PART THREE PAGES 17' TO 32 VOL. XXIV. PORTLA2fD, OREGON, STODAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 1905. NO. 10. THE QUALITY SHOP y.7ic&itftrtmt SUre - lv5.6T M-WasMJdtsm.Sfs. FOREMOST STORE WITH LARGEST STOCKS ON THE PAOEETO COAST. TitT Differ at Sttrc" (iu i miu ill wimi h n i Mail Orders and Promptly Filled SHEETINGS. These sheetings are of the best qnality, made in the finest weaves, and are of superior weights and strength. BROWN SHEETING. 1 yards -wide, price, the yard X4 1 yards "wide, price, the yard 16 2 yards vide, price, the yard 18 2Vt yards wide, price, the yard 19 2l2 yards wide, price, the yard 22 BLEACHED SHEETINGS. 42-inch width, price, the yard H-V2C 45-inch width, price, the yard 12Vc 50-inch width, price, the yard X4 lXfn yards wide, price, the yard . ....16 1 yards wide, price, the yard 18 A MIGHTY SALE OP VITAL IMPORTANCE TO THRIFTY HOUSEKEEPERS Hotel and rooming-house folk are largely interested. A surprising Special Sale by Portland's foremost homefiUing store and household supply depot, OPENS TOMORROW IN THE DOMESTIC SECTION FIRST FLOOR. Our great Annual March Sales are always earnestly planned movements that have their inception months back on the calendar and when ready for our public are bound to bring generous and spontaneous response from eager buyers by force of savings to be had. This great store's fame is built on its regular stocks it being the best store every day in the year, on everyday needs for everyday people. Its bargains are an extra sum of goodness, as though with your .afternoon -te.a we hand you a particularly dainty cracker and a slice of luscious cold . pheasant. We offer cotton goods that are needed every day and that are especially seasonable now with Spring house-cleaning at hand rat much less than the actual mar ket prices in this sale. - We deal with the mills and makers only we go direct to the fountaiu-head o'f supply and are thus able to offer these phenomenal values in sheets, sheetingj pil low cases, table oilcloths and other homely household fabrics. This is actually the greatest special sale in these lines we have ever given. Certainly- the greatest values ever offered in the West. These are facts in general; and every housewife, hotel manager and rooming-house keeper in Portland should huy this week to fill the Exposition year needs. Example values: . , , Lot No. 2 The pillow cases are made of . nice, smooth muslin. Size 45x36 inches; special sale price, each 9p Lot No. 3 10,000 pillow-cases, made of good, heavy round-thread sheeting,: Splendid 15c value; special for this sale at, each. TABLE OIL CLOTH. 20,000 yards of table oilcloth, in white, fancy colored and marhlcized. Our 20c value; special sale price, the yard 15 2 yards wide, price, the yard .19 2& yards wide, price, the yard ..'21 -Vz yards wide, price, the yard ....23 SHEETS. These sheets are of best qnality torn, ironed and ready for use made with 21A-inch hems. Note the jjnees: Size lx2M: yards, special price, each ...43 Size 1x2V yards, special price, each 46 Size 2x2Vs yards, special price, each... 52 Size 214x2 yards, special price, each o7 Size 214x234 yards, special price, each 64 Size 2Vx2 yards, special price, each 68 HEMSTITCHED SHEETS. Size 24234 yards, special sale price, each 72 Size 2Vx2 yards, special sale price, each 78d "ECONOMY SHEETS.". Made of one of the best grades of standard sheetings. Size lyz&Yz yards; special sale price, each 38 Size lx21yA yards; special sale price, each. . . ; . . .40 Size 2x2y2 yards; special sale price, each. ....... .44 xSize 24x24 yards; special sale price, each 48 . PILLOW. CASES, That are cheaper than you can buy the material and make them yourself. Lot No. 1 Made of the best quality of sheeting: Size 42x36 inches; special sale-price,. each 12 Size 45x36 inches; special sale price, each .14 Size 50x36 inches; special sale price, each 15 Size 54x36 inches; special sale price, each. .17 $ FANCY SHIRTING CHEVIOTS FOR 12i2c Ten thousand yards of book-fold fancy, shirting chev iots in jacquard patterns checks, plaids and fancy stripes the very best value offered at the price : Special for one week only, at, the yard.... r ....12 Mail orders filled at above prices for on8 week only. Have You a Phone? Then you. are in direct touch! with the store, and no matter how bad the weather, or how busy you may be, you can order over the wire and have the goods sent home on next deliv ery. OVER 14,000 SUBSORTBEBS In the City of Portland alone are directly connected with the store. ALL ORDERS ARE FILLED By experienced shoppers, who go from counter to counter, ex amining and purchasing the goods you need, as you would were you here yourself. IF YOU HAVEN'T A 'PHONE Order by mail. Uncle Sam's men work for us. Visit the Public Tea Room 2d floor Spring Styles in Women's Smart SUITS, FROCKS, GOWNS m COATS Irom Authori ' " - GRAND SALONS OP DRESS Second Tloor. ' LARGEST AND FOREMOST SUIT AND WRAP STORE "WEST OF CHICAGO, The newest in Spring styles in women's smart Suits and jaunty Jackets is flocking here daily it's homing time for the new fashions. And the proving ground for Portland is the big salons of dress on our spacious second floor enlarged to twice the size occupied last season. Forced to grow by the expansion of the business they contain. You'll meet here this week an assemblage of the city's best-dressed women, keen critics and impartial judges. Here you will see the newest American adaptations of French modes Paris thought is ever the quickening impulse, especially in "dressy" styles. American tailored styles have attained a development that gives them at least equal authority with Styles from abroad. You may study these American tailored fashions as well as costumes of home origin that are practical as -well as beautiful. An Impressive Showing Is Ready Though not a complete array, as yet. The new styles will be unfolding as Spring advances as do the petals of a rose when the sun coaxes. But you depend on this store for earliest forecasts of fashion, and these first inklings are of authentic .styles, selected with a certainty that comes -with access to the jeaJouslyguarded secrets of fashion; a knowledge that has made and keeps Olds, Wortman & King the paramount authority on dress. It's to be a fancy season in tailored style. Put that down .as a certainty. The erstwhile severely simple tailored lines are lost in the elaborations of plaits, shirrings and ornate trimmings tailored styles have almost the effect of frocks. No woman need be disappointed of her cherished wish as to stylo, either the diversity of choice is so wide. There are blouse jackets in the. soft effects so much liked; there are Etons; Suits ivith the coffee-coat effect; short box styles, and the staple fitted back coat of semi-fitted coat. But, whatever the style, look for broad shoulders, sleeves full at top and to elbows and ending in cuff, gauntlet or cuff effect, as a rule. But there! We could fill the page with talk of what's new. Come and see and enjoy the show, whether ready to buy now or not. NEW STREET SUITS. In jacket, Eton, blouse and tightrfitting effects, in materials of homespun, serges, cheviots, panno Vheviots, broadcloths, "Panama cloths, mohairs and handsome exclusive patterns in mannish mixtures. A full color .line embracing blues,' grays, browns, greens, tans, blacks, mixtures and the ultra fashionable shepherd plaids and checks. The price range is wide. No matter whether it's the modest tailored suit at $12.50 or the more elaborate grades ranging along by easy price steps to the aristocrat at $125.00. Each suit is best at its price. NEW SHIRTWAIST SUITS-Yery ilodish. Handsome new shirtwaist suits, silk, wool and alpaca, in green, blue, red, black and gray; values from, suit $12.50 to $125 NEW SPRING COATS. New Spring Coats in tan, covert, cheviot and broadcloth, with or without collars plain and fancy stitched scams, trimmed with velvet, etc; . values from $7.50 to.v. $32.50 TAN COVERT JACKETS. Plain and fancy trimmed jackets with collar or collarlcss, strapped seams; values from, each, $12.50 to ..... $38.50 NEW SPRING WAISTS. Women's Apparel Shop Second Floor. , New Spring Waists in all the late materials, white, polka dot, striped, checked, plaids, and dark mixtures. Negligee shirts included in all the new shades; values from, each, $1.00 to : .....$7.50 The I. C. School Vote Maadlasr of Candidate at 5 P.M. "Vestex-day. Reginald Carter. Bell Boy, The ortOB ., S5,S6 Arthur Taylor, M. Jfc -A. Sho- uren ..... 31,784 Mae Hughes. Knight Shoe Co 21,733 Chas. Adler, Woodard. Clarke &. Co SfiS7 Guv De Pue, Portlnad Deliv ery Co. 8,5S3 Esther Carlson, Masoa & K fir man rGQ Arthur Llndborg, Llndborjc Grocery 4,795 P. II. Battin. AVadhams fc Kerr Bros. 4,96 Ralph Holmes, Ladd fc Ttl- ten's Bank 4,836 Fred Murphy, Weterm Elec tric Co. , 4,ei Scattering' 17377 Total ....v .....14S,ST3 Wf) I !rtrlnrvkiiolSnr' Art PieCeS flRd WUIIlCIl O UIIVICI IHUaillta infant's Goods SPECIAL VALUES SECOND FLOOR ANNEX. Who sets the fixed values on undermuslins? Standard, depend able stores of the Olds, Wortman & King class do they not ? ' We have known some undermuslins -we sold regularly at $2.00 the piece to be advertised with a flourish as a "great special value" hy an other store at $2.19. And as it happened identically the same make and grade of garment. Evidently "we bought "with a shrewder knowledge or else are more conservative in stating values. This trio mentioned below are "special values": Ladies' fine cambric, full "width, petticoats, cluster of tucks and deep fine embroidery edging, or 'with extra deep lawn flounce with three clusters of six fine tucks each and deep hem and dust ruffle; regular price $2; special - ..$1.39 Fine linen centerpieces, round or square, hemstitched and embroi dered edge, stamped in many designs; regular prices, COc, Soc, $1, $L25; special at., 30?, 43, 50& 63 Infant's crcmlin long night, slip linen lace edging at neck and sice vcs regular price 40iiy special .....29 THREE MORE DAYS OP THE GREAT Reorganization Sale Good Shoes K First FloorWest Annex. llind" you,- we say "Good' Shoes," for it's the. leather in the Shoe that counts, and we -never sold anything, but good shoes here never did and never will, no mat ter what the price asked. The average active busi ness man takes from 4000 to 6000 steps a day, which means that his shoes hit the ground an average of 5000 times, with a force of perhaps 150 pounds behind them. xne woman wno goes shopping strikes the ground "with less force, but probably twice as often. It takes sound leather and sound workmanship to stand the strain and the combination costs money. As good a shoe as a man can 'reasonably wish -prill be found in our regular stock at $3.50. It's a shoe of same quality that sells elsewhere in the country for $5, and it's well worth it. -If rs AtJ ! Splendid Shqes of finest workmanship and leathers, vecy new fMssf "dowri-to-dafe styles; at $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 and i $6.00. NOW ABOUT THE SALE SHOES. Forithree days onlyuwe offer the discontinued lines discarded by the new management at these WONDERFULLY LOW PRICES. WOMEN'S $4.00 AND $5.00. SHOES FOR $L29. 220 pairs of ideal kid and fine imported vici kid shoes "Adonis" lasts, low cuts; best $4 and $5 values, pair $1.29 WOMEN'S NEW $3.50 SHOES $2.29. 348 pairs of women's patent colt and fine vici kid Shoes, stan dard lace or Blucher styles with good welt soles, best $3.50 .values for, the pair $2.29 WOMEN'S $2.00 SLIPPERS 99c PAIR. Only S9 pairs in one-strap style, red colored leather and hand turned flexible soles, best $2 values, to close, pair...... 99 MEN'S $3.50 STREET SHOES, $2.49. Impairs smarts new and very latest styles in box calf and fine vici kid leathers, bals and Blucher styles, best $3.50 values; to close, the pair ..$2.49 IN THE SILK AND DRESS GOODS SALONS First Floor South Annex. THE SPLENDID AND MATCHLESS VALUES CONTINUE! OUR GREAT SILK SALE HAS SWEPT ASIDE ALL COMPETITION WE SELL FOR LESS BECAUSE WE BUT FOR LESS. The enormous quantities we handle, far in excess of any other Portland store, regulate the prices we pay, and we give, you the benefit of our stupendous savings. .For Monday and week we've prepared an almost incredible list of bargains. Come and see for yourself a lack of space forbids mentioning here in detail. A few examples of what our matchless buying or ganization enables U3 to offer among a host of other good values the coming week: New Silks, Unmatchable in Quality, Style and Price THREE DAYS' SILK AND DRESS GOODS SPECIALS OPENING'. SALE MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. We -place on sale new, 'down-to-date Silks and Dress Goods at prices less than other stores own the same goods for quality and style considered. New Snit Silks in stripes in plain and two-toned effects. Neat, two toned dots and flguros, all new styles and colorings, unequaled value at our regular price of 31.00; special for opening sale, 3 days only. per. yard 76c New Suit Silks, the very latest weaves, designs and colorings, In chiffon and mcssaline taffeta, also Louissine, all new, uneqnaled at our regular price 51.25; special for opening sale, 3 days only, per yard ,ms 7 and 36-inch White India and Japanese Silks, reduced for 3 'days. Regular f .85 grade, 27-In; special for, 3 days only ,$ j Regular 51.25 grade, 36In.; special for 3 days only.... 9 .sz Regular 31.50 grade, 36-in.; special for 3 days only ...f .93 Regular. 51.75 grade, 3f-In.-; special for 3 Uays only. SL23 Black Dress Goods Specials For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday." 44-in. all pure wool French "Voile, beautiful rich black and finish. 'Our regular 51.00 per yard quality; special for opening sale, 3 days only, per yard ...74c 44-inc'a English Mohair Brilllantine and Sicilians, in plain, and neat figured effects. 44-inch silk and wool Crepe de Paris. 44-inch all wool French Voile, unequaled at our regular price. 31.50; special for opening sale, 3 days only, per yard ....flJL9 Colored Dress Goods 44-lnch all-wool French Voile, very aerviceable and dressy. In creamy tans, modes, copper, fosc, mahogany, browns, cham pagnes, royal and navy, unequaled at our regular price, 51.00' per yard, "sold elsewhere at 51-25." Special for opening sale, 3 days only, per yard .- .74e 44-inch cream English Mohair Brilllantine and Sicilians, rich silk finish. Our regular 51.00" quality; special for 3 days only, yard.. 78c 44-inch cream English Mohair Brilllantine and Sicilians, rich silk finish. Our regular 51.25 quality; special for 3 days only, yard.SSc New Millinery for Spring A WORLD OF LOVELY . ... Second Floor Annex Now just making its debut for the season that's' pulling at the latch string. If you've time for no more Monday, don't miss the very newest, In millinery. The beautiful new "Day light Salons" arc glorified with the bewildering, bewitching display. It's a great responsibility to have a whole great city depending on .this one store for the -etrong, true and authoritative in millinery. And right fully we meet the responsibility. End less study of the best in Parisian and New York fashions and of .your tastes; thorough organization; perfect system: gooU taste; .the best mil linery man west ot Chicago with but few equals in America and fair prices have won leadership. Special valuoa in the salons this week: CHILDREN'S HATS WORTH 5300 AND J2.50 FOR 49c. Children's French, arid beaver felt Bailor Hats, colors rod. navy, castor and white; trimmed with velvet and silk ribbon bands and streamers; oar 52.00 and 52.50 values; special at.. ...... 4e LADIES READY-TO-WEAR HATS FOR 52c Ready-to-wear Hats In French felt and light beaver cloth, with neat trimmings of velvet ribbon bands, gold ornaments and, small " buttons colors are navy, black, white, castor, brown, and re J the fcaU are the proper thing for midwinter and early Spring wear; our regular 53.00 and 53.50 values; special at, each. 53c 51.50 TO 32J5 AMAZON AIGRETTES FOR 69c. Sweeping, t12-Inch Amazoa aigrettes, in black only handsome trimming for either turbans or broad-brim hats? regular 51.50. to. 52-7Ya!ues; special at. each ....We ?!