1 r THE SUUBAY OBEGONIA2-7, .PORTLAND, MAY .21, 1905.. 21 FOR SALE. MlscellaneotK. FINE LOT OF SHELVING. COUNTERS AND tables, Monday morning at 163 First street; contractors and parties needing any, a bar gain offered. 18-FOOT GAS LAUNCH. 2J H. P.. COM pletely equipped. In good condition; price, $300. W. J. Clemens. 273 Stark st. FOR SALE CHEAP SAILBOAT 'WITH complete camping outfit. Just the boat for fun. Inquire Portland Rowing. Club. FOR HALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by X. C Albee Co.. 218 Grand ave BARGAIN 40 WYANDOTTE HENS. 100 chicks, 10S Incubatorl brooder. 340 Sacra xnento. Phone East 3357. FOR SALE A LARGE COLUMBIA GRAPHO phone, almost new, and records. 65 N. Union ave. Phone East 1680. NEW STEEL FOLDING COUCH BEDS WITH mattress, Jf-10 complete. 257 Chapman. Main 5007. Call Monday. FURNITURE FOR 3 ROOMS FOR SALE at bargain. Call landlady, Neppach House, 3d and Burnslde. FOX TERRIER PUPS. BEAUTIFULLY marked from prizewinners. 263 Meade et. Phone Main 4820. FOR SALE ONE MARINE GASOLINE EN glne, 15 H P.. cheap. R. M. Thornburg. Knappton. Wash FOR SALE TWO HEAVT WAGONS AS good as new. Frank Kublk, Woodlawn. Phone Scott 5000. FOR SALE ELEGANT BAR AND BACK, very cheap, cash or Installments. Address Q 95. Oregonian. A RBMINGTON-SHOLES TYPEWRITER. Apply room 4, Breeden bidg., 3d and Wash ington ets. INVALID LADY HAS VERY NICE CLOTH ing to sell -to working ladles cheap. Phone East 2815. FOR SALE ONE RUSSIAN BRASS SAMO rar and one brass coffee pot, very old. 506 Third st. $17 FOR A $26 KINGERY CORN-POPPER and peanut roaster. 2S5 Larrabee ft., call afternoon. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE GOOD SINGER sewing machine; what have you?. 530 East Lincoln. FOR SALE BABY BUGGY. RUBBER TIRE, adjustable, in good condition, $4. 960 East Yamhill. FOR SALE CHEAP. GOOD THREE-GALLON nickel coffee urn, chairs, tables. 412 Morri son st ONE ZONOPHONB. COMPLETE, WITH 31 large-size records; price, $25. H 95, Ore gonian. DOG WELL-BRED BERKSHIRE TER rier; loves children. Call COS Commercial bidg. FOR SALE HAND PRINTING PRESS AT A bargain. 8x12. good condition. Phone 42SS. FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber of Commerce or phone Main 263. 6INGER SEWING MACHINE FOR SALE very reasonable. Phone East 1&S8. FOR SALE ONE MAGIC LANTERN AND acetylene generator. 428 E. Oak. FOR SALE - ROLL TOP DESK GOOD AS new. The Counties. 8th and Alder. ! LAUNCHES. 18 AND 22 FEET. USED one rafon. H 2. Oregonian. BOLLTOP DESK. NEARLY NEW. $18. 331 Crosby st. WANTED TO RENT PIANOS. YOUNG LADY WANTS TO RENT PIANO 6 months or year. P 98. Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN watchmaking, engraving. Jewelers" work; only practical working school for Jewelers; money made learning. Seattle Watchmaking and Engraving School. P.-I. building. Seattie. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED. ANY LINE, to sell to general stores In Northwest, Jew elry assortments, unexcelled proposition. Commission, with weekly advances. The Continental Jewelry Co.. Cleveland, Ohio. LIBERAL TERMS TO RELIABLE CAPABLE men to represent us in principal Coast cities. Particulars, write today, Pacific Coast otttce Nat'l Correspondence Institute,, removed to 1105 James flood bidg., can Francisco. W ANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. ONE salesman's commission amounted to over $100 In six -weeks from February 0 to March 18. 1905. Address The Barton Par ker Mfg. Co.. Cedar Rapids, Iowa. DETECTIVE WORK ESTABLISHED FIF tten years; 8000 Secret Service men. more beinr added every day; send us your case; advice by mall free. Address American De tective Association, Indianapolis, Ind. DETECTIVE "OCR SECRET SERVICE MEN earn good money. Good men wanted everywhere to act under orders. Experi ence unnecessary. Write Webster's De tective Agency, Des Moines, Iowa. WANTED FOR THE FAIR CHORUS girls, comedians, sister teams, sketch teams, illustrated rong singers", novelty clancca, mu sicians. Newman' Vaudeville . Circuit & School of Acting, SSlfe Morrison. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON; staple line: entirely new inducements to .trade; high commissions; $25 weekly ad ance; permanent to right man. F. C Farley Co.. Detroit, Mich. "WANTED MAN FOR EXPOSITION WORK to sell a patented kettle lid. that will clamp fast to kettle and having combination strain ing device; a big 25c seller. For particulars address- V 97, Oreronlan. PARTY WITH $300 CAN SECURE HALF interest in fine paying established business. $40 weekly guaranteed; this Is permanent; agents and Fair grafters please not answer. O 3. Oregonian. WANTED 10,000 LABORERS. LOGGERS, mill and railroad work. If you want work come to Portland; wages. $1.40 tor $3 per day and board. Canadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde st. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER ORE gon; staple line; high commissions; ad vance of $100 monthly; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit. Mich. SALESMAN - A SPECIALTY SALESMAN that can get business on the initial visit. Man worth $3500 or better. Full particu lars or no attention. Answer quick. Q JIG. Oregonian. WANTED A MAN TO BUY THAT lfc-ACRE at Mount Tabor on which we will build you a small house and eell for $lft0: $100 cash, balance $10 per month. 740 Chamber of Commerce. "WANTED SALESMAN OF ENERGY AND ability for attractive proposition to general merchandise trade In Oregon. Must have a clean record and give bond. Drawer W, Chicago. STEADY YOUNG MAN WITH $350 CAN secure permanent position with Interest In cstaousnea growing ornce Dusiness; i:u monthly guaranteed. Hamilton. 34 Lange Hotel. x WRITERS TO FURNISH STORIES. POEMS. Jokes. Best prices: immediate payment. Also artists to illustrate stories. Burcll Syndicate. Gramercy bidg.. New YorkT ONE COMPETENT (NONUNION) CARPEN ter to do general building work and at times run a gang successfully; nine hours; $4.00; steady work. J. L. Mars. La Grande, Or. WANTED SALESMAN . AT ONCE, TO travel and organize for old firm In Oregon; young man preferred: previous experience not essential. Address G 95, Oregonian. WANT EXPERIENCED SASH AND DOOR machine men. also door cutters and turn ers; steady employment: pay good wages. Missoula Lumber Co.. Missoula. Mont WANTED FIRST-CLASS RESTAURANT I chef and also a combination baker: perma nent: must b men of action: no boozers. Apply 10 to 12 Monday. 209 2d st. ' "WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE. GOOD pay. to distribute circulars, advertising matter, tack signs, etc No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau. Chicago. WANTED OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. HVg test prices paid for men's cast-off cloth ing, eld shoes. Call 0 3d. near Pine Phone Hoed 1862. Orders attended to. I HAVE SMALL BUSINESS IN GOOD LOu cation: will s&crMce at Invoice, about $125 will take it: large proflta; this is your chance. H 8S. Oregonian. CIGAR SALESMEN WANTED. IN EVERY section; experience unnecessary: good sal ary and expenses paid, Emanuel Co., Station J. New York. WANTED A STRONG BOY TO WORK IN shlsAMtg-roMB. Apsly between 9 ad 1 A. U. only. L GevHTtx & , 17S let at., cor. YtmfeM. HELP WAXTED MALE. SPECIAL THIS MORNING. " 25 laborers for Exposition, special -work. $2 & day; .call early. Man and wife, waiter and chambermaid. rr.ro rt hotel; second cook, resort, $40; boarding-house cook, $40; waiter, $8; dishwashers, kitchen help, porters, etc Three rouah c&roenters with tools to frame R. R. tunnel timbers. $2.60 day, free fare; f help, planerman, $2.50; sawmill and yard laborers, $1.75 up; board, room, bath, $4 week, fare advanced; quanymen. Carpenters, $3.50, S hours, city. 50 Italians for company H. R. work, free fare. OPEN THIS MORNING. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, 26 North Second st. WANTED 30 LABORERS. LOGGING. R. R-. $2 per day; 3 skid road men. $2 per day; 4 buckera. $2.25 per day; - buckers. 52.50 per day: 5 buckers, $2.25 per day; 4 at men, $2.50 per day: 1 signal boy. $1.50 per day; 2 swampers. $2.50 per day; 1 team ster. $2 and board; 20 mlllhands, $1.75 per day; tl mlllhands. $2 per day; contract make lath, 70 cents per 1000; 10 men to clear rlghtway, $20 per acre; 10 teamsters, R. R.. $2 per day; 10 mucker. R. R-. t per day; 2 milkers. $35. room and board; 1 milker. $30. room and board; 2 farmhands. $25. room and board; cook, camp, $50; man and wife, cooks, camp, $00. If you want work see Canadian Employment Co., 249 Burnslde st Phone Main 3070. 5000 STRAWBERRY PICKERS WANTED at Hood River, Or.: parties must come with camp outfit, tents, bedding and cook ing utensils: growers furnish camping ground, wood and water, and will meet you at train or boat and haul you to fields free. Pickers are paid 1H cents per quart: packers. -cent per quart; "write us and we will hand your letters to growers, -who will write you direct when to come and give you further particulars. Picking will begin about May 20 toi25. Hood River Fruitgrowers' Union. E. H. Shepard, Sec MUST HAVE HELP AT ONCE; CAN'T MAN age business alone; Intelligent man or wom an can secure Interest In profitable com mercial enterprise: take active part in man agement. Seattle, Portland or San Francisco branches; parties, with $250. $5u0 or $1000; real estate security given; Al ref erences; permanent position guaranteco; sal ary $1200 to $2400 per annum. Addrtbd No. 922 th ave. S.. Seattle. Wash. WANTED YOUNG MAN WHO IS WILLING to start at the bottom with wholesale house, where there 1 good opportunity for rapid advancement; must be neat, rapid, write good hand and be familiar with stenography and start for $20 per month: no application considered without the above qualifications and from one willing to stick to It. Address E 100. Oregonian. 3 BRICK MASONS WANTED BY J. L. MARS at La Grande, Or., by May 1G; 2 months' cteady work without delay: have ail the material and money ready; wages $5 and up; it depends how much a man does; all plain, common work: need 3 more brick mason by June 1; could let subcontract to the right men; nonunion desired. TRAVELING SALESMEN WHO DESIRE to increase their Income should investigate our proposition to salesmen. Our line is staple, and we offer remarkable induce ments to the retail merchant. "We have places worth $3000 per year up for five good men. Department 503, 356 Dearborn st.. Chicago. LABORERS WANTED. This section is short of able-bodied men for general common labor for a variety of work at $2 to $2.25 a diiy. Come to Portland. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second street. WANTED TWO TRAVELING MEN. STA ple line, no canvassing; experience unnec essary; permanent position; excellent op portunities fbjr right party; salary, ex penses and commission. Inclose stamp for particulars, Witmer Co., Bay City. Mich. WANTED HONEST. SOBER, INDUS trious man to learn, the real estate busi ness and start in as special representative of large, prosperous and well-known firm; splendid opportunity for right party. For particulars address R 90. care Oregonian. MAN WANTED TO INTRODUCE A PAT ent hardware article; $18 a week and ex penses. Honesty and tobriety more neces sary than business experience; state age and past employment. International Shear Com pany. 48 N. 4th St.. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing house; local ter ritory; liberal s.i.ary paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience un-necebt-ary. American House, Star bidg., Chicago. WANTED IMMEDIATELY A FIRST-CLASS upholsterer and carpet man. Address, witn references. Queen City .Furniture Co., Baker City, Or. WANTED MATTRESS MAKERS AND BOVS to learn mattress making; good wages. Pe ters & Roberts Furn. Co.. 4'J Front, corner Davis. FOUR BRIGHT LARGE BOYS. 14 TO 17 years old. to act as messengers; must know city thoroughly. Call Monday, 252 Al der st. WANTED A YOUNG MAN TO SOLICIT wlndotv-fihade orders; one who has had ex perience preferred. Address N l5. Orego nian. SECRET INVESTIGATORS EVERYWHERE; good salary; experience unnecessary. Inter national Protective Association, Milwaukee, Wis. Wanted M-n to learn barter trade: steady practice; expert :nblructionis; write for terms. Gillman's College. 027 Clay st. S. F. Columbus California wine depot: headquar ters cooks, waiters, bartenders. AH wines 5c per glats. P.Loratl. 148 4th. Clay 1503. WANTED MEN TO DISTRIBUTE SAM ples. tack signs. $3 dally. No canvassing. Continental Distributing Service. Chicago. CHANCE FOR BRIGHT BOY TO LEARN Drintlng trade. Call today between 11 and j 1 or Monday morning, 122'.4 Front, room 4. LOGGERS. M1LLHANDS. FARMHANDS, laborers, others work. See us. U. S. Em ployment Co., 193 Morrison. Main 1S22. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT !and and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write. C07 McKay bidg. THREE OR FOUR VIGOROUS MEN WITH $300 to $500 can have agreeable and profit able employment. Call 2S Alder st. A YOUNG MAN WHO THOROUGHLY UN derstands bottling for a family liquor house Address O 93. Oregonian. WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER; MIDDLE aged lady preferred: good home for the Summer. Phone Main 20 IX STANDARD SPECIFICS AND ELECTRICAL appliances are true epeclallsts; cure ail chronic diseases. 91 Vj 1st st. "WANTED A GOOD STEADY INDUSTRIOUS boy to drive light express wagon; must give reference. Apply 45 First st. WANTED APPRENTICE AT MIRROR works; wages from the start. Apply Mon day morning. 412 Dails st. MAN ACQUAINTED WITH CITY FOR laundry driver, one with large acquaintance preferred. D 3. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER PUBLIC STENOGRA can have office rent and use of typewriter free W 93. Oregonian. SIDE LINE OF FIREWORKS FOR THE Sound. Eastern Washington and Oregon. Ad dress W 91, Oregonian. WANTED SADDLEMAKERS. APPLY TO Great Western Saddlery Co.. Calgary. Al berta. Canada. "WANTED BOY TO LEARN LADIES' tailoring: willing to pay by learning. 432 "Washington st. WANTED CABINETMAKERS. OREGON Furniture Manufacturing Co.. 1210 Ma cadam Road. DRUG CLERK. REGISTERED. ASSISTANT wanted Immediately. Address T 100, care Oregonian. "WANTED CANDYMAKER'S HELPER. The Modern Confectionery Co., 13th and Hoyt sts. SALESMEN FOR "WHITE GOODS, LINENS and curtains. Apply to McAllen & Mc Donnell. WANTED - BRIGHT AND ENERGETIC man. $15 per week. Address W 99. Ore gonian. FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER. GREENLAND & Grek, 3d and Washington, over Felden helrner's. GIRLS "WANTED AT PACIFIC -REGALIA Co.. 205 H 1st st. Apply Monday between and 10. WANTED STEADY YOUNG MAN TO STUDY shorthand and typewriting. Q 84, Oregonian. TEN SOLICITORS. MUST BE NEAT. CALL at 492 Flint st (Alblna). Tuesday A. M. FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN. CITT. OOUN try; tig wages. 215 Centnerd! black. WANTED BOY OR YOUNG MAN "WILLING to learn bookkeeping. R 84, Oregonttn. MEN TO TRAVEL SALARY AND EX peneec paid weekly. A L Orsgoaltn. HELP WAXXBD HALE. MEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE Busi ness; paid while learning and work- guar anteed; open evening. Barrett. 263 Morri son St., room SOL SALESMEN ADVERTISING NOVELTIES: earn $100 a week taking orders; no col lecting. Sheelonlte Co., Box 006. Man chester. N. H. "WANTED YOUNG MAN TO ASSIST SHlP plng clerk: must have some knowledge in glazing. Apply N. P. P. M. Co., 22d and Thurman sts. BOY WANTED TO WORK IN PAPER BOX factory. F. C. 8tettler. corner 10th and Gilsan. WANTED A JAPANESE BOY FOR GEN eral housework. Apply 470 'Main et. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT ONCE; references required. 232 Stark at. TAILOR WANTED ONE WHO CAN CUT preferred. 484 Washington sc. WANTED MAX TO CLEAN HOUSE. LAY carpets. Phone East 524. WANTED LADIES. . $12 AND $15 PER week. P 2. Oregonian. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST. CURES ALL PRt vate disease of men. WANTED CYLINDER PRESSFEEDER, Mann and Beach. WANTED FIRST-CLASS GERMAN COOK. 42H 6th st. WANTED PLATEN PRESS FEEDER. 207 Second st. ' MALE A COOK AT 434 WASHINGTON ST.. at once. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADIES TO LEARN DERMA tology, manicuring, halrdretsedng, the scien tific treatment of the complexion, hair, scalp, rkln. manual and electric massage, the re moval of facial blemishes, electrolysis; com plete or partial course given; position and good .salary guaranteed when competent: ref erences given. Prof. O'Neill. 21-22 Selllng Hlrsch bids., cor. Washington and 10th ats. WANTED ENERGETIC. TRUSTWORTHY man or woman to work In Oregon, repre senting large manufacturing company; sal ary $40 to $90 per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address, with stamp, J. H. Moore. Portland. Or FAIR GROUNDS. Waitresses wanted. Summer engagement. Particulars at LADIES' DEPARTMENT. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 343a Washington et., room 7. cor. 7th. COLORED MAID (EXPOSITION). WAIT reeses, cooks (boarding, hotels), city, "Wasco: cook, $50; mesFboy. $25 (deep m), German housekeeper, milker, dishwashers. house work. Chinese. Japanese. Drake. 203 Vi Washington. WANTED FOR THE FAIR-CHORUS girls, comedian?, sister teams, sketch teams, illustrated song singers, novelty dances, mu sicians. Newman Vaudeville Circuit & School of Acting. 351 Morrison. A LADY AGENT FOR RAPID-SELLING article; sells at sight; big profits; for free sample and particulars address Mariet ta Stanley Co.. 41 4th st, Grand Rapids. Mich. WE PUT YOU ON THE STAGE STAGE dancing, vaudeville, acting, sketches, ring ing, etc. taught; terms reasonable. "New man's Theatrical Circuit, 3514 Morrison. A NICE GIRL WHO WOULD LIKE TO PUT down $100 in a good paying business can get a first-class position with good salary. Call at 270 Burnslde St.. Monday. YOUNG LADY AS CIGAR STAND CLERK: mutt be competent, experienced and under stand machines: state age, experience and salary expected. D 100. Oregonian. WANTED LADY TO TAKE CHARGE OF a small rooming-house: wages $25 per month and room, and If business is good will pay $45. Box 637. city. WANTED $12 PER WEEK ATTRACTIVE employment to middle-aged ladles of good address; experience unnecessary. Call Monday forenoon 410 Dekum bidg. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. SMALL family; must be experienced: good wages to competent gin. uu uain st., cor. wiiuams ave. Phcne Union G192. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK and cooking: experienced: none other ned apply: or working housekeeper. Mr. Hogue. C03 Spokane ave GIRLS D? YOU WANT WORK Do.VT KAIL to see via. Over lOUO positions avery month. Call and register. Canadian Parlors, zrttfe MorrUcn. Main 1S22. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED" WOMAN TO cook, light housework, no washing, comfort able home; must give good references. 255 Jtn et.. near Mam. LADIES EARN $10 "WEEKLY COPYING letters at home; address stamped envelope for particulars. National Distributing Co., Albion. Mich.- COMPETENT. GIRL FOR COOKING AND general housework In family of two: Ger man preferred. Call Monday morning. 198 King et. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: must be good cook and not afraid of work; good wages and location. 395 Lar rabee. " WANTED MIDDLE-AGED "WOMAN TO DO cooking and light housekeeping for family of three Apply in person, 525 Everett st.. nai is. "WANTED YOUNG LADIES WHO WISH TO become trained nurses. Address Mother Su perior, st. Joseph's Hospital. Aberdeen. u asn. DARKROOM WORKER. MUST BE COM- pexent to aeveiop, print and finish pictures; give experience Address X 01. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED S KIRTM AKERS ; POWER machines: $12 week; only experienced hands appiy; can can isunday. 432 Washington et. LADIES EARN $20 PER 100 WRITING short letters. Stamped envelope for par ticulars, uem Mfg. Co., Cassopolis,. Mich WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPKE tentatlves In Portland and throughout state; gooa pay. uu or write inn xcKay bidg. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework: must do part of laundry worx. job ziui su. rnone jaain zwl. "WANTED A GIRL FOR CANDY STORE, none nut competent need apply; cteady post tlon to a reliable girl. 323 Morrison -a. WANTED TWO ENERGETIC LADIES TO call on business people In interest of East ern newspaper. au no reuygrove su VIAVI COMPANY DESIRES SERVICES OF competent woman for position In city. 23 iewis mag., .park and Morrison sts. GIRL. THOROUGHLY CAPABLE. DO shampooing; after 9 Monday. Madam Hudson, 207 Macleay bidg.. 2S6 Washington. YOUNG LADY. NEAT APPEARANCE, TO travel and assist photographer; good sal ary Address A 3, oregonian. WANTED A YOUNG GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good wages. Apply mornings, mcj is. iayior si., corner zutn. WANTED NEAT GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. 1091 Franklin st, Willamette Heights. Telephone Main 2S24. WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO iel the new telephone Index. Inquire W. J. v-jemrae. zj giarx as. GIRL TO ASSIST AT HOUSEWORK FEW hours dally for pleasant home 748 E. Burn side st Phone East 2726. LADY STENOGRAPHER, GOOD ADDRESS. for law office; give experience and lowest salary. D AS. Oregonian. A YOUNG LADY REPRESENTATIVE FOR first-class proposition: steady Income guar anteed. M S. oregonian. "WAISTHAND. EXPERIENCED. ON FIRST- class fancy gowns; no -o triers need apply. utdgin, 4S4 Washington. WANTED GIRL TO DO SEWING AND As sist with general housework. Call for noon. 645 Hancock st WHOLESALE HOUSE WANTS YOUNG iaay stenograpner; oegmner preierrea. Ad areas ts iuk uregoman. BURNT WOOD AND LEATHER WORKER. must letter well and be rapid worker. Ad cress x i. uregonian. WANTED WAITRESSES FAIRMONT Ho tel, opposite; Exposition entrance Call af ter v A. M. .Monday. WOMAN OF ABILITY TO TAKE RESPON slblepoUltlon for city firm: must be over TVANTEn TWO LAntES FOR PLEASANT. profitable work: salary guaranteed. 2122 SelUng-uirscb bidg. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR hour-work: good wages. 614 Carter at Portland Heights. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. IN small family. Call farsmafts, Eat Sr sm u( 1st sts. .HELP WANTED FEMALE. GIRL FOR CHAMBER AND DINING-ROOM work. Brooklyn Hotel, 498 Grand, ave. Phone Scott 343. WANTED A GIRL TO COOK FOR TWO people and help take care of baby. XX 70, care Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- woric 329 E. Sth rorth, take Irvlngton or Broadway car. . WANTED AN EXPERIENCED SECOND glrL Apply at once, Mrs. C F. Adams, 783 Flandent MILLINERY APPRENTICES WANTED TO Morrison st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO cooking; -good home; must be steady, call 235 Grant WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. small tamlly. Call 181 E. 16th. Phone East 1593. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED "WOMAN for general housework. Apply 574 E Ptne st GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK; small family. Apply morning, 91 N. 15th ?t WANTED GIRL TO "WORK IN CONFEC- iionery siore. jiv. 1 -.. cur. Ankeny. WOMAN "WANTED TO HELP IN KITCHEN: one knows cooking preferred. At aoji N. 6th t- GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. MUST be competent, good wages. o urana ave. North. EXPERIENCED TENT AND AWNING seamstress. Pacific Tent & Awning Co., 1 N. 1st. WANTED EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESSES and apprentices. Mrs. itoifson, Hamilton bidg. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; light washing. 7C3 1st st; take S car. GIRL TO DO LIGHT SECOND WORK AND assist with care of Infant 674 Everett st WANTED A WOMAN 00 DO KITCHEN work In a private boarding-house 166 .5th. WANTED AT ONCE. A FIRST-CLASS pants finisher. Rusch & Oster. 204 4th st WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU5E- work In very small family. 210 Market st. GIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OF CHILDREN. 295 24th. cor. Pettygrove.. Phone Main 6230. GIRL TO TAKE CARE OP BOOTH AT Ex position; also bookkeeper. N 3; Oregonian. TEN SOLICITORS. MUST BE NEAT. CALL at 492 Flint st (Alblna). Tuesday A. M. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: NO children. Call Monday. 1SI 11th North. GIRL TO ASSIST I GENERAL HOUSE- work. 1C91 Vaughn st Tel. Main 6163. EXPERIENCED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR dressmaker s assistant 168 west Park. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Apply 40 Ella, near Washington. EXPERIENCED CHOCOLATE DIPPERS wanted at 62 Union ave. Portland, Or. GIRL TO CARE FOR CHILDREN OCCA- sionally afternoons. Phone East l.SO. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. $73 E. Couch st Ankeny car. FOR HOUSEWORK PLEASANT AMERICAN girl wanted, family of 2. iWl E. Alder. WANTED GIRLS ON DRESSMAKING. 441 Multnomah st Phone East 778. WANTED GIRL" FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. 3 In family. 35 12th st. A GOOD COOK WANTED. CALL AT SI2 Kearney st. bet 24th and S5th. WANTED WAIST AND SKIRT MAKER. I. Moller. 345 Washington, room I. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; references. 301 10th st GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK. FAM- lly of two. 710 Johnson st WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN- oral housework. 512 Clay. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK AT 719 E. Main. 20th and 21st "WANTED LADIES. $12 AND $15 PER week. P 2. Oregonian. WANTED ONE GOOD SKIRTMAKER AND apprentice. 145& 11th. GIRL WANTED FOR. LIGHT HOUSE- work. Call 424 1st. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WORK FOR EVERYBODY AT HOOD RIV- er. picking strawberries. 3000 people want cd at once. Take Regulator Line steamers, from foot of Alder st-, dally excepting Sun day. 7 A. M. Call at dock and get full In formation from representative of the fruit growers. Baggage tags .may be had free. Office open all day Sunday. Phone Main 914. BOOKKEEPING. . SHORTHAND. TYPE- wrltlng. arithmetic. English, spelling, by experienced teacher and office man: pre pares young people for Civil Service exam inations: day ana nignt & si. oregonian. BOOKKKEEPERS I HAVE A SYSTEM for checking calculations ana posting with which an error Is Impossible Will send to you for $3. S. O. Talt Marl anna. Ark. WANTED SCHOOLTEACHER WHO DE- slrcs employment during vacation. Address C B. Nudd, Centralis, wash. SIX MILLMEN. 7 GIRLS. 2 CHAMBER maids. strawberry-pickers. H. Hlglcy, Em ployment -- me SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. YOUNG MAN. EXPERIENCED STENOG rapher. bookkeeper and notary public de sires work In connection with law office with privilege of study; salary not ma terlal: best -of references: machine fur nlshed If desired. Address N 1. Oregonian. TWO YOUNG MEN. STRICTLY TEMPER ate, would like position asr salesmen; capable to assist in otnee; young man. ex perlenccd salesman, would like position in grocer'. Address c 95, care Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY BOOKKEEPER. stenographer and general office man. thor oughly expenencea; nrst-ciass references; have good pofitlon. but desire to change. Address L . oregonian. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN "WHO IS strictly sober and Industrious, position In furniture, hardware or implement house with chance for advancement; references. Y 94, Oregonian. SALESMAN. RECENTLY FROM THE EAST, experienced In drug, cigar and clothing lines. Is open for engagement as Inside or outside salesman; competent to taxe cnarge 1 us. oregonian. YOUNG BUSINESS MAN WHO SPEAKS and writes English. French. German and the three Scandinavian languages would like position during the Fair. C 86, Ore gonlan. "WANTED POSITION BY MAN 2S YEARS perlenced traveling salesman, collector or otzice manager; rc.crrnccs. j juy, urego- YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE POSITION AS atenorranher. has had 3 years office ex perience In railroad work; can leave city If desiren. x w. oregonian. A MAN OF 40 WITH 20 YEARS BUSINESS experience would like position u business manager or a position to travel for good bouse T w. oregonian. WANTED SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER. general onice worx or traveling salesman; beet of references; experienced. Ira Miller. y iJ. 4 in st. a. STENOGRAPHER. "WITH LONG EXPERI ence. takes die tat tlon on machine, rasld and accurate, wants a situation. Phone East 1219. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, CASHIER and credit man desires position? can furnish highest references. 1 87. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS SALESMAN FOR fruit and produce house good reference. S W. care oregonian. IF YOU "WANT A STENOGRAPHER, I'M Miscellaneous. WANTED SITUATION BY YOUNG MAR ried couple: weald prefer store or office work: have ms stare t or ewn until now; can furaJsa best possible references. Call or write. 13 N. 12th sc. STTTCAM TrTTHRf DESIRES POSITION VAf! tory or mlH. eky eemtry; ean aasdle Men or wrX from print; best reference. T. CttBfeasa, 1 . . SITUATION WANTED MALE. 3ti 8 cd SlBCO OS EXPERIENCED MAN AND "WIFE. DISAP- pointed In not securing first-class house, fur nished, would like management of rooming house or hotel, on salary or percentage of the earnings: can control large trade from the Easf and South for a first-class houee; satisfactory references. N 98. Oregonian. A LAWYER. PRACTICED IN THE EAST about seven years, wants position wun soma business firm as credit man or otnerwise. where his legal knowledge, would be useful; competent as a salesman. B 88. Oregonian. HEADQUARTERS FOR COOKS, STEW- ards. head waiters, waiters ana employes for the Fair Grounds. Books open. Take L car, 3d street or new rerry. 167 Russell street, cor. Mississippi. Ch. Williams. YOUNG MARRIED MAN. GERMAN. RE- sponslble and best of character, sea to an kinds of work, and also business experience, would like a. position. Address 320 H Front st. room S. GOOD HARPIST AND VIOLINIST, MAN AND w lie, aesire engasemeui. in ewe ihuiii or other places. Address E. Schoneman, General Delivery. Oakland. Cat. DO YOU "WANT AN EXPERIENCED spieler: first-class; one that gets tne people and ..the money? Address 216 Ransou bidg.. Walla Walla, Wash. JAPANESE MAN AND WOMAN. GOOD Ex perienced cook, wait on table, nousewortc or nurse, want position In private family. L 93, Oregonian. MAN AND "WIFE: GOOD EXPERIENCED cooks, would like position In camp or notei; will take contract Address F. V. "Wilson. 394 Everett at BRIGHT JAPANESE BOY,. SPEAKING good English, position" as houseworker ana waiter In small private family. S. Jshli. P. O. Box SS0. UNIVERSITY STUDENT EXPERIENCED IN surveying and engineer work would like employment during Summer vacation. G 2. Oregonian POSITION AS HELPER IN "'BAKERY. TWO years experience as waiter in restaurant can cook. Address J. O. Shuey, 587 Wash ington st SITUATION WANTED $10 WILL BE PAID for position where there Is a chance for ad vancement; out of town preferred. D 97, Oregonian. WORK WANTED FOR COOKS. WAITERS. duhwashers. farm hands,. laborers, stewards. Coast, etc., anywhere Drake, 2053 Y'an" ington. YOUNG. ENERGETIC MARRIED MAN would like situation; would consider any thing; can furnish references. G 1. Ore gonian. SITUATION WANTED BY RELIABLE MAN to take care of private ground or resiaence, or as Janitor In a block. M 1 Ore::onlan. WANTED POSITION IN WHOLESALE store or retail hardware preferred; experi ence and good reference S 93. Oregonian. JANITOR, EXPERIENCED. SOBER. AND steady, deelr position; best references zur nlshcd. Address N 94, care Orczonian. BY THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED GASO- Ilne engineer; can run any make of en gine. G OS. Oregonian. Phone Union 3503. FIRST-CLASS COOK. SINGLE MAN. WANTS place In private family or boardlng-housc. References. Address A 100. Oregonian. EDUCATED MAN OF 30. OF GOOD AD- dress. desires position: first-class references: no soliciting. X 98. care Oregonian. 1 JAPANESE3 LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers, all kinds of help. Black 992. 263 Everett st FIRST-CLASS TOOLMAKER WOULD LIKE to have steady Job or position; references given if wanted. K 91. Oregoolag. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED Japanese cook, to work with wife as sec--ond girl. V 06. care Oregonian. WANTED POSITION IN DENTAL LAB- oratory by good prosthetic man; plenty of experience.- J 95. Oregonian. RAILROAD ENGINEER WISHES A SITUA- tlon as a stationary engineer. H. M. Logan. C56 3d t. South Portland. BUTCHER WISHES SITUATION IN CQUN- irj town; can uo marKci wont anu siaugn tering. Y 2. Oregonian. GOOD MAN COOK. SOBER AND INDUS- trlous. wants a Job in hotel or restaurant Address Box 1017. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK taking care ol horses?, lawns, etc. Address O 95. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS TAILOR WANTS STEADY work by the week; wages $18. Address 273 Taylor st WANTED A POSITION IN A WHOLESALE house by young man; good reference P. 96. Oregonian. JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WANTS S7TUA- tlon. for helping housework. J 3. Oregonian. A RELIABLE BOY WANTS ODD JOBS OUT school hours. Telephone Main 1199. "WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED meatcutter. Q 97, Oregonian. CARPENTER WANTS JOB AND REPAIR work. Main 5993. BARBER WANTS POSITION OUT OF TOWN. is IKS, oreronlan. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. STENOGRAPHER. BBGINNEB. 15 MONTHS practical experience; nas Remington ma chine; salary very reasonable; law office preferred. S 97, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY LADY OF GOOD business ability and experienced stenogra pher and bookkeeper. N 93, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER "WANTS position in city; best of references. Pnone East 3715. Housekeepers. "WIDOW LADY. MIDDLE-AGED. WISHES position as working housekeeper In comfort able home, of religious gentleman preferred: references exchanged; no objection to out of town. "W 97, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN. BEST REFER ences. desires situation managing housekeep er hotel, rooming-house. 2304 YamhiiL Phone Main 5413. RELIABLE WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEPER for employed people, or middle-aged refined man; references. K OS. Oregonian. A RELIABLE HOUSEKEEPER WANTS work by the day: good cook; best of city ref erence Call at 581 Northrup st COMPETENT HOUSEKEEPER WOULD LIKE to take charge ,of a rooming-house. H 94, Oregonian. Dressmakers. DRESSMAKING WAISTS. SHIRTWAISTS, suits, children's plain and fancy garments; prices reasonable. 314 Mill st Main 5586.' WANTED DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAIST suits $3 and up: waist 75c up; work guar anteed. 413 Main st. Phone Main 3107. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WANTS work by day. Phone East 3S53. "WANTED SEWING BY THE I DA Yi REA sonable price Phone Main 3599. DRESSMAKING AND PLAIN SEWING. Phone East 3578. Domestic. REFINED YOUNG LADY WISHES TO AS- sist In housework, small family, during fore noon; best references; West Side only. O 06, Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED COOK "WANTS SITUA tlon In first-class private family, strictly competent Inquire of Mrs. Smith, -72;j Oak st COLORED WOMAN "WISHES POSITION AS chambermaid; take care of toilets or house cleaning, first class reference 81 Fifth st. EXPERIENCED GERMAN GIRL DESIRES position general homework: good cook; wages not less than $25. F 95. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED CHAMBERMAID WOULD like work rorenoons, stay home nights. Boom 25. Phone Clay 716. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED family second girl; wages $23. 230& Yarn hllL Phone Main 5413. "WANTED BY GIRL. 19. PLACE TO CARE for child. F OS. Oregonian. ' arses. MATERNITY NURSE. DISENGAGED. CARE lady's first baby. Address Narse 3S5 Mont gomery. Portland, Or. Main 6S13; town or country EXPERIENCED NURSE WISHES ENGAGE raent. besV reference. Room 7. Alexander. or address D 2, Ore-ronUn. Phone Main 1736. EXPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED NURSSr wants work (K any kind. B 88. Oreconlin. ' SITUATIONS- WANTED FEMALE. MIDDLE-AGED LADY WITH GOOD B.EF erenceti wishes situation In Fair ground from 7 Pi M. to closing; no objection to kitchen or dinlng-roost. Address or call, ItjSVi 3d st. room A. -PREPOSSESSING, INTELLIGENT Busi ness wotnsn-. of 33 wants situation, now or during Fb3jm demonstrator, cashier or sales lady. fortBrn exhibit preferred. M 88. Ore gonian. A RESPECTABLE YOUNG WOMAN DE slres position as cashier, or place of. trust. In any respectable location; references given. Room 210, Commercial bidg. Phone East 2261. "WORK WANTED EXPOSITION, HOTELS, restaurants, families, laundries, stores, fac tories, camps, housekeepers. everybody. Drake's, 205& Washington. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED LADY, take charge of a rooming-house or do chamberwork; good wages. J 93, Orego nian. SITUATIONS WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS, cooks, waitresses, chambermaids, housework girl, nurees. 230 H Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. TWO FIRST-CLASS COOKS FROM THE East, one meat, the other pastry, want po sition together; good wage3. Phone Main 6133. WANTED A WOMAN OF MIDDLE AGE desires position as companion to elderly per son; references If needed. Phone East 879. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY WANTS Po sition as cashier, or other good work; Fair grounds preferred. T 96. Oregonian. CAPABLE YOUNG BUSINESS WOMAN! wants position hotel manager, demonstrator, saleslady, office. F 1. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AT FAIR AS SALES lady or demonstrator by refined Eastern lady: references: C 99. Oregonian. BY RESPECTABLE YOUNG LADY. AS clerk, .cashier or demonstrator, at Fair grounds, u 96, Oregonian. WANTED LADY "WOULD LIKE COMPE tent position at Fair grounds; St Louis ref erences. Phone Main 4343. COMPETENT WOMAN, GOOD WORKER, wants work by the day; also experienced ironer. Phone Main 1625. WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF LARGE rooming, perfectly competent; St. Louis ref erence. Phone Main 4316. WANTED CHILD TO BOATtD; LOVELY home; terms reasonable Phone union t034, or T 98. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY OF EXPERIENCE WISHES position as cashier In Restaurant or hotel. K 99. Oregonian. LADY WANTS- CHARGE OF ROOMING house or housekeeper in hotel. 264 Jeffer son, room 12. YOUNG EASTERN LADY WANTS MANI curlng In hotel or barber shop. Address P 95. Oregonian. EXPERI ENCED""LAD Y WOULD LIKE- GEN- t!em4n's washing. X 90. Oregonian, or phoni Main 351S. POSITION AS MILLINERY SALESWOMAN. experienced, highest references. B 93, Ore gonian. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS Phone Scott 3S46. Mrs. S. Scott LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy Ironing. Phone Main 3740. WANTED AGENTS. A FIRST-CLASS LIFE INSURANCE MAN of ability and Integrity wanted as general agent. State of Oregon; established reputa tion and character a necessary essential. Apply to Cashier. Conservative Life In surance Company. Fenton bidg.. No. 84 6th st, bet. stark and oak sts. $300 PER MONTH AND EXPENSES. SELL- lng. my patent for making smokeless gun and blasting powder at 8c per pound. Be ware of fakes advertising a worthless and dangerous article. I am the inventor. General agents wanted In each state. J A. Stransky. Box 400, Pukwana. S. D. CASH IN MUSHROOMS IF YOU HAVE A small space in your cellar, yard or stable, you can make money growing mushrooms; no capital and no labor required; big de mand, and sell at high prices; grown by cither sex; particulars free Interstate Cul ture CO., 373 Broadway. N. T. THE CONSERVATIVE LIFE INSURANCE Company wants Industrial and lntermedl ate agent to sell their Intermediate poll cles; the most liberal agency and policy contracts on the market Apply room 6. Stearns biug.. oth ana Morrison sts. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW FROPOSI tlon: commission and premium; outfit free; gooa territory open; casn aavancea on orders each week: write quick and send reference- with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co.. Toppentsh. Wash. AGENTS MAKE BIG PROFITS SELLING handy hat fasteners. Easy to sell. Every lady wants them, patented and manurac tured by the Fair Mfg. Co., 115 5th st. Racine. Wis. Our catalogue of ladles' and children a specialties free AGENTS CAN MAKE $10 PER DAY SELL- ing our Jienaarip to iarmers; it sewd, it rivets. We have the "bull by the horns." We manufacture them. Send stamp for cat alogue. B. Foote Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. CANVASSERS TO SELL AUTOMATIC screen-door catches and giant supports. Make big. money. Exclusive territory. Sample catch. 25c; door support 20c. post paid. Automatic Catch Co.. Chicago. GENERAL AGENTS "WANTED TO HANDLE seashell novelty hatpins; greatest 10-cent sell ers known: we put you onto scheme how to sell quantities: practically no Investment C. S. Mott. 415 Dearborn at. Chicago. $3 TO $10 DAILY MADE BY OUR 2000 agents. Our 24-page FREE BOOK started, them. Write today. Perhaps your oppor tunity. Jacksonlan Optical College, Uni versity Square. Jackson. Mich. ALL THE LATEST FADS. CARNIVAL goods of every description; magic violets, novelty fans, gas balloons. 50 whirlwind sellers at Eastern prices. F. Flcke. 39 Geary st. San Francisco, Cal. AGENTS WRITE NOW FOR FREE SAM ple of work and terms. Star Harness Mender; best 25c seller out; we make oth er quick-selling necessities. Columbia Nov elty Mfg. Co., St Louis, Mo. AGENTS $20 TO $30 WEEKLY SELLING popular new vest-pocket Invention; $3; free lessons In successful salesmanship make experience unnecessary. Standard Co.. 289 Baker. Toledo. O. BIG MONEY; 5IEN WITH RIGS; NEW plan; advertising. $10 dally easy. Hus tlers commixslon $20 daily. Investigate I. S. Co.. 800 3d st. Salt Lake. Utah. AGENTS "WANTED TO SELL "KENTUCKY Prize" whisky by the barrel; fine premium to help sales; big chance for hustlers. Ad dress Box 273. Covington. Kentucky. "WANTED G OOD NURSERY SALESMEN BY the largest company on the Pacific Coast; write for terms and full particulars to Ore gon Nursery Company, Salem; Oregon. WANTED. Reliable experienced agents In cities and towns of Or., Wash, and Cal. National Financing Co.. 208 Marquam bidg. WANTED. AGENTS $75 "WEEKLY EASILY made wrltlnr life, health and accident in surance; experience unnecessary. White 513 E. Olive st, Seattle, Wash. $83 PER WEEK SELLING OUR NEW PAT ents. Free samples guaranteed agent an swering this advertisement Braham Co., 3038, Cincinnati. O. AGENT, WITH BOOTH AT EXPOSITION, to handle souvenir Inclosing toilet article Sunset Chemical Co., 415 Montgomery st, San Francisco. AGENTS $75 PER MONTH AND BX penees to sell advertising signs to merchants and. manufacturers. St Louis Sign Co.. St Louis, Mo. AGENTS WE HAVE A WINNER: IF YOU want easy money, write quick. Bodes Sani tary Co.. St. Louis. Mo. LADY AGENTSOMETHING NEW. GOOD aeilar. blr -wages. 21S -Commercial, blk. "WANTED AGENT ON FAST SELLING DEC orations. Gottlieb, 311 Everett st WANTED TO KENT. WILL GIVE $50 PER MONTH FOR FIVE months for 8-room unfurnished house, select neighborhood, near car line, west or north side. E 88, Oregonian. COUPLE WITHOUT CHILDREN WANTS 2 or 3 furnished housekeeping room. East Side; no objection to suburbs: perHtanent. D 88. Orefionlan. HOUSE WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE from 18 to 14. rons. raee Main S4I. WANTED TO BJENT. WAS far tfcs ExsaalUaa la all parts of the city. Apply ExpoaHIes Accosamodatlon Bursas. 200 to 308 Goodnongh "building. ' Under direction of -Lewis and Ciark Exposition Corporation. Pheaa Mala 639eV BOARD WANTED YOUNG MAN AND motner wish good board in strictly refined private family or In small boarding-house; one medium sized and one small room; per manent either side; references; state terms. V 99. Oregonian. "WANTED WE HAVE BEEN COMMIS- sionea to secure for a number of our non resident clients furnished houses for Ex position period: list what you have with" us. J. V. Crelghton &. Co.. 165H 3d st. room A. "Wanted by a kesponsible party a furnished house of 8 or 10 rooms: must be centrally located and modern, on " "West Side; from June to October or longer; state terms. Address for 3 days. H 3. Oregonian. TOR RENT TO 2 PEOPLE, MAN AND wue prererrea. elegantly furnished room with bath: private family; most fashionable part of city; breakfast served If desired. Phone Hood 1816. YOUNG COUPLE. NO CHILDREN. BEST rererences, three or rour furnished house keeping rooms, or room and board in pri vate family. Summer, or permanent. K 94. Oregonian. "WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN PRI- vate family for man and wife: preferably In north part of city: permanent and will pay no Fair prices; state terms. H 1, Ore gonlan. SUITE OF FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms suitable for housekeeping; modern, walking distance; no children; would canr slder board and room. C 100. Oregonian. "WANTED TO RENT. BY YOUNG MAN AND wife modern 4 or 5-room cottage, close in or near car line; can wait till June 15 to take possession. Address P. O. Box S97. WANTED TO RENT 12 OR 15-ROOM FUR- nlshed house, nice location, by reliable Eastern party, with reference, for Fair period; West Side O 97, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED DURING THE day desires room, morning and evening meals In nice home; can furnish best of references. Phone Main 3501. - WANTED TWO OR THREE ROOMS. FUR nlshed complete for housekeeping, in pri vate family; state full particulars; give price. K 100, Oregonian. WANTED BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE, nice room, or room and board. Drlvate family preferred; good residence district. it vit oregonian. WANTED BY TWO YOUNG 5IEN ROOM . and board for Summer In private . family near Fair Grounds; must be reasonable F ' 89. Oregonian. ROOM WITH BOARD AT REASONABLE rates for gentleman or two (separate rooms); private family. Please state price. W 94. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. S TO 10-ROOM HOUSE. June to November, select neighborhood, near transportation; pay $50 per month. C 93. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 10 OR 12-ROOM FUR nlshed house for five months. Must be well located. A. W. Hogle. Portland Hotel. BY JUNE 1. THREE OR FOUR UNFUR nlsbed rooms for light housekeeping. Ad dress 632 E. Madison st Phone East 1932- WANTED A FURNISHED ROOMING house near Fair, from 5 to 20 rooms; must be dheap for cash. B W 847 Upshur t. TWO OR THREE FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; no objection to East Side. State terms. M 97. Oregonian. GENTLEMAN WANTS ROOM BETWEEN 5th and 14th sts.. West Side; state price; permanent L 3, Oregonian. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family, by young lady bookkeeper. Address, with price. W 90. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT A COTTAGE FUR nlsbed op partly so. by family adults; ref erences. Main 1076. YOUNG LADY WANTS ROOM AND BOARD on West Side; limit, $30 month. T 97. Oregonian. FURNISHED ROOMS OR COTTAGE FUf housekeeping, modern, state price. "T 1. Oregonian. s. '' "WANTED TO RENT BY RESPONSIBLE tenant. 15 to 25 rooms, suitable for rooming-house. WANTED TO BENT FURNISHED HOUSE of 8 or more rooms; no agents. H 91. Ore gonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old. at 211 1st st Phone Main 3655. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHINO and shoes: highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal. R2 N. 3d. Phone Hood R17. TO PURCHASE GOERZ OR OTHER MAKE of Anaattgmat lend for u?e In 4x5-inch cam era. Address) E. BIdwcll. 1062 Corbett. WANTED TO BUY FOUR TO SIX DOZEN Leghorn hens; give number for sale and price per dozen. Y 90, Oregonian. WANTED TO BUY A REFRIGERATOR: - must be In good condition and cheap. 370 - 7th st Telephone Main 668. WILL TRADE LADY'S AND GENT'S GOOD wheels for large trunk. 905 Belmont et. Phone East 2S24. WANTED GOOD DELIVERY HORSE. CITr broke; state weight, age and price. Address R 90, Oregonian. "WANTED TO BORROW $2500, GOOD PORT land realty security. Address J 123. care Ore gonian. WANTED TOP BUGGY. RUBBER -TIRED, in exchange for first-class board. G 99, Ore gonian. FURNITURE WANT GOOD BEDROOM SET. cheap, but must be good. C 2. Orezonian. WANTED ROLL TOP DESK; ALSO A bookcase. Goldschmidt 2454 Washington. "WANTED A SECOND-HAND BICYCLE IN good condition. Phone Main 2813. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tl of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WANTED-$1200 ON NO. 1 SECURITY, city; no brokers. B 1. Oregonian. WD PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 183-191 1st st FOR SALE SODA WATER FOUNTAIN' complete. 386 Morrison st "WANTED-A SET OF TINNERS TOOLS. T 95. Oregonian. GOOD SECOND-HAND TENT. B 1. OREGO nian. FOB RENT. Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS; MODERN; private family: reasonable; 3 Mocks from Fair grounds. 707 Vaughn at. STRANGERS "WHILE SEEKING LOCATIONS will find pleasant rooms four blocks from Hotel Portland. 250& Sixth. 483 ALDER ONE FRONT ROOM. FIRST floor; one second floor; private home; dou ble beds; conveniences. CONVENIENT 2 ROOMS. PRIVATE HOUSE, porcelain bath. gas. phone: modern through out; reasonable Main 32S0. FURNISHED ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY, for permanent Fair visitors; short walk tp grounds. M 88. Oregonian. FINE LARGE ROOMS FOR PERMANENT people: reasonable. Main 4883. 208 14th st, bet. Taylor and Salmon. . TO LADY EMPLOYED. DESIRABLE FRONT room; beautiful view; 18th st, N. Refer ences. Phone Main 3416. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS: GAS. BATH, hot and cold water. 2 Union ave. N., onet block from two car lines. A PLEASANT ROOM.' WITH ALL CON--veniences, in private family; rent reasen able. 12 East 13th. N. FURNISHED ROOM. RENT REASONABLE, would sell furniture. Room 421, 2d and: Tayler sts., Touray Mdg; LARGE, NICBCY FURNISHED FRONT reem, suitable for two gentlemen"; private family. 386 13tk at ELEGANTLY "FURNISHED FRONT .ROOMS, with all modern cowveolencsa. agg Salmon st. Fbom Main 3861.