The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 19, 1905, PART THREE, Page 19, Image 19

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Subway Strike Affects Theaters
EW YORK, March 13. Special Cor
respondence.) For the benefit of
those who think that the -worst
damper on the theatrical business comes
from blizzards and little Innocent things
of that kind, the information Is herewith
given that the worst blizzard conceivable
is nothing to compare to the effect of a
strike now on In New York City, which
affects the L and the subway roads. The
hardship which this has brought upon the
traveling public In New York is simply
beyond any description and, as stated be
fore, no blizzard could possibly tie up
both business and the public as this strike
has done.
Leaving out of question entirely the
matter of right and wrong, it seems per
fectly outrageous that in the present age
such hardship can be wrought upon the
general public who have no more to do
between the squabbles of the company
and Its employes or, to bo more correct,
between the employes and their company,
than between man and wije. Not only is
life and limb of every person who travels
endangered, but the hardships arc almost
beyond meeting.
Surface cars are running which aro so
crowded that people ride on the roofs,
and a number of the back platforms
broke off. leaving the cars to go ahead
without them, and also without 20 or 30
people who were hanging on by the skin
of their teeth.
Can anyone ever describe that sensa
tion which Is experienced when, after
standing In the beating rain And the
cold wind, eight or ten such .cars go by
without stopping and the consciousness
dawns that this may continue hour after
Can anyone realize the sensation of
being on thoso cars and being carried
as far the other side of your destination
as you were to start in with, simply be
cause the cars were so loaded with people
that there was no way of stopping or of
getting out or of making your wants
known, In any way, shape or manner.
At moments like these people do not
waste much sympathy on those who pre
cipiitated these conditions, and for the
greater part, heap imprecations of every
kind upon them. Coldly viewed from the
exterior, there Is no possible explanation
that can be offered, but for those who
understand how, under the sway of a
leader who exercises a seml-hypnotlc
spell, people are affected by what Is
known as the psychology of the crowds,
there may be some sort of an excuse con
cocted by those who want to find sym
pathy for them.
Very Jew plays have ever been awaited
with as keen an Interest as Ibsen's latest
drama, "When We Dead Awake." It was
the topic of conversation, it has been the
subject of editorial comment, and ltvgave
promise of sweeping things before It in
a general way.
Perhaps this was because it was Ibsen,
but more likely because of the startling
title, which he was lucky enough to hit
Judging from the production which oc
curred on Tuesday afternoon at the
Knickerbocker Theater, it would bo dif
ficult to believe that the play is on for
a very extended run. When a work Is so
extremely symbolic as "When We Dead
Awake," It can only appeal to a very
narrow circle, and that a class of people
who are given to reading literature on
these lines. To these there is much that
Is beautiful, as well as much subject for
Acts a Cowboy but Never
,USTI" FARNUM. cowboy-knight
of the stage, made the remark
able confession to me that ho had
never seen a real live "puncher" except
those In the Wild West show. It was
fairly dlsalluslonlng, for I had studied
him closely the night before, and was
certain that his wonderful creation of
"Tho Virginian" was made possible be
cause some time or another he had worn
chaps to shed the rain of night herding,
and to save his eloquent legs from the
scratches of mesqulte brush.
It was Just sheer genius, then, not ex
perience as the bona flde plains horse
man, that was responsible for his splendid
assumption. I carried over to the hotel
well-defined ideas that he would tell me
of earlier days spent In a steel-fork sad
dle on top of a bounding broncho, of
wide vistas of sagebrush, of hectic sun
sets on the red hills, of tights for the
water holes and the wide, deep thrill of
round-ups on the open range.
Then to be told that It was all studied!
It was just a bit disheartening to one in
search of romance, but It established In
my mind the truth that this very suc
cessful young man Is not an accident.
"How did you ever manage it. then?" I
asked, as I settled Into the only arm
chair In his room at tho Portland.
The big, rangy actor got up "in his alow
way and walked to a table where a copy
of Wlster's book lay. "I've read this
story over and over again. I think I
could almost repeat it word for word.
I've Imagined the kind of fellows he writes
about until I'm sure I know Just how
walk and talk and demean them-
eelves under all -circumstances. Buffalo
BUI gave mo many points, and other men
who know the type have told me a thou
sand things."
When ho walked about the room I took
his measure, and found him to be essen
tially big. His legs and arms are long,
his shoulders broad, and his chest deep.
He must be six feet high and weighs not
under ISO. He stoops a trifle, and has
the slouch of a man who has spent much
of his life riding a horse at a dog-trot.
Gray, but Only Twenty-nine.
Playing the part has so gotten Into him
that unconsciously he carries the part
with him when he leaves the stage. His
eyes are big and almost innocent, brown,
almost black. His hair is decidedly black,
long and curls at the ends, just as In the
piay, for he wears no wig. He Is begin
ning to get gray, although but 29. He
lays that to playing In cheap repertoire
through tho Canadian provinces. His
dress is plain, with a suggestion of care
lessness. Ho says he hates dress suits
and "blled" shirts, and I readily believe
Altogether It was a great mistake, his
having been born In Boston and educated
at the -Technology. If he had said Lan
der, with a ltttle finish at a Down East
sr hool, it would have been more eternally
"I've lived a great deal in the open
air," he explained, when I continued to
wonder. "Summer before last I rode all
over the State of , Maine on a horse. I
wore the same 'chaps' that I wear in The
Virginian,' and you should have seen the
natives stare at mo. It was a great vaca
tion, though. I never enjoyed one more.
Tm something of an amphibious ani
mal, too. and next to horseback riding I
like boating. One of my possessions is
u 24-foot sailboat, and I know almost
every cove along the New England coast."
Now Dustin Farnum Is modest, almost
d lllidont . and I had to pumj him assidu
ously to keep the conversation on him
self He wanted to talk about this town
and a dozen other things, and continually
dodged away, from personalities. ' He's
a delightful companion, and a. rrtnn "well
thought and study In the new Ibsen play,
but for the general public there Is little
dramatic Interest, and of the symbolism
they see naught- not unlike. 1n a
certain sense, Hauptmann's "Sunken
Bell" in theme, and it may bo remem
bered that notwithstanding the superb
mounting and the gorgeous production
given that play by E. H. Sothorn and
Virginia Harned, the public could not be
interested at all.
It seems to me there was much more
possibility to prolong the life of "The
Sunken Bell" than there are chances In
favor of "When We Dead Awake," purely
and simply as a dramatic production,
without any reference to Its literary or
philosophical worth.
Again, the topic is that of two human
beings drifting apart without realizing it
until suddenly brought to face the tragic
crisis. To those with a less discriminat
ing mind who are not seeking the sym
bolism in each speech, by each individual,
the story of Arnold Rubek. the sculptor,
whose feelings for his model have led him
to depend entirely upon her for Inspira
tion and for success, and of Mala Rubek.
his wife, will form nothing more than
the same sort of plot around which hun
dreds of other plays and books have been
It is but natural that Rubek should turn
to his model for sympathy, just as it is
only natural that Mala should turn to
TJlfhelm, a landed proprietor and bear
hunter of brutal nature. In, tlhs Ibsen
has offered no new theme, nor novelty
ln the working out. For those who are
broad-minded enough the love of the
sculptor or his model, which represented
to him not only an ideal as a woman,
but also satisfied the artist's cravings,
this would be the only logical conclusion,
and in this the pair would enlist their
This problem was offered In the Forbes
Robertson play. Ibsen himself has sug
gested it In "The Doll's House," and,
more remotely. Jn "Hedda Gabler," but
he does not offer a solution. He simply
makes a climax by having this pair of
lovers ascend the cold and snowy heights
and there meet their doom by a frightful
storm and an avalanche.
When will playwrights learn that
death never solves a problem? It Is the
easiest way out, and perhaps the most
dramatic, but if a play is offered as a
problem. Its creator owes us some slight
inkling as to what he regards as the sol
vent. The company that presented the work
was not any -too efficient, and the best
work was undoubtedly done by Dorothy
Donnelly, who In a way portrayed the
frivolous and altogether human Mala with
a real insight to the deeper meanings.
Frederick Lewis, who played Oswald In
"Ghosts," left a good1 deal to be desired
in the role of the sculptor. Miss Flo
rence Kahn was more successful In every
thing than she was In make-up, for her
pallor was almost exaggerated, and In
many of her speeches she reached her
usual high standard, but not In all. how
ever. Frank Losee played the part of
Mala Rubek's brutal lover, which he did
with much force and ruggedness, If the
note of poetic insight was lacking. The
other two members of tho cast were
James H. Lewis, as the inspector of the
baths, and Miss Evelyn "Wood, a Sister
of Mercy.
We have had our quota of English act
ors this year, but with the exception of
Mrs. Pat Campbell we have had no actress
lent us by Great Britain until Miss Ellis
Jeffreys made her appearance at the New
Amsterdam Theater on Monday night in
informed on subjects remote from his pro
fession. He talks entertainingly, and
listens even better. I was compelled to
remind him more than once that he was
being interviewed, not about the Japan
ese war, politics, literature or . Oregon,
but about himself, and finally he got
down to cases.
"Only Acting Seven Years.''
"If it comes to that, I presume Tm one
of the luckiest dogs In the world. You
see I've only been tactlng seven years.
"I started out playing villain with a
little fly-by-night repertoire company
through Canada. In 16 weeks I played
S2 different parts. No wonder 3m gray.
My long suit was a bad character in a
play called 'A Hoop of Gold. Til excuse
any amount of your laughter. In that
gentle capacity I beat a woman and threw
a child over a property precipice. That
was my early 'artistic" tralnnlg.
"Then I went to New York and got a
chance to carry a spear in Margaret Ma
ther's production of 'Cymballne.' I had
one speech, and I thought it very fine. I
stood in the center of the stage and bel
lowed it. I certainly thought It would
fetch them, but on my first night there
was not a hint of applause, and as I
retired into the wings I heard someone
in the audience laugh. E. J. Henley,
who was a member of tho cast, helped me
a great deal. He took me in hand and.
a play called "The Prince Consort." which
abounds In misfit parts and stunning
Miss Jeffreys came to New York pre
ceded by a reputation built upon legiti
mate lines and good hard work done In
London and elsewhere in the provinces.
There was much Interest shown in her en
gagement, as was proven by Xhe large
house which greeted her on Monday
As Queen Sonfa she has the opportunity
to shpw what she Is that is. a very well
bred woman of culture, refinement and
reserve. She has a beautiful musical voice,
and In all that which requires dignity
and command she Is thoroughly mistress.
What she would be In a role that required
the sweep of passion Is another thing, and
something which her present play gives
no opportunity of finding out. If this Is
life at court, and it probably Is. it is a
good thing to keep out of. for It Is very
stiff and very uncongenial, not even sug
gesting Intellectuality as a substitute for
other elements In the way of geniality
and the like.
Perhaps the most Interesting feature of
the production is the gown supposed to
be the replica of Queen Alexandra's coro
nation robe, which is not saying as much
as one would like to say about the play
itself. Henry E. DIxcy was a welcome
figure as the ex-King of Ingra, not only
because iUwas Dlxey. but because there
was a dash bf'real humor In him. Wil
liam H. Thompson, who is another of tho
best-known American actors, was cast to
a very poor advantage, which is a pity,
for Mr. Thompson has rare qualities. It
will be remembered that he Is the hus
band of Isabel Irving.
The cast follows:
Prince Cyril of Inra Ben Webstrr
Ex-Xing of Inura Henry E. Dlxey
President of Council TV. H. Thompson
Lieutenant Sandor Wilfrid North
Count Jlylviac Basil Wwt
Minister of TVar Charles ButlT
Minister of Finance Roy Falrchlld
Minister of Police '....Arthur Hoyt
Archbishop of Marlnla Charles Bowser
Chamberlain Herbert Aylln
A. sr(?tary William Little
An Officer..... c. M. Dowd
r.ncef" .'?ofa Kae Phillips
Mile, de Slrkapla Lillian llalnwarfng
Mme. de Melcy Edltli Cartwrlcht
Mme. dEcforas Catherine Murphy
lime, de Travealeh Marsaret Robinson
Mme. d Orbarot Felice Morris
Queen Sonla Bills Jeffreys
This week marked the return of sev
eral old favorites to New York thea
ters, not to their own, however, since
Blanche Bates, who has for several sea
sons appeared at the Belasco, goes to
the Academy of Music with 'The Dar
ling of the Gods." The play Is even
more elaborately staged than before,
since the stage of the Academy is
enormous. She was welcomed very
warmly here, where she Is regardeJ one
of the greatest favorites.
Another to return to New York is
William Gillette In his old warhorse.
"Sherlock Holmes." Miss Hilda SpOng
Is playing the part of the leading
woman. This play Is on at the Em
pire. Amelia Bingham also opened at
"Wallack's. on Monday night. In a play
where the scenery and the gowns aro
of more value than the play Itself,
which Is called "Mademoiselle Marnl."
Most of these "done-over" plays lose
the character of whatthey originally
were and jlever become anything else.
Is that explanation vague? That
makes It all the better explanation.
Miss Bingham has In support Frederick
de Bellvlllc. Henry Kolker and Miss
Saw a Real Live Puncher
regularly told me how bad I was. Final
ly, however, when we played 'Borneo and
Juliet. I managed to secure the part of
'Tybolt.' After my first performance of
the role Mr. Henley told me that If I lived
long enough I might learn to act. This
was the first real encouragement I ever
"After that I was with Blanche Walsh
for a little while, and later played Juve
niles with Chauncey Olcott. When the
NO. 2 'Arizona' Company was organized
I got the part of Captain Hodgeman,
and when Vincent Serreno left the cast I
succeeded him as Denton. That was my
first big opportunity. I was here twice
in the character, and bought part of my
cowboy togs in a pawnshop in Portland
two years ago.
"From 'Arizona' I joined a stock com
pany In Buffalo, and It was while play
ing there that I received a telegram from
Kirk La Shelle. asking me if I would
create the part of the Virginian for the
New York opening. I had read the book
and loved It, and when I got that offer
I was wild with Joy. I nearly broke my
neck getting to the telegraph office to
answer, and I did create the Virginian,
and seem to have suited people. That's
the Inside history of my theatrical career,
if you must have It Suppose I'll. have
to go on playing cowboys all the rest of
my days."
It Is a remarkable history, -although
Sylvia Lynden. Of course, it Is need
less to say that Miss Bingham was
the whole thing.
Those who think that the coming of
Mansfield is an event simply in cities
where they have not the theatrical life
which they have In the larger centers
of the " country, will be Interested to
hear that when the announcement is
made that seats are on sale for a four
weeks' engagement In New York, the
rush Is like unto a football rush for
feats. This time Mr. Mansfield will
appear In repertoire. Including Beau
Brummel and all the old favorites. The
last week. Including the matinee per
formance, will bo given to Molierc's
"The Misanthrope." .
The death of A. M. Palmer was the
result of a stroke of apoplexy which
he suffered oh Monday while on an
elevated train, and came as a surprise
to a very large circle of friends, .as
Mr. Palmer was a great favorite In all
theatrical circles. There Is perhaps no
man In the present day who was more
widely known than was A. M. Palmer,
for his' companies were heralded with
the greatest delight whenever they
went out, and from Maine to California
It was understood that If it was an A.
M. Palmer, company It was well worth
Mr. Palmer was born In North Ston
Ington. Connecticut, July 27, 183S, of
good New England stock In fact, his
father was a clergyman and he himself
was graduated from the University
Law School of New York City, but ho
never practiced law, and In- 1SSJ he was
appointed librarian of the Mercantile
Library. Through literature, or his
love for literature, ho became Interest
ed In the theater and entered this line
of business with Sheridan Shook In
September of 1872, at -the Union Square
Aphorisms by the Editor of "The Philistine," Author
of "Little Journeys," Etc
EEP your mind on the great and
I I splendid things you would likcto do;
and then, as the days go gliding by. you
will find yourself unconsciously seizing
upon tho opportunities that are required
for the fulfillment of your desire, just as
the coral Insect takes from tho running
tide the elements that It needs. Picture
In your mind the able, earnest, useful per
son you desire to be, and the thought you
hold is hourly transforming you into thai
partlcularlndivldual. Thought Is 6upreme,
and to think is often better than to do.
Preserve the right mental attitude that
of courage, franknea and good-cheer.
SUCCESS Is In the blood. There are
men whom Fate can never down they
march jauntily forward, and take by di
vine right the best of everything that
earth affords.
HEALTH and prosperity are not pure
blessings a certain clement of dis
content usually seems necessary to spur
men on to a higher life.
IN order to belong to the Best Society
you must dress so you cannot be useful
you cannot ahoulder a trunk, carry out
ashes, cook, hitch up a horse, nor dig in
the ground.
BEAUTIFUL are the seasons; and glad
I am that I have not yet quite lost
my love for each. But now they parade
past with a curious swiftness! They look
at me out of wistful eyes, and sometimes
Farnum speaks lightly of It. From being
a spear bearer to one of the most suc
cessful stars in the country, all in six
years, is a record which has seldom been
He's entirely unspoiled and Is as differ
ent from the typical matinee Idol as
could be imagined. I wish some of our
young gentlemen of the stage who play
here frequently might learn lessons from
Dustin Farnum. He's as sensible' as a
young lawyer, grocer or farmer who never
stood before an audience such as greeted
"The Virginian" here, and saw that audi
ence go temporarily insane because he
was there, farnum could ride out into
frontier Oregon with his makeup on and
get a square meal at the tailboard of
most any chuck wagon on the range
without any questions being asked, and
most any outfit would be glad to give
him a job among the cow-hands until It
was discovered that he Is an actor. He
is the best Imitation of the real thing
I could wish to meet. If the Lake County
range war breaks out again this Spring,
Governor Chamberlain might, do better
than call out the troops or send Sheriff's
posses into the interior. He might make
a deal with Kirk La Shelle for the Vir
ginian. Steve. Trampas, Baldy and the
rest of Judge Henry's punchers, and
set them on the trail of the sheep-shooters.
Fvo no doubt the press agents would
be willing. A, A. G.
Theater. Here they produced a play
by Sardou called "Agnes, which was
written expressly for' Agnes EtheL Mr.
Palmer was also running the Brooklyn
Theater at the time of the terrible
holocaust, which was one of the his
torical tires.
His career Is too well known to re
quire more than a pasjslng reference
to the great suoccsses with which he
has been identified while manager of
the Madison Square Theater, where he
remained for ten years, and at this
house was produced, among other
plays. The Private Secretary," "Jinx,
the Penman," "Saints and Sinners" and
"Alabama." In September, 1S8S, Mr.
Palmer took charge of Wallack's Thea
ter, renaming It Palmer's, which It re
mained until 1596, when the manager
retired, from activity.
In later years Mr. Palmer took
charge of the tours of Richard Mans
field, after which he was compelled to
give up all work until about two years
ago, when he became manager of the
Herald Square Theater for Charles'
The funeral services occurred on
Friday morning at The Little Church
Around the Corner." Dr. G. C Hough
ton officiating: The honorary pall
bearers were Bronson Howard, repre
sentative of the American dramatists;
William Gillette, the dramatic profes
sion; F. F. Mackay. the Actors Fund:
E. A. Dlthmar. the Press; Daniel Froh
man, the theater managers; Forbes
Robertaorf; tho Garrlck Club, of Lon
don; Francis Wilson, ihe Players' Club,
and Joseph Grlsmer. the Actora Order
of Friendship. At the church the busi
ness managers of the various New York
theaters acted an ushers, and the re
mains were taken immediately after
to Stamford. Connecticut, where the In
terment was private.
one calls to me as she goes by, and asks,
"Why have you done so little since I saw
you last?" And I can only answer. "I
was thinking of you."
NY man who plots another's undoing
is digging his own grave. Every pol
itician who voice; Innuendos and hints of
base wrong about a rival Is blackening
his own character.
MAN In commerce, where men prey
on their kind, must be alive and alert
to what Is going on around him. or while
he dreams his competitor will seize upon
his birthright. And so you see why poets
arc poor and artists often beg.
T is difficult to improve on the plan of
i God; many have tried it, but to their
THE greater comprehends the less; but
the leas cannot comprehend the
GAMBLING means blurred vision, weak
muscles, shaky nerves. Loss of sleep,
lack of physical exercise. Irregular meals,
bad air, excitement, form a devil's mo
nopoly of bad things and the end is dis
grace, madness, death and the grave.
ART Is the expression of man's joy in
his work. You must let the man
work with hand and brain, and then out
ot the Joy of this marriage, beauty will
be born. And this beauty mirrors the
best "In the soul of man It shows the
spirit of Gpd that runs through hlnv
HE friends - we have are only our
other selves we get what we deserve.
TRY these: A good thought a kind
word and a good deed.
IN strict scientific economics the gam
bler is a parasite and a thief. He con
sumes, but does not produce.
I'D rather be the stupidest clod In nature
than to possess all knowledge with no
one foghorn I could communicate IL
MIND your own business and thus give
other folks an opportunity to mind
I AM not sure that absolute, perfect
justice comes to everybody In this
world; but I do know that the best way
5 One Night Only, Tuesday, March 21st
JULES MURRY Presents the Renowned
J Eastern Star
and Twenty Distinguished Players in the
Comedy-Romance Delight
Adapted from Booth Tarkington's Charming
and "Widely Read Novel
Matchless gl k fJ Week of
Attractions VJrAllL March 20
London Eccentric Comedian The Man
"Who Makes You Laugh.
Refined Novelty Comedy Sketch.
Southern Poet-Optimist.
Novelty Heavyweight Balancers.
PRICES: Evening Lower floor, 20c; balcony. 10c; boxes. Sc. Matinees (ex
cept Sunday and holidays) 10c.
A. H. Ballard
Lessee and
Last two performances of grand religious
spectacle, JOAN OF ARC Matinee Today
and Tonight,
Starting Monday Night, March 20th
The Columbia Stock Company
in powerful dramatization of Marie
Corelli's famous love story
Matinees Saturday and Sunday
EVENING PRICES 50c, 35c. 25c 15a MATINEE PRlCES'25c, 15c, 10c
Box. office down town open all Jay. Dolly Varden Candy Shop,
327 Morrison street, phone Main 110. Eveuihg at theater. Main 311.
Next Attraction,
"AH Next Week Commencing
TodaySunday MatineeToday
! (If
to get justice la not to be too anxious
about It. As love goes, to those who do
not He In wait for It. so does the big re
ward gravitate to the patient-man.
Barbarous English Breakfast.
Elizabeth Robins Fennell in Atlantic.
Breakfast as understood In England
It Is another matter in France Is the
most barbarous form of entertainment
ever devised by man. I do not marvel
that Sydney Smith objected because It
"deranged" him for the day. But Lord
Houghton managed to add to its terrors,
if I can judge by the note before me.
dated from Atkinson's Hotel. Clifford
street. Bond street. "Will you." it says,
"do -me the pleasure of breakfasting with
me here at 10 o'clock this morning?" At
what unearthly hour, then, I ask with
compassion, did Lord Houghton rout his
unfortunate guest3 out of their beds to
summon them to the morning feast? And
what gain in the form of bacon and eggs,
or talk, however good, would make up
for the loss of the last precious minutes
to the man with a talent for sleeping?
aHowever, the Rye always kept up the
good American habit of breakfasting
early, and probably to him the drawback
'ARGLE, Residt Uiaijer
PRICES Parquette. 51.50. Parquette
Circle, $1.00. Balcony, 75c, 50c Gal
lery. 25c. 35c Boxes and Loges, $10.
Carriages at 11 P. M.
Celtic Comedians.
High-Class Vocalist
Mr. Alf Bonner's New Song
"When the Harvest Moon. Is on the
(a.) Riot at St. Petersburg; (b) Be
witched Lover: fc) Topsy Turvy Waltz;
fd Papa Caught. "With the Goods.
GEO. Iu BAKER, Reddest
Scenic Melo
drama in 4 Acts
Daughter !
A powerful and thrilling story of a
strange people.
Startling effects. Heroic situations.
Enlivened by sparkling comedy.
New singing and dancing specialties.
15c, 25c 33c, r 60c
.10c, 15c, 25c
was that bacon and eggs had long ago
been disposed of, when his summons
came, and work was already too well
started to be Interrupted by any talk. As
for "all London," had 1U with Carlyle.
looked upon Lord Houghton as a mere
robin redbreast of a man. it would' still
have thought no inconvenience too heavy
a price for being seen at one of his
breakfasts. The present generation,
however, for whom the breakfasts are
no longer spread, cannot help asking
what and why was the greatness of this
person "whom men called Lord Hough
ton, but the gods Monckton Milnes?"
A Cairo Restaurant Advertisement
Food and Cooking.
Mahommed Ben AH Yusuf begs to an
nounce to Nobility and Cairo Smart Set
that he has opened high class restaurant
shop at No. 2, Sharia Manakh, Muski.
Everything Al and dam cheap. Prices
quite wonderful. N. B. Delectable music
and dancing ladles every evening.
; Again a Great BUI at the J
The Musical Genius,
Late of the Milan Conservatory,
' Italy.
Two Yerkes
In a Novelty Contortion Ring
The Coltons
In a Versatile Comedy Sketch.
Cordero, Zanfretta & Carl
"With their Famous Nqvelty
Dancing Dolls.
Hanson & Drew
The comedy entertainers, in a
brand-new society sketch.
Maud Carter
Character Singer and Dancer,
pert and pretty soubrette.
Roscoe Arbuckie
The Popular Song Illustrator.
Edison's Projectoscope
Always something new in mov
ing pictures.
New schedule of prices: Even
ings. 10c, 20c and 25c; matinees?
except Sundays and holidays, Idc;
week day shows, 2:30 P. !.. 7:3u
P. M and 5 P.M. Continuous bill
By Mrs. Raymond Brown
Saturday Evening
March the Twenty-Fifth
Unitarian Chapel
Tickets. $1. Students' Tickets, 50o
On sale at Graves' and Woodard,
Clarke & Co.'s.-