THE SUNDAY OBEGONIJl PORTLAlfD, MAEOH 5, 1905. HOW THE OTHER HALF OF THE WORLD LIVES Glimpse of City Life in Brussels d 150,000 Dogs as Draft Animals i By G. W. Burton. 36 BRUSSELS Is In many -ways one or the most interesting cities in Eu rope. It Is called "Little Taxis," because of Its beauty. Its -wealth, its art. anfl the gay life of the people. The city ; numbers about 509.000 inhabitants, and Is I divided Into the old city and the new. Boulevards 250 feet wide occupy the place vrhero the wall of the old city once Tan. Outside of these lie the new additions, which are In some respects suburbs of the old city. Passing; through Brussels one turns suddenly from one of these new streets 250 feet wide, where the houses have all been built within the last 50 years, some ,of them but just completed. Into a street of the old city, a mere alley 20 feet wide, perhaps only 10 feet, with sidewalks in the narrowest part only a foot wide. Most of the retail business Is done In this old city, and along some of these narrowest streets. Others of these eld alleys are veritably human beehives, so packed are they with human beings. They fairly swarm with children, who roll along the sidewalks, and even Into the streets. In many of these old nar row street the bouses are as they stood in the Middle Ages, when the Spaniards ruled the Low Countries, and Charles V of Spain was Emperor of Germany. Crowded Alleys. Hue de la Madeleine is one of the oldest Btreets in.the city. It is 15 feet wide in the roadway, with sidewalks two to three feet wide. It is, in fact, three streets. This Is one of the striking peculiarities of Brussels. Mftst of the streets in parts new or old run straight for only a few blocks, and then go off at an angle any where between 45 and ISO degrees from a right line. At each turn, no matter how slight, the name changes. And such names as these Brussels streets have, Slx-loung'-Men street, NIgbt-and-Day street. Three-Heads street. Sugar street. Butter street. In some instances the boule vards bear one name onvone side and a different one on the other side. The stranger has more chances to lose him self in ten minutes here than in any other city I have ever seen. Boston is not to be compared to Brussels. This Madeleine street and its two extensions, zig-zag many times in their course, and all along is a compact line of small stores, such little places to do business in. But they do business. This street is alive with humanity all the hours of the day and far Into the night, crowding each other off the narrow sidewalks into the hardly lefss narrow streets. Down the street come carriages gay in their trappings, with coachmen and footmen In liveries as brilliant as General Miles used to wear. Tramcars that run- here, there and yon der without rails, others on the rails, come thundering down this alley pell mell, or go up the hill with drivers yell ing and whips cracking like pistol shots. It is a case of suave qui peut If you get in the way of any sort of vehicle and es cape alive the driver will have you ar rested for being in his way. If he runs over you while you axe on the sidewalk and you survive, you have your turn in the courts against him. A Vision of Babel. These little "shops" are the most artistic things I have ever seen. They are gay with "picture hats," with rich gowns and wraps, with skirts a- maze of lace, with jewelry, with ornaments in bronze. In bisque, in glass. In ivory. There The College Its Social Side as TANFORD UNIVERSITY;. CaL. Feb. 28. iSpcclal Correspondence of The Sunday Oregonlan.) Stanford life Is unique. This Is especially true of the life of the Stanford woman, because of the conditions imposed upon her. Only 500 women aro admitted. All of these have entered on full standing, and none has entered as special. A special Is a stu dent over 21 years of age, who is taking work on some special subject and Is not striving for a degree. "The omission of specials prevents many school teachers from taking work at Stanford. These two limitations imposed upon the entering claeses of women raise the standard o"f scholarship to a very high mark and pre pare th6 way for an onthuslastlc alumni. There are at present 4S3 women regis tered at Stanford. Ninety of these live at Roble Hall, the girls' dormitory: 30 at Madrone Hall, an annex to Roble; about 100 at the six sorority houses on the campus, and the rest are divided between San Jose, Palo Alto and the private dwellings on the rampus. Very few live at San Jose, and make the one-half-hour train trip morning and evening. Quite a few live in Palo Alto, the university town, which is only a mile from the cam pus, and a number rent rooms at the various faculty houses on the campus and board at the dormitories. Roble Hall Is the center of the woman's world, as Enclna, the men's dormitory, is the center of the men's world. Every girl has a roommate, the upper classmen being given choice of rooms and room mates! As. a result, the fourth floor, the last floor, usually contains a collec tion of freshmen, who drive away the first attack of homesickness by midnight spreads and juvenile pranks. Few Regulations. , Roble has a matron at its head, to en force the few rules that the faculty has made, and to look out for the' welfare of the girls. The rules, as above stated, are very few. They are, first, all the inmates must be Indoors at 10 o'clock on week nights and 1030 on Fridays and Saturdays; second, bicycles must not be kept in the halls; third, kerosene must not be used in the hall. Self-government is the policy of Stanford University. Never have the girls shown themselves unworthy of the trust. They are all girls from good families, with good, sensible ideas, and a sense of honor. Every evening after dinner the girls gather In the parlor, the freshmen pull up the rugs, some one plays the piano, and an hour or so Is spent in dancing. Spreads are very much in vogue, and roommates are constantly entertaining their friends. At 1030 P. M... when the lights go out, candles are brought In. and the fun, if not too boisterous, continues till a late hour. The hostesses furnish the "cats" and the guests provide amply for the rest of the entertainment. Often they come in fancy garb, and then the fun waxes fast and furious. A sufficient supply of mandolins, guitars and good voices are always on hand, and when Jokes lag, college songs fill up the gaps. Dances and Fancy Dress Balls. Roble gives two dances a year, one a semester, in the girls gymnasium. For days before the hills are fitted with girls carrying home holly and greens for the decorations. On Saturday, the day of the dance, the hall is stripped of pillows, rugs and pictures to beautify tho "gym." The party closes at midnight as do all university entertainments, and Roble re tires Jrom the social whirl for another semester. Roble also gives a fancy dress ball to are picture stores and furniture stores, and of course the inevitable patisserie, or cakeshop. These are everywhere, and. such wonders in the way of cakes and pies. Tarts they call pies. And these stores are full from morning to night with the fashion of Brussels, the ladies shopping. Right and left from this Eu ropean Broadway for that it is in spite of its narrowness run old streets not ten feet wide. They twist and zigzag here and there, and swarm with urchins, boys and girls, thick as (lies. One hears French and Flemish. English and Ger man, Italian and Swedish, as he passes along. The idea of Babel presses on your mind. A Vision of Beauty. Tarn a little to the right from the Madeleine, and" there arises before the astonished eyes of a Western American a vision of perfect beauty In the Cathedral of St. Michael and 8t. Gudule. It is not large, but exquisitely beautiful. The church dates back to the early part of the sixth century, when Spain held sway in all the Low Countries. The architec ture is medieval Gothic, much modified by the Moorish, with its slender, grace - Life of a Stanford Woman Viewed by One of the Five Hundred Fair Students. the university women once a semester. These aro affairs of much anticipation. Sorority and hall girls break down all the so-called barriers and Join In one Jolly good time. The dining-room is cleared, every available "stunt" is given and dancing goes on till midnight. At about midnight Enclna serenades Roble in its famous nightshirt parade. Each man wears a nightshirt over his clothes, and the long white line dances the ser pentine around Roble, singing eomo foot ball song, with the inevitable refrain, "Down with the Gold and Blue." Once a year Roble presents a farce to the faculty. The actors are Roble girls and a few members of the faculty. It has always been a very successful af fair, and every one who Is fortunate enough to attend enjoys It. Informal and Democratic. Roble life is very informal and demo cratic. The girl who makes her way by washing dishes, waiting on table, or tak ing care of children finds no discrimina tion made in regard to her. She only draws forth admiration for her inde pendence. Life in a sorority house Is somewhat different from that In Roble. There are six sororities at Stanford all National. They are. In order of establishment. Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Kappa Gam ma, Delta Gamma,' Alpha Phi, Gamma Phi Beta and PI Beta Phi. Each con- tains about 20 girls, and these have been chosen by the complicated process of "rushing." During the "rushing season." which is ended by "bidding" day decided upon by the sororities, - the sororities "rush" or cntortaln the freshmen whom they desire The freshman always has a good time, especially If two or three sororities "rush" and "bid" her. But when she decides which sorority she pre fers and pledges herself to that one by putting on its pledge pin, her hilarious times cease. She realizes that she Is the youngest sister in every sense of tho word, and that her older sisters will ex tinguish every spark of conceit that has sprung Into life during "rushing season." She runs errands, answers the doorbell, the telephone, and does the work In the sorority house that every freshman has doae la her dar. But shilso finds Jier ful minarets rising all , along both sides. The fretwork on these Is Hke lace, so line is the design and so perfect in exe cution. The windows are not 'so old as the structure, but they are a wonder Of brilliant colors, blended like the .har monies in one of Beethoven's composi tions. .Had we gone the other way, the road would have led us to the Hotel do VlUe or City Hall, another old Gotho-Moorish building of the days of Spanish domina tion, with a spire reaching far skyward, as graceful as a pine tree on a mountain top, and as lac el I ko as the foliage of a fern. Opposite this. Is the King's House, also of the medieval period, but massive rather than fine fretwork, and gorgeous as barbaric splendor in its gilded orna mentation. The Draft Dogs of Brussels. But to pass from things sublime to something by no means ridiculous, but strikingly strange to American eyes, the draft dogs of Brussels furnish a feature In the city life never to be forgotten. They are everywhere, generally guided by a woman or a child. The carts are mostly two-wheeled, much heavier than older sisters kind and careful for her welfare. They guard her scholarship jealously, for she must make a good record her first year. They watch her health and give her good advice when It Is needed. So the sorority contains girls who have been chosen for their abilities and congeniality. There is not that distinction between sorority and hall that is so often emphasized, for the so rority girl Is a Stanford girl first of all, .and always wears her college pin above her sorority pin. Sorority life is home like. The' girls have their own house mother, and they entertain as much as they desire, and naturajly are the leaders of the social world. Attitude of the Men. . Tho attitude of the Stanford man to ward the Stanford girl Is interesting in the development of coeducation. Co education has come to stay at Stanford. The man knows this. But the limit set upon the number of girls admitted makes him feel that man's position is assured. Thus appeased, , he is glad the girl Is there. He treats her with an air of good comradeship that Is very wholesome and helpful for both. An Eastern man, a graduate from Columbia, recently re marked that coeducation Is the only so lution of the problem in the "West. In the East, the old method Is better, for the men get their social life at, home. But in the "West, a large number of young men come from small country towns and ItOBKE, THE WOMEN'S DORMITORY, AT STANFORD. get no social life unless it be at the uni versity. Stanford girls arc enthusiasts in ath letics, giving loyal support to the football, baseball and track teams. They under stand the games thoroughly, appreciate the qualities of every player, and stand by the team, be it winning or losing, and give ample illustrations of the "Stan ford spirit." so dear to every student. What good times they have the day of the big game "between Stanford and Cal ifornia! (All go up to San Francisco on a special train and watch the men as they march up Market street singing: Oh, there's a row on Market street the force Is in despair The cars are stepped for twenty blocks, the boy are everywhere TfTei've marched all over Berkeley tovn. .aad aung hola lose and. laud. one would suppose a dog. or even two dogs, could pull. 'One sees these dogs hitched 'single or double, the carts', full of baskets of clothes going to or -from the laundries, with bread and cakes, with meat, beer or milk, going from door to door to deliver the family supplies. These dogs are not peculiar to Brussels: they flourish all over Belgium. Thero are estimated-to be 150,000 draft dogs in the kingdom. They do farm, work, and work In the villages and cities wherever one goes. The first Impression made on an American is a disagreeable one. Ho can not help feeling' sorry for the most faith ful of all animals to man. as he sees him in this unaccustomed toll, tugging with all his might at a big cart, while his feet slip on the rough pavements, and the pavements of Brussels are hard, made almost entirely of trap-rock. But doggie does not seem to be in so bad a case after all. He is a peculiarly strong dog, a cross between the old wolf dog of the ancient - Gauls and the Great Dane of Germany. Ho Is a stocky, heavy animal, with broad chest, thick legs and neck, short, massive head; broad back and muscular loins and thighs. His weight Is from SO to 1ST? pounds. These Of the sad defeat of Hopper and o Captain Benny Stroud. The women have their own athletics, basketball and tennis. In which they are working up a good deal of enthusiasm. There are three associations composed of -women, besides Roble Club and the sororities. The Woman's League, com posed of the entire number of women, supports the efforts put forth by the women to encourage the Independent life already established. All the professors' wives are members and they are brought in close touch with the girls by means of the league. The T. W. C A. performs the same functions that it does ' In all colleges. Pan-Hellenic is an organization of the sororities, which forms the rush ing contracts and promotes social inter course between, the sorority women. The cost of living is not exorbitant. Twenty-seven dollars is the price paid per month for board and room. Ko tui tion Is charged. A registration fee of $10 a semester is charged to all students re siding outside of California. Syllabus and laboratory fees are charged to cover the cost of materials used. There Is not much work for girls who desire to make part of their way. Work, such as mending, answering the door at Roble, dishwash ing, taking care of children, waiting on table. Is available and pays 20 cents an hour. But It is -not advisable for girls to attempt to do more than their college work. The average girl nearly always breaks down under the strain. LBNORE L. WILLIAMS. Milk Saloons of Warsaw. Creamery Journal. The town of Warsaw may bo called the milk producers Eden, although the milk 'consumers' Eden it certainly Is not. There is probably nowhere such a "milk town" as this. Restaurants are but little frequented. On the other hand, the public frequent the various dairies In great numbers in order to chat with friends or read tho news papers, to the accompaniment of a black or white coffee or a glas3 of cold or warm milk. -To close a bargain or to talk business, the milk saloon Is re sorted to: chess and billiards axe like wise to be played in these recognized places of public resort. But, in spite of this enormous consumption of milk, the supply is of the most wretched, in fact. It is indescribably bad. Nothing wounda a feeuns mind more than mite cnircatlT bettered, aa, aaothsr-snach. dogs are not abused. There are strin gent laws for their protection. To be. used for draft purposes the dog must come up to a certain standard of height, length and weight. He must be properly proportioned and tho cart and harness must be in all respects suitable to the dog. The load is limited. Fines and im prisonment are imposed on those detected maltreating the dogs. Work for Master and Animal. This is duo to a club of gentlemen In Belgium who have taken up the cause of the dog. In. a report made by this so ciety the following language Is used: "In certain countries, notably Belgium, Hol land and Switzerland, draft dogs render marked assistance to poor people, to whom they are a real providence, second ing with all their strength of muscle, all their courage, their masters' efforts In the .struggle for life, and, say what we will, the draft dog which works for his master is not always the most unfortu nate of the two, but his owner, who goes with him and aids him to pull the load, often walks barefooted, poorly fed and hardly clothed at all, and can make no complaint. It is sure enough the poor Joe Rankin's Famous Ride, for Rescue Journey of . One .Hundred and Seventy Miles In Twenty-Four Hours. Anaconda Standard. "SJ AT," and the man from Wyoming blew a heavy cloud of smoke Into the air and watched it disappear, "you fellows talk about your horseback riding and the distances that you cover, Just as if you were doing something that was worth mentioning." There was another long pause, during which the man from Wyoming puffed vigorously at his cigar, as if by its very difference It reminded him of the old "alkali fillers" that he used to smoke down around Carbon and Rawlins. Some of the youngsters had been telling about their horseback rides, all unwitting that they were stirring in the breast of the TTnn from Wyoming some reminiscences of rides that were rides. But they held their peace when he spoke, for they knew that his grouch would wear off and he'd have something to tell them. "You never knew Joe.Rankln, 1 reckon." the rrtftn from Wyoming resumed when he had rounded himself up and snubbed himself chuck up to the fact that the boys were not to blame the man from Wyo ming occasionally forgets how old he Is and that the "kids" can't be expected to remember" what took place before they were bid enough to know there was any wild West. He Could Ride Some. "Well, Joe Rankin could sure ride some. He wasn't much for fancy, but he was always thero with the goods when they were needed. Those were the days when they used to scrape up alkali dust for baking powder and all the water .there was In Carbon was brought there in little tank cars that looked like the wind had blown the sides out of a boxcar and let the roof down on the floor. And that water was the cause of but that has nothing to do with' Joe Rankin. "Joe Rankin lived In Rawlins then. He had been plugging around on the frontier ever since they shoved the line west from the Missouri, and he knew more'n a lot of the expert Indian fighters that they had sent out to suppress the TJtea. These Utes had been trying to stir up trouble for ten years, and ty time they did it for sure. The Indians were of the Saguache coun try, and they turned loose in 1S73 and killed a lot of settlqrs near their reserva tion in Utah. "Major Thornburg, with some of his command, was sent to suppress the Utes, and Rankin joined him as guide when he reached Rawlins. Joe had been United States Marshal and Sheriff and almost everything .else around there, and he knew the whole country. Whites Almost Annihilated. "Joe slipped up on his estimate of the strength of the Indians, and at Milk River, la Utah, the Utes closed in on Thornburg's troops, and when the smoke cleared up Major Thornburg and 13 of his men were dead and every horse In the command was- either killed or wounded. "But Rankin made good, all right. That night he volunteered to get through tho Indians and take word to the railroad, 1T0 miles away. He took one of the wounded horses and got through the In dians on the far side of the camp. He had to ride a long way around, and it was morning before he struck the back trail, seven miles from where the Utes had the soldiers penned in. - "His wounded horse soon gave out, and he tried another that be got from a little cattle camp, and this one, too, broke down before he'd ridden far. He struck out afoot and came to one of the supply camps that Thornburg had left on the trail, and the Captain there gave him a new horse. This Captain tried to break through to rescue the Major, but he lost all his horses and some of his men. "With the horse from tho supply camp Rankin made the rest of the ride to Raw- 1 llntt whr&.was the ..nearest telegraph In fellow has not the sole of the foot thick enough nor callous enough, and his stom ach Is often less full than that of his dog: certainly we "can hope that the dogs shall not go overloaded or overdriven nor badly treated. But why should not these animals toll? The struggle for life Is tho same for all. The fortune of each permits' him to buy. to aid him in gaining a livelihood a horse, a pony or a dog. In Belgium a dog may fall into the hands of a cruel master; so may a horse." Certainly this plea that the poor be allowed to use the dog in this way Is pathetic. The dogs' view of . the situa tion is not yet translated into our lan guage. Be it said he seems to take to his work, although glad to lie down in the street and rear, from time to time. Ho is said to come with alacrity in the morning to be harnessed for his day's work. Be It further said in ref erence to the condition of those who use the dog. that women are sometimes seen hitched to coal carts, with a strap passed across their foreheads to aid the hands in hauling the cart along the streets, as they go from door to door in the poorer sections of the city and peddle coal to gain a living. The 150,000 dogs in Belgium are es timated to earn each a franc a day. It is a large sum of money; 150,0001 a day, that is nearly $30,000, and taking round numbers 300 days the year, the total is close to $1,000,000. Draft dog fairs are held here, simi lar to horse fairs, where exhibits of the best strains are shown and prizes offered for the best specimens. Regu lar market days are atso held, when those who have a dog to sell meet the buyers and make a bargain. The Horses of Belgium. The other extreme pole of the social scale is seen in the horses. There -are a large number of rich people in Brus sels. . Rockfellers. Goulds and Hunt ingdons do not exist here. But there are people of great wealth. At a little seaside resort near Brussels. Branden burgh. last August, one or the "smart set" here tried to get accommodations. Only one room was found In the place for rent. It was a little room over a butcher's shop. The rent was 1000 francs for a month ($200), and the rent was paid. These wealthy people pride them selves on their fine horses and fine turnouts. Sunday afternoons at the Bois de la Cambre, a, great park here, a part of a primeval forest and very beautiful, or at the races at Ixjng champs, are seen all sorts of things on wheels pulled by magnificent horses. These are Ir. hundreds, and make a gay scene in the evening, as they all come tearing down one of the big- boule vards In a string: miles long. Scenes In the Park. Another most Inspiring- scene here is the park in the afternoon nearly every day In the week. rot the Bois, or great forest, which Is on the outskirts of the city, but the park proper as they call things here. In the very midst of the city. A fine band appears there every day about 3 P. M., and plays un til about 5. The people come in hun dreds to stroll thero for half an hour, Bonnes trundling baby carriages, young people making love while the band plays, old couples still courting up in tho '60s and '70s, and old fellows all alone. But the most interesting features of these afternoons- is the schools. The children come in long lines, flanked by one or two teachers strument. 170 miles from the men he had left. Ho had crossed three mountain ranges, had led his 'Horses for miles whero the trails were so rough that ho couldn't rido In the dark or else when his horses were too tired to carry him. That s what he had done, and ha had dona it In 21 hours. Now, that's riding some." Somebody wanted to know what became of Thornburg's command, and tho man from Wyoming waked up again. "What became of them? What do you They were saved, of course. Joe Rankin just telegraphed from Rawlins, and be fore daylight next morning Colonel Mer rltt was moving with six companies to entrain from Fort Russell- at Cheyenne. Fort Steele, which la some east of Raw lins, was reached before midnight. Joe Rankin had rested himself and his horse, and wa3 there to meet Colonel Merritt. The soldiers rested a bit and then struck out for Milk River across the country, with Rankin guiding and setting the pace. Desperate Ride of Troops. "And they pounded over thoso 170 miles at. a pace that would maker you young sters drop out early in the game. The troops carried light forage, with rations for themselves, and their rests. were few and short. The second night out found them about 70 miles from the men they were trying to reach. Horses and men had been placed carefully, and when they started on this last night ride over the roughest kind of country they were ready for the task. "All night they rode, with only breath ing spells for the horses, and at day break Rankin signaled for a halt. He pointed out the location of the camp be yond a hill. Colonel Merritt ordered the bugler to sound 'officers' call,' and the command waited for an answer from the besieged. None came and they all thought WRITE FOR PRICES : Portland General I Electric Company j SEVENTH AND Portland in charge. The very small ones are mixed as tft sex, but at the age of S or 9 they are segregated. The teach ers select a portion of the park re served for tho U3e of the schools, and the big- Lilliputian army in corps, brig ades and regiments, is turned loose to play tops marbles, tag, to dance, turn heels over head on the grass, and'hava a right good time for about an hoUr; then, like tho other famous army that marched up the hill, this army marches bac& in good order to the schools to be sent home to the crowded, narrow alleys of the old city. For these are public schools and the children of the poor. They are all well shod, decently clad, and look happy as can be. A Happy People. Happy yes. This Is a light-hearted people. Down the narrow alleys one may encounter a band of women and girls, some old, some mere children, golnff along hand In hand, singing some tune, or per haps something like a college cry In America. They arc working women, em ployed in some factory In one of these old alleys, and they have been to a cheap cafo where they have dispensed 10 to 20 cen times (2 to 4 cents American), each for a roll and a cup of coffee, and they are going back- again to their toIL Their day's work is perhaps 12 hours long. their wages are 10 cents to 40 cents, their whole wardrobe Is perhaps on their backs no bonnets, and did not cost a big "dol lar or our daddies, whose value Is guar anteed by our great Uncle Samuel, that Grandest Old Man of all grand old men. But these women are happy, joyously happy. Tho children are Ilka their par ents. History Was Made Here. Tho country near Brussels Is full of in terest. Go back a thousand years, and one la Just half way In tho history of Belgium. It is full of historic and artistic Interest. It is only 25 miles to Waterloo, only 13 to Tervueren, where Carlotta spent her days of madness after that terrible experience in Mexico; only six miles to Laeken, where the King's coun try palace Is. Between here and Waterloo lies Louvaln, where there are structures reaching back beyond the Middle Ages to the Roman times. Near there is Cast re, that is, Castra, a camp of the Romans, and here they still dig up relics of the Roman occupation. They dig up relics at "Waterloo, too, and I suppose they make others to order for tourist consumption. Al Ghent, to the west. Charles V of Spain first saw the light. Near there Is Auden arde, 'where old Jack Churchill, that rough old butcher, who founded the present fam ily of Marlborough, of which our own. Consuelo "Vanderbilt Is so conspicuous an ornament, defeated the French In one of the four great battles which won for him Blenheim .House. Memories crowd on the mind here. One hears the echoes of that "Revelry by night, when Belgium's capital was gathered there, her beauty and her chiv alry," according to Byron's vision of "Waterloo. And one sees Julius Caesar in his tent at Castre, as Anthony saw him when he held up the bloody cloak and said: "I remember the first time ever Caesar put It on. It was in his tent. That day ho overcame the Nervli." For it was right hera near Louvaln that the old Roman won that victory over the great Teutonic army. Oh, yes, and Rubens was of Antwerp. The galleries here aro full of his pictures, so they are of Rembrandt's and of "Van Dyck8, and of Tenler's, and of Wouer mann's, not to mention lesser lights of other epochs. G. "W. BURTON. their rlda had been too slow, but tha bugle call was repeated, and, sure enough, the reply came across the hill, showing that the men were still there, and tha ride, after all, hadn't been too slow. Testimony of a Survivor. "Ono of tho men in the Thornburg company told me afterward a long tima afterward, it was, too that he'd heard a lot of flno music in hi3 life, but no band or organ or anything else that plays ever made such good music as that bugle did when It sent tho 'ofllcers call' over tha hill to say that Joe Rankin had got back and was there for business. "And I reckon he was right. We didn't have so awful much water in Wyoming those days, and the alkali and tho wind sometimes made things kind of nasty, but we got so we could get along first rta without water, and we got so we didn't mind the. alkali. And we sure had soma fine men, and they could ride." Wholesale Pearl Fishing. London Globe. X great pearl fishery will take place at Marichchikkaddi, in the Island of Ceylon, on or about February 20. 1905. The banks to be fl3hed aro tho Southwest Chevai Paar. which is esti mated to contain 3,500,000 oysters, suf ficient to employ 200 boats for two days; tho Mid-East Chevai Paar, esti mated to contain 13,750,000 oysters, suf ficient to employ 200 boats for seven, days; the North and South Moderagam, with 25,700,000 oysters, sufllcient to em ploy 200 boats for 13 days; the Squth Chevai Paar, estimated to contain 40, 220,000 oysters, sufficient to employ 200 boats for 20 days, each boat being' fully manned with divers. THE LUXURY OF : MODERN LIVING t FINDS FULLEST : EXPRESSION IN : THE USE OF : ELECTRIC HEAT- : ING DEVICES, t AND ESPECIALLY t WITH ELECTRIC SMOOTHING IRONS ALDER STREETS Oregon