PSRT POUR PAGES 37 TO 45 VOL. XXIV. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 2, 1905. NO. 14. WILLIAM GADSBY & SONS THE HOUSEFURNISHERS CORNER WASHINGTON AND FIRST STS. This handsome Iron Iletl, rejrulnr 911.0); sli special, $7.50 this week. ' Mm s'; ; . EVERYTHING TO MAKE HOME BEAUTIFUL AND COMFORTABLE AT GADSBYS' Furnishing homes complete is a specialty of ours. We have studied the requirements for years and are able to suggest to every housekeeper a very easy manner of sav ing considerable money. Our store has furnished in the past few years many thousands of happy homes. We have built the merit of this store on the refined characfer of our designs and extreme low prices. Every article is of the comfortable, serviceable and substantial kind. Despite high quality and correct styles, our prices are always low. ' Let your good judgment always direct you to THE STORE THAT DOES THE BUSINESS. its as Special prices will prevail all this week on Pedestal Dining Tables. Round Pedestal Tables, in golden or weathered oak, will be sold at . 1 ..t ' $15.00 SPRING SALE OF CARPETS THE PATTERNS AND STYLES OF OUR SPRING DISPLAY ARE UNSURPASSED AND PRICES ARE AS LOW AS THE LOWEST . - V. Y O UR CREDIT IS GOOD Sliowiagr Receptacle Tor BceJ(Jl. Parlor Davenports, from J2.o0 up. Readj" for Use as Bed. Morris Chair, Removable Cushions, Oak Frame, Price, ?D,(MX r