THIS SUNDAY OiEGONXAK, .PUKTiiijD, MAY 14, iK. trr f CITY NEWS IN BRIEF r ZK OKXGOXIAN'S XEIXTHOXBS. CoBtlBj;-Koa Vtis W7 Managing Editor Mala 686 Sunday Editor.. Main 8233 City .Editor Mala 1C Society Editor - , Main 8235 Conjp98lB.Roora Main 8S5 Superintendent Building Ked 2S26 East Side Office East 61 A3CUSEMEXTS. EMPIRE THEATER ' 12th and Morrison) Matinee at 2:13 and evening at S:15, "A Woman's Revenge." STAR THEATER (I'arlc and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30, 7:30 and 9 3. M. GBXXD THEATER CPark and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 T. X. BAKER THEATER (Si and Tamhm) Con tinuous vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. The East Side Fair. A fair for the benefit" of St. Francis Church will be opened at 12S Grand avenue, near East Morrison street, tomorrow evening, 8:30. The opening address will "be delivered by Dr. Harry Lane. His address will be of bljeclal Interest to all. This fair will con tinue open every day .and. evening until May 27. The admissien is free at all times. Every evening a short musical and literary entertainment will "be given by some of the best talent of the city. All who visit the fair will find something of special interest. Everything from a beau tiful $350 piano, kindly donated by "Whale's Piano House, down to a bale of hay can be secured at the fair. It costs nothing .to come to the fair and spend an hour pleasantly. Conference Services. A Sunday rally will be held this morning at 9:30 o'clock In Grace Church, Lents, with addresses by T. R. Hornschuch. S. A. Slewert, E. D. Hornschuch and others. Ordinary and missionary service at 10:30 A. M., con ducted by Bishop S. C. Breyfogel. Rev. Mprrls Heverllng and Rev. S. E. Slewert will be ordained as traveling elders. At 7 P. M. the Young People's Alliance will hold a rally, and at 8 P. M. Rev. J. H. Lamb will preach. Bishop Breyfogel will preach this evening in the First German Church, of Portland. Al6o Rev. J. H. Lamb will preach in the Harmony Church this morning at 11 o'clock Conference appointment will probably be announced this morning. Lost His Moustache and Etebhows. While endeavoring to extinguish a coal oil lamp at his home in Boring a few night ago, J. Hunt blew the flame down Into the bowl of the lamp, causing the oil to ignite. An explosion followed, which threw the burning oil over Mr. Hunt's face and body. He called for help, and a friend managed to throw a blanket over him and smothered the flames. So quickly was the lire extinguished that Mr. Hunt -escaped with the loss of his mous tache and eyebrows and received but a few severe burns. Ministers' and Medium's Protective spi rituau8t ass'n meets evert Sundat Night. Willamette Hall, Second St. Don't Be Humbugged Bt Fake Mediums. Come to Ass'N. Free Admissions. HEyJ Help! Vooster quitting business See! See! See! The Dalles, Multnomah Falls,. Castle Rock, Rooster Rock. Hood River and Great Cascade Locks. Grand Scenic Excursion Sundat, Mat 21 Union Depot 8:15 A. M. Round Trip $1-50. Prospect Camp. No. 140, IV. O. W. The trustee of the Wright Music House is now offering to the public the complete Schlrmer library and fine assortment of books and folios at from 30 to 40 cents on the dollar. Popular and classical sheet music from 216 to 10-cents, and musical Instruments at a similar reduction. Come early while the stock is complete. Re member the place. Seventh street between "Washington and Alder. ' To Eiiect Bank Building. W. A. Haylman has let the contract for the erection of a building for the new- bank at Estacada to Herbert Tracy. It Is ex pected that the structure will be ready to be occupied by June L The buiMlng will be 22x40. two stories la height and- pro vided with a large brick vault. People's Forum Lecture Postponed. The address which was to have been given this evening at the People's Forum has been postponed on account of Gen eral Anderson's illness. He will deliver the address next Sunday, his subject be ing. "Our Relations With the Philip pines." The Oregon Camera Club has char tered the steamer Charles R. Spencer for a trip to Bonneville on its ninth annual excursion. Sunday, June 4. Visitors to Portland will find this a good opportunity to view the various points of interest on the Upper Columbia River. Electrical Engineer wanted to install and operate large light and power plant In Eastern Oregon. Must also be thor oughly posted on commercial side of busi ness. Address, stating past record, L 84, care Oregonian. Wanted, Live Seals. Two or three live yeals are wanted for the exhibit of the Bureau of Fisheries, Portland Expo sition. Address A. H. Baldwin, chief agent, Lewis and Clark, Centennial Expo sition. Ancient Ohdeu of United Workmen. Members of Portland Lodge No. 27 are re quested to attend lodge Friday night. May 18. at which time Past Grand Master Ralph Feeney will explain the new plan. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Company, are disposing of damaged stock of paints, floor paints, house paints, stains, enamels, varnishes and wall fin ish. 135 First, corner Alder. RoundtTrip to Cascade Locks by 6teamer every Monday. Wednesday and Friday. Leaves 7 A. "M.; return 6 P. M. Landing foot of Alder street. Faro JL50. Phone Main 914. The Louvre Restaurant will be closed for a short time for remodeling. An nouncement of reopening will appear In dally papers later. Cafe will remain open. For Sale at a Sacrifice. Nice little Ealoon on East Side, on account of Illness of proprietor. Rent, $15; good bargain. Address J 76, care Oregonian. Washington-Street Bargain. $20,000 buys full lot with Improvements. The Healy Investment Co., 210-214 Ablngton, Third street. The Spencer Co. (Inc.), 125 10th st, cor. Washington St., are -putting out some of the latest styles in shirtwaists and suits, made to order. . Oregon City Boat. Short River Excur sion leaves Taylor street Sunday, 11:30 A. M.. 3:30 P. M.; leaves Oregon City 1:30 and 5 P. M. Round trip, 25c. Steamer Toledo. For Westport, Ho qulam and Aberdeen. From Oak-St dock. Monday, May 15, C P. M. TeL Main 29G0. Sellwood Townslte Co.'s lots. 53 per month. Prettiest section of Portland. Of fice at Sellwood and at 222 Falling Bldg. Piano Recitalt-Violin. Given by pupils of Messrs. Eugene and Joseph Steblnper, Arioa Hall, May 22. For Portland Heights property, see Eu gene D. White & Co. Offices on the Heights and Goodnough Bldg. Philxepoe's collectlon.of rugs at private sale at rooms No. 413 Washington street this week. S. L. N. Gllman. Annual physical culture exhibition. Ringler's ladies' classes tomorrow night. Admission 25c 3C9 Alder st. Brick Store. 23x50, for rent Morrison St, near 7th. State business. N SS, Ore gonian. Manicuring, shampooing, facial mas sage. 207 Macleay bldg.,. 366 "Washington. Japanese crepes Just In; 25c yd. Froh wan Tr'd'g Co., Parlor C, Portl'd Hotel. Acme Oil Co. sells the best safety coal oils and. fine gasoline. Pkone East 789. Capt. Schneider's Montavilla Garden Is closed until local option suit tiled. Txx Calumet Restaurant, 146 Seveath. yie Jttacfeeon. c; dl&aer S8c " TV anted, a little baby one week old to keep. S 74, Oregonian. D. Khodsr, dentist "322 Mohawk W&g. Pmse! Prims! Cedar Park today. JU'TpMEPtLS fer sate.- Bex IMS. Heard in the Rotundas Game Warden J. W. Baker, of Cottage Groyer is in Portland arranging for a live bird exhibit at the Lewis &. Clark Exposi tion. Several dozen Chinese pheasants and Oregon quail will be on exhibition at the Fair. The birds Will be confined In coops outside the buildings. Mr. Baker returns to Cottage Grove today. "The deer are increasing but the game birds, such as the Chinese pheasants, grouse and Oregon quail are rapidly disap pearing and utthe present rate It would not be many years before they were prac tically exterminated." said Mr. Baker at the Imperial Hotel yesterday. "With the new game laws enacted by the Oregon Legislature we hope to give the birds better protection and shall pre vent them being killed off so rapidly. We expect that the law prohibiting the sale of the game wilt prove a great factor in the better protection of the birds. There will not be such a demand for them as there has been heretofore. "But from conclusions drawn from the reports of the deputy game wardens and my own observations 1 am satisfied that the deer are increasing and that there Is no danger of their being killed off for years to come. The law prohibiting the sale of the large game animals has worked wonders for their protection. - "Within the last two months we have secured six convictions for the violation of the game laws. They were all In Lane and Douglas Counties. Four of them were for having deer in possession. The other two convictions were secured through violations of the game laws relat ing to Chinese pheasants. "The worst case we had was that of W. Frost In Douglas County, who bad 75 deer hides In his possession when arrested- He was fined $25 and costs, which aggregated about $8). "We have more violations of the statutes relating to game in Douglas and Coos Counties than any of the others. That is a great deer country. "We have more difficulty In apprehend ing hunters killing birds than the animals. If a man kills a deer he cannot prevent leaving traces, but with the pheasants It is entirely different The small "birds arc so easily hidden. If a hunter sees a war den approaching he can throw the -birds in the brush and escape detection. "This Winter we expect io turn a lot of the California quail loose in the Willam ette Valley, as we have reason to be lieve that they will thrive here. The California quail are very plentiful in Jack son County and that Is where we will trap them. The Eastern, or Bob White quail , are increasing in the Willamete Valley, j Last year we turned several dozen of them loose in the vicinity of Cottage f uiuve una w eApcci uiai. wimiti u. icn years they will be plentiful, provided they are not hunted too much." PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. JT J. Borg is visiting friends in the Sound cities. Miss Amy Gray returned last week from an extended trip In the East W. T. B. Nicholson and daughter Grace have returned from their California tour. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hcylman, parents of W. A. Heylman and D. C. Heylman, of Estacada. have arrived from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bardc and daughter. Blanche, have gone to Seattle' and other Sound cities for a brief visit with friends. We Will Trade Watches WHY CARRY AN OLD WATCH whea by paying a little money and trading In your old watch yeu can wear a new ne? The kind that keeps the best ef time. WE CAN USE YOUR WATCH to good advantage, and yeu may as well carry the very latest pattern. WE HAVE ANY KIND OF A VATCH YOU WANT. DO YOU CARRY A TIMEPIECE? SOME PEOPLE CARRY A' GOOD WATCH, but never have the correct time, simply because it has never been repaired properly. -WE KEEP TWO EX PERT WATCHMAKERS who do nothing but repair watches, and that Is why we have so many to repair. WE NEVER HAVE LESS THAN 100 repair watches hanging en our rack, and when they leave our shop they keep time. SPECIAL ATTENTION given to RAILROAD WORK. OUR JEWELRY MANUFACTURING SHOP Is. never Idle. In fact, we are always rushed with work; Just because we do It right, and don't charge a small fortune. WE MAKE ANYTHING In the Jewelry line a.-.d can RESET YOUR DIAMONDS WHILE YOU WAIT. YES, WE BUY OLD GOLD JAEGER BROS-. 290 MORRISON STREET JEWELERS OPTICIANS SPRING DELICACIES Daintily servedare in order at this restaurant broiled Spring chicken, shad, shad roe, terrapin almost everything -you can think o that you'd like. Nor is the price dispro portionately high. "We buy the best in the market and must, therefore, serve you likewise. Kruse's Fourth and Stark Street. .WHERE TO DINE. A11 the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart ments for parties. ,305 Wash., near Fifth. 1 THE OXFORD, fine French dinner with wine, 50c; chick en dinner 33c. Try one. 68 6th, near Oak. THE BUTLER. Elegant turkey dinner with wine, liOc; chicken cjinner, 35c- 13 First, Main 235. The Empire Restaurant will serve spe cial chicken dinner today, from 12 to 7:30. 192 Third street Special chicken dinner today at Per kins Restaurant 35c. D. M. "Watson. Genuine French dinner, with wine, 50c, at 93 Fifth street near Stark. BUILDERS WILL DO WELL To Investigate. The M. J. AValsh Co. Invites Builders to .their showrooms and to investigate before purchasing. They carry the largest and most up-to-date line of gas and electric chan deliers and supplies west of Chicago. They make ' a" specialty of electric light wiring and gas-plplng. Telephone or see them at their showrooms. 313 Washington street, corner Seventh. EXHIBITS - On the Fair Grounds Will show up 100 per cent better if shown on one of our parquet or hardwood floors. Call at 2S6 Yamhill street and Investigate. Hardwood flooring for sale. Portland Hardwood Floor Co. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. Goodyear machine. Better than hand work.' Best material used. Schwind & Bauer, 269 Yamhill, between Third and Fourth BANK AND OFFICE RAILING WIRE AND IRON FENCING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, Poultry Netting, Etc. PORTLAND WIRE & IRON WORKS PHONE MAIN 2000 " 263 FLANDERS ST., IN EAR THIRD TRAVELING JVIEN'S' BIG DAY It Will Be Appropriately Celebrated at the Fair. Traveling men throughout the Northwest are making great prepara tions for June 10.. which will be Trav eling Men's day at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. That day Will not be like other days, if the knights of the grip have their way. They say that they are in a position to advertise the Fair better than other people, and that first they want to enjoy the Exposition themselves. They will therefore own the Fair on the day mentioned, will invade the Trail, corner the exhibits, have a special parade and compel every visitor at the grounds to wake up and do something. ' It, Is the Intention to havo the Gov ernors of all the Coast states at the Fair that day to address the traveling men, and all business men who employ traveling salesmen will be requested to order their employes to be at (he Exposition on June 10 on pain of In stant dismissal. The Traveling Men's Clubs of Vancouver. B. C.; Belllngham. Seattle. Tacoma. Spokane. Salt Jake, San Francisco. Los Angeles and other cities of the West will be present and endeavor to make the day a memorable one In the history of the Fair. Many novel; features will be intro duced by the traveling men upon that day. The local management Is work ing hard to insure success, and the con cessionaires along the Trail tremble In anticipation. Elbert Hubbard Coming Here. Elbert Hubbard, leader of the Roy crofters, known as "Fra Elbertus," and noted for his eccentric methods In his Roycroft shop at East Aurora. X. Y., will lecture at the Exposition on "Roycroft day." Th2 day will be named as soon as proper arrangements can be made with Mr. Hubbard. Elbert Hubbard Is one of the most unique characters in the East He is the editor and publisher of the Phlllstlneand his lectures are always a source of much pleasure. His methods are original, and" this addition to the long list of noted speakers who will visit the Exposition will be welcome news to the admirers or Fra Elbertus In this vi cinity. ' Escapernong Is the finest product of the Scuppernong. a native grape, identi fied with the earliest settlement of the country. It Is a delicious, refreshing white wine, moderately sweet but with sufficient natural fruit acidity to 'make a perfect table wine, having an exquisite fruit aroma, and "bouquet" "W. J. Van Sohuyver & Co.. Inc. distributors. ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS Reward for any adulteration found in Oregon Grape or Pacific Cream. The great obstacle between most people and reasonable riches Is their contempt for small savings. The American boy thinks little of a quarter, and his big brother scatters dollars recklessly; Too many say: "What good would ONE hundred dollars do me?" The first hundred saved makes the second easier to get. We Ray Per Cent Interest GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Oregon SavinbsBank Sixth and Morrison Sts. There Is No Pleasure Like the pleasure of owning a fine piano. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. Make it possible for any one to own such an instrument Terms of payment can be made to suit the purchaser. Old pianos or organs taken In exchange. AVe also have a few splendid bargains In used pianos. 372 and 374 Morrison St. Cor. West Park Fine piano tuning, repairing, polishing and rcfinishlng. Call up Main 677 and get an estimate free of -charge. AT FASHION'S HEADQUARTERS The Blue and the Gray "WALKING SIDE BY SIDE. The leading shades for this season are blue and gray. Double-Breasted Suits Are ike cfeoke of most aoVby drawers. "We '"have tbe siagle-reaste4 also. Mixed Worsteds, Tweeds aad Scotck Gkeviots are ainong or exmisite stock of Spring Smite. Prices $12.50 to $25.00 Famous Clothing Co. Corner Morrison and, Second Sts. A -. v. r 7 - i , , . : : r ir- J - ot Oniy m Quality Does Steinbach's ClotMng Excel, but in its magnificent workmanship and finish. Tkese things count in the life of the garment they mean style, grace, shapeliness and the faculty of retaining their good appearance until absolutely worn out. It's 100 per cent clothing all through 100 per cent wool, 100 per cent tailoring, 100 per cent style and when you come right down to it you pay no more than for inferior makes. j(t$5to$25 "We have wonderful values 'in cheviots, worsteds, serges and homespuns Coats either single or double-breasted sack styles and trousers cut either very 'full or conservative. 'Xt 27.50 to $40 The finest products made by Rogers, Peet & Co., and Brokaw Bros., the two best makers of fine clothing in the world. Sack and English walking models. The Greatest Clithing House In the Northwest Rare Books About the Oregon Country and the Northwest. . A catalojrue of Americana just ' published, containing many Scarce and Rare Books on the "Western Country, the Indians, Early Explorations and Travels, "Western Biog raphy, etc, etc Sent Free on request (also a list of, books at unheard of prices after the annual inventory.) Your name on a postal brings both from The Burrows Bros. Co. (Rare Book Department.) CLEVELAND, OHIO BEAUTY TO look -arell take care of your complexion. Do rot allow un sightly plapks. blackheads, tan. cr-jrcikles to blealsh your skin. Derma- Royale will remove, these like magic. Cures. Eczema and Tetter. Usei with Deb-ha-Royale Soap, a perfect skin Is Insured. SOLO BY DRUQOISTS, of mtj b ordered direct. Derna-Reyxle, $1 per bottle, express paid. Dera-RoyaJe Soap, 25 Ccats, by maH. Beth in one package, $1.23, express paid. rortrxla aad testimonUls teat om request. THE DERM A-RO YALE CO..Ciicitiati.(t CLOSING -OUT SALE We are retiring1 from business and will close out all of our Ladles' anJ Children's Fancy Dry Goods at LESS THAX COST Don't miss It. Come novr while, lines are unbroken. L. MING & BROS., 88 Sixth St. HOTEL MONTEREY Under new management. NOW OPEX. Located Xerth of Newport oh the Beach. One ot the most desirable of Its class on the Coast. Unsurpassed In situation, hav ing: extensive grounds for recreation, the safest bsach for surf bathtn? in ocean. IISS XORA. FITZPATRICK, manager 'and owner. CU1I0S, Aati amities, Mmught a4 Soli. Iwflin Siose Knives, Relks, Carnoe and Idols to Irory, Stone. Breaze. etc War dab. Spurs. Bows. raUN STSftI AXMW AX1 SFZAK PtDITS Maks. Biilc-.:. Boles Mats, Skaiis ef all Nations, HEABS ul gSJQTS of Aateak, War Kmtek. Nadre Body Ora&menU aad Drt, Ancient r'Kot Goas aad PtMoJs. Coins, Shields, .lauoae. Silver aftd Armor, SfcelkT Seed for Photos. Wholesale Dealer. KatiuuiJi5dfiill41erciuMtStS.F.Ca. gchwab Printing C.q T STAKE STUtlT SOMETHING NEW IN GLASSWARE Engraved Glass! The latest creation in the glass industry, made of the finest crystal glass, and work executed by the finest skilled workmen. AVef have just received a complete ship ment of this fine ware and will be pleased to have you give us a call of Inspection. Xr.tFNTiFrAr MANUFACTURING' CPTKLfJiS- PmtlwjiOregi WASHINGTON STKEET. Bet. 4th aad 5th. SMOKE Feifer's Union 5's THE GREATEST BLUE LABEL 5-CENT CIGAR ON EARTH FOR SALE EVERYWHERE THE ROSENFELD-SM ITH CO., Distributors PORILANDf OREGON FROM PRODUCER TO CONSUMER. Dairymen, Attention We desire to call tbe attention ot all dairymen to the following low prices on cov feed. Our facilities for supplying their wants are unexcelled. We- carry large stocks of all feed and invite your inspection of the qualities we offer. Our prices speak for themselves. PACIFIC GRAIN COMPANY Thirteenth and Keamer streets. Phone Main 3307. Per Ton. Shorts, local product, SO-lb. sacks $21.50 Shorts, from interior mills, 90-lb. sacks." $21.50 Bran, local product, 62V2-lb. sacks $19.50 Bran, from interior mills, flaky, 66-lb. sacks $19.50 Middlings, extremely choice, practically superfine flour, 90-lb. sacks $26.50 Alfalfa Hay, second growth... $11.50 Por delivery, add 50c per ton. HEAD ACHES Cbme from eyestrain 90 times out of every 100. Drugs temporarily relieve, proper Glasses permanently cure them. Have your eyes fitted by the HOUSE THAT KNOWS HOW WALTER REED THE OPTICIAN 133 SIXTH STREET OREGONIAN BUILDING B K. T. P. WISE. We do crown and brldce -work with out pain. Our IS years' experience In plte Vork enables ua to fit your mouth comfortably. Dr. "W. A. "W'I baa found a safe way- to extract teeth, absolutely with out pain. 0r. T. P. Wise li an ex pert at sold ftlUnr aad crown and bridxe work. -Extractisr free whea plates or bridges are ordered. WISE BROS., Dentists TaiUat: b!4r- cer. 3d aad Waafe. ats. Open evenings till 9 P. M. Sundays from 8 to 12. Or Mala 2029. Var ki tal warfc. WarM-rr49w4 UMrta. waa rtM walsttBt vtt tm want NEW YORK DENTISTS f v