The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Ministers of All Denominations Join in Recommending Pe-ru-na to the People.
Eifty - Eighth Congress Ad
journs Without Day.
Whole House Unites in Expression
of Regard for Cannon Hemen
way Announces That 1906
Will Show a Surplus.
"WASHINGTON. March '4. The last
remaining: hour of the House of Rep
resentatives of the Fifty-eighth Con
gress began at 10 o'clock this morn
ing, although It -was still the legisla
tive day of March 2. "When Speaker
Cannon called the body to order, few
members were in their seats, but soon
after It took on the usual appearance
of a session.
A prolonged discussion was precipi
tated of the conference report on a
bill prohibiting the selection of timber
lands In lieu of lands in forest re
serves. The report was agreed to and
the bill was passed.
At 10:40 o'clock the House took a
recess for 15 minutes. At its conclu
sion Hemenway (IndL), chairman of
the committee on appropriations. In
accordance with custom, gave a re
sume of appropriations made during
the present Congress. The 'total per
manent and annual appropriations, he
explained, were 5697,048,104, while the
estimates for the next fiscal year were
5725,590,515. If there were no addi
tional expenditures there would be a
surplus at t.he close or the next fiscal
.year of 528,542.410.
Will Be No Deficit.
"It now looks clear, beyond ques
tlon," he said, amid loud Republican
'applause, "that there will be no defl-
The usual committee of three was
appointed to join a similar committee
from the Senate to wait on the Presl
dent and Inform him that the House
had completed its business and was
ready to adjourn. The Speaker ap
pointed Payne (Rep.. N. Y.), Hepburn
(Rep., Ia.) and De Armond (Dern Mo.).
At 11:10 a recess for 20 minutes was
taken. Immediately thereafter Payne
announced there would be a "joint cau
cus." Hepburn, mounting the rostrum,
said there were occasions when a mild
Republican like himself could be per
mitted to preside over a "Democratic"
caucus and when a distinguished Demo
crat could preside over a "Republican"
Hay (Dem. - Va.), chairman of the
regular Democratic caucus, then took
the chair and In humorous vein said
the occasion was the most unique in
the political history of the country. A
pleasing incident, said to be without
precedent, then followed. Speaker
Cannon was presented with a hand
Rome loving-cup, the tribute of affec
tion and esteem of the members, re
gardless of party. The presentation
speech was made by Boutell (Rep., 111.)
and was punctuated throughout with
applause, the members several times
rising en masse and cheering. He was
folloVcd by Williams (Dem., Miss.), the
minority leader, who also delivered a
most feeling and appropriate address.
'Amid deafening applause Speaker Can
,non rose to respond. He spoke as fol
lows; Cannon's Thanks for Loving Cup.
"A gift from master to servant humbles
the recipient. A gift from servant to
master embarrasses the master. A gift
from equal to equal, when prompted by
confidence and esteem, is 'like unto apples
of gold In pictures of silver.' The men
who compose the National House of Rep
resentatives, with their warrant of at
torney from a great people, have no su
periors. They are all equals. I am proud
that I am one of .you. I am 'more grati
fied to receive this gift than words can
express. I receive It as a token of your
respect for me, as one of you.
"This loving cup, notwithstanding its
magnificent proportions. Is not large
enough to contain my thanks, my con
fidence in. respect for and love of you, one
and all."
"When "the enthusiasm had subsided.
Clark (Dem. Mo.) produced a second dem
onstration by presenting to John Sharp
'Williams (Dem. Miss.), the minority lead
er, a loving cup, the gift of his Demo
cratic colleagues. When "Williams roso
to respond he was accorded the same
ppontaneous and general applause given
to the Speaker. He said in part:
'I have been touched by the words of
ny friend from Missouri. My colleagues,
I have felt at times the burden of ap
prehended, even approaching, failure. In
attending to the duties which you have
laid on me. I will, therefore, only say
now that It affords me, and will afford me
hereafter, unceasing pleasure to know
that you are pleased to say that I have
measurably well succeeded. It affords me
the same degree of pleasure to know
that you are pleased to say or that you
are pleased to applaud the gentleman
from Missouri when he said that In what
ever measure 1 might have succeeded or
bailed I had tried to do my work, and had
succeeded thus far, at any rate, in in
dulging in no port of enmity, no sort of
animosity and no sort of malice."
The House then resumed Its session, and
the Speaker recommended the following
. Visitors to the Military Academy Gard
ner. Michigan; Esch, "Wisconsin; Slayden,
Visitors to the Naval Academy Vree
land. New York; Brandegce, Connecti
cut, and Jones, Virginia.
Temporary committee on accounts
Cassell, Pennsylvania; Hughes, West Vir
ginia and Bartlett, Georgia.
Commission to examine into the public
printing C. B. Landis. Indiana; Perkins,
New York, and Griggs. Georgia.
Committee to Lewis and Clark Fair.
Committee to attend the opening exer
cises of the Lewis and Clark Exposition
Tawney. Minnesota; Bartlett. Georgia;
Sherman. New York; Hemenway, In
diana; Hamlin, Missouri; Llttauer, New
York: Boutell, Illinois; Babcock, Wiscon
sin; McAndrews, Illinois; Rodenberg, Il
linois: Sibley. Pennsylvania; Louden
tOager. New Jersey; Henry. Texas: Le
gare. South Carolina, and Small, North
It was exactly 10 minutes to 12 o'clock
whent In response to a suggestion from
Williams. Speaker Cannon surrendered
the gavel to James D. Richardson, of
Tennessee, during the reading of the cus
tomary . resolutions of thanks to the
Speaker of the House. The resolution was
adopted with a rousing cheer. The Speak
er then resumed his seat and bade fare
well to the members In a brief and af
fecting speech.
The committee appointed to wait on the
President reported that it had performed
that duty, and the President had no fur
ther communications to transmit, and
then, on motion of Payne. New York, the
House, at ll:t A. M., adjourned sine die.
Allison Presents Summary of Appro
priations and Revenue..
WASHINGTON. March 4. The Senate
convened at 10 o'clock today in continua
tion of .yesterday's session. The Senators
were located pn the Republican side of I
the chamber in order to make room ior
later arrivals, and comparatively fen- of
Entirely Cured by Pe-ru-na After Three Years Suffer- jr f u JBJBK J I HhB M
chroTlarrhoea andrrtL Ihak'yoS your W 1 W
. I have MfdPtrnna according to yonr personal U-' ' feHS'V'i
xectlonn and I am Terr glnd that I found a medicine' lfSlRS$$hffjSi W1bIHHB MJfbiMfmbibfh1
"which -would cure me after three years' suffering." J V , ff rWM ttBWMMJJ ' CWIfiHBB(PiHj
Jacob P. Ramsey, D. D.. Bishop Union
tion, wmes xrom asm Ann in at.,
"Having heard much of the great curative power of your
Peruna, we concluded to try It. For colds and dyspepsia,
we have found It to be an excellent remedy."
FOR many yars the clergy have been
praising Peruna. By the humblest
pastor and the most exalted bishop,
Peruna Is held In high esteem.
These professional gentlemen come In
contact with the facts of society. They
are acquainted with the homes and know
the real life of the people.
They have seen Peruna in thousands
of households. They know of its bene
ficial results. They hear It discussed
by their parishioners and praised by all
It is therefore no wonder that the
clergymen almost unanimously believe
in Peruna. '
Remarkable Cures Effected.
Many remarkable cures have been
made among the clergy themselves by
Peruna. The vocation of preaching Is a
constant strain to the voice.
Diseases of the larynx and the lungs
are common among the preachers. Pc-
them were present at the hour of meet
ing. Other arrangements had been made
over night for the reception of Invited
guests. The change consisted principally
in placing as many extra chairs on the
floor as space would permit. Many ex
Senators and most of the newly-elected
proximate amount appropriated this ees-
The Senate soon found Itself In the pre
dicament of being In a position to work,
but without having anything to do. As
a consequence, it sat much of the two
hours between the time of meeting and
the beginning of the Inaugural ceremonies
in an Informal manner. Business began
with the adoption of a resolution making
provision for the payment of expenses
attendant upon the Inaugural.
Allison then made his annual statement
concerning the appropriations made dur
ing the session. He said tbat,iwhile ac
curate figures could not be given, the ap
proximate amount appropriated this sea
sion was $818,000,000, as against 5781,000,000
last year. The estimated revenues for
next year were 5726,000,000. Allison ex
pressed the opinion that the deficit for
the fiscal year beginning next July would
be no greater than that for the year which
will end on that date.
For some time thereafter the business
consisted In receiving members from the
House and In the announcement by the
presiding officer of his signature to bills.
At 10:45 a recess was taken for SO min
utes. About 11 o'clock the members of Presi
dent Roosevelt's household and the friends
and kinsfolk be had Invited to be of his
family party to witness the Inaugural
ceremonies at the Capitol arrived and
were shown to the seats reserved for
them. Soon afterward the members of
Senator FaIrbanks, party arrived. They
were Mrs. C W. Fairbanks, Mrs. J. W.
Tlmmons, Mrs. Mary A. Fairbanks, Miss
Lulu Fairbanks, Mrs. J. L. Griffiths. J. L.
Griffiths (Consul at Liverpool) and War
ren, Frederick, Richard and Robert, sons
of Mr. Fairbanks.
As soon as the Senate was called to or
der after recess Bacon took the chair and
Gorman presented the usual formal reso
lution of thanks to President Pro Tem
Frye. He said that, while it was the
usual expression, It conveyed the sincere
feeling of the Senate. It was unanimously
The House resolution providing for a
joint committee to wait on the President
and inform him that Congress bad com
pleted its labors and was prepared to ad
journ, was then announced by the clerk
of the House and immediately adopted.
Allison and Bate were appointed members
of the committee on behalf of the Sen
ate. At 11:50 the committee to wait oa
tiie President announced that the Presi
dent had no further communications to
Immediately after Senator Fairbanks
had entered the chamber and had been
announced as the Vice-President-elect, he
took his scat at the right of President
Pro Tem. Frye, who administered the oath
to him, following up the ceremony by his
own address to the Senate, returning
thanks for its resolution. He closed his
remarks with the formal announcement
that the Senate was adjourned cine die.
When Dr. Hale concluded his prayer.
which Immediately followed the announce
ment of the final adjournment of the
Senate for the Fifty-eighth Congress, he
requested that all join him in the audible
repetition of the Lord's Prayer, and sev
eral responded, including most of the
members of the Cabinet.
After the prayer came the ceremony
of swearing In the new Senators and
those of the old Senators who had been
re-elected. When the last of the Senators
had taken their seats after being sworn.
the Vice-President directed the sergeant-at-arms
to "execute the order of the
Senate for the inauguration of the Presl-
dent" and Immediately afterward, at
22:35 P. M-, the Senators and visitors be
gan to uio out ui luc ennmper ana maKO
their way to the outside platform.
The senators retnrnea to incur chamber
at the conclusion of the Inaugural cere
mony, hut no Business was transacted
beyond fixing the hour of meeting for the
extra session at u o ciock eaen aay. The
Senate then, at 1:23 P. M-. adjourned un
til Monday.
Senator Frye presided during the brief
session, as Vice-President Fairbanks ac
companied the President to the White
A. M. E. Connec
x-nuaaelpnia. Pa.,
runa Is a specific for these cases, and the
preachers have long since found it out
In all parts of the United States, the
warmest praise that Peruna can boast
Is to be found among the clergy of all
denominations and creeds.
Cold Settled on Lungs.
H. M. Turner, D. D.. L. L. D., 30 Young
St.. Atlanta, Ga., writes:
"l contracted a dreadful cold which
settled oa my lungs. I tried" several
remedies recommended by the doctors,
but my conditio, crew worse until I
was alarmed.
"I finally resorted to Peruna. and after
I' had taken two bottles. I found that the
whizzing and tightness from which I had
suffered, had entirely disappeared, and I
find myself well again.
1 take pleasure la recommending
this wonderful medicine to the many
other sufferers who are looking for a
tonic that will do them good, and
doubly pay them for Its price."
Waldron Expounds Methods of Bal-lot-Box
Stuffing, and Says There
Were 6000 "Phantoms."
DENVER. March 4. John M. Waldron.
chief counsel for James II. Peabody in
his contest for the office of Governor, con
tinued his argument before, the joint con
vention of the General Assembly today In
favor of ousting Governor Alva Adams
and seating the contestor. Having spoken
one hour yesterday, Mr. Waldron - had
four hours remaining of the allotted time
for his opening address. Representatives
Hall, in which the Joint committee meets,
was not crowded, but nearly all the seats
were occupied. Only persons holding
tickets are admitted, and the number or
tickets for the public is limited to BOO.
The two contestants were In the audience
at times, and gave close attention to Mr.
Waldron's argument.
Having laid down and elaborated on the
proposition that the Legislature Is not
sitting as a Judicial body or In a Judicial
capacity, but as a legislative body "to
exercise a political function," Mr. Wal
dron today proceeded to discuss the law
and the evidence In the case, though he
declared that he was undertaking a
method he was not called upon to assume
merely because there were Republicans
who had "such a lofty conception of their
duty as to require a preponderernce of
evidence in deciding the case."
Mr. Waldron dwelt on the alleged Ille
gality of the practice of assisting Illit
erate voters without first having them
swear to their Inability to read or write
the English language. In nearly all of
the 10 precincts in this city which Gov
ernor Peabody asks to havo thrown out,
he said- the law was not obeyed in this
respect. As no record was kept of the il
literates, as the law requires, it was im
possible to separate the good from the
bad ballots.
Mr. Waldron also touched on what he
called the conspiracy on the part of Dem
ocratic officeholders to carry the election
in Denver for Adams.
On the question of the recbeck of
voters, which the Democrats say was
worthless, he said that every obstacle was
put in the way of Republicans to pre
vent tbcm from getting correct lists of
voters. Notwithstanding the Incomplete
lists furnished the Republicans, ho said,
a recheck showed that 6000 names were
"Dhantom voters." nnrl nn nnnnt oni-.
responding to those names could be found.
ac maintained mat tne democrats were
able to bring only SI out of thi6 list of
6000 persons to swear that a mistake had
been made.
In regard to the testimony of Supreme
Court watchers, who testified as to the
regularity of the election, he said, they
knew no more of the manner In which
crooked elections were conducted than
they knew of Sanscrit, and, therefore,
ther- testimony was worthless.
The testimony taken before notaries
public, contradicting the recheckers, was
ridiculed by Mr. Waldron, who said it was
worthless, as it was easy to produce a
man to swear he had qualified and voted
at the nlacft alleged, a if t tn v. -,.-.
men vote under assumed names. He de-
ienaea tne nanawnung experts, declaring
that their testimony was correct In prac
tically every case.
He ridiculed the method In which the
Democrats had witnesses Identify their
ballots before the committee, and said
that the witnesses were mistaken in their
Identifications. He said that. In stuffing
ballot boxes, the Democrats would make
a false return for Adams, and before the
baiM were sent in tVio rVMirtknn..
number of Republican ballots would' be
extractea ana jjemocrauc ballots substi-
nf "TVlMl. Vf11ntr V.a --(
ww.-m. - v-- v. o.u, nctc 11UHJ-
bercd with the numbers on the ballots of
weii-xnown democrats, so tnat in the box
there would be a number of genuine Dem-
rwratlr! hallntv. anil thm mmm nimW.
spurious Democratic-ballots bearing dupli
Bishop Halsey's Strong Tribute to
L. H. Halsey, Bishop, C. M. E.
Church, Atlanta, Ga.. writes:
"I have found Peruna to be a great
remedy for catarrh. I have suffered
with this terrible disease for more
than 20 years, until since I have been
using Peruna, which has relieved me
of the trouble.
"I have tried many remedies and
spent a great deal of hard earned
money far them, hut I found nothing
so effectual la the cure of catarrh
as the great medicine, Peruna.
"I feel sure that Peruna Is not only
a triumph of medical science, but it
Is a blessing to suffering humanity.
"Every ludlvldunl who suffers
with respiratory diseases -will find
i'eruaa to be a magnificent and
sovereign remedy.'
cate numbers. When the spurious ballots
were opened. Democratic witnesses, see
ing the same number on the ballot and in
the pollbook, were willing to swear the
ballots were all written by them.
Mr. Waldron touched on the alleged
frauds in Adams. Conejos, Las Animas
and Pueblo Counties, which, he contended,
were all In favor of the Democrats. If
the precincts IA these counties where Il
literate voters were allowed1 to vote with
out being sworn be thrown out. as he
said they should be under the law, Mr.
Peabodya plurality, he said, would be In
creased by nearly 3000.
Mr. Waldron elected to take up the en
tire day In his presentation of the case of
his client, and to reserve but two hours
for his closing speech. He closed his ar
gument with an eloquent appeal to the
Assembly to seat Peabody.
The attorneys for Governor Adams will
have eight hours, beginning Monday, and
continuing until Tuesday, to pre
sent their case. Mr. Waldron will make
hjs closing address Tuesday afternoon.
On Wednesday the discussion will be
open to the members of the Legislature,
each member being limited to ten min
utes. If all the members avail themselves
of this privilege or transfer their time to
fellow-members, voting will not begin be
fore next Friday.
New York State Senators Accused of
Negotiating for Bribes.
NEW YORK, March 4. The Evening
World today says that "It is charged,
without the slightest equivocation, that a
Democratic States Senator, representing
tne gas comome of this city, has paid to
several Republicans of the State Senate
57500 each to Influence them In Joining
with the forces that are working to pre
vent the passage of bills that might hurt
tne Ugntlng monopoly In New York City.'
According to the paper. It Is further "as
serted that at least two other Senators
are in negotiation for bribe money, but
nave not yet accepted it. The bui3 in
question are measures pending In the Leg
islature looking to a reduction of the price
of gas In this city.
Grand Jury Will Go on In Spite of
Garfield's Report.
CHICAGO, March 4-The grand Jury in
vestigation of the-"beef trust will go ahead,
regardless of the report made by Com
missioner XSarfleld to President Roosevelt
and transmitted to Congress. When asked
If It was not a peculiar condition when
one department of the Government as
serted the existence of a beef trust and
another seemingly discredited It, Assistant
District Attorney Morrison today said:
"It does not make any difference what
the Department of Commerce and Labor
does, we will go on and conduct our In
vestigation as intended. Mr. Garfield's
men were sent outv to gather facts and
figures and not to look Into the business
methods of these concerns. They were
not sent out to find violations of the
Sherman act. The report has nothing to
do with the grand Jury investigation.
Texas Indorses War on Trusts.
AUSTIN, Tex., March 4. The Texas
Legislature has gone on record in both
houses In an indorsement of President
Roosevelt's policy in regard to the Stand
ard Oil Company and the alleged beef
Turned Over to Its Creditors.
NEW YORK, March L Bankruptcy
proceedings brought by three creditors on
February 9 against Sullivan. Drew & Co.,
wholesale dealers in milliner, have been
dismissed. There were about 200 cred
itors. The liabilities were 5441,000 and
assets 5349,000. A settlement was
made on the basis of 50 cents on the
dollar In stock of a new corporation,
composed of the creditors. .
Striking Carriafemakers In Trouble.
PARIS, March 4. The striking carriage
makers made a demonstration . today on
the Place de la Concorde. Fifteen, arrests
were made, but no one was injured
Convinced of the Merits of Pe-ru-na.
tev. ur. josian uetz, 47 Park Ave-
Albany, N. Y., for years a Rabbi of'
the Hebrew Synagogue, but now re
tired, writes:
"I am fully convinced of the merits
of Peruna in cases of colds and ca
tarrh, and as a general tonic. t
.T 1 .
for several years and always flad
that It Is very effective ia restoring'
lost strength and appetite, and very1
effective In ridding the system of'
cold. I gladly Indorse It."
Rev. James Polndexter, of Columbus,
Ohio, writes:
"My attention was called some time
ago to your medicine, and take pleasure
In saying I have tried it and found It
good. In my opinion, Peruna 13 Justly
entitled to the fame which it has
throughout the United States."
(Continued from First PagO
President's escort, and the President's
rate of progress to the Capitol was re
duced to the pathetic pace of men who
were fast approaching the scriptural
limit of life. But the delay had its
compensations. Many thousands had
opportunity to see and greet the Pres
ident as his cortege slowly nassed
along the mile from the White House
to Capitol Hill, where Congress was
concluding Its labors.
Vice-President Inaugurated.
The five minutes remaining at the
close of the session were given to in
augurating the Vice-President, who
was escorted to a seat near the presid
ing officer. Senator Frye, where he de
livered brief Inaugural remarks and
took tho oath of office.
Then began the formal organization
of the new session in the Senate cham
ber. Packed like sardines In the re
strlcted space of the little chamber
were the official visitors, the President
and Cabinet in plain clothes; tho am
bassadors and Ministers, gorgeous in
gilt braid and decorations; the Su
preme Court in deep black, tho Army
and Navy in silver and gold and
swords; and last of all the members of
a dead House of Representatives
banked about the walls or crowded
into cloakrooms. Each of theso grand
divisions of official life op official
death was announced and saluted by
the Senate rising. All this prolonged
form with its solemn progress and
weighty dignity was preliminary to
the ceremonies outside, and the inarch
at once- began to the Immense platform
whore the President was to dellver-hls
inaugural address and take the oath of
office. Here the great pageant for the
benefit of the public began to unfold
The window.! of the Capitol were
crowded: there was a deep fringe of
spectators along the roofs of Senate
and House and the dome. The trees of
the park were loaded with boys and
men; the broad acres of the park Itself
were crowded with thousands Bpon
thousands. Back of this, the windows,
roofs and porches of the Library of
Congress accommodated a multitude
and every residence fronting on the
park added to the Imposing scene. Sur
rounding the plaza in front of the
President's platform were the forming
lines of the main parade, wTiile from
the adjacent streets .everywhere pro
jected heads of columns, military and
civic, waiting to fall in their places In
the line.
With the appearance of the President
from the Senate chamber the shouting
began, swelling Into a roar like Nia
gara, rising to cyclonic effects, and
continuing while the Senate and mem
bers of the House, the Cabinet, the
Supreme Court, the heads of the Army
and Navy, Ambassadors and Ministers,
representatives, of every subordinate
branch of the Government and a great
company of guests filed out of the Sen
ate doors and filled the immense plat
form. Oath and Speech, Then Parade.
At length all was ready for the crown
ing ceremony. The eea of humanity was.
stilled. The President advanced to take
the oath of office. With his band upon
the Bible held by the Chief Justice, he
reverently repeated the oath, .kissed the !
hook at the end. and Theodore Roosevelt
Many Would
fly leaf of one
his own handwriting a text.
This honored
Drug M'fg Co.,
medicine In
the house It
Throat Affected by Catarrh.
Rev. H. W. Tate. 471 S. 11th Street,
Columbus, Ohio, writes:
"For several years I have been
troubled with a peculiar spasmodic af
fection of the throat. It would seize
me suddenly, and for a few minutes I
would be unable to speak audibly, and my
breath would be greatly Interfered with.
I would be obliged to gasp for breath.
"I finally concluded that It was some
catarrhal affection which probably
excited the spasm. It Interfered with
my vocation ns a preacher, attacking
me occasionally Ik the pulpit.
"I had heard so much about Peruna as
a catarrh remedy that I determined to
try it. After taking two bottles my
trouble has disappeared. I feel sure
that Peruna has greatly benefited me."
For catarrh of the respiratory organs,
no remedy has ever been found to equal
again became President. He then delivered
his Inaugural address which surprised his
hearers by its brevity. As the ceremony
closed he was again greeted by tho roar
ing cheers of the immense throng. Ac
companied by hia escort ana iouowea Dy
tnjops and civilian paraders, he started
for the White House. It was tne most
perfect column that ever marched in an
inaugural parade, though its numbers
were less than former ones. General
Chaffee had Insisted that a brigade of the
National Guard from each state should
be the maximum representation. Never
had there been so perfect a regular army
column in any previous National pageant.
While the whole military column was a
marvel and a delight, as Indicated by the
continuing tornado of cheers where it
passed, there were elements of special in
terest. The Ninth Cavalry, that splendid
colored regiment, received marked atten
tion. The crowds went wild over the sec
tion of Rough Riders. The scouts and the
Porto Rico battalion excited Intense In
terest. The brigade of cadet battalions
from many states, organized by General
Chaffee, attracted universal attention and
received unbounded applause. The civic
grand division of eight brigades in three
divisions, made up of over 50 organlza-
.tlons, was In every respect better organ
ized than ever before.
Gorgeous Scenes at Night.
Turning from the pageant of the day,
the doubled population of the city dis
posed itself from the three Imposing spec
tacles of the night, the promenade at the
Pension Office, misnamed a ball; the fire
works on the White House lot, and the
dazzling street decorations. The attend
ance at the ball was limited to 12,000 or
15,000. The streot decorations were viewed
"by a solid marching column filling the
wide pavements of the avenue and the
street itself, and reaching for 2 miles.
No such brilliant scheme of decoration
and illumination was ever witnessed be
fore in this country, or In any other. The
dome of the Capitol stood white against
the darkness, the illuminations of search
lights In the top of the Washington Monu
ment being made visible for many miles.
The fireworks exceeded all previous dis
plays. There were no ordinary pieces.
Rockets were discarded. The ' set pieces
were of large dimensions such as a wheel
more than 100 feet In diameter, a Presi
dential .piece 200 feet in length, and a Na
tional flag 300 feet long, carried up 1000
feet by balloons and there developed In
the sight of the city and beyond.
The decorations of the ballroom success
fully conformed to the agreement that
every inauguration should excel all pre
vious efforts. All was accomplished that
could be 'effected by extended masses of
color, spreading about and over the Im
mense room and its galleries, with miles
of evergreen vines, carloads of cut flow
ers, flags in artistic combination, electric
lights by thousands upon thousands, and
electric pieces large and small, were of
unrivaled proportions, carrying 6000 lights
of varied colors woven Into a most beauti
ful design.
The instrumental music and the trained
chorus of 500 voices filled' the vast build
ing to its remotest recesses with the per
fection of musical attainment. In defer
ence to Sunday, all ceremonies stopped at
midnight, but it was well toward morning
before the lights were turned down on
the most brilliant spectacle that Wash
ington haa seen In Its long line of notable
occasions. Till long after midnight the
gathered thousands walked, wandering
and enthusiastic, on Pennsylvania avenue
through long reaches of fairyland. With
the wee sma' hours the lights faded and
the citizens rested after their months of
Grandly had the District of Columbia en
tertained tha Nation.
Steel Trust Will Raise Wages.
NEW YORK, March 4. A high offi
Be Saved From Death if Pe-ru-na Wert
Kept in the House.
Rev. H. Stubenvoll, of Elkhorn, Wis., Is pastor of the
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church of that place, j
Rev. Stubenvoll Is the possessor of two Bibles presented
to him by Emperor William of Germany. Upon' the
of the Bibles the Emperor has written In 3
pastor, in a recent letter to The Peruna 1
of Columbus, Ohio, says:
"I had hemorrhaces of the lungs for a loaj; time,;
Una au aafauw ul juc J. ivnjh. rcnuu HIQL TTBX
cured. It gave me trengtn and courage, axd made 4
healthy, pure blood. It lacreased my weight, gave
me a healthy color, and I feel well. It Is the heat
the world. If everyone kept Perraa 11
would save many from death every year."
Pe-ru-na for Coughs and Colds.
E. Cottrell, D. D., Presiding Bishop of
Fifth Episcopal District, C M. E. Church
in America, writes from Holly Springs,
Miss., as follows:
"I have used Peru,ia in severe cases
of neuralgia, colds and coughs, and find
it to be one of the most valuable reme
dies on the market.
"I unhesitatingly recommend It to all
sufferers from the above troubles."
Pe-ru-na Contains No Narcotics.
One reason why Peruna has found
permanent use In so many homes Is that
it contains no narcotics of any kind.
Peruna is perfectly harmless. It can be
used any length of time without ac
quiring a drug habit. Peruna does not
produce temporary results. It is perma
nent In lt3 effect.
Address Dr. S. B. Hartman, President
of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
cial of the United States Steel Corpo
ration said today that a general in
crease in wages of the employes of that
company Is under consideration. The
announcement will be made officially
about April L
Repeats Charge That He Maltreated
Her Husband.
SAVANNAH. Ga., March 4. Mrs. Jef
ferson Davis has written a letter at
tacking General Miles and saying that.
If she wrote the letter which, he re
cently published thanking him for his
courtesy to Mr. Davis, it was written
when she was unaware of the maltreat
ment of her husband.
BOSTON, March. 4. After reading
Mrs. Davis' letter tonight, General Miles
"I will not reply to any Insolent let
ter of that kind."
Are Free From Some Form of Indi
gestion. Very few people are free from some
form of indigestion, but scarcely two
will have the same symptoms.
Some suffer mo3t directly after eating,
bloating from gas in stomach and bowels,
others have heartburn or sour risings,
a till others have palpitation of the heart,
headaches, sleeplessness, pains in chest
and under shoulder blades, some have
extreme nervousness, as in nervous dys
pepsia. But whatever tha symptoms may be,
the cause in all cases of Indigestion; is tha
same, that Is the stomach for soms
reason falls to properly and promptly
digest what Is eaten.
This Is the whole story of stomach
troubles in a nutshell. The stomach must
have rest and assistance and Stuart's
Dyspepsia Tablets give it both by sup
plying those natural digestives which
every weak stomach lacks, owing to the
failure of the- peptic glands In the stom
ach to secrete sufficient acid and pepsin
to thoroughly digest and assimilate tha
.food eaten.
One. grain of the active . principle -In
Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will digest
SCOO grains of meat, eggs or other whole
some food, and this claim lias been
proven by actual experiment, which, any
one can perform for himself in the fol
lowing manner: Cut a hard-boiled egg
lntp very small pieces, as It would be if
masticated; place tha egg and two or
three of the tablets In a bottle or Jar
containing warm water heated to SS de
grees (the temperature of the body) and
keep It at this temperature for three
and one-half hours, at the end of-which
time the egg will be as completely .di
gested as It would have been in ths
healthy stomach of a hungry boy.
The point of this experiment Is that
what Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets will do
to the egg In the bottle they will do
to the egg or meat in the stomach and
nothing else will rest and Invigorate
the stomach so safely and effectually.
Even a little child can 'take Stuart's
Tablets with safety and benefit if its
digestion is weak, and the thousands of
cures accomplisheu by their regular
daily use. are easily explained when It
Is understood that they are composed
of vegetable essences, aseptic, pepsin,
diastase and Golden Seal, which mingle
with the food and digest it thoroughly,
giving the over-worked stomach a chance
to recuperate.
Dieting never cures Dyspepsia, neither
do pills and cathartic medicines, wlilch
simply irritate and Inflame the" .Intes
tines. When enough food is eaten and promDt-
y digested there will be no constlnatinn.
nor In fact will there be disease of
any kind Because good digestion means
good nealtn to every organ.
The merit and success of Stuart's Dys
pepsia Tablets are world-wide and they
are sold at the moderate- price of Sft
cents .for full-sized package. In' every
drugstore In the United States''and; Can
ada,- as well as In -Europe. - ; .