V THE SUNDAY 0BEG02sIN, PORTLAND, MARCH 19 1905. . I ft The Meier (2b Frank Store Principal Agents for Rutterack Patterns and Publications Artistic Picture Frnamg to Your Order at Low Prices Custom Shade qad Drapery Work Our Specialty Sole Portland Ageats "Ostermoor" Elastic Felt Mattresses $1.00 Foulard Silks ?9c Yard Special purchase of 1500 yards of hand some new Fonlard Silks The prettiest styles and colors for Waists and Shirt waist Suits Colored dots on navy blue, brown and green grounds The regular one-dollar grade on sale while the lot lasts at the low price of 79c yd. 1000 yards of beautiful Dresden figured , Crepe de Chine in a large assortment of styles for waists and costumes, 70 best $LO0 values, for, yard... JC Just received by express, a full line of the popular "Rajah" Silks in all fl y e the leading shades, yard V Immense display of Mohairs for waists, skirts and shirtwaist suits; largest variety and best values in city. 25c Embroideries for i 2jc Yard 15,000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroideries, 3 to 10 inches wide, edgings and insertions in an immense variety of the very best patterns; values up to 25c a yard, on sale for, yd.l2 3000 yards of Corset-Oovr Embroideries, handsome styles, values up to $L00 a yard, on sale Monday, Tuesday and "Wednesday at the low price of, yard O Imitation Irish Crochet Bands and Appliques, white and cream, values up to $L25 a yard, on sale for three days at, yard. .63 10,000 Pairs of New Lace Hosiery Best 50c Values 31c Pair For Monday, Tuesday and Wed- nesday our Spring Opening Sale fip!j3 : of new Lace Hosiery for women 10,000 pairs of the 5Qo-vaInes at 31c a pair should attract an army of buyers Direct from the manufacturer in Chemnitz, Ger many, to the Meier &. Frank store No middleman's profits to pay Fine quality Black Lisle AUoverlace and lace boot 50 a patterns to select from AH sizes Every pair guaranteed abso lutely fast color The wise woman will anticipate her summer needs at the big saving offered Pair c'Pte 1 Pair J W Mail orders will be promptly filled Great Monday Soap Sale Fairy Soap, doz. cakes 35 i Pear's Glycer. Soap, cake. 13 j Williams' Shaving Soap... 4! Iicrng bar Castile Soap, ck..4 1 Packer's Tar Soap, cake.l4 2-lb." bars Pure Castile. . .16 ! Conti Castile, genuine imported Soap, great value, cake.59 i 75c Perfume, ounce 39fc Best Triple Extract in Peau de- Espange, Lily of the Valley, Heliotrope and Jockey Club, reg. 75c value, oz 39 50c gold-mounted Back Combs, great special value, ea..37 15c Shaving Brushes 9 50c pure Badger-Hair Shaving brush, heavy bone handle.39 Bath-Tub Enamel, -pint cans, 28c, pint cans 53J Wire Photo Racks, ea.7-12 Pure Transparent Glycerine.4 Imperial Violet Soap, 3 cakes in a box, 25c value 16 Fairbanks' Glycerine Tar Soap, dozen cakes 35 $ Old-fashioned Glycerine Soaps, great special value, cake..7 Buttermilk Complexion Soap, 3 cakes in a box, box 19 O-Kayed Toilet Paper, great special value, doz. rolls. 35 500 "Whisk Brooms, the best 15c values for, each 9 Great special value in a guar anteed Alarm Clock 63 "Wire Coat Hangers, ea 4 Our entire stock of 10c Writing Tablets on sale at, each. ..5 Cpmplete stock of Fountain Pens, all makes, every one guaranteed, $2.50 up to $5.00 the meter $ frank Store formal Spring Opening CUcdnesday, march Cwenty-$ccoBd Cftureflay, march twenty-third ' On this occasion vre mil present for inspection a most comprehen sive shoTving of the season's advanced styles in Women's Apparel. The display mil surpass any of our past efforts. It mil be more pretentious in every sense of the word, more representative, and, best of all, mil combine to an' unusual degree quality of style with economy of price. In a word, it mil be a convincing demonstration of the energy and thoroughness that has kept this store to the front. Whether you buy or not, you will be cordially wel comed, and we hope to see you. 9 TOillmery0oaK$ " The Millinery and Garment Exhibit you will find the grandest you, have ever been invited to view a magnificent "style show" of the varied modes and most attractive creations we could gather in Paris, !N"ew York and London. Every new and pretty effect that Eashion has dictated for Spring and Summer wear. In Millinery the exclusive models from the foremost Parisian artists will be particularly interesting: "Charlotte," Mme. Georgette, Yirot, Caro line Iteboux, Camille Roger, Suzanne, Blum, and Mme. Qarlier are all represented. Practical models from America's leading design ers will be shown in .great variety. Opening Days are: WEDNESDAY, MARCH TWENTY-SECOND. : THURSDAY, MARCH TWENTY-THIRD. ' The Meier (8b Frank Store Main Sqfe-Station U. S. Postoffice Rear of Main Floor Lewis and Clark, Oregon, Portland Sovenirs; Great Variety Trunks and Bags Largest Display on the Coast 3d Floor "Hawes" $3.00 Hat for Men None Better qt Any Price $ 3.50 lanOxfords $ 2.45 Pr, $3.50 Patent Colt Oxfords $2.45 Pr. For Monday only we announce the greatest sale of new Low Shoes ever inaugurated by any Portland store this early in the season Four great lots The best product of leading Lynn, Mass., manufacturer All new, this season's styles All sizes and widths Every pair regular $3.50 value Monday only at the low price of $2.45 pair "Women's patent colt Blucher Ox fords, large eyelets, Cuban heel, hand-sewed, welts CO AK. $3.50 value, paif vriO women s tan itnssia call $mcner Uxtords, medium heel, tipped toe; best $3.50 values, at, pair 2pTtO Women's patent colt and tan Gibson, ribbon ties, large eyelets, the season's most stylish footwear, best $3.50 CO values, on sale at the low price of, pair WillJ Wash Goods Bargains for Monday 26c 35c fancy white mercerized "Waistings, this season's best styles, on sale for Monday only at, yard 20c Embroidered Dotted Voiles in a big range of patterns and colors ; best material for waists and shirtwaist 1 A- suits, great special value at low price of, yard. ....... Fil de Soie Poulards, silk finish, one of the season's prettiest and most serviceable materials for waists and shirt- 0tf waist suits, 35c value, at this low price, yard ,w3C Greatest display of new wash, materials in the city. Specials in New Neckwear Valenciennes lace and plaited Lawn Cuff and Collar Sets, new goods, 50c and 65c a values, for this low price. I C Linen Slot Turnovers, embroider ed in clover-leaf de- OJ signs, all colors, each. . . New line of Mexican Drawnwork Turnovers, special values at each, 75c, 50c and 25p Taffeta Silk Bow Ties, hemstitch ed ends. red. brown and black: m& ' Dest 5c values, on 1 1 aTvmi.wnnv New Lawn Y okes with accordion plaited ruffles, trimmed LQ . in Valenciennes lace and insertion, each .OC Easter Neckwear in exclusive styles. Every express brings us many pretty novelties to be added to the already large variety. If it's Neckwear you want, look to the Meier & Frank Store for it. New Ostrich Feather Boas in black, white and mixed colors; all lengths, all grades up to $60.00. New Novelty Stoles. New Spring Leather Goods New Hiandbags with strap, braided or Vienna handles in walrus, seal and morocco; black, blue, tan, brown, with card case and purse, 50j to $12.00. Handsome variety. New Girdle Belts in blue, black, red, green and brown, with or without buckles, 35 to $4.50 each. Latest styles. New Girdle Frames in black and white, 15, 20, 25. New Suspender Belts, very latest, $1.00 each. "Buster Brown" Belts in black, white and red, 35d, 50. New Opera Bags in light colors, 65-85 edch. Spring Our new Spring and Summer Catalogue mailed free to any out-of-town address. It is the handsomest and best illustrated Mail Or- OatalOSHe er ook Published on the Coast. "Write for J ? a copy today. Portland's Leading Cloak Store Spring and Summer Apparel keeps tumbling in at a great rate Im mense stocks of everything that's new and attractive in Suits, Coats, Skirts, Costumes, Wraps, Waists, Petticoats, Etc. The largest and best selected Garment Stock west of Chicago It's' time to give thought to your Easter needs Second floor "Women's Tailored Suits in Panama Cloths, Serge, Henrietta, Voiles, Sicil ians, Covert, Shepherd Worsteds, etc, in box, tight-fitting, Eton jackets, Ited ongote and blouse styles, with shirred, gored or plaited skirts; all the new shades, checks and mixtures, $15.00 up $100.00. An immense showing of Silk Shirtwaist Suits in green, brown, blue, black, red and checks; blouse or Eedingote styles; full leg-o '-mutton sleeves, etc., $14.00 to $60.00. "Peter Thompson" Coats for Women, in gray mixtures, tans, black and white checks, blue, etc., $12.50 to $22.50 each. Hundreds of new Covert Coats arriving daily, $9.00 to $30.00. New line of Black Silk Coats, lace collars, -$12.50 to $35.00. Beautiful new "Waists in French Taffeta, Messaline Silks, Chiffon Cloths, lace and net trimmed in round-mesh Yalenciennes, Irish Crochet, hand-made Bruges, Duchess and Honiton lace, $12.50 up to $60.00.. New Jap Silk "Waists, trimmed in lace, embroidery, silk dots, English eye let embroidery, tucks or plain tailor-made effects, great variety, $3.25 to $25.00. Phenomenal showing of new Silk Petticoats, Taffeta, Jap Silk and Pongees, $12.50 up to $40.00. "Homemade" Muslin Underwear 25,000 Pieces America's Finest Lingerie The Great Easter Sale and Display of "Home-rocde" Undermnslins starts tomorrow 25,000 pieces of the finest lingerie produced by any manufacturer in America will be offered at exceptionally reason able prices, quality considered Made in splendidly appointed factories by well-paid, skilled labor Portland, Maine, has good reason to be proud of the "Home-made mills and its 1500 employes We wish it werelji Portland, Oregon, instead of across the continent The dain tiest, the best made, the most attractive Underwear we have ever shown Starts, Corset Covers, Chemise, Drawers and Gowns All the newest and prettiest styles and trimming Every garment has the "Hom-emade" label sewed on the band or inside the fly Buy "Home made" Underwear once and yoa'll have no other Second Floor "Home-made" Corset Covers, Cambrics and Nainsooks, fine embroideries and lace trimmings, headings, ribbons, tucked and plain backs and blouse fronts, 60c, 85c, $L00, $1.25 up to $3.00 each. "Home-made" Petticoats, immense variety of dainty styles at $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $2.75, $3.00 up to $20.00 each. "Home-made" Short Cambric Skirts, 50c, 85c and $1.00. "Home-made" Drawers, beautiful styles, $1.50 to $3.00 pair. "Home-made" Gowns, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 up to $10.00 each: i ' See Fifth-street window display. The Great Semi-Annual Sole of Kitchen Goods, Crockery, Cutlery, Stoves, Etc. 15c 7-pin Hat Back 12e 3c Japanese Pot Brushes lc 75c S-arxn Clothes Racks 62c 35c Galvanized Palls. 10-qt 19c 20c 2-hoop Cedar Palls. 17c 51.00 castiron Cook Pots 83c 75c galvanized Wash Tubs 3c 51.35 Family Scales, for $1.18 1-qt. Graduated Measures c 51.50 "Universal Food Choppers. $123 51.25 set Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons. .8c i!5c Dover Ere- Beaters 13c Ever-ready Cover Knobs lc 25c 100-ft. Wire Clothes L.lne...l9e 5S.O0 Adjustable Wringer 32J33 Clothespins. 6 dozen 5c 8c Spring' Clothes Hanger 5o 35c zinc Washboards 27e 51.10 copper-bottom Wash Boil ers 78c 50c 10-qt. Sprinklers.., 42c 20c galvanised Oil Cans, I5e 30c 10-qt. Dishpans 30c 6c tin Graters, large size Kc 10c wire Tea Strainers 8c Tin Measuring Cups..... 4c Garden Trowels 4c Mrs. Potts' Iron Handles lie Weeding Hroks Se E-hook Hat Racks 7c No. 8 copper bottom Kettles.... 30c 75c Rice Boilers, each... ezc C5c Rice Boilers, each.. 54c 6 -ft. Ironing Boards 53c 15c Mop Sticks, each ..lie 51.00 granite Slop Palls Sc 25c double knife Slaw Cutter 2c 12c wooden Towel Rings 10c 15c double Towel Rings 12c Pancake Turners ". Se Cook Forks, extra heavy 18c 10c glass Juice Extractors 8c 10c Never-Slip Can Openers.... 8c 20c steel Mincing Knife 18c 15c steel Mincing Knife.. 12c 12c Drip Pans. 9x12 19c 10c Drip Pans, 8x10 Sc 23c Acme Frying Pans .18c 18c Acme Frying Pans 14c 15c Towel Racks 13c 3-arm Towel Racks- 36c Toilet Paper Holders 3c "Peninsular" polished Steel Range, high warming closet; 16x20-ihch oven, asbestos-lined: Nos. 6 and S covers: burns coal or wood: a perfect baker; fully guaranteed; a beauUful range, and c" K srreat value at 50. "Peninsular" planished Steel Range, full nickel trimmed; 50 per cent more heating and cooking capac ity than any other; regular" 537.50 model, on sale for i i 1 Good grade Paring Knives.... j. Sc 6-inch Butcher Knives ....27c 50c Butcher Knives ...39c 35c Bread Knives... 2Sc Christy Edge Bread Knives 21e Cooks' Knives, 6-inch size 47c 10-inch Pastry Knives ....02c 30c Carvers, knife and fork, co- cobola handles 73c 90c Ham Knives for 73c Kitchen Table Spoons, set 15c Teaspoons, set of 6... ........... Sc 15c nickel Nut Crackers......... 13c 60c Covered Kettles for 45c 75c coyered Kettles for....,;... 99c 90c Covered Kettles for .K...73e 51.10 Covered Kettles for SSe 30c Lipped Sauce Pans.. ....... 34c 35c Lipped Sauce Pans.... .....38c 45c Lipped Sauce Pans. ........ 39e 50c Lipped Sauce Pans 49c 35c Wash Basins for..... .3Se 45c Wash Basins for 3c 35c Lipped Kettles for -.2Se 45c Lipped Kettles for 3e 60c Lipped Kettles for 4Sc