THE SUNDAY OBEGOKIAN, PORTLAND, MJlY, 14, 105. isr. MYSTERY IF OCEAN fate of Chehalis May Never Be. Known. GENERALLY BELIEVED LOST iarkentlne Is Long Overdue From Philippines to Willapa Harbor, and She Is Considered Be- yond Reasonable Hope. Today the barkentine Chehalis will be 111 -days, out from Cebu, Philippine Islands, and unless she reaches her des tination. Willapa Harbor, within a very few days she will be given up for lost. Portland shipping and marine Insurance men for the past week have considered the Chehalis a "goner." At Sputh Bend, however", some hope is still entertained. She is more ihan a month overdue- The Chehalis is owned by the Simpson Lumber Company, of San Francisco. Her ;aptaln is Edgar Simpson, youngest son of Captain A. M. Simpson, president of the company. Another son of the well ftnown lumber and mill man is also on board. Eight or "nine men compose the crew. "What has happened to the barkentine :an only be conjectured. It may have been a typhoon In which she sprung a heavy leak and swamped, or a sudden blast which took out the masts and left her helpless. A dozen other causes have been suggested, but unless she comes in ander a jury rig in a short time It is probable that her fate will never be known. She was coming in ballast to take a cargo of lumber. Built at Hoqulam. Wash., in 1S91, the "hcballs Is well known all along the Pa cific Coast. In 1S92, at the centennial cel ebration of the discovery of the Colum bia River at Astoria, the Chehalis took the part of the old shlp Columbia. She has been in the lumber trade almost con tinuously. On October 22, 19M, she sailed 'rom Coos Bay with a cargo of lumber '.or Cebu. She left the Philippine port January 23, and has not been reported. One sailing vessel was 145 days in making the voyage from a point near Cebu, and irrlved safely- after being given up for iost. This, however, was an exceptional ?ase. The Chehalis is a soft wood vessel, li feet long, with 40 feet beam and a jross tonnage of CM tons. BtflLD FLOAT A BLOCK LOXG Captain Crowe Leases Property and Will Make Xew Landing Place. Captain Albert Crowe, of Anderson & Crowe, yesterday leased from the First National Bank the waterfront between Stark and Oak streets. This adjoins the city landing at the foot of Stark street. Captain Crowe intends to begin Imme diately on the construction on a float which will reach the length of the block, and will be 20 feet wide. The outer edge of this will reach the harbor line S3 feet from shore. Between the float and the shore will be room for mooring house boats. It . Is Captain Crowe's intention to make the float a general landing place for launches plying to the Exposition grounds. This piece of valuable water front Is now scarcely utilized at all. City Engineer AVanzer has begun upon the construction of the city landing at tho .foot of Stark street, the lumber for the. float and gangway being already upon the ground. As this landing Is but the width of Stark street. It Is considered that many more launches and other small craft will want a landing place, in the vicinity than can be accommodated at the tree city landing. BUFORD IS IX XO DAXGER Transport Safe Unless Storm Ap pears Soldiers All Off. WASHINGTON. May 13.-Gcneral Corbln at Manila has cabled the following ac count of the stranding of the army trans port Buford: "Colonel Philip Reade reported the Bu ford with a part of the Nineteenth Regl mont. United States Infantry, on board, while running at full speed, struck a :oral reef four miles from Malabang. The Navy has lent assistance, but at latest accounts the Buford was not off. He reported' no , leakage and her condition not precarious unless a storm sets In, of which then are no signs. The transport Thomas leaves today to give assistance and bring up the Twenty-third Regiment, United States Infantry which was to come on .the Buford. The cable communication with Mindanao is very uncertain. The Thomas will be necessarily delayed sev eral days on her voyage We'll hasten her departure in every possible way under the. circumstances." FELT STORMS ALL THE WAY Nicomedln Brings No. Xews of the AVar From Japan. ASTORIA. Or.. May 13.-(SpeciaD-The German steamship Nlcomodla. of the Portland & Asiatic line, arrived In today. 15 days from Yokohama, with a full cargo of Oriental merchandise. Captain Wagner reports a pleasant trip lcross the Pacific, although southwest gales were encountered during nearly the whole trip. The only Incident of note iuring the passage was the death of Ten Kay. the Chinese cook, who died on Wednesday night from apoplexy. The body was buried at sea on the following flay. The steamship brings absolutely no war aews. and. Captain Wagner says more information Is obtainable here than In Japan. NEW QUARANTINE OFFICERS Dr. Luckcy Will Act at Sluslaw and Dr. Minthorn at Yaquina. ASTORIA. Or.. May 13. (Spcclal.)-Dr. Earle. who Is In charge of the Govern ment Quarantine Sen-Ice In Oregon, re turned last evening from an official visit to the several ports along the coast where he established substations. Whjle there are four substations at Oregon coast points, only two assistant quarantine of ficers have been appointed as yet. These are: Dr. E. E. Straw, at Coos Bay and Coqullle, and Dr. Alexander Patterson at Urnpqua. Dr. Baric says he -expects to appoint Dr. J. J. Luckey for the station at Sluslaw. and Dr. H. J. Minthorn for the station which Includes Yaquina. Alsea and Siletz. These men have been highly, recommend ed, but as Dr. Luckey Is in the East and Dr. Minthorn is in Alaska, the appoint ments cannot be made until after they return. t.. j on Cable Tuesday. ASTORIA. Or., May 13. (Special.)-! though the damaged portion of the Weather Bureau cable at the mouth of the river was picked up and buoyed by the 'lighthouse tender Columbtee yester day afternoon, it is not probable that any attesapt will be made to repair the break before next Tuesday. .The cover kig of the cable had been torn oK for a distance of fully tea feet, and twoof the wire strand were broken. It Is now. however, clear . i. - nnv.n.. hlTMKci oil tho trou- ble. Forecast Official Beals, who is in charge of tne worK. wil engage a across which the cable will run so that the repairs canbe made "quickly, and It is expected the work can be completed in a few hours, if the weather conditions are favorable. Hassalo Xow Burns Oil. nrlrh (nh nafnt SMld eOUlDPed with an oil-burner, the steamboat Hassalo j came up the river yesteroay muroiut, j from the yards, where sne nas oen iui . .Vin noo- mnntVia Tim-Ins that time I the Hassalo has been thoroughly over-i hauled, and Is now ready lor ine oum- r Tno'o i.otv irnrk shp tooK me Place ui the Potter on the Astoria run- lasi nit.u One distinguishing characteristic oi urc Hassalo hereafter will be her bright red railings, which how up In strong con- trast to the white house. It is evidently the intention of the O. R. & N. Company to place oil-burners In all its steamers. Three, including the sea going Columbia, now burn crude oil. and the others will be laid off one by one and the new burners installed. Xicomedia Slakes Fast Time. Ten hours earlier than expected, the Oriental liner entered the Columbia at 7 o'clock yesterday morning, and Is due in Portland before daylight this morning. Few steamers have made the trip across the Pacific from Japan In 15 days, the Nlcomedla's time. Deputy Collector of Customs Pike will go over the papers early this morning, and the work of un loading will begin at once and will con tinue day and night. Dixon Strikes Bridge Pier. Fifty feet of the railing on the star board side of the steamboat Sarah Dixon, of the Shaver Transportation Company, was smashed yesterday morning by the boat's colliding with the west side of the draw of the Morrison-street bridge. The bridge was delayed In opening, and the Dixon had to slow down. The current and wind together threw her against the pier, and the railing was broken In and laid up against the side of the house. Amazon Off the Mud. The barkentine Amazon, which went' on the mud flats . near the Madison-street bridge Friday evening while In-tow of the M. F. Henderson, was pulled loose early yesterday morning at high tide, and was taken down the river. The Amazon, whose register is 1105 tons. Is under charter by the Portland Export Lumber Company to carry lumber to Shanghai. She was loaded at the Inman-Poulsen mllL War Department Sends Approval. Within two or three weeks bids on the Dalles-Ccljlo canal will be advertised for. Major Langfitt, of the United States En gineers, yesterday received tho official approval of the- War Department on the expenditure of the funds available for the purpose. The contract will -probably be let In time to begin work after the annual June freshets. "Warren With Supply Cargo. SAN FR'ANCISCO, May 13. The trans port steamer Warren sailed today for Ma nila with a big cargo of supplies for the Government stations la the Philippines and at Guam. She will call at Honolulu both on the way out and on the way home. riTrnlnln;-ShIp Floated. PARIS, May 13. The French naval training ship Duguay Troln. which was reported yesterday to have struck a rock In Saint Jean dc Luz Bay, was refloated today, without sustaining serious dam age. Marine Notes. With a cargo of lumber loaded at the Portland Mills, the steamer Bee left down the river yesterday afternoon, bound for San Francisco. She came In Wednesday and was quickly loaded. The steamer Northland Is at the Inman- Poulsen mill loading lumber for San Francisco. She arrived In yesterday, bringing a number of passengers from way ports', but little freight. On next Saturday the British steamship Rapallo, 3276 tons; is due here from Mojl, Japan, from which port she sailed May 1. She Is under charter by the Pacific Ex port Lumber Company to take lumber to the Orient. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Or.. May l.T Sailed at 7:13 A. il. British rhip Ixmndale. for Antofogasta. Arrived at S:40 A. M. and left up at 2:4 P. M. German steamer Nlcomedla, from Hong Kong and way ports. Arrived down at 9 A. M. Schooner Transit and steamer Har rison. Wire trouble, no bar report. San Francisco. May 13. Arrived Steamer Scotia. Johnson. 11 hours from Bo wen's Land ing; schooner Sehome. JIattlson. 24 days from Mahukona: British steamer Wellington. Otler, SS hours from Xanalmo; British steamer Cil moln. from Troon; steamer Tricola, from Ladjsintth. Sailed British ship Sprlngbanlc. Bohm. for Melbourne, via Vancouver; schoon er Fortuna, Johnson, for Coqulllti River; schooner Hugh Hogan. Broom, for Tillamook: bark Gerard C. Tobey. Scott, for Honolulu: steamer Eureka. Jenssen. . for Eureka; bark Edward Main. Hanoen. for Makawcli and Ko loa; schooner Okanogan. Reed, for Port Gam ble: schooner Balnbridge. for Port Blakeley. New Trk. May 13. Arrived I-ucanla, from Liverpool; La Savole. from Havre. Cold Weather Injures Crops. SALEM. Or.. May 13. (Special.) Reports of the poor condition of the growing hop crop continue to come to this city, and it seems that the cold weather is de creasing the prospect for a good crop. A. D. Jerman, of Silverton, writes that ho expects to harvest a smaller crop than last year, and has one 52-acre yard which will produce nothing at all. He says, other yards In his vicinity arc no better than his., His young yards and those that were lightest last year, will bear best this year. There is nothing doing in the local mar ket, but It is reported that Henry Miller, of Aurora, has bought the Herman Smldt crop of 33 bales at 23 cents and the Kell crop of 31 bales at 26 cents. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL RErORT. PORTLAND. May 13. Maximum tempera ture. 60 deg.; minimum, 50. River reading at 11 A. M... C.2 feet: change in past 4 hours, rise. 0.4 feet. Total precipitation. 3 P. M. to 3 P. M 0.01 inch; total since Sep tember 1, 1904, inches; normal. 42.50 Inches; deficiency, 12.55 Inches. Total sun shine May 12, 1905. 21 minutes; possible. 14 hours and 50 minutes. Barometer (reduced to sea lerel) at 3 P. M., 30.10. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. STATIONS. Hp o o cs Baker City ...l3C:o.O0l 4NW I Cloudy (Clear Cloudy ICIear ICIear Bismarck... ..... Boise Eureka Helena Xarnloops. B. C. Pocatello. Portland Red Bluff.. Roseburg Sacramento. . . . Salt Lake City.. San Francisco... Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Island . . . Walla Walla .ICSiO-OOj 6'N ,10210.00 4(NW CNW 10W 4IE . . 5810.00 . 58:0.00 ,.172!0.e0 Cloudy .190 T sisw Rain ltfOjO.Oll S!SW Rain SE Clear Cloudy Vms'o!oe NW W W . .t74!o.oe 4 . .15810.001 4 (Clear Clear Clear Cloddy RaJa Rain . Icolo.oo . ittt'om! 1SIW 30JSW . .'S . .50!0.38!4&!SW. -ihWlO.OOjlGiSW iCloudy T trace. WEATHER CONDITIONS A disturbance of BBoderatc caergy Is pass- lag eastward this evealns over Britlih Co lumbia, It has caused Hlht showers la thfc. district 'Brest ot the Cascade Mountains, aad brisk gusty southwesterly winds along the coast and on Paget Sound and- the Strait or Juan de Fuca. Southwest storm warnings were ordered at C P. M. along the Strait from Port Angeles westward to Cape Flat-teir- Tbe Judications are lor unsettled showery weather in this district Sunday, except In Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon, where the weather will probably remain f air. WEATHER. FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland Sot the -S hours ending at midnight, ifay 14; Portland and vicinity Showers. South to west winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Showers. Brisk south to west winds. atiern wamngton and ztortnern Idaho Cloudy and threatening with probably" show ers. Brilk and possibly high southerly winds. Eastern Oregon and Southern Idaho-Part-ly cloudy. . A. B. WOLXABER. Acting District Forecaster. CLASSIFIED A3). HATES. "Seems," "Rosas asa Board." "Heaso keeplag Roams. "Sitaatieaa Wasted." 15 wards or less. 15 costs: 16 to 20 words, 28 cests; 21. to 25 trerds. 25 ceats. etc No dis count for additional issertlcBs. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," SB cests for 15 words or less; 10 to 20 words. 40 cests: 21 to 25 words. 50 cests. etc. Srst Insertion. Each additlesal lasertloH. ese-haU; so farther dUceust un der one Bosts. "NEW TODAY" (gauge rsearere agate), 15 ceats per line, Qrst lBsertloa: 10 cests pet Use of each additlesal lBse-tlea. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregosdas. aad left at tslt office, should always b lsclosed la sealed envelopes. No stamp la required os such letters. The Oregonlan will sot bo respoaslblo for errors la advertisements takes taroagb tha telephone. MEETING NOTI CES. WILLAMETTE LODGE. NO. -. A. P. AND A. M- Stated communica tion will be held on Monday even ing. May 15, at 7:30 o'clock, at Ma onlc Temple. M. V. John M. Hod- son. P. G. M.. will deliver an address on "Masonry: Its History and Influence." The officers and members of concurrent lodges and all visiting brethren In the city are cordially Invited to attend this meeting. A full at tendance of members is desired. Br order of the AV. M. W. S. WEEKS. Secretary. EUREKA COUNCIL. No. 254. K. anC L. of S.. will slve the seventh and last of Its series of progrefflve whist contests tomorrow even inc at Auditorium, when the season's prizes will be awarded. . Admission, 10 cents. WASHINGTON LODGE. NO. 48. A. F. AND A. M. Special commu munlcatlon this (Sunday), 1 o'clock P. M.. Masonic Hall. Burkhard bulldlnc: thence to Crematorium, to conduct the funeral of our late Brother Charles B. Bellinger. All M. M. Invited. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Secretary. FUNERAL NOTICES. STENGER Mrs. Cecilia Slender, aced 05 years 3 months and 5 days. Funeral will be held from the residence of her daughter. Mi. D. P. Lewis. 475 Main sL, Sunday momlnc. May 14. at 10 A. 21. All friends are invited. BELLINGEB Friends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral xervlces of the late Judge Charles B. BellinKer. which will be held at the Crematorium today (Sun day). May 14. 105. at 2:30 P. M. Take the Sellwood or Golf Link cars at First and Alder streets. SILLS In this city. May 13. 1P05. Joseph M. Sills, aged 'J years. on ot Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Sills, of Cambridge. O.. and delegates to the O. R. C, convention now meeting In this city. Friends can view the remain to day at Dunning, McEntce & Gllbaugh's chapel. Seventh and Pine streets, where they have been prepared for shipment to Ohio. MEYERSTE1N In this city. May 12, 1003. Rebecca Meyerstcln, aged 40 years 2 month and S days. Wife of Julius Meyerstetn and daughter of Mm Jacob Rich, of this city. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully ' Invited to attend the funeral service, which will be held at Finlcy'fi Chapel, Monday, May 15, at 2 P. M. PIcate omit flowers. DUNNING, McENTEE GILEACGH. successors to Dunning Ss Campion, under takers and embalmers, modern is every de tail, 7th aBd l'lsc 1'heso Mala 430. Lady asslttaat. EDWARD TIOLMAN CO Undertakers and emb aimers, hare moved to their aetr build ing. Third and Salmon. Lady assistant. Telephone No. 587. J. P. 1TNLEY SON, Funeral Directors, cor. 3d and Madison. Office ot County Cor oner. Lady assistant. Telrphone No. 9. F. 6. DUNNING, Undertaker. 4.14 East Alder. Lady assistant. Telrphone East SS. ZELLER-BYRNES CO., UNDERTAKERS, Emb aimers. 273 Rus'l; East 1068; lady aa'U NEW TODAY. f50.OW ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A GOOD Income producer? We have It: block, with brick Improvement; ham a good future, and the present rental value Is $7300 per year. $14.000 2 lots, with elegant 10-room mod ern residence. Just being completed. In the moft sightly part of Portland Helghus. $4500 Fine residence, with large, elegant grounds, at Mount Tabor. $1200 5 acre, all Improved, and plenty of fruit. In MUn-auklo: term. $1500 each Tor flr.e residence lotc. on Port land Heights. THE HART LAND COMPANY, IU9 Sherlock Bide, City. ONE OF BEST-LOCATED EIGHT-ROOM houses at Long Beach, with a store, stable and 3 lots. Price extremely low; small payment, and easy terms. Also a good 1371j-acre farmf with 40 acres crops and (0 acres grass, with flne orchard and fair improvements.-near Portland: only $3000. See T. Wlthycombe, room S. Hamilton blk., Portland. Or. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT, MADE over, exchanged: diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted: watches. Jewelry repaired. Uncle Myers, the Jeweler. 143 3d. near Alder. FOR SALE" 0-ROOM LODGING-HOUSE, saloon and 2 stores; centrally located; long, cheap lease. Price $2000. Inquire T. D. Condon. 201 M Alder st. TO LEASE 25-ROOM HOTEL IN CITT. FUIl nlshed or unfurnished. Apply to C H. Plg .gott, lawyer, onwer, 4 Mulkey bldg., cor. 2d and ilorrlnon sts. COUNTRY CLUB INN. HOOD RIVER, OR. Now open, under new management. Terms reasonable. Pure water, good table. Only $3500 H. KORELL. 231 Wa; Two good .cottages and full 50x100 lot near 23d and Kear ney. A bargain. C. KORELL. 231 Washington sL NICHOLSON'S ADDITION East Burn side Street 50x100 between 16th and 17th streets, price ntOO. 50x100 between 17th and ISth streets, price J1400. East Ankeny Street WxlOO between 17th and ISth streets, price U400." Corner lot, 50x100, southwest corner ISth, price 51700." East Ash Street Northeast corner 17th and East Ash sts., price 31550. Inside lot 50x100, between 17th and ISth sts., price $1350. East Pine Street Lot 50x100 northeast corner 17th and East Pine. priceJlSOO. lot 50x100 -between East 17th and East ISth. sts.. price .51360. Southeast comer 17th and East Pine, 100x100. price 52350. Southwest corner ISth and- East Pine, 100x100, price J25S9. East Oak Street 50x100 on the southeast corner 16th and East Oak. price 51500. East Stark Street Northeast corner Ktfc and East Stark sts.. 50x100. price 51S5. Lot 59x100 between East 16th and East 37th sts.. price 51(50. Northeast fcorner 17th asd" East Stark, 50x100, price 51239. . f MALIT& VONBORSTEL GENERAL. AGENTS. SSC EAST BURNS4DE -STREET. ' .- v (Burkhard StMtes.) - SB XKW TODAY. Port and Auction Rooms 211 FIRST STREET AUCTION SALE At Restaurant 293 Grand Avcbhc, near Hawthorne MONDAY. MAY 22, 2 P. M. On account of ill health, the owner has given us Instructions to sell without re serve all and every article of this newly furnished place. There is a new Royal restaurant steel range. 36 new dining chairs, about 10 new tables, wall mirrors and racks, pictures, draperies, screens, library table, kitchen treasure, mantel bed and bedding. 6 palms, oak hall tree. Stern's sllcer, table linen, silverware, crockery, glassware, etc. etc. Sale at 2 P. M. tomorrow at the Yale Restaurant, 233 Grand ave.: C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE TUESDAY, MAY 23, 10 A. M. At 211 First Street "We have already In our sales rooms a grand varietv of first-class furniture, old and new, stylish and serviceable, all to be sold at auction. Just take a look In our sales rooms, then you'll come to our sales and save many dollars at the Port land Auction Rooms. 211 First sL C. U FORD. Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE WEDNESDAY, MAY 24, 10 A. M. GRAND OLD (ANTIQUE) AND MODERN FURNITURE LATELY FROM THE EAST AT PRIVATE RESIDENCE 782 KELLY ST.. NEAR GIBBS. Mr, Bowcn, wnose vocation calls him immediately to the South, instructs us to sell without reserve all his excellent furni ture (his law books excepted). We can only give a partial list: An old pier plate glass mirror In excellent condition and over 100 years old. old-fashioned uphol stered chairs, mahogany settee and center stand, uo-inch roil top acsic quartered oaic tine flat top desk, almost new 6-hoIe steel ran;;e with top closet, modern rockers, chairs, extension table, sideboard, bed room suits, corn fibre mattresses, springs and bedding, pillows. Brussels squares, and carpets, 20 yards tine linoleum and many, very many, other. Items not men tioned here. Best goods sold first at 10 A. m. Take S car to corner Corbet and uloos, then you can see the nag. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE THURSDAY, MAY 25, AT 10 A. M. At 211 First Street Having received instructions from Mr. Gubert to sell his entire housefurnlshlnzs. we have arranged to have them In our salesrooms at 211 First St., for this sale. This Is a choice lot and deserves your attention, aaie at w a. m., snarn. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE FRIDAY, MAY 26. AT 2 P. M. At 211 First Street We have a splendid lot of furniture and several cases of merchandise from the railroads to be sold without reserve, such as ladles' fine shoes, men's fine shoes, corsets, one crate crockery, vers fine ware. and sundry other Items not yet listed. Bale at 2 p. M. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. NOTICE The Portland 'Auction Rooms caii get you money for your goods If you' wish to sell A. Schubach. Proprietor. ON TUESDAY NEXT ' AT BAKER'S AUCTION HOUSE, corner Alder and Park. Elegant buffet with r ha Irs with real leather seats, hlzhlv nol- 5 Ishcd quartered oak extension table, all up-to-date and en suite, weathered and golden oak Mission rockers with Spanish leather seats, hair stuffed couches, Daven ports, fine velvet and Brussels carpets, Axmlnster rugs 3x12, double bookcase with desk center, lace curtains and portieres. Brussels rugs, large French plate mirrors with gold frames: also the furnishings of nine bedrooms, including pretty dressers, flne Iron beds, springs and mattresses, mantle and twice-folding beds, steel range and other effects, all In first-class order. Sale Tuesday next at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO.. Auctioneers. AUCTION SALES CONTINUE ON Thursday Next, at 10 A. M. And Friday Next, at 2 P. M.S Wc arc crowded down with. clean, useful furniture, etc. We Invite parties furnish ing to these sales, if you want to save money. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. We sell new furniture and can save you from 10 to 40 per cent on down-town store prices. GEO. BAKER & CO., 'Phone Blk 1S42. A. J.. FARMER WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER. Tou can save 20 per cent by dealing with us. Note some of our prices: 1 lb. 33 M. and J. coffee. 25c: 1 dozen cans corn. 95c: 1 dozen cans tomatoes. SOc; extra choice creamery butter, per roll. iZc: 10-pound box crackers, SOc; 10 pounds No. 1 Jap rice, 33c: broken Java coffee, 3 pounds. 23c: 8 pounds good rice, 23c; 1 pound Schilling baking powder, 23c: 1 pound Royal baking powder. 40c; 1 poind Arm and Hammer soda. 5c: 1 box No. 1 macaroni, 33c; 13 bars Royal Savon. 23c: 10 pounds sago or tapioca. 33c: 100 pounds best D. G. sugar, $3.70; 17 pounds granulated sugar, beat, $1.00; 1 pound English breakfast tea, 15c: best Eastern Tiams. per pound, 13c: 2 cans Primrose cream. 15c: 1 sack good hard wheat flour, J1.00; 5-pound pall best lard. SOc; 10-pound pail best lard. J1.C0; l gallon good syrup. 40c: 1-pound can baked beans. 5c; 2-pound can baked-beans, I0c; 3-pound box crackers. SOc; 1 can salmon. 5c: 1 pound shredded cocoanut, 15c; 1 package seeded raisins, 5c: 2-pound package Jeer less Mush. 5c. We deliver on the East Side Tuesdays and Fridays. Remember the number. 2S1 3d sL. corner Jefferson. Phone Main 403. Ardmore The most desirable building site in Portland; ' surrounded by palatial homes with an unobstructed yicw of our famous mountains; the only ex clusively highAdase residence property supplied with bitulithic streets, ce ment sidewalks, Bull &un water, sewer and gas laid to each lot. Take Washiagton-street car to City Park and get off at Park Ave. For plats and prices call c or address Grindstaff & Schalk 248 STAXK 8TJKEET. BURNSIDE STREET Desirable let ceatraltr leeated near tetk, (West 8(4e), exeUtt jMatlM 2w aU asd future retail buihuii . A. H. BIRRELL 995 McKay St-. M ad Stark. "NEW TODAY. Auction Sales BY J.T. WILSCilN AUCTIONEER Stock aBd Merchandise Bought er Sold. Telephone Mala 1626. - MONDAY, TOMORROW At Salesroom, 180 First Street at 10 A. M. Comprising Cable & Son Kingsbury piano, costly buffet, French clock with solid brass toD niece, oak sideboard, com bination bookcase, chiffonier, massive hall tree, wardrobe. French plate mirror, ele gant sideboard in walnut burl, bedroom suits, springs and- mattresses, Arabia lace curtains, choice wool blankets, sheets, pil lows, extra large feather bed. mantel beds, felt and floss mattresses. Singer sewing machine, Davis machine In solid mahog any case, toilet sets, baby bed with hair mattress and bedding, rattan swinging baby crib, carpets, flne linoleums, bamboo table and whatnot, pictures, a-flne assort ment of Rogers Bros.' 1S47 cutlery, two pair boxing gloves, full equipment ot dishes, glassware and kitchen utensils, kitchen treasure, kitchen safe tables, chairs, rockers, couches, dressers, new school chart called the New Education from A B C to Financial " and Business Accounts. This is a large sale, Worthy your attention. TUESDAY'S SALE On the Premises, 88 Knott St., Near Mississippi Avenue At 10 A.M. Having instructions from Mrs. R. Nel bert, we will sell at public auction on this date the nearly new furnishings of 13 rooms, comprising dressers, bedroom suits, springs and mattresses, metal beds, flne bedding, pillows, bed lounge, rockers, tables and chairs, toilet sets. Brussels and wool carpets, linoleum, heating stoves, cook stoves, .steel range, kitchen safes and treasures, dishes, kitchen utensils and quantities of other flne house equipments. Fifteen rooms of substantial furnishings. Sale commences prompt at 10 A. M. Note Intending purchasers can reach sale by taking Lower Alblna cars. WEDNESDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street at 10 A. M. There has been removed to our sales room the furnishings of a large dwelling which we are Instructed to close out at public auction. This lot affords narlor. dlnlngroom. bedroom and kitchen furni ture and other valuahle chattels enough furnishings for many. THURSDAY'S SALE 24 North Eighth St., at 2 P. M. On Account of Departure and by Order of The owner we will sell the furnishings of their five-room cottage, comprising In parL-mahogany bookcase, three-piece par lor suit in mahogany fine lace curtains, parlor table in mahegany. picture. . por tieres and hangings, couch, dresser and commode In mahogany finish, metal bed In pretty tinting, springs .and mattress, oak hall tree, rugs, mattings, toilet sets, mantel beds, dlnlngroom table, chairs, rockers, settees, fine blankets, sheets and pihows. dressers and commodes, dishes, glassware, cook stove and flne house equipments. Sale prompt at 2 P. M. FRIDAY'S SALE At Salesroom, 180 First Street at 10 A. M. Look! See! Come and Buy! Gro- cerles, Fresh Groceries, a Fine Assortment Just placed with us to close out. The grocer forced out of business on account of exorbitant rent. The economic house wife will find It profitable to attend this sale. We will sell everything In the grocery line. Note. "What have you got. for sale?" If anything, see Wilson, he pays the Dricc. Phone Main 1626. Salesroom, corner First and lamniu. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. GILMAN Auction & Commission Co. S. L. N. Gllman, Auctioneer. ESTABLISHED 41 YEARS. VERY ATTRACTIVE AUCTION SALE OF CHOICE HOUSEHOLD FURNI TLrtE. RUGS. ETC., AT KOOilis-413 WASHINGTON ST., TUES UAV. MAY 18, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. 31. Consigned to use from Kenllworth and Irvlngton. Some of the finest household furniture In genuine mahogany, etc.. In cluding the finest parlor pieces in mahog any made to order, costly oak and weath ered oak center and library tables, unique chairs, rockers, stands, golden stand. Mor ris chair, beautifully upholstered rockers and chairs, genuine mahogany blrdseye maple, quartered oak chlffonleres and dressers with French shared nlate mir rors, Davenports, very line Iron bed- steaas in crass, wnitc ana colored tints, commodes, finest curled hair. felL cotton standard quality mattresses, pillows,, 100 new oea comiorters. 10 choice Persian rugs 6x3, "xl, 8x3.. etc, W. O. sideboard, library table and chairs, domestic rusrs. couches to drape, odd chairs, rockers, ele gant dlnlngroom suite, round table, buffet and chairs In leather en suite. We cannot attempt to give detailed descriptions of all these fine house furnishings but will say that buyers will find them llrst-class. Sale Tuesday. May 16. 10 A. M.. at room. No. 413 Washington street. Will be upon exhi bition Monday. N. B. Goods upon our noors must ue as gooa as or better than aaverusea- S. L. N. GILMAN, Aucioneer. Attractive Auction Sales OF Household Furniture Thursday, May 18th Friday, May 19th At 10 A. M. Each Day These sales of household furniture" af ford buyers a fine opportunity to purchase the fittings -of spare rooms and residences. We have the steel folding couches, iron bedsteads, springs, chlffonleres,, com modes, dressers, stands, chairs, rockers, etc. N. B. Goods upon our floors must be as good as or better than advertised S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. At a Sacrifice Nice, new, clean, little salmon; good location: rent $15 per month. Will sell cheap on account of illness of proprietor. Will bear investigation A rare snap if taken at once. Ad dress '6, Oregonian. For Sale Automobile One latest model Olds Double Cylinder 20-horse-Dower Automobile for considerable less than cost; 'has' been used about a dozen times; can be seen at 416. Vancouver ave. Edgar L. Lowell, Wadhares & Co Washington Street Center freatlaa: e both. Washiagtes. aad Aider sts., sear Expositkm. VSC, Ore- tOMttB., - NEW TODAY. Real Estate ARDMORE $738 Lots in Doscher's Second Addition, next to 1905 Falrr miv lerma. MW-Two lots, nth and College. SIM SSxlOO, facing east on 23d- ' $1896 Quarter-block. 21th St., near entrance io xair. SSM Full lot. Jforthrup, near 22d. $2046 34 acres, 1C acres under plow, near Cedar Mflls. SSSS&-InsIde lots. Gllsan. near 23d. SStea 7-room house, 22d, near Roosevelt. East front lot. 11th st., near Har rison. $3586 Full south front lot and S-room house on Johnson st. $3900 Nice little home on Montgomery, near Portland Aeademv. S4590 $4850 f360 New houses, 21st and Lovejoy; favorable terms. 7.-.X10O; Bverett sL. Nob Hill. 6869 90x150 la front of new BanSeld home. Portland Heights; best view. $8369 00x100 facing east on 12th St.. with a nouse tnat could be remodeled; room tor two more; nrst-class neighborhood, where nouses command hlch rental. $11,00 lOJxlOO. In North Portland, covered with buildings; pays 10 per cent net. $14.090 Improved property, 30 feet from ttasnington st.; leased for $1'J5 per m.intn. Quarter-block factor east on 23d and Irv ing wit! a large modern 15-room dwelling, the house costing $16,000 to build. This property will be sold for a reasonable price and on favorable terms. 4 5-room hotel on road to Fair grounds. ARDMORE Over the River $125 per acre, the best improved farm in Multnomah County. $130 and up Lots In Feurers Addition'. 54BO ixJt a. block 14, Central Alblna. $790 Corner lot. Union ave. and Ivon sts. $700 East front lot. Gantenbeln ave., near $730 0 lots in Edendale. $890 Lots near Steel bridge. $1900 Full lot. 7th, near Weldler. $125C 5-rodm cottage, Williams ave. $1500 Block 2S. Patton's Second Addition; will trade for Spokane property. $1690 3-room modern cottage In Sunnyside, renting for $17.30 per month. $1800 Corner, S. W. corner E. 13th and Madison. $2999 Corner lot and modern new house. C05 E. 8th st. $2809 One of the most modern and up-to-date little homes In Sunnyside. I $2209 2 lots in bearing fruit and '9-room house. Sandy Road, near E. 23th. $2399 New 6-room house, 'Williams ave. $2300 3 lots, southeast corner 17th and Tillamook. $2500 53x100 and two houses. 404 and 40C E. 0th; rent $25 per month. $200 100sl20. Hancock and Rodney ave. $3009 Modern home, Williams ave. $3500 Quarter-block, 2d and "Wasco. $3509 2 lots and modern S-room house, Williams ave. $4000 10 acres, facing 2 boulevards, near Peninsula Station. $4009 Quarter-block - facing Holladay ave. $4250 Corner and new modern S-room house in Irvlngton. $-1590 Corner and modern S-room house, E. 20th and Ankeny. $5000 1 acre. E. 3d and Stephens. 300 ft. railroad frontage. Will trade for St. Paul or Minneapolis property. $5500 Two lots and 9-room modern house. E. Oak. near 0th; will trade for farm near Pendleton or Umatilla. $5700 100x100 and 0-room modern house In McMllIen's Addition, neal- Steel bridge. Room for two more houses. $8500 100x100 and the best built, up-to- date home in Irvlngton, G91 Hancock. Suburban Home Beautiful home, located at Mt. Tabor, con sisting- of about two acres of ground, large, modern, well-built residence and windmill, for one-halt of original cost. Will trade. GRINDSTAFF & SCHALK 246 STARK STREET. NEW AND THOROUGHLY MODERN RESIDENCE (Never yet occupied), six rooms, fin ished in selected wods, several large closets, fireplace, full concrete base ment, cement floor, furnace, best of sanitary plumbing, stationery wash tubs, wired for electricity and piped for gas. Lot 40x100 feet. Cement sidewalk and round house. Price $3500, of which $2000 may remain on mortgage at 6 per cent, inquire oi owner, 673 Halsey street, corner East Ninteenth, just across the street. . For Sale 1.22 acres, adjoining the beautiful Strat ton residence on Milwaukle street, mid way between Portland and Sellwood (East Side). Thl3 tract Is an Ideal spot for one wishing a country home, almost -within the city proper, or can be subdivided and sold at a large advance over the present low selling price of $6500. Do not fall to see this tract. For further particulars apply to i Rountree & Diamond 211 Stark st, corner Second. Acre. Tracts Tracts of one to five or ten acres for sale at "Wichita, on the 0. W. & P. E. R. just east of Sellwood. Price $150 per acre for cash or monthly in stallments. The best on the market for the price asked. Knapp & Mackey Boom 2 Chamber of Commerce. T. G. Parry, Resident Agent. SHerlocxl's Addition Choice lots on North 21st. 22d. 23d. Blackstone. Factory. Reed, York and Guild streets, from 5730 to J900, terms to suit. Brone"ugHs Addition The gem of the East Side, choice sightly lots on East Everett, Flanders, Gllsan, East 21th stsl, and Sandy Road; prices and terms to suit. "WaKefield, Fries & Co. 29 Stark Street. Phone Mala It. HOLLADAY PARK See the lots on E. 22d and Clackamas sts.; sewerage, cement walks and street improvements all In; price. $S75 for Inside, $1050 for outside. You can buy them on easy monthly payments. MALL & VON BORSTEL 393 E. Burnslde SL Home For Sale Modern 7-room house on good car line, 20 minutes walk from business center; large fruit trees, shrubbery, fine lawn, 100x100. An ideal home. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY, 109 Third StreeL PARRISH, WATKINS & GO. ESTABLISHED 1S72. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE, BENTAI AND LOAN AGENTS. 259 ALDER STREET. All for 510,000 3 modern 7-room houses and fine quarter block near ISth ana Lovejoy. Steady nut producer and .gilt-edge prop arty. C. H. JCareH. 21 WuMactos 0. TODAY. -FOR SALE BY Hartman, Thompson Powers Room 3, C, of C $4500 50x1 00 feet, corner of E. 7th and Davis sts.. with three 6 room houses, renting for $63 per month. 9-room house, 50x100 feet, en the corner ot 3d and Fay sts.. South Portland. This property the finest views In the city. S-room house, 43x90-feet lot. one of the best resident loca tions on the West Side. 5- room house, almost new, fur nace and modern plumbing, on the corner of E. 24th and Burn sideC 6- room modern house. 50x100 feet lot on E. 12th st, near E. Washington. 6-room house, almost new, modern plumbing, gas fixtures. 0x100 feet, on the corner of E. 31st and Couch sts. 6-room modern house, 6 blocks this side of Fair grounds, street improved and cement sidewalks 6-room house. 50x100 feet lot on E. Salmon st, near 29th. 6-room house, 50x100 feet lot. streets graded and cement sidewalks, on E. 16th and Clinton sts. 5- room house. 50x60-feet lot. on the corner of. Rodney ave. and Tillamook st. lOOxlOO-feet. 2 lots In best part of Irvlngton, streets improved. 6- room house on Grand ave., near Beach st 5-roofn cottage, 50x100 feet lot, on Borthwlck st, near Fre mont 5-room house. 100x100 feet lot, on JIallory ave., near Alberta, street 50x100 feet lot on Broadway car line, near 15th st has one of $3600 $3600 $3750 $2700 $2600 $2350 $2300 $1600 $1600 $1550 $1500 $1500 We Will Build Four Houses On Easy Payments "We have two lots in the best residence portion of the West Side and two lots in the best res idence portion of Irvington on which we will build a home after your own plan, on payments of 10 per cent cash and 1 per cent a month. South Sunnyside 5 4CA For lots in South Sunnyside; fl'jll $30 cash. 510 per month; each ,v,v lot 50x100; streets graded and TC graveled and sidewalks. This property Is situated on south SCCA side of Hawthorne ave, bet JJU 3341 and Mh 8ts- each lot 2 feet above grade. FARMS We have a large list, orer 50.000 acres, aad oin of the beat properties oa the market. W can be of real service to iateadlas per chasea br rtaoa of our exteaded knowledge of the character aad worth of the available farms. Ask any of the Portland basks as to oar staadiaz aad business methods. Call or writ for our list of farms. Jennings Lodge Tracts A few acre tracts remain la this fiaesl suburb of Portland, admlrablr located 'oa both sides of the Orexoa City car line. We also hare Just put oa the market two additions to this suburban home site that can be bad at reasonable prices aad terms. Secure a home of an aere or more at the cost of. a stogie cramped lot la other lo calities. Should tou not wast it for a home, boy for Investment. It will prove a bank of deposit for jour spare money that will yield a hand so mo Interest and provide a place for the money you will otherwise aimlessly spend. lt us show you these tracts. THE SHAW-FEAR COMPANY 243 STARK ST. Washington St, One of the biggest bargains on the street, the southeast corner of Wash ington and Ford (the southerly ex tension of Twenty-third street), be ing at the junction of the Portland Heights, West End and Willamette Heights divisions; this circular shaped tract, containing over 11,000 square feet, and with an unobstructed frontage of about 200 feet, has much to commend itself. WaKefield, Fries & Co. 229 Stark Street. Phone Main 14. IVAN HOE! THE SIGHTMEST SUBURB of Port land, lots 50x100 feet, with alley in rear; EXCELLENT WATER SUPPLY. Take either Mount Scott or "Woodstock car Sun day afternoon and view this addition of comfortable homes. Man on the ground. Lots 5100 to n5. $5 Down and $5 a Month BUY NOW before the advance. A. H. BIRRELL McKay Bldgf., corner 2d and Stark. EAST ANKENY HOME We have a beautiful 8-room. all modern home on East Ankeny st, near 13th; price, $4000.00. MALL & VON BORSTEL 393 E. Burnslde St. Good Investments West Side: $3350 houses, close In; rent $S5; brins ISV2 per cent. Fine business corner close In. $STC0. East SIdei East Ankeny, near Grand ave., full lot, mammoth fruit trees, 6- room house, $2600. F. FUCHS. 8& First sjL GEO. BLACK PUBLIC, ACCOUNTANT 31S Werccstcr Blsckr General practice. laves Oyatfsna. SstaU work. 6eet! a4 yeriadleal Ota. Tteaa We U. S8000 100x100, corner 18th and Alder: only a few feet fjrom Washington st. The best buy of Inside business property on the market. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON, 282 Stark St. Choice tot. S6x M0. oa mk, near Northrup sL. 'half cask:- a. snap. C. H. KORELL, XI Wafifei&g-