46T KE t)ISEGONIAN, iPOBTIiAffP, rAPRIL 9, 1905. No. -DC THE MYSTERY. OF THE THREE STUDENTS m T was In the year '&3 that a combina I tion of events, into which I seed not enter, caused Mr. 'Sherlock Holmes and myself to spend some weeks In one of our great -university towns, and It -was during this time that the Km all but in structive adventure which I am about to relate befell us. It- will be obvious that any details which would help the reader exactly to Identify the college or the criminal would be injudicious and offen sive. So painful a scandal may well be allowed to die out. "With due discretion the Incident Itself may, however; be de scribed, since it serves to Illustrate some of those qualities for which my friend was remarkable. I will endeavor, in my statement, to avoid such terms as would serve to limit the vents to any particu lar place, or give a clue as to the peo ple concerned. "We were residing: at the time in fur nished lodgings close to a library where Sherlock Holmes was pursuing some la borious researches in early English char tersresearches which led to results so striking that they may bo the subject of one of my future narratives. Here It was that one evening' we received -a visit from an acquaintance, Mr. Hilton Soames, tutor and lecturer at the College of St. Luke's Mr. Soames was a tall, spare man, of a nervous and excitable temper ament. I had always known him to be restless in his manner, but on this par ticular occasion he was In such a state of uncontrollable agitation that it was clear something very unusual had oc curred. "1 trust, Mr. Holmes, that you can npare me a few hours of your valuable time. "We have had a very painful inci dent at St. Luke's, and really, but for the happy chance of your being in town, I should have been at a loss what to do." "I am very busy Just now, and I desire no distractions," my .friend answered. "I should much prefer that you called in the aid of the police." "No, no, my dear sir; such a course is utterly impossible. When once the law Js evoked If cannot be stayed again, and this is Just one of those cases where, for the credit ot the college, it is most es sential to avoid scandal. Your, discretion is as well known as your powers, and you are the ono man in. the world who can help me. I beg you, Mr. Holmes, to do what you can. My friend's temper had not Improved since he had been deprived of the con genial surroundings of Baker street. Without his scrap-books, his chemicals, and his homely untidiness, he was an uncomfortable man. He shrugged his shoulders In ungracious acquiescence, while our visitor in hurried words and with much excitable gesticulation poured forth his story. "I must explain to you, Mr. Holmes, that tomorrow is the first day of the exr amination for the Fortescue Scholarship. I am one of the examiners. My subject is Greek, and the first of the papers con sists of a large passage of Greek trans lation which the candidate baa not seen. This passage is printed on the examina tion paper, and it would naturally be an immense advantage if the candidate could prepare it in advance. For this reason, great caro is taken to keep the paper secret. "Today", about S o'clock, the proofs of this paper arrived from the printers. The exercise consists of half a chapter of Thucydides. I had to read it over carefully, as the text must be absolutely correct At 4:30 my task was not yot completed. I had, however, promised to take tea in a friend's rooms, so I left the proof upon my desk. I was absent rather more than an hour. "You are aware, Mr. 'Holmes, that our college doors are double a green baize one within and a heavy oak one without. As I approached my outer door, I was amazed to see a key in it. For an in stant I imagined that I had left my own there, but on feeling in my pocket I found that it was all right. The only duplicate which existed, so far as I knew, was that which belonged to my servant. Bannister a man who has looked after my room for ten years, and whose honesty is absolutely above sus picion. I found that the key was Indeed his, that he had entered my room to know If I wanted tea, and that ho had very carelessly left the key In the door when he came out. His visit to my room must have been within a very few mln-. utes of my leaving it His forgetfulness about the key would have mattered little upon any other occasion, but on this one day It has produced the most deplorable consequences. "The moment I looked at my table, I was aware that someone had rummaged among my papers. The proof was in three long slips. I had left them all to gether. Now, I found that one of them was lying on the floor, one was on the side table near the window, and the third was where I had left it" Holmes stirred for the first time. "The first page on the floor, the sec ond in the window, the third where you left it," said he. "Exactly, Mr. Holmes. You amaze me. How could you possibly know that?" "Pray continue your very interesting statement" "For an instant X imagined that Ban nister had taken the -unpardonable liberty of examining my papers. He denied it however, with the utmost earnestness, and I am convinced that he was speaking the truth. The alternative was that some one passing had observed the key in the door, had known that I was out and had entered to look at the papers. A large sum of money is at stake, for the schol arship is a very valuable one, and an un scrupulous man might very well run a risk in order to gain an advantage over his fellows. "Bannister was very much upset by the incident He had nearly fainted when we found that the papers had undoubtedly been tampered with. I gavo him a little brandy and left him collapsed in a chair, while I made a most careful examination of the room. I soon saw that the in truder had left other traces of his pres ence besides the rumpled papers. On the table in the window were several shreds from a pencil which had been sharpened. A broken tip of lead was lying there also. Evidently the rascal had copied the paper In a great hurry, had broken his pencil, and had been compelled to put a fresh point to it" "Excellent!" said Holmes, who was re covering his good-humor as his attention became more engrossed by the case. "For tune has been your friend." "This was not all. I have a new writing table with a fine surface of red leather. I " am prepared to swear, and so is Bannister, that it was smooth and unstained. Now I found a clean cut in it about three inches long not a mere scratch, but a positive cut Not only this, but on the table I -found a small ball of black dough or clay, with specks of something which looks like sawdust in it I am convinced that these marks were left by the man who rifled the papers. There were no foot marks and no other evidence as to his identity. I was at my wits' ends, when i3denly the happy thought occurred i ! lgWTC32ffiW 1 you that he ' t stair as you jmfiiFm. 7 ' "No. lean to me that you were in the town, and I came straight round to put the matter into your hands. Do help me, Mr. Holmes. You see my dilemma. Either I must find the man or. else the exam ination must bo postponed until fresh papers are prepared, and since this cannot be done without explanation, there will ensue a hideous Bcandal, which will throw a cloud not only on the college, but on the university. Above all things, I desire to settle the matter quietly and discreetly." T shall be happy to look into It ami give you such advice as I can," said Holmes, rising and putting- on his overcoat "The case is not entirely de void of interest Had any one visited you in your room after the papers came to you?" "Yes, young Daulat Has, an Indian student who lives on the same stair, came in to ask me some particulars about the examination." "For which he was entered?" "Yes." "And tho papers were on your table?" "To the be3t of my belief, they were rolled up." "But might be recognized as proofs?" 'Possibly." "No one else in your room?' . "No." "Did any ono know that these proofs would be there?" Io one save the printer." , "Did this man Bannister know?" "No, oertainly not No one knew." "Where is Bannister now 7" "He was very 111, poor fellow. I left him collapsed in the chair. I was in such a hurry to come to you." "You loft your door open?" "I locked up the papers first" "Then it amounts to his, Mr. Soames, that unless the Indian students recog nized the roll as being proofs, the man who tampered with them came upon them accidentally without knowing that they were there." "So it seems to me." Holmes gave an enigmatic smile. "Well," said "he, "lot us go rounVl. Not one of your cases, Watson mon taL. not physical. All right; come if you want to. Now, Mr. Soames at your disposal!" The sitting-room of our client oponed by a long, low, latticed win dow on to the ancient lichen-tinted court of the old college. A Gothic arched door led. to a worn stone stair case. On the ground floor was the tu tor's room. Above were three stu dents, one on each story. It was al ready twilight when we reached the scene of our problem. Holmes halted and looked earnestly at the window. Then he approached it and, standing on tip-toe with his neck craned, he looked Into the room. "He must have entered through tho door. There is no opening- except the one pane." said our learned guide. "Dear me!" said Holmes, and he smiled in a singular way as he glanced at our companion. "Well, if there is nothing to be learned here, we had best go inside." The lecturer unlocked tho outer door and ushered us Into his room. We stood at the entrance while Holmes made an examination of the carpet "I am afraid there are no signs here," said he. "One could hardly hopo for any upon so dry a day. Your servant seems to have quite recovered. You left him in a chair, you sayj Which chair?" "By the window there." "I see. Near this little table. You can come in now. I have finished with the carpet Let -us take the little table first Of course, what has happened is very clear. The man entered and took tho papers, sheet by sheet from the central table. He carried them over to the window table, becauso from there he could see if you came across the courtyard, and so could effect an es cape." "As a matter of fact he could not" said Soames, "for I entered by the side door." "Ah. that's good! Well, anyhow, that was in his mind. Let me see tho three strips. No finger impressions no! Well, he carried over this one first, and he copied it How long would it take him to do that usinir every nos- slblo contraction? A quarter of an7 hour, not less. Then he tossed it down and seized the next He was in the midst of that when your return caused him to make a very hurried retreat very hurried, since he had not time to renlacr- the papers which vould tdl Miles McLaren. t Tinns unr mix r JIW IVIiml . had been there. You were of any hurrying feet on the entered the outer door t say I was." 'Well, he wrote so furiously that he broke his pencil, and had, as you ob serve, to sharpen it again. This is of Interest Watson. The pencil was not ordinary one. It was above the usual Else, with a soft lead, the outer color was dark blue, the maker's name was printed in silver lettering, and the piece remaining is only about an inch and a half long. Look for suoh a pen cil, Mr. Soames, and you have got your man. When I add that he possesses a large and very blunt knife, you have an additional aid." Mr. Soames was somewhat over wh elmcd by this flood of information. "I can follow the other points," said he, "but really, in this matter of the length " Holmes held out a small chip with tho letters NN and a space of clear wood after them. "You see?" "No, I fear that even now 'Watson, I have always 'done you an Injustice. There are others. What could this'NN be? It is at the end of a word. You are aware that Johann Faber is tho most common maker's name. Is it not clear that there is Just as much of the pencil left as usu ally follows the Johann?" He held tho small table sideways to the electric light "I was hoping that if the paper on which he wrote was thin, some trace of it might come through upon this polished surface. No, I see nothing. I don't think there is anything more to be learned here. Now for the central table. This small pellet is, I presume, tho black, doughy mass you spoke of. Roughly pyramidal in shape and hol lowed out I perceive. As you say, there appear o be grains of sawdust in it Dear mo, this is very Interesting. And the cut a positive tear, I see. It be gan with a thin scratch and ended in a Jagged hole. I am much indebted to you for directing" my attontion to this case, Mr. Soames. Where does that door lead to?" "To my bedroom." "Have you been in it since your ad venture?" "No, I came straight away for you." "I should like to have . a glance round. What a charming, old-fashioned room! Perhaps you will kindly wait a minute, until I have examined the floor. No, I see nothing. What about this curtain? You hang your clothos" be hind it If any one wore forced to conceal himself in this room he must do it there, since the bed is too low and the wardrobe too shallow. No one there, I suppose?" As Holmes drew the curtain I was aware, from some little rigidity and alertness of his attitude, that he was prepared for'Sh emorgency. As a mat ter af fact the drawn curtain disclosed nothing but three or four suits of clothes hanging from a line of, pegs. Holmes turned away, and stooped sud denly to the floor. "Halloa! What's this?" said he. It was a small pyramid of black, putty-like stuff, exactly like the one upon the table of the study. Holmes held it out on his open palm in the glare of tho olectrjc light "Your visitor seems to have left traces in your bedroom as ,well as in your sitting-room, Mr. Soames." 'What could ho have wanted there?'' "I think it is clear enough. You came back by an unexpected way, and so ho had no warning until you were at the very door. What could ho do? He caught up everything which would betray him, and he rushed into your bedroom to conceal himself." "Good gracious, Mr. Holmes, do you mean to tell me that all the time I was talking to Bannister in this room, wo had the man prisoner If we had only known It?' "So I read it" "Suroly there Is another alternative, Mr. Holmes. I don't know whether you observed my bedroom window?" "Lattlce-paned, lead framework, three separate windows, one swinging on hinge, and largo enough to admit a man." "Exactly. And it looks out on an angle of the courtyard so as to be partly invisible. The man might have effected his entrance there, loft tracos as ho passed through the bedroom, and finally, finding the door open, have es caped that way." Holmes shook his head Impatiently. "Let us bo practical," said he. 'I understand you to say that there are three students who use this stair, and are in the habit of passing your door?" "Yes, there are." "And they are all in for this -examination?" "Yes." "Have you any reason to suspect any one of them more than the others?" Soames hesitated. "It is a very delicate question," said he. "Ono hardly likes to throw sus picion where there are no proofs." "Let us hear tho suspicions. I will look after the proofs." T will tell you. then, in a few words the character of the three men who in habit tb.es o rooms. The lower of the three is Gilchrist a fine scholar and athlete, plays in the rugby team and the cricket team for the college, and got his blue for the hurdles and the long Jump. He is a fine, manly fellow. His father was the notorious Sir Jabez Gilchrist who ruined himself on the turf. My scholar has been left very poor, but he is hard-working and ln dustrlons. He will do welL "The second floor Is inhabited by Daulat Has, the Indian. He is a quiet, inscrutable fellow, as most of those Indians are. He is well up in his work, though his Greek Is his weak subject He is steady and methodical. "The top floor belongs to Miles Mc Laren. He is a brilliant fellow when he chooses to work one of the bright est intellects of the university; but he .iswayward, dissipated, and unprinci pled. He was nearly expelled over a card scandal In his first year. He has been idling all this term, and he must look forward with dread to tho exam ination." "Then it is he whom you suspect?" "I dare not go so far as thatBut of the three, he is perhaps the least unlikely." "Exactly. Now, Mr. Soames, let us have a look at your servant. Bannis ter." He was a little, ,whlte-faced. clean shaven, grizzly-haired fellow of 50. He was still suffering from this sudden disturbance of the quiet routine of his life. His plump face was twitching with his nervousness, and his fingers could not keep still. "We are Inveslgalng this unhappy business. Bannister," said his master. "Yes, sir." "I understand," said Holmes, "that you left your key In the door?" "Yes, sir." "Was It not very extraordinary that you should do this on the very day when there were these pap'ers Inside?" 'It was most unfortunate, sir. But I have occasionally done the same thing at other times." "When did you enter the room?" "It was about half-past four. That Is Mr. Soames' tea time." "How lone: did vou stav?" When I saw-thrt taVas absent. 1a "Did you look at these papers on the table T' "No, sir certainly not" . "How came you to leavo the key In the doorT" f "I had the tea tray In my hand. I thought I would come back for the key. Then I forgot" "Has the outer door a spring: lock?" "No, sir." "Then it was open all tho time 7" "Yes, sir." "Any one In the room could got out?" "Yes, sir." "When Mr. Soames returned and called for you, you were very much disturbed?" "Yes, sir: Such a thing has never happened during the many years that I have been here. I nearly fainted, sir." "So I understand. Where were you when you began to feel bad?" "Where was L sir? Why, here, near the door." "That is singular, because you sat ' Doulat Has. down in that chair over yonder near the corner. Why did you pass these other chairs?" "I don't know, sir. It didn't matter to me where I sat" "I really don't think he know much about It Mr. Holmes. He was looking very bad quite ghastly." "You stayed here when your mas tor left?" "Only for a minute or so. Then . I locked the door and wont to my room." "Whom do you suspect?" "Oh, I would not venture to say, sir. I don't believe there is any gentleman in this university who Is capable of profiting by such an action. No, sir, I'll not believe it" "Thank yob, that will do," said Holmes. "Oh, one more word. You have not men tioned to any of the three gentlemen whom you attend that anything is amiss?" "No, sir; not a word." "You haven't seen any of them?" "No, sir.' "Very' good. Now, Mr. Soames, we will take a walk in the quadrangle. If you please." Three yellow) squares of light shone above us In the gathering gloom. "Your three birds are alt In their nests," said Holmes, looking up. "Halloa! What's that? One of them seems restless enough." BANNISTER mw m I i It was the Indian, whose dark silhouette appeared suddenly upon his blind. He was pacing swiftly up and down his room. "I should like to have a peep at each of them," said Holmes. "Is It possible?" "No difficulty in the world," Soames an swered. "This set of rooms is quite the oldest In the college, and it Is not unusual for visitors to go over them. Come along, and I will personally conduct you." "No names, please!" said Holmes, as we knocked at Gilchrist's door. A tall, flaxen-haired, slim young fellow opened it and made us welcome when he understood our errand. There were some really curi ous pieces of mediaeval domestic architec ture within. Holmes was so charmed with one of them that he Insisted on drawing it in his notebook, bro - his pencil, had to borrow one from our host, and finally borrowed a knife to sharpen his own. The same curious accident happened to him in the rooms of the Indian a silent, little, hooknosed fellow, who eyed usaskance. and was obviously, glad when Holmes' architectural studies had come to an end. I could not seo that in either case Holmes had come upon the clew for which he was searching. Only at the third did our visit prove abortive. The outer door would not open to our knock, and nothing more sub stantial than a torrent of bad language came from behind it "I don't care who you are. You can go to blazes!" roated the angry voice. "Tomorrow's the exam, and I won't be drawn by anyone." "A rude fellow," said our guide, flushing with anger as we withdrew down the stair. "Of course, he did not realize that it was I who was knocking, but none tho less" his conduct was very uncourteous, and, indeed, under the circumstances, rather suspicious." Holmes' response was a curious one. "Can you tell me his exact height?" he asked. "Really, Mr. Holmes. I cannot under take to say. He is taller than the Indian, not so tall as Gilchrist I suppose five foot six would be about It" "That la very Important," said Holmes. "And now, Mr. Soames. I wish you good night" Our guide, cried aloud in his astonish ment and dismay. "Good gracious, Mr. Holmes, your are surely not going to leave me In this ab rupt fashion! You don't seem to realize the position. Tomorrow Is tho examina tion. I must take some definite action to night I cannot allow the examination to be held If one of the papers has been tampered with. The situation must be "You must leave it as it Is. I shall drop round early tomorrow morning, and chat the matter over. It Is possible that I may be In a position then to Indicate some course of action. Meanwhile, you change nothing nothing at all." "Very good, Mr. Holmes." "You can be perfectly easy in your mind. We shall certainly find some way out of your dimcultles. I will take the black clay with me. also the pencil cuttings. Good-bye." When we were out in the darkness of the quadrangle, we again looked up at the windows. The Indian still paced his room. The others were Invisible. "Well. Watson, what do you think of it?" Holmes asked, as we came out Into .th main street "Quite a little parlor game sort of three-card trick. Is It not? There are your three men. It must be one of them. You take your choice. Which Is yours?" "The foul-mouthed fellow at the top. He Is the one with the worst record. And yet that Indian was a sly fellow also. Why should he be pacing his room all the time?" "There Is nothing in that. Many men EXTLA1NS. do It when they are trying to learn any thing by heart" "He looked at us in a queer way." 'So woultyou. If a flock of strangers came in on you when you were preparing for an examination next day, and every moment was of value. No, I see nothing in that.. Pencils, too, and knives all was satisfactory. But that fellow does puzzle me." "Who?" "Why, Bannister, the servant What's his game In the matter?" t . "He Impressed me as being a perfectly honest man." "So he did me. That'3 the puzzling part Why should a perfectly honest man well, well, here's a large stationer's. We shall begin our researches here.p There were only four stationers ofvany consequence In the town, and at each Holmes produced his pencil chips, and bid high for a duplicate. All were agreed that one could be ordered, but that It was not a usual size of pencil, and that it was seldom kept in stock. My friend did not appear to be depressed by his failure, but shrugged his shoulders In half-humorous resignation. "No good, my dearWatson. This, the best and only final clew, has run to noth ing. But, Indeed, I have little doubt that we canibulld up a sufficient case without it By U"ove! my dear fellow, it is nearly 9, and the landlady babbled of green peas at 7:30. What with your eternal tobacco, Watson, and your Irregularity at meals, I expect that you will get notice to quit, and that I shall share your downfall not, however, before "we have solved the prob lem of the nervous tutor, the careless servant and the three enterprising stu dents." Holmes made no further allusion to" tho Gilchrist I matter that day, tnough he sat l03t in thought for a long time after our belated dinner. At 8 in the morning, he came Into my room just as I finished my toilet. "Well. Watson." said he. "It is time we went down to St Luke's. Can you do without breakfast?" "Certainly." "Soames will be In a dreadful fidget until we are able to tell him something positive." "Have you anything positive to tell him?" "I think so." "You have formed a conclusion?" "Yes. my dear Watson, I have solved the mystery." "But what fresh evidence could you have got?" "Aha! It is not for nothing that I have turned myself out of bed at the untimely hour of 6. I have put in two hours' hard work and covered at least five miles, with something to show for it. Look at that!" He held out his hand. On the palm were three little pyramidsv of black, doughy clay. "Why. Holmes, you had only two yes terday." "And one more this morning. It is a fair argument that wherever No. 3 came from Is also the source of Nos. 1 and 2. Eh, Watson? Well, come along and put friend Soames out of his pain." The unfortunate tutor was certainly In a state of pitiable agitation when we found him In his chambers. In a few hours the examination would commence, and he was still In the dilemma between making the facts public and allowing the culprit to compete for the valuable schol arship. He could hardly stand still, so great was his mental agitation, and he ran toward Holmes with two eager hands outstretched. "Thank Heaven that you have come! I feared that you had given it up in de spair. What am I to do? Shall the exam ination proceed?" "Yes, let it proceed, by all means." "But this rascal?" "He shall not compete." "You know him?" "I think so. If this matter Is not to become public, wo must give ourselves certain powers, and resolve ourselves Into a small private court-martial. You there, If you please, Soames! Watson, you here! I'll take the armchair in tho mid dle. I think that we are now sufflclently imposlng to strike terror into a guilty breast Kindly ring the bell!" Bannister entered, and shrank back in evident surprise and fear at our judicial appearance. "You will kindly close the door," said Holmes. "Now, Bannister, will you please tell us the truth about yesterday's inci dent?" The man turned white to tho roots ot his hair. "I have told you everything, sir." "Nothing to add?" "Nothing at all, sir." 't "Well, then, I must make some sugges tions to you. When you sat down on that chair yesterday, did you do so In order to conceal some object which would have shown who had been In the room?" Bannister's face was ghastly. "No, sir, certainly not" "It Is only a suggestion," said Holmes, suavely. "I frankly admit that I am un able to prove It But it stems probablo enough, since the moment that Mr. Soames back, was turned you released the man, who wa9 hiding in that bed room." Bannister licked his dry Hps. "There was no man, sir." "Ah, that's a pity, Bannister. Up to now you may have spoken the truth, but now I know that you have lied." The' man's face set In sullen defiance. "There was no man, sir." "Come, come. Bannister!" "No, sir, there was no one." ' "In that case, you can give us no fur thor information. Would you please re main In the room. Stand over there near the bedroom door. Now, Soames, I am going to ask you to have the great kind ness to go up to the room of young Gil christ, and to aBkhIm to step down Into yours." An Instant later the tutor returned, bringing with him the student. He was a fine figure of a man, tall, lithe and agile, with a springy step and' a pleasant open face. H!? troubled blue eyes glanced at each of us, and finally rested with an expression of blank dismay upon Bannis ter In the farther corner. "Just close the door," said Holmes. "Now, Mr. Gilchrist, we are all quite along here, and no one need ever know one word of what passes between uo. We can be perfectly frank with each other. We want to know, Mr. Gilchrist how you. an honorable man.' ever came to commit such an action as that of yester dajf" The unfortunate young man staggered back, and cast a look full of horror and reproach at Bannister. "No, no. Mr: Gilchrist sir, I never said a word never one word!" cried the serv ant "No, but you have now," said Holmes. "Now, sir, you must see that after Ban nister's words your position Is hopeless, and that your only chance lies In a frank confession." " For a moment Gilchrist, with upraised hand, tried to control his writhing fea tures. The next he had thrown himself nn Vita Vnppq ttAsMp. fhn tfliilft nnA Curv ing his face in his hands, he had burst mio a siorcn- ot pasaiynaie soooing. "Come, come," said Holmes, kindly, "It Is human to err, and at least no one can accuse you of being a callous criminal. Perhaps It would be easier for you If I were to tell Mr. Soames what occurred, and you can check me where I am wrong. Shall I do so? Well. well, don't trouble to answer. Listen, and see that I do you no injustice." "From the moment, Mr. Soames, that you said to me that no one, not even . Bannister, could have told that the pa pers were In your room, the case began to take a definite shape In my mind. The printer one could, of course, dlsmls?. Ha could examine the papers In his own of fice. The Indian I also thought nothing of. If the proofs were In roll, he could not possibly know what they were. On the other hand. It seemed an unthinkable coincidence that h man should dare to enter the room, and that by chance on that very day the papers were on the table. I dismissed that. The man who entered knew that the papers were there. How did he know? "When I approached your room I exam ined the window. You amused me by supposing that I was contemplating the possibility of someone having in broad daylight under the eyes of all these op posite rooms, forced himself through it Such an Idea was absurd. I was measur ing how tall a man would need to be in order to see, as he passed, what papers were on the central table. I am six feet high, and I could do it with an effort No one less than that would have a chance. Already you see I had reason to think that, if ono of your three student was a man of unusuil height he was the most worth watching of the three. "I entered, and I took you into my con fidence as to the suggestions of the side table. Of the center table I could make nothing, until In your description of Gil christ you mentioned that he was a long distance Jumpet-. Then the whole thing came to me in an instant, and I only needed certain corroborative proofs, which I speedily obtained. "What happened was this. This young fellow had employed his afternoon at the athletic grounds, where he had been prac ticing tho Jump. He returned carrying his jumping Bhoes. which are provided, as you are aware, with several sharp spikes. As he passed your window h saw. by means of his great height these pxoofs upon your table, and conjectured what they were. No harm wmiM been done had It not been that, as h passed your door, he perceived the key Whlch had been left by the carelessness; of your servant. A sudden impulse came over him to enter, and see if they were indeed the proofs. It was not a danger ous exploit for he could always pretend that he had simply looked in to ask a question. "Well, when he saw that they were In deed tho proofs, it was then that he yield ed to temptation. He put his shoes on the table. What was it you put on that chair near the window?" "Gloves," said the young man. Holmes looked triumphantly at Bannis ter. "He put his gloves on tho chair and he took the proofs, sheet by sheet, to copy them. He thought the tutor must return by the main gate, and that he would see him. As we know, he came back by the side gate. Suddenly ho heard him at the very door. There was no possible escape He forgot his gloves, but ho caught up his shoes and darted into the bedroom. You observe that the scratch on that table i$ slight at one side, but deepens in the di rection of the bedroom door. That in it self la enough to show us that the shoe had been drawn in that direction, and that the culprit had taken refuge there. The earth round the spike had been left on tho table, and a second sample was loosened and fell in tho bedroom. I may add that I walked out to the athletic grounds this morning, saw that tenacious black clay is used in tho jumping-plt and carried away a specimen of it together with some of the fine tan or sawdust which is strewn over it to prevent the athlete from slipping. Have I told the truth. Mr. Gilchrist?" The student had drawn himself erect "Yes, sir, it is true," said he. "Good Heavons! have you nothing to add?" cried Soames. "Yes, sir. I have, but tho shock of this disgraceful exposure has- bewildered me. I have a letter here, Mr. Soames, which I wrote to you early this morning,' in the middle of a restless night It was beforo I knew" that my sin had found me out Here it Is. sir. You will see that I have Bald, 1 have determined not to go In for the examination. I have been offered a commission in the Rhodoslan police, and I am going out to South Africa at once. " "I am indeed pleased to hear that you did not intend to profit by your unfair ad vantage," said Soames. "But why did you change your purpose?" Gilchrist pointed to Bannister. "There is the man who set me in the right path," said he. "Come now. Bannister," said Holmes. "It will be clear to you. from what I have said. that,only you could have lot this young man out, since you were left in the room, and must havo locked the door when you went out. A3 to his escaping by that window, it was incredible. Can you not clear up tho last point In this mystery, and tell us tho reasons for your action?" "It was simple enough, eir. if y0U only had known, but, with all your cleverness. It was impossible that ycu could know' Time was, sir. when I was butler to old Sir Jabez Gilchrist this young gentle man's father. When ho was ruined I came to the collego as servant but I never forgot my old employer because he was down In the world. I watched hl3 son all I could for tho sake of tho old days. Well, sir, when I came into this room yester day, when the alarm was given, the very first thing I saw was Mr. Gilchrist's tan gloves a-lylng In that chair. I know those gloves well, and I understood their mes sage. If Mr. Soames saw them, the game was up. I flopped down Into that chair, and nothing would budge me until Mr Soames ho went for you. Then out came my poor young master, whom I had dan dled on my knee, and confessed it all t'i me. Wasn't it natural, sir. that I should save him, and wasn't It natural, also, that I should try to speak to him as his dead father would have done, and make him understand that ho could not profit by such a deed? Could you blame me. sir?" "No, indeed." said Holmes, springing to hi3 feet 'Well. Soames. I think we have cleared your little problem up. and our breakfast awaits us at home. Come, Wat sdn! As to you, sir. I trust that a bright future awaits you In Rhodesia. For once you have fallen low. Let us see. In thf future, how high you can rise." (Copy right, 1004,. by A. Conan Doyle and Col lier's Weekly. Copyright, 1905. by Mc Clure. Phillips & Co.) Automobiles In Madagascar. L. Perisse, in Engineering Magazine. The road followed between Mahatsara and Tananarivo is 155 miles long and runs through mountainous country, with manv curves, but with maximum grades of D per cent only. The "rolling stock" con sists of six automobile trucks of 15-horse-power, and two 12-horsepower brakes, all of Panhard-Levassor make. Ordlnar " malls weigh from 1200 to 1S00 pounds, but the French mall attains a weight of K00 to 650O pounds and the eight automobiles are sometimes overloaded and require thorough Inspection after each trip. The automobile drivers are colonial sol diers, almost all mechanics by trade, and their apprenticeship on the road has been so carefully directed that each vehk can be safely trusted to the one operator aided by a single Malagassy assistant Re pair shops and stores of repair parts are distributed along the road. as. well a3 gasoline-charging stations. The 15-horsc-power vehicles are arranged to carry four passengers, and in addition to officers and officials, many persons apply for passage on the automobiles, although the two-day trip to Tananarivo costs 102 francs, while the same journey may be made In native Vehicle (pousse-pousse) in five days at a cost of only 150 franca; ,