THB SUNDAY. OEE0ONIAN, MAHCE o, 19H. KILLED BY HIS BOMB Porter in Warsaw Planned to Blow Up Employer, 'MARTIAL LAW KEEPS PEACE Czar1 Rescript Well Received by All Except Workmen Frightful Mas sacre of Students by the Police at Tomsk. WARSAW, March 4 (4:58 P. II.) A tele gram from Iodz says a bomb was ex poded today In the mansion of 31. Poz nanaki, a millionaire cotton manufac turer, and one servant was killed. M. Poznanski's employes went out on strike yesterday. Tba bomb exploded In the hands of the house porter, who Is supposed to have been examining it. The porter was blown to pieces. Two other bombs and incrim inating correspondence were found In the porter's apartments. The police believe the bombs were Intended to kill M. Poz nanski. The elaborate precautions of the author ities have prevented thus far any disturb ances here today. It Is reported that the police have arrested and Incarcerated in the citadel all the strike leaders, a total of S3 men. HAILED AS NEW EMANCIPATION Czar's Rescript Received With Joy as Step to Freedom. ST. PETERSBURG, March 4. The im perial rescript announcing that Emperor Nicholas has decided to convene an as sembly of elected representatives of the people to elaborate and consider legisla tion has produced a wonderful impression. The war and the battle below Mukden are forgotten. The rescript Is regarded by many as a second emancipation procla mation. The Novoe Vremya characterizes It as Russia's happiest hour. The Liberals are amazed, and in the flush of enthusiasm are regarding it as a recognition of the elective principle and the complete sur render of autocracy, but discriminating people, while regarding It as a great vic tory, realize that all will depend on the manner in which the reform la carried out. They do not yet harbor the vision of a great national assembly debating all questions of state. According to their view, an entering wedge has been made. bat the fight between Liberalism and Con servatism is now transferred to the com mission charged with the elaboration of the reform, and only by keeping up the agitation do they believe a real triumph is achievable. That the fight will continue in the com mitt ee Is unquestionable. One of the Min isters, a man who has labored In favor of broad concessions, said to the representa- tive of the Aseoclated Press today that a contest Is inevitable. According to his opinion, it is useless to try to forecast the result, but the great principle for which he and others have been fighting had won. High hopes are now entertained by the Government of calming the present agi tation "which la convulsing the country- Bloodshed Is feared in Poland and other parts of Russia, and the authorities have taken the most energetic measures every where. Here the courtyards are full of troops and gendarmes, and patrols of Cos sacks are parading the industrial section in anticipation of trouble. But the re script has had a quieting effect on the workmen, and Governor-Gensral Trepoft says he is convinced that nothing on a large scale will occur, although it Is pos sible that there may be slight disorders. SAVAGES BUTCHER STUDENTS Horrible Brutality of Police and Sol diers at Tomsk. ST. PI&ERSBURG. March 4. Mail ad vices which have just arrived here give details of the student riots at Tomsk, Western Siberia, February 26, preceding the closing of the University and Tech nical Institute. They represent it as a horrible affair In which students were herded, shot and slashed by the infantry, guards, Cossacks and police. Nine stu dents were killed and 28 were seriously wounded. Over 100 young men and women were taken to the police station, where they were stripped of their clothing and some of them were beaten into Insensibility with sticks of wood. The women were dragged about by the hair, amid cries from the police of "there Is a wretched liberty hound." So shameful was the ac tion of the police that the whole Fifth Division of police was bound over by the court on the charge of brutality. The Indignation at Tomsk was so In tense that the professors of the Technical Institute joined the students in deciding to strike until the form of government is changed. The university students at a final meeting tore up the Emperor's pic ture. Gcpon on His Way to London. GENEVA, Switzerland. March 4. Father Gopon, leader of the Russian workmen on the fatal Sunday, January 22, who has been here for the last two days, left Geneva today for London by war of Paris. GIVE GOVERNMENT A CHANCE Rescript Well Received by Liberals, but Not by Workmen. ST, PETERSBURG, March 5. The Im perial rescript has been well received and the Liberals generally are willing to wait and give the Government a chance to formulate reform measures. In the ab sence of knowledge of details of the ex tent to which the reforms will extend, they are not declaring- themselves posi tively either for or against the rescript. The more radical of the workingmen. however, are far from pacified, and a general strike may be declared March 6 or 7. There were no disorders in St. Pe tersburg yesterday and no trouble is ex pected today. Work has now ceased in S3 factories and K1.G04 men are Idle. Several newspapers will not publish today. Japanese Try to Sink Contraband. MANILA, March 4. Japanese embarked In fishing sampans made four attempts to eink the British steamer Carlisle last night, according to a report current here, but were repulsed by the customs guards on board the vessel, who fired upon the sampans. (The steamer Carlisle, now lying In Ma nila harbor, was towed In there recently from San Miguel Bay at the southern end of the Island of Luzon, where she was lyingdisabled. She was under charter to the Russian government to carry supplies from Vladivostok to Port Arthur, but lost her propeller, finally drifting to San Miguel Bay, where her captain brought up while he went to Manila for assist ance.) Japanese Take Three Villages. GENERAL OKU'S HEADQUARTERS IN THB FIELD Friday, March 3. 11 A. M.. via Fusan (Delayed in Transmission). During last night the Japanese occupied three more villages in the Russian line of defenses, carrying the captured lines 12 miles east of Changtan. The Russians are falling hack on their heavy defenses south of Mukden. The Japanese movement Is entirely suc cessful. The Japanese losses have not yet been reported, but it is probable that they will not be heavy, considering the importance of the movement. The pursuit of the Russians continues. A heavy bombardment is In progress. Japanese Seize Another Steamer. TOKIO. March 4 The British steamer Eastby- Abbey, from Cardiff, bound for Vladivostok, -was seized by the Japanese guards hip on February 27. The Bistby Abbey Is a .steel screw steamer, 2963 tons register, built at Stock ton, England, in 1SS2. She is owned by Pyman, Watcon & Co., of Cardiff, Eng- ,land.) STILL DESIRE BEEEEENDUK. Voters of Yamhill County Discuss Question With W. S. U'Ren. MMrNNVLUiE, Or.. March 4. (Spe cial.) At the meeting of the referendum committee today, W. S. "U'Ren, of Oregon City, was present He stated as the reason for his visit a request from Sena tor Kuykendall, of Lane, that he come to McMInnville and learn the extent of the ICICIUIUUIU UlVtCUICIll O-UU UJ 2CC XL UI0 citizens' mass meeting could be recon vened and the petitions calling for a ref erendum of the J1.0CO,000 appropriation bill called In, and also petitions for initiative measures to correct the evils complained of to be circulated instead. The movement was fully discussed by the committee and Mr. U'Ren. During the discussion Mr. U'Ren was asked by the committee if it was not the purpose of those opposing the referendum to side track the movement by initiative move ment. He made no definite reply to this question. Before leaving the city Mr. U'Ren stated as his opinion that the pe tition would easily receive the required number of signers, and that In all prob- ablllty the appropriation would be vetoed by the people. This will be the case, if Yamhill County Is any criterion. During the day, while Mr. TTRen waa here, the purpose of his visit became gen erally known, and the possibility of his opposition seemed to stir the people into more determined action. Expressions were often heard on the streets that left no doubt of their determination to defeat the hill at the polls. The situation in the county may be summed up in Mr. TTRen's statement to Senator Wrisht before leaving that "if an angel came down from heaven it would not stem the movement, for It seems that every man, woman and child favors It Such Intense interest has not been man ifested by the people in any movement for many years, and the feoling seems to grow with each farmer that comes to pay his taxes, and it Is not uncommon for old' line Republicans to say, "Hurrah for Chamberlain!" for cutting out the emer gency clause. With this feeling there Is a slight disposition to run amuck on all unconstitutional state institutions and sal aries, but the cooler heads who are in the van of the movement counsel caution and judicious action. They do not want to jeopardize the popularity of the ref erendum. Today McMInnville Grange, No. JO, passed on emphatic resolution indorsing the action of the committee, and also gave vote of thanks to Senator Howe for his work in defending the measure to raise the salaries of county officials. All the blank petitions have been exhausted. and the committee has decided to print several thousands more. J. H. Irvine, of this place, went to Dal las today, carrying a number of pet! tlons, and telephoned back that over 200 signatures were secured in less than two hours. Ho asked that more blanks be sent at once. EVERGREEN STATE'S BUILDING Will Be Erected by LInne & Carroll, of Seattle, for 526,791. TACOMA, "Wash., March 4. (Special.) The Lewis and Clark Fair Commission met at the Tacoma Hotel this afternoon and awarded the contract for the state building to be erected on the Fair grounds at Portland to F. J. Dinne and D. Car roll, contractors of Seattle. Eight bids in all were received, most of them being from firms in Seattle. The successful bidders agree to do the work for $26,791. A bid of 524.9SS was received from the Burroll Construction Company, of California, but, being a non-resident concern. Its bid was not eligible. The contractors are to commence work on the building at once. They have agreed to have the Interior finished by May 1 and the exterior by May 15. The original cost of the building, as contemplated by the commissioners, was not to exceed $15,000, but additional space has been acquired, and an extra allow ance has been made by the commission for the building. All the members were present yesterday. Dr. J. J. Smith, of Enumclaw, president of the commission, occupied the chair. STAB ENDS ALL-NIGHT GAME i Charles Taylor Knifed by George Tucker in a Saloon. EUGENE. Or., March 4. (Special.) A serious cutting affray occurred this morn ing at Springfield which may prove fatal to one of the participants. George Tuck er, a logger, and Charles Taylor, a car penter, had an altercation in a saloon. Tucker drew a knife and struck Taylor on the breast, inflicting a dangerous wound near the heart. The men had been most of the night playing cards in the saloon, and disputed over a game. Tucker was arrested and brought to the County Jail, whoro he is being held for examination, which will be deferred until the result of the wound Is known. Fears ars entertained that Taylor will not recover. KITCHEN RANGE BLOWS UP Soldiers Sleeping Above Are Hurled From Their Bunks. WALLA WALLA, Wash., March 4. (Special.) The big range used in the kitchen at Fort Walla Walla was blown up at 1 o'clock this afternoon by con fined gas, generated by combustion of the largo quantity of coal stuffed into the firebox. Steel was thrown all over the room, breaking windows and tearing a large hole in the walL Tho explosion hurled two soldiers sleeping in bunks overhead across the room, but did not injure any one. Tho flames were quickly extin guished by soldiers. Idaho Legislature Adjourns. BOISE, Idaho. March 4. The eighth ses sion of the Idaho Legislature adjourned at noon today. The closing hour waa de voted lo presentations and speeches of fe licitation. During the session IK) bills passed both houses. Thlrty-eevon have been signed and 113 are still in tho hands of the Governor. Robbers Dynamite a Safe. Robbers dynamited the safe in the of fices of the Mount Scott Lumber Com pany, on tho Oregon Water Power fc Railway line, last night and secured $4. They escaped, and it was about two hours afterward that the discovery was made No clew to tho identity of the criminals fvus left, but they are believed to he the same who attempted to rob the safe In F. Dresser's grocery store last week. They drilled through the top of the safe last night, as was the case in the other affair. The police were notified. MU1U.VE ETC REMEDY. A home cure for Eye troubles. Never falls -to win friends. Used for infant and adult. -Murine don't smart. Soothes Eyo-pain. MUKDEN'S FALL IS NEAR (Coa tinned from Tirol PayO anese occupying Sanlinpu and neighboring villages was continued tH morning. At the game time reinforcements arrived at Mukden. "Early this morning the Japanese at tacked our position on the left flank, In' the region of JCandolesan, more than 303' battalions participating. All the attacks were repulsed with great less to the Jap anese front ranks. "The Japanese "attacking our right fi&nk are dressed in the uniforms of the Chem- barsky regiment, which was posted at Gaotu Pass. Our detachment on the left flank re pulsed three attacks today, inflicting great loss on the enemy. I have thanked these valiant troops in His Majesty's name for their, splendid defense. The losses of the Japanese attacking our left flatty are so great that they are constructing defenses with the dead bodies of their fallen comrades." STILL HOLD THEIR MAIN LINE But Russians Will Be Driven Out by Big Guns. GENERAL KURORTS HEADQUAR TERS IN THE FIELD. March 4. via Fusan. The Russians still hold their main line of defenses eastward of the railway along the Shakhe River, but in a situation requiring the highest general ship in order to fight a battle or retreat without heavy loss. One of their strongest positions i TVan- po Mountain, six miles east of therail way, and a group of hills to the eastward. The Japanese are today bombarding these strongholds tremendously with most of their heavy guns. It seems, Impossible that the Russian positions will long with stand such a weight of projectiles that is being hurled against them. General Kuropatkin has massed a great army there on his left, apparently think ing that the Japanese might successfully attempt a flanking movement from Liao Yang. The main line of defenses there, which it took four months to perfect. crowns the summit of steep hills. HIS RIGHT FLANK IS TURNED Kuropatkin's Demoralized Army Flees Before Oku's Army. GENERAL OKU'S HEADQUARTERS IN THE FIELD, 9 A- M., March 3, via Fusan (Delayed in transmission). Lata yesterday the Japanese occupied the sec ond line of the Russian's right defenses two miles northward. Their line was taken this morning on the west bank of the Hun River, four miles north of Changtan. This completely turned the Russian right flank. The Japanese fire completely demoralized the Russians, who retreated In disorder. Pursuit was continued during the night Tho Russians are still retiring and General Oku's army Is advancing rapidly. RUSSIANS BURNING STORES. Preparations for Retreat From Muk den Panic on Right Wing. NIUCHWANG. March 4 (7 P. M.), via Tientsin. According to the latest reports received here, the Russians are burning Mukden station and their stores prepara tory to a retreat. There are persistent reports that the Russian left has been successful, but that the right is panic stricken. One hundred Japanese cavalry arrived from the North this afternoon. They ex changed shots with Russian scouts in the outskirts of the town. Two hundred Cos sacks are three miles east, moving north. The Japanese are scouring the country side. WITHIN SIGHT OF . MUKDEN. Japanese Near the Goal Russian Right Wing Is Flanked. MUKDEN, March 8. (Delayed in transmission.) The Russian positions in the center are unchanged. The east flank Is fighting close to Manchuntan, while the Japanese occupy Sufangtoljon tho south west. On Thursday and also today Jap anese corps gave battle on the southwest within sight of Mukden. Russians report that a Japanese force has broken around the right and la mov ing north, though It is believed the Rus sians hold the Sinmlntln road at the Liao River. CANT HOLD NEW POSITION. Russians Show Signs of Yielding, Though Reinforced. TOKIO, March 5 (11 A. M.). Tho Rus sians, driven from Chinhocheng, passed Tallng and have remained at Samlungku four days, resisting the Japanese advance. The Russians there, although having re ceived a reinforcement of over 80,000, show signs of retreat. The Japanese are press ing them toward Makunlln. The Japanese have firmly established communication with Penslhu and activity on a grand scale Is expected. RUSSIAN TRENCHES SURPRISED Japanese Creep Upon Them In Pitch Darkness. GENERAL KURORTS HEADQUAR TERS IN THE FIELD, via Fusan, Fri day, March 3. The hotly-contested en gagement waged since midnight across the Shakhe River, from Witosan, is still proceeding late this afternoon, under con ditions entailing great hardships upon the attacking force and favoring those de fending the entrenchments. A largo Japanese contingent which crossed the plain directly west of Wito san In darkness, rucceeded In gaining the first line of the Russian trenches, to the great astonishment of the Rus sians. t The Russians havo since been making a fierce resistance in the second lino of the trenches on the summits of the foot hills, and the Japanese arc attacking them spiritedly. The night was bitterly cold, and today it Is freezing and a thin film of snow covers the earth. The Japanese are obliged to wear the heaviest clothing, which, with the cold and continuing snow flurries, handicaps them. FIGHT AGAINST TIE PASS. Kuropatkin Will Abandon Mukden for New Line of Defense. BERLIN. March S. The Tageblatt learns from a person In the confidence of tho Russian Embassy there that the Rus sian authorities are convinced that Gen eral Kuropatkin will soon find it neces sary to evacuate Mukden and retreat to Tie Pass, where he will give decisive bat tle. This, the paper's informant adds, was General Kuropatkin's plan from the flrst. and plans have already "been made for the arrival of Russian troops at Tie Pass. Russians Are Mystified. MUKDEN, March 4. Tho Rus- . v' ;--" .' : Elans are holding on desperately to their positions. Although the fighting has now been in progress six days, the officers here aro mystified as to whether tho actions at tho wings aro not dem onstrations to facilitate the chief object of the Japanese to break through the Russian center, or if it is Field Marshal Oyama's Intention to turn Mukden, on which side is the real movement, and on which the feint. One of General Ku ropatkin's staff officers said to the Asso ciated Press: "Oyama's strategy is to break the cen ter, and then Inclose the wings and com pel a demoralized retreat, but until now the Japanese attacks against the center have been only measurably successful. "Sanllnpou, which Is the key of our po sition on tha right flank, was the scene of awful carnage last night. The Jap anese concentrated on it tho fire jot over 100 guns, and then attacked with the bayonet. According to the reports com ing in they were repulsed and In a coun ter attack captured seven machine guns." Trains are leaving Mukden ceaselessly for tho north with wounded men and stores. MOVE TO ENVELOPE RUSSIANS Japanese Make Wide Circuit on Right to Cut Off Communications. ST. PETERSBURG, March 4 (5 P. M. The .battle raging at the front has as sumed enormous proportions. Already one of the Associated Press Russian corre spondents places tho Russian losses at 30,000 men and those of the Japanese at 40.009. It is added that the attempt to NOTICE TO PILE SUFFERERS We Don't Ask You to Take Any one's Word for What Pyra mid Pile Cure WJH Do. Tefl Cao Km t Trial Fiekigs Frw bj Hill. VTo receive hundreds of letters like the following: "1 havo been feeling so good I could hardly believe It, .after Buffering with piles for a year, to find that I am once more feeling like myself. I wish you could have seen me before I started using Pyramid Pile Cure and look at mo now, and you would say I am not tho same man. I have gained 20 pounds, and all on account of Pyramid Pile Cure." "Walter Sharkl ey. 55 Park street, Springfield, Mass. "I bought a 50-cent box of. Pyramid Pile Cure and used as directed with tho most unexpected results, a complete cure. I have been troubled with piles- for 30 years and was in much distress and passed much blood, but at present am free from any kind of piles." F. McKay, "Weaver ville. Cal. "Pyramid Pile Curt has been worth thousands of dollars to me; It cured me after using numbers of other remedies and taking medicines from doctors. It also cured my son, aUhough he could hardly walk, eat or sleep; he la now all right" B. Strlngfellow, Postmaster, Elko, B. d By the uso of Pyramid Pile Cure you will avoid an unnecessary, trying and expensive examination by a physician and will rid yourself of your trouble In the privacy of your own, home at trifling ex pense. After using tho free treatment, which wo mall in a perfectly plain "wrapper, you can secure regular full-size packages from druggists at 50 cents each, or we will mall direct, in plain package upon receipt of price. Pyramid Drug Co., 35C0 Main street, Marshall, MicK. v BEN SELLING LEAD HGXLOTHIER, Xf"ayffijjy'fifcBaaaaaWasaa KBBBBtBBBBBBBC 'aaaa mSh NOWHERE ELSE WILL YOU FIND SUCH A COMPLETE STOCK 'OF MEN'S SPRING SUITS MEN'S SPRING TOPCOATS MEN'S SPRING SHIRTS AN INSPECTION Will Prove ' -- v.y .5-Vr -' ' ' - s;.-lF you WANT TO KNOW WHAT SMARTLY :u rt v kDRESSED MEN WILL WEAR THIS SEASON i . - ; - ASK : : BEN SELLING LEADING -draw a net around General Kuropatkin has not yet succeeded, but it is stated that the Japanese from Bin Mln Tun are at tempting, by forced marches, to cut the Russian line of communications. General Knroki, according to tho latest reports, is stalled by the Russian left, but the Russian center la yielding slowly be fore the Japanese onslaughts. On Thursday Field Marshal Oyama shifted the weight to his left, seeking to envelop the Russian right, eight miles southwest of Mukden. In the hand-to-hand fighting which followed and con tinued for four hours, the loss on both sides was enormous. But the most serious news is the report-thnt the Japanese attacking column at Sin Mln Ten, about SO miles west of Mukden, has divided, part of it moving straight east to roll up the Russlon right wing, while tho other Is making forced marches northwest, -with the evident pur pose of cutting tho Russian lino of com munications with Tie Pass and closing the line of retreat. Should the operations provo successful, the Russian army might be surrounded. JAPANESE REPORT MORE GAINS They Drive Russians From Villages and Capture Provisions. TOKIO, March 4 (4:30 P. M- An official dispatch received here today from the headquarters of the Japanese armies In Manchuria says: "Many counter-attacks in the direc tion of Hsinching have been repulsed by tho Japanese. In tho direction of Bent slaputzo the Japanese pressed the enemy to his main defenses and are now en gaging him. The Japanese have captured Sunmupaotzu and the heights north of Tan go la tun. east of the Shakhe River Railroad, and have since ben engaging the enemy's infantry. "About a battalion of Russians attempt ed to penetrate .Shunghwfang from the direction of Fenchiapao, but were re pulsed. "Paying no attention to the enemy's de fenses west of the railroad, the Japanese are pressing northeast. Part of tho Jap anese forces dislodged the enemy from Tamintun and Sin 'Mln Tun. The Japan ese at tho latter place ' captured a Quan tity of provisions." HIS ARMY IN GREAT DANGER Kuropatkin Says His Left Wing Is Cut Off. BERLIN, March A. dispatch to the Tageblatt from St Petersburg says: "Gen eral Kuropatkin, In a telegram which arrived here at 7 o'clock last evening, said SftftXlO Japanese bad broken through the Russian left wing, and that it was cut off from the remalner of the array." At 10 o'clock came another" dispatch from General Kuropatkin, which read: "The Japanese are marching on Muk den. My position Is extremely danger ous." In government circles here today- there is a conviction that General Kuropatkin has been fully beaten, that part of his army has been dispersed, and that the railroad north of Mukden probably will be cut Japanese Land In the North. VLADIVOSTOK, March 4. Two thou sand Japanese troops have landed at Shengshln, northward of Corea, to which place they were conveyed "by steamers from warships. A. flotilla of torpedoboats covered the landing. Russians Beaten at Sin Mln Tin. TOKIO, March 4. It was an nounced today from the headquarters of the Japanese armies in Manchuria, xthat the OghUng on the right, center and left is resulting In steady Japanese zainsl ri bbb, 'v s - IN PORTLAND Our Claim The Japanese, it Is added, have defeated the Russians at Sin Mln Tin. New Cars for Siberian Road. ST. PETERSBURG, March 4. All the new rolling stock, which includes 443 new engines and 5173 cars, just delivered, will be employed to reinforce the main Si berian line Instead of being utilized In general commercial traffic, as had been Intended. The Minister of Communica ngaSiinBllll 1 1 I'l WW' IBMHimiiiiii lii iiiiinamaaaagjmp ' Jm Profit Sharing Sale Given Away Free $7.50 r free $25.00 $3.oofowifree $10.00 $1.50 free $5.00 7C. yout own Sioice FrCC $2.50 25c. yAwn chSS Tree $ioo Given Away Free Teas, Coffees, Spices, Baking Powder Also Free with . China, Crockery, Glassware, Enamelware SEE OUR PRICES Great American Importing Tea Co. Omt lOO Stores Help Us to Help Yos 331 Washington St., 223 First st., Portland; Astoria, 571 Commercial at.; Orago City, Main st; Eugene. 2d E. Ninth St. Dcw&rax? is a cestaxkma disease caused by a ralcree. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE Tke ORIGINAL resaeiy that "kills the Dastfraff Gem." LIKE THE PARDON Kawfero's Herplcl da can come too late. If th dandroS microbe hxi destroyed the hair follicles and left the scalp bald and shining-, all remedies; are worthless. Bat, like the pardon. It Herplcid. comes while CSrOliO! GOING-!! GONE HI tyy fsy is? HtftMCWtLLMKIT BEtrttSEWill H tone, X-M. Ut 1K. IIxnCiK WL, icpt R. Wrrf, Hr Appllcatfoas at Prealacat Barker Shmp. 4-1 .1 , i- v tions has been obliged to order 13,000 mors cars for the various lines in the em pire. Swedish Steamer Captured. TOKIO, March 4. The Swedish.-steamer "Vegga, from Barry, December 10, for Hongkong, was seized by a Japanese war ship. The placa where she "was captured is withheld. Pcist Porchase Parckaae life still remains is the JoIUelee, Jhe hair Is freed from disease and bezln Its nat ural KTorrth again. Don't neglect daa (SraC or falling hair. "Wonderful revulta Jo How the uaa of Herpl&de. It Is az ex quisite hair dressing". Stops itching- aC the scalp instantly. M?EIT lHUTEHIlliirl ,