The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 21, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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One of the Greatest Triumphs In Modern Medicine Js the Success of Pe-ru-na Iff, THese1 Cases.
Secretary Shaw Discusses
Pending Issue.
PcfvIcT Catarrh Covers fa
Multitude ef Woman'-s
. ijgtij "vK
He Outlines Four AVays to Meet Hos
tile Tariffs of Foreign Countries; -.
but Expresses No Prefer- ;
ence for Any of Them.
CLEVELAND, O., May 30. The 56th an
nual dinner of the Chamber of Commerce
was-held here "tonight,: with 309 persons In
Leslie M. Shaw, Secretary of the Treas
ury, spoke - cm "Nonpaatlsan Statesman
ship." He said in part:
Ways of Meeting Discrimination,
I cannot believe that any country se
riously considers Imposing new and severe
discriminations against the people of the
United States. Such action would be most
unfortunate from every point of view to
both countries. Certain it is the United
States has done nothing and will do noth
ing to invite such a course. If. however,
at any time anj country should do this,
and I wish expressly to say that I refer
to no particular country, for some coun
tries already do it, then- there remain
for the people of the United States .four
possible-policies. Without expressing an
opinion as to their relative merits. 1 will
state them concisely an possible. The re
sponsibility of determination rests alone
with Congress.
Four Alternative Policies.
First The United States could. continue
her present policy of reserving to her
own people some advantages in her own
markets and making no discriminations
against others. There are those who. ad
vocate this course.
Second We could yield to the demand
of those countries which threaten adverse
tariff legislation and give to their people
material advantages over those which
make no such discriminations. There are
those in this country, I am told, who
favor material reducttbns-in present tar
iffs on merchandise coming from certain
countries and the enforcement bf present
rates as against others. I think they call
this reciprocity.
Third We could materially reduce all
our tariff schedules, leaving it to the mag
nanimity of others lo emulate our gener
osity. There are those, and I am told
there are many, who advocate this policy.
Without expressing an opinion as to tne
merits of the proposition, I venture to
suggest that even the free-trade policy
of Great Britain does not exempt her
from discriminations by countries which
adopt the discriminating policy, nor from
the demand that the United States shall
join In discriminations against her.
Fourth Plan Is Retaliation.
Fourth The only remaining course pos
sible to be pursued is for the United
States to make discriminations against
the countries which discriminate against
us. I have heard it intimated that an
amendment to our present tariff laws is
likely to e proposed at the next session,
but with what prospect of passage I can
not say. substantially as follows:
"Be it enacted. That, whenever any
country grants to the neonle of any bther
country privileges within Its markets i
wnicn are wunneid from tne people of the
United States, then and In all isuch in
stances the tariff duties on all merchan
dise coming from those countries showing
such preferences shall be per cent
highpr than provided In the schedules of
existing tarKt laws." .
This would constitute a maximum and
minimum tariff, the maximum to be en
forced only against such countries as ex
act a .maximum rate against us.
I understand that those who advocate
this course meet the charge that it means
tariff war" "with the suggestion that the
United States will not first declare such a
war. Being forced to follow the example
of other countries "Is not the equivalent
of a declaration of war. while yielding to
the demand that the United States shall
discriminate against those who do discrim
inate against her might involve neutral
powers In a universal tariff war. Such a
war would necessarily harm us, but it
would harm more seriously still those who
drove us into it. The United States pre
fers to treat all alike, and fully appre
ciates like treatment by others.
New York Wants Xatlonnl Investiga
tion of Life Insurance.
NEW" YORK, May 20. President Roose
velt has been requested to take cognizance
of the situation that has brought out
the Equitable Life Assurance Society trou
ble, and to institute a National investi
gation of the insurance business as it is
now conducted.
This request was made by W. F. King,
former president of the Merchants' As
sociation of this city, who has written
the President as a policy-holder in sev
eral companies, asking that such an In
vestigation be made under the Interstate
Commerce law. Should this course be
deemed practicable, Mr. King asks the
President to appoint a National commis
sion on the lines of the Coal Commission,
that settled the anthracite strike, to make
an inquiry and report.
"In case the President decides that he
has no jurisdiction," said Mr. King, "it
is my purpose to form a committee prior
to tho convening of Congress to start an
agitation In every state by sending out
literature to every merchant and manu
facturing corporation, to the number of
150.000, having a mercantile rating of
550,000 and above. I will ask these men
to interest themselves and their employes
In petitioning their members of Congress
and Senators to put these great Insurance
corporations under Governmental con
Governor Higgins Advised to Propose
Action at Extra Session.
NEW YORK, May 20. (Special.) It was
learned this afternoon that there is every
likelihood of Governor Higgins naming
life insurance as one of the subjects ot
consideration by the extra session of the
Legislature, which is .to be called pri
marily to try the charges against Justice
Warren B. Hooker. Close friends of the
Governor have been urging him to take
a stand on the insurance question ever
since it became a settled fact that there
would have to be an extra session.
Senator Alfred R. Page, it is understood,
is among Governor Higgins' advisers- in
this matter and, .should the Governor de
cide to Include Insurance In the call for
the extra session, will most likely draw
the stipulation. Legislation that he is
said to - have under way will form the
predicate for what he proposes shall be
an exhaustive. Impartial and unpartlsan
Investigation, not only of the Equitable,
but of all life Insurance companies doing
business in the state- One Important fea
ture of this legislation will be a provi
sion on the lines of the Massachusetts
laws, limiting life insurances surpluses.
Carneglo Gives Half a Library.
TVELLESLEV. Mass., May 28. Pres
ident Caroline Hazard, of Wellesley
College, at chapel today, confirmed a
report that Andrew Carnegie had giv
en the college $125,000 to bevused in
the' erection of a library. The .gift, is
coadltlwtl- oa. the college raisiag a
Suffered With Backache
kmt:- -B Mrs. Sophia OalweU, Box 357, HSR
Jm JPP 4HLdk "After doctoring for a year and flails? mo relief from feucorrhea re- BTK 'X '-W
t, vll3&iHBMB suiting from, prolapsus aterf, and which was sapping my life forces away, H-'- JK ""-?'W
JHv, r ."ymjH finally tried Peruna, mod when I found that it was helping me every day, 9KkWaw&;' ' T
m&M&SlnBk 1 it seemed almost too good to be true, awrrbrl3'ir HHH. -
'But, it not only helped me, it cured me and ina very short time. Iam tstu.$i.j jHBfer rVy
jlliSBB novr enjoying the best of health. 1 am strong and free from pain, and I cer- KtINj&KT' BHP' ' f
jjBBMB tainly feel that all praise honor are dne to Peruna." I fljltek
aaaaaaaamL JJJaaaaaaam Tried Doctors and Medicine 1b Vala. Perusa Builds Up the Strength. HH&4
llHHM ' Jfe. -tGMaWM Miss Annette Harris. SS Catalpa Mrs. N. E. George, 112 West 3d St. aaaaakm. V
IBHk: - T' &39W Place, Chicago, ill., member West Side
lHf' ?&p3HI Ladies' nowiing tJiuD, writes: Ladles' Whist Club, writes: takakakakakakkakmi tkmm.
aaaaWam ' "No.w thIrbave regained my health ..Veruna CBred nie of kIda trOHbl
aaaMaaMaaMaaMMKjf - amJAaamamu " , " i ana icraaie ttchkhc. i aia rating it4aamaamaamaamaamaamaamaamaamm:iaamaa
Mrs. A. Williams, 233 Tremont street, Boston, Mass.,
"While I have, as a rule, no faith In patent medi
cines, Peruna is a noteworthy exception. I have used
it myself and in my family for the past five years and
I consider it far superior to anything I have yever
known or tried, especially for, the diseases peculiar to
"Five year a?o I Buffered a severe fall, not only
upratnlBff my ankle, bMt csukIbr: prolapsun uteri. I Buf
fered with cOBKtant backache, bearing: dorrs palafi,
and sometime for daym I wna unable to stand oa my
''Peruna came like a veritable godsend into our
home. I gradually grew better with the use of elgn.t
.bottles and within four months I was completely
cured. I have enjoyed excellent health ever since."
Sends -Slow Ships -Back
Harbor in Annam.
Eleven Ships in Port Dayet, Outside
Territorial "Waters, but Will Be
Driven Out Oyamu Advanc-
ins to .Attack:
PARIS. May 2f The Petit Journal's
Saigon correspondent, telegraphing
Saturday evening, says he has in
formation from an authoritative
source that the entire Russian fleet,
after leaving Port Dayot, made for the
Island of Hainan, where It anchored,
taking on coal, and that on the night
of May 19-20 a portion of the Russian
fleet, comprising 11 ships, returned to
the Annam coast, anchoring at Port
Royal, but outside territorial waters.
The Petit Journal says this fact was,
immediately telegraphed to Saigon
and Admiral de Jonquieres decided to
proceed immediately to Port Dayot to
enforce the observance of neutrality
and that the Admiral carries precise
and severe instructions to that effect.
The Petit Journal says that it is be
lieved the returned portion of the
Russian fleet is composed of the less
rapid of the Rusian vessels and that
it is a ruse of Rojestvensky, who hopes
to mislead Togo by making him be
lieve that the entire Russla'n fleet has
returned to Indo-Chinese waters, and
thus permit Rojestvensky, with his
faster ships, to slip at full speed to
Officials, the paper concludes, do not
fear complications because of- the re
turn of the Russians, as the ships are
outside the territorial waters. A later
dispatch says the vessels outside Port
Dayot brought colliers.
British Military Men Think Oyama
Will Have Xo Walkover.
LONDON. May 20. Not since the war
in the Far East began has the tension I
bere been so great as .at present, and
in military and naval circles the ex
perts are momentarily awaiting mo
mentous news of battle, both on land
and sea. Rojestvensky is trying to
run the Japanese picket lines with his
squadrons and at the same time the
Japanese army Is moving forward on
Harbin and Vladivostok.
It must not be forgotten lhat for the
past three months General Lintevitch
has been actively engaged in getting
his troops ready for a decisive con
flict and that they are In better shape
than at any time since the outbreak
of hostilities. That being the case,
Oyama will have bis work cut out to
secure a victory, especially as the
Russians can withdraw to the banks
of the Sungarl and there, by destroy
ing the bridges. that cross that stream,
be able to withstand the Japanese for
a considerable time.
more by good strategy than by weight of
metal. Should they meet In a general
battle the chances would favor the Rus
sians through sheer weight .of numbers.
Should, however, the Japanese, .through
the use of torpedo-boats, disable some ot
"I ivaa a HHrer for yearn, and al
t hough I tried aay doctors and medi
cines, aothlafc. seemed to hit my case
until I took I'erHBa, and tbls ttsi only
after life had become a tardea to me
and I vras anable to stand ea my feet
for any length ef time.
"After taking- one bottle I felt much
improved. I kept on taking it until I
had taken nine bottles, and then con
sidered myself cured.
"I can now do my work with ease,
and can walk as well as I ever could
and at nlgnt only feel a natural tired
ness. "r-sleep the night through, while be
fore I could not sleep longer than an
hour at a time.
"I am thankful to Peruna" for my
liealth.' . - .
Five Years.
i ' !
the, heavier of the Russian ships, uogo
!-woulff be able to give battle with little
, fear of the general result.
The naval battle will likely tie tougnt
within 4S hours, if the estimates of the
naval experts are worthy -of credence.-.
Orders Given Rojestvensky British
Fleet Stays on "Watch.
LONDON, May 20. British naval ex
pert .authorities here incline to the
opinion that Rojestvensky has been
unable to get into close quarters with
Togo, and that he has received strin
gent orders from St. Petersburg to go-'
forward at all hazards. Japan has no
fear that the Russians will Injure her
trading ships, as Rojestvensky Is not
likely to encumber himself with slow
salllng merchant vessels while on his
wnv Vnrth
It has hitherto, been customary for
the British fleet In the Far." East to
proceed North about this time fof Sum
mer cruising. It has received orders
this week to remain In Hongkong for
the present, in view ot the possible
clash bf the Russian and Japanese
A torpedo-boat is said to have met
with Togo's fleet not far from this
port. The Japanese signalled the Brit
ish not to report their whereabouts.
.Great Britain's fleet at Hongkong
consists of the first-class battleships
Glory, Albion, Ocean and Centurion,
the first-class armored cruiser Hogue,
me nrsi-ciass pruiccicu uiaw .n-
dromeda. the second-class cruiser
Bonaventure. The battleships Goliath
and Canopus are expected shortly.
Russian Columns Attack and Are
Repulsed and Driven North.
TOKIO. May 20. (7 P. M) It was
announced this evening. from the head
quarters of the Japanese armies In the
field that thfee Russian columns of
mixed forces advanced southward May
IS to the vicinity ot the railroad. The
Japanese engaged them and drove the
Russians northward. Simultaneously
500 Russian cavalry attacked a Japam
ese field hospital at Kingpin, on the
right bank of the Llao River. Japan
ese artillery and Infantry dispersed
the attacking cavalry. Inflicting heavy
loss upon them.
Oyama Disposing His Forces for At
tack and Llnlcvltch Ready.
GUNSHU PASS. May 20 (108 miles
north of Tie Pass, Manchuria, May 20.)
A general engagement Is Imminent.
Field Marshal Oyama is deploying
heavy forces against General LInie
vitch's left, and is concentrating his
troops along the center, but his base is
opposite the Russian right. It is not
yet clear which wing is making a dem
onstration and which will deliver the
main blow. It is evident from LInie
vitch's preparations "that he intends to
accept a decisive battle.
Superior- Court of Rtissla Sustains
Vladivostok Court.
ST. PETERSBURG, May 20. The Su
perior Admiralty Court has decide.! the
appeal in the -case of the British steam
er Calchas (captured by the Vladivos
tok squadron), overruling Adadral Jes
sen's protest against the decision of the
4-Vladlvostok Court, ordering her re
Admiral Jessen contended that the
steamer was subject to confiscation on
the ground -that she carried -Japanese
dispatches. At the saae timethe Su
perior Court decided tkat the detektfoa
Mrs. N. E. George, 112 West 3d St.,
Sioux City, la., chairman Sioux City
Ladies' Whist Club, writes:
"Peraaa cared me of- kldaey trouble
and female Treakaess. I also foaad It
very beaeflclal to take after my sob
Tras bora, as It ballt me Bp la a short
"I keep Peruna in the house all the
time to take In case of a cold or when
one is feeling worn out and tired.
"I have used many remedies, but
never found anything to equal Peruna."
Miss Esther Lee, 322 Madison street.
Topeka. Kansas, secretary Triple Tie
Social Club", writes:
"Fourteen months ago I began to-be
troubled with female weakness, which
left me pale, weak and nervous.
"Peruna was recommended to me.
I kept growing stronger and in three
month- I was, In my upual normal condition."
of the Catenas was legal, thus barring
any claim for damages on the ground
of Illegal detention.
Following the precedent set in the
case of tiie German steamer Arabia
(confiscated by the Vladivostok Prize
Court), which recognized the American
doctrine that foodstuffs are conditional
contraband, the court ordered tho re
lease of 350,030 pounds of flour and sus
tained the confiscation of 36 bales of
cotton and 97 bales of timber, the lat-
hter decision being a rejection of Secre
tary Hay's contention for broadening
the list of contrabahd so as to Include
all articles of dual use. The Vladivos
tok Prize Court has not yet passed upon
the machinery on board the Catenas.
Carnival of Dissipation Causes Stern
3Ieasures by General.
ST. PETERSBURG. May 21. (1:25 A
Dispatches from Harbin report
I a carnival of drunkenness and-dissipa-tion
among the hangerson of the rear
( army. Champagne at $13 a bottle Is said
J to be flowing like rivers, dives are
! abundant and a multitude of sharpers
and gamblers is reaping a. rich harvest.
The Emperor, at General LInievitch's
request, has appointed a new Provost
Marshal-General and the Commander-in-Chief
Intends to wage a vigorous
campaign to restore order and institute
more satisfactory conditions in the
Blockading Squadron Withdrawn
From Vladivostok, Says Russia.
MOSCOW, .May 20. Russian torpedo
craft which have gone to Vladivostok
I after a . reconnoiterlng cruise report
that the Japanese blockading division
left the vicinity of that port some days
ago and Is on Its way to Join Togo's
main fleet. The Russian Admiralty
professes -to be in possession of full
Information regarding Togo's move
ments. Germany Did Not Notify China.
FKIN, :May 20. In an official denial
of the reported seizure by the Germans
of the Island of Yu Chow and the Bay
ot Haichou, the Chiese government has
furnished an explanation of the origin of
the report.
There is much shipping passing the Is
land and the Germans decided to survey
and chart the vicinity, but. failed to no
tify China of such Intention; hence the
misunderstanding. The Chinese complain
ot the lack of courtesy on .the part of
the Germans in not asking for -permission
to make the surveys, but are satis
fled that occupation was not contemplated.
President's Keen Interest In War.
WASHINGTON. May 20. Secretary
Morton and Commander Seaton
Schroeder, Chief of the Bureau of
Naval Intelligence, had an interview
with President Roosevelt today con
cerning the prospective battle between
the Russian and Japanese fleets. Com
mander Schroeder has prepared a docu
ment in which he compares, the
strength and qualities of the two fleets.
He explained to the President, his fig
ures and deductions. The President Is
Interested deeply in the situation and
Is taking every opportunity to obtain
information upon it.
Junks to-Supply Russian Fleet.
HONGKONG, May . According to
information received here today, the
158 deeply Jadea junks (presumably
loaded with provisions for the Rus
sian fleet), which were sighted May
16, 29 miles off Cape St. John by a cor
respondent who proceeded from - here
ts Kwaar Chau Bay. Berth ef the
Island ef Hainan, have Jeft fhe vicinity-ef
Cape St. Jeha, 'aai'It is added
A Wonderful
to Suffering
are probably seeking to effect a junc
tion with Admiral Rojestvensky'
Clado Dismissed From Navy-
now understood that Captain Clado.
who was Admiral Rojestvensky's chief
tactician, and who testified before the
Sea Commission at Paris, has been dis
missed from the navy by imperial or
ders for repeated and persistent dis
obedience of the order to refrain from
the publication of his views on naval
reform. ,
ST. PETERSBURG. May 21. (1:03 A.
M.) The dismissal from the navy of
Captain Clado is gazetted.
Russians Praise Japanese Surgeons.
TOKIO, May 20. The report that the
Russians have complained of the man
ner In which their wounded men let:
at Port Arthur were treated by the
Japanese is officially denied. It Is said
that the Russian medical officers on
leaving Port Arthur addressed a let
ter to the chief of the Japanese med
ical staff, thanking him for the care
of the Russian wounded, and enthu
siastically expressing fraternity with
the Japanese surgeons.
Germans Get Big Contract.
rangements for the return of 50,000 In
valid soldiers from the front has been
perfected by the North German Lloyd
Company. The contract gives the com
pany 165 roubles (J84.71) for each sol
dier. The Americans overlooked this
business at first and now are cut out-
Guards French Neutrality.
SAIGON, Cochln-Chlna, May 20. Ad
miral de Jonquieres, the French naval
commander, sailed from here today on
the cruiser. Gulchen. His destination was
not announced, but it Is understood that
he Is going to make another Inspection
of the coast to see if neutrality Is being
Health at Harbin Improving.
" HARBIN, May 20. There is no epi
demic here and very few persons are
sick In the hospitals. The sanitary
condition of Harbin is improving.
Stations Proposed for Points In Cali
fornia, Oregon and Washington.
VALLEJO, Cal., May 20. It Is proposed
by the Navy Department to establish
wireless telegraph stations at Point Loma,
Cape Blanco, Cape Flattery, North Head,
Point Wilson and Bremerton. The estab
lishment of these new stations will prac
tically cover the Pacific Coast, and they
will be especially valuable to warships
carrylngwlreless instruments. The Weatb'
er Bureau baa offered to turn over to the
Navy Department some materials and In
struments. Boycott on Cigars Enjoined.
CHICAGO. May 20. The Knights ot
Labor today filed a petition in the "United
States Circuit Court for a restraining or
der enjoining George J. Thompson, sec
retary of the Curarsaakers' International
"Union of America, from circulatlag liter
ature condemning cigars manufactured by
the Knights of Labor.
A a Last Resert.
Be'ore going to the expense of calling a
doctor for a case of diarrhoea, or dysen
tery, procure a bottle .of Chamberlain's
Colic. Cholera and Dlarrheea. Remedy and
you will be more than pleased with the
result. There Is not another medicine In
the world that has saved as many lives
as this remedy. "It has been used la
many cases where hope was abandoned by
the physician, .and has never yet. been
ksavs ta fail. .Fee sole hr all druzls..
Medicine for Woman's Ills.
Mrs. P. F. Zelnert, S2 North Dayton street, Mad
ison, Wis., writes:
"PfniBB Is certainly a iToaderfu,! medicine for Trom
an'jt Ills, and to restore health and streaRth.
fljbegan using It when 1 was hardly able to be about.
A cord which I had contracted caused cessation of the
menses,, and each month I grew weaker and weaker
and was in dreadful pain.
"After a few weeks' use of Peruna I began to mend,
and for seven weeks I used It regularly. I was re
warded for my efforts by being restored Into a healthy
woman, instead of a miserable, sickly being with no
desire to live.
"I give It my best Indorsement and hope that it may
benefit, many."
H 1
Convicted Wife-Murderer. La
ments His Fate.
Compares His Trial to That of Car
Barn Bandits, Where Delibera
tions Were Slower, Though
Evidence Was Direct.
CHICAGO, May 20. (Special.) Convict
ed of wife-murder, Johann Hoch dis
coursed sarcastically today about the
Jury that convicted him and claimed the
police did not give him a "square deal."
Comparing the action of the car-barn
bandits' jury, where the evidence was all
direct, with his trial, in which it was all
circumstantial, he said:
"Now, look at the difference between
my case and that ot the car-barn bandits,
who were tried In the same court last
year. I am guiltless and the facts are
clear. In the other case the bodies of
three victims had bullets In them. The
criminals boasted about their crimes. Yet
the jury was- out a day and a half, if I
am informed correctly.
"Here Is ,the difference in my caser Jo
hann Hoch was found guilty by the Jury
in ten minutes. The first ballot was
taken at most a minute after the Judge
finished his Instructions. Then Bailiff
Magnus announced to them that their
dinner was ready. As- soon as dinner was
over the Jury took another ballot It is
stated the first stood ten for hanging and
.two for imprisonment. Another ballot
was Voted. This time the result was that
all the 12 men voted to hang me. That
wag quick work, when It Is remembered
that Judge Kersen thought enough of the
importance of the case to read over 60
Instructions and say that a man's life
was. at stake.
"The eating of the dinner and the tak
ing of the ballots and the time passed In
waiting for court to be reopened consumed
altogether only a "little more than an
hour. Then, too, remember that my trial
lasted exactly one month, and you will
see at once that there was something
wrong somewhere.
"But never mind, I, Johann Hoch, who
has been a kind husband to my wife, died
an innocent man. I did not poison my
wife, and that ia all there Is to it, al
though the state had to have it so, and
therefore I must' go to the noose. X could
die in half an hour and be better satis
fied, for I don't want any lingering mis
ery In Jail, where I have been too long
Hoch is deathly pale and his features,
formerly light with smiles, are tlghtly
drawn. Jailor Whlteman has. ordered a
close watch kept on him to prevent any
attempt at suicide. It Is believed that he
will try to cheat the gallows.
Hoch spent the greater part of today in,
ma ceii weeping, ana at times nis sods
were audible throughout the jail. His
lamentations brought scanty sympathy
from his fellow prisoners, who jeered -at
him and constantly urged him to "brace
up and die like a man."
Dying of Thirst in Desert.
SAN DIEGO. Cal., May 20. George
W. MeKane. who has arrived here from
Imperial, tells of the rescue of four
persons on the desert who were al
most dylnp for lack of water. The party
comprised a Mr. "Friend, his wife and
two sons, formerly of Boston, but
more recently, lHihg a't Phoenix, Ariz.
They undertook - "cross from the lat
ter place' -to California Their water
For many years the profession have
been treating the ailments peculiar to.
the female sex as a special class of ail
ments. Local treatments of all sorts have
been devised. Surgical operations have
been employed.
The -rrhole medical profession seemed
aaaalmeHs that if this class of diseases
irere to be cured at all, It must be ac
complished, by local treatment, or by
sarjclcal proceedures. '
When Dr. Kartman invented Peruna
as an internal remedy for catarrh, it
gradually became apparent that in
ternal diseases could be cured that
heretofore had baffled all medical
If Peruna cures catarrh In one part
of the body. It can cure catarrh In any
other part of the body.
Peruna, belne an Internal systemic
remedy. It Is jast as applicable to pel
vic catarrh, which so frequently af
flicts women, as ansa! catarrh, so com
mon la Xorthera climes.
Thus it has come to pass that a rem-
edy which Is neither surgical nor a"
local application Is In common, use for
the cure of pelvic catarrh.
A great number of cases of female
ailments of all varieties are cured by
us of Peruna.
Peruna cures catarrh wherever lo
cated in the body.
A multitude of womea who hereto
fore have been vainly trylnpr local
treatments and possibly, 'dreading a
Hurprical operation have been induced
to try Pcnma and received a prompt
These women. In their gratitude for
relief, make public statements for the
benefit of others.
We necessarily can publish only a
few of them. We have hundreds more
In our files. .
Health lu Precarious Condition From
Pelvic Catarrh.
Mrs. Emma Fllessner. 19 S. Fourth
street, Minneapolis. Minn., member
Lutheran Cnurch, and worthy treas
urer Sons ot Temperance, writes:
"1 suffered for over two years with
irregular and painful periods. My
neaith was in a very precarious condi
tion and I wa3 very anxious to find
something to restore my health and
"I was very glad to try Peruna and
delighted to find that it was doing me
good. ,
"I continued to use' it for a little
over three months and-then found my
troubles removed.
"I consider it a splendid medicine and
shall never be without it, taking a
dose when T feel run down and tired."
Ah Ideal Medicine.
Miss Louise Mather, 13 Church street,
Burlington, Vt vice-president Bureau
of Exchange, writes:
"Tour medicine is an ideal woman's
medicine and by far the best I have
known to restore lost health and
supply gave- out, and at a point be
tween Ehrenburg and Old Beach thej
were almost ready to give up. Jus
then McKane and R. H. Benton, cattle
men.f, "appeared on the scene, revive
them with water and directed them tt
the nearest well. Their subsequent
movements are not knwn. - -
Northwest People,JaNew York. -v
NEW YORK. May-i3'orthwestern
people registered at New York hotels art
as follows:
From Baker City, Or,.' W. P. Butcher, al
tho Hoffman.
From Seattle M. M. Russell, at the
More than SCO suits were filed yesterdaj
by the Louisiana Purchase Exposltlor
Company to collect stock subscriptions
aggregating $30,000. Ex-Mayor Tiegen
helm, of St. Louis, is sued for $5000.
When a "Hercules" boy is out
on pleasure bent and the clouds
commence to gather black and
drizzle rain, does his mother
worry about his getting wet to
the skin? Never; she has no
occasion to; she knows that he
will stay out in the rain, that's
boy nature, but she knows, too,
that he is wearing a "Hercules"
shower-proof suit. '
Our claim that a "Hercules"
boys' suit is shower-proof isn't
an advertising dodge; it is a fact.
If a manufacturer can waterproof
cloth and cut it up into raln-coata,
that usage proves shower-proof, why
can't we do the same thing and cut
up the cloth in Boys' Suits? That's
Just what we do. The cloth we use
in Boys' "Hercules" suits Is put
through the rain-coat shower-proof
process before we make it up; then
whyWt a "Heresies" Boys' Suit
a rain coaFtoo?
In fact, a "Hercules" suit is mor
thoroughly shower-proof than most
rain-coats, especially the cheaper
kind; the cloth is better quality,
closer woven and AdT WOOL.
"Hercules" afevtade in. iwo-fiiece,
knee-partis suits for Boys from 6
to j6; and your boy will get more
wear out of a "Hercules" than
any suit for which you fay half
as much again for.
Your dealer's name and "Hercules'
book if you ask.
Daube, Cohn & Co., Chicagt