22 THE SUNDAY OKEGONIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL 30, 190o. FOB KENT. Booms. JOCELY FURNISHED ROOMS IK MODERN private house, 95 East 12th, cor. Wash ington. Phone East 2868. WELL FURNISHED ROOM, BATH, phone. M car line, walking distance Fair grounds. Cg7 Irving t XiADT WILL RENT PLEASANT FRONT room, one or two gentlemen; bath, phone; central. 431 Everett st. 187 CHAPMAN. NEAR MORRISON NICE ly furnished front room, suitable for two; bath, phone. Main 5220. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH ALCOVE, nicely furnished, modern conveniences, close In. 331 14th st WILLAMETTE, 144 6TH ST., BET. MOR rlson and Alder; cheapest and best tran sient rooms In city. FOR RENT ONE BACK PARLOR. NICBLT furnished, rent reasonable; gentleman pre ferred. 183 13th st. 346 10TH ST.. BET. MORRISON AND AL der Front parlor and other pleasant; new ly furnished rooms. CICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM SUIT able for one or two; gas. bath, etc 211 Sherman st.. cor. 1st. 255 11TH ST. SUNNY, BEAUTIFUL ROOMS, bath. gas. large grounds; tourist trade so licited. West 761. GOOD, CLEAN. CHEAP FURNISHED rooms and lodgings. 245 18th st., 8 blocks from Fair grounds. CICELY FURNISHED ROOM. RUNNING water and free phone;. $3 a week. 72 N. 14th St., comer Everett. 250 6TH ST. FOUR BLOCKS SOUTH OF Hotel Portland, nicely furnished room with home comforts. 271 7TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for rent; gas. bath, phone, nice neighborhood. 231 5TH ELEGANT FURNISHED FRONT rooms with alcove, gas, phone, bath, all newly papered. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM in private family; bath and phone. 430 Jefferson st. JS NEWLY PAPERED FURNISHED FRONT room for one or two gentlemen. 332 17th, near Market. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN FLAT, all modern conveniences; terms reasonable. 32S 13th f-t. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms, large and sunny; nice yard. 804 Corbett st. 63 7TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms, single or en suite, transient or permanent. TWO WELL FURNISHED SINGLE ROOMS for rent. 271 3d st. Call Sunday morning or Monday. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. $2 AND $2.50 per week; outside rooms. Call afternoons, 564 Savier. S14 CLAY ST. LARGE. NEATLY FUR nlshed room, five minutes walk from Hotel Portland. LARGE. SUNNY ROOMS, REASONABLE; use of phone and bath. 175 16th, cor. Yamhill. 429 MAIN ROOM FOR RENT, SUITABLE for two gentlemen; no raise during the Fair. 3TEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, 401 1ST ST., Flat A; modern, reasonable. Phone Main 3404. t COMFORTABLY FURNISHED FRONT room, clean and sunny. 361 Alder, cor. Park. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. $2 per week. 483 E. Market st. Phone East 3231. FINE. LARGE FRONT SUITE WITH BATH," suitable for two or more persons. 380 Alder. FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED. FOR TWO, $12 per month. Call Monday. C8 E. 7th. N:CELY FURNISHED ROOM: GAS. BATH and phone. $7 per month. 348 TajUor st. BOOMS. NEAR FAIR GROUNDS. NICELY furnished. 002 Thurman and 374 26th; board. 295 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, porcelain hath, furnace heat, gas and phone. FPjONT ROOM. BATH. GAS. PHONE. FOR married couple or ladies. $10. 245 Lincoln. FO RENT FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for 2; select neighborhood. 708 Everett st NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, fl'si floor; rent reasonable. 520 Flanders. Cheapest and beet-located rooms In Portland. 5. week up. Gllman. lBt and Alder sts. FOR RENT TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. East Side, close in. Phone East 1474. A FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO gentlemen; $8 per month. 610 4th st THE IOWA. 43 2D ST.. COR. ASH NICE large rooms by day, week or month. 310 10TH ST. ELEGANT FURNISHED rooms, electric lights, bath, phone. 368 12TH LARGE PLEASANT ROOM FOR one or two persons; central; modern. ROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED; adults only. 269 14 th, near Jefferson. 41 ELLA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, elngle or en suite; bath, heat, phone. Fl RNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAMILY; gas. bath. 403 S. First St.. Flat F. THE Y. M. C. A. HAS A FREE LIST OF furnished rooms In all parts of city. 301 HARRISON ST. NICELY FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen; rates reasonable. - FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED FRONT room. 446 Washington St., private. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS AT 107 N. 0th; front rooms suitable for two. LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH RUNNING water. 395 Morrison, cor. 10th. 35 3D ST.. COR. MARKET NICELY FUR nlshed rooms; rent reasonable. 430 QUIMBY ST.. BETWEEN 10TH AND 11th Newly furnished rooms. 2 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS. 345 Burnside st, near 7th. FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, ALL CON venlences. 409 11th st. AMERICAN EXCHANGE. 208 FRONT ST. Newly furnished rooms. 435 ALDER NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, central location. NICELY FURNISHED OUTSIDE ROOMS. 104 12th st NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM. 547 THIRD street NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. 305 7th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. 128 N. 16TH ST. Booms With Board. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD, prh-llegcs of light housekeeping; close to Fair; also to St. Vincent's Hospital. 775 G1I san st. NICE FAMILY LIVING ON CAR LINE will furnish room and board for respectable working girl for $5 per week. V 56. Ore gonlan. HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON, fronts Plaza Park & City Hall; pleasant rooms, single, en suite, new, centrally located. COMMISSIONERS. CONCESSIONAIRES. EX hlbltors, desiring home in private family four blocks from Fair, call S31 Qulmby. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVEHUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; plerator; bllhard-room; transients; both car lines. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH board, very desirable. 567 Irving st, 1 block from ICth car. Phone Main 0035. ROOMS WITH BOARD COMFORTABLE, well-furnished rooms, with good home cook ing; reasonable; central. 221 13th. FURNISHED ROOMS. BOARD IF DE s'.red. private family. block of Fair. Phone West 118. 782 Roosevelt. IN A NEW MODERN HOUSE WITH ALL home privileges; room and board, $18-$20 per month. 873 E. Couch s. FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD. SUITABLE for two. strictly first-class, very moderate rates. Apply 147 West Park. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR TWO YOUNG men; modern conveniences; central. 272 Park. Phone Main 6054. PLEASANT ROOMS; WILL BOARD OR give breakfast; convenient to Fair or busi ness portion. Main 497L 170 1 0TH PLEASANT ROOM. WITH. OR without board, suitable for one or. two gentlemen FOR SALE. ' Rooms With Board. FINE ROOMS Electric light, Steam heat. Porcelain baths. Excellent table. Low rates to Permanent guests. The Lindell Hotel. Market St., bet. 3d and 4th. THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILY HO teL 165-167 10th et. cor. Morrison There are a few vacancies, fine rooms, nicely furnished; steam heat throughout the house; iorcelaIn bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining room, table and service first-class. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR: rooms with hoard: use of sewing-room: use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Arabel Russell, superintendent, 510 Flandeni.' THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market et.. bet. 3d and 4th.; steam heat, electric light, gas, porcelain baths; all outsldo rooms; exceedingly low rates. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. FACING EAST, with board, suitable for two persons; also smaller rooms, in modern private bouse; price -reasonable. 89 East Eighth st. N. THE MANITOU. 20t 13TH ST. LARGE rooms, beautiful grounds and porches-, ex cellent table; tourists solicited; abundant hot water. Phone 3203. OCCIDENTAL HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OK. Clean cooking-and beds; rooms well 'venti lated; first-class service; across street from First National Bank. BOARD AND ROOM FOR THE SUMMER, house newly furnished, nice airy rooms, large yard, shade trees and flowers, on Portland Heights car line, men preforred. Tel. Main 4974. WANTED MAN AND WIFE OR TWO gentlemen to room and board, private home. East Side. Address D 5S, care Ore gonlan. 3 BLOCKS FROM FAIR, ROOMS AND board in elegantly furnished residence. 829 Quimby. near 25th. TWO FRONT ROOMS. FINE LOCATION; terms reasonable; phone, bath. 32 N. 31th, opposite Armory Hall. BOARD AND ROOM, " $4.50 PER WEEK, with private family, with bath la connection. 762 Vancouver ave- LARGE DOUBLE PARLORS WITH BOARD for family or gentlemen; private family. Phone Main 3162. BLAKELY HALL. 270 6TH ST. NICE large front room with first-class board; fine location. FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD, PRI vate family, suitable for gentlemen. 551 Couch st. CHOICE TABLE BOARD FOR ONE OR two; also nice front room. 394 Columbia. Main 2219. NICE ROOM WITH GOOD TABLE BOARD; would like two gentlemen; -modern. 20S 11th st. THE HARTMAN. 426 ALDER, AND 70 W. Park Single and double rooms, with good board. GROCERY. FINE LOCATION. GOOD stand, low rent; a bargain. Y 58, care Ore gonlan. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. REASON able. 502 Clay, near 15th st. Phone Main 5099. N THE OZARK. 225 11TH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board: hot and cold water. THE STERLING. 535 COUCH. COR. 16TH sc. Rooms and board. Phono Main 436. THE WOODLAND. 265 6TH ST. ELE gant furnished rooms with board. COMFORTABLE HOME FOR TWO. PRI vate family. 124 Nortji 18th st. 4 FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. $17 per month. 515 Northrup st. ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO YOUNG men. at 464 E. Ankeny. ROOM AND BOARD. IRVINGTON. TEL. Union 1332. Flats. A 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT, 4 BLOCKS from Postofflce; good carpets and some furniture for sale; will give possession about June 1. Call at Perkins restaurant. FURNISHED FLAT. LOWER FLOOR. 4 extra large rooms, modern conveniences, walking distance. 390 Park. FLAT 3 LARGE ROOMS. MODERN: SUN nyslde. 2 blocks south of Hawthorne car; $10. 365 E. 30th st. $30 LOWER FLOOR, SIX LARGE FUR nlshed rooms, bath, pantry, clean and com fortable. 205 N. 18th. 588 7TH" ST. J-ROOM FLAT, BATH, toilet. 3 closets. $18; no children. FOR RENT NEW, MODERN FLAT. AP ply 315 11th et.. corner Clay. FOR RENT A FOUR-ROOM UNFUR nlshed fiat. 071 East Ash st. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM FURNISHED flat. 56S 5th st FINEST FURNISHED FLAT IN CITY. 470 Taylor. Housekeeping Rooms. JEFFERSONIAN. 512-514 JEFFERSON ST. Modern, up-to-date apartmonts; two suites of 3 rooms each will bo for rent May 1; plenty of hot water at all times; free phone and baths. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSK keeplng rooms, for two, rent including wood, laundry, light, phone, $18; take Richmond car to 27th, third house north, west side of street. 493 East 27th. FOR RENT-C24 PETTYGROVE ST., NEAR Fair Grounds, nice furnished front room, suitable for man and -wife or two ladles; light housekeeping If desired. Call Sunday or after 6:30 evenings. TWO OR THREE LARGE NEATLY FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; water In kitchen; bath, phone: private family; $14 month. 548 Mill. Phone Main 4014. TENTS! TENTS! TENTS! AT IDEAL camp. 1IL Tabor; large private grounds, fine view, shady groves; rent reasonable, week or month. Phone Scott 3754. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms In modern flat. 3 blocks from Portland Hotel. Call Monday afternoon at 246 7th st. Phone Black 802. $8 NICE, LIGHT. NEWLY PAPERED, furnished front room, privilege light house keeping; lady gono during day preferred. 332 17th el. near Market. LADY WITH COTTAGE HAS LARGE, UN furnlshed room to rent to lady; rent rea sonable: housekeeping privileges; noar car line. Phone Union 3874. TO LET-FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLE and housekeeping, centrally located, nicely furnished and reasonable rents. Address 232 First st. 3 PLEASANT UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, every convenience, walking distance; no children. 403 4th, cor. Harri son. TWO LADIES CAN HAVE TWO HOUSE keeping rooms, furnished or unfurnished; ground floor; reasonable. Phone East 2023. 372 1ST TWO OR FOUR NEWLY PA pcred furnished bay-window housekeeping rooms, reasonable; respectable people only,- 26S MONTGOMERY HOUSEKEEPING suite, clean, homelike, 4 or 5 adults; con veniences; central, fine location. Main 4469 045 WASHINGTON STREET WELL-FUR-nlshed. very desirable housekeeping suites and sleeping-rooms; phone, bath; reasonable. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, with gas stove furnished: caly $1.75 per week. 382 E. Yamhill st. STRANGERS WISHING FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, call 03 First st.. corner Pine; also sleeping rooms; respectable. THE ELM. 321-123 13TH. COR. WASHING ton Pleasant front room, furnished for housekeeping: gas. phone and bath. THE TEMPLETON. 206 1ST NICELY furnished front housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; bath, transient solicited. 447 5TH2 NEWLY FURNISHED, COM plete housekeeping, large, light rooms; bath, phone: adults. Call Monday. 454 YAMHILL ST. TWO CONNECTING convenient furnished housekeeping rooms; reasonable; close In; nice location. THREE NICE ROOMS. FURNISHED OR unfurnished, for housekeeping; walking dis tance. 464 E. Burnside, cor. Sth. SS6 E. BURNSIDE ST. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 3 or 4, newly furnished; gas; close In. just across Burnside bridge. 2 LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING bay-window rooms to rent very reasonable 431 West Park, near College. THREE , FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING, rent $16. large cook range; also other rooms. 440 5Uv cor College. FOB RENT. Housekeeping Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSE keeping rooms in high-class building, cen ter of best down-town district, near Hotel Portland and Marquam Theater, for rent to married couple; steam heat, elevator, telephone, gas stove for cooking. Inquire room 5. Washington bldg. THE ONEONTA. 187 37TH ST.. NEAR TAM hlll New houfc. elegantly furnished apart ment;, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; steam beat, baths; free phone on each floor. 308 13TH SMALL HOUSEKEEPING SUITE for lady, 3d floor, gas, bath and phone; $10 per month; also single housekeeping room. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS on first floor; every convenience, close in; rent reasonable. 392 4th st. 92 17TH AND FLANDERS TWO FUR-nlsht-d housekeeping rooms to parties- with out children; private family. SUITE 2 OR 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng rooms; modem; private residence pre ferred. X 58, Oregonlan. TWO OR THREE COMPLETELY FUR nlshed rooms for housekeeping; private bath and toilet 592 First at. 213 10T1I ST. THREE NICELY FURNISH cd housekeeping rooms; water in kitchen. Call today and tomorrow. NICELY FURNISHED GROUND FLOOR housekeeping suite, and single rooms; cktso in. SO Tenth, near Stark. 3 CONNECTING FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, two beds; also two rooms, gas. fine locality. 544 Overton. 380 GTH ST. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE keeping apartments; light front rooms; good location; homelike. NICE ALCOVE SUITE. LIGHT HOUSK keeplng room. gas. bath and telephone. The Aldeen. 408 Jefferson st. 814 MILL, COR. GTH FRONT ALCOVE room, furnished for housekeeping; gas, bath, phone, reasonable. TWO LARGE. AIRY FRONT ROOMS. FUR n I shod for housekeeping, first floor; gas, phone, bath. 454 Clay. 328 MAIN. BET. UTH AND 7TH A NICELY furnished housekeeping suite; no children; modern conveniences. 280 CLAY THREE NEWLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: sink in kitchen, bath and gas; reasonable. TWO COMPLETELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, gas stove, phone, bath. 105 North Sixteenth st. LOW ER FLOOR, THREE ROOMS. MODERN, gas and wood ranges, neat,' clean, reason able. 410 E. Main. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, one block to Exposition; all conveniences. 34 Roosevelt st. 2 OR 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. Call after 6 P. M., 174 North Union avo. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE. MAIN KITCHEN, furniture and house new; after 10 A. M. Monday. 367 3d. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, very reasonable. 152 Rus sell st., Alblna. . SUITE OF FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with electric light, use of phone. 25 Salmon st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, very central, choice loca tion. 145 11 tb. FIVE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms,$14.50. Including water. Call today. 413 MAIN. CORNER 11TH NICELY FUR nlshed parlor with use of kitchen If desired: no children. 2 'NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR housekeeping, single, sunny rooms, cheap. 327 3d st TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. CLOSE IN. closets. lawn, phone; $16. 431 East An keny street. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS IN private family. 305 Sth at.', bet. Columbia and Clay. TWO FINE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS TO rent; free phone and bath. 512 Wash ington st 435 ALDER FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, convenient, central location. Call Monday. 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN FRI vate family, modern, gas, good location. 529 B. Mill. TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, 135 14 th, cor. Alder; gas, bath, phone. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKBEP Ing rooms; bath, gas and phone. 188 W. Park. NICELY FURNISHED GROUND FLOOR housekeeping suite, close in. 86 10th. near Stark. WITCH HAZEL, Front and Madison House keeping rooms; transient; bath, electric light. 2 OR 3 ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEEP Ing; gas, phone and bath. 6S7 Washington st. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT housekeeping; gas, bath, phone. 485 Clay. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng at 85 Sth at-, near Washington. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS; WATER and sink In kitchen; $16. 247 1st st FOUR FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Ml Myrtle et.. Portland Heights. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, ground floor. 22S Columbia st. 16 "J1 LARGE HOUSEKEEPING rooms with all modern conveniences. 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, rent. $5 per month. 633 4th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with phone. 104 10th st. N. FOUR UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; rent. $10. 633 4th st. ONE SUITE OF ROOMS FURNISHED FOR housekeeping. SS N. 11th. ONE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM. 223 N. 13th, cor. Lovcjoy. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 604 ALBINA ave.. corner Stanton street. TWO NICE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplnr. 190 West Park. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS, BATH GAS. phone. 511 Mill st NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 447 Main st. . Houses. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURN1SHER RENTAL DEPARTMENT. You have no doubt discovered that houses of any kind are at a premium these days that you can tire yourself out wandering over the city without finding anything suit able. Now you will save yourself lots of trouble and annoyance by calling at our Rental Department. We have a complete list of fine dwellings comprising flats and cottagen in the most desirable localities. Tho following partial list shows the range of prices: WEST SIDE. 5-room flat, newly painted and papered? 20 5-room flat, in aristocratic portion So C-room flat, new, strictly modern 3o 7- room flat, strictly modern, very desir able 4Q 8- room house, modern, fine location.... 45 9- room house, modern, newly remodeled 45 16-room house, modern, well located.... 100 EAST SIDE. 5- room house, large yard, fruit $ a 4 -room cottage, bath, large yard lo 4-room flat, fruit, water Included...... 10 4-room flat, bath, fine yard.... 12 4-room cottage, large yard, fruit 13 4- room cottage, yard, walking distance 15 C-room flat, modern, yard, basement.... 18 C-room cottage, bath, large lawn 20 6- room cottage, bath, very convenient.. 20 5- room flat, modern, walking distance.. 30 5-room flat, strictly modern, close In... 30 5-room flat, modern, gas, electric ao 8- room house, modern, choice locality.. 30 9- room house, large garden, flne locality 40 NOTE No Information regarding these houses can be given by phone. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSEFURNISHER, 183 TO 191 FIRST ST. 692 2D. CORNER MEADE 8 ROOMS, BASE ment attic fireplace, gas. bath, etc., all first-class; $25. Owner, 509 Morrison. Phone Main 1013. FURNITURE OF MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE for sale: walking distance to Fair; filled with roomers; rent $40. Address F 46. Oregonlan. 12-ROOM HOUSE, 2 YEARS' LEASE. RENT $55, has 7 furnished rooms; furniture for sale. I. F. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT A 4-ROOM NEW HOUSE. WITH Summer kitchen. 2 blocks south 43d and Hawthorne ave.; price $14. Phone East 3336. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE, ' 518 CLAY ST.; $20 a month. . . FOR KENT. Houses. LOOK AT THESE FOR RENT. GO ROOMS Vacant houso on 0th St.; good lease; will sell halt or whole bargain. 60 ROOMS House, vacant, on Washing ton st.; lease; hot and cold water in all rooms; steam heat, private baths. 40 ROOMS Vacant, at Fair grounds; nicely papered; electric lights, baths; this Is a good, first-class, well-built building and a great snap. 22 ROOMS Vacant, new brick, right downtown; steam heat, hot and cold wa ter: this is a swell proposition; good lease and cheap rent. 11 ROOMS r Vacant, on Alder st.: best of location; this Is a swell proposition. Any of the above propositions are gilt edge in every respect and can be big money made. TAFT & CO., 122-3-5-G Ablngton Building. HERE ARE A FEW OF THE HOUSES ON our llst-S-room house on the Heights. 493 21st st.; in good condition, all conveniences; large yard, with fruit trees; $45. 9-room houie. strictly modem. 435 14th et.; excellent view of the city from here; $45. 3 nicely furnished rooms, water, gas 'and use of phone included; no children; $25; 880 Corbett. For particulars of these and other houses call on PORTLAND TRUST CO..' OF ORE., 109 3d. SEE THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY FOR A HOUSE TO RENT. Beautiful new and modern 6-room flat, 327 Mill st. Elegant new and modern cottage, bunga low design. Going and E. 11th. Beautiful 6-room flat, modern conveniences. No. 4 Union ave.. near E. Ankeny. For small cottages and furnished house keeping fiats, apply at 149 FIRST STREET. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST. 1069 Front St., 5 rooms $14.00 100 Cook ave., 5 rooms 14.00 822 Water st. 8 rooms 20.00 009 E. 10th St., North, new, 9 rooms.. 20.00 8S4 E. Yamhill St.. 8 rooms 30.00 11 North 10th st. flat. S rooms 40.00 232 Broadway st., furnished. 7 rooms.. 40.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 229 Stark st. $75 TO $150 CASH. BALANCE SAME AS rent, gets you a small home, saves your money, starts you right: a few fine bar gains' close In on tho East Side. G. H. Dammeler, room 740, Chamber of Com merce. FOR RENT $40. 9-room house. 2 stories, with barn and quarter block ground, situated southwest corner 32th and E. Stark sts. Telephone Private Exchange 31, or Mall & Co., 393 E. Burnside st. MOST MODERN FLATS IN THE CITY, 7 rooms and bathroom, furnace, $40; 11 10th. near Burnside: near business center. John Klosterman. Falling bldg., 3d and Washington. HANDSOME NEW 8-ROOM HOUSE, STRICT ly modern and up to date; on car line. East Side, close In. $35 per month; no children. Phone Red 3122. 10-ROOM HOUSE. $40 RENT, CENTRAL Lo cation, furniture for sale, all new, owner going East. L F. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST., Rents and Insurance. Phone' Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phon Main 1CS5. Office. 110 N. 3d st. FOR RENT 12-ROOM HOUSE TWO BLOCKS from entrance to Fair Grounds. For par ticulars apply at 919 Savier st. MODERN, NEW 5-ROOM LOWER FLAT with lawn kept by owner. 175 E. 15th sti near Morrison.; 15 minutes' walk. VAN HORN TRANSFER CO. -PIANO AND furniture moving our specialty. Phone Main 1618. Offlco 232 Stark et. 4 ROOMS. BAST SIDE, HOT WATER, cloict and pantry. $18. L F. Powers Furni ture Co., 1st and Taylor. MODERN FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE AND bath, Williams ave., near Going; rent 312. Phone Scott 6191. PART OF HOUSE, 4 UNFURNISHED rooms, reasonable, modern, gas, bath; 3 car lines. Scott 535. FOR RENT 1-ROOM COTTAGE. UNION arid AInsworth aves. Inquire of owner, 24! Stark Et. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER MAR ke and 19th sts. W. Tlngraeicr. Phone West 815. 5-RbOM FLAT. GOOD LOCALITY, FOR rfnt, $30. L F. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. 6-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 884 E. YAMHILL, .near 20th; gas. electricity. ($30. Phona Union 3362. FOR RENT FIVE-ROOM MODERN COT- tage. East Ankeny car line. Inquire 936 E. Couch st. W E RENT HOUSES AND UNFURNISHED rooms. Exposition Leasing Co., 73 6th et. FOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 147 E. 10th St.. bet. Morrison and Belmont. $18 0-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT. MOD crn. Inquire 321 Eugene st. East 2305. FOR RENT AT SEASIDE SMALL, PART ly furnished cottage. Phonn West 401. FOR RENT MODERN 3-ROOM COTTAGE, $25; no children. 215 16th N. FOR RENT FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE, RENT reasonable. Call 633 6th st. CAMP GROUNDS FOR BENT WOOD, water and phone. Main 5993. Furnished Houses. WILL RENT MODERN SIX-ROOM WELL furnlsbed home In desirable neighborhood until September 1 to family of adults; pos session given May 15. Address W 47. Ore gonlan. SITUATED CLOSE IN, BEST LOCATION ON East Side, six-room, well furnished cottage to rent during June. July, August and Sep tember. Addresa E 53, Oregonlan. FOR RENT JTWO WELL-FURNISHED COT tages, both on Beech st. near Williams ave., piano In one. to adults; references. 261 Beech st; take U car. FOR RENT MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, furnished with bath, gas. phone, piano; long or short time. 973 E. 10tb., North. Phone Union C062. PARTLY FURNISHED' 7-ROOM HOUSE, possession May 1. $25, Including telephone and water. 1005 El Main. Phone Scott 3362. NICELY FURNISHED, MODERN 6-ROOM house, choice location, during July and Au gust 50 East 10th North. Phone East 1563. FOR PRIVATE FAMILY WELL-FUR-nlshed 9-room house, choice neighborhood. East Ankeny st Apply X 57, Oregonlan. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE FURNISHED. Hot and cold water; 5 minutes walk to Fair grounds. 720 Wilson st. cor. 22d. ADULTS CAN RENT WELL FURNISHED, modem, flve-room cottage, centrally located. 165 13th N., near Irvlnr. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSE ON BAST Side during Summer months. Apply 41 Washington bldg. PART OF CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED cottage of 4 or 5 rooms; no children; ref erence. 584 4th st FOR RENT OR SALE EIGHT-ROOM FUR nlshed bouse, good locality, modem. W 57, Oregonlan. FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 ROOMS. RENT reasonable. Inquire today, 504 Washington. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, FURNISHED. $35 PER month. 2S8 Lincoln st, bet. 4th and Sth. ROOMS IN RESIDENCE, 300 N. 24TH ST. Call Monday. Phone Main 5S40. any time. FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED COTTAGE FOR rent to adults. O 57, care Oregonlan. Rooms for Rent Furniture for Sole. FURNITURE OF MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE, close In. good neghborhood, reasonable rent. 289 Grant, cor. Fifth. DESIRABLE G-ROOM HOUSE, $15 MONTH, with lease; furniture for sale; parties leav ing town. 583 Montgomery. 9-ROOM ROOMING-HOUSE. WELL-FUR-nlshed, all or part, central location, at a bargain. F 51, Oregonlan. FURNITURE 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE, close In. rent cheap; bargain; nicely fur nished. Phone Main G013. FURNITURE OF 10 ROOMS FOR SALE. Will sell cheap if sold this week. For par ticulars phone Main 4501. FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM HOUSE. EN tlrely new and modern; rent $25 per month. 104 12th st FURNITURE- 7 LARGE OUTSIDE ROOMS; very cheap If taken at once; rent reason able. 544 Gllsan. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT, $475; central; rent reasonable. ICS 10th st. $125 TAKES FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM FLAT near Fair grounds; cheap rent 341 10th at FOB SENT. Rooms for Bent Furniture for Sale. 2J1 6TH 14-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT; modem, large, airy, light basement suit able for dining-room, partly new; good fur niture for sale reasonable; part cash, lease, $65; one year; no agents. 18-ROOM HOUSE. Fine modern house, every room filled, finely furnished, best close-in location. If you want something flne, cheap, phone owner. Main 5089. 11-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE CHEAP rent; also fine location; rooms all full, with good Income: party is sick; If sell soon a bargain. 363 Alder, comer of Park. HOUSE TO RENT AND FURNITURE FOR sale at a bargain. The Ames Mercantile Agesc7, Ablngton bldg. WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE. 10 ROOMS, choice location; rooms all rented: rent $40; account of departure; price $000. A 59, care Oregonlan. NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT. FUR nished or unfurnished, or furniture and house for sale on easy paymcnte. Address V 58. Oregonlan. FURNITURE OF NICELY FURNISHED 5 room cottage for sale, house for rent; four blocks from Washington st. No. 2S North Eighth street PIANO AND FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM cottage with bath for sale cheap; bargain if taken at once; rent of cottage $25. 100 N. 17th st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FURNITURE all new; six-room modern cottage; rent reasonable; 2 blocks Fair grounds. A 53. Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED 10-ROOM HOUSE Flanders st. near 23d; bargain price on furniture If taken this week. 4uS Ablngton bldg. PIANO AND FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM COT tagc for sale cheap; bargain if taken at once; rent of cottage. $25. 100 N. 17th st. IS WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, RENT very reasonable. For particulars call New York Grocery Co.. cor. 11th and Morrison. FURNITURE OF 5 ROOMS FOR SALE cheap; must be sold by Tuesday; best loca tion in city; rent $30. H 52. Oregonlan. THE FURNITURE OF A C-ROOM HOUSE completely equipped for sale cheap; close In; rent reasonable. Phone Main 5334. FOR RENT-30-ROOM HOTEL, FURNISHED complete; only 500 feet from main entrance of Fair grounds. Phone Main 5594. NICELY FURNISHED 10 ROOMS FOR sale at bargain if sold at once; rent only $55; full of roomers. 170 12th. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 5 ROOMS FUR nlahed, rent $30; lease; $400. Hatfield & Smith, 105 Fourth st, room 32. f FOR SALE FURNISHED 6-ROOM FLAT; reasonable If take Immediately; close In. S 56, Oregonlan. , NEW. MODERN. 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT and furniture for sale; bargain; no agents. 331 Mill st FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, house for rent 60 North 18th, near AVashlngton. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM flat, everything new: flat for rent Call 3S7 4th st FOR 8ALE NICELY FURNISHED 10-ROOM house, price $500; rent $40. Call Sunday 244 Montgomery. $125 CASH 10-ROOM HOUSE. PARTLY FUR nlshed; rent $20; must sell. Phone Main 6103 today. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT for sale cheap for cash. See owner, 170 10th. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 3 ROOMS, complete, $123. Flat 101, Burkhard bldg. FURNITURE 6-ROOM HOUSE. CHEAP rent good location. Call Sunday. 249 Cth. FURNITURE FOR SALE, S ROOMS; house for rent Inquire 27 N. Sth st 18S PARK ST. FURNISHED SIX-ROOM houee; $450 will buy If sold at once. FURNITURE OF S-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale, close In; $350. Phone Main 3061. NINE-ROOM HOUSE FOR SALE. GOOD furniture and lease. 89 Fifth st. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF SIX-ROOM flat 342 Clay st FURNITURE OF Clay st ROOMS. INQUIRE 314 Stores. FOR RENT BASEMENT. 20X40 FEET. FINE place for bakery; can be made Into several nice rooms to suit; lease. Call 907 Thur man st ' FOR LEASE TWO-STORY BUILDING ON 12th. near Flanders. lot 50x100. Phone Main 6240. or call room 444 Sherlock bldg. STOREROOM FOR RENT; FINE LOCATION, on beat business street In city; rent reason able. Croso & Shaw. 233 Washington st FINE STORE. FURNISHED, GOOD FOR any business. Morrison, one block Portland Hotel. K 52. Oregonlan. FOR RENT STORE 40x60 FEET. BEST Lo cation for general merchandise. Address A. Knapp, Oregon City, Or. ON WASHINGTON ST., DESIRABLE Lo cation. Apply 314 Chamber of Commerce. STORE FOR RENT. INQUIRE PORTLAND Hotel Barber Shop. K 54, Oregonlan. FOR RENT OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE room in this city. Apply at 235 Pine st FOR RENT NICE LARGE STORE. COR. Park and Oak. Inquire Star Theater. STORE FOR RENT. 2D AND SALMON sts. Apply 310 Mohawk bldg. STORE TO RENT FINE LOCATION. 123 7th st; lease. Oflicea. PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER OWNING MA chine wants office room; would exchange services for office room; Sherlock building preferred. P 57, Oregonlan. DESK ROOM FOR RENT TO LUMBER broker or cruiser in good office, where some assistance can be given. O 50, care Ore gonlan. DESK ROOM OR PART OF GROUND floor office, central location, near perma nent Postofllce. 289 Alder st FURNITURE OF THREE CONNECTING office rooms for sale; office for rent. Call 003 Goodnough bldg. DESK ROOM IN NICE OFFICER WITH phone; flne office building. 503 Marquam. Phone Main 3560. " DESKROOM IN NICELY FURNISHED OF flcer reasonable. Room 102. Sherlock building. Phone Main 1440. LARGE ROOM FOR RENT FOR OFFICE IN Steam building. Inquire Behnke-Walkcr Business College. OFFICE OR DESK ROOM. 24 RUSSEL bldg., 4th and Morrison. Call today or Mon day. FOR RENT NICE LARGE OFFICES ON 6TH st, near Washington. Inquire Star Theater. FOR RENT FIRST-CLASS OFFICE, FUR nlshcd. central location. T 50, Oregonlan. Fj5ICE AKP , gWLY FURNISHED lodge halls. AUsky bldg., 3d and Morrison. ONE OFFICE WITH USE OF PHONE IN Fenton bldg. Call at 502 Fenton bldg. PART OF OUTSIDE OFFICE IN CHAM ber of Commerce, room 740. DESK ROOM FOR RENT. 210 ALISKY bldg. Phone West 361. FOR RENT OFFICE ROOMS THIRD floor. 247 Stark st. ' A.FEW OFFICE ROOMS FOR RENT IN THE Goodnough bldg. Summer Resorts. 7-ROOM HOUSE AT SEAVIEW. WASH., to rent furnished till August; fireplace, etc., desirable' beach lot; also small fur nished cottage. Inquire Shoe Store 270 Washington st. FOR SALE CHEAP 6-ROOM FURNISHED house, comer lot: all conveniences; near "Locksley Hall. Clatsop Beach. Apply 327 East 6th st FINANCIAL. WANTED TO BORROW $2500 ON WELL improved Portland suburban Teal estate -first-class security. Address Y 49, Ore gonlan. LOWEST-RATE LOANS ON FURNITURE, pianos, other securities. 449 Sherlock bldg Phone Clay 528. MONEY" TO LOAN ON ALL KINDS OF SE curity. Wm. Holl. rm. 9. Washington bldg. $500,000 TO LOAN AT 5 AND 6 PER CENT. Wm. G. Beck, room 307, the Falling bldg. FINANCIAL. MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Any wage-earner needing money before pay-day can get It from us; no commission or interest in advance; no mortgage or ln dorser required. Repay weekly, monthly or semi-monthly In amounts from $1 and up wards, thus avoiding the payment of the whole amount out of any one pay-day, and have six months' time. If desired. NELSON & HINDLEY. SOS McKay bldg. WE WANT A PARTY OR PARTIES WITH $50,000 cash to come and investigate a prop osition we have to submit It is real and tangible as the earth itself, and the cer tain profits as large as one could decently ask for. We have another to offer that re quires $7500 and can be made up in sums ranging from $150 or a multiple thereof. Davidson. AVard &. Co., 408 Chamber of Commerce, LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions and responsible firms; easy payments and strictly confi dential; also CHATTEL LOANS on personal property; rooming-houses a specialty. NEW ERA LOAN & TRUST COMPANY. 206 Ablngton building. THE CRESCENT LOAN CO.. 217 OREGO nlan bldg., loans money to rellablo sales men, trainmen, motormen, conductors or other salaried employes. Just on his note. In sums of $10 to $100. Returnable in con venient weekly or monthly payments. Pay ments suspended in case of sickness. Confi dential. No Inquiries. THE STAR LOAN CO. Any salaried employe, wage-earner, can get on his note, without mortgage Confidential. Month, -montn. Week. $50 Repay to us $13.33 or $6.65 or $3.25 $25 Repay to us $ 0.05 or $3.35 or $1.65 $15 Repay to us 5 4.00 or $2.00 or $1.00 210 M'KAY BLDG.. 102 2D. THE OREGON CO-OPERATIVE HOME Association will loan you money at 4 per cent, and give you 7 years in which to re pay it Call 232 Stark st for particulars. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL- salaried people; lowest rates; strictly confi dential. Employes' Loan Co., room 716. the Dekum. 3d and Wash. sts. Phone 224. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE, teamsters, etc., without security; eaay pay ments; largest business In 49 principal cities. Tolman. 223 Ablngton bldg. Clay 175S. WE BUY LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES, paying more than the companies issuing them; we also buy them subject to loaas; write for terms. W 52. Oregonlan. LOANS ON EASY PAYMENT PLAN TO SAL arled people; lowest rates; confidential; will advance money on any good security. Room 21S Ablngton bldg. Phone Red 1720. PERSONS SEEKING INVESTMENTS WILL find my proposition good, reliable oppor tunity; will call and explain at your con venience. M 53, Oregonlan. $330 WANT TO BORROW $350 ON FIRST class real estate security; will pay S per cent, but no bonus or commission. T 53, Oregonlan. TO LOAN $15,000 IN SUMS TO SUIT ON' city property at 6 per cent; no commission charged. Inquire Sol. Bloom, 635 Chamber of , Commerce. LOANS ON FURNITURE. PIANOS AND other securities; lowest rates. S. W. King, room 45 Washington bldg. Phone Main 6100. $5 LOANS AND UPWARDS ON ALL KINDS of security, without dolay. W. A. Hathaway, room 10, Washington bldg. Clay 1814. IMMEDIATE LOANS IN SUMS FROM $5 TO $500 on all securities. R. L Eckerson & Co., room 5. Washington bldg. Clay 73. State funds loaned. 6 per cent W. E. Thomas, state agt, Multnomah Co.. 400 Cham. Com. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS, 5 AND 6 per cent Wm. Denholm. 225 Falling bldg. Six per cent money to loan on Clackamas Co. lands. D. F. Riley. 600 Cham, ot Commerce. PERSONAL. MANLY VIGOR RESTORED BY DR. ROB erts" Nerve Globules. Ono month's treat ment, $2; 3 months', $3. Sent securely sealed by mall. Agents, Woodardjv Clarke & Co., Portland. Or. SEXINE PILLS ARE THE ONE THING that bend new power to every part of your body. $1 a box; 15 boxes $3; full guarantee. Address Clemenson Drug Co., 2d and Yamhill sts., Portland. SEXINE PILLS PUT NEW LIFE IN EVERY part of your body; price $1 a box. 6 for $5. with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2 and Yamhill sts-, Portland, Or. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY: MAR rlage directory free; pay when married; entirely new plan; send no money. Ad dress H. A. Horton, Dept SI, Tekonsha, Mich. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC, RE moved by felectric needle; electric massage; 11 years' experience In Portland. Parlors 248 6th st, near Main. Phone Main 3100. $1000 FOR AN AD. $1000 In stock for best advertisement of our proposition: contest open to all. Ad dress 224 Callahan bldg.. San Francisco. FINE DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBRBL. las; repairing and recovering; two stores, Washington and 6th and Morrison and' 5th. Sole agents for Alexandre kid gloves. LADIES. ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tansy Wafers for. sale by leading druggists; $2 per box; safe and reliable. S. G. Skid more & Co., special agent", 151 3d st MONEY MADE EASY AND QUICKLY; learn how to make all kinds of soft drinks by mall by a reliable manufacturer. C. W. O'Connor. Los Angeles, Cat THE GENTLEMEN WHO ASSISTED THE lady who had a fall on Ankeny and East 20th two weeks ago will confer a favor by calling up Union 3237. ATTRACTIVE AND VERY WEALTHY maiden, alone, wants, without delay, kind, honest husband. Address Jesse Lee. 31 Washington st, Chicago.' A WEALTHY YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE to make the acquaintance of a gentleman of education and refinement; object matrimony. Address T 50. Oregonlan. RESPECTABLE LADIES AND GENTLE men who wish to Join the "Friendship Club" for the Summer for particulars ad dress M 55. Oregonlan. WEALTHY YOUNG WIDOW. ATTRAC tlve. pleasant, alone In the world and lone ly, wishes to marry- Address King, 1040 George st. Chicago. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST reliable clairvoyants: send blrthdate. dime and stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollin, 400 N. Clark st, Chicago. YOUNG MAN OF MEANS WISHES TO COR rcrtpond with young lady of means; object matrimony. Address with full particulars, R 50, Oregonlan. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen, re sponsible age, matrimonially Inclined. A 44. Oregonlan. RETIRED SEA CAPTAIN. AGE 60, BACII elor. no relatives, wealthy, large income, wants a good wife. Lawrence, 817 Lincoln ave., Chicago. LESSONS ON VIOLIN. MANDOLIN AND guitar. 50c; instruments furnished free of charge to pupils. Studio, 190 3d st Phone Main 4430. YOU DON'T SLEEP WELL; YOU ARE nervous. Palmo Tablets guaranteed to cure Address Brooke Drug .Co., 67 North 3d et Portland. ' COMPETENT MASSEUSE GIVES FACIAL and general massage to ladles In their homes; best references, o 38. Oregonlan. YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARE MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS PERMANENTLY cured: cancers, tumors, moles- cured with out knife. Dr. Voose, 181 First st FACE MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING GIV en at home. The Frances, W. Park and Morrison. Red 2838. BUSINESS MAN. AGE 30, WORTH $50,000 wants good, sensible wife. Address W. 607 Fulton st, Chicago. GEORGE ANDERSON, EXPERT PIANO tuner. Order care Fisher Music Co. Phone Red 962. DETECTIVE4 HIGH-CLASS HONEST WORK, charges moderate; .best references. SI 57, Oregonlan. C. R. DE3UHGH. REPUBLICAN CANDT date for nonSnatlon of Councilman. Elxrhth Ward. -cbuiu Watches, diamonds, easy payments; diamonds bought W. H. Leah. 513 Dekum. Clay 899. FACE AND SCALP MASSAGE AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor. 127 31th. Tel. Main 4858. DR. PAUL CROMWELL. THE COLORED specialist. Sanitarium, 127 12th. Main 5478. SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50C AT HOLLA baugh's. 207 Taylor, bet 3d and 4th. BALM OF- FIGS FOR ALL FEMALE Dis eases. 434 Alder st. Phone Main 4S32. PERSONAL. ATTENTION. SECOND OREGON VOLUN teers. Any member who knows the ad dress of the Oregon members of Young's Scouts, of Lawton Division, will confer S favor by sending such address to Frank L. Anders. 435 Watson St.. Rlpon. Wis.., late Corporal, Company B, 1st N. D. V.. and member of Young's Scouts. Addresses of fal lowing are wanted: Frank High. Co. G; W. Scott Co. K; J. B. O'Neal. Co. L; E. C Lyon, Co. B; M. Robertson. Co. B: and Lieu, tenant J. B. Thornton, all of the Second Or? gon Volunteers. THE SCIENTIFIC METHOD EMPLOYED Madame Vaughn, graduate doctor of Derma tology, removes permanently wrinkles, plt tlngs, scars, vaccination marks, birthmarks, etc.: superfluous hair, warts and moles en tirely obliterated -by the electric needle: no scarring: electro-vacu for cleansing and re viving the skin; indorsed by the theatrical profession and society. Largest and most successful School of Dermatology In North west Selltng-Hlrsch bldg.. Washington, be tween West Park and 10th sts. Telephone Main 706. JO-HE. A NATURAL MAGNETIC; OIL FROM Texas. Most wonderful discovery of age; puzzles medical world. Rheumatism, paraly sis, spinal affections, erysipelas, neuralgia, catarrh, cancer, burns, old sores yield to this oil like magic Cures In S to 20 days. Sam ple can. 50c. postpaid. Testimonials free. Agents wanted. M. E. Clinton. 515 East Couch st. Portland, Or. Phono Union 3452. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific, featural correctlon Ist. beautifier and restorer of youthfulness. may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp successfully treated; mature wrinkles, scare, blemishes, etc. removed. Sanitarium and school of der matology In connection.' Parlors 364 Morri son. Telephone Hood 282. IT HAS BEEN MY GOOD FORTUNE TO learn of a simple home treatment that ef fectively removes all taste for strong drink. I have personally seen it &ed successfully in so many cases that I want every woman to know about It Write to me today and I Aill tell you what It Is. Address Mrs. H. A. Cousins. 207 6th st, Portland. Or. Phone Main 0255. , DR. VAUCAIRE'S CELEBRATED FRENCH Internal. I armless prescription for develop ing bust 4 to 8 Inches; for restoring and en larging the breast lost through nursing or sickness is unequaled. My genuine guaran teed prescription $1- Can be compounded at your home. Mme. Vaucalre. 216 East 3d st. Salt Lake City. Utah. 77 WOMEN WANTED. SUFFERING FROM irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhe (white) and all diseases of; women, old er young, cured by old Dr. Kes3ler. 230 Yam hill st. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. WEALTHY PROFESSIONAL MAN. WORTH In cash $23,000, lar?y practice, with com fortable home in city and cottage near sea shore, desires Immediately true, loving wife; no objections to working girl or widow. Address Mr. Delmounte, G 7-12 State. Chicago. BEAUTIFUL YOUNG SOUTHERN BELLE, worth In cash $20,000. large stock farm, 200 acres of tobacco land, will marry Im mediately and present husband with sub stantial present on wedding day. Address Mrs. Belmont, 679 Hampden bldg., Chi cago. SEND 10c FOR THE "MATRIMONIAL REG Ister." which describes over 200 reputable residents of Oregon and Washington who wish to marry; also explains how to Join our society, terms, etc. Interstate Intro ducing Society, Box 1079. Portland. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET. SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS, VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 181 1st st. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our palnlers method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute, 3d and Morrison. Alfoky bldg. YOUNG GENTLEMAN. GOOD APPEAR ance. social standing, going into business, wishes friendship of refined young lady; one with some means preferred; strictly confi dential; object matrimony. Q 49, Oregonlan. DRESS SUITS FOR RENT. ALL SIZES $1 A month keeps your clothing cleaned and pressed, buttons sewed on, rips sewed up. Prompt calls and deliveries. Unique Tailor ing Co., 347 Washington, opp. Cordray's. YOUNG WIDOW, AGE 28, WITH $10,000: lady. 20. $50,000; lady, 25. $15,000; blonde, 18, cash and beautiful farm. I seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad dress Mrs. W-. 697 Fulton st. Chicago. 111. FREE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY AMERJ" lea's famous, marvelous, gifted astrologlst occult scientist, clairvoyant and life reader. Prof. Hall. 05 Fifth ave., Chicago. Send blrthdate and three 2-cent stamps. MRS. M. GILBERT. FROM LONDON ALL kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed, best of work; satisfaction Guaran teed. 150 1st. Portland. Or. Phone Red 3161. Residence. 249 Harrison. Main 4443. A FEW BOXES OF SEXINE PILLS WILL make a new man of you; price, $1 & box. 6 for $5. with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland. Or. JEE-FOAL. R. 1392. LADIES' REGULAT or; no failure; safe, powerful; no nausea: price $1.00. What Women. Young or Ohl. Should Know. Free. Jee-Poal Remedy Co., 510 Main., Cincinnati, O. "TURK," BY OPIE READ (NEW) : "THREB Years in Arkaneaw": "Through Missouri en a Mule"; "Good Gravy"; "Thoroughbred Tramp," etc. 25c each. Send for catalogues free. W. Schmale, 229 1st ENJOY LIFE BY GETTING PERFECT strength by using Palmo Tablets, the nervo and manhood builder. Price 50c a box, U for $2.50. Address Brooke Drug Co., 67 N. 3d et, Portland, Or. VIM. VIGOR. VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets, Nature's great tonic for either sax. 25c by mall. Albert Beral. 2d and Washington, agent. Portland, Or. PROFESSOR GRIFFITH. PHRENOLOGIST, opens office May 4. 107 4th st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS SEALED BIDS will be received at the office of the Board ot Public Building Commissioners. In the State Capitol building, Salem, Oregon, until 12 o'clock M., Monday, May 15. 1005. for the following work and materials for the State Capitol building and grounds: Painting the exterior of building and painters' material; making waterproof the dome; concrete walks and cement work. AH to be in accordance with plans and specifications now on ex hibition at the Board of Public Building Com missioner's office, Salem, Oregon, and at the office of Delos D. Neer, architect. 333 First street, Portland. Oregon, and from whom any further information can be obtained. All bids must be drawn as required by the specifica tions "bee finally," and submitted upon blank forms which can be had at both the Board of Public Building Commissioners and archi tect's office Any bid not so drawn will not be considered by the board, and the board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. By order ot the Board of Public Building Commissioners, George BL Chamberlain, Gov ernor; F. I. Dunbar, Secretary of State; Charles S. Moore, State Treasurer. Attest: W. N. Gatens. Clerk of Board. CONSTRUCTING QUARTERMASTER'S OF fice, Vancouver Barracks, Wash., April 27. 3003. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received at this office, until 11 A. M.. May 27. 1905. and then opened in the presence ot attending bidders, for the construction. Including plumbing, heat ing and electric wiring, of an administra tion building, band barracks, granary, hay shed, wagon shed, Q. M. shop. Q. M. storehouse and bakery at Vancouver Bar racks. Wash. Information will be fur nished on application to this office. Plans may also be seen at the office of the depot quartermaster, Seattle, Washington. The United States reserves the right to ac cept or reject any or alt bids or any part thereof. Envelopes containing proposals should be Indorsed: "Proposals for build ings" and addressed to the Constructing Quartermaster, Vancouver Barracks, Wash. THE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE sealed bids for a stock of merchandise of the Inventory valuation of about $3000. located at Wasco, Sherman County. Oregon, until 12 o'clock noon of Saturday. May 13. 1905. A cash deposit must accompany each bid. and the right is reserved to reject any and all bids. The merchandise consists principally of ag; rlcultural Implements, Hardware, groceries and canned goods. Inventory may be seen at mv office, and the stock may be inspected t Wasco on Thursday and Saturday of s- week. R. L. Sabtn, trustee, Front and An keny sts., Portland, Or. OFFICE OF C. Q. M.. VANCOUVER BAR racks. Wash., April 1, 1905 Sealed pro posals, in triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock. A. M.. May 1. 1903, for furnishing fuel at military posts in thla department for fiscal year commencing July 1. 1905. Information furnished here or by quartermasters at posts. U. S. re serves the right to reject or accept any or all proposals or any part thereof. En velopes containing proposals should be marked: "Proposals for Fuel at ' addressed F. G. Hodgson. C Q. II. BIDS WANTED ON GRADING STREETS In Jackson Place. Hawthorne and "West ave., about 20,000 yards of dirt to be moved: specifications at office of A. -E. Jackson, room 3. Hamilton bldg. ,