The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, March 05, 1905, PART THREE, Page 18, Image 18

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IN the future when
balance and etow
almost certain -we
on "Old Heidelberg"
we cast up the
reminiscent It is
will dwell longest
In recalling the
achievements of local stock companies.
Beyond all question the finest thins
we have seen at the hands of the Col
umbia, players was the piece, introduced
here a year ago by Richard Mansfield,
a rewritten and vastly improved "Prince
Karl" called "Old Heidelberg."
Both Mr. Gould and Miss Countls'e.
pave performances which compared fa
vorably with those of tho great originals.
Mr. Mansfield and Miss Conquest. Each
of these splendid leading people sur- J
parsed all former efforts, and ' Mr. i
Bowles, Mr. Dills and Miss Allen acquitted j
themselves splendidly. "Old Heidelberg" I
reflected glory on Manager Ballard. Di- j
rector Bernard and all those who had 1
part In It. j
Charles B. Hanford. who is a popular j
favorite in Bugene and such like places
returned to the Marquam for one night
in "Othello." One night was quite suf
ficient. On Saturday afternoon and
night the Marquam presented what do
you think ''Uncle Tom's Cabin." Last
week certainly was a blank at Portland's
leading playhouse.
The Lyric Company played "The Con
vict's Daughter" and the continuous
houses had varied bills. A. A. G.
Columbia Theater Company's Success
to Be Repeated This Week.
Never before ip. the history of the Co
lumbia Theater, or in fact in' the an
nals of any stock company, in Portland,
has there been such demand for a pro
duction that the management deemed
it necessary to continue it into another
week, but there never lias been such
an elaborate and beautiful production
given in stock here before, and the pub
lic, quick to realize when It is getting
something that is unusual or out of the
ordinary, has continued to flock to tho
Columbia in such largely increasing
numbers with each successive perform
ance, that there is no other reasonable
thing but to continue the play as the
public demands it. Hence It will be
seen again at the Sunday matinee and
evening performance and for at least
thro more performances, Including
Wednesday night, and it is not inprac
tical to believe that Its success
will continue for another solid week.
"Old Heidelberg" is Indeed worthy of
all the plaudits It has received from
sincere press critics, and an exacting
public. It is Indeed a $2 show for 50
cent?, complete, perfect and as nearly
without a flaw as is possible for a
high-class stock production to be. The
performance has been shortened at
least 30 minutes, by cutting- down
many delays that lyere unavoidable In
the beginning, and as the large num
ber of extra people and supernume
raries have become more perfect in
their part, tho whole thing goes with
a dash -and vim that will make it seem
almost like an entirely new production
to those who saw it this past week. No
one will regret having, seen ""Old Hei
delberg" the second time. It Is a play
one could see many times, and appeals
to "all persons in every walk of life. It
Is the realization of the children's fairy
tale; it appeals to every throb of ro
mance in tho hearts of youth, and to
older people; it recalls many happy
hours, college life and dreams of the
Jays when life's sun shone the bright
Sevt-ral of the big productions given
at tht Columbia, under the manage
ment of Mr. Ballard, have created such
popular furore, that it has been neces
sary to run them more than a week.
but so far "Old Heidelberg's" sensa
tion has overshadowed them all, and
hundreds of people have been unable
to secure good location during the past
week, and many others have Just be
gun to wake up to the fact that there
Is something extraordinary on at tne
Columbia. Hence, it is more than likely
now that they know it is to be con
tlnued. that not one of these will miss
the opportunity to ?ee and be able to
sai they have seen, the biggest stock
production ever given in Portland to
date, "NMd Heidelberg."
Bronson Howard a masterpiece "Aris
tocracy," is In preparation to follow
the phenomenal run of "Old Heidel
berg' and t!mejy announcement will
be made of the opening date.
Minstrels at Empire,
Starting with the usual matinee today
od lour, nights-of. this wk-with-a EpcJU-Creator e aiid-hls - lUOJsand , of-
clal matinee "Wednesday. Mahara's Big
Minstrels will be the attraction at the
Empire Theater.
It Is always pleasant to look forward, to
real, up-to-date performance of min
strelsy, and the new Mahara Musical
Minstrels is among the recent ebony pro
ductions of the current season. Critics
have been profuse in their praise, of the
unique company, together with the superb
scenic environment, which has been
called a work of art. From a musical
standpoint ttfb Mahara Company Is su
perior In every particular. The musical
melange is a treat In Itself. The festive
vaudevllllan also furnishes a big part .of
the entertainment, and numerous other
attractive features place Mahara's ope
ratic minstrel boom on a par with the
best. A splendid street parade will be
given Monday at noon.
Coming to the .Empire.
A bright, sparkling comedy under the
unique title of "Tour Neighbor's Wife";
will be the attraction at the Empire The
ater Friday and Saturday of this week.
The management announces that a "Bus
ter Brown" matinee will be given Satur
day. The St Paul Globe of Minnesota has
the following to say of this comedy:
"Those who. imagined that they were
to see a presentation of some salacious
piece of society scandal displayed upon
the boards in this dramatic production
were agreeably disappointed. The plot of
the piece, if it can be said to have a plot
at all. Is only the effort of a skinflint
money-lender to compel the widow of a
deceased soldier to marry him. failing in
which he tries to deprive her of her home
on a mortgage, which the timely payment
of a life-insurance policy on the life of
her husband prevents. But one loses all
thought of the play, or anxiety about
the plot, in witnessing tho wonderful per
formance of the boy actor. Master Wil
fred Dunbar, as Buster Brown. Preco
cious he certainly is, and few grown peo
ple could retain so perfectly their lines
in so long a part. His songs. Interspersed
throughout the play, never fall to attract
and captivate his audience. One experi
ences a feeling of surprise at the nat
ural, childlike action of the lad and his
charming face and pretty ways go to the
hearts ol all who confront him. His sup
port was good. Particularly fine was J.
T. McGovern as the tramp."
Creator Tomorrow Nlgrjt.
THE SUNDAY, 0S(Kff IAff, POBTLAD, - SCAKCH-' ft, 190&
i I,
musicians together with Slgnor C. Sodero,
harpist, will give three grand concerts at
the Marquam Grand" Theater tomorrow
(Monday) and Tuesday evenings at S:M
o'clock, with a popular matinee Tuesday
afternoon at 3 o'clock. Following Is the
programme for the three concerts:
March 6, evening programme. 8:30.
Part I:
1 March. "Tannhanper" "Wagner
2 Overture, "Mignon" Thomas
3 Terzette from "Attlla" Verdi
Solos by SIgnori Tomaslno, Forcellati
and Tafisco.
4 Organ offertory Batiste
5 Suite. "'Scenes Pittoresques, ' (a)
Marche. (b) Air de-Ballet, (c) An-
gelus. (d) Fete Boheme Massenet
C Harp solo, 'Tcma Con Varlazlpne".
Slgnor C. Sodero.
7 Overture. "Tannhauser" "Wagner
March 7 Evening programme, 8:30.
Part I: .
l March. "Roval Purnle " Creatoro
2 Overture.- "Zampa" Herold
?Prl:irtf and sacred scene. Act w
Parsifal" Wagner
Part TT: '
Miserere. "II Trovatore" Verdi
Solos by SIgnori Tornmastno and Forcel
S Minuet Paderewskl
G Harp solo, "vaise de jonserio
.... Halsemaln
Riimor C. Sodero..
7 Oranil - selection. "Carmen" Bizet
Marca 7 Matinee programme, 3:00.
To i- T-
3 March". "American Navy" Creatora
2 Overture. "William Tell" kossiiu
3 Funeral March - .Chopln
4 Sextet from "Lucia" Donizetti
Solos bv SIgnori Tommaslno. Sementa,
Forecellatl, Picclrlllo. Tafisco and Glove.
5w?n. "Hlua DanubeV Strauss
6 Harp solo. "Pensee Poetlque"..Lebana
Slgnor C Sodero.
7 Reminiscences of Scotland Godfrey
"The Earl of Pawtucket."
"When Mr. Lawrance D'Orsay appears
at the Marquam Grand Theater for three
nights, beginning March 13. he will bring
with him the same cast, without
change, that appeared with him during
the major portion of the plays run m
.New York. Two or three changes were
made In the cast curing its Jew xors en
trazement. but these were made in an
effort to improve the play's interpreta
tion, and positively no changes have been
made flnce this company went on tour.
Manager Klrke La "Shelle, regards D'Or-
saj'K present jeaning laay. jane eyion.
SSjs a, fiSstlaxS,rSn" AlJAougElic r.Earl
1 i
I Si
of Pawtucket" Is announced for this brief
engagement here, it Is safe to assume
that It could be extended to an indefinite
period. The advance sale of- seats will
open next Friday- morning at 10 o'clock.
' Dustln Farnum-Helen Holmes.
Thoso who have not read Owen Wlster's
uncommonly successful novel, "the Vir
ginian," wj'l perhaps hardly, appreciate
the eagerness with which Those who have
read the book are lopklns forward to the
presentation of its dramatization at the
Marquam on Thursday and Friday nights
and Saturday afternoon. It Is doubtful, if
any hero of fiction since the era of big
selling' novels has ever taken so firm a
grip on the hearts of both men and
women readers as has this young knight
of the cattle country. In him Mr. "WIster
hasjihown us a specimen of sturdy Amer
ican manhood that has proven irresistibly
alluring to readers and that cannot hut
be even more effective in a stage repre
sentation. Dustln Farnum and Helen
.Holmes are in the leading roles.
Series to Be Given by Talented Ac
tress During Lenten Season.
Yielding to the importunities of a
host of friends and admirers. Rose
Eytinge has consented to give a scries
of afternoon readings during- the sea
son devoted to quiet and intellectual
pleasures. The dates decided upon are
March 16. 23, 30 and April 6, at Par
sons Hall. Selections from Shakes
peare. Browning, Dickens and miscel
laneous authors, ranging xrom grave
to gay, will be rendered In tho inimita
ble style that has made Roge Eytinge
famous, anti Parsons Hail will un
doubtedly be crowded ,at every read
ing Many ladies prominent In Port
land society are Interested, and it is
proposed to make the promised mat
inees genuine Lenten functions. Sea
son subscriptions for tne entire series
will be placed at the exceedingly rea
sonable charge of 52. Lists will he
opened by lady patronesses this week,
and are certain to be liberally patron
ized by those who delight In meritori
ous literary entertainment.
Big Laughing Show Begins at Mati
nee Tomorrow.
A big laughing show begins M the Star
Theater tomorrow at 3 P. M. It is headed
by tho vaudeville gems, Ascott. Eddie &
Co.. in a novelty sketch entiuea, -xnings
"Will Happen." Those that do are cer
tainly amusing while these ciever vauae-
villian hold the boards.
Another brilliant act is the spectacular
sensation of Mme. lone, "La Danse du
Meade." variously described as an elec
trlcal revelation and a symphony in col
ors. It la tne preiuesi siage picture
ever Droduced In vaudeville,
The renowned "Washer Bros, the orig
inal boxing midgets, who made the big
gest bit of any team in New York, will
appear in their zamous mirtn-creaung
John T. Hansen and Maybel Drew,
favorites on .any stage, appear in a
comedy ' playlet. "Breaking Up House-
"keeolnff." an act that. Is realistic and
Mardo, the great comedy juggler, haa
another act that will start the merry
makers to shouting. He is not only a
jUggler of unrivaled skill, but his roasr
terv of the comedian's art is unexcelled.
Arthur Jackson will sing pictured bal
lads, and Edison s projectoscope will dis
play Imported films showing the latest
moving pteturesr
The shows today are continuous, 2 to
10:20 P. 1L and the week-day shows
start at 2 P. M-. 7:30 and JP.1L
Ths Lvrlc Stck Company's Great
Many companies aflA managers have
tried to Introduce sensational melodramas
tn Portland audiences, but It remained
for- the Lyric Stock Conpsny. to gain
miblle favor In thls'ime of work. Thfe
four-act comedy-drama. "Vaater and
Man." which goes o r the; week, com
mencing Jaonaay axireen. wiu-jm n-
LotbT xeYt4UQVsJie:x4iC t&aT x-JfedJKass Xsiito Xrateraltsv 3ie fc4 &
performance Is possible for the 10-cent
price of admission. This play deals with
life in the mountains, and tells the story
of a man who went to prison for a crime
he never committed, and how a little
mountain girl braved tho trials and hard
ships of the world. In order to shield her
sister's sweetheart from the hangman's
rope. The end of the third act. showing
the storm at sea. Is realistic 1n the ex
treme. The comedy element is furnished
by a young Irish lad, the household ser
vant, who turns detective, and finally
lands' the villain behind the bars. An
excellent vaudeville programme will be
furnished between acts. Ladles free
Monday night, when accompanied by any
one purchasing a ten-cent ticket before
7:30 P. M.
The Grand Theater. -"When
the leader laughs. It's good."
said Harris, the comedian, at the Grand,
and the public agreed with him, and week
before last flocked to see his funny
make-up and hear him get off the most
original stuff ever heard in Portland. By
a very general request this same Charles
Harris has been engaged for- this week
and he will appear" In a new sketch. "The
Dark-Eyed "Widow," In which Harris
will play the widow. This skit provides
real, genuine laugh every seeond. Dan
Mason, formerly of Mason & Mason. Is
another extraordinary turn. uan has
made the people laugh In every part of
the world. Sylvester. Jones and Pringle
in their fine minstrel act offer one of the
recognized headline features of vaude
ville. Palmer and Robinson also are on
the bill with "The Sorcerer and the
Soubrette." Another very strong act will
be that of Morrel and Evans, high-class
duettists. They present an act that will
long be remembered and they are sure,
to Jump Into Immediate popularity. Alf
Bonner has" an Illustrated song entitled
'In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree," by
"Williams and Van Alstlne. The pictures
are rarely beautiful. This number will
develop Into bne of the brighest on the
bill, as Mr. Bonner la adding to his popu
larity each week and the songs are get
ting better all the time. There will be
a number of other strong attractions and
in the grandiscope there will be shown
the latest Parisian films. ,
Baker's Good Bill.
Last week was the greatest of the many
successful weeks which the Baker has
enjoyed since it opened last Summer. This
week the Baker opens with the Fern com
edy Four, the jolliest entertainers in the
business; John Welch, the clever song
and dance artist, follows, and next on the
bill are "Weaver and Jones, impersona
tors, and the three Aerial Stuarts, direct
from the Orpheum circuit; the wuma
Sisters; Zonda Numericas, the contortion
ist, who appears for the first time on the
Coast; Alf Jamee, the monologuo come
dian; Jean Wilson, the illustrated Danaa
sinner, and the blograph will complete
the Ust. Continuous performances today
from 2 until U P. M.
X.niln Kueetll and Edna May have both had
minor opraUoa for throat troubles.
Edward F. Goodwin, i
Nat C. Goodwin, died
cbuMtts. t
. younger brother of
recently In Maasa-
Mary Maanerhis will return, to th atace In
"Nancy Stair" at tne criterion. ew jorx.
on March 12.
It announced that "Dorothy Vernon."
TBrtb. Gallasd'a ereat success, la available
for etoelc purposes.
Mrs. Barney "Wllllama. the once famous ex
Tsonent of Yankee characters. recently cele
brated "her T3tn year.
Robert Downing Intend, to .make a revival
of "Toodlei" with a strong- company and p-
ri,i mviicrr under the raanasemeat of P. P.
Amelia. Btn5ha.n1 will begin her NaT? York
nrarment at Wallack'a Theater Jiarca o in
s.rdemn!l!e Mara!." followtnr "The Yankee'
Conaul." which will then bejiin ju road tour.
Charles Mackey, a former member of the
Baker company, opened a week -ago at Buf-
falawltn the "William Farnunt Stock comsanri
after a very euceeaaroi engagement is v.eve
Tj-nL Winter, ton of William Winter. lh
dramatic editor of the New York Tribane.
AltA at Mentoce, Cat. on iFebrmry 17. He
war a graduate cf Brown Unlrerfity
class of "36, an& was a jrieraber oftfeft 'Delta
literary talent and had written considerable
for college publications. He had been suf
fering from locomotor ataxia, for a long time
and his death was not unexpected. His sister
and mother wore with him at his death. Ha
leaves two children.
Just before the close of the second act
of "Leah Kleschna" at the Manhattan The
ater last Thursday night an excited boy
ran Into the theater and demanded that Mr.
Cohen be summoned from the audience at
The testimonial in honor of Joseph Holland
will be held at the Metropolitan Opera-House.
New York, on the af ternopn of Friday, March
24. Every player of promlnencln the vicin
ity of New York at that time will participate.
while Victor Herbert will conduct the aug
mented orchestra.
His store's on fire," said the boy. when
be waa asked why he wanted Cohen, "and
he's In the theater with a lady."
waa told that Mr. Cohen jcould not be dis
turbed then and he hurried away.' When
the act was over the ushers went among
the audience asking Mr. Cohen to step out
to the box oQce.
According to Treasurer Bamuelson, 11 Co
hens appeared at the box offlce .within
Ave minutes. Six admitted owning stores.
The other five showed no Interest In fires.
The six storekeepers got their coats In a
hurry and started, away, each In a differ
ent direction. But all save one probably
the victim of the fire came back. Mirror.
The New York Dramatic Mirror says;
Among the members of the Columbia Stock
Company. Portland. Or., wno recently ap
nrared In Oulda'a "Moths of Society." waa
Mrs. John T. Raymona. airs, xaymona
needs no Introduction to theatergoers, but
It had been some time since, she last acteu,
and she was quite a stranger in Jforuana.
She gave a fine portrayal of the adventur
ess. Duchess de Sonnaze.
Blanche "Walsh may head a stock company
in vw York next season. "Wagenbals 4r
vmTi.r am tnrlne- to secure a small the
ater on Broadway suitable for a permanent
company. If they are ame 10 get tne nouse
they want Miss Walsh, supported by Robert
Drauet and a good companj-. woo nm
,Di in Xew York all the Winter, produc
ing several new plays, which will afterward
be SOW tO roaa companion.
Guy Standing, well known here through his
connection with the Baker company, rejoins
Mrs. Patrick Campbell In Chicago tomorrow
as her leading, man In "The Sorceress." It
Is understood that Mrs. Campbell's company
will visit Portland latsr In the season, when
the-matinee girte may hold a reunion and re
call the days of a year ago when Standing
was the leading man at Baker's.
George Edwardes said on his return to Lon
don: "la architecture and fittings the Eng
lish theaters are far behind those of America.
New York has three first-class, playhouses to
every one In London. Some of the quite or
dinary New York theater cost 300.000, while
Daly's, one of the most xpnsrre ia London,
cost only 120,000. Much, as Americans like
to. be amused. New York has too many theaters.-
X recital will be given by the department
of elocution, oratory and dramatic art of the
-ectrT, Academf. of Music, assisted by the
vniiair nd . Violin departments, Wednesday
JjyualaC Jtefch. 3. at Acadeaay Hall, Secoaa
AMtrt zyj& zsXXf
and Morrison streets. This programme wilt
be rendered under the direction, of Professor
W. If. Basmus: Reading. "The Tramp," C.
P. Smith: scene. "North and South." Miss 3$.
Boyd; recitation, "A Christmas Repentance.
Miss Hilda Davles; vocal solo. "Without
Thee,"" (D'Hardelot), Miss Bertha, Royal;
scene, "Damon and Pythias." -Silas M. Kern;
reading. "How Rube Played." Miss N. Swart:
vocal eolo. a "Were I a Star" b "Daisies"
(Hawley). Miss Petronella. Connolly: read
ing. "The Model Discourse," Louisa Boyden
Goddarfi; monologue, "Wlthia tho Gates,"
Miss Anna Phillips; violin soto. Mlas Cornell
Barker; reading. "The Curse of Begulas."
D. G. Griffin; scene from "The Rivals," Hiss
Ellen E. Eh rosea and Professor G. Lester
Paul: recitation. "The Painter of Seville,"
Miss KHHe Clarke; vocal solo, "My Dreams"
(Toatl). Ralph Davles; monologue. "Tha Con
fessional." Miss Theresa Riester; recitation,
selected, Mrs. J. C. Johnson; scene, "Sign of
the Cross." Mlsa M. M. Bode; vocal solo
"Creole Lover's Song" (Buck), Ronald Brad
bury; reading. "The Telltale Heart." Prof a Jos'
G. Lester Paul; scene, "School for Scandal."
Mlsa Hattle Kent and- Professor W. M. Ras
"While Maude Adams Is appearing every
night In the sprightly "Little Minister" and
the dolorous 'Op o Me Thumb, that dour
deappetlzer for Sherry's or Rector's, at a
distance of five blocks a small, winsome
woman, with a contralto voice and similar
tricks of gesture. Is playing the part of
the osteopath's wife In Mrs. LefllngweU's
Boots, says the Mirror.
Some years ago It ia sot needful to say
how many or few a man was talking to the
woman who is playing In Mrs. Leffiing
well'a Boots- about the debut of the star
of The Little Minister. A company needed
a child for a line In a San Francisco' pro
duction in which the woman was appearing.
"I promised them Maude might go on If
you were -willing." said the woan.
"I'm not," said the man. "I don't want
to see" the child make a fool of herself,""
The child looked up from her motherly
care of a much, battered doll, and replied:
"But I won't make a fool xf myself, papa-'
That night Maude Adams made her debut
as an actress. . ,
When she was 14 years old Miss Adams was
a pupil In the Collegiate Institute of Salt
Lake. The' woman with contralto voice and
the same family mannerisms came home from
' a tour and told the principal that she intend
ed to put Maude on the stage.
"Oh. Mrs. Adams, don't think of it re
monstrated the principal. "She is a bright
child, and if you let her finish her course
she can teach school, and' perhaps some day
may earn aa much as $2000 a year."
"But she wants to play," and I think -we
should let a child follow her bent, If It ls-a
harmless one. And. perhaps, she mysoTBe
cay earn more than $2000 a year.'
And Maude Adams went -en a tour of the
Pacific Coast with her mother.
Once again Mrs. Adams intervened. It was
when Miss Adams, under the managemeat cf
"Daniel Frctanan. was dolpg medium, work at
a medium salary, and friend were preacilng
the beautiful, fattening doctrine of conttat
with a fair lot. ,
Charlie Hoyt asked the little girl from ta
West to sign with hlm.for The Masked BalE.
ItUs Adams. Impressed by the .many seraaeoa
on content, refused. Mrs. Adams, ualaspre
ed by the- sermons, first advised, then iaefsted.
Maude Adams in The Masked Ball had Tser
opportunity. .
' And .so throughout her daughter's csjreer
Mat'. Adams ha played weil the -yart, "A
Mother Intervenes."
. - " ' "