The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Soldiers, Sailors and Civilians
March in Parade.
Headed by America's Greatest. Gen
.ersTls, Its faefenders by Land and
'iSeaFrom Mainland and Is
v .sylands Make Noble Sight.
WASHINGTON, March 4.-President
Roosevelt led his inaugural parade in
quick marching time from the Capitol
to.theJWhite House. No procession in
rcccrtt years has been as prompt hi mov
ing from one end of the avenue to the
other. The troops marched in ideal
weather, the sky being clear, the sun
warm and a fair breeze blowing; The
President lost no time in formalities.
He descended, the steps -which were
put In place in front of the inaugural
rtand and took his carriage without re
entering the CapltoL The inaugural
march began at 1:20 o'clock and as the
President's carriage, followed by that of
Vice-President Fairbanks and thos: of
the members of the Cabinet proceeded
through the Capitol grounds the vast
throng hastily placed Itself on either side
of the line of march and cheered with
out ceasing.
The procession moved slowly and Mr.
Roosevelt, in ackowledging the saluta
tions from cither side, rose to his feet
repeatedly and with his silk hat in his
hand bowed light and left. The build
ings facias the Capitol grounds through
which the procession passed were occu
pied to their full capacity with cheering
people who waved flags and handker
chiefs. No Incident marred In the slignt
est degree the. inaugural procession as it
left the scene of the inaugural addtss
and proceeded past the peace monument
and took its way toward the "White
House on the broad avenue.
Applause Marks Its Progress.
The procession formed Immediately be
hind the carriages of the Presidential
party and In the order previously ar
ranged, marched from the CapltoL The
.splendid triumphal pageant, preceded by
a platoon of mounted police, moved up
the avenue amid the frantic applause
of the thousands who packed the line
of march on either side to view the
spectacular and public feature of the
day. The Fifth Artillery Band followed
the police and in stirring time led thu
on-coming marchers. The more military
character of the return from the Capitol,
as contrasted with the march to the
Capitol, was due. In part, to the fact
that the old veterans who followed the
President on foot this morning bada him
farewell at the Capitol and their places
were taken by mounted ofllcers on ihe
staff of the grand marshal and their
'special aids.
Squadron A, of the New Tork National
Guard, in brilliant uniforms of blue,
again formed the President's personal es
cort, together with the officers of the
President's old Rough Rider regiment In
contrast with the khaki uniforms of the
Rough Riders was the Regular Army
uniform of Lieutenant Granville Fortes
cuo, the President's cousin, who "went
from the Rough Riders Into the Regular
Army after the war. but rode with his
former comrades.
Cadets Lead the Regulars.
The military grand division of the pro
cession came after the Rough Riders. Major-General
James F. "Wade, as' chief
marshal, with a splendidly uniformed
staff, representing each staff corps of the
Army, led the division. Foremost In the
line were the pets of the Army and Navy,
the WeBt Point' cadets and the middies
from Annapolis, with the District of Co
lumbia National Guard, which has come
to be looked upon as almost a part of the
Regular Army organization.
The cadets, headed by Brigadier-General
Frederick Grant, and under their own
superintendent, Brigadier-General Mills,
acquitted themselves splendidly.
There was a diversity about their or
ganization which made it very attractive,
for .it represented infantry, field artillery,
new mountain battery platoons and the
cavalry which makes "West Point famous
throughout the world.
The midshipmen surprised everybody.
Bailors are not supposed to be good foot
uoldlers, yet beyond question the two
battalions from Annapolis. 700 strong, gava
the West Pointers the hardest contest they
ever had for first place in. a parade The
boys in their navy blue, tightly-fitting
jackets and leggins, marched with a pre
cision that was wonderful, and were
cheered at almoBt every step. In their wake
came the revenue marine cadets, a new
feature in tho Inaugural parade and one
so attractive as to be sure of retention
in the future.
Finest Marchers of All.
The heart of the Army, the mainstay
of disciplinarians, tho splendidly drilled
engineers, were represented by the Sec-
ond Battalion, Major Burr commanding,
and as tho men marched in files of 20
they received unlimited applause. Tho
pick of tho Army had been cheered for
their splendid procession, so that, while
the representation from each branch of
the service was small, it was beyond ques
tion the finest body of troops ever gath
ered on Pennsylvania avenue.
The Signal Corps, the provisional regi
ment made up of two battalions, and the
Coast Artillery, all had representatives.
The men who man the great guns at
tbe seacoast fortifications. In their spick
and span uniforms, showing brilliant
touches of colors of white, yellow, red.
blue and green, typifying tho various
branches of the service, made a moving
picture calculated to t,tlr to its depths the
lovers ot tho Regular Army.
Greeting to Porto Ricans.
Porto Rico was well represented in the
parade. Major Thomas W. Griffith, of
the Rogular Army, commanded the bat
talion of the Porto Rican provisional regl
tuont, which camo all the way from its
Island home to participate In tho Inau
guration. The crowds were quick to rec
ognlzo them, and were generous In tbelr
applause of the excellent showing these
troops made. Even more unusual, how
over, was tho sight of tho First Battalion
of the Philippine Scouts, Major W. S.
Johnson, U. S. A., commanding, who-were
chosen to represent tbe archipelago in
the first inaugural parade in which these
little brown men of the Far East have
" Only tho American soldier who has
erved In the Philippine knows how loyal
has been the service of these men for
their new-found country. It was the ox
pressed wish of the President that they
should be in this parade, and the mili
tary precision with which they marched
up tho avenue, showed that they appre
olated the honor.
Pageant Rests for Lunch.
About 3 o'clock the troops came to a
halt, tlie President having reached the
White House on schedule time and gone
lo Ills official home for a hurried lunch
eon. The men, as they rested on their
arms along tho broad avenue, seemed
glad of the opportunity the wait gave
them to spruce up to pass in review be
fore their newly inaugurated President
All along the avenue from the Treasury
building to the Capitol and far beyond
stretched xhe splendid pageant the trim
mings of the uniforms and the steel of
weapons glittering in the sunlight .While
4 parade 'rest the soldiers amused fbem
. selves watching tha scenes alone the
curb. Incidents of human interest were
many. On the top of a building opposite
the Postoffice Department a young man
and his girl danced a two-step to the
rapid melody of "Back, Back. Back to
Baltimore." played by one ot the bands in
the parade.
It was exactly five minutes before 3
o'clock when the Philippine Scouts, who
were toward the last of the second bri
gade, first division, of the military grand
division, resumed their march and passed
the Postoffice Department with as per
fect a line as was to be seen in the pa
rade. Their progress was marked by
great cheering. . , , ,, ,
"With its peerless band playing a martial
air and the men stopping like automatons,
the provisional regiment of United States
Marines, headed by Colonel Karmany and
his staff, followed, led by a soldierly man
with an empty sleeve. He was Captain
Harry Leonard, who left one arm on the
battlefield of Tien TslH. when the Amer
ican marines pointed tho way to all na
tions in the march to Pekin. The marines
were greeted with tumultuous applause as
they marched proudly along. i
They opened the way for something new
in an inaugural line of march in the shape
of a provisional regiment of sailors. The
crews of the armored cruisers Colorado
and "West Virginia made up a full regi
ment and not merely a detachment or
two, as in the past The sailors wore
their leggings and tried their best to
carry their carbines at the regulation an
gle. The third battalion ot field artillery,
commanded by Major Hoyle, with the men
sitting motionless on their caissons, gave
the public one ot the first exhibitions of
the new Army fleldguns. This weapon,
not bronze or blackened as was the old
piece, but shining like silver, mounted on
its khaki-colored carriage, made a fine
There may be cavalry in other armies as
good, but certainly no One ever saw on
this side of tho world the. superior or,
perhaps even the equal, of the gallant
Seventh and Ninth Squadrons which next
moved up Pennsylvania avenue, 16 files
deep, their pennants snapping in the
breeze. The Seventh rode bay horses as
closely matched as bits of mahogany, save
the last company, which was mounted on
high-stepping black chargers. The black
men of the Ninth, mounted on their bay
steeds, had come all the way from Kan
sas to do honor to the President to whose
aid they had come in his hour of need in
the bloody conflict on San Juan H11L
The end of the parade passed the re-viewing-stand
at 6:13 P. M. The Presi
dent then returned to tho "White House
with his party.
President Saves His Warmest Praises
for the Cowboys.
Washington, March 4. "It was a great
success, gentlemen, and did you notice
that bunch of cowboys? Oh, they are the
boys that can ride. Oh, it was all superb.
It really touched mo to tho heart"
This was the comment made by Presi
dent Roosevelt to a representative of the
Associated Press as he was leaving the
reviewing stand for the "White House at
the conclusion of the magnificent inaugu
ral parade arranged in his honor.
The President had been standing for
three and a half hours reviewing the
great parade and receiving tho enthusias
tic congratulations of the plain people ot
the land. His acknowledgment of the
tribute thus paid to him personally and to
his exalted office constituted a fitting end
ing of the formal ceremonies incident to
his Inauguration as the 26th President of
the United States.
It was a picturesque scene that was pre
sented by the President's reviewing stand,
located in the very center of the unique
and beautiful Court of History, on the
south side of Pennsylvania avenue and
directly in front of tho "White House. It
was filled from end to end with hand
somely gowned women and distinguished
Sections of the stand had been reserved
for the Governors of states, for members
of the Inaugural committee, the personal
guests of President Roosevelt and Vice
President Fairbanks, for General "Wade,
Senator Frye, Speaker Cannon, the Pres
ident's Cabinet, the Diplomatic Corps,
the Supreme Court of the United States,
the members ot the Senate and the House
of Representatives, Bishop Satterlee, Car
dinal Gibbons, for the District Columbia
Court of Appeals, the District Supreme
Court and the Commissioners.
It was 2 o'clock when President Roose
velt, accompanied by his party, arrived at
the White House from the CapltoL
Luncheon was served immediately to the
assembled company of the President's
friends and distinguished guests, and at
2:43 o'clock he entered the reviewing
stand. His entranco was unannounced,
but the great throng awaiting him arose
as one person and received him standing.
Accompanying him were Mrs. Roosevelt
Vice-President and Mrs. Fairbanks and
others of the families and personal friends
of the President and Vice-President It
was 2:45 o'clock beforo the parade began
to pass the reviewing stand. Vlce-Pre.-dent
Fairbanks rose and grasped Presi
dent Roosevelt's hand in a hearty clasp.
v During the greater part of the review
the President kept up a running fire of
comment with Senator Bacon on various
features of the parade, losing not an op
portunity to direct attention to the fea
tures which were carrying into effect his
own -viewa and opinions.
All of the cowpunchers knew the Presi
dent personally, and as they passed the
stand, they shouted to him. waved their
hats and cheered like wlldmen. One of
their unmber added Interest to the occa
sion by lassoing various persons along
the route of the parade. Including a big
policeman. Tho diversion afforded him
and the spectators the greatest delight
After the parade, the President received
and shook hands with the cowboys. He
also gave an informal reception to tho
delegation of Harvard students in caps
and gowns, who stopped In front of the
stand and gave the President the Roosevelt-Harvard
The parade was finished at :1S o'clock,
and tho President and party returned Im
mediately to the "White House.
Russian Censor Evades Capture.
NIUCTTWANG. March i. via Tientsin.
M. Ronhovon, the Russian censor, ar
rived at Tientsin today. Last week he
was In hiding at Hslnmingtun, where ho
succeeded in escaping attempt? mado to
capture him. M. Ronhovon Is considered
one of the cleverest Russian secret service
officers, and the Japanese are anxiously
searching for him at Hslnmingtun.
"When he left that place he was accom
panlc-d by several Russian officers, who.
It is believed, avoided the vigilant Japan
ese raiders and regained the Russian
Convicted of Murder Done In 1899.
DBS MOINES. Iai. March 4. Charles.
Thomas, accused of the murder of Mabel
Sohofiekl. was found guilty today. Thomas
took ihe result calmly, but his wife' fell
to the floor In a swoon. The crime was
committed in 1S&9. The girl's body was
found In the river, and symptoms of
poison were found In her stomach.
Thomas was givon a preliminary hearing
at the time, but was discharged. Five
years passed, and then Thomas was in
Gaynor and Green Arrested.
MONTREAL. March 4. Messrs. Gaynor
ana Green were arrested in Quebec today
for the purpose of bringing them to Mon
treal to complete extradition proceedings.
They are wanted by the United States au
thorities in connection with the Savannah
.River contract
Will Testify In Chadwlck Case.
CLEVELAND. March 4. Andrew Car
negie arrived In Cleveland tonight lu
response to a subpena by tho Federal
authorities to appear as a witness in
the trial of Mrs. Chadwick.
Vice-President Fairbanks In
stalled in Senate.
Heeds of Government, Army and
Navy, Members of Congress and
Diplomats Witness Ceremony
tf Taking the Oath.
Born on a farm near UalonvUle, Cen
ter County, Ohio. Mar U, 1S3
Bon or Lorlston M. and Mary -
(Smith) Fairbanlcf.
Graduated from tho OtJo Wealeyaa
University, rvcliware, O., 1S72.
Admitted to bar and began practice of
law at Indianapolis, 16T4.
Republican caucus nominee for United
States Senator from Indiana, but defeat
ed by David Turpi. Democrat. 1633.
Elected "United States Senator, 1E37.
Appointed member ot tbo3olnt Hi eh
British-American Commission, and elect
ed chairman ot the American Commlj
slcaem 1S3S.
Elected " Vice-President of United
States. November 8. lOOi.
Inaugurated as Vice-President. March
4. 1905.
WASHINGTON, March 4.-In the pres
ence ot as many of his fellow citizens
as could be crowded into the Senate
chamber. Charles Warren Fairbanks was
at high noon today inducted into the of
fice of Vice-President of the United States.
The ceremony was quickly followed by
the final adjournment of the Senate of
the 58th Congress, the beginning of a
special session, an address by the Vice-
President and the swearing into office of
almost a third of tbe membership of the
Senate. All these official' acts took place
in the chamber just before the inaugura
tion of the President, and were in reality,
while themselves of great import, the
prelude of the more important event.
The installation of the new Vice-Presi
dent was severely simple, and as brief
as simple. It consisted of a promise, sol
emnly made with uplifted hand and bowed
head, to perform the duties of the office
and to support and defend the Constitu
tion of the United States. This was
the oath of office, and it was administered
by Senator Frye as president pro tem
pore of the Senate. The two officials stood
confronting each other on the elevated
platform on which rests the desk of the
presiding officer of the Senate, practically
on the eame spot on which au the in
coming Vice-Presidents for the past 50
years have stood, and where a majority
of American freemen have decreed that
Mr. Fairbanks shall preside for the four
years tn come. Plain and dexnocratla
though tho ceremony was, it attracted to
the Senate a gathering of notable people.
many of them of such importance that, in
accordance with time-honored custom,
their appearance was heralded with pomp
and platitude sufficient to atone for tho
simplicity of the official acta of tho occa
sion, if not auite to oversnadow them.
These guests included the fpremcst rep
resentatives of tho -officia) life of UiO
capital city, foreign and domestic, civil
and military, and also many other per
sons of prominence from all parts of the
Great Men and Fair Women.
On the Benate floor, with his Cabinet,
were the President of the United States,
himself about to be inaugurated: the Dip
lomatic Corps, tbe Supremo Court of the
United States, the House of Representa
tives, tho Lieutenant-General of the
Army, the Governors of states, and oth
ers distinguished by reason of position
or achievement. These sufficed to tax
the capacity of that part of the hall,
and they were splendidly supplemented
and surrounded by the attendance- in
the galleries, consisting la large part of
the wives, relatives and mends or the
men who occupied seats below, many of
them as distinguished in private and so
cial life as the others in the publlo serv
ice. Practically all tbe variety of hue and
-vivacity of scene came from the galleries.
for aside from the decorations worn by
the foreign representatives and tho gold
lace with which tho uniforms of the few
Army and Navy officers present were dec
orated, there was a dull level of black
and brown on the first floor. This mo
notony was relieved somewhat in the
background by a sprinkle of gold on tho
gray walls of tho chamber, but It was
not sufficient to compensate for the ab
sence of animation which only the ladle?,
with their flowers and ribbons and feath
ers, could contribute. The section of the
gallery usually devoted to the private use
of Senators was today entirely surren
dered to what may be called the execu
tive party, and was occupied by the fami
lies and immediate friends of the Presi
dent and the Vice-President and of tha
members of the Supreme Court and the
Cabinet. The front row of seats- on one
side of this section was filled by tho
Few People Know How Useful it Is In
Preserving Health and Beauty.
JJearly everybody knows that charcoal
is the safest and most evident disinfect
ant and purfc-cr in nature, but few
realize Its value when taken into the
human system for the same cleansing
Charcoal Is a remedy that the more
you take of It the better; it is not a drug
at all, but blmpiy absorbs the gases and
impurities always present in the stomach
and intestines and carries them out of
the system.
Charcoal sweetens the breath after
smoking, drinking or after eating onions
and other odorous vegetables.
Charcoal effectually clears and Improves
the complexion, it whitens the teeth and
further acts as a natural and eminently
safe cathartic.
It absorbs the injurious gases which
collect !n the stomach and bowels: it
disinfects the mouth and throat from the
poison of catarrh.
All druggists sell charcoal in one form
or another, but probably the best char
coal and the most for the money- Is in
Stuarts Charcoal Lozenges; they are
composed ot the finest powdered Willow
charcoal, and other harmless antiseptics
in tablet form, or rather in the form of
large, pleasant tasting lozenges, the char
coal being mixed with honey.
The -ally ure of these lozenges will
soon tell In a mucr. Improved condition
of the general health, better complexion.
sweeter breath and purer blood, and the
beauty of It Is, tha- no possible harm
can result from their continued use, but
on the contrary, areat benefit.
A Buffalo physiciau in speaking ot tbe
benefits of charcoal says: "I" advise Stu
art's Charcoal Lozenges to alt patients
suffering from gate in stomach and bow
els, and to clear the complexion and puri
fy tbe br;th, mouth and throat: I also
believe tbe liver Is greatly benefited by
tho dally use ot them; they cost but
twenty-five cents a box at drug stores.
and although in some scase a patent prep
aration, yet I behove I get mora and be
ter charcoal In Stuart's Charcoal Loz
enges than in any of the ordinary char-
; coal tablets. '
members of tbePrealdtest's household, and
the corresponding tow on the other side
by thdse of the Vice-President. Mrs.
Roceevelt and the wife and mother of
Vice-President Fairbanks being promi
nent aroongithem.
The diplomatic gallery, which is rarely
occupied by more than two or three per
sons at a time, was crowded today by
the wives of representatives of the vari
ous foreign embassies and legations, all
manifesting- much eagerness to witness
what they evidently considered an. excep
tional ceremony. Directly opposite that
quarter numerous members of the news
paper fraternity occupied their usual
places in the press gallery, most of them
diligently engaged In portraying the In- i
tcrestlng scenes about them. Other por
tions ot the gallery wre given over to
pereons holding special tickets. Every
niche and cranny was filled, but the care
ful rearrangement which limited the
number of tickets to the exact capacity
of the hall prevented unseemly crowding.
The gallery visitors were practically all
in their seats before the official guests
began to make their appearance. This
circumstance was due to the fact that
while the officials were detained until a
specified time, the gallery doors were
opened at 11 o'clock, and ticket-holders
permitted to enter any time thereafter.
They found more of the star performers
in their assigned places, if Senators may
be excepted, but the wait was not long,
and la the meantime the gallery visitors
easily devised entertainment among them
selves. Tbe Senators, many of them
showing fatigue as the result of recent
long hours of labor, were grouped to
gether compactly on the Republican side
of the chamber, an arrangement nec
essary to mako room for other dignitaries.
Distinguished Men Ushered In.
The two big, round-faced gold clocks
which front with solemn mien and In
stately service from tho north and south
walls of the Senate chamber, had meas
ured the time up. to 11:43 when the first
of tho special guests arrived. These were
the members of the House of Representa
tives. They had marched over in a body
to the quarters of the Senate through the
long corridor from their own hall at the
other end of the Capitol, headed by their
redoubtable leader. Speaker Cannon, with
all tho assurance of an invading army,
and when the south doors of the Senate
chamber swung open and Assistant Ser-
geant-at-Arms -Layton announced "The
Speaker and the House of Representa
tives," they walked proudly to the.-'seats
assigned them on the Democratic side of
the chamber, accepting as their due the
honor done them when, upon the stroke
of the gavel of the President pro tempore,
the Senate and Its visitors rose as one.
person to welcome them.
The Speaker had scarcely taken his seat
at the side of the presiding officer, and
Senators and guests bad not more than
resumed their chairs, when tbe doors
again parted, and Alonzo H. Stewart, also
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms, heralded in
genuine feudal style the approach of the
diplomats, headed by Count Caaslrd. dean
of the corps. "The Ambassadors and
Ministers Plenipotentiary," he said in
ringing tones, and again, upon the fall of
the gaveL all came to a standing posture.
-while Sergeant-at-Arms Ran sd ell escorted
tha foreign dignitaries to their places
fronting the presiding officer. The for
eigners attracted much attention, and the
brilliancy of their dress and the distinc
tion of the gentlemen themselves were the
subjects of much admiring comment.
Events followed Quickly. From this
time until Senator Fairbanks began his
address the Senators and their visitors
were kept constantly engaged in rising
to receive newcomers. The Ministers were
sharply followed by the Supreme Court,
officially gowned In long, monkish robes,
and with Chief justice Fuller, distin
guished In appearance, leading the van.
The judiciary -was succeeded by Lieutenant-Gen
oral Chaffee, Chief of Staff, and
his aids.
Gradually the hall was filled, and the
scene had become more and more ani
mated, until for the last time in connec
tion with the occasion the doors were
opened to. admit a guest. He was the
guest of guests tho President the Presi
dent and the President-elect Theodore
Enter, the President.
"The President and his Cabinet!" pro
claimed Sergeant-at-Arms RansdelL Again
all were on tbelr feet, and again -was at
tention sharply fixed. In the entire as
semblage there were comparatively few
who could not boast personal acquaint
ance with the Chief Executive, but this
fact did not prevent a general craning of
necks to observe him on this, the crown
ing occasion in bis career. All oyes were
turned upon him as. accompanied by tbe
Congressional Committee and the mem
bers of the official household, he walked
down the center aisle of the chamber in
the -wake of the convoying Sergeant-at-Arms,
who placed him In a big red
leather chair immediately in front of the
presiding officer's desk, where, himself an
Interested spectator, and still flanked by
the committee on arrangements, he sat
facing the other spectators. He had gona
directly to his seat,, looking scarcely to
the right or to the left, but evidently
never unmindful of the splendid scene
about 'him. He has once before been a
participant in an inaugural ceremony, but
then only as the recipient of second
honors. He -was there now as the head of
the people of the Nation, and by right of
their choice. His manner was that of a
man who appreciates responsibilities and
at the same time fools capable of assum
ing them self-conscious and self-reliant,
the object of all observation and alive to
all surroundings.
But the Chief Exeoutlve had very lit
tle time for reflecting. Inauguration
time had arrived. The man -who had
shared with him the honors of tho last
election had been ushered In In the per
son of Senator Fairbanks, and -was even
now standing where on the Fourth of
March, 1301, Mr. Roosevelt himself
had stood to take the oath of tho Vice
Presidential office. Senator Fairbanks
had been escorted by 'the committee
on arrangements to the platform on
which sat President Pro Tempore Frye
and Speaker Cannon, the former of
whom was on tho eve of performing
tho last act of his present term in that
office by administering the' oath which
would make Mr. Fairbanks, not only
Vice-President, but also the permanent
presiding officer of tho Senate.
Oath Taken by Vice-President.
Senator Fry does all things with
promptness -and 'decision. The two of
ficial timepieces were agreed in pro
claiming: the hour of 12, when, accord
ing to the requirements made and pro
vided, the Fifth-eighth Congress must
come to a. close, the Fifty-ninth Con
grcss be started on its career and the
new presiding officer Introduced and
Installed. Mr. Frye had already said
farewell: tho vlstors were In their
seats. Not a moment was lost. Rising
In front of the slender, but towering
form of his successor, the President
pro tempore repeated to him in the
form of an official oatn the lew lm
presslve words which transformed the
Indiana leadcrfrom the position of
a Senator to that of Vice-President of
tho United States. The ceremony did
not consume to exceed two minutes ot
.time, but it was conducted with such
dignity and solemnity as to make a
lasting impression on all present. Pro
found stillness characterized the dense
assemblage-' while it was in progress,
nono present apparently falling to ap
preciate that an act of sacred National
import was being- performed.
The oath concluded, tho two leading-
participants shook hands cordially
and Mr. Frye spoke a few hurried
words Of congratulation. With a last
positive thump of the gavel, the Maine
Senator relinquished his position as
President pro tempore by announcing
the final adjournment of the Fifty
eighth Congress. Without a look back
ward, he vacated the seat ho had occu
pied -for almost four years, stepped
from the presiding officer's platform
lo the-Senate .floor and there took his
Hi 'till lifnH
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or other causes, kidney; trouble is permitted to continue, fatal results
are sure to follow.
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most,
because they do most and need attention first.
If you are sick or "feel badly," begin taking- Dr. Kilmer's Swamp
Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy, because as soon as
your kidneys begin to get better they will help all the other organs to
health. A trial will convince anyone.
The mild and Immediate effect ot
Swamp-Hoot the great kidney and blad
der remedy is soon realized. It stands
the highest for its wonderful cures of
the most distressing cases. Swamp-Boot
will set your whole system right, and tho
best proof of this is a trial.
S3 Cottage ot ilelroac, Man,,
Der Blr: Jan. 11th, ISO.
Ever since I was In the Army, X had more or
lent kidney trouble, and within the past yar
It became so severe and complicated ths.t 1
snftered everything end was much alarmed
my strength and power was trat leaving me.
I saw an advertisement ox Swamp-Root and
wrote asking- for advioe. X began the use ot
the medicine and noted a decided improvement
alter taVtng Swamp-Koot only a .short time.
X continued its use and am thankful to say
that X am entirely cured and strong. In order
to be very ware about this, X had a doctor ex
amine some of my water today and he pro
nounced it all right and la splendid condition.
X know that your Swamp-Hoot la purely vege
table and doea not cnntnln any harmful drugs.
Thanking yon for my complete recovery and
recommending Swamp-Root to all sufferers,
X am. Very truly yours,
Swamp-Hoot la not recommended for
everything, but It promptly cures kidney.
EDITORIAL. NOTE. In order to nrova
you may have a sample bottle and. a book of valuable information, both sent abso
lutely free by mall. The book contains many of the thousands upon thousands of
waiuiiuuuu jcucra tcvcivcu uum men ana women curea. utte value and success of
Bwamp-Hoot are so well known that our readers ara advised to send lor a sample
bottle. In sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co.. Blnsrhamton- y. tv sum to
Bay you road this generous offer in The
Beat to listen with other Senators to
the address of tho new Vice-President.
Mr. Fairbanks had no difficulty in
being- heard. He spoke deliberately
and distinctly, his voice, so well tried
during- the past campaign, easily reach
ing all parts of the chamber. He said:
Address of Vice-President.
Senators: I enter upoa the discharge of
the duties of the position to which I have
bees called by my countrymen with grate
ful appreciation of the high honor asd with
a deep sense of its responsibilities.
X have enjoyed the privilege of serving
with you here for eight years. During that
time wo have engaged in the consideration
of roasy domestic Questions of vast Im
portance and with foreign problems ot un
ssnal asd far-reaching significance. We
submit, what we have done to the impartial
Judgment of history
I cas never forget the pleasant relations
which have bees formed daring my service
upon the floor of the Senate. I ah all cher
ish them always as among the most de
lightful memories of my life. They war
rant the belief that X shall have in the dis
charge of the functions which devolve upon
me under the Constitution the generous as
sistance and kindly forbearance of both
sides of the chamber.
We witness the majestic spectacle of a
peaceful and orderly beglsslng of as ad
ministration of National affairs under the
laws of a free and self-governing people.
We pray that Divine favor may attend It,
and that peace and progress, Justice and
honor; may abide with our country and
our countrymen.
Senate Organizes.
Tho organization of tho Senate was
then completed by the swearing in of
Senators elected to serve for the next
six years. They appeared in platoons
of four, in alphabetical order, at the
desk of tho Vlce-Presidont, each being
accompanied by his colleague. The
oath was administered by Mr. Fair
banks, and in each case was Immediate
ly followed by signing the Senate roll
of membership. This ceremony con
cluded tho day's session, and the Sen-
April, May
There is a best time for doing
eveiything that is, a-time when a
thing can he done to the best ad
vantage, most easily and most ef
fectively. Now is the best time
for purifying your blood. Why 5
Because your system is now trying
to purify it you know this by the
pimples and other eruptions that
have come on your face and body.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and Pills
Are the medicines to take they do
the work thoroughly and agreeably
and never fail to do it.
Hood's are the medicines you
have always heard recommended.
cannot recommend Hood's Sarsaparill
too highly as a sprlnsr medicine. When we
take it In tbe gprine we ail feel better througb
the rammer." Mas. S. H. Neau ilcCrays. Fa.
Hood's Sarsaparilla pr&rn!ss tc
our anal kps the irmle
liver and bladder troubles, the symptoms
of which are obliged to pass your water
frequently night and day, nrrmrtlng or
irritation in passing, brickdust or sedi
ment in tho urine, headache, backache,
lame back, dizziness, poor digestion,
sleeplessness, nervousness, heart disturb
ance due to bad kidney trouble, skin erup
tions from bad. blood, neuralgia, rheu
matism, diabotes, bloating. Irritability,
worhout feeling, lack of ambition, loss
of flesh, sallow complexion, or Bright'a
If your water when allowed to remain
undisturbed in a glass or bottle for
twenty-four hours, forms a sediment or
settling or has a cloudy appearance it la
evidence that your kidneys and bladder
need immediate attention.
Swamp-Hoot Is pleasant to take and is
for sale at drug stores the world over In
bottlas of two sizes and two prices fifty
cents and one dollar. Remember the
name, Swamp-Hoot, Dr. Kilmer's
Swamp-Hoot, and tbe address, Bing
ham ton. J. 7.. on every bottle.
th -wnndftrfni mrui f Hnro.r.-'Prvn
Portland Sunday Oregonian. The genu-
ato adjourned to the outside platform
to witness with others the Inaugura
tion of President Roosevelt
The official guests left the chamber
in order the reverse of that In which
they had entered, and were closely fol
lowed by the visitors in the galleries.
The arrangement for exit was excel
lently contrived, the 'departure was
without confusion or 'disorder and only
a few minutes were required to clear
the halL
Japanese Steamer Runs Into Break
water and Goes Down.
YOKOHAMA, Feb. 11, via San Fran
cisco, March -L The Osaka Shoshen
Kalsha steamer Natorigava, while enter
ins Osaka harbor, ran on a portion of
tho breakwater under construction, o wing
to a dense fog, and sank at once. Of the
123 passengers and crew on board, only 18
were saved.
There has been no rainfall in the Loo
choo Islands since March of last year, and
tho inhabitants are suffering severely.
Buteshire Drives Another 'Nail Into
Balfour's Coffin.
LONDON, March 4. The Liberals
captured a seat as the result of the by
election In Buteshire yesterday, when
Noranu Lemonte secured a majority of
34 over the Unionist candidate, Edward
T. Salveson, Solicitor-General for Scot
land. The election was due to the ele
vation of Andrew Graham Murray to
the poerage on his appointment to a
German Battleships Run Aground.
KORSOER. Denmark. March 4. The
German battleships Mecklenburg and
Wittelsbach grounded today oft Hatten
Reef, east- of Samsoe Island. Tho Wit
telsbach was floated, but the Mecklenburg
is fast. Sho Is leaking, and her bottom is
Uniting on Separation From Church.
PARIS, March . The government has
reached a complete agreement with the
committee of the Chamber of Deputies on
the details of the bills providing for the
separation of the Btate and church, thus
insuring united action.
Farewell Banquet to Meyer.
ROME, March 4. A. sumptuous fare
well banquet was tendered Ambassador
Meyer by the diplomatic corps and po
litical leaders here tonight. The lead
irig American residents of Rome were
Tyne Fire Causes $1,000,000 Loss.
SOUTH SHIELDS, England, March 4.
The fire- last night at the coal landings on
the Northern bank of the Tyne caused
damage to tho amount of $1,000,000 before
It was under control. The Lowden and
other docks w'ere saved.
Chases Derelict Off Columbia.
SAN FRAWpiSCO. March 4. The Navy
transport Solaco was ordered to sea today,
her .destination being a point 600 miles
north and west of this city, where an un
known derelict 19 reported to be menacing
navigation on this Coast. The Solace Is
to And and destroy tho derelict. It was
reported some days aso by Captain Spl-
voy. of the British ship Plthomene, who
aid. es February 3V oft tbe mouth or the
New York Dental Parlors
Baring Just completed remodeling; reror
nlsaioff and re-qulpplnc our office with all th
latest improved, modern appliances, both elec
trical and mechanical, we are better prepared
than ever to complete all kinds or. operations
with treat skill and dlspatcb. Our specialists
1 ot world renown will treat all who como wlta
Uk courtesy asd care that the New Tori Sta
tist ara to well known by. "VVo do not try to
eompeio wun cneap aenuu wotic. one co au
kinds of flrst-clasa wort: at about half that
csarffed. by others. AU operations are guar
anteed painless. To a can nave your teeth
oat in tbe moraine and so home with your
SEW TEETH "taat HI tne same aay.
All work guaranteed, -with a protected guar
antee for 10 years.
SOLUTEI.Y "WITHOUT PAIN, by our late sci
entific methods, applied to the gums. 7o sleep-
proaucing agents or cocaine.
These are the only dental parlors in Port
Ingredients to extract, fill end apply gold
crowns and porcelain crowns undetectable
from natural teeth. All work done by GRAD
UATED DENTISTS ot from 12 to 20 yearsr ex
perience, and each department la charge ot a
specialist. Give us a call, and yea will find
ua to do exactly as we advertise. "We will tell
wju la advance exactly what your vwork will
COLD CROWNS. .:. $3.00
New York Denial Parlors
Hours: 8:20 A. 31. to 8 P. il.; Stmdays and
holidays. 3:30 to 2 P. it.
Fourth and Morrison Streets, Portland. Or,
S67 lbs. XM Bw.
MBS. E. WTT.T.IAMS. 683 Bluett Sa're.
Buffalo, N. T.
IVost In weight ..........37 poaadf
IiOst in bust 8 laches
Ziost in waist 1Q laches
XOst In hips ...................... ."0 laches
This picture gives yon an Idea of my ap
pearance before and after- my reduction by
Dr. Snyder. My health is perfect. X never
enjoyed better health tn ay life, not a
wrinkle to be seen. Why carry your burden
longer, when relief Is at hand-r
Mrs. Jennie Stockton,
Sheridan, Oregon,
Lost 60 pounds.
Mrs. X. S. Brows,
Dallas, Oregon,
lost 65 pounds.
Dr. Snyder guarantees his treatment to he
perfectly harmless In every particular. 3o
exercise, so starving, no detention Srom. busi
ness, no wrinkles or discomfort. Dr. Sny
der has been a specialist Is the successful
treatment of obesity for tht past 25 years,
and has the unqualified indorsement of, the
medloal fraternity. A booklet, telling all
about it. free. Write today.
O. W. I. SNYDER, 3C D.
611 Dekum bldg.. Third and Washington sts.
No Sreak&st Table
complete -rTithout
The Most Nutritious
and JIconoxnicaL
Sherwood: & Sherwood. Pacific Coast Agwrfs.
Columbia, he -sighted an unknown dere
lict about 150 feet In length.
Cigarette Burns a Yale Dormitory.
NEW HAVEN, Conn., March 4. The
"High Wall," one of the finest of the pri
vate dormitories of Tale students, was
damaged today by fire to the extent of
$10,000. The injury to the costly furnish
ings of Sheffield Science School students,
who occupied the apartments, is- estimated
at $10,000 more. The flro Is supposed to
have started from a cigarette stub.
Seattle Gives to Harvard.
SEATTLE, Wash., March 4. In the
name ot the City of Seattle, Samuel Hill,
member of the board of overseers of Har
vard University, has subscribed $50,000 to a
special fund of 51,000,0000 to relieve the an
nual deficiency existing at the institution.
Develop Willamette Valley.
SALEM, Or., March 4. (Special.) A
Willamette Valley Development League v
Convention Is to bo held at Salem March
23 under the auspices of the Greater Sa
lem Commercial Club. Invitations were
sent out today asking all Valley Commer
cial Club organizations to send delegates.
Seep your blood clean as too. ktep your
body dean. You don't wait until 'jovs
bodyjs foul before yen cleanse k.
It is a matter of aurprUe that in&irr mo
plc who ara so cartful to have clean book
mako no effort to keep tie blood clean.
Everyone knows that uadeanaeM breed
disease: that those who do not keep Qmiz
bodies in a wholesome condition and who
dwell is filthy rerrotindiugs axe the tto
fall when some epidemic of disease sweeps
the country. But foul blood is more dan
geroca to the individual than a foul body.
An unclean body is rather a passive tkan
an active hindrance to health. Batuseleaa
blood is an active threat against the very
life it makes the body a prepared breeding-
place for disease.
. It is part of Nature's plan for human
safety that in many cases where tfce blood
Is impure or corrupt she sets a sign on the
bodjrin -otocf of the ecrrapt current that is
flowing through the veins. Scrofula with
its cisnffuriug- seres and scars, ecsessa with
its irritation, salt-rheum, tetter, erysipelas,
boils, pimples and other eruptions are; only
the outward signs of the impurity of the
blood. But often in the earlier or simpler
stages of the blood's impurity there, are no
outward signs of this coadlticn: oaly dull,
languid, sluggish feeliags, which are com
monly attributed solely to the alaggMmcss
of the liver.
Of all preparations for pnrifyiaar ttb,
blood Dr. Pi ercs s Golden Hedical Dwcr -cry
easily takes the. first place. It elimis
ates from the blood the elesseafis which
clot; aad corrupt it, and which hoed and
feed disease. It acts directly on the Meod
making: glands, increasiaffr their activity,
and so increasing the supply e rich, pore
blood which is the life cftae body-.
Accept no Mbstkute fee "GeWen. Med
ical Discovery." There is "jost
as good" for diseases ef the ilmiTi.
blood and lusfs.
Dr. Pierce's Medical Advieer, pester ee
ers, is sent frte on receipt e sc one-cent
stamps to pay expense ef mailisy nly.
Adi Dr. JL V.-Mefee MhteTjl: Y.
The Cream of Cocoas.