.r -"v"" -i.. . r HB SUNDAY .-OHBGONI POg33Bjflrffl, -lCAYr,130o; .-- RIM OF H I- y Street Railway Company Opposed thBridge.. kF. swigert TESTIFIES frith jFranchise on , Anotlier Street :the Corporation. Did Not AVant to Bear the Additional Ex pense Contemplated. A. great deal of testimony that -had io afreet bearing- on the Rumelia .case admitted during the trial yester- Snornlng. It has been generally un- lerstooa that the City & Suburban illway Company was "behind the bid ft the Pacific Construction Company, the firm that was awarded the bid fter J. J. Maney had been allowed to rUhdraw. but It was not until C. F. Swigert, former manager of that com bany took the stand that this fact be- bame definitely known. Mr. Swigert -was palled by the defense, but It was under thir close cross-examination by Dls rict Attorney John Manning, that Mr. swigert admitted that he had F. M. Jutler, agent for the Pacific Construc tion Company, of California, his uncle. jake a bid for the contract. 2Ir. Swigert, according to his testi lony, was out to oppose the building if tho Front-street bridge. He was ware that if the contract was let lor the building of this bridge that the company he represented, would be as- fesea one-fourth of the cost of con struction, and as the consolidated com pany had a franchise o'er the First- street bridge, he wanted to save this loney. He stated that he had talked jver the matter with Mayor "Williams ajid had said to His Honor that the Jlry & Suburban was willing to throw ip it franchise over Front street Mr. Jwlgert said his reason for getting Butler to make a bid for the work was. I in case the .contract was let to the Pa cific Construction Company of Califor nia, that the City & Suburban Com- pans, would be in absolute control and t tnere was a chance to get out Mylng the one-fourth assessment. the City & Suburban Company would not be hampered. Mayor Williams was the "first witness called during the morning. His Honor stated that Mr. Swigert had called on fnfm at his office. During this call the Mayor testified that Mr. Swigert had informed him that the City & Suburban wanted to throw up Its franchise across the Front-street bridge because the i-ooeipany would be called upon to pajr one-iourtn or tne cost or the constnrc- I tin of the bridge. On cross-examlna-! tion His Honor stated that nothing had been said during this meeting with Mr. I Swigert concerning the bids of the Pa ! clfic Construction Company of Everett. "Wash., or that put in by the California I company. Mayor "Williams, after Mr. Swigert had told his -story to the jury. made a statement In which he said that i he had always opposed the construction of the Front-street bridge. "This struc ture," he continued, "is only 200 feet from tho steel structure that crosses First street, and In my opinion I did l-Stti-l'Ttefc that the people of that part of the city should be forccdito stand the additional expense of paying for tho bridge across Front street. I frankly told Mr. Swigert that I had opposed the building of that structure and that I would opose It to the end. My conver sation with Mr. Swigert was in regard to the desire of the City & Suburban to abandon Its franchise. I told" him that I thought that this could be done, but that the company would have to .stand Its share of the cost of construc just the same. ity Attorney McNary explained his po sition In the matter by saying: "It Is trjfv that I told Mr. Swigert that I would work against the construction of the Front-street bridge. The Mayor and I talked it over, arid as. the property-owners were protesting against the payment of the First-street bridge, which was only 200 feet from the Front-street structure, and as I feared that the city .might yet have to pay for the Front-street bridge. I was opposed to the other structure. If. however. I had been aware of the deal that was on I would have explained my position In regard to this matter when l kwas on the witness stand." Most of the testimony presented to the jury tended to show that Rumelin had never approached any of the members of the Executive Board regarding the Front street bridge contract. The attorneys for the defense brought this testimony out. Intending to .show that Elliott's" charges against the city father who Is on trial were not true. There was some testimony produced rcgardinc the threat that. El liott had made when he was forced to resign his office as City Engineer, which was to the effect that he, Elliott, would get even with Rumelin. J. B. C. Xrockwood and Robert "Wake field, both, experienced contractors, were called to the stand and testified regadlng the estimates they had made upon the oristruction of the Front-street bridge. Both contractors, swore that the bid of the Pacific Construction Company, known as the J. J. Money bld was entirely, -too low, and the bridge could not, under such bids, be constructed without loss to the contractors. In addition to these wit nesses, Charles F. Bcebe. Senator SIg I?ir'hpl "FT: r? Wnrtma n Mfl TT. W- ClnrT. "rd, all members of the Executive Board, testified that C E. Rumelin had never approached them in regard to the Front street bridge contract. Two members of the board seemed to know very little about what was done by the board when the Maney business came up. They had only a hazy idea of what was done. F. M. Butler, manager of the Pacific Construction Company, of California, and Mr. Swlgert's uncle, was the las witness who testified. At the conclusion of his testimony the court adjourned until Mon day morning. Butler admitted that through Mr. Swi gert he bad made a -bid on the Front street bridge, and that 'he had assigned It to George F. Huessner. A or the considera tion of. $1300; ' . PLANS FOR ROYAL WEDDING German Capital Busy Studying Ettl quette of HohcnzoIIerns. BERLIN, May 20. The entertainments 4n celebration of the wedding of Crown Prince Frederick and the Duchess Ce celia ot 'Mecklenbarg-Schwertn, will Jast four days, beginning Saturday. June 8. the day the hrlde and her, family arrive here and take up their residence- The bride will be received at the Brandenburg gate by the Chief Burgomaster awf the city fathers and by 100 young women of well-known families, who have been 4 drawn by lot from several hundred can didates .and who will present flowers to their future Empress. The girls, will be dressed alike la Gretcaen costumes, wjth hair in braids down their hacks. Behind the Crown Priace and his bride will ride the butchers, poetmea and deputations- from other trades aaa oeettB&tles. '.ac cording to liamomortej -ouateau Those chosen to farm the cavalcade are now In training at jtbe garrison riding scbfels. -.The Emperor has. ceaimanded-that this entrance 4nto the. city", .which will be the only public celebration, shall be simple, and if possible, beautiful. The three quarters of a mile of BnterDen IJaden from the Brandenbsrg gate to the patece-J where the -umperor- ana Empress will await the Duchess Cecilia.- will be hung with garlands of roses,. Eighty thousand artificial gaxlandshaye been ordered. Seats and .window-along Unt'er Den Lin1 den -have been selling as high -as $125 for places, of Inspection. ,Exeept for the. numerous court equi pages -and uniforms which will be seen in the streets, and the Princes coming and gofng'from every hotel, there will not be anything. or the public to see, for the services will be private, and only mem bers of the' royal families Ambassadors and a lew other important peonages and gpvernment officials will take. -part In "them. The chapel of the palace, where KtheJ weaaing win .take place,, only noias about 309 persons, but there will be a service at the Cathedral on Monday, and' a- din ner at which the Hohenzollem and.Meck-lenburg-Schwerin families and the visit ing -Princes, of whom there are 60 or 60, 'will be present. There, are so many Princes coming that the 'Imperial "purt is' .perplexed over questions of. "Princely precedence, t The wedding gifts will ho presented In the palace on Monday morning. June 5. Later there will be a numerously attend-H ca oreaKiast, ana tne state dinner wui be served at 5:30 in the afternoon, so as to be ended In, time to permit of the punctual appearance of U the guests at a gala performance at the opera the same "evening. The civil ceremony of the wed ding, Tuesday June 6. will be performed by House Minister von Wedel. and the religious rite will be celebrated by Dr. Byandcr. the court chaplain, In the pal ace chapel. The procedure to be observed in the wedding of the Crown Prince fills 13 pages of the book of ceremonies of the house of Hohenzollern. HIGH PRAISE FOR THE CITY WILIi Hf PARRY SAYS PQRTLAXD liOSES NOT BY COMPARISON. Finds That .the Centennial exposi tion Is Well 'Advertised In Eastern Communities. "Will H.. Parry, a prominent citizen ot Seattle, who has traveled extensively In the East during the past two months, was in Portland yesterday, eri route home, and spoke enthusiastically of this city In com parison with places visited by him .upon the Atlantic seaboard and elsewhere In the course of his absence. Mr. Parry formerly resided here, and has been familiar -with Portland since 1S82, and during his 17 years' residence in Seat, tic has kept in close touch with this place. Much to his surprise, as well as pleasure, he found upon his return here that Port land compares very favorably in its -metropolitan character and general air of activity with any Eastern city, and says that he cannot recall any city there that would make a greater Impression upon a casual visitor than Portland. He finds business districts here com pact, but not congested, and its shops dis play fully as large a line of goods as those of any Eastern city, in addition, the streets show great activity? and In fact, said he, the general air of the place was on the metropolitan order: During his absence Mr. Parry made con siderable Inquiry concerning the impres sion created In the East by the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and found everywhere an extensive knowledge of the situation. Placards were in evidence at all points relating to the matter, and the low rates to the Coast were the subject of a great deal of favorable comment. At New York and Washington, D. C, he met many prominent railroad men, an In ternational convention of railroad men being In session at the latter place while he was there, and all evinced an Intimate acquaintance with Western conditions, and referred- In especially eulogistic terms to the enterprise of the people here in holding the Centennial Fair. The most serious question with them, according to Parry, related to the ability of the trans portation companies, to handle the enor mous crowds that are certain to attend' the Exposition, in many Instances book ings having ben made weeks in advance of the 'opening. TWO ORDERS UNITED WASHINGTON AND LIONS ARE ONE ORGANIZATION. Third Society Slay Joia the Other Two, 8hi1 Greatly IacreRwe the Membership. Steps 'were taken yesterday by which an amalgamation was effected between two well-known fraternni or- ganizations. the Order of "Washington and the Independent Order of Lions. .and tie Order of Washington ip now prepared to carry out all obligations entered Into by the Order of Lions. , The new society has a membership of over 14,000, and it is expected that another deal will be consummated by the end of this week whereby It will combine with" another- fraternal soci ety whose name Is not known and whose membership Is about 1000. By the first deal, a " saving in thousands of dollars yearly in working expenses will -be effected, and one strong, influ ential society will do better work In caring for business than when two so cieties operate in. what is practically the same field, particularly in Oregon and Washington. The new arrange ments just completed make the Order of Washington the second largest fraternal insurance order in the West, only exceeded In numbers by- the Woodmen of the World. None of the members of the Order of Llpns require to' "be re-examined to make the change In organization: they retain their pol icies issued by that -order, the Order of Washington issuing a .guarantee slip to attach" fo xertlflcatek. Thi Or- der'of Washington has been In exlstft enoeaor oyer 22 years, p.- A. McPher soh, Hhe former supreme president of the prder of' Lions, wlll now bo Identi fied with the Order of Washington aqd will assist the latter's supreme secre tary. J. L. Mitchell. The officials 6f the newly combined "order have the op tion on Alder-street property, where they purpose eTectlngf-permanont head quarters. Deputy Insurance .Commissioner J. H. Schively, ot Washington", when In formed that the new deal, was abput completed, wrote to Supreme .Secretary and, Manager Mitchell': "I am sure that the amalgamation will give confidence to the member ship of both societies, not only by en larging the membership but "hy adding iu luo Jinanciai resources el the order ot wasmngton, while at the same time the members or the Order of Lions eater a larger and older organization. In this day of keen competition 'among fraternal organizations, the smaller societies are greatly handicapped by the. momentum. given by the-larger fra ternities. I thkik the step is ia -the line of wlsd&m; safety and success, and most a ear til y" r ecoa me-ad Its ad- If SERVICE SUIT John Rankin;. Declares He Was UnjustlyRemoved.. HE ASKS- REINSTATEMENT. Appeals to the Law From the De cision ofjClty- Engineer Wanzcr "Who' Placed Him on " Daj-Js Pay. ','- a. John Rankin, an -tmployeJn the office of "the City Engineer, yesterday filed suit In the State Circuit Court to test the civil service law of the Cijy of Portland. The "proceeding Is" one ot mandamus and Is directed against CIty Engineer Wanier. The case was set for "hearing by -Judge Clelarid on June e. Rankin was employed as an Inspector and he was displaced by City Engineer Wanzer. and Amos S. Groce appointed in his stead. In his complaint he avers that he passed a civil service examination as an Jnspec tor, grade C, class 10. division C, at a sal ary fixed at T.J a month; "and was by the Civil Service Commission "on September 28, 1905, certified to the City Engineer for such position, and was aaolnted by Will iam C. Elliott, then City Engineer, on iboij same date, and has since been -eiaployed as Inspector, and has never been remocd from class or division, and has faithfully performed his duties. - The civil service provision of the city charter Is recited In the complaint, part of which reads: "No officer or employe of the city shall draw, sign,. countersign or Issue any warrant or order, .for the payment of, or pay any salary or compen sation to any person In the classified civil service who Is not certified by the Com mission tothe Auditor as having been appointed or empldyed In pursuance of this article, and of the regulations in force thereunder. Any person entitled to be certified as aforesaid may maintain a proceeding by mandamus to compel the issuance of such certificate." "It shall be the 3uty:of the Civil Saryice Commission to prepare, continue and keep. In their office a complete roster; oC all" per sons In the classified civil service of the city. This roster shall be open for Inspec tion at all reasonable hours. ' It shall show In reference to each ofsaId-persons his name, pie Sate of appointment, to iOr employment In such service, his compen sation, the title of the place or office fie holds, the nature of the duties, thereof and the date of any termination ' of such service." Rankin alleges that In the month of March, last Charles Wanzer. City Engi neer, Informed him that during that month and thereafter he would not be en titled to the sum of $75 a month, allowed by the civil rervice regulations, but only $2.50 a day. Rankin avers that this action was not made on any order of the Com mon Council or Civil Service Commission, and was wholly i and absolutely without authority, and was made after no investi gation into the -merits or differences of plaintiff, and was made in utter disregard of the civil service rules. Rankin asserts that Wanzcr placed him pn the pay roll for $2.50 a day for the time actually employed, and that City Auditor Devlin threatens to approve such action without having received any au thority from the Civil Service Commis sion. The court Is asked to direct City Engineer Wanzer to place Rankin's name on the payroll as Inspector for '$75' a month, and to order Auditor Deylln to draw a warrant accordingly. When Rankin was reduced the 'State ment was made that-it was .because Grace- was a married man, while -Rankin Is sin gle and It was proper that their places be changed about. Orpheum Gets Out Injunction. The Orpheuni- Amusement Company, which is seeking to set aside the. proceed ings of the City Council revoking its bar licenses, alleges that the Council has 'act ed without legal authority. The com plaint filed by the company through James McDevitt. the president, and J.R. Carson, secretary., sets forth that the theater had two bars, and In April last paid for two licensis, which the Council attempted to revoke on Wednesday last.-It- Is averred that the Council gave no notice to the company of the Intention to revoke the licensee, and voted to do so in violation of the jlghts of the plaintiff, and without, offering to return any of the money paid. The OrpheUm people allege that they are entitled to a. hearing and that the alleged revocation of the licenses was unlawful and Illegal, and If allowed to stand would cause irreparable loss to their business. Pending a decision of the case, Chief of Police Hunt has been enjoined by Judge Sears from interfering with the sale of llquorin the house. Poker-Players Are Indicted. Indictments were returned by the grand jury yesterday In the State Cir cuit Court against Ed Kavanauirh. charging him with conducting a poke game it uurnside street as proprie tor, and Thomas Davis, Henry Schweer. J. T. Loclce, Fred Talcot, Al Utlger and Jim Smith -for playing at the game. Kavanaugh is at liberty on bail, and the others are In the County Jail. These men were arrested by Sheriff Word on Wednesday last. Argument in Reed AViH Case. Tne arguments Jn the Amanda W. Reed will contest case were resumed "before Judge Webster yesterday, and will bt concluded Monday. William M. Gregory of this city. and.Judge Gibson, of Los Angeles, are engaged In present ing the case for the contestants In an effort to prove that Mrs. Reed was a resident of Californld at the time of her death. M. L. Pipes "will close for the defense. Indicted for Larceny. An. indictment was returned by the grand Jury yesterday against .iFrltx Pullelkelf. Fred Powell and Albert Ray mond charging them with stealing $65 from M. C Brartstrup. tt . . - Comjiiitted to Insane Asylum. Ci. -ii. Bobbins, a barber 46 years old. wa3 committed to the insane asylum yesterday- by Judge Webster. He is supposed to be afflicted with general paresis. Couple Murdered In Hovel; GILROY, CaW May 20. The dead body of Eva Edwards, of Saa Jose, was found In a room of a hovel In Gllroy this afternoon. There was a bullet wound over her heart and-' another in her head. Beside. the bed "the body"bf a man was fduati lying on the- -floor with a bullet hole near his temsle. i uotn bodies were lylnsr In nools of.: blood. ;rhe man was a, Japanese, and is thought to 'have beefe. a resident ef Alvarado. The woman was either reading or sleeping when killed, 'as an oped Bible and a newspaper were found lying on the bed. - " - It Is reported that Joseph Ramsey, Jr., w.Jc9e resMet at tfe Detroit cmken JUiinvr Uwpaaf Has ; 1 I Jf "you ar well posted .you. must concede its iority- for cooking pur ptises oyer any. other rnefhod. known. ' Itsf -simplicity, its safety, its inexpenslveness, are worthy consider,ations for all families, rich or poor.4 YE, a .good -gas range is the first step toward economy, you are a bumble tenant in rented rooms or arr owner- of a , palatial' residence. THE CIRCULATING GAS WATER-HEATER 4 It is attached ta the boiler in the kitchen and heals'water in a ievr minutes. It is more economical than, lighting your wood or . coal stove and ever so much cleaner and. quicker. It.is very simple in construction- and? easy to handle when- you need hot water for the bath or other purposes, you simply light the heater a few minutes and you'll have plenty of hot water. Let usO r.lt-ir. -... l.nr. 41.r nnnwnfn nnsl Iioit. (narnAiisnia fllzvtr nfO '(' OUUIV J Ull UVMY, upciabb 1 41 PORTLAND SI. JOHNS ELECTION Various Bond Issues Voted Upon. Be. MONDAY IS THE DAY SET Citizens Will Also Be Akcd to 'ileg . .-. ?. t' istcr Their WHU-as, to the Question, ' 'df 'iiicenslng - Saloons, in the City. St. Johns' is again In the throes of an election . which wlil have much to do with Its future. Tomorrow a special election will be held between 9 A. M. and 7. P. M. in the Council Chamber, when the following separate proposi tions will be submitted to the vote df the'people: First Shall, the City of St. Johns purchase grounds, erect, construct and maintain thereon public buildings for the City of St. Johns and incur a municipal Indebtedness therefor of . $7273 in gold coin, which shall bear 6 per .ten' inicresi, paynoie annually, run 1ft VMM? Second Shall St. Johns issue bonds ! to the amount of 3600, bearing per : cent Interest per annum, to run ten years, to pay. for tho erection of a public dock at the foot of Richmond street? f Third Shall SL Johns issue bonds to the amount of $1770, to run ten years, to bear 6. per cent Interest, to pay for Are apparatus contracted for and de livered? Fourth Shall St. Johns Issue bonds to the amount of H28, to run ten years, to tfear 6 per cent Interest, with which to pay oft a debt Incurred lb tire erection- of the present Coancll chamber? In addition to the foregoing, the ' electors taay advise -'the Council by votingon a separate ?bailot as to their wishes - whether stock should be per- m!ltel to run, at,, large, and whether the sal?, under license, of splrltous, , vinous, fermented or malt liquors shall be permitted within the City of St. Johns." Tlrtw vote on these last two propositions is sfwply advisory and can have" no binding force on the Coun- i dlraen. It has been the desire of , MfLypr w. ii- iving anu me uouncumen for the people to say whether or not they want stock kept from running at .large, but more particularly whether licenses to sell liquor In St. Johrut shall be Issued. About ten bona fide aDDlicatlons for licenses to open sa-1 "loons have been filed with Recorder j Hanks, and one man offers 12090 per annum to run a saloon, provided only one other saloon in the place besides- his own be given a license. j The several lteas for which bonds are wanted foot up to $16,666. This. Is the sum Indorsed some tlsie ?ago Ijy j a mass meeting unaaiisously as the i amount required to start the city gov- erament in good shape and as abeo- ' lutely necessary to Biake the municipal ' Wheels go rnd. Voters may defeat -any single o iteea. as each Is separate knji distinct frsa the other. The debts of $428 ta A. I. JCIaer for raosey bar rowed to build the present City Hall and xi.lte $1766 far Are apparatus will have Jt'e he paid, as both were extract ed for by the foraaer Council Ih goad faith; Whether the veters give the Hems tMi .required twe-thlrd ma jority at- prokaBty Aramzk iagaA Sblved tHe 'super whether J "it- 1 . DO NOT; FORGET THE (U1U J1V IT iUCA&uoiJb OlK BBBBBBBvS5nB&&N!SBSSBBBBS I BssassssEsSHBHfiSLsslLsssV M. Bi2sssssSflflisssssissiB9issKK. THE; PRICE OF vQAS.j WATER-HEATERS 'INCLUDES liNSJACEIJNG' To any consumer now using a Gas Range we will install-a GAS "WATER HEATER for S1 3. FIFTH AND YAMHILL STREETS city any the less responsible. The money -was borrowed for the hall "and the former Council bought the fire ap paratus. But the voters may cast a majority agalnit purchase of grounds for a City Hall and the erection' of a publlc'bulldlngr and may. kllf the" propo 'sltlon to put up a public dock at the foot of "Richmond street. The Com mercial Club has gone on record as against Issuing bondsfor grounds and public hall, but Tavgj? Issuing bonds to pay the debts of the city.' "But," say those favoring the purchase- of grounds aiid? erection of a public building, "if don't get grounds at once It will cost a great. Haol mnra. Kto.. tr n have a city, -we must hav.Vounds and a' public building. If the issuing of bonds to purchase grounds, and erect a public building. is defeated it will simply stop everything. "We must have these thlng3 If we ar4 to have a city government. The public dock and the fire apparatus are 'just as necessary. It seems that lt'jvould be Just as well to defeat the whole, bond issue as to vote against. "one" of ; the propositions, as all are dependent7 on the others." . Atthe election, In 2o veraber SL Johns went wet. Since then there has been a campaign'-' against issuing licenseUo saloons. Rev." E: E. McVlck- J 9 9 a To My Patrons: The above Illustration, faowlnff a portion o the art metal work that enhances the beauty of, the ewls and Clark Fatr grotiadtf? Is an evidence- t the loree success that has attended ray efforts la my Use of work la tjihi c)ty. All ot the electric chandeliers and other metal ornamentations at the Fair are the products of my plant. -This work, which- iwi received the tyrHeat commendation, from the Fair rsaiiacernect, cive some Idea of the capacity of mr plant aad the character ot Its products. The work ese&ks tor Itself. Having orercoEae aach, financial, difficulties as occasionally beset all manufacturers, Z am sow able to tura .out barter ' Hnes Set work and on shorter notlcethas. evsr befcre. and while mr new planUat No!. 49t aad 4H Davta street. Is 'earaptetei In all Its eqIpBts, It la my purpose la the "sear future to Increase Its capaeitr by erectlne & 'two-story brick -a&Utloa, SOsUOO feet. "J ' 1 The natlsfactloa I hare siven sty patrosa In the past, sot only In Portland, but throughout ihe entire Pacific North -west, is evidence of the confidence reposed in me- aadtttehigaett "reeoraraesdattoa I coM ask for Wtf worfc. Far thla- oa Sdeace I m dlr graters!, an trastlsr tha6 in the futftre I 'mjr eentlHae- to merit the faraV eafdfgoed-wlll oi say patrons, I can only promise In return my beat efferts to produce ratk ot the. bJxhedt standard la a thoroHchlr satisfactory manner. These whs hare had buslnee with ise la the 'past lcasw that my-.prises are as law as- the lowest csueuteat wKa rood werk maathly. . -I in mow prepared to fvrnUb iesie&si and eetimates stt.shert xoUhm aM kla4s xn brass. Inm and steel work, coa stretaral weric. roe-f, froats,' vaslt, atteras, Bsaeaise work, and tse4s,r etcatae aK kiad of IMerior aad esterler' decora Uetss. stair wk, elevater eclewr rrill. eak4 and. etOee Sttlaw, ehaa4eileB, Umtiu etc HamAered leafwerk and ssettl wpmnlBc cetiwe asaoaer the spetlaltlee of nay sfeo?. fa - e i XlJKtKPrtl54 Art Metal Wrks, TeIw"M! 5t7 , dimii 44 Uavl StreetCer. Nlirthr Mm mm mm " Cooking ProfcMem f CONVENIENCE OF , ers pastor of the United Evangelical Church, has" led the campaign. Dur Jng the past few weeks he has organ ized the opposition against licensing saloons in St. Johns. Public meetings have been held, and tonight a union mass meeting will be held in his church, where the people will be ad dressed by Rev. G. I. Tufts, E. S. Mc Allister, Rev. E..IL. McVIckers and others, and urged" to work and vote against the issuing of any saloon licenses. THe temperance people will make1 a strong effort to roll up such a majority against saloons that the Council will not grant any of the ap plications for license to sell liquor in St. Johns. The Indies' Civil improve- fment league wm mane an euort io secure a majority m iavar ot me en actment, of a laws forbidding stock to run at large. Contract for. Hauling; Pipe. The -contract for hailing from, 10CO to 2000 tons bf cast iron water pipe and special castings from the railroad depot or tracks I to points wjthin the city limits to be designated Dy- tne aier .tsoara. nas oeen awarded by the Executive Board to 'B. W. Gage, representing the Oregon Auto-Despatch Comparfy, upon .the following basis: If distributed within one mile of a rail GAS ESPLANADE LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION "i m mvm m mVmm1 - r F' you are v contemplating using a gas-, range soon- -r-this Spring, Summer, or Fall, ifr"wiBvbe wise and a money saver to makeinformal arrangements NOW, so that plans can 'be perfected for taking care of YDUpromptly when you. are ready to install your range. IT- WILL NOT COST YOU A CENT TO TALK ABfc)UT IT. . 4. --SSL -4. .4- road depot or track, 60 cents a ton' for . 100 tons; from one to three 'miles. 100. tons at 90 cents', ton; from three to five miles, -310 tons at $1.35 a?'ton; from five to seven . r miles, 573 tons at $1.95 a ton. and for' dls-s . tribution over seven mlIes-90 tons at $50". a ton. - The material will arrive in carload lotsvjp up to October 17, -ind delivery thereof" mh3t be made as," goon; as possible afters arrival. It is jestunated that the contfacti; . will call for. an expenditure by the city;. of about $2671.35. The' successful bidder -was required tofurnish a bond of SIOOOU'J Arrested for Stealing' "Watch. r Oliver Harrington, more familiarly known as "Kid" Harrington, was ar-- . ' rested yesterday afternoonhy petec- : tlves Day and Welner for stealing: a . watch Kfrom Charjes-L. Blakeley. -fThe prisoner Is Just out from the County Jail, where he served a long term for' rqhblng John BrIggs a miner, .from, r Southern Oregon, of $10. That theft, occurred at the Irvington race course, when the race3 were in progress, ;last Summer. t i . . SAX FRAXCJSCt VirTERrXABY; COLT.EGE T Next session- begins 'July. 17. Catafogu'el. ' free. Dr. E. Jl Creely,-. Pres., 5M Golden ' Gate ave-.. 'San Francisco.. Cal. -'' 13 ,'' p A . 7