1 THE SUNDAY OBEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MASGB. 19, 1905. WILL EXHIBIT MINE GOLD TO BE WASHED OUT OF GRAVEL AT LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION t FSEDE&IOK A. BURNHAM, Prsekleat. GEORGE D. ELD KID GE, Vice-Pres. and Actuary. i MUTUAL RESERVE LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY t Unique Concession Is to Be Placed on Trail. OF NEW YORK :1904's GOOD SHOWING IN LEGAL RESERVE BUSINESS TJnlinrr Pacotva ( "nT flcirHfifH.'r.ft "VnvV Tnonronna Ti cm n Tm cmf. ALASKA PLACER IN MINIATURE, January 3rd, 1905) 54,397,988 f .... $12,527,288 1 New Insurance Paid for in 1903 New Insurance Paid for in 1904 George E. Ames to Arange Cyclor-1 amic Exhibit Showing Actual j . Workings of Great Placer -,-To Exhibit Gold Dust. 17,862,353 It Would take time and money, to say nothing of the perils attending change of I climate, to 50 to Alaska and the Klondike to -witness a placer mine in actual opera tion, and It would need a magician's wand to bring such a placer mine from the Frozen North and stick It in the ground within the city limits of Portland. But such an every-day magician is George E. Ames, who has Just obtained at large expense a concession from the Lewis and Clark Corporation granting him the right to erect and exhibit a large-sizo placer mine at the Exposition. Mr. Ames home is at Dawson City. Yukon Territory, and for the past six years he has personally operated some of the largest mining prop erties In Alaska and the Klondike. Mr. Ames exhibit will be In the nature of a cyclorama, illustrated by means of paintings, actual mining machinery and gold dust. His concession measures 1130 by 100 feet, and Is 50 feet high, on one of the best locations found on the" Exposition grounds. In buildings and paintings be will spend 512,000, and he will exhibit gold dust valued at 510,000, and specimens and nuggets valued at $5000. His exhibit, will represent a money value of about 530,000. and will be one of the great attractions of the Exposition. Pumping machinery will be installed to produce 200Q gallons of water per minute, for the creek and sluic ing plant, and along the creek will be a rocker which will clean up 510,000 worth of gold dust an hour. "Water managed by the pumping plant can also be Instantly turned on for Are protection. The exhibit will be so arranged in cycloramic effect that the visitor on first going upstairs will find himself In a valley with real gold on all sides apparently being washed out of Portland gravel. A lecturer will be engaged to give descriptions of the prin ciples of placer mining, and an old miner a regular forty-niner will operate the rocker on the creek. Pamphlets will be ready describing the different American and BrftlsTi-Canadlan mining laws, and also exploiting Alaska. Contracts will be let for the buildings, which will be of Umber, Wednesday. COMMISSIONER STILL. HERE. Tells What Seattle and King's County Will Do. at the Fair. "Will A. Steel, executive commissioner for Seattle and Kings County, Washing ton, to the Lewis and Clark Exposition, is in Portland for the purpose of confer ring with the officials of the Centennial upon the Installation of exhibits in tne various buildings under their Jurisdiction. He says that the people of the State or Washington are taking great interest in the Exposition and that many sections of the state consider that It will be of much benefit to them as to Portland and the State of Oregon. While he State of Washington appro priated 575,000 for an exhibit, the vari ous counties have made separate appro priations that will equal that amount. The Washington building will be one of the handsomest upon the grounds and, according to the contract, which has Just been let, will cost about 530,000. The con tractor has given a bond to complete the building by May 15, irrespective of strikes or conditions of the weather, and it is therefore expected that all the displays will be ready for Inspection before the date of the opening of the Exposition. "Various organizations in all sections of the state are arranging special excur sions to the Fair," said Commissioner Steel, "and it has been decided that the 19 largest cities of Washington be as- Flgned a special week during which the residents of each particular section will be expected to visit the Exposition." Mr. Steel says that the counties of Washington that have made a special ap propriation are already vying with one another to have the best display, and ho predicts several novel and attractive features In the various sections of the state building. MINNESOTA EXHIBIT ASSURED Appropriation of $25,000 for Build Ing and Exhibit. MINNEAPOLIS, March IS. C&pecIaL) The appropriation for a Minnesota build' ing and exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Centennial has been increased from 520,000 to 525,000. The measure passed the House today and is certain to pass the Senate, where it goes at once. Of the appropri ation, 50000 is designated as the maxl mum for salaries, the balance to go to a building and exhibit. Exposition Offers Gam Trophy. President H. W. Goode has decided to offer a Lewis and Clark trophy for com petition at the coming Pacific Coast fish and game exhibition at San Francisco. The trophy will go to the best sports men's club exhibit.. Many well-known sportsmen will be present on that occa elon, and the competition promises to be lively. Among those who were invited Is Homer Davenport, but Mr. Davenport de clined to show his famed collection of pheasants and birds at the exhibition, an nounclng that he would show them for the first time in the Western country at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. Two Missouri Commissioners. JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., March 18. (Spe cial.) Governor Folk will appoint Colonel K. H. Kern, of Macon and St. Louis, and E. S. Garver. of Worth' County, as the two Democratic members of the Portland Exposition Commission. The Republican mcmDer wm oe announced lira row cays. lie will not be selected from the City of St. Louis, because the Governor feels that the appointee. Mr. Kern, is from St. Louis, and that fact lessens the chance of Colonel F. M. Sterrett'B appointment. Colonel Sterrett is strongly Indorsed for a place on the commission. WOIiXH OF GOLD WILL BE ................. Gain in New Insurance 4Paid for $5,335,065 Gain in Full Legal Eeserve Business in. Force (Paid for Basis) in f r rA1 1904 5M9,WI GEORGE E. AMES' ALASKA-KLONDIKE MIXING EXHIBIT, AT WHICH $10,040 CLEANED UP EVERi' HO UK. SWEDES WILL COME Scandinavian Reunion to . Heid at Fair. Be LARGE ATTENDANCE ASSURED Plana Include Choral Festival With 300 Voices, Together With Noted Speakers Special Day Set Apart for Demonstration. Plana have Just been completed for the largest gathering of Swedish and other Scandinavian people ever held In the United States. This big meeting will oc cur July 23 at the Lewis and Clark Ex position, and trill be attended by a big demonstration. An entertaining pro gramme. Including a choral service, trill be given. In 'which SCO singers will participate. For some time past a number of lead ing Scandinavians of the city have been working to complete plans, but not until yesterday ""was a report filed with the Exposition management and a date set apart by D. C Freeman, acting for Presi dent Goode. Rev. Carl Renhard is the chairman of the committee on arrangements. He Is assisted by Dr. S. T. Trommald, Dr. "Wil liam Elsea and a subcommittee contain ing a list of 17 members. Rev. Mr. Renhard reported that fully 6000 people can be brought here for the event from the western country, and many will come from the East, as spe cial inducements are to be offered East erners. One of the features of the meeting will be addresses by prominent Swedes from all over the country. These men will come as guests of the local committees and will bo entertained during their stay. The singing carnival will be held in the Auditorium in the evening. The voices selected will be the best it Is possible to obtain from among the Swedes, Nor wegians, Danes and Swedish-Finns of the Coast country. A large percentage of the chorus will be secured from among local singers. xnon, cigars; Mrs. R. Abrahamson, jew elry: Mrs. J. Sbemansky, Ice cream; Mrs. J. Dellitr, flowers: Mrs. S. Abraham, res taurant; Mrs. S. Chalmon, crockery: Mrs. A. Dreycr, restaurant; Mrs. I- Swett, hardware; Mrs. Gar Ankle, gents furnish ings; Mrs. S. Bromberger, groceries: Mrs. H. H. Holtzman, fur; Mrs. Harris, coun try store; Mrs. R. Rybke, furniture; Mrs. A, Rosensteln. fruit. Superintendents of booths, Mrs. S. H. Abrams and Mrs. M. Gilbert. Committee on the fair: Mrs. Gil bert, chairman; S. Abrahams, vice-chair man; J. Shemanskl, treasurer; Isaac Swett, secretary, and X. Xrouse, 8. H. Abrams, H. H. Holzman, Arnold Ieve and Rev. R. Abrahamson. The fair will be open every evening this week, at S o'clock, until Thursday even ing, when it will be closed with a. masked ball. Tonight's concert programme will consist of a solo by Miss Paloma Blu- xnenthal, a selection by Webber's Man dolin and Guitar Club and other numbers. AHAVAI SEOLOITS BIG FAIR. Held for the Purpose of Paying the Church Debt. The' fair given by the Congregation Ahavai Sholom, Clay and Park streets. to pay off the mortgage on its church building, was opened last night in Mer rill's hall, Seventh and Oak streets, and a satisfactory start was made. Governor Chamberlain, who was to have been present, wrote that he had been un expectedly called to Eastern Oregon and that he wished the fair all success. Speeches were made by Mayor Williams. Dr. Stephen S. wise and Rev. R. Abra- A STEIKUTG- ILLUSTRATION. MARKET IS BETTER . General Activity Noticed in Real Estate. MUCH BUILDING BEING DONE Portland Before and After the Lewis and Clark Exposition From Dif ferent Standpoints. Attention is called In this issue of The Oregonlan to the full-page illustration showing prophetic blrdseye views of Port land, Inspired by R. I. Cate, the well known real estate man. Mr. Cate came to Portland four years ago. After satisfying himself as to the future of the city, ono of his first projects was to secure for Portland the Doernbecher furniture fac tory. Mossbacks and pessimists told him It could not be done. Mr. Cate had faith m the 'future. Ho went at It. Ho suc ceeded. Tho Doernbecher furniture fac tory Is today one of the most important industries of the cltjr, being the largest plant of this kind on the Pacific Coast and the third largest In the United States. Mr. Cate kept his eye on the future, tho efforts of knockers to discourage him not withstanding. He embarked in the real estate business. Since he has been In trus business through his efforts more than $300,000 has been Invested In buildings. street and sidewalk improvements In the property of the Hawthorne estate and the Ladd -tract. Mr. Cate is still In the real estate business, and his office at 113 Sec ond street has become the real estate cen ter of the City of Portland. It Is the men of Mr. Cate's stamp who are oiling' the wheels of Portland's progress and driving the city toward that destiny that all live citizens must realize she Is certain to at tain. It Portland had more people of his caliber, this city would today boast of a population of 250.000, instead of 140,000. There is grim humor In his conception of the picture of Portland's pessimists, but it takes no prophetic eye to see that the pic ture of Portland after the 1905 Fair, with Its towering skyscrapers and humming factories, as conceived by him, will be a reality. Mr. Cate Is acquainted with every sec tion of the United States, and be knows that Portland has the best climate In the world. He knows that Portland is the largest lumber exporting city In the world. He knows tnat fortiana is tne most lm portant railroad center of the Pacific Northwest, and that her transportation facilities, both railroad and water, are un excelled. He knows that Oregon produces more wool and hops than any other state Sn the Union, and that Oregon fruits have fffnarae and market In every mart in the world. - With all these advantages of climate, location, transportation facilities and trib- Speclal Commissioner Returns. J. P. Marshall, who has been engaged in exploitation work for the Lewis and Clark Exposition through the West and Middle "West, returned yesterday from the field, having been summoned home a few days ago at tne conclusion of the exploitation work. Mr. Marshall says that from his observation in tho West he is convinced the attendance will be enormous and that the Fair Is bound to be a complete suc cess In the Important essential of at tendance from the Western country. Is Arrested for Theft. Powell Sparacow was arrested last night bjr Detectives Vaughn and Hartman and locked In the City Jail, charged with the theft of JS0 from Mrs. Ignatz WIdowetr, of 751 Mllwaukle street. Both are Aus trl&ns. and the police were unable last night to get a clear statement regarding the case. An interpreter will be called this morning. THE SUNDAY OREGONIAK SIX MONTHS POS 75 CENTS. In order to advertise the Lewis and Clark Centennial Exposition, the City of Portland, the State of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest. The Oregonian will mail the Sunday edition to any address EAST OF THE BQCKT MOUNTAINS six months for 75 cents. This is less than the cost of the white paper and the postage, which The Oregonian will prepay: Orders from business houses or individuals in other cjjjes in Oregon and "Washington who may avail themselves of this exceptional offer will receive prompt attention. This offer expires by limitation June 1, 1905. THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. Circulation Department. hamson. Dr. Wise said In Rprt: "I hope that the fair will be the most successful of its kind ever held In Portland, and that the pretty girls and charming chil dren who will no doubt wait on you In a short time will engage In a typical hold up game in which you will be the willing victims, for you wiy be among your friends. I also hope to be present on the occasion when you will have raised enough money to pay the mortgage on your church building, and when the mortgage will go up In smoke." Mayor Williams also voiced the latter sentiment, and told three amusing stories. An en-, joyable concert was afterward given, par ticipated in by Miss May Breslln, Miss Helen Alman, Mrs. M. Reynolds, Miss Laura Harris, Thomas R Bentty and others. The booths' committee: Mrs. H. Miller, miscellaneous; Mrs. K. Rosenthal, fancy work: Mrs. Ia. Fisher.- candy; Mrs. I. Solo- ' utary resources, who shall say that Mr. Cate's prophetic picture of Portland after the Lewis and Clark Exposition will not be realized? . HOUSEKEEPERS. Special sale Monday, table linens, blan kets, quilts, curtains, towels, feather nil- lows, hemmed sheets, pillow cases and draperies. M ALLEN & M'DONELL. Jerome's Great Bonfire. JCEW YORK, March IS. The final step In the many gambling-house raids, by Dis trict Attorney Jerome's men in recent months under the Dowllng law. was taken today, when over $30,000 worth of gam bling paraphernalia was taken from the Criminal. Court building and burned. Several Large Sales Have Taken Place Recently; Outside Capital ists Are Getting Interested in Portland Real Estate. Half a dozen sales scattered about town which have taken place of lato show theNj real estate maraei. 10 dq on tne up stretch and fair weather for buyers ahead. Those half dozen do not by any means represent the wbole number of transfers made, as yesterday alone there were deeds to the amount of JS8.932 filed at the Court House. Tho Lewis block, at Park and Morrison, was sold to Leo Fried o for $50,000. Tho Columbia Theater, which as Jt stands cost Eugene Blaxler 3S3.G0O less than year ago, was sold to Belasco & Mayer for 9100.000. A warehouse block, on Thir teenth and Johnson streets, was sold to the Marshall-Wells Hardware Coidoany for frD.OCO. A large brick warehouse will oe erected there immediately. u.-wo quarter-blocks were sold at th neaa or Washington street, one to S. Sll verneia and the other to Woodard, UiaTK 6c CO. Both will erect briek buildings, tho first, at the corner of Lu- cretla, will bo a private hotel for Mrs. S. V. mil and the second will bo for stores on the comer of Twenty-third. The prices paid for the property are under stood ny real estate men to have been very good, though the definite amount is not known. Outside Capitalists Coming. These few .sales, picked from the manv nunoreas wnacn nave oeen made, bava shown the trend of tho market and have proved it to be good. Otb,er things point the samo way. Lately there have been a numbervof capitalists from out of town looking for investments, a very new thing in oruana. this is on the whole the most hopefufslgn that the real estate market has seen for a long time. For several years prominent real estate brokers have been attempting to secure outside capital for investment here, but always found It too busy elsewhere. Now it is beginning to come, and there will probably be before long several large sales made, possibly ono or two as large as tho transfer pf the Dekum property to cnaries sweeny, of Spokane. The coming of Sweeny has done a great aeai in itself towards attracting capital from other cities. Other men in SDOkane. and within the last week two from San Francisco, have been hero looking over tne prospects and have expressed them selves pleased with several large offers (made them. The sale of big down-town holdings for prices running upwards of naif a million would be calculated . to bra co the realty market more tha any. taing else. Few Houses for Rent. But there is a much stronger reason for the price of real estate soaring in Port land. There is hardly a piece of property in the city which is not drawing a high Interest at its present valuation. The houses on the West Side whleh can hn rented at th'e present day can be counted on the fingers of one hand. Rooms are even now very scarce. Stores are in demand. Everybody who has an unlm proved piece of property Is figuring how he can raise the money to build upon It. There are thousands of houses being built In town and the building is confined to no particular locality. It Is going on everywhere. The city Is growing1 at rapid rate, and rents being much higher than formerly, investment In real estate Is the more valuable. Industries are also Increasing. Last week the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Com pany purchased the William Gatton tract below St. Johns for $40,000. on which to oulld a sawmill, wnicn, it Is understood, will be the largest on the Pacific Coast. The Weyerhaeuser holdings of timber In Washington are the largest in this part of the country and the mill will add con siderably to the great -output of lumber shipped from this port. The building of this mill will mean a village of 500 peopl about it. Traatfers for the Week. March 11 t- i.sas.223 March 13 '. 31,479 March 14 1S.6SO March IS s 12.996 March 18 10.112 Siarcn 17-. os,93z March 18. '- 11.018 Total ;163.483 Permit for the Week. . March 11 S 12.oJo March 13 14.0SO March 14 - 7,530 March 15...... 1 SO.S0O March 16.. i 7,565 March 17.. . 53.650 March IS...- ll.e0 Total ..J... Gain in Legal Reserve Membership in 1904 Gain In Premiums on New Business in 1904 . Total Payments to Members -and Their Beneficiaries 5,883 $128,000 561,000,000 A, The above letter was received from an inexperienced agent the second day after he left the office. CAPABLE MEN MAY SECURE THE VERY BEST AGENCY CONTRACTS Address MARK T. KADY, 605 Oregonian Building Stomach Heart Kidneys Slaves of Inside the Nerves Our lives, from moment to moment, denend on a set of tiny, aeucate nerves which are so small that fifteen hundred of them could He side Dy siae m an juc Ten times more tender and sensitive than the pupil of the eye. Yet, night and day, ungulded and un seen, these little nerves must keep the stomach, the heart, the kidneys, in healthy action. For these organs nave no power no self-controL The power is In the nerves. The nerves are the Masters. The organs are their slaves. Understand first that we have two en tirely separate nerve systems. When we walk, or talk, or act, wo call Into play a certain set of nerves nerves which obey our mental commands. That is why the arm can be raised, or the mouth opened, or the eye shut, at the slightest desire. That is why your fingers can delicately pick up a pin one moment, and hold a heavy hammer the next. But these are not the nerves we are to consider here. It is the inside nerves that manage and govern and actuate the heart and the stomach, the kidneys and the liver and all of the vital functions. Ton cannot control- these nerves. By no supreme ef fort of mind cn you make your heart stop dr start nor can you even make it vary by a single beat a minute. And so with the stomach and the liver and the kidneys and the bowels they are auto matic they do their work at a certain set speed whether you are awake or aslefsp whether you want them to or not. It Is on these Inside nerves that life and health depend. So long as these nerves perform their proper duties, we are well and strong. When they fall, we know It by tho Inevitable symptoms stomach, heart, liver, kidney troubles. Thus, we find that most forms of Ill ness are, after all, only symptoms of the real trouble Inside nerve trouble. For Instance, Indigestion, sour stomach, heartburn, dyspepsia, and all stomach troubles diabetes, Bright's disease and other kidney disorders heart troubles, liver troubles, bowel troubles, nervous ness, fretfulness, sleeplessness, irltata bllily all of these aliments are due to this slnglo cause. Painful, disagreeable to be treated as such. They are merely outward signs of inward trouble. There are different centers and branches of this inside nerve system (frequently called the Sympathetic Nervous System). .But each branch is so closely connected with the others that breakdown anywhere usually means a breakdown everywhere. This explains why stomach trouble de velops into heart trouble-rwhy Indigestion brings on nervousness why diseases be come complicated. It explains, too, why ordinary medical treatments are wrong why medicine so frequently falls. For, despite the discoveries of science, the common remedies of the day are de signed to treat the organ, not the nerve the symptom instead of the cause. Don't you, though you may not know medicine at all, see that this Is wrong? That it Is mere patchwork? That while My Free Dollar Offer Any sick one who has not tried my remedy Dr. S hoop's Restorative may have a Full Dol lar's vVorth Free. I ask no deposit no reference, no security. There is nothing to pay, either now or later. ! will send you an order on your druggist which he will accept in full payment for a regular, standard size Dollar bottle. And he will send the bill to me C. i. Shoop, M. D. the suffering organ, ia enjoying its tem porary relief, the nerve thai is really sick may be getting worse and worse? Does thjs not explain to you why relapse so frequently follows a supposed cure? Does this not account for ' the uncertainties of medicine? , More than thirty years ago this thought came to me: "If life and health dend upon perfect heart action, upon proper stomach, diges tion, upon correct kidney filtering, why docs not life Itself depend upon these life governing power nerves these inside nerves." 1 realized, too, that all aliments whlcH result from one cause may, of course, be cured by one remedy. I resolved not to doctor the organs but to treat the ono nerve system which operates them all. For those who treat only the symptoms need a different remedy for each. Such treatments are only palliative, the results do not last. A cure can never come in diseases of the stomach, heart, lver or kidneys, until the Inside nerve power is restored. When that is done. Nature re moves the symptoms. There is no need of doctoring them. My remedy now known by druggists everywhere, as Dr. Shoop's Restorative is the result of a quarter century o en deavor along this very line. It does not dose tha organ or deaden the- pain but It does go at once to the nerve the Inside nerve the power nerve and builds It up, and strengthens It and makeq It welh There is no mystery no miracle. I can explain my treatment to you as easily as I can tell you why cold freezes water and why heat melts ice. Nor do I claim a discovery. For every detail of niy treat ment I3 based on truths so fundamental that none can deny them. And every in gredient of my medicine 13 as old as the hills it grows on. I simply applied the truths and combined the Ingredients into a remedy that Is practically certain. Jn more than a million homes my. rem edy Is now known, and relied upon. Yet you may not have heard of it. So I make this offer to you, a stranger, that every possible excuse for doubt may be removed. Send no money make no promise take no risk. Simply write and ask. If yon have never tried my remedy; I "will send you an order on your druggist for a full dollar bottle not a sample, but the regu lar standard bottle he keeps constantly on his shelves. The druggist will require no conditions. He will accept my order as cheerfully as though your dollar lay be fore him. He will send the bill to me. Will you accept this opportunity to leara at my expense absolutely how to be. rid forever of all forms of stomach, heart, kidney ailments to be rid not only of the trouble, but of the very cause which pro duced it? Write today. For a free order for Book 1 on Dyspepsia, a fall dollar bottle Boole 2 ox the Heart, you mtut address Dr. Book 3 on the Kld Shoop, Box 6173. Ra- neys cine, "Wis. State Book 4 far Women, which book you want. Book 5 for Hen. Book 6 on Bheu xnattsm. Mild cases are often cured by a single bot tle. For sale at forty thousand drugstores. Dr. Shoop's Restorative