"4 THE SUNDAY OBEGONIAS, PORTLA2-TD, MAEOH 19, 190o. 15 LARGE MOHAIR CLIP Yield in Valley This Year Will Be Over the Average. SHEARING HALF COMPLETED Prices Expected to Open Below Last Year'e, but Competition May Cause General .Advance First Sale April 1. Goat ebearinir U well under way in various parts of the "Valley and it is estimated that fully half of the clip of mohair has already fcecn shorn. The state this year will produce about 873.000 pound i. which Is somewhat over the average. The first pool sale will be at Dallas on April 1, when It Is expected that 76,000 pounds will 'be offered. A number of smaller sales will be held later at other points in the Valley. The market now is nominal at 20320 cents per pound. Dealers expect that prices, after the season opens, will be about 5 cents under last year's quotations, though competition may run them up to 25 or 30 cents. Last season mohair sold at 22334 cents. Under the keen competeltion for the Oregon product buyers went above values prevailing in the Eastern markets and & number of speculators here are said to bare lost heavily. Somo of them still save & part of their old stock on hand. The Boston Commercial Bulletin of latett date says of the mohair situation in that market: No improvement over the conditions of last week are apparent, the bulk of what business Is transacted being the filling- of orders on old contracts. There Is some new business coming in, but there are no movements of any ac count, and the condition of the market is quiet. Although such is the case, values are firmly held at the following Quotations: For-elgne-Turkey (extras), 4&348c; turkey (fair average), 4246c; Cape (firsts), S!41c: Cape (neconds), 88 39c Domestic Combing. 33 56c; carding (good), 81034c: carding (inferior),' 026c; soils (first combers), 2025c rOBTUAyp MARKETS. Grain, Flour, Peed, Etc WTHEAT "Walla "Walla, nominal. 5o; Mue atem, 92c; Valley, 67c per bushel. FLOUR Patents. $4.60 4.85 per bar rel; straights, $4.3004.45; clears, $3.85 4; Valley, $4.10(34.25: Dakota hard wheat, $5,503 7.50; Graham, $3.50 4; whole wheat, $4 4.25; rye flour, local, $5; Eastern. $50 C.10; cornmeal, per case, $1.90. BARLEY Feed. 323 per ton; rolled $24 25. OATS No. 1 white. $1.37401.42; gray, $1.60 per cental. MIL.LSTUFFS Bran. $10.50 per ton; mid dlings. $25; shorts. $22; chop. U. S. Mills. $10; linseed dairy foods. $18; linseed oil meal, car lots, $29 per ton; less than car lots, $30 per ton. CEREAL FOODS Rolled oats, cream. 60 pound sacks, $8.75; lover Grade, $5 0 0.25; oatmeal, stesl cut, 50-pound sacks, $8 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4.25 per bale; oatmeal (ground). 50-pound sacks, $7.50 per barrel; 10-pound sacks, $4 per bale; split Seas, $4 per 100-pound sack; 25-pound oxes. $1.15; pearl barley, $4 per 100 pounds; 25-pound boxes, $1.25 per box; pastry flour, 10-pound sacks, $2.50 per bale. HAY Timothy. $14010 per ton; clover, $11012; grain. $11012; cheat, $11012. Butter, Eggs. Poultry, Etc. City creameries quote butter firm, notwith standing larger receipts of cream. On Front street the tone of the market is reported to ie weaker. California butter Is particularly easy, as large receipts are due the first of the week. There was no change in the egg market yesterday. A car of Eastern dressed poultry "has been received, which will prevent any im provement "In prices of local stock next week. Yesterday's arrivals from the country were practically all cleaned up by the close of the day. EGOS Oregon ranch, ISc per dozen. BUTTER City creameries: Extra cream ery, 32 Vic per pound: fancy "creamery. 30c. State creameries: Fancy creamery. 27is 2Vie; dairy. 1517c; store butter. 1415c; California. 2331c CHEESE Full cream twins, new, 14015c; old. 18c; Americas, 14 015 He POULTRY Fancy hens, 14144o; old hens, 13CJ13e; mixed chickens, 12Vi"13c; old roost ers. lOSllc; young roosters, 1112$4c: Springs, lh2 pounds. 17&19c; broilers. 1T13 -pound, 2225c: dressed chickens, 1415c; turkeys, alive. 1718c; turkeys, dressed poor, 17&18e; turkeys, choice, 2022c; geese, live, per pound, 80c; geese, dressed, lOS'llc; ducks, old, $8379; ducks, young as to adze, $t69.50; pigeons, $161.25; squabs. $22.50. Vegetable. Fruit. Etc There was almost a famine in green produce on Front street yesterday. Dealers have been afraid to order heavily as tile rains in Cali fornia have left vegetables in poor shipping condition. The next receipts will be by steam er Tuesday. A car of oranges is due Monday and two or three cars of bananas are expected Tuesday. VEGETABLES Turnips, $1 per sack; car rots. $1.25; beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1.50; cab. Vage. California. lUc; lettuce, hothouse. $1,253 1.60 per box; parsley. 25c dozen; tomatoes. $2.25 per crate; cauliflower. $2 per crate; egg plant, 12c per pound; celery, $3.50 per crate; peaa. 10c per pound; peppers, 25c per pound; sprouts. 6c. asparagus, be per pound; rhubarb, Sc per pound; cucumbers, $2.25 per dozen; arti chokes' 75c per dozen. ONIONS Fancy, $2.0003.10; No. 2, $1L50. buying Drlce. l-'OTATOES Orpgon fancy, 90c$l; common, 70g-S5c, buyers price; Merced sweets, lc RAISINS Loote Muscatels, 4-crown, tc; E layer Muscatel raisins, 7c; unbleached seeu If-ss Sultanas, 6c; London layers, 3-crown, t hole boxes of 20 pounds, $1.85; 2-crown, $1.75. DRIED FRUIT Apples, evaporated. 6tfic per pound; sundried. sacks or boxes, none; apricots, 10011c; peaches, 0010 Vic; peart, none; prunes. Italians. 4&5c; French. 214S$ic; figs, California blacks, bc; do white, none; Smyr na, 20c; Fard dates. 0c; plums, pitted. 6c. DOMESTIC FRUITS Apples, fancy. $1,759 2 60 per box; choice. $10L25; common, 500 75c; figs. 5cQ$2.50 per box. TROPICAL FRUITS Lemons, fancy, $2,758 3 75: choice. $2.75 per box: oranges; fancy. $2.2.25 per box; choice. $1.5001.75: standard, $1 2501.50; tangerines. $1.5002 per box; grape fruit, $2.6003 per box; bananas. 505Vic per pound. Groceries, Nuts, Etc COFFEE Mooha, 2802Sc; Java, ordinary. 10 O20c; Costa Rica, fancy. 16020c; good. 16018c: ordinary. 10012c per pound; Columbia roast, cases 100a, $13.bS; 50s, $13.85; Arbuckle. $14.38. Lion. 514.3S. RICE Imperial Japan, No. 1. $5.37; South ern Japan, $3.50; Carolina, 4VTCc; brokenhead, 25c SALMON Columbia River. 1-ponad tails, $1.75 per dozen; 2-pound tails, $2.40; 1-pound flats. $LS5; fancy 1014-pound fiats, $l.su; -pound fiats. $1.10; Alaska pink. 1-pound talis. K5c. red. 1-pound tails, $1.45; sockeyea, 1-pound talle, $1.85. SUGAR Sack basis, 100 pounds: Cube, J6.S0; powdered, $(5.05; dry granulated. $5.95; extra (. , $5,45. golden C. $5.55; fruit sugar, $5.05, ad ancc over sack basis as follows: Barrels. 10c; half-barrels, 25c; boxes. 50c per 100 pounds. (Terms: On remittance within 15 days, deduct c per pound; it later than 15 days and within SO days, deduct tfi per pound; no discount after 30 days.) Best sugar granulated; $5.&5 per 100 pouuds; mapls eugar. 15S18c per pound SALT-California, $11 per ton. $1.C0 ier bale, Liverpool. 50s. $17; 100s, $16.50; 200s. $18; half-ground. luOs, $7; 50s. $7.50. NI TS - Walnuts, ISfcc per pound by sack, lc rxtra for less than sack; Brazil nuts. 15c; fil berts. 14c, pecans. Jumbos, 14c; extra large. 15c r almonds. L X. L., ICc; chostnuta, Ital ians. 15c. Ohio, $4.50 per 25-pound drum; pea nuts, raw. 7 Vjc per pound; roasted, Oc; pine nuts. loei2e; hickory nuts. 7c; cocoanuta, bJQOOc per dozen. BEANS Small white. 4c; large white, Sic; pink, 3He: bayou, 3Jjc; Lima, &&c Meats and Provisions. BEEF Dressed, bulls. 34c; cows, 405Uc; country steers. 465Hc MUTTON Dressed, fancy. 774 c; ordinary, H?6c. "EAL Dressed. 100 to 125. TKOSMo per pound; 125 to 00. 6&54c; 200 and up. av-SHc PORK Dressed. 100 to 150. Sc per pound: 150 and up. 7HSc ' HAMS Ten to 14 pounds. 12o per pound; 14 to 18 pounds, 12i4e; IS to 20 pounds. 124c; California (picnic), fcttc: cottage hams. 8c; thoulders. SVtc; boiled ham, 20c; boiled picnic bam. boneless, 14c BACON Fancy breakfast. 16c per pound; rtantlard breakfast. 14c; choice, 15c; English breakfast. 11 to 14 pounds. 13c; peach bacon, lie. SAUSAGE Portland nam, 12 3 per pound; J minced ham, 10c; Summer, choice dry, 174c: bologna, long, 5c; welnerwurst, &c; liver. 5c; pork. Dc; blood, 5c; headcheese. 12 Vic; bologna sausage, link. 4C DRY SALTED MEATS Regular short clears. 6.c salt. 103c smoked; clear backs. -8c salt. 10c smoked; Oregon export, 20 to 25 pounds, average, 10c rait. lle smoked; dears, Jtfeo fcalt, HWc smoked; clear backs, 9c; Union butts; 10 to 18 pounds, average, 8c salt, 8c smoked. PICKLED GOODS-Plckled pigs' feet, -bar-rels. $5; -barrels. $2.75; 15-pound kit, $L23; pickled tripe, -barrels, $5; -barreU, $473; 16-pound . kit, SI. 25; pickled pigs' tongues, Vr barrelfj, $6; -barrels, $3; 15-pound kits, $1.50; pickled lambs tongue, -barrels, $3; V-bis-rels, $5.50: 15-pound kits, $2.75. LARD Kettle-rendered: Tierces, 04c; tubs, OHs; 60s. 9c; 20s. OXc; 10s. 10Uc; 6s, 103ic Standard pure: Tierces. 6,c; tubs, 8Tc; 0. 8c; 20s. 0c; 10s. 954c; 5s. &Hc Compound: Tiercea, 6c; tubs. tc; 50s, 6;c; 10s, 7c; Cs. 7ic Hops, Wool, Hides. Etc HOPS Choice 1D04. 23fe024c per pound. TirOOL Valley, 19020c per pound; Eastern Oregon, 12017c per pound. MOHAIR Choice, 25026c per pound. HIDES Dry hides; No. 1, 16 pounds and up. 16016o per pound; dry kip, "No. 1. 5 to 15 pounds, 14015c per pound; dry calf. No. 1. under 5 pounds 17018c; dry salted, bulls and stags, one-third less than dry flint; (culls, moth-eaten, badly cut, soored. murrain, hair slipped, weatherbeatea or grubby, 233c per pound less); salted shides, steers, sound, CO pounds and over, 9010c per pound; CO to 00 pounds, 84090 per pound; under 50 pounds and cows. 6Oc per pound; salted stags and bulls, sound. 6c per pound; salted kip, sound, 15 to 30 pounds, 9c per pound; salted veal, sound. 10 to 1,4 pounds, Oc per pound; salted calf, sound, -under 10 pounds. 10c per pound; (green, unsalted, lc per pound less; culls, lo per pound less). Sheep skins: Shearlings. No. 1 butchers' stock, 253T30C each; short wool. No. 1 butchers' stock, 40050c each; medium wool. No. 1 butchers' stock. 60080c; long wool. No. 1 butchers stock, $101.50 each. Murrain pelts, from 10 to 20 per cent less, or 1214o per pound; horse hides, salted, each, according to size, $1.6002; dry. each, according to size, $1 1-50; colts' hides, 25050c each; goat skins, common. 10015c each; Angora, with wool On. 25c$L50 each. TALLOW Prime, per pound, 3M,04c; No. 2 and grease 208c PELTS Bear skins, as to size, No. 1. $2.50 010 each: cubs, $102; badger, 25050c; wild cat, with head perfect. 25050c: noose cat, 50 10c; fox. common gray, 50070c; red, $305; crow. S5015; silver and black, $1000300: fish ers, $5a; lynx. $4.5006: mink, strictly- No. 1, according to size. $102.50; marten, dark North ern, according to size and color. $10015; mar ten, pale, pine, according to size and color. $2.6004; muskrat. large. 10015c; skunk, 409 50c; civet, or polecat, 6010c; otter, large, prime skin, $6010; panther, with head and claws per fect. $205; raccoon, prime 30050c; mountain wolf, with head perfect. $3.5005; coyote 0o 1; wolverine, $608: beaver, per skin, large, S506: medium. $304; small. $101.50; kits. 60075c BEESWAX Good, clean and pure 20022a per pound. CASCARA SAGRADA (Chittam bark) -Good, 4-4Uc per pound. OREGON GRAPE ROOT Per 100 pounds. $304. FEATHERS Geese, white. S504Oe; geese, gray or mixed. 25030c; duck, white, 15020c; duck, mixed, 12015c Oils. GASOLINE Stove gasoline, cases. 23Vc; iron barrels, 17c; 86 deg. gasoline, cases, 32c; Iron barrels or drums. 26c COAL OIL Cases, 21 $c: Iron barrels. 13c; wood barrels, none; 63 deg.. cases, 22c; Iron barrels, 15fcc; Washington State test burning oils, except headlight. 5o per gallon higher. LINSEED OIL Raw. barrels, 61c; cases, 66c Boiled: Barrels, 63c; cases. 6Sc; lc lees in 6-barrel lots. TURPENTINE Cases, S5c; barrels. 82c WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 740: COO-pound lots. 7c; less than 600-pound lots, 8c PRUNES HAVE BETTER TONE. Stocks Working Into Stronger Hands and Inquiries Increasing. SAN FRANCISCO. Cat, March IS. (Special.) The California cured fruit market is quiet, as Eastern buyers are alow to take hold of most lines. Apricots are very firmly held with scanty stocks on hand. Apples are quoted slightly higher. Peaches are scarce and firm. Prune values are unchanged, but the market has a better tone. Coast stocks are working into stronger hands and Inquiries aro Increas ing. The Santa Clara prune protection com mittee Is preparing & plan of organization for prunepackers which will probably be adopted next week. The raisin market Is llklv ia re ceive more attenllon, now that the Growers'! Association has been definitely formed. s Hops are moderately active at the recent de cline. Contracts for Fall delivery were re cently made at 18 cents. The crop la re ported In fine condition and tho yield is likely to be considerably larger than last year, which was about 63,000 bales. The gram market was leas active Wheat and barley futures were easier. Spot prices for all cereals were steady. Heavy rain caused a dull market for all fruits and prices were unchanged. Seed potatoes are in lively demand and firm. 'Nearly all grades of table stock showed easi ness with buyers less anxious. Onions were better cleaned up and steadier. Early vege tables were in larger supply and weaker. Dairy products were easy and stocks large Receipts: 67,600 pounds of butter. 21,400 pounds of cheese and 49,800 dozen eggs. VEGETABLES Garlic. 810c; green peas, 204c; string beans, 15020c; asparagus, 306c; tomatoes, $1.2502; egg plant, 15c POULTRY Turkey gobblers. 18020c; roost ers, old, $50fi.5O; do young. $6.5007.50; broil ers, small. $504; large $4.6000.60; fryers, $5.6006: hens, $507; ducks, old, $506; do young, $6.6O07.6O. CHEESE Young America, 120lSc; East ern. 16016c BUTTER Fancy creamery, ' 25c; creamery seconds. 23c; fancy dairy, 23a; dairy sec onds, 22c EGGS Store. 1701BVffc; fancy ranch. 21c WOOL Lambs', l&T-lSc HOPS 23025c per pound. HAY Wheat. $10014; wheat and oata, $10 IS; barley. $9010; alfalfa, $8Sl10.60; clover.' $709; stocks. $607; straw, 40050c MILLFEED Bran. ' $20.60021.50; mlddllnge $26028.60. FRUIT Apples, choice. $2; do common. 76c; bananas; 75c052.5O; Mexican limes, $404.60; California lemons; choice $2.60; do common, 75c; oranges, navels, 75c0$2; pineapples. $2 e. POTATOES Early Rose. $1.4O01.CO; River Burbanks, 75e0$l; river reds, 65075c; sweets. 75090c: Oregon Burbanks. $101.30. RECEIPTS Flour, 24.100 quarter sacks; bar ley, 8252 centals; oats, 1200 centals: beans, 4641 sacks; potatoes. 2220 sacks;, bran, 1930 sacks; middlings. 4S2 acks; hay, 3S9 tons; wool. 42 bales; hides. 402. UVESTOCK MARKET. Prices Quoted, at Portland "Union Stockyards Yesterday. Receipts at the Portland Union Stockyards yesterday were 382, sheep, 102 cattle and 15 horses. Receipts for the week have been 3437 sheep. 707 cattle 462 hogs and 64 horses. Sheep are quoted firm and higher and should sell well until after shearing, when there will be a tumble Hogs are weakened by re ceipts from Nebraska, but are no lower. Cattle are steady. The following prices were quoted at the .yards: CATTLE Best Eastern Oregon steers, $4; cows and heifers, $308.25; medium. $1.5002. HOGS Best large fat hogs, $0; block and China fat, $5230k5O: dockers. $5. SHEEP Best Eastern Oregon and Valley. $4.5004.76; medium. $404.50. EASTERN XIVESTOCK. Prices Current -at Kansas City, Omaha and Chicago, CHICAGO, March 18. Cattle Receipts. 2000. Market steady. Good to prime steers, $5,100 6.25; poor to medium, $3.7504.85; stockers and feeders. $2.5004.60: cows. $2.8504.50; heifers. $306; canners. $1.5002.50; bulls, $2.250-i; calves. $3jti.50. Hogs Receipts today. 12,000; Monday. 40, 000. Market strong to 6c higher. Mixed and butchers. $5.055.27H; good to choice heavy. 35.1505.S5; rough heavy. $505.10; light. $4,050 5.20; bulk of sales. $5.1505.20. ) Sheep Receipt. 2000. Sheep and lambs, steady. Good to choice wethers, $4.6004.65; good to choice mixed. $4.7505.40; Western sheep. $506: native lambs, $5.5007.60; West ern lambs. $607.60. SOUTH OMAHA. March 18. Cattle-Recelpta 200. Market unchanged. Native steers. $3,750' C.75; cows and heifers. $304.30; canners. $2S 3; stockers and feeders. $3.7504.50: calves, $305.75: bulls, stags, etc. $20,455. N Hogs Receipts. 3500. .Market 5c higher. Heavy. $5,0505.15; mixed. $506.05; light. $4.90 Q5.05; pigs. $404,751 bulk of sales. $505.03. Sheep Receipts, 3000. Market steady. KANSAS CITY. March IS. Cattle Receipts. 3000. Market unchanged. Native steers. $40 5.75; native cows and heifers. $204.75; stock ers and feeders! $304.65; Western fed steers. $4.2506.40: Western fed cows. $304.60. Hogs Receipts. 3000. Market Rc higher. Bulk of eale. $545.15; heavy. $50,50520; pack ers. $5.0595.15; pigs and lights. S4.S595.10. . Kicca No receipts BUYING FOR CONTROL STOCKS TAKEN OUT OF MARKET FOR HOLDING PURPOSES. Good Resistance Shown During Week to Selling Pressure Higher Money Rates Expected. NEW YORK. March IS. The movement of the 'stock market today Indicated the activ ity of contending force In the speculation, and the contest between them was rather In conclusive The cloeing was Irregular and not far from last night's level, after having been considerably below that Is the early dealings and generally above oa the rally. Stocks were freely sold during the early dealings and the recovery seemed to be due to profit-taking by the bears, who were disposed to close up their contracts on three days reaction pre liminary to the Sunday Interval In the market. The showing by the banks In their weekly statement, which had been counted upon by the bears to Induce selling and thus afford them an opportunity to cover, proved to be not so weak as had been feared, so that the buying by the shorts was of the greater effect. The weight of opinion la la faror of some what higher rates for money. But offerings of funds by the trust companies at the higher rates may be expected. The usual dis cussion Is thus Invited of the growing part played by these institutions In the money situation as a whole apart from the showing by the banks themselves. Foreign exchange continued Its decline la spits of the firmness of discounts la London. Total sales of bonds, par value were $3,775,000. Speculative sentiment showed Itself distrust ful of the market from the opening of the week, but there was good resistance to the moderate pressure during the early part of the week. In the absence of any unfavorable pros pect In the general business. Industrial and financial conditions. "With the rise la the call loan rate for mosey the reactionary tendency assumed the upper hand and pressure to sell overweighted the market. There Is a large element among those operat ing la stocks which has held conservative' opinions on the market for soma time &ud pro fessional traders hare constantly tilted the market to find a yielding tendency. Theee operations had proved so often unsuccessful, necessitating the covering of short contracts at a loss, that the bears had grows timid and were keeping out of the market. The power of the market to resist short sales and to absorb the heavy proflt-tiklcg from tlmo to time and the corstant development of new points of strength served to convince the skep tical that stocks were being taken out of the market by substantial holding powers and gave color to the many rumors constantly retailed of accumulations of many stocks for purposes of control and ultimate plans of combination and readjustment of relations which were ex pected to Increase the values of properties. The bond market has been less active and there has been no notable advance la prices of railroad mortgagee United States bonds were all unchanged on call on the week. STOCK QUOTATIONS. Closing Sales. High. Low. bid. Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore & Ohio.... do preferred Canadian Pacific ... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio- Chicago & Alton.... do preferred ...... Chi. Great Western. Chl. & Northwestern 4,400 SU b&ii J 100 103 103 103 2.000 142 141 141 7,500 1034 107)4 107i 6,300 146 145U H54 100 2004 200200 13.300 6S 67 57H 100 41 41i 41 100 81 Si 80 3,700 24 23fi 23 500 241 240 233 Chi.. MIL & St. Paul 23,000 179i 170 1 17 uni. Term. & Trans.. do preferred ....... C C., C & St. L.... Colorado & Southern. do 1st preferred.... do 2d preferred..... 400 32 324 82 100 105 105 105 700 24 23Ti 23 100 60 60 60 300 35 35 34 Delaware & Hudson 100 rv-i Tjrk X- IVt-jt 375 Denver & Rio Grande 34 do preferred 1.000 S0; SS tw4 Erie 21,800 46 46 40 do 1st preferred,... 400 Sl 60 b0 do 2d preferred 900 6S 07 67. Booking .Valley do preferred ....... ...... 04 Illinois Central . 3,100 161 160 161 Iowa Central 200 20 23 20 do preferred . . 54 Kan. City Southern.. 200 28 20 29 do preferred 400 66 65 05; t Ai.ni. m. X. .v... tnn will 11111 Manhattan L. S00 160 163j4 lCa'A 23.300 80 88 Metrop. Securities. .. Metropolitan St. Ry.. Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. Louis... M.. St. P. & 6. S. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific .... Mc, Kim.. &(Xexas..' do preferred . Vt1rmJ nf Mr nfd 6,200 124 123 123 1,400 24 31 C5: 41 New YorkrCentral... 86,300 162 161 N. Y., OnC & West.. 33,500 63 61 Norfolk & Western.. 2,100 6 &5 do preferred ... 161 62H S3 Pennsylvania 44.800 143 142 142 p.. c, a & st. l. : 82 Reading 66.O09 85 84 5 300 116 116 116 300 163 163 163 6.000 107 107 107 100 81 21 31 1.600 66 65 65 82 67 118 84t 89 8S 39 23 02 5H oomTjasies Adams American "United States Wells-Fargo Miscellaneous Amalgamated Copper S5.P0O Amer. Car & Foundry 3,600 do preferred" COO American Cotton Oil. 300 do preferred........ ...... American Ice ...... do preferred American Linseed Oil 200 do preferred American Locomotive 5.600 60 35 17 47 47 do -preferred 115 Amer. 8m. & Refining 14.000 102 101 102 do preferred 1,500 121 121 12I: Amer. Sugar Refining' 5,300 143 142 142 Am. Tobacco pf. cert. 600 96 86 96 Ar.aconca. .inning vo. 4 uu 117 Brooklyn B, Tranelt. U.P00 67 Colorado Fuel & Iron 8,600 53 Consolidated Gas Cora Products ... do preferred ... 1,400 206 TOO 18 200' 73 Distillers' Securities. 1,100 41V General Electric 600 188 188 18SU . 1,900 23 22 22 International Paper.. 00 crerermt 200 79 International Pump.. do preferred ....... National Lead ...... North American .... Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed Steel Car.... do preferred Pullman Palace Car. Republic Steel do preferred ....... "Rubber Goods ...... do preferred ....... Tenn. Coal & Iron... 200 87 87TS 400 37 36 JSO 102?; 102 102 S.4O0 Vl2 111 inaj 500 100 1,300 900 2.300 V2 92 245 245 if 76 76 26 26 92 !45 16 76 28 3.600 83 8S 89 U. S. Leather, 2 do preferred ............ . icu XJ. S. Realty fiOO 94Vi 93U 94V U. S. Rubber. 200 41 40 40 do preferred ..... II .S. Steel do preferred Ya. -Carolina. Chem do preferred ..... Westinghouse Elec 111 35 05 34 106 180 94 .. 40.100 .. 15,200 S5 85 34-i 94 200 107 107 Western Union ..!... 300 94 84 Total sales forthe day. 625.000 shams. BONDS. NEW YORK, March . IS. Cloalnr quota tions: V. S. ref. 2s reg.l04Atch!son AdJ 4s. 96 do coupon . ..104JD. & R. G. 4s. .101 T7. S. 3s reg.... 104UN. Y. Cent. lsts. 99 do coupon ...104Nor. Pacific 3s.. 77 V. S. new 4s reg.1321 do 4s 106 do coupon ...132ISo. Pacific 4s... 95 V. S. old 4s reg. 104 (Union Pacific 4s. 106 do coupon . ..105Wle Central 4s. 94 Stocks at London. V. LONDON. March IS. Consols for money. 91; consols for account- 91. Anaconda ..... 6" Atchison 81 do preferred .106 Bait. & Ohio ..111 Can. Pacific ...149 Ches. & Ohio ..59 C. Gt. Western . 24 C M. & St. P. .164 DeBeers ... ... 17 D. H, G S5 do preferred . 92 Erie 47 Nor. & Western. S8 I do preferred .. 94 Ont & Western. 63 Pennsylvania ... 73 Rasd Mlnra in Reading 49 ao 1st pref ... 47 do M rret 4T So. Railway ... 35 do nrefrrK"l -Jlniii (So. Pacific TO- Union Pacific ..156 do 1st pref ... S3 do preferred ..101 do -2d pref 70- . S. Steel . 2 ft do 1st preferred.... -400 82 do 2d preferred Rock Island Co. 7.100 34 do preferred S00 80 St. L. & S. T. 24 pfd. 100 71 St. L. Southwestern ..... do preferred 2.S00 64 Southern Pacific .... 25.100 68 do preferred 400 118 Southern Rallwy . 2,500 35 do preferred 100 89 Texas & Pacific 2.400 38 Toledo. St. L. & W.. 1,300 30 do preferred 1.300 59 "Unloa Pacific 86,300 133 do preferred Wabash 700 22 do preferred 100 46 "Wheeling & L. Erie 'Wisconsin Central .. 700 24 do preferred 300 S3 Express companies UOfe IIS 66 66 52 53 205 205 18 18 73 73 41 40 88 188 22 22 73 7Si 3S 87 SQ da srcferr& u STifcXtlae&t sad Is td was paid for .tee greasy. Downing, Hopkins & Co. Established 1893 WHEAT AND STOCK BROKERS Room 4, Ground Floor T. fr V ...14B 1W!mji .. ... "".U M.. K. & T. ,32) do preferred .. 47 2f. Y. Central.. .166 NEW YORK BANK STATEMENT. Decrease Is Cash Is Large, bat Is Less Thaa Estimated. NEW YORK. March IS. The Financier says: The official statement of the Ne-sr York As sociated Banks was Quite tmfavorable It showed a large decrease la cash, partly as the result of lighter receipts of currency from the Interior, but chiefly because of the surrenders of public deposits In response to the treasury call which was leaned last November and which finally matured oa Wednesday; the operations of- ye Treasury' Incident to the re quirements of the 5 per cent redemption fund aad to remittances of excess Internal revensa collections contributed to the loss of cash. The decrease la this Item was, how ever, smaller than that which was estimated from the traceable movements of money during the week. The discrepancy was due to the fact that the principal movement out of the banks, the transfer of pubVio deposits, was completed by Wednesday, thus causing this loss to count for an average of only three days of, the bank week. The statement of areragas of the clearing house ban lr of this city for the week shows: Decrease Loans 1.127.678.400 Deposits 1474.438,100 C 5.24L800 13,227,700 01,000 L30L200 6.129.700 7.430.000 3,300,925 4.123,873 4,495.275 Circulation 42.603,500 Legal tenders.. ..... Bpede Reserve Reserve required.... Surplus .. Ex-U. S. deposits... 3,703,700 215.060.000 293.763.700 283,609.625 0,151.175 8.720,723 Bank Clearisgs. Bank clearings of the leading cities of the Northwest yesterday were as follows: Clearings. Balances. Portland ..43S6.cS4 3161,430 SeatUe ... 654.422 133.746 Tacoma 484,985 29.163 Spokane ...y. 436.625 85.780 Clearings of Portland, Seattle and Tacoma for the week were: Portland. Seattle. Tacoma. Monday 51,033.242 SL049.180 2 556.059 Tuesday 682.292 Wednesday .. 664.901 Thursday .... 1.012.02S Friday 781.305 Saturday .. 5S6.6S4 939,803 616.054 363.681 549,262 483,211 464.9S5 855,744 991.343 1.003.749 654.422 Total . ..$4,86L352 S5.700.344. 13,053,252 Carin; igs for the corresponding week la for mer years were,: Portland. Seattle 1900 21.791.942 Sl.651,948 1901 1.913,717 1.892,955 1802.. 2,837.425 2,829,000 1903 .. 4.09S.001 3.789,801 1904-. 3.491,450 3.858.318 Tacoma. 2 794.969 843. 4S1 1.040.208 1.SS1.379 2,069,011 Mosey, Exchange Etc NEW YORK. March IS. Money oa call, nominal; no loans. Time money, easy; 60 and 90 days, 3 per cent; six months, 3 per cent. Prime mercantile paper, 36-t per cent. Sterling exchange easy, with actual busi ness la bankers' bills at 24.SC2534.8635 for de mand and at 34.S425g4.S425 for 60 days. Posted rates. 24.8534.85 and S4.87e4.S7. Commercial bills. 54.S3e4.S4, Bar silver, 57c Mexican dollars, 44c. Government and railroad bonds, steady. SAN FRANCISCO. March 15. Silver bars. 57e Sight drafts. 7c; telegraph, drafts, 10c Sterling oa London, 60 days, 24.83; sight, 24.87. LONDON. March 18. Bar silver quiet. 26 9-16d per ounce Money.t 182 per cent. The rate of discount la the 'open market for short bills Is 2 per cent; the rate of discount In the open market for three-months bills Is 2&25-10 per cent. Imports aal Exports. NEW YORK, March 18. Total Imports of merchandise and drygoods at the port of New York for the week ending today were $13, 221,794. Total Imports of specie at the port t New York for the week ending today were 2LSS6, S91 gold and 2192,963 silver. Total exports of specie from the port of New York for the week ending today were 2CS0.S75 gold and 2507.CS6 silver. Dally Treasury Statement. WASHINGTON. March 18. Today's state ment of the Treasury balances la the general fund abows: Available cash balances 5142.103,063 Gold 65.472,309 Mining Stocks. SAX FRANCISCO, March IS. Official clos ing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows: Alpha Con. ... Andes Belcher Best & Belcher Bullion Caledonia Challenge Con.. Chollar ... ... Confidence .... Con. Cal. & Va. Crown Point .. Exchequer .... Gould & Curry Hale& Norcross 2 .09MexIcan , ...J 1.75 .2l(OccIdental Con.. .90 -201Ophlr 7.00 .OSiOvermaa .14 .12 .15 .20 .06 .40 .66 .62 .07 .12 23Potoal m .42 Savage .14 Scorpion ........ .141 Seg. Belcher ... .62Slerra Nevada . -L60iSllver Hill .09 Union Con. .41 Utah Con. rf .75 .70 Yellow Jacket NEW YORK, March IS. Closing quota tions: Adams Con. ....2 .25 Alice' 93 Breece 25 Little Chief ....2 .06 Ontario ...... . 3.75 Ophir 6.75 Brunswick Con.. .06 Phoenix Comstock Tun... .OS Con. Cat & Va.. L60 Potosl Savage ... .... Sierra Nevada Horn Silver .... LSO Iron Silver 8.25 Leadvllle Con. .. .03; Small Hopes .... Standard ,. L80 BOSTON, March 18. Closing quotations: Adventure Allouez .. .2 6.00 Mohawk ......2 5X00 Mont, a & C 3.63 Amalgamated. . Am. Zinc ..... Atlantic Bingham .... CaL & Hecla . Centennial . . . Copper Range. Ejaly West ... Dominion Coal Franklin Gran by ...... Isle Royals ... Mass. Mining. Michigan ..... 79.13 viz Dominion. Osceola ...... Parrot 26.50 98.50 2S.73 100.00 7.75 134.50 10.73 25.63 9.63 40.75 4.S3 12.00 17.00 3L75 Qulncy 670.00 7.63 76.50 Shannon ... Tamarack .... Trinity 1000 u. s. Mininr... 79.00 U. 8. Oil Utah ... 10.50 6.13 24.75 11.75 Victoria. Winona ... 13. Wolverine 112.00 14.00 Dried Fruit at New Tork. NEW YORK. March 18. The market for evaporated apples Is quiet, but holders are ask ing full late prices. Common aro quoted at 46c; prime 5e5c; choice. 636c; fancy, 7c. Prunes quiet. Quotations, range from 2 Se according to grade v Apricots Are steady in demand, hut are of fered very sparingly and ruled firm. Choice ore quoted at 105jllc: extra choice. 116 I2c; fancy. 12815c. Peaches are firm with choice held at 10G 10e; extra choice 1010c; fancy. ll612e Raisins are easier, but without change la prices. Loose Muscatels are quoted at 4UQ 6c; London layers. 21.05GL25; seeded raisins, 5S6e . Coffee and Sugar. XEY YORK. March IS. The market for coffer futures closed steady at uneEanged prices to as advance of S points. Sales were reported of 62.500 bags. Including: May. &S59 6.50c: July. 6.5568.60c: September. 6.7026.75c; October. 6.60c; December. 6.9036.05c; Janu ary, 7.05c Spot Rio, quiet; No. 7 invoice 7c: mild, steady; Cordova 10313c Sugar Raw, firm; fair refining, 4 c;, centri fugal. 96 teat. 5c; molasses sugar, 4c Re fined, steady; crushed. 26.75; powdered, 29.15; granulated. S&OS. Lesio Weol Sales. LONDON. March 18. The offerings at the wool auction today amounted to 7800 bales. The demand was spirited and the small supply sold readily. The recent hardenSog tendency was agala notice able today, especially la me dlom and well-grown cxoss-breds suitable for Americana, who secured several lots. All I grades of merinos were wasted for the Cos- Chamber of Commerce INDIA CROP IN BAD SHAPE REPORTS STRENGTHEN FOREIGN GRAIN MARKETS. ' ) Causes Bullish Tone to Trading In Chicago Pit Close Is Firm at Top Prices. V CHICAGO. March 18. The wheat market opened with indications of bullishness. Jkfay was uschaaged to o higher at 21.14 LIB. July was a shade lower to o higher at 92e92c From the start the May de livery was la active- demand, shorts being the best buyers. The weather was etlH extremely favorable to the growth of the Fall-sowa crop. but bullish sews from the Northwest easily outweighed this Influence. Another reason for the firmness at the opening was higher prices at Liverpool. Asstrallas shipments showed cauing on. ti continued bad reports cf the Indian wheat cros was attributed the strength of foreign grain markets. During the first part of the trading here offerings wera rather light and oa predictions by the Weather Bureau of cold weather throughout the West and Southwest, sellers became still fewer. Os buying due to fears of damage by frost, prices advanced materially. May selling up to 21.15 and July at 9388Sc The market reacted slightly oa profit. taking tn July. The close however, was firm, with May o up at 21.15. Final quotations oa July were at 92c Higher cables aad wet weather had a bullish effect oa the corn market early la the day. May opened &o higher at 49649o and closed at 49C49e The oats market followed com. May closed at 81c Provisions started strong with prices some what higher, but the advance was followed by considerable proSttaktng, resultlCT la a loss of almost all the early gains. At the close May pork was up 2o at 21287. Lard was up 247Sc at 27.12. Ribs were a shade lower at 26.95. The leading futures ranged as follows: WHEAT. Open. Hlrb Low. SL14 .92 .66 Close May .. L15 - 21.15 2L15 .82 .S6 July Sept. CORN. .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 .49 OATS. .32 .82 May . July ......... 8pt. ..... .46 .49 .49 May .... July .... Sept. .31 .31 .31 .31' .Sift .28 .23 2S MESS PORK, 12.87 12.90 May ... 12.77 12.95 12.87 July ... ..13.05 IS. CO 13.00 LARD. 7.15 v 7.15 7.32 7.32 May July M0 .25 7.12 7.23 SHORT RD3S, May 6.97 6.97 July 7.17 T.17 &05 8.95 7.07 T.12 Cash quotations were as follows Flour Easy. Winter patents. 2335.10; Win ter straights. 24.75&4-90; Spring patents. 259 5.40; Spring straights. 24.4034.80; bakers. f2.40S3.40. Wheat No. 2 Spring. 2L10&1.14; Jfo. 3, 21.02 1.12; No. 2 red. 2IJ501.16. Com No. 2, 47c; No. 2 yellow, 43c Oats No. 2, 81c; No. 2 white, 33g33c; Ko. 3 white 31eS3e Rye No. 2. 78S8c Barley Good feeding. 3640c; fair to choice malting, 43J47c. Flax, seed No. 1, $1.20; No. 1 Northwest ern. 2L3S. Mess pork Per barrel. 212.S0-gl2.S5. Lard Per 100 pounds. 2707.02. Short ribs Loose, 26.87r7. Short clear sides Boxed, J6.S77. Clover Contract grade 213.35. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, barrels ... 30.600 42.100 Wheat, bushels 33.000 33.900 Corn, bushels.. ...609.800 304.900 Oats, bushels ...317.S0O 201.800 iti e. Dusneis.. ........ ...... 3.0W 13.500 Barley, bushels 74,800 19,000 Grain aad Produce at Nnv York. NEW YORK. March IS. Flour Receipts. 26,400 barrels; exports, 2700 barrels. Quiet but steady. Minnesota patents, 25.S326-20; Minnesota bakers. 24.1034.50; Winter patents. 55.40S5.75; Winter straights. 25.2O2S.30; Win ter extras, 23.65Q40; Winter low grades. 23.4384.10. Wheat Receipts, 107,700 bushels. Spot, firm; No. 2 red. nominal elevator: No. 2 red, 21.18 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Dulutb, 51.23 f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 hard Manitoba, 51.09 f. o. b. afloat. Shorts were good buy ers of wheat today, especially May. Last prices showed 6o advance May closed at 21.13, July at 97c and September at- 90c Hops Quiet. State common to choice 1004. 26SC0C; 1903, 24C27C; olds. 11&13C Pacific Coast 1904. 26323c; 1903, 2320c; olds, ll13c Hides Steady. Galveston. 20823 pounds. 13c; California, 21&2S pounds, 19c; Texas dry. 240CO pounds, itftc Wool Steady. Domestic fleece, 3133c Petroleum Steady. Refined New York, 7.25c; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 7.29; do la bulk. 6.50c Grain at San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO, March 18. Wheat and barley, quiet but steady. Spot quotations Wheat: Shipping. 21.50-3 1.53; milling. 2L55L67. Barley: Feed, 2L221.25; brewing. ?1.2Se1.30. Oats: Red, 1.40L65; white 21.42L60; black. 2LJ5 L65. Call-hoard sales Wheat: May. 21.46 bid. 21.46 asked; December. 2L2S. Barley: May, 51-20 bid. 2L22 asked; December, 81o bid. Com: Largs yellow. 5L351.4a European Grain Markets. LIVERPOOL. March 18. Wheat May, 6s 8d; July, 6s Slid. LONDON. March wheat, unchanged. 18. Cargoes. Inactive; Metal Markets. NEW YORK, March IS. There was no spe cial feature In metals, which were .-generally quiet aad unchanged. Tin is quoted at 29.40 29.60c Lake copper, 15.3P4l715.50c: electro lytic 1325137c; casting. 14.S7e1C.23c Lead remains quiet at 4.454.60c Spelter Lr unchanged at 8.15C30c Iron Is la good de mand and firm. Dairy Produce In the Kant. CHICAGO, " March 18. On the produce ex change today the butter market was firm; creameries. 20326c; dairies. lS323c Eggs Strong at mark, cases Included, 15c; firsts, 15c; prime firsts. 13c; extras, 17c Cheese Steady to firm, 1213c NEW YORK. March 18. Butter, eggs and cheese, unchanged. - New York Cotton Market. NEW YORK. March 18. Cotton futures closed steady and about net unchanged. March. 7.0Gc; April. 7.70c; May; 7.75c; June and July. 7.71c; August. 7.74c; September, 7.76c Wc-etjjat St, Louis. ST. LOUIS. 3 Urea 18. Wool, steady; me dium grades comb'lng a.nd clothing. 24925c; lfght Use. lS02Oftc; heavy line, 14615c; tub washed, 30g37c W. R. Cody Is Arrested. Upon complaint of Sergeant of Pol ce Slover, TV. R. Cody, proprietor of the Girard Cafe, Sixth and Stark streets, "was arrested yesterday afterpaon by Patrol man E. S. Kelson. THe charge against him Is violation of the 1 o'clock closing ordinance. He Is alleged, to have had a ,erowd of people in his saloon, drinking, at s o cioac yesteraay xnorruaj-. r.-ij!u rimnii.cnr The Wonder of the World Over $4,000,000 Worth of Ore Shipped In One Short Year . . 1 "Goldfield Is That Is the tray Mr. Laurence Tenny Gray, well-known In the mining world of the "West, eplto'mizes his estimate of the mining camp that, in its first year has shipped gold ore worth Four Millions of Dollars, break ing ail TJnited States records and rivaling the highest score "made by the Klondike during its palmiest days. 240 Per Cent Dividends Ths Combination Mine of Goldfleld, which up to March 1st had been pay ing dividends at the rate of 10 per cent per month on Its capitalize tion."of 5400,000, announces an increase of dividends to 20 per cent per month, or 2t0 per cent per annum; and mining engineers who recently Inspected the prop erty assert that there is at least One Million Dollars' worth of ore in sight. A Region of Vast Wealth As development work progresses it Is apparent that Goldfleld is destined to become the center of a. large area of gold-producing territory. The latest news from Bullfrog, 75 miles south of Goldfleld, Is the uncovering of a 100 foot ledge that assays over One Thousand Dollars a ton. Still another 'Is reported on ladd Mountain, near Bullfrog, where the pay streak shows & value of Five Thousand Dollars to the Ton The Southwestern Securities Company, of Loa Angeles a corporation that makes a business of buying and selling mines recently financed a new company called the Goldfleld-Herald, In which the first allotment or block of stock was over-subscribed In less than one week; and later marketed the sioond allotment of shares at three times the first price all Inside of thirty days. This Company Now Offers GoIdfield-GIadlator Shares at 5c; Par Value $1.00 The Gol(i2eld-Gladiator Company, incorporated for $3,500,000, controls three claims tha Washoe, Stranger and Tucson which are located three miles northeast of the City of Goldfleld, adjoining '. the Hercules Group of 20 claims, in which Mr. Charles M. Schwab is heavily interested. The Southwestern Securities Company's resident Mining Engineer, Mr. "W. 3. Ro'jerts, is now on the ground ready to begin development work and & rich strike may be expected in the very near future, which will in sure a rapid rise ia the price of shares. Why Opportunity Is Offered It Is the custom throughout the entire mining section of the Far West to realize funds for development purposes by the sale of stock. A large por tion of the stock of every company usually goes to those who put up the money for the purchase of the company's property; and as most of this money Is raised by mining men who know the district and are interested in dozens of other enterprises, they are glad, at tho start, to avail them selves of this mean of engaging outside capital. History shows that the small investor is the man who, more than any other, contributes to the upbuilding of greal Mining Camps because when a man outside the mining region proper puts his money into one of the mining properties, hls interest is focused on the mining situation of the state, "and the task of securing big capital at "short notice for other enormous mining enterprises which come up, and are bound to continue to develop in a region where nature has distributed her health with such prodigality, is a simpler matter. You Are Invited toShare in Goldfielti's Undug Millions The Goldfleld-Gladlator Mining Company has authorized us to dispoea of a limited number of shares of It3 Treasury stock fully paid and non-assessable at the nominal price of 5 cents a share, for the purpose of push ing development work; but in order to benefit by this offer, prompt ac tion on your part is necessary, as no order for stock win be filled which does not reach this office on or before the 20th day of March, ISO?. "We further reserve the right to decline all orders returning funds after the" allotment of stock allowed us by- tho aforesaid Goldfleld-Gladlator Mining Company has been subscribed; and be It further understood we cannot sell fewer than 200 or more than 10,000 shares to any one- person it being the company's desire to effect a broad distribution of its stock, thus enlisting co-operation that will be helpful im promoting other propositions. $10 Will Buy 200 Shares, Par Value $ 200 $20 Will Bay 400 Shares, Par Value $ 400 $40 Will Buy 600 Shares. Par Value $ 8O0 $80 Will Buy 1600 Shares, Par Value $ 1,600 $100 Will Buy 2000 Shares, Par Value $2,000 Fill out the blank below and mall to us at once, Do it today; tomorrow may be everlastingly too late. SOUTHWESTERN SECURITIES CO., Los Angeles, California Enclosed please find $ in payment of shares of stock in the Goldfield-Gladiator Mining Company. Name : Address .". Or-a safer plan Is to wire your orders (charges collect), -mailing remittance which practically Insures you against the possibilities of feeinsr too lite. REFERENCES, BY PERMISSION Broadway Bank . Trust Co. Colonial Mortgage &. Trust Co. Mercantile Loan &. Trust Co. All Los Angeles Newspapers. Any Reputable Mercantile Agency Los Angeles. We are In position to furnish at lowest market value the stock of any reputable Goldfleld Mining Company; and also have developed and undevel oped Mining properties for sale, correspondence invited. If you are interested in Gold Mining but are not yet ready to invest we will be glad to mall you our beautifully Illustrated booklet entitled, "Goldfleld," showing mines in various stages of development sent free upon request. Southwestern Securities Co. Fifth Floor Herman W. Heliman Building Fourth and Spring Streets, bos Angeles, Cal. GEO. SKALLER & CO. IMIKERS'AHD BROKERS 4hc1iS, stmt San Francisco JMEW YORK STOCKS 1 CHICAGO GRAIN FnPpOnr new edition of the r n r r Itt,r3' GoIds I IiLsIm Jta eScput doth bound Vook , eeatsiahir inforaaiioe asd sdvtce to ioTestais aad ipecuktsts couplets statistics of all rail, road and Urge Industrial enterprises mill be furnished toa appKcxtfon, a"so hi It Msrktt LrUtr lea free apca request. We opm accwats aad gra qeSck ncomeAssurance Banks pay depositors 2 per cent to 4 per cent per annum, whllo the stockhold ers receive 20 per cent to 100 per cent. We offer you an investment which will place you on the same level as the bank stock holder. Absolute safety and a. large reg ular monthly Income guaranteed. "Write for particulars and recelvo our booklet entitled, Income Assurance," describing our metHMs, which are meeting with great sucm with all classes of invest ors. The Xqah & Savin Co., Incorpor ated. Casital S.Me. Home office. 2ft LJSU Alexis stmt, Montreal. Can. 35 Denver Dally. Mining Record. Colorado Springs Mining Investor. Chicago Farm Loans and City Bonds and United Securities Company of San Francisco. In GOLD YOURSHARE FREE Tpnopab, Goldfleld asd Bullfror are the great est Gold Mining Camps on earth. "Write at once for Map. Dally and "Weekly Market letter and other Information. Absolutely free. The American BanVfng & Brokerage Co. 303 Majestic bldg., Denver, Colo. DIRECT PASSENGER SERVICE TO NORWAY, SWEDEN & DENMARK By the fast 10,000-ton twta-scretr steamers. HELLIQ OLAV. from NewTorr, May 10 UNITED STATES, " " May 24 OSCAR H.. " " June T HELUG OLAF, " " June 21 UNITED STATES. " " July S OSCAR H.. " July 19 S CANDrXAVIAK-ASCEXIOAST IJXE. No. 1 Broadway, New TorK. 590 Shares Good Goldfleld SMek. Now orzanhdng sew company to develop val uable properties. Charter members wanted at 2c per share, cash or Installments. Par value, 51.00. non-assessable. COO sharea free. Month, ly reports. "Write or wire for particulars. "L. Z. WILSON", Sox at, GMSetd, CTewute. S -' 1 - "He says he married, a widow. "What are you laughing at?" "Ho thinks he did. "Well, didn't her "Everybody elie says ther ' widow married htm."- Homtoa. Post, Simply Great