28 THE SUNDAY OBEGDNIAST, PORTLAND, SEARCH 5, 1905. TOB. SALE SEAL ESTATE. PAR fitT.T ST".n (W Hawthorne ave.. strictly modem two-story 6-room bouse on corner; recently built and in excellent condition; Jot -worth $1200. bouse ccet to build $2000. A rare Daryam. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY. 109 Third Street. $6300-we CAN INVEST that amount tor you ana mace you 10 jar '-v , . way: We'll sell you a fractional lot. close . . .... i . . j .. ... TOOO- em flats. 6 rooms each, for $4500. that makes 56600. AW 11 guarantee, to renttheM for $40 each, or $900 yearly, pay taxes and Insurance, and return you net .13 per cent, uan you uem uuu Ins Sz Co.. 408 Ablngton bldg. DON'T BUT BEFORE YOU SEE THESE SIX beautiful full lots; will make a dandy sub urban home, oa E. 35th St., near S. P. shops. STS to $100 each for Jots at Northern Hill. St. Johns car line. .-r- THE DUNN-LAWRENCE COMPANY. 149J4 First street. $160 PER ROOM BUILDS COZY COTTAGES. $160 per room builds city homes. $210 per room builds modern flats. With all Improvements, thoroughly well built; won't settle. or crack or ned repairs. HOUSTON, DESIGNER AND BUILDER. 53 Morrison. FORSALE-S NEW S-ROOM HOLSES ,IS southwest part of city well .f Uonal lots, corner, well looted fractional lots, corner, $4000; Inside houses. $3500 each; jotUfactcry terms can be made purchasers. Parrish, Watldns & Co., 250 Alder et FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE WILLAMETTE Heights; desirable 9 and 12-room houses, with modern improvements, east of the rav ine; also several choice unimproved lots, affording magnificent view. A. H. Blrrell, CC McKay bldg., 3d and Stark. OWNER OF STRICTLY MODERN. VLUY desirable 10-room house, Tecently built, oners It for sale, with either one or two lots; loca tion Northrup st, one block from 23d-street car line; a splendid opportunity to get a flrst-class home. W 53. Oregonlan. 516.000 WILL BUY A BEAUTIFUL RESI dence with U-block in the bonton part of city; the best buy for the money now. Julius Kraemer can tell you all about It. Office, 017 Commercial blk. NEW AND MODERN COLONIAL HOUbE. corner lot, 50x100. on East Side; the best residence on the market today In Portland for the price asked; $4800. Call and see photo graph at our office. Knapp &. Mackey, room 2, Chamber of Commerce. A GOOD BUY AT $4250-CORNER LOT IN northern part of city with 3 buildings rented cheap, yielding at present $480 per year; the buyer -can realize $20 more a month. Go to Jnllus Kraemer for details at the Commercial blk. I OFFER 5 LOTS. UNIMPROVED. ON B. Washington and 29th sts.; also one inside lot, unimproved, on Williams ave. and Hancock. These are great bargains If taken at once. Inquire Dun das, 1145 E. Alder St., cor. 38th. $7000-9-ROOM. NEW AND MODERN HOUSE, one of the completest and handsomest you ever saw. Willamette Heights, where none but good houses are allowed. You'll like th!. L. W. Whiting & Co., 408 Ablngton bldg. 3x70. VAUGHN ST.. NEAR 23D $850 30x100, 24th, near Vaughn 750 25x100, Thurman, near 23d 750 30x100, Thurman, near 23d 900 A. P. MARSHALL. Agent. 82 3d. TOR SALE IVi ACRES. HIGH STATE Cul tivation; Just the place for truck garden: running water and good place for ducks and chickens; easy walking distance to St. Johns car line; $1500. Brown, 351 Stark st. A FINE MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. WITH 25x100 feet, well located in center of city; $5500. See us for terms and Information in regard to this property. Parriah, Watklns t Co., 250 Alder st. FOR SALE-S ACRES. CLOSE IN. SUITABLE for platting with new 7-room house, porce lain bath, hot and cold water, nice lawn; will be sold cheap. See owner on premises, 1073 Division st. 6-ROOM HOUSE AND SMALL BARN. ONLY two blocks from Thompson School, Central Alblna; $1100; $400 cash, balance on easy terms. Knapp & Mackey, room 2, Chamber of Commerce. $27,500. NICE BUY. TAKES A QUARTER block with buildings on 1st St.. which fairly Improved will yield 10 per cent on Invest ment. See Julius Kraemer for particulars. FOR SALE CHEAP SMALL HOUSE AND lot. Gray's Crossing. Mount Scott car line: $250; terms If desired. Conservative In vestment Co., 40 Hamilton bldg. $1830 INCOME A TEAR YOU CAN HAVE BY investing $11,250 in a nice piece of business property. For particulars see Julius Krae mer, Commercial blk. MOST DESIRABLE SUBURBAN HOME altes around Portland, cheap, oa good terms. Mrs. Van, at Oak Giwe Station, on Oregon City car line. WILL SELL CHEAP. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, centrally located, in Newbcrg. Or.; $200 cash, balance easy payments. Address box 93, Lents. Or. NEW 6-ROOM COTTAGE, SMALL PAY ment down, balanoc $10 a month; Inter est 5 per cent. Room 603 Fenton bldg.. 84 6th st. FOR SALE (V-ROOM MODERN HOUSE AND lot; price $2500; easy terms; this Is a snap. F. S. Keating. 604 Marquam bldg. I have many others. TWENTY ACRES FOR SALE. READY FOR platting, between Ivanhoe and Woodstock. Address H. O.. I. O. O. F. Temple, 1st and Aider. 200 FARMS, SMALL TRACTS AND LOTS Bargains on O. W. P. electric line. O. R. Addlton, Lents, Or. Take Mt Scott car, 5c 115x100 FIVE-ROOM HOUSE. BATH, toilet, hot and cold water. Flrland on the Mt. Scott car line. See agent at station. A BARGAIN HOUSE. S ROOMS. MODERN. San Rafael st.. near Union ave. Conserva tive Investment Co.. 40 Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE THREE ACRES. $500 PER acre, one block from citation: this Is a bargain. Inquire of William Shlndler. Mllwaukle. FOR SALE-2 ACRES. FENCED AND CUL tlvated; 10 large cherry trees; near St. Johns car line; $800. Brown. 351 Stark. $3000 HANDSOME S-ROOM MODERN HOME In Irvlngton. No shacks in Irvlngton. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 40S Ablngton bldg. CHEAP. DESIRABLE: ONE OR TWO 6 AND -room cottages; Improved streets: car lines. Call place. 326 East 11th. owner. FOR SALE-S-ROOM CORNER HOUSE AND part of lot; one of the nicest corners In South Portland. Inquire 706 1st. BARGAIN NEW COTTAGE LARGE LOT. for sale, $1400; near streetcar; Holladay Addition. Call 831 Halsey et SOMETHING NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. Sunnyslde. nearly completed: new design. See Owner, 814 Belmont st. LOT 60x150 AND S-ROOM HOUSE, TILLA rnook et., bet. Williams and Rodney aves. Apply at S09 San Rafael at. A BARGAIN $600 BUYS NEW 5-ROOM house and 4 lots on the Peninsula. See own r. 71 East 11th st.. north. LOT 9. BLOCK 7. ROSED ALE ANNEX; $200; 11th and Alberta sts.. on car line. Inquire 404, Commercial bldg. BARGAIN NEW. MODERN. COLONIAL residence, cloe in; East Side. Address W M. care Oregonlan. FOR SALE MODERN HOUSE OF 10 ROOMS S15 22d st. Price low. Owner, Mrs. W. A. Daly. 359 13th st. 9-ROOM HOUSE. CQRNER LOT. SUNNY slde. one block from car. $2500. P. W Lewis, 27 1st st. NICE 5-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE: 1G MIX. utes walk to Portland. 330 San Rafael at.. Upper Alblna. NEAT 5-ROOM COTTAGE; WILL Ex change for land. 824 East 30th -st. Phone Union 4404. ACREAGE NEAR CAR-LIXEL 6 MILES FROM Morrison st. bridge. C K. Ballard. Mil waukle. Or. 2 HOUSES AND FULL LOT FOR SALE Rents $10 per month. Apply owner. S09 7th st. FOR SALE 10-ROOM HOUSE AND LOT. snap. 129 10th :., bet. Washington and Alder. FOR SALE 9-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE all new and swell; cheap. 035 Flanders. FOR SALE OR LEASE, LOT 50x100. TWO Mocks from the Fair. Inquire 33 Park. BY OWNER, 5.07 ACRES. ON CAR LINE only $330. Inquire 24 Grand ave. N. FOR SALE CHOICE U-BLK. IN HOLLA day'a Addition. Owner. 169 1st st FOR. SALE-A NICE 7-ROOM COTTAGE IN CI oversale. Jno.ulre-at.315 2d sc jcOR SALE REAL ESTATK. IT'S ONLY THE WISE WHO'D BUY BE- ,cr FORE PRICES RISE. $6500 for one of the handsomest homes on the East side; half block. 10-room residence, ground magnificent beyond words capable jot description. You should not fall to see this. $6000 Elegant 9-room residence; swell lo cality, close in. West Side. . $4200 Swell 10-room residence, corner, close I In. East Side. A bargain. , $3800 Magnificent East Side seme. 8 rooms. uciumui corner, all modem conveniences. $2000 Quarter-block with charming 6-room cuiiage; a aeiigntful some on .Montana av; -very easy terms. $2300 Corner lot. stilish, new strictly mod ern .-room residence; swell part of Sunny side. $1150 Quarter-block, nice new 8-room resi lience, one Diock electric cars. Woodstock. $1100 Two full lots. 6-room residence, E. 13th and Howe sts. $950 Extremely beautiful cottage, full lot. lovely garden and fruit, on Atlantic st., one block electric cars. $500 Three full lots, nice 4-room cottage, two blocks MonlavHln our line. $350 Nice cottage, partly furnished, full ioi. gooa Darn, choice fruit, west ave. $900 for very desirable building lot on E. 16th St.. near Madison. $400 to $450 for very beautiful lots in Oak jbjjoii. near .Brooklyn School. Lovely river-front acre tracts In Oak Grove, cueap. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO., 149 First Street. FOR SALE $2600 New, eight-room, modern house, on Williams ave. $1650 New 5-room house on Cook ave. $1250 New 4-room house oa Ivy st. $950 House and lot. Vancouver ave. $275 Corner lot. 2 blocks from car line. Mount Tabor. Any of the above on easy payments. A. a ELLIS. Phone Union 6221. 658 Williams avenue. FOR SALE ACRES AND HALF ACRES, at prices one-half adjacent property; good soil and "view; near car line, one six-acre tract, suitable for greenhouse or garden, with fine spring. See owner, 310 Cham ber Commerce. $395 IN HOLLADAYS ADDITION, ON .Broadway et., a fractional lot. sewer ana street In and paid for; say now is your time; think of It; it may never come again. See owner quick, 740 Chamber of Commerce. BARGAIN TWO VERY CHOICE LOTS. COR- ser and Inside, in City View Parw, few days only; must sell, as owner will leave city. Inquire of E. Gundorson, 701 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE 7-ROOM HOUSE. GROUNDS 1M- proved, 100x200; owner going away: fine bar gain; call early. New house and barn, cor ner. 100x100. U car. Zella J. Gossett, Ockley Green. DON'T RENT $10 DOWN. $5 MONTHLY; tuxiw, nne, signuy lot near car line, water main and graded street, for $125. See the City Business Chance Agency. 228 1st st. TRACTS OF ONE OR TWO ACRES OF LAND on o. . p. & Ry. Co. electric line, cart of Sellwood; $150 to $200 per acre, on install ments. Knapp & Mackey, room 2, Chamber of Commerce. NEW MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. WOOD ra viuier, ua.ui, aoi ana coia water; uw, half cash, balance $10 per month. Owner. Joe Nash, at Nashville Station on Mt. Scott car. Phone Union 1561. BEST PIECE OF RESIDENCE PROPERTY in .ast I'ortiana. on Belmont ave.; rents $840; can be improved to $1500; owner re sides in California. N 55, Oregonlan. 120 ACRES. 7 MILES FROM OREGON CITY: owi uouse. uarn, orcnara. running water; 1 miles to store, churches, school: $1500. half cash. A. L. Christopher. Gresham, Or. FOR SALE. CORNER, 60x100. 11TH ST.. .noiiaaay Aoamon; aiso lot soxioo, E. 16th et., near Couch. Inquire owner, 626 6th, West Side. Phone Mala 4788. 160 ACRES, CLOSE TO TOWN OF ESTACA. oa; 5) per acre, la tracts of 10 acres -and up; level: partly cleared and running water. Inquire 404 Commercial bldg. FOR SALE 6-ROOM ALMOST NEW moaern nouse; large lot. stable, chicken house, suburbs: la-mlnute car service. M 56, Oregonlan. $700-QUARTER BLOCK ON GROVER ST.. place to build cottages for rent. 118 Ablng ton building. 6-ROOM HOUSE IN UPPER ALBINA, ON -. "cat tar line, icLige mji; .iw. hi al lied & Smith. 165 4th st. Phone Cay 977. GROCERY STORE. CORNER. LIVTNG- rooms, close In: price, including furniture. $675. Berry & Alexander. 4 N. 6th. 34TH AND DIVISION STS. 20 LOTS, IDEAL biio ior nomes; aon i miss mis opportunity. T. J. Armstrong. 32 1st st. X. TWO LOTS. E. 12TH. NEAR TILLAMOOK; will sell or build to suit purchaser; terms to suit. Phone East 675. FOR SALE A SNAP. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. Flrland'. Mt. Scott car. part cash, balance time. Inquire at station. $1700 SMALL COTTAGE. LOT 60x100, NEAR Hawthorne tract. Apply 675 E. Main. Phone East 1475. 6 AND 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSES. SMALL payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 675. FOR SALE FARMS. FARM BIG SNAP READ CAREFULLY 120 acres, 180 acres cultix-ated. 340 acres fine yellow and red flr timber; some level creek bottom, good for hops; part rolling hill land: all good soil; fine hill and mountain outrange for slock; streams and springs in each field and pasture; good 6-room house, 2 barns, water piped to house and barns; all good outbuildings, new electric road will run within 5 miles of the farm; good community; school, stores, churches: free mall delivery and farmers telephone in the neighborhood: 100 acres now in growing grain; 1 wagon, 1 hack. 1 mower. 1 rake. 1 harrow. 1 disc. 2 plows, all mnall tools; located in Benton County. Oregon, and conceded to be one of the best stock farms in the valley: immedi ate possession. Reasonable payment down and easy terms on balance; the best propo sition now offered anywhere; for an immedi ate sale all goes as above described for $5500. HENKLE & BAKER. 217 Ablngton Bldg., Portland. Or. LITTLE FARMS. Near city. 10 to 25 acres, unimproved, $50 tip: Improved, $100 up; easy terms. 10 acres, mostly improved, on Base Line road; house, barn, etc; $1500. 25 acres, partially cleared; house, barn, etc.; $2500. LARGE FARMS'. $1000 and up. according to improvements. 80 acres, partially cleared, house and barn, spring water. $1200. 100 acres, all clear, fine improvement", run ning water, good well, stock and farm im plements; $10,000. 20-ACRE TRACTS. Near Vancouver. Wash.; good soli, level, pome Improved, balance easily cleared. $15 to $30 per acre. Party going Monday morning. LAMBERT. WHITHER & CO.. 107 Sherlock bldg.. Third and Oak sts. Bast Side, 404 Alder st. GUARANTEED AS ADVERTISED 40 ACRES, -v. uuun jjiub. o bctcs gooo umDer. balance in pasture and easily cleared; land Is rich and lays nicely; nice frame houac. 6 rooms; large barn, woodshed, chicken -house; 400 bearing fruit trees in perfect condition; land fenced and cross fenced; large team, harness and wagon nearly new; plows, har row, etc. Place is on county road, close to church, ij mile from W. O. W. Hall. v. mile from 2-room school, and 2V4 miles from town on Columbia River; price, $1700; terms or part. Imus & Wlltoughby, Kalama, Wash FARM BARGAIN 100 ACRES CHOICE land; no gravel, and all lays nice; 85 acres In cultivation; 25 acres ready for planting to potatoes: fruits and berrie.; running wa ter: S-rpom. modern, hard-finished house, with bath: concrete basement; fine barn rus tic and painted; other outbuildings; house and barn nearly new; 10 mUes from Port land on fine. level road; lfc mites to electric car line: a cheap farm. $9500. Henkle & Baker. 217 Ablngton bMg.. Portland. Or. $35 PER ACRE FOR 240 ACRES OF FINEST juuco irviu jroruana; UK acres in cultivation; fine new S-room bouse, latce barn, nice young orchard full bearing: place worth one-third more than asked fer, but owner making a trip to Eurpe: this place must be seen to be appreciated: can give rmj5u-F- IL SUUB- H Morrfss-a. Phone Red 291. 54 ACRES IMPROVED. 16 ORCHARD. iitSr D.4U, urjuwir; near unumoia River. $2500; cost on mortgage foreclosure. 3S9 acres, highly Improved. 100 plowed. 15 orchard, 100 pasture, balance oak Umber bargain. $25 acre. ' PITTENGER. 245 MORRISON. . LITCHFIELD In this city. March 3. 1905 at the family residence. 147 West Pn.v ' Louise-W.. beloved wife of G. C. Litchfield! aged 59 years. Funeral Sunday. March 3 T905. at 3:30 P. M at ramlly residence. Friends invited. Interment at Lone Fir cemetery. 400 ACRES NEAR DALLAS. OR-. GOOD IM- j,.uicuii, per acre; investigate this bargain If you want a good raneh. 105 acres. 1 mile south of Gresham. near car line. $1575. dirt cheap. raaMia nelr 224 FAILING BLDG. FOR SALE 74 ACRES OF TIMBERLAND on uoewater or saoai water Bay, Pacific Couuty. Washington; timber, spruce and hemlock; will sell cheap IT taken at once. Address N 31,-Oregoalas. rOK. SALS FARMS. FARMS FOR SALE LAST NEW LIST No. 1202 acres. 75 acres la cultivation. weu watered, house, large bam. price, fzuw 73 -tiico uum iuwu. ua gum icnni, No. 2 SO acres, 25 plowed ground, house. wra, orcnara. w.wo acres pasture iana ad joining the place; No. 1 stock ranch. Price, w; $d down. No. 3160 acres. 45 In cultivation, build lags good, one mile from school, 1U miles to store and postofilce; this is a grand-"dairy rancn. 1'rice, $ia per acre. No. 452 acres, hotu-e. barn, 1"X miles from town. Price. $32JO per acre. WlH let $000 euuiu as long as you wua. No. 5 SO acre, house, bara. 20 acres la cultivation. Price. $800; $200 cash, balance oa time to suit. No. 6 C5 acres, all la cultivation but two acres, house, barn, orchard. i mile to iwiool Price. $1900; $1300 cash, balance on time to suit. No. 7240 acres1. 2 bouses, common, 75 acres slashed and needed IB acres unaer CU1 tlvatlon; lots of nice ash bottom land, easily cleared. 2 miles to store and postofice. I'rice. $s per acre, on your own lerms. No. 875 acres. 5 acres la cultivation. -room house, barn. 1 miles to school. li miles to church, store and postofoce. 6 head of cattle and other stuff, all go for $1000, $500 casn. No. 9223 acres. 30 acres in cultivation. M acre-t needed to crass. 6-room house, good large bara, 70 apple trees. Price, $2000, half casn. balance on time to suit. no. lu xxj acres. 4- acres in cumvauua, house and bara. mile to school. 4fe miles No. 11-300 acres, 130 la cultivation, two nouses, two earns; orcnaro, one mue to sturs and postoSlce, four miles to town. a mile to school, .race. per acre, nan caso. No. 12 G4Va acres. 12 acres plow land. house, barn, on county roaa, t mile to ccnooi and church. Price, $U00 oa gooa terms. No. 13115 acres. 22 acres ia cultivation. house and barn, one mile to school; will sell horses, wagon and harness, buggy. 5 head of caiiie, goats ana otner jkuk. jui ior wuuu. No. 14 15U acres. 10 acres ia cultivation. 7-room house, 'barn, one mile to school, or chard. 100 rods of wire fence. 1'rlce 5ixxx. half cash. Joins a town of 1500 inhabitants. No. 15 SO acres. 30 acres in cultivation. 5-room house, barn and orchard; Vx rajle to pebool, 4 miles to town; price $1500. $1000 cash. No. 16320 acres. 275 acres in cultivation. good new house and barn. IVi mil en from town. 1'rlce, $7000, on good terms. No 17 6S acres, 25 acres in cultivation. nouse. Darn ana orcnara: 4 miles rrom town li mile to school. Price, $1300, terms to suit. No. 18112 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, balance fine pasture, fair houso and barn, good orchard. mile to nshool and church. a nee, $2000, on good termsc No. 19160 acres, 25 acres ia cultivation. 60 acres slashed and seeded, house, bara and orchard, one mile to school; price. $2000; one- imra casn, Daiance on tnree yearsr time. No. 20 15 acres, 30 acres in cultivation, 12 acres in fruit and garden. 4-room house, barn. No. 1 orchard. 1 miles to school. 4 miles to town, l'rlce. $25 per acre, $500 dowa. iiiuiiiice on d years. No. 21160 acres. 30 acres la cultivation. balance? fine pasture, 4-room house, bara, rajie 10 xcnooi; price, M per acre; time oa MM) IO EUlt. house and barn 1V4 miles to town. mile to cutuui. i nre, per acre on gooa terms. No. 23500 acres. 160 in cultivation, house barns, orchard. No. 1 pasture, can keep 300 sheep and 100 goats. Price, $8000, oa good No. 24140 acres, 90 acres in cultivation, G-room house, new bara, orchard, 1 mile to Kcnooi, o mucs irom town. 1'rl ce. $S000; vw uuu, u-aancv oa lime u suit. No. 25347 acres. 200 acres in cultivation. S-room house. 2 baraa, orchard, !4 mile to pchool. 3 miles to Sheridan. Price. $23 per acre: juw casn, Daiance oa threo years time at u per cent. No. 26146 acres. 130 acres in cultivation. 7-room house, large new bam. watered by jn-n; mi Ke prune orcnara. o acres in nnps, good bopbaler. No. 1 hophouse. Price, $6000, on good terms, two miles from town. No. 27100 acris, 25 in cultivation, besides' i trra in orcnara now oeanng, common houso. good barn, watered by creek, well and a No. 1 spring in the barnyard. mile to school, one-third mile to store, postofllce and church, 10 miles to county eat, C miles to town. Price. $1800: $1000 cash, balance oa or before 8 years, at 6 per cent. This Is a snap. No. 2S J4 acres, all in cultivation, house, barn, 2 acres in orchard. 12 acres in clover. Price. $40 per acre. 14 miles to a No. 1 3hool, three miles to a railroad town. No. 29388 acres. 70 acres la cultivation. IWttMM Anrf iven Jio lm nmhsnl t .A, and fenced. V mile to school, 5 miles to town. This Is a No. 1 stock ranch, lots of outrange joining the place. Price, $23 per acre. No. 30160 acres, 25 acres in cultivation, new house, bara. orchard. 1 mile to a school. No. 1 stock ranch, outrange joining the place. 5 miles from town. Price. $1500. No. 31 10 acres. 12 acres in cultivation. 14 acres ia strawberries, 100 fruit trees bear ing, house, barn. 5i mile to school. Price $000; time on $250. No. 32145 acres, 75 in cultivation, house, barn, orchard, 3 miles from town, v mile to school. Price, $30 per acre. No. 3380 acres, 12 acres in cultivation. 5-room house, new bam. orchard, well wa tered and fenced. Price. $1500, $1300 cash. Sehooibouse on the place. No. 34 600 acres. 60 acres in cultivation. Jots more easily put in. good building, one of the best-watered places in the state; can't be beat for stock ranch. Price, $0000; $2500 cash, time oa rest; one mile to school. This Is a snap. No. 35160 acres, SO acres seeded to grass, 4 miles from town, mile to school; $7.50 per acre, on terms to suit. This place Joins No. 15 on this list of SO acres. No. 3610 acres. 30 acres in cultivation; house, bam. orchard, 2 acres in strawberries; all kinds of small fruit. Price, $1200. No. 3790 acres, 25 acres in cultivation. 4-room house, good bara. orchard, one-third crop, 50 head of goat, 20 sheep, 2 cows, plow, harrow, wagon and harness. Price. $2500 on terms to suit. ' No. 38 144t, acres. 55 acres in cultivation, two houses, two barna, t, mile to nchool. church and postofflcc. Price, $2630, half cash. No. 39124 acres, house, bam. 100 acres in cultivation. 2ii miles to two towns. Price, $35 per acre, on good terms. No. 40227 acres. 100 acres in cultivation, good house. 3 barns. This place la nearly all under plank fence, well watered. 3& miles from town. U mile to school. AVI1I sell this pace, with everything oa It for $7000; 5 head or horses. 20 head of cattle, 98 head of goats, all the farming tools, such as plows, wagon and eerj'thlng go on the ranch. Price, $7000, half cash. No. 4121 acres. 5 acres In cultivation, 1 mile to school. 5 miles from town, nearly all fenced; 20,000 acres outrange Joins this piace; on good level road, well watered, no build ingSL lots of fine ash bottom land on It, easily cleared. Price, $450; $225 cash, balance from 5 to 10 years' time. No. 42120 acres. 2 houses. 2 barns, 14 mils to school and county road. 4 miles' from town. Price. $2S00, on terms to suit No. 43273 acres. 200 acres In cultivation. 14 acres in hops, with No. 1 hophouse. all In good shape: No. 1 buildings; 1 mile from towns, all kinds of fruit. Price. $55 per acre half cash; has telephone In house and oa R. F. D. route. No. 44135 acres. 59 acres la cultivation. 4-room house. 3 barns. Price. $1900. $700 cash, ; acre strawberries, all kinds of fruit No. 43181 acres. 126 acres in cultlvatioa. two Juiises. one new house and bam. orchard. mill"; from town, land good. Price. $30 per acre, oa terms to suit No. 46 12S acres. 100 acres la cultivation. house, bam and orchard, fenced In six fields. water in each one, '4 mile te school. 4 miles. from town. Price, $3200; $1500 cash, 15 years on balance. No. 4763 acres. 37 acres ia cultivation, large bouse, bam and orchard. 214 miles from town, scboolhecse on the place. Price. $40 per acre. No. 4S S4H acres. 20 in cultlvatioa. bal ance fine pasture, large bara, with water piped through barn. Price, $1600: time on $1000 to suit at 0 per cent- This place is in town. A soap. No. 4950 acres, all in cultivation, ail level land, good solL mile to school and church -Hi miles to town. Price, $40 per acre, oi good terms. x . Xo. 50160 acres, SO acres ia cultivation, buildings No. 1: 75 aerea fine .seeded pasture ftrehirf. veil f fMj L i i tad .wlrp, 1& rallts to school 'ciurch. andj FOR SALS FA&XS. postofilce. 6 miles from town. Price, $4000 ca.-ci, balance on tlzns ureuit. No. 51100 acres, 20 acres la cultivation, uo uuuh ana mm. met, .lvu; casn. '""nix xcars at a per cent. barn, orchard. 1 mile to town. Prict. ?5i tc.- sere; nau casa, Daiance two yens. No. 5383 acres. IS acres la cultlvatioa. 40 acres slashed and seeded, two houses, Sour barns, orchard, spaa of horses and harn. IS head of cattle, 20 tons of hay. 12,000 feiapc vines oeanng. . race, fJMju, jkcu cash, u-ujuirc.m wo years. No. 54 1V Br 1 . f... In ...Otl.t.. house. Ham nnnoU , . V mile to school. 50.000 acres open rang, jc" ta in t- th. n! r. rinM ... 55 ISO acres, 50 .a cultlvatioa. rrw-k uiuu. iiijo nop uuu, --rooro col'SC. bamt lOins M Oftn anr rtnn.- tmnA road; school 1 miles. Price, $2500. $1000 Xr fWt1? -in 1. ...Li w , 8-room house, bam. orcharl. one mile :o xennol If. will. ... jm . . ti .., ... ' ", iwm in .wo years. No. 67640 acres, 15 01a cultlvatioa; No. 1 urcnara 1W acres good hop land, lti miles to school, 2 miles to store and postofflce, miles to town. Price. $12 r - - uaiance o yearsr time. hoe 22V?. l'" ood ehurrh al; .7 .'. J.-4 "? ;uooi ana jt; v mu wen waierea. ince; $650, $100 cash, balance three to five yearsT ini ..-ll bear- rviN. i -V?i i, 'r JO prune orcnara. Price $li50 all cash but $560. payments $140 per year, without Interest. 60-I5acres, bouse, barn, 1 mile to Price, $30 per acre, oa terms to suit. ?i"7100 Acr3-. boose, bam, orchard, 2. m-ltivauoa: S'ffiS No. 62 Sheridan property. No 1 S-mmn orterm! s?' f3 160 acres. 6 miles from Caaby 73 T-. TJ e - vi-07 acres at uraal's pa in -----S'tertrT11 -l .,- acres. 3 miles from it. rr a5"- c'red. 25 acrbcaveriam Z vmun iana. with runninc water- fcreantdo: S Xo No. 68 ifift irr.. r 1 ... . . fair barn n o-nwra nouse. miles from toU", .?oun.t.?. in house. ' "wl "euvery, pnone S S 'PJUratioa, ,0 -North Yamhill. Ice7$35er aire. lrom fe?cd.6t-va 500. ? cultivation, all acre. . aoffl!- "ice, $25 per la'ds inEerre1oia8 tead xeuradooSOU943' buneSVandh7bf fcLrteac ta and .iuTatNo. ..T0 tne Postofflce, ' "vpozno BERRT & ALEXANDER. FOR SITU Tn,.n ne Darns, famllv rVTvl.JLi. r nouse. finrin. TZJPJ'Y. orchard; watered brin oa elwtric rcS- mS COreer8,to BUi,oa ad; 0 nSisT'.fS. ?.a Y . drive vated. 25 ai4 3Er "nce1- 0 acres culti of water-rEfnfi1 fM,n": nice stream hct 17 tofj2, "? -niIe to tin Rlverl Bara,ff.a$iP5,rUaad' aear TuU" cuvale? . ?har hophouse! Tlln dlHa"!!?" car line: wUl a w" --4Ejr icnng, cultlva0n-rih:"on-y. i? acres nal. 1, going at a barKilT.,nS:aU "e berries; nice house, mi sni.t.2. i.5faclc 0a Gfove. on Oregon CltFcar line- sm1 rake 2 iSSS 1 cultirpTowi aWcS ginraSs acres in strawberries cAher frutt.- f 3 lshed house, basement, thuraace?; bara. 2 hothouses, with patent VMtn?3 and steam heat; fronts oa SSfrUf oa" e? . ifT'' n'co land, near Woodstock' will trade Into a home in Portland Md Jay om" h,.?1- lttnDrt improved: house. 5aerT?,d,;, fl,n "Pring of water; at Dual PortuSd.' 111 trade f0r a hom la South 150 acres all level, rich bottom land near Oregon City; fine improvedad all wav &:percre,."dlnCT' rChan5' IWr3 j1.1 acres cultivated,. 50 acres of which is choice bottom land and 9 acres beaverdam, ranning stream of watenwo htJfts. large barns, all good; 6 acres la or chard; at R. R. staUoa. ioavenlentto Wood! ty? Sr-iS3SSSSJf donrcSS: 125 acres. aU first-class soil. 103 acres in high state of cultivauon. 22 acre? flnTtim .Der. nne S-room house, nice porches hail Prj'- .c.. all in nice conSuon: large brn- h silo, nice smokehouse painted, fruit drier, woodshed with drivev 7l , cVes in choice TruTtsfoaet third mile to creamery, store, school and fiJiiS Ies to Vancower la CTark Coun- & TSSJfSSx one ot the faras ln HENKLE & BAKER. 21. Ablagtoa Bldg.. Portland. Or. FARMS I FARMS I TAFT & CO. FARMS! 122-3-5-6 Ablagtoa Block. FEW EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS JUST IN. 620 acres. 250 acres under high state of cul tivauon. 100 acres more ready for plows, springs and. running water, well fenced, good house. 3 good bams, plenty fruit. This Is aa exceptional buy. Particulars at our office. 260 acres, fair house. 3 bams. 90 acres Ia cultivation, pleaty of good fruit, fine outside range, all well fenced good springs, lots- of very best pasture. This Is aa exceptional pick-up. Price only $3500; terms. 565 acres Fine buildings of all kinds. 400 acres under cultivation, well fenced. 15 acres prunes, good drier; li miles from good town In Yamhill County. This is an up-to-date plaoe la every respect; easy terms; $17 per acre, 348 acres Big bara. cheap house; 75 acres aader cultivation, 100 ready for plow; lot small fruit; all good level land: IU miles from good live town la Folk County: $16 per acre; terms easy. 50 acres All la cultivation, of which there are -5 acres of hops In fine condition; all cleared and plowed; yield lasj year, 37.000 pounds; latest Improved hophucse; one of the best yards and small farms la Polk Cauaty 1, miles from town; railroad runs rast place. Price only $6500; part cash. 200 acres Fair house and barn: 160 &-es In cultivation, of which 120 acres are la grain now; lots small fruit; good spriag; welt fenced; best of roads; telephone, free mail: $6500. terms. ' 60 acres 23 acres In hops, choice yard goad house and barn, also hophouse: all good land, well fenced: $5000. 20 acres acres hops: no improvements: ! crop last year for $1000; price of land now X1200. CO acres. -mIle from good live. own. all in cultivation. 40 acres la grain, good .new house, good big barn, plenty of fruit, well fenced, o horses, good buggy, harness, new mower, new rake, plows, barrows. 2 cows lot of hay. Only $4500. ' 40 acres, 1 mile from town. 30 acre la cultivation, good house and bara. well fenced. 2 horses. 2 cows. 1 buggy. 1 hack plows, harrows and lot small tools lot chlckecs. This is a model place. Only pAtt. cash. TAFT & CO. 122-3-5-6 Ablngton Block lOStj Third 8L 20 ACRES, GOOD SOIL, ADJOINING ORE- on -iiy; nouae. spring aa puce, .fl umber 402 Williams ave. A SNAP IN A FARM: MUST- BE SOLD. F. FOX SALE FAXM3. ATTENTION, HOMESEEKERS If you are looking for a farm- It -will pay you to come In and see our list. We nave listed 400 farms and ranches.. The best bargains to be found In nearly every county In Oregon, from 52-30 per acre up. ilost of these ire have in spected -personally and can give you reliable Information about them and eave you a lot of time and disappoint ment. HERE ARE A FEU' FROM OUR LIST: 294 acres. 10 miles from Portland; 120 acres In cultivation, well tiled and drained. 60 acres slashed and seeded, bal ance good timber; good house. 2 barns, one Is 32x116 and the other is 40x40, with two 16-fr. sheds: good outbuildings, good orchard. If sold before March 15 we can make a price of $30 per acre: this Is an elegant farming proposition, or it can be divided Into 10 and 20-acre tracts and sold for $100 per acre. There Is a big demand for small tracts close to Portland. 143 acres, 75 acres In cultivation, 7 acres of beaverdam. 10-acre hopyard, good hophouse, dwelling and barn; the soil m ash swale, rich and deep: to close up an estate we can make a price of $37 per acre. If sold this month. This Is a bargain, as adjoining farms cannot be bought for less than $100 per acre. S?By $ miles from Portland. FARMS 140 acres, S miles from Vancouver, 45 acres under cultivation; 2.000,000 feet ce dar and oak on balance: on Salmon Creek; sawmill it mile away: good 8 room house. 2 barns, 2 springs on place, schoolhouse on place: soil very produc tive: 3 horses, 2 colts, 4 head cattle. 3 calves. 4 pigs 1 good wagon. 1 2-seated hack, 2 good buggies. 1 two-section har row. 1 cultivator, 1 plow, 2 new sets of harness, 1 buggy harness; all small tools and household fjrnlture; 35 tons of hay In barn and 2 acres of potatoes. Price only $5000; $3000 cash, balance 6 per cent. 610 acres In Polk County: 130 acres of creek-bottom land in cultivation: this Is all the .finest kind of hopland: good stream runs through the place close to house and bam; good two-story house, S rooms, well built and In fine condi tion; good barn and outbuildings: young bearing orchard; balance of place is good saw timber; 40 acres slashed and seeded; fine pasture and 100,000 acres of outrange adjoining; this Is an ideal stock ranch; good hunting, deer plen . tiful; on account of ill health of owner, will sell this place for $13 per acre, half cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent. 4S0 acres, 100 in cultivation, rich soil, balance open; creek runs through place; two miles from railroad town; this will make a splendid stock ranch. Price $1 per acre. 120 acres. 16 acres in cultivation. 100 acres level and good tillable land, easily cleared; good new 4-room .house, good oarn. gooa springs ana wen on place; on country road: unlimited outrange joining: 1 mile from town of SCO on railroad; Improvements cost $1500. For a quick sale we are authorized to take $1500 cash. This Is a great bargain. 80 acres. 25 acres nlow land: house- barn, orchard; 50,000 acres pasture land joining; No. 1 stock ranch. Price $700. 223 acres. 30 acres in cultivation, 50 acres seeaea to grass; 6-room house, good, large barn; TO apple trees. Price $2000, one-half cash, balance to suit. 135 acres, 50 acres in cultivation; 4 room house. 3 barns: l-acre strawber ries, all kinds of fruit. Price J1S00; $700 casn, Daiance easy. 318 acres on Lewis River, 250 acres lev el. 180 acres of river bottom pasture Joins the town of La Center on the south, balance of place joins the town on tne nortn, so acres under cultivation; soil is very productive: good orchard. good two-story 7-room house, woodhouse and outbuildings, frame barn 50x60. with side sheds on stone pillars, boat landing on place; this place is well watered, an excellent dairy ranch. Price $5000. cash, balance long time; tho house Is in town, ana o town lots ot La center are included at this price 160 acres. SO acres In cultivation: hulld, lngs No. 1: 75 acres fine seeded nasture: two orchards; well watered; fenced with pianK ana wire; i?i miles to school church and postofflce: 6 miles from town. Price $4000: $2500 cash, balance to suit. S3 acres. 18 acres in cultivation. 40 acres siasnea ana seeaea: z nouses, 4 barns, orchard, fine span of horses, har ness. 18 head cattle. 20 tons of hay, 12.000 grape vines, bearing: 5 miles from good town. Price $2300: $1500 cash, balance 2 yearn at o per cent, 16 acres. 15 miles from Portland? i nr R acres beaver dam. all cleared: 200 fruit trees; new 4-room house; new barn; telephone and R. F. D. Price $1200. 10 acres, 5 in cultivation. 120 fruit trees; good 6-room house; new barn: only 8 miles from Portland. Price. $1150. 2ft acres, all Jn berries and fruits; good 6-room house; new barn, 32x60. with 16-foot sheds: Just 10 miles' from Portland: buildings alone worth $1400: will sell for $1100. ATTENTION. FATLrRTK If you want to sell your farms quick iur caaa, nsi mem witn us. we can sell them. PACIFIC COAST "LAND CO.. Phone Black 1901. 211 Allsky Bldg. Northwest corner of 3d and Morrison. BEST FARM BARGAINS IN THE MARKET. to acres, one mue railway station, 12 miles OUt. good PUbllc hlehwar. Werhllr Innmvul very beautiful and substantial buildings; a 125 acres, highly improved, excellent fences, very beautiful and modern buildings, exceed ingly rich soli, place beautifully situated, convenient to school, church, creamery and stores: 12 miles Vancouver. Price. $7500. 240 acres, one of tho best stock and dairy farms In Clark County, neat residence, large bama, rich soil; place well fenced and In high state of cultivation: $0000. 40 acres, highly Improved, beautifully fenced into fields: Una residence and barn, cows, hcrses, cream separator, pigs, poultry, implements and feed; an ideal country home; railway station, excellent public highway; $5000. 140 acres, a delightful country home on Salmon Creek: beautiful 8-room residence, good barns, choice fruit, rich soil; 9 miles VMieouver.; all stocked. Implements and feed; 65 acres. 10-room residence, good barns, store building and stock of general merchan dise: railway station: 10 miles Vaacouver: $3200. 22 acres, an ideal fruit ranch oa the river bank: all la fruit and berries: dead sure an nual income of more than $1500. Ifa the bargain of your life: $2250. 17 acres, half-mile Beaverton, 10 miles city: & snap, $500. 160 acres, one mile railway station, Benton County; very good fruit and dairy ranch, $550. 14 acres, on railroad between Toledo and Elk City. $200. 15 acres, very beautiful place, close to rail way station, convenient drive to city: lovely 8-room residence, good barns and other build ings: choice fruit, fine garden: $2S00. Don't fail to see us for bargains In farras. THE DUNN-LAWRENCE CO.. 149 First Street. $1200-40 ACRES. GOOD LAND, S UNDER cultivation. 14 miles rrom Portland; small, new bouse; SO bearing prune trees; 1 mile to stores, creamery, school and churches; convenient to railroad and electric llaes. Ad dress William Lindsay, Route 4, Gresham. Or. 40-ACRE FARM IN HIGH STATE OF CUL- tivation. 14 miles or Portland; good 7-room house, large bara and other good outbuild ings; bearing orchard, creamery near. City Business Chance Agency. 22S 1st st. FOR SALE TWO SMALL DAUtT FARMS: one no acres, other leo: well improved, oa Columbia River. Vz miles from railroad sta tion aad postofflce: I mile to school. M. P. Whalen, Woodland. Wash. 320 ACRES. 70 IMPROVED. SUITABLE FOR .stock farm. 25 miles from city, at a bargain: also two 20-acre tracts on the Portland Hlllsboro electric road. R. and A. Buetlka fer. 191 Sd st. FREE LAND IN OREGON UNDER CARET irrigation law; sure crops, perfect climate, easy water cost; Improved or unimproved. Deschutes Alfalfa Land Syndicate. 315 Ore gonlan bldg. 3 ACRES FOR SALE HOUSE. CHICK- en-coops, ail new, at Mount Tabor Reservoir. $2500; furniture and all for sale. FOR SALE A GOOD 10-ROOM HOUSE. 12 acres 01 lanu. o acrra in orcnara, Daiance in cultivation, one mile east Mllwaukle; a snap. O. Wisslnger. Mllwaukle. Or. 160 ACRES, 16 MILES FROM PORTLAND. near river ana railroad; wood will sell for more than price asked; .$2250. L. E. Thompson & Co., 223 3d. 120 ACRES. 12 MILES EAST MORRISON bridge; cultivated; gooa improvements; would exchange. W 35, Oregoalan. FOR SALE 160 ACRES FIRST-CLASS land, fair Improvements, easy terms; no agents. Owner. N 83, Oregonlan. BARGAIN 0 ACRES. 12 CLEARED. WITH improvements, iu mues irom city. $800 from owner. F 54. Oregonlan. TO LEASE. "WANTED TO RENT OR LEASE. 40 TO 60- nwm uciu, or row 01 rcauience ouucings to be used for hotel purposes. Foaessloa about May 1. Must be modem. State full par- tffmlanr. lat-nlfnn. ar A r!rw ic UICiWilWTT. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WANTED TO BUT NICE COTTAGE OF S or 6 rooms, good location; must be cheap for cash; ready to do business now; no agents. HENKLE & BAKER. 217 Ablagtoa bulldlag. DO TOU WANT TO SELL TOUR FARM? List It with us: we have buyers. HENKLE & BAKER, 217 Ablagtoa bldg., Portland. Or. WOULD PAT CASH FOR ABOUT 6-ROOM house; must be modern and a bargain; or would buy vacant lot; Portland Heights pre ferred. I 33, Oregonlan. E WANT WEST SIDE RESIDENCES, $2000 to $10,000; also business properties. $5000 to $20,000, Have buyers. L. W. Whiting &. Co., 40S Ablngton bldg. WANTED IN CITY LIMITS. EAST OF IR vlngton, bet. Fremont and Tillamook sts.; cash. THREE SMALL RANCHES AND large ranches. Box 270, Portland. TWO WANTED TO BUT REAL ESTATE; NO agents. A 56. care Oregonlan. TO EXCHANGE. WILL EXCHANGE SIGHTLY LOCATION, with fine 14-room house, in Seattle, for Im proved acreage near Portland, on car line. Call 11 A. M. at 506 McKay bldg., or address G 51. Oregonlan. SIN LOTS WEST SLOPE MT. TABOR. NICE and sightly, $1200; will take good heavy young team and give easy payments on bal ance. Hatfield & Smith, 165'i 4th st. Phone Clay 977. WHO HAS A GOOD RESIDENCE LOT near E. Morrison st.. Close la to trade for 5-room house and lot; best location, fully Improved; value about $2000. V 54, Ore gonian. FOR SALE. OR TRADE FOR VACANT LOTS rooms, hall, pantry, bathroom, closets, concrete casement, one lot. S 48, Oregonlan. HORSEBREBDERS. ATTENTION A SPLEN. did brood mare to trade for a young, sound horse weighing 1200 to 1300 pounds; will give boot. T 50, Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND TALKING MACHINES OF au coaxes Dougnt. soio. ana exchanged; bargains in second-hand machines and rec ords. ISO 3d it. 60 BOXES GREENHOUSE GLASS FOR SALE or trade for good horse, harness and wagon. M. C Thompson, Mllwaukle, Or. FOR TRADE FINE TIMBER CLAIM IN Clatsop County, near Cannon Beach, for house and lot. Apply 795 1st. EXCHANGE NEW FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE, modern; would take lot as part payment; $11,000. O 49, Oregonlan. WANTED TO EXCHANGE BROWN LEG bom rooster, bred by Gene Simpson, Corval lls, for one as good. 40 ACRES GOOD SOIL ADJOINING OREGON City, for house in Portland. Plumber, 402 Williams ave. WANTED TO TRADE SUBURBAN LOTS foe,, lumber. McCoy, 80 10th. near Stark. LAND SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. Approved, unrestricted, ready for Immediate use. LOWEST PRICES. E. F. & F. P. Riley, 608 Chamber Commerce. APPROVED FOREST RESERVE SCRIP, TIM bered. farm or grazing land; all sizes, lowest prices. H. B. Compson. 618 Marcruam. bldg. FOREST RESERVE. SANTA FE AND OTH er guaranteed land scrip on hand ready to locate. Magi nn Is & Son. 22f Falling bldg. FOREST RESERVE AND ALL OTHER scrips: general land practice. Collins Land Co., Concord bldg. FOB BENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT, WITH OR WITHOUT stock and implements; part cash, part work. Inquire 243 Yamhill st. TIMBER LANDS. YOUR LAST CHANCE CITIZENS WHO have not used rights can join party taking timber claims now; golden opportunity: legit imate and first-class. 315 Oregonlan bldg. S. W. -SEC. 32. TP. 5 N., R. .3 W.. Co lumbia County, Oregon.. 2 miles from Pittsburg, will cut 9.000.000 feet. Address R. Goodrich, Tacoma, Wash. GOOD 160-ACRB TRACT OF TIMBER, NEAR Columbia River; about 3,000,000 feet. H. W. Llndlow. The Dalles, Or. PILING. 120 ACRES, CONVENIENT. LONG, old growth; $2400. O. W. Eastham. Oregon City. Or. IF YOU CAN SELL TIMBER LAND AT A sacrifice send 1a your address. R. 56, Ore gonlan. WE WANT RELINQUISHMENTS ON TIM- ber claims. 015 Marauam bldg. HOMESTEAD? 10 MILES FROM CITY; BAR- gain. u. ti. uuaa. no 1st. IOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles and Harness. BARGAINS PAIR- OF BAT HORSES, weighs 2500 lbs., sound every way, good workers, price $165; pair of horses, good age. color and size, suitable for farm or delivery work, price $110, with har ness: also sorrel horse suitable for milk wagon or delivery, price $75; 2 sets of lozcinsr harness in srood shape, with col lars complete. $10 per set; express har ness. $11.50; new busnrv harness, $7. "Re gal Stables. 14th and Burnslde. NOTICE I HAVE JUST PURCHASED from the Columbia Timber Company their entire lot of logging horses and harness. If you are in need of a big pair of single-horse or heavy harness call and Inspect this lot. Regal Stables, 14th and Burnslde sts. A HANDSOME GOLDEN SORREU horse. 6 years old. weighs 1200 lbs., per fecty sound and well broken every way, suitable for surrey or trapi. Price reas onable. Call 23 N. 14th st., phone Main 1125. BARGAIN SPAN OF GOOD WORK HORSES, 8 years old; are sound and work every place, weight 2300 pounds, with set of new farm har ness and brand-new, wide-tire farm wagon. 626 Washington st. $S50O BUYS NICE BLACK DRIVING HORSE, 8 years old. sound and gentle, weighs 1100 pounds, 152 Inches high, with good open tuggy and harness. Fashion Stable, 20th and Wash ington sts. $45 BUYS NICE CHESTNUT SORREL horse, 8 years, old, kind and gentle, for lady good puller, single or double. Fashion Stable! 20th and Washington sts. FOR SALE SEVERAL TEAMS OF WE Un matched, well-broken horses; weighing from 1300 to 1500 pounds. Address Sam Strebia. Troutdale. Or. GOOD WORK TEAM, WEIGHT 3000 $195: nice driving team. $120: pony, weight 450. $17.50. 1S05 Stable, 122 Union, corner Alder. BELGIAN PERCHERON STALLION, SIX years old. weight 1850 pounds. For further Information write to 355 North 22d at. Port land. Or. ONE PLATFORM SPRINGWAGON WITH Tuint tnr ' ha, nnlA at,.,, , newly painted; cheap. Inquire 552 Morrison st. FOR SALE CHEAP TUFT'S SODA FOUN- tain. nrat-ciass condition. Inquire H. Van atta. P. O. box 395. Vancouver. Wash, FOR SALESLIGHTLY USED HIGH-GRADE uuggy, now at storenouse; win sell for $100 Address F. Z., 460 E. Falling st. N. FOR SALE OR TRADE-ONE DRAFT STAL- uuu, jcaia uiu. wci&ui. awu. vim particu lars, Kerron. 333 E. 15th st. North. FOR SALE NEW TOP BUGGY. FULL RUB- oer tire; very cneap. bee Mlaner &. Hayden. Livery. 20th and Washington sts. ALSO ONE NICE ALTAMONT BAY HORSE. o years 01c, weignt iwo pounds, nicely broke single and double and to ride. FOR SALE TEAM PONIES', HIDE OR ome, single or aouoie, cneap. 32S Burn slde st . LARGEST STOCK OF NEW AND 2D-HAND vehicles oa coast for sale or hire. 211 Wash. FINB BARGAIN TWO CART3, ONE HORSH ana narness, at once, cneap. zil Couch st FOR SALE 15 HEAVY HOR3ES. I LIGHT express; suuia tor rciiu Ji .N , otn St A 7-YEAR-OLD WORK MARE, 1500. FOR sase, cneap. jo -c. t tu su .cast ltti. SPAN OF BLACK PONTES. WELL BROKEN ior saaaie ana cazness. ii 4th. FOR SALE TWO BUGGIES AND ONE TRAP buggy, cheap. 313 water st FOR SALE ONE RIDING PONY. IN- quire 103 s. N. 10th st FOR SAT.K A nofln trnnrxv ivn -cr -o. -I: jxuuij.. -lag. jcjebs. ti. FOX SALE. Horses, Vehicles, jEtc. CAR OF WELL-BRED DRIVING HORSES for sale at Central Stables, weight from 11 CO to 1300 pounds; all well broke, single or double. FOR SALE OR HIRE ALT. KINDS OF horses. 2d aad Mala. Piaaos. LARGEST SIZE CABINET GRAND Up right plaao. nearly new and la perfect condi tion; $165 cash will buy it. Phone Uaioc SS7. - ' 15' FREE LESSONS WILL BE GIVEN T purchaser of new piano at cost price. J1 Adrian Epplng, Mulkey blk.. 2d and Morrison,, MUST SELL S4Srt PTAX'n T'SPr, a rrn. weeks; $230 cash. Sixteen lessons included. Answer today. Cash only. A 52. Oregonlar CABINET GRAND PIANOS. STANDARD make, la splendid condition; $95. Eilers Piano House. 351 Washington St.. cor. Park. CABINET GRAND PIANO. ELABORATELY carved walnut case; $138. Eilers Piano House. 351 Washington St., cor. Park. -A- . FfNS MODERN UPRIGHT PIANO, standard make, almost new. for $175; worth twice that amount. 500 E. Couch. FINE UPRIGHT PIANO. $115 CASH. OR $120 on time; must be sold quick. Address J 54. care Oregonlan. PIANO. HIGH GRADE. TO TRADE for board or board and room. J5, Oregonlan. FOR SALE NEW UPRIGHT PIANO; great bargain. 355 6th st, cor. MM. Miscellaneous. TRANSITS. LEVELS. TRIPODS. CHAINS. taP". straight-edges, trlangulars. rods, raags poles. T-squares, etc: telegraph outfit (com sietej. and office articles, technical books. Government reports, 17 vols. Eng. Maga zine (bound). Library of Applied Mechanics. Library of Railway Books. Hydraulic Min ing, etc; bookcases, drawing tables and boards, map racks, engineer's box, stools. The above articles, the property of the es tate of the late Philip G. Eastwlck. civil engineer, will be sold on Monday. March 5. 1905. 2 to 4 o'clock, at 683 Worceste0ldg. 500-LIGHT EDISON 125-VOLT DYNAMO. 120-K. W. general electric alternator. 60-K. W. Edison 500-volt generator. 40-H. P. Edison 110-volt motor. 70-H. P. Edison 600-volt motor. 20-H. P. Van Dusea gasoline engine. 6-H. P. Hyde gasoline engine. Instruments, pulleys and belting. D. J. GREGORY. Box 946. Portland. OPPORTUNITY FOR LADIES A NEW YORK gentleman recently arrived to open business, but could not find proper location, and will therefore sell out his entire stock of imported, broadcloths, Venetians and mixture suitings, at 50 and 75 per cent on the dollar of cost price; sale begins Monday, 10 A. M., until Wednesday noon, room 59. Lewis bldg.. Park and Morrison st. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES OF 8LIGHT ly used machines; prices and terms to suit purchaser: a full line of typewriter and of fice supplies and furniture; save money by writing or see us before purchasing. The Portland Typewriter Exchange. 514 Mar quam bldg.. Portland, Or. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Repair It with Elate rite; it rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating; good over old Iron, tin or shingles; best for new roefs Elaterite Roofing Co., room 2, Hamilton bldg. ONE DROP-HEAD SINGER. OAK FINISH. $15; one nearly new drop-head Goodrich. $10; a few box-top machines, good as new $5; all guaranteed and complete. Call Monday. J. S. Crane. 350 Morrison st. Lewis bldg. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND BIL. Hard and pool tables; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; modern bar fixtures, cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Col-lender, 49 3d st FOR SALE FINE JERSEY COW AND calf: also nice pony, saddle and bridle: 2 pointer pups by Taylor's Bright; all very cheap. Call 1134 Hawthorne. Phone East 3161. FOR SALE A NUMBER OF THOROUGH bred Durham cattle, cheap for cash. Address H. J. Southard, manager. Warren, Colum bia, County, Oregon. BARGAINS-SEVERAL SODA FOUNTAINS, different lengths. Ice cream freezers and lc crushers. Address F. Hecker, 1011 S. Olive et, Loa Angeles. PLANKS LOGANBERRY, 75C DOZ.; MA goon strawberry. $2 thousand; red raspber ries, 6O0 doz. by express. C. R Organ. St. Johns, Or. CASH REGISTER; THE HALLWOOD; worth $200; will sacrifice. Write or call the Centennial Souvenir Co.. 350 Washington st. FOR SALE 0x10 LOGGING DONKEY. IN good working condition; a bargain. Railway Equipment Co.. 324 Chamber ot Commerce. POMERANIAN SPITZ PUPS FOR SALE AT Raiaier Kennel, Peninsular Sta.. Portland, Or. Writing, send stamped envelope. ROSES CHOICE VARIETIES; ALSO fruit trees and shrubs, reasonable. Ockley Greeh Nursery, phone Union 1221. SECOND-HAND MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS of all kinds at lowest prices, cash or Install ments. Fisher Music Co., 190 3d st FOR SALE GOOD YOUNG MILK COW. Third house east of Mt Scott car. north side Powell Valley road. Jonas Nelson. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES,. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. NICKEL NEEDLE SHOWER BATH TN good condition: also large marble slab, size 7x24 feet Q 52, Oregonlan. HOP ROOTS. ENGLISH CLUSTER. $3 PER thousaad. Address H. G. Starkweather. R. F. D.. Mllwaukle. Or. FOR SALB-1000 CHOICE ROSE BUSHES. 3 and 4 years old: estate of the late W. G Wallace. Inquire 725 E. Stark. FINE DROPHEAD SINGER SEWING" machine, almost new. Oregon Loan Of fice. 30 N. Third st- ONE PERFECTLY NEW WASHBURN guitar, including case and self-instructor. Cheap. T 49, Oregonlan. FOR SALE CHEAP PATENTED COPY holder: will sell United States or portion. Call 514 Fenton bldg. FOR SALE 12 H. P. STATIONARY GASO llne engine; used less than one week. 324 Chamber ot Commerce. $10 BUYS 7-DRAWER DOMESTIC SEWING machine, first-class order; all attachments. Phone Main 4347. THOROUGHBRED FOX TERRIER PUPS for sale cheap. Rear house, between 208 aad 210 Hamilton ave. 160 CORDS FINE FIR WOOD ON BANK river at Hoi brook for sale or trade. S21 Mor rison st. Ralston. FRESH COW. LARGE MILKER. FIRST house west Reservoir No. 2, Section Line. Phone Union 1448. THE PORTLAND AUCTION ROOMS PAYS cash for any kind of furniture. Phone Mala 5655. 211 1st st TYPEWRITING DESK AND CHAIR and fine violin for sale cheap. V 56, , Oregonlan. DOUBLE-SEATED AUTOMOBILE CHEAP for cash; will take smaller one in trade. Box 1040. FOR SALE EXTRA FINE MEXICAN drawn work dinner cloth; sacrifice. K 54, Oregonlan. A GIRL FOR COOKING AND GENERAL, housework la family of two. Call 047 Hoyt st FOR SALE REMINGTON TYPEWRITER No. 2. la good condition. J 52. Oregonlan. SECOND-HAND. MEDIUM-SIZE SAFE. CALL 270 12th et. bet. 8 and 10 A. M., Monday. FOR SALE PEDIGREED BULL TERRIES, pups, beauties; can be seen at 394 Factory st FOR SALE LEASE AND FIXTURES OF store, centrally located. 3 58, Oregonlan. FOR SALE FINE JERSEY COW. FRESH within few days. 473 E. 12th st Union 531. THOROUGHBRED COCKER SPANIEL PUPS tor saie. 01 jnyme si., r-oniana neignts. FOUR-FOOT NICKLB-PLATED SHOWCASE for sale cheap. 2S0 Yamhill st, cor. 4th. FULL-DKcSS SUITS AT A BARGAIN Oregon Loan Office, 30 N. Third. FOR SALE NEW SINGER SEWING MA chlne, cheap. 335 6th st, cor Mill. FOR SALE FULL SET OF TINNER'S TOOL3, cneap. u. .1 . iaaney. ir irst ix. POOL TABLE FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. 815 Front st Phone Main 2362. FOR 8ALE-A PETALTJMA INCUBATOR. 144. eggs. Phone Suburban 774. FOR SALE FRESH MILCH COWS. Mllwankte st. Sellwood car. BOLL-TOP DESK AND TTPEWSTTZK. AD- cress-ja. -w, vxcxvzaub-