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About The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1905)
THE StTSDAY oiG02StA&, PORTLATD, APRIL 23, , 1905. 35T FEW-WHEAT SALE! Local Market Weakened by the Slump in East. TRADING ON SMALL SCALE Practically AH tho Grain How Being Bought Is on Milling Account. Grop Prospects -in the- Northw'est Are Good. The sensational slump Jn;. May. wheat Jat Chi cago had but little sympathetic effeot on the situation here. There is not much" wheat re maining unsold in thia .country and ' trading Is Inactive, but the tone Is rather weaker with the drop In the East, as it puts a stop to any buying for Eastern ' account The California, market for Northern grain Is also dull. Prac tically a.11 the trading -being "done at present Is for the milling Interested and they are not offering high pricea for wheat in the face cf low-priced export orders for flour. 'Much at tention Is being paid to crop prospects In the Northwest Up to the present time" they are most favorable. Tlie acreage may not. be equal to last year's, but a larget -average yield Is promised which shpuld bring the out put up to the 1904 figures. Tho outlook for the country around. Lewjston is thus reported by the Tribune of that city: - Farmers from all sections report the pros pects for crops to be the best in the history of the country. The seeding Is practically completed and the ground is now thoroughly filled with moisture. The weather for the past several weeks 'has . been most favorable for the growth of all vegetation and the grains are In a most healthy condition. Large tracts that wore cultivated as Summer fal low are now covered with a heavy growth of wheat and arc almost entirely free from foul growths. The promising condition Is general In all parts of the country. On the Lewis ton flat the outlook could not be more fa vorable. The seeding In this section was completed early and the Spring grain Is now well advanced and with an assurance of suffi cient moisture to complete the crop. On the highlands the same reports are received, and farmers generally predict the banner crop In the history of the country. The outlook for prices Is . very favorable and grain dealers predict a most prosperous season for the farm ers. With the operation of the portage road all grain tributary to boat shipment will be materially advanced in price. There is no possibility pf export business be ing worked In the present condition of the market Millers quote, on the basis of export flour values, S3S4 cents for club and SSS9 cents for blucstcm. Dealers are offering S5 6 cents for club and 91(g93 cents for blue stem. Valley wheat Is quoted here at 88 cents. Many of the millers throughout the , country are well stocked with wheat, and those who have no foreign orders are gener ally ready to put their grain on the market There is very little activity In feed, owing to the lateness of the season. Mlllstuffe are not called for, as there Is plenty of green feed In the country. Barley and ots are also dragging. No gray oats are on the market now. The hay market is weak and very dull. . Sheep Sold at High Figure. At an advance of 40 cents per head over any price paid this year. Williamson & Geener sold to Ketchum, of The Dalles, yes terday over 3000 head of sheep - at the high price of $2.80. says the Prlneville Journal. This is' a record-breaking figure and is the highest paid for sheep in tifts county for sev eral years. The band turned off. is made up of 2, 3 and 4-year-olds, and they will be delivered to the purchaser some place In the vicinity of Ante lope about May 20, after they have been sheared. With wool. at the same price as se cured by Williamson & Gesner last year for their clip, this band will In reality net the Arm a figure between $1.25 and $4.50 per head. The sale completed yesterday was the last and best deal of the many which have been made in this vicinity during the past fort night J. N. Burgess, who is buying for B, F. Saunders, of Salt Lake, purchased about 12,000 head while here last week, the sellers being Wurzweller & Thompson, M. C Nye. Morrow Kecnan, C. W. Colby. S. E. Rob erts and N. F. McColn. These bands pur chased were composed of yearlings and 2- year-olds, and the prices ranged from $2 to $2.50. PORTLAND MARKETS. Grain, Mow. Feed, Etc WHEAT Club. 83S6c per bushel; blucstem, 3US5ifl3c: Valley. S8c FLOUR Patents. $4.505.10 per barrel; straights. $4SM.25: clears. $3.754: Val ley. i3.V0i.2!; Dakota hard wheat, $G.5u& S7.50: Graham. $3.50&4; whole wheat a 4.25; rye flour, local, $5; Eastern, $5.S05.O0; cornmeal. per bale, $1.902.20. BARLEY Feed. $23.5i per ton; rolled, $21 25. OATS No. 1. white. $2820 per ton. M1LLSTUFFS Bran. S1U.5U per ton; mid' dilngs. $25; shorts, $22; chop, U. S. Mills, $19; linseed dairy lood, is. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 0 sound sacke. $0.75: lower- grade. $5SxC.25: oatmeal, steel cut, 50-pound sacks, $s per barrel; 10-pouna sac&s, .zo per Dale; oat meal igrounoj, w-pouno eacKs, $7.&o per bar rel; 10-pound sacks. $1 per bale; split peas, S4 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound boxes. $1.15; pearl barley. $4 per 100 pounds; 2o-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound backs, zz.dv per oaie. HAT Timothy. $1416 per ton: clover, $11 Butter, Eggs, Toultry, Etc. The city creameries think they will have lo drop prices again the coming week. Cream receipts are larger than ever, the demand is slow and stocks are again 'accumulating. The market for Portland butter holds at 22Vtc, but is decidedly weak. State brands are offering on Front .street af 1720L The egg situa tion is also growing worse, as stocks are pil ing upr there is no storage demand, and the North has ceased buying. Attempts were made yesterday to secure 19 cents, but the market was nearer 1S4 cents. It is probable that Monday s price will be 18 cents. Poultry cleaned up .yesterday, though had receipts been. Any larger some coops might have been carried over, as plenty of fowls came In to supply .the demand at the high prices ruling. EGGS Oregon ranch, lSc per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: J2xtra cream ery. 22 Vic per pound; fancy creamery, 21c State creameries: Fancy creamery, 17HC0c store' butter. l16c CHEESE Full cream twins, new, 1415c. Young Americas, 1516c POULTRY Fancy hens. 1516c; old hens, 15c; mixed chickens. 1415c; old SDrinsrs llfi12isc; young roosters, 1314c; Springs. lfe2 pounds. 22H025c; broilers, 1 to 1 pounds,. 2bgsoc; dressed cnlcKens. 1618c turkeys', live, 1718c; turkeys dressed poor. iQibc; turners, choice. 20$f2Zbc: geese, live per pound. StzBjtc: geese, dressed, per pound lflfllc; ducks, old, $8.509: ducks, young as to size, tu&; pigeons, $ll.; squabs, 1.(8.3. Vegetables. Fruit Etc Several cars of Colorado potatoes arrived yesterday and caused a decidedly weaker feel ing in the local market Farmers, as a class. are still holding for high prices. On the San Francisco basis, shippers quote strictly fancy stock at $11.05 and ordinary West Side grades at S0S5c Fancy potatoes are hard to find. Green produce receipts were light only some new peas coming in. Straw berries were plentiful and despite their in tenor condition sold well at $2. The two cars of bananas due. yesterday were delayed another day. A few shipments were sent over from Seattle to relieve the famine. VEGETABLES Turnips. $1 ner sack: car rots. $1.25; beets, $1.25; parsnips. $1.25; cab bage, old, lc per pound: new, 15ig2c per ?ouna, jenuce. namouse, per box parsley. 25c dozen; tomatoes, $2.25 per' crat cauliflower. $2.25 per crate; celery, $44.25 a crate: peas, tc per pound: peppers. 25e per sound; asparagus, SSDc per nouna: rhubarb, 4t per pound; cucumbers, $1,60 per dozen: artichokes, 75c. per dozen; radlahea, 15c pcf" dozen. ONION S Or ton finer, $3.50?4: No. 2. $1.50 buying prices; .Australian, &c per pound. POTATOES Oregon fancy. fl&l.OS: common, SOSSoc, buyers price: new potatoes, 33Hc per pound; Merced sweets. l02c per pound. RAISINS loose Muscatels, -t-crown, 7c; 5-layer Muscatel raisins, 74c; unbleached ceedleas Sultanas, 6&c; London layers, 3 crown, whole boxes o 20 pounds, $1.83; 2 crown, 51.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples', evaporated, 6OV4c per pound; sundried, sacks or boxes; none; apricots. 10llc; peaches, 9910c; pears, none; prunes, Italians, 45c; French, -V-i 3c; figs. California blacks. 5c; do white, none; Smyrna,- 20c; Fard dates, 6c; plums, pitted, 6c. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy. 51.75 2.50 per box; -choice, $11.2; common, 50S J5c: flgs. 85cS$2.50 per box; strawberries. H.R'J.F3-1 grapes. Australian. $3.50 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, Xancy, $2.7 3.25; choice. $2.75 per box: oranges, navels, lancy. $2.2502.50 per box; choice, $22.25; standard. $1.501.75: Mediterranean sweets. $1.50SL75; grape trait. $2.503 per box; ba nanas. UfT- ner nnnnn' Danas per pound. j Groceries, Nuts, Etc. j COFFEE Mocha. 2628tf; Java, ordinary, 1020c; Costa Rica, fancy, lS(j?20c; good, I lti0)lSc: ordinary. 10 12c per pound; Co ' lumbla roabt, cases. 100s. $18.38; 50s, $13.38; .RICE imperial Japan. No. l. $3.37: Southern Japan. $3.50; Carolina, 44 ue; broken-head, 2 9Lc. SALMON Columbia River. 1-pound talis, $L75 per dozen; 2-pound talis, $2.40; 1- pouna nats, i.oa; lancy, l&i-pound Hats, $1.80; 4 -pound flats. $L10; Alaska pink. I pound tails, -85c; jed, 1-pound tails, $1.30; sockeyes, 1-pound tails, $1.85. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube. $6.30; powdered, $6.05; dry granulated, $5.05; extra c, $5.45; golden C, $5.35; fruit sugar. $5.95. advance over sack basis as fol lows: Barrel 10c; half-barrels, 25c; boxes, 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance witmn lb days, deduct c per pound; if later than 15 days and within 30 days, deduct He per pound; no discount after SO days.) Best vugar granulated, $5.85' per 100 pounds; maple sugar, iodise per pouno. SALT California. $11 per, ton. $1.60 ter bale. Liverpool, 50s. $17; 100s. $16.50; 200s. $16; half-ground. 100s. $7; 60s, $7.50. NUTS Walnuts. 13c per pound by sack. 1c extra for less than sack, Brazil nuts. 10c; nioerts. i; pecans, jumoos. He; extra large, 15c: almonds, L X. L., 16c; chestnuts, Italians, 16c; Ohio, $4.50 per 25-pound drum; peanuts, raw. 7o per pound; roasted. 9c: pinenuts, 10312!c; hickory nuts, 7c; cocoa- nuts, jhqvuc per cozen. BEANS Small white. 4c: lanre white. 3Uc: pink, 3&c; bayou. 3c; Lima, 6c Hops. Wool. Hides. Etc. HOPS Choice 1904, 23"a25c per pound. WOOL Valley. 20S24c according o fine ness; Eastern Oregon, average beat 17VS18c; lower grades, down to 14c, according to qual ity. MOHAIR Choice, 3iy32Vic per pound. HIDES Dry hides. No. 1. 16 pounds and up. lCSlCHc per pound: dry kip. No. 1. 6 to 15 nounds. 11015c per pound: dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds, a"ltc; dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; (culls. moth-eaten, badly cut scored, murrain, nair- Bllpped. weather-beaten or grubby, Sf3c per pound less); salted hides, steers, sound, 60 pounds and over, 910c per pound; 60 to GO pounds, 6i5y9c per pound; under 60 pounds ana cows, buvo per pound: salted stags and bulls, sound, Cc per pousu; salted kip, sound. sound, 10 to 14 pounds, 9c per pound; salted calf, sound, under 10 pounds. 10c per pound; (green unsaited. ic per pound less: culls, lc per pound less), bneep stems: sneariings, 1 cutchers' etocx, z&gr30c each; snort wool, -o. 1 butchers stock. 4 OS 50c each: medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. 0060c; long wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. $101.00 each. Murrain pelts. from 10 to 20 per cent less or 121 4 c per pouna; norse nines, saiteo, eacn, according to size, $1.502; dry, each, according to size. $1 $1.50; colts' hides, 25250c each; goat skins, common, 1015c each; Angora, with wool on, 25c$L50 each. TALLOW Prime. Der pound. 3HS4c: No. 2 and grease, 23c. rULTa Jear skins, as to size. No. 1. $2.50 ?10 each; cubs. $102: badger. 2550cr wild cat. with head perfect 25050c: house cat. 510c; fox, common gray, 5070c; red. $3Q o: cross, sscfis: silver and black. S100200: fishers. $oQG; lynx, $4.306: xnink. strictly No. 1. according to size, $12.50; marten, aarK northern, according to size ana color. $1015; marten, pale, pine, according to size ana color. J.0064; muskrat large, 10p is skunk. 40 50c; civet or polecat 5 10c; otter, larsre. Drime skin. SGaiO: uan- thelr. with head and claws perfect $2&5; raccoon, prime, 3050c; mountain wolf, with head perfect. $3.50 5: coyote. 00c$l: wolverine, $6S: beaver, per skin, large. btaa: medium. S3gM: small. 51S1.50: kits. 60 1$ 75c. BEESWAX Good, clean and ture. 20022c ptr pound. CASCARA SAGRADA CChlttam bark) Good. 4Wc per pound. OREGON GRAPE ROOT Per 100 Bounds. $34. Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls. StHc per Dound: cows. 45&c." country steers. 4Q5i4c. MUTTON Dresed, rancy. etfTc per pound; ordinary, 4125c; Spring lambs, 768c. VEAL Dressed, fancy. 6S7c ner nound: large and ordinary, 5c per pound. PORK Dressed. 100 to 150, 77He; 150 and up. 7c per pound. HAMS 10 to 14 pounds. 12Hc Der wound: 14 to 16 pounds, 12Vbc; 18 to 20 pounds, 12c; California (picnic), Sc; cottage bams, SVjc; shoulders, 8c; boiled ham, 19c; boiled picnic nam, ooneiess, 12c. BACON Fancy breakfast 17c per pound; standard breakfast 15c; choice, 13!&c; English breakfast 11 to 14 pounds, 12c; peach bacon. XVAc SAUSAGE Portland ham, 13c per pound; minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 37y.c; bologna, long, 5Sc; Wienerwurst 8c; liver, 6c; pork, 9c; blood. 5c; headcheese, 6c; bologna sausage, link. 4 14c DRY SALT-CURED Regular short clears, 9c salt 1014c smoked: clear backs, 9c salt 10c smoked; clear bellies, 14 to 17 pounds average, none salt none smoked; Oregon ex ports, 20 to 25 pounds average, lOVic salt HV4c smoked; Union butts, 10 to 18 pounds average. 8c salt 9c smoked. PICKLED GOODS Pickled pigs' feet Is-bar-rels, $5; -barrels, $2.75; 15-pound kit, $1-25; pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; -barreU. $2.75; 16-pound kit $1.25; pickled pigs' tongues. Vr barrels, $6; -barrels, $3; 15-pound kits, $1.50; tickled lambs tongue, barrels, $9; Vi-barrels. 5.50; 15-pound kits. $2.75. LARD Leaf lard, kettle-rendered: Tierces 9HC: tubs, 9T4c; 60s, Oftc; 20s, 10c; 10s, 10c; 6s, lOHc. Standard pure: Tierces, 8Tc; tubs, 9Vfcc: 60s. 9ic: 20s, 9Kc; 10s, 0c; 5s. 0ie. Compound: Tierces, 6c; tubs, 6Vic; 60s, eyc; 10s, C5ic; Ss. GTic oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases, 25 Uc; iron barrels. 17c; S8 dcg. gasoline, cases, 32c; iron barrels or drums. 26c. COAL OIL-Cases, 20"c: Iron barrels, 14c; wood barrels, 17c; 63 deg., cases. 22c; iron barrels. 15c LINSEED OIL Raw, barrels, 61c; cases, 66c Boiled: Barrels, 65c; cases, 6Sc: lc less In 6-barrel lots. TURPENTINES Cases, 84c per gallon. WHITE LEAD Ton lots, fVic; 600-pound lots, 7&c; less than 500-pound lots. Sc. NEW XORK BANK STATEMENT. Larger Increase in Cash Reported Than ffai Indicated. NEW TORK, April 22. The Financier says this week: The future of the official state ment of the New Tork Associated Banks last week was the much larger increase in the cash than was indicated by the estimates which were based upon the traceable move ments of money during the week; the state ment showing a gain of $5,162,500, while the estimate called for an increase of $1,457,950. The difference of about $3,750,000 between the actual and the estimated gain was in great part due to the fact that the bank statomont included the operations of Fri day, or the entire bank week, while the estimates took account of only five days of that week ending with .Wednesday night This omission of Thursday was necessary because of the closing of the Stock Ex change on Good Friday, and to make pre liminary estimates of any value, publica tion thereof had to be made, on Thursday. The unsettled stock market on that day doubtless caused a large return of the money from nearby points which had been remitted hence In the early part of the week, thus Increasing the bank averages; moreover, sub-treasury operations at the end of the week contributed to the gain of cash by the banks. Deposits increased $12,266. 600, which amount is only $579,800 less than the sum of the Increase in loans and in cash; therefore, the statement made a good proof. The statement of averages of the Clearing-House Banks of this city this week shows: Increase. Loans Deposits $1,107,294,900 44.433.200 83,323.300 $ 7.6S3.800 12,260,000 25,300 200 5,162.300 3.066,650 2,095,630 2.080,375 Circulation Legal tenders Specie Reserve required. Surplus Ex-U. S. deposits. 216,116.900 287.092,150 11.448.050 15.687.900 Dairy Produce In the East CHICAGO. April 22. On the produce ex change today the butter market was easy; creamery 2ig30c; dairy. 22327c Eggs weaker at mark, cases included. 16c; extra, 17c Cheese, strong. 14c NEW TORK. April 22,-Butter and cheese unchanged. Eggs- .easy: Western storage packed, 18c " . MOT DEAL ABANDONED GATES CROWD GIVE UP THE AT TEMPT TO CORNER 3IARKET. Result Is Drop ot 11 1-2 ents in That Option in Chicago Pit Selling Is . Enormous. CHICAGO, April 22. Wheat for May de livery sold here today at 9S'Sc a bushel, a sheer decline of ilc from the closing quota tions on Thursday, the last prcvloixs session of the Board of Trade. Excitement seldom paralleled accompanied the sensational slump. The cause of the break was an apparent abandonment of. the supposed, gigantic effort of John W. Gates and other Wall-strtet no tables to corner trade In. May wheat Today, as on Thursday, millions of bushels of May wheat were thrown on the market As. a re sult thf price of the May option started downward Instantly when the gong sounded for tho beginning of business. The wild down ward plunge continued throughout tho day with the exception of one or two slight ral lies. During, the last few moments of today one of the few upturns occurred and the final figure was $1 a bushel. Under active support from Armour & Co., the July option in "wheat experienced only a small loss, the net decline for the day being 9ic Corn, oats and -provisions were wholly undisturbed by the flurry. Closing prices to day being practically Identical with the lat est quotations of Thursday. It seemed to most traders to be evident from the start that the Gates coterie had with drawn support from May wheat Opening quotations on May were oft 1 to 2c at $1,080 1.09. July was a shade lower to USic higher at 87i87Hc Within five minutes 'May had sold down to $1.07. From all sides May wheat was offered for sale, but the only "buyers appeared to be traders with special lines to cover. Houses that have heretofore been presumably operating for the so-called Wall-street crowd were heavy sellers today from the cutset and as trading progressed the offerings from 6uch quarters Increased in volume. -At the- same time the July option was In active demand from Armour. This condition of affairs was coincident with a re- nort that representatives of Gates and Ar mour at & secret meeting had made a joint agreement to liquidate May holdings and switch Into the Jul option, thus forming a basis for a deal in July wheat by means of which any possible loss from the attempted "saueeze" In May might be offset. With startling rapidity, the price of May began tumbling headlong. giving -hardly so much as a breathing spell to the traders who had been caught on the wrong side ot the market Scenes in tlie pit- were among tne wildest ever witnessed on the floor, traders shouting themselves frantic in an effort to make or break prices. The lowest point of the day was reached a few -minutes before the close, the price touching OSttc a clean drop of lli4c from Thursday's final quotations. The clang ot the bell for the close ot ousmess. however, caught the market at tne iraouion allv maclc Ideal. $1 a bushel. While May wa3 experiencing such a down arnrA -whirl, the nrlce of later deliveries' drormed only a trifle. July selling off to 86Hc In addition to the slump In May, predictions of rain throughout the wheat belt had a weakening Influnence on the July option. The clone for July was firm at SG-iSj&oifcC The extraordinary developments In the wheat nit reduced trading in the corn market to a minimum. July opened unchanged to a shade. r,t 4Tst?4Ts:e ttf 47ic. sow en to 4734c. and closed at 47jlc. Oats, like corn, held firm, possibly for lack. r.r .iun- Tirieuri Julv onened a snaae higher at 29 Vic. sold between 29429-c and 2iiAfff2!VUe and closed at 20 Vic A lO-eont advance in the price ot live hogs had a steadying effect on provisions. At the cloee July pork was on a snaae, ijwu was up a shade and ribs were unchanged The leading futures ranged as iouows. WHEAT. Open. ...$1.09 ... .87 4 High. $1.00 Low. $ -9S .86 .81 Close. May $1.00 July .87 s .8214 .86 Sl!i Sept. CORN. .47 H .474 .47 1 .47 .47 .47 Ti OATS. .29 H .20 .29 i .29 4 .2SH .29 MESS PORK. May July .474 .47 .4714 .29 .29 .28 .47 .47 Sept .47 May .29 July Sept .29 28 May , . 12.43 ..12.75 12.45 12.77 Vi LARD. 7.174 12.4! 12.7: 12.43 July 12.724 May .17' .15 7. 17 ',4 July 7.33 7.50 Sept. SHORT RIBS. May July 7.20 7.20 .7.1 4 "r 6.90 7.174 Cash quotations were as follows: Flour Easy. Winter patents. $4.604.S0; Winter straights, $4.4004.00; Spring pat ents, $4.9005.30; Spring straights, $4.10 4.70; bakers. $2.503.50. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 98c0$l.O5; No. 3 95c$1.03; No. 2 red, 984cy$1.09. Corn No. 2, 47c; No. 2 yellow, 4SVc Oats No. 2, 30c; No. - white. 32e; No. 3 white, 2030c Rye No. 2. 76c. Barley Good feeding, 3703Oo: fair to choice malting, 4047c. Flax seed No. 1, $1.27; No. 1 Northwest ern. $1.40. Timothy seed Prime. $2.9003. Short ribs sides Loose. $0.7307. Short clear sides Boxed, $6.S70'7. Clover Contract grade, $14. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels. . . . Wheat, bushels. . Corn, bushels.... Oats, bushels.... Rye. bushels Barley, bushels.. 27.000 27.800 47.700 ...220.400 . . .345.700 ,..270.000 ... 14,000 ...124,300 506.000 142.400 14.200 12.000 Grain and Produce at New York. NEW TORK. April 22. Flour Receipts 24.663 barrels; exports, 20.370 barrels; sales. 2900 packages. Market quiet and- unchanged Winter patents. $5.1005.50; Winter straights, $4.905; Minnesota patents. $5.6006; Winter extras, $3.504; Minnesota bakers, $3.75 4.15; Winter low grades, $3.4003.90. Wheat Receipts. 39.975 bushels; stales, 2,200, 000 bushels futures. Spot, weak; No. 2 red 99c nominal elevator; No. 2 red, $1.01. nom inal f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth $1.02 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba. $1.02 f. c b. afloat There was a big break In the May wheat option today, attended by reports that the deal at Chicago had cot lapsed. Later positions were also weak, and the entire market closed heavy. May being 4c down and the others c lower. Closing May 99c. July 91c September 85c. Hops Dull; Pacific Coast, 1904 crop. 25 2Sc; 1903. 21024c; olds, 11013c Hides Steady; Galveston. 20 to 25 pounds, 20c: California, 21 to 25 pounds, 19Hc; Texas dry. 24 to 30 pounds, 16c v Wool Firm; domestic fleece 32036c Coffee and sugar No market; holiday. Grain at San Francisco SAN FRANCISCO, April 22. Wheat and barley Weak. Spot quotations: Wheat Shipping, $1.4501.524; milling, $L65 01.604. Barley Feed, $1.2001.2214; brewing, $1.25 1.274. Oats Red, $1.401.G0; white, $1.4001.60 black. .$L3240L45. Call-beard sales: W'heat May, $1.42; December, $17. Barley May, $1.14: December, 87?ic Corn Large yellow, $1.27401.30. LIVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted at Portland Union Stockyards Yesterday. There were no receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday. Receipts for the preceding five days were 660 cattle. 3402 sheep. 30S hogs, 25 horses and 120 goats. Cat tie and sheep have been In good demand at firm prices. Hogs and lambs are easy. The following prices were quoted at the yards CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers. $4.25; cows and heifers. $303.60; medium $1.5002. HOGS Best large, fat bogs. $6; block and China fat $3.2305.60; stockers, $5. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley. $4.5005; medium. $404.50. Qniilily of Wheeler County -Sheep. John Fleming, of" Portland, the .welMcnown buyer. Is In- the city, saya the Heppner Ga zette. Mr. Fleming has purchased the Henry Scherzinger band of sheep and in speaking ot his purchase to a Gazette representative he spoke very highly of this band of sheep. I believe that this is one of the finest bands of sheep in Oregon today," said Mr. Fleming. While Mr. Scherzinger Is a careful breeder, he-Is certainly an expert in handling sheep, as this bunch will show. The sheep have had plenty of feed and most careful at tention and the result Is that they will at tract attention anywhere among sheep men," continued Mr. Fleming. "This bunch of sheep Is a credit to your county and should other growers work on the same lines with Mr. Scherzinger, Morrow Couuty would soon have reputation as well as increased profits in the heep Industry." Commenting on the above. , the Fossil Jour nal says: It will no doubt interest our reader In this county to know that the above band of sheep was produced In Wheeler .County, which has mans more sheep just as good. Mr. Scherzinger bought these sheep when they were lambs lait October from J. F. Spray, and they were from ewes raised by Bob Keyes, of Richmond, The yearling ewes from the ame brand were sold last week by Mr. fapray at .$2.37U per head, the highest 'price that has. b-en paid In Eastern Oregon this Spring," EASTERN LIVESTOCK. Prices Current at Kansas City, Omaha and - Chicago. SOUTH OMAHA. AprU 22. Cattle Re ceipts. 300; market unchanged. Native steers, $4,40 6.40; cows and heifers. $3.50 5.25; Western steers, $3.7o5.S5; canners. $2(?3.50; stockers and feeders. $2.54?5: calves. $2.75 6.25; bulls, stags, etc, $2.30 4.75. Hoes Recelcts 4000:. market lower. Heavy. $5.305.35; "mixed. $5.3005.324: light $5.27 5.32 H: pltf. $4.755.25; bulk of sales, $5.30 5.324. Sheet) HecclDts 300; market unchanged. Western yearlings. $5.S06; wethers. $50 5.85; ewes. $4.755; lambs. $6.75 KANSAS CITT. Mo.. April 22. Cattle- Receipts 200; market unchanged. Native steers. $4.50G.30; native cows and heirers, $2.503.65; stockers and feeders. $35.15: bulls, $2.754.75; calves, $36.25; Western fed steers. $5U.25; Western fed cows. $3.50 5.25. . ' Hoes Recelnts 3000; market 5c higner. Bulk- of sales. $3.35 5.43; heavy, $5,459 5.50; packers, $5.40 5.47; pigs and light.. $4.505.40. Sheet) Recelnts. none; market nominally steady. Muttons. $4.50e,5.90; lambs, $5.73 .40; range wethers. $56.60;, lea ewes. $4.505.50. CHICAGO. April 22. Cattle Receipts 200: market steady. Good to prime steers $66.75; poor to medium, $4.505.70; stick ers and feeders, $2.705; cowr, $2.506'5.eo; heifers, $3 5.90; canners. $1.60 2.00; bulls. $2.504.76; calves, $306. Hogs Receipts 9000; Monday, 40,000. Market opened strong to 5c higher; closed steady. Mixed and butchers, $5.3505.55; good to choice heavy. $5.3005.60; heavy rough. $5.3505.45; light, $5.405.30; bulk of sales. $5.4005.50. Sheep Receipts 2500; market for sheep and lambs, steady. Good to choice wethers, shorn. $5.2305.50; fair to choice mixed, shorn. $404.75; Western sheep. $40o.4O; native lambs, shorn. $4.50 0 0.50; Western lambs', $4.507.60. Bank Clearings. Bank clearings of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. POrtlancV ,.$391,034 $ 54.G30 Seattle i 746.311 101.530 Tacoma ,378,S0o iSJ.SXJ apoKane Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the week were: . Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. Mondav S 908.921 $1.0S8.704 $ 601,1 14 TnMiv KS1.401 892.730 SlZ.ZiU Wednesday 616.009 859.1S& 401.0S2- Thursday 562,840 790.080 4S5.432 Friday 40S.858 SS3.759 . 435.909 Saturday 3Si,wi ib.jiJ. oto.cjo Totals $3,719,669 $5,366,731 $2,87,97S Clearings for the corresponding week In for mer years were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma, 1900 $1,775,171 $2,199,874 $ 966.78S 1901 2.140.255 2,249.222 1,046.353 1902 2.4S0.I41 3.206.77S 1.242.923 1903 3,457.023 3,660.4 I,.W,Juo 1904 4,012.299 3.845,396 1.909.489 Money, Exchange. Etc NEW YORK. April 22. Prime mercantile pa per, 4044 Pr cent. Sterling exchange, nominal, with actual business in bankers' bills at $4.862004.8823 for demand, and at $4.844504.8450 for 60-day bills. Posted ratef. $4.85 and $4.87. Com mcrclal bills, $4.84404.84. SAN FRANCISCO. April 22. Silver bare, 67c Drafts, sight 2c; do telegraph. 6c Sterling on London, GO days, $4.85; sight, $4.87. Dried Fruit at New York. NEW YORK, April 22. Evaporated apples, quiet; common, 405c; prime. 5.3005.40c choice. 6064c; fancy, 7c, Prunes, unchanged, 245c, according to grade, Apricots, moderate demand; market more or less unsettled by offerings of futures. Choiee, 10010' 4c; extra choice, 11c; fancy, 1215c Peaches, ouiet: choice. lOfnlOlic; extra choice, lO40'lo?ic; fancy, ll4012c. Raisins, quiet; loose muscatels, 4K&6UC London layers, $1.0501.23; seeded, Gg0c. San Francisco Mining Stocks. SAN FRANCISCO. April 22. The official closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alpha Con Andes Best & Belcher. Bullion Caledonia Challenge Con. Chollar Confidence .... Con. Cal. & Va Con. Imperial. . Crown Point. . . Exchequer .... $ .11! .35 1.63 justice $ .0 Mexican 2.00 .88 12.00 Occidental Con. Ophlr Overman .34 .63 .20 .10 .87 PotosI .17 Savage scorpion Seg. Belcher.... Sierra Nevada.. 1.S5 .1 .01 .46 .lCjSIlver Hill .63iUnlon Con 1.00 .74 .13 .29 Gould & Curry 34Utah Con. Hale & Norcross 2.4 5j Yellow Jacket.'. . Metal Market. NEW YORK. April 22. It was practically a holiday In the metal markets and no change were reported. Lake copper is quoted at 15.25 015.50c; electrolytic at 13.124615.17c, and casting at 14.874015c Spot tin Is held at 30.35S30.50c Lead at 4.5004.60c Spelter at 6c Iron Is In moderate demand and un changed. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. April 22. Today's statement ot the Treasury balances In the general fund shows: Available cash balances ,.$135,100,460 Gold : 34,110,542 Trust Cuts Trice of Oil. CLEVELAND. April 22. The Standard Oil Company today announced a reduction ot half cent a gallon on all grades of refined oil. No change is made in quotations on naphtha or gasoline. Wool at St Louis. ST. LOUIS. April 22. Wool Dull; medium grades, combing' and clothing, 23025c; light fine. 1802O4c; heavy fine, 14015c; tub washed, 3O0374c Imports of Specie. NEW YORK. April 22. The imports of specie at the port of New York for the week were $301,166 gold and $23,239 silver. Held Bond Stolen Years Ago. NEW YORK. April 22.-TJnlted States Commissioner Rldgeway handed down an opinion discharging; Lewis W. "Wilcoxson formerly of Chicago: James "W. Taylor, Df White Plains, xx. i.; and James Smith of this city, for the charge ot having In tneir possession a stolen United States bond. Wilcoxson, a Klondike promoter. was arrested several months ago for hav ing In his possession a $10,000 4 per cent Government bond, which was one of 30 that were stolen from the Manhattan Savings Institution in the famous "Jim my" Hope burglary of 1S7S. Taylor and Smith were arrested for attempting to negotiate the bond. Commissioner Ridge way holds that there was no proof to show that there was a deliberate intent on the part of the defendants to violate the law HALF CHOP OF PRUNES BAD YEAR FOR TIIE INDUSTRY IX CAIjLFORXIA. Much Interest Centers in Future Ap? ricots in San .Francisco Market East Is Buying Butter. SAX FRANCISCO, April 22. tSpeclal.) Outsido of a prospective light crop of prunes, interest is centered in tuturo apricots'. The market basis for the latter Is 6 cents for choice Royals. August shipment, with extra choice and fancy 41 cents more. The prospects favor a large crop of apricots, esti mates now ranging in the neighborhood ot 0.000 tons. Peaches are showing -well and will probably be an average cropi Nec tarines will be light and apples a. big crop. The spot market shows no features 'In any line. But prunes, which are- strongly held, owing to a big drop from tho tree -In the Santa Clara Valley, which causes' authori ties to figure on only half an average crop. The raisin market offers nothing of Interest The feature of the market for fresh fruits was the activity in cherries, which arrived in -larger quantities and better conditions. Prices were steady under a good local and Hipping demand. Oranges are In larger sup- ply, but the market is still in good shape and firm, notably for fancy standards. About eight Carloads are scheduled for Monday's auction. Old potatoes are dragging ahd easy. New potatoes are In lighter supply and higher. Onions are- easier with sales of best Oregon at $4.95. Asparagus Is firm. Other early egetables are steady. Wheat and barley options were active and lower. Influenced by the easier break and brilliant crop prospects. Spot prices of all cereals were easier. Butter advanced sharply on a brisk demand for Eastern shipment. Cheese and eggs were steady. Receipts, 104.700 pounds butter.. 44.000 pounds cheese. 53.690 dozen eggs. VKGKT'ABL.iiS uariic. 10015c; green peas. 04c; string beans, 8310c; asparagus, 44 Sc: tomatoes, $2.5003; egg plant. 15174c POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 20022c; roost ers, old. $404.50; do young. $6.5007.50; broil ers. small. $202.5Of: do larsre. 3S3.50: fryers. $306; hens. $500.50; ducks, old, $007: do young, $7g8. CHEESE Young America, 1254013c; East ern. 10017c. BUTTER Fancy creamery, 20c: creamery seconds, 18c; fancy- dairy", 18c; dairy sec onds, 17c EGGS Store, 17018c; fancy ranch, 20c. HAY Wheat $1013; wheat and oats. $90 12: barley. $810; alfalfa. $7010; clover, $7& 9; stock. $5.3007; straw. 25S0c MILLFEED Bran. $21021.50; middlings. $26028.50. WOOL Nevada. 16020c. FRUIT Apples, choice. $2.25; do common. $1; bananas, 75c0$2.5O; Mexican limes, $4.50 06; California lemons, choice. S2.50; do com mon, 75c; oranges, navels, $102.50; pineap ples. $2.5004. HOPS 24026c per pound. POTATOES Early Rose, nominal; River Burbanks. 9Oc0$1.15: River reds, 9Oc0$1.15; Saunas Burbanks, 9OC01.1O; sweets, nominal; Oregon Burbanks, $1.1001.45. RECEIPTS Flour. 7752 quarter sacks; wheat. pSO centals; barley, 6000 centals; oats. ISO centals; beans, 735 sacks; com. 1700 cen tals; potatoes. 8S7 tacks; middlings, 200 sacks; hay. 420 tons; wool. 1023 bales; hides. 572. New Books at the Library TpHE following new books are at the B Portland Library: New accessions at the Public Library. April Periodicals. Academy and literature. July-December. 1904. v. 67 R050 A16S Athenaeum. Julv-December. 1504.. R030 AS07 Dial. July-December, 1904. v. 37..R000 D536 iitteira living: age. oct--Dec. 1904 v. 243 R030 L. Nation. July-December. 1904. v. 79..R05O N277 Notes and queries. July-December. 1904. ser. 10. v. -J R03O N911 Overland Monthly. July-December. 1904. V. R05O OOfl Public Opinion. July-December. 1904. t. 3T RO.l F076 Spectator. 1904. 02-03 R050 S741 ReliKlon. Speer. R. E. Missions and modern his tory. 2 V 266 S742 - Soclolojry. Chalmers, Thomas. Christian and civic economy of large towna 330 C43S Educational review. June-December. 1904. . 2S. R370.0 E24 Ely. R. T. Coming city 332 E5 Goodhue. TV. K. Municipal improvements. . .... ........ ................... Goo Kellor, F. A. Out of Work. 1904...331.S K20 Leslie, 1. a. u. tma&ya in political econ omy 330 L637 Northend. Charles. Teacher and the pa rent 371 N374 School review. 1004. v. 12 R370.5 S372 rhllolojry. Duff. Archibald. Hebrew grammar. R492.4 DS55 Science. Calorl. Florian. History of elemcntary matBemUcs. 1005 310 C139 Holder. C. F. Ivory king 599.6 H727 Science., July-December. 1904. New aer. V. 20 R503 S415 Wallace. A. R. Studies scientific and so cial. 1900. 2 v 504 W187 Uneful Arts. Bayley. Thomas. Pocket-book for chem ists. 1902 ..: 540 B35S Burkett, C. W., and others. Agriculture for beginners 630 B9G0 Eock. C. G. W. Miner's pocket-book. 1901. 6- L513 Scott. John and others. Soli of the farm. 1001 631 S427 Sennett, R.. and Oran, II. J. Marine steam engine. 1002 621.1 S478 lTne Arts. Including Amusements. gEdwards, J. H. God and music... 7S0 E26 gMoseley, TV. M. Es3ay on archery.... ...v. 796 MS93 Pearson, J. C. Introduction to metal working .' , 739 P381 literature. Alllngham. TVIlIlam, ed. Ballad book 821.04 A43T Banington. Dalnes. Miscellanies .0S28 B276 Browne. F. F.. ed. Golden poems by British and American authors. .S21.0S BSS2 Carpenter, F. I., cd. English lyric poetry, 1300-1700 82 U0S C295 Chambers. E. K.. ed. English pastorals. . - 821.08 C444 Duff. Sir M. E. G. - Anthology of Vic torian poetry S21.0S DS35 Hennequin. Alfred. Art of playwrlght- ing 808.2 H515 Martin. H. F.). Lady. On some of ' Shakespeare's female characters 822.33 Dma Montgomery, D. 1L, ed. Heroic ballads, with poems of war and patriotism.... 821.08 M7ST TVells, Carolyn. Nonsense anthology. ; . . 821.08 TV453 Description and TraveL Edwards, TV. S. Into the Yukon. 1904... 917.9S E20 Foster. J. R. History of the voyages and discoveries made in the North. 17S6 0910 F733 Hulbert. A. B. Historic highways of America, v. 16 017 H12in Krusenstern. A. J., von. . Voyage round the world In the years 1803. 1804, 1S05 and 1806 ' 0910.4 KSi La Perouse. J.- F. de Galaup. Comte de. Voyage round the world in the years 1785, 1786. 1787 and 17SS. 3v.. 0910.4 LSllr Lynch, Hannah, French life In town and country 914.4 L9S7 Smith. Sidney. Settlers new home ,. 0917 S659 Biography. -Adam, Mme. J. (L.) L. My literary life B A194 gNational cyclopedia of American biog raphy. vl2 R920.07 N277 Fiction. Avary. M. L.. ed. Virginia girl in the civil war. 1S61-65 A946v Heyking. E. (F.) G.. baronln von. Let ters which never reached him H6161 Young, R. E. Sally of Missouri. 1903. ...Y75s Books for Children. Dole. N. H. Younk folks' history of Rus sia ...... J947 D663 jswmg-. -Mrs. j. . tu.j Aiarys meadow -; JEOSma I'leia. cusenc r.uKene r ieia oook; ed. oy M. E. Burt and M. B. Cable J813 F453 Hoffman. Helnrich, Der Strumelpeter. JG931 H699 Little folks' fairv tales jFa L7781 aiccabe. j. jj. ouna aDout Europe.. J0I4 M121 Pyle. Katharine. Childhood; il. by S. S. Stilwell JSU PS96 Twitcnell. il. f amous cnuaren J020 TO 74 Candidate for Hemcmvay's Seat. , BVANSVIIiLE, Ind., April 22. John H. Downing, Hopkins & Go. Established ; ". WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS ' Room 4,' Ground Fioor "PVinrpr rtf Rvnnsville. -was today nomi nated by acclamation for Congress by the Republicans of the First Indiana District. He succeeds- James A. Hemenway, now United States Senator. HOW AMERICA LOSES TRADE Demands Cash In Advance on Goods Sold In Philippines.- OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, WAShjngton, . April 23. According to men who know, manufacturers and ex porters of the United States have sot a lot to learn before they can hope to gain control of any great portion of the Philippine trade The same mis take Is made in the Philippines that is made in most foreign countries; the American exporter does not study his prospective market, he does not em ploy the same care that Is used by his European competitors, and the nat ural result is that , the American gets a mere handful of trade, while the European exporters get almost all that Is to be had. This subject is intelli gently treated in a letter to Secretary Metcalf. from Samuel B. Shiley. in charge of the. Commercial Museum at Manila. In that letter Mr. Shiley says: American manufacturers arc not properly Informed about certain matters, or. they ato not willing, to meet the conditions existing here. TVlth regard to terms of payment for goods ordered from the United States, nearly all with whom the Commercial Museum has corresponded demand one-half cash with the order and the balance as soon as the gooas arrive at Manila. Taking Into consideration the time consumed by sending an order to the United States, the time required to place the order, have the Roods packed and sent to the- Philippines, plus the delay in the custom-hpuse, the local importer will be out one-ihalf the purchase price, at the very least, three months, more likely four months, before he gets the goods. He must then pay the balance, and afterwards distribute the goods among his patrons in Manila and other cities ot the archipelago, 'in from one to three months later he will realize on the goods from hts customers. The Importer has thus been out of his money three and six months,, "Who can best afford to carry these credits the Importer In Manila or the exporter In the United States? By special Inquiry at one of the Manila banks today. It Is learned that the demand for money at 2 per cent per month In far In excess of what .the bank Is able to supply. This condition of the money 'market and this same rate of in terest have been with us practically un changed for the past three years. The ex porter in the States can plainly see that it would be economy for him to arrango his prices and terms of payment so that he may carry these credits. Instead ot Imposing that heavy burden upon th$ Importer in Manila. If the1 exporter in the States should grant from 'three to six months' time, computing Interest at an ordinary rate, and adding a reasonable percentage for the risk of defer ring payment, his good would still gain an advantage of from 3 to 7 pr cent et the purchase price, as compared with the pre vailing terms of payment. There Is a universal disinclination to pay for a thing before you get It, There Is an established custom in the Philippines on the part of the Importer, the retailer and the consumer to buy on time. In addition to this. European countries are in the market, freely offering from three to twelve months time. TVlth suoh conditions in force here, the American exporter cannot help but see the wisdom of more liberal terms in mat ters of deferred paymonta. It frequently occurs that both large and small purchasers who have sufficient re sources to make a time sale perfectly safe have no ready cash, and. In consideration of deferred payments, would gladly pay a high er price. Many must buy on time or not at all that Is exactly the situation. The ex porters of America or Europe who will meet these peculiar conditions will secure the most profitable trade these Islands afford. TO HONOR SERGEANT FLOYD Sioux City to Erect Shaft to the Ill Fated Explorer. A replica of the famous Floyd mon ument at Sioux City, la.. Is to be built at the Lewis and Clark Exposition at Portland, according to reports from Sioux City, Which say that a movement to that end Is under way, and has every prospect of success. The Floyd Memorial Association, which erected the monument, is fathering the move ment, and Sioux City business men have shown themselves enthusiastically fa vorable to the plan. Exposition authorities agree with Sioux City people that the proposition to erect a reproduction of the monu ment at the Western World's Fair is peculiarly fitting, in that the Exposi tion is to be held in commemoration of the Lewis and Clark expedition and that Sergeant Charles Floyd w3 the only person who did not survive the hardships and privations of the memo rable trip across the plains and moun tains to the Pacific Ocean. Sergeant Floyd was, so far as is known, the first citizen-soldier ot the United States to die in the great ter ritory of the Louisiana Purchase west ot the Mississippi River. He was one of nine young men of Kentucky who accompanied Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark on the expe dition which added more than 300,000 square miles of territory to the do main of the United States. He spent the Winter with the Lewis and Clark party, but his experiences In the actual journey across the continent were cut short by his untimely death, which took place August 20, 1804, a little more than three months after tho formal start of the expedition. Sergeant Floyd's Illness was short. He was attacked by what Captain Clark calls In his Journal "blliqse chorlick,' on Sunday, August 19, ahd the next afternoon he died. Captain Clark says in eulogy of him: "This man at all times gave us proofs of his firmness and determined resolution to do service to his country and honor to himself." The place -where Sergeant Charles Floyd was burled he was given mili tary burial now bears the name Floyd's Bluff, and is In one of the parks of Sioux City. The hill Is sit uated half a mile below a river to which the Captains gave the Sergeant's name, and commands a view ot rare beauty and wide extent. The noble marble shaft which crowns the bluff may be seen for miles up and down the river. When Sergeant Floyd died his rest ing place was marked by a cedar post which bore his name and the date of his death. This post Is mentioned by early travelers who followed the path of the explorers. Relic hunters chipped pieces from the post, but parts of it stood for halt a century. Then, in 1857, a great freshet supplementing the corrosion of many years, so washed away the water side of the bluff that the grave was eaten Into and the bones exposed. When this gruesome fact was learned, citizens of Sioux City deter mined that the remains should be given' : fitting burial. The box containing the 1393 . Chamber of Commerce .bones of . Sergeant Charles Floyd waa hoisted to a place of safety by means ot a rope, and a reinterment, with ap propriate ceremonies, took place In the presence of a large assemblage from SLoux City on May 2S,. iS574 the coffin being made from black -walnut trees growing near the spot. Tnc new grave was on the-same bluff, about 200 yards ,back from the river. On June 6, 1S95, the Floyd Memorial Association was organized at the place of Interment, the object being to erect a suitable monument over the remains. The .association was cornposed ot men and women from all parts of the coun try,, .many of whom were persons of prominence. The United States Gov ernment appropriated 55000 for the cause, and the State, of Iowa a similar sum. Donations by Woodbury County and the City of Sioux City, together with private subscriptions, increased the funds available for the purpose to nearly $20,000. Impressive ceremonies were held at Floyd's grave on August 20, 1805. the 91st anniversary of his death, and the remains of the gallant Sergeant, in two earthen Jars, were lowered to their last resting place. The place of interment was permanently marked by a large stone slab. CANADA'S FOOD SUPPLY Prediction That She Will Become World's Great Wheatgrower. . OREGONTAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, April 23. Consul - General James H. Worman, from Three Rivers. Quebec, sends to the State Department an Interesting bit of information re garding the wheat possibilities of Can ada. Mr. Worman reports that at a recent meeting of the Montreal Politi cal Economy Club, Edgar Judge read a suggestive paper on the food supply of the British Empire. The main, pur pose ot the paper was to point out, by a careful exhibit of statistics of Rus sia, the United States and the Domin ion, the immense possibilities of Can ada as a greater grower and exporter of food products than either of the other two powerful nations. The speaker quoted ngures showing the increase in homestead holdings in the Northwest since 1S9S. which have sprung from 237,700 acres to 5,229.120 acres. He divided Canadian exports of foods Into three classes wheat and nther grains, animals and animal prod ucts, and the produce of the fisheries. He quoted ngures to prove his conten tion that the -exports from the Domin ion to Great Britain of the first two classes are growing mightily, with a. corresponding decrease in the exports of the same classes to the United States from Canada. Mr. Judge considered that this proves that Canada's natural market is Great Britain and that recip rocal trade relations with, the United States would be of little benefit to her. In conclusion, Mr. Judge said: "If 50.000 farmers could raise 70,000,030 bushels of -wheat in 1902 in Manitoba, then 250,000 could raise 350,000,000 bushels enough to supply the total Import requirements ot Great Britain, and to feed our own population. Mr. Judge's paper also dealt ex haustively with the cost of transpor tation ot wheat, etc He stated that the freight on wheat shipped from Fort William, Canada, to Iondon. England, was less than that on grain shipped from points. In the English midlands only 100 miles away from the great metropolis. India and Australia, as possible rivals of Canada in the wheat export business, were touched upon. FAT FOLKS 267 lbs. 180 lb. MRS. E. WILLIAMS. SS8 Elliott fiq.'r. Buffalo, N. Y. Eost In weight 87 pounds Lost In bust 8 lnche Lost In waist .....................10 Inches Lott In hips ..20 Inches This picture gives you an idea of my ap pearance before and after my reduction by Dr. Snyder, ily health is perfect. I never, enjoyed better health In my life, not wrlnklo to be seen. Why carry your burden longer, wben relief Is at hand-? Mrs. Jennie Stockton, Sheridan. Oregon, Lost 60 pounds. Mrs. T. S. Brown, Dallas. Oregon. Lost 65 pounds. Or. Snyder guarantees his treatment to be perfectly harmless in every particular. JTo exercise, no starving, no detention from busi ness, no wrinkles or discomfort. Dr. Sny der has been a specialist In the successful treatment of obesity for tho past 25 years, and has tho unqualified Indorsement of the medloal fraternity. A booklet, telling all about It. free. Write today. O. W. F. SNYDER, M. D. 61S Marauam bldg., Sixth and Morrison sta PORTLAND. OREGON. DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO NORWAY, SWEDEN AND DENMARK By the fast 10.000-ton twin-screw steamers. HBLLIG OLAV. from New York. May 10 UNITED STATES, from Now York, May 24 OSCAR II. from New York. June 7 HSLLIG OLAV. from New York. June 21 UNITED STATES, from Npw York. July 5 OSCAR II. from New York. July 19 SCANDINAVIAN-A31ERICAN LINE. No. 1 Broadway. New York. FREE 500 Shares Good Goldfleld Stock Now organizing new company to developvalu ablo properties. Charter members- wanted at 2c per share, cash or Installments. Par valuo $1.00 nonassessable. 300 shares free. Monthly re port3. White or wire for particulars. L. E. WILSON. Box M, Goldfleld, Nevada. ENHYROYAL PILLS BATE. AlwarirelUbU. Ladle, uk Drajdrt Jr jjCH.urtxoA.Bava li-L.US.Li la RED ud Gold bmUIUs bust, wtltl jrlti bl ribbon. Take as other. Refute nanjreross fiattUaUns aad Intta ttmmtA Bay fyovrPraezSjt. email 4e.ta B4 Relief fur Ladlej." in Utur, by re- Battel tM ppr. -A N I MU &. PHII.A.. PA, J