The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, PART TWO, Image 9

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vol. xxrv.
NO. 10.
Artistic Picture Framing Highest-Grade Watch and Jewelry Repairing Very Lowest Prices
i prar.Wolfi e 5tCo.
AnotherGreat Embroidery Sale Begins Tomorrow
The values offered in this sale are really sensational. We call especial attention to the .general effect of dainti
ness" and beauty of the designs and the exceptionally well finished edges which will withstand hard wear and the rav
ages of laundry work. Five groups:
15c and 16 2-3c
8 1-3 and 10c
Cambric edgings
and insertions Vz
to 3 "inches wide.
10c and 12 l-2c
Cambric edgings
and insertions 2 to 4
inches wide.
20c and 25c
35c and 50c
Cambric edgings
and insertions 3j4 to
5 inches wide.
Cambric and nain
sook edgings and in
sertions 4 to 7 inches
Cambric and nain
sook edgings and in
sertions 10 to 12
inches wide.
$2 Scotch Lace Curtains Special $1.68
A -worthy bargain mate to the right-hand item. Scotch Lace
Curtains in the season's best patterns. Come in -white and
arabe color. Are 3 yards long, 45 to 50 inches -vride, $2.00
regularly; on sale tomorrow at the low price of $1.68
$3.50 and $4 Irish Point Lace Curtains $2.75
Outlined above is a remarkable bargain in Irish Point Lace
Curtains. The designs are all new. They are 3 yards long, 48
inches wide, come in white only. $3.50 and $4.00 regularly; on
sale tomorrow at the very low price of, per pair $2.75
New Arrivals in Women's Wear
These are the days when store keeping is most delightful. Each new suit, coat
or waist that appears is as much a pleasure to us as to our public And these arrivals
are constant now, and will be for some time to come. The makers' labors and
lanning have resulted in apparel much more jaunty and interesting than ever be
fore. We call your attention to:
SILK TAILOR-MADE SUITS promise to be a leading feature in women's wearing ap
parel this season. "We are displaying a wide assortment of the choicest things New
York's best makers have produced. Hade of chiffon, taffeta silks, in black, brown,
green, navy and changeable 'effects.
SILK REDINGOTE COATS made of the finest quality of taffeta silks in black, brown,
tau and changeable effects. Blouse and tight backs, beautifully trimmed and lined.
NOVEL BLOUSE SUITS in box plaited and surplice effects. The coats are taffeta lined
and elaborately trimmed with braids, embroidery and shirring; new sleeves with deep
cuffs. The skirts are made in the new graduated box-plaited model with panel and side
plaitings. Materials used are Panamas,, broadcloths, cheviots and serges. Colors are
black, brown, navy blue and green and fancy mixed cloths; special values at 20, 22.50,
$25, 30.
OOVEET JACKETSTheir success for this season is an assured fact; 19 to 24-inch are the
most popular lengths, with and without collars, plain and fancy appliqued, braided,
stitched, strapped and inlaid effects. Remarkable values at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00
and up to $35.00
LINGERIE WAISTS The pen falters at the attempt of describing them. All we do is
to invite you to inspect them, telling you that our display is far away the best in the city.
Jewelry Store
Are very fashionable We are
howiS;? lastly o the, vr
buckles In ditftrent shapes', -with
and without stone C E (f .
settings. Prices 51.00 PJ.vVT
exauislte new designs. A
largeassortmeat from
Tomorrow we show for the first
time over 30 new styles mount-
1 ed back combs, and side combs.
An exceptionally fins CI cn
assortment at px.UW
50c Music at 9c
By ajl odds the greatest music sale of the-year. j
"Tim Tl' rrv" Trw 4 tin mmnnAr f T iO.. 'Vnno " Tt-F T)nV
"Jim Badcer." fcy the composer
of "Bill Bailey;" 'Albany." May
Irwin's big hit; "Come Take a
Trip in My Airship," by George
"Louisa Schmidt." "Have You
Seen Maggie Riley?" "Sweet
Dora Bell. "My Pretty Little
Kickapoo." "Gone, Gone. Gone."
Publisher's price is 50c on sale
tomorrow at
Back to Baltimore." "I Feel So
Lonely," "The Tale of an Old
Black Cow," "Just a Little Ever
Loving Girl."
"Zenoble," "Honey, I'm Wait
ing," "My Nightingale," "Peggy
Mine." "My Black-Eyed Sue,"
Billy, ' jvyomo.
Picture Store
'On View Tomorrow
Oxir Nefr SonveiirBook."
48 Pages; 90 Pictures.
Containing views of Portland,
Columbia River scenery, log
ging pictures, hoppicking,
applegrowing, sbeepraisiug,
fishing, dairying, Chinese and
Indian pictures; . price 25
Dress Goods and Silks for Spring
The "special values" we tell of below are not the result of price reductions they are
the result of clever buying showing most plainly our absolute command of the markets
of the world. Quality! That s assured likewise correctness of style. We invite inspec
tion of: New Fancy Mohair Sicilians at $1, 1.25 and $1.50
"We will display tomorrow a new shipment of 50 pieces of the most popular Dress Fabric of the year.
Fancy Mohair Sicilians. In myrtle, olive and grayish greens, navy and Parsifal blue, Havana and
onion brown, tan, castor, gray and Oxford. New designs in stripes, checks, shadow checks, in
risible plaids, illuminated mixtures and jacquard figures, 44 to 54 inches widej exceptional
values at 1.00, $1.25 and $1.50
voiles, 50-inch silk and wool mixtures, black and
white, also in full lines of colors; special $1.25
skirts and raincoats in new mixtures, stripes and
checks, all colors; special values at $2.50, $2.25
and $1.75
stylish checks and broken plaids, new color effects;
remarkable values at $1.50, $1.35 and $1.25
ETA MINES All wool, 4S inches wide in cream,
navy blue, Parsifal, tan, brown and gray; the regu
lar $1.00 quality on sale tomorrow at. 78
Black Goods
49$ instead of 60c High luster
English. Mohair Sicilians 50
inches wide.
$1.15 instead of $1.50 Mohair
Panama Suitings, silk finish, 4S
inch. $1.25 instead of $2.00 Import
ed silk figured poplins, small ef
fects, 46-inch.
75 instead of $L50 -English
Mohair novelties, small figures,
79d instead of $L00 Imported
ill "French Voilns. 42-ineh.
A Chapter on Silks
Popular as fancy figured and two and three color combinatious are in
Bilks, this season's silks of the plain variety have countless admirers.
You know our record and standing in silks second to none. "We are
. bettering all our best previous performances in these:
GHHTON TAPFETA $1.00 We show this in a complete line of
colors, plain as well as changeable. Same quality is sold elsewhere
at $1.25.
CLEp MESSALINE $1.00 The queen of silken fabrics for shirtwaist
suits, in brown, navy blue, myrtle, reseda, garnet, pink, blue, cream
and black. Same quality sold elsewhere at $L25
CHIFFON FAILLE $1.25-0ne of the best wearing silks made, in
brown, navy, Parsifal, silver, black, cream and white. Same quality
sold elsewhere at $1.50.
SINGAPORE PUNJAB $1.00 These are 29 inches wide, are better
than any similar fabric on the market at $1.25. They are pure dye and
will not spot. In brown, navy blue, myrtle, Parsifal and black.
Real $1.75 Kid Gloves $1.49
Three-clasp Consuelo overseam Kid Gloves, Paris point embroidery,
all colors.
Two-clasp London quality Trefousse Pique Suede Gloves; Paris
point embroidery, black, white, mode and slate.
One-clasp, two-toned Pique Gloves, fancy embroidery, brown and
onion, navy and green, green and navy, wbite with "black, red and
white, red and black.
Flake Suitings 12 l-2c
Twonty-sevcn inches wide, ground colors are blue, pink, gray,
tan, lavender and red, strewn over closely at irregular inter
vals with white flakes. These are fabrics which are very
popular; cannot be bought elsewhere at such, a low prico.
Japanese Crepes 25c
These ara the "real thing," imported by ourselves from Japan
and are tbo best and prettiest Japanese Crepee ever shown in
I'-iis city. Twenty or mora new designs.
Displaying New Belts
2SJ For Children Patent Leather Belts, black, brown and red;
sizes, 26 to" 34.
3oJ For "Women's Crush Kid Belts, fancy buckle in tack,
harness buckle in front; black, brown, green, tan, red and white.
65J-"For "Women's bUk Belts, in girdle and buckle styles, some
with hemstiched ends; black, brown, navy and white.
$1.00 For Women s Silk Belts, fancy gilt buckle; brown, navy
and white.
New Dress Garnitures
Our great corner window contains a display which is
representative of our dress garnitures for Spring, X905.
There are spangled taffeta and chiffon appliques, Persian
bands, novelty braids and edgings.
We are also displaying some very handsome and ex
clusive spangled robes and allovers.
UipxTvan , Wolfe &Oo
C U. Gantenbein to Be
Examined for Colonel.
If Successful, Will Be Placed
on Volunteer List
Commander of Third Regiment Ore
gon National Guard, Is One of
- Thirty-Four Men Summoned
to Take Examination.
From a private la the Government's
auxiliary 'forces to recipient of an order
was undoubtedly performed in the Philip
pines when he was called upon to under
take several difficult tasks -which de
manded not only a military but judicial
mind as well. In a report oS the Oregon
regiment's service It is stated that the.
Judicial ability of the officers was above
the average, and that many of them
were employed in important positions. of
the Government service. Speaking: of
Colonel Gantenbein, this report-says:
Serveo In Military Commission.
. "Major Gantenbein was early appointed
president of two general courts-martial.
" WAR DEPARTMENT. Washington,
Feb. 6. Colonel C TJ. Gantenbein.
Third Infantry, Oregon National Guard.
Portland Sir: In compliance with your
request of May 31, 1D04. the Secretary
of V.'ar authorises you to present your
self at Vancouver Barracks. 'Washing
ton, at 10 A. 31., on Wednesday, the
15th day of March. 1P05, for examina
tion as to your qualification for commis
sion as Colonel of volunteer infantry,
under section 23 of the mllltla law of
January 21, 19CS. You should report at
the place and hour stated to Major
Rudolph Q. Ebtrt. Surgeon, TJ. S. Army,
president of the examining board.
By order of the Chief of Stan.
Assistant Adjutant-General.
one of the senior members of the Military
Commission, the highest tribunal of the
administration (equal to a Supreme
Court), a member of the Board of Claims
against the Spanish Government, and of
the Board of Claims against the United
States Government. Though detailed on
these various boards he continued to per
form all the duties of battalion com
mander with his regiment until March
Primary Applies t&City
of Portland, -
County Clerk Will Open Books
for Registration
for his examination for a Colonelcy in
the United States Volunteers summarizes
the military career of Colonel C. U. Gan
tenbein. He has the distinction of hi3
being one of 34 men throughout the
United States ordered to appear for ex
amination before a Government board.
A provision of tho recent military en
actment, commonly known as tho DIclc
bill, provided for the examination of those
presenting themselves for examination and
admittance Into the military arm of the
United States Government designated as
the Volunteer -Service. Under this pro
vision, anyone, preferably those with
military service, could apply for an ex
amination and upon passing would be
placed upon an eligible list for future
volunteer service. That Is, In tho case
of & call by tho Government for volun
teers such regiments accepted would be
officered from this list of waiting or eligi
ble officers examined and accepted under
the recent Dick bllL
Ordered to Report for Examination.
It has Just been learned that Colonel
Gantenbein, of the Third Infantry, O. N.
G., Is one of 34 National Guard officers
throughout the United States to make ap
plication under this law, and la but
one of a very few to apply for the rank of
ColoneL Of those who have made ap
plication and have been ordered to report
for examination, the majority are for the
positions of Lieutenants and Captains.
When approached for an Interview on
the subject of his application and his
coming examination, Colonel Gantenbein
was extremely reticent and would say
nothing beyond admitting that ho had
taken this action and was preparing for
the examination to be given him at Van
couver. Wash., by the United States Mili
tary Board on March 15. Colonel Gan
tenbein's friends who are aware of his
coming examination by the Government
express their confidence in the strongest
terms, and have no fear of his ability to
pass and to be accepted under the most
severe conditions laid down.
Colonel Gantenbeln's military record 13
more than an enviable one. While he la
a lawyer by occupation, he has achieved
a military record rarely won even by men
In the regular service. Entering the
Oregon National Guard as a private In
Company G, on July 8, 1891, he rapidly
acquired such, military knowledge as to
lead to his election to the command of
Company H. on May 19, 1892. It took but
two years for his promotion to the com
mand of a battalion and on August 1$,
1S91. Captain Gantenbein was commis
sioned as a Major in the Guard. Three
years later he was commissioned as Lieutenant-Colonel
of the regiment. With
the breaking out of the Spanish-American
War and a call for volunteers a rec
ognition of Colonel Gantenbeln's military
ability and knowledge was .given in his
appointment as the senior Major of the
Second Oregon Regiment. As such' he
commanded the first battalion of tho
American Army that landed in the Philip
pines and the first that entered the walled
City of Manila.
After his return with his regiment to
America and his discharge he was ap
pointed Adjutant-General of the Oregon
National Guard, and also served as vice
president of the Interstate National Guard
Association, from 1901 to 1903.
His appointment to tho command of the
Third Infantry. Q. N. G., occurred on
September 1. 1903, and be has acted as
Colonel in command of that regiment
since that date.
Colonel Gantenbeln's military career
has beta marked with special and un-
22, 1899. Upon the establishment of the
Supreme Court of the Philippine Islands a
few days before the departure of the regi
ment for the United States, he was ten
dered a position as Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court, but preferred to re
turn with his regiment"
While occupying these judicial positions
Colonel Gantenbein did not fall to per
form such military service as called forth
letters of commendation from the various
commanding Generals in the field.
As commanding officer of the Third In
fantry, O. N. G.. in the Joint maneuvers
at American Lake last year, he was high
ly indorsed by General McArthur, who
commanded the forces. Friends of Colo
nel Ganbjnbeln know that he possesses
with pride a letter from that officer
which, gives him unqualified praise for
his work.
Judging from his past work and the
preparation which ho has given for thi3
examination there ia no doubt In the
minds of Colonel Gantenbeln's intimate
friends as to his ability to pass any ex
amination required, and It 13 confldently
expected that his name will shortly ap
pear on the roll of those qualified for
volunteer service. His success, in this
It Is Thought Np Appeal to the Su
preme Court From the Decision
of the Circuit Court .
Will Be Made. ,
The direct primary law 13 applicable to
the city election to be held in Junel This
decision was announced yesterday .morn
ing by Judge George, Judges Cleland; Fra
zer and George concurring, at the close
of an argument by City Attorney Mc
Nary. ' District Attorney Manning, T. G.
Greene and Charles A. Lockwood. Tho
City Attorney recently brought suit in tho
name of N. A. King, a taxpayer, in order
to obtain an opinion from the court,, so
that City Auditor Devlin might know
whether It was legal to call a direct pri
mary election or not.
In order to bring the matter to an issua
the court was asked to enjoin County
Clerk Fields from opening tfie registra
tion books for the registration of the po
litical affiliation of electors, and for tho
registration of persons not already reg
istered. Argue the Legal Points.
Mr. McNary argued against the law be
ing operative at this time, and District
Attorney Manning and Messrs. Greene
and Lockwood took the opposite position.
Mr. Lockwood, who Is one of the framera
of the law, appeared to defend It; Mr.
Greene represented the Democratic party
of Portland, and Mr. Manning the state.
Without leaving tho bench the four
Judges held that the primaries for the
coming city election must be held under
the law. In rendering his decision Judge
George paid:
"This law Is applicable to the city elec
tion. The court is unanimously of the
opinion that it should be upheld. This is
an important matter to the public, and
the officials are waiting to know what
the decision of the court will be. We
think It well to have It definitely under
stood. 'so. we hAveritedded to arinoufco. the
decision from the bench without delay."
Judge George said there might be some
constitutional defects in the law, but these
had not been raised, and therefore the
court would 'not presume to - pass upon
What the Law Provides.
The direct primary law provides that
electors to vote at primary elections must
be registered as to their party affiliation.
The principal contention against applica
bility of the law at this time was that
when registration was In progress a year
ago voters did not declare their party af
filiation, because there was no direct pri
mary law at that time. A few electors,
probably 2500, did so when the registra
tion books were open before the Presi
dential election for additional registra
tion, and changes of residence.
Under the law the registration books
will be open beginning March 15 and clos
ing April 15 next, for additional regis
trations and changes. County Clerk. Fields
addressed the court during an Interim In
the argument, stating his position as fol
lows: "I would like to Btate," he said,
"that it is my intention to permit electors
who are already registered to come in and
make a statement of party affiliation, the
same as a man who has changed his resi
dence. I did this in September when the
books were open for the Presidential elec
tion. The cost will probably not be over
5500. I will take the information in writ
ing. "I am compelled by law" to open the
books for a month, anyhow. We have a
card register of all the electors. -It Is very
The direct primary law cannot be applied to nomination of'candi
dates 'for the June city election without a new registration.
The decision of the Circuit Court authorizes the County Clerk to
"make the new registration of city electors between March 15 and
April 14, Inclusive.
In the city 21.000 electors registered last Spring. These can vote
in the June city election without registering- again, but not in tho
primary nominating- election oh May 6 unless they, complete the reg
istration prescribed by the primary law.
The law prescribes registration of party affiliations as "a require
ment for participation in primary nomination elections.
Candidates for party nominations, instead of .belng nominated .
by convention, will be presented by petition, and those receivlhg the
most votes in their respective parties will be the nominees of their
parties. The nominees will be voted for in June Iii the regular manner.
Petitions of Republican candidates for Mayor, Auditor, Treasurer,
City Attorney, Municipal Judge and five Gouncilmen must be signed
by at Jeast 19$ Republican electors dwelling in at least 12 precincts;
petitions of Democratic candidates by at least 67 Democratic electors
.residing in the same number of precincts this in conformity with
the law which requires petitiorfers to number at least 2 per cent of
the votes last cast In the election district for Representative ia
Congress by the two parties.
Candidates for ten Ward Councilmen will be presented by peti
tion In the same manrter, except that the petitioners will number
2 per cent of the votes cast for Representative in Congress in tne
respective wards. ' -
Nominations of "citizen" or nonpartisan candidates will not be,
controlled by the primary law, and can be accomplished as heretofore.-
About 900 electors who registered their party affiliations last
Fall need not register again. t
Only Republican and Democratio nominations are amenable to
tha primary law.
Votes cast in the city last June for Representative in Congress
were: Republican. 9766; Democratic, 3338. - t-
direction will give Oregon the distinction
of having an' eligible Colonel on Uncle
Sam's volunteer roster.
Colonel Gantenbein is extremely modest
in regard to his order for examination.
At present he is the dean of the Uni
versity of Oregon Law School and prefers
to attain distinction through that. As
stated before Colonel Gantenbeln's pro
fession Is that of the law, which Is his
first love, but for a hobby he la an ardent
devotee of the gun and saber. His ad
mittance to the volunteer service of the
Government will not mean that he will
.give up his law practice or school duties,
'but that ho wul simply be placed on the
J easy to get a man's card-.ahd stampnipon
it ma party anmauon, ana enter tne in
formation upon the books afterward. I
also want to know if It must be done un
der oath, and If persons previously regis
tered and the party affiliation noted, who
have changed their party affiliations, caij
come in and have the change made on the
books." -
Court Will Advise.
The court will advise the CJerk; upon;
these points. Mr. Fields says he will
keep the registration books open during
the 30 days beginning March- 15 every well a3 in the daytlmefto.
Concluded ca Fae It-J.
"'- V""' ' i