The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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ToSettIe Normal School
Referendum Less Effective on
Bill Passed by Last Legislature In
cludes Provisions for Other Insti
tutions Which Would Be In
jured by First Proposal.
SALEM, Or.. March 4. (Special.)
The suggestion in today's Oregonlan
that tne Normal School question be
settled by resort to the initiative
power rather than by demanding the
referendum upon the appropriation
bill passed by the last Legislature, is
one that meets hearty approval
among men who are familiar with
etate affairs. The idea meets favor be
cause the result of an initiative move
ment would definitely settle the Nor
mal School problem, while the submis
sion of the appropriation bill to a vote
of the people would not.
Under the initiative tho issue wouM
be directly upon the continuance of
the present Normal School system, and
the vote would show the wishes of the
people upon that subject. Because the
appropriation bill contains many Items,
including the asylum, penitentiary, He
form, Mute and Blind Schools, four
formal Schools, University and Agri
cultural College, the vote upon that
bill could not be said to show the
wishes of the people upon any one
If the bill were voted down the ac
tion of the people might be attributed
to the fact that it was an "omnibus"
bill, or to the fact that additional ap
propriations were made for the uni
versity or Agricultural College, or to
the appropriation for money for four
Normal Schools instead of three, two
or one.
The vote "would not show whether
the people favor one normal or three
or the abolition of ' all. In the mean
time, however, the appropriation for
necessary state institutions would be
held up, and a heavy Interest charge
Initiative Vote- In June, 1906.
An initiative measure would be voted
upon in June, 1906, Just at the close
of the next school year, and the result
would be known before the schools
opened in the Fall.
The normals would have due notice
of the action pending, and could pre
pare for any result that might follow.
They oould not complain that they had
been cut off without warning.
Drafting Law May Be Different.
To draft a law settling the normal
school question "would not be a small
task, however, for it would be neces
sary either to abolish. one or more of
the present schools and leave the
others to continue, or abolish all and
establish a new one in their stead.
Tho four normals now In existence
were created by three separate acts.
Monmouth Normal School exists by vir
tue of an act of the legislature of
1891, "which act contains nine sections,
providing for the appointment of a
board of regents, prescribing their
powers and duties, etc. This aot is
contained in sections 84S1 to 3489, in
clusive of Bellinger and Cotton's code.
Weston normal exists under an act
of the Legislature of 1893, contained in
sections 3450 to 3500, inclusive, of the
code. The Ashland and Drain schools
were created in one act passed by tho
Legislature of 1899, which act is con
tained in sections S501 to 2507, inclu
sive, of the code.
If it were desired merely to discon
tinue one or more of these schools this
could be done by an act repealing the
sections of the code establishing them,
thus leaving the others to continue,
but if either Ashland or Drain normals
were to be effected, leaving one to
continue, the change would have to be
made by amendment rather than by
repeal, for both exist under one law.
Uniform Control Desired.
All through the last session of the
Legislature there was a strong desire
among many members to place all the
Normal Schools under one board of re
gents., the purpose being to remove
local influences which are too often
guided by selfish interests. In one or
porhaps more of the schools it has
been charged that the continuance In
office of the president of the school
depended upon his buying supplies
from a store In wnich a member of tho
Board' of Regents was interested. Lo
cal interests are sometimes concerned
more with the number of students
brought to the school than with the
standard of work maintained. To re
move this influence and bring all the
schools Into harmonious relations it
was proposed to create one Board of
Regents for all the schools, with not
more than ono member residing in a
county whore one of the schools is
An act embodying this plan might
be prepared and proposed by initiative,
specifying the schools that shall be
maintained by the slate, and repealing
ell the present laws authorizing the
operation of the schools.
. To draft a law that will bo satis
factory to a majority of those who
favor a change in the Normal Sohool
eyatem. is where the difficulty would
most likely arise. Members of the ways
and means committee of the Legisla
ture say that the Ashland school made
the best showing In point of work done
in proportion to the money expended.
'Weston is tne only place whore the
BtpXB has-made much of an Investment
in -buildings. Monmouth . Is located
iH-arest to the - center of population.
Tho discontinuance of any one of these
three schools would raise considerable
sectional opposition on the grounds in
dicated, but not so much could ba sail
In behalf of Drain normal.
But since the proposal has been made
to settle the Normal School question
by initiative petition. It Is believed by
nicn familiar with state affairs that a
law could be drawn that would meet
the approval of a large majority of the
people of the state, and that would in
sure a more economical expenditure of
the money appropriated for normal
. Normal School Machine.
:Machlne!" exclaimed' Stats Senator
Hodson, of Multnomah Countyf yester
day. "All through-the-last essioa wo
heard a cry against a "machine that
was supposed to "have its headquarters
in Multnomah County, but I want to
toll. you that there is no "machine In
Oregon that can compare- with that of
the Normal Schools. Tho members of
that Normal School machine stood to
gether for their common -welfare, re
gardless of party or faction- Going up
against that machine was like butting
your head again a stone wall. The
Normal Schools exert more influence
over legislation tnan any machine I
know of ,
To prevent the use of the Normal
Schools as the basis for logrolling in
the Legislature, as well as to concen-.
trate educational effort rather than
scatter It, is the purpose of those who
are tirging the change in the Normal
School system.
New Companies File Statements With
Secretary of State. ,
SALEM, Or., March 4. (Special.) Ar
ticles of incorporation were filed In the
office of Secretary of State Dunbar this
week as follows:
Portland Brewing Company, Portland,
capital stock $50,000; Incorporators. Alvin
Schmidt, Otto Meier and George Wilhelm.
People's Market & Grocery Company,
Portland, capital stock J 2000; Incorpora
tors, J. A. Henry, K. P. Carter and 3C
City Transfer & Delivery Company,
Portland, capital stock $25,000: Incorpora
tors. W. H. Malone, M. E. Malone and
J. G. Winkle.
Forestry Inn, Portland, capital stock
HO, 000; Incorporators. P. C. Mattox. H. M.
Fancber and Alice M. Potter.
Oregon Timber, Mining & Investment
Company, Grant's Pass, capital stock $50,
000; incorporators, Eugene V. Smith, Wil
liam R. Nipper and Eugene Pearson.
Bethel Telephone Company, Eugene,
capital stock 51003; Incorporators, Mark
T. Fleming, Charles Kompp and M. A.
Oregon Securities Company, Portland,
capital stock 55,000,000; Incorporators, Gus
tave B. Hengen. Frederick Eggert and
Osslan F. Paxton.
The Hlllsboro Amusement Association,
Hlllsboro, capital stock 53000: Incorpora
tors. G. A. Wehrung. A. C Shute and G.
A. Patterson.
Scandinavian Publishing Company, Port
land, capital stock 55000; incorporators,
O. H. Anderson, F. C. Hagemann, L.
Chrlstensen, G. M. Sterud, O. Hagoes and
Arthur Langguth.
Muck Clothing Company, Portland, cap
ital stock 510,000; Incorporators, A. A.
Muck. C J. Muck and C. H. Derrie.
Oregon & Southeastern Railroad Com
pany, Portland, capital stock 51.000,000; In
corporators, Gustave B. Hengen, Osslan
F. Paxton and Nathan D. Simon.
Clatskanle Fraternal Association. Clats
kanle, capital stock $5000; Incorporators.
M. E. Page, Norman Merrill, J. L. Camp
bell, James McDonald and J. E. Hall.
Long Clothing Company, limited. On
tario, capital stock $10,000; incorporators,
M. Alexander, G. W. Long, J. H. Madden
Jacob Ullman and William Simons.
Yates Nonreflllable Bottle Company.
Portland, capital stock $128,000; incorpora
tors, O. Yates. N. Kohn, Morris Ball. R.
Smith and F. S. Stanley.
Bank of Amity, Amity, capital stock
$25,000; Incorporators. R. O. Jones, George
F. Hauser, John F. Yost, C. R, Matthls.
J. A. Ruble, J. W. Brledwell and J. W.
George M. Cole Company, North Yam
hill, capital stock 515.O00: incorporators.
E. F. Schneider. H. S. Englebrfght and
George M. Cole.
Pennsylvania Doctor Leaves Strange
Note to California Governor.
LOS ANGELES. CaL. March 4. Dr.
S. Elwood Schlrmer has committed sul
oide by shooting himaelf through the
heart On a table in the room was a
communication in a plain sealed en
velope addressed as follows:
"To Hon. George C. Pardee, Governor
of the State of California. Let no man
break this seal but the Governor. From
Dr. S. Elwood Schlrmer. D. D, S. and M.,
formerly of Tamaqua, Pa., now in your
state, in Los Angeles.
"I honor Old Glory forever."
The communication is in the hands
of the Coronor, but has not been opened.
The reason for Schirmers suicide is
unknown. Little Is known of him her.
where he arrived three weeks ago. He
was about 40 years of ago.
Constablo Who Conducted Lunatic
1400 Miles Loses His Mind.
BRANDON, Manitoba. March 4.
(Special.) Mounted Police Constable
Paine, the officer who brought an ln
Bane man 1400 miles from Fort Chippe
wa to Edmonton, is hopelessly insane
as the result of his fearful experience.
He has been taken to an asylum, and
it is believed doubtful If he will ever
When Paine reached Edmonton, after
the SO days' Journey by dog-sled with
the lunatic for companion, he was at
the end of his endurance, mentally and
physically, but it was hoped that a
complete rest would restore him. The
strain of guarding the Insane man
through the snow wastes was so se
vere, however, that he grew worso in
stead of better.
Piano Salesman Says Arrest Caused
by Malice of Creditors.
WALLA WALLA. Wash., March 4
(Speclal. B. C. Hendcrshott, a piano
salesman, employed by Ellers Piano
House in Colfax, Wash., was arrested
here last night as ho stepped from the
Dayton train. He is charged with ob
taining money under false pretenses,
though he declares that his arrest Is
malicious on the part of his creditors. He
was formerly omployed In a Spokane
liquor house. He objected to going to Jail,
and paid for a guard so that he might
sleep in the hotel last night. An officer
arrived from Colfax today to take him
back tomorrow morning.
Dog Slips From Log and Cable Hits
John Farrv
NEWBERG. Or., March 4. (Special.)
John Fair, a laborer at the Spaulding
Logging Company's sawmill, was struck
by a flying cable yesterday, thrown Into
the air and his left arm torn off close to
the shoulder. The force of the blow was
so terrific that the arm was thrown a
distance of 70 feet toward tho river. A
big log waB being hauled up the chute,
when the dog slipped out, letting the log
slip back and pulling up tho slack in the
small cable with a terrific Jerk. Farr Is
In a critical condition and may die from
the shock. He also received a deep gash
in the head.
Soft Drinks Over Saloon Bar.
HOOD RIVER. Or.. March 4. (Special.)
In order that he might come out even
on his rent bill since prohibition went into
effect, a local saloonkeeper has changed
his sign to "billiards." and replaced his
stock of malt and vinous liquors with
soda-pop and lemonade. His screens have
been removed and the doors swing wide
open. He reports a brisk trade these warm
The Grip.
"Before we can sympathize wltlj others
we must have suffered ourselves." No one
can describe to you the suffering attend
ing an attack of the grip, unless you have
had the actual experience. There Is prob
ably no disease that causes so much phys
ical and mental agony, or which so suc
.cesefully defies medical aid." All danger
from the grip, however, may be avoided
by the prompt use of Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. Among tho tens of thou
sands who have used this remedy, not one
case has ever bepn reported that has re
sulted In pneumonia or that has not re
covered. For sale- by all druggists.
The GREATEST qaaxttty erar Imported by pay
brugis Ifce history ! flfc Quuapagxe trade.
sWfee aad Spirit
"Messrs. FiwSc in Bry fc C
Wlntrto dcb known,, aed Hfeesc
urms or ica ere popuwr
COS Ckaapggi is
Threat Against Legislature if
Wood Is Not Paid For.
Alleged That Because of Veto of Cap
ital Removal Bill, Appropriations
Committee Wishes to lncon
venienco Governor Mead.
OLYMP1A, "Wash., March 4 (Special)
The Legislature is planning to do some
night work in the remaining four days of
the session, but there is a contingency
that may possibly arise to prevent it.
The Legislature has not been good to
Secretary of State Sam H. Nichols. Some
The Lat Stephen Bean, of
Basdon. Or.
time ago the appropriation for main
tenance of tho building ran out. and he
bought enough -wood to last until April 1,
with tho understanding that the Legisla
ture should be looked to for payment.
Tho appropriations committee met, and
still again the deficiency for. wood
amounting to about $000 has not been al
lowed. It is Intimated that, unless the
committee comes to time, Mr. Nichols will
allow no more of the unpaid-for wood to
go' into the furnaces, and that early next
week there will be neither light nor heat.
The Secretary of State has also infor
mally notified Governor Mead that be will
not undertake the responsibility of con
ducting the maintenance affairs of the
capltol on the allowance named in the
general appropriations bill agreed to by
the joint appropriations committee. This
amount, as heretofore given, is $10,000 for
two years. The same amount was al
lowed two years ago, when thtro was no
annex to take care of, and It was insuffi
cient for the needs of the building by
The Secretary of State has made an
estimate of the necessary expenses for
the coming period, and it amounts to $11.
000 for each year, or 56000 mora yearly
than the committee has allowed. Theso
figures are on a basis of a 30 por cent cut
from the present wages paid the regular
employes of the building. The schedule
Includes an engineer at $100 per month;
assistant, $75; .three Janltora. $75 each;
night watchman, $60; elevator man. $40;
fuel. $3000 per year; water, repairs and
The Governor has realized the necessity
for a larger appropriation and has now
decided to take an active hand In the
It Is charged by Olympla people that the
principal elements back of the disposition
to inconvenience the running of the cap
ltol is the removal sentiment, which con-.
trols a majority of the joint appropria
tions committee, and which finds its vent
In a desire to inconvenience the Governor
and the other state officers who stood by
him in vetoing the -bill.
There was an attempt last night to hold
another meeting of the committee and re
open the bill, but the adjournment of the
Senate took away the Senate committee,
and tho meeting was a failure. A num
ber of thft institutions and departments
outside of Olympla that have been well
remembered In the appropriation bill are
fighting a reopening of the matter, for
fear that If the capltol Is granted more
money, the sum will be taken away from
some other department Just what the
Governor proposes to do is not clear, but
the intimation is given outside of official
quarters that he will likely consider it a
personal affront on account of his veto of
tho removal bill, and that he will retal
iate by holding a club over certain blll3
passed up to him until the' matter Is. ad
Special Tickets for Easterners Dur
ing Lewis and Clark Fair.
SALEM. Or.. March 4. SpccIal. Resi
dents of Salem are greatly pleased to
learn today from General Freight and
Passenger Agent W. E. Coman that tho
Southern Pacific will sell reduced rate
tickets from Portland through the Val
ley during tho Fair. It is understood that
these tickets, with stop-over privileges,
will be sold only to holders of tickets
from the East. "When the Salem Com
mercial Club first asked that stop-over
tickets be sold. Southern Pacific officials
hesitated, for the reason that selling such
.tickets at reduced .rates would injure
their local business.
To protect tho company In -this respect
in 1904 of
CiNKlRr Jus, It. It, arast
brougbt ov bt yr to Ma 94e of
impertfttra pek to. tfc strongest yy
esieeo in wnica u. . mumm
held ae this csntloeat"
It has been provided that these tickets
shall bo sold only to Easterners, and this
is the class of people residents of the Val
ley are extremely anxious to have visit
this part of the state. The plan Is, there
fore, entirely satisfactory. "Without some
arrangement whereby visitors would be
encouraged to stop off a day or two In
Valley towns. It was feared that the
Lewis and Clark Fair would lose much
of Its value to the state. Besides selling
the stop-over tickets, the Southern Pacific
will run excursion trains, making the trip
from Portland to Corvallls and return in
one day.
Supreme Court Takes Part of Tres
passer Thrown From Train.
OLYMPIA, "Wash.. March 4. 3peclal.)
In tho case of Charles H. Dixon, re
spondent, vs. Northern Pacific Railway
Company, an opinion of tho Supreme
Court decides two Important points. One,
is that the. law will not permit a master
to allow his servant to unnecessarily
abuse or Imperil the life or limb even of
a trespasser, and If the company, through
Its servants, willfully Injure him. It will
be liable even though ho may have been
guilty of contributory negligence.
The other point, upon which there is a
great conflict of authority. Is that it is
within the Implied authority of a brake
man to expel trespassers from a railway
train. The action was to recover dam
ages for an alleged wanton and willful
act in kicking Dixon from a moving
freight train near CentraLa. by a brake
man, with tho result that Dixon was so
injured that amputation of one arm was
necessary. The 'Judgment of the lower
court was for $1999. Judgment Is affirmed.
Fear of Late Frost Declared Ground
less by Old 8ettlers.
HOOD RIVER, Or., March 4. (Special.)
Peach trees will be In bloom in a few
days and fruit buds are swelling in all
parts of the valley. Strawberry vines are
putting forth new leaves and the hillsides
have freshened up with a new growth of
There is apprehension by some of the
fruitgrowers lest a cold snap should dam
age the fruit during the month, but old
settlers state that frosts of any great
destructivencss have never occurred after
the opening of Spring. The roads are
drying fast, while farmers are taking ad
vantage of the good weather to plow.
There has been less rain and snow In
this part of Oregon than for many pre
vious years. Mountain peaks where the
snow has been accustomed to. linger until
May 1, and often times far Into June,
are now almost clear of snow. The rain
fall during the month of February was
a trifle' over one inch.
Chairman Brady at Banquet Boosts
Orator for Senator.
BOISEl Idaho. March 4. (Special.) A
banquet tendered last night by the citi
zens of Boise to the members of the Leg
islature continued until very late, some
significant political utterances were made
during the festivities. Judge George H.
Stewart aroused a storm of applause by
introducing Governor Gooding as the
"Governor for four years," the sentiment
in favor of his renomlnatfbn meeting the
unanimous approval of the company.
Chairman Brady, of the state commit
tee, alluding to the Capitol building bill,
declared that, having given Boise tho
permanent capital the party could also
give it the next United States Senator.
This allusion to tho candidacy of TV. E.
Borah brought forth a tumultuous demon
stration, with calls for the young orator
to. respond. 'Ho spoke at some length
when he was reached on the programme,
a feature of his address being an appeal
for the direct-primary system.
Desire of House Committee Regard
ing New Congressional Districts.
OLYMPIA, Wash., March 4. (Special.)
A majority of tho House committee on
Congressional apportionment is opposed
to Senator Rand's bill dividing the state
into Congressional districts, and will re
port it for Indefinite postponement. Tho
minority favors passage with an amend
ment taking San Juan and Island Coun
ties out of tho southwest district and
putting them In the northwest district.
J. J. Brown, a Democrat and one of the
founders of Spokane, has been appointed
a Regent of the State Agricultural Col
lege by Governor Mead to succeed J. P.
Sharp, deceased. Brown is now a trus
tee of the Cheney Normal School, and will
resign that place.
McBrlde for New Commissioner.
BOISE, Idaho, March 4.-Special.) C.
B. Hurtt, executive commissioner of the
Exposition Commission, has resigned, and
It has been agreed that Stato Senator R.
"W. McBrido shall succeed him. Senator
McBrlde has been a member of the com
mission and spent the Summer in St.
Louis. He was especially in charge of
the mining exhibit. Another Commission
er will be chosen to succeed McBrlde, but
otherwise there will be no changes.
Slipping Rifle. Kills Hunter.
ROSEBTJRG, Or.. March 4. (Special.)
Bert Barrett, aged S years, and unmar
ried, was accidentally killed while hunt
ing In the mountains on Rico Creek. In
this county, Thursday. His rifle slipped
from his hand, the hammer struck a rock
and discharged the weapon, the bullet
penetrating his bduy, killing him almost
Student Poisoned by Mistake.
M'inNNVILLE, Or., March 4. (Spe
cial.) Yesterday evening Miss Ethel
Ford, a student In the musical department
of the college, took by mistake medicine
that proved to be- poison. Medical aid
was Immediately summoned and her suf
ferings relieved. Sho Is now considered
out of danger.
Smallpox Blankets Stolen.
BUTTE, Mont- Maixn 4. Burglars
broke into the pesthouse last night and
stole a quantity of bedding recently
used by .smallpox patients. The "au-thorltlcs-greatly-
fear-the contagion will
be spread broadcast by tne sale, of the
blankets and quilts. . "
Copyrlght by
Hart, Schaffncr &. Marx, 1905
Mrs, Stanford's Bequests Are
$3j1 25,000.
One Brother, Charles G. Lathrop,
Gets $1,000,000 Outright, While
$2,000,000 Is Held In Trust
for Other Relatives.
Amount divided, aside from, previous
endowment of Stanford University;
Interest upon 1.000.000 to her broth
er, Ariel Lathrop. of Albany. 'Jf. Y.,
and principal to his heirs.
Interest upon one-third of other ? 1.OO0.
000 to her niece. Jennie L. Lawtoo.
and principal to her heirs.
Soma bequest to her niece. Amy -L.
Interest upon remaining one-third of
same 51.000.000 to be' divided between
Dime! S. and Amy t. Gunning, children
of Mrs. Stanford's niece.
To her brother, Charles Gardner La
throp. 11.000.000 outright.
To her secretary. Miss Bertha. Berner,
To five servants. $1000 each.
To various charitable institutions,
SAX FRANCISCO, March 4. The -will
of the late Jane Lathrop Stanford was
filed with the County Clerk of Santa Clara
County, In the City of San Jose, shortly
after 4 o'clock this afternoon. After de
claring It to be her last -will and testa-
ment, Mrs. Stanford says:
"I Bive to the Union Trust Company, of
San Francisco, the sum of $2,000,000, to
hold tho same in trust for the following
uses and purposes:
"A I authorize said trustees to Invest
said sum of $2,000,000 In first-class bojids
or other securities, as it may deem best,
and to pay over, at regular Intervalevthe
net Income arising from $1,000,000 thereof
to my brother, Ariel Lxithrop, of Albany,
N. T., for. and during the term of his nat
ural life, and upon his death (as he has no
children or descendants) this trust shall
cease and determine as to one-half of said
trust property: that Is to say, as to $1,000.
000 thereof, and the said sum or the prop
erty In which It may be Invested shall be
long to and be delivered to his relatives,
aa follows, viz:
"One-half thereof to his brother, Charles
Gardner Lathrop, and the other half
thereof to the descendants of his deceased
brother, Daniel Shields Lathrop. in the
proportions of one-third to his daughter,
Jennio I. Lawton; one-third to hl3 daugh
ter, Amy Gardner Hansen, and" the re
maining one-third In equal shares to Dan
iel SI Gunning and Amy L. Gunning, the
children of Christine I. Gunning, the de
ceased daughter of Daniel Shields Lath
rop, deceased.
"B To pay over at regular intervals to
my piece, the said Jennie L. lawton, the
full one-third of the net Income arising
from $1,000,000, the other half of said trust
fund, for and during the term of her nat
ural life, and upon her death this trust
shall cease as to one-third of said $1,000,000
and the said ono-thlrd of said $1,000,000
shall he delivered to the child or chil
dren of Jennio I. Lawton.
"C To pay over at regular Intervals to
my piece. Amy I. Hansen, the full one
third of the net income arising from said
SLOOO.OOO, being one-half o'fsaid trust fund,
for and during the term of her natural
life. Upon her death this trust shall cease
as to one-third of said $1,000,000. and the
said one-third shall belong to and be de
livered to the child or children of Amy
"D To pay bver one-half to each, at
regular Intervals. .to said Daniel S. Gun
ning "and Amy I Gunning, the children
of my deceased niece, Christine L. Gun
ning, one-third of the net income arising
from said $1,000,000, the said one-half of
said trust property, until such time as the
younger of the two shall reach the age of
23 years, at which time this trust shall
cease as to one-third of said $1,000,000. the
one-half of said trust property, and the
said .one-third shall belong to and be de
livered to Daniel S. and Amy I Gunning,
absolutely: provided, however, that if
either should die before the younger at
tains the age of 25 years, this trust shall
cease as to one-half of said one-third of
$1,000,000, and the proportion of the trust
property shall belong to and be delivered
to tho children of the one so dying, or If
there-be no such children, then to tho oth
ers, and the. trust shall, thereafter con
tinue as to the other one-hair of said one
iHlrd of $LCOQ,000 until the survivor TMokee
Are no doubt the very best ready-made
garments on the market, hence we make a
specialty of them; nothing too good for
our customers.
We have pictured here the Single
Breasted "Varsity." It will suit
you as well to wear as to look at.
$15 to $25
Sam'l Rosenblatt & Co.
the age of 2S years, at which time the trust
as to the remainder of said one-third of
$1,000,000 shall cease, and the property
shall belong to and be delivered to said
survivor; but If such survivor dies before
attaining such age of 23 years, this trust
shall then cease and the trust property
shall belong to his or her children; or. If
there be none such, then to his or her
heirs at law.
"IL I give and bequeath to my brother,
Charles Gardner Lathrop, the sum of
"HI. I give and bequeath to Miss Ber
tha Berner, secretary and devoted 'friend
to me through fifteen yearr of trial and
sorrow, the sum of $15,000.
"IV. To the" following faithful and de
voted servants. Mrs. Charles Robertson,
housekeeper for 14 years; Charles "Woos
ter, coachman for over 40 years; Edward
Largely, valet to my husband for 12 years;
John Kelly, gardener and caretaker of our
home In Sacramento, CaL, corner Eighth
and J$" streets, in our service for 41 years;
Ah Wing, servant for 20 years to each
and every one I give the sum of $1000.
"V. I give to the Old Ladles' Home In
Albany, State of New York, of which Mrs.
Frederick Townsend Is, or was, president,
the sum of $10,000.
"VI. I give and bequeath to the Prot
estant Orphan Asylum of Albany, State of
New York, where my dear father was
treasurer for 23 years or more, and of
which General John F. Rathbone was
president, the sum of $10,000."
To local charitable Institutions Mrs.
Stanford bequeaths the sum of $S5,000.
Five Executors Named.
The will was executed July 28, 1903, In
the City of San Francisco. The executors
nominated are Charles G. Lathrop. Rus
sell B. Wilson, Timothy Hopkins, Joseph
D. Grant, T. G. Crothere. all of San
Francisco, and "Whltelaw Reid, of New
York. Tb,ey are to serve without bonds.
But Doctors Will Testify Their Con
viction in Poisoning, Nevertheless.
HONOLULU, March 4. High Sheriff
Henry declared positively tonight that, so
far, there had not been discovered any
traces of strychnine either In the stomach
or medicines of Mrs. Stanford. It is prob
able that the inquest will be begun next
A large number of witnesses have been
summoned. Including a number of physi
cians, who will testify that, regardless of
what the chemists report, it is their belief
that strychnine poisoning was the cause
of death.
Many witnesses wijl testify concerning
Mrs. Stanford's good health and spirits
all evening before her death.
Two Servants Not Mentioned Are
Now Being Shadowed.
SAN FRANCISCO, March 4. So far as
the police department of this city is con
cerned, matters are at an absolute stand
still In the investigation of the mysteri
ous death of Mrs. Jane Lathrop Stanford.
The filing of the will of Mrs. Stanford
with the County Clerk of Santa Clara
County, in the City of San Jose, late this
afternoon, caused a stir in police and de
tective circles. It had been argued by
them that the bequests In the instrument
might furnish a clew that would lead
toward the unraveling of the baffling tan
gle. Whether or not the will has aided
the pollco Is unknown, as they are- not
ready to comment on this phase of the
According to the terms of the document
the only servant who Is a beneficiary to a
considerable extent is Miss Bertha Ber
ner, for 19 years a secretary to the late
Mrs. Stanford. She is bequeathed the sum
of $15,000. VJn her last testament Mrs.
Stanford refers most affectionately to
Miss Berner, ifrhom she styles "a devoted
friend In her Hours of trouble."
A number of servants are remembered
In the will, but each of these is given a
small amount each.
The former maid, Miss Richmond, and
the ex-butler, Beverly, each of whom are
being shadowed by detectives, were not
mentioned In the will.
Departure of Detectives Connected
With Reticence of Sheriff.
HONOLULU, March 4. The sailing
for Honolulu on tho Oceanic Steamship
Company's vessel, Alameda, today of
Captain Jules Callundan, representing
a private detective agency at San Fran
cisco, and Harry C Reynolds, of the
San Francisco Police Department, Is
regarded here as evidence that the au
thorities of the latter city as well a3
the representatives of the Stanford
estate believe thatMrs. Stanford wa$
poisoned, which Is against the theory
held by some persons that death, was
due to natural causes. It Is possible
that this conclusion is based on cable
grams sent by High Sheriff Henry to
the San Francisco police authorities
containing information which has not
been given out here.
The High Sheriff admits, however,
that the departure of the detectives
from San Francisco Indicates that in
their belief a crime has been, committed
and that a thorough investigation will
be held, but beyond this be declines to
give any information. High- Sheriff,;
Hfcsxy 6ay that the report -' or ' tho
chemists will not be made before- to
night. It Is now considered possible
that the Inquest which it had been ax
ranged should immediately follow tho
report of the chemists will be post
poned until the arrival of the Alameda.
The police authorities hero are main
taining an extraordinary secrecy re
garding everything concerning tha
Miss Hopkins and Ah Hong Guarded
In University Residence.
4. The handsome residence of Mrs. Stan
ford continues to be carefully guarded,
and no one is allowed to enter or leave
the mansion. In It are two servants, who
are kept there like prisoners. They are
Miss Nerah Hopkins and Ah Hong. Miss
Hopkins has been housemaid at the
campus residence for some time past, and
during the past two days it has been re
ported by those guarding the house that
she was In San Francisco. Today her
presence at the university residence be
came disclosed, but no one Is allowed to
see her. Ever since the first alleged, at
tempt to poison Mrs. Stanford was made
Miss Hopkins has refused to discuss the
matter with anyone.
Tho report that the strychnine found in
the bicarbonate of soda which Mrs. Stan
ford took to Honolulu could have come
from the Stanford stock farm seemed in
credible. The foreman of the farm stated
today that the last stychnlne on the place
was in September. 1904. Since that time
poisoned barley has been used to kill
What Sulphur Docs
For the Human Body In Health and
The mention of sulphur will recall to
many of us the early days when our
mothers and grandmothers gave us our
daily dose of sulphur and molasses every
Spring and Fall.
It was the universal Spring and Fall
"blood purifier," tonic and cure-all, and
mind you, this old-fashioned remedy was
not without merit-
The idea was good, but the remedy was
crude and unpalatable, and a large quan
tity had to be taken to get any effect
Nowadays we get all the beneficial ef
fects of sulphur in a palatable, concen
trated form, so that a single grain is.
far more effective than a tablespoonful
of the crude sulphur.
In recent years research and expari
ment havo proven that the beat sulphur
for medicinal use is that obtained from
Calcium (Calcium Sulphide) and sold In
drug stores under the name of Stuart's
Calcium Wafers. They are small chocolate-coated
pellets and contain the ac
tive medicinal principle of sulphur la a
highly concentrated, effective form.
Few people are aware of the value of
this form of sulphur in restoring and
maintaining bodily vigor and health: sul
phur acts directly on the liver and ex
cretory organs and purifies and enriches
-tho blood by tha prompt elimination of
waste material.
Our grandmothers knew this when they
dosed us with sulphur and molasses every
Spring and Fall, but the crudity and im
purity of ordinary flours of sulphur
were often worse than the disease, and
cannot compare withy the modern con
centrated preparations of sulphur, of
which Stuart's Calcium Wafers ii un
doubtedly the best and most widely used.
They are the natural antidote for liver
and kidney troubles and euro constipa
tion and purify" the blood In a way that
often surprises patient and physician
Dr. R. M. Wllkins, while experiment
ing with sulphur remedies, scon found
that the sulphur from Calcium was su
perior to any other form. He says: "For
liver, kidney and blood troubles, espe
cially when resulting from constipation
or malaria, I have been surprised at the
results obtained from Stuart's Calcium
Wafers. In patients suffering from bolls
and pimples and even deep-seated car
buncles, I have repeatedly seen them dry
up and disappear In four or five -days,
leaving the skin clear and smooth- Al
though Stuart's Calcium Wafers is a pro
prietary article and sold by druggists and
for that reason tabooed by many physi
cians, yet I know of nothing so safe and
reliable for constipation, liver and kid
ney troubles and especially In all forms
of skin diseases a3 this remedy."
At any rate people who are tired of
pills, cathartics and so-called blood
"purifiers" will find in Stuart's Calcium
Wafers a far safer, more palatable and
effective preparation.
The grocer would bs too,
comfortable if all his goods
were like Schilling's Best and
backed by the maker as they
are. .
Moneyback. . '