THE SUfliDAY OBSQONIAN, PQBlAffp, APRIL 23, 1905. HYDE'S ANSWER INSULTS THEM Equitable Agents Declare They Will Now Fight Him to. the Bitter. End. MAKE CHARGE AGAINST HIM Accused of Wasting Equitable Funds to Pay His Retinue of -Servants and Clerks of His French Insurance Company. " ALEXANDERS WHO LIVE -OFF THE EQUITABLE. James W. Alexander., preeldent . or the .society, salary,... $100,000 "William Alexander, & brother of James "W., secretary of the so alety. salary 80,000 Henry JT. Aloxander, a bob of James "VV. and head of the law firm of Alexander &. Colby. In ' addition to fees this firm Is un der a yearly retainer by the Equitable of 4,000 Frederick B. Alexander, a eon of James TV., is head of the bank ing - house of Alexander, Thomas & Davles. Mr. Thomas, of that Arm, is a nephew of Mrs. Alexander. The firm's yearly profits on the business given It by the Equitable .are placed at 25,000 Arthur Pell, a brother-in-law of Jamas TV. Alexander and med ical director of the Equitable; salary i. 10.000 John Gilchrist, nephew of James TV. Alexander, superintendent security department of the Equitable; salary 6,000 Total $193,000 The fees or Charles Beattie Alexan der, head of the law -firm of Alexander & Green, are not given In this list. Charles Beattie Alexander Is President Alexander's cousin. Alexander & Green have been attorneys for tha Equitable for over a quarter of a century- Charles Beattie Alexander is a bitter opponent of President Alexander in the present fight and Is ono of Mr. Hyde's legal advisers. President Alexander and the firm of Alexander &. Green had & serious dis agreement as a result of the latter's prominence in connection with the or ganization of the notorious United States Shipbuilding Company. In fees and retainer. Alexander & Green are said to receive yearly from the Equi table about $200,000. NEW YORK, April 22. (Special.) The reply of James H. Hyde, the flrif vice president' of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, to the general agents has pro voked a feeling of resentment among many of the agents, who declare Mr. Hyde has insulted them. Joseph Bowes, general agent at Baltimore, after a conference Vith Second Vice-President Tarbell, this evening, said: "No reply to Mr. Hyde will be made at the present time, "but I will say that we all feel insluted by Mr. Hyde's letter to us, and we intend to carry the fight to the bitter end." .An agent -who would not permit his name to be used said that charges were being formulated in a letter to Mr. Hyde, In which he would be accused of unwarrant ably spending thousands of dollars of the socitey's money every year. Among the arguments being made were that Mr. Hyde draws a salary of $100,000 yearly, which he does not earn, and that he gives $10,000 a year to a retinue of servants -who aro not in the employ of the society, but are paid out of the society's funds; that he employs a force of 30 -clerks, whose salaries amount to $75,000. and are not needed -by the society; and, finally, that among these 30 clerks are three- French secretaries, -who are employed by Mr. Hyde exclusively for -work for the Soclete d'As eurance Francalse, but whose salaries are paid by the society. AGENTS STAND BY ALEXANDER Say Hyde Made First Move Which Caused Quarrel. NEW YORK. April 22. The letter sent to agents of the Equitable Life Assurance Society yesterday by Vice-President Hyde was the subject of a meeting held at the Equitable building by those of tho agents who .have remained in the city. Mr. Hyde's letter explained why he had not heeded their request for his resignation, and today's meeting was to decide wheth er they ought to make a reply. After some discussion it was decided that, as their convention had adjourned until Thursday at the Hotel Savoy, the matter could not be reopened unless all of the agents were present. No reply was framed. A number of general agents and man agers were today In conference with Gage E. Tarbell. the second vice-president of the society. One of the committee which presented the conference's request to Mr. Hyde said today: "it is not true that Mr. Alexander was the instigator of tho present controversy. One year ago Mr. Hyde himself sought to have the board of directors elect the president and authorize the latter to ap point the other officers of the society. My assertion about this is substantiated by the official records of the meeting of the board of directors, when Mr. Hyde sought to put his project through." J. TV. Estes, of Chicago, ono of the sec retaries of the conference of general agents, said Mr. Hyde's letter. Instead of satisfying the policy-holders, would make them more determined than ever that the first vice-president should retire. Mr. Estes declared that, "if the $400,000,000 as. sets and $80,000,000 surplus of the Equitable belong not to'the policy-holders but to the stockholders, then the Equitable's busi ness haB been built upon false pretenses, and amends and legal redress will have to be made to the policy-holders." WIDOW'S WEIRD SEARCH She Crosse's Continent in Quest of Husband's Murderer. DENVER, Colo., April 22. Hoping al most against hope to find here some clew that may fix the Identity of her husband's murderer, believed to be a Denver man, Mrs. G. A. Schmidt will come to Denver within a few days from San Francisco, ac cording to a letter received here by offi cers of the local lodge of which Schmidt was a member. Schmidt sold his ranch near Brighton last December for slightly over $2000. With thls-money sewed In his clothes, he started for tho State of Washington, where he expected to reinvest the money in farming lands. It is believed that men who knew he had the money followed him. On the night of his arrival in "Seattle he was lured to a deserted cabin on the edge of the ciy. where two . unknown men- murdered and robbed him. Then to cover their crime they cut the ."body Into four pieces, which, after being sewed securely In oilcloth, were weighted and sunk in the waters of the bay. The authorities at once began a search for his murderers. One was arrested in February in San Francisco. The other cannot be found. Schmidt was insured for $1500, and the lodge offered a reward for the apprehension of the murderers. MONEY FOR CROWN PRINCE Re-lcfeBtar Will Sooa Hake Him n Bouatlfal AIIotthbcc. SPECIAL CABLE. BERLIN, April 23. It is reported that when the German Reichstag reassembles a bill will be introduced that will tlx a large annual financial grant to be paid to the Crown Prince on the occasion of his marriage. The measure is being supported by many of the leading members of the legislative body, and also a large section of the German press. The latter are sup porting the proposition with a variety of arguments, many of which -are undoubt edly unpalatable to the Kaiser. Tho Staatsburger Zeltung, Jn a leading article, declares that when the Emperor Frederick was Crown Prince he became Involved In financial difficulties, and had to borrow money from a syndicate of wealthy Jews, thus compromising the im perial dignity and making accessible the present Influence of the Jews In the nation. Another Journal declares that tho Kaiser always spent the whole of his Income, and is thus unable to .supply the Crown Prince with an allowance sufficient to enable blm to maintain the princely dignity compat ible with his position. The Staatsburger Zeltung says that it now appears the Reichstag will vdte the Income, or the future ruler; will be driven to the Jews, to borrow. In conclusion, it says: "Let us rescue the Crown Prince from the Jewish money-bags and make him financially independent." AUSTRIA AND ITALY FRIENDS. Fact Will Re Emphnslred by Coming: Meeting: of Minister. ROME, April 22. Foreign Minister Tit ton!, who is going to Venice to inaug urate the International Art Exhibition there, will meet the Austrian Chancellor and Foreign Minister, Count Goluchowski, there on April 29. The press of this city comments today on the importance of this meeting, espe cially as Indicating improved relations be tween Austria and Italy, which latterly had been somewhat strained owing to fortifications and armaments projected on both sides of the frontier. The meeting. it Is believed here, is intenaea to demon strate that there is perfect accord be tween the two governments on questions affecting both and chiefly aa to the main tenance "of the status quo in Albania, the attitude of the powers toward the Bal kan States In general and the applica tion of the International plan of reform In Macedonia. VIENNA, April 22. Count Goluchowski, the Austro-Hungary Minister of Foreign Affairs, and SIgnor Tittoni. the Italian Foreign Minister, will confer at Venice on April 29. It is thought in political cir cles hat pending questions, especlally that of the situation in the Balkans, will ho "discussed. It Is hoped that an agree ment will be reached whereby a member of the royal family of Austro-Hungary may visit the Qulrlnal without first pay ing his respects to the Vatican. QUEEN SNAPS CROCODILES. King Edward and Alexandra Are Welqomed In Algiers. ALGIERS. April 22. King Edward and Queen Alexandra landed at Phllllppe vllle (about 250 miles east of Algiers) to day. They were received by Governor General Jonnart and other officials. The occasion was marred by a. slight accident. As the King and Queen entered, the car riage provided for them the horses became frightened and broke the carriage pole. After a new vehicle had been secured Their Majesties drove to the estate of the Chateau London. Despite a heavy rain large crowds of people cordially greeted Their Majesties along the route they traversed. Their Majesties spent an hour at the Chateau London, walking in the gardens, and the Queen photographed the crocodiles which are kept in enormous tanks. -The King and Queen returned to Philippevllle this evening. Trip Improves ICalser's Health. MESSINA, Italy, April 22. Emperor William of Germany, Empress Augusta and Princes Eltel, Frederick and Oscar, who are staying here, are the objects of enthusiastic manifestations by the Sicili ans. Contrary to rumors, the Emperor is in excellent health. Emperor William said today that his sojourn in the Medi terranean had been sufficient to give him strength for an entire year of hard work. The Imperial family expect to leave here on Monday for Palmero where they will remain until April 28, proceeding thence to Barl. They will use use motor cars ta visit localities having German associa tions. It is reported that the Emperor will be at Venice on May 4. and three days later he will leave for Germany. Limoges Strike In Settled. LIMOGES, France, April 22. Tho strike at the porcelain works practically ended today by the signing of an agreement be tween the proprietors and workmen ad Justing their differences. A feature of the agreement is the removal of tho foreman of the Havlland factors', whose conduct was the main cause of the trouble. PARIS. April 22. The Chamber of Dep uties today voted $4000 for the relief of the families of those who were killed or In jured during the recent rioting of strikers at Limoges. Agra last "Union of Crete aad Greece. CANEA. Island of Crete. April 22. Prince George has communicated to the Chamber of Deputies a statement by tho protecting powers reaffirming the previous decision against the union of Crete and Greece. The deputies decided to confer with their constituents regarding future action. Freaca Deputies Take Recess. PARIS, April 22. The Chamber of Dep uties has adjourned for the Easter recess until May 15. The debate on the separa tion bill was not completed. The recess promises to delay political agitation over Moroccan neutrality. Steamer Geen on Reefs. MIAMI, Fla., April 22. The Spanish steamer Alicia, from Bilbao en route from Liverpool to Havana, loaded with a heavy cargo of general merchandise, went on the reefs yesterday at Long Key, 35 miles south of Miami. The vessel will be a total loss. Man Who Bothered Is Killed. HUNTINGTON, W. Va., April 22. Bound hand and foot and tied, to a tree, the body of a well-dressed man was found near Big Ugly with a knife blade thrust through his heart. His throat had been cut from ear to ear, and it is believed by the authorities that he was murdered before he was tied to the tree. Pinned to the coat of the man was a piece of pa per bearing tho Inscription: "You will bother ub no more.' The Identity of the body and of the murderer Is & profound mystery. - - - COIN LIQUGR - LICENSE GIVEN Gouncilmen Do Not Know Wher or How Privilege Was Granted; SURPRISED OVER THE FACT Just Twenty-Seven Permits Have Been Given to Open Saloons Within the Neighborhood of the Exposition. Lying unobserved in a pile of liquor license applications that had' been ordered Issued by . the City Council there was found yesterday afternoon the application of Minor & Lewis for a permit to sell whisky In a sort of scow building that Is to be erected upon the river bank near the Exposition grounds. The application has been granted by the committee on liquor licenses and the license ordered is sued to Minor & Lewis whenever mey call for it. Councilman Flegel was asked about the granting of the permit to sell liquor within the proposed scow, and he was very much surprised that such & license had been ordered issued. "You may say for me that I did .not know that such an application had been made," said Mr. Flegel, "and I want it distinctly under stood that I had nothing to do with the granting of the permit. The faot that such a permit has been granted -seems strango to me, for I have taken great In terest in the matters that come before the liquor license committee and have per sonally Investigated a number of saloon applications to see that the men wanting the licenses were entitled to them. Some one must have run the scow petition In on me, but why I do not know. Perhaps Minor & Lewis arc entitled to the license, but how did they get the application granted without me knowing it?" "I do not remember seeing the applica tion of Minor & Lewis, and yet I may have signed It." said Councilman Bentley last night. "When the -license clerk hand ed me the applications to be signed, I askecfe where the saloons were located, and he replied that they were all out near the Fair grounds, and I consequent ly signed them all without examining them further. We have been paying par ticular attention to the transfers and ap plications for licenses from the North End, but have not questioned many or the other applicants." There are now over 27 saloons within a stone's throw of the main entrance to the Exposition grounds, and according to the actions of the members of the liquor license committee at their last meeting they have no Intention of stopping the saloons nor discouraging the applicants In the future. It seems a case of "first come first served" with the committee. 'Any man seems able to get a liquor license." said Councilman Flegel. "I have tried to Insist upon an examination of the applicant's character and otherwise attempted to discourage the Issuance of so many licenses, but my efforts have been unavailing. I Jiave signed many or tne anDlications. but did so' because the ma jority of the committee seemed disposed to Issue them anyway. There are altogether about 50 saloons In the section of the city nearest the Fair grounds, and there are a number of building permits out that call for build ings that can be used for saloons. When these are completed it is likely that the liquor license committee will have an aval anche of applications to consider for per mits to sell wines, liquors and cigars. Following is a list of some of the sa loons nearest the entrance: Fred Rufemath, 415 North Twenty fourth street: Alwln Kade, 554 Savler; Be- saw & Liberty, 761 Savler; Gustaf Hempel, 755 Savler; G. Farschraan, 523 North Twenty-fourth; Shlller & Co., Twenty- sixth and Upshur; August Kuhn, 575 Sher lock avenue: C. Welsensteln, too Thur man; Henry Pfluderer. 795 Thurman; Paul Jaschlna, 455 Walnut; John P. Meehan, 554 Northrup; John Engelhardt. 773 Savler; Ernst Stein, J94 Thurman; Lehman & Peterson. 4S1 Sherlock avenue; T. D. Mac-' Donald, Twenty-fifth and Upshur; Sinner & Emmert, 785 Vaughn; M. Marks, 394 North Twenty-fifth; Antonla Galll, SS4 Upshur: G. Utler, 518 North Twenty-first; T. J. Moore, 393 Twenty-sixth; Keane & Van Elsberg, SSI Thurman; S. EL Johnson, 400 North Twenty-sixth; Rlnkle & Cowie, 3S5 Twenty-sixth; Meil & Owens. S62 Up shur; Hockfeld & Bromberg, S71 Thur man.. The liquor license committee has de cided that a license must be taken out by everyone desiring to sell liquor within the Exposition grounds, and Councilman Flegel advances the Idea of requiring every applicant to secure the sanction of the directors of the Centennial before a li cense Is granted. PASS INTERNATIONAL LAWS Congressman Bartholdt Will Present Plari to Peace Conference. KANSAS CITY. Mo- April 22. (Spe cial.) Congressman Richard Bar tholdt. president of the Interparlia mentary Union, the International body that seeks to bring about peace be tween nations through arbitration, spent today in Kansas City. Mr. Bar tholdt left tonight for the East and will start Tuesday for Brussels, where a meeting of the executive committee of the union will be held. May 15tJ to set the date for the International peace commission. N A new idea will be presented by Mr. Bartholdt. A resolution will be of fered to havo formed ai International assembly which will lie given the power by the respective governments of the members to pass,Iaws on Inter national questions. Tlje members of the union are members :of Parliaments and Congresses of the various signa tory powers of Europe and America. Three propositions will be presented by the delegates from the United States. The first is thkt an Invitation be extended to South I and Central American governments j to send repre sentatives to the peace congress: sec ond, that a general arbitration- treaty be drafted for submisson to the var ious governments that would cover all specific points so as to obviate the ne cessity in our own country, for In stance, of the President going to the Senate for advice and Jonsent in every Instance in which international ques tlos are Involved: anH, third, tq ar range a basis of. representation for each of the nations taking part. ! May Tax Uadlvlled Profits. WASHINGTON, April ja A petition lor a writ of certiorari wasfiled today in the Supreme Court of the tnlted States In the caee of the Leather Jianufacturers Na tional Bank, of New fork, vs. Charles H. Treat, Collector of internal Revenue. The case Involves thf question as to whether the money staidlng on the books of the hank and reprsentlng undivided profits is subject to fixation unde;r tho war revenue act of 1SI8. The decision will affect all National banks.- The case was decided adversely to the banks by the Cir cuit Court of Appeals for the second cir cuit, and the Supreme Court is asked to review the decision. SEEK PEACE FOR .WORLD Many Notables Will Gather at Arbi tration Conference. MOHONK LAKE, N. Y.. April 22. Spe cial.) Judge George G. Gray, of Delaware, the well-known jurist and member of The Hague tribunal. Is to preside at the 11th annual meeting of the Lake Mohonk conference on International arbitration May 3L Acceptances received from In vited guests Indicate a larger attendance than at any previous conference. The programme includes addresses by Hon. Andrew D. White, ex-Ambassador to Ger many; Justice Brewer, of the United States Supreme Court; Hon. O. H. Strauss, of New York, and Hon. H. B. F. MacFar land, of Washington. Business -organizations, some 7fk of which are corresponding with the confer ence, will be represented. Delegates will be represented from many of them. In cluding the Merchants and Manufacturers Association of New York and the Mer chants' Exchange of St. Louis. One ses sion will be given up to the consideration of arbitration. Many prominent menwlll be in attendance. WOULD KILL THE LAWYER Robber in Court Dashes at Man Who Convicted Him. CHICAGO, April 22. (Special.) Hastik Kamlnska, who was recently convicted of highway robbery, caused a panic in Judgo Tuley a court today in his desperate ef forts to attack Assistant State's Attorney James Barbour, who helped convict him. The defendant was taken into court by Deputy Sheriff Smith for final sentence, and. on taking his seat at the prison table, saw Mr. Barbour, who sat on the opposite side. With an oath the prisoner leaped to his feet and attempted to reach the other side of the table, but was caught by Smith and forced back into his seat. Mr. Heggler. counsel for tho prisoner, was pleading for a new trial. Suddenly the prisoner again leaped from his chair and yas half way across the table before Smith caught him. A strug gle followed, both men falling to the floor. A third time KamlnBka attempted to leap over tho table, and fought half a dozen deputies and bailiffs, who finally threw him and held him until he became exhausted. He. was then placed In his chair and closely guarded, while Judge Tuley read the sentence of the court. Under a heavy guard the prisoner was taken back to Jail. He Is to serve an Indeterminate period in Jollet prison. ROCKS HIT FREIGHT TRAIN Slide Kills Engineer, Fireman, Brakcman and a Tramp. DENVER, Colo., April 22. A special to the Republican from Cheyenne, Wyo., says that the west-bound freight train. No. 57, on the Union Pacific, was wrecked, by a rock slide tonight at Edson Tunnel, 125 miles west of Cheyenne. The train was just emerging from the tunnel when the slide occurred and buried, a portion of the train, wrecking the balance. Four men are said to have lost their lives as follows: Engineer Nelson, Fire man Hook, the brakeman and an unknown tramp. At a late hour tonight the body of tho tramp was recovered. ON A DOUBLE HONEYMOON Timothy Woodruff and His Son Will Soon Go Together. NEW YORK, April 22. Timothy L. Woodruff. ex-Lleutcnant-Governor of New York, married Miss Isabella Mor rison, daughter of the late J. E. Morri son, thtsv afternoon at the Dorlington. The relatives and a few intimate friends have been Invited. Mr. Woodruff and his wife will go to Columbus, O.. to attend the wedding of Mr." Wood ruffs son. John E. Woodruff, of. that city, to Miss Eugenie Gray Watson, which will take place May 25. Both couples will then sail together to Eu: rope, where they will tour the country In a motor car. THE DAY'S DEATH RECORD Harry Sanford, Theatrical Man. NEW YORK, April 22. Harry San ford, well known in theatrical circles In America and Europe, is dead here from Brlght's disease. In. recent years he acted as business manager for many prominent performers. Hcdwig Niemann Haabc, Actress. BERLIN. April 22. Hedwig Niemann Raabe, a noted actress, died yesterday In an Institution for .mental disease. She was taken ill December 3, '1904, during the celebration' of her 60th birthday. Father of Edgar Saltas. TARRTTOWN, N. Y.. April 22. Francis H. Saltus, father of Edgar Saltus, the author, died here today. Caltforalaas Get Ceaceaaleas. WASHINGTON, April 22. The State De partment has been advised that the Nlca raguan government has granted three concessions to the Nicaragua Finance & Improvement Company, which Is a Cali fornia corporation. One of these Is for a railroad to connect Managua, the capital, with Madagalp, and its rich coffee dis trict. Another grants the company the monopoly for a term of years of the man ufacture and Importation of gunpowder, dynamite and other high explosives. The third Is to allow the company to bring Into Nicaragua 5000 Chinamen as laborers. Wild Tribes in Revolt. TANGIER, April 22. The Doukala, Chadadma and Mtouga, are in full rev olution near Nogador. The Kalds of Tchiadma and Mtouga tribes have been killed. Nogador Is a seaport on the west coast of Morocco, on the Tensft River. It has a population of about 13,000, 000 of whom are Jews and COO Europeans. Fnlrbankn Will Act far Fresldeat. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind.. April 22. Com plying with the wishes of Preeident Roose velt, expressed In a telegram received tonight from Secretary Loeb, who is at Glenwood Springs, Colo., Vice-President Fairbanks will represent the Chief Execu tive at the funeral of Senator Piatt, which will take place at Washington, Conn., Tuesday afternoon. Lawyer Stays la Prlsea. WASHINGTON, April 22. The State De partment received advices from Guate mala City, dated ten days ago, that the American lawyer Joseph Sterling, held there for contempt of court, was still In jail, although he might have secured his freedom at any time by giving $120 ball, which he refused to do as a matter of principle. DO YOU GET WITH Have You Rheumatism, Kidney, Liver or Bladder Trouble? To Prove' What Swamp-Root, the Great Kidney, Liver and Bladder Remedy, Will Do for You, All Our Readers May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail. Pain or dull ache in the back Is unmis takable evidence of kidney trouble. It Is Nature's timely warning to show you that the track of health Is not clear. If these danger signals are unheeded, more serious results are aure to follow; Brlght's disease, which is the worst form of kidney trouble, may steal upon you. The mild and the extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, Is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. A trial will convince anyone and you may have a sample bottle free, by mall. Gentlemen I attribute my preseat good health to Swamp-Boot. I suffered manj Tears with, kidney trouble and katf aa al most constant pain In my back. Your great remedy, Swamp-Hoot, cured my trouble, aad I have since been perfectly well. Yours truly, B. 1L Chalker, Jix. Chief of Police. Ozark, Ala. Lame back Is only one, symptom of kid ney trouble ono of many. Other symp toms showing that you need Swamp-Root are, being obliged to pass water often during the day and to get up many times during the night. Inability to hold your urine, smarting or irritation in passing, brick-dust or sediment In try urine, ca tarrh of the bladder, uric acid, constant headache, dizziness, poor digestion, sleep lessness, nervousness. Irregular heart beating, rheumatism, bloating, irritability. IE MOVES TQ WEST DIVIDE PRESIDENT'S CA3IP IS IN NEW HUNTING GROUNDS.. He Goes Farther Into Wilderness Where Good Sport Is Prom ised by the Guides. , GLENWOOD SPRIN'GS, Colo.. April 2 Camp Roosevel was today transferred from the east to the west divide. Pres ident Roosevelt and his party, according to a. report received here tonight, were up early, and, taking their tents on their packs, started for the Will Grcgor ranch, which is just 20 miles from Newcastle. They have pitched their camp on the banks of West Divide Creek, and will re main there until some time next week. The snow In that vicinity has about all melted, and the guides think the country promises good sport. P. B. Stewart bade the President good bye today. He returned to his home in Colorado Springs. " On account of the distance from town. Eruptions Dry, moist, scaly tetter, all forms of eczema or salt rheum, pimple and other cutaneous eruptions pro ceed from humors, either inherited, or acquired through defective di gestion and assimilation. To treat these eruptions with drying medicines is dangerous. The thing to do is to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and Pills Which thoroughlycleansethe blood, expelling all humors and building up the whole system. They cure Hood i Sarsaparilla permanently cured J. G. Hiaes, Franks, 111., of eczema, from which he Had suffered for some time: and Miss Alrina Wolter. Box 212. Alston. Wis., of pim ples ca her face and back and chafed skin on kar body. b7 which aha had been greatly troubled.. There aro mora testimonials In faTor of Hoed's than can be published. Hood's Sarsaparilla promises to curs and keep the promise. These two words, S chilli ng Best, are perfect assurance o4 getting your money's-worth ' UP A LAME BACK? wornout feeling, lack of ambition, loss of flesh, sallow complexion. If your water when allowed to remain undisturbed in a glass or bottle for twenty-four hours forms a sediment or settling, or has a cloudy appearance, it is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need immediate attention. In taking Swamp-Root you afford nat ural help to Nature, for Swamp-Root is the most perfect healer and gentle aid to the kidneys that is known to medical science. In order to prove the wonderful merits of Swamp-Root you may have a sample bottle and a book of valuable informa tion, both sent absolutely free. by mail. The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonial letters re ceived from men and women cured. The value and success of Swamp-Root is so well known that our readers are advised to send for a sample bottle. In sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Blng hamton. N. Y., be sure to say you read this generous offer In the Portland Sun day Oregonlan. The genuineness of this offer Is guaranteed. It you are already convinced that Swamp-Root is what you need, you can purchase the regular Hfty-cent and one dollar Blze bottles at drug stores every where. Don't make any mistake, but re member the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kil mer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Blng hamton. N. Y.on every bottle. President Roosevelt will, in all probability, decline tho invitation to attend church In Newcastle tomorrow. Secretary Loeb spent a quiet cav and attended to a voluminous mall from "Wash ington. Tonight the party was serenaded by the Glenwood brass band. Roosevelt la Chicago, May 17. CHICAGO, April 22. President Roose velt's visit to Chicago will take place Wednesday. May 17. A telegram from Secretary Loeb, at Glenwood Springs, Colo., was received today by President John A. Gauger. of the Hamilton Club, stating that the Presidential party would arrive in Chicago at noon on May 17. No Business AVill Interrupt Hunt. GLENWOOD SPRINGS, Colo., April 22. (Special.) Secretary Loeb said tonight that he had received no word from the President's camp, nor ha? there been any thing from the East that is worthy to interrupt his shooting. "Hair-SaTex that NEWBRO'S The Original Remedy That GOING-1 GOING S ! GONE ! ! I HEIflCUE 91LL SITE IT SEIMCilE NOT A HAIR -GROWER Newbro'a Herplolio -will not grott hair Xature dot this but by deetrorlns; th znicrotic eneciloa of. hair health the hair Is to stow a Katur Intended; x cpt in chxonlo baldceaa. It requires but a ellcht knowledge of acalp anatomy to Drag SUriJ, gl.QC. tHi 19c, slurp, ti AppIicatloHs at Prominent Barber Shops. ha confinement. "Blood DOlson. potency tnorausELx cured. o xauuro. xOUAG 2aJbN trOUDlon mm ui6u. stuiuoiuuo, uicauis, uaausuas u rains, basnfulness, aversion to society, which deprive you of your manhooa, UNFIT YOU FOR BUSINESS OH MARRIAGE. MIDDLE-AGED MKN, who from excesses and strains have lost their LBLOOD'Sd SKIN DISEASES, Syphilis, Gonorrhoea, painful, bloody urine. Gleet Stricture. Enlarged Prostate, Sexual Debility, Varicocele, Hydrocele, Kid ney and. Liver troubles cured without MERCURY OR OTHER POISONOUS DRUGS. Catarrh and rheumatism CURED. Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He U3es no patent nos trums or ready-made preparations, but cures the disease by thorough medical treatment. His New Pamphlet on Private Diseases sent free to all men who de scribe their trouble. PATD3NTS cured at home. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on oraddres3. DR, WALKER, 181 First Street, Corner Yamhill, Portland, Of AWARDED GRAND PRIZE Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis. Paris 1900, Buffalo 1901, Chicago 1893. Rosenthal' 149 THIRD ST. SOLE AGENTS For These Celebrated Shoes IV. C. CAMP. Salesman. Portland Hotel, PORTLAND, OR. BEAUTY. TO !ook well take care of your complexion. Do not allow un sightly plmplrrs. blackheads, tan. or freckles to blemish your skin. Derma-Royale will remove these like magic inures tczecaa. ana letter. Used with. Derma-Royale Soap, a perfect skin Is Insured. SOLD BY DRUGQISTS, or miy be ordered direct. Derma-Royale, 51 per bottle, express paid. Derma-Royale Soap, 25 Cents, by mall. Both in one package, 91.25, express paid. Portraits tad testimonials test oa request. ME DERMA-ROYALE C0.,CinciantI.iV Every Woman Is laterejted andShoald know about the wonderful MARVEL Whirling Spray Tha N'eiv Indies' Syrlngs xieaL. aazesc itoit tonvenltrat ik yair dnfjlit for It. 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