THE SUNDAY -. 0BEG0NIA2fr -POBTJjLND,- -MABCK 5r. 1905. WILL SING "DANNY THAT thrilling' poem of Kipling's that Walter Damrosch has eet to such tragic music, and which owes its world-wide popularity to David BIspham's Interpretation o it. will be heard in Port land next Thursday night. The San Francisco Examiner, com menting; upon Sir. BIspham's singing; of this remarkable song, says: "So, too, in the Walter Damrosch set ting of Kipling's "Danny Deever' did Mr. BIspham make drama, while one waited. Here he was the soldier, rigid trom discipline, telling In fearsome, in evitable rhythm, the most terrible of all Kipling's revealments of tho soldiery." Dftvid BIspham's art is essentially dramatic. His deep, impassioned voice, which has no rival' In America, is made by him merely the vehicle for the warm output of human feeling; that moves the audience either to laughter or to love, to pity or to awe. as the singer wills. It is this quality that has made him, with all his lofty conception of art. a popular favorite at the Metropolitan. Xew York." He knows the way to the human - heart, and uses his power so wisely that every one in his audfence, at the close of one of his recitals, leaves the hall with a sense of joyous uplift at making the acquaintance of new and noble art-creations. His programmes are so pecularily rich Jn .quaint .old masterpieces, as well as fresh, unheard productions of the present hour, that he is often spoken of as the best? programme-maker of the two continents. Europe and America. Ho brings out new composers not yel recog nized by the world-at-large but des tined to exert a vital influence upon the art of this generation. For this reason the BIspham recitals are attracting large audiences of music ntudents and their teachers, who throng to hear him as one who can enlighten them as no other singer of the day Is able to dd. It may truly be said that no song recital "has ever .been given in Portland of equal educational value to musicians with that announced for Thursday, March 9. at the Marquam. The sale of seats for the BIspham con cert will open Tuesday morning, March 7. The concert is under the direction of Lois Steers and Wynn Coman. DOMAIN OF MUSIC. William "Wallace Graham, violinist, and ilrs Anna Selkirk Norton, contralto, will take part in a concert at Salem, Friday night. Innes' Band will -lve two concerts in Chi cago. April 1 and -. Commencing; in Chicago, thlfl tour closes at the Lewis and Clark Ex position, in June. Marie Nichols, tie violinist, haa left Boston n tour for the Paclflc Coast, returning to nil an engagement as vlollnlste at the Syracuse (.N Y.) Music Festival. April 25. Mrs, Raymond Brown, pleasantly remem bered here for her talks on Wagner's music dramas, under the aunplcea of the Musical Club, will giro a lecture recital in this- city. March SO. presenting one of the most beautiful of Wagner's works, 'Tristan and Isolde." Paderewski charges $2 for his autograph. He does this because he wants to raise money for a Chopin monument to be built at Warsaw. He began thla practice while touring Australia last eaeon, and from that time to this he has raised quite a considerable sum for the monu ment. Musical programme today at the First Uni tarian Church, under the direction of Mrs, Frank Haley: "Voluntary, "Offertoire in C" (Brown); anthem, "Christian, the Morn Breaks Sweetly O'er Thee" Shelley); response, (Hanscom): tenor solo (selected); Nunc Dlmlttis. (Barnby); p'oatlude, "March Fontlflcale," (Gounod). The directors of the Royal Opera, Covent Garden, London, announce that the season, yiilch will extend over 12 weeks, will com mence May 1. and continue until July 24. As no festival will be held at Baireuth this Sum mer, they have arranged to give two complete cycles of "Der Ring dea Nibelungen." under the direction of Dr. Hans Rlchter. A German "correspondent writes that a new concert hall is to be built in Berlin, with seats for several thousand people. It will be used chiefly for large orchestral and oratorio per formances. It Is said that the Asehlnger Stock Company will build the hall at the cor ner of Bellevue straws and Fotsdamcr platx, and that connected with it will be a wine restaurant, 'the like of which in aize and splendor Europe has never seen." Rudolph Ganr. the Swiss pianist, will give his annual recital In Chicago, this afternoon. He has prepared a very Interesting programme. Including the Bach-Busonl toccata No. I In D minor; Schumann's "Etudes 8ymphonlque." op, 13; Chopin's scherzo In B minor, op. 20. and "Impromptu" in "F sharp major, op. S6; "Ravel Jeux d'Eau": Debuany's prelude In A "minor. Salnt-Eaens' "Wedding Cake" valse caprice, and Liszt's second "Annee e I'er lerinage in Italic" A returned and candidly spoken traveler says that one of th poorest places in the world to hear music Is In Rome. Of concerts there are hardly any. and the number of operas heard each season Is at most six. The perform ances begin at 9:30. and end after 1 o'clock A M., and the prices are high. Under such circumstances it Is not strange that musical taste Is at a low level in the Eternal City, and that singers are acclaimed there who would not be tolerated in this country. The Chicago Irish Choral Society announces , eventh concert for tonight. Its programme wu include two Irish folk songs, recently ar ranged by Sir Charles Vllller Stanford, the wu-known Irish composer, and especially ded icated by him to this society, and will con- Sz wlih "ttrrlng descriptive choral ballad. Pnandrig Crohoore." written by the same ccmposer. Among the soloists will be Mrs. Marie White Longman, contralto, and Edward C- Towne, tenor. The chorus of 125 mixed xtlees with full orchestra, will be under the direction of Thomaa Taylor Drill. A musical was given last Friday evening under the direction of Mrs. Edward Alden Heals, The programme: Piano duet. "Ma rurka." (Weber). Miss Lenna Wenderotn and Th52? RSif?." "Ab.?nt" M'alf). Miss TUejesa Smith; song. "Forgotten" (Cowles). r?n11; !pnK. M&ttinata" (Tostl). Miss Frances Bingham; piano, "Mysotis" (Sartorlo). Miss Irene Ray; song, "Asthore" (Trotere) Sidney Rasmuwen;. song. Beauty's Eyes" (Tostl). Miss Lenna Wend erotn; song, "Out on the Deep" (Petrle) Lewis; piano, "11 Trovatore" (Verdi)! UM, Irn r: song. "The Fog Bell" Farker Sidney Rasmussen: aria from "II Trovatore," (Verdi). Mrs. Edna Joy Moore neaa. The large and distinctly musical audience which attended the recital at Eilers' Piano Voure last Thursday evening was a mani festation of the continued and growing In terest there exists in the Metrostyle pianola a a means of producing music that is en tr y artistic The programme was exceed lngy interesting throughout. An especial ly fine feature was the singing by Miss Kathleen Lawler. of Schubert's "Serenade" w '.h Molln obllgato, played by Seth Story. Tfia accompaniments to both this charm ing singer's selections were most beautifully plajed by means of the Metrostyle pianola. The other pianola numbers were also ex cepilonally enjoyable, as well as those of the Aeolian pipe organ. Programme of a muslcale recently given at Aesltan Hall, under the direction of Mrs. Edgar E. Coursen. the participants being her students each under the age or 16 years: TrH 'Voice of the Western Wind" (Barn by Miss Geraldlne Coursen. Miss Vlda Cummlng. Miss Vlda Reed: "Love" (Park) "A Memory" (Park). Miss Frances Corbln"; Daddy" Behrend). "Sleep. Little Tulip" Nevln). Master Raymond Coursen; "A Land of Roses" (Del Rlego), "Lullaby" Jocelyn) (Godard). Miss Via Cumming: "The Ros in the Garden" (Nledllnger). Tou and r (Lehmann). Miss Geraldlne Coursen; "Dying Rose" (Tunlson). "Shad ows' (Bond). Miss Vida Reed: duet, "Hark o the Mandolin" (Parker). Miss Geraldine Coursen. Master Raymond Coursen; accom panists. Miss Geraldlne Coursen. Master Ray mond Coursen. Miss Vlda. Reed. An enjoyable concert was given In Brigh ton chapel of Pacific Ttalvcrxitr. Forst SONG MADE FAMOUS BY GREAT ON THE PROGRAMME FOR NET DATED BISPHAM. AT THE Grove, last Friday night by Mrs Pope. Mis Conyers. N. C. Zan. Mrs. Williams and Misses Maud and Kate Shannon, of Forest Grove. The numbers were enthusiastically received and many encores were given. The pro gramme: "Taacred" (Rossini), Mrs. "Will iams and Miss Shannon; "It Was Not So to Be" (Nessler). "Only In Dreams" (Do Koven) Mr. Zan; "Until Yon Come" (Metcatf). "Rosary" (Nevln), Miss Conyers; "Slumber Sea" (Chlsholm), .Misses Shannon; 'The Brook" (Neldllnger)". "Were My Song With "Wings Provided" (Hahn). Mrs. Pope; "Var rle Morire" (Tostl), "Spring Song" (Tostl). Mr. Zan;'"0 That We Two Were Maying" (Nevin), Mrs. Pope and Mr. Zan; "Daddy" (Behrend). "My Dear Jerushy" (Gaynor), Miss Conyers; selection (Schumann), "Ex cursion" (Schumann), Mrs. Williams; "Myr ra" (CUntsane). "Our Life Ie Vain" (Rog ers), Mrs. Pope; "Two Grenadiers" (Schu mann), Mr. Zan. The concert was held un der the auspices of the Paclflc University baseball players. Maria de Macchl. dramatic eoprano, and one of the best-known singers of Italy, made her debut at Brescia, in the title role of Foachl elll's masterpiece, "La. Gloconda." Her suocess was immediate, and she was engaged soon after for several of the leading European opera-houses. Among other cities which 6e visited were Lisbon, Madrid, Barcelona and Moscow, where she "created" the chief female role in Rubinstein's opera, "Le Demon." At the request of Martuoci. the famous conductor, she was recalled to Italy, to interpret the chief soprano role in Schumann' "Faust" and to sing the three Brunnhlldea In "Die Wal kure." "Siegfried' and Gotterdammerung." .besides the part of Isolde, In Tristan and Isolde." She was soon after engaged as the "star" at the Verdi Festivals. 1n Berlin and Prague. The Kaiser showed his admiration of Mme. de Macchl by presenting her with a dia mond bracelet adorned with the Imperial armt.. He assured her, after talking with her for nearly an hour, that her "beautiful voice and art had the warmth of the Italian sun." Many of the older Italian operas were half-forgotten for lack, of a dramatic soprano to sing In them till they were revived for Mme. de Macchl. She will make her Boston debut. Wednesday. Alberclo DeCaprio has secured his official contract to supply the administration band for the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and is busily arranging the business details con nected with musicians, uniforms, etc. Each musician will have the Initials, "A. B." (Administration Band) on each side of his coat collar, and the word "DeCaprio" on his cap. S. A Arata, of this city, a friend of Stgnor DeCaprio. recently telegraphed to Llberatl. the great band leader, telling him that DeCaprio had been awarded the con tract to furnish the Administration band for the Lewis and Clark Exposition. De Caprio was formerly Liberates euphonium soloist when the band visited this city in 1S93. Mr. Arata has Just received Lib erates reply, which reads in part: "your telegram came duly to hand and I was much pleased to hear that our mutual friend DeCaprio has been awarded the con tract to furnish his military band for the entire duration of the Lewis and Clark Ex position. I am sure that the administration could not have made a better selection, be cause Slgnor DeCaprio, apart from being a congenial man, is a first-class musician and a good euphonium soloist. Tou will please extend to him my congratulations, and ac cept my best thanks for giving me the good news." One of the favorite Japanese wind Instru ments Is the fuye, made of a bamboo .stick wound about with thread, exoept at the points, where It Is pierced and lacquered. It Is not a perfect instrument, though It Is superior to the one which was probably' Its progenitor, called the slakuhachl. The last named is a mere rough tube, with four holes on one side for the fingers and one opposite, which is stopped by the thumb. This is not a traverse flute; it is blown through the end. as boys blow peas or popguns. The other leading form of wind Instrument Is the hlchl rlkl, resem bling the oboe in structure, and played from the end, like a flageolet. Travelers pay that Its tone, as extracted by Aklllful players. Is astonishingly shrill and piercing. Of instru ments of percussion, the Japanese are addicted principally to the barbaric drum. They have all eorts of drums, big and little, and of va rious shapes; some with two heads, like two cones fastened at the apexes; sacred drums, classical drums, popular drums, metal gongs, and others. With a single exception, there are no orchestras In Jaoan. In the theatrical bands one finds generally a flute, a couple of somlsens and two or three drums. The sing ing, with which players accompany their efforts at parties in the teahouses, or elsewhere. Is not high, from the Occidental point of view. The- ringers nearly all use the falsetto voice. The Japanese care little for harmony, and probably would not be especially Interested in orchestral works Built up on their national tunes. Mrs. Warren 33. Thomas, of this city. Journeyed to Astoria February 25, and gave a talk on Wagner's "Parsifal" to the mem bers or the Women's Club or Astoria. Thi Morning Astorlan in commenting -on Mm Thomas' address says: "Mrs. Thomas gav a most interesting talk on Wagner's grand sacred opera Parsifal and a thoroughly enjoyable and instructive time was spent by all present. Mrs. Thomaa Is a woman of charming personality, and without effort held her audience deeply Interested from start to finish. The subject was treated la a most able and intelligent manner, and Mrs. Thomas, who has made Parsifal- th subject of deep study, was all the better enabled, to discourse upon Its more prominent features, from having had the opportunity of witnessing Its performance, under the most favorable" conditions. As Mrs. Thomas proceeded with her subject she gave seme fine illustrations on the piano of the lead ing motifs of this great work, and which greatly assisted the audience in appreciat ing her remarks. The members of the club were unanimous In expressing their appreciation or Mrs. Thomas talk, and look forward with pleasure to seeing and hear ing her again in the near future. The Parsifal march was played by Miss H. Adalrr who deserves the highest praise for the masterly way in which she rendered the eomewhat difficult passages which oc cur In " 1L Several songs were sung with fine effect by Edwin Hobson." The Marquam Theater was crowded to the doors last wetk Friday -evening, oa tho oc DEEVER" BARITONE THURSDAY MARQUAM THURSDAY NIGHT. casion of a recital given by E. O. Spltrner's Philharmonic Society. The orchestra num bered 00 pieces, and the programme in cluded a string quartet, violin chorus and violin solos. The accompanists were Miss Hugglns. E. O. Spltzner. Leo Shaplrer, Fer dinand J. Konrad. G. Oechsle? uid others. The recital was under the direction of E. O. Spltzner. and the violin playing of the young people was creditable to his pains taking teaching. The tone was uniformly good. The first eight numbers consisted of violin solos, the soloists being Miss Cornelia Barker, Miss Louise Vaughan, Miss Minnie Hatfield. Miss Anna English. Miss Velross Sharp, Philip Kamm, Max Smith and James Woodcock. A violin chorus consisting of Miss Minnie Hatfield. Milton Marx. Victor Jorgcnson and Mr. Spltzner played Splu tter's "Album Leaf," a meritorious compo sition. The philharmonic string quartet Miss Barker, Mr. Marx, Mr. Jorgenson and Paris I. Packard, played Haydn's allegretto moderate from quartet No. 35. Then came the chief event of the evening, the play ing of these five numbers by the Spltzner Philharmonic orchestra: "Coronation March" (Meyerbeer). "Concert Polka" (Tobanl). "Prelude and Slclllano" (Mascagnl), "Old Glory" (Spltzner, words by the late Dr. Chance), "Wedding March" (Nessler). The balance of tone was well kept, and the chorus played with a finish that was sur prising. The general results are so satisfac tory that it is to be hoped the Spltzner Philharmonic orchestra will be organized on a permanent basis. We need such an orchestra here, to form the nucleus of the Portland orchestra that Is to be. Kremer Has a System The Clyde Fitch of Melodrama Tells Hovr He Makes Thriller. THEODORE KREMER Is the Clyde Fitch of the melodrama world. He has written probably a half hundred raring, roaring, raging plays that are popular in the "family" theaters. He has an ambition, however, to do better work, and now that he has acquired the fortune permitting him to indulge his fancy, he Intends to show what he can do. In fact, he intimates that already he has written a play that has been approved on Broadway. New York, though he "dis guised" himself for the trial. Charles Darnton asked him why he was afraid to sign his own name. "Because," he answered, "if I had walked boldly into the sacred precinct of t2 art you chaps (please excuse me for saying ya ohaps) would have slaugh tered me. You would have said to your Song Recital . DAVID BISPHAM World's Greatest Barlteae. DIRECTION LOIS STEERS WYNN COMAN. MARQUAM GRAND Thursday Evening, March 9, 8:15 o'CIpck PRICES: v Lower floor, except last three rows, 52.50; last three rows, 52.00. Balcony, ' first three rows, 42.00; second three ' -1 ' rows. 51.50; last six, 51.00. Gallery, " - reserved, 51.00; admission to gallery, ' " ... 75c. Boxes and Logos. 515.00 V Sale of seats Tuesday. March 7. at 10 A. M. Out-of-town orders must bo accompanied by check. Matchless gl f y PWJ For Week of Attractions! VJIvAVI iLI March 6 j Today, Sunday, ContiBuaas, 2 te II P. M. j SPECIAL ENGAGEMENT. THE BIG HIT. DAN MASON Charles HARRIS Edna (Formerly Mason & Mason) "The Dark-Eyed Widow." -Of Rudolph &. AJolpn Fame, Every Second a Laughl r-; : .D, T morrell and evans Sylvester, Jones and Pringle operatic Dueifaks. MlaEtrels- Mr. Alf Bonner, New Son PALMER AND ROBINSON "to the Shade of the Old Apple Tree:" The Sorcerer and the . THE GRANDISCOPE Soubrette." jj Latest Parisian Filaw. ADMISSION TO ANY SEAT,I8c. BOX SEATS 2e selves:. This 4s Melodrama Kremer, and you would have condemned ay play. Oh. yes, you would. It would have been the natural thing to do". Instead of taking the risk, I took another name. The. result- was good notices and a" profitable run. All the critics praised my play, and It is now on the road making a lot of "money. If I succeed in writing two or three other high-class successes, and that's what I'm going to try to do. I will then come forward and take off -the mask." It was suggested that Broadway seemed to be developing a keen taste for melo drama. "There is no doubt of it," declared the expert of the draina that thrills. " 'Leah Kleschna and The Woman In the Case' are proof of that. There Is a universal liking for melodrama, and it Is coming in to Its own on Broadway just as surely as the society play Is going out. Melodrama appeals to all classes. There are different kinds, of course. For Broadway It needs to be modified, 'refined.' so to speak. You must deal gently with some audiences. Others you must hit with a brickbat to get your effects. It Is very much harder to reach a Broadway audience than one In Third avenue, for Instance. Over there they respond quickly, especially to the sentiment in a play. The- greater an audience's Intelligence, the more ad vanced Its culture, the less. susceptible it Is to sentiment. Intelligence develops at the expense of sentiment. Your average Broadway theater-goer Is ashamed of his sentiment. It may be In him. but he's determined not to betray it. He hides It from the world." Grand Opera -Is Melodrama. MR. KREMER also admitted that he gets Inspiration from . listening to grand opera, which may account for his turbulence. "I am at the opera nearly every night during the season. It Is a great place"for inspiration. What are the Wagner operas but melodramas after all? No, I don't get absorbed In the music I have heard it so often and. know It so well that I" can't get absorbed In it. It Is merely in cidental to Ideas and plots which come to me there. I go straight home from tho opera and plunge into work. Ordinarily, I write from 2 o'clock In the morning until 6. Sometimes I work right through the day. but I never start in the day time. That would be Impossible. I wrote 'The Fatal Wedding" In four days, virtu ally without stopping to eat or sleep. No. I do not smoke at such times. But I always have flowers on my desk roses If I can get them. I can't do anything with out "the perfume of lowers. Sometimes, when I grow excited. I take a rose from the vase and crush It In my hand. Other wise I am quite sane. For types and scenes I go everywhere to the morgue, to the Tombs, to the Bowery wherever human nature Is to be seen in all Its In teresting aspects. You can't get charac ters out of books;- you must get them from life." "And the names of your characters, too?" . "Yea, I draw on my friends- until I haven't any friends left. Then I borrow the names of well-known actors. The.! hero in "Fast Life In New York Is John Drew, and the villain Guy- Standing. Richard Mansfield was In 'The Vacant Chair.' Adds to the Interest, you know." For trying out his plays Mr. Kremer has the most unique "dog" In captivity. "I always read a new play to a care fully selected audience made up of my janitor, the janltress. policemen, postmen, the Iceman, and others in the common walks - of life. My Iceman Is a particu larly good critic and the Judgment of the Janltress, when it comes to senti ment, is almost lnfalllrjle I give her carte blanche In the matter of invita tions, and she asks all tho other Jan ltresses in the block and any one else she chooses. I hire a. little hall, and often have as many as 100 people there to listen to my play. I also have some of my own friends, who watch the ef fect of the play on the people whom it must please. They "represent the class that patronizes the theaters where the. play will be offered, and if they don't Uke It the piece Js bound to be a failure. They can't be trusted to tell exactly what they think of it, for. like humanity ln general, they are prone to flattery. That's why I have others there to help me watch them, and In this way decide- what their opin ion really is. "When they get to gazing about the hall, or showing in some other way that the play isn't holding their Inter est, I know at once that portion of the play will have to be cut or changed. They must. too. be made to laugh and cry. A pathetic scene, however, should never last longer than three minutes. An audience that Is kept In tears longer than that Is likely to become hysterical, which would spoil the whole effect of the play." Chicago inter ocean. . Get It Somehow. Argonaut. A Bhort-tempered English sergeant was conducting a firing squad which missed the target in the most unani mous manner at 600 yards. They re peated this maneuver at 300. and with equal sucess at 200. "We've got to do it." the sergeant spluttered, at last, set ting his teeth; "fix bayonets we'll charge Itt" EMPIRE Four Nights, Two Matinees, Starting Matinee To day, Sunday. Special Mat. Wednesday Seme ef the Priaclaal Features with MAHARA'S MINSTRELS THIS DAMON, the musical wonder wiz ard of the bow. Louise Loston". The Nightingale"" Prima Donna Soprano. Bessie La Belle, "A Revelation" Phenomenal Contralto. Gordon C. Collins. Eccentric Come dian Champion Soft Toe Dancer. John A. English. Marvelous Hoop Controller. Morgan Prince. Singing Comedian Funny Fellow. The Four Dudley Sisters Queens of Song and Dance. Arthur Maxwell. Trick Bicyclist. The Great Bland, the Black Adonis Character Artist. PPTPPQ- Sunday and Wednesday Matinees, 10c, 15c, 25c EMPIRE THEATER Friday and Saturday "Buster Brewa" 16 Master "Wilfred Dunbar as "Buster Brown." This Comedy Is Presented by a Company of Comedians and Vaudeville Artists. Prices far "Boater Brawn Matinee Saturday - - 10c, I6c. 25c Evealngs I5c, 25c, 35c, 50c MARQUAM GRAND THEATER Monday and Tuesday Nights, Mar. 6-7, '05 Popular Price Matinee Tuesday Afternoon at Three o'CIock CREATORE AND HIS ITALIAN BAND Fifty-five Musicians EVENING PRICES Iower floor, except last 3 row, $1.00; last 3 rtrws, T5c. Balcony, first 3 roKH. $1.00: second 3 rows. 75a; last 8 rows. 50c Gallery, 25c. 35c Boxes and Loses. JT.50. Seats nonr SeJllnr. Svenlsr at 8:30; The Sensation TO SB REPEATED THIS TVEEK. STARTING STJXDAY MATTATBE, TODAY, MARCH 5. COLUMBIA STOCK COMPANY'S GRANDEST SUCCESS - Fourteenth . and - Washington X. H." BALXjARD. Ieee',and Manager. Next Attraction: Bronson . ARISTOCRACY THEATER GEO; I. BAKER, Xerideat M water. Pkftse MjJb 117. SEASON: Shaw & Clifton. Society Sketch Team The Fashion Plates. Odessa Crosby Sisters : Grace Extremely Clever Singing and Dancing Duo. Dora & Al. The Johnsons EJ; "W. Acrobatic, Marvelous and Mas terly. Ed W. "Winn. Descriptive "Vocalist 'and Crayon Artist. Big Competent' Chorus. y Quartets. Sextets, Octets. " Florodorn. Marches and Drills. Electrical Stage Effects. Special Scenery. Pretty-Costumed " Girls. Excellent Orchestra. Sensational Street Parade. 15c,' 25c, 35 c, 50 c GEO. L. BAKER Realdtnt Manager. Phone, Main 117. Evenings, March 10, 11 Matinee Saturday HUGH ETTINGER'S Special Production ef YOUR NEIGHBOR'S WIFE The Cleverest Singing and Dancing Comedian on the American Stage - PE!OPLE.16 W.X. PANQLE, IlMldent Manager, yhon. Main S88. r Fifty-five POPULAR MATINEE PRICES Tuesday, at 3 P. IT. Adultr 50c Children - ....23c Gallery .....25c matinee at 3. Carriages at 10:30 o'clock. of the Season olumbia Theater Howard's Masterpiece V BAKER THEATER THIRD AND TAMHILL 8T3: Largest Vaudeville House in 9 America. TTEEK COMMENCING MONDAY. YVILMA SISTERS Tho natural duet alnKers. JOHN WELCH i The man "who makes fun. The Three Aerial Stuarts America's Greatest Trapeze Artists. WEAVER AND JONES I The funmakers. ALF JAMES Monologist. ZONDO America's Premier Contortionist. GENE WILSON In Illustrated. Sonxs. FERN COMEDY FOUR In a Comedy Song Sketch. THE B10GRAPH In a mile of new Movlnsr Pic- tures. Admission 10c Performances at 2:30, 7:30 and 9 P. M. A Big Laughing Show at the : STAR! THEATER , , BILL) STARTS MONDAY. ASCOT, EDDIE & CO. . me vauaevuie liems. in a rovejty Sketch. Entitled, '"rhinss Will Happen." 10NE The World's Spectacular Sensation, an Electrical Revelation, a Sym phony In Colors. Entitled. "La Danse Du Monde." WASHER BROS. The Renowned and Original Box ing Midgets. HANSON AND DREW In Their Comedy Playlet. "Break ing Up Housekeeping." MARDO "The World's Greatest Eccentric Comedy Juggler. NELLIE EMERSON Premiere Danseuse In a Dazzling series of Pirouettes. ' ARTHUR JACKSON The Eminent Baritone Will Sing J Pictured Ballads. EDISON PROJECTOSCOPE- ImportedFllms. Showing the Latest and Most Amusing Subjects. Continuous Bill Sunday. 2 to 10:30 P. M. Three Shows on Week Days. 3 P. M.. 7:30 P. M.. 9:00 P. M. Admission, 10 cents; res'erved Box Seats. 25 Cents. LYRIC THEATER WEEK COMMENCING MONDAT, MARCH 6. The irealMt production ever seen In Portland for the price of admission. The sensational comedy melodrama in four acts. "Master and Man" Not a dull moment. Something dolnr all the time. I Tho Pretty Scenery. in storm at sea. The Novel Electrical Effects. The Beautiful CastamM. The ThriUlnr Situations. The Sensational Climaxe. NOTICE A p!y full of heart interest, bubbling over with comedy. Ladles Free Monday Night "When accompanied by any one. pur chasing a 10-cent ticket before 7:30 P. M. Doors open at 6:45. P. M. 10c ADMISSION 10c A READING BY Marion Craig Wentwortii -OF "THE SUNKEN BELL" A Fairy Play by Gerhart Hauptmann. Music accompaniment by Miss Northup At The Portland High School MARCH 10th, 1905 3 O'CLOCK. Tickets. 80 cents. Students tickets, 23 cent. Tickets on sale at Woodard. Clarke k. Co.'a and by Hlra School students. READINGS By ROSE EYTINGE AT PARSONS HALL, MARCH 16, 23, 30, APRIL 6 Season Tickets $2 ft WKIS QF BZATJTT 13 A JOY fOKETXR. fS. T. TXLIS. GOCXATTO'S OBIXXIAXt CXXAX, OB 3CAQICAI. BZAtmTXSX. Removes Taa, Tlm plesATreckles. Moth sOTt) iiy, Tit Patches. Sash and 3 u S" If oe-ajp JfW f$rnd defies de- 8 II -iff I7 tectlaxr. It has steed. t&- test ef 57 years, aad is so haralesc -we taste It t be sura it U p ro perly mait. Aee9t no counter feit of slI 1 a.T niaii. Pr. Lb A. Sayrs said to a lady ot the haut ton (a patient): "As yea Iwm -"111 usit them. I recommend OograaJs frrsjsi the least harmful of all the Skia yrsyara tleni." For sal by all Dmf1t aad Taae Goods Dealers In the U. a., Canadaa aad Europe TTXD. T. HOPKXKS. PreyT, 37 Great Jer St. X. "Sr. CUUf S, A&thp-lties, H40-tj-4S4. Inozaa Stoce Karre, .Relies, CarvisfS xni. l&ol ia Ivory. Stone. Brome. etc War Club. Spears. Bm. UflHAJt STMS JUSfW AX9 mAl PtOfTS Masks, fiuleett. Bolos, Mats, Skulls' of all Nations. MZAM aa4 MWfC ef AaisUii. War WsJoJr. Native Body Ornaments and Dress, Asofct rant Goes and Pistols Coins, Shields. Antiaae SiKor aed Armcr. SJwIlv. Seed for Photos. W&oVwalt Daafar. mm lk.MfotidSLiS:Y.Cd. Ko.WVB sVU