The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 23, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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mi rams
His Most Trusted Nobles Are
Folind to Have Dynamite "
ito Assassinate Him.
Wretched Monarch Iiives in. Terror
in HIs Palace Liberals Iam- ,
poon Him in Music Hall.
. .Easter Dreaded Time.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 25. A -plot to
till the Czar, It Is alleged, lias been dis
covered among the troops of the imperial
guard. Many officers are said to be In
volved, the very men whom the Imperial
family depends upon for protection.
Governor-General Trepofl's secret agents
unearthed the plot, and assert that sev
eral of the conspirators of noble birth
were in possession of large quantities of
'dynamite. The discovery has unnerved
the Czar at Tsarskoe-Selo, who, it is re
ported, constantly exclaims:
"Whom can I trust?"
The conspirators, bound by oaths, re
main ellent even under direct threats, and
Bruce Vastlew has been unable to force
a single soldier to confess his participa
tion In the plot.
Deadly "Weapons of AssassinsGrand
. Dukes .'Lampooned inSong.
ST. PETERSBURG, April- 22. In all re
cent attacks on the police and adminis
trative officers in Poland, their assailants
have used poisoned bullets and daggers.
At the popular theaters and music halls
performers are arousing great demonstra
tions by singing revolutionary verses.
These are introduced as encores, not ap
pearing on the regular programmes, which
must be passed by the theatrical censor.
Hecently. the performers did not hesitate
to lampoon the Imperial family under a
thin disguise. On the trick being discov
ered, rigid Instructions were Issued to the
police not to allow a single encore which
had not been approved by the censor.
In order to insure prompt action In case
6f demonstrations, the Governors and oth
er officials of the provinces, have been di
rected to remain at their offices during
the Easter holidays.
Message of Sympathy Sent to Mother
of .Kaleieff.'
ST. PETERSBURG, April 22. The-cen-tral
committee of the journalists organ
ization, composed of many of the most
celebrated, , Russian writers, including
Jvorotcnko, Gessen, Annesky, etc.," has
adopted resolutions of svmpathy with
the mother of Ivan Kaleieff, condemned
to death as the assassin of Grand Duke
Sergius, expressing the hope that the
time will' soon arrive when Russian moth
ers wlH'iib Jonger be .obliged to sacrifice
their sons in. the struggle for liberty.
..More Taxes for the War.
ST. PETERSBURG, April 22. The Coun
cil of the Empire today promulgated 'the
first law providing for an Increase In tax
ation for war purposes. It includes an
increase in the tax on matches, petro
leum, etc and a graduated tax on the
.salaries of officials. The total product Is
estimated at $11,000,000. The law goes
into effect May 1.
Territory of Taena and Arica Is Bone
of Contention. i
WASHINGTON". April 22. (Special.)
News has been received at the State De-
partmen't indicating that the long-pending
trouble between Chile and Peru over the
ownership of the two provinces of Tacna
and Arica, on the border line, is rapidly
reaching .an acute- stage. Itis considered
entirely probable that, unless one side" or
the other yields some of Its extreme dcr
jnands, the next few months may witness
the outbreak of hostilities between, these
to two republics.
The prospect of tiouble will probably
hasten the action of the President in fill
ing the post of United States Minister to
Chile, which has been vacant since last
October, when Minister Henry Wilson was
transferred to Greece. At present the In
terests of the United States at Santiago
are. being looked after by Charge d'Af
falres Ames.
Recent dispatches from Peru declare
that Peru Is buying warships and arms
and ammunition in preparation for the
coming struggle. At the same, time Chile
and Peru are endeavoring to form alli
ances. If they are successful In this, and
trouble actually develops into war, as now
seems likely, both Brazil and Argentine
may be' drawn into it, and in fact all
South America may become an armed
r camp.
A. AY. Sherer, University. Student,
Grappled "With Three Robbers.
CHICAGO. April 23. (Special.)
"Wealthy residents of Drexel boulevard
joined the police In a man hunt at 1
o'clock this morning-, aiding; In the
search for three bandits who held up
W. A. Sherer, a student at the Univer
sity of Chicago, inflicting- wounds so
there is little chance that he will re
cover. Sherer had been to the circus
in the evening-. Shortly after midnight
he left his friends and started home
alone. He had reached Drexel boule
vard when three armed men command
ed him to hold up his hands.
Sherer. who is an athlete. Instead of
complying; grappled with the nearest
of the bandits, and threw him to the
ground. The man fired his revolver
point blank into the victim's chest and
at the same time one of the others shot
him In the back. Sherer lost conscious
ness at once, an was quickly robbed.
The police were on the scene a few
moments after the shooting, but not
before several citizens, scantily clad,
but revolvers in hand, had rushed from
their homes. A search was immediately
started, but was of no avail. It Is said
the young man will probably live but a
few hours. ,
i Acquitted on Assault Charge.
OREGON CITY, Or.. April 22, Special.)
After an all-day's fight In the Justice
Court today. D. F. Warner was acquit
ted of a charge of assault and battery.
puy ii r; luu uZc- XpQP SUk. i .r -n , n .r -cr:j rn l .
oiuicrea aiuui xiwii xag. i x e-i u-ua. aui runncy nuuuie.
Mr. N. D. Ponnay. 32 Second
St., Portland, Or.. President In
ternational Printing and Press
men's Union for'U. S. and Can
ada, writes:
"Last Winter I was so busy
that I frequently had to work
until late in the evening-. This,
with hasty and irregular meals,
soon undermined my constitu
tion, and I found that my
strength "was about to give way.
I became weak and tired, and
suffered from frequent brain fag.
Flve'bottlea of Peruna restored
me to health, and since that time
I have kept it constantly In the
house, and the entire family
'have found It nn efflcnclous
household remedy."
It Is the laboring- man who comes In
contact with the actual facts In life.
It Is "the' laboring man who faces the
exigencies of climate and braves the
dangers of changing seasons.
the complaining witness being Mrs. Mary
Stubbe. The participants in the affair re
side at Garfield, and the trouble is the
result of a. long-standing dispute as to a
division line between the two farms.
Revulsion on Exchange Is .Due to
Many Different Causes.
NEW TORK. April 22. (Special.)
Numerous causes suggest themselves
as having to do with this week's re
vulsion on tho Stock Exchange. The
violent decline toward the close of the
week was expected, as In greater or
less part due to fears of unfriendly
complications arising from the North
ern Securities dissolution, the fight
seeming" constantly to grow more bit
ter in the affairs of the Equitable Life
Assurance Society, to the probable
failure of the May wheat deal, to un
easiness over the approaching conflict
in the China Sea, to the approval of
the stock transfer tax measure, and,
lastly, to the fact that the governors
of the Exchange, voting to close for so
long a holiday at such an anxious
time, furnished a keener pulse to the
desire among the rank and file of op
erators to be out of stocks.
There has, however, been no devel
opment to impair the great strength of
the foundations on which present se
curity values rest, there has been noth
ing to weaken these values themselves.
But with prices very high, with man
ipulation and speculation having gone
to absurd lengths, considerations af
fecting merely speculative sentiment
have been just as effective as any
thing bearing upon real Investment
Southern Pacific Resents Inroads of
Santa Fe In Sacramento- Valley.
SAN FRANCISCO, April 22. (Special.)
The Southern Pacific and the Santa Fe
are preparing to lock horns in a death
struggle for the control of the green-fruit
shipments from Sacramento River points.
Prior to last year, the Southern Pacific
enjoyed a monopoly of the heavy traffic
from the river fruit districts, but the field
proved such a tempting one that the Santa
Fe chartered a river boat and succeeded
in diverting In the neighborhood of 1000
carloads of green-fruit shipments from the
Southern Pacific to its own line. The fruit
was loaded at various river points below
Sacramento and taken to Antloch, where
it was placed in refrigerator cars and
shipped to Eastern markets over the Santa
This year the Santa Fe has been plan
ning to go after the business with greater
vim than ever, and the traffic officials of
the company are figuring on handling not
less than 1500 carloads of, green fruit. A
new river boat peculiarly adapted to the.
needs of the service has been built, and
is now lying at the foot of Spear street."
With a view to stopping this encroach
ment of the Santa Fe on what it has al
ways regarded as its exclusive preserve,
the Southern Pacific is planning to build
a rail line through the section now reached
only by the river boats of the two com
panies. The Southern Pacific took over
yesterday the corporation known as the
Sacramento Southern Railroad and reor
ganized It, with the following officers:
President, E. E. Calvin; vice-president
and treasurer. Captain N. T. Smith; secre
tary, J. L. Willcutt.
This company. It Is announced, will un
dertake the Immediate construction of a
road to run along the east bank-of the
Sacramento Hlver from Sacramento to
Oregon to Bo Overhauled.
ington, April 22. The battleship Oregon
and the cruiser Chicago will soon be sent
to the Pugct Sound navy-yard for exten
sive overhaullnr and repairs.
Mr. M. Broderick, Financial Secretary Stable Employes' Union.No.
1041. Chicago, 111., writes:
"I have been Huflferinjj from a vreak back and kidney trouble for
none time, and have been able to find relief only through the use of
"During the Winter season I usually keep a bottle of your medi
cine in the house, and by taking a dose at night, I am feeling fine
the next morning.
"Some of my friends assure me that Peruna is equally as good
for their various ailments as It is fr my complaint. I do know that
for kidney trouble and suffering from a weak back It has no equal."
The drouth and the strike, the cold
wave and the epidemic, all affect the
laboring- man more readily than any
other clans of people.
Good health is, an absolute necessity
with these people. Invalidism is not
compatible with success.
There Is no one thing so disastrous
to the laboring man as catarrh . in
some phase or form.
Catarrh Is the greatest enemy of the
TftFT WILL 11 1
Cnnrl Inlnnr) Rfi 1 1 o4" Da I fnerA (
Odiiu idiaiiu niuoi uc ucaocu
From Government.
Secretary of War Will Probably De
cide in Few Days, and if Lang
fitt Is Sustained, Bids
Will Be Opened.
ington, April 22. It is now up to Secre
tary Taft to say whether or not fisher
men at the mouth of the Columbia River
shall continue to have free use of Sand
Island or shall pay the Government a
fixed price per year for the privilege.
All the papers In the case. Including
protests from fishermen and from mem
bers of the Oregon and Washington Leg
islatures and Governor Mead, have been
laid before the Secretary of War for ac
tion. Apparently everyone Is opposed to
leasing the island save Major Langfitt,
who originally recommended that the Gov
ernment should derive a revenue from
the use of this Island. There have been
other cases of this character before the
War Department In times past, and with
out exception it has been held that the
Secretary of War was required to com
pel payment for use of Government prop
erty such as this.
It has heretofore been held that no
Government official is authorized to per
mit the free use of Government property
when it would be possible to derive an In
come from that source. It is therefore
expected that Secretary Taft will direct
that hereafter fishermen be, required to
pay for the use of Sand Island.
The secretary, however, has not yet
considered this case, and may not reach
it for several days. If he orders the leas
ing of the island, action will be taken on
the bids recently submitted to Major
Langfitt. and the highest offer will be
Signal Men for Alaska.
ington, April 22. On May 15 60 Signal
Corps men. under Captain Carl W. Hart
mann. wlli be sent to Alaska to relieve
the men who have been on duty there
for two years. Their principal work will
be in connection with Government tele
graph lines.
Mrs. Montgomery Is State Regent.
ington. April 22. Mrs. Mary Phelps Mont
gomery, of Portland, was today elected
the state regent of the Daughters of the
American Revolution for both Oregon and
Washington. Mrs. D. J. Tarr was elected
the regent for Idaho.
Medford Bank May Open.
ington. April 22. The FirstrCCational Bank
of Medford, Or., was today authorized to
begin business with $23,000 capital. Wil
liam S. Crowell is the president. F. K.
Deuel the vice-president and M. L. Alford
the cashier.
Horse's Burn in Stable.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 22. Fire broke
out in the Nevada Stables, on Market
street, near Seventh, shortly rafter 2:30
o'clock this morning, and before the
flames were subdued about, 50 hnra? had
human family, and especially that por
tion of the family who must earn their
livelihood by honest toll.
For this reason Peruna comes lo the
laboring man as a priceless remedy.
It not only becomes his household
remedy for that multitude of family
aliments dependent upon the vicissi
tudes, of climate, but is becomes his
own remedy whenever catarrh in any
form begins to manifest itself.
perished. Several men were asleep In
the place, but they all managed to get j
out. The building was totally destroyed, j
Two or three hundred horses were in the i
place, but the firemen managed to save t
f most of the animals. Several of the I
i maddened beasts on the second floor fell
i through to the ground floor and were
killed. The firemen had the flames un
der control 20 minutes after the -alarm
had been given. The loss Is 150.000.
Daughters of .Revolution Ask Amend
ment to Constitution.
WASHINGTON. April 22. At today's
session of the Congress of tne Daughters
of "the American Revolution, Mrs. Donald
McLean, the president-general-elect, was
elected chairman of the Continental Me
morial Hall committee, the action being In
accordance with precedent. Mrs. McLean
devoted a brief time to outlining the work
done by the present committee, of which
she is chairman. At the conclusion of her
statement, the thanks of the congress
were extended to Mrs. Fairbanks.
Mrs. Goode, of Alabama, brought to the
attention of the congress the Mormon
question in a sensational statement. She
declared that the Mormon Church was
violating, through Its leaders, the laws of
the land; that It was a treasonable Insti
tution, owing Its highest allegiance to its
own organization, and that it was a stain
on the good name of the United States.
She, offered this resolution:
"That, as daughters of, patriots, we
most earnestly call on the National Con
gress to pass such remedial legislation as
will put a stop to polygamy and polyg
amous living and political control of the
Mormon hierarchy, and thnt this con
gress also urge the United States Senate
to refuse Reed Smoot. of Utah, an apos
tle of this church and one of its highest
officers, the right to continue as a Sena
tor of the United States. And that we
further urge an amendment to the Fed
eral Constitution making polygamy, un
der whatever guise or pretense, a crime
against the United States."
Mr. Allen, state regent of Utah, asked
that the word "church" be eliminated
from the resolution and the word "hier
archy" substituted. The change was
made. The resolution was adopted. A re
cess was then taken until 8 o'clock.
At the night session the congress voted
unanimously not to mortgage Memorial
Continental Hall, but to go ahead with
the work of collecting funds for its com
pletion. Heroism of a Bootblack.
' SAN FRANCISCO, April 22. (Special.)
Thomas Bradley, it bootblack of Tulare,
has become the husband of Pedra Guitav
to save Pedra's mother from being deport
ed to Collma, Mexico, as liable to become
a public charge.
Mrs.. Lugardo Rodriguez Is the name
of his new mother-in-law, and she ar
rived from Collma on the steamer New
port on April 13. She was to have gone
back today, but Bradley came to the
rescue, said he had known her daughter
for 14 years in Tulare and was willing anJ
able to marry her and support the moth
er. He showed letters testifying to his
responsibility, and so Mrs. Rodriguez will
have a home.
Young Men Commit Suicide.
VANCOUVER; B. C. April 22. Two
young men well known In the upper
country of British Columbia have com
mitted suicide. The body of J. E.
Moore, of Kamloops, was found hanging
from a tree. He was only 21 years old
and was to have been married In two
Frank Wycott. of Churn Creek, killed
himself by taking strychnine.- He had
been despondent because of III health. -
Iilfe for a "Wife-Murderer.
DALLAS, Tex.. April 22. (Special.)
Henry Bryant was today convicted " of
murdering his wife and child, and 'was,
given a life sentence.'
Mr. William J. Berger. Moran Bros Ship Yard, Seattle, Wash
President Protected Union of Engineers, writes:
"I was troubled for some time with acute indigestion and palpi
tation of the heart, which distressed me greatly. I took pills and oth
er medicines daily, but found that as soon as I stopped I was worse
off than ever.
"Being advised to use Peruna, I soon found thnt it brought a rron
derful change In my entire system. It cleared up the sluggish chan
nels of my digestive organs and assisted nature in relieving itself of
the waste.
"It restored my strength, increased my appetite and gradually
restored me to perfect health." x
A Victim of Worry and Ovcmrork Re
stored by Pe-ru-na.
Mr. Lee M. Hart, General Secretary
Theatrical Stage Employes' National
Alliance, Chicago, 111., writes:
"I -was badly run down by reason of
worry and overwork, and felt thnt It
would tie necessary for me to take a
layoff: and recuperate at some resort,
but the suggestion wan made to me by
a friend that I give Peruna a trial.
"I procured a bottle and took It reg
Chicago Woman May Receive
Fifty Million Dollars.
Mrs. William Countlss Believed to
Be Only Heir to Vast Estate of
an Old Companion of
Her Childhood.
CHICAGO. April 22. Mrs. Mate
Munchoff. said to be heir to the $50,
000,000 estate of Clarence H. Haran,
the South African diamond king, is now
the wife of William Countlss. a young
broker of this city. Mrs. Countlss, who
was married a year ago. after having
been divorced from Joseph W. Munch
hoff, of Omaha, has been living here at
the family residence, 160 Forty-second
street. With her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C D. Cannon, she left Chicago k month
ago to visit at Omaha and Denver and
nearly lost her life in a St. Paul rail
way wreck near Omaha.
"I am positive Mrs. Countiss has no
relatives In this city, for she fre
quently said that none of the other
Cannons here were related to her,"
said Fred -P. Countlss, a brother of
William Countiss, today. "Mrs. Coun
tlss has been on a Western trip for a
month, and I know her husband knew
nothing of the facts of the bequest. He
was In the offlce yesterday and said the
first Intimation of the legacy he had
was through the newspapers. He mar
ried Mrs. Munchoff a year ago, and
they lived ever since with her parents
on the South Side. It is not sure there
are other claimants of this legacy. If
the stories of "it are true, for the Can
nons had no relatives in this city."
"I expect to hear from Mrs. Countlss
today regarding the story," said Will
iam Countlss. "I do not know what
truth there is in it. although I have
heard Mrs. Countiss speak often of Mr.
Haran. He was her companion in her
childhood, and as a little girl he made
Cures Grip and
You have tried "Seventy-seven" for
Grip and Colds; why not try my other
Specifics? Dr. Humphreys.
No. 1 cures Fevers.
No. 9 cures Heachaches.
Xo. 10 cures Dyspepsia.
No. 13 cures droup.
No. 14 cures Eczema.
No. 15 cures Rheumatism.
No. IS cures Malaria.
No. 20 cures Whooping Cough.
No. 2Tcures Kidney Diseases.
No. 30 cures Bladder Diseases.
At Druggists or mailed, 25c each. .
Medical Guide mailed free.
Humphreys HonioQ. IodIelne Co., Cor. "Wil
liam and John Streets, New York.
ularly for a week, at which time I be
gan to feel much better.
"I have been feeling all right ever
since, and think It is but fair to give
Peruna credit for putting me in nor
mal shape again."
Hot alone from' economic reasons
docs the laborer And Peruna n -valuable
remedy In the household, but In p. mul
titude of instances he finds It to he the
only remedy that will ovcrcomK. 5lte
tenacity and stubbornness of chronic
her his pet. After he left Omaha he
often corresponded with her."
Thler nays Little Joke.
SAN FRANCISCO. April 22.-(Special.)
Three days after a sneakthlef entered
the AInsly apartment-house on Turk
street and stole Jewelry belonging to three
of the women guests, Mrs. C. M. Kyle,
who was one of the victims of the rob
bery and had lost a gold watch, received
a mysterious looking missive which was
addressed, not to her, but to the Ainsly
apartments. Inside the envelope wore a
clipping telling of the robbery, and a
small photographic print of a woman
about So years of age. wearing a gold fob
at her waist.
Mrs. Kyle Identified the fob as that of
her missing watch, and so told the police.
Other guests recognized their jewels on
the woman In the photograph. The police
assert the culprit has turned humorous.
La Fontaine's Slow Passage.
ASTORIA. Or.. April 22. (Special.)
Captain Haumon, of the French bark La
Fontaine, which arrived last evening, 160
days from Antwerp, via Cherbourg, re
ports an uneventful though slow passage.
The vessel brlnjgs a cargo of 16,655 casks
of cement and about 5000 casks of it will
be discharged here for use in the construc
tion of fortifications at the forts about tho
mouth of the river.
at till; hotels,
the portlaxd.
E E French. San F E O Dutro, Cascade li
T IC Hunt. Manila
M Jacobs. San Fran
C S Moody. Manila
,A. Oppenhelmer. X Y
R H Brown. Omaha
Mrs W A Shannon.
J N Snell. Hoquiam
G R Heiecy. Lancas
ter. Pa
H D McAusland, Seat
J F McNaught. Her-
Dr O M Belfry, Thlla
iM A Henlnger. do
G H L Sharp. Bocton
jC Shannon. Seattle
Mr and Mrs McEwan.
G Rae. New York
J R Barker. San Fran
E I.. Ritson, Boston
A C Kennedy. X Y
A F Grant. Xew York
I C Scott. Chicago
E J Nichols. Chicago
u uampuen, ueiiRgnm
M Crowder, New York
H L Converse. San F
E Allen. S Francisco
F F Wright. PKHbrs
J C Kennedy. N York
w I King. Chicago
J Davis, New York
S Cohen. San Fran
Mrs T K Holder.
Lynn, Mass
A G LIthgow. Semtlc
T. R Holdal. Albert L
iJ Grelg. Chleago
J B Herbay. Phlla
,S Sherberg. Xew York
J G Holder, do C. Stout. Seattle
Miss S W Holder, do P T Roive and wife.
R. W "Wells. Michigan) Alaska
G P Richardson and J M Flnnican, San F
wife. Chicago !J Begg. New York
Miss I .Richardson. dolMlss Begg. New York
H J Trunkner, Cleve-lMrs A E Watson.
land. O
Lexington. Mass
W E Hine, Chicago
H X. Claire. Detroit
Miss M Watson, do
Mrs S H Friendly,
R Tuf.le. Los Angeles
D E Cdhn and wife.
New York
H Howltson. Boston
Miss Friendly, do
JA F Levy, San Fran
J Funk ana wife.
D B Leek. New York
Bloomlngton. Ill
L S Simmons. San Fl
Mrs F T Fonk. Shlrly
A M Kohlberg. San F
W W Phllbrlck. Sattl
E It Pely. Chicago
L H Conaught. San FF J Southelat. S Paul
J H Manners. B C E H Rand. Cincinnati
J Edgerton. "VVasco'D Crawford. San Fran
J Boudln, San Fran
Mrs D Crawford, do
k w Plummer, do
S- S Purdy. do
G A Montell. do
J E Snyder. Portland
J E Long, Vancouver
Ena Cross. Vancouver
Jas Tabor, Canada
G A Chandler. Elgin
W M Kaiser. Salem
Jas Forbes, City
S P Wilson. San Fran
W A Wann. Eugene
C L Schen. San Fran
G Freewald, Vancvr
G B Brooks. Goldcndl
W C Albee. Tacoma
Staley Sisters. do
G "W Hummer, Seattle
Mrs Kummer. do
J H Wellington. St
Mrs 5S C Wallace,
Lakevlew. Or
Mrs Wellington, do
C P Xelson. X York
J E iJeexlcy. Dallas
W T Pollock, wife
and maid, Augusta.
G X Miller. Colfax
E J Stark. Welser
C 11 Hess. Goldendale
R E Laraway. H RIvr
E A Willis. Little F
R Epperly. Clty
Mrs J Boyd. Spokane
X E AIsod. Tacoma
C M Paxson. Kansas
B Jones. S Francisco
F C Bradley, New
Haven, Conn
Mrs F C Bradley, do
Miss H L Tuttle. do
J A Bloomquistn Bell-
M B Archer. Caldwell
F.Dews, Shanlko
Mfs Dews, do
Jos Barton, Baker C
u R Jones. Bucoda
R C Kernloff. Los A
Mrs Kernloff. do
J Xarcc. Dundee
J M Brunzec, Nampa
F A Sims. The Dalles
G E Crum, Lewlston
G R Farra. M D. Cor-
H Gordon. Dundee
Dr T R Hay, Jr. Du-Mrs N H SItton. Echo
Juth. Minn E Frey. San Francisco
G W Kiphart. Cot GiMrs E Frey. do
E C C Hall. ClatskaniS G Hartman. Pa
A Huckestine. Salem
C E Stewart. Cott G
W Harrison. Marble R
A L. Brown. Salem
J JEt Robertson, do
C R Hale, St Louis j
F W Sheffield, tfty
Mrs J W Day. St Hel
Miss E Shields, de
Mrs J B Wilkinson,
Miss L. Percy, do
Pc-ru-na Worked Wonders.
Mr. Christ. T. Timmins. Financial
Secretary Hod Carriers' and Building
Laborers Union, No. 4, Chicago. III.4
"Your medicine has worked wonderr!
with, my constitution.
"My work Ik considered rather hard
on the kidneys, and it certainly affect
ed mine.
"Numerous remedies were tried. T
reud a few testimonials in one of the
Sunday papers regarding the merits o2
Peruna. and immediately purchased a
'The third bottle gave me complete?
relief. If any one asks me about Pe
runa, what better Indorsement can t
give them than" the result of my own
experience J"
For free, medical advice, address Dr.
S. B. Iarman. President of The Hart
man Sanitarium. Columbus, O. All cor
respondence held strictly confidential.
J C Grash. San FranlF 31 Brown. Salem
W H McXalr. JuneaulMrs Brown, do
AUx Hate. City
IJ H Lawrnee. Salerri
A B Weatherford.
Now York
G I. Omar. Astoria
A F Halde. Seattle
J L O'Brien. Seaiile
W H CluWe. Aberdeen
A H Marsh. New York
W T Shirey. T Dalles
Mrs J H Cansten. San
T J Casey. Butte
H V. Ocelby. San F! Jose
I E H Weaver. Seattle iE Kentz. The Dalles
i D Campbell, Belnghm.J L Freiman. do
H T Moore. Chicago Knight. ih Danes
Mrs A R Shreve. iMlss Agnes E Imlaj.
Cathlamet J Reedvllle
Miss J E Keith. IWm W C Hutchins
Baker City I Seattle
R W Eaton, "Watcr-'J B Wilkinson. Ralnr
ville Will Hon. S Franclsrr
W E Frxtsche. Ohio IJ C Stuart. San Jose
Geo Riley. San Franlw T Stole. Salem
A Oppcnhelmer. S FlH C Brenton. Spokane
R A Wilkinson. Pa (A J Schrum. Antelopfv
Mrs Schotemheimer, 'J A Carson. Tacoma.
San Jose. Cal Mrs J A Carson, do
E A Mlddlebrooks IJesse Moore. City
Mrs Mlddlebrooks
!Mrs Moore, do
James Huntley
I Mrs James Huntley
!V H Cocker
C C Smith. Penawan
lA L Brougher. LaCent
II Lichtensteln. St L
I Mrs Lichtensteln. do
!t G Cathcart. Casadra
C Runhelmer
S M Doud. Cal
Mrs C B Smith.
Eagle Creek
J Kennedy, Orient
F Paradls. Carson
L L Reed
Gus Hedman
Joseph Cawrse. Hllls-I Lester Hale, do
boro 'L F Russell, Astoria,
A May. Troutdale (Geo Rockey. Rainier
Fred Kernath. do !A Sp.eer. Aumsvllle
V Doginan. OstranderJJ Desart. Rainier
A Keesee. Cascade L'Roy Homar. Summit
O H McCIung. Boring J Dunn
O Palmer, Boring W Hlckey
F Turner. Napa. Cat iCIaud Lane, Mist
F Hollenbeck. Moun-IA Llndburg. Mist
taindale (J H Wellington. St K
R Hollenbeck. do IJ Aylwln. City
J B McDonald. Mon-!W F Relmenschneider
treal I State Center, la
G Manley, U S SlW B Jones
Chinook (Mrs Jones
J Desart, Rainier i
Tacoma note!. Tarnms.
American plan. Rates. S3 and up
Hotel Donnelly., Tscoma.
Flrst-clas3 restaurant In connection.
In a recent interview with Mrs.
ianytry, she very wisely said :
"The fact that I believe in the scperior
force of mind over matter does not blind
me to the troth that the foundation of every
auccesaful life is good health; that the key
stone to physical beauty is perfect physical
nA sick woman cannot be a beautiful
woman, nor can she be anything but what
we English call a poor-spirited woman.
"To a jreat extent a woman's beauty is
measured hy her vitality bv her healtti.
"Work, Sunshine, Exercise, Water and
Soap, Plain, Nourishing Food, Lots of
Freeh Air, and a Happy, Contented Spirit
there, as you say, honest and true.' is
jay working- rule for youth, youthful spirit
and youthful looks."
One great secret of youth and beanty for
the yocng woman or the mother is the
proper understanding- of her womanly sys
tem and well-being. Every woman, young
er old, should know herself 'and her phys
ical make-up. A good way to arrive at this
knowledge is to get a good doctor boo,
such for instance a3 "The People's Common
Sense Medical Adviser," by R. V. Pierce.
M. D., which can readily be jirocured by
sending; twenty -one cents in one -cent
stamps for paper-bound volume, or thirty
one cents for copy, and addressing-
Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
"Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription can always
be relied upon to cure when everything- else
fails," writes Mrs. Dr. Nielsen, of 430a Langtey
Avenue, Chicago, IlU. "It is a certain cure for
female troubles, diseases in their worst forms.
I sauered for years with ulceration, intens
pcins and a dreadful backache, which unfitted
ro,e for my work. Finally I grew so III had to
keep to my bed. In this extremity I used 'Fa
vorite Prescription for three months and then
I was well. Only these who have passed
through such a siege of sickness as I have will
understand horr much I value Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescripdon.'
Dr. Pierce offers $500 reward for any casa
of Leucorrhea, Female Wealmess, Prolap
sus, or Falling of Womb which he cannot
care. All he asks is a fair and reasonable
trial of his means of cure. No substitute
for "Favorite Prescription " offer so much.