The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, PART THREE, Page 20, Image 20

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    M. .
Miss Rader. Xr. French, Mrs. Simpson
and Kiss Moore.
Miss Corlnne Linn, of Jacksonville, and
Mrs. G. D. Linn, of Eugene, were guests
of Miss Margaret Linn at the Marlyn
Club last week, and an informal party
was given in their honor on Saturday
evening. These invited were; Mr. and
Mrs. Fletcher Linn. Miss Aline Rogers.
Miss Lou Rogers. Miss Helen Cooper. Miss
Charlotte Ohle and Messrs. Fortman.
Larable, Macintosh, Bloomquest, Bowles.
Scoble. Crowell and Jtrauhal.
Last Tuesday evening Captain Fer-
naux. the popular master of the British
ship Dumfriesshire, entertained a large
number 01 inenas. The evening passed
quickly with music, dancing and speech
making, besides songs and readings by
Mrs. Millie Perkins, songs by Miss Eliza-
oeth lioben and Xr. E. ASDlund. and vio
lin solos by Jack Hoben. Alter the pro
gramme, supper tvas daintily served, tea
beautiful -with decorations of Oregon
holly and daffodils. A delicious punch
was served throughout the evening.
About ono hundred and fifty, guests were
present and were greatly pleased-with
the vocal numbers rendered by the host.
His many friends wish him the great
est .success and will watch his progress
with interest.
The Ceramic 'Club "of Portland, met at
the home of Mrs. Alexander Mulr at
Mount Tabor on "Wednesday afternoon.
The club is negotiating with the National
Ceramic League for an exhibition at the
Lewis and Clark Fair. An entertaining
and instructive paper on the making of
porcelain w4S read by Mrs. J. D. Gresh
am, and another by Mrs, Halnes,.of the
Art Club, on glass decorations. The
next regular meeting of the club will
be held on the first Wednesday in
April in the Camera Club rooms.
Mrs. JC. Hare and Mrs. TV. D. Allard
entertained the Jolly Sixteen Club on
Friday evening at the home of Mrs. Hare,
271 Caruthers street. 'Whist was played
at eight tables. Carnations made very
pretty decorations, which. were pink and
green. Mr. and Mrs. TV". D. Hare, of
Hlllsboro, were among the guests.
Mrs. Ella Jones, who had charge of
last evening's concert at the People's
Institute, was fortunate In securing
somd of the best talent in the city in
w-x-RIDAY seems always to be a favor
its day for entertaining, and on last
Friday there were two affairs
winch were especially interesting and
pleasant, the very successfully man
Aged card party given at the Scot
tish Rite Cathedral, for the Wo
man's Exchange, and Mrs. J. Frank "Wat
son's charming dance at Parsons hall
iu the evening.
One of the Winter's moBt attractive
debutantes. Miss Effie -Houghton, made
her first appearance in . society at Mrs.
Watson's part', and she received as much
admiration as any bud could desire.
Miss Houghton wore a dainty dress of
pale blue, and had armfuls of exquisite
The Cavaliers danced at Larowe hall
on Friday night also, and the Nineteen
Hundred and New Century clubs enter
tained delightfully earlier In the week.
Interesting events among the social and
literary clubs were the Wednesday meet
ing of the Council of Jewish Women, the
Literary Society of the First Congrega
tional Church, and the Unitarian Alli
ance, the Foreign Missionary Society of
Grace Methodist Episcopal Church also
meeting on Wednesday at the home of
Mrs. John James. The subject for the
afternoon was "The Religions of Japan,"
and It was made very Interesting by Mrs,
Alexander Jeffries, Mrs. John H. James
"and Mrs. Scott Bozorth.
Mrs. J. Patterson and Mrs. H. A. Hasel
tine sang, and the society had the privi
lege of bearing a talk on subjects of In
terest to them by their new pastor. Rev.
Clarence True Wilson.
Several Informal entertainments were
given during the week in honor of Miss
Leona Htrsch and Miss Ola Hlrsch. who
were here visiting relatives.
Card parties were given during the
week by Mrs. Solomon Hlrsch, Mrs. Rich.
ard Martin, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kerr
and Mrs. Arthur Minott, Mrs. MInott's
guests being members of the Bridge Club,
including Mrs. John E. Toung, Mrs.
Frank Hart. Mrs. W. T. Mulr. Mrs.
Harry Nunn, Mrs. Walter Burrell, Mrs,
James Laldlaw. Mrs. J. Weslev Ladd.
Miss von Destinofl Miss Olga von Bes
tinon. Miss Sallie Lewis, Miss Carrie
Oilcan, Mrs. Warren Houghton.
The Oregon Branch' of Association of
Collegiate Alumnae, of recent organiza
tion, gave their first entertainment 3'es
.terday. a very delightful luncheon in the
Hotel Portland parlor. As It -was the day
of the President's inauguration, the table
decoration were in the National colors,
tiny allk flags of other nations being used
ai&o, witn xerns and Oregon holly. Red
shaded candles lighted the tables, and the
place cards, cleverly done by Miss Wil
son, combined in their design sm.aH heads
of college girls and American flags.
Mrs. Donald, president of the Oregon
branch, presided, and speeches were
made hy Mrs. Ralph Wilbur, upon work
done by other branches, and Mrs. Rock
wood. "The City Beautiful Later Mrs.
W. J. Honeyman made an address, saying
ehe hoped to enlist the interest of the
association in the work of the Travelers'
Aid Society.
Those present were: Mrs. R. L. Donald,
Mrs. J. C. E. King, Miss Mabel Hasel
tlne. Miss Laura Northup, Miss Myrtle
Hunt, Mrs. H. R. Spencer, Mrs. B. M.
Lombard, Miss Helen Wilson, Mrs. Otis
B. Wight, Mrs. Robert Lewis, Mrs. Ralph
W. Wilbur, Miss Gertrude Bombgardner,
Miss Emma Gricbel. Miss Isabella
Mogeau, Miss Alice Craig, Mrs. William
eon, Mrs. Louis Pinkham, Miss Brey
man, Mrs. Harry" Powers, Miss Clapp,
Miss Leora Cross. Miss E. R. Rockwood.
Miss Helen Matthews. Mrs. F. E. Nelson,
Miss Helen Cooper. Miss Carlotta Parker.
Mrs. Taggart, Miss Goddard, Mrs. G. H.
An attractive, recital was given at
St Helen's Hall on Thursday evening
by some of the elocution pupils, under
the instruction of Miss Louise For
syth, and the large assembly hall was
filled with pupils and guests. The pro
gramme, which was very creditably
rendered Included; "O Captain! My
Captain" (Whitman), Miss Flora Da
vis; "Walter von dcr Vogelweid"
(Longfellow). Miss- -Georgle Heard;
"Echo and the Ferry" (Ingelow), Miss
Ada West; "Aux Jtallens" (Bulwer
Lyttoqj, Miss Anna O'Brien: "King
Robert of Sicily" (Longfellow). Miss
Helen Chandler. The recitations were
followed by some interesting tableaux
from the life of St Helen, mother of
Constantine the Great, for whom the
Hall was named. These were: "St.
Helen Receives the Addresses of Con-
utaptlne " "St. Helen and Her Little
Son Constantine," 'St. Helen Says
Farewell to Constantine." "St. Helen
Receives a Summons From Constan
tine to Join Him In Constantinople."
"St. Helen Asks Leave of Constantine
to Make a Pilgrimage to the Holy Land
to Seek the True Cross," and "St. Hel
en Has Found the Cross."
The Marlyn Club bachelors entertained
the members of the Columbia stock com
pany at .a smoker on Monday evening.
The1 dining-room was tastefully decorated
for the occasion after the Heidelberg
manner. Many good German dishes were
enjoyed, and steins were also In abund
ance, and all present approved of the
Heidelberg custom and the word "prosit"
was pitch heard. The members of the
Heidelberg quartet from the Columbia
Theater were In attendance and were ably
assisted by others present, slnglag being
kept up until ap. early hour. Among
those present were Messrs. Howard Gould.
William Bernard, William Dills. Scott
Beaton. Charles York. Donald Bowles.
George Bloomquest. Berry Strauhal. Mac
intosh, Scoble, Fortman. Larable, Latta,
Brown. Brunfleld and CrowelL
Bishop and Mrs. David Hastings Moore
gave a dinner at the Hobart-Curtis on
Wednesday evening. The table was pret
tily decorated with daffodils, and the
guests were Rev. J. A. B. Wilson, D. D..
of San Francisco: Rev. Clarence True
Wilson. Rev. L. E. Rockwell. D. D.. and
Mrs. Rockwell. Rev. Francis Burgette
Short, Dl D.. and Mrs. Short W. B. Hol
llagshead, D. D.. and Mrs. Holllngshead,
Jtev.. Daniel Rader, D. D., MIso" Holbrbok,
: : 7"7 :
worth assisted In entertaining with
readings and sfories. The evening was
thoroughly enjoyed.
The evening of February 24 was most
pleasantly spent at the home of Mr.. and
Mrs. W. H. Adams, Piedmont, the, occa
sion belnx- a surprise party tendered to
their dauxbter. Miss Portia Adams, by
her many young friends. The evening
was delightfully spent in games, dancing
and music, after which dainty refresh
ments were served.
A linen shower was given Miss Goldle
Palmer, daughter of -Rev. Ray Palmer,
by Miss Eva Kcenan, at the home of her
parents. Mr. and 'Mrs. A. J Keenan, TZ1
East Oak street, last Tuesday evening.
Miss Palmer Is soon to be married, and
her friends took this pleasant method of
giving her a large supply of linen.
Miss Agnes Lulls entertained a few of
her friends last Wednesday evening at
the home of her parents 425 Morris
street. Progressive Whist was played.
Miss Lena Johannes en and Dick Oesch
being awarded first prises. Late games
and muslo were enjoyed until supper was
The Ladles Aid Society of the Lutheran
Church at West Park and Jefferson
streets gave a very successful dinner on
Wednesday evening at the parsonage.
During the evening Mrs. Ella Jones, Al
fred Blankholtn and Lenora Hansen gave
musical selections.
A surprise party was given Mr. and
Mrs. John Pugh at their residence on
Johnson street, in honor of Mr. Pugh's
birthday. Whist was played, and prizes
were awarded to Mr. Aublo and Mrs. John
Sleight, Mrs. George Pendergraas and
Dr. Asbby.
JL very pleasant affair of last week waa
an afternoon tea, which was given Wed
nesday afternoon, at the Church of the
Good Shepherd, the rooms being prettily
decorated for the occasion with exquisite
Spring flowers.
Rev. Father McDevltt entertained the
choir of St. Mary's Cathedral on Wed
nesday evening, at the Cathedral resi
dence. A delicious supper was served
at the close of a very delightful evening.
Members of the Society of Friends of
Ancient India were entertained on Wed
nesday by Mrs. A. C French, at her
home on Jackson street, the .evening's
programme being one of much Interest.
The Tuesday Five Hundred" Club was
entertained last week at the residence of
Mr. and Mrs. chard Martin. Jr. Prizes
being poured by Mrs. Francis Clarno,
Mrs. P. Gorman and Mrs. J. H. Bar
bour, and coffee by Mrs. Andrew Hoben,
assisted by Mrs. Isabel! e HIggens. Those
present wore: Mrs. Andrew Hoben, Mrs.
Isabelle HIggens, Mr. and Mrs. P, Gor
man, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Perkins, Mr.
and Mrs. J. H. Barbour. Mr. and Mrs.
Francis Clarno, Miss Elizabeth Hoben,
Dr. E. Q. Asplund. Miss Josephine An
dreta Hoben, Mr. Fred Volght. of Ogden,
and Mr. Jack Peak Hoben. The evening
closed with all hands Joining in the Vir
ginia reel and singing "Auld Lang Syne"
and "He's a Jolly Good Fellow.'
The Tuesday Afternoon Club mot this
week with Mrs. A. J. Stiles, at her house.
27 Gantenbcln avenue. The subject for
study for the afternoon was taken up,
Mrs. L. M. Davies and Mrs. O. P. M.
Jamison being the guests of the club.
The hostess gave a brief descrip
tion of Chaucer and his work. Mrs. Mer
wln Pugh told of the historical and politi
cal conditions, Mrs. George Dunham the
social customs and lltorature, and Mrs.
Warren White contemporary men and
events of the Hth century: Mrs. G. H.
Eshelman, Chaucer's life and poems: Mrs.
A. B. Manley gave a brief description of
the "Man of Laws Tales." Mrs. Stiles'
home was prettily decorated with violets
and plants. Mrs. Mabel Patton and Miss
Stiles assisted In the dining-room. The
next meeting of the club will be held
with Mrs. G. H. Eshelman, 317 Eugene
street, Tuesday. March 7.
Oregon Circle, Women of Woodcraft,
held a reception on Monday evening at
Lyons Hall, Alblna. in honor of the silver
wedding annlvorsary of Mr. and Mrs.
W. F. Steepy. 455 Vancouver a-enue. The
hall was prettily decorated for tho occa
sion with the cirdle's colors, and Its ap
pearance created general admiration. Mr.
and Mn. Steepy stood uadcr an artistic
wedding bell of white carnations and
green sail lax. while Mrs. Nora Card, in
a most gracious manner, extended the cir
cle's congratulations and presented a
beautiful jsilyer fruit basket. Dainty re
freshments were served, after which
Smith's orchestra played for dancing.
The Fortnight Club met at the home
oi Airs. KocKwood on Wednesday even
ing. After a lively discussion of cur
rent topics, Miss Alda Broushton gave
a comprenensive review of TThe Pros
pecior. by Ralph Connor. Miss
ttrougnion supplemented her paper
wun selections rrom the book. Miss
cross rouowed by reading: from "Llttlo
Citizens," by Myra Kelly. The' humor
or these, so blended with pathos, was
vividly brought out by the reading.
showing a sympathetic appreciation of
cniia nature. Alter a social hour the
club adjourned to meet the first Tues
day In April.
Miss Vellna Lyle celebrated her 18th
birthday on February 2S. at her home. 1114
East Taylor street, the house being dec
orated for the pleasant occasion with
violets and pink carnations. Music with
Miss Sadie Evelyn Ford and Mrs. Ella
Jones at the piano was much appreciated
and games were enjoyed also.
A farewell reception was given Lute
Itoyor Thompson, at. his home, on Mon
day evening, previous to his departure
for the "East, where he goes to continue
his vocal .studies. The parlors were
song and elocution. Miss Kathleen
Lawler and Miss Petronella Connolly
were the soloists, and Miss Lillian
Veatch, the talented child pianist, ap
peared here for the last time In public
before going to San Francisco. There
was also music by Webber's Mandolin
On Tuesday evening Miss Mae Smith
entertained a number of her friends at
her home, 301 Sacramento street Games
occupied the greater part of tho evening,
after which a dainty supper was served.
Those present were Miss Laurine Du.
Brullle, Miss Semele Henderson. Miss
Vivian Holm?3. Miss Sybil . Lanchcster,
MIes Trlxle Murphy. Miss Mae Smith,
Gordon Mansfield, Raymond Osburn, Al
bert Curtis, Robert Fuller. Elmer
Indiana people resident in Portland
are working hard to effect the organi
sation of an Indiana Society, and
names of persons wishing to become
members are being reglsterd daily at
Jaeg-er Bros.. 290 Morrison street. This
preliminary membership Is approach
ing 100. and it Is hoped that all per
sons eligible will make themselves
known in order that an early election
ot officers may be held.
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Lacy entertained
the Joker Carl Club at their home on
Tuesday evening. February 28. The game
of "500" was played at six tables. After
refreshments had been served, the prizes
In burnt wood were awarded to Mrs. L.
B. Smith and Dr. Smith. After the trans
action of some business,, the club ad
journed to meet with Mr. "and Mrs. David
Davis, on Tuesday evening, March 7. at
246H Seventh street
Wlnslow Meade Circle Ladles of the
G. A. R gavp a Literary Entertainment
at Drew Hall, on Tuesday. The Veteran
Double Quartet rendered soma very en
joyable selections. Miss Grey, the musi
cian of the Circle, assisted by the Mc
Curdy Brothers furnished excellent
music and various readings were given.
Baby Virgil Gratton gave a reception
and a song "which pleased the audience
very much.
Portland Lodge, 201, "the Fraternal
Brotherhood, gave a benefit social on
Wednesday evening in CathoVc Foretf
ters Hall. Sixth and Washington
streets. Dancing and a programme in
eluding a solo by Miss Vullleumier, reel
tatlon by Miss Banfleld, solo by Mies
Johnson and duet by the Downey sis
ters. pleasantly occupied the time.
Music waa furnished by Hod son's or
An impressive ceremony took place last
Monday, when Miss Anna Cody, of New
York, and Miss Sallna Brown, of Grand
Rapids, Mich., made their entry into re
ligious life at Mount St Joseph Home.
Archbishop Alexander Christie, of the Ca
thedral, officiated. Henceforth Miss Cody
will be known as Sister Mary Dominica
and Miss Brown as Sister Mary Rollins.
The Women's Auxiliary of the Rail
way, Mail Service held a receutlon at
tne home of Mr. and Mrs. John, Butter-
worth on Wednesday evening. About
40 guests were present Miss Ham-
were won by Mrs. F. H. Grant, Mr. and
Mrs. Houghton and Thomas McCusker.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cotton ?ewlll
were at home last evening at the charm
ing Newlll Rlvervlew Academy, in South
Portland. The rooms were decorated with
almond blossoms and Japanese quince, ar
ranged in tall Jars, besides branches of
cedar and Oregon noiiy. Mrs. lyewin re
ceived her guests In a gown of a shade
of green which was particularly becoming
and pretty.
Some of the guests played whist and
the presence of Parsons' orchestra, who
played In the concealment of a cedar
bower, made dancing very enjoyable.
Ices and cakes were served In the din
Ing-room, where the decorations included
gay school pennants and flags, and fruit
punch was served In a pretty alcove off
the llvlng-rooro.
The Sacred HcarUSoclal Club gave one
of Its enjoyable entertainments on Friday
evening, games and music occupying a
part of the evening, as well as an interest
ing programme of music and recitations.
On Monday evening Eureka Council. No.
20i, K. L. of S.. ' pleasantly entertained
the Willamette Council, K. L. ot S., of
Oregon City and their degre team which
took charge of Eureka's Initiation.
Mother Stanislas, provincial of the
Franciscan Sisters at Fendleton, was en
tertained In Portland last week by prom
lncnt Catholics. Mother Stanislas, was on
her way td Tacoma, Wash.
The Cavaliers . gave, an enjoyable party
at Larowe Hall on Friday evening, the
young people dancing until midnight, to
the accompaniment of excellent orchestra
,The marriage of Miss Mabel L. Parker
to William Bittle Wells will be solemnised
on Wednesday evening, March S. It is
to be a quiet home wedding.
Members of Mizpah Presbyterian
Church were entertained very pleasantly
on Friday eveniijg, at the home of Mrs.
S. Eastman.
Fashions for Spring, 1905
For Ladies, Misses and Children
Are on exhibition throughout oar entire store maKing an immense display,
more extensive and pleasing than erer before shown in the city. Embracing
every new style upon which "Dame Fashion" has set her seal of approval.
There are hmndreds of charming, refined style modes that are the very height
of style elegance the best European expressions mingled with the more prac
tical ideas of our own country.
Spring Suits
One-half of -our entire second floor is given over
to our Suit and Oloai Departments, unriuch we are
showing the very latest styles, and ideas in Ladies'
Garments suits of Scotch plaid, fancy mixtures,
tailored serge, Panama cloth and Duchess voiles.
Every woman who is interested in cerrect style and
splendid garments is invited and urged to visit this
On. ocr third floor we have the finest assortment of
suits, cloaks, jackets, skirts, eta, to hs found in the
city. Every one of the1 very latest fashions in little,
girls wear to be found here. We are showing a
few of the new arrivals in our Morrison-St. window.
Covert Coats
A most complete and handsome line of. Jackets
for Spring in various shades of tan, in the regulation
corset and coUarless styles, plain, and fancy trimmed.
Spring Millinery
We have spared no expense to make ours the leading
millinery store of the city and a glance through, oar
stock of trimmed and tailored hats, artificial flowers
and veilings, noting the exclusive styles, will con
vince yon that our claims to superiority are just.
We have & beautiful display of tailored hats in ens
Fourth-street window.
The new "styles for 1905-1906 in Fur Jackets, Boas, Ties and Stoles are-here. You can now bring Ln yonj
fur garments for repairing and remodelisg and can have same done at reduced prices.
Highest prices paid for Raw Furs- By selling to manufacturers, such
as the Silverfield Co., you save the middlemen's profit.
Experienced girls wanted in all our departments
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Ewlng; at Alto Park, -was the acene of
a beautiful "wedding? Friday evening.
February 24, the occasion being the
marrlase of their daughter, Gertrude
Elizabeth, to Fred McElfresh.
' A -woddlnjr bell of feathery preen
moss, -with white satin rosebuds and
tulle streamers, was suspended from
the ceiling-, and beneath this the cere
mony was performed by Rev. R. M.
Jones, of Portland."
The parlor was docorated In harmon
Jous shade of sreen, from the dark
shining- garlands of Ivy -which almost
covered the celling-,, to Hhe lighter
shades offern and Oregon holly. Red
tones minding- wilh the sreen en
hanced, the beauty or the other rooms.
Dozens of red. candies shone through
rosy shades on the table, where the
bridal supper was nerved.
At 9 o'clock the -stately- Lohengrin
TVeddinfcM arch , was ply4 by ilhs
Georgia Dwlng, and the bridal party
descended the stairway and took
places beneath the wedding bell, where
the double ring service was performoOL
A -solid wall of ivy, embellished with
white carnations, formed an effective
background for the scene.
The bride was a winsome picture in
gown of white organdie, with chlf-
ron trimmings, bno carnea wnue
bride roses, with tulle ornaments. Miss
Helen Jane Swing, sister of the bride,
acted as maid of honor and Miss Annie
Ewlng was bridesmaid. Both were be
comingly attired In white and carried
arm bouquets of pink xoeo3. Elizabeth
Stevens, the tiny cousin of the bride,
was ring- bearer and Mr. Fred "Wal
lace, of Salem, acted as best man.
About 90 gniests, several from East
ern and Southern Oregon, were in at
tendance. Many b'eautlful and costly
gifts were received.
After the ceremony a delicious sup
per was served, and Mr. and Mrs. Mc
Elfresh left for Portland amid ahow-
ers of rice and good wishes from the
guests. They left Saturday for a three
weeks' trip through California. Dur
ing the supper an original poem was
read by Oscar Eaton, and Miss Nettie
Kingrey sang a solo in an effective
Both the bride and f-rooin are promf-
nent In Oregon Agricultural College
circles. The bride waa one of Its most
popular students and was salutatorian
of the class of "02. Mr. McElfresh was
the former fnstructor in zoology at tho
college, but resigned to become super
intendent of the beautiful Willows"
arm. three miles out from Salem,
where they will make their home af
ter April 15.
Tif nlfht- at h homft of th bride's
mother, Mrs. Anna Newman, occurred the
wedding of the younger daughter, aiiss
Kwhm Vpucman. ta Mr. Julius jLoulsson.
of Portland, Or. It was one of the very
prettiest home weddings lmagmame, tne
guests Including only relatives and a few
Intimate friends. The reception-rooms of
the Newman home lent themselves ad
mirably to the charminsly simple decora
tions of smllax and blossoms, which were
beautifully arranged. The first reception-
room showed a canopy of loveiy trailing
tnii9Y- VvoriMfh -which the ceremonv was
performed. Judge H. Z. Austin officiating.
The bride was cnarmmg m ner wcaoing
gown of exquisite chiffon satin, heavily
embroidered and finished about the
shoulders with a bertha of beautiful rose
point. Her veil was caught with delicate
sprays of lilies of the valley and thi3
same dainty flower combined with perfect
bride roses and tulle were artistically
used In the shower bouquet which, she
carried, ill's Aimee Newman, the bride's
sister, was maid of honor. Her pretty,
brunette coloring, was in striking aon
trast to the pale blue of her soft crepe
gown. She carried the palest of pink car
nations arranged. In shower fashion with
white tulle. Dr. William louisson, of San
Francisco, attended ms orotner as oesi ;
man. Mr. David Newman, a brother of
the bride, gave her Into the keeping or
the groom. Following- the ceremony was
the wedding supper. The bridal table was
exceedingly dainty In its decorations of
snowy bride. roses and billowy tulle. Small
er tables placed through the rooms seated
the guests. During the supper there were
toasts given and congratulatory cable
grams and telegrams read from friends In
Europe, Portland and Honolulu, the for
mer home of the Louusson family.
Mr. and Mrs. Louisaon left Immediately
for Southern California, and expect to
return to their homo in Portland the first
week In March. No cards. Fresno Re
publican. Lovell-Wymn.-The
marriage' of Miss Isabel Louis
Wyman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wat
eon H. Wyman, to Willard T. Lovell. of
Kane. Wyo.. took place on Thursday
evening. at St Mark's Church, the rec
tor. Rev. John E. SInmson. performing
v.. .o-nmnnv Th Virion -tens riven awav
i by her father, and her bridesmaids were
Miss ilanon (jnase. -miss raicier ana
Miss Luetic Palmer, Ralph Hahn acting
as best man. Guy Wyman, the bride's
brother: Henry Humphrey, Ray Warri
ner and William. Matheson were the ush
ers. The bridal dress was of white crepe
and lace, with bride roses arranged in a
shower, and the bridesmaids wore yellow
crepe and -carried yellow roses. A wed
ding supper to the bridal party was
served after the ceremony at the homo of
Mr. and Mrs. Wyman. Mrs. Lovcll's
traveling, dress, lit which she looked very
stunning, was of dark blue cloth, with
blue- hat and big bunch of violets.
One of the prettiest weddings of the
season was solemnized Tuesday, Feb
ruary "8, at 7 P. M.. at St. Mark's
Episcopal Church, Nineteenth, and
Qulmby streets, when Miss Florence
Hubbard, only daughter of Mr. and
Mra. James Hubbard, waa united In.
marriage to Frederic Perclval Leekfej.
the ceremony being- performed by the
rector. Rev. J. E. Simpson. The altar
was daintily decorated In white and
sreen, with carnations. The bride,
given In marriage, by her father, was
becomingly attired In a traveling gown
of blue broadcloth. Her maid of hon
or was Miss Mary Louise McGaw, and
the' best man her brother. Russel J.
.-Hubbard. Ferd McCord. Henry PruJr
homme and Cheater Bergevin were
ushera. Just before tho entrance of
the bride and groom. Mrs. George
Leakley. of Alaska. glster-in-law of the
groom, sang very sweetly "Faithful
and True." from "Lohengrin," ana af
ter the service, when the members of
the bridal party were in the vestry, she
rendered a hymn by Faure. The or
ganist played softly while the im
pressive -service was read. Mr. an.I
Mrs. Leekley left immediately for
Ocean Park. Wash., followed by the
best wishes of a host of friends. They
will pass their honeymoon at that
place with the bride's grandmother.
Mrs. E. S. Southard, and will return to
Portland to make their home. Many
people from out of town were In at
tendance at the Vedding, Including- Mr.
and -Mrs. George Leekley, of Nome.
Alaska, and Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord and
daughter, of Tacoma, Wash.
Miss Stella Alexander, daughter of R.
Alexander, the pioneer merchant of Pen
dleton, and Elmer Perry Dodd, editor of
the Tribune, were married on Tuesday
evening In the presence of about 50 rela
tives and friends. The ceremony was
conducted by Chief Justice Charles E.
Wolverton; of Salem, assisted by Rev.
Andreas Bard, of Walla Walla. Imme
diately following the ceremony a recep
tion was held at the Alexander home,
over SCO friends calling to present con
gratulations. The home was prettily decorated with
roses, carnations, smllax and Oregon
holly, and many beautiful gowns were
worn. The bride received many beautiful
presents, there being 120 pieces of cut
glass and over J1C0O worth of solid Bilver
ware. Guests were present from Port
land. Salem, Independence, Heppoar,
Baker City. La Grande and Joseph, and
the wedding- was the most elaborate
which has taken place In Pendleton. Mr.
and Mrs. Dodd have gone to ITtn? Or
leans to spend their honeymoon, and will
be absent three weeks.
Morgan-Kay. '
Miss Madge Kay, eldest daughter J
Isaac Kay, of Mount Tabor, was married
Saturday afternoon to Alba R- Morgan,
at tho home of Rev. W. B. Randall, pas
tor of the Central Baptist Church. The
bride was becomingly gowned la a traveling-
suit of blue, with hat to match, and
she carried violets. Only the most Im
mediate relatives witnessed the ceremony,
after which tho young couple left on the
6:15 train for Spokane, where they will
make their future home. Mr. and Mrs.
Morgan leave a host of warm friends,
who wish them much happiness.
Samuel Slegenthaler, of Portland, and
Miss Fannlo White, of Salem, were united
in marriage at Salem recently, Rev.
Henry A. Harden, of Portland, .officiating,
assisted by the bride's brother, Lorenzo
White. The wedding was attended by a
large company of guests. Miss Edna
White, a niece ot the bride, presided at
the piano and. beautifully rendered the
wedding march from "Lohengrin." as the
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