The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 14, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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    mi BUJNDAY ppKTJA-lJD, MAY 14, 190ff.
Mcil Ord ers Receive the Prompt and Coreftil Attention of Ex
perienced Stoppers Send for a Copy of Par Handsome Catalog
The Meier (& Frank Store
Portland's Largest and Best Store
Principal Portland Agents for Bctterkk Patterns and PnbKcatkMtf
Delineator Subscriptions Taken Here $1.00 Per Year 5
6000 New Bedspreads Yours
At "May Sale" Prices
For one week we are going
to give housewives, hotel
and boardinghonse-keepers
an opportunity to supply bed
spreads at the lowest prices
ever quoted in this city,
quality considered 6000
of them in all the best styles
and grades Prompt atten
tion to your needs is neces
sary if you want to share in
these bargains Mail orders
will be promptly filled
Hemmed white Bedspreads, full size, nice Marseilles
patterns, matchless value for this sale at, each...
"White fringed Bedspreads, full size, Marseilles pat
terns, wonderful values at, each
White liemmed Marseilles Bedspreads, large size,
the best $2.50 values, on sale for, each
White hemmed Marseilles Bedspreads, large size;
regular $3.o values, on sale for, each
Large size fringed Bedspreads, in pink, navy blue (L
and reel; great special for this sale, each HP
Satm Marseilles Bedspreads, large size, fringed or db 1 1
hemmed; $2.75 values, on sale for 1
White Dimity Bedspreads, 10-4 size ; value extraor
dinary for this sale at the low price of, each
$1.25 Foulard Silks 98c Yard
$1.00 Crepe de Chine Silks ?9c
Unusual offering of handsome new Foulard Silks of superior
quality,, dots and figures for dresses, waists and shirtwaist suits;
all the best colorings; serviceable, stylish; $1.25
value, for the low price of, yard
1000 yards of new polka-dotted Crepe de Chine Silks, very pretty
for waists and dresses; cool, serviceable; splendid
line of colors; $1.00 value for the low price of, yard
Boy the New Portieres
Tomorrow and Save Money
If you buy the new portieres tomor
row you can save one-third on the
cost Fooig&fL our best numbers are
offered for your choosing You can't
go wrong in buying any one of them
Tapestry Portieres, double-faced, fringed
top and bottom, 45 inches wide by 3
yards long; all colors: very" p
best styles; $3.00 values, pr. fi 3
Tapestry Portieres, large variety of two
toned and mixed colorings, 50 inches
wide, 3 yards long; Portieres we sell
regularly at $4.50 a pair; 5 X
75 Portieres for $4.50 Pair
Heavy Mercerized Portieres, plain colorings with embossed fig
ures, heavy fringe, handsome styles; 50 inches widcd jf
by 3 yardslong; our best $6.75 values, on sale, pr.TtJV
$7J0 Mercerized and bordered Portieres, plain colors with em
bos ;sed figures and tapestry borders; all the newest
and best colorings; value extraordinary at, pair !pO 3
,$10.01) to $12.50 Reps with borders; heavy Mercerized with cord
or .French tapestry; not over two patterns of a oe
kinid ; magnificent styles; reg. $10 to $12.50 val., pr . 3 .0-3
"VTe are prepared to execute promptly all orders for Custom
Shade "Work. Our workroom facilities are not equaled in the city.
Best ni aterials and workmanship guaranteed; also the very lowest
Fireproof Burlap for Exposition work; approved by the un
derwriters as well as the Exposition managers; any quantity, red
or greein; lowest prices. Third Floor.
Great Sale of Slippers
For Nurses and Elderly Ladies
Curses' Dongola lace Buckskins, rubber heels, hand-
turned soles; $1.75 values, for, pair $ .
Old Ladies' glove kid Congress and lace Shoes, hand- j m
turned soles, low heels, $2.00 values, pair $
"Women's vici kid Juliettes, patent tips; the best j
$2.00 values, on sale at this low price, pair $ .JO
Nurses' Dongola Juliettes, rubber heels, hand-turned g 3 o e
soles, plain toe; regular $1.75 values, for, pair
Old Ladies' Dongola button Shoes, low heels, hand- ff rr
turned soles, plain wide toe; $2.25 value, pair P .U
Boudoir Slippers, red, black, blue, pair. ; 8S
Glove kid Matron and 3-Point Slippers, pair !!.!9Sd
The above are all new, desirable goods.
"Women's hand-made French Night Gowns,
low round-neck drawn with ribbon or
linen tape; hand-embroidered front; also
high-neck styles with hand-tucked yoke
effects; regular $4.00 values, q
at this low price irl
Special lot of "Women's imported hand
made wnite Petticoats, wide flounces with
scalloped edge and hand-made figures;
regular $5 and $6 values, for $3.69
"Women's fine white Petticoats with fitted
waistbands ,trinimed in Val. laces, edging,
fine embroidery, clusters of fine tucks and
insertions: separate dust-ruffles; regular
$4.50, $5.00 and $6.00 values,
on sale for
"Women 's fine Cambric and Nainsook Gowns, trimmed in very fine
laces, embroideries, insertions, tucks, headings and ribbons,
wide hems; our best $4.o0 ad $o.00 values, on sale
at this low price
Cnstora Shade and Drapery Work is Our Specialty All Work Guaranteed 3d Floor
Trunks and Traveling Bags on the Third Floor Largest and Best Stock in the. City
Artistic Picture Framing to Yonr Order Handsome New Mouldings Lowest Prices
Crepe de Chine Evening Gowns $28.25
Portland's Leading Cloak Store places on sale tomorrow
a great special purchase of high-class -Crepe de Chine
Evening Gowns Beautiful styles The most attractive
bargain we have asked you to share in this season
Made of splendid quality crepe de chine Light blue,
pink, champagne, white, black, gray and reseda Skirt
full effect with shirred flounce, trimmed around the bot
tom with clusters of tucks Taffeta silk drop skirt
Waists have deep yoke of point Venise lace Sleeves
made with double shirred puff and deep cuff finished at
hand with tucks All new up-to-date gowns, well made
throughout and the grandest value ever offered One
of these handsome costumes will come in very handy
for wear at Exposition functions this summer We
would call them very reasonably priced regularly at
$50.00 each There's only about 30 d O C -of
them so come early Each . P &
$18 Tailored Suits $ 1 0.85
Special lot of 100 new Tailored Suits in Cheviots, Tweeds and Broadcloths, in blue, brown, black
and checks; all made up in the very best styles; fancy braid and button- oe
.trimmed skirts, in plaited effects, $16.00 and $18.00 values, at low price of v.O-J
"Women's $28.00 and $30.00 Tailored Suits, in blouse, Eton and jacket effects;
plaids, brown, navy, tan, reseda, etc.; great values at the low price of . ." p.rJ
Sale of 20,000 Yds. of Embroideries
Values Up to $3.00 Strip, for 98c Strip
20,000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries included in the great May Sale ; we
have planned for Monday, Tnesday and Wednesday; edgings, insertions and headings in an im
mense variety of dainty patterns, 4 and 10 inches wide; strips are 6 yards long; ao
values up to $3 a strip; buy all you want at the remarkably special low price of, strip. . .VOC
3000 yards of Venise Appliques and Bands and Net-Top Laces ; all the prettiest pat
terns to choose from; values up to $1.25 the yard, for the low price of, yard ZrC
Two Lots of Corset-Cover Embroideries
80c Values 25c the Yard
2500 yards of beautiful new Corset-Cover Em
broideries, very best patterns, great variety
to select from; values up to 60c the yard;
on sale tomorrow at the excep- er
tionally low .price of, yard...-. .
Z5c Values 35c the Yard
2000 yards of new Corset-Cover Embroideries,
very best patterns in great variety; all new
, goods that we received Friday morning;
values up to 75c the yard; on
sale for low price of, yard 0JC
Clearance Sale of Ribbons
There's a new ribbon chief at the helm It's the old
story of a new broom sweeping cleanThat's the
reason for tomorrow's great ribbon news Five
lots of new, desirable all silk plain and fancy rib
bons at manufacturers' prices Every woman
wants to share in this great distrihntion
All-Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, black, white and all the
leading shades, 4 inches wide, Ribbon that many stores
ask 35c a yard for; our best 25c value, on 9
sale for the low price of, yard C
An immense line of All-Silk Ribbons, including black Taf
fetas, 4M: inches wide, Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Rib
bons, 5 inches wide, in all desirable shades ; fancy plaid
and polka-dot Ribbons', i inches wide; new and pretty
Dresden Ribbons, 31; inches wide
35c and 40c Values for 21c Yd.
I Extra fine quality pure Silk Satin Taffeta Ribbons, 7 inches wide, suitable for neck ribbons,
sashes and niillmery purposes ; popular shades; 50c and 60c values, on sale for, yard 4
Latest novelties in fancy Neck Ruchings at 25 to 75 yard; large variety.
All-Silk "Lewis and Clark" Exposition Ribbon, to inches wide.
Monday Specials in the Picture Store
Frederick Remington's "Bunch of Buckskins,"
eight in a set; special Monday at $6
for the set, or, each ,
Matted Pictures Avith verses, size llx
14 inches; regular 25c values, for 1 UC
Matted Pictures, 20x20 inches and 15x
20 inches; wonderful values at, each. .
50c Medallions with gilt corners, size Q
7x9 inehes; Monday special t-fC
Second Floor.
Fine "Oil Paintings of Heads, 3-inch black
frames, 11x14 inches; regular $3.00
value, on sale for
20 Oil Paintings, any size, 10x12 to 22x26 in.
your choice at, each $2.50
Passepartout Pictures and frames, size 8x10
inches; special value at X9
Artistic Picture-Framing to your order at
the very lowest prices.
New lot of Match-Safes in plaster of Paris;
monk heads and Indians; excep- y cr
tional value at. . . . y&3C
Sale of China and Kitchen Furnishings
The Big Basement Store offers for this week a great array of tempting bargains
in. Dinner Sets, China and Kitchen Furnishings
50-pIec -white semi-vitreous Dinner
Sets, on sale for, set. ..3S.83
CO-piece. same as ubove, set....ftux
lOd-pIece, same as above. set..9&85
50-plece -seml-vitreous DIaaer Sets;
green or brown decora- j or
tlons. set O.OJ
60-piece, same as above, set
100-pIece, same as above, set. -?JS
Glass Tusabiers. each - 3c
8-In glass Berry Dishes. each...le
4-in. Glass Sauce Dishes, set 5 j
of C on sale for CrtC
Gas Plates and Gas Stoves. All the
best models at exceptionally low
Sole agents for Peninsular Stoves
anJ Ranges. (Basement.)
Asbestos Mats, sale price, ea.-lc
Kgg Whips, sale-price, each.. 2c
Potato Mashers, sale price, ca.Sc
Dover gg Beaters, each 8c
2- qt. granite Sauce Pans, 21c
3- qU granite Sauce Pans...,. 36c
2-c.t. granite Coffee Pots 35c
LargeJFrylng Pans, each. -....23c
10-qt tin XMah Pans, each ,24c
.Can Openers, each ...8c
Steel Knives and Forks, weed
handles, great value,, set...e
Nickel Te&seens, 6 for, 33e
Nickel Table-Spoons, 6 for. . . .ee
Steel Butcher Knives, each 21c
Paring Knivee, each Sc
Refrigerators In all sizes aad
best styles.
Thin blown Tumblers, each....... 4c
Decorated semi-porcelain Plates, 7
Inch size; sale price, dozen.. $l.4e
Glas "Water Pitchers, each .-12c
-ir piece Glass Sots, set ..-13c
Flour Sifters, each ....32c
Tin Pie Pans, each 3c
No. S granite Teakettles, each.. 82c
3-qL "granite Pudlng Pans 17c
18-iR. granite Frying Pans.. 2Sc
t Screet Doors. Windows. Refrig
erators, Water Coelers. Water Sets.
LawaiMowere, etc All hot weather
housekeeping articles on sale, here
at the very lowest R-ices. Basement.
200 Silk Petticoats
$14, $ 1 5 Vals. $9.85
An advantageous purchase of
highest grade Siik Petticoats
enables us to offer for Monday,
Tnesday and Wednesday
200 of them in plaid taffeta
silks, changeable taffeta silks
and plain taffeta silksWhite,
pink, blue, gray, tan, brown,
navy, green, assorted plaids
and black Made of beautiful
quality silk with deep accor
dion pleating or tucked flounce,
ruffles and fagotting or five
rows of niching Magnificent styles Skirts that have
style and service in them Everyone in the lot regular
$14 or $15 value Matchless value at
Mail orders promptly filled
10,000 New Handkerchiefs
At Exceptionally Low Prices
Women's pure linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs, Vs-hich hems,"
300 dozen of them to he sold at the ridiculously low p
price of 7$ each; buy all you want of them &C
"Women's all pure linen Handkerchiefs in hemstitched and scal
loped borders, suitable for dresser-scarfs, fancy
aprons, stock collars, etc.; best 25c values, on sale, ea. ..
"Women's initial hemstitched Handkerchiefs, hand-embroidered,
all pure linen.; the best 35c value we ever offered
at this price fliuy all you want at, each
200 High-Grade Siik Waists
Are Greatly Reduced
Hundreds of our handsomest high
grade Silk Waists go on sale to
morrow at decided reductions from
the regular selling prices Taffetas,
mess alines, chiffons, lace and nets.
Irish crochet and val. lace trimmed
Assorted colors and evening
shades All this season's waists
At the prices quoted you'll find
them the best bargains in town
Big variety to select from 3d Floor
$1.2.50 Waists are $ 9.85 $ 1 8.00 Waists are S 13.25
$15.4)0 Waists are $10.55 $22.50 Waists are $1545
$16.50 Waists are $1 1.85 $25.00 Waists are $17.65
20,000 Yds. New Wash Materials
At Very Interesting Prices
25c and 30c white-ground Flowered Voiles and Serpolets,
handsome new materials, great value at
30c figured cotton Foulards; our entire stock for you to select
from;' best patterns; at the low price of yard 22p
15c and 16 2-3e lace-stripe checked and dotted white y
Lawns, a big line; great value at, yard C
50c Silk Madras Ginghams, genuine Madras; 50 patterns 5
to select from; great special value at OOC
$1.00, $1.25 Veils for 89c Ea.
Best Quality Malines 18c Yard
500 fancy Chiffon Veils, lL yards long;
blue, brown and white; dotted bor
ders, also plain striped borders; all
neat, attractive styles for veils or
hat drapes; regidar $1.00
and $1.25 values, for, each...'
5000 yards of best quality Malines in
black, white and all the leading
shades; unequaled value for
Monday at, yard.
"May Sale" Bargains Stationery,
Cutlery, Rubber Goods, Etc.
Guaranteed Fountain Pens, with gold points; greatest y q
value ever offered at the price
Guaranteed self-filling Fountain Pens, each $1.23
oc Faber rubber-tip Pencils, special, two for v 5
Dennison's plain white Paper Napkins, hundred IQifi
Fancy Crepe Papers, for decorating purposes, lamp shades, etc.,
10-foot folds, on sale for ...-. 12
Initial Box Papers, embossed in gold letters, 25e to 75c values,
extra special at this price, box 19
Stafford's new -Indelible Ink, for marking linens, etc.; no prepara
tion, required; complete outfit 19
"Gem" Nail Clippers, the perfect Clipper, each 19
Guaranteed Scissors, in all sizes, pair 19
"Fairy" Fountain Syringe, red-rubber, cloth inserted, hard-rubber
fittings, 2-quart size, fully guaranteed, special at 83(5
Sapolin Floor Stains, varnish and color in one ; gives a permanent
hardwood finish, pint '33
Fancy wood-back Thermometers, special 9
Pearl Shirtwaist Sets, special, set..., ...12
Pearl Hatpins, great special value at -.19
All our 50c, and 60c fancy Back Combs, pair , -.39
BELTS, 28 EACH 50 dozen Women's Silk Ribbon Belts, Drasr
den designs, gilt buckles; also plain Satin. Taffeta Jo
Belts; best styles; great values at .OC