J?HB SUKD'AT ORE0O3IAX, " POBT MARCH . St . 1905. CITY NEWS IN 'BRIEF THE OBEGOXIAK'S TELEPHONES. Couaflsx-Koosi ................. .Mala 6P7 1S.axia.gUie Editor Mln 36 Sunde; Editor . Main CCj City Editor Main 160 Society Editor Main 623- Composlnc-Boom ..... ..... -Main CS5 Superintendent Building Bed 2S26 East Bldo Olflce East 61 AMUSEMENTS. COLUMBIA THEATER (JUh and Waftblncton) Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:03. "Old Heldelberc." EMPIRE THEATER U2th and MerrlBon)-MaU inee at 2:15, aad evening at 8:15, Manaras Mlnstrelo. LTRIC THEATER feor. Aider and 7th) Cere -edy-draraa. "Tlie Convict's Daughter." 2:30 aad 8:15 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. BAKER THEATER (Third and Taxnbll!) Con tinuous vaudeville, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. Bio Y. M. C. A. Meeting. The bis men's meeting at the Y. M. C A. this afternoon, called the Sunday Club for men, will be addressed by Rev. Clarence True Wilson. D. D., the new pastor of -Grace Methodist Episcopal Church. Dr. "Wilson will speak on the topic "Sin." Al though a young man himself, Dr, Wilson has been preaching for many years, hav ing begun his ministry when scarcely more than a boy. One of the most popu lar features of the Sunday Club Is the musical programme. During the last two months the attendance at these gather ings has never fallen below 400 men, and several times has more than filled the auditorium, and undoubtedly the music lias been one of the chief attractions. The music for today will bo furnished by Coulter's Orchestra, with a cornet solo by O. R. Myer. The Excelsior Male Quar tet will sing several songs, and a Touslng eong service will be led by Rev. F. Bur gette Short. D. D., of the Taylor-Street M. B. Church. Following the 3 o'clock programme, the large popular Bible classes led by Professor W. M. Wildor, and Messrs. C. A. Lewis and H. W. Stone will be held and the 10-cent social lunch con served. The programme of the aft ernoon begins at 3. and Is free to all men. Danish Residents to Entertain. Na tives of Denmark living in Portland are arranging for an entertainment to be given on Sunday evening, April 2, at Arlon Hall, in honor of the birth of Hans Christian Andersen, the great Danish story writer. The proceeds of the enter tainment arc to be devoted to the erection of an addition to the Children's Home at Chicago, which was founded many yoars ago In honor of the famous writer, who, during his career, probably wrote more stories for the amusement of children than any other writer. The Home is In need of improvements, and a wealthy woman has headed the subscription list with a donation of $5000. the balance to be raised by representatives of Denmark now living In the United States. Start Work on Schoolhouses. The Board of Education will start work on the additions to the Sellwood and High land schools as soon as possible. Bids for the erection of these additions will be closed March 9. For the Sellwood School, an addition containing six rooms and an ' assembly hall will be put up, which will make that building a 16-room structure, and at Highland four rooms are to be built, making It an IB-room building. At both the jo schoolhouses additions were built two years ago, but every room has been filled and new ones have become necessary. Woodmen op tiib World to Convene. The third district convention of the Woodmen of the World will be held at McMinnville next Wednesday, and a spe cial train will leave the Yamhlll-street depot at 7:10 o'clock that morning to con vey to the convention the delegates from Portland and the east side of the river as far north as Albany. The convention will be composed of delegates representing about 10,000 members of the order living in tills section of the state, of whom 110 will be from this county. Dr. Richardson's Lectures. By an error in the notice, the dates of the lec tures on Greece by Rufus B. Rlchard aon were wrongly announced yesterday. It should have said Monday. Wednesday and Friday evenings, the 13th, 15th and 17th of March, the lectures to be given in the lectureroom of the Library, the subjects respectively, "Athens," "Our Excavation at Corinth" and "Mycenae and Crete." They will be fully Illus trated by Dr. Richardson's own slides. Want Larger Mains. The Civlo League, of University Park, at its meet ing yesterday at the home of Mrs. J. L. McKenna, appointed a committee to pre sent a petition to the water committee, asking for larger mains in that suburb. The petition is generally signed. The league will hold a meeting next Friday afternoon in the Haywood Auditorium to reorganize upon a somewhat larger basis and lay some plans for work during the coming season. To Build Rotart Engines. The Gen eral Engine Company has selected a site on East Water and Belmont streets for the factory in which will be manufac tured rotary engines for steamboats, au tomobiles, and for all purposes for which power is used. The promoters of the fac tory are Horace C. Campbell, 143 East Twelfth street: Joseph Supple and Will lam M. Plympton. The new factory will bo in shape to start up in about six weeks. Columbia Theater Not Yet Sold. It was rumored last night that Sam H. Frledlander, of San Francisco, had at length completed his negotiations with J. EL Blazler for the purchase of the Colum bia theater, Fourteenth and Washington streets, but this was denied last night by Mr. Frledlander. "It Is true that I am after the Columbia," be said, "but there has been no sale. Nothing definite will be known until a few days later. Deatjess Cured by the little magic Maasucon. It is strictly a home treat ment. However, we will give you free test treatments; or if you are incurable. we will sell you the Acoustican that you can hear with and have your hands free. Go to church and halls with It In comfort. Edison uses it Both are electrical. It is being put in the principal churches East. Hutchison Acoustic Co., established at 129 Seventh st. Come and talk with us. Foe Soldiers' Cottages. Bumner Women's Relief Corps, No. 2L G. A. R., gave an entertainment and supper last evening In the hall on Grand avenue and East Pine streets, the proceeds to go to a fund to be used to assist in furnishing cottages for soldiers at the Soldiers' Home, at Roseburg. The corps will en deavor to raise a sum for this purpose. as will the other corps In the state. Noxth Pacific S. S. Co's. steamship Roanoke, 2400 tons, sails for Coos Bay, Eureka, San Francisco and Los Angeles, Tuesday. March from Columbia dock No. 1. Office. 251 Washington St. Phone Main 6SS. Harry Young, Agt. F. E. Beach & Co., the Pioneer Paint Co., selling the best things made in paints. Agents for "Liquid Veneer." ""Jap-A-Lac" "Hygienic" Kalsomine. Neal's Enamels, Plate and Sheet Glass. 135 First street. A. M. HOLLABAUGH, the veteran shoe maker, who slipped on the ice during the cold snap and broke his arm, has recov ered sufficiently to return to work and shake hands with his patrons. Good Women. CThe teachers' salary question will receive passing "notice at t ayior-street Methodist Church toniKhL Morning subject, "The Mighty to Save" Steamer Regulator for The Dalles and way points will leave Portland Monday. ii cunesoay ano fnaay oi weeic commenc lag March 6. Roses.,, Fine selection, strong plants. a no jsiosan nose .Nurseries, UH Mllwau lde avenue. Tel. East 13S. B. and R., homeopathlcs. now S07 Wash. Knight Drug Co., agents. 'Phone 2693. Masquerade Ball. Merrill's Hall, Sat urday, uarcn t. uooa music. Hotel Ostokd, -Sixth and Oak. Open e&curaay, -aiarcn 4. XposxERt-tbfi booster, oi fcjsj cofl; Consul Miller's Lectures on Orient. On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. March 1 and 15, at the White Temple, Consul Henry B. MUIer, American Consul General to Niuchwang, Manchuria, China, will give a series of two stereoptlcon lec tures, under the auspices of the Mazarna?, illustrated by a very remarkable, collec tion of war pictures, showing recent crit ical events In Manchuria, the seat of the war. The lantern slides are made from Consul Miller's photographs taken in the heart of the war up to a few weeks ago. Many groups of famous diplomats. Gen erals, war correspondent?, and other high officials, both Russian and Japanese, will be shown. An historical talk on the rival occupation of Manchuria by Russia and Japan will precede the explanation of the pictures. Consul Miller will also have Im portant news to communicate concerning the coming changes In our trade relations with the Orient and great opportunities that await Oregon. No Portland business man can afford to miss these lectures. The Mazamas are requested to turn out In force Tickets. 50c each, at tho J. K. Gill Co. and Woodard, Clarko & Co. Will Meet to Organize. The proposed Women's Auxiliary Corps of Scout Young Camp, Spanish War veterans, will meet to organize Tuesday afternoon, at 2:30 o'clock, at the hall used by the camp, 162 Second street, and it Is hoped that a largo number of women friends will be present. It is though that such an aux iliary would be a valuable aid in times of sickness, and also would be helpful along social lines. People's Fobujt. Beginning with .this evening, the meetings of tho People's Fo rum are to be held in the Knights of Pythias Hall, in the Marquam building. This evening, at 7:30, Thomas N. Strong will speak on municipal ownership. Free and open discussion is Invited. All inter ested are welcome. Oregon's Finest Roses grown by Clarke Bros., 2S9 Morrison St., headquarters for all the new and rare varieties, aa well as the best standard sorts. Now is tho time to plant our large dormant, 2-ycar-old bushes, the best in the land. Prices low. Handsomely illustrated catalogue free To Remember Emmet's Death. Tho anniversary of the death of Robert Em met will be observed today by the Irish residents of this city, for which an elab orato programme has been prepared. Tho exercises will take place at Arion Hall. Admission will be free. S. S. "Alliance" sails from Couchrst. dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Tuesday night, March 7, at S. Eureka, 7.50 cabin, $5.00 second-class; C003 Bay, $5.00 cabin, $3.09 second-class, meals and berth in cluded. F. P. Baumgartner, Agent, Main 85L Will Hold Lenten Services. Lenten services will be held In Ascension Chapel, Nineteenth and Elm streets, Portland Heights, every Wednesday evening during Lent, beginning next Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, at S o'clock P. M. When it comes to a question of heat ing satisfactorily, economically. It Will Pay You to see us. Phone Main 52. The W. G. McPherson Co., 47 First street, between Pine and Ash. R. L. Cate, successor to Gate & Powell, general agents for the Hawthorne estate and Ladd's Addition. Main office, 113 Sec ond st, between "Washington and Stark. Phone Main G2S. Tomorrow night the Supreme Lodge plan of assessment will be discussed at Industry Lodge, No. 8, A, O. W. All members of the order are requested to be present. Steamer W. H. Kruger sails direct for San Francisco this evening, P. M. Cabin $12, steerage $S. Meals and berth included, a H. Thompson, Agent, 12S Third st. San Francisco steamer sails today, S P. M. Cabin, $12; steerage, $S, meals and berth included. Independent Steamship Co.. 165 North 6th st. Free Band Concert at Vancouver City Park today, at 2:80 P. M-, by the Nine teenth Infantry Band. Take Vancouver car. Rev. A. Ratmond. Independent slate wrltlrig, test medium. Spiritual Society. Ablngton bldg., today. '2:30 and S. Free. Grand Ball given by Sons of Her mann for the benefit of German day. In Merrill's Hall, Saturday, March 1L New and slightly used pianos rented and sold on easy terms at reduced prices. H. Sinsheimer, 72 Third st. See R. L. Cate if you want a home, 113 Second st., between Washington and Stark. Dr. R. Nunn, Macleay bldg., has re turned 10 A. M. to 12:80 P. M.; 2:30" to 4:30 P. M. Have you heard of the "Televue," see ing telephone, on exhibition this week? A veet fine dinner today at the Calu met, 149 Seventh st. Price as usual, 50c. Transits, levels, etc., for sale, 666 Worcester bldg. WHEBEJE0 BIHE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant, fine, private apart xnents for parties. SQ5 Wash., near 5th. Tho Butler. Elegant turkey dinner served today, with, wine, 60c. 145 First Main 235. Tho Empire Restaurant will serve special chicken dinner today from 12 to 7:30. 192 Third street Elegant Italian dinner, including ravi oli, wine, etc., 50c. Manhattan Restaurant, 69 Sixth street Genuine French dinner with wine, E0 cents at No. 93 Fifth street, near Stark. French dinner, with wine, 50c: chicken dinner 35c. Oxford Restaurant 6S 6th. st Special chicken dinner today at Per kins Restaurant, 35c. D. M. Watson. CLOSING OUT HATTING- SAI$ Having a very large stock of fine linen warp matting on hand, we must positively close it out to mako room for our new stock of goods to arrive for the Fair trade. We also have a large stock of new canton, crepe and linen embroidered pat terns for ladles waists and dresses, pongee silks and other fine goods, such as grass linen, table center pieces, Japanese and Chinese latest novelties, curios, etc., at lowest prices. Andrew Tf an & Co., 2S7 Morrison. BOLD BURGLARY FOILED. Herring-Hall-Marvin Safe Co., 70 Sixth street Portland Oregon. Gentle men: Burglars attempted to blow open the chest In our safe this morning, but failed. Apparently two charges of nitroglycerin were used. We congratu late you on the superior quality of your safe. It has saved us more than its cost already. Yours truly. F. DRESSER. & CO. By F. Dresser, President SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. Goodyear machine. Better than hand work. Best material used. " Schwind & Bauer. 263 Yamhill, between Third and Fourth. There is good reason why White Rock Lzthia Water should have a great and increasing de mand. It's the best yet discovered. Awarded the only gold medal of all com petitors at Paris Exposition In 1900. CARD OF THANKS. We deslr to express our heartfelt wanna to our many wna mends for their tender sympathy and kindness during the Illness and after death of our loving mother. Annie Louise Holme. FAMILY. BCSTNESS ITEMS. If Bjr J" Cutflc Teet&i X cur aad tm ttat old. aA irell-trlsd raatfrr. Ktt TdnsloWa Eootslar Syran. ior cfcllcrea teetala. It aaetsae tm child. softfes tin (nsi. ti'msi fcU. Mitt jmt SMASHED TO PIECES This is the condition of watches brought to ns daily for.Tcpairs, but by tho time they leave our "Watch Hospital are. good as now. Railroad, and Street-Car Men -who want first-class work done on their watches should leave them here. We can fnrnish the finest kind of references among' your fellow-workmen as to the kind of work we turn out- Every Watch repaired hero is warranted to keep first-class time or it -wont cost you a cent. JEWELRY MANUFACTURED Yes, vfe can make anything in the jewelry line. Scarf Pins, Brooches, Rings, Charms, Cuff Buttons, Emblems" Elk Teeth mounted in some of the very swell est designs, both in charms and pins. Hava you ever .seen our line of mounted nnd' unmounted elk teeth, they are the talk of the town. Bleeps some of our neighbors guessing -where we get them, also why we sell so many If you want a fine Elk Tooth wc can sell it to you, for we certainly have the goo'ds. Our shop is never idle for wo turn out only first-class work, and there is nothing in the jewelry line we cannot make. Give ns a trial. Highest price paid for old gold. JAEGER BROS. olS! 290 MORRISON STREET PHILADELPHIA AFTER BANK ROBBER J. L. Kingsley Twice Seen at His Home. DETECTIVES ON THE WATCH They Shadow the Residence, but Friends of the Crook Probably Warned Him In Time to Get Away. City detectives yesterday learned that J. L. Kingsley, acknowledged head of the gang of bankrobbers that suc cessfully operated at Lebanon, spent Thursday and Friday nights at his home in South Portland, unmolested by officers. From 8 o'clock last night until daylight this morning, officers shad owed tho Kingsley residence, but with out success, as Kingsley did not appear on the scene. In the opinion of the po lice ho was warned by friendly neigh bors that the officers were on his track. Information came to the Police De partment early yesterday afternoon that Kingsley had been seen about 4 o'clock Friday morning, walking away from his home. Ho walked rapidly, going toward the south, and had disap peared before the neighbor who saw him could think of notifying the au thorities. Again, j-esterday morning, about the same time, a passerby on his way to work noticed Kingsley in the neighborhood of his residence. Alter reaching the place where he Is em ployed, this man notified a friend, who communicated with the police. It was intimated that Kingsley had returned to Portland to make arrangements for the removal of his family to another part of the country and that ho re mained In hiding during the day, -visiting his home late at night and remain ing until daybreak. Police Captain Moore, to whom tho information was given, immediately as signed Detectives A. Q. Vaughn and Lou Haftman to tho case. The detec tives took a car for South Portland and got off in tho vicinity of the Kingsley residence, where Detective Vaughn shadowed the house while Hartman In terviewed those from whom the in formation was supposed to have come. It was established beyond a doubt that Kingsley had been at his house both Thursday and Friday nights. From shortly after 8 o'clock last night until daylight this morning the officers guarded the residence, ready to take Kingsley Into custody should be appear. He did not appear, however, and the officers are of the opinion that lie was notified by friends that the police were watching for him. It is al leged that he h3s friends In the vicin ity of his home who would protect him, and It is thought that it was one of these friends who shielded him in the daytime. Search was made of the neighborhood aaid all tho resorts in the vicinity wore Htitf0S$bto.- 11 rMSSEbr Ex' N.Third JOOTH4ffl(M)wi3s.ouRi elusive AT FASHION'S HEADQUARTERS FAMOUS CLOTHING MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS SHOE STORE DAVID BISPHAM The World's Greatest Baritone, MarquamGrand Theater March 9th THE STEIN WAY PIANO Of course. All the great artists use no other. For Sale Only by SOUlE BROS. PIANO CO. Stein way and fifteen other makes of Standard Pianos. S72 and 374 Morrison St., Cor. W. Park. closely watched- The search will be continued today and all trains, out going, as well as street-cars, will be closely watched. It is the plan of the police to guard every path leading from the city. Neighbors of Kingsley, one of the of ficers stated last night, bolleve that he has not been but of the city since the arrest of other members of his gang by the Sheriffs deputies, and think that whilo Sheriff Word was looking for the man In Seattle, Kingsle was com municating with his family every night. Kingsley Is known to" acquain tances as bold and. reckless, a man who would run any chance, and it is thought that he was determined to remain in the vicinity and run the risk of arrest until he completed details for the re moval of his family. Tho idea of Kings ley going from Portland to Victoria and from there Bast through Canada, as expressed by officers some days ago, is said by Kingslcy's acquaintances to have been caused "by confederates who attempted to lead officials from the right track. Police officers last night declared that they were confident Kingsley was in Portland and that every avenue of escape would be close ly guarded. For Enticing Girl to Saloon. On a charge of enticing Sadie Thomas, a minor, into Blazler'a First-street sa loon Mrs. L. F. Phillips was arrested last night by Detective Sergeant Slover, and released on $50 cash ball. Her hus band, who is manager of the establish ment, furnished the amount. The girl, who Is aged IS years, is held on a charge of loitering in a saloon, and as a witness against Mrs. Phillips. "When Slover entered the box in which Mrs. Phillips and Mis 3 Thomas were seat ed, there was a bottle of beer on the ta ble, but both women declare the girl had not tasted the liquor. The case will be called before Municipal Judge Hogue to morrow. Complain to the Police. A. -Anderson reported to Captain of Po lice Moore last night that ho and a party of three friends paid for a private box at tho Orpheura. but when they refused to admit women they were compelled to leave the place. Anderson was advised to New Suits FOR LITTLE MEN HAVE COME IN Mothers, give the mttter of dressing the boys right your due considerationSee our dis play and note the little prices. $2 to $5 - make complaint to the City Attorney to morrow, and. said bo would do so. Ander son Uvea at 121 Knott street. Begin While You Are Young To save your money and when you are old you will not depart from it, though you will then be beyond the need for saving if you deposit your surplus earn ing? with us and reap the reward of thrift I per cent interest from us, compounded semiannually. We'd like to show you money grows by our meth ods any business day. This week is the best week for you to start in. Oregon Savings Bank SIXTH AND MORRISON STS., Portland. Oregon. to Introduce irrua m rww P"UI ' 1903; dieses nro v taon hook'm on. Dealers misted.. KiNfiriaHCR u.n'Ua.TilOUTBwBima HOMEOPATHIC XE5CEDIXS -t Ceisyleta stock, moderste prices. Mall orders soUdted. Catalaojaa treo. WOODASD, n.ATHTB U CO., PartUsd. Or. I i CO. Splendid Suits and opcoats at$J5and$20 FOR SPRING 1905 Judging from the point of fashion, tailoring and quality, you would reasonably expect to pay "$10.00 more for any garment we present at 15.00 and 20.00. Each model received the same personal supervision, during construction, that our very finest custom clothes did, and you obtain elegance and smartness of style and fabric from the world's foremost designers and tailors at the mfaftninri prices $5 and The Greatest Clothlni House In We have a large and complete assortment of Loving or Prize Cups in- sterling sliver and pewter. An inspection will convince you that our stock Is well selected and the t prices right r 284 WASHINGTON STREET Between Fourth. and Fifth WALTER 133 SIXTH STREET i WHEN 1 YOU VITAL WEAKNESS leases ests&Uilted. meit saeeeMXU ass reUasle speeUUais la dUeases a Bes, m medical diploma. Beeaie sad Bevr? per records skew. Stricture, Varicocele, Nervous Debility, Bfood Poison, Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases Uj xU dteeeses xa Tre&Scxessea due to laaeritaace, evil Itafclts, ex cesses or the rcsalt of apeclae diseases. -C CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE Sou "SgSStSf " Offtee He ant S A. 3C to S F. 31. ? SnBdays, 10 ta 13 esdy. St. Louis SSlr Dispensary Cer. SecoBd and Yamhill Streets. Portland, Or. HOSPITALITY AT SMALL EXPENSE Satrta!smes.t tna Is. $lMaur ta jom KVtxu los ast fia-panO. on the xaos7 yon pead. but oa your owa ksowledgi ct how ta rcetive aadT extesa hospitality. CbrlstlM ZerfeUB Xerrlelc tails yoa all About it. Fost jwla. 3A casts. X. 7. CLOBX. FsMbfcar, 18 Tlftk Are, Xttr York. gchwab Printing Co. X 7A 8TARX TXIIT ; ' " A " k -.'0 ' . . . " mi ' ' v. . V v e - . $20 the Northwest 284 WASHINGTON STREET . : Between Fourth and Fifth : PCftTLAHQiOREO. 0 Strain a cable beyond its resisting powers it J brealrs. So it is with, the eyes. A slight strain. weakens them, a continuons strain destroys s their usefulness. Let us care for your vision & in time to save it. z. REED Trie OPTICIAN OREGON1AN BUILDING" Above nil other things, ire strive to save the thou sands of. young: and rnldJle-aged men who are plans Ins toward the grave, tortured by the woes of nervous debility. T7e have evolved a special treatment ior Nrvous Debility and special weakness that is uni formly successful In caes where success was before and by other doctors deemed Impossible. It does sot stimulate temporarily, but restores permanently- It allays irritations of the delicate tissues surrounding the lax and unduly expanded glands, contracting them to their normal condition, which prevents lost vitality. It tones up and strengthens the blood vessels that carry nourishment. The patient realizes a great blight has been lifted from his life. We want aU MEW WHO AKE SHFFERIKG from any disease or special weakness to feel that they can com' to our office freely for examination and explaaatioa of their condition FHEE OF CHARGE, without being, bound by any obligation whatever to take treatraeae unless they so desire. curs Eviry WisUi is ounKeaica mrws mwrir sbest tbe. waedrfBl MAXYIL WMr Spray TlaNaw I4Ja ffyrl cea.veit. If he eaanet capplT tba otber. box xeod stzmpt 9t 11- mil Tunirnlm and dire citansla. LjrftloablatolaiUe. MA CO.. sssr m Tar Woodcrd; Clerk Co Fextlutt, OncM., gs GHICHESTSn a CHXJW BATE. AlwTaM. Li Ur CJUU&XSTXK' in nimiin Hiak im, mm SSfcSVJ if