THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POBTLAND, ABRIL' 16, 1905. 21 ros SALS. Mlscllase8H. AUTOMOBILI8TS BEFORE BUYING AN automobile or supplies, send for free sam ple copy o the leading and largest auto mobile Journal in the world. From one issue you will get morn automobile infor mation than you can get elsewhere with a month's efforts. "Write today. Automobile Trade Journal, 1213 Filbert st, Philadel phia, Fa. FINE HOUSEBOAT. MUST BE SOLD AT once; nearly new, in first-class condition; large and roomy; would make fine resort on river; someone looking for a bargain should see this; located opposite the Oaks, or between Sellwood ferry and tannery. R SO, Oregonlan. DOES TOUR ROOF LEAST Repair It with Elatertte; it rolls. '.asy to Jay; needs no painting or coating; good over Id iron, tin or shingles; best for new roofs. Elattrlte Roofing Co.. room 2. Hamilton bias. BARGE NEW; JUST LAUNCHED; VERY strong and serviceable; carries 200 tons; price and construction; will sell ltr to the first person who can use it. Inquire of Jo seph Supple, boatyard, foot of Belmont t- STEAMER VOLGA. SUITABLE FOR TOW ing or for passenger and freight route; hull Just overhauled and put In first-class order; will sell cheap. Inquire of Joseph Supple, boatyard, foot of Belmont st. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BlL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; w rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Col-lender, 49 3d at. PRINTERS AT A BARGAIN. PEERLESS press. 6 fonts Shaeffer, G QuentelL, case long primer, border, ornaments, galleys, cases, etc.; must be sold this week. Address F 10, care Oregonlan. XAIRY COWS FOR SALE A FEW UNREG ietered, pure-bred Jerseys; fresh in fall; now giving good flow; your choice at $50 per head. A. L. Parkhurst, Rldgeficld, Wash. FOB "SALE A NUMBER OF THOROUGH bred Durham cattle, cheap for cash. Ad dress H. J. Southard, manager. Warren, Columbia County, Oregon. HOUSEBOAT, MODELED HULL. SUIT able for power; first-class condition; neat est little craft on tbo river. L. V. Wood ward. 627 Kearney st. 100 FINE TALKING PARROTS, PHEAS ants, pigeons. Imported Japanese bantams, etc. Portland Bird Co., 127 N. 6th, near Union Depot. FOR SALE WATER POWER, ONE MILE from WashougaL on north bank of Columbia River; also good farm. D. H. Gary. Wash ougal. Wash. XWO 2-YEAR-OLD THOROUGHBRED HEIF ers, fresh, giving 3 end 4 gallons milk per day, test five. Phone Scott 2694. 700 E. 13th. FOR SALE CHEAP NEW AND SECOND hand clothing and shoes, pictures for sale, store for rent; best location, at 173 Front. BEING IN NEED OF FUNDS. I WILL SELL 4SO0 shares Mountain View Mining Co., East ern Oregon, at 05c. C 30, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 85 FEET HARDWOOD TOP counters, for dry goods, hardware, grocers', etc The Chicago, 68-71-73 3d st. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds at lowest prices cash or install ments. Fisher Music Co.. 100 3d. st. FOR rALB 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. FOR SALE CHEAP. OLDSMOBILE RUN about; in first-class running order; owner going away. E SO, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 1 STAND BEES. HONEY EX- tractor and bee rig cheap tomorrow morn ing. 610 union ave., rortn. WILLIAMS TYPEWRITER. WITH TRAV- ollng case, perfect order, good as new, $30. Room 6, Washington biag. CASH REGISTER. TOTAL ADDER. FINE condition; aim tanung macnine, airt cneap. 208 Clackamas, East fame. FOR SALE SILVER SLIDE. .YORK TROM bone; case complete; nearly new; reason' able. 160 Grand ave., N. BABY BUGGY LATEST MODEL, SLIGHT- ly used, purchase price $25, now Jn quire at 100 Grand ave. FOR SALE HOUSEBOAT OF FIVE ROOMS elegantly furnished; also launch in perfect order, ii 36, Oregonlan. ARCHITECT" S LEVEL. PERFECT ORDER, for sale at one-half coat. Inquire room 5, Washington bldg. REMINGTON TYPEWRITER, NO. 0. in good shape, for sale cheap. Room 310, Cham' ber of Commerce. with calf, part Jersey, at 004 Rodney ave. Take "U" -car. FOR SALE LAUNCH 22 FEET LONG, 3 H. P. G. E. A bargain if sold at once. G 27, Oregonlan. FOR SALE ONE LADY'S, ONE GENT'S wheel, also a very old library. Phone Mon day East 864. FOR SALE SNAP. $8.00; DRESSMAKER left a good Singer sewing machine at 224 Washington su WHiL SELL OR TRADE FOR HOGS 11 head of first calf heifers, 8 of them fresh. i- 25, oregonlan. 18-FOOT GASOLINE LAUNCH: IN EXCEL. lent condition. Price, $325. W. J. Clemens, sis Stark st NEW CANVAS-COVERBD CEDAR CANOE and Edison phonograph. Call Sunday. Phone .East luui. PHEASANT EGGS FOR SALE $1.50 PER dozen. 461 E. 20th St.. North. Phone East bo'J. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND soda fountains. Northrop & Sturgls, 6 Front FOR RENT DONKEY ENGINE. CALL 324 Chamber of Commerce or phone Main 2303. ONE .NO. 4 SMITH-PREMIER TYPEWRIT- er, cheap lor cash. Phone Main 1616. $140 PHOTOGRAPH FOR $50; WILL FIND it at uimers" Grocery. Miiwaukie, Or. 12-FT. I. X. L. POWER WINDMILL. WITH all connection, cheap. C 27, Oregonlan. RING UP MAIN 5655 FOR BEST PRICES IN cash on furniture and household goods. FOR SALE TAILOR'S BLOCK PATTERNS all sizes. Apply 101 4th st NEW HALLET & DAVIS PIANO FOR RENT. S95 Morrison, cor. 10th st. GOOD 6-FOOT COUNTER. SHOWCASE FOR sale. S45 Mississippi ave. FRESH COW AND CALF FOR SALE CHEAP lor cash.- 551 E. 21st. FOR SALE CHEAP, COCKER SPANIEL pups. Main GOOD FRESH COW FOR SALE. 534 E. Sth el., boutn. FOR RENT PIANOS. FOR RENT STANDARD MAKE UPRIGHT piano. Address f 36, Oregonlan. FOR RENT NEW PIANO. $5 PER MONTH. 1 is. union ave. HELP WANTED MALE. YOUNG MAN. BRIGHT. OVER IS. TO prepare for Government position. Good salary. Permanent Gradual promotion. See at once Edgar R. Bush, 310 Chamber of Commerce. HIGH-GRADE ADVERTISING SOLICITORS Lewis and Clark Official Journal. $50 week ly. 63S Chamber of Commerce. CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED EXPERI- ence unnecessary; good pay. Emanuel Co. station J. New York City. "WANTED NEAT YOUNG MAN TO LEARN barber trade; some money required. Ad arcss s 2. care Oregonlan. ANY PERSON TO DISTRIBUTE OUR SAM- pies; sib.oo weekly, steady. Mgr. "Empire, weus- st., cnicago. ill. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WRAPPER, stripper on Sumatra tobacco. Portland CI gar Co., 36M js. lath st. MEN CAN GET STEADY WORK AT AL blna incline. See Ed DeWyl at McCauley Hotel, iiu .Morrison bu WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COMMER dal traveler, between 38 and 45 years of age. x 3U. uregonian. "WANTED A FIRST-CLASS ALL-ROUND slgnpalnter; highest wages paid. Address D SS. care Oregonlan. WANTED MAN TO DO BUSINESS WITH business men; a good proposition. Apply 433 Washington eu "WANTED PAFERHANGERS AND PAINT- ers Monday morning at A. A. caurch Co.. 269 Taylor st. "WANTED A MAN TO . SHOVEL DIRS. Apply Monaay morning, jonn jt coraray HELP WANTED MALE. BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. Positions Secured for Bookkeepers. . Railroad clerks. Stenographers. Hotel clerks. Office managers. Shipping clerks. Cashiers. Bill clerks. Accountants. Entry clerks. Office men. Assistant bookkeepers. Salesmen. General office clerks. Grocery clerks. Clerks deptmt stores. Collectors. " Timekeepers. General clerical, technical, commercial men. Apply BUSINESS MEN'S CLEARING HOUSE. 504-505 McKay Bid.. 102 3d St.. Portland. OPEN TODAY. 4 rough caroenters. sawmill company. 30 to 40 cents hour and board; 2 flume build ers, $3. leathers Lathers Lathers. 20 sawmill and vard laborers. S1.75 UP. ooara. room $4 a week; fares paid. uuarry laborers. S2.25: laborers, city. R. R. laborers and rockmen. East, free rare. . R. R. laborers, company tork. South; free fare. Many others. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second St. MANAGER "WANTED ALL .SECTIONS. " TO select ants for the famous "Game U SkllL" Lawful everywhere, nils long-reit want, takes place or rormuaen eiot ma chines, operated with nickels, rented or sold on easy payments. 42,000 now In use; sam ple sent on SO days' trial. Write at once for particulars. Owen Chandler Furniture Co., Desk 73, urana napias. an en. MAN WANTED EXCEPTIONAL OPPOR- tunlty for honest, active, ambitious man to learn the real estate and brokerage Dusmces and start In with large, prosperous and well-known, firm under extremely favorable conditions: former experience unnecessary. For further particulars address O 28, caro Oregonlan. THE GOVERNMENT OFFERS EXCELLENT opportunities now to young men sewing pci- manent situations: ii jmericu nuo vuwj rm knnlfl.) V.I vivfnir nartleulars. AQ- dresa Pacific Coast Office, National Corre spondence institute, ui -iiuxhcl m., xrancisco, cai. UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR A. F. & A. SI. possessing energy ana amoiuon, im manent and profitable business, with Ma- u.l. Arm hnclrlnr fnr Spoilt XlfiOO DCefi- sar" references exchanged; particulars by aaaressmg u oi, vn-guuuui. MEN WITH LARGE ACQUAINTANCE TO cell the celebratea "lankee" saiety razors, ordinary razors, strops and stropping ma chines, and "star" saiety corn razors; large profits, n-ed marker Co., 6is iourtn ave., Spokane, warn. MAN WANTED TO INTRODUCE A PAT- ent hardware article; $18 a week and ex penses. Honesty and sobriety more neces aary than business experience; state age and past employment. International Shear Com pany, 48 Ii. 4th St., Philadelphia, ra. DO YOU WANT WORK AT PORTLAND world's Fair? Amateur and professional actors, singers, musicians, etc. wanted: call and see at once; easy work, big sal ary. Newman's Theatrical Circuit, 3515 lorrlson. RELIABLE MAN IN GOOD STANDING with business community, capable of pre senting subject with courteous persuasive ness: place permanent, prospective pre ferment, dependent upon merit, if 3, ore gonlan. SALESMEN NEW CLEVELAND JOBBING house with large capital, wishes to employ a corps of experienced traveling salesmen. Hleh commission with $35 weekly. W. S. Flnley & Co., 00 Prospect St., Cleveland, O. WANTED-PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manutucturlng house: local terri tory; salary $25 paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience unnecessary. American House, Star bldg., Chicago. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN IN Oregon and Washington; must be a nustier and have experience drumming retail gro cery and general store trade Address Wholesale, box i&i, kock isiana, uu SALESMEN EXPERIENCED MEN CAN make handsome commissions showing pocket samples of new line. Exclusive territory. References required. Standard Co., 620 Baker bldg., Toledo, O. MANAGERS WANTED FOR OUE BRANCH office? to be opened throughout Oregon; rei- crences and email investment requireo; lib eral salary. Great Western Telephone CO., 1095 Market st-, Ban Francisco. DETECTIVE WANTED SHREWD. RELI- able man In every locality, for profitable secret service: to act under oraers; no ex perience necessary. Write Webster's Detec tive Agency, Des Moines, la. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON; staple line; entirely new Inducements to trade; high commissions; $23 weekly ad vance; permanent to right man. inrr., Box 524, Detroit, Michigan. DETECTIVES OLDEST ESTABLISHED SE- cret service In United State, wants shrewd. reliable men. Experience unnecessary; we give instructions. Write today, with age and references. American ueteetive Association. Indianapolis. Ind. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER WASH- lngton and Oregon; staple line; high com missions: advance of 1U0 monthly; perma nent position to right man. Jess H. Smith co.f Detroit, .Mien. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN, ON commission, to sen straignt rrom loom to retailers, our blankets, dress goods, flannels, etc. South Philadelphia Woolen Co.. box 1341, Philadelphia. salesman's commission amountea 10 over in six weeks irom reoruary o to iiarcn ib, 1005. Address A. T. Swenson, Manager, ceaar liapias, la. A WIDEAWAKE YOUNG MAN WITH $500 to $1000 can find one of the best openings on the Coast by applying in person at our office. Stevens, Veasey & Co.. suite 208. 265 Morrison. BOOKKEEPERS. STENOGRAPHERS AND salesmen, see us lor that position you want. Some of our many openings will suit you. Portland Commercial Bureau. 722 Chamber of Commerce. Wanted by manufacturer of per- fumes. toilet articles and flavoring extracts. an experienced salesman for Oregon; no scheme. Regular trade. Address N 2S, care uregonian. WANTED 1000 TL R, MEN. NEW WORK. 100 other Jobs; same your work and we have, It; also station work. Canadian Em ployment Co., 248 Burnslde st. Phone Main 3074. WANTED MEN TO LEARN, BARBER trade; complete course In 8 weeks; expert in structions; positions guaranteed; tor terms write Glllman College, 62 Clay, ban Fran. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN plumbing trade. Coyne Bros. Co., Schools of Practical Plumbing. 493-75 Easton ave., st. Louis, Mo.; 107-0 W. 3d St., Cincinnati, O. BUCKER, $3 AND BOARD; MAN AND wife. camp. 575: edgcrman. $3: knot saw yers, 0c: other work. U. S. Employment Co., 103 Morrison. Main 1322. open Sunday. "WANTED RELIABLE PARTY, 200 PER cent selling Imperial cane and camp stool at Portland Exposition. bend stamp. Imperial Novelty works. Fremont, Ohio. YOUNG MAN BOOKKEEPER; MUST ALSO understand stenography, for large manu facturing and jobbing bouse; state refer ences and experience, a. 3i, uregonian. ENERGETIC WORKERS EVERYWHERE to distribute circulars, samples, and adver tising matter; good pay; no canvassing. Co operative Advertising Co., iew lofK. TO SOLICITORS AND AGENTS WE HAVE absolutely the best offers ever put In the field for canvassers. Sunset Magazine, 733 Mission St.. San Francisco, Cal. WANTED THREE TO FIVE MEN AT ONCE who have had some experience with lath machine. Call at once 388 First st, Sunday forenoon if possible, c ivenyon. WANTED TRUSTWORTHY. YOUNG MAN to drive llaht bakery wagon and work around place; also man to tend to horses. Apply 114 Russeu st, or Phone East 379. AMBITIOUS. RELIABLE MEN AND WOM en for good paying position; salary $65 to $75 month and expenses; experience tin- necessary. N 38, Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD BUSINESS MAN FOR ONE of the best-paying propositions in the U. S.; only reliable men and workers wanted. Answer p. o. box n, city. WANTEDj-A GENTLEMAN TO INVEST $1000 to $2000. with services, la good, clean enterprise; money secui and will double In 6 months, s 23. uregonian. BOY WANTED WITH DOG. FOR EASY afternoon work. Inquire for Mr. E. Hel land, 163 12th. bet. 12 and 1 P. M., Mon- rfnv. 'Rrfmr doc alone ru TrT WETE-V TRiVT'.r.TVr. EY. penses paid salesmen to sell goods to gro cery dealers; experience uubb.tsu. jtuihj Company. Chicago. I HAVE EXPERIENCE FROM PREVIOUS expositions; want partner tnorougniy under standing painting. X M, care uregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS-MAKER : none other need apply. C. O. McWllllama, Baker city, or. v LATHERS WANTED TO LATHE 5 HOUSES by contract. Apply monaay, tui ana ah- Kenx .ast. HELP WANTED KALE. WANTED FIRST-CLASS "MEN IN PORT- land and tnrougnout state to soucu uusi ness; good pay to good men. Call or write, 607 McKay bldr. WANTED MEN EVERYWHERE; GOOD pay, to distribute circulars, aav. msncr, tack signs, etc No canvassing. National Adv. Bureau, Chicago. WANTED A MACHINE CARVER TO RUN a spindle carving machine; steauy employ ment. Address The Wheeler-Osgood Co., Tacoma, Wash. WANTED FOUR EXPERIENCED .SASH and door stock cutters, and three moiaing machine men. The Wheeler-Osgood Co., Taccma, Wash. WANTED FIRST-CLASS BUTTERMAKER ; gOOa references required. Auuma went Creek creamery co., .uregon ny. w. F. D., No. 2. UEN TO LEARN THE DETECTIVE Busi ness; paid while learning, warren, room B01 Ailsky niog., ja ana Morrison, uyta evenings. WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS DOOR sticker; steady Job; would prefer a mar ried roan. Chehalls Fir Door Co., Cheballs, Wash. HIGH-GRADE SPECIALTY SALESMAN, capable of closing sales, city or roaa; new article; sens to merchants, oi- x. ua. city. "WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL OUR 5- cent cigar, with excellent premium ocan. Address Cream City Cigar Co., Milwaukee, Wis. MANAGER WANTED BUSINESS PERMA- nent and profitable. or particulars aaarcna The Dodge Co., 160 Washington st., Chicago. 111. WANTED A GOOD UPHOLSTERER; GOOD wages ana a steaay joo. Acarera Walla Upholstering Co., Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED GOOD JAPANESE BOY (OR woman), to work In rooming-house can -auva Bumslde st. Work three hours eacn morning. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. COLLEGE Ex perience, city; salary 40: call toaay. Clerks' Registration .Bureau, jaorriBon w WANTED 1000 COMMON LABORERS; wages 1 lo J per aay, in ana near ron land; open Sunday. Canadian Emp. Co. LOGGERS. MILLHANDS. FARMHANDS. laborers, otlier work. See us. U. fa. em ployment Co.. 103 Morrison. Main 1322. FIRST-CLASS FIXTURE MAN. ONE WHO understands gas and como uxture worn, none other need apply. F 38, Oregonlan. SALESMAN. GENERAL MERCHANDISE and dn'BOOds: aaiarj "iw. witn aavance menL Call 722 Chamber of Commerce. LIVE SALESMAN TO SELL TO THE DRUG trade; liberal commission: great ruture. Baehr, Hlrsch & Joseph Co., Chicago. WANTED ENERGETIC MAN OF FAIR ED- ucation ana some Business aoiiiiy n uu chargo cattle rancn. u . uregomau. WAED-HTTSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, sample, etc; gooa pay. Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER. .ABOUT 20 years oz age, ame to assist in ciencai work. Apply J 38, oregonlan. RELIABLE SOLICITOR. MAN OR WOM an, for office goods, typewriters, etc it 38, Oregonlan. nnrT A t crT.TfTTfm- r"Tn"!I7I.AT10X' man or laay, on nign-ciass publication, an .Front st. OLD CLOTHING. SHOES WANTED HIGH est price paid. Phone Hood 1502. can 50 3d, BRIGHT BOY. ABOUT 15 YEARS OF AGE. Answer In own handwriting, v. u. aox , city. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED PACKER IN wholfeale hardware store, i" xs, uregonian FIRST-CLASS SALESMAN, CITY. COUN- try; big wages. -IS commercial block. FOUR FIRST-CLASS SOLICITORS AT once; references required. 23. stark st. PLATEN PRESSFEEDBR MADDEN,. THE, Printer, irst ana Aioer. WATED A GOOD COATMAKER. J. Jensen,, The Dalies, or. DR. WALKER. 181 1ST-. CURES ALL FRl vat diseases or men. WANTED AN ALL-AROUND PAINTER. Call up Union 4545. MATTRESS-MAKERS WANTED 40 FRONT, corner Davis. COOPER WANTED APPLY AT 125 1ST ST. HELP WANTED MALE OB FEMALX. WANTED ENERGETIC. TRUSTWORTHY man or woman to wont in uregon. repre senting large manufacturing company, bai ary. $40 to $00 ner month, paid weekly; ex penses advanced. Address with stamp, J, H. Moore. Portland, or. WANTED FOR THE COUNTRY, TWO Jananese. one to cook and do general housework, and the other for gardening and light outdoor work. Husband and wife preferred. Apply to F. Eggert, 120 3d at. BOOKKEEPING. SHORTHAND. TYPE writing, arithmetic English, spelling, by experienced teacher and office man; pre pares young people for Civil Service exam inations; day and nignt. fa zi. uregonian. PRIVATE CLASS SHORT HAND SPEEDY. accurate, easily learned, suitable all pur poses: typewriting, etc; Instructor with business experience; reasonable rates. B 39, Oregonlan. preparation, civil aervics ejuinuiwuuuo, vnj or railway mall service a specialty; private evening Clara. u, ii cuuiau. MONEY-MAKER JUST OUT: 100 PER CENT prolt, quick seller, low-priced; every home needs dozen, can bet. 11 a. ju ana 1 i. M. at 617 Fenton bldg. IV YOU WANT A MONEYMAKER. JUST out, write The Oregon ccystanzed rooio & Picturo Co.. 43ifc 2d st.. i'oriiana, or. HELP WANTED FEMALE. LADIES EARN $20 PER HUNDRED WRIT- Ing short letters, fatamped envelope tor particulars, uem aiig. ojaxaopoiis, aiicn WANTED CAPABLE GIRL FOR GENERAL houHowork in small family, inquire at Fest'a shoe store, 207 1st st., or 331 Davis ei "WANTED COLORED WOMAN TO ANSWER telephone calls. Apply jar. rea iicuana 163 12th, bet 12 and 1 P. M., Monday. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN OR Swede woman to do housework. Apply morn Ings at room 24, Burkhardt bldg., city. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR light housework, family or tnree acuits, to sleep at home. Apply 210 aiarKet . FIRST-CLASS WAISTMAKERS WANTED, only such; highest prices paid In the city. Berger & Huffman, 151 w. Park. WANTED EXPERIENCED SKIRTMAKERS beet wages; power machines, call sunaay 432 Washington st. i-aaies laiior. "WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; must be good cook; good loca tlon and wages. Phone scott vss. A BRIGHT MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR A good position; good wages to a competent woman, auqicw xv 01, ui r&uuiau. WANTED STENOGRAPHER IN WHOLE- sale office; state experience, references and salary expected. Y 20, Oregonlan. GIRL (GERMAN OR SWEDE PREFERRED) for cook and general housework. Apply at once at 395 Jackson St., cor. 10th. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK. small family, good wages. Apply 102 Lownsdale st, near Taylor. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework and cooking; two In family; good wages. 402 Taylor st. WANTED G ERMAN "VOMAN UNDER 33 AS housekeeper widower, with children. 230 YamhllL Phone Black 2SS1. r WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; none other need apply. Call Monday, 563 E. Ankcny et WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN TO sell the new telephone Index. Inquire W. J. Clemens. 273 Stark st WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; 3 In family; good wages. Address Box 3, Cascade Locks, Or. WANTED NEAT GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF little girl 4 years; hours 9 to 6:30. Call Sunday, SOI Dekum bldg. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SEAMSTRESS; must be first class. Chicago Costume House. 38S Morrison st. NEAT. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR HOUSE- work; small family: good pay. 603 Spokane ave. Phone Unoln 2385. A NEAT GIRL TO DO HOU3EWORK IN smau family. 515 20th st. Portland Heights. aiXP WANTED "FEMALE. BRIGHT BUSINESS WOMAN. SMALL CAP- ltai. take control and operation nign-ciass concession at Exposition; none but reliable parties considered; to such full Information will be given; has proved very profitable other expositions; In .Portland few days onry. Apply at opce. G 36. Oregonlan. ' WANTED BUSINESS WOMAN. SINGLE. 2S years old or over, accustomea to ooox keeplng, trading with customers; outside, col lections and general office work, aa Joint manager of an office. Apply room 223, Abing ton bldr., 106 Third st. WANTED LADY OF EDUCATION AND refinement as working housekeeper, oy middle-aged widower, without incumbrance; duties light; no farm work; railway sta tion and poatofSee adjacent, K 13, Orego nlan. WAN TED-LADIES AND GIRLSTO ASSIST in a new line of fancy work; $iv per wcex; experience unnecessary; work can be taken home. Call at office. 26S Morrison st., the Cosmos, room 6. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT THEIR homes; we furnish all materials ana pay from $7 to $12 week. Send stamped en velope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe St., Chi cago, 111. WANT TO ADOPT TWO GIRLS BETWEEN the ages of 0 and 11. ior iour to six years, by responsible parties. For Information, inquire Eagle House. 22 3d st. INTELLIGENT WOMAN WANTED FOR fast-oelllng article; has never oeen intro duced on the Coast Writ or call Mrs. Scott 40 E. 28th et. cor. Couch. A PRACTICAL WOMAN OF BEST CHARAC- ter and business ability to manage branch In town of 5000; references anu security. Northwest Vlavl Co., Lewis bldg. WANTED GOOD HOUSEKEEPER FOR widower with ono child, one wanting a good home preferred. Call corner 20th and Wit son fits.. North Portland. WANTED WOMAN FOR COOK AND DIN- ing-room work In small family; good place for right person. Apply room 24, Alusworth block, Monday morning. GIRLS IF YOU WANT WORK DON'T FAIL to ree ua. Over 1000 positions every month. Call 4 register. Canadian Parlors, 22UM MorrUcn. Main 1323. LADIES EARN $10 WEEKLY COPYING letters at home; address stampea envelope for particulars. National Distributing Co., Albion. Mich. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE5EN- tatlves In Portland and throughout the state; we pay good money. Call or write 607 Mc Kay bldg. WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS COOKS. waiters, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency, 230ft YamhllL Phone Black 20bl. COOKS (CONDON). WAITRESS. DOMES- tic t wascoj, potwasner, mi liter, waitresses, cooks, domestics. Drakes. 205 Vi Washing ton. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; two in family; good wages. 605 E. Mam, cor. 16th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN email family; small bouse. Apply 305 N. 23d st. rear of 303. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAIST TRIM- mers. Apply today 171 North 17th. Mrs. R. O. Gilllland. A SENSIBLE BUSINESS WOMAN WITH $150 ror rermanent out-or-city office business, u 29, Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED TAILORESS to work on coats. Call at Pallay Bros., 170H eecona su EXPERIENCED BUTTONHOLE MAKER wanted. Jacobs Shirt Co., Hamilton bldg.. 131 3d St WANTED GOOD COOK: MUST ASSIST with washing and Ironing; references. 100 King st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; family of three. Call at 41 East 3lst st APPRENTICE NEAT, BRIGHT GIRL. 14 TO lb years; sman salary. Apply .Monday, litn st. KIND. ELDERLY LADY TO CARE FOR 2 children while mother works. Call Sunday iui tn. WANTED RESPECTABLE LADY TO SHARE expense of housekeeping rooms. V 28, Ore gonlan. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral houxework; good wages; references... 714 Everett. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work. Inquire at 26S McMillan st Phone East 1763. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR SECOND work. Apply from 0 to 12. 0 North 10th. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; three adults. 414 stark st. WANTED A GOOD SKIRTMAKER AND apprentice. Call today at 58i Second et A GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF BABY AND assist In general housework. 335 Market WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN housework in small family, ibu N. 16th. "WANTED AN OLD LADY TO CARE FOR 2 children; good home. Q 28, Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED 811 KIRBY ST.. FOR housework or to assist with housework. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED TAILOR- ess on coats. 271ft Morrison, room C. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 461 Rodney ave, near Eugene. WANTED EXPERIENCED COOK. 611 Lovejoy st, near 10th; call Monday. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR 3EC- ond work. Apply 341 11th st GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK.. 6S2 Schuyler st Phone east iS4. WOMAN FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. small family, can &oo 1st st. WANTED GIRL, WORK IN CONFECTION ery store. No. 1 North 4th ex. WANTE"D-COMPETENT SECOND GIRL. AP- ply 105 20th. cor. Kearney. WANTED GOOD GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK light place. 667 Overton. WANTED GOOD PLAIN COOK. TWO LV family. S12 Johnson st WANTED-GIRL TO SEW, ALSO APPREN tlce, at 547 Morrison st. GIRL FOR GROCERY AND CONFECTION ery store. 34S r. mn. EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER AND manicure, 160 5th st GOOD HELP WANTED IN SEWING room. 410 Ablngton. WANTED AT 862 MICHIGAN AVEL, GIRL for housework. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN HOUSEWORK 775 Irving st. "WANTED AT 284 MAIN . ST. WOMAN dishwasher. ' WANTED GIRLS ON DRESSMAKING. 288 Alder st. GOOD COOK AND LAUNDRESS. 54 N 18th st. SECOND GIRL GOOD WAGES. J 20. Ore gonian. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerics. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER AND GEN eral office man. with seven years' expert ence with larce exporting firm, wants no sltlon In or out of city; fine references. S 23. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN NOT AFRAID OF WORK. understands the hardware business, office work, can do painting, is willing to do anything. Phono aiain jvak ror c s. WANTED POSITION BY MAN OF CONHID erable business exocrience. clerk or sales man; has email amount would Invest; no ob jection to leaving town, at -x, uregonian AN EXPERIENCED SALESMAN, WHO has sold goods to the wholesale, and re- tall grocers in this city ror a long time, wants a position May 1. tr a uregonian. SIDE LINE FOR WILLAMETTE VALLEY and Coast by traveling salesman on Al proposition; consider; answer immediately. suite 41, Burkhardt biag., i-ast siae. STENOGRAPHER, BOOKKEEPER AND general office man, experienced and hard worker, seeks position with cnance or ad vancement J 36. uregonian. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER DESIRES employment either temporarily or permanent; machine dictation a specialty. Tel. Main 4060. WANTED BY STEADY YOUNG MAN, ON or more hours every day, at bookkeeping other work. B 27, Oregonlan. WOULD TAKE CARE SMALL SET OF books evenings or during day; experienced Address c 30. oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED MALTS. Bookxerpera sad Clerks. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT AND EXPERI- enced stenographer desires position affording opportunity for advancement. Irrespective of present wages; am good penman and able 10 turn out work accurately ana rapiaiy. u m, care oregonlan. YOUNG MAN STENOGRAPHER AND GEN- eral office man wants night work type writing, checking, invoicing and general office work a specialty; rates very reason able. M 0, Oregonlan. YOUNG AD-WRITER DESIRES POSITION: can furnish references: ad-wrlter or assistant. Albert Dlstelhorst. Dorchester, Wis. WANTED A POSITION IN DRUG STORE by a young man of good moral character. Dut utue experience. "hona scott 502. MlacellasesB. CIVIL ENGINEER. THOROUGHLY Ex perienced in irrigation, drainage, railway ana nyaraunc .mining work, and nrst-rate draughtsman, desires employment. Has complete modern equipment of field and offlco Instruments. Will accept stock in sound development enterprise in part pay ment for services. Address R 24, Ore gonlan, or xei. ,-uain iouf. BY INGENIOUS AND EXPERIENCED mechanic, either at machine, tool making or light machine work, for which I have $225 worth of modern tools; or In wood working factory, at running or renalrlng wood-working tools: 15 years' exnerlcnce. T 24. Oregonlan. HEAD WAITER. AUSTRIAN, 42 YEARS or age and good experience, speaking Eng lish. French, ana German perrcctly, wishes situation in the Fair grounds or In town. S 24, Oregonlan. POSITION WITH ESTABLISHED LAW firm by young Oregonlan: graduate law school; admitted in Indiana; best Oregon references; change in June. 22 Stiles ave.. Valparaiso, Ind. POSITION WANTED BY A COMPETENT colored man as a first-class all-around cook for hotel or boarding apartment; both meat and pastry; strictly sober and neat W 26, Oregonlan. MACHINIST AND ALL-AROUND. HANDY man wants a position; no oaa naDits; can furnish the beet of references. Address "The Machinist," 833 Kelly st Phone Main 4331 OUNG MAN WITH SOME EXPERIENCE In office wants any kind of steady employ ment; can give references, and Is not afraid of hard work. W 24. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED LEADER WILL FURNISH band, large or small, during Portland -Ex position; correspondence Invited. Address Leader, N 24. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN, 28; nustier, energetic and a worker; good sales man and all-round business man. E. Al Botelcr, 375 Yamhill st. ORDER COOKS, WAITERS, DISHWASH- ers, farmhands, laborers, saloon porters. white, negro, asiatlc. Phone Drake, 205 Washington. GOOD. SOBER COOK AND WIFE. NO CHIL- dren, want camp, mill or hotel; good ref erences. C. O. Russell, general delivery,. jfortiana, ur. BARKEEPER, UP-TO-DATE MAN FROM the iLst, wants position as barkeeper; sober. reliable, best rererences. s 30, Oregonlan. RUSTIC WORK OF ALL KINDS DONE, booth work a specialty, and designing, by Kelson Thomas, 226 Occident St., city. WANTED WORK BY FIRST-CLASS ICE cream maker; nice receipts, strictly tem perate. Address X 3Q, uregonian. EXPERIENCED LEADER WISHES EN- gagement for band 8 or more men; circus experience. H 38, Oregonlan. CHINESE COOK. EXPERIENCED AND COM petent, desires pcsition in hotel or res taurant, rnone Mam 3S2. WANTED POSITION AS SCALER: Ex perienced; gooa rcierences; ao ramiuar with books, g 24, uregonian. POSITION AS GASOLINE LAUNCH ENGI- neer; can run any make of marine gasoline engine. Y 24, Oregonlan. JAPANESE. GOOD COOK, WISHES SITU- atloh, boarding-nouse or private family Phono Black 103. WANTED SITUATION, BY SOBER, STEADY man to care ror norses. J. stone, ill N 7th st GOOD JAPANESE BOY WANTS TO DO housework, any kind. B 28, care Oregonlan. WANTED BY A YOUNG MAN POSITION as chaffeur; experienced. Q 20, Oregonlan. MAN AND WIFE WANT POSITION ON farm. 344 Front st, room 3. CARPENTER WANTS JOB OR REPAIR work. Phone Main 6303. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. -Bookkeeper and Stenographer. WANTED POSITION BY STENOGRA pher with several years' experience; capa ble of doing general office work; can fur nish best of references. C 25, Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WITH OFFICE EXPERI ence desires position as billing clerk, cash ler or assistant bookkeeper; best of ref erences. O 38. care Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER AND bookkeeper wishes position, thoroughly ex perienced, wholesale house preferred. O 37, Oregonlan. WANTED BY EXPERD3NCED BOOKKEEP er, set of books or stenographic work to do at home; references, ii 23. uregonian. POSITION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY stenographer, willing to begin with small salary. N 30, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER by competent young lady. L 2S, Oregonlan. ably. Room 306. Fenton bldg. WANTED-NEATLY FURNISHED DWELL- lng-house, with six or eight rooms; location. "orocllc- west of 10th st Kindly state terms and SITUATION WANTED AS CHILD'S NURSE Poriland6 Hotef1''"- or lady's maid by very neat Norwegian-1 room tne lana aoiet' Black0"!"16"'11"3' 330,4 Tarahm' Ph0nC ROOM AND BOARD. UNFURNISHED OR .pia-cn. -wi. furnished housekeeping rooms, for dentist POSITION AS COOK IN PRIVATE FAMILY jUth jtUt baby year old. In exchange or boarding-house by middle-aged woman; for dental work by 'establls hed dentist. Ad- referencea exchanged; O 27, care Oregonlan. dress S 3S. care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY SWEDISH GIRL WANTED 5 OR 6-ROOM FURNISHED COT- to do cooking and housework in small fam- tage or flat for six months: miMt be near llv F "7 Oreronian car line; neat and reasonable. Address, stat- 10 . r -'. urcgumuu. prlce locatlon M F Donahae, Lewis RELIABLE GIRL DESIRES SITUATION TO and Clark Fair. nurse children; go home nights. "230 Yam- , 7T hill. Phone Black 2S81. VACANT HOUSES WANTED IN ALL parts of the city; high-class tenants guar- 2 GIRL3 AS CHAMBERMAIDS IN FIRST- anteed. Stevens. Veasey & Co., 265 Mor- class hotel; reference?. A. G., 207 3d et rlsoii st. suite 208. Phone Main 1076. A COMPETENT GIRL WISHES PLACE FOR FURNISHED HOUSES WANTED FOR THE general housework. Phone Main 6786. Fair period or permanently. Stevens, Veasey & Co., 263 Morrison st., suite 208. Housekeepers. Phone Main 1076. REFINED MIDDLE-AGED LADY. MU- WANTED TO RENT. UNFURNISHED slcal. desires situation aa housekeeper for rooms or store; must be cheap rent; light, rooming-house or widower small family. 230 dry basement: would do for factory. Call YamhllL Phono Black 2SS1. room 2. 43 2d st WOMAN OF ABILITY AS HOUSEKEEPER, DURING THE FAIR. j FURNISHED rooming or boarding-house; capable of tak- house In good location, with privilege ot lng full charge. T 28. Oregonlan. renting rooms. References given. L 27, WANTED-FOSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER, Orgo" or any position ipf trust Call at 265 2d st "WANTED ONE OR TWO UNFURNISHED Phone Hood 1673. rooms for light housekeeping; privileges; give GERMAN LADY WISHES POSITION AS oregonlan1 l0CaUa'' housekeeper; good plain cook. S 30, Ore- uregonian. gonian. WANTED TO RENT 2 OR 3 FURNISHED . .,. -7 .,, housekeeping rooms; must bo clean, com- WANTED-POSITION AS WORKING pjeto and Feasonable. Address K 26, Ore housekeeper by middle-aged lady. O 20, Or- gonian cgonlan. TOTrr.rvr t inv u vnvTwfi nr r. p.m- FURNITURE SUPPLIED ON NEW PLAN TO WIDOW LADY, 14 MONTHS OLD BAB, thoae wihlng to rent rooms; no cash re wants place as housekeeper. Phone Main quired. For particulars address V 36, Ore 2113, "gonian. Dressmakerm. YOUNG MAN FROM GEORGIA WANTS board and room In private family, $23; fine DRESSMAKING WAISTS. SHIRTWAIST references; central location. W 2S, Ore suits, children's plain and fancy garment gonian. at reasonable prices. 314 Mill st Phono . . Main 5386. , TWO YOUNG MEN DESIRE ROOM AND 1- board, private family. West Side, near car DRESSMAKING SHIRTWAISTS. SHrRT- line; .give full particulars. H.30. Oregonlan. waist suits, children's sewing, wrappers, : kimonos. 364 Sacramento st WANTED TO RENT, HOUSE OF ABOUT 12 rooms, furnished or unfurnished; West Side; MRS. VAUGHAN. A COMPETENT DRESS- good reference. T 37, care Oregonlan. maker, wants day sewing; price $2. Phone Main 6023. WANTED SUITE ..OF NICE, CLEAN .rooms, with board for two. Write, stating FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING AND LA- price. Y 27, care Oregonlan. dies' tailoring at 46 E. Sth st. N., bet Couch and Davis. . WANTED UNFURNISHED ROOM, GAS - and bath, south of Hawthorne and east of WAIST HANDS. SKIRT HANDS AND AP- Grand ave. A 36, Oregonlan. prentices wanted at 420 Morrison st ; FURNISHED HOUSE. SUITABLE FOR A YOUNG LADY WISHES PLACE TO SEW IN lodging-house. In good location, not over. ihop. ES 28. Oregonlan. $75. j 37. Oregonlan. . aOseeliaaeoB. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS ON FIRST floor or 4 to 5-room cottage, West Side. YOUNG LADY. WELL EDUCATED AND Y 38, Oregonlan. refined, wants position, office work, cashier; . used to managing; capable of taking full WANTED TO RENT A B OR 6-ROOM COT- charge; can furnish Al references; no ot?- tago or flat: must b centrally located. R jectlons to leaving: city. R 25, Oregonlan. 4a Oregcnlas. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AT HOME; WANTED TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSE- flrst-clftss "work. Mrs, Ida Haehlen. Phone keeping rooms, centrally located. Phone Union 1844. Main 4224. -EXPERIENCED PIANO TEACHER WILL UNFURNISHED HOUSE OH FLAT; CEN- glve two lessons for 75c L 30, Oregonlan. tral location. Address P. O. Bob 100. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. SOsceUaaecma. POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED business woman as manager of exchange de partment with reliable real -estate firm; sal ary and commission. Mrs. Budd, 601 Kan sas City Life bldg., Kansas City. Mo. PREPOSSESSEs'G. INTELLIGENT. EAST- ern wiaow, large acquaintance ana ouai ness ability, wants occupation more than wages: any respectable business. Call or address, room 18 Hotel Oxford. A COMPETENT WOMAN. LATELY FROM tno East, wishes to give massage ircauncnis to ladles in their own homes; prefers work ing under physicians. Y 20, Oregonlan. BRIGHT WOMAN. ACCUSTOMED TO MEET- ing the public, wants position uunng sir; Is good demonstrator; can sell tickets or ci gars. D 30, Oregonlan. LADY COOK AND DISHWASHER WOULD like work together In camp; good refer ences. Inquire room 35, Belmont Houee, First and Taylor. EXPOSITION HELP KITCHEN. DINING- room, chambermaids, concessions, exhibi tors; city, country help furnished. Drake, 205 Washington. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION OF ANY kind: Is experienced cashier and clerk and demonstrator. A 37, Oregonlan. COMPETENT WOMAN; GOOD WORKER, wants day work; also experienced ironer. Phone Main 1625, room 44. WOMAN WANTS DAY WORK. SWEEPING, cleaning; no washing. Phone Scott 2103. WOMAN WISHES WORK BY DAY OR week. 223 Market et Phone Hood 276. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND fancy Ironing. Telephone Main 3740. COMPETENT CASHIER WANTS POSITION. Address Cashier, 767 Raleigh st WANTED WASHING AND HOU5E-CLE-N- uis. irnone ciay -ua, room i. A POSITION OF TRUST BY REFINED lady. L 33, Oregonlan. WOMAN WANTS WASHING AND DRONING by tbo day. 427 Front WANTED AGENTS. LEARN ADVERTISING SIGN PAINTING and make $5 to $10 per day. Our book of information and designs win teach you quick. No fraud. Prlco reduced to one dol lar If ordered at once. Stamps or postal order. Williamson Sign System. Hamilton and Maple aves., St. Louis, Mo. SALESMEN WANTED: NEW PROPOSI- tlon: commission and premium; outfit free; good territory open; cash advanced on orders each week: write quick and send reference with application. Address Washington Nurs ery Co.. Toppenlsh. Wash. AGENTS $1 AN HOUR INTRODUCING OUR high-grade medicinal soaps and ointment; every call means a sale; experience not nec essary: crew and branch office managers wanted. Terriff Medical Association, 1414 Wabash ave., Chicago. LADY AGENTS MAKING LES3 THAN $25 weekly should write for catalogue and terms; we start you In business and make you In dependent; outfit prepaid. Women's Apparel supply Co.. Chicago. AGENTS MEN AND WOMEN COIN MONEY selling "Corno" Corn Killing Plasters; cure guaranteed: 100 per cent profit Stamp brings sample and terms. Best Supply Co., Jollet, ill. AGENTS NEARLY ALL PROFIT SELLING newest ready-made signs: big money; mer chants buy 10 to 100 on eight; latest, biggest catalogue rree. juantauu co., i-i iuron, Toledo, O. AGENTS MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FIT tlng glasses: big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jackson- Ian Optical college, college .riace. jacn- son. Mich. MONEY IN SOAP AGENTS SOAP CREW organizers; branch office managers wanted. Quickest money-maker on eartn. .ranter co., 237 Market Chicago. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL THE IDEAL Waist and Skirt Supporter, sample witn demonstrator, 25c. George N. Sceets, 1303 Grace St.. Chicago. AGENTS MAMMOTH 1000-PAGE CATA- loirue of ajrents' suddIIcs free. Just out. Rock bottom prices: write. Stange Co., 08 Mar ket St. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL "WATER FILTERS: easy seller; retails. $2; big profits, exclusive territory. write quicx. cenrca rmcr o.. Seneca, mo. GOOD LTVB AGENTS WANTED TO SELL Iota on commission. In or.a of tb choicest suburbs of Peruana. Aaaresa if. u. uax 703, city. WANTED 2 OR 3 GOOD AGENTS OF NEAT appearance- to present good proposition; names rurnisnea. -v za, uregonian. TWO EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING MEN on city guide. can before 1. Jtyaer, Printer, 2d and Washington. AGENTS WE HAVE A WINNER; IF YOU want easy money, write quiciu xwucs duui- tary Co., st. iouis. mo. LADY OR GENTLEMEN SOLICITORS PER raanent work; cash proposition. Address E 30. Oregonlan. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR- Call 311 Stark st. room 310. bet 12 and 1 P. M. LADY AGENT SOMETHING NEW. GOOD seller, big wnges. 215 Commercial blk. WANTED TWO PORTRAIT PROOF PASS- ers. Address w 25, uregonian. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED BY YOUNG COUPLE. MAY 1. two furnished rooms for light housekeep ing, on East Side; , gas ror cooking pre ferred; no children. State price per month. WANTED TO BENT. FIRST-CLASS ROOMS. Close in. can be booked now with H. C Bowers. Portland Hotel, or The Lewis & Clark Hotel Co., 133 6th st., Oregonlan bldg. The Lewis & Clark Hotel co. la tna omy rooming company that I am Interested In, Phone Mala 20s. 1. c uuwsks. WANTED ROOMS In all parts of the city. Apply 202 Goodnough building. Exposition Accommodation Bureau. Under direction of Lewis and Clark Fair Corporation. Phone Main 6266. WANTED FURNISHED ROOMS LISTED at our rree rental bureau, ttememoer. 11 costs you nothing to fill your rooms with permanent or transient roomers. Stevens. Veasey & Co.. 263 Morrison st, sulto 20S. WANTED 6 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE BY June 1. couple, no children. M 38, Orego nlan. WANTED BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY UN- furnished house or flat Main 40 8. WANTED MIS CF.TX ANEOU3. STEVENS. VEASEY & CO. SUITE 20S. ALISKY BUILDING. TELEPHONE MAIN 1076. Business otDortiinltl Cnn aca.t vnti for cash or small cash nftvmfnts. Sen us before locating. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS BUYS all kinds of furniture, new or old, at 211 1st st. .rnone Main ouoo. WANTED STYLISH. GENTLE DRCVTNG norse. bay color preferred, with buggy or phaeton. Describe horse and rig. where It can be seen and state lowest cash price. Address 3U. uregonian. WANTED A GOOD BANK SAFE, A GOOD ron-top aesK. ana uregon Law Reports. Describe fully; state price. B 28, Ore gonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid. Call at tea air ueai." ts r. aa. .rnane aooa 017. WANTED TO BUY GOOD SECOND-HAND typewriter for cash. Address F 30, Ore gonlan. giving description and price. WANTED PIANO FOR THE SUMMER: good care; will pay cartage and small rent Phone Main 1170. TO HIRE SOUND YOUNG SADDLE HORSE. oroKen to drive, Duy it suitable. E 36. uregonian. WANTED FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED fiat or house, 3 to 12 rooms; adults. Y 37, uregonian. WANTED FINE ROLLER-TOP DESK AND onice chairs: state lowest nrlce. P. O. Box 477, city. WANTED RUBBER-TIRED BUGGY; MUST u buuu oruer ana cneap. io fitn St. WANTED KODAK OR CAMERA IN EX- cnange ror rifle. Address T 20, Oregonlan. WANTED TOP DELIVERY WAGON IN gooa condition; state price. P 30, Orcgonian. WANTED A SECOND-HAND BICYCLE IN gooa conamon. n I'arK st, -fhone 2613. LOAN WANTED $100 OR $200. GOOD IN- teresi ana security, a at, uregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT- tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WB PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 133-101 1st st. WANTED A GOOD OX-E-HORSE SURREY, laie styie. n at, uregonian. OR 3 POOL TABLES WANTED. AD dress O 24. Oregonlan. 7FT. LATHE. 12 TO 13 SWING. ADDRESS o. care uregonian. FOR RENT. Booms. 347 11TH ST. ONE OR TWO NICE ROOMS. with private family; modern house, nicely located in best residence part; reasonable rent Phone Main 2406. NICELY" FURNISHED ROOMS. 4 BLOCKS from main entrance to Fair grounds; pleas antly situated. 517 Guild ave., near Roed st Phone Front 2048. 553 5TH NICELY FURNISHED SUNNY room, new house, private family: $8 month; electric lights, bath, phone. 10 minutes' walk Hotel Portland. TWO NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. GENTLE, men prererrea. large grounas, una view, take trip Sunday and see. Phone Scott 3754. Mount Tabor. 742 KEARNEY ST. FURNISHED ROOM, nlt.M. fn. turn Inrlla.- hntS I-no Tthtnn- privilege of cooking breakfast If desired. Phone Main 307. LARGE, SUNNY CORNER, FACING TIIT and Washington sts., suitable for two or four ladles or gentlemen. 343 Washing ton St., room 7. FURNISHED ROOM3. CLOSE TO CENTER, $1 and $1.00; housekeeping- suite, sunny, ground floor, sink, gas range, $4. 8S Tenth, near Stark. THE ELM. 121 AND 125 13TH, COR. WASH- lngton Elegantly furnished rooms; rates: for tourists; bath, phone. Mrs. Robertson, manager. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ELEC- trlc light, with uss of phono and bath; closa In; very reasonable 240 Park st Mr, Main. FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. FIRST FLOOR, modern. East Side, close, nlco location; bath, suitable one or two. Particulars Phono East 1316. NICE, LARGE FURNISHED ROOM. SU1X- ablo for one or two gentlemen; ja ror one, $7.50 for two, per month. No. 335 EL 6th. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, SUIT- abla for man and wife or two ladies; light housekeeping, if desired. 624 Pettygrove. 251 ALDER. NEAR 3D ST. NEW BRIOK ouiiamg; pieasant iuraisneu roouu. now, up-to-date; $2.50 to $4 week; 50c to $1 day. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOMS. RENT reasonable. Inquire at 292 11th st, from 2 to 5 P. M.; ladles only; reference. NICE FURNISHED ROOM TN PRIVATE family; Including bath and telephone. 32 16th st, bet. Washington and Couch. NICELY FURNISED FRONT AND BACK parlor for rent; In walking distance 01 iair grounds. Call at 42 North 21st st NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. MODERN house, bath, telephone and all conveniences. Inquire 81 Third st; $3 per week. THE TEMPLE. 343 YAMHILL ST.. OPPO- site Hotel .Portland cicely rurnisnea rooms; rates reasonable; transient 411 E. BURNSIDE WH.L RENT FOR STJM- mer, large front bay-window room, auitabla for 2 gentlemen; free phone, E. 2S22. PLEASANT TRANSIENT ROOMS' WITH home comforts; new house, four blocks from Hotel Portland. 250 Slxih. NEWLY-FURNISHED ROOMS; NO OBJEC- tlon to light housekeeping; bath, phone, gas; adults. 447 5th; walking distance. FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOMS, $1. $1.50, $2; housekeeping suites, ground floor, cloae In, S3. $4. 86 10th, near Stark. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. downstairs, suitable for two, very reason able. 354 Salmon, cor. Park. THE HEILER, 280 GRAND AVE. FUR- nlshed roomtr, week or month; also tran sient rooms, 30c. 75c and $1. COZY FURNISHED ROOM, SUITABLE FOR gentleman, close in; phone and bath, rent reasonable. 513 YamhllL st. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT BAY WIX- dow room, 354 E. Davis, cor. 3d., two blocks Burnslde bridge; reasonable. NICE NEW ROOMS, FURNISHED. SINGLE and housekeeping, at Fair grounds, 26th and Savler; new building. 187 CHAPMAN, NEAR MORRISON TWO connecting rooms, suitaoie ror man ana. wife or gentleman; bath, phone. - LARGE ROOM FOR GENTLEMEN. $2 weekly; oatn. pnone. private ramlly. 287 4th st., near Jefferson. 387 YAMHILL ST. WELL-FURNISHED v steam heat, electric lights, reasonable- rates: transient week or month. FURNISHED ROOM. FIRST FLOOR, SUIT- 14th. Phone Front 194. 181 1ST, COR. YAMHILL NICELY" FUR- nishea outsia room: oatn ana pnone; tran sient; tourists solicited- 170 10TH LARGE FRONT ROOM, SUIT able for twu; gas, bath and phone; reason able; board if desired. $5 NICELY FURNISHED ROO FOR GEN tleman; gas, bath and phone. 671 E. Morrl-