22 THE SUNDAY OHEGCXNIAN, PORTLAND, APRIL1 23,-1900. FOB RENT. Rooms. Kew Building. Xew Furniture. Strictly Neat and Moderate. THE STATE ROOM INK 905 Thurman Street Portland. Oregon, pne Block World's Fair Main Entrance. Grand Roof View of Grounds. "Write for Special Rates and Dates. Address STATE ROOM INN PHONE MAIN 5504. NEW LANGE HOTEL. European plan; electrlo Ughta and hells, steam heat and elevator; baths free to guest; rates 50c. 76c and $1 per day; special rates by the week. Elegant cafe and bar In con nection. Corner 6th and Washington sts. Sauxnan. manager. F. Lange, prop. THE CLAYTON. 35 N. 10th, cor. Burnslde, near Washington Strictly modern, newly decorated through out; fine furnished rooms, single or en suite; bath; location, neighborhood and conveniences unexcelled; terms reasonable. Phone Main 59S9. THE AUDITORIUM, 208 SD ST., BET. TAY lor and Salmon, 1 block south of Baker The aterElegantly new furnished, steam heat; hot, cold running water In rooms; free bath; rooms with private baths; elevator; $3.50 per week and up; $1 day; touriets 'solicited. THE KINGSTON FURNISHED ROOMS. 1904 3d, adjoining Baker Theater; $2.50 per week and up; brick -building; special attention given to traveling public Phone Hood 657. JOR RENT 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, Sunnyslde, - blocks south of Hawthorne car; C10. 305 E. 30th st. FOR RENT ONE NICELY FURNISHED front room with piano, suitable for two adults. JbO 13th fit. GOOD, CLEAN. CHEAP FURNISHED rooms and lodgings. 345 16th st., & blocks from Fair grounds. ROOM SUITABLE FOR ONE OR .TWO gentlemen; bath and gas. 052 E. Morri son st., cor. 18th. TWO FIRST-CLASS R06MS IN PRIVATE family on East Side; walking distance. Phone East 3629. .SLEEPING-ROOM. NEWLY FURNISHED, newly papered, $2 per week. 37254 E. Oak. Phone Union 912. M20 JEFFERSON PLEASANT FURNISHED rooms, en suite or single; modern convent ences, reasonable. (FURNISHED ROOM FOR TWO WITH. USB oi gas, nam ana pnone. -o x.. uia si. Phone East 2685. XARGE FRONT ROOM. FURBISHED COM plete; bath and phone; convenient, cen tral. 231 10th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH HOME comforts, four diocks soutn or notei A'ori- land. 250 (5th. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. REASON able rates, walking distance, 595, cor. 4th and Sherman. 3TOR RENT 3 NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. airy and modern; phone Bast 3822. 471 E. Burnslde fit. 535 EVERETT, COR. 7TH NICE, SUNNY rooms, $LoO and $- a week; also iront nay- window room. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR TWO: GOOD table: gentlemen preferred. Mrs. Monteitn, 235 13th at. ;b PARK ST. VERY COMFORTABLE front alcove room; also smaller rooms; bath and phone. 212 7TH ST.. COR. SALMON NICELY furnished rooms, single or en suite. Phone Main 2239. ONE NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM, PRI vate family. 303 5th St., bet. Columbia and Clay. n-rr T..T?i'PviHv;n Bnnif WAT.vtvr: distance Fair grounds, on M.car line. 607 Irving st. "FURNISHED ROOMS. 905 THURMAN ST., $1.50 to $2.50 per week; everything new. Main 5594. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS.,? PRICE reasonable; gas, bath and pbjpnei 308 aaimon bu ROOM, BATH. PHONE. GAS. FOR ONE OR two; $11 month. Call forenoon, 452 Wash ington st. JPLEASANT FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR two gentlemen; rent reasonable. 470 Burn slde st. 27 WEST PARK NICELY FURNISHED rooms, use of bath and phone; rent reas- oname. )TOR RENT FOUR FURNISHED ROOMS Eastern style; piano and bath. Phone Malr 4543. 5TEAR FAIR MAY 1. ROOMS IN PRIVATE residence, 6 blocks from Fair. Phone Main 5840. 2JEWLY FURNISHED SUITES AND ROOMS; gas, bath' and phone; reasonable. 213 13th st. lA NICE ROOM FOR RENT SUITABLE for one or two gentlemen. C83 Kearney st NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT, reasonable. 34 E. Market, cor. Union ave, ,FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED rooms ax oou nn si. jvppiy at mo ist el FURNISHED ROOMS IN PRIVATE FAM x Uy; gas, bath. 403 S. 7th St.. Flat F. (Cheapest and best-located rooms In Portland, $1 weeic up. unman, lai ana Aider sts. i3 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 151 N ivtn, cor. irving, i moot rrom car line. -NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN house with private family. 140 N. 16th st, 5CHE IOWA. 43 2D ST.. COR. ASH NICE large rooms by Gay. week or month. JROOMS. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED; 2 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, priate family. 91 10th. near Stark. B E. 14TH N. ROOM, NICELY FURNISHED, bath, on car line. 1,'none bcoit 3344. pTICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH, GAS, pnone; ..ou per ween, oo - . -ibi. el. CPLEASANT FRONT ROOMS. FIRST AND second floors; also otners. io izu st. 41 ELLA NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, elngle or en suite: bath, heat, phone. 190 12TH UNFURNISHED ATTIC. 20X50 55 UNFURNISHED ROOM. CALL LAND lady, seinng-riirsen; lor iaay oniy. 3TH2 T. M. C A. HAS A FREE LIST OV furnished rooms in all parts or city. "FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE lor 2 gentlemen. 41 E. ath et. N. "N'EWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM bath, phone. 93 17th st. f. AMERICAN EXCHANGE, 26S FRONT ST. JTWO "UNFURNISHED ROOMS, 791 CORBETT st., near uidds. cneap. IFOR RENT FIRST-CLASS FRONT BED room. 445 4th st. X.ARGE. PLEASANT ROOM, CENTRAL, modem- IBS 12th. ROOMS FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED. 692 Hoyt st. NEWLY FURNISHEP ROOM. 403 1st St. suite I. 229 5TH ST. FURNISHED ROOMS. Rooms With Board. HOTEL BROWN. 271 GRAND AVENUE Pleasant rooms, single or en suite; elevator; THE HEILER. 280 GRAND AVE. FUR' Blshed housekeeping suites, with gas ranges; weeK or month; reasonable. SIRST-CLASS ROOMS AND BOARD. $5 PER week, Falrvlew Hotel, 4 63 Thurman st. lour clocks from Fair Cirounas. EXPOSITION EXHIBITORS DESIRING rooms near Fair in elegantly furnished resi dence, call at S29 Qulmby st. -VEllT . DnriVC PATH PUnVU T-m3".5 " beautiful shade; terms reasonable. 32 North J.1LC, opposite Armora- nan. iPAYTNG GUESTS RECEIVED, MODERN private home; table first-class; references. 120 ISth. corner unean. rwi -V 22D ST. NEW HOUSE: NEW.SOFT teds; first-class cooking; short walk to Fair grounds; rates reasonaoie- JXiARGE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD. ALL -modern conveniences, suitaDie ior two. u Flanders. Phone 61S3. J30ARD AND ROOM, MODERN PRIVATE House, newiy lunuinuu-, utu jireierreu Phone joain ItrrTR NTS HED ROOM WITH HOARD. SUIT- able for two gentlemen, private family. TOR RENT. Booms With Board. THE COLONIAL-A SELECT FAMILY HO- tel. 165-167' 10th St., cor. Morrison There are a few vacancies, line rooms, nicely furnished; steam heat throughout the house; porcelain bath, plenty of hot water, handsome dining- room, table and service . nrsi-ciasa. FOR RENT PLEASANT. SUNNY FRONT or side rooms, gas, bath ana pnone, wim or without board, for married coupies or gen tlemen; references: permanent. t9l Jasc Ankeny street. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION 16TH YEAR: rooms with board: use of oewlng-room; use of library; Woman's Exchange. Address Mrs. Arabei Russell, superintendent. 61 u Jrianaers. THE LINDELL NEW FAMILY HOTEL Market st., bet. 3d and 4th.; steam heat, electric light, gas. porcelain baths; all outside rooms; exceedingly low rates. PLEASANT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY. suitable for two, close in; would give break fast and dinner if desired; references ex changed. P 44, Oregonian. OCCIDENTAL. HOTEL. CORVALLIS. OR. Clean cooking and beds; rooms wen ienu lated; first-class service; across street from First National Bank. A COUPLE LIVING 3 OR 4 BLOCKS FROM the Fair grounds would like to rent room -with board to couple or two young men. D 42. Oregonian. THE MANITOU. 261 13TH ST. WELL-FUR- nished homelike rooms, tourist trade solicit ed; excellent table, strictly home cooking. Main 1203. HOTEL TENNESSEE. 4TH AND MADISON. fronts Plaza Park and City Hall; pleasant rooms, single or en suite; new; centrally located. 293 10TH NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. wnn or without Doara; turnace neat, nam, gas and phone. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board; bath, gas, phone; gentlemen only. 453 East Pine. NICE FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD; everything modern; best location in city. 775 Irving. , GENTLEMAN OR LADY TO ROOM OR board, private family. 412 Hall sU Phone Alain 2974. BLAKELEY HALL, 270 6TH NICB LARGE front room with first-class boara; one lo cation. THE SOUTHERN. 374 YAMHILL ST. BOARD and room, single or en suite. Phone Main 1S02. 3 OR 4 GENTLEMEN TO BOARD. RATES reasonable. Call 245 Grand ave. Phone E. 3391. THE OZARK. 223 HTH ST. ROOMS EN suite or single, board; hot and cold water. ROOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE FAMILY, $40.00 for two. 321.7th. Phone Main 5360. THE STERLING, 535 COUCH, COR. 10TH St. Kooms and board. Phone aiam 4jo. FOR RENT FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD, suitable for two. Apply 14 1 West ParK. 170 10TH ST. PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH or without board; transient. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. 423 btark st. Phone Main 50KS. Fiats. TWO FLATS. WEST SIDE, WALKING DIS tance to Fair, near street-cars; completed in Mav: modern, large attic and baeemcnt. Inquire 555 Kearney. Phone Main 3176 or 1289. FOR RENT TO A COUPLE. AFTER THE first week in May. a lower 5-room flat, with all modern improvements; fine location, 6th near Jackson. Apply 404 5th st. 588 7TH ST. 4 ROOMS. LOWER FLAT. complete; hot and cold water; bath, toilet, 3 closets. $lb; no children. AN ELEGANT NEW "7-ROOM FLAT. MOD- ern, West Side. Inquire at 205 10th st. N.. after 4 P. M. NICELY. JEURNISHED FLAT. 2 BLOCKS or Qregoman wag.; reeponsinie parties, call 361 Alder- st. 2 5-ROOM FLATS. UP-TO-DATE. CENTRAL.' fine furniture, lease, rent $&5; $800. 40 Ham llton bldg. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT AND furniture for sale; terms reasonable. 390 4th st. FOR RENT DESIRABLE FLAT. 6 ROOMS. 370 13th st. Apply to Dooly & Co., SS 3d st. NEATLY FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT. IN- qulre Monday. 405 Hall St.; references ex changed. 0-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT; CARPETS and gas range for sale. 331 Mill st. 6-ROOM UNFURNISHED. MODERN; REA- sonable. East 923. Housekeeping Booms. TWO NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR ll-4it VinnsBlrppnlnr-? water nhone and Irult: large, beautiful grounds for campers for the season, bcott 354. THE ST. GEORGE. 30 1ST ST.. COR. Co lumbia Furnished housekeeping with gas stoves and single rooms for gentlemen; transients solicited. LADY WITH NICE ALCOVE SUITE WANTS respectable working girl as room-mate, housekeeping, S2.50 week. 408 Jefferson st. Phone, Front eoi. LARGE FRONT ROOM, FURNISHED FOR housekeeping: mantel bed. gas range, laundry, bath; $10. Also three for $20. 207 Grant St. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING . ROOMS lege, pla'no. sewing machine. 4li Main. Phone jama iiwj. $8 NICE, LARGE, NEWLY PAPERED front room, priviiego oi ugnt nouseiceeping working woman preferred. 332 17th st., near Market. 3 CONNECTING UNFURNISHED HOUSE- keeplng rooms; lights, phone, bath, sep arate entrance, lower floor. 724 E. Burn slde. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. LIGHT housekeeping; bath, electric light and all conveniences; convenient to Fair. 775 Gllsan. SUITE OF TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, with gas stove furnished; only $1.73 per week. 382 E. Yamhill C 3 NICE CORNER ROOMS, FURNISHED and unfurnished; housekeeping: on car line. 404 E. Burnslde. cor. 8th. 2 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms to couple without children; gas range, bath and phone. G 45, Oregonian. 545 WASHINGTON ST. NICELY FUR nlshed housekeeping and elngle rooms; gas range, phone, bath; no children. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms,' with all conveniences, 2 blocks of Oregonian building. 363 Alder st. LARGE. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng apartments, new; gas range, run ning water, phone. 503 Alder. TWO CONNECTING FURNISHED HOUSE kceping rooms; can have two If desired: gas: fine locality. 544 Overton. TWO ROOMS AND LARGE CLOSET. COM pletely furnished for housekeeping. $12 per month. 151 12th st. ' N. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng; two unfurnished rooms, first floor; very convenient- 392 4th st. TWO ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR HOUSE keeplng; Tunning water in rooms; gas range, central. 229 11th st. 389 6TH WELL-FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng apartments; light front . rooms; good location; homelike. 511 GLISAN NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping and single rooms with bath, gas. Phone Main 3714. TWO NICE CONVENIENT HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms; private bath and gas; reason able rent. 426 4th st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. NEATLY FUR nlshed for light housekeeping; fine location; central. 428 Alder st. 247 FIFTH 2. 3 COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; bath, gas range, phone; adults, call iionaay. TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING, ALSO furnished sleeping room in private family. 2 Union ave. North. 413 MAIN. CORNER 11TH NICELY FUR- nlshed parlor, with -use of kitchen If dc sired; no children. 215 10TH ST. 3 NICELY FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping, ground floor. Call today and tomorrow. S UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, rent $13 per month. Call Monday, 706 East lamniu, near -uul THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping -rooms, very cn.trtf. jefaolce loca tlon. 145. Uth st. FOB BENT. Housekeeplnc Booms. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF HOUSE- keeplng rooms in high-class building, cen ter of best downtown district, near Hotel Portland and Marquam Theater, for rent to married couple; steam heat, elevator, telephone.- gas stove for cooking. Inquire room 5, Washington bldg. THE ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM- hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart menU, In suites of 2, 3 and 4 rooms; hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat, baths; free phone on each floor. 265-270 MONTGOMERY ST. 4 NICELY FUR- nlshod rooms, central, fine view or city; bath, gas, phone Main 4469; also 4 unfur nished rooms, bath. gas. yard. i?lnk, bay window, fine place, newly papered and painted; snap. SUITE THREE VERY NICELY AND NEW- ly furnished cozy housekeeping rooms, in corner flat, bath, convenient. $21: also suite two neatly furnished housekeeping rooms, desirable, bath. $11. 2 Union ave.. South. 2 OR 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSBKEEP- ing rooms, strictly modern, reasoname, u blocks from Fair grounds; private family; reasonable. 707 Vaughn. 454 YAMHILL ST. TWO CONVENIENT housekeeping rooms; also one large fur nished housekeeping room; reasonable; close In: nlco location. TWO LADIES CAN HAVE 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, ground floor; reasonaw. Phone East 2623. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.50 A week and up; also housekeeping rooms. 244 Montgomery. 171 HTH TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- Ing rooms, with bath and hot, cold water; also single room. 2 PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, folding bed. lounge, gas range, telephone. 408 Jefferson. TWO VERY LARGE ROOMS FURNISHED for housekeeping, lower floor, fine location. 570 Park st. SJO COZILY FURNISHED SITTING-ROOM and nearoom, witn privilege oi Kitcnen. ivui E. Madison. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS. FIRST FLOOR. furnished for light housekeeping; gas. 190 W. Park st. LARGE FRONT ROOM. BEDROOM, KITCH- en. Dam: suitaoie tor iour auuns. -tin, near Clay. 220 4TH ST. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. very pleasant, well furnished, close In; phone, etc NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR MAN and wife: very reasonable; East Side. Phone East 2845. 435 ALDER FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP lng and other rooms; very desirable and central. TWO LIGHT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; gas, bath, phone. 135 14th, cor, Alder. SINGLE AND HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS near Fair Grounds; new building, 26th and savier. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms. The New Grant, 2d and Grant. 2 NICE ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSEKEBP- Ing, $3 per week, newly papered. 228 Mar. ket st. SUITE. FIRST FLOOR. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas, phone. 431 Main street. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms, 263 Jefferson. Phone Front 3 OR 4 ROOMS IN PRIVATE HOUSE. EAST Portland, modern; gas, bath. Phone Scott WITCH HAZEL. Front and Madison House- Keeping rooms; transient; bate, electric ilgnt. 1 LARGE FRONT ROOM; ALSO ONE ROOM xor ugnt nousexecping. -Vi wasnington. 433 7TH ST. THREE CLEAN. WELL-FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms; bath, gas, etc NEW THREE OR SIX UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms. Call today 183 Mill st. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms. Phone Main 4435. 529 Hoyt st. TWO LARGE. UNFURNISHED ROOMS AND large attic In nice residence; $9. 692 2d st. 300 4TH ST. LIGHT. WELL-FURNISHED rooms tor housekeeping; gas or wood stoves. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. modern; no children; clean. 325 12th st. 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, 209 Benton St., 3 blocks from Steel bridge. 3 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with hot and cold water, lbi E. 7th st. 2 FURNISHED ROOMS ON FIRST FLOOR, newly papered for housekeeping. 291 3d. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSE- keeping; also single rooms. 20S 13th st. 3 NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also single rooms. 328 Clay st. ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR LIGHT HOUSE- keoping; no cniidren. 359 N. icth st. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. WITH PRIVI leges. Phone Front 194. 322 14th st. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms, central. Main 4419. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent, with phone. 164 N. 10th st. NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING suite; good location. 549 Morrison. 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 634 Myrtle et.. Portland Heights. 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR RENT, $15 213 N. 18th St.. cor lxrvejoy. 2 ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING AND ALSO 1 single room. 5 N. 9th. FOR RENT TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, furnished. 226 Park st. TWO ROOMS FURNISHED FOR HOUSE- keeping. 88 N. 11th st. Homes. H. E. EDWARDS. HOUSE FURNISHER. 183 to lfll First street. Real Estate and Rental Department. HOUSE HUNTERS You can save time and hours of worn' and disappointment by visiting our rental department. Our list is large, comprising flats, cottages with- lawns and fruit trees, houses located in the most desirable localities In city and suburbs. No matter where you wish to locate or what the size or class of house you desire, w can help you to get settled. The following Is a partial list, showing prices. Call early Monday. the range of We must hav something to suit you. EAST SIDE. 3-room cottage, good, large yard. ... 5-room cottage, modern, yard 3-rodm flat, modern, water included 5-room flat, strictly modern 5- room cottage, modern, bath. yard. 6- room house, garden, fruit, lawn... 7- room house, large, modern, fruit. . .$ 9.00 . 15.00 . 16.00 . 18.00 . 18.00 . 18.00 i.00 S-room house, modern, gas. electric. '30.00 9-room house, large, modern, lawn... 35.00 9-room house, modern, choice locality 40.00 S-room house, lawn, choice locality.. 45.00 WEST SIDE. 3- room lower floor, modern $18.00 5-room lower flat, bath - 20.00 4- room upper floor, modern 21.00 5- room lower flat. lawn, attic 30.00 7-room house, modern, bath. barn.... 30.00 16-room house, modern, choicest lo cality 100.00 H. E. EDWARDS. 185-191 1ST ST. SEE THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY FOR HOUSES .TO RENT. Magnificent, new, strictly modern .6-room nat, 3Zi Mm su Lovely new 6-room flat. 4 Union ave. A swell and strictly modern 7-room cot tage. E. baimon and 36th sts. Apply at 149 1st st. TWO LOTS ONE 100X100 AND ON 75x75. suitable for Summer tent hotel, -block from entrance to Fair grounds. In quire of I. F. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. FOR RENT THREE HANDSOME HOUSES, near completion: 6 rooms, all modern Im provements, excellent location. E. 22d and Couch sts.: rent $30. John F. Cordray, 751 1. uumsiae. 20-ROOM VACANT HOUSE. MODERN IN every respect: 1 year s lease, longer If de sired; swell location: will be completed and ready May 1. Taft & Co.. 122-3-5-6 Abing ton bldg. FURNITURE OF MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE for sale; walking distance to Fair; filled with roomers; rent 510. Address F 46, Oregonian. ON WEST SIDE FINE NEW 7-ROOM flat. Nob Hill. $50. I. F. Powers Furni ture Co.. 1st ana uayior. .EAST SIDE 6-ROOM HOUSE. GOOD LO cation. $20. I. F. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. S-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN. EAST SIDE, $30. I. F. Powcra Furniture Co., 1st and j.ayiur FOB BENT. Houses. PARTIAL HOUSE LIST 1069 Front St.. 3 rooms $l4.uu 109 Cook ave., 5 rooms $n.uu OOu E. 10th st. Northt. 0. rooms $20.00 4S0 Rodney ave., 7 rooms $22.50 S84 E. Yamhill st-, 8 rooms $30.00 232 Broadway st., furnished. 7 rras.. $40.00 540 Hovt St.. S rooms $45.00 WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 229 Stark St. FOR RENT OR LEASE MAY 1 THE most modern flats in city; near oujincss Burnslde sts. $40 month. John Kloster- man. azi t ailing oiag.. aa ana aaumtwu. 60-ROOM VACANT HOUSE, SWELL LOCA- uon; gooa lease; steam neat, not cuiu water in all rooms, private baths; will be completed about June 1. Taft & Co., 122-3-5-0 Abington blk. FOR RENT BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM HOUSE. every modern improvement; juot coropicca; Savier St.; near 2oth st. I. Gevurtz & Sons, 178 Fim st. BEAUTIFUL MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. new furniture, fine lawn, gas range and electric lights. Call before 3 P. M., 5S3 5th st. FINE S-ROOM HOUSE, SPLENDID Lo cation for family use. only 543. 1. a. Powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. WHEN YOU WANT TO RENT A HOME OR flat, call and see the big list house. I. F. Powors Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. DONALD G. WOODWARTa.246 STARK ST.. Hem and insurance, rnone jaair. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. KADDERLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT AND reliable piano and furniture movers. Phon Main 1685. Office. 110 N. 3d st. -ROOM HOUSE, CLOSE TO FAIR. BATH. reception hall, basement, eiauonery wasn tubs. $45. N 42. Oregonian. NEW 5-ROOM FLAT. EASY WALKING distance. West Side, 30. I. b. powers Furniture Co., 1st and Taylor. NICE 6-ROOM FLAT, CENTRAL LOCA- uon, west aiae, -u. 1. r. rowers x urni ture Co.. 1st and Taylor. MAY 1ST FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE IN. SUN- nyslde; modern conveniences; $20; no chil dren. Phone Main 4257. TWO DWELLINGS. WEST SIDE. MODER-. ate rent, healthy location, convenient to car line. Apply 453 12th. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH PRIVILEGES: also four-room cottage. Apply 24 East Sin and Burnslde North. HOUSES FOR RENT 451 EAST YAMHILL, between 7th and Stn. 6-rooms, bath, large attic gas; $20 MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. 325 19TH ST. South, near Market. Phone West 815. W. Frogmcler. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 884 E. YAMHILL. near 29th; gas, electricity. $30. Phone Union 3362. FOR RENT 4-ROOM FLAT AT 6TH AND San Rafael. Apply 421 Hancock st. Phone East 1819. A HOUSE FOR RENT AND FURNITURE for sale. " Parrish, Watkins & Co.. 230 Alder st. FOR RENT MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSE. cor. 7th and E. Oak, $30. Apply East Side Bank. 9 ROOMS. ON 4TH. FOR ROOMING-HOUSE; rent ov. J. xi. n. Anueracn, ivl aiorriaon street. PART OF HOUSE. MODERN. 3 CAR LINES. reasonable; gas, bath, yard. .Phone Scott 533. 12-ROOM BUILDING;. STORE AND 4 ROOMS. nrst floor, 1 rooms second Tloor. 449 Johnson. TENT GROUNDS FOR RENT BEST VIEW In city. locate before the rush. Main 5993. 5 ROOMS. 18S E. 44TH. NEAR TAYLOR. $13; no cmiorcn; sunnyside and Mt. laDor car. FOR RENT 5-ROOM HOUSE. 338 SHER- man; cement cellar; key at 564 6th. 7-ROOM HOUSE. PARTLY FURNISHED, IN Fulton, cor. Texas and Macadam. FOR RUNT 5-ROOM COTTAGE AT LONG Beach. Telephone Front 432. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. Inquire 936 E. Couch st. EIGHT-ROOM COTTAGE. 345 NORTH FOUR- teentn st. Furnished Houses. SBVEN-ROOM. NICELY FURNISHED MOD- cm home. June. July, August: reasonable to reliable parties; close In, select neigh borhood. Phone East 2399. NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE, C ROOMS. gas. gas range, nice yard, flowers, line lo cation.' 10-mlnutcs' ride: reasonable to de sirable tenant. N 44, Oregonian. TWO NEW, MODERN COTTAGES, 22D and Wilson sts.: 5 blocks from Fair grounds; unfurnished, or will furnish com plete for housekeeping. NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN, furnished complete for housekeeping; five minutes walk to Fair grounds. Address C 35. Oregonian.' FOR RENT ELEGANTLY FURNISHED 8- room residence, all modern house; would pre fer some one who would board two couples. G 42. Oregonian. FURNISHED COTTAGE OF 5 ROOMS; new furniture and piano: fine lawn; close In, on car line. Address R 44. Oregonian. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED 9 - ROOM house, linen, silver, everything; large base ment; block from Fair. E 34, Oregonian. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. WELL FURNISHED. bath and hot water; close in; $30. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th st.. Room 32. FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE, CORNER E. 7th and Harrison, on car uno; moaern improvements. T 34, Oregonian. FOR RENT MODERN COTTAGE AT SEA- side, near Locksley Hall; fireplace, base ment. Phone East 2858. 13-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT JUI) ana August; ueei pan. 01 wnn. -ppij room 312. Macleay bldg. COMPLETELY FURNISHED EIGHT-ROOM house; modern: good locality; large Dase ment. A 33. Oregonian. PART OF CLEAN. WELL-FURNISHED cottage of 4 or 5 rooms; no children; ref erence. 5S4 4th st. NEW AND MODERN 5-ROOM FURNISHED flat: $35. 207 McMillan sC. 3 blocks north of Steel Bridge. NEATLY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE. East Side, close in; would sell. Inquire 187 West Park. FURNISHED FOR RENT A NEAT FOUR room cottage; nice yard and flowers. Phone Scott 5345. HOUSE. PARTLY FURNISHED. FOR RENT. Apply Monday after 1 P. M-, 74S Roosevelt el., city. 7-ROOM FURNISHED. HOUSE TO RENT Very reasonable. Apply C. K. Henry. 273 Stark st. 53 ROOMS NO. 1 LOCATION. FURNISHED complete, for rent for ilx months. Call 107 HQ st. MODERN - 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE. piano, at Piedmont, very reasonable. Phone FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE, s targe rooms. 4U urana ave. 243 FIFTH 5 FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL summer; iqwer noor: rent siu. FOR RENT FURNISHED 4-ROOM COT. tage. 206 Arthur et. Booms for Kent Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE THE FURNITURE OF A SIX- room house; desirable location; rent very moaerate. o&j .Montgomery St., one block from car line; take U can NEW FURNITURE 6-ROOM FLAT. WITH piano: cost, 91000; all conveniences of mod ern home at sacrifice. Hatfield &. Smith. iuvj -tn su, itoom sz. FURNITURS FOR SALE 6 ROOMS, NICB ly furnished: within walking dlstascc of the business center. $400; house rent per month, 40. iuuk Jiain oh. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM NEW corner flat; modern conveniences; reasonable rent; close In. Call 3S1 5th st. Phone Main 4047. 12-ROOM HOUSE. IN GOOD LOCATION, elegant furniture, housekeeping or transient; 5iuou. xiatneia At smitn. iuoft 4tn, room 32. S ROOMS. NEW FURNITURE; RENT ONLY $35 a month; fine location; large yard; must sen mis weeK. j care uregonian. FURNITURE 8-ROOM HOUSE, RESIDENCE part 01 city; sen tor txu, or rent furnished. xiatneia & smitn, iboi 4in st.. Room 32. FOR SALE FURNITURE OR S-ROOM house, close In. clean and hardw6ri furai. -ov" FOB BENT. Booms for Bent Furniture for Sale. FOR SALE. Furniture of IS rooms; corner house; newly decorated; modern in every way; close In. near Washington; all rooms rent ed; have other business to attend to May 1. and will sell at sacrifice this week. Phone owner. Main 39S9. POLISHED OAK FURNITURE. AXM1NSTER carpets, all good, nearly new, $iOjf new. modern house, for rent reasonable, good lease. 3 blocks from Fair Grounds, suitable for roomers or boarders. 707 Vaughn. FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM MODERN COT tage, 3 blocks from Portland Hotel, cash or terms: rent low. Call Sunday or evenings. 249 6th bL. near Main. HOUSE TO RENT AND FURNITURE FOR sale at a bargain. The Ames Mercantile Agency, Abington bldg. NICELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM COTTAGE with piano and bath; furniture for sale cheap; bargain If taken at once; cottage for rent. $25. 100 North 17th. $600 8-ROOM FLAT. NICELY FURNISHED, good location, rent $37.50 month, a money maker. Inquire 718 Marquam bldg. 7 LARGE WELL-FURNISHED OUT3IDE rooms, suitable for housekeeping; cheap rent; going away. 544 Gllsan. LOWER FLAT 6 ROOMS. WELL FUR nlshed. modern, rent $25: furniture for sale oheap. Main 4492. 330 Second st. $1000 NEW ELEGANT FURNITURE TEN room modern house. West Side; no agents; leaving city. Y 42. Oregonian. EXCELLENTLY LOCATED, WALKING distance. 6-room house for rent; $23; furni ture for sale. Phone East 2307. FOR SALE ROOMING FLAT, 16 ROOMS; a bargain. Call after 10 A. M. Monday, 24th. Phone Hood 74S. 383 Da-ls st. SIX-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT. FURNITURE for aale; 5 blocks from Portland Hotel; a snap. Call Main 5652. NEWLY FURNISHED FLAT 5 ROOMS, modern: 3 rooms rented; sell cheap; leaving city. 269 Columbia st. FURNITURE SIX ROOMS. ALL IN FIRST olas sconditlon: party leaving city; no agents. 1042 Belmont. FURNITURE OF ELEGANT 6-ROOM FLAT, etrlctly modern, good location; rent $25. Phone East 279S. SIX-ROOM COTTAGE FOR RENT AND furniture for sale. 426 6th st. South. Phone Main 3039. FURNITURE OF 2 12-ROOM HOUSES FOR aale. house for rent, cheap. 44 N. 9th st. Call Monday. FOR SALE 9 FURNISHED ROOMS; RENT reasonable. T 44, Oregonian, or phone Union 6104. FURNITURE OF SUC-ROOM FLAT FOR sale; rent reasonable; central; call Monday. 103 10th .st. FOR SALE NEWLY FURNISHED 6-ROOM flat $250. good location, rent $25, Phone Main 3404. 18-ROOM HOUSE. LONG LEASE; FURNI ture for sale; part cash; a bargain. 555 Morrison. FURNITURE OF NINE-ROOM HOUSE FOR sale cheap. If taken this week. R 46, Ore gonian. FURNITURE 3 ROOMS CHEAP; FLAT. 101 Burkhardt bldg., E. Burnslde. Phone Sast 10S0. $450 FURNITURE 5-ROOM COTTAGE: house for rent; close In. Phone Union 4063. ROOMING FLAT 14 ROOMS. GOOD FURNI- ture; be bought at bargain. Phone Red 173S. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 9 ROOMS; house for rent; rent $25. 268 Columbia. FURNITURE S-ROOM HOUSE. WITH OR without house. PhonetMain 2S4i. CORNER STORE. WASHINGTON ST.; SUIT- able for grocery or delicatessen; rent $30. Apply J. H. H. Andersen, 191 Morrison st. STORES ONE STORE. ONE BARBER SHOP. in best location, on east end of steel bridge. Inquire 1S9 Clackamas et. FOR RENT STORE 40X160 FEET; BEST location for general merchandise. Adress A. Knapp, Oregon City. FOR RENT STORE 40X160 FEET; BEST location for general merchandise. Address A. Knapp, Oregon City. FOR RENT BOOTHS. STALLS AND STORES opposite main entrance to Fair grounds. Ap ply 393 28th. St. N. FOR RENT SALOON ROOM OPPOSITE maian entrance to Fair grounds. Apply 393 2Gtb st. LARGE STOREROOM IN BUSINESS CEN- ter: fine location; reasonable. B 7, Oregon ian. FOR RENT GROUND BASEMENT. SUIT- able for carpenters work shop. 363 Alder, FOR RENT NICB LARGE STORE. COR. Park and Oak. inquire mar Tneater. STORE. WITH LIVING ROOMS. IN REAR; corner location. Inquire 4 N. 3d. STORE FOR RENT. 2D AND SALMON sts. Apply 3iu iionawK oiag. STORE TO RENT FINE LOCATION. 128 th st.; lease. STORE TO RENT; FINE LOCATION. 12S 7th St.; lease. HALF OF GOOD SAMPLE-ROOM. APPLY 67' First st. Offices. DESKROOM FOR RENT TO LUMBER BRO- ker or cruiser, in oesiraoie onice. wnere some assistance can bo given. H 43, Ore gonian. 2 SUITES OF FINE FRONT ROOMS FOR doctors or dentists: fine location: with or without living rooms. Inquire 186 Clack amas st. DESKROOM IN NICELY FURNISHED OF. flee reasonable. Room 102. Sherlock bldg. Phone Main 1446. DESKROOM FOR RENT CENTRAL LOCA- tlon. modern building; seldom in office, T 41. Oregonian. SUITE OF- THREE OFFICE ROOMS FOR rent: office furniture for sale. trail C03, Goodnough bldg. FOR RENT NICE LARGE OFFICES ON 6TH St., near Washington. Inquire Star Theater. OFFICES AND NEWLY FURNISHED lodge halls. Atisky bldg., 3d and Morrison DESKROOM CHEAP TO RIGHT MAN AT 73 6th t. W. Hull. Hotels. HOTEL FOR RENT STORES AND HOTEL containing ll lgm rooms, piasiereu auu with running water and baths, on 26th st. facing main entrance and exit of Lewis and Clark Fair. Apply to B. M. Lombard. 514 Miscellaneous. FOR RENT-GERMAN ROOF GARDEN; IM mediately opposite and overlooking main en- trance to Lewis and Clark Fair. Apply 393 26th st. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS NOTICE IS hereby given that the City of Walla Walla, Washington, win receive Dias up to and in cludlnsr May 1. 1905, at 3 o'clock P. M. for the construction of the following kinds of pavement, to-wlt: Warren's BituIIthlc Waterproof, Warren's BituIIthlc Waterproof with Concrete base. Asphalt. Bituminous Macadam. Bituminous Macadam with Con Crete base, or Vitrified brick, on the follow ing streets of ne tity or walla walla, to-wlt: Main street, from easterly line of First street, to Palouse street; paiouse street, from W. & C. R. Ry. track on East Main street to northerly line of East Alder street: East Alder street, from 16 feet east of the westerly line of East street to the easterly line of Park street; East Alder street, from easterly line of Park street to westerly line of Clinton street; Main street, from 16 fet west of the easterly line of Sixth street to easterly line of Ninth street; Second street from Main street to Second-street bridge on Mill Creek; Third street, from Main struct to Thlrd-etreet bridge on Mill Creek: Fourth etreet, from Main street to Fourth-street bridge on Mill creeic; irst streat. irom Ai der street to alley between Alder and Pos- lar streets; Second street, from Alder street to alley between Alder and Poplar streets: Third street, from Alder street to alloy be tween Alder and Poplar streets; Fourth street, from Alder street to alley between Alder and Poplar streets. The above referred to bids must In all "re spects comply strictly with the ordinances nassed by the City Council of Walla Wallar the clans and specifications, the bid and. contract oonas and all other matters per-Jalalas-. tp eald. UnproY.eiujsi js: sa,.fils in SPECIAL 3T07ZCESL Proposals Invited. the City Clerk's office or which may be filed In said office prior to the date set for me receipt ot Dlds, including DIGS lor tea years' maintenance. Each bid must be accompanied by a cer tified bank check In the Sum ot 5 per cent of each separate bid. payable to the City Clerk of Walla Walla, as a guarantee that the successful bidder will enter into contract and give bond in such sum as is set forth In the specifications, for the faithful and acceptable performance ot the work specified. The City ot Walla Walla reserves the right to reject any "and all bids. Bach bid and certified check must be closed In a sealed envelope and marked "Bids for Paving." and addressed to the City Clerk of Walla. Walla. R. P. REYNOLD3. City Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS NOTICE IS hereby given that the City of Condon. Gil Ham County, Oregon, will receive proposals for the purchase of thirty thousand ($30,000.00) dollars par value in amount of negotiable coupon bonds of said city; said bonds are of the denomination of five hundred dollars, each bearing interest at the rate of six per cent per annum, pay able semi-annually on the first day of De cember and the first day of June of each year. Said bonds are dated the first day of June, 1905. and the principal thereof is payable absolutely on the first day of June, 1925; principal and Interest pa. able in U. S. gold, coin at the banking-house of Kountze Brothers, in the City and State of New York. Sealed proposals must be addressed to the Recorder of the City of Condon, Gilliam County. Oregon. Bids will be received up to the hour of four o'clock P. M. of Monday, the 13th day of May. 1903. and will be opened by the Re corder of said city at his office In Condon. Oregon, at the hour of 4 o'clock P. M. of said day. Said bonds will be sold to the highest bidder, but not for less than their face value. The Common Council reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. A. GOODWIN. Recorder of the City of Condon. PROPOSALS FOR HAY. QUARTERMAS- ter"s Office. Seattle. Wash.. April 20. 1903. Sealed proposals, in triplicate, will be re ceived here until 11 o'clock A. M.. May 4, 1905, and then opened, for delivery at Government dock. Seattle. Wash., not later than May 20. 1903. of 1000 tons double compressed Eastern Washington timothy hay, or equal. Bids for delivery at other prominent railroad points will be consid ered, but delivery must be completed so that hay can be shipped to and arrive at Seattle not later than date named. Bids must be submitted upon the regular pre scribed blank, with the guaranty clause properly executed, and bids not complying with this stipulation will not be considered. Certified check for 23 per cent of amount of bid may be submitted In lieu of pre liminary bond. Right is reserved to ac cept or reject any or all bids or parts of same, and to Increase or decrease the nmount 25 per cent. For further Informa tion apply here. Envelopes should be marked "Proposals for Hay" and addressed to F. A. Grant, Captain and Quartermaster U. S. Army. PROPOSALS FOR STEAM COAL FOR ARMY transports. Quartermasters Office, faeattle. Wash.. April 20, 1905. Proposals In tripli cate will be received at this office until 11 o'clock A. M. May 19, 1903. for fumUhln? steam coal that may be required for use of army transports sailing from Puget Sound ports during fiscal year, commencing July 1, 1905. and ending June 30, 1906. Bids must be submitted upon the regular prescribed blanks, with the guaranty clause properly executed, and any bid not complying with this stipulation will not be considered. Cer tified check for $1000 may be furnished In lieu of preliminary bond. For further in formation apply here. Right is reserved to accept or reject any or all bids or parts thereof. Submit bids in sealed envelopes, marked "Proposals for Steam Coal." and ad dress to F- A. Grant, Captain and Quarter master U. S. Army. Miscellaneous. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THH UNITED States for the Western District of Washing ton. Southern Division. In the matter of K. G. Tilly, bankrupt In bankruptcy. Notice of sale ot property. To the creditors of F. G. Tilly, of Ho qulam. County of Chehalis and district afore said, a bankrupt: 4. - Notice is hereby given that MRRoss. the trustee of the-estate ot F. G. Tilly, a bankrupt, has made a report as Much, and ha been ordered to sell Uie property which Is hereinafter briefly described, and that he will offer for sale, for cash, to the highest and best bidder, the personal property of the above estate In lots and parcels as here inafter set forth, and will receive for the same sealed bldf, in writing, at the office of the trustee. In the City of Hoqulam. County of Chehalis and State of Washington, up to and Including the hour of 4 o'clock In the afternoon on tne 4tn uay 01 May, iwo. at which time and place said bids will be opened. Said bids to be accompanied by a certified check upon some responsible bank for 15 per cent ot the price bid by the sid bidder for the lot or T?arccl of property described by him In his bid. which said sum shall be forfeited to said estate In bankruptcy If the bidder shall be declared the purchaser of the property described In his bid and ehall refuse to pay the balance of the purchase price designated in his bid upon the con firmation of such sale by the reieree. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby reserved, and all sales shall be sub ject to confirmation by the referee. Said property Is offered for sale as folk we: 1. Bids will be received for the entire stock of goods, wares and merchandise and stock In trade, store building, furniture and fix tures as a whole, as per the invoice now on file with the referee herein; cash and bills receivable being exjlreasly excepted. 2. Bids will also be received for jaid prop erty In lots and parcels as follows, to wit: (a) Hardware, Including stoves and their fittings. (b) Sewing machines and their attach ments. (c) Lamps, chimneys, crockery, vases and Jardinieres. (d) Store building. (e) All and singular of the remainder of the said stock ot goods, wares and merchan dise belonging to the said estate. Including carpets, rugs, hammocks, matting, molding, paints and oils and fixtures, portieres, cur tains, window furnishings, wooden ware, par lor, bedroom, dining-room and kitchen fur niture, typewriter, desk, chairs, office fur niture, safe, and such other property as be longs to said estate and embraced in the' Inventory made ana niea oy tne trustee wun the referee herein and not embraced in either of the lots or parcels above described, excepting ' cash and blljs receivable. And in case the bids for the said property as a whole should be greater than the bids for tho said property In lots or parcels aa above suggested. It will be so sold, other wise it will be'sold In lots. The property hereinbefore mentioned and referred to may be examined, by inventory, by Intending bidders, at the office of the Hon. Warren A. Worden, referee In bank ruptcy. In the Chamber of Commerce build ing, Tacoma, Washington: at the office of Kerr & McCord. Mutual Life building. Seat tle. Washington; at the office of Cake & Cake. Chamber of Commerce building. Port land. Oregon; at the office of the trutee. M. R. Roes, in the City of Hoqulam. Che halis County. Washington; and at the office of J. C. Cross, Zelosko block, Aberdeen, Washington, between the hours of 0 o'cloek A M. and 4 o'clock P. M. on any day from the 23d day of April to the 4th day of May, 1905. Dated this the 20th day of April. 190o. M. R. ROS3. Trustee. J. C. CROSS AND S. H. KERR. Attorneys for Trustee. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned will not accept baggage of any description at their station baggago-room from transfer companies, truckmen, express men pr other Individuals unless the rail transportation for. the immediate checking of same to destination is presented at tho time ot the delivery of the baggage -at the baggage-room, or unless each and every piece ot the baggage has a claim check attached to It, of a style adopted for the purpose. These claim checks can be secured on ap plication at the baggage office of the under signed company. This method for the pro tection of baggage la for the interest of tho owners thereof as well as for the railroad companies. The Northern Pacific Terminal Company of Oregon. PERSONAL. IT HAS BEEN MY GOOD FORTUNE TO learn ot a simple home treatment that ef fectively removes all taste for strong drink. I have personally seen It ed successfully in so many cases that I want every woman to know about It. Write to me today and I will tell you what It is. Address Mrs. H. A. Cousins. 207 6th St., Portland, Or. Phone Main 6255. TAPEWORMS REMOVED IN FROM 20 MIN utea to two hours; absolutely painless and entirely harmless; wc cure you or refund your money; thousands of people suffer with this evil without knowing it. Why go about looking pale, haggard and worn when we can cure you? 107 3d st- WEALTHY PROFESSIONAL MAN WORTH cash $25,000. large practice, with com fortable home in city and cottage near seashore, desires immediately true, loving wife. No objections to working girl or widow. Address Mr. Delmounte, E. 29 12 State. Chicago. 77 WOMEN WANTED BUFF EKING FROM Irregular, painful or stoppages, leucorrhea (white) and all diseases of woomen. old or young, cured by old Dr. Kessler, 230 Yam hill st.. Portland. Or. Private waiting-room for ladles. Consultation free. Call or write. Inclose 10 2-cent stamps. YOUNG WIDOW. AGE 28. WITH $10,000; lady, 20, $50,000; lady, 23, $15,000; blonde, 18. casSi and beautiful farm. I seek honor able husbands for these. Confidential. Ad- d Mtj, W.fcJ3IF.ultoa St., CWcagOj UIt PERSONAL. GREAT FACE SPECIALIST HERE W. Au gustus Pratt. B. S.. M. D.. the world-famous American Face Specialist of New York and Chicago, with bis chief plastic operator, will positively remedy all defects of features, every wrinkle and all facial blemishes by hU celebrated immediate process. SelHcg-Hlrsch building. Washington, bet. West Park and 10th 0tx. where engagements can now ba made. Write or call Dr. Pratt Institute, phone Main 703. Hours: 0 A. M. to 8. P. M.. dally and Sunday. THE MATRIMONIAL REGISTER. PRICE 10c, describes over 200 roputable residents of Oregon and Washington who wish to marry; also explains how to Join our so ciety, terms, etc Indorsed by leading citi zens and clergy. Courteous, honoraoi treatment; speedy results, and absolute secresy assured. Private reception rooms. Interstate Introducing Society, Box 1079, Portland. AZA HOLMES-RIBBECKE. GRADUATE dermatologist; scientific featural. correction 1st. beautlfler and restorer of youthfulness. may be consulted dally free; every affliction of the human face and scalp successfully treated: mature wrinkles, scars, blemishes. matology in connection. Parlors 384 Morri son. Telephone Hood 2S2. A' FEW BOXES OF SEXTNB PILLS WILL make a new man of you; price. $1 a box. 6 for $5; with full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill sts.. Portland, Or. DISEASES OF MEN. GONORRHEA. GLEET, SYPHILIS. BLOTCHES. OLD SORES. NIGHT EMIS SIONS. VARICOCELE. HYDROCELE and all affections of private organs permanently cured. Dr. Walker, 131 1st st. BEAUTIFUL YOUNG SOUTHERN. BELLE". worm in casn (-v,uw, laibt swu laiui, -vu acres of tobacco land, will marry imme diately and present husband with Substantial present on wedding day. Address Mrs. Bel mont, S06 Hampden bldg., Chicago. MONTHLY IRREGULARITIES YIELD promptly to our painless method of treatment; we treat diseases of women only; consultation free; private and strictly confidential. X Ra dium Institute. 3d and Morrison. Allaky bldg." DO YOU WANT WORK AT PORTLAND World's Fair? Amateur and professional actors, singers, musicians, etc.. wanted; call and see at once; easy work, big ca!aryi Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 331 Morrison. RESPECTABLE LADY, BEST OF REFER ences, age 30, wants to meet honest work ing man, with view to matrimony. Man must have a good home: must be 35; farmer preferred. E 33. care Oregonian. MRS. M. GILBERT, FROM LONDON ALU kinds of feathers and boas cleaned, curled and dyed, best of work; satisfaction guaranteed- 150 1st. Portland. Or. Phone Red 3161. Residence, 249 Harrison. Main 4443. A MIDDLE-AGED BACHELOR, AMER1 can, and in comfortable circumstances, would like cheerful, home-loving wife No objection to poor woman. Address Walter, suite 377, South Bend. Indiana. FREE YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY AMER ica's famous, marvelous, gifted astrologlst.' occult scientist, clairvoyant and life read--er. Prof. Hall. 95 6th ave, Chicago. Send birth date; three 2-cent stamps. A REFINED AMERICAN GIRL. ATTRAC tlve, well educated, and very wealthy, would like kind, honest husband. No ob jection to poor man. Address May. 300 Main st.. South Bend, Ind. ENJOY LIFE BY GETTING PERFECT strength by using Palmo Tablets, the nerve and manhood builder. Price 50c a box, 6 for $2.50. Address Brooke Drug1 Co., 67 N. 3d St.. Portland. Or. JEE-POAL. R. 1302. Ladies' regulator. No failure. Safe, powerful, no nausea. Price $1. What women, young or old, should know. Free. Jee-Poal Remedy Co.. 319? Main. Cincinnati, O. MAN I V VIGOR RESTORED B? DR. ROB-' eru' Nerve Globules. One month's treat ment $2; 3 months. $5. Sent securely sealed by mail. Agents. Woodard. Clarke & Cc. Portland. Or. SEXINB PILLS PUT NEW LIFE IN EVERY' part of your body: price $1 a box. 6 for $3. . With full guarantee. Address or call J. A. Clemenson. druggist, cor. 2d and Yamhill tt., Portland. Or; WE DESIRE HUSBAND FOR LADY IN Oregon, age 29. worth about $16,000: another, age 46. worth $28,000. has no children, and for many others. Home & Comfort. Toledo, Ohio. THE FAMOUS JOHN WILHELM GERMAN? remeaiefi; oieeoins pun, wiuu Ing piles absolutely cured: we guarantee to effect a cure or refund your money. 10V5 3d st. LADIES. DE CLEOPATRA CREAM. GUAR anteed to permanently remove wrinkles and, all obstructions from the pores ot the skin. Office 10 Benson block. 5th and Morrison. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR. MOLES. ETC.. RE moved by electric needle; electric massage. 11 years' experience In Portland. Parlors MS 6th st.. near Main. Phone Main 1109. VIM VIGOR.- VITALITY DU PONT ET Cle's Kola Tablets. Nature's great tonic for either sex. 23c box by mail. Albert Bern!, 2d and Washington, agent. Portland. Or. MARRY WEALTH AND BEAUTY; MAR. rlage directory free; pay when married; en tirely "new plan: send no money. Address H A. Horton. Dejjt. SI. Tekonsha. Mtcn. - REFINED EDUCATED YOUNG MAN. some means, stranger in city, would liKo to meet younsr lady similarly situated with view to matrimony. V 45, Oregonian. X.ADIES ATTENTION! ORIGINAL FRENCH Tanev Wafers for sale by leading druggists; - wr box. afe and reliable. S. G. Skid more & Co.. special agents. 151 3d st. Ti-TVF- DAY BUY MEREDITH'S UMBREL lai? repairing and recovering; two store AvMkincton and 6th and Morrison and 5th. "ole a-euts for Alexandre kid glovea. A GOOD. HONEST WORKING GIRL, AGE from 18 to 25. can find a loving husband and good home by addressing Q 46. Ore gonian. Sacredly confidentlaK VTTRACTIVE AND VERY WEALTHY maiden, alone, wants, without delay, kind, honest husband. Address Jesse Lee. 84 Washington st.. cnicago. vt TffTRIClTY 13 LIFE TO RESTORE LOST voV be treated with Electro-Cocoa Cups; fine for that all-gone, tired feeling. 313 Washington st.. room 40. YOUR FORTUNE TOLD BY THE MOST reliable clairvoyants. Send birth date, dime and stamp. Prof. Carl & Rollin. 490 N. Clark st.. Chicago. WEALTHY YOUNG WIDOW. ATTR Ac tive pleasant, alone In the world and lone ly, wishes to marry. Address King, 1046. George St., Chicago. RETIRED SEA CAPTAIN. AGE 60, BACH elor no relatives, wealthy, large income, wants a good wife.' Lawrence. 817 Lin coln ave.. Chicago. STAGE DANCING. VAUDEVILLE ACTING, singing, sketches, etc., taught; positions guaranteed. Newman's School of Acting, 351fc Morrison. WIDOW 45. WORTH $15,000, WISHES TO - marry; agencies please not reply. Addrws Widow, room 8, 331 Kearny st.. San Fran cisco. Cal. SELECTIONS MADE. INTRODUCTIONS given honorable ladles and gentlemen, re sponsible age. matrimonially inclined. A 44, Oregonian. LESSONS ON VIOLIN, MANDOLIN AND guitar 50c; instruments furnished free ot charge to pupils. Studio, 190 3d st. Phone Red 962. TOUR PRESCRIPTIONS ARB MORE Accu rately and reasonably filled at Eyssell's Pharmacy. 227 Morrison, bet. 1st and 2d. A YOUNG MAN. STRANGER IN CITY, wishes acquaintance of young lady; object matrimony. S 31. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY OF PLEASING APPEAR ance would meet gentleman; object matri mony. S 43, Oregonian. FACE MASSAGE AND SHAMPOOING Giv en at nome. The Frances, W. Park and Morrison. Red 2838. BUSINESS MAN. AGB 30. WORTH $50.C00. wants good, sensible wife. Address W., 697 Fulton st-. Chicago. FRIENDSHIP CLUB CORRESPONDENTS everywhere; particulars free. Box 24, Cleve land, Ohio. DETECTIVE HIGH-CLASS HONEST WORK, charges moderate; best references. M 57, Oregonian. DETECTIVE WORK. ANY KIND. ANY place; charges reasonable, P. o. Box 246, Portland. FACE AND SCALP MASS AGB AT YOUR homes. Ida Reznor. 127 11th. TcL Main 4858. Watches, diamonds, easy payments; diamonds v..v. -nr it T ..h Kit n-v,, r-, SHOES HALF-SOLED FOR 50C AT HOLLA, baugh's. 267 Taylor, bet. 3d and 4th. DR. PAUL CROMWELL; the colored p ' sialic SAoitprlua n. 12iii Jlaln, ? - . (