The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 23, 1905, Image 1

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    itttiitj Jj
VOL. XXIV 3ST0. 17.
Gates Sacrifices Win
nings on May. .
Frantic Rushcto Sell Causes
Scenes oiFrenzy.
Gates Clique Combine With Armour
io Stop Shipments by Depress
ing "Price, and Buys Great
Quantities for July.
Corners have been run In -wheat on
the Chicago market as follows:
ISO" On May 18 prices were forced
to $2.85, but closed at $2.10. The for
mer Is the highest price reached on
wheat alnce the Civil War.
1871 In August prl2es were advanced
to $1.30. but closed at J1.10&.
1872- Durlng August -wheat sold to
$1.61.- but closed at $1.10.
1880 During May -wheat was at $L12
to S1.10 and closed at $1.14.
1SS1 August wheat prices advanced
from $1.10 to $1.38. and cloeed at $1.38. 1
1882 A corner -was run In April, June,
July and September.
16S7 In June the memorable Cincin
nati combination to corner wheat de
veloped. Prices were advanced from
80?i to 04 cents, but the market col
lapsed and declined to 63 c"ents.
1SSS It was In September that "Old
Hutch" managed a successful corner,
wheat selling from 80?J cents to $2, 'top
prices reached the closing day.
1808 Joseph Letter ran his famous
corner In May wheat. The price woe
advanced to $1.85. The corner was not
succesbfuL. Leitcr Is estimated to haye -lout
1002 In September a successful 'cor-
ner was run. -wheat soiling "ur, to 05 t.
cents and closing at that figure.
100403 Gat en corner, -running- price
from 87 cents to $1.2fU, finally break
ing to 08 cents.
CHICAGO, April 22. One of the most
celebrated deals ever known on .the Chi
cago Board of Trade came to a climax to
day. A daring effort by John W. Gates
and associates to control all of the wheat
available in America for delivery during
the month of May was apparently ended
today with a wholesale sacrifice of pros
pective profits to escape possible huge
losses on existing investments. Inci
dentally the result was one of the wildest
sessions ever (witnessed in the Chicago
wheat pit. At one time prices showed a
loss of 11 cents a bushel for the day,
the price of the option being driven down
in a sensational series of rushes to
cents per bushel. The closing was $1, as
against $1.23 less than six weeks ago.
General opinion tonight is to the effect
that Gates and his friends emerged from
the battle with but little. If any, actual
loss. Gossip insists that they effected an
alliance with Armour and other leading
traders whereby the Gates party, while
obliged summarily to liquidate May wheat
on an enormous scale, were nevertheless
fully protected on the prior operations of
the allies in both May and later options.
Prepare for July Wheat Corner.
Another view of the situation, according
to some observers, is that the new group
ing of astute speculators, including the
redoubtable Gates, has cleared the road
for a still more gigantic corner in wheat
for delivery during July. The Ideajs that
the higher price heretofore prevailing for
May wheat Induced a scouring of the
y country by grain traders to secure wheat
to sell to the bull leaders. By dropping
the price 10 cents a bushel today, the
speculators assumed to be in control have
made it clear that, if the country is raked
over for wheat to bring here, they mean
to buy It at a figure of their own mak
ing. The rushing of tne price down to
day, it was argued, was more drastic ac
tion than was. for the moment, at least,
required by the Gates and Armour in
terests, the result being that they ac
cordingly Jumped the price back to $1 a
The Gates party, it -Is said, had figured
that the movement to market would be
practically exhausted before May arrived.
The factor that is alleged to have caused
them to give up the deal was the steadi
ness with which heavy shipmonts from
the interior continued, the disappointing,
long-drawn-out dullness of the flour de
mand, and the apparent unconcern of the
Aside from this, the Increase of receipts
here was a decidedly bearish factor, ar
rivals of wheat here for the week making
a total of 740,000 bushels, against 310,000
bushels, last week and 203,000 the corre
sponding week a year ago. Such heavy re
ceipts were quite generally regarded as
plain proof that the high price of the May
option was bringing in grain that would
ordinarily go to St. Louis, Kansas City.
Minneapolis and other centers.
Wild Scenes in Pit.
AScenes attending today's startling de
cline wore such as are seldom witnessed
in the world's greatest wheat pit. Al
most frenzied with anxiety, the traders
awaiting the opening bell huddled like
steers about to stampede. The sound of
the big bell was the signal for a mighty
roar of voices, a din possibly never before
equaled, according to men who were pres
ent at the stormy sessions that marked
the most exciting periods in the famous
Lelter and Harper deals. Clothing was
torn, hats smashed and bodies bruised la
the frantic efforts of the traders to sell
the grain. Shorts had apparently com
pletely covered, and longs. little and large,
hurled their grain at the hands that were
closed against it. Nobody seemed to
want May wheat above $1. When $1 was
reached, the wild roar that marked the
opening was doubled in volume.
Selling: May, Buying; July.
But, while the near-by option was
plunging downward, there was a steady
buying movement going In July. Brok
ers, presumably working for Armour and
his associates, whether including Gates
or not, were taking on liberal lots of the
later option. In one hour alone lavas'
estimated that these brokers had bought
more than 3,000.000 bushels. This buying
of July promptly frightened .shorts to
cover, they believing that the Gates forces
and the Armour crowd had combined to
bull the month at the expense of the
hard-hammered May. Tonight it was es
timated that 5,000,000 bushels of the May
delivery were unloaded here and at Min
neapolis. Losses 3Iay Be Millions.
Some of the brokers estimate that the
losses on the entire bull campaign must
foot up in the millions. All the sales to
day from $1.03 down to 9S cents repre
sented losses of .from 5 to 15 cents a
It is stated that when Mr. Gates was
called from the city by the death of his
father early this "week the entire manage
ment of the deal -was turned over to the
Armour-Valentine interest, which had
long been thought to be merged with Mr.
Gates, but had not until this time come
into the open.
Associated with Mr. Gates before the
Armour interest stepped in are said to
have been Isaac L. Wood, D. G. Reid, C.
M. Schwab, C. W. Spencer, the St. Louie
leader; A. D. Thompson, the Duluth
leader; H. L. Little, of the great Pills
bury milling interests of Minneapolis, to
gether wlth Robert Pringle, John Slckel
and other local traders in Chicago.
Sympathetic Fall in New York.
NEW YORK, April 22. There was a big
drop in the price of May wheat in this
market today. In sympathy with the sen
sational decrease in the West, the price
broke here 4 cents a bushel. May selling
at 99 cents, against $1,041 on Thursday.
The impression here was that the May
deal was practically over, and that only
the final details remained to be adjusted.
iLoclii'iivar Brings Fast JElorscs, und
the Man With the JjlcenseFlnds
?- Bird Has Flown.
UKIAH, Cal., April. 22,-(Special.)-T wo
hours before the time set for her mar
riage to Will Allen, of Fort Bragg, Miss
Anna Carmichael, also a resident of that
place, eloped with John Carey, a former
lover, who arrived Just in time for the
"young Lochinvar" performance.
Mr. Allen and Miss Carmichael were
to have been married at 6 o'clock Monday
evening. Until midnight on Sunday they
had been at work completing the ar
rangement of the furniture in the home
that Allen had provided. Both believed
that they were to bo exceedingly happy
in that new home, and the expectation
might have been reallzeu, had not Mr.
Carey .suddenly appeared on the scene.
Just before the time appointed for the
wedding, Mr. Allen and the minister went
to the home of the Carmichael family.
But instead of being joyfully received by
the promised bride, they were met at the
door by the young woman's mother with
news of the elopement. Mrs. Carmichael
tearfully related that at 4 o'clock that
afternoon her daughter had ran away
with Carey, the earlier lover. The might-have-been
mother-in-law seemed shocked
and grieved by the sudden change in the
plans, and Mr. Allen and the clergyman
certainly were so.
Like Lochinvar and his fair Ellen, when
they outraced the Graemes of the Neth
erby clan, young Carey and the fair Anna
fled as fast as horses could carry them.
They came to Uklah and were married,
and they . are still here, the bride seeming
as happy as any bride can be.
Able to Wnlk Freely and Takes Baths
for Nerves.
WASHINGTON. April 22. A private let
ter received here today from Secretary
Hay, written from Nervi, states that he
is progressing steadily toward complete
recovery. He has a physician who thor
oughly understands his case, and as one
result of his ministrations the Secretary
has been able to resume his daily walks,
of which he Is very fond.
He wrote that, having secured the ex
pected benefits from the baths and clU
mate at Nervi, he was about to proceed
In a few days, via Milan, to Bad Nau
heim to complete the course of treatment
for his nervous system outlined by his
BAD NAUHEIM. Germany, April 22.
Secretary of State John Hay and Mrs.
Hay arrived here today 'from Nervi, Italy,
to take the waters. They will remain
here several weeks.
Jury RepHdiatcs Testimony ef Another
African, "Who Snld He Saw Deed.
JACKSON. Miss., April 22. For the first
time In the history of Mississippi, a negro
charged with criminal assault has been
acquitted by a Jury of white men. Stew
art Johnson, a negro, was yesterday tried,
on the charge of assaulting Miss Mamie
Marsh, a young white woman, in the heart
of Jackson, two months ago, and although
Jake Turnbull. another negro, swore that
he saw Johnson commit the deed, the jury
did not believe him, and at midnight re
turned a verdict of acquittal.
Judge Miller was called up and dis
charged the prisoner, with the Injunction
to get out of town, which he did oa the
first train.
Result of Delcasse's Decision
to Retain French Foreign
Persuasion of Loubet and Rouvlcr
Succecdsnd'France Will Tte
slst Demands of Germany 3
Regarding Morocco.
PARIS, April 22. Yielding to the per
sonal solicitations and representations of
President Loubet and the leaders of the
government that his retirement would bo
a serious matter at this time, M. Delcasse
today advised Premier Rouvier that he
would withdraw his resignation as For
eign Minister. This was after strong as
surances had been given that the Minis
try would support his foreign polio.
During the conferences today between
the Premier and M. Rouvier and M. Del
casse the latter said.' he would retain the
portfolio of Foreign Affairs only In case
the entire Cabinet approved of Tils foreign
policy, which he would carry out accord
ing to his view. The authority necessary
to carry on; negotiations with the powers
was ineffective if such negotiations led to
reserves or divergencies among the mem
bers of the Cabinet. The purpose of tho
intended Cabinet meeting was to remove
every scruple In the mind of the Foreign
Minister concerning the loyalty of sup
porting him. M. Delcasse gave as his
answer today that he would remain. As
a result of his decision the specIaL Cabi
net Council, which was called to meet
this afternoon, was abandoned.
Firm Attitude to Germany.
M. Delcassc's staying in the Cabinet Is
expected to result In a firmer attitude to
ward Germany than heretofore has been
shown. The Foreign Minister's policy has
been to give Germany adequate assur
ances that her interests !n Morocco would
be treated the same as those of the rest
of the world, but after making these ap
proaches he did not desire to yield
France's entire project concerning Moroc
co at the dictation, of Germany. It is
said that some members of the Cabinet
shared thenjew. that a grave issue with
Germany might result from too Arm an
Insistence on the French Moroccan -policy,
and M. Loubet is also credited -with
the desire not to have the Moroccan Issue
drift into dangerous complications. Only
the Socialists and Radicals openly ex
pressed this view in the Chamber of Dep
uties, but the more influential sentiment
was that immediately surrounding M. Dei
casse. He felt, therefore, that it was
useless to proceed without the strong
support of his colleagues representing the
government, and if a temporizing policy
with Germany was desired someone else
should assume the responsibility. Conse
quently his offer to resign was Interpreted
as a triumph for Germany, whereas his
determination to remain is interpreted as
a check- to German designs.
Will 31ake No Concessions.
The feeling over Germany has naturally
become much more acute as a result of
the Incident. Many Deputies who have
been Interviewed on the subject say that
M. Delcasse's resignation at this time
would be equivalent to France's making
an open and humiliating concession to
The Cabinet's cotlrso in giving united
support to M. Delcasse insures him a
strong moral and material backing in
continuing the Moroccan policy. He has
already opened overtures with the Ger
man Ambassador, designed to give Ger
many ample explanation. Germany has
not yet shown an inclination to respond
to these overtures. While continuing this
conciliatory attitude, M. Delcasse Is now
In a polltlon to resist Germany's apparent
purpose to secure the complete abandon
merit of the French Moroccan policy.
Strong Friend of America.
The strong friendship of M. ' Delcasse
for tho "United States is everywhere recog
nized among the American officials here.
His relations with Ambassador Porter
have been peculiarly close. Only rccently
M. Delcasse remarked that he wished
General Porter would remain here until
he also retired. Last week General Por
ter gave a large oil portrait of himself to
M. Delcasse as a mark of his esteem.
The semi-official Temps says tonight
of the result of the incident:
"It affirms that In the presence of
eventualities, which are serious but
not desperate, the government is
united.. It will also testify that a
compaign of a foreign country, no mat
ter how ably It may .be conducted, Is
without effect on Internal affairs in
France. These are two essential points
which the incident makes perfectly
-Deputy do Pressense (Socialist), who
is the chief critic of French policy on
the neutrality question, has given -put
a statement that since M. Rouvler's In
itiative has resulted in the issuance of
energetic orders for the preservation
of the neutrality of Indo-Chlna waters,
he considers it desirable that M. Del
casse should retain his portfolio; at
least for the present.
Clcmcnccau and Associates Tried to
Drag Down Delcasse.
PARIS, April 22. M. Delcasse, to the
great relief of all France with the ex
ception .of his political opponents. In
formed Premier Rouvier "this afternoon
that he would not Tesign the -portfolio
of Forejsn .Affairs. It Is said the Min
ister's resignation was the result of a
mere parliamentary game, while tho
public heartily condemns Clemonceau
and others, who. In order to live up to
their reputation- of redoubtable Cabinet-smashers,
did not hesitate to ex
pose the security of the country's In
terests. "This was a serious moment for
France," said ex-Premier Combes this
afternoon. "The patient work of seven
years, which has resulted in France's
first rank among the world's peace
makers and civllizers, camo near be
ing destroyed by men who do not un
derstand a tithe of what Delcasse
knows about conducting international
London Glad Delcasse Will Stay.
LONDON, April 22. The decision of M.
Delcasse to retain control of the Foreign
Affairs office . of France jvas received
with marked pleasure in political circles
In London,''whcre his constant efforts to
prevent the spread of the Far Eastern
conflict and smooth away Anglo-Russian
causes of friction are ungrudgingly ac
knowledged.- s
Tie Weather.
TODATS Fair. Northerly wind.
YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, TS
degr.; minimum, 40. Precipitation, none.
The War la the Far "Eat.
Russian, fleet leaves Kamranh Bay. Page 1.
7050's fleet awaits Russians off Formosa
and battle is near. Pace 1.
Russia accused of duplicity In sending- se
cret -orders to fool France. Page 1.
Japan says she would be justified In attack
ing fleet in Kamranh Bay. Page 8.
Plot to murder Czar discovered among Im
perial Guard. Page 3.
Czar lampooned in 'music halls. .Page 3.
Poisoned bullets and daggers for police.
Page 3.
Delcasse finally agrees to retain office, which
means resistance to Germany In Morocco.
Page 1.
Peru and Chile may have war. Page 3.
Marriage allowance for German Crown
Prince. Page 2.
Bureau of American Republics turns down
President. Page 9.
Canal Commission calls for railroad' men.
Page 0.
Controversy about burial place for Paul
Jones. Page 8.
President Roosevelt moves camp. Page 1.
Death of Senator Piatt -removes bar to
Alaskan delegate in- Congress. Page 3.
Secretary Taffs policy regarding Sand
Island. Page 3.
Bryan predicts Government ownership of
railroads. Page 0.
Mar wheat corner, collapses, but July corner
Is started. Page 1.
Official 'announcement, that Western Pacific
with Oakland terminal will be Coast out
let for Gould system. Page ,8.
Chicago woman believed to be only heir to
550.000,000, Page 3.
Arbitration rejected In Chicago strike.
Page 8.
New York building trades adopt arbitration.
Page 8. ,'.....
Seattle, woman in search of busbandis mur
derer." Page 2. "
Robber attacks prosecuting lawyer In court.
Page 4 ,
Equitable agents declare war to death on
Hyde. Page.2.''
Jrand Jury subpenas bank officials to testify
against beef trust. Page 0.
Portland defeats Los Angeles 3 to 3. Page 16
Fans discuss baseball situation. Page 16.
Plans for coming bench show. Page 16.
True Wing- captures Kansas City Derby.
Page 16.
Teams are tied in lnterscholastic league.
Page 16.'
War among promoters endangers Brltt-
Whlte'mlll. Page 17.
Western bowlers will recede from National
Association. Tage 17,
Association football games 'are in prospect.
Page 17.
Multnomah men confident that Bottler will
win at Seattle. Page 17.
Centralla to hold trap shoot. Page 17.
Aquatic sports haVe many devotees. Page 28
Tennis season has bright outlook. Page 32.
Pacific Coast.
Sheep slaughter In Klamath points to more
terrorism in Central Oregon. Page 5.
California chtldren pound Infant and 6-year-
old Into Insensibility with a brick. Page 4.
Miss Birdie McCarty and companions driven
from claim by man with a rifle. Page 4.
Montana pastor sues his deacon, who says
he is crazy and dishonest. Page -L
Ollin Cooper, child actress. Is very HI.
Page 4.
California girl runs away with first love on
day of marriage . to another. Page 1.
Commercial aad Marine.
Break of lll.j cents In May wheat at Chi
cago. Page 35.
Local wheat market 'weakened by slump in
East. Page 35.
California prunes will yield only halt a crop.
Page 35.
Steamer Sea; Foam collides with and wrecks
schooner Del Norte oft Coqullle. Page 5.
Russian hay business ends with sailing of
steamer Sandhurst. Page 5.
Portland and dnUy.
Mystery of the grant of a liquor license to a
scow troubles Councilmen. T- ..
Igorrotes will not come to the Exposition.
Page 13.
Salvation Army officer pleads for financial
aid for Rescue Home. Page 11.
Plan now 1 to swear in votes at -the pri
mary of electors not registered. Page 11.
Realty market continues active. Page 10.
Objection made at Republican gathering to
turn meeting Into Albee boom is sus
tained. Page 11.
Jallbrcak is stopped by a 15-year-old trusty.
Page 13.
Medical Association will hold congress at the
Fair. Page 24.
Exhibitors who are not ready at time ap
pointed will forfeit space at Exposition.
Page 10.
Plan formed to keep rates for rooms during
the Fair at reasonable figure. Page 10.
Rlners now threaten to bring civil action
against their accusers. Page 24.
Oregon Development League has extensive
plans. Page 11.
Features and Department.
Hitting the Trail. Page 20.
Editorial. Page 8.
Church announcements. Page 86.
Classified advertisements. Pages 19-23.
Archbishop Christie's Easter message. Page
Dr. Newell-Dwlght Hlllls' Easter discourse.
Page 39.
Pastor Charles Wagner's Easter sermon.
Page 38.
Growth of the Easter spirit. Page 39.
Can a woman dress on $63 a year? Page 4L
Dick and the Humane Society., -Page 33.
Photographic exhibit. Page 40. .
Andrew Carnegie's letter. Page 4L
Sherlock Holmes. Page. 46. '
Tales from Dickens. Page 44. .
Peck's Bad Boy. Page 47., - '
Frank G. Carpenter's letter. Page 34.
Social. Pages 30-31. v
Dramatic. Pages 23-31. -
Musical. Page 18. .
Household and fashions. Pages- 42-43. . . . -
Youth's department. Page 43.
Rojestvensky Sailing North
ward, and Will Soon Fight
Togo's Ships.
Secret Orders Alleged to Frequent
French Waters, Despite Promise
Given Fraricc--Togo Walts
South of Formosa.
WASHINGTON April 22. In a
compilation of figures on the com
parative strength of the Russian fend
Japanese fleets, made by naval au
thorities here, the balance of gun
power Is greatly In favor of the Jap
anese. In big guns and small the
Russians are generally outnumbered,
and though the Russians have the
greater number of battleships the
Japanese have two or three times ,as
many armored and portected cruisers
as the Russian fleet.
Few officers of the Navy Depart
ment care to predict what .the out-
come of the apparently . imminent
battle will be. They seem to think
that Rojestvensky will light and that
he is now prepared to meet Togo. f
The following table of the number
of guns in each fleet has been com
plied by the Navy Department:
Russia Japan.
12.6-lnch 3
24 12-inch 20
L 10-lnch 5
8-inch 34
U2 6-inch 196
20 4.7-lnch 04
134 12-pounders 230
0-pounders 46
187.., 31.1-poundera 150
Another condition considered greatly
In favor of the- Japanese Is the ex
perience of the personnel of the vari
ous ships and the service their ships
have seen. At least four of the Rus
' slan battleships are- new, and their
faults. haVe never been found unless
Rojestvensky discovered them while
In the Indian Ocean. On the other
hand the Japanese have been lighting
with the warships for over a year,
' and have undoubtedly seen all of their
weak points and corrected them.
A naval officer in discussing the sit
uation said: ' "
..'The' result of the" battle depends
upon the ability of the gunners. Ja
pan has the. advantage of having her '
ships manned with veterans. Rojest
vensky may be all right himself, but
he canriot do It all alone."
PARIS. April 22 The French gov
eranitBt has been, officially Informed
that VIce-Admlral Rojestvensky's
squadron left ICnmrnnh Hay today. Tho
deRtlnatlon of the Mqundrtm I.i unknown.
PARIS. April 22. The Foreign Office has
received advices from the Admiral in com
mand of the French squadron in French
Cochin China stating that Rojestvensky's
Baltic fleet sailed north from Kamranh
Bay on Saturday. This information was
received by the French with a show of
great pleasure, as there Is no feeling here
to countenance any disregard of neutral
ity by France.
It Is believed in Paris that the.promlsedi
naval encounter between the fleets can
not much longer be delayed'. French
naval experts who have followed the sit
uation profess to believe that the out
come will be a demolishing of the Jap
anese fleet, to be followed by the ravaging
of the coast of Japan by the Russians.
Inasmuch as tne advices relative to the
announced departure of the Russian fleet
come from Foreign Minister Delcasse,
they arc believed to be worthy of cre
Hayasht Saya .French Delay Might En
danger French Property.
LONDON, April 22. Baron Hayashi, the
Japanese Minister to Great Britain, said
to the Associated Press today:
"I do not think the Japanese note to
the French government could be termed
a protest- It simply calls the attention
of France to Vice-Admiral Rojestvensky's
long stay In Kamranh Bay. Unfortunate
ly discussion of the matter occupied con
frfdcrablc time before the French govern
ment secured the riddance of unwelcome
guests, and serious injury will have been
"Japan knows thit the French govern
ment was not an active party to the har
boring of the Rusilan Pacific squadron,
but the inactivity cf France had reached
a serious stage and we would have been
perfectly justified ii attacking the Rus
sian squadron in Xamranh Bay. The
three-mile rule under which France de
fends her Inactivity wag the distance rec
ognized as shore weters when three miles
was the maximum range of guns. The"
range pf big guns today la 20 miles.
Should Admiral Tog attack the Russians
In Kamranh Bay, nany projectiles, would
fall oa French shores." This Is one of the
points which were under discussion In
Par la"
Secret Orders to Rtjeatvensky to Stay
la Frentk Ports,
-j CHICAGO, April 22 (Special.) The St
Petersburg corresponcent of the Chicago
Dally News says:
"Russia welcomes hternatlonal compli
cations 'In the Far East as likely to aid
her' in .getting out of her difficult position
without loss of preslse. Rojestvensky
has received orders rot to heed protests',
but to remain In French ports. The Black
Sea and fourth squadrons are being tttted
out simultaneously."
Commenting on the foregoing, the News
says editorially:
"While this cable In a certain manner
contradicts the Associated Press reports
on the same subject, it comes from a cor
respondent of the Daily News who has
shown himself in touch with the highest
authority In St. Petersburg and who,
through, long residence In that capital,
has a thorough understanding of Russian
ways. It is altogether likely that Russia,
being In desperate need of ports In which
to coal, clean and repair the Baltic fleet,
will take advantages of every tendency
in her favor: will strain the complacency
of her French ally to the utmost and defy
International law, which Is an uncertain
quantity in any case.
"Bearing this In mind, it is to be under
stood that there may be two sets of orders
fropi St. Petersburg one to muddle the
International public, and the other of
vital significance to Rojestvensky."
Hobs Konjr Inslata Fleet Hna Not Left
Knmranh Bay.
HONG KONG, April 23. According to a
cablegram from Saigon, received here to
day, the Russian fleet has not yet left
Kamranh Bay. There are 50 vessels in
the roadstead and harbor.
Admiral JonquIere3 and the French Ad
miral in charge of the Far East station
visited Rojestvensky today in the cruiser
The Russians are expecting their 'third
squadron under Nebogatoff shortly.
It Is expected that the Bal.ic fleet will
remain at Kamranh Bay for two weeks,
unless something untoward happens. It
Is thought one part of the fleet will en
gage the Japanese main squadron, while
the other will make a detour and en
deavor to break into Vladivostok.
Foreigners have commented adversely
on the fact that the French arc giving
the Russians every facility for provision
ing and coaling.
Only Allow Runsfnn Steamers Lim
ited Quantity of Coal.
SAIGON. French Cochin China, April 22.
The Chief of Staff here, acting under
orders from Governor-General Beaur to
day inspected four Russian steamships,
which were about to load a large cargo
of coal. The French authorities refused
to permit the vessels to take on cargoes
and allowed them only an amount of coal
strictly necessary for the voyage to the
nearest port.
Bill May Xotv Be Passed .in Senate
Providing for Delegate From
.Alaska'ln Congress.
ington. April 22. The death of Senator
Piatt, of Connecticut, probably means
that next Winter a bill will be passed
giving Alaska a delegate in Congress.
Cushman's delegate bill would have
passed the last session had it not been
for Piatt. When the Senate committee
was ready to report. Piatt served no
tice that it would be useless, for he
would defeat the bill. Inasmuch as he
had It In his power to carry out his
threat, no action was taken, though
the bill had twice passed, the House.
As Platt was the only Senator serious
ly opposed to an Alaska delegate. It is
believed such a measure can pass next
Winter. Piatt's death will elevate to the
chairmanship of tho judiciary cdm
mittce Senator Clark, of Wyoming.
This Is the first time a Western man
has had such an important chairman
ship. The judiciary Is the most impor
tant committee in the Senate.
W. F. Milton's Property Goes to Col
lege After Wife's Death.
PITTSFIELD. Mass.. April 22. (Special.)
According to the executor's bond, filed
here today, the late William F. Milton, of
Pittsflcld and New York, whose fortune
goes to Harvard University, left an estate
valued at Jl.300,00"). Of this amount $1,125,
000 is in personal property and J175.000 in
real estate. This estate does not go to
Harvard until after the death of Mrs.
Milton, so that under skillful management
it will, no doubt, greatly increase.
The beneficiaries under the will arc:
Mrs. George Worthlngton, wife of the
bishop; Theodore S. Autton. of San Fran
cisco; Misses Amelia H. and Edith M.
Komsaat, of New York.
Condition the Same as On the Pre ceding-
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.. April 22.
The following bulletin was fssued ,at 10
P. M. by Frank Jefferson, son of Joseph
"Mr. Jefferson's condition is not so fa
vorable as this morning, but Just about
the same as last night. He is resting
Train Strikes Bravo Autoistts.
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo., April. 22.
Mrp. Katie Hatcher, wife of a wealthy
cattleman of Fountain, was killed and her
husband seriously injured this evening by
bcln;r struck by a Missouri Pacific oassen-
ger train while their automobile waa cross
ing the tracks. The machine gave out in
climbing up the railroad embankment and
came to a stop on the .track. The couple
tried to push the machine off the track
to prevent wrecking the train, when the
engine struck Mrs. Hatcher, throwing her
200 feet.
Morgan Has Audience WItli Pope.
ROME, April 22. The Pope today re
ceived J. P. Morgan In private audience.
Mr. Morgan afterward visited the Papal
Secretary of State, Cardinal Merry del
Fifteen-Year-Old Lad
Cows Prisoners.
Frank Selee's Heroism Keeps
the Criminals In.
After Driving the Men Back Into the
Cbrrider' With His Weapoa
Ills Shouts Bring Deputy
Sheriff to Scene.
With a revolver which he had taken
from the office drawer, Frank Selee, a boy
trusty, last night about 7 o'clock pre
vented 25 criminals In the County Jail
from regaining their freedom. The door,
which held the -prisoners In the back cor
ridor, had been sprung, and the men.
were preparing for a rush when Selee con
fronted them. "Stand back," he com
manded, at the same time leveling his
revolver at one of the prlsoner who had
crosued the threshold. Those who were
nearest the boy fell back and Selee called
to Deputy Sheriff J. S. Downey, who was
In another .part of the jail. One prisoner
escaped before Selee could get the revol
ver, but he was recaptured.
The floor of the jail had bepn scrubbed
during the day, and in the evening the
prisoners were confined la the back cor
ridor, which opens Into the main" corridor.
Two doors separate the two apartments.
One door was open, but the second was
closed. Murphy, who is serving a year
for larceny, succeeded in working the
lock and dashed Into the main corridor
and from there went through tho back
Jaoor of-ih'e kitchen out into the yard.
Selee, who was In the main corridor, real
ized when Murphy dashed, by hint that
all the prisoners could escape.
He ran to the office, grabbed a revolver
from the desk lust In time to confront
another of the prisoners. He threatenedf
to shoot If he did not comply with his.
demand and. the prisoner retreated. Sev
eral other men started to escape, but they
say that Selee was determined and they
Cell back, muttering imprecations atrthe
brave boy. When Downey appearedjjpa
answer to the call of the boy the prison-?
ers were thoroughly subdued, but severalr
of them were heard to say that they
would fixe the boy If they ever got hold
of him.
Selee. who Is 15 years of age, had a
very narrow escape, as he would un
doubtedly have been killed had not tho
prisoners who were the foremost in the
rush showed cowardice. The rest of, the
prisoners, who could not see ahead,
thought that Downey was tho one that
confronted them, and were very angry,
when they found out that a small, boy
had baffled them. Selee was cool and,
collected when he faced the men. but after
the crisis was over and Downey had come
to his rescue, he realized the danger he
had been in and had to be assisted to his
A search was immediately instituted for
Murphy, who was found hidden away
behind the wood In the shed. He after
wards said that when he dashed through
the kitchen door he aw the utter futility
of his attemptng to escape, as the streets
were crowded with people and he heard,
Selee calling for help. He did not think
the searchers would look In the woodshed
for him. If the 25 prisoners had rushed
out of the jail In a body very few of them
would have been captured In the commo
tion that would have ensued.
Question Will Be Presented to Con
gregationalism in United States-
COLUMBUS. O.. April 22. Rev.
Washington Gladden. D. D., moderator
of the general council of the Congre
gational Church, will meet with the
committee which represents the pro
testants against the acceptance from
Mr. Rockefeller of the gift to the
American Board of Missions in Boston
next week, when steps will probably
be taken to secure an expression from
the church at large on the matter. Mr.
Gladden's reply to Dr. Lyman Abbott,
who took the position that the church
has no right to judge the givers of
gifts, will be published in an Eastern
magazine next Monday.
Dr. Gladden will say In his reply that
It is not only his right and his duty
to sit In Judgment on Rockefeller and
his methods, but that it Is also the
duty of every American citizen to do so.
Interstate Commerce Commissioner
Will' Not Run for Congress.
ST. ALBANS, Vt, April 22. (Special.)
In a letter to the editor of the Messenger,
St. Albans, Vt., regarding the report of
his supposed resigning from the Inter
state Commerce Commission and becom
ing a candidate for Congress, Hon.
Charles A. Prouty, of New York, writing
from Washington, says:
"Several months ago I stated to friends
from Vermont that If the railroads and
other monopolistic interests of this coun
try succeeded In driving me away from,
my position before the expiration of my
term, as seems probable. I would ask the
people of my district to give me a fair
chance to try conclusions with the gentle
men. I have thought nothing about It
since, and have no idea how the report
originated. I am not a candidate and do
not- expect to be."
Gold Loads on Schooners.
WILLEMSTADT. Curacoa, April 22.
Gold estimated to amount to $1,400,000
and sent by President Castro, of Vene
zuela, arrived here a few days ago in
schooners and an Italian steamer for
shipment to and deposit in New York.