18' THE SUNDAY OREGOSIiLN, PORTLAND, - MARCH 19, 1905. - : - . "7- S' ' "W55C'' ' IF a vote could be taken to determine the question, in all probability the ma jority of Portland theatergoers would say that "The Virginian" was" the best play of the season. Three audiences which filled the Marquam to the doors gave Dustan Farnum and his cowboys three distinct receptions which have never been exceeded for genuine spon taneity in this town. They were deserved and the splendid patronage which the at traction received here was only due the management and .the splendid young star. I saw the play three times, both from . the front and behind the stage, and It is the only play which I've seen three suc cessive times and found myself more in terested in the last than the first per formance. To begin with, Owen Wisler wrote a great book, then he. and Kirk I-a Shelle made a wonderful dramatization of It. and then. Dustan Farnum, Guy Bates Post and Frank Campeau, with an incidental cast of great excellence. Interpreted it. Speaking of Campeau reminds me that his deathfall in the last act Is the most realistic I have ever seen on the stage In any play. "The Earl of Pawtucket" opened the ; week at the Marquam and a splendid . production it was, but in the light of , events it was overshadowed by "The "Vir- i gtnlan." Lawrence D'Qrsay is a finished , comedian with Piccadilly predilections. He ' is unique among American actors, and . Augustus Thomas has written a very 1 clever play for him. There was not much chance for those in his support, but Er nest Elton, as the valet; Charles Hallock, as Judge Fordyce, deserve special men tion, while Florence Robinson, who played Aunt Jane, is one of the best seen here In many seasons. Her Aunt Jane is one of the very finest features of a produc tion which Is full of features. With "Joan of Arc," the Columbia play- i ers presented another of those elaborate scml-rellgious productl6ns which are mak ing the Columbia famous as one of the i best stock houses in the United States. Miss Counties, lit the name part, was as great a Maid ot Orleans as we could wish to see. Her acting of the role was fully equal to her best efforts In the past. The Empire housed an old friend In "Ole Olson," and the vaudevilles and Lyric stock were well patronized. A. A. G. a -OU'RB all wrong, dear old chap. was the defense Lawrance D'Or say made to my charge that his "Earl of Pawtucket" is a caricature. Needless to say I crossed my fingers and still doubted. "You see, I am an Englishman," start ling announcement, "and I know the type well. I make my 'Earl the heavy dragoon whom I have met time and again in the military clubs of London, and I am cer tain he's not overdrawn.!'. ' Now be It remembered that our conver sation occurred in the dressing-room dur ing the performance the other night. I was on a trunk, D'Orsay stood up in the full magnificence of his six feet odd, and Murphy wao perched in a corner, wherfe he drew pictures of the actor which were intended to prove my theory that "The Earl of Pawtucket" was an exag geration. Xow Murphy, unconscionably has taken himself badly sick, and his pictures were never made, so I have no support other than the moral backing of confidence in my position. D'Orsay is a likable sort of man, who gives one of the funniest characteriza tions on the American stage. He has almost all the mannerisms of the "Earl" in private life, but I have a theory that ho has unconsciously assumed them. Ho says "don't ye know" In the same molting way. and the other fellow Is al ways a "dcah old chap." In spite of his eccentricities he Is a man who makes one glad to bo his friend. Straightforward and ingenious Is Law rance D'Orsay, and his early English schoolboy training, which is the best in the world, sticks to him. He has a splen did faith In men, women and things. If he had bean told that the Clatsop Indians were on the warpath and likely to de icend on the Marquam Theater at any moment. I can imagine htm saying in his languid way. "By Jove, 1 really should tell the audience in my curtain speech." Ho Is innocent of any attempt to foist a spurious English nobleman upon us Americans, but anyone who has been ast of the Cascades and has met genteel Britishers knows that they do not act like "The Earl" He has posed so long that it has become second nature. There Is something remarkable about Augustus Tbomasplay from the Ameri can standpoint. Did you notice It? Ev ery man and woman In It is a cad and a toadeater except the "EarL" Gus Thom W?-. . e: (MASK? U HTTivW AH 4BBT It i?SiT tu in ii miii ii ill siff m em m as heartily dislikes the British, and yet he has exalted one of the nobility, the most traditional type, above all his fel low citizens. They are all of them, save the woman in the case, suspicious of tho title and character until they discover that he is a Lord, and then they fall down and wor ship him. The woman who knows his real Identity is a tufthunter who plays upon his gullibility until the time to land him arrives. He is really the only man In the play who Is "on the square." So Thomas stands indicted on the charge of acute Anglo-mania, and Lawrance D'Orsay should be forgiven for giving us a little guff. He has to do it to make the comedy of tho piece. If he carried, him self as a natural subject of the King does wo would not discover any particular hu mor in the creation. D'Orsay comes of a family of English barristers, and was himself trained for the law. Hlse father died, and he took to the stage to earn a livelihood, and In a dozen productions he has appeared suc cessfully as the cartoonists' idea of a. guardsman. This Is his first visit to this part of the country, and with his drooping mustaches, his impossible mannerisms, his monoclo and his plunging walk he made a decided hit. He promises to come again in another play which Gus Thomas Is writing for hint, and so we may expect to hear and see more of this diverting comedian. A. A. G. WILL PRODUCE "THELMA." Dramatization -of Marie Corelli's Fa mous Love, Story at the Columbia. Starting Monday-night. March ?0, the Columbia Stock Company will be seen all the coming week In a powerful dramatiza tion of Marie Corelli's delightful and In tensely Interesting love story of the wild Norway country and English nobility. The management feels assured that It will prove to be one of the most popular and pleasing offerings of the season. The foremost English novelist of the present day is Marie CorcllL whoso "Thel ma," "Wormwood." "Barabbas." "The Sorrows of Satan" and other well-known works have been rend and admired by millions throughout the English-speaking world. Second to none In popularity, of the many works of her able and prolific pen, is "Thelma" the story of the beauti ful Norwegian girl, the descendant of a long line of Scandinavian Vikings, who is wooed and won by an English nobleman, and leaves her kindred, the land or her ancestors, to dwell with her husband and his people in- England to live naw life amid so-called fashionable society. The play Is a favorite one with Eastern thea tergoers; It has just concluded n..cry prosperous run of two weeks at-lhe. Bush Temple Theater, Chicago. During the present Winter it has been presented to crowded houses In the leading stock thea ters of Boston, Philadelphia. Brooklyn and elsewhere, and is included in the rep ertoire of some of the foremost theatrical combinations. In the Columbia Theater production Cathrine Countlss will appear as Thelma. a daughter of the "Vikings; Howard Gould as Sir Philip Errlngton, Donald Bowles as George Larrimer. And Blanche Doug las as Britta. Frank King will paint new scenery, and the play will be produced under the personal direction of William Bernard. Thelma is a delightful matinee play and never falls to draw crowded houses. Reg ular matinees will be "given Saturday and Sunday. THE MOONSHINER'S DAUGHTER Thrilling Melodrama Opens at the Empire at Today's Matinee. "The Moonshiner's Daughter," which is to be presented at the- Empire Theater all this week, beginning with the usual matinee today, is a new and original melo drama in four acts. This is the first time this play has ever been seen In Portland. A thrilling story, abounding in strong and novel climaxes, is interestingly told. It is a play that appeals, to all classes of theater-goers, and Is one of the few genuine successes of the season. The theme of the piece deals principally with the revenue service, the danger and excitement attendant in hunting down and capturing tho moonshiners in their moun tain retreats. There Is a strong, healthy sentiment underlying the play from be ginning to end. An attractive feature of. the entertainment. Is a number of high class specialties which arc introduced. Tho regular matinee will be given Satur day. " y "MONSIEUR BEAUCAIRE." V Creston Clarke to Present ieautiful Romantic Drama at Marquam. There are unmistakable signs that the engagement of Creston Clarke in that most beautiful romantic comedy, "Mon sieur Beaucalre," will be substantially rewarded next Tuesday evening, March 21, at the Marquam Grand Theater. In aemuch as the inquiries regarding the' sale of reserved seats have been of the healthy kind ever since it was first an nounced that the son of John Sleeper Clark and nephew of Edwin Booth would visit here with an elaborate production ot the play that Richard Mansfield tri umphed with. "Monsieur Beaucalre" ought to furnish a refreshing relief from the varied assortment of- plays offered, a& It is one. of-those .peculiarly charmins Innovations that are only too few and far between. Julc3 Murry, one of the shrewd est of theatrical managers, knew what he was about when he saw the possibili ties of such a popular star and desirable play, and concluded to have them both under his direction. . A production of be coming grandeur Is assured. It Is one of those rare Instances of business sagacity that prompted that determined theatrical manager, Jules Mirny, to see in Creston Clarke and "Monsieur Beaucalre" a joint proposition of star and play with which to successfully conjure; for both Mr. Clarke and the delightful comedy-romance) which Richard Mansfield used to such prosperous purpose, have seemingly caught the best possible attention. Scats are now selling. Return of the Pollards. The famous Pollard Juvenile Opera Company has returned to America and will be tho attraction at the Marquam Grand Theater for two weeks beginning Tuesday, March 28, in a repertoire of their latest successful operas. The chorus of the Pollard Lillputlan Opera Company Is exceptionally strong this season. All the older members have been weeded out and replaced by clever Juveniles of di minutive size, which were recruited from Charles A. Pollard's training- school in Melbourne. Tho entire company has been refitted with new gowns and costumes, and the scenic features are entirely new. Among the attractions that have been added to the repertoire of the organiza tion is "A Runaway Girl." Harry Beresford Coming. Harry Beresford In his latest successful farce. "Our New Man," will bo the at traction at the Marquam Grand. Theater Monday evening, March 27. Mr. Beresford will be remembered by Portland theater goers for his clever work In "The Wrong Mr. Wright" several seasons ago. STAR NOVELTIES THIS WEEK New Bill Tomorrow Is Headed by Froslnl, Musical Genius. A great bill will be opened tomorrow at the Star Theater afternoon matinee at t:Z0. The fact that It ia headed by Fro- j sinl, the musical genius, jato of the Milan Conservatory. Italy, Is In Itself sufficient to fill the handsome auditorium with ! crowds of music-lovers. Froslnl Is a great i violin virtuoso, and the violin in his skilled hands sings and talks to. the audi j ence. -.thrilllnff every listener with music of rare charm. The two Ycrkes come direct to the Star Theater 'from an Eastern nsagement. nrWMtnllti a. nttv-Altv ron-ffn rlnV. ort which has dazzled thousands in the big Eastern vaudeville theaters. Every one likes to laugh. Who will re slst laughing when the -Cottons are on the stage in their versatilo comedy sketch? It's full of the keenest wit and satire. The Star likes to please the children. and this week it announces ono of big gest vaudeville novelties, the dancing doll act of Cordcro, Zanfretta and Carl, an act that makes the little ones merry and adults grow gleeful. Hanson and Drew have originated a new comedy sketch that has proved quite fascinating to vaudeville goers, and they are to play a return engagement In Port land to produce their latest hit. Maud Carter, an attractive soubrettc. is to appear In. character imitations and very sprightly singing and dancing act. Roscoe Arbucklc, tho popular song Illua trator, and Edison's projectoscope close a bill that Is up to the standard. Today s bill is continuous from 2 to 10:30 P. M. GRAND THEATER'S NEWBILL A Regular Keith and Proctor Pro gramme This Week. The Grand Theater is giving now a bill that Is- a distinct and clear improvement as the programme this week will show beyond a doubt. Hundreds of people have asked the management to play Ted R Box for a return date. Owing to the demand there has been for his act at the other houses on the circuit, his services could not be secured before, but he will play every night this week and will change his songs at each performance. James Post and company will also be a leading feature ot the bill. The pro gramme also contains the names of Sef- ton and Deagle. In refined and eccentric 'comedy; Thomas E. Elmore. Southern poet optimist: the Tucados, heavy-weight balancers; Miss Georgia Emery, high- class vocalist; Mr. Alf Bonner In "When the Harvest Moon Is on the River." and a great novelty film In the grandlscope. "The recent riots at SL Petersburg-, Rus sia," showing Fathor Gopon and Max Gorky leading the revolutionists. I The bill, taken as a whole. Ik extraor dinarily strong and fully evidences the fact tnat the managomept proposes to deal falrix by Its patrons. An examina tion of tha bills at the leading vaudeville houses In this country shows that they do not give a better bill than can be nightly seen atthc Grand Theater. STAGELAND. Henry Miller Is to appear In vaudeville in a pwyiet enutieo --jrreaeriCK- icmaisre. I Olga K$thersale Is coming over In th$ Fall, nrenarert to present her complete hectic rcp- I erfolre If wTt demands; -'She l:oo new pUr. recently tried In thV provinces. frtll maltc the Carmen bias and the climb OS Saphb'a stairs unnecessary. Jameson Lee Flnnry will bo In the sup port of AUco Fisher In The School for Hnbandi," to be produced April 3. s A. L- Erlanrtx Is on his way home from England. The chief object of his visit abroad was to Htness performances of "The Whlto Cat," the Drury Lane pantomime. which 'will be the Fall opening at the New Amsterdam .1 neater. Jn "the late Spring Hare Kliw -will co abroad. Ilelnrich Conrted will nrobabl? enter tha Held of musical manaslne next season. It Is understood that he Is negotiating for the appearance here next year In a series of. recitals, of Merit Rosenthal, the piano wiz ard, who has set musical Europe In a. whirl this TVllnter. a Adele Ritchie Is another recruit for vaude ville, and will make her appearance at an early date. II the present Influx Continues. the legitimate stage will have to look to Its laurels, for within a week announcements were .rnada that Henry Miller, Fay Tem pleton and Adda Rltchte would appear In the continuous. The dearth of. new plays In New York has caused Ada Rehan to fall back on "The Taming; of the Shrew"; Charles "Wyndham, The Case of Rebellions Susan"; Maud Ad ams. ,rne .utue .Minister. and Fritz! Scheff. Glrofle-Glrona." David Belasco and Henry TV. Savage seem to have about the only new bits of consequence. 9 Louis James has been selected by Liebler Co. for the role of Hardcastle In the all-star" production of "She Stoops to Conquer." which Is to be brought forward at the New Amsterdam Theater on April 17. Mr, James Is appearing this season rlth notable success as Jacques. In the all-star" cast of "The Two Orphans." v ... This funny story, which will not sound funny to Jamea Nell!. Is going the rounds! Another Illustration that actors do not make good managet-s Is shown in the case of James NellL once popular In the West. Since Nelll was unsuccessful In getting his old manager, Charles Astor Parker, back, things have gone from bad to worse with htm, until now he can secure no desirable bookings and Is said to be running, a boarding-house in Rochester. N. T. The continued attractions that are doing well In New York are: "The Education of, Mr. Flop," at the Liberty Theater; Mrs Flake, at the Manhattan: Frltzl Scheff, at the Broadway; Mrs. Leslie Carter, at Be lasco's; Forbes Robertson, at the Knicker bocker; Robert Edeson. at the Hudson: Francis "Wilson, at the Criterion; Arnold Daly, at the Garrlck; "Mrs. Lefflngwell's Boots," at the Garden; Jefferson do Angells. at the Lyric; "Who Goes There?" at the Princess: "Buster Brown." at the Majestic, and David Warfleld. at the Bijou. The offerings at the other houses are Grace George, i a the Savoy; "Wright Lorlmer. at the New York; "Mrs. Temple's Telegramr" at the Madison-Square; "It Happened In Nordland." at Lew Fields Theater; "Tha Queen of Chinatown," at the American, and "No Wedding Bells for Her." at the Fourteenth-Street Theater. DeWolf Hopper's little niece has sprung a new one. One day Mr. Hopper noticed her standing on tha edge of a frozen pond, crying as if her heart were broken. A man ot no mean proportions had Just slipped and fallen on the ice over which the youngsters had been skating. "Don't cry, little one; I don't think he 'is hurt very much," said the comedian. "Hurt nothlnV replied the little girl. "Can't you sec he has busted the Ice?" Frank Daniels Is having dally rehearsals of "Sergeant Brue" at the Knickerbocker "Theater, New York, where the new "Pe will be produced In the near future. HtsupportlnK company Includes Blanche Ring. Anna. FItxhugh, Fred Thorne, Walter Perclval, Sallle Fisher, Clara Belle Jerome and a dozen other people While the role of Sergeant Brue Is right In Daniels' ways, the genial comedian will have to- hustle to keep up with Fred Thorne, an actor of un usual ability. Thomas Jefferson, the son of Joseph Jef Scandal Blots Lawmakers' Work California Legislature's Reforms Obscured by Bribery Charges Counties to Exhibit at Lewis and Clark Fair Sap ituvnui9Uj, .aiarcn it. xo ine relief of the people ot .the state, the Legislature lias adjourned. Of ! course the great bribery scandal will ever stand as a blot which will obscure the work accomplished, but there has been, nevertheless, much ot, benefit accom plished at Sacramento for the state. The tax system has been revised and placed on a basis which has found favor In New Tork, a separation being made between the local and state assessments. The reclamation work has been given an im petus hitherto unknown. The LegJslatureN has set to work the machinery by which $20, 000, 000 will ultimately be spent in trans forming tha swamp regions of the Sacra mento River Into good agricultural land. In addition the Legislature has taken hold of the problem ot prison reform, and while nothing revolutionary ha3 been ac complished, provision has been made for Improvements which will place the penal institutions of the state in tho front rank of those of the country. Altogether nearly $1,000,000 Is to be spent on additional cells and accommodations. California has nearly as many prisoners to handle as New York state. For the population the Gelden State has a greater number of criminals than any other state in the Union, not a fact to glory in, but a con dition which must be faced. The Legislature also mado ample pro vision for tho school system or callior nla. The University of California was given $150,000 with which to purchase an agricultural farm, and has been voted an additional $150,000 for an agricultural building. The Normal School in San Francisco has also been provided wlth money for a new building to cost $150,000. In order that all of this sum may be used for the structure, the City Supervisors have undertaken to have San. Francisco supply the site. In the last few days of the session the Legislature passed bills helter-skelter without reading them. As a result Gov ernor Pardee has before him some 1000 measures. These must be carefully sifted and hundreds of them rejected. Many of these measures contain what are termed "bugs." and aim to secure concessions for corporations while appearing under a different cloak. The plans for California's exhibit at the Portland Fair, which it was generally thought were settled, have been so vig orously attacked that open warfare has resulted between the state commissioners and the county managers. The original plans were for a complete state display, with no distinction as to section, the en tire exhibit to reflect the best In Califor nia! The various counties at once raised an objection, desiring in addition to the state display, to make individual displays with their products. The discussion waxed warmer and warmer until tho Commissioners decided to yield a point. They are willlns to allow for a central pyramid in which each county shall have separate representation. This far they will go, but no farther. They have Issued an ultimatum, in which they outline their proposal. In part it Is as follows: We have concluded that an installa tion can be arranged which, at least in tha main features, will give tho different sections of the state distinctive recogni tion. Wo have In mind particularly In the mn nnrtApthft domi In thft center of the PouUding. about SOxSO feet, the installation .of a pyramid constructed with as many sides as there are main divisions of tho state that participate. On each side of lis pyramid the respective divisions can show, for instance, their processed fruits and vegetables, adorned and trimmed with other products, installed under one general uniform rule, but In such a way as to give distinction even at a glance to the part ot the state represented therein. As processed fruits are always tne leadr ing' feature In a. California exhibit, for the. reason that they are bettcrjn ouallty. ferson, happened in New Tork one day and called upon an old friend, an. Alderman. During the call an Italian couple came and asked if the Alderman would unite them In marriage. The Alderman performed the ceremony, and after accepting his fee. po litely handed to the bride an umbrella. Mr. Jefferson eyed the proceedings grave ly, and after the couple went out asked: "Do you always do that. Charles?" "Do what? Marry them? Oh, yes." "No; X mean bestow a present upon tha bride." "A present! "Why. wasn't that her umbrel la?" gasped the Alderman. "No; It was mine." replied Mr. Jefferson, sadlr. One of th most sentimentally Interesting knick-knacks In the home ot Maxine El liott on Riverside Drive, Tfew York, take the shape of a framed telegram. It Is dated six or seven seasons ago and Is signed by Nat C. Goodwin. At that time Mr. Goodwin had not yet met the hndsomo actress who subsequently "became his wife, and when his manager wrote to him suggesting her for the position of leading woman, the star, who happened to be In Pittsburg, wired: "All right, but Is she not too tall?" That Is thedlspatch Miss Elliott has had framed and has had hung so that It must always meet the eyes of her husband shortly af ter he crosses- the threshold of the front door. It was In Pittsburg, by the way, that the couple wero married a year or two after the flashing of the communication; and when Miss Elliott appeared there In "Her Own Way" a fortnight ago Mr. Goodwin r wired her again: "I still think she Is all right, but there cannot be any too much ol her." Although debarred from giving his nam a London dispatch states that & direct de scendant of William Shakespeare Is now a member of the theatrical profession In this country. The player In question Is a young man. 'who traces his descent In a. straight line from one of tho bard's daughters. Had he cared to trade on his ancestry this young actor would probably have had no difficulty In getting something pretty good to start with, but being possessed of a good deal of pride -he has preferred to fight tha battle as his great ancestor fought it. and so from the start he has taken the best ha could get In the ordinary way. and at pres ent Is appearing In a small part In a London musical play, in appearance the descend ant of Shakespeare Is slight, and ot about the middle height, with a thoughtful face. The limited number of his acquaintances who are aware of the facts regarding his wt-v ttrm- nntnrflllv tefttchlnfr hill rarcrt M with unbounded interest. The last time Sarah Bernhardt played la Louisville there was a misunderstanding about her carriage, which did not arrive at thi stage door In time. She was very angry, and said that she would not wait a moment. A3 old darky called Abe. who was quite a char acter In the town, and who wa3 always ready for any emergency, lushed up to her and saldi "Miss Sarah Bernhardt, please let me drlv you to your hotel. I won't charge you a ccaf If you will Jus take my hack. Pleas'm. don'j say no, but Jus' get In, an I will drive Jus as quick as lightning." The actress' mood changed In a second; sh got into the carriage laughing like a child, and was driven with a great flourish of whlj to her hotel. Immediately afterward Ab went round to the club to wait and take som( of tha bridge-playing young gentlemen home. A young man came out, and just as he was getting In, the cabhe saw the old darky's eyei shining like two atare. He said: "Hello. Abe! "What's the matter with youj Been left a fortune?" '"No, sir; no one done leave me no fortune, but I done drive Miss Sarah Bernhardt In my ,hack from the theater to her hotel." "Go away, go away!" answered the young man; "she has got a private carriage." "I don't keer. boss; the private carrlagt wasn't dar, an I was. an' she got in smiling an lookln' Jus" as pretty as a picture; an J whipped up dla old horse, an It's many a daj since he done go so fast. I tell you." The young man. still doubting, the darky opened the door of his cab w!dr-and said "Look here, Massa John. If you don't be lieve mc. Jus smell my hack." Hassa. John entered tho cab and was con vinced. The actress' favorite perfume was ol so clinging a nature. that It lingered with per sistent sweetness. greater In variety and more perfectly processed than such products from other states and countries, we suggest that on this structure these products be made tha leading feature, and that enough for tha purpose from each locality be selected from the best of that which was returned from St Louisa In front of each of the respective sides of this pyramid, distinc tive features of the locality represented" can be Installed in such a way as to bring within close proximity the most important articles from the respective sections of the state. The Southern Pacific Railroad has, foC the past few months, been endeavoring ta create sentiment here against the pro posed railway legislation, but has met! with a snag in the Chamber of Com merce. The State Board of Trade was Induced to pass resolutions opposing Roosevelt's policy, but when the railway officials sought to swing tho Chamber of Commerce into line, they attempted q, greater task than they were able to ac complish. The Chamber not only cast aside the railroad officials, but Indorsed Roosevelt in very strong terms, pledging their aid in the work. The Mechanics Institute of this city, one of the leading organizations here foi educational progress, is seriously consid ering the proposition of trying; to secure the exhibits from Portland after the Fair and hold a small exposition in this city of the Oriental products. The idea Is to make it simply a local affair and in duce the nations of the Orient to leave their exhibits in San Francisco for a few weeks before shipping them across the Pacific The Mechanics' Institute is pre pared to finance the proposition, but will not proceed until it has had a word of encouragement from the commercial bodies. San Franciscans are .looking ahead witU real pleasure to the grand opera, company from New Tork, which will open hero early in April. It fias been announced that this is thelast tour Con rled will allow his stars to make, as in the future the entire season will be taken up in New York. This announcement came after the company had spent a week in Boston, and the financial results had proved disappointing. San Francisco has had a steady opera, of a very high order since the first of the year, and the gen eral opinion Is that tho Conreid play ers come at a time most unfavorable to themselves. Had they come early in January, their success would have been greater than ever before. Margaret Anglln will open in San Fran cisco next week, and in her company is Hall McAllister, a former Hawyer- and club man of San Francisco. Miss Angljn has always been successful In San Fran cisco. She has many friends hero and Is generally entertained by the folk of the smart set. Savings of the People. New York Commercial. The total deposits in all the saving, banks in the world, according to the lat est available statistics, amounted to $10.' 500,000,000, contributed by 82,610,000 deposi tors. Ot ttrls total the United States shows aggregate deposits of $3,060,179,000, credited to 7,305,000 depositors. These fig ures indicate that tho United States, with less than 0 per cent of the total popula tion considered, contributes over 23 per cent of the total savings deposits re corded. These figures help to explain tha re markable manner in which the recent large bond Issues have been absorbed- It ha& been estimated that more than $1,000, 000.000 of bonds are annually purchased by the Investing public in the United States. The savings banks and the insur ance companies arc the heaviest purchas ers of bonds, but there are estimated to bo nearly 1,000.000 persons in the United States who have an annual surplus to in vest. . L i 0