the pickpocket who violates the larceny
statute, but considers it entirely right to
break the laws against combinations and
monopolies. The boodler detests the law-
breaking of the trusts, but considers the
laws against bribery as an infringement on
his personal liberty. The dramshopkeeper
regards the law against murder as good, but
the law against operating his dramshop on
Sunday is, in his opinion, puritanical and
tyrannical. If each citizen were allowed to
determine for himself which laws are good
and which laws are bad, and to Ignore the
lave he considered bad. the result would be
anarchy we would not have laws at all.
The only safe rule Is that If tho law Is on
the statute books it must be observed.There
has been too much of making laws to please
the moral element nnd then not enforcing
them to please the immoral element.
This last sentence is a plain state
ment of a simple fact known to all men.
The combination that it suggests, or the
conditions that it portrays, cannot be
broken by the forces of popular clamor
loosened at stated intervals. But IfJ
"the idea that means the enforcement
of the law" Is reinforced and strength
ened by this stirring of the depths and
bringing to the surface the misdeeds of
official law-breakers, we may be thank
ful for the rumblings that have vexed
the air and even for the odors that have
arisen, indicating the rottenness that is
To know ourselves dl-oa-ed U half our cure.
Said or sung a moralist of a past gen
eration. In this view the cure of mu
nicipal corruption in Portland may be
said to be half accomplished.
There are two sides to the congratu
lations to the Czar on having mustered
courage at this late hour to redress the
hideous wrongs of Poland. If reports
are true, and the Poles once again can
own their own soil, can choose their
own residence, and speak and have
their children taught their mother
tongue, and If it be true that this is
but a partial restoration of free rights
enjoyed for centuries, why should such
deadly pressure have been, required to
secure them? Just one stroke of an
autocrat's pen and the deed is done.
The simplicity nnd ease of the act
when it does come points the promRt
question. Whs not years ago?
For forty years the Polish people have
groaned under the oppressive laws im
posed as the punishment of their. Insur
rection in the" early '60s. Under the Im
minent danger of the Far Eastern War
and of general insurrection at home,
the heavy Russian foot Is lifted off the
necks of nine million people.
This Czar Is seemingly In the melting
mood. Concession to the Poles, conces
sion to the Jews, concession to the
Finns, newspaper censorship relaxed,
popular councils to be called together,
personal liberty promised, police pow
ers modified.
Can it be that the world must modify
its judgments on Nicholas n? One
thing Is sure. It would be the hardest
of all hard tasks for him to retrace his
steps and rebind the bonds that he has
If owners of automobiles are wise,
they will themselves take the initiative
in securing rigid observance of the new
automobile law. The reckless operator
of an automobile Is the worst enemy
the owners of these machines can have.
It was the bicycle scorcher who recog
nized no rights or privileges but those
enjoyed by himself, that created preju
dice against bicycle-riders in general.
If owners of automobiles find that the
public manifests a feeling of antag
onism toward them. It will be because
a few men- are willing to endanger hu
man life for the gratification of their
own desire for the sensation of rapid
The automobile law Is uot unreason
able. It permits a speed of twenty-four
miles an hour on the country roads and
eight miles an hour In .the thickly-settled
part of a city. A machine must be
reduced in speed to eight miles an hour
when within 1W yards of a team, and
must be stopped If- the driver of the
team signals for such precaution. Most
men will be willing to observe' these
regulations, but a few will.. roL -The
few will take the position that long
as bo one is injured It makes no differ
ence whether the law l observed or
not. They will drive their machines at
full speed past frightened horses and
curse the stupidity of farmers who
can't control their teams. They will
scorch through city streets at twenty
miles an hour and expect everybody to
keep out of the way. When accidents
occur they will go on their way un
concerned and later stare in open
mouthed wonder at the grieving- mem
bers of a bereaved family.
These few are the enemies of the au
tomobile. The real friends of this new
and useful vehicle will, be wise if they
are vigilant and relentless in bringing
their enemies to justice. It will not
suffice to wait until a death or a broken
limb "has resulted from recklessness, for
then the prejudice against the automo
bile owner will have been created. By
securing strict enforcement of the law
and the punishment of all violators, the
decent automobile operator should pro
tect himself in the exercise of his rights
upon the highway. Reckless driving of
automobiles will certainly bring about
the enactment of a more stringent law.
The great ocean race now in progress
on the Atlantic will do more to awaken
in the minds of our people an interest
in maritime maters than all the fancy
yacht racing engaged in during the
past quarter of a century. The mod
ern' racing yacht, through many years
of association with fair-weather sailors,
has degenerated 'into a simple racing
machine toally unfit for any other pur
pose than a speed contest In which all
conditions and circumstances must be
perfect. This was not the kind pf racing
that gave America her prestige on the
high seas or in the yachting game at
home. Instead, it was those marvelous
creations of wood, canvas and cordage
which appeared in such large numbers
about the time of the California gold
excitement. It was some years before
the age of steam navigation when their
white sails glistened on every sea, and
the trade for which they were built de
manded the maximum of speed coupled
with safety In all kinds of weather.
These wonderful clippers made "good
weather" wherever they sailed, and.
whether wallowing In calms on the
equator or plunging through the "roar
ing forties' they were always good.
comfortable, seaworthy ships. Their
record-breaking performances in the
China trade, around the Horn and in
the Western Ocean filled their officers
and crews with an enthusiasm which Is
entirely missing In the crews that man
the sailing ships of today. The Amer
ican ship built "down in Maine," or In
other localities on the Atlantic sea
board, met and vanquished the famous
composite tea clippers that brought
fame and fortune to England, and It
was the rivalry thus engendered that
was in a large measure responsible for
the establishment of yacht racing. This
sport at its inception was carried on by
Craft which were so constructed that
they could race across the Atlantic or
around the Horn if necessary, and the
race now under way is the first move
toward getting back to that kind of
sport made in more than twenty-five
Encouragement of this kind for ocean
racing will. In time, bring back that
hardy breed of seamen who followed
the sea through love of the life of ex
citement if offered. Modern yacht rac
ing has degenerated Into a rich man's
pastime, in which expenditure for a
single contest Is greater than the cost
of a small "fleet of the finest sailing
ships afloat. The hands of our ship
builders and designers have lost none
of their cunning, and they can build
finely modeled vessels which have great
carrying capacity as well as speed. ' The
fastest sailing vessel afloat today is the
British ship Muskoka. owned by
Portland man. Her records on some
routes are better than those of the old-
time clippers, and on account of her
wonderful speed she has always proved
a money-maker at times when low
freights made It Impossible for. slower
ships to be operated except at a loss
The Muskoka is under the British flag
because we will not permit her to fly
the Stars and Stripes, and there are a
number of other British ships that are
nearly fast enough to keep her com
Now if the sporting blood of some of
the millionaires who have handled the
yacht racing game in this country
would only become sufficiently aroused
by the big race now on, they might ap
propriate a sum equal to the cost of
one of the Lipton contests and build a
few American flyers of the Muskoka
type and race 'round the world. This
would not only prove a contest of merit,
but. If they sailed out to China, to
South Africa or Australia and return.
there would be a profit on the trip for
the freight carried, and National pride
and enthusiasm would be aroused to
such an extent that In time" we might
have the restrictions which now bind
the American merchant marine re
moved, and we should again win the
prestige we once held on the high seas,
The sailing vessel will never again hold
the position It once held in the carrying
trade of the world, but it is not yet
clear that the country which can build
the fastest yachts and supply the best
yachtsmen cannot make an equally
good showing with a craft that is use
ful as well as ornamental.
A newspaper man, who owns a Ne
grito boy for whom he paid $14, an
nounces that he Intends to educate the
lad as a test of American methods on
Philippine uncivilized tribes. This re
former will falL The boy can be taught
the multiplication table, but that won't
civilize him. He can learn spelling and
astronomy.- but these wilr not educate
him. It takes hundreds of years to civ
ilize a savage. American- methods may
be applied profitably to Japanese who
have the heritage of centuries of clvlll
zatlon. but one generation of contact
with books and association with the
best Teutonic Ideals will not change the
moral structure of a .Negrito, any
more than it will an Indian. 'There are
some laws of Nature that you can'
amend nor nullify.
The. trend of German sympathy In the
war in the Far East is disclosed by the
Kaiser's speech in reviewing his troops
at Strassburg a few 'days ago. Accord
Ing to report, he declared that only be
cause of the drunken and debauched
condition of the Russian army was Its
defeat by the Japanese at Mukden
made possible. Evidently His Majesty
takes no stock in the superior fighting
qualities of the Mikado's soldiers as
demonstrated on every battlefield In
Manchuria thus far, or In the assump
tion that. Imbued ""ivlth -unswerving
patriotism, they are superior in the in
centive to- fight to the soldiers of the
Czar, yke re. t4iBt. but not enthu-
stestlc; brave, but not patriotic; endur
ing, but half-hearted. The soldiers of
Japan are temperate and clean. It is
well, .Indeed, for the Kaiser to urge his
officers to emulate them. In industry
and sobriety, but In so doing be need
lessly Impugned the efficiency of the
officers and the fighting qualities of the
Japanese army. If the strength of the
'yellow peril" lies Jn the sobriety and
clean habits of life of the little brown
men of the Orient. It may not orove
such a menace as "fear has conceived It
to be. Strength thus based should be
easily counterbalanced and held In
check by the race that claims and Is
ready to fight for supremacy.
We have had all kinds of reform in
Portland. For example, our politics
has been reformed. The old-time con
vention has been abolished, to the end
that the boss and the machine might be
put out of business, and the direct pri
mary established. The reformers, who
now want to reform the city, were fore
most in the agitation for the direct pri
mary. If we could only have the direct
primary, all our troubles would be over.
We have the direct primary. These
same reformers put up a Republican
candidate for Mayor, and he .- was
beaten. Now they are crying aloud
about it. They were "jobbed." They
didn't have a fair show. So they bolt
ed. They . held a citizens' meeting.
They Indorsed a ticket. But the Pro
hibitionists don't like it, and they have
bolted the bolters. It's a poor rule that
you can't make work your way.
The death of Mrs. C. L. Hoover, wife
of Professor Hoover, of the North Cen
tral School. Is deeply regretted by all
who knew her work and worth as an
educator. Many young men and women
who are now filling useful places In life
came under the tutelage of Mrs. Hoover
during the years In which she was a
teacher in the Central School, and
gratefully accord to her credit for the
measure of success that they have al
ready achieved. Discriminating and
thorough In her work, her death Is a
distinct loss to the educational force of
the city in which she was for many
years a prominent factor. The Inspir
ing Influences of her life will far outrun
the brief span of her years.
It is not easy to understand Repre
sentative cushman s -excitement over
the land-fraud cases In Oregon. It Is
quite proper for Mr. Cushman to believe
that the defendants are Innocent until
they are proved guilty if they should
be proved guilty; but it Is scarcely
necessary or becoming at the same time
to denounce the officers of the United
States Government who have brought
about these Indictments. These officers
were sent to Oregon by President
Roosevelt, who has some standing
even in Mr. Cushman's state. He car
Tied it at the recent election by about
15,000 greater plurality than the Repub
lican candidates for Congress.
And now comes the report that
"Uncle Joe" Cannon Is going to stand
In with the President on tariff reform.
When a big man from the great corn
belt changes attitude on a vital public
question, there must be something
The Chicago strike is practically over
and 35 per cent of the strikers only will
get their old Jobs back. There are sev
eral -thousand men in Chicago who now
naturally question the Denencent re
sults of a strike.
There ought to be some way to assure
the casual visitor that not all the sa
loons of Portland are at the Fair en
trance, and not all the citizens of
Portland are in the saloon business.
Kuropatkln is a memory and Linie
vitch is now about to fight Oyama. We
shall see whether a Russian under any
other commander will run as fast.
Secretary Loeb declares that he never
saw Miss Mae Wood. It Is a reasonable
Inference from various acts of absence
that he has no desire to see her.
An exchange remarks that no one has
yet seen a taint on Russell Sage's
money. At last accounts no one had
seen the money.
Before the investigation is through
Mr. Loomls will probably learn that It
Is hard to touch pitch and not be de
Thlnkln' Back.
James Whltcomb Riley, in Reader.
I've been thlnkln back of late.
S'prlsln'! And I'm here to state
I'm suspicious It's a sign
Of age. maybe, er decline
Of my faculties, and ylt
I'm not feelin" old a bit
Any more than sixty-four
Ain't no young man anymore!
Thlnkln' back's a thing 'at grows
On a feller. I suppose
Older 'at he gets, 1 Jack.
More he keeps a-thlnkln' back!
Old as1 old men git to be.
Er as middle-aged as me,
Folks'll flnd us, eye and mind -Fixed
on what we've left behind
Rehabilitatln' like
Them old times we used to hike
Out barefooted fer the crick.
Long 'bout Aprl first to pick
Out some "warmest" place to go "
In a-swlmmln' Ooht my-oh!
"Wonder now we hadn't died!
Grate horseradish on my hide
Jes' a-thlnkln how cold them
That-'ere worter must 'a ben!.
Thlnkln back -"Wy. goodness-me!
I kin call their names and see
Every little tad I played
"With, er fought, er was afraid
Of. and so made him the best
Friend I had of all the rest!
Thlnkln back. I even hear
Them a-callln. high and clear.
Up the crick-banks, where they seem
Still hid In there like a dream
And me still a-pantln on
The green pathway they have gone!
Still they hide, by bend er ford
Still they hide But, thank the Lord
(Thlnkln hack, as I have said)
I hear laughln' on ahead!
Isabelle Ecclestone Mackay In" New Orleans
There lived a man who raised his hand and
. said,
"I will be great!"
And through a long, long life he bravely
At Fame's closed gate.
A son he left who. like his sire, strove
High place to win:
Worn out. he died. and. dying, left no trace
That he had been.
He also left a son. who. without care
Or planning how,
.Bore the fair letters of a deathless fame
Upon his brow.
"Behold a- genius, filled with fire divine." :
The people cried, -
Not knowing that to make him what be-was
Two men had died.
' ' ' "
Memorial Day.
McLandbu-rgh "Wilson Is Atlantic
From oat eur crowded calendar"
One day- we plaek to give:
It Is the day the Dying pause
7s , t&eee wio 11 ye.
If a Panama wossaa Is a Pan. man.
Then why Is a Panama hat? ,
By tbe hoofs 'of ' the goat on tie great rod
I ask. Where are we at?
Mr. Watson, of Georgia, signs him-
self Thomas E. Watson on the insid '
nf Ttlt Tnncrawln and Tftm Wntann nr
the outside. Is this a plebeian Invita
tion to a patrician revel?
Bad Nauheim seems to be a g.ood
place for sick people. Secretary Hay
has recovered his health there and is
coming home to help President' Roose
velt hold down tho lid.
Let us rejoice that Nan Patterson is
going upon the- stage. Perhaps, that
will keep her s"o busy that she will not
have time to write a book.
General Horace Porter dug up the
bones of John Paul Jones, buried in
France. Now tho Jamestown people
want to disinter the dust of Pocahon
tas, deposited in England. Does any
body know the location of the grave of
Andrew Lang has written a- new
book called "Adventures Among
Books." The reviews do not describe
It as a thriller..
General Sherman -said that war Is
hell, and General Sheridan remarked
that Texas is worse than hell. If both
these statements are true, what Is
The preachers hemmed and hawed In a fashion,
sad to see;
But they took the money.
With John De Rocky's ways they couldn't
quite agree;
But they took the money.
They argued this and that; the.y admitted
thus and so;
One ald. "Why. yes, yee, yes," and another
"No. no, no!"
But they took the money.
Ills Nose Detected It.
"Madam." said the tramp, handing"
back the roast beef sandwich after
raising it to his famished lips, "I- am
obliged to return this gift; I am sorry,
but I cannot accept tainted meat."
Two Washingtons.
Two strangers met yesterday at ai
Portland hotel. In reply to a ques
tion, one said:
"I am from Washington."
"Ah! so am I." replied the other, de
lightedly. "Glad to meet somebody,
from home. We may be near neigh
bors. I live on H street Northwest;
where do you live?"
"In Klickitat County."
A new magazine published at Omaha:
Is called the Corn Husk. After you
have read it you will think- it should
have been named Shucks.
Now It is asserted that Abraham
Lincoln was not the author of tho
famous saying attributed to him. "You
can fool some of the people all of -the
time," etc Phineas T. Barnum is said
to have been the author. There is no
doubt that Mr. Barnum was able to
fool all" of the people some of the time
and some of the people all of'the time.
Certain saffron journals to the east
ward -make a feature of a .daily essay
by a "female writer whose name is
Smith, but they run under her" name
the explanatory line. "Granddaughter
of Horace 'Greeley." No doubt this
assists her style, and the Idea' furnishes
a hint to any struggling writer who
desires to add Interest to his work in
the eyes- of those who require pedi
greed literature. "Lineal Descendant
of Adam" or "Direct Down From
Noah" might suffice.
Pocahontas has numerous descend
ants, but the man whose life she saved
can go her a thousand to one, if names
are any criterion. -
They are coming from the eastward, where
th streaks of dawn are struck;
They, are coming from the Southland, where
the negro runs amuck;
They are coming from the prairies, whero
the corn Is in the shuck:
The crowd Is coming on.
They are saving up the pennies for the trip
across the plains; .
They are buying new umbrellas, to be ready
when It rains;
They are poring over folders, with a view
to taking trains:
The folks are comingon.
They are coming by the river, they ara
pnmlnr bv the rail:
They are sliding up the mountain, they ara
elldlnrr throuzh the vale:.
And the world will hear the tumult when
the pilgrims hit the Trail:
The Fair Is coming on.
An Extravagant Start.
"My daughter, I am sorry td see that
you are starting out in married life In a
very extravagant style," said a fond Port
land papa, after inspecting the home of
his newly-wed daughter from cellar ta
"Why, papal"' exclaimed the devoted
bride, "how can you say that?"
"I observe," said the parent, sternly,
"that you are using parlor matches la
your kitchen."
A Mitigating Circumstance.
Mayhap my sins are grievous; yea.
i rear me monairuua m iuc
Of God and man the red array
Of deeds' that do my record blight;.
They hurl me from Perfection's, height,
A sinner sick with guile and yet, '
I swear me this, my sins despite,
I never smoked a cigarette.
My faults are as the leaves that fall
In number, as the shifting-sands;
I claim no righteousness at all: -I
yield to .sundry strong demands -Of
flesh; my soul is bound In bands
By demons of the blood and yet,
"With ail my faults, this record stands:
I never smoked a cigarette.
Sometimes. I know, my feet have trod
Outside the'stralght and narrow" path;
I am with human weakness shod '
(Like you but tell It not In Oath!):
Though still I may escape the wrath
And win my sours salvation yet, '
For this bright page my record hath;
I never smoked a cigarette.
So. Reader, take this little lay
-And know you may be happy yet.
If only you will watch, and pray .
And never smoke a cigarette.
Banker Blgelow's Disgrace.
Kennebec Journal.
After all. Banker Blgelow probabiy
feels -his disgrace less "keenly . thaa ' he
would if he had- been: guilty of strlkfag
out in the last lankigwlth three saea n
feasesv '".-.- -""